1[%# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2  # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
3  # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
4  #
5  # This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
6  # defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
7  #%]
9[% USE Bugzilla %]
10[% cgi = Bugzilla.cgi %]
12[% PROCESS global/header.html.tmpl
13  title="Anfragewarteschlange"
14  onload="var f = document.request_form; selectProduct(f.product, f.component, null, null, 'Beliebig');"
15  javascript_urls=["js/productform.js", "js/field.js"]
16  style_urls = ['skins/standard/buglist.css']
17  yui = ['autocomplete']
20<script type="text/javascript">
21  var useclassification = false; // No classification level in use
22  var first_load = true; // Is this the first time we load the page?
23  var last_sel = []; // Caches last selection
24  var cpts = new Array();
25  [% n = 1 %]
26  [% IF Param('useclassification') %]
27    [% FOREACH clas = user.get_selectable_classifications %]
28      [% FOREACH prod = user.get_selectable_products(clas.id) %]
29        [%+ PROCESS js_comp %]
30      [% END %]
31    [% END %]
32  [% ELSE %]
33    [% FOREACH prod = user.get_selectable_products %]
34      [%+ PROCESS js_comp %]
35    [% END %]
36  [% END %]
39[% BLOCK js_comp %]
40  cpts['[% n %]'] = [
41    [%- FOREACH comp = prod.components %]'[% comp.name FILTER js %]'[% ", " UNLESS loop.last %] [%- END -%]];
42  [% n = n+1 %]
43[% END %]
46Wenn Sie eingeloggt sind, dann werden hier standardmäßig nur Anfragen
47aufgelistet, die Sie gestellt haben oder die an Sie gerichtet sind.
48Sie können die Anzeigefilterkriterien im untenstehenden Formular ändern.
49Wenn Sie nicht eingeloggt sind, dann werden hier alle offenen Anfragen
50aufgelistet, die nicht in ihrer Sichtbarkeit auf einzelne Gruppen beschränkt
54<form id="request_form" name="request_form" action="request.cgi" method="get">
55  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="queue">
57  <table id="filtering">
58    <tr>
59      <th>Anfragesteller:</th>
60      <td>
61        [% INCLUDE global/userselect.html.tmpl
62           id => "requester"
63           name => "requester"
64           value => cgi.param('requester')
65           size => 20
66           emptyok => 1
67           field_title => "Login des Anfragestellers"
68        %]
69      </td>
70      <th>[% terms.Product %]:</th>
71      <td>
72        <select name="product" onchange="selectProduct(this, this.form.component, null, null, 'Beliebig');">
73          <option value="">Beliebig</option>
74          [% IF Param('useclassification') %]
75            [% FOREACH c = user.get_selectable_classifications %]
76              <optgroup label="[% c.name FILTER html %]">
77                [% FOREACH p = user.get_selectable_products(c.id) %]
78                  <option value="[% p.name FILTER html %]"
79                    [% " selected" IF cgi.param('product') == p.name %]>
80                    [% p.name FILTER html %]
81                  </option>
82                [% END %]
83              </optgroup>
84            [% END %]
85          [% ELSE %]
86            [% FOREACH p = user.get_selectable_products %]
87              <option value="[% p.name FILTER html %]"
88                [% " selected" IF cgi.param('product') == p.name %]>
89                [% p.name FILTER html %]
90              </option>
91            [% END %]
92          [% END %]
93        </select>
94      </td>
95      <th>Markierungstyp:</th>
96      <td>
97        [% PROCESS "global/select-menu.html.tmpl"
98                    name="type"
99                    options=types
100                    default=cgi.param('type') %]
101      </td>
103      [%# We could let people see a "queue" of non-pending requests. %]
104      <!--
105      <th>Status:</th>
106      <td>
107        [%# PROCESS "global/select-menu.html.tmpl"
108                    name="status"
109                    options=["alle", "?", "+-", "+", "-"]
110                    default=cgi.param('status') %]
111      </td>
112      -->
114    </tr>
115    <tr>
116      <th>Angefragter:</th>
117      <td>
118        [% INCLUDE global/userselect.html.tmpl
119           id => "requestee"
120           name => "requestee"
121           value => cgi.param('requestee')
122           size => 20
123           emptyok => 1
124           hyphenok => 1
125           field_title => "Login des Angefragten oder „-“ (Bindestrich) für Anfragen ohne Angefragtem"
126        %]
127      </td>
128      <th>[% terms.Component %]:</th>
129      <td>
130        <select name="component">
131          <option value="">Beliebig</option>
132          [% FOREACH comp = components %]
133            <option value="[% comp FILTER html %]" [% "selected" IF cgi.param('component') == comp %]>
134              [% comp FILTER html %]</option>
135          [% END %]
136        </select>
137      </td>
138      <th>Gruppieren nach:</th>
139      <td>
140        [% groups = {
141            "Anfragesteller" => 'requester' ,
142            "Angefragter" => 'requestee' ,
143            "Markierungstyp" => 'type' ,
144            "Kategorie" => 'category'
145          } %]
146        [% PROCESS "global/select-menu.html.tmpl" name="group" options=groups default=cgi.param('group') %]
147      </td>
148    </tr>
149    <tr>
150      <th></th>
151      <td>
152        <select id="do_union" name="do_union">
153          <option value="0">Anfragesteller UND Angefragter soll passen</option>
154          <option value="1" [% 'selected="selected"' IF cgi.param('do_union') %]>
155            Anfragesteller ODER Angefragter soll passen</option>
156        </select>
157      </td>
158      <td colspan="3"></td>
159      <td><input type="submit" id="filter" value="Filtern"></td>
160    </tr>
161  </table>
164[% column_headers = {
165      "type"       => "Markierungstyp" ,
166      "status"     => "Status" ,
167      "bug"        => "$terms.Bug" ,
168      "attachment" => "Anhang" ,
169      "requester"  => "Anfragesteller" ,
170      "requestee"  => "Angefragter" ,
171      "created"    => "Angelegt" ,
172      "category"   => "$terms.product/$terms.component"    } %]
174[% DEFAULT display_columns = ["requester", "requestee", "type", "bug", "attachment", "created"]
175           group_field     = "Angefragter"
176           group_value     = ""
179[% IF debug %]
180  <p>[% query FILTER html %]</p>
181[% END %]
183[% IF requests.size == 0 %]
184  <p>
185    Keine Anfragen gefunden.
186  </p>
187[% ELSE %]
188  [% FOREACH request = requests %]
189    [% IF request.$group_field != group_value || loop.first %]
190      [% group_value = request.$group_field %]
191      [% PROCESS display_buglist UNLESS loop.first %]
192      [% PROCESS start_new_table %]
193    [% END %]
194    [% buglist.${request.bug_id} = 1 %]
195    <tr>
196      [% FOREACH column = display_columns %]
197        [% NEXT IF column == group_field || excluded_columns.contains(column) %]
198        <td>
199          [% PROCESS "display_$column" %]
200          [% Hook.process('after_column') %]
201        </td>
202      [% END %]
203    </tr>
204  [% END %]
205  [% PROCESS display_buglist %]
206[% END %]
208[% PROCESS global/footer.html.tmpl %]
210[% BLOCK start_new_table %]
211  [% buglist = {} %]
213  <h3>[% column_headers.$group_field %]:
214    [%+ (request.$group_field || "Keiner") FILTER email FILTER html %]</h3>
215  <table class="requests" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" border="1">
216    <tr>
217      [% FOREACH column = display_columns %]
218        [% NEXT IF column == group_field || excluded_columns.contains(column) %]
219        <th>[% column_headers.$column %]</th>
220      [% END %]
221    </tr>
222[% END %]
224[% BLOCK display_type %]
225  [% request.type FILTER html %]
226[% END %]
228[% BLOCK display_status %]
229  [% request.status %]
230[% END %]
232[% BLOCK display_bug %]
233  <a href="show_bug.cgi?id=[% request.bug_id %]"
234     [%- ' class="bz_secure"' IF request.restricted %]>
235    [% request.bug_id %]: [%+ request.bug_summary FILTER html %]</a>
236[% END %]
238[% BLOCK display_attachment %]
239  [% IF request.attach_id %]
240    <a href="attachment.cgi?id=[% request.attach_id %]&amp;action=edit">
241      [% request.attach_id %]: [%+ request.attach_summary FILTER html %]</a>
242  [% ELSE %]
243    N/A
244  [% END %]
245[% END %]
247[% BLOCK display_requestee %]
248  [% request.requestee FILTER email FILTER html %]
249[% END %]
251[% BLOCK display_requester %]
252  [% request.requester FILTER email FILTER html %]
253[% END %]
255[% BLOCK display_created %]
256  [% request.created FILTER time('%d.%m.%Y, %H:%M %Z') %]
257[% END %]
259[% BLOCK display_buglist %]
260  </table>
261  [% NEXT UNLESS buglist.keys.size %]
262  <a href="buglist.cgi?bug_id=
263           [%- buglist.keys.nsort.join(",") FILTER html %]">(als
264  [%+ terms.bug %]liste anzeigen)</a>
265[% END %]