2 /*
3  * Model Printer Profile Lookup test utility.
4  *
5  * Author:  Graeme W. Gill
6  * Date:    2002/12/30
7  * Version: 1.00
8  *
9  * Copyright 2002, 2003 Graeme W. Gill
10  * All rights reserved.
11  * This material is licenced under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 :-
12  * see the License.txt file for licencing details.
13  *
14  */
16 /* TTBD:
17  *
18  */
20 #include <stdio.h>
21 #include <stdlib.h>
22 #include <stdarg.h>
23 #include <fcntl.h>
24 #include <string.h>
25 #include <math.h>
26 #include "numlib.h"
27 #include "xicc.h"
28 #include "counters.h"
29 #include "vrml.h"
30 #include "ui.h"
usage(void)32 void usage(void) {
33 	fprintf(stderr,"Translate colors through an MPP profile, V1.00\n");
34 	fprintf(stderr,"Author: Graeme W. Gill\n");
35 	fprintf(stderr,"usage: mpplu [-v] [-f func] [-i intent] [-o order] profile\n");
36 	fprintf(stderr," -v            Verbose\n");
37 	fprintf(stderr," -f function   f = forward, b = backwards\n");
38 	fprintf(stderr," -p oride      x = XYZ_PCS, l = Lab_PCS, y = Yxy, s = spectral,\n");
39 	fprintf(stderr," -l limit   override default ink limit, 1 - N00%%\n");
40 	fprintf(stderr," -i illum   Choose illuminant for print/transparency spectral data:\n");
41 	fprintf(stderr,"            A, C, D50 (def.), D50M2, D65, F5, F8, F10 or file.sp\n");
42 	fprintf(stderr," -o observ  Choose CIE Observer for spectral data:\n");
43 	fprintf(stderr,"            1931_2 (def), 1964_10, S&B 1955_2, shaw, J&V 1978_2\n");
44 	fprintf(stderr," -u         Use Fluorescent Whitening Agent compensation\n");
45 	fprintf(stderr," -g         Create gamut output\n");
46 	fprintf(stderr," -w         Create gamut %s as well\n",vrml_format());
47 	fprintf(stderr," -n         Don't add %s axes\n",vrml_format());
48 	fprintf(stderr," -a n       Gamut transparency level\n");
49 	fprintf(stderr," -d n       Gamut surface detail level\n");
50 	fprintf(stderr," -t num     Invoke debugging test code \"num\" 1..n\n");
51 	fprintf(stderr,"            1 - check partial derivative for device input\n");
52 	fprintf(stderr,"            2 - create overlap diagnostic %s gamut surface\n",vrml_format());
53 	fprintf(stderr,"\n");
54 	fprintf(stderr,"    The colors to be translated should be fed into stdin,\n");
55 	fprintf(stderr,"    one input color per line, white space separated.\n");
56 	fprintf(stderr,"    A line starting with a # will be ignored.\n");
57 	fprintf(stderr,"    A line not starting with a number will terminate the program.\n");
58 	exit(1);
59 }
61 static void diag_gamut(mpp *p, double gamres, int doaxes, double trans, char *outname);
62 static void mpp_rev(mpp *mppo, double limit, double *out, double *in);
64 int
main(int argc,char * argv[])65 main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
66 	int fa,nfa;				/* argument we're looking at */
67 	char prof_name[100];
68 	mpp *mppo;
69 	int verb = 0;
70 	int test = 0;			/* special test code */
71 	int dogam = 0;			/* Create gamut */
72 	int dowrl = 0;			/* Create VRML/X3D gamut */
73 	int doaxes = 1;			/* Create VRML/X3D axes */
74 	double trans = 0.0;		/* Transparency */
75 	double gamres = 0.0;	/* Gamut resolution */
76 	int repYxy = 0;			/* Report Yxy */
77 	int repSpec = 0;		/* Report Spectral */
78 	int bwd = 0;			/* Do reverse lookup */
79 	double dlimit;			/* Device ink limit */
80 	double limit = -1.0;	/* Used ink limit */
81 	int display = 0;		/* NZ if display type */
82 	int spec = 0;			/* Use spectral data flag */
83 	int    spec_n;			/* Number of spectral bands, 0 if not valid */
84 	double spec_wl_short;	/* First reading wavelength in nm (shortest) */
85 	double spec_wl_long;	/* Last reading wavelength in nm (longest) */
86 	int fwacomp = 0;		/* FWA compensation */
87 	icxIllumeType illum = icxIT_default;	/* Spectral defaults */
88 	xspect cust_illum;		/* Custom illumination spectrum */
89 	icxObserverType observ = icxOT_default;
90 	char buf[200];
91 	double in[MAX_CHAN], out[MAX_CHAN];
92 	int rv = 0;
94 	inkmask imask;						/* Device Ink mask */
95 	char *ident = NULL;					/* Device colorspec description */
96 	icColorSpaceSignature pcss;			/* Type of PCS space */
97 	int devn, pcsn;						/* Number of components */
99 	icColorSpaceSignature pcsor = icSigLabData;	/* Default */
101 	error_program = argv[0];
103 	if (argc < 2)
104 		usage();
106 	/* Process the arguments */
107 	for(fa = 1;fa < argc;fa++) {
108 		nfa = fa;					/* skip to nfa if next argument is used */
109 		if (argv[fa][0] == '-')	{	/* Look for any flags */
110 			char *na = NULL;		/* next argument after flag, null if none */
112 			if (argv[fa][2] != '\000')
113 				na = &argv[fa][2];		/* next is directly after flag */
114 			else {
115 				if ((fa+1) < argc) {
116 					if (argv[fa+1][0] != '-') {
117 						nfa = fa + 1;
118 						na = argv[nfa];		/* next is seperate non-flag argument */
119 					}
120 				}
121 			}
123 			if (argv[fa][1] == '?')
124 				usage();
126 			/* Verbosity */
127 			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'v' || argv[fa][1] == 'V') {
128 				verb = 1;
129 			}
130 			/* function */
131 			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'f' || argv[fa][1] == 'F') {
132 				fa = nfa;
133 				if (na == NULL) usage();
134     			switch (na[0]) {
135 					case 'f':
136 					case 'F':
137 						bwd = 0;
138 						break;
139 					case 'b':
140 					case 'B':
141 						bwd = 1;
142 						break;
143 					default:
144 						usage();
145 				}
146 			}
148 			/* PCS override */
149 			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'p' || argv[fa][1] == 'P') {
150 				fa = nfa;
151 				if (na == NULL) usage();
152     			switch (na[0]) {
153 					case 'x':
154 					case 'X':
155 						pcsor = icSigXYZData;
156 						repYxy = repSpec = 0;
157 						break;
158 					case 'l':
159 					case 'L':
160 						pcsor = icSigLabData;
161 						repYxy = repSpec = 0;
162 						break;
163 					case 'y':
164 					case 'Y':
165 						pcsor = icSigXYZData;
166 						repYxy = 1;
167 						repSpec = 0;
168 						break;
169 					case 's':
170 					case 'S':
171 						pcsor = icSigXYZData;
172 						repYxy = 0;
173 						repSpec = 1;
174 						spec = 1;
175 						break;
176 					default:
177 						usage();
178 				}
179 			}
181 			/* Ink Limit */
182 			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'l' || argv[fa][1] == 'L') {
183 				fa = nfa;
184 				if (na == NULL) usage();
185 				limit = atof(na);
186 			}
188 			/* Spectral Illuminant type */
189 			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'i' || argv[fa][1] == 'I') {
190 				fa = nfa;
191 				if (na == NULL) usage();
192 				if (strcmp(na, "A") == 0) {
193 					spec = 1;
194 					illum = icxIT_A;
195 				} else if (strcmp(na, "C") == 0) {
196 					spec = 1;
197 					illum = icxIT_C;
198 				} else if (strcmp(na, "D50") == 0) {
199 					spec = 1;
200 					illum = icxIT_D50;
201 				} else if (strcmp(na, "D50M2") == 0) {
202 					spec = 1;
203 					illum = icxIT_D50M2;
204 				} else if (strcmp(na, "D65") == 0) {
205 					spec = 1;
206 					illum = icxIT_D65;
207 				} else if (strcmp(na, "F5") == 0) {
208 					spec = 1;
209 					illum = icxIT_F5;
210 				} else if (strcmp(na, "F8") == 0) {
211 					spec = 1;
212 					illum = icxIT_F8;
213 				} else if (strcmp(na, "F10") == 0) {
214 					spec = 1;
215 					illum = icxIT_F10;
216 				} else {	/* Assume it's a filename */
217 					inst_meas_type mt;
219 					spec = 1;
220 					illum = icxIT_custom;
221 					if (read_xspect(&cust_illum, &mt, na) != 0)
222 						usage();
224 					if (mt != inst_mrt_none
225 					 && mt != inst_mrt_emission
226 					 && mt != inst_mrt_ambient
227 					 && mt != inst_mrt_emission_flash
228 					 && mt != inst_mrt_ambient_flash) {
229 						error("Custom illuminant '%s' is wrong measurement type",na);
230 					}
231 				}
232 			}
234 			/* Spectral Observer type */
235 			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'o' || argv[fa][1] == 'O') {
236 				fa = nfa;
237 				if (na == NULL) usage();
238 				if (strcmp(na, "1931_2") == 0) {			/* Classic 2 degree */
239 					spec = 1;
240 					observ = icxOT_CIE_1931_2;
241 				} else if (strcmp(na, "1964_10") == 0) {	/* Classic 10 degree */
242 					spec = 1;
243 					observ = icxOT_CIE_1964_10;
244 				} else if (strcmp(na, "1955_2") == 0) {		/* Stiles and Burch 1955 2 degree */
245 					spec = 1;
246 					observ = icxOT_Stiles_Burch_2;
247 				} else if (strcmp(na, "1978_2") == 0) {		/* Judd and Voss 1978 2 degree */
248 					spec = 1;
249 					observ = icxOT_Judd_Voss_2;
250 				} else if (strcmp(na, "shaw") == 0) {		/* Shaw and Fairchilds 1997 2 degree */
251 					spec = 1;
252 					observ = icxOT_Shaw_Fairchild_2;
253 				} else
254 					usage();
255 			}
257 			/* Fluerescent Whitner compensation */
258 			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'u' || argv[fa][1] == 'U')
259 				fwacomp = 1;
261 			/* Gamut plot */
262 			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'g' || argv[fa][1] == 'G')
263 				dogam = 1;
265 			/* VRML/X3D plot */
266 			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'w' || argv[fa][1] == 'W') {
267 				dogam = 1;
268 				dowrl = 1;
269 			}
271 			/* No VRML/X3D axes */
272 			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'n' || argv[fa][1] == 'N') {
273 				doaxes = 0;
274 			}
276 			/* Transparency */
277 			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'a' || argv[fa][1] == 'A') {
278 				fa = nfa;
279 				if (na == NULL) usage();
280 				trans = atof(na);
281 			}
283 			/* Surface Detail */
284 			else if (argv[fa][1] == 'd' || argv[fa][1] == 'D') {
285 				fa = nfa;
286 				if (na == NULL) usage();
287 				gamres = atof(na);
288 				dogam = 1;
289 			}
291 			/* Test code */
292 			else if (argv[fa][1] == 't' || argv[fa][1] == 'T') {
293 				fa = nfa;
294 				if (na == NULL) usage();
295 				test = atoi(na);
296 			}
298 			else
299 				usage();
300 		} else
301 			break;
302 	}
304 	if (fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage();
305 	strcpy(prof_name,argv[fa]);
307 	if ((mppo = new_mpp()) == NULL)
308 		error ("Creation of MPP object failed");
310 	if ((rv = mppo->read_mpp(mppo,prof_name)) != 0)
311 		error ("%d, %s",rv,mppo->err);
313 	mppo->get_info(mppo, &imask, &devn, &dlimit, &spec_n, &spec_wl_short, &spec_wl_long, NULL, &display);
314 	ident = icx_inkmask2char(imask, 1);
316 	if (verb) {
317 		printf("MPP profile with %d colorants, type %s, TAC %f\n",devn,ident, dlimit);
318 		if (display)
319 			printf("MPP profile is for a display type device\n");
320 	}
322 	if (limit <= 0.0 || dlimit < limit)
323 		limit = dlimit;
325 	pcss = pcsor;
326 	pcsn = 3;
328 	if (spec && spec_n == 0) {
329 		error("Spectral profile needed for spectral result, custom illuminant, observer or FWA");
330 	}
332 	/* Select CIE return value details */
333 	if ((rv = mppo->set_ilob(mppo, illum, &cust_illum, observ, NULL, pcss, fwacomp)) != 0) {
334 		if (rv == 1)
335 			error("Spectral profile needed for custom illuminant, observer or FWA");
336 		error("Error setting illuminant, observer, or FWA");
337 	}
339 	if (test != 0) {
340 		printf("!!!!! Running special test code no %d !!!!!\n",test);
342 		if (test == 1) {
343 			double **dv, **rdv;
345 			dv = dmatrix(0, pcsn-1, 0, devn-1);
346 			rdv = dmatrix(0, pcsn-1, 0, devn-1);
348 			printf("Checking partial derivative at each input value\n");
349 			/* Process colors to translate */
350 			for (;;) {
351 				int i,j;
352 				char *bp, *nbp;
353 				double tout[MAX_CHAN];
355 				/* Read in the next line */
356 				if (fgets(buf, 200, stdin) == NULL)
357 					break;
358 				if (buf[0] == '#') {
359 					fprintf(stdout,"%s\n",buf);
360 					continue;
361 				}
362 				/* For each input number */
363 				for (nbp = buf, i = 0; i < MAX_CHAN; i++) {
364 					bp = nbp;
365 					in[i] = strtod(bp, &nbp);
366 					if (nbp == bp)
367 						break;			/* Failed */
368 				}
369 				if (i == 0)
370 					break;
372 				/* Do conversion */
373 				mppo->lookup(mppo, out, in);
374 				mppo->dlookup(mppo, out, dv, in);
376 				for (j = 0; j < devn; j++) {
377 					double del = 1e-9;
379 					if (in[j] > 0.5)
380 						del = -del;
382 					in[j] += del;
383 					mppo->lookup(mppo, tout, in);
384 					in[j] -= del;
386 					for (i = 0; i < pcsn; i++) {
387 						rdv[i][j] = (tout[i] - out[i])/del;
388 					}
389 				}
391 				/* Output the results */
392 				for (j = 0; j < devn; j++) {
393 					if (j > 0)
394 						fprintf(stdout," %f",in[j]);
395 					else
396 						fprintf(stdout,"%f",in[j]);
397 				}
398 				printf(" [%s] -> ", ident);
400 				for (j = 0; j < pcsn; j++) {
401 					if (j > 0)
402 						fprintf(stdout," %f",out[j]);
403 					else
404 						fprintf(stdout,"%f",out[j]);
405 				}
406 				printf(" [%s]\n", icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, pcss));
408 				/* Print the derivatives */
409 				for (i = 0; i < pcsn; i++) {
411 					printf("Output chan %d: ",i);
412 					for (j = 0; j < devn; j++) {
413 						if (j < (devn-1))
414 							fprintf(stdout,"%f ref %f, ",dv[i][j], rdv[i][j]);
415 						else
416 							fprintf(stdout,"%f ref %f\n",dv[i][j], rdv[i][j]);
417 					}
418 				}
419 			}
421 			free_dmatrix(dv, 0, pcsn-1, 0, devn-1);
422 			free_dmatrix(rdv, 0, pcsn-1, 0, devn-1);
424 		} else if (test == 2) {
425 			char *xl, gam_name[100];
427 			strcpy(gam_name, prof_name);
428 			if ((xl = strrchr(gam_name, '.')) == NULL)	/* Figure where extention is */
429 				xl = gam_name + strlen(gam_name);
430 			xl[0] = '\000';				/* Remove extension */
431 			diag_gamut(mppo, gamres, doaxes, trans, gam_name);
433 		} else {
434 			printf("Unknown test!\n");
435 		}
437 	} else if (dogam) {
438 		gamut *gam;
439 		char *xl, gam_name[100];
440 		int docusps = 1;
442 		if ((gam = mppo->get_gamut(mppo, gamres)) == NULL)
443 			error("get_gamut failed\n");
445 		strcpy(gam_name, prof_name);
446 		if ((xl = strrchr(gam_name, '.')) == NULL)	/* Figure where extention is */
447 			xl = gam_name + strlen(gam_name);
448 		strcpy(xl,".gam");
449 		if (gam->write_gam(gam, gam_name))
450 			error ("write gamut failed on '%s'",gam_name);
452 		if (dowrl) {
453 			xl[0] = '\000';
454 			if (gam->write_vrml(gam,gam_name, doaxes, docusps))
455 				error ("write vrml failed on '%s%s'",gam_name,vrml_ext());
456 		}
458 		gam->del(gam);
460 	} else {
461 		/* Normal color lookup */
463 		if (repYxy) {	/* report Yxy rather than XYZ */
464 			if (pcss == icSigXYZData)
465 				pcss = icSigYxyData;
466 		}
468 		/* Process colors to translate */
469 		for (;;) {
470 			int i,j;
471 			char *bp, *nbp;
473 			/* Read in the next line */
474 			if (fgets(buf, 200, stdin) == NULL)
475 				break;
476 			if (buf[0] == '#') {
477 				fprintf(stdout,"%s\n",buf);
478 				continue;
479 			}
480 			/* For each input number */
481 			for (nbp = buf, i = 0; i < MAX_CHAN; i++) {
482 				bp = nbp;
483 				in[i] = strtod(bp, &nbp);
484 				if (nbp == bp)
485 					break;			/* Failed */
486 			}
487 			if (i == 0)
488 				break;
490 			if (!bwd) {
492 				if (repSpec) {
493 					xspect ospec;
495 					/* Do lookup of spectrum */
496 					mppo->lookup_spec(mppo, &ospec, in);
498 					/* Output the results */
499 					for (j = 0; j < devn; j++) {
500 						if (j > 0)
501 							fprintf(stdout," %f",in[j]);
502 						else
503 							fprintf(stdout,"%f",in[j]);
504 					}
505 					printf(" [%s] -> ", ident);
507 					for (j = 0; j < spec_n; j++) {
508 						if (j > 0)
509 							fprintf(stdout," %f",ospec.spec[j]);
510 						else
511 							fprintf(stdout,"%f",ospec.spec[j]);
512 					}
514 					printf(" [%3.0f .. %3.0f nm]\n", spec_wl_short, spec_wl_long);
516 				} else {
518 					/* Do conversion */
519 					mppo->lookup(mppo, out, in);
521 					/* Output the results */
522 					for (j = 0; j < devn; j++) {
523 						if (j > 0)
524 							fprintf(stdout," %f",in[j]);
525 						else
526 							fprintf(stdout,"%f",in[j]);
527 					}
528 					printf(" [%s] -> ", ident);
530 					if (repYxy && pcss == icSigYxyData) {
531 						double X = out[0];
532 						double Y = out[1];
533 						double Z = out[2];
534 						double sum = X + Y + Z;
535 						if (sum < 1e-6) {
536 							out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = 0.0;
537 						} else {
538 							out[0] = Y;
539 							out[1] = X/sum;
540 							out[2] = Y/sum;
541 						}
542 					}
543 					for (j = 0; j < pcsn; j++) {
544 						if (j > 0)
545 							fprintf(stdout," %f",out[j]);
546 						else
547 							fprintf(stdout,"%f",out[j]);
548 					}
550 					printf(" [%s]\n", icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, pcss));
551 				}
553 			} else {	/* Do a reverse lookup */
555 				if (repYxy && pcss == icSigYxyData) {
556 					double Y = in[0];
557 					double x = in[1];
558 					double y = in[2];
559 					double z = 1.0 - x - y;
560 					double sum;
561 					if (y < 1e-6) {
562 						in[0] = in[1] = in[2] = 0.0;
563 					} else {
564 						sum = Y/y;
565 						in[0] = x * sum;
566 						in[1] = Y;
567 						in[2] = z * sum;
568 					}
569 				}
571 				/* Do conversion */
572 				mpp_rev(mppo, limit, out, in);
574 				/* Output the results */
575 				for (j = 0; j < pcsn; j++) {
576 					if (j > 0)
577 						fprintf(stdout," %f",in[j]);
578 					else
579 						fprintf(stdout,"%f",in[j]);
580 				}
581 				printf(" [%s] -> ", icm2str(icmColorSpaceSignature, pcss));
583 				for (j = 0; j < devn; j++) {
584 					if (j > 0)
585 						fprintf(stdout," %f",out[j]);
586 					else
587 						fprintf(stdout,"%f",out[j]);
588 				}
590 				printf(" [%s]\n", ident);
591 			}
592 		}
593 	}
595 	free(ident);
596 	mppo->del(mppo);
598 	return 0;
599 }
602 /* -------------------------------------------- */
603 /* Code for special gamut surface plot */
605 #define GAMUT_LCENT 50
607 /* Create a diagnostic gamut, illustrating */
608 /* device space "fold-over" */
609 /* (This will be in the current PCS, but assumed to be Lab) */
diag_gamut(mpp * p,double detail,int doaxes,double trans,char * outname)610 static void diag_gamut(
611 mpp *p,				/* This */
612 double detail,		/* Gamut resolution detail */
613 int doaxes,
614 double trans,		/* Transparency */
615 char *outname		/* Output VRML/X3D file (no extension) */
616 ) {
617 	int i, j;
618 	vrml *wrl;
619 	int vix;						/* Vertex index */
620 	DCOUNT(coa, MAX_CHAN, p->n, 0, 0, 2);
621 	double col[MPP_MXCCOMB][3];		/* Color asigned to each major vertex */
622 	int res;
624 	/* Asign some colors to the combination nodes */
625 	for (i = 0; i < p->nn; i++) {
626 		int a, b, c, j;
627 		double h;
629 		j = (i ^ 0x5a5a5a5a) % p->nn;
630 		h = (double)j/(p->nn-1);
632 		/* Make fully saturated with chosen hue */
633 		if (h < 1.0/3.0) {
634 			a = 0;
635 			b = 1;
636 			c = 2;
637 		} else if (h < 2.0/3.0) {
638 			a = 1;
639 			b = 2;
640 			c = 0;
641 			h -= 1.0/3.0;
642 		} else {
643 			a = 2;
644 			b = 0;
645 			c = 1;
646 			h -= 2.0/3.0;
647 		}
648 		h *= 3.0;
650 		col[i][a] = (1.0 - h);
651 		col[i][b] = h;
652 		col[i][c] = d_rand(0.0, 1.0);
653 	}
655 	if (detail > 0.0)
656 		res = (int)(100.0/detail);	/* Establish an appropriate sampling density */
657 	else
658 		res = 4;
660 	if (res < 2)
661 		res = 2;
663 	if ((wrl = new_vrml(outname, doaxes, vrml_lab)) == NULL)
664 		error("new_vrml faile for file '%s%s'",outname,vrml_ext());
666 	wrl->start_line_set(wrl, 0);
668 	/* Itterate over all the faces in the device space */
669 	/* generating the vertx positions. */
670 	DC_INIT(coa);
671 	vix = 0;
672 	while(!DC_DONE(coa)) {
673 		int e, m1, m2;
674 		double in[MAX_CHAN];
675 		double out[3];
676 		double sum;
677 		double xb, yb;
679 		/* Scan only device surface */
680 		for (m1 = 0; m1 < p->n; m1++) {
681 			if (coa[m1] != 0)
682 				continue;
684 			for (m2 = m1 + 1; m2 < p->n; m2++) {
685 				int x, y;
687 				if (coa[m2] != 0)
688 					continue;
690 				for (sum = 0.0, e = 0; e < p->n; e++)
691 					in[e] = (double)coa[e];		/* Base value */
693 				/* Scan over 2D device space face */
694 				for (x = 0; x < res; x++) {				/* step over surface */
695 					xb = in[m1] = x/(res - 1.0);
696 					for (y = 0; y < res; y++) {
697 						int v0, v1, v2, v3;
698 						double rgb[3];
699 						yb = in[m2] = y/(res - 1.0);
701 						/* Lookup PCS value */
702 						p->lookup(p, out, in);
704 						/* Create a color */
705 						for (v0 = 0, e = 0; e < p->n; e++)
706 							v0 |= coa[e] ? (1 << e) : 0;		/* Binary index */
708 						v1 = v0 | (1 << m2);				/* Y offset */
709 						v2 = v0 | (1 << m2) | (1 << m1);	/* X+Y offset */
710 						v3 = v0 | (1 << m1);				/* Y offset */
712 						/* Linear interp between the main verticies */
713 						for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
714 							rgb[j] = (1.0 - yb) * (1.0 - xb) * col[v0][j]
715 							       +        yb  * (1.0 - xb) * col[v1][j]
716 							       + (1.0 - yb) *        xb  * col[v3][j]
717 							       +        yb  *        xb  * col[v2][j];
718 						}
720 						wrl->add_col_vertex(wrl, 0, out, rgb);
721 						vix++;
722 					}
723 				}
724 			}
725 		}
726 		/* Increment index within block */
727 		DC_INC(coa);
728 	}
730 	/* Itterate over all the faces in the device space */
731 	/* generating the quadrilateral indexes. */
732 	DC_INIT(coa);
733 	vix = 0;
734 	while(!DC_DONE(coa)) {
735 		int e, m1, m2;
736 		double in[MAX_CHAN];
737 		double sum;
739 		/* Scan only device surface */
740 		for (m1 = 0; m1 < p->n; m1++) {
741 			if (coa[m1] != 0)
742 				continue;
744 			for (m2 = m1 + 1; m2 < p->n; m2++) {
745 				int x, y;
747 				if (coa[m2] != 0)
748 					continue;
750 				for (sum = 0.0, e = 0; e < p->n; e++)
751 					in[e] = (double)coa[e];		/* Base value */
753 				/* Scan over 2D device space face */
754 				for (x = 0; x < res; x++) {				/* step over surface */
755 					for (y = 0; y < res; y++) {
757 						if (x < (res-1) && y < (res-1)) {
758 							int ix[4];
759 							ix[0] = vix;
760 							ix[1] = vix + 1;
761 							ix[2] = vix + 1 + res;
762 							ix[3] = vix + res;
763 							wrl->add_quad(wrl, 0, ix);
764 						}
765 						vix++;
766 					}
767 				}
768 			}
769 		}
770 		/* Increment index within block */
771 		DC_INC(coa);
772 	}
774 	wrl->make_quads_vc(wrl, 0, trans);
776 	if (wrl->flush(wrl) != 0)
777 		error("Error closing output file '%s%s'",outname,vrml_ext());
779 	wrl->del(wrl);
780 }
782 /* -------------------------------------------- */
783 /* Reverse lookup support */
784 /* This is for developing the appropriate reverse lookup */
785 /* code for xsep.c */
787 /*
788  * TTBD:
789  * 		Not handlink rule or separate black
790  *      Not handling linearisation callback for ink limit.
791  *      Not allowing for other possible secondary limits/goals/tunings.
792  */
794 /*
795  * Descriptionr:
796  *
797  *	The primary reverse lookup optimisation goals are to remain within
798  *	the device gamut, and to match the target PCS.
799  *
800  *	The secondary optimisation goals for solving this under constrained
801  *	problem can be chosen to a achieve a wide variety of possible aims.
802  *
803  *   1) One that is applicable to screened devices might be to use the extra
804  *	 inks to minimise the visiblility of screening. For screening resolutions
805  *   above 50 lpi (equivalent to 100 dpi stocastic screens) only luminance
806  *	 contrast will be relavant, so priority to the inks closest to paper white
807  *   measured purely by L distance is appropriate. (In practice I've used
808  *	 a measure that adds a small color distance component.)
809  *
810  *	 2) Another possible goal would be to optimise fit to a desired spectral
811  *	 profile, if spectral information is avaiable as an aim. The goal would
812  *	 be best fit weighted to the visual sensitivity curve.
813  *
814  *   3) Another possible secondary goal might be to minimise the total
815  *   amount of ink used, to minimise cost, drying time, media ink loading.
816  *
817  *   4) A fourth possible secondary goal might be to choose ink combinations
818  *	 that are the most robust given an error in device values.
819  *
820  *  In practice these secondary goals need not be entirely exclusive,
821  *	but the overall secondary goal could be a weighted blending between
822  *  these goals. Overall the ink limit (TAC) is extremely important,
823  *  since this will be the primary thing that stops large amounds of
824  *  light ink being used at all times.
825  *
826  *	Numerous other tweaks, limits or goals (such as secondary combination
827  *  ink limits, exclusions such as Cyan/Oraange, Magenta/Green)
828  *  could also be applied in the reverse optimisation routine.
829  *
830  */
833 #ifdef NEVER
834 /* These weights are the "theoreticaly correct" weightings, since */
835 /* at 50 lpi or higher, the color contrast sensitivity should be close to 0 */
836 # define L_WEIGHT 1.0
837 # define a_WEIGHT 0.0
838 # define b_WEIGHT 0.0
839 #else
840 /* These weights give us our "expected" ink ordering of */
841 /* Yellow, light Cyan/Magenta, Orange/Green, Cyan/Magenta, Black. */
842 # define L_WEIGHT 1.0
843 # define a_WEIGHT 0.4
844 # define b_WEIGHT 0.2
845 #endif
847 /* Start array entry */
848 typedef struct {
849 	double dev[MAX_CHAN];	/* Device value */
850 	double Lab[3];			/* Lab value */
851 	double oerr;			/* Order error */
852 } saent;
854 /* Context for reverse lookup */
855 typedef struct {
856 	int pass;
857 	int di;				/* Number of device channels */
858 	double Lab[3];		/* Lab target value */
859 	void (*dev2lab) (mpp *d2lcntx, double *out, double *in);	/* Device to Lab callback */
860 	mpp *d2lcntx;		/* dev2lab callback context */
861 	double ilimit;		/* Total limit */
862 	int sord[MAX_CHAN];	/* Sorted order index */
863 	double oweight[MAX_CHAN];	/* Order weighting (not used ?) */
864 } revlus;
866 /* Return the largest distance of the point outside the device gamut. */
867 /* This will be 0 if inside the gamut, and > 0 if outside.  */
868 static double
dist2gamut(revlus * s,double * d)869 dist2gamut(revlus *s, double *d) {
870 	int e;
871 	int di = s->di;
872 	double tt, dd = 0.0;
873 	double ss = 0.0;
875 	for (e = 0; e < di; e++) {
876 		ss += d[e];
878 		tt = 0.0 - d[e];
879 		if (tt > 0.0) {
880 			if (tt > dd)
881 				dd = tt;
882 		}
883 		tt = d[e] - 1.0;
884 		if (tt > 0.0) {
885 			if (tt > dd)
886 				dd = tt;
887 		}
888 	}
889 	tt = ss - s->ilimit;
890 	if (tt > 0.0) {
891 		if (tt > dd)
892 			dd = tt;
893 	}
894 	return dd;
895 }
897 /* Snap a point to the device gamut boundary. */
898 /* Return nz if it has been snapped. */
snap2gamut(revlus * s,double * d)899 static int snap2gamut(revlus *s, double *d) {
900 	int e;
901 	int di = s->di;
902 	double dd;			/* Smallest distance */
903 	double ss;			/* Sum */
904 	int rv = 0;
906 	/* Snap to ink limit first */
907 	for (ss = 0.0, e = 0; e < di; e++)
908 		ss += d[e];
909 	dd = fabs(ss - s->ilimit);
911 	if (dd < 0.0) {
912 		int j;
913 		for (j = 0; j < di; j++)
914 			d[j] *= s->ilimit/ss;	/* Snap to ink limit */
915 		rv = 1;
916 	}
918 	/* Now snap to any other dimension */
919 	for (e = 0; e < di; e++) {
921 		dd = fabs(d[e] - 0.0);
922 		if (dd < 0.0) {
923 			d[e] = 0.0;		/* Snap to orthogonal boundary */
924 			rv = 1;
925 		}
926 		dd = fabs(1.0 - d[e]);
927 		if (dd < 0.0) {
928 			d[e] = 1.0;		/* Snap to orthogonal boundary */
929 			rv = 1;
930 		}
931 	}
933 	return rv;
934 }
936 /* Reverse optimisation function handed to powell() */
revoptfunc(void * edata,double * v)937 static double revoptfunc(void *edata, double *v) {
938 	revlus *s = (revlus *)edata;
939 	double rv;
941 printf("~1 target %f %f %f\n",s->Lab[0],s->Lab[1],s->Lab[2]);
943 	if ((rv = (dist2gamut(s, v))) > 0.0) {
944 //		rv = rv * 1000.0 + 45000.0;		/* Discourage being out of gamut */
945 		rv = rv * 5e6;		/* Discourage being out of gamut */
947 	}
948 printf("~1 out of gamut error = %f\n",rv);
949 	{
950 		int j;
951 		double oerr;
952 		double Lab[3];
953 		double tot;
955 		/* Convert device to Lab */
956 		s->dev2lab(s->d2lcntx, Lab, v);
958 		/* Accumulate total delta E squared */
959 		for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
960 			double tt = s->Lab[j] - Lab[j];
961 			rv += tt * tt;
962 		}
964 printf("~1 Delta E squared = %f\n",rv);
966 		/* Skip first 3 colorants */
967 		oerr = tot = 0.0;
968 printf("oerr = %f\n",oerr);
969 		for (j = 3; j < s->di; j++) {
970 			int ix = s->sord[j];		/* Sorted order index */
971 			double vv = v[ix];
972 			double we = (double)j - 2.0;	/* Increasing weight */
974 printf("Comp %d value %f\n",ix,vv);
975 			if (vv > 0.0001) {
976 				oerr += tot + we * vv;
977 printf("Added %f + %f to give oerr %f\n",tot,we * vv,oerr);
978 			}
979 			tot += we;
980 		}
981 		oerr /= tot;
982 		if (s->pass == 0)
983 			oerr *= 2000.0;
984 		else
985 			oerr *= 1.0;
986 printf("Final after div by %f oerr = %f\n",tot,oerr);
988 printf("~1 Order error %f\n",oerr);
989 		rv += oerr;
990 	}
992 printf("~1 Returning total error %f\n",rv);
993 	return rv;
994 }
997 /* Do a reverse lookup on the mpp */
mpp_rev(mpp * mppo,double limit,double * out,double * in)998 static void mpp_rev(
999 mpp *mppo,
1000 double limit,		/* Ink limit */
1001 double *out,		/* Device value */
1002 double *in			/* Lab target */
1003 ) {
1004 	int i, j;
1005 	inkmask imask;	/* Device Ink mask */
1006 	int inn;
1007 	revlus rs;		/* Reverse lookup structure */
1008 	double sr[MAX_CHAN];	/* Search radius */
1009 	double tt;
1010 	/* !!! This needs to be cached elsewhere !!!! */
1011 	static saent *start = NULL;	/* Start array */
1012 	static int nisay = 0;		/* Number in start array */
1014 	mppo->get_info(mppo, &imask, &inn, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
1016 	rs.di = inn;				/* Number of device channels */
1018 	rs.Lab[0] = in[0];		/* Target PCS value */
1019 	rs.Lab[1] = in[1];
1020 	rs.Lab[2] = in[2];
1022 	rs.dev2lab = mppo->lookup;	/* Dev->PCS Lookup function and context */
1023 	rs.d2lcntx = (void *)mppo;
1025 	rs.ilimit = limit;		/* Total ink limit */
1027 	{
1028 		double Labw[3];				/* Lab value of white */
1029 		double Lab[MAX_CHAN][3];	/* Lab value of device primaries */
1030 		double min, max;
1032 		/* Lookup the L value of all the device primaries */
1033 		for (j = 0; j < inn; j++)
1034 			out[j] = 0.0;
1036 		mppo->lookup(mppo, Labw, out);
1038 		for (i = 0; i < inn; i++) {
1039 			double tt;
1040 			double de;
1042 			out[i] = 1.0;
1043 			mppo->lookup(mppo, Lab[i], out);
1045 			/* Use DE measure heavily weighted towards L only */
1046 			tt = L_WEIGHT * (Labw[0] - Lab[i][0]);
1047 			de = tt * tt;
1048 			tt = 0.4 * (Labw[1] - Lab[i][1]);
1049 			de += tt * tt;
1050 			tt = 0.2 * (Labw[2] - Lab[i][2]);
1051 			de += tt * tt;
1052 			rs.oweight[i] = sqrt(de);
1053 			out[i] = 0.0;
1054 		}
1056 		/* Normalise weights from 0 .. 1.0 */
1057 		min = 1e6, max = 0.0;
1058 		for (j = 0; j < inn; j++) {
1059 			if (rs.oweight[j] < min)
1060 				min = rs.oweight[j];
1061 			if (rs.oweight[j] > max)
1062 				max = rs.oweight[j];
1063 		}
1064 		for (j = 0; j < inn; j++)
1065 			rs.oweight[j] = (rs.oweight[j] - min)/(max - min);
1067 		{
1068 			for (j = 0; j < inn; j++)
1069 				rs.sord[j] = j;
1071 			for (i = 0; i < (inn-1); i++) {
1072 				for (j = i+1; j < inn; j++) {
1073 					if (rs.oweight[rs.sord[i]] > rs.oweight[rs.sord[j]]) {
1074 						int xx;
1075 						xx = rs.sord[i];
1076 						rs.sord[i] = rs.sord[j];
1077 						rs.sord[j] = xx;
1078 					}
1079 				}
1080 			}
1081 		}
1083 for (j = 0; j < inn; j++)
1084 printf("~1 oweight[%d] = %f\n",j,rs.oweight[j]);
1085 for (j = 0; j < inn; j++)
1086 printf("~1 sorted oweight[%d] = %f\n",j,rs.oweight[rs.sord[j]]);
1087 	}
1089 	/* Initialise the start point array */
1090 	if (start == NULL) {
1091 		int mxstart;
1092 		int steps = 4;
1094 		DCOUNT(dix, MAX_CHAN, inn, 0, 0, steps);
1096 printf("~1 initing start point array\n");
1097 		for (mxstart = 1, j = 0; j < inn; j++) 		/* Compute maximum entries */
1098 			mxstart *= steps;
1100 printf("~1 mxstart = %d\n",mxstart);
1101 		if ((start = malloc(sizeof(saent) * mxstart)) == NULL)
1102 			error("mpp_rev malloc of start array failed\n");
1104 		nisay = 0;
1105 		DC_INIT(dix);
1107 		while(!DC_DONE(dix)) {
1108 			double sum = 0.0;
1110 			/* Figure device values */
1111 			for (j = 0; j < inn; j++) {
1112 				sum += start[nisay].dev[j] = dix[j]/(steps-1.0);
1113 			}
1115 			if (sum <= limit) {		/* Within ink limit */
1116 				double oerr;
1117 				double tot;
1119 				/* Compute Lab */
1120 				mppo->lookup(mppo, start[nisay].Lab, start[nisay].dev);
1122 				/* Compute order error */
1123 				/* Skip first 3 colorants */
1124 				oerr = tot = 0.0;
1125 				for (j = 3; j < inn; j++) {
1126 					int ix = rs.sord[j];		/* Sorted order index */
1127 					double vv = start[nisay].dev[ix];
1128 					double we = (double)j - 2.0;	/* Increasing weight */
1130 					if (vv > 0.0001) {
1131 						oerr += tot + we * vv;
1132 					}
1133 					tot += we;
1134 				}
1135 				oerr /= tot;
1136 				start[nisay].oerr = oerr;
1138 				nisay++;
1139 			}
1141 			DC_INC(dix);
1142 		}
1143 printf("~1 start point array done, %d out of %d valid\n",nisay,mxstart);
1144 	}
1146 	/* Search the start array for closest matching point */
1147 	{
1148 		double bde = 1e38;
1149 		int bix = 0;
1151 		for (i = 0; i < nisay; i++) {
1152 			double de;
1154 			/* Compute delta E */
1155 			for (de = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
1156 				double tt = rs.Lab[j] - start[i].Lab[j];
1157 				de += tt * tt;
1158 			}
1159 			de += 0.0 * start[i].oerr;
1160 			if (de < bde) {
1161 				bde = de;
1162 				bix = i;
1163 			}
1164 		}
1166 printf("Start point at index %d, bde = %f, dev = ",bix,bde);
1167 for (j = 0; j < inn; j++) {
1168 printf("%f",start[bix].dev[j]);
1169 if (j < (inn-1))
1170 printf(" ");
1171 }
1172 printf("\n");
1174 		for (j = 0; j < inn; j++) {
1175 			out[j] = start[bix].dev[j];
1176 			sr[j] = 0.1;
1177 		}
1178 	}
1180 #ifdef NEVER
1181 	out[0] = 0.0;
1182 	out[1] = 0.0;
1183 	out[2] = 0.45;
1184 	out[3] = 0.0;
1185 	out[4] = 0.0;
1186 	out[5] = 0.0;
1187 	out[6] = 0.6;
1188 	out[7] = 1.0;
1189 #endif
1191 #ifdef NEVER
1192 	out[0] = 1.0;
1193 	out[1] = 0.0;
1194 	out[2] = 0.0;
1195 	out[3] = 0.0;
1196 	out[4] = 0.0;
1197 	out[5] = 0.0;
1198 	out[6] = 0.0;
1199 	out[7] = 0.0;
1200 #endif
1202 #ifdef NEVER
1203 	rs.pass = 0;
1204 	if (powell(&tt, inn, out, sr,  0.001, 5000, revoptfunc, (void *)&rs) != 0) {
1205 		error("Powell failed inside mpp_rev()");
1206 	}
1207 printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n#############################################\n");
1208 printf("~1 after first pass got ");
1209 for (j = 0; j < inn; j++) {
1210 printf("%f",out[j]);
1211 if (j < (inn-1))
1212 printf(" ");
1213 }
1214 printf("\n");
1215 printf("#############################################\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
1216 #endif
1218 #ifndef NEVER
1219 	out[0] = 0.0;
1220 	out[1] = 0.0;
1221 	out[2] = 0.0;
1222 	out[3] = 0.0;
1223 	out[4] = 0.0;
1224 	out[5] = 1.0;
1225 	out[6] = 0.0;
1226 	out[7] = 0.0;
1227 #endif
1228 #ifndef NEVER
1229 	rs.pass = 1;
1230 	if (powell(&tt, inn, out, sr,  0.00001, 5000, revoptfunc, (void *)&rs, NULL, NULL) != 0) {
1231 		error("Powell failed inside mpp_rev()");
1232 	}
1233 #endif
1235 	snap2gamut(&rs, out);
1236 }