1 /*
2 ===========================================================================
3 Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
5 This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
7 Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
8 and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
9 published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
10 or (at your option) any later version.
12 Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
13 useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with Quake III Arena source code; if not, write to the Free Software
19 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
20 ===========================================================================
21 */
22 // tr_marks.c -- polygon projection on the world polygons
24 #include "tr_local.h"
25 //#include "assert.h"
27 #define MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY		64
29 #define MARKER_OFFSET			0	// 1
31 /*
32 =============
33 R_ChopPolyBehindPlane
35 Out must have space for two more vertexes than in
36 =============
37 */
38 #define	SIDE_FRONT	0
39 #define	SIDE_BACK	1
40 #define	SIDE_ON		2
R_ChopPolyBehindPlane(int numInPoints,vec3_t inPoints[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY],int * numOutPoints,vec3_t outPoints[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY],vec3_t normal,vec_t dist,vec_t epsilon)41 static void R_ChopPolyBehindPlane( int numInPoints, vec3_t inPoints[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY],
42 								   int *numOutPoints, vec3_t outPoints[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY],
43 							vec3_t normal, vec_t dist, vec_t epsilon) {
44 	float		dists[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY+4];
45 	int			sides[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY+4];
46 	int			counts[3];
47 	float		dot;
48 	int			i, j;
49 	float		*p1, *p2, *clip;
50 	float		d;
52 	// don't clip if it might overflow
53 	if ( numInPoints >= MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY - 2 ) {
54 		*numOutPoints = 0;
55 		return;
56 	}
58 	counts[0] = counts[1] = counts[2] = 0;
60 	// determine sides for each point
61 	for ( i = 0 ; i < numInPoints ; i++ ) {
62 		dot = DotProduct( inPoints[i], normal );
63 		dot -= dist;
64 		dists[i] = dot;
65 		if ( dot > epsilon ) {
66 			sides[i] = SIDE_FRONT;
67 		} else if ( dot < -epsilon ) {
68 			sides[i] = SIDE_BACK;
69 		} else {
70 			sides[i] = SIDE_ON;
71 		}
72 		counts[sides[i]]++;
73 	}
74 	sides[i] = sides[0];
75 	dists[i] = dists[0];
77 	*numOutPoints = 0;
79 	if ( !counts[0] ) {
80 		return;
81 	}
82 	if ( !counts[1] ) {
83 		*numOutPoints = numInPoints;
84 		Com_Memcpy( outPoints, inPoints, numInPoints * sizeof(vec3_t) );
85 		return;
86 	}
88 	for ( i = 0 ; i < numInPoints ; i++ ) {
89 		p1 = inPoints[i];
90 		clip = outPoints[ *numOutPoints ];
92 		if ( sides[i] == SIDE_ON ) {
93 			VectorCopy( p1, clip );
94 			(*numOutPoints)++;
95 			continue;
96 		}
98 		if ( sides[i] == SIDE_FRONT ) {
99 			VectorCopy( p1, clip );
100 			(*numOutPoints)++;
101 			clip = outPoints[ *numOutPoints ];
102 		}
104 		if ( sides[i+1] == SIDE_ON || sides[i+1] == sides[i] ) {
105 			continue;
106 		}
108 		// generate a split point
109 		p2 = inPoints[ (i+1) % numInPoints ];
111 		d = dists[i] - dists[i+1];
112 		if ( d == 0 ) {
113 			dot = 0;
114 		} else {
115 			dot = dists[i] / d;
116 		}
118 		// clip xyz
120 		for (j=0 ; j<3 ; j++) {
121 			clip[j] = p1[j] + dot * ( p2[j] - p1[j] );
122 		}
124 		(*numOutPoints)++;
125 	}
126 }
128 /*
129 =================
130 R_BoxSurfaces_r
132 =================
133 */
R_BoxSurfaces_r(mnode_t * node,vec3_t mins,vec3_t maxs,surfaceType_t ** list,int listsize,int * listlength,vec3_t dir)134 void R_BoxSurfaces_r(mnode_t *node, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, surfaceType_t **list, int listsize, int *listlength, vec3_t dir) {
136 	int			s, c;
137 	msurface_t	*surf, **mark;
139 	// do the tail recursion in a loop
140 	while ( node->contents == -1 ) {
141 		s = BoxOnPlaneSide( mins, maxs, node->plane );
142 		if (s == 1) {
143 			node = node->children[0];
144 		} else if (s == 2) {
145 			node = node->children[1];
146 		} else {
147 			R_BoxSurfaces_r(node->children[0], mins, maxs, list, listsize, listlength, dir);
148 			node = node->children[1];
149 		}
150 	}
152 	// add the individual surfaces
153 	mark = node->firstmarksurface;
154 	c = node->nummarksurfaces;
155 	while (c--) {
156 		//
157 		if (*listlength >= listsize) break;
158 		//
159 		surf = *mark;
160 		// check if the surface has NOIMPACT or NOMARKS set
161 		if ( ( surf->shader->surfaceFlags & ( SURF_NOIMPACT | SURF_NOMARKS ) )
162 			|| ( surf->shader->contentFlags & CONTENTS_FOG ) ) {
163 			surf->viewCount = tr.viewCount;
164 		}
165 		// extra check for surfaces to avoid list overflows
166 		else if (*(surf->data) == SF_FACE) {
167 			// the face plane should go through the box
168 			s = BoxOnPlaneSide( mins, maxs, &(( srfSurfaceFace_t * ) surf->data)->plane );
169 			if (s == 1 || s == 2) {
170 				surf->viewCount = tr.viewCount;
171 			} else if (DotProduct((( srfSurfaceFace_t * ) surf->data)->plane.normal, dir) > -0.5) {
172 			// don't add faces that make sharp angles with the projection direction
173 				surf->viewCount = tr.viewCount;
174 			}
175 		}
176 		else if (*(surfaceType_t *) (surf->data) != SF_GRID) surf->viewCount = tr.viewCount;
177 		// check the viewCount because the surface may have
178 		// already been added if it spans multiple leafs
179 		if (surf->viewCount != tr.viewCount) {
180 			surf->viewCount = tr.viewCount;
181 			list[*listlength] = (surfaceType_t *) surf->data;
182 			(*listlength)++;
183 		}
184 		mark++;
185 	}
186 }
188 /*
189 =================
190 R_AddMarkFragments
192 =================
193 */
R_AddMarkFragments(int numClipPoints,vec3_t clipPoints[2][MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY],int numPlanes,vec3_t * normals,float * dists,int maxPoints,vec3_t pointBuffer,int maxFragments,markFragment_t * fragmentBuffer,int * returnedPoints,int * returnedFragments,vec3_t mins,vec3_t maxs)194 void R_AddMarkFragments(int numClipPoints, vec3_t clipPoints[2][MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY],
195 				   int numPlanes, vec3_t *normals, float *dists,
196 				   int maxPoints, vec3_t pointBuffer,
197 				   int maxFragments, markFragment_t *fragmentBuffer,
198 				   int *returnedPoints, int *returnedFragments,
199 				   vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs) {
200 	int pingPong, i;
201 	markFragment_t	*mf;
203 	// chop the surface by all the bounding planes of the to be projected polygon
204 	pingPong = 0;
206 	for ( i = 0 ; i < numPlanes ; i++ ) {
208 		R_ChopPolyBehindPlane( numClipPoints, clipPoints[pingPong],
209 						   &numClipPoints, clipPoints[!pingPong],
210 							normals[i], dists[i], 0.5 );
211 		pingPong ^= 1;
212 		if ( numClipPoints == 0 ) {
213 			break;
214 		}
215 	}
216 	// completely clipped away?
217 	if ( numClipPoints == 0 ) {
218 		return;
219 	}
221 	// add this fragment to the returned list
222 	if ( numClipPoints + (*returnedPoints) > maxPoints ) {
223 		return;	// not enough space for this polygon
224 	}
225 	/*
226 	// all the clip points should be within the bounding box
227 	for ( i = 0 ; i < numClipPoints ; i++ ) {
228 		int j;
229 		for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) {
230 			if (clipPoints[pingPong][i][j] < mins[j] - 0.5) break;
231 			if (clipPoints[pingPong][i][j] > maxs[j] + 0.5) break;
232 		}
233 		if (j < 3) break;
234 	}
235 	if (i < numClipPoints) return;
236 	*/
238 	mf = fragmentBuffer + (*returnedFragments);
239 	mf->firstPoint = (*returnedPoints);
240 	mf->numPoints = numClipPoints;
241 	Com_Memcpy( pointBuffer + (*returnedPoints) * 3, clipPoints[pingPong], numClipPoints * sizeof(vec3_t) );
243 	(*returnedPoints) += numClipPoints;
244 	(*returnedFragments)++;
245 }
247 /*
248 =================
249 R_MarkFragments
251 =================
252 */
R_MarkFragments(int numPoints,const vec3_t * points,const vec3_t projection,int maxPoints,vec3_t pointBuffer,int maxFragments,markFragment_t * fragmentBuffer)253 int R_MarkFragments( int numPoints, const vec3_t *points, const vec3_t projection,
254 				   int maxPoints, vec3_t pointBuffer, int maxFragments, markFragment_t *fragmentBuffer ) {
255 	int				numsurfaces, numPlanes;
256 	int				i, j, k, m, n;
257 	surfaceType_t	*surfaces[64];
258 	vec3_t			mins, maxs;
259 	int				returnedFragments;
260 	int				returnedPoints;
261 	vec3_t			normals[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY+2];
262 	float			dists[MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY+2];
263 	vec3_t			clipPoints[2][MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY];
264 	int				numClipPoints;
265 	float			*v;
266 	srfSurfaceFace_t *surf;
267 	srfGridMesh_t	*cv;
268 	drawVert_t		*dv;
269 	vec3_t			normal;
270 	vec3_t			projectionDir;
271 	vec3_t			v1, v2;
272 	int				*indexes;
274 	//increment view count for double check prevention
275 	tr.viewCount++;
277 	//
278 	VectorNormalize2( projection, projectionDir );
279 	// find all the brushes that are to be considered
280 	ClearBounds( mins, maxs );
281 	for ( i = 0 ; i < numPoints ; i++ ) {
282 		vec3_t	temp;
284 		AddPointToBounds( points[i], mins, maxs );
285 		VectorAdd( points[i], projection, temp );
286 		AddPointToBounds( temp, mins, maxs );
287 		// make sure we get all the leafs (also the one(s) in front of the hit surface)
288 		VectorMA( points[i], -20, projectionDir, temp );
289 		AddPointToBounds( temp, mins, maxs );
290 	}
292 	if (numPoints > MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY) numPoints = MAX_VERTS_ON_POLY;
293 	// create the bounding planes for the to be projected polygon
294 	for ( i = 0 ; i < numPoints ; i++ ) {
295 		VectorSubtract(points[(i+1)%numPoints], points[i], v1);
296 		VectorAdd(points[i], projection, v2);
297 		VectorSubtract(points[i], v2, v2);
298 		CrossProduct(v1, v2, normals[i]);
299 		VectorNormalizeFast(normals[i]);
300 		dists[i] = DotProduct(normals[i], points[i]);
301 	}
302 	// add near and far clipping planes for projection
303 	VectorCopy(projectionDir, normals[numPoints]);
304 	dists[numPoints] = DotProduct(normals[numPoints], points[0]) - 32;
305 	VectorCopy(projectionDir, normals[numPoints+1]);
306 	VectorInverse(normals[numPoints+1]);
307 	dists[numPoints+1] = DotProduct(normals[numPoints+1], points[0]) - 20;
308 	numPlanes = numPoints + 2;
310 	numsurfaces = 0;
311 	R_BoxSurfaces_r(tr.world->nodes, mins, maxs, surfaces, 64, &numsurfaces, projectionDir);
312 	//assert(numsurfaces <= 64);
313 	//assert(numsurfaces != 64);
315 	returnedPoints = 0;
316 	returnedFragments = 0;
318 	for ( i = 0 ; i < numsurfaces ; i++ ) {
320 		if (*surfaces[i] == SF_GRID) {
322 			cv = (srfGridMesh_t *) surfaces[i];
323 			for ( m = 0 ; m < cv->height - 1 ; m++ ) {
324 				for ( n = 0 ; n < cv->width - 1 ; n++ ) {
325 					// We triangulate the grid and chop all triangles within
326 					// the bounding planes of the to be projected polygon.
327 					// LOD is not taken into account, not such a big deal though.
328 					//
329 					// It's probably much nicer to chop the grid itself and deal
330 					// with this grid as a normal SF_GRID surface so LOD will
331 					// be applied. However the LOD of that chopped grid must
332 					// be synced with the LOD of the original curve.
333 					// One way to do this; the chopped grid shares vertices with
334 					// the original curve. When LOD is applied to the original
335 					// curve the unused vertices are flagged. Now the chopped curve
336 					// should skip the flagged vertices. This still leaves the
337 					// problems with the vertices at the chopped grid edges.
338 					//
339 					// To avoid issues when LOD applied to "hollow curves" (like
340 					// the ones around many jump pads) we now just add a 2 unit
341 					// offset to the triangle vertices.
342 					// The offset is added in the vertex normal vector direction
343 					// so all triangles will still fit together.
344 					// The 2 unit offset should avoid pretty much all LOD problems.
346 					numClipPoints = 3;
348 					dv = cv->verts + m * cv->width + n;
350 					VectorCopy(dv[0].xyz, clipPoints[0][0]);
351 					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][0], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[0].normal, clipPoints[0][0]);
352 					VectorCopy(dv[cv->width].xyz, clipPoints[0][1]);
353 					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][1], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[cv->width].normal, clipPoints[0][1]);
354 					VectorCopy(dv[1].xyz, clipPoints[0][2]);
355 					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][2], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[1].normal, clipPoints[0][2]);
356 					// check the normal of this triangle
357 					VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][0], clipPoints[0][1], v1);
358 					VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][2], clipPoints[0][1], v2);
359 					CrossProduct(v1, v2, normal);
360 					VectorNormalizeFast(normal);
361 					if (DotProduct(normal, projectionDir) < -0.1) {
362 						// add the fragments of this triangle
363 						R_AddMarkFragments(numClipPoints, clipPoints,
364 										   numPlanes, normals, dists,
365 										   maxPoints, pointBuffer,
366 										   maxFragments, fragmentBuffer,
367 										   &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs);
369 						if ( returnedFragments == maxFragments ) {
370 							return returnedFragments;	// not enough space for more fragments
371 						}
372 					}
374 					VectorCopy(dv[1].xyz, clipPoints[0][0]);
375 					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][0], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[1].normal, clipPoints[0][0]);
376 					VectorCopy(dv[cv->width].xyz, clipPoints[0][1]);
377 					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][1], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[cv->width].normal, clipPoints[0][1]);
378 					VectorCopy(dv[cv->width+1].xyz, clipPoints[0][2]);
379 					VectorMA(clipPoints[0][2], MARKER_OFFSET, dv[cv->width+1].normal, clipPoints[0][2]);
380 					// check the normal of this triangle
381 					VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][0], clipPoints[0][1], v1);
382 					VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][2], clipPoints[0][1], v2);
383 					CrossProduct(v1, v2, normal);
384 					VectorNormalizeFast(normal);
385 					if (DotProduct(normal, projectionDir) < -0.05) {
386 						// add the fragments of this triangle
387 						R_AddMarkFragments(numClipPoints, clipPoints,
388 										   numPlanes, normals, dists,
389 										   maxPoints, pointBuffer,
390 										   maxFragments, fragmentBuffer,
391 										   &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs);
393 						if ( returnedFragments == maxFragments ) {
394 							return returnedFragments;	// not enough space for more fragments
395 						}
396 					}
397 				}
398 			}
399 		}
400 		else if (*surfaces[i] == SF_FACE) {
402 			surf = ( srfSurfaceFace_t * ) surfaces[i];
403 			// check the normal of this face
404 			if (DotProduct(surf->plane.normal, projectionDir) > -0.5) {
405 				continue;
406 			}
408 			/*
409 			VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][0], clipPoints[0][1], v1);
410 			VectorSubtract(clipPoints[0][2], clipPoints[0][1], v2);
411 			CrossProduct(v1, v2, normal);
412 			VectorNormalize(normal);
413 			if (DotProduct(normal, projectionDir) > -0.5) continue;
414 			*/
415 			indexes = (int *)( (byte *)surf + surf->ofsIndices );
416 			for ( k = 0 ; k < surf->numIndices ; k += 3 ) {
417 				for ( j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ ) {
418 					v = surf->points[0] + VERTEXSIZE * indexes[k+j];;
419 					VectorMA( v, MARKER_OFFSET, surf->plane.normal, clipPoints[0][j] );
420 				}
421 				// add the fragments of this face
422 				R_AddMarkFragments( 3 , clipPoints,
423 								   numPlanes, normals, dists,
424 								   maxPoints, pointBuffer,
425 								   maxFragments, fragmentBuffer,
426 								   &returnedPoints, &returnedFragments, mins, maxs);
427 				if ( returnedFragments == maxFragments ) {
428 					return returnedFragments;	// not enough space for more fragments
429 				}
430 			}
431 			continue;
432 		}
433 		else {
434 			// ignore all other world surfaces
435 			// might be cool to also project polygons on a triangle soup
436 			// however this will probably create huge amounts of extra polys
437 			// even more than the projection onto curves
438 			continue;
439 		}
440 	}
441 	return returnedFragments;
442 }