1<%-- $HeadURL: svn+ssh://jwilden@svn.wald.intevation.org/deegree/apps/services-template/trunk/web/deegree_navi.jsp $ --%>
2<%-- $Id: deegree_navi.jsp 30791 2011-05-12 09:19:19Z jwilden $ --%>
3<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>
4<%@ page import="org.deegree.framework.version.*" %>
6    String igeoportal = application.getInitParameter("igeoportal");
7    String serviceList = (String) application.getAttribute( "deegree_ogc_services" );
8    String title = application.getServletContextName();
9    if ( title == null ){
10        title = "deegree 2";
11    }
13    // it may be difficult to find this out dynamically
14    String servicesName = "services";
16    String docPath = "http://download.deegree.org/deegree" + Version.getVersionNumber() + "/docs";
19    <head>
20        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
21        <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0" />
22        <title>deegree</title>
23        <link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/deegree.css" />
24    </head>
25    <body>
26        <table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
27            <tr>
28                <th>deegree Web&nbsp;Application</th>
29            </tr>
30            <tr>
31                <td class="menu">
32                <% if ( serviceList.contains( "WMS" ) && !serviceList.contains( "WPVS" ) ) { %>
33                    <a href="wms.jsp" target="_top">WMS example requests &amp; clients</a><br />
34                <% }
35                   if (serviceList.contains( "WMPS" ) ) { %>
36                   <a href="wmps.jsp" target="_top">WMPS example requests &amp; client</a><br />
37                <% }
38                    if (serviceList.contains( "WFS" ) ) { %>
39                    <a href="wfs.jsp" target="_top">WFS example requests &amp; client</a><br />
40                <% }
41                    if (serviceList.contains( "WCS" ) ) { %>
42                    <a href="wcs.jsp" target="_top">WCS example requests &amp; client</a><br />
43                <% }
44                    if (serviceList.contains( "CSW" ) ) { %>
45                    <a href="csw.jsp" target="_top">CSW example requests &amp; clients</a><br />
46                <% }
47                    if (serviceList.contains( "WPS" ) ) { %>
48                    <a href="wps.jsp" target="_top">WPS example requests &amp; clients</a><br />
49               <% }
50                    if (serviceList.contains( "WSS" ) ) { %>
51                    <a href="wss.jsp" target="_top">WSS example requests &amp; clients</a><br />
52                <% }
53                    if (serviceList.contains( "WAS" ) ) { %>
54                    <a href="was.jsp" target="_top">WAS example requests &amp; clients</a><br />
55                <% }
56                    if (serviceList.contains( "WPVS" ) ) { %>
57                    <a href="wpvs.jsp" target="_top">WPVS example requests &amp; clients</a><br />
58                <% }
59                    if ( "true".equals( igeoportal ) ) { %>
60                    <a href="igeoportal-std" target="_blank">deegree iGeoPortal</a>
61                <% } %>
62                </td>
63            </tr>
64        </table>
65        <br />
66        <table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
67            <tr>
68                <th>Documentation online</th>
69            </tr>
70            <tr>
71                <td class="menu">
72                <% if ( serviceList.contains( "WMS" ) && !serviceList.contains( "WPVS" ) ) { %>
73                    <strong>WMS</strong><br />
74                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/wms/deegree_wms_documentation_en.pdf" target="_blank">deegree WMS</a> [PDF]<br />
75                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/wms/deegree_charts_documentation_en.pdf" target="_blank">deegree Charts</a> [PDF]<br />
76                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/wms/README.txt" target="main">readme</a> [TXT]<br />
77                <% }
78                    if (serviceList.contains( "WMPS" ) ) { %>
79                    <strong>WMPS</strong><br />
80                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/wmps/deegree_wmps_documentation_en.pdf" target="_blank">deegree WMPS</a> [PDF]<br />
81                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/wmps/README.txt" target="main">readme</a> [TXT]<br />
82                <% }
83                    if (serviceList.contains( "WFS" ) ) { %>
84                    <strong>WFS</strong><br />
85                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/wfs/deegree_wfs_documentation_en.pdf" target="_blank">deegree WFS</a> [PDF]<br />
86                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/wfs/README.txt" target="main">readme</a> [TXT]<br />
87                <% }
88                    if (serviceList.contains( "WCS" ) ) { %>
89                    <strong>WCS</strong><br />
90                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/wcs/deegree_wcs_documentation_en.pdf" target="_blank">deegree WCS</a> [PDF]<br />
91                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/wcs/README.txt" target="main">readme</a> [TXT]<br />
92                <% }
93                    if (serviceList.contains( "CSW" ) ) { %>
94                    <strong>CSW</strong><br />
95                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/csw/deegree_csw_2.0.2_documentation_en.pdf" target="_blank">deegree CSW</a> [PDF]<br />
96                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/catalogueManager/deegree_catalogueManager_documentation_de.pdf" target="_blank">deegree catalogueManager (german)</a> [PDF]<br />
97                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/csw/README.txt" target="main">readme</a> [TXT]<br />
98                <% }
99                    if (serviceList.contains( "WPS" ) ) { %>
100                    <strong>WPS</strong><br />
101                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/wps/deegree_wps_documentation_en.pdf" target="_blank">deegree WPS</a> [PDF]<br />
102                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/wps/README.txt" target="main">readme</a> [TXT]<br />
103               <% }
104                    if (serviceList.contains( "WSS" ) ) { %>
105                    <strong>WSS</strong><br />
106                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/wss/deegree_wss_documentation_en.pdf" target="_blank">deegree WSS</a> [PDF]<br />
107                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/wss/README.txt" target="main">readme</a> [TXT]<br />
108                <% }
109                    if (serviceList.contains( "WAS" ) ) { %>
110                    <strong>WAS</strong><br />
111                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/wss/deegree_was_documentation_en.pdf" target="_blank">deegree WAS</a> [PDF]<br />
112                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/wss/README.txt" target="main">readme</a> [TXT]<br />
113                <% }
114                    if (serviceList.contains( "WPVS" ) ) { %>
115                    <strong>WPVS</strong><br />
116                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/wpvs/deegree_wpvs_documentation_en.pdf" target="_blank">deegree WPVS</a> [PDF]<br />
117                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/wpvs/README.txt" target="main">readme</a> [TXT]<br />
118                <% }
119                    if ( "true".equals( igeoportal ) ) { %>
120                    <strong>iGeoPortal</strong><br />
121                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/igeoportal/deegree_igeoportal_documentation_en.pdf" target="_blank">deegree iGeoPortal</a> [PDF]<br />
122                    <a href="<%=docPath%>/igeoportal/README.txt" target="main">readme</a> [TXT]
123                <% } %>
124                </td>
125            </tr>
126        </table>
127        <br/>
128        <table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
129            <tr>
130                <th>deegree online</th>
131            </tr>
132            <tr>
133                <td class="menu">
134                    <a href="http://deegree.org/" target="_blank">Home&nbsp;Page</a>
135                    <br />
136                    <a href="http://wiki.deegree.org" target="_blank">Wiki</a>
137                    <br />
138                    <a href="http://demo.deegree.org" target="_blank">Demo Installation</a>
139                    <br />
140                    <a href="http://wald.intevation.org/tracker/?group_id=27" target="_blank">Issue Tracker</a>
141                    <br />
142                    <a href="https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/deegree-users" target="_blank">Users&nbsp;Mailing&nbsp;List</a>
143                    <br />
144                    <a href="https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/deegree-devel" target="_blank">Developers&nbsp;Mailing&nbsp;List</a>
145                </td>
146            </tr>
147        </table>
148    </body>