1 #include "xtama_createpixmap.h"
AllocColor(Display * dpy,Colormap cmap,char * color,XColor * xcol,Bool sw)3 unsigned long AllocColor( Display *dpy , Colormap cmap , char *color , XColor *xcol , Bool sw )
4 {
5   int cnum[3] , i ;
6   char tmpcolor[3] ;
7   static int AllocOfColor = 0 ;
8   static struct _colordata{
9     int red ;
10     int green ;
11     int blue ;
13     int rred ;
14     int rgreen ;
15     int rblue ;
17     int pixel ;
18   } colordata[255] ;
19   XColor rgb , hard ;
21   xcol->flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue ;
23   if ( !sw ){
24     if ( color[0] == '#' ){
25       color ++ ;
26       for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i ++ ){
27 	strncpy( tmpcolor , color , 2 ) ;
28 	sscanf( tmpcolor , "%x" , &cnum[i] ) ;
29 	cnum[i] *= 256 ;
30 	color += 2 ;
31       }
32       xcol->red = cnum[0] ;
33       xcol->green = cnum[1] ;
34       xcol->blue = cnum[2] ;
35     }
36     else {
37       XLookupColor( dpy , cmap , color , &rgb , &hard ) ;
38       xcol->red = hard.red ;
39       xcol->green = hard.green ;
40       xcol->blue = hard.blue ;
41     }
43     for ( i = 0 ; i < AllocOfColor ; i ++ ){
44       if (( xcol->red == colordata[i].red &&
45 	   xcol->green == colordata[i].green &&
46 	   xcol->blue == colordata[i].blue ) ||
47 	  (xcol->red == colordata[i].red &&
48 	   xcol->green == colordata[i].green &&
49 	   xcol->blue == colordata[i].blue )){
50 	return colordata[i].pixel ;
51       }
52     }
53   }
55   colordata[AllocOfColor].red = xcol->red ;
56   colordata[AllocOfColor].green = xcol->green ;
57   colordata[AllocOfColor].blue = xcol->blue ;
59   if ( !XAllocColor( dpy , cmap , xcol ) ){
60     printf("\033[41;37m\rCan't allocate color cell !\nTry with option \"-install\"\n\033[m\b") ;
61     exit(1) ;
62   }
63   colordata[AllocOfColor].rred = xcol->red ;
64   colordata[AllocOfColor].rgreen = xcol->green ;
65   colordata[AllocOfColor].rblue = xcol->blue ;
66   colordata[AllocOfColor].pixel = xcol->pixel ;
67   AllocOfColor ++ ;
69   return xcol->pixel ;
70 }
CreatePixmapFromData(Display * dpy,Window win,Colormap cmap,char ** xpmdata,Pixmap * pm1,Pixmap * pm2)72 void CreatePixmapFromData( Display *dpy , Window win , Colormap cmap , char **xpmdata , Pixmap *pm1 , Pixmap *pm2 )
73 {
74   int i , j , k , x , y , cforb , nofc ;
75   /* size is ( x , y ) : cforb means color for bytes
76      nofc means number of colors */
78   struct _ColorPallet {
79     unsigned long pixel ; /*	pixel value for color pallet */
80     char *cpattern ;
81   } CP[255] ;
83   XColor tmpc ;
84   GC gc = DefaultGC( dpy , DefaultScreen( dpy )) ;
85   char buffer[20] , system , *mask ;
87   sscanf( xpmdata[0] , "%d %d %d %d", &x , &y , &nofc , &cforb ) ;
89   for ( i = 0 ; i < nofc ; i ++ ) {
90     CP[i].cpattern = malloc( cforb + 1 ) ;
91     if ( cforb != 1 ) sscanf( xpmdata[1+i] , "%s %c %s" , CP[i].cpattern , &system , buffer ) ;
92     else{
93       sscanf( &xpmdata[1+i][1] , " %c %s" , &system , buffer ) ;
94       CP[i].cpattern[0] = xpmdata[1+i][0] ;
95     }
96     if ( system == 'c' ) CP[i].pixel = AllocColor( dpy , cmap , buffer , &tmpc , False ) ;
97     else	CP[i].pixel = -1 ;
99   }
101   *pm1 = XCreatePixmap( dpy , win , x , y , DefaultDepth(dpy,DefaultScreen(dpy))) ;
102   mask = malloc( y*(x/8+1)) ;
103   if ( mask == NULL )
104     printf("Can't allocate memory\n");
105   memset( mask , 0 , y*(x/8+1)) ;
107   for ( i = 0 ; i < y ; i ++ ){
108     for ( j = 0 ; j < x ; j ++ )
109       for ( k = 0 ; k < nofc ; k ++ ){
110 	if ( strncmp( &xpmdata[1+nofc+i][j*cforb] , CP[k].cpattern , cforb )==0)
111 	  if ( CP[k].pixel != -1 ){
112 	    XSetForeground( dpy , gc , CP[k].pixel );
113 	    XDrawPoint( dpy , *pm1 , gc , j , i ) ;
114 	    MDrawPoint( mask , j , i , x , y ) ;
115 	  }
116       }
117   }
118   if ( pm2 != NULL ){
119     *pm2 = XCreateBitmapFromData( dpy , win , mask , x , y ) ;
120   }
121   free( mask ) ;
123 }
MDrawPoint(char * ptr,int x,int y,int xx,int yy)125 void MDrawPoint( char *ptr , int x , int y , int xx , int yy )
126 {
127   int i , j ;
128   int bpl ;
130   bpl = xx / 8 ; /* bytes per line */
131   if ( xx % 8 )
132     bpl ++ ;
134   i = x / 8 ;
135   j = x % 8 ;
137   ptr[bpl*y+i] |= 1 << j ;
138 }