1 /*
2 Copyright (C) 2018-2021, Dirk Krause
3 SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
4 */
6 /*
7 	WARNING: This file was generated by the dkct program (see
8 	http://dktools.sourceforge.net/ for details).
9 	Changes you make here will be lost if dkct is run again!
10 	You should modify the original source and run dkct on it.
11 	Original source: dk4graa.ctr
12 */
15 /** Avoid multiple inclusions. */
16 #define DK4GRAA_H_INCLUDED 1
19 /**	@file	dk4graa.h	Graphics output (PS/EPS/PDF/PGF),  application support.
20 */
25 #include "dk4conf.h"
26 #else
27 #include <dktools-4/dk4conf.h>
28 #endif
29 #endif
31 #ifndef	DK4GRA_H_INCLUDED
33 #include <libdk4gra/dk4gra.h>
34 #else
35 #include <dktools-4/dk4gra.h>
36 #endif
37 #endif
39 #ifndef	DK4APP_H_INCLUDED
41 #include <libdk4app/dk4app.h>
42 #else
43 #include <dktools-4/dk4app.h>
44 #endif
45 #endif
48 #ifdef	__cplusplus
49 extern "C" {
50 #endif
52 /**	Open output structure to create a PDF file.
53 	@param	fn		File name for output file, NULL for standard output.
54 	@param	w		Image width in bp.
55 	@param	h		Image height in bp.
56 	@param	docfl	Document flag set.
57 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
58 	@return	Valid pointer to new structure on success, NULL on error.
59 */
61 dk4_gra_t *
62 dk4gra_app_open_pdf(
63 	const dkChar	*fn,
64 	size_t			 w,
65 	size_t			 h,
66 	int				 docfl,
67 	dk4_app_t		*app
68 );
71 /**	Open output structure to create a PS or EPS file.
72 	@param	fn		File name for output file, NULL for standard output.
73 	@param	w		Image width in bp.
74 	@param	h		Image height in bp.
75 	@param	docfl	Flag set, or combination of:
76 					- DK4_GRA_DOC_FLAG_PS2<br>
77 					  to produce PS level 2 instead of level 3,
78 					- DK4_GRA_DOC_FLAG_EPS<br>
79 					  to produce EPS instead of PS,
80 					- DK4_GRA_DOC_FLAG_PS_DSC<br>
81 					  to write document structuring comments.
82 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
83 	@return	Valid pointer to new structure on success, NULL on error.
84 */
86 dk4_gra_t *
87 dk4gra_app_open_ps(
88 	const dkChar	*fn,
89 	size_t			 w,
90 	size_t			 h,
91 	int				 docfl,
92 	dk4_app_t		*app
93 );
96 /**	Open output structure to create a PGF file.
97 	@param	fn		File name for output file, NULL for standard output.
98 	@param	w		Image width in bp.
99 	@param	h		Image height in bp.
100 	@param	docfl	Document flag set.
101 	@param	sa		Flag: Produce standalone TeX file.
102 	@param	app	Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
103 	@return	Valid pointer to new structure on success, NULL on error.
104 */
106 dk4_gra_t *
107 dk4gra_app_open_pgf(
108 	const dkChar	*fn,
109 	size_t			 w,
110 	size_t			 h,
111 	int				 docfl,
112 	int				 sa,
113 	dk4_app_t		*app
114 );
117 /**	Write output file and close output structure.
118 	@param	gra		Output structure.
119 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
120 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
121 */
123 void
124 dk4gra_app_write_and_close(
125 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
126 	int				*backptr,
127 	dk4_app_t		*app
128 );
131 /**	Write output file and close output structure.
132 	@param	fout	Output file already opened.
133 	@param	gra		Output structure.
134 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
135 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
136 */
137 void
138 dk4gra_app_write_file_and_close(
139 	FILE			*fout,
140 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
141 	int				*backptr,
142 	dk4_app_t		*app
143 );
146 /**	Set color space conversion context.
147 	@param	gra		Output structure.
148 	@param	ctx		Color space conversion context to copy.
149 	@param	backptr	Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
150 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
151 */
152 void
153 dk4gra_app_set_color_conversion(
154 	dk4_gra_t				*gra,
155 	dk4_cs_conv_ctx_t const	*ctx,
156 	int						*backptr,
157 	dk4_app_t				*app
158 );
161 /**	Start new page.
162 	Default flags are used for the page:
163 	- The clip path is set to the image dimensions.
164 	- Background is filled white.
165 	- For PDF the contents stream is compressed.
166 	To start a new page with different setup, use dk4gra_page_with_flags()
167 	instead and specify flags.
168 	@param	gra		Output structure.
169 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
170 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
171 */
173 void
174 dk4gra_app_page(
175 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
176 	int				*backptr,
177 	dk4_app_t		*app
178 );
181 /**	Start new page with non-default setup.
182 	@param	gra		Output structure.
183 	@param	flags	Or-combined flags:
184 					- DK4_GRA_PAGE_FLAG_NO_CLIP<br>
185 					  to avoid setting the clip path at start of page,
186 					- DK4_GRA_PAGE_FLAG_NO_BG<br>
187 					  to avoid white background filling,
189 					  to avoid compression of page content stream in PDF.
190 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
191 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
192 */
194 void
195 dk4gra_app_page_with_flags(
196 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
197 	int				 flags,
198 	int				*backptr,
199 	dk4_app_t		*app
200 );
203 /**	Set flag for simplified gsave/grestore handling.
204 	Set this flag, if you use gsave and grestore only when dealing
205 	with clip path for pattern filling.
206 	@param	gra	Output structure.
207 	@param	val	New flag value.
208 	@param	app	Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
209 */
210 void
211 dk4gra_app_set_gs_for_pattern_only(
212 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
213 	int				 val,
214 	dk4_app_t		*app
215 );
218 /**	Save current graphics state (especially clip path).
219 	@param	gra		Output structure.
220 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
221 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
222 */
224 void
225 dk4gra_app_gsave(
226 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
227 	int				*backptr,
228 	dk4_app_t		*app
229 );
232 /**	Restore graphics state (especially clip path).
233 	@param	gra		Output structure.
234 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
235 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
236 */
238 void
239 dk4gra_app_grestore(
240 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
241 	int				*backptr,
242 	dk4_app_t		*app
243 );
247 /**	Set line width.
248 	@param	gra		Output structure.
249 	@param	lw		Line width in bp.
250 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
251 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
252 */
254 void
255 dk4gra_app_set_line_width(
256 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
257 	double			 lw,
258 	int				*backptr,
259 	dk4_app_t		*app
260 );
263 /**	Set line style.
264 	@param	gra		Output structure.
265 	@param	ls		Line style.
266 	@param	sv		Style value (dash length in bp).
267 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
268 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
269 */
271 void
272 dk4gra_app_set_line_style(
273 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
274 	dk4_gra_ls_t	 ls,
275 	double			 sv,
276 	int				*backptr,
277 	dk4_app_t		*app
278 );
281 /**	Set line cap.
282 	@param	gra		Output structure.
283 	@param	lc		Line cap type.
284 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
285 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
286 */
288 void
289 dk4gra_app_set_line_cap(
290 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
291 	dk4_gra_lc_t	 lc,
292 	int				*backptr,
293 	dk4_app_t		*app
294 );
297 /**	Set line join.
298 	@param	gra		Output structure.
299 	@param	lj		Line join type.
300 	@param	ml		Miter limit, only used if lj is DK4_GRA_LJ_MITERED.
301 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
302 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
303 */
305 void
306 dk4gra_app_set_line_join(
307 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
308 	dk4_gra_lj_t	 lj,
309 	double			 ml,
310 	int				*backptr,
311 	dk4_app_t		*app
312 );
315 /**	Set fill color to gray.
316 	@param	gra		Output structure.
317 	@param	g		Gray value in interval 0 to 1.
318 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
319 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
320 */
322 void
323 dk4gra_app_set_fill_gray(
324 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
325 	double			 g,
326 	int				*backptr,
327 	dk4_app_t		*app
328 );
331 /**	Set fill color to RGB.
332 	@param	gra		Output structure.
333 	@param	r		Red value in interval 0 to 1.
334 	@param	g		Green value in interval 0 to 1.
335 	@param	b		Blue value in interval 0 to 1.
336 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
337 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
338 */
340 void
341 dk4gra_app_set_fill_rgb(
342 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
343 	double			 r,
344 	double			 g,
345 	double			 b,
346 	int				*backptr,
347 	dk4_app_t		*app
348 );
351 /**	Set fill color to CMYK.
352 	@param	gra		Output structure.
353 	@param	c		Cyan value in interval 0 to 1.
354 	@param	m		Magenta value in interval 0 to 1.
355 	@param	y		Yellow value in interval 0 to 1.
356 	@param	k		Black value in interval 0 to 1.
357 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
358 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
359 */
361 void
362 dk4gra_app_set_fill_cmyk(
363 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
364 	double			 c,
365 	double			 m,
366 	double			 y,
367 	double			 k,
368 	int				*backptr,
369 	dk4_app_t		*app
370 );
373 /**	Set stroke color to gray.
374 	@param	gra		Output structure.
375 	@param	g		Gray value in interval 0 to 1.
376 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
377 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
378 */
380 void
381 dk4gra_app_set_stroke_gray(
382 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
383 	double			 g,
384 	int				*backptr,
385 	dk4_app_t		*app
386 );
389 /**	Set stroke color to RGB.
390 	@param	gra		Output structure.
391 	@param	r		Red value in interval 0 to 1.
392 	@param	g		Green value in interval 0 to 1.
393 	@param	b		Blue value in interval 0 to 1.
394 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
395 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
396 */
398 void
399 dk4gra_app_set_stroke_rgb(
400 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
401 	double			 r,
402 	double			 g,
403 	double			 b,
404 	int				*backptr,
405 	dk4_app_t		*app
406 );
409 /**	Set stroke color to CMYK.
410 	@param	gra		Output structure.
411 	@param	c		Cyan value in interval 0 to 1.
412 	@param	m		Magenta value in interval 0 to 1.
413 	@param	y		Yellow value in interval 0 to 1.
414 	@param	k		Black value in interval 0 to 1.
415 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
416 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
417 */
419 void
420 dk4gra_app_set_stroke_cmyk(
421 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
422 	double			 c,
423 	double			 m,
424 	double			 y,
425 	double			 k,
426 	int				*backptr,
427 	dk4_app_t		*app
428 );
432 /**	Prepare output structure for a fill operation.
433 	Use this function before you start to construct a path you plan to fill.
434 	@param	gra		Output structure.
435 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
436 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
437 */
439 void
440 dk4gra_app_prepare_fill(
441 	dk4_gra_t	*gra,
442 	int			*backptr,
443 	dk4_app_t	*app
444 );
447 /**	Prepare output structure for a stroke operation.
448 	Use this function before you start to construct a path you plan to stroke.
449 	@param	gra		Output structure.
450 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
451 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
452 */
454 void
455 dk4gra_app_prepare_stroke(
456 	dk4_gra_t	*gra,
457 	int			*backptr,
458 	dk4_app_t	*app
459 );
462 /**	Prepare output structure for a combined fill and stroke operation.
463 	Use this function before you start to construct a path you plan to
464 	fill and stroke.
465 	@param	gra		Output structure.
466 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
467 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
468 */
470 void
471 dk4gra_app_prepare_fill_and_stroke(
472 	dk4_gra_t	*gra,
473 	int			*backptr,
474 	dk4_app_t	*app
475 );
479 /**	Fill current path.
480 	Note: Use dk4gra_prepare_fill() before you start to construct a path
481 	you plan to fill.
482 	The value of the even-odd-rule flag is used to choose either
483 	even-odd-rule or nonzero-winding-rule, the dk4gra_set_eorule() function
484 	can be used to set the flag.
485 	@param	gra		Output structure.
486 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
487 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
488 */
490 void
491 dk4gra_app_fill(
492 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
493 	int				*backptr,
494 	dk4_app_t		*app
495 );
498 /**	Stroke current path.
499 	Note: Use dk4gra_app_prepare_stroke() before you start to construct a path
500 	you plan to stroke.
501 	@param	gra		Output structure.
502 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
503 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
504 */
506 void
507 dk4gra_app_stroke(
508 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
509 	int				*backptr,
510 	dk4_app_t		*app
511 );
514 /**	Fill and stroke current path.
515 	Note: Use dk4gra_app_prepare_fill_and_stroke() before you start to construct
516 	a path you plan to fill and stroke.
517 	The value of the even-odd-rule flag is used to choose either
518 	even-odd-rule or nonzero-winding-rule, the dk4gra_app_set_eorule() function
519 	can be used to set the flag.
520 	@param	gra		Output structure.
521 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
522 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
523 */
525 void
526 dk4gra_app_fill_and_stroke(
527 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
528 	int				*backptr,
529 	dk4_app_t		*app
530 );
533 /**	Use current path for clipping.
534 	The value of the even-odd-rule flag is used to choose either
535 	even-odd-rule or nonzero-winding-rule, the dk4gra_app_set_eorule() function
536 	can be used to set the flag.
537 	@param	gra		Output structure.
538 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
539 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
540 */
542 void
543 dk4gra_app_clip(
544 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
545 	int				*backptr,
546 	dk4_app_t		*app
547 );
550 /**	Pattern a region (clipping should be set to the path).
551 	@param	gra		Output structure.
552 	@param	xl		Left y coordinate.
553 	@param	xr		Right x coordinate.
554 	@param	yb		Bottom y coordinate.
555 	@param	yt		Top y coordinate.
556 	@param	pn		Pattern number.
557 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
558 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
559 */
561 void
562 dk4gra_app_pattern(
563 	dk4_gra_t			*gra,
564 	double				 xl,
565 	double				 xr,
566 	double				 yb,
567 	double				 yt,
568 	dk4_gra_pattern_t	 pn,
569 	int					*backptr,
570 	dk4_app_t			*app
571 );
575 /**	Start a new path and move to first point.
576 	@param	gra		Output structure.
577 	@param	x		X coordinate of start point.
578 	@param	y		Y coordinate of start point.
579 	@param	bbptr	Bounding box, may be NULL.
580 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
581 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
582 */
584 void
585 dk4gra_app_newpath_moveto(
586 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
587 	double			 x,
588 	double			 y,
589 	dk4_bb_t		*bbptr,
590 	int				*backptr,
591 	dk4_app_t		*app
592 );
595 /**	Add line from current point to new point to path.
596 	@param	gra		Output structure.
597 	@param	x		X coordinate of new point.
598 	@param	y		Y coordinate of new point.
599 	@param	bbptr	Bounding box, may be NULL.
600 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
601 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
602 */
604 void
605 dk4gra_app_lineto(
606 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
607 	double			 x,
608 	double			 y,
609 	dk4_bb_t		*bbptr,
610 	int				*backptr,
611 	dk4_app_t		*app
612 );
615 /**	Add Bezier curve segment from current point to new point in path.
616 	@param	gra		Output structure.
617 	@param	xc1		X coordinate of first control point.
618 	@param	yc1		Y coordinate of first control point.
619 	@param	xc2		X coordinate of second control point.
620 	@param	yc2		Y coordinate of second control point.
621 	@param	x		X coordinate of new point.
622 	@param	y		Y coordinate of new point.
623 	@param	bbptr	Bounding box, may be NULL.
624 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
625 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
626 */
628 void
629 dk4gra_app_curveto(
630 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
631 	double			 xc1,
632 	double			 yc1,
633 	double			 xc2,
634 	double			 yc2,
635 	double			 x,
636 	double			 y,
637 	dk4_bb_t		*bbptr,
638 	int				*backptr,
639 	dk4_app_t		*app
640 );
643 /**	Close current path.
644 	@param	gra		Output structure.
645 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
646 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
647 */
649 void
650 dk4gra_app_closepath(
651 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
652 	int				*backptr,
653 	dk4_app_t		*app
654 );
657 /**	Create path for a circle.
658 	@param	gra		Output structure.
659 	@param	xc		Center point x coordinate.
660 	@param	yc		Center point y coordinate.
661 	@param	r		Radius.
662 	@param	bbptr	Bounding box, may be NULL.
663 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
664 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
665 */
667 void
668 dk4gra_app_circle(
669 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
670 	double			 xc,
671 	double			 yc,
672 	double			 r,
673 	dk4_bb_t		*bbptr,
674 	int				*backptr,
675 	dk4_app_t		*app
676 );
679 /**	Create path for rectangle parallel to axes, optionally with
680 	rounded corners.
681 	@param	gra		Output structure.
682 	@param	xl		Left x coordinate.
683 	@param	xr		Right x coordinate.
684 	@param	yb		Bottom y coordinate.
685 	@param	yt		Top y coordinate.
686 	@param	r		Corner radius, maximum is a half of the smaller side length.
687 					Use negative values to avoid rounded corners.
688 	@param	bbptr	Bounding box, may be NULL.
689 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
690 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
691 */
693 void
694 dk4gra_app_rectangle(
695 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
696 	double			 xl,
697 	double			 xr,
698 	double			 yb,
699 	double			 yt,
700 	double			 r,
701 	dk4_bb_t		*bbptr,
702 	int				*backptr,
703 	dk4_app_t		*app
704 );
707 /**	Add path for an arc.
708 	@param	gra		Output structure.
709 	@param	xc		Center point x coordinate.
710 	@param	yc		Center point y coordinate.
711 	@param	ra		Radius.
712 	@param	start	Start angle in degree.
713 	@param	end		End angle in degree.
714 	@param	cl		Flag: Draw closed arc (piece of cake) instead of simple arc.
715 	@param	bbptr	Bounding box, may be NULL.
716 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
717 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
718 */
720 void
721 dk4gra_app_arc(
722 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
723 	double			 xc,
724 	double			 yc,
725 	double			 ra,
726 	double			 start,
727 	double			 end,
728 	int				 cl,
729 	dk4_bb_t		*bbptr,
730 	int				*backptr,
731 	dk4_app_t		*app
732 );
735 /**	Create path for an ellipse.
736 	@param	gra		Output structure.
737 	@param	xc		Center point x coordinate.
738 	@param	yc		Center point y coordinate.
739 	@param	rx		Radius in x direction.
740 	@param	ry		Radius in y direction.
741 	@param	rot		Rotation counterclockwise in degree.
742 	@param	bbptr	Bounding box, may be NULL.
743 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
744 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
745 */
747 void
748 dk4gra_app_ellipse(
749 	dk4_gra_t		*gra,
750 	double			 xc,
751 	double			 yc,
752 	double			 rx,
753 	double			 ry,
754 	double			 rot,
755 	dk4_bb_t		*bbptr,
756 	int				*backptr,
757 	dk4_app_t		*app
758 );
761 /**	Add simple (non-special) text to PGF graphics.
762 	The text is shown in the current fill color (non-stroking color)
763 	unless colspec is used to specify a color.
764 	@param	gra		Output structure, must be initialized for PGF.
765 	@param	x		X coordinate.
766 	@param	y		Y coordinate.
767 	@param	rot		Rotation counterclockwise in degree.
768 	@param	txt		Text to show.
769 	@param	colspec	Color specification, may be NULL to use fill color.
770 	@param	ie		Text encoding, only used for char text.
771 	@param	ha		Horizontal alignment.
772 	@param	va		Vertical alignment.
773 	@param	fno		Font number.
774 	@param	fsz		Font size in pt.
775 	@param	fex		Flag: Use exact font (1) or similar font (0).
776 	@param	uc2l	UC to LaTeX conversion structure.
777 	@param	flags	Text flags DK4_GRA_TEXT_FLAG_xxx, can be or-combined.
778 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
779 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
780 */
782 void
783 dk4gra_app_pgf_simple_text(
784 	dk4_gra_t			*gra,
785 	double				 x,
786 	double				 y,
787 	double				 rot,
788 	const dkChar		*txt,
789 	const char			*colspec,
790 	int					 ie,
791 	dk4_text_align_h_t	 ha,
792 	dk4_text_align_v_t	 va,
793 	int					 fno,
794 	double				 fsz,
795 	dk4_gra_tf_t		 fex,
796 	dk4_uc2l_t			*uc2l,
797 	int					 flags,
798 	int					*backptr,
799 	dk4_app_t			*app
800 );
803 /**	Add special text to PGF graphics.
804 	The text is shown in the current fill color (non-stroking color)
805 	unless colspec is used to specify a color.
806 	@param	gra		Output structure, must be initialized for PGF.
807 	@param	x		X coordinate.
808 	@param	y		Y coordinate.
809 	@param	rot		Rotation counterclockwise in degree.
810 	@param	txt		Text to show.
811 	@param	colspec	Color specification, may be NULL.
812 	@param	ha		Horizontal alignment.
813 	@param	va		Vertical alignment.
814 	@param	fno		Font number.
815 	@param	fsz		Font size in pt.
816 	@param	fex		Flag: Use exact font.
817 	@param	flags	Text flags DK4_GRA_TEXT_FLAG_xxx, can be or-combined.
818 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
819 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
820 */
822 void
823 dk4gra_app_pgf_special_text(
824 	dk4_gra_t			*gra,
825 	double				 x,
826 	double				 y,
827 	double				 rot,
828 	const char			*txt,
829 	const char			*colspec,
830 	dk4_text_align_h_t	 ha,
831 	dk4_text_align_v_t	 va,
832 	int					 fno,
833 	double				 fsz,
834 	dk4_gra_tf_t		 fex,
835 	int					 flags,
836 	int					*backptr,
837 	dk4_app_t			*app
838 );
841 /**	Add bitmap image with coordinate transformations already calculated.
842 	@param	gra		Output structure.
843 	@param	cotra	Array containing coordinate transformations.
844 	@param	bif		Bitmap image file.
845 	@param	fn		Image file name.
846 	@param	fno		Frame number. The frame number given here is used
847 	by the PDF output driver only. You must call
848 	dk4bif_set_current_frame() on the bitmap image file before calling
849 	this function.
850 	@param	ifl		Image flags.
851 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
852 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
853 */
855 void
856 dk4gra_app_bif_cotra_image(
857 	dk4_gra_t			*gra,
858 	double				*cotra,
859 	dk4_bif_t			*bif,
860 	const dkChar		*fn,
861 	size_t				 fno,
862 	int					 ifl,
863 	int					*backptr,
864 	dk4_app_t			*app
865 );
868 /**	Add bitmap image XFig style.
869 	@param	gra		Output structure.
870 	@param	xl		Left x coordinate.
871 	@param	xr		Right x coordinate.
872 	@param	yb		Bottom y coordinate.
873 	@param	yt		Top y coordinate.
874 	@param	bif		Bitmap image file.
875 	@param	fn		Image file name.
876 	@param	fno		Frame number (0 for first frame).
877 	@param	pos		Image positioning:
878 	- 0 not rotated, not flipped,
879 	- 1 rotated 90 degree counterclockwise, not flipped,
880 	- 2 rotated 180 degree counterclockwise, not flipped,
881 	- 3 rotated 270 degree counterclockwise, not flipped,
882 	- 4 not rotated, flipped,
883 	- 5 rotated 90 degree counterclockwise, flipped,
884 	- 6 rotated 180 degree counterclockwise, flipped,
885 	- 7 rotated 270 degree counterclockwise, flipped.
886 	@param	ifl		Image flags.
887 	@param	bbptr	Bounding box, may be NULL.
888 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
889 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
890 */
892 void
893 dk4gra_app_bif_fig_image(
894 	dk4_gra_t			*gra,
895 	double				 xl,
896 	double				 xr,
897 	double				 yb,
898 	double				 yt,
899 	dk4_bif_t			*bif,
900 	const dkChar		*fn,
901 	size_t				 fno,
902 	int					 pos,
903 	int					 ifl,
904 	dk4_bb_t			*bbptr,
905 	int					*backptr,
906 	dk4_app_t			*app
907 );
910 /**	Add bitmap image.
911 	@param	gra		Output structure.
912 	@param	xl		Left x coordinate.
913 	@param	xr		Right x coordinate.
914 	@param	yb		Bottom y coordinate.
915 	@param	yt		Top y coordinate.
916 	@param	bif		Bitmap image file data.
917 	@param	fn		Image file name.
918 	@param	fno		Frame number (0 for first frame).
919 	@param	ifl		Image flags.
920 	@param	bbptr	Bounding box, may be NULL.
921 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
922 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
923 */
925 void
926 dk4gra_app_bif_image(
927 	dk4_gra_t			*gra,
928 	double				 xl,
929 	double				 xr,
930 	double				 yb,
931 	double				 yt,
932 	dk4_bif_t			*bif,
933 	const dkChar		*fn,
934 	size_t				 fno,
935 	int					 ifl,
936 	dk4_bb_t			*bbptr,
937 	int					*backptr,
938 	dk4_app_t			*app
939 );
942 /**	Add bitmap image.
943 	@param	gra		Output structure.
944 	@param	xl		Left x coordinate.
945 	@param	xr		Right x coordinate.
946 	@param	yb		Bottom y coordinate.
947 	@param	yt		Top y coordinate.
948 	@param	fn		Image file name.
949 	@param	fno		Frame number (0 for first frame).
950 	@param	ctx		Bitmap image conversion context, may be NULL.
951 	@param	ifl		Image flags.
952 	@param	bbptr	Bounding box, may be NULL.
953 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
954 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
955 */
957 void
958 dk4gra_app_image(
959 	dk4_gra_t			*gra,
960 	double				 xl,
961 	double				 xr,
962 	double				 yb,
963 	double				 yt,
964 	const dkChar		*fn,
965 	size_t				 fno,
966 	dk4_cs_conv_ctx_t	*ctx,
967 	int					 ifl,
968 	dk4_bb_t			*bbptr,
969 	int					*backptr,
970 	dk4_app_t			*app
971 );
974 /**	Add bitmap image XFig style.
975 	@param	gra		Output structure.
976 	@param	xl		Left x coordinate.
977 	@param	xr		Right x coordinate.
978 	@param	yb		Bottom y coordinate.
979 	@param	yt		Top y coordinate.
980 	@param	fn		Image file name.
981 	@param	fno		Frame number (0 for first frame).
982 	@param	ctx		Bitmap image conversion context, may be NULL.
983 	@param	pos		Image positioning:
984 	- 0 not rotated, not flipped,
985 	- 1 rotated 90 degree counterclockwise, not flipped,
986 	- 2 rotated 180 degree counterclockwise, not flipped,
987 	- 3 rotated 270 degree counterclockwise, not flipped,
988 	- 4 not rotated, flipped,
989 	- 5 rotated 90 degree counterclockwise, flipped,
990 	- 6 rotated 180 degree counterclockwise, flipped,
991 	- 7 rotated 270 degree counterclockwise, flipped.
992 	@param	ifl		Image flags.
993 	@param	bbptr	Bounding box, may be NULL.
994 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on errors.
995 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
996 */
998 void
999 dk4gra_app_fig_image(
1000 	dk4_gra_t			*gra,
1001 	double				 xl,
1002 	double				 xr,
1003 	double				 yb,
1004 	double				 yt,
1005 	const dkChar		*fn,
1006 	size_t				 fno,
1007 	dk4_cs_conv_ctx_t	*ctx,
1008 	int					 pos,
1009 	int					 ifl,
1010 	dk4_bb_t			*bbptr,
1011 	int					*backptr,
1012 	dk4_app_t			*app
1013 );
1016 /**	Set the font size for the documentclass line.
1017 	@param	gra		Output structure, must be initialized for PGF.
1018 	@param	fs		Font size in pt.
1019 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on error.
1020 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
1021 */
1023 void
1024 dk4gra_app_pgf_doc_font_size(
1025 	dk4_gra_t			*gra,
1026 	double				 fs,
1027 	int					*backptr,
1028 	dk4_app_t			*app
1029 );
1032 /**	Add a preamble line.
1033 	For font setup and package setup the lines added by this function
1034 	replace the default contents.
1035 	For other setup the lines added by this function are appended
1036 	after the default contents.
1037 	@param	gra		Output structure, must be initialized for PGF.
1038 	@param	line	Line text without trailing newline.
1039 	@param	tp		Line type: DK4_GRA_PREAMBLE_FONT, DK4_GRA_PREAMBLE_PACKAGE,
1040 					or DK4_GRA_PREAMBLE_OTHER.
1041 	@param	backptr	Address of success variable to reset on error.
1042 	@param	app		Application structure for diagnostics, may be NULL.
1043 */
1045 void
1046 dk4gra_app_pgf_doc_preamble_line(
1047 	dk4_gra_t	*gra,
1048 	const char	*line,
1049 	int			 tp,
1050 	int			*backptr,
1051 	dk4_app_t	*app
1052 );
1055 #ifdef	__cplusplus
1056 }
1057 #endif
1059 /* vim: set ai sw=4 ts=4 : */
1061 #endif