1#textdomain wesnoth-units
3    id=Mermaid Siren
4    name= _ "Mermaid Siren"
5    race=merman
6    gender=female
7    image="units/merfolk/siren.png"
8    profile=portraits/merfolk/enchantress.png
9    hitpoints=49
10    movement_type=swimmer
11    movement=7
12    experience=150
13    level=3
14    alignment=lawful
15    advances_to=null
17    cost=52
18    usage=mixed fighter
19    description= _ "The faerie nature of the mermaids is strongest in the Sirens, whose connection to the currents of magic often causes them to be mistaken for naiads themselves. Though certainly far from the truth, the mistake is understandable, as true naiads are rarely seen even by mermaids. The manifestation of their magic is certainly very similar; the water about a siren can be commanded at whim, like an extension of herself.
21The myriad applications of this rarely occur to land dwellers, who simply regard it with wonder."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_MAGICAL}
22    die_sound=mermaid-die.ogg
23    {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/merfolk/siren-defend2.png" "units/merfolk/siren-defend1.png" mermaid-hit.ogg }
24    [attack]
25        #note - this "naia" is deliberate, it is not a typo, it is not supposed to be "naiad".
26        # wmllint: local spelling naia
27        name=naia touch
28        description=_"naia touch"
29        icon=attacks/touch-faerie.png
30        type=impact
31        range=melee
32        [specials]
34        [/specials]
35        damage=12
36        number=1
37    [/attack]
38    [attack]
39        name=water spray
40        description=_"water spray"
41        icon=attacks/waterspray.png
42        type=impact
43        range=ranged
44        [specials]
46        [/specials]
47        damage=15
48        number=3
49    [/attack]
50    [attack_anim]
51        [filter_attack]
52            name=water spray
53        [/filter_attack]
54        start_time=-420
56        missile_start_time=-165
57        [missile_frame]
58            duration=165
59            image="projectiles/water-spray.png"
60            image_diagonal="projectiles/water-spray.png"
61        [/missile_frame]
63        {MERMAID_STAFF_FLARE 16 -12}
65        [frame]
66            image="units/merfolk/siren-magic-1.png:200"
67        [/frame]
68        [frame]
69            image="units/merfolk/siren-magic-2.png:200"
70            sound=water-blast.wav
71        [/frame]
72        [frame]
73            image="units/merfolk/siren-magic-1.png:120"
74        [/frame]
75    [/attack_anim]
76    [attack_anim]
77        [filter_attack]
78            name=naia touch
79        [/filter_attack]
80        start_time=-250
81        [frame]
82            image="units/merfolk/siren.png:50"
83        [/frame]
84        [frame]
85            image="units/merfolk/siren.png:[100,200]" ### attack-1,2
86        [/frame]
87        {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS staff.ogg staff-miss.ogg -125}
88        [frame]
89            image="units/merfolk/siren.png:50" ### magic-1
90        [/frame]
91        [frame]
92            image="units/merfolk/siren.png:50"
93        [/frame]
94    [/attack_anim]