1 #pragma once
2 // Copyleft 2005 Chris Korda
3 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
4 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
5 // Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version.
6 /*
7         chris korda
9 		revision history:
10 		rev		date	comments
11         00      10may05	initial version
12 		01		05may06	add CreateSurface wrapper
14         DirectDraw back buffer for off-screen drawing
16 */
17 #include "base.h"
18 #include "rect.h"
19 #include "vector4.h"
20 #include "wobject.h"
21 #include <ddraw.h>
22 #include <queue>
24 class CBackBufDD
25 {
26 public:
27 	enum {
28 		OPT_AUTO_MEMORY		= 0x01,	// automatically decide back buffer location;
29 									// otherwise OPT_USE_VIDEO_MEM sets location
30 		OPT_USE_VIDEO_MEM	= 0x02,	// if specified, create back buffer in video
31 									// memory, else create it in system memory;
32 									// ignored if OPT_AUTO_MEMORY is specified
33 		OPT_MIRROR_PRECISE	= 0x04	// make mirroring more precise at the expense
34 									// of mirroring to an intermediate back buffer
35 	};
36 	CBackBufDD();
37 	~CBackBufDD();
38 	BOOL	Create(HWND Main, HWND View, GUID *Driver = NULL, bool Exclusive = FALSE);
39 	void	Destroy();
40 	void	DeleteSurface();
41 	bool	CreateSurface(int Width, int Height);
42 	void	DrawQuad(const Base::Math::CRect &_rect, const Base::Math::CVector4 &_color, const Base::Math::CRect &_uvrect );
43 	void	SetContexts(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 _tex, int _SrcWidth, int _SrcHeight);
45 	HRESULT	ReleaseDC(HDC hDC);
46 	bool	Blt();
47 	HRESULT	GetLastError() const;
48 	LPCSTR	GetLastErrorString() const;
49 	bool	IsCreated() const;
50 	void	SetMirror(bool Enable);
51 	bool	IsMirrored() const;
52 	void	SetOptions(int Options);
53 	int		GetOptions() const;
54 	bool	SetExclusive(HWND Main, HWND View, bool Enable);
55 	SIZE	GetSize() const;
56 	bool	IsExclusive() const;
57 	bool	IsSurface() const;
58 	static	HMONITOR	GetFullScreenRect(HWND hWnd, RECT& rc);
59 	static	bool	GetMonitorGUID(HMONITOR hMon, GUID& MonGuid);
60 	static	LPCSTR	GetErrorString(HRESULT hr);
63 private:
64 	typedef	struct tagERRTRAN {
65 		HRESULT	Code;
66 		LPCSTR	Text;
67 	} ERRTRAN;
68 	typedef struct tagMONGUID {
69 		HMONITOR	Mon;
70 		GUID		Guid;
71 		BOOL		Valid;
72 	} MONGUID;
73 	static	const	ERRTRAN	m_ErrTran[];	// map DirectDraw error codes to text
74 	LPDIRECTDRAW7	m_dd;			// pointer to DirectDraw instance
75 	LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7	m_Front;	// pointer to front buffer
76 	LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7	m_Back;		// pointer to back buffer surface
77 	LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7	m_Mirror;	// pointer to mirroring buffer
78 	LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7	m_DrawBuf;	// pointer to buffer we draw to
79     LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER	m_Clipper;	// pointer to clipper
80 	HWND	m_Main;				// top-level owner
81 	HWND	m_View;				// window to clip to
82 	HRESULT	m_hr;				// most recent DirectDraw result code
83 	int		m_Width;			// width of window, in client coords
84 	int		m_Height;			// height of window, in client coords
85 	bool	m_IsMirrored;		// true if we're mirroring
86 	bool	m_IsExclusive;		// true if we're in full-screen exclusive mode
87 	int		m_Options;			// display options; see enum above
89 	std::queue<LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7>	m_Tex;
90 	std::queue<int>		m_SrcWidth;
91 	std::queue<int>		m_SrcHeight;
92 	bool	m_ContextsUsed;
93 	WINDOWPLACEMENT	m_PreExcl;	// window placement before exclusive mode
95 	static	BOOL WINAPI DDEnumCallbackEx(GUID FAR *lpGUID, LPTSTR lpDriverDescription,
96 		LPTSTR lpDriverName, LPVOID lpContext, HMONITOR hm);
97 };