1#provide "g.save"
3///Section: g
5///Intro: specifies how to save a {type(Window)} to file.
6// A {type(.)} object contains information on how to save a {type(Window)}
7// object to file or to another {type(Window)} object. The actual saving occurs
8// when {type(Save)} is passed to a parent window. For example, in
9// ``Figure[..., Save["filename.png"]]``, the figure
10// (which is drawn in what is replaced by ``...``) is saved to the file
11// ``"filename.png"``. This is the simplest way to save a figure and uses the
12// default resolution and pixel depth (argb, 32 bits). To provide explicitly
13// the resolution or the pixel depth, you should pass a target window.
14// For example, ``Save["filename.png", Window["rgb24", Dpi[200]]]`` specifies
15// that the parent window should be saved using 24 bits of depth (no alpha
16// channel) and resolution of 200 DPI (dips per inch).
17Save = ++(Window window, Str filename
18          Int have_filename, have_window)
20(.[)@Save[.have_filename = 0, .have_window = 0]
22///Intro: provide the name of the file.
23Str@Save[.filename = $, .have_filename = 1]
25///Intro: provide a window where to save the image.
26Window@Save[.window = $, .have_window = 1]
28///Intro: save the parent {type(Window)} object as specified in the
29// {type(Save)} object.
30// For example, ``Figure[..., Save["filename.png"]]`` saves
32  $$.Save[[If[$.have_filename], $.filename]
33          [If[$.have_window], $.window]]