1 /*
2  *   XFrisk - The classic board game for X
3  *   Copyright (C) 1993-1999 Elan Feingold (elan@aetherworks.com)
4  *
5  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  *   (at your option) any later version.
9  *
10  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  *   GNU General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  *   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17  *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
18  *
19  *   $Id: language.h,v 1.13 2000/01/17 21:12:45 tony Exp $
20  */
22 #ifndef _LANGUAGE_H
23 #define _LANGUAGE_H
25 #ifdef FRENCH
26 #define HUMAN "Humain"
27 #define UNKNOWN "Un inconnu"
28 #define PINK_CREATURE "Cr�ature rose et chevelue avec tendences auto-destructives."
29 //countries
30 #define NORTH_AMERICA "Am�rique du nord"
31 #define SOUTH_AMERICA  "Am�rique du sud"
32 #define AFRICA "Afrique"
33 #define AUSTRALIA "Australie"
34 #define EUROPE "Europe"
35 #define GREENLAND "Groenland"
36 #define ICELAND "Islande"
37 #define SIBERIA  "Sib�rie"
38 #define URAL  "Oural"
39 #define ALASKA "Alaska"
40 #define NORTHWEST "Territoires du nord-ouest"
41 #define IRKUTSK   "Irkutsk"
42 #define SCANDINAVIA "Scandinavie"
43 #define UKRAINE "Ukraine"
44 #define KAMCHATKA "Kamchatka"
45 #define QUEBEC "Qu�bec"
46 #define ONTARIO "Ontario"
47 #define ALBERTA "Alberta"
48 #define YAKUTSK "Yakutsk"
49 #define GREAT_BRITAIN "Grande Bretagne"
50 #define AFGHANISTAN "Afghanistan"
51 #define NORTHERN_EUROPE "Europe du nord"
52 #define WEST_STATES "Ouest des �tats-unis "
53 #define EAST_STATES "Est des �tats-unis "
54 #define WEST_EUROPE "Europe de l'ouest"
55 #define SOUTH_EUROPE "Europe du sud"
56 #define MONGOLIA "Mongolie"
57 #define CHINA "Chine"
58 #define JAPAN "Japon"
59 #define MIDDLE_EAST "Moyen-Orient"
60 #define CENTRAL_AMERICA "Am�rique central"
61 #define NORTH_AFRICA "Afrique du nord"
62 #define EGYPT "Egypte"
63 #define INDIA "Inde"
64 #define SIAM "Siam"
65 #define EAST_AFRICA "Afrique de l'est"
66 #define INDONESIA "Indon�sie"
67 #define VENEZUELA "V�n�zu�la"
68 #define BRASIL "Br�sil"
69 #define PERU "P�rou"
70 #define CONGO "Congo"
71 #define NEW_GUINEA "Nouvelle Guin�e"
72 #define SOUTH_AFRICA "Afrique du sud"
73 #define WESTERN_AUSTRALIA "Australie occidentale"
74 #define EASTERN_AUSTRALIA "Est de l'australie"
75 #define MADAGASCAR "Madagascar"
76 #define ARGENTINA "Argentine"
77 //messages
78 #define CLIENT_MISMATCH "Mauvaise version de client"
79 #define NEW_CLIENT "Un nouveau client"
80 #define HAS_REGISTERED "est enregistr�."
81 #define NO_ROOM "Plus de place pour un nouveau client!"
82 #define ERROR_PROTOCOL "Erreur de protocol"
83 #define IGNORE_CLIENT "Ignore ce client."
84 #define SERVER_CONNECT_FAILED "Une connexion �choue, le client est perdu..."
85 #define GAME_OVER 	      "Le jeu est termin�: un joueur vivant (ou un client complet) quitte le jeu."
86 #define SERVER_STARTING "D�marage de Frisk"
87 #define FINISHED_REGISTRY "a fini d'enregistrer ses joueurs."
88 #define HAS_DEREGISTERED "%s a quitt�."
89 #define SERVERNAME "Serveur"
90 #define CLIENT_DEAD "est consid�r� comme mort (il a �mis un mauvais message.)\n"
91 #define CLIENT "Le client"
92 #define SERVER_STARTING "SERVEUR: D�marage de Frisk"
93 #define ERR_PORT_IN_USE "SERVEUR: Le port de Frisk est utilis�. Le serveur est\n d�j� lanc�, ou un serveur est salement plant�,\n dans ce cas il faut attendre quelques minutes pour\n que le port soit � nouveau disponible. Je quitte.\n"
94 #define CLIENT "Le client"
95 #define IS_REGISTERED "est enregistr�."
96 #define NEW_AI "Un nouveau client AI"
97 #define HELLO_NEW "Bonjour nouveau client, vous �tes"
98 #define BEING_UPDATED "va �tre mis � jour."
99 #define BEGINNING "Les clients ont fini de s'enregistrer, le jeu commence."
100 #define ERR_COMMLINK		"CLIENT: Ne peut cr�er la liaison."
101 #define ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST	"CLIENT: La machine `%s' est inconnue."
102 #define ERR_COULD_NOT_CONNECT	"CLIENT: Impossible de se connecter au serveur Frisk sur `%s'.\n"\
103 				"        Quelqu'un doit commencer par lancer `friskserver' \n"\
104 				"        sur cette machine.\n"
105 #define MSG_CONNECTED		"CLIENT: Connect� au serveur.\n"
106 #define MSG_WAITING_SRV_ID	"CLIENT: Attend que le serveur �mette l'ID client..."
107 #define MSG_DONE		"Re�u.\n"
108 #define ERR_SERVER_FULL		"CLIENT: Ne peut participer, le serveur est complet! Je suis impressionn�..."
109 #define ERR_PROTOCOL_MISMATCH	"CLIENT: Le serveur n'utilise pas le m�me protocole!"
110 #define ERR_SERVER_FAILED	"CLIENT: Le server a �chou� (%s)\n"
111 #define ERR_NONRECOVERABLE	"CLIENT: Impossible de r�parer cela, une future version le fera.\n"
112 #define ERR_OBJECT_FAILURE	"�chec"
113 #define ERR_SRV_NONRECOVERABLE	"Le server a �chou�, impossible de r�parer."
114 #define INVALID_MESSAGE         "Le serveur a re�u un message invalide de ma part."
115 #define ERR_COMMFAILED          "SERVEUR: CommLink operation �choue, recup�re.\n"
116 #define TXT_HANDLED_FAILURE     "SERVEUR: R�cup�ration correcte de la perte d'un client.\n"
117 #define TXT_SEND_FAILED         "�chec � l'�mission d'un message."
118 #define TXT_RECEIVE_FAILED      "�chec � la r�ception d'un message."
119 #define TXT_CANT_OPEN     "CARDS: Ne peut ouvrir"
120 #define TXT_CARDS_NUMCOUNTRIES  "CARDS: Nombre de pays invalide!"
121 #define TXT_FATAL_ERROR         "Erreur fatale"
122 #define TXT_ONLY_CURRENT        "Seul le joueur courant peut �changer des cartes!"
123 #define TXT_BE_FORTIFIED        "va �tre fortifi�"
125 #else
126 /* ENGLISH is default language*/
128 #define HUMAN "Human"
129 #define UNKNOWN "Unknown"
130 #define PINK_CREATURE "Hairless pink creature with self-destructive tendencies."
131 /*countries*/
132 #define NORTH_AMERICA "North America"
133 #define SOUTH_AMERICA "South America"
134 #define AFRICA "Africa"
135 #define AUSTRALIA "Australia"
136 #define ASIA "Asia"
137 #define EUROPE "Europe"
138 #define GREENLAND "Greenland"
139 #define ICELAND "Iceland"
140 #define SIBERIA "Siberia"
141 #define URAL "Ural"
142 #define ALASKA "Alaska"
143 #define NORTH_WEST "Northwest Territories"
144 #define IRKUTSK "Irkutsk"
145 #define SCANDINAVIA "Scandinavia"
146 #define UKRAINE "Ukraine"
147 #define KAMCHATKA "Kamchatka"
148 #define QUEBEC "Quebec"
149 #define ONTARIO "Ontario"
150 #define ALBERTA "Alberta"
151 #define YAKUTSK "Yakutsk"
152 #define GREAT_BRITAIN "Great Britain"
153 #define AFGHANISTAN "Afghanistan"
154 #define NORTHERN_EUROPE "Northern Europe"
155 #define WEST_STATES "Western United States"
156 #define EAST_STATES "Eastern United States"
157 #define WEST_EUROPE "Western Europe"
158 #define  SOUTH_EUROPE "Southern Europe"
159 #define MONGOLIA "Mongolia"
160 #define CHINA "China"
161 #define JAPAN "Japan"
162 #define MIDDLE_EAST "Middle East"
163 #define CENTRAL_AMERICA "Central America"
164 #define NORTH_AFRICA "Northern Africa"
165 #define EGYPT "Egypt"
166 #define INDIA "India"
167 #define SIAM "Siam"
168 #define EAST_AFRICA "Eastern Africa"
169 #define INDONESIA "Indonesia"
170 #define VENEZUELA "Venezuela"
171 #define BRASIL "Brazil"
172 #define PERU "Peru"
173 #define CONGO "Congo"
174 #define NEW_GUINEA "New Guinea"
175 #define SOUTH_AFRICA "South Africa"
176 #define WESTERN_AUSTRALIA "Western Australia"
177 #define EASTERN_AUSTRALIA "Eastern Australia"
178 #define MADAGASCAR "Madagascar"
179 #define ARGENTINA "Argentina"
180 /*messages*/
181 #define HELLO_NEW "Hello new client, you are"
182 #define BEGINNING "Clients have finished registering, beginning game."
183 #define SERVERNAME "Server"
184 #define BEING_UPDATED "is being updated."
185 #define NEW_CLIENT "A new client"
186 #define NEW_AI "A new AI client"
187 #define CLIENT "The client"
188 #define IS_REGISTERED "is registered"
189 #define CLIENT_MISMATCH "Client version mismatch"
190 #define ERROR_PROTOCOL "Error in protocol"
191 #define IGNORE_CLIENT "Ignoring wanna-be client."
192 #define SERVER_STARTING "Starting Frisk"
193 #define HAS_DEREGISTERED "has deregistered."
194 #define HAS_REGISTERED "has registered"
195 #define NO_ROOM "Unable to allocate room for new client!"
196 #define GAME_OVER "The game is over: a live player (or an entire client) left the game"
197 #define FINISHED_REGISTRY "has finished registering players."
198   /*lame, but the next two belong together :-)*/
199 #define CLIENT_DEAD "considered dead (it sent a bogus message.)\n"
200 #define ERR_PORT_IN_USE " is already in use.  Perhaps a\n server is already running, or else a server crashed\n badly, in which case you will probably have to wait\n a few minutes till the port clears.  I'm exiting.\n"
201 #define SERVER_CONNECT_FAILED "Connect to client failed, it's lost."
203 #define ERR_COMMLINK		"CLIENT: Cannot create CommLink."
204 #define ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST	"CLIENT: The host `%s' is unknown."
205 #define ERR_COULD_NOT_CONNECT	"CLIENT: Cannot connect to a Frisk server on `%s'.\n"\
206 				"        One probably needs to be started by running\n"\
207 				"        `friskserver' on the machine.\n"
208 #define MSG_CONNECTED		"CLIENT: Connected to server.\n"
209 #define MSG_WAITING_SRV_ID	"CLIENT: Waiting for server to send client ID..."
210 #define MSG_DONE		"Done.\n"
211 #define ERR_SERVER_FULL		"CLIENT: Can't join, server is full! I'm impressed..."
212 #define ERR_PROTOCOL_MISMATCH	"CLIENT: Server is not following protocol!"
213 #define ERR_SERVER_FAILED	"CLIENT: The server has failed (%s)\n"
214 #define ERR_NONRECOVERABLE	"CLIENT: Cannot recover from this, future version will.\n"
215 #define ERR_OBJECT_FAILURE	"Object Failure"
216 #define ERR_SRV_NONRECOVERABLE	"The server has failed, cannot recover."
217 #define INVALID_MESSAGE         "The server received an invalid message from me."
218 #define ERR_COMMFAILED          "SERVER: CommLink operation failed, recovering.\n"
219 #define TXT_HANDLED_FAILURE     "SERVER: Successfully handled client failure.\n"
220 #define TXT_SEND_FAILED         "SendMessage failed."
221 #define TXT_RECEIVE_FAILED      "ReceiveMessage failed."
222 #define TXT_CANT_OPEN           "CARDS: Cannot open"
223 #define TXT_CARDS_NUMCOUNTRIES  "CARDS: Wrong number of countries!"
224 #define TXT_FATAL_ERROR         "Fatal Error"
225 #define TXT_ONLY_CURRENT        "Only the current player may exchange cards!"
226 #define TXT_BE_FORTIFIED        "will be fortified"
227 #endif
228 #endif