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2<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/team-charls/charls/master/doc/jpeg_ls_logo.png" alt="JPEG-LS Logo" width="100"/>
4# CharLS
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12CharLS is a C++ implementation of the JPEG-LS standard for lossless and near-lossless image compression and decompression.
13JPEG-LS is a low-complexity image compression standard that matches JPEG 2000 compression ratios.
15## Features
17* C++14 library implementation with a binary C interface for maximum interoperability.
18* Supports Windows, Linux and macOS on x86, x64, arm, arm64 and ppc64le.
19* Adapters for .NET, JavaScript (WebAssembly) and Python applications available.
20* Excellent compression and decompression performance.
22## About JPEG-LS
24JPEG-LS (ISO/IEC 14495-1:1999 / ITU-T.87) is an image compression standard derived from the Hewlett Packard LOCO algorithm. JPEG-LS has low complexity (meaning fast compression) and high compression ratios, similar to the JPEG 2000 lossless ratios. JPEG-LS is more similar to the old Lossless JPEG than to JPEG 2000, but interestingly the two different techniques result in vastly different performance characteristics.
25Wikipedia on lossless JPEG and JPEG-LS: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lossless_JPEG>
26Tip: the ITU makes their version of the JPEG-LS standard (ITU-T.87) freely available for download, the text is identical with the ISO version.
28## About this software
30This project's goal is to provide a full implementation of the ISO/IEC 14495-1:1999, "Lossless and near-lossless compression of continuous-tone still images: Baseline" standard. This library is written from scratch in portable C++. The master branch uses modern C++14. The 1.x branch is maintained in C++03. All mainstream JPEG-LS features are implemented by this library.
31According to preliminary test results published on <http://imagecompression.info/gralic,> CharLS is about *twice as fast* as the original HP code, and beats both JPEG-XR and JPEG 2000 by a factor 3.
33### Limitations
35The following JPEG-LS options are not supported by the CharLS implementation. Most of these options are rarely used in practice.
37* No support for JPEG restart markers (RST).
38  Restart markers make it possible to recover from corrupted JPEG files, but are seldom used for data recovery scenarios.
39* No support for sub-sampled scans.
40  Sub-sampling is a lossly encoding mechanism and not used in lossless scenarios.
41* No support for multi component frames with mixed component counts in a single scan.
42  While technical possible all known JPEG-LS codecs put multi-component (color) images in a single scan
43  or in multiple scans, but not use a mix of these in one file.
44* No support for oversize image dimension. Maximum supported image dimensions are [1, 65535] by [1, 65535].
45* No support for JPEG-LS mapping tables.
46* No support for point transform.
47  Point transform is a lossly encoding mechanism and not used in lossless scenarios.
49#### Note about JPEG-LS part 2
51After releasing the original baseline JPEG-LS standard ISO 14495-1:1999, ISO released an extension to the JPEG-LS standard called ISO/IEC 14495-2:2003: "Lossless and near-lossless compression of continuous-tone still images: Extensions". Currently CharLS doesn't support these extensions.
53## Supported platforms
55The code is regularly compiled/tested on Windows and 64 bit Linux. Additionally, the code has been successfully tested on Linux Intel/AMD 32/64 bit (slackware, debian, gentoo), Solaris SPARC systems, Intel based Macs and Windows CE (ARM CPU, emulated), where the less common compilers may require minor code edits. It leverages C++ language features (templates, traits) to create optimized code, which generally perform best with recent compilers. If you compile with GCC, 64 bit code performs substantially better.
57## Getting Started
59With [vcpkg](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg) on Windows
62PS> vcpkg install charls charls:x64-windows
65With [vcpkg](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg) on Linux or macOS
68~/$ ./vcpkg install charls
71For other platforms, more install options, how to build from source, and more, take a look at the [Documentation](https://github.com/team-charls/charls/wiki).
73Once you have the library, the sample folder provides some code samples to get you started.
75## Release Management
77This repository is provided as source code, and specifically does not offer binary releases. Instead, it is encouraged to either “live at head” (build from the latest version of or, if necessary, build against a known, supported branch, known as a Long Term Support (LTS) branch.
78Support for older compiler versions will be phased out, 5 years from the moment that a newer version of that compiler has become available. The same applies to the minimal required C++ language version.
80### Long Term Support (LTS) Branches
82Before any major breaking change in the API and/or ABI a branch will be created from master to freeze that snapshot as LTS branch.
84## Related Projects
86* [CharLS.Native .NET](https://github.com/team-charls/charls-native-dotnet) - a .NET 5.0 adapter assembly for CharLS
87* [JPEG-LS WIC codec](https://github.com/team-charls/jpegls-wic-codec) - Windows Imaging Component (WIC) codec for JPEG-LS .jls files
88* [charls-js](https://github.com/chafey/charls-js) - WebAssembly build of CharLS, [Demo](https://chafey.github.io/charls-js/test/browser/index.html)
90## Users & Acknowledgements
92CharLS is being used by [GDCM DICOM toolkit](http://sourceforge.net/projects/gdcm/), thanks for [Mathieu Malaterre](http://sourceforge.net/users/malat) for getting CharLS started on Linux. Kato Kanryu wrote an initial version of the color transforms and the DIB output format code, for an [irfanview](http://www.irfanview.com) plugin using CharLS.
94## Legal
96The code in this project is available through a BSD style license, allowing use of the code in commercial closed source applications if you wish. **All** the code in this project is written from scratch, and not based on other JPEG-LS implementations. Be aware that Hewlett Packard claims to own patents that apply to JPEG-LS implementations, but they license it for free for conformant JPEG-LS implementations. Some of these patents may already have expired in your country. Read more at <http://www.hpl.hp.com/loco/> before you use this if you use this code for commercial purposes.