3  <enum id="org.mate.Atril.SizingMode">
4    <value nick="fit-page" value="0"/>
5    <value nick="fit-width" value="1"/>
6    <value nick="free" value="2"/>
7  </enum>
9  <schema id="org.mate.Atril" path="/org/mate/atril/" gettext-domain="atril">
10    <key name="override-restrictions" type="b">
11      <default>true</default>
12      <summary>Override document restrictions</summary>
13      <description>Override document restrictions, like restriction to copy or to print.</description>
14    </key>
15    <key name="auto-reload" type="b">
16      <default>true</default>
17      <summary>Automatically reload the document</summary>
18      <description>Whether the document is automatically reloaded on file change.</description>
19    </key>
20    <key name="document-directory" type="ms">
21      <default>nothing</default>
22      <summary>The URI of the directory last used to open or save a document.</summary>
23    </key>
24    <key name="pictures-directory" type="ms">
25      <default>nothing</default>
26      <summary>The URI of the directory last used to save a picture.</summary>
27    </key>
28    <key name="page-cache-size" type="u">
29      <default>50</default>
30      <summary>Page cache size in MiB</summary>
31      <description>The maximum size that will be used to cache rendered pages, limits maximum zoom level.</description>
32    </key>
33    <key name="show-caret-navigation-message" type="b">
34      <default>true</default>
35      <summary>Show a dialog to confirm that the user wants to activate the caret navigation.</summary>
36    </key>
37    <child name="default" schema="org.mate.Atril.Default"/>
38  </schema>
40  <schema id="org.mate.Atril.Default" path="/org/mate/atril/default/" gettext-domain="atril">
41    <key name="show-toolbar" type="b">
42      <default>true</default>
43    </key>
44    <key name="show-sidebar" type="b">
45      <default>true</default>
46    </key>
47    <key name="window-ratio" type="(dd)">
48      <default>(0., 0.)</default>
49    </key>
50    <key name="sizing-mode" enum="org.mate.Atril.SizingMode">
51      <default>'fit-width'</default>
52    </key>
53    <key name="zoom" type="d">
54      <default>1.</default>
55    </key>
56    <key name="inverted-colors" type="b">
57      <default>false</default>
58    </key>
59    <key name="continuous" type="b">
60      <default>true</default>
61    </key>
62    <key name="dual-page" type="b">
63      <default>false</default>
64    </key>
65    <key name="dual-page-odd-left" type="b">
66      <default>false</default>
67    </key>
68    <key name="fullscreen" type="b">
69      <default>false</default>
70    </key>
71    <key name="sidebar-page" type="s">
72      <default>'links'</default>
73    </key>
74    <key name="sidebar-size" type="i">
75      <default>132</default>
76    </key>
77  </schema>