1digiKam 7.2.0 - Release date: 2021-03-22
6General       : Add ccache support to speed-up compilations.
7General       : New Online version checker/downloader, with release notes viewer and option to install automatically new version under macOS and Windows.
8General       : MacOS PKG installer is now compatible with Apple BigSur.
9General       : MacOS bundle is now fully relocatable.
10General       : Check and fix source codes with Clazy static analyzer.
11General       : All bundles updated to last KF5 framework version 5.78.
12General       : All bundles updated to last OpenCV version 4.4.0.
13General       : Add a static QCollator class for fast item sorting.
14AdvancedSearch: Add search for empty title, caption, author or creator fields.
15AdvancedSearch: Add search for a month or the day of a month.
16AdvancedSearch: Add option to search tags in tree.
17Database      : Change database scheme under MySQL from TagsTree VIEW to TABLE with triggers.
18FaceManagement: Improve users experience in GUI for face workflow while tagging and manage faces.
19FaceManagement: Add face engine clustering support for detection and recognition processes.
20FaceManagement: Remove face engine data files from sources and bundles and add a file downloader.
21RawEngine     : Update internal Libraw to last 0.21.0:
22                Camera format support:
23                   Lossy compressed CR3 files
24                   Lossy compressed RAF files
25                   Uncompressed floating point DNG files (16-24-32 bit)
26                   Deflate compressed striped DNG files
27                   XMP and HEIF-preview extraction from CR3 files
28                Camera model support:
29                   Apple iPhone 12 Max, iPhone 12 Max Pro
30                   Canon EOS R5, EOS R6, EOS 850D, EOS-1D X Mark III (lossy compressed files)
31                   FujiFilm X-S10
32                   Hasselblad CFV II 50C",
33                   Leica M10-R, Q2 Monochrom, S3, SL2-S
34                   Nikon Z 5, Z 6 II, Z 7 II
35                   Olympus E-M10 Mark IV
36                   Panasonic DC-G100 / G110, DC-S5
37                   Sony ILCE-7C (A7C), ILCE-7SM3 (A7S III)
38                   Zeiss ZX1
39                   Plus multiple DNG-recording cameraphones/drones/etc.
44001 ==> 415565 - Show face as icon for each person in the People panel.
45002 ==> 415604 - Allow changing a face tag from a person to another.
46003 ==> 392023 - Add "Ignored" group of faces.
47004 ==> 423114 - Deleted Faces don't re-appear in Face Scan with "Skip Images already Scanned".
48005 ==> 384485 - Face Regions are deleted when unconfirmed face suggestion is rejected by user.
49006 ==> 384396 - Display faces sorted by similarity (pre-grouped) instead of album/time/.
50007 ==> 415782 - Face recognition "favors" people with few images: missing faces clustering.
51008 ==> 416630 - Use N nearest neighbor search.
52009 ==> 415895 - DNN Face recognition not working well on a picture.
53010 ==> 344800 - SQLITE : when moving an album to another location tags are lost (NFS storage).
54011 ==> 426186 - Lots of error messages from ItemAlbumModel.
55012 ==> 426185 - digiKam starts more slowly than previous version.
56013 ==> 390226 - Never import current collection.
57014 ==> 426373 - Can't get Adjust Date & Time to work.
58015 ==> 415867 - Face recognition -> after manual tagging -> no detection.
59016 ==> 293697 - Crashes on Remove Red Eyes.
60017 ==> 323253 - When face tag scanning, digikam exhausts all memory on computer.
61018 ==> 409146 - Name not applied to RegionInfo when the region was added by iOS.
62019 ==> 268191 - Allow building without FacesEngine.
63020 ==> 392024 - Feature request: group similar faces in "Unknown" faces.
64021 ==> 409788 - Sort-by/group by detected person (in Unconfirmed-View).
65022 ==> 414653 - Ranking option in people recognition.
66023 ==> 415878 - Sort "Unconfirmed" images by face name / or group them.
67024 ==> 417390 - In "unconfirmed" and "unknown" can be grouped by similar faces.
68025 ==> 421985 - Difficult to use face recognition.
69026 ==> 415786 - Option to ignore group of images from face detection.
70027 ==> 415880 - Add a way to easily correct a face name.
71028 ==> 418757 - Ability to Ignore a face region.
72029 ==> 419047 - Closing Face Tag Delete Dialog Box still ends up deleting face tag.
73030 ==> 423387 - Add Button to instanlty set face tag as Unknown.
74031 ==> 261319 - digiKam crash at startup with "signal: Illegal instruction" (SIGILL)
75032 ==> 420257 - Empty secondary window sometimes appear when using digiKam.
76033 ==> 406591 - Error in SDL2.dll.
77034 ==> 135374 - Rename image files: add the possibility of "Find and replace".
78035 ==> 336307 - Photos from Samsung S2 disappear after rename.
79036 ==> 244559 - Crash when renaming files in batch process.
80037 ==> 249148 - digiKam crashed when rename files.
81038 ==> 252557 - Batch rename files caused crashed.
82039 ==> 255830 - Crash while renaming files using German Umlauts
83040 ==> 256314 - Crash when renaming jpegs.
84041 ==> 257099 - Crash when leaving Rename dialog if several files selected.
85042 ==> 257788 - Renaming multiple files crashes.
86043 ==> 258045 - digiKam crashes, related with the rename of several photographs.
87044 ==> 264019 - Crash by multi rename.
88045 ==> 267211 - digiKam crashes after batch renaming more than two files.
89046 ==> 211426 - Rename collision dialog notifies that files aren't on local computer.
90047 ==> 237805 - File rename using metadata fails when using file conversion tool in Batch queue manager.
91048 ==> 251768 - digiKam custom file renaming options are ignored when importing from camera.
92049 ==> 318363 - Bad performance of file renames (thumbnail recreation?).
93050 ==> 414081 - Renaming not working as expected in digiKam 6.4.
94051 ==> 420691 - digiKam stopped responding and required new setup.
95052 ==> 257677 - Crash when I renane files.
96053 ==> 109517 - Photo Tag's & Comment's are lost when ablum's are rearranged or renamed.
97054 ==> 091161 - Batch processing - rename problems.
98055 ==> 374783 - Window location is not restored correctly after restart.
99056 ==> 413884 - digiKam does not remember last window position and size on startup.
100057 ==> 132691 - Pressing the Supr button should display a warning message to prevent to delete photos.
101058 ==> 197449 - digiKam crashes after deleting a bunch of images.
102059 ==> 199096 - Deleting files in a folder being viewed by digiKam seemed to crash it.
103060 ==> 208635 - Next picture after delete.
104061 ==> 246488 - digiKam crashes if i click on a deleted file.
105062 ==> 293692 - digiKam Crash.
106063 ==> 282510 - digiKam crashed when changing selection while images are being deleted.
107064 ==> 286065 - digiKam crash when I delete a photograph.
108065 ==> 104009 - Photo stays in album when moved to another album.
109066 ==> 114189 - Add an option where i can set the "picture create permissions".
110067 ==> 246174 - digiKam dies when "doing file -> new".
111068 ==> 247090 - "New" problem.
112069 ==> 377422 - Main window got stuck in Full Screen mode - Cinnamon DE.
113070 ==> 426346 - People display is garbled.
114071 ==> 426356 - Poor video performance in Flatpak images.
115072 ==> 426332 - Confirmed Face Tags Turned To Unconfirmed.
116073 ==> 132631 - digiKam does not restore main window size.
117074 ==> 425238 - Abnormally large icons.
118075 ==> 292902 - After choosing a dark theme the album view still with a white background and unreadable yellow or white font.
119076 ==> 229043 - digiKam dark designs are not redable.
120077 ==> 426575 - The album shows the contents of sub folders before the main folders.
121078 ==> 426635 - Healing Clone Tool missing from (Image Editor) Enhance Menu.
122079 ==> 087106 - Advancedslideshow : option to pause, go back or forward, and quit/resume.
123080 ==> 095592 - Slideshow fills both screens in dual head setup.
124081 ==> 114510 - In Dates view and Searches view, advancedslideshow does not work when the option "Show all images in current album" is checked.
125082 ==> 116611 - Add xscreensaver-style panning-zooming crossfade effect.
126083 ==> 125693 - User comments should appear in the slideshow.
127084 ==> 129375 - I don't want to use timer functionality for slideshow, change to next picture when key/mouse is pressed.
128085 ==> 426699 - "Ignored" faces category should not be positioned alphabetically, but on top of the list.
129086 ==> 372380 - Support for MediaWiki tool?
130087 ==> 417788 - Can't import a video file in an album.
131088 ==> 426218 - Pictures from old collection still in database after removing it.
132089 ==> 426597 - Stack underflow crash in Digikam::DImg::load().
133090 ==> 159788 - Picture zoomed in "full screen modus".
134091 ==> 176699 - Picture not shown, digiKam, error displaying pictures, just thumbails.
135092 ==> 193265 - The application suddenly crashes when I try to open a preview of a photo.
136093 ==> 170340 - Embed view does not work; I can not see an image.
137094 ==> 175326 - View photo displays blank image.
138095 ==> 172730 - Preview only, but no photo details shown at all.
139096 ==> 256161 - Another crash while navigating/deleting photos quickly.
140097 ==> 296653 - Selecting a range of photos when in preview mode is buggy.
141098 ==> 231570 - digiKam crashes when opening the full size preview with a very large panorama picture.
142099 ==> 240250 - Crash in previewer.
143100 ==> 320333 - digiKam crashed while changing to the next photo in photo preview view.
144101 ==> 330645 - digiKam crashed whilst advancing from one photo to the next in preview.
145102 ==> 251932 - digiKam crash.
146103 ==> 300843 - Just a random crash, just browsing photos.
147104 ==> 256898 - digiKam crashed while browsing Photos.
148105 ==> 338164 - Crash when switching from camera preview to folder on system.
149106 ==> 426862 - Keyboard shortcut "delete" not working.
150107 ==> 426481 - Face recognition feels like a regression from 6.4.
151108 ==> 426479 - Slideshow: Show lens name in properties overlay.
152109 ==> 426884 - Geolocation Editor discards changes without warning.
153110 ==> 426659 - Thumbnails for tagged faces not useful.
154111 ==> 426422 - digiKam won't work.
155112 ==> 426912 - digikam-7.1.0-x86-64.appimage fails to start on CentOS 8.
156113 ==> 426996 - Write geolocation to EXIF.
157114 ==> 416470 - Suggestion: Make Album TreeView more explorer like.
158115 ==> 426888 - digiKam crashes shortly after I attempt to start it.
159116 ==> 427041 - Geolocation information not being saved to the metadata.
160117 ==> 427056 - digiKam seg faults building thumbnail from gigabyte PNG.
161118 ==> 427112 - Modify the geolocation : Legends of the screen menus incorrect.
162119 ==> 427173 - When clicking on the parent folder that has multiple subfolder with the images, nothing is shown.
163120 ==> 427079 - Error "internal server is not used and is not active".
164121 ==> 426175 - Segmentation fault while Faces detection.
165122 ==> 423632 - Segfault when scanning faces.
166123 ==> 425723 - digiKam crashes after a while when detecting faces using multiple CPU cores.
167124 ==> 425063 - Detect Faces crashes the App.
168125 ==> 425230 - Crash when scanning for faces.
169126 ==> 425698 - digiKam face detection crash under Linux.
170127 ==> 420411 - digiKam Crash on detect faces 7.0.0 beta3 debug build.
171128 ==> 425972 - Scan for face: crash under Windows during Album scan with multicore.
172129 ==> 425904 - digiKam crash while scanning faces.
173130 ==> 418939 - Crash in metadata engine when search faces.
174131 ==> 426236 - Crashed when running face detection.
175132 ==> 422735 - Segment fault after first 'scan collection for faces'.
176133 ==> 425096 - Crash Unsupported JPEG process: SOF type 0xc8.
177134 ==> 425702 - digiKam crashes under Linux when detecting faces.
178135 ==> 425703 - digiKam crashes (again) under Linux while detecting faces.
179136 ==> 184469 - Red eyes doesn't work here.
180137 ==> 174683 - Crashes when try to correct red eye.
181138 ==> 425439 - App crashes during the maintenance process with face recognition. stacktrace and log included.
182139 ==> 426331 - The file digikam.exe contains no icons.
183140 ==> 426333 - Icons Not Set for digiKam and Showfoto.
184141 ==> 426717 - digikam.exe & showfoto.exe: no application-specific icons shown on Windows 10 after upgrade to 7.1.0.
185142 ==> 427468 - Duplicate subalbums on Windows 10 (format YYYY\MM).
186143 ==> 427385 - digiKam git build fail.
187144 ==> 427555 - Allow selecting single picture, which fills complete screen which can be panned and zoomed.
188145 ==> 427662 - HiDPI Settings Not Working in Digikam 7.1.0.
189146 ==> 396086 - Changing elements order takes near 5 minutes in a folder with 50 images.
190147 ==> 424691 - Thumbnails not showing for face tags [patch].
191148 ==> 427863 - Dragging a folder onto albums tree view sidebar will import with name of parent folder.
192149 ==> 427899 - Search (and Timeline, and ...) should offer a way to go to the album of the currently selected image.
193150 ==> 427907 - Person name appears in tool tip and also search and also people listing but is shown as unknown in the photo.
194151 ==> 428435 - Duration Column not showing any value.
195152 ==> 388899 - Assigning color labels from right side menu is different than over context menu.
196153 ==> 428427 - Some metadata (tags, captions) not applying to grouped images.
197154 ==> 424437 - Batch deleting duplicates.
198155 ==> 428558 - With batch workflow lens correction doesn't use metadata.
199156 ==> 428472 - digiKam doesn't come up as it can't update db schema from 9 to 10.
200157 ==> 428578 - The filename extension is used for sorting the filename.
201158 ==> 428733 - Import window always keeps last image.
202159 ==> 428723 - Wish - 'copy to' function with right click on thumbnail.
203160 ==> 427067 - Albums doesn't show thumbnails; timeline only shows 1 folder.
204161 ==> 427031 - Reverse image search.
205162 ==> 426480 - Remove unused lenses from database.
206163 ==> 373839 - Continuously face thumbnails flicker/update.
207164 ==> 426208 - Thumbnails constantly refreshing on Mac version.
208165 ==> 422138 - Select other Languages is out.
209166 ==> 428924 - Group of *.MP4 files that have disappeared from digiKam. Database problem?
210167 ==> 428638 - 7.2.0 beta1: sorting of images in thumbnail view - german environment and UI.
211168 ==> 429021 - Wrong image rotation when extracting face thumbs.
212169 ==> 426309 - Support face detection back ends that require larger data sets.
213170 ==> 420128 - Poor result of face detection (7.0.0. beta2).
214171 ==> 415559 - Standard Face Detection does not work on LowRes pictures.
215172 ==> 429221 - digiKam Editor White Balance Effect Shadows Slider Not Working.
216173 ==> 429118 - Changing the keywords of DNG files do not really change the file - the changes are not saved in the DNG.
217174 ==> 429055 - Storing tags to files does not work.
218175 ==> 429310 - Tagging regression with last digiKam git versions.
219176 ==> 375062 - digiKam does not remember sort direction in Date-View.
220177 ==> 429335 - digikam 7.2.0-beta2 (18.11.2020) crashes after assigning name to unknown face.
221178 ==> 429362 - Please make qtwebengine dependency optional.
222179 ==> 429232 - digiKam Does not open - Happens also on a fresh Manjaro Linux install with BTRFS as file system.
223180 ==> 429261 - Malformed characters in EXIF Artist field.
224181 ==> 429346 - Rotating and cropping: Concentration of the cropping frame on the real image area.
225182 ==> 406723 - Tags are not synced.
226183 ==> 429471 - User is prompted to remove face tags from images when image count is zero 0.
227184 ==> 429551 - Many Tags Stored in Photos are not Inserted into digiKam's tag list When Photos are Read.
228185 ==> 429664 - Windows file rename change case only fails badly.
229186 ==> 429625 - Under Import, Add images and Add Folders options are not available.
230187 ==> 429715 - When importing with the rename function, 'import selected' does not import files.
231188 ==> 427107 - Geolocation data not written in jpeg files in v7.1.0.
232189 ==> 429783 - Geolocation information lost on export and no EXIF tags generated in .JPG.
233190 ==> 429787 - Delete Unassigned Tags: show list of the unassigned tags before deleting them,
234191 ==> 429820 - Radio buttons vs. checkboxes for Tags Matching Condition "OR/AND" chooser.
235192 ==> 429820 - Checkboxes should be radio buttons in Tags Matching Condition "OR/AND" chooser.
236193 ==> 429827 - Clarify parent when creating new album (UI shows a mismatch).
237194 ==> 429931 - Small Typo on web page.
238195 ==> 429995 - Unexpected Media Server listening on *:8200 - Should have been informed / given the option during 1st run setup.
239196 ==> 430056 - Rotating a photo confirms its unconfirmed face tags.
240197 ==> 430094 - Crash when opening configure dialog.
241198 ==> 430103 - Move gallery trash.
242199 ==> 430132 - Some vertical videos are rotated sideways in preview player.
243200 ==> 430147 - Search and escaping of database wildcard characters in filenames.
244201 ==> 430134 - Face tags lost and captions mis-transferred after digiKam automatically renames a conflicting filename.
245202 ==> 430189 - Can't login because I have no rights to access the Database.
246203 ==> 430179 - Thumbnails sort order.
247204 ==> 425746 - No thumbnails when importing photos from camera.
248205 ==> 429116 - System crash under macOS 11 install. Does not load.
249206 ==> 430451 - Building Fingerprint abruptly stops.
250207 ==> 430427 - PSD files cannot be viewed. Thumbnails are OK.
251208 ==> 430566 - Make DK_PLUGIN_PATH allow multiple paths.
252209 ==> 429103 - digiKam 7.1.0 does not start up, when using macos big sur.
253210 ==> 372487 - BQM says there are unprocessed items even though it completed successfully and all images were processed.
254211 ==> 430664 - How to access a database and files from another computer in LAN.
255212 ==> 430684 - Renaming mp4 files - metadata fields have no values.
256213 ==> 430589 - Want to disable face detection extra download on Mac version.
257214 ==> 383096 - digiKam crash, maintenance related?
258215 ==> 430762 - Change icon size for people keywords.
259216 ==> 430337 - Failed to create a new people tag.
260217 ==> 430250 - Provide filetype-based filter for running face detection.
261218 ==> 423386 - Unconfirmed face detections treated as confirmed.
262219 ==> 397229 - Facetags are not well displayed in the facetag list for one person.
263220 ==> 430810 - Cannot found Slideshow settings dialog page.
264221 ==> 376891 - digiKam becomes unusable with many Metatags.
265222 ==> 417399 - Wishlist: button to hide confirmed faces for a person.
266223 ==> 279667 - Face thumbnails from people tags does not support drag and drop.
267224 ==> 430818 - In Batch Queue Manager, the "Run" command, execute always the first queue.
268225 ==> 426860 - digiKam not entirely behaving as app on MacOS.
269226 ==> 430903 - Do not enlarge smaller photos.
270227 ==> 417088 - AppImage with QWebEngine does not start.
271228 ==> 427533 - Appimage fails to launch.
272229 ==> 424664 - digiKam 7.0 crash when opening geolocation tool.
273230 ==> 424617 - The digiKam appimage crashes on starting.
274231 ==> 430923 - EXIF viewer settings not updating EXIF Metadata view.
275232 ==> 430876 - Rename images without changing any properties.
276233 ==> 430995 - No video preview or thumbnails for any video content.
277234 ==> 431013 - Not all databases will be saved when using the --database-directory option.
278235 ==> 415617 - Color management profile path uses previous appimage mount point.
279236 ==> 430986 - Setting up Eudora email app.
280237 ==> 430949 - digiKam-7.2.0-beta2 (macOS (DMG)) breaks existing local MySQL/MariaDB instances on upgrade.
281238 ==> 430985 - New beta release doesn´t start.
282239 ==> 430996 - Yolo v3 causes application to crash with 32 bits version.
283240 ==> 431108 - Online Handbook... Launches Irrelevant Documentation.
284241 ==> 431095 - Make "scan for new items" collection sensitive.
285242 ==> 431117 - Selected GPX File Colour Is Grayed Out When Selected.
286243 ==> 431070 - Filetype .wmf can't be displayed.
287244 ==> 431081 - Exif data is completely lost for some pictures after detect faces / recognize faces.
288245 ==> 431119 - Move Map To First Point In Selected GPX Track.
289246 ==> 431047 - Missing icons in the map view.
290247 ==> 431162 - Change Name of Auto Correction to "Lens Auto-Correction".
291248 ==> 431003 - Running status of digikam not reflected in MacOS task bar.
292249 ==> 431102 - Windows install does not have an icon for digiKam.
293250 ==> 424727 - "Failed to connect to camera" error with iPhone 6s.
294251 ==> 380323 - Apply ratings with keyboard shortcuts.
295252 ==> 426997 - Automatic upgrading.
296253 ==> 429792 - Face tag name completion with arrow keys fails.
297254 ==> 430671 - Add a Face Tag: default action for Enter key should be the highlighted tag.
298255 ==> 431188 - Add a Face Tag: Keyboard navigation to select from autocomplete dropdown doesn't work.
299256 ==> 431357 - Face attribution doesn't get the name selected in the contextual menu.
300257 ==> 431355 - There is no button to add Tag to picture.
301258 ==> 297291 - Allow to quick edit metadata using keyboard shortcuts.
302259 ==> 431369 - Lens search uses only exact match (as I see).
303260 ==> 431400 - "Find duplicates" Without Selecting An Album Locks Up Duplicates Feature.
304261 ==> 431403 - Cannot Drag and Drop When Using Similarity.
305262 ==> 431470 - Wrong keystroke behavior while editing face tag.
306263 ==> 237010 - Remove __DATE__ and __TIME__ from code.
307264 ==> 431614 - Tags are not written to secondary pictures if grouped by name.
308265 ==> 431598 - digiKam-7.2.0-rc (14.01.2021) crashes while getting "Help > List of Detected Hardware".
309266 ==> 431660 - BQM stores output files one directory level above actual target.
310267 ==> 216412 - Show warning message before album deletion when directories containing files which are not shown by digiKam.
311268 ==> 431150 - Thumbs for faces created from .DNG images are not shown.
312269 ==> 431658 - digiKam git trash issue.
313270 ==> 269424 - Rebuild all thumbnails misses people (faces) thumbnails.
314271 ==> 431808 - Program icon not visible.
315272 ==> 144177 - In Caption/Tags sidebar, new Tags inherit the image of their parents.
316273 ==> 421043 - Faces Detection crashes digiKam.
317274 ==> 427333 - Face detection crashes due to pure virtual method call in LoadingCache.
318275 ==> 429307 - Crash with face detection under Windows.
319276 ==> 427380 - Crashes when running face detection.
320277 ==> 431907 - Authentication to Google fails with "This browser or app may not be secure".
321278 ==> 431964 - Face tags are not read correctly on certain images with more than one Microsoft People Tags XMP metadata.
322279 ==> 431831 - How much data gets sent to digikam.org for face recognition.
323280 ==> 432066 - Preview does not update when changing the photo using the keyboard in geolocation editor.
324281 ==> 432048 - XMP People/Face tags with no associated regions are ignored by digiKam (Person Shown, MWG Face name, MS People Tag).
325282 ==> 432069 - Please add the map settings also to the menu.
326283 ==> 424805 - digiKam crashes when opening preview of items from a specific album.
327284 ==> 431775 - Compiling with ccache issue.
328285 ==> 432074 - digiKam's appimage failed to launch on ArchLinux.
329286 ==> 432312 - Detect Faces crashes when .xcf file encountered.
330287 ==> 432428 - Quick search by image name in current album.
331288 ==> 432522 - digiKam 7.2.0-b2 on macOS 11 with remote mysql - failed to update DB schema.
332289 ==> 432494 - Advanced search album does not search subfolders nothing.
333290 ==> 432568 - Provisional tags are not displayed until another change is made.
334291 ==> 431354 - Inconsistent behavior when adding Tags/Keywords.
335292 ==> 430922 - Crashes without notification.
336293 ==> 431366 - Translation incomplete, conversion to DE not possible. Language selection is missing.
337294 ==> 425404 - digikam crash when making a maintenance.
338295 ==> 426733 - Renaming with tags in subtree fails.
339296 ==> 428938 - Entire program closes unexpectedly.
340297 ==> 430702 - Lost the UI while process is still working.
341298 ==> 430921 - Cannot add Edit Metadata filter to toolbar DigiKam 7.1.0.
342299 ==> 432480 - Crash when trying to Import from Google Photos.
343300 ==> 339355 - for each access to a google service we must have a distinct authorization.
344301 ==> 432619 - Batch Queue Manager does not use original album as target.
345302 ==> 124788 - Allow to turn off Presentation tool delay [patch].
346303 ==> 432646 - digiKam 7.2.0-rc crashes on startup (beta2 didn't).
347304 ==> 432613 - Face detection scan all album, not only the selected ones.
348305 ==> 432764 - Face detection (!) with few results.
349306 ==> 431721 - The string "Filters" needs to be disambiguated between image/search context.
350307 ==> 432823 - Metadata Panel does not display XMP structs instead displays type="Bag".
351308 ==> 293335 - GPX file without time stamps reports no datapoints.
352309 ==> 432531 - After running DB maintenance digiKam won't start can't connect to DB then crashes.
353310 ==> 432878 - Rendering Intents options cannot be translated in Color Management Configuration page.
354311 ==> 432732 - Wish: Support wildcards in text filter.
355312 ==> 398376 - UI problems making face management very hard.
356313 ==> 384614 - Digikam redeye does not work on some images.
357314 ==> 390487 - Open in File Manager function enhancement.
358315 ==> 401941 - Beta3 / beta2 launches but hangs... Now fear for DB!
359316 ==> 400941 - Crash with segmentation fault when writing a large amount of metadata to images.
360317 ==> 341510 - Imported GPX Files generate an error when GPX-File contains 'unusual' tags.
361318 ==> 432789 - Imported Pictures (RAW, CR3, Canon M6 Mark II) doesn´t have the rigth Rotation.
362319 ==> 432957 - Some tags appear beneath "People" parent tag in People view/panel.
363320 ==> 430761 - Windows digikam.exe application icon missing.
364321 ==> 433060 - Inconsistency between metadata displayed and metadata taken in account to rename.
365322 ==> 433183 - Migrate from "MySQL Server" database corrupts face/people metadata.
366323 ==> 433172 - Files do not disappear if cut.
367324 ==> 433264 - Patch for missing QPainterPath in qtavcodecs.cpp.
368325 ==> 431951 - UI lockup for upwards of 15 seconds while just scrolling album views and selecting images.
369326 ==> 432257 - Spinning Pinwheel Scrolling through Thumbnails.
370327 ==> 433350 - 'reread metadata from file' don't clean up ImageProperties table if the related fields don't exist anymore in the file.
371328 ==> 433311 - New or modified root album folders are always placed into local collections (= Type No 1 in table album roots).
372329 ==> 183103 - Allow to change Presentation tool delay on the fly [patch].
373330 ==> 433331 - Display Thumbnails greater than 9080 missing with removable disk Off line (Ok On Line).
374331 ==> 424051 - Please add search for images without captions.
375332 ==> 433653 - Please Add xattr support for metadata.
376333 ==> 431748 - Feature Request: Search by month/day independent of year.
377334 ==> 433573 - View - Separate Item - By Month : View by month only (not month year).
378335 ==> 433727 - Does not show exif info from Panasonic FZ30 RAW file, inspite on Editor mode it's ok.
379336 ==> 433423 - 'byline' into xmp panel editor is called 'creator' into Advanced Search.
380337 ==> 433753 - Hang / crash when program is loading.
381338 ==> 433852 - digiKam.metaengine: Cannot load metadata from file Error # 11: The file contains data of an unknown image type.
382339 ==> 433850 - Not able to delete any tags.
383340 ==> 433822 - digiKam doesn't read extended (xattr) attributes.
384341 ==> 418274 - Improve Thumbnail transparency.
385342 ==> 433984 - digiKam does not save tags as hierarchical tags in Extended Attributes.
386343 ==> 434017 - Gone are the metadata embedded in the jpg file of some photos.
387344 ==> 434049 - Faulty logic in "updateZoomAndSize", zoom level changed after preview image changed [patch].
388345 ==> 434060 - digiKam doesn't drop deleted tags from Extended Attributes.
389346 ==> 434092 - Disappeared for some time file menu, changes etc.
390347 ==> 434103 - Window position on startup.
391348 ==> 430865 - digiKam Full screen restart with top left corner in the middle screen.
392349 ==> 195555 - Add a new option to use a constant scrolling speed with Kenburns effect [patch].
393350 ==> 338034 - SETUP : Individual databases for each "collection".
394351 ==> 434275 - Row height determined by number of tags even if they are not visible.
395352 ==> 434302 - Sub-folders not selected when parent folder is selected.
396353 ==> 376690 - Irritating behavior of list when moving images.
397354 ==> 434112 - digiKam-7.2* crashes at first start after install while starting main view.
398355 ==> 432760 - New items for people entries without seeing the mentioned photos.
399356 ==> 434423 - digiKam displaying incorrect lens info in 'Properties - Photograph Properties'.
400357 ==> 434446 - "Set point" shortcut removed in ImageEditor in digikam version 6.4.0.
401358 ==> 433997 - digiKam does not open.
402359 ==> 434299 - No entries in Imagemagick Loader when in Appimage.
403360 ==> 434574 - F4 to play video on external VLC player crashes VLC.
404361 ==> 434594 - Copy of jpeg file with empty caption (but caption in sidecar) shows caption.
405362 ==> 434566 - Application crashes C:\Program Files\digiKam\plugins\digikam\dimg\DImg_QImage_Plugin.dll.
406363 ==> 434714 - digiKam-7.2.0-20210320T221224 breaks digiKam launch on macOS 10.14.6 Mojave.
407364 ==> 434716 - Serious Problems while rotating multiple Images with Synch Services (QMAP, Synology, etc.).