1 // dear imgui, v1.61 WIP
2 // (drawing and font code)
4 // Contains implementation for
5 // - Default styles
6 // - ImDrawList
7 // - ImDrawData
8 // - ImFontAtlas
9 // - ImFont
10 // - Default font data
12 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)
14 #endif
16 #include "imgui.h"
18 #include "imgui_internal.h"
20 #include <stdio.h>      // vsnprintf, sscanf, printf
21 #if !defined(alloca)
22 #ifdef _WIN32
23 #include <malloc.h>     // alloca
24 #if !defined(alloca)
25 #define alloca _alloca  // for clang with MS Codegen
26 #endif
27 #elif defined(__GLIBC__) || defined(__sun)
28 #include <alloca.h>     // alloca
29 #else
30 #include <stdlib.h>     // alloca
31 #endif
32 #endif
34 #ifdef _MSC_VER
35 #pragma warning (disable: 4505) // unreferenced local function has been removed (stb stuff)
36 #pragma warning (disable: 4996) // 'This function or variable may be unsafe': strcpy, strdup, sprintf, vsnprintf, sscanf, fopen
37 #endif
39 #if defined(__clang__) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
40 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wold-style-cast"         // warning : use of old-style cast                              // yes, they are more terse.
41 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"            // warning : comparing floating point with == or != is unsafe   // storing and comparing against same constants ok.
42 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wglobal-constructors"    // warning : declaration requires a global destructor           // similar to above, not sure what the exact difference it.
43 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wsign-conversion"        // warning : implicit conversion changes signedness             //
44 #if __has_warning("-Wcomma")
45 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wcomma"                  // warning : possible misuse of comma operator here             //
46 #endif
47 #if __has_warning("-Wreserved-id-macro")
48 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreserved-id-macro"      // warning : macro name is a reserved identifier                //
49 #endif
50 #if __has_warning("-Wdouble-promotion")
51 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdouble-promotion"       // warning: implicit conversion from 'float' to 'double' when passing argument to function
52 #endif
53 #elif defined(__GNUC__)
54 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"          // warning: 'xxxx' defined but not used
55 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdouble-promotion"         // warning: implicit conversion from 'float' to 'double' when passing argument to function
56 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"               // warning: conversion to 'xxxx' from 'xxxx' may alter its value
57 #endif
59 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
60 // STB libraries implementation
61 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 // Compile time options:
64 //#define IMGUI_STB_NAMESPACE           ImGuiStb
65 //#define IMGUI_STB_TRUETYPE_FILENAME   "my_folder/stb_truetype.h"
66 //#define IMGUI_STB_RECT_PACK_FILENAME  "my_folder/stb_rect_pack.h"
72 {
73 #endif
75 #ifdef _MSC_VER
76 #pragma warning (push)
77 #pragma warning (disable: 4456)                             // declaration of 'xx' hides previous local declaration
78 #endif
80 #if defined(__clang__) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
81 #pragma clang diagnostic push
82 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
83 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-prototypes"
84 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wimplicit-fallthrough"
85 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-qual"              // warning : cast from 'const xxxx *' to 'xxx *' drops const qualifier //
86 #endif
88 #ifdef __GNUC__
89 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
90 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wtype-limits"              // warning: comparison is always true due to limited range of data type [-Wtype-limits]
91 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-qual"                // warning: cast from type 'const xxxx *' to type 'xxxx *' casts away qualifiers
92 #endif
95 #define STBRP_STATIC
96 #define STBRP_ASSERT(x)    IM_ASSERT(x)
98 #endif
101 #else
102 #include "stb_rect_pack.h"
103 #endif
106 #define STBTT_malloc(x,u)  ((void)(u), ImGui::MemAlloc(x))
107 #define STBTT_free(x,u)    ((void)(u), ImGui::MemFree(x))
108 #define STBTT_assert(x)    IM_ASSERT(x)
109 #define STBTT_STATIC
111 #else
112 #define STBTT_DEF extern
113 #endif
116 #else
117 #include "stb_truetype.h"
118 #endif
120 #ifdef __GNUC__
121 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
122 #endif
124 #if defined(__clang__) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
125 #pragma clang diagnostic pop
126 #endif
128 #ifdef _MSC_VER
129 #pragma warning (pop)
130 #endif
133 } // namespace ImGuiStb
134 using namespace IMGUI_STB_NAMESPACE;
135 #endif
137 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
138 // Style functions
139 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
StyleColorsDark(ImGuiStyle * dst)141 void ImGui::StyleColorsDark(ImGuiStyle* dst)
142 {
143     ImGuiStyle* style = dst ? dst : &ImGui::GetStyle();
144     ImVec4* colors = style->Colors;
146     colors[ImGuiCol_Text]                   = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f);
147     colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled]           = ImVec4(0.50f, 0.50f, 0.50f, 1.00f);
148     colors[ImGuiCol_WindowBg]               = ImVec4(0.06f, 0.06f, 0.06f, 0.94f);
149     colors[ImGuiCol_ChildBg]                = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 0.00f);
150     colors[ImGuiCol_PopupBg]                = ImVec4(0.08f, 0.08f, 0.08f, 0.94f);
151     colors[ImGuiCol_Border]                 = ImVec4(0.43f, 0.43f, 0.50f, 0.50f);
152     colors[ImGuiCol_BorderShadow]           = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f);
153     colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBg]                = ImVec4(0.16f, 0.29f, 0.48f, 0.54f);
154     colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgHovered]         = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.40f);
155     colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgActive]          = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.67f);
156     colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBg]                = ImVec4(0.04f, 0.04f, 0.04f, 1.00f);
157     colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgActive]          = ImVec4(0.16f, 0.29f, 0.48f, 1.00f);
158     colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgCollapsed]       = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.51f);
159     colors[ImGuiCol_MenuBarBg]              = ImVec4(0.14f, 0.14f, 0.14f, 1.00f);
160     colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarBg]            = ImVec4(0.02f, 0.02f, 0.02f, 0.53f);
161     colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrab]          = ImVec4(0.31f, 0.31f, 0.31f, 1.00f);
162     colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabHovered]   = ImVec4(0.41f, 0.41f, 0.41f, 1.00f);
163     colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabActive]    = ImVec4(0.51f, 0.51f, 0.51f, 1.00f);
164     colors[ImGuiCol_CheckMark]              = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 1.00f);
165     colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrab]             = ImVec4(0.24f, 0.52f, 0.88f, 1.00f);
166     colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrabActive]       = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 1.00f);
167     colors[ImGuiCol_Button]                 = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.40f);
168     colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered]          = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 1.00f);
169     colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive]           = ImVec4(0.06f, 0.53f, 0.98f, 1.00f);
170     colors[ImGuiCol_Header]                 = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.31f);
171     colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderHovered]          = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.80f);
172     colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderActive]           = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 1.00f);
173     colors[ImGuiCol_Separator]              = colors[ImGuiCol_Border];
174     colors[ImGuiCol_SeparatorHovered]       = ImVec4(0.10f, 0.40f, 0.75f, 0.78f);
175     colors[ImGuiCol_SeparatorActive]        = ImVec4(0.10f, 0.40f, 0.75f, 1.00f);
176     colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGrip]             = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.25f);
177     colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripHovered]      = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.67f);
178     colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripActive]       = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.95f);
179     colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLines]              = ImVec4(0.61f, 0.61f, 0.61f, 1.00f);
180     colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLinesHovered]       = ImVec4(1.00f, 0.43f, 0.35f, 1.00f);
181     colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogram]          = ImVec4(0.90f, 0.70f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
182     colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogramHovered]   = ImVec4(1.00f, 0.60f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
183     colors[ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg]         = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.35f);
184     colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening]   = ImVec4(0.80f, 0.80f, 0.80f, 0.35f);
185     colors[ImGuiCol_DragDropTarget]         = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 0.00f, 0.90f);
186     colors[ImGuiCol_NavHighlight]           = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 1.00f);
187     colors[ImGuiCol_NavWindowingHighlight]  = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 0.70f);
188 }
StyleColorsClassic(ImGuiStyle * dst)190 void ImGui::StyleColorsClassic(ImGuiStyle* dst)
191 {
192     ImGuiStyle* style = dst ? dst : &ImGui::GetStyle();
193     ImVec4* colors = style->Colors;
195     colors[ImGuiCol_Text]                   = ImVec4(0.90f, 0.90f, 0.90f, 1.00f);
196     colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled]           = ImVec4(0.60f, 0.60f, 0.60f, 1.00f);
197     colors[ImGuiCol_WindowBg]               = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.70f);
198     colors[ImGuiCol_ChildBg]                = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f);
199     colors[ImGuiCol_PopupBg]                = ImVec4(0.11f, 0.11f, 0.14f, 0.92f);
200     colors[ImGuiCol_Border]                 = ImVec4(0.50f, 0.50f, 0.50f, 0.50f);
201     colors[ImGuiCol_BorderShadow]           = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f);
202     colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBg]                = ImVec4(0.43f, 0.43f, 0.43f, 0.39f);
203     colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgHovered]         = ImVec4(0.47f, 0.47f, 0.69f, 0.40f);
204     colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgActive]          = ImVec4(0.42f, 0.41f, 0.64f, 0.69f);
205     colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBg]                = ImVec4(0.27f, 0.27f, 0.54f, 0.83f);
206     colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgActive]          = ImVec4(0.32f, 0.32f, 0.63f, 0.87f);
207     colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgCollapsed]       = ImVec4(0.40f, 0.40f, 0.80f, 0.20f);
208     colors[ImGuiCol_MenuBarBg]              = ImVec4(0.40f, 0.40f, 0.55f, 0.80f);
209     colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarBg]            = ImVec4(0.20f, 0.25f, 0.30f, 0.60f);
210     colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrab]          = ImVec4(0.40f, 0.40f, 0.80f, 0.30f);
211     colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabHovered]   = ImVec4(0.40f, 0.40f, 0.80f, 0.40f);
212     colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabActive]    = ImVec4(0.41f, 0.39f, 0.80f, 0.60f);
213     colors[ImGuiCol_CheckMark]              = ImVec4(0.90f, 0.90f, 0.90f, 0.50f);
214     colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrab]             = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 0.30f);
215     colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrabActive]       = ImVec4(0.41f, 0.39f, 0.80f, 0.60f);
216     colors[ImGuiCol_Button]                 = ImVec4(0.35f, 0.40f, 0.61f, 0.62f);
217     colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered]          = ImVec4(0.40f, 0.48f, 0.71f, 0.79f);
218     colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive]           = ImVec4(0.46f, 0.54f, 0.80f, 1.00f);
219     colors[ImGuiCol_Header]                 = ImVec4(0.40f, 0.40f, 0.90f, 0.45f);
220     colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderHovered]          = ImVec4(0.45f, 0.45f, 0.90f, 0.80f);
221     colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderActive]           = ImVec4(0.53f, 0.53f, 0.87f, 0.80f);
222     colors[ImGuiCol_Separator]              = ImVec4(0.50f, 0.50f, 0.50f, 1.00f);
223     colors[ImGuiCol_SeparatorHovered]       = ImVec4(0.60f, 0.60f, 0.70f, 1.00f);
224     colors[ImGuiCol_SeparatorActive]        = ImVec4(0.70f, 0.70f, 0.90f, 1.00f);
225     colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGrip]             = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 0.16f);
226     colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripHovered]      = ImVec4(0.78f, 0.82f, 1.00f, 0.60f);
227     colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripActive]       = ImVec4(0.78f, 0.82f, 1.00f, 0.90f);
228     colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLines]              = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f);
229     colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLinesHovered]       = ImVec4(0.90f, 0.70f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
230     colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogram]          = ImVec4(0.90f, 0.70f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
231     colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogramHovered]   = ImVec4(1.00f, 0.60f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
232     colors[ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg]         = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f, 0.35f);
233     colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening]   = ImVec4(0.20f, 0.20f, 0.20f, 0.35f);
234     colors[ImGuiCol_DragDropTarget]         = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 0.00f, 0.90f);
235     colors[ImGuiCol_NavHighlight]           = colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderHovered];
236     colors[ImGuiCol_NavWindowingHighlight]  = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 0.70f);
237 }
239 // Those light colors are better suited with a thicker font than the default one + FrameBorder
StyleColorsLight(ImGuiStyle * dst)240 void ImGui::StyleColorsLight(ImGuiStyle* dst)
241 {
242     ImGuiStyle* style = dst ? dst : &ImGui::GetStyle();
243     ImVec4* colors = style->Colors;
245     colors[ImGuiCol_Text]                   = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
246     colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled]           = ImVec4(0.60f, 0.60f, 0.60f, 1.00f);
247     //colors[ImGuiCol_TextHovered]          = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f);
248     //colors[ImGuiCol_TextActive]           = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
249     colors[ImGuiCol_WindowBg]               = ImVec4(0.94f, 0.94f, 0.94f, 1.00f);
250     colors[ImGuiCol_ChildBg]                = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f);
251     colors[ImGuiCol_PopupBg]                = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 0.98f);
252     colors[ImGuiCol_Border]                 = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.30f);
253     colors[ImGuiCol_BorderShadow]           = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f);
254     colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBg]                = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f);
255     colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgHovered]         = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.40f);
256     colors[ImGuiCol_FrameBgActive]          = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.67f);
257     colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBg]                = ImVec4(0.96f, 0.96f, 0.96f, 1.00f);
258     colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgActive]          = ImVec4(0.82f, 0.82f, 0.82f, 1.00f);
259     colors[ImGuiCol_TitleBgCollapsed]       = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 0.51f);
260     colors[ImGuiCol_MenuBarBg]              = ImVec4(0.86f, 0.86f, 0.86f, 1.00f);
261     colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarBg]            = ImVec4(0.98f, 0.98f, 0.98f, 0.53f);
262     colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrab]          = ImVec4(0.69f, 0.69f, 0.69f, 0.80f);
263     colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabHovered]   = ImVec4(0.49f, 0.49f, 0.49f, 0.80f);
264     colors[ImGuiCol_ScrollbarGrabActive]    = ImVec4(0.49f, 0.49f, 0.49f, 1.00f);
265     colors[ImGuiCol_CheckMark]              = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 1.00f);
266     colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrab]             = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.78f);
267     colors[ImGuiCol_SliderGrabActive]       = ImVec4(0.46f, 0.54f, 0.80f, 0.60f);
268     colors[ImGuiCol_Button]                 = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.40f);
269     colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered]          = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 1.00f);
270     colors[ImGuiCol_ButtonActive]           = ImVec4(0.06f, 0.53f, 0.98f, 1.00f);
271     colors[ImGuiCol_Header]                 = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.31f);
272     colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderHovered]          = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.80f);
273     colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderActive]           = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 1.00f);
274     colors[ImGuiCol_Separator]              = ImVec4(0.39f, 0.39f, 0.39f, 1.00f);
275     colors[ImGuiCol_SeparatorHovered]       = ImVec4(0.14f, 0.44f, 0.80f, 0.78f);
276     colors[ImGuiCol_SeparatorActive]        = ImVec4(0.14f, 0.44f, 0.80f, 1.00f);
277     colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGrip]             = ImVec4(0.80f, 0.80f, 0.80f, 0.56f);
278     colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripHovered]      = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.67f);
279     colors[ImGuiCol_ResizeGripActive]       = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.95f);
280     colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLines]              = ImVec4(0.39f, 0.39f, 0.39f, 1.00f);
281     colors[ImGuiCol_PlotLinesHovered]       = ImVec4(1.00f, 0.43f, 0.35f, 1.00f);
282     colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogram]          = ImVec4(0.90f, 0.70f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
283     colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogramHovered]   = ImVec4(1.00f, 0.45f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
284     colors[ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg]         = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.35f);
285     colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening]   = ImVec4(0.20f, 0.20f, 0.20f, 0.35f);
286     colors[ImGuiCol_DragDropTarget]         = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.95f);
287     colors[ImGuiCol_NavHighlight]           = colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderHovered];
288     colors[ImGuiCol_NavWindowingHighlight]  = ImVec4(0.70f, 0.70f, 0.70f, 0.70f);
289 }
291 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
292 // ImDrawListData
293 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ImDrawListSharedData()295 ImDrawListSharedData::ImDrawListSharedData()
296 {
297     Font = NULL;
298     FontSize = 0.0f;
299     CurveTessellationTol = 0.0f;
300     ClipRectFullscreen = ImVec4(-8192.0f, -8192.0f, +8192.0f, +8192.0f);
302     // Const data
303     for (int i = 0; i < IM_ARRAYSIZE(CircleVtx12); i++)
304     {
305         const float a = ((float)i * 2 * IM_PI) / (float)IM_ARRAYSIZE(CircleVtx12);
306         CircleVtx12[i] = ImVec2(cosf(a), sinf(a));
307     }
308 }
310 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
311 // ImDrawList
312 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Clear()314 void ImDrawList::Clear()
315 {
316     CmdBuffer.resize(0);
317     IdxBuffer.resize(0);
318     VtxBuffer.resize(0);
319     Flags = ImDrawListFlags_AntiAliasedLines | ImDrawListFlags_AntiAliasedFill;
320     _VtxCurrentIdx = 0;
321     _VtxWritePtr = NULL;
322     _IdxWritePtr = NULL;
323     _ClipRectStack.resize(0);
324     _TextureIdStack.resize(0);
325     _Path.resize(0);
326     _ChannelsCurrent = 0;
327     _ChannelsCount = 1;
328     // NB: Do not clear channels so our allocations are re-used after the first frame.
329 }
ClearFreeMemory()331 void ImDrawList::ClearFreeMemory()
332 {
333     CmdBuffer.clear();
334     IdxBuffer.clear();
335     VtxBuffer.clear();
336     _VtxCurrentIdx = 0;
337     _VtxWritePtr = NULL;
338     _IdxWritePtr = NULL;
339     _ClipRectStack.clear();
340     _TextureIdStack.clear();
341     _Path.clear();
342     _ChannelsCurrent = 0;
343     _ChannelsCount = 1;
344     for (int i = 0; i < _Channels.Size; i++)
345     {
346         if (i == 0) memset(&_Channels[0], 0, sizeof(_Channels[0]));  // channel 0 is a copy of CmdBuffer/IdxBuffer, don't destruct again
347         _Channels[i].CmdBuffer.clear();
348         _Channels[i].IdxBuffer.clear();
349     }
350     _Channels.clear();
351 }
CloneOutput() const353 ImDrawList* ImDrawList::CloneOutput() const
354 {
355     ImDrawList* dst = IM_NEW(ImDrawList(NULL));
356     dst->CmdBuffer = CmdBuffer;
357     dst->IdxBuffer = IdxBuffer;
358     dst->VtxBuffer = VtxBuffer;
359     dst->Flags = Flags;
360     return dst;
361 }
363 // Using macros because C++ is a terrible language, we want guaranteed inline, no code in header, and no overhead in Debug builds
364 #define GetCurrentClipRect()    (_ClipRectStack.Size ? _ClipRectStack.Data[_ClipRectStack.Size-1]  : _Data->ClipRectFullscreen)
365 #define GetCurrentTextureId()   (_TextureIdStack.Size ? _TextureIdStack.Data[_TextureIdStack.Size-1] : NULL)
AddDrawCmd()367 void ImDrawList::AddDrawCmd()
368 {
369     ImDrawCmd draw_cmd;
370     draw_cmd.ClipRect = GetCurrentClipRect();
371     draw_cmd.TextureId = GetCurrentTextureId();
373     IM_ASSERT(draw_cmd.ClipRect.x <= draw_cmd.ClipRect.z && draw_cmd.ClipRect.y <= draw_cmd.ClipRect.w);
374     CmdBuffer.push_back(draw_cmd);
375 }
AddCallback(ImDrawCallback callback,void * callback_data)377 void ImDrawList::AddCallback(ImDrawCallback callback, void* callback_data)
378 {
379     ImDrawCmd* current_cmd = CmdBuffer.Size ? &CmdBuffer.back() : NULL;
380     if (!current_cmd || current_cmd->ElemCount != 0 || current_cmd->UserCallback != NULL)
381     {
382         AddDrawCmd();
383         current_cmd = &CmdBuffer.back();
384     }
385     current_cmd->UserCallback = callback;
386     current_cmd->UserCallbackData = callback_data;
388     AddDrawCmd(); // Force a new command after us (see comment below)
389 }
391 // Our scheme may appears a bit unusual, basically we want the most-common calls AddLine AddRect etc. to not have to perform any check so we always have a command ready in the stack.
392 // The cost of figuring out if a new command has to be added or if we can merge is paid in those Update** functions only.
UpdateClipRect()393 void ImDrawList::UpdateClipRect()
394 {
395     // If current command is used with different settings we need to add a new command
396     const ImVec4 curr_clip_rect = GetCurrentClipRect();
397     ImDrawCmd* curr_cmd = CmdBuffer.Size > 0 ? &CmdBuffer.Data[CmdBuffer.Size-1] : NULL;
398     if (!curr_cmd || (curr_cmd->ElemCount != 0 && memcmp(&curr_cmd->ClipRect, &curr_clip_rect, sizeof(ImVec4)) != 0) || curr_cmd->UserCallback != NULL)
399     {
400         AddDrawCmd();
401         return;
402     }
404     // Try to merge with previous command if it matches, else use current command
405     ImDrawCmd* prev_cmd = CmdBuffer.Size > 1 ? curr_cmd - 1 : NULL;
406     if (curr_cmd->ElemCount == 0 && prev_cmd && memcmp(&prev_cmd->ClipRect, &curr_clip_rect, sizeof(ImVec4)) == 0 && prev_cmd->TextureId == GetCurrentTextureId() && prev_cmd->UserCallback == NULL)
407         CmdBuffer.pop_back();
408     else
409         curr_cmd->ClipRect = curr_clip_rect;
410 }
UpdateTextureID()412 void ImDrawList::UpdateTextureID()
413 {
414     // If current command is used with different settings we need to add a new command
415     const ImTextureID curr_texture_id = GetCurrentTextureId();
416     ImDrawCmd* curr_cmd = CmdBuffer.Size ? &CmdBuffer.back() : NULL;
417     if (!curr_cmd || (curr_cmd->ElemCount != 0 && curr_cmd->TextureId != curr_texture_id) || curr_cmd->UserCallback != NULL)
418     {
419         AddDrawCmd();
420         return;
421     }
423     // Try to merge with previous command if it matches, else use current command
424     ImDrawCmd* prev_cmd = CmdBuffer.Size > 1 ? curr_cmd - 1 : NULL;
425     if (curr_cmd->ElemCount == 0 && prev_cmd && prev_cmd->TextureId == curr_texture_id && memcmp(&prev_cmd->ClipRect, &GetCurrentClipRect(), sizeof(ImVec4)) == 0 && prev_cmd->UserCallback == NULL)
426         CmdBuffer.pop_back();
427     else
428         curr_cmd->TextureId = curr_texture_id;
429 }
431 #undef GetCurrentClipRect
432 #undef GetCurrentTextureId
434 // Render-level scissoring. This is passed down to your render function but not used for CPU-side coarse clipping. Prefer using higher-level ImGui::PushClipRect() to affect logic (hit-testing and widget culling)
PushClipRect(ImVec2 cr_min,ImVec2 cr_max,bool intersect_with_current_clip_rect)435 void ImDrawList::PushClipRect(ImVec2 cr_min, ImVec2 cr_max, bool intersect_with_current_clip_rect)
436 {
437     ImVec4 cr(cr_min.x, cr_min.y, cr_max.x, cr_max.y);
438     if (intersect_with_current_clip_rect && _ClipRectStack.Size)
439     {
440         ImVec4 current = _ClipRectStack.Data[_ClipRectStack.Size-1];
441         if (cr.x < current.x) cr.x = current.x;
442         if (cr.y < current.y) cr.y = current.y;
443         if (cr.z > current.z) cr.z = current.z;
444         if (cr.w > current.w) cr.w = current.w;
445     }
446     cr.z = ImMax(cr.x, cr.z);
447     cr.w = ImMax(cr.y, cr.w);
449     _ClipRectStack.push_back(cr);
450     UpdateClipRect();
451 }
PushClipRectFullScreen()453 void ImDrawList::PushClipRectFullScreen()
454 {
455     PushClipRect(ImVec2(_Data->ClipRectFullscreen.x, _Data->ClipRectFullscreen.y), ImVec2(_Data->ClipRectFullscreen.z, _Data->ClipRectFullscreen.w));
456 }
PopClipRect()458 void ImDrawList::PopClipRect()
459 {
460     IM_ASSERT(_ClipRectStack.Size > 0);
461     _ClipRectStack.pop_back();
462     UpdateClipRect();
463 }
PushTextureID(ImTextureID texture_id)465 void ImDrawList::PushTextureID(ImTextureID texture_id)
466 {
467     _TextureIdStack.push_back(texture_id);
468     UpdateTextureID();
469 }
PopTextureID()471 void ImDrawList::PopTextureID()
472 {
473     IM_ASSERT(_TextureIdStack.Size > 0);
474     _TextureIdStack.pop_back();
475     UpdateTextureID();
476 }
ChannelsSplit(int channels_count)478 void ImDrawList::ChannelsSplit(int channels_count)
479 {
480     IM_ASSERT(_ChannelsCurrent == 0 && _ChannelsCount == 1);
481     int old_channels_count = _Channels.Size;
482     if (old_channels_count < channels_count)
483         _Channels.resize(channels_count);
484     _ChannelsCount = channels_count;
486     // _Channels[] (24/32 bytes each) hold storage that we'll swap with this->_CmdBuffer/_IdxBuffer
487     // The content of _Channels[0] at this point doesn't matter. We clear it to make state tidy in a debugger but we don't strictly need to.
488     // When we switch to the next channel, we'll copy _CmdBuffer/_IdxBuffer into _Channels[0] and then _Channels[1] into _CmdBuffer/_IdxBuffer
489     memset(&_Channels[0], 0, sizeof(ImDrawChannel));
490     for (int i = 1; i < channels_count; i++)
491     {
492         if (i >= old_channels_count)
493         {
494             IM_PLACEMENT_NEW(&_Channels[i]) ImDrawChannel();
495         }
496         else
497         {
498             _Channels[i].CmdBuffer.resize(0);
499             _Channels[i].IdxBuffer.resize(0);
500         }
501         if (_Channels[i].CmdBuffer.Size == 0)
502         {
503             ImDrawCmd draw_cmd;
504             draw_cmd.ClipRect = _ClipRectStack.back();
505             draw_cmd.TextureId = _TextureIdStack.back();
506             _Channels[i].CmdBuffer.push_back(draw_cmd);
507         }
508     }
509 }
ChannelsMerge()511 void ImDrawList::ChannelsMerge()
512 {
513     // Note that we never use or rely on channels.Size because it is merely a buffer that we never shrink back to 0 to keep all sub-buffers ready for use.
514     if (_ChannelsCount <= 1)
515         return;
517     ChannelsSetCurrent(0);
518     if (CmdBuffer.Size && CmdBuffer.back().ElemCount == 0)
519         CmdBuffer.pop_back();
521     int new_cmd_buffer_count = 0, new_idx_buffer_count = 0;
522     for (int i = 1; i < _ChannelsCount; i++)
523     {
524         ImDrawChannel& ch = _Channels[i];
525         if (ch.CmdBuffer.Size && ch.CmdBuffer.back().ElemCount == 0)
526             ch.CmdBuffer.pop_back();
527         new_cmd_buffer_count += ch.CmdBuffer.Size;
528         new_idx_buffer_count += ch.IdxBuffer.Size;
529     }
530     CmdBuffer.resize(CmdBuffer.Size + new_cmd_buffer_count);
531     IdxBuffer.resize(IdxBuffer.Size + new_idx_buffer_count);
533     ImDrawCmd* cmd_write = CmdBuffer.Data + CmdBuffer.Size - new_cmd_buffer_count;
534     _IdxWritePtr = IdxBuffer.Data + IdxBuffer.Size - new_idx_buffer_count;
535     for (int i = 1; i < _ChannelsCount; i++)
536     {
537         ImDrawChannel& ch = _Channels[i];
538         if (int sz = ch.CmdBuffer.Size) { memcpy(cmd_write, ch.CmdBuffer.Data, sz * sizeof(ImDrawCmd)); cmd_write += sz; }
539         if (int sz = ch.IdxBuffer.Size) { memcpy(_IdxWritePtr, ch.IdxBuffer.Data, sz * sizeof(ImDrawIdx)); _IdxWritePtr += sz; }
540     }
541     UpdateClipRect(); // We call this instead of AddDrawCmd(), so that empty channels won't produce an extra draw call.
542     _ChannelsCount = 1;
543 }
ChannelsSetCurrent(int idx)545 void ImDrawList::ChannelsSetCurrent(int idx)
546 {
547     IM_ASSERT(idx < _ChannelsCount);
548     if (_ChannelsCurrent == idx) return;
549     memcpy(&_Channels.Data[_ChannelsCurrent].CmdBuffer, &CmdBuffer, sizeof(CmdBuffer)); // copy 12 bytes, four times
550     memcpy(&_Channels.Data[_ChannelsCurrent].IdxBuffer, &IdxBuffer, sizeof(IdxBuffer));
551     _ChannelsCurrent = idx;
552     memcpy(&CmdBuffer, &_Channels.Data[_ChannelsCurrent].CmdBuffer, sizeof(CmdBuffer));
553     memcpy(&IdxBuffer, &_Channels.Data[_ChannelsCurrent].IdxBuffer, sizeof(IdxBuffer));
554     _IdxWritePtr = IdxBuffer.Data + IdxBuffer.Size;
555 }
557 // NB: this can be called with negative count for removing primitives (as long as the result does not underflow)
PrimReserve(int idx_count,int vtx_count)558 void ImDrawList::PrimReserve(int idx_count, int vtx_count)
559 {
560     ImDrawCmd& draw_cmd = CmdBuffer.Data[CmdBuffer.Size-1];
561     draw_cmd.ElemCount += idx_count;
563     int vtx_buffer_old_size = VtxBuffer.Size;
564     VtxBuffer.resize(vtx_buffer_old_size + vtx_count);
565     _VtxWritePtr = VtxBuffer.Data + vtx_buffer_old_size;
567     int idx_buffer_old_size = IdxBuffer.Size;
568     IdxBuffer.resize(idx_buffer_old_size + idx_count);
569     _IdxWritePtr = IdxBuffer.Data + idx_buffer_old_size;
570 }
572 // Fully unrolled with inline call to keep our debug builds decently fast.
PrimRect(const ImVec2 & a,const ImVec2 & c,ImU32 col)573 void ImDrawList::PrimRect(const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& c, ImU32 col)
574 {
575     ImVec2 b(c.x, a.y), d(a.x, c.y), uv(_Data->TexUvWhitePixel);
576     ImDrawIdx idx = (ImDrawIdx)_VtxCurrentIdx;
577     _IdxWritePtr[0] = idx; _IdxWritePtr[1] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx+1); _IdxWritePtr[2] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx+2);
578     _IdxWritePtr[3] = idx; _IdxWritePtr[4] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx+2); _IdxWritePtr[5] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx+3);
579     _VtxWritePtr[0].pos = a; _VtxWritePtr[0].uv = uv; _VtxWritePtr[0].col = col;
580     _VtxWritePtr[1].pos = b; _VtxWritePtr[1].uv = uv; _VtxWritePtr[1].col = col;
581     _VtxWritePtr[2].pos = c; _VtxWritePtr[2].uv = uv; _VtxWritePtr[2].col = col;
582     _VtxWritePtr[3].pos = d; _VtxWritePtr[3].uv = uv; _VtxWritePtr[3].col = col;
583     _VtxWritePtr += 4;
584     _VtxCurrentIdx += 4;
585     _IdxWritePtr += 6;
586 }
PrimRectUV(const ImVec2 & a,const ImVec2 & c,const ImVec2 & uv_a,const ImVec2 & uv_c,ImU32 col)588 void ImDrawList::PrimRectUV(const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& c, const ImVec2& uv_a, const ImVec2& uv_c, ImU32 col)
589 {
590     ImVec2 b(c.x, a.y), d(a.x, c.y), uv_b(uv_c.x, uv_a.y), uv_d(uv_a.x, uv_c.y);
591     ImDrawIdx idx = (ImDrawIdx)_VtxCurrentIdx;
592     _IdxWritePtr[0] = idx; _IdxWritePtr[1] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx+1); _IdxWritePtr[2] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx+2);
593     _IdxWritePtr[3] = idx; _IdxWritePtr[4] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx+2); _IdxWritePtr[5] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx+3);
594     _VtxWritePtr[0].pos = a; _VtxWritePtr[0].uv = uv_a; _VtxWritePtr[0].col = col;
595     _VtxWritePtr[1].pos = b; _VtxWritePtr[1].uv = uv_b; _VtxWritePtr[1].col = col;
596     _VtxWritePtr[2].pos = c; _VtxWritePtr[2].uv = uv_c; _VtxWritePtr[2].col = col;
597     _VtxWritePtr[3].pos = d; _VtxWritePtr[3].uv = uv_d; _VtxWritePtr[3].col = col;
598     _VtxWritePtr += 4;
599     _VtxCurrentIdx += 4;
600     _IdxWritePtr += 6;
601 }
PrimQuadUV(const ImVec2 & a,const ImVec2 & b,const ImVec2 & c,const ImVec2 & d,const ImVec2 & uv_a,const ImVec2 & uv_b,const ImVec2 & uv_c,const ImVec2 & uv_d,ImU32 col)603 void ImDrawList::PrimQuadUV(const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& b, const ImVec2& c, const ImVec2& d, const ImVec2& uv_a, const ImVec2& uv_b, const ImVec2& uv_c, const ImVec2& uv_d, ImU32 col)
604 {
605     ImDrawIdx idx = (ImDrawIdx)_VtxCurrentIdx;
606     _IdxWritePtr[0] = idx; _IdxWritePtr[1] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx+1); _IdxWritePtr[2] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx+2);
607     _IdxWritePtr[3] = idx; _IdxWritePtr[4] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx+2); _IdxWritePtr[5] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx+3);
608     _VtxWritePtr[0].pos = a; _VtxWritePtr[0].uv = uv_a; _VtxWritePtr[0].col = col;
609     _VtxWritePtr[1].pos = b; _VtxWritePtr[1].uv = uv_b; _VtxWritePtr[1].col = col;
610     _VtxWritePtr[2].pos = c; _VtxWritePtr[2].uv = uv_c; _VtxWritePtr[2].col = col;
611     _VtxWritePtr[3].pos = d; _VtxWritePtr[3].uv = uv_d; _VtxWritePtr[3].col = col;
612     _VtxWritePtr += 4;
613     _VtxCurrentIdx += 4;
614     _IdxWritePtr += 6;
615 }
617 // TODO: Thickness anti-aliased lines cap are missing their AA fringe.
AddPolyline(const ImVec2 * points,const int points_count,ImU32 col,bool closed,float thickness)618 void ImDrawList::AddPolyline(const ImVec2* points, const int points_count, ImU32 col, bool closed, float thickness)
619 {
620     if (points_count < 2)
621         return;
623     const ImVec2 uv = _Data->TexUvWhitePixel;
625     int count = points_count;
626     if (!closed)
627         count = points_count-1;
629     const bool thick_line = thickness > 1.0f;
630     if (Flags & ImDrawListFlags_AntiAliasedLines)
631     {
632         // Anti-aliased stroke
633         const float AA_SIZE = 1.0f;
634         const ImU32 col_trans = col & ~IM_COL32_A_MASK;
636         const int idx_count = thick_line ? count*18 : count*12;
637         const int vtx_count = thick_line ? points_count*4 : points_count*3;
638         PrimReserve(idx_count, vtx_count);
640         // Temporary buffer
641         ImVec2* temp_normals = (ImVec2*)alloca(points_count * (thick_line ? 5 : 3) * sizeof(ImVec2));
642         ImVec2* temp_points = temp_normals + points_count;
644         for (int i1 = 0; i1 < count; i1++)
645         {
646             const int i2 = (i1+1) == points_count ? 0 : i1+1;
647             ImVec2 diff = points[i2] - points[i1];
648             diff *= ImInvLength(diff, 1.0f);
649             temp_normals[i1].x = diff.y;
650             temp_normals[i1].y = -diff.x;
651         }
652         if (!closed)
653             temp_normals[points_count-1] = temp_normals[points_count-2];
655         if (!thick_line)
656         {
657             if (!closed)
658             {
659                 temp_points[0] = points[0] + temp_normals[0] * AA_SIZE;
660                 temp_points[1] = points[0] - temp_normals[0] * AA_SIZE;
661                 temp_points[(points_count-1)*2+0] = points[points_count-1] + temp_normals[points_count-1] * AA_SIZE;
662                 temp_points[(points_count-1)*2+1] = points[points_count-1] - temp_normals[points_count-1] * AA_SIZE;
663             }
665             // FIXME-OPT: Merge the different loops, possibly remove the temporary buffer.
666             unsigned int idx1 = _VtxCurrentIdx;
667             for (int i1 = 0; i1 < count; i1++)
668             {
669                 const int i2 = (i1+1) == points_count ? 0 : i1+1;
670                 unsigned int idx2 = (i1+1) == points_count ? _VtxCurrentIdx : idx1+3;
672                 // Average normals
673                 ImVec2 dm = (temp_normals[i1] + temp_normals[i2]) * 0.5f;
674                 float dmr2 = dm.x*dm.x + dm.y*dm.y;
675                 if (dmr2 > 0.000001f)
676                 {
677                     float scale = 1.0f / dmr2;
678                     if (scale > 100.0f) scale = 100.0f;
679                     dm *= scale;
680                 }
681                 dm *= AA_SIZE;
682                 temp_points[i2*2+0] = points[i2] + dm;
683                 temp_points[i2*2+1] = points[i2] - dm;
685                 // Add indexes
686                 _IdxWritePtr[0] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx2+0); _IdxWritePtr[1] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx1+0); _IdxWritePtr[2] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx1+2);
687                 _IdxWritePtr[3] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx1+2); _IdxWritePtr[4] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx2+2); _IdxWritePtr[5] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx2+0);
688                 _IdxWritePtr[6] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx2+1); _IdxWritePtr[7] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx1+1); _IdxWritePtr[8] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx1+0);
689                 _IdxWritePtr[9] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx1+0); _IdxWritePtr[10]= (ImDrawIdx)(idx2+0); _IdxWritePtr[11]= (ImDrawIdx)(idx2+1);
690                 _IdxWritePtr += 12;
692                 idx1 = idx2;
693             }
695             // Add vertexes
696             for (int i = 0; i < points_count; i++)
697             {
698                 _VtxWritePtr[0].pos = points[i];          _VtxWritePtr[0].uv = uv; _VtxWritePtr[0].col = col;
699                 _VtxWritePtr[1].pos = temp_points[i*2+0]; _VtxWritePtr[1].uv = uv; _VtxWritePtr[1].col = col_trans;
700                 _VtxWritePtr[2].pos = temp_points[i*2+1]; _VtxWritePtr[2].uv = uv; _VtxWritePtr[2].col = col_trans;
701                 _VtxWritePtr += 3;
702             }
703         }
704         else
705         {
706             const float half_inner_thickness = (thickness - AA_SIZE) * 0.5f;
707             if (!closed)
708             {
709                 temp_points[0] = points[0] + temp_normals[0] * (half_inner_thickness + AA_SIZE);
710                 temp_points[1] = points[0] + temp_normals[0] * (half_inner_thickness);
711                 temp_points[2] = points[0] - temp_normals[0] * (half_inner_thickness);
712                 temp_points[3] = points[0] - temp_normals[0] * (half_inner_thickness + AA_SIZE);
713                 temp_points[(points_count-1)*4+0] = points[points_count-1] + temp_normals[points_count-1] * (half_inner_thickness + AA_SIZE);
714                 temp_points[(points_count-1)*4+1] = points[points_count-1] + temp_normals[points_count-1] * (half_inner_thickness);
715                 temp_points[(points_count-1)*4+2] = points[points_count-1] - temp_normals[points_count-1] * (half_inner_thickness);
716                 temp_points[(points_count-1)*4+3] = points[points_count-1] - temp_normals[points_count-1] * (half_inner_thickness + AA_SIZE);
717             }
719             // FIXME-OPT: Merge the different loops, possibly remove the temporary buffer.
720             unsigned int idx1 = _VtxCurrentIdx;
721             for (int i1 = 0; i1 < count; i1++)
722             {
723                 const int i2 = (i1+1) == points_count ? 0 : i1+1;
724                 unsigned int idx2 = (i1+1) == points_count ? _VtxCurrentIdx : idx1+4;
726                 // Average normals
727                 ImVec2 dm = (temp_normals[i1] + temp_normals[i2]) * 0.5f;
728                 float dmr2 = dm.x*dm.x + dm.y*dm.y;
729                 if (dmr2 > 0.000001f)
730                 {
731                     float scale = 1.0f / dmr2;
732                     if (scale > 100.0f) scale = 100.0f;
733                     dm *= scale;
734                 }
735                 ImVec2 dm_out = dm * (half_inner_thickness + AA_SIZE);
736                 ImVec2 dm_in = dm * half_inner_thickness;
737                 temp_points[i2*4+0] = points[i2] + dm_out;
738                 temp_points[i2*4+1] = points[i2] + dm_in;
739                 temp_points[i2*4+2] = points[i2] - dm_in;
740                 temp_points[i2*4+3] = points[i2] - dm_out;
742                 // Add indexes
743                 _IdxWritePtr[0]  = (ImDrawIdx)(idx2+1); _IdxWritePtr[1]  = (ImDrawIdx)(idx1+1); _IdxWritePtr[2]  = (ImDrawIdx)(idx1+2);
744                 _IdxWritePtr[3]  = (ImDrawIdx)(idx1+2); _IdxWritePtr[4]  = (ImDrawIdx)(idx2+2); _IdxWritePtr[5]  = (ImDrawIdx)(idx2+1);
745                 _IdxWritePtr[6]  = (ImDrawIdx)(idx2+1); _IdxWritePtr[7]  = (ImDrawIdx)(idx1+1); _IdxWritePtr[8]  = (ImDrawIdx)(idx1+0);
746                 _IdxWritePtr[9]  = (ImDrawIdx)(idx1+0); _IdxWritePtr[10] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx2+0); _IdxWritePtr[11] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx2+1);
747                 _IdxWritePtr[12] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx2+2); _IdxWritePtr[13] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx1+2); _IdxWritePtr[14] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx1+3);
748                 _IdxWritePtr[15] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx1+3); _IdxWritePtr[16] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx2+3); _IdxWritePtr[17] = (ImDrawIdx)(idx2+2);
749                 _IdxWritePtr += 18;
751                 idx1 = idx2;
752             }
754             // Add vertexes
755             for (int i = 0; i < points_count; i++)
756             {
757                 _VtxWritePtr[0].pos = temp_points[i*4+0]; _VtxWritePtr[0].uv = uv; _VtxWritePtr[0].col = col_trans;
758                 _VtxWritePtr[1].pos = temp_points[i*4+1]; _VtxWritePtr[1].uv = uv; _VtxWritePtr[1].col = col;
759                 _VtxWritePtr[2].pos = temp_points[i*4+2]; _VtxWritePtr[2].uv = uv; _VtxWritePtr[2].col = col;
760                 _VtxWritePtr[3].pos = temp_points[i*4+3]; _VtxWritePtr[3].uv = uv; _VtxWritePtr[3].col = col_trans;
761                 _VtxWritePtr += 4;
762             }
763         }
764         _VtxCurrentIdx += (ImDrawIdx)vtx_count;
765     }
766     else
767     {
768         // Non Anti-aliased Stroke
769         const int idx_count = count*6;
770         const int vtx_count = count*4;      // FIXME-OPT: Not sharing edges
771         PrimReserve(idx_count, vtx_count);
773         for (int i1 = 0; i1 < count; i1++)
774         {
775             const int i2 = (i1+1) == points_count ? 0 : i1+1;
776             const ImVec2& p1 = points[i1];
777             const ImVec2& p2 = points[i2];
778             ImVec2 diff = p2 - p1;
779             diff *= ImInvLength(diff, 1.0f);
781             const float dx = diff.x * (thickness * 0.5f);
782             const float dy = diff.y * (thickness * 0.5f);
783             _VtxWritePtr[0].pos.x = p1.x + dy; _VtxWritePtr[0].pos.y = p1.y - dx; _VtxWritePtr[0].uv = uv; _VtxWritePtr[0].col = col;
784             _VtxWritePtr[1].pos.x = p2.x + dy; _VtxWritePtr[1].pos.y = p2.y - dx; _VtxWritePtr[1].uv = uv; _VtxWritePtr[1].col = col;
785             _VtxWritePtr[2].pos.x = p2.x - dy; _VtxWritePtr[2].pos.y = p2.y + dx; _VtxWritePtr[2].uv = uv; _VtxWritePtr[2].col = col;
786             _VtxWritePtr[3].pos.x = p1.x - dy; _VtxWritePtr[3].pos.y = p1.y + dx; _VtxWritePtr[3].uv = uv; _VtxWritePtr[3].col = col;
787             _VtxWritePtr += 4;
789             _IdxWritePtr[0] = (ImDrawIdx)(_VtxCurrentIdx); _IdxWritePtr[1] = (ImDrawIdx)(_VtxCurrentIdx+1); _IdxWritePtr[2] = (ImDrawIdx)(_VtxCurrentIdx+2);
790             _IdxWritePtr[3] = (ImDrawIdx)(_VtxCurrentIdx); _IdxWritePtr[4] = (ImDrawIdx)(_VtxCurrentIdx+2); _IdxWritePtr[5] = (ImDrawIdx)(_VtxCurrentIdx+3);
791             _IdxWritePtr += 6;
792             _VtxCurrentIdx += 4;
793         }
794     }
795 }
AddConvexPolyFilled(const ImVec2 * points,const int points_count,ImU32 col)797 void ImDrawList::AddConvexPolyFilled(const ImVec2* points, const int points_count, ImU32 col)
798 {
799     const ImVec2 uv = _Data->TexUvWhitePixel;
801     if (Flags & ImDrawListFlags_AntiAliasedFill)
802     {
803         // Anti-aliased Fill
804         const float AA_SIZE = 1.0f;
805         const ImU32 col_trans = col & ~IM_COL32_A_MASK;
806         const int idx_count = (points_count-2)*3 + points_count*6;
807         const int vtx_count = (points_count*2);
808         PrimReserve(idx_count, vtx_count);
810         // Add indexes for fill
811         unsigned int vtx_inner_idx = _VtxCurrentIdx;
812         unsigned int vtx_outer_idx = _VtxCurrentIdx+1;
813         for (int i = 2; i < points_count; i++)
814         {
815             _IdxWritePtr[0] = (ImDrawIdx)(vtx_inner_idx); _IdxWritePtr[1] = (ImDrawIdx)(vtx_inner_idx+((i-1)<<1)); _IdxWritePtr[2] = (ImDrawIdx)(vtx_inner_idx+(i<<1));
816             _IdxWritePtr += 3;
817         }
819         // Compute normals
820         ImVec2* temp_normals = (ImVec2*)alloca(points_count * sizeof(ImVec2));
821         for (int i0 = points_count-1, i1 = 0; i1 < points_count; i0 = i1++)
822         {
823             const ImVec2& p0 = points[i0];
824             const ImVec2& p1 = points[i1];
825             ImVec2 diff = p1 - p0;
826             diff *= ImInvLength(diff, 1.0f);
827             temp_normals[i0].x = diff.y;
828             temp_normals[i0].y = -diff.x;
829         }
831         for (int i0 = points_count-1, i1 = 0; i1 < points_count; i0 = i1++)
832         {
833             // Average normals
834             const ImVec2& n0 = temp_normals[i0];
835             const ImVec2& n1 = temp_normals[i1];
836             ImVec2 dm = (n0 + n1) * 0.5f;
837             float dmr2 = dm.x*dm.x + dm.y*dm.y;
838             if (dmr2 > 0.000001f)
839             {
840                 float scale = 1.0f / dmr2;
841                 if (scale > 100.0f) scale = 100.0f;
842                 dm *= scale;
843             }
844             dm *= AA_SIZE * 0.5f;
846             // Add vertices
847             _VtxWritePtr[0].pos = (points[i1] - dm); _VtxWritePtr[0].uv = uv; _VtxWritePtr[0].col = col;        // Inner
848             _VtxWritePtr[1].pos = (points[i1] + dm); _VtxWritePtr[1].uv = uv; _VtxWritePtr[1].col = col_trans;  // Outer
849             _VtxWritePtr += 2;
851             // Add indexes for fringes
852             _IdxWritePtr[0] = (ImDrawIdx)(vtx_inner_idx+(i1<<1)); _IdxWritePtr[1] = (ImDrawIdx)(vtx_inner_idx+(i0<<1)); _IdxWritePtr[2] = (ImDrawIdx)(vtx_outer_idx+(i0<<1));
853             _IdxWritePtr[3] = (ImDrawIdx)(vtx_outer_idx+(i0<<1)); _IdxWritePtr[4] = (ImDrawIdx)(vtx_outer_idx+(i1<<1)); _IdxWritePtr[5] = (ImDrawIdx)(vtx_inner_idx+(i1<<1));
854             _IdxWritePtr += 6;
855         }
856         _VtxCurrentIdx += (ImDrawIdx)vtx_count;
857     }
858     else
859     {
860         // Non Anti-aliased Fill
861         const int idx_count = (points_count-2)*3;
862         const int vtx_count = points_count;
863         PrimReserve(idx_count, vtx_count);
864         for (int i = 0; i < vtx_count; i++)
865         {
866             _VtxWritePtr[0].pos = points[i]; _VtxWritePtr[0].uv = uv; _VtxWritePtr[0].col = col;
867             _VtxWritePtr++;
868         }
869         for (int i = 2; i < points_count; i++)
870         {
871             _IdxWritePtr[0] = (ImDrawIdx)(_VtxCurrentIdx); _IdxWritePtr[1] = (ImDrawIdx)(_VtxCurrentIdx+i-1); _IdxWritePtr[2] = (ImDrawIdx)(_VtxCurrentIdx+i);
872             _IdxWritePtr += 3;
873         }
874         _VtxCurrentIdx += (ImDrawIdx)vtx_count;
875     }
876 }
PathArcToFast(const ImVec2 & centre,float radius,int a_min_of_12,int a_max_of_12)878 void ImDrawList::PathArcToFast(const ImVec2& centre, float radius, int a_min_of_12, int a_max_of_12)
879 {
880     if (radius == 0.0f || a_min_of_12 > a_max_of_12)
881     {
882         _Path.push_back(centre);
883         return;
884     }
885     _Path.reserve(_Path.Size + (a_max_of_12 - a_min_of_12 + 1));
886     for (int a = a_min_of_12; a <= a_max_of_12; a++)
887     {
888         const ImVec2& c = _Data->CircleVtx12[a % IM_ARRAYSIZE(_Data->CircleVtx12)];
889         _Path.push_back(ImVec2(centre.x + c.x * radius, centre.y + c.y * radius));
890     }
891 }
PathArcTo(const ImVec2 & centre,float radius,float a_min,float a_max,int num_segments)893 void ImDrawList::PathArcTo(const ImVec2& centre, float radius, float a_min, float a_max, int num_segments)
894 {
895     if (radius == 0.0f)
896     {
897         _Path.push_back(centre);
898         return;
899     }
900     _Path.reserve(_Path.Size + (num_segments + 1));
901     for (int i = 0; i <= num_segments; i++)
902     {
903         const float a = a_min + ((float)i / (float)num_segments) * (a_max - a_min);
904         _Path.push_back(ImVec2(centre.x + cosf(a) * radius, centre.y + sinf(a) * radius));
905     }
906 }
PathBezierToCasteljau(ImVector<ImVec2> * path,float x1,float y1,float x2,float y2,float x3,float y3,float x4,float y4,float tess_tol,int level)908 static void PathBezierToCasteljau(ImVector<ImVec2>* path, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float x4, float y4, float tess_tol, int level)
909 {
910     float dx = x4 - x1;
911     float dy = y4 - y1;
912     float d2 = ((x2 - x4) * dy - (y2 - y4) * dx);
913     float d3 = ((x3 - x4) * dy - (y3 - y4) * dx);
914     d2 = (d2 >= 0) ? d2 : -d2;
915     d3 = (d3 >= 0) ? d3 : -d3;
916     if ((d2+d3) * (d2+d3) < tess_tol * (dx*dx + dy*dy))
917     {
918         path->push_back(ImVec2(x4, y4));
919     }
920     else if (level < 10)
921     {
922         float x12 = (x1+x2)*0.5f,       y12 = (y1+y2)*0.5f;
923         float x23 = (x2+x3)*0.5f,       y23 = (y2+y3)*0.5f;
924         float x34 = (x3+x4)*0.5f,       y34 = (y3+y4)*0.5f;
925         float x123 = (x12+x23)*0.5f,    y123 = (y12+y23)*0.5f;
926         float x234 = (x23+x34)*0.5f,    y234 = (y23+y34)*0.5f;
927         float x1234 = (x123+x234)*0.5f, y1234 = (y123+y234)*0.5f;
929         PathBezierToCasteljau(path, x1,y1,        x12,y12,    x123,y123,  x1234,y1234, tess_tol, level+1);
930         PathBezierToCasteljau(path, x1234,y1234,  x234,y234,  x34,y34,    x4,y4,       tess_tol, level+1);
931     }
932 }
PathBezierCurveTo(const ImVec2 & p2,const ImVec2 & p3,const ImVec2 & p4,int num_segments)934 void ImDrawList::PathBezierCurveTo(const ImVec2& p2, const ImVec2& p3, const ImVec2& p4, int num_segments)
935 {
936     ImVec2 p1 = _Path.back();
937     if (num_segments == 0)
938     {
939         // Auto-tessellated
940         PathBezierToCasteljau(&_Path, p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, p3.x, p3.y, p4.x, p4.y, _Data->CurveTessellationTol, 0);
941     }
942     else
943     {
944         float t_step = 1.0f / (float)num_segments;
945         for (int i_step = 1; i_step <= num_segments; i_step++)
946         {
947             float t = t_step * i_step;
948             float u = 1.0f - t;
949             float w1 = u*u*u;
950             float w2 = 3*u*u*t;
951             float w3 = 3*u*t*t;
952             float w4 = t*t*t;
953             _Path.push_back(ImVec2(w1*p1.x + w2*p2.x + w3*p3.x + w4*p4.x, w1*p1.y + w2*p2.y + w3*p3.y + w4*p4.y));
954         }
955     }
956 }
PathRect(const ImVec2 & a,const ImVec2 & b,float rounding,int rounding_corners)958 void ImDrawList::PathRect(const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& b, float rounding, int rounding_corners)
959 {
960     rounding = ImMin(rounding, fabsf(b.x - a.x) * ( ((rounding_corners & ImDrawCornerFlags_Top)  == ImDrawCornerFlags_Top)  || ((rounding_corners & ImDrawCornerFlags_Bot)   == ImDrawCornerFlags_Bot)   ? 0.5f : 1.0f ) - 1.0f);
961     rounding = ImMin(rounding, fabsf(b.y - a.y) * ( ((rounding_corners & ImDrawCornerFlags_Left) == ImDrawCornerFlags_Left) || ((rounding_corners & ImDrawCornerFlags_Right) == ImDrawCornerFlags_Right) ? 0.5f : 1.0f ) - 1.0f);
963     if (rounding <= 0.0f || rounding_corners == 0)
964     {
965         PathLineTo(a);
966         PathLineTo(ImVec2(b.x, a.y));
967         PathLineTo(b);
968         PathLineTo(ImVec2(a.x, b.y));
969     }
970     else
971     {
972         const float rounding_tl = (rounding_corners & ImDrawCornerFlags_TopLeft) ? rounding : 0.0f;
973         const float rounding_tr = (rounding_corners & ImDrawCornerFlags_TopRight) ? rounding : 0.0f;
974         const float rounding_br = (rounding_corners & ImDrawCornerFlags_BotRight) ? rounding : 0.0f;
975         const float rounding_bl = (rounding_corners & ImDrawCornerFlags_BotLeft) ? rounding : 0.0f;
976         PathArcToFast(ImVec2(a.x + rounding_tl, a.y + rounding_tl), rounding_tl, 6, 9);
977         PathArcToFast(ImVec2(b.x - rounding_tr, a.y + rounding_tr), rounding_tr, 9, 12);
978         PathArcToFast(ImVec2(b.x - rounding_br, b.y - rounding_br), rounding_br, 0, 3);
979         PathArcToFast(ImVec2(a.x + rounding_bl, b.y - rounding_bl), rounding_bl, 3, 6);
980     }
981 }
AddLine(const ImVec2 & a,const ImVec2 & b,ImU32 col,float thickness)983 void ImDrawList::AddLine(const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& b, ImU32 col, float thickness)
984 {
985     if ((col & IM_COL32_A_MASK) == 0)
986         return;
987     PathLineTo(a + ImVec2(0.5f,0.5f));
988     PathLineTo(b + ImVec2(0.5f,0.5f));
989     PathStroke(col, false, thickness);
990 }
992 // a: upper-left, b: lower-right. we don't render 1 px sized rectangles properly.
AddRect(const ImVec2 & a,const ImVec2 & b,ImU32 col,float rounding,int rounding_corners_flags,float thickness)993 void ImDrawList::AddRect(const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& b, ImU32 col, float rounding, int rounding_corners_flags, float thickness)
994 {
995     if ((col & IM_COL32_A_MASK) == 0)
996         return;
997     if (Flags & ImDrawListFlags_AntiAliasedLines)
998         PathRect(a + ImVec2(0.5f,0.5f), b - ImVec2(0.50f,0.50f), rounding, rounding_corners_flags);
999     else
1000         PathRect(a + ImVec2(0.5f,0.5f), b - ImVec2(0.49f,0.49f), rounding, rounding_corners_flags); // Better looking lower-right corner and rounded non-AA shapes.
1001     PathStroke(col, true, thickness);
1002 }
AddRectFilled(const ImVec2 & a,const ImVec2 & b,ImU32 col,float rounding,int rounding_corners_flags)1004 void ImDrawList::AddRectFilled(const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& b, ImU32 col, float rounding, int rounding_corners_flags)
1005 {
1006     if ((col & IM_COL32_A_MASK) == 0)
1007         return;
1008     if (rounding > 0.0f)
1009     {
1010         PathRect(a, b, rounding, rounding_corners_flags);
1011         PathFillConvex(col);
1012     }
1013     else
1014     {
1015         PrimReserve(6, 4);
1016         PrimRect(a, b, col);
1017     }
1018 }
AddRectFilledMultiColor(const ImVec2 & a,const ImVec2 & c,ImU32 col_upr_left,ImU32 col_upr_right,ImU32 col_bot_right,ImU32 col_bot_left)1020 void ImDrawList::AddRectFilledMultiColor(const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& c, ImU32 col_upr_left, ImU32 col_upr_right, ImU32 col_bot_right, ImU32 col_bot_left)
1021 {
1022     if (((col_upr_left | col_upr_right | col_bot_right | col_bot_left) & IM_COL32_A_MASK) == 0)
1023         return;
1025     const ImVec2 uv = _Data->TexUvWhitePixel;
1026     PrimReserve(6, 4);
1027     PrimWriteIdx((ImDrawIdx)(_VtxCurrentIdx)); PrimWriteIdx((ImDrawIdx)(_VtxCurrentIdx+1)); PrimWriteIdx((ImDrawIdx)(_VtxCurrentIdx+2));
1028     PrimWriteIdx((ImDrawIdx)(_VtxCurrentIdx)); PrimWriteIdx((ImDrawIdx)(_VtxCurrentIdx+2)); PrimWriteIdx((ImDrawIdx)(_VtxCurrentIdx+3));
1029     PrimWriteVtx(a, uv, col_upr_left);
1030     PrimWriteVtx(ImVec2(c.x, a.y), uv, col_upr_right);
1031     PrimWriteVtx(c, uv, col_bot_right);
1032     PrimWriteVtx(ImVec2(a.x, c.y), uv, col_bot_left);
1033 }
AddQuad(const ImVec2 & a,const ImVec2 & b,const ImVec2 & c,const ImVec2 & d,ImU32 col,float thickness)1035 void ImDrawList::AddQuad(const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& b, const ImVec2& c, const ImVec2& d, ImU32 col, float thickness)
1036 {
1037     if ((col & IM_COL32_A_MASK) == 0)
1038         return;
1040     PathLineTo(a);
1041     PathLineTo(b);
1042     PathLineTo(c);
1043     PathLineTo(d);
1044     PathStroke(col, true, thickness);
1045 }
AddQuadFilled(const ImVec2 & a,const ImVec2 & b,const ImVec2 & c,const ImVec2 & d,ImU32 col)1047 void ImDrawList::AddQuadFilled(const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& b, const ImVec2& c, const ImVec2& d, ImU32 col)
1048 {
1049     if ((col & IM_COL32_A_MASK) == 0)
1050         return;
1052     PathLineTo(a);
1053     PathLineTo(b);
1054     PathLineTo(c);
1055     PathLineTo(d);
1056     PathFillConvex(col);
1057 }
AddTriangle(const ImVec2 & a,const ImVec2 & b,const ImVec2 & c,ImU32 col,float thickness)1059 void ImDrawList::AddTriangle(const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& b, const ImVec2& c, ImU32 col, float thickness)
1060 {
1061     if ((col & IM_COL32_A_MASK) == 0)
1062         return;
1064     PathLineTo(a);
1065     PathLineTo(b);
1066     PathLineTo(c);
1067     PathStroke(col, true, thickness);
1068 }
AddTriangleFilled(const ImVec2 & a,const ImVec2 & b,const ImVec2 & c,ImU32 col)1070 void ImDrawList::AddTriangleFilled(const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& b, const ImVec2& c, ImU32 col)
1071 {
1072     if ((col & IM_COL32_A_MASK) == 0)
1073         return;
1075     PathLineTo(a);
1076     PathLineTo(b);
1077     PathLineTo(c);
1078     PathFillConvex(col);
1079 }
AddCircle(const ImVec2 & centre,float radius,ImU32 col,int num_segments,float thickness)1081 void ImDrawList::AddCircle(const ImVec2& centre, float radius, ImU32 col, int num_segments, float thickness)
1082 {
1083     if ((col & IM_COL32_A_MASK) == 0)
1084         return;
1086     const float a_max = IM_PI*2.0f * ((float)num_segments - 1.0f) / (float)num_segments;
1087     PathArcTo(centre, radius-0.5f, 0.0f, a_max, num_segments);
1088     PathStroke(col, true, thickness);
1089 }
AddCircleFilled(const ImVec2 & centre,float radius,ImU32 col,int num_segments)1091 void ImDrawList::AddCircleFilled(const ImVec2& centre, float radius, ImU32 col, int num_segments)
1092 {
1093     if ((col & IM_COL32_A_MASK) == 0)
1094         return;
1096     const float a_max = IM_PI*2.0f * ((float)num_segments - 1.0f) / (float)num_segments;
1097     PathArcTo(centre, radius, 0.0f, a_max, num_segments);
1098     PathFillConvex(col);
1099 }
AddBezierCurve(const ImVec2 & pos0,const ImVec2 & cp0,const ImVec2 & cp1,const ImVec2 & pos1,ImU32 col,float thickness,int num_segments)1101 void ImDrawList::AddBezierCurve(const ImVec2& pos0, const ImVec2& cp0, const ImVec2& cp1, const ImVec2& pos1, ImU32 col, float thickness, int num_segments)
1102 {
1103     if ((col & IM_COL32_A_MASK) == 0)
1104         return;
1106     PathLineTo(pos0);
1107     PathBezierCurveTo(cp0, cp1, pos1, num_segments);
1108     PathStroke(col, false, thickness);
1109 }
AddText(const ImFont * font,float font_size,const ImVec2 & pos,ImU32 col,const char * text_begin,const char * text_end,float wrap_width,const ImVec4 * cpu_fine_clip_rect)1111 void ImDrawList::AddText(const ImFont* font, float font_size, const ImVec2& pos, ImU32 col, const char* text_begin, const char* text_end, float wrap_width, const ImVec4* cpu_fine_clip_rect)
1112 {
1113     if ((col & IM_COL32_A_MASK) == 0)
1114         return;
1116     if (text_end == NULL)
1117         text_end = text_begin + strlen(text_begin);
1118     if (text_begin == text_end)
1119         return;
1121     // Pull default font/size from the shared ImDrawListSharedData instance
1122     if (font == NULL)
1123         font = _Data->Font;
1124     if (font_size == 0.0f)
1125         font_size = _Data->FontSize;
1127     IM_ASSERT(font->ContainerAtlas->TexID == _TextureIdStack.back());  // Use high-level ImGui::PushFont() or low-level ImDrawList::PushTextureId() to change font.
1129     ImVec4 clip_rect = _ClipRectStack.back();
1130     if (cpu_fine_clip_rect)
1131     {
1132         clip_rect.x = ImMax(clip_rect.x, cpu_fine_clip_rect->x);
1133         clip_rect.y = ImMax(clip_rect.y, cpu_fine_clip_rect->y);
1134         clip_rect.z = ImMin(clip_rect.z, cpu_fine_clip_rect->z);
1135         clip_rect.w = ImMin(clip_rect.w, cpu_fine_clip_rect->w);
1136     }
1137     font->RenderText(this, font_size, pos, col, clip_rect, text_begin, text_end, wrap_width, cpu_fine_clip_rect != NULL);
1138 }
AddText(const ImVec2 & pos,ImU32 col,const char * text_begin,const char * text_end)1140 void ImDrawList::AddText(const ImVec2& pos, ImU32 col, const char* text_begin, const char* text_end)
1141 {
1142     AddText(NULL, 0.0f, pos, col, text_begin, text_end);
1143 }
AddImage(ImTextureID user_texture_id,const ImVec2 & a,const ImVec2 & b,const ImVec2 & uv_a,const ImVec2 & uv_b,ImU32 col)1145 void ImDrawList::AddImage(ImTextureID user_texture_id, const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& b, const ImVec2& uv_a, const ImVec2& uv_b, ImU32 col)
1146 {
1147     if ((col & IM_COL32_A_MASK) == 0)
1148         return;
1150     const bool push_texture_id = _TextureIdStack.empty() || user_texture_id != _TextureIdStack.back();
1151     if (push_texture_id)
1152         PushTextureID(user_texture_id);
1154     PrimReserve(6, 4);
1155     PrimRectUV(a, b, uv_a, uv_b, col);
1157     if (push_texture_id)
1158         PopTextureID();
1159 }
AddImageQuad(ImTextureID user_texture_id,const ImVec2 & a,const ImVec2 & b,const ImVec2 & c,const ImVec2 & d,const ImVec2 & uv_a,const ImVec2 & uv_b,const ImVec2 & uv_c,const ImVec2 & uv_d,ImU32 col)1161 void ImDrawList::AddImageQuad(ImTextureID user_texture_id, const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& b, const ImVec2& c, const ImVec2& d, const ImVec2& uv_a, const ImVec2& uv_b, const ImVec2& uv_c, const ImVec2& uv_d, ImU32 col)
1162 {
1163     if ((col & IM_COL32_A_MASK) == 0)
1164         return;
1166     const bool push_texture_id = _TextureIdStack.empty() || user_texture_id != _TextureIdStack.back();
1167     if (push_texture_id)
1168         PushTextureID(user_texture_id);
1170     PrimReserve(6, 4);
1171     PrimQuadUV(a, b, c, d, uv_a, uv_b, uv_c, uv_d, col);
1173     if (push_texture_id)
1174         PopTextureID();
1175 }
AddImageRounded(ImTextureID user_texture_id,const ImVec2 & a,const ImVec2 & b,const ImVec2 & uv_a,const ImVec2 & uv_b,ImU32 col,float rounding,int rounding_corners)1177 void ImDrawList::AddImageRounded(ImTextureID user_texture_id, const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& b, const ImVec2& uv_a, const ImVec2& uv_b, ImU32 col, float rounding, int rounding_corners)
1178 {
1179     if ((col & IM_COL32_A_MASK) == 0)
1180         return;
1182     if (rounding <= 0.0f || (rounding_corners & ImDrawCornerFlags_All) == 0)
1183     {
1184         AddImage(user_texture_id, a, b, uv_a, uv_b, col);
1185         return;
1186     }
1188     const bool push_texture_id = _TextureIdStack.empty() || user_texture_id != _TextureIdStack.back();
1189     if (push_texture_id)
1190         PushTextureID(user_texture_id);
1192     int vert_start_idx = VtxBuffer.Size;
1193     PathRect(a, b, rounding, rounding_corners);
1194     PathFillConvex(col);
1195     int vert_end_idx = VtxBuffer.Size;
1196     ImGui::ShadeVertsLinearUV(VtxBuffer.Data + vert_start_idx, VtxBuffer.Data + vert_end_idx, a, b, uv_a, uv_b, true);
1198     if (push_texture_id)
1199         PopTextureID();
1200 }
1202 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1203 // ImDrawData
1204 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1206 // For backward compatibility: convert all buffers from indexed to de-indexed, in case you cannot render indexed. Note: this is slow and most likely a waste of resources. Always prefer indexed rendering!
DeIndexAllBuffers()1207 void ImDrawData::DeIndexAllBuffers()
1208 {
1209     ImVector<ImDrawVert> new_vtx_buffer;
1210     TotalVtxCount = TotalIdxCount = 0;
1211     for (int i = 0; i < CmdListsCount; i++)
1212     {
1213         ImDrawList* cmd_list = CmdLists[i];
1214         if (cmd_list->IdxBuffer.empty())
1215             continue;
1216         new_vtx_buffer.resize(cmd_list->IdxBuffer.Size);
1217         for (int j = 0; j < cmd_list->IdxBuffer.Size; j++)
1218             new_vtx_buffer[j] = cmd_list->VtxBuffer[cmd_list->IdxBuffer[j]];
1219         cmd_list->VtxBuffer.swap(new_vtx_buffer);
1220         cmd_list->IdxBuffer.resize(0);
1221         TotalVtxCount += cmd_list->VtxBuffer.Size;
1222     }
1223 }
1225 // Helper to scale the ClipRect field of each ImDrawCmd. Use if your final output buffer is at a different scale than ImGui expects, or if there is a difference between your window resolution and framebuffer resolution.
ScaleClipRects(const ImVec2 & scale)1226 void ImDrawData::ScaleClipRects(const ImVec2& scale)
1227 {
1228     for (int i = 0; i < CmdListsCount; i++)
1229     {
1230         ImDrawList* cmd_list = CmdLists[i];
1231         for (int cmd_i = 0; cmd_i < cmd_list->CmdBuffer.Size; cmd_i++)
1232         {
1233             ImDrawCmd* cmd = &cmd_list->CmdBuffer[cmd_i];
1234             cmd->ClipRect = ImVec4(cmd->ClipRect.x * scale.x, cmd->ClipRect.y * scale.y, cmd->ClipRect.z * scale.x, cmd->ClipRect.w * scale.y);
1235         }
1236     }
1237 }
1239 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1240 // Shade functions
1241 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1243 // Generic linear color gradient, write to RGB fields, leave A untouched.
ShadeVertsLinearColorGradientKeepAlpha(ImDrawVert * vert_start,ImDrawVert * vert_end,ImVec2 gradient_p0,ImVec2 gradient_p1,ImU32 col0,ImU32 col1)1244 void ImGui::ShadeVertsLinearColorGradientKeepAlpha(ImDrawVert* vert_start, ImDrawVert* vert_end, ImVec2 gradient_p0, ImVec2 gradient_p1, ImU32 col0, ImU32 col1)
1245 {
1246     ImVec2 gradient_extent = gradient_p1 - gradient_p0;
1247     float gradient_inv_length2 = 1.0f / ImLengthSqr(gradient_extent);
1248     for (ImDrawVert* vert = vert_start; vert < vert_end; vert++)
1249     {
1250         float d = ImDot(vert->pos - gradient_p0, gradient_extent);
1251         float t = ImClamp(d * gradient_inv_length2, 0.0f, 1.0f);
1252         int r = ImLerp((int)(col0 >> IM_COL32_R_SHIFT) & 0xFF, (int)(col1 >> IM_COL32_R_SHIFT) & 0xFF, t);
1253         int g = ImLerp((int)(col0 >> IM_COL32_G_SHIFT) & 0xFF, (int)(col1 >> IM_COL32_G_SHIFT) & 0xFF, t);
1254         int b = ImLerp((int)(col0 >> IM_COL32_B_SHIFT) & 0xFF, (int)(col1 >> IM_COL32_B_SHIFT) & 0xFF, t);
1255         vert->col = (r << IM_COL32_R_SHIFT) | (g << IM_COL32_G_SHIFT) | (b << IM_COL32_B_SHIFT) | (vert->col & IM_COL32_A_MASK);
1256     }
1257 }
1259 // Scan and shade backward from the end of given vertices. Assume vertices are text only (= vert_start..vert_end going left to right) so we can break as soon as we are out the gradient bounds.
ShadeVertsLinearAlphaGradientForLeftToRightText(ImDrawVert * vert_start,ImDrawVert * vert_end,float gradient_p0_x,float gradient_p1_x)1260 void ImGui::ShadeVertsLinearAlphaGradientForLeftToRightText(ImDrawVert* vert_start, ImDrawVert* vert_end, float gradient_p0_x, float gradient_p1_x)
1261 {
1262     float gradient_extent_x = gradient_p1_x - gradient_p0_x;
1263     float gradient_inv_length2 = 1.0f / (gradient_extent_x * gradient_extent_x);
1264     int full_alpha_count = 0;
1265     for (ImDrawVert* vert = vert_end - 1; vert >= vert_start; vert--)
1266     {
1267         float d = (vert->pos.x - gradient_p0_x) * (gradient_extent_x);
1268         float alpha_mul = 1.0f - ImClamp(d * gradient_inv_length2, 0.0f, 1.0f);
1269         if (alpha_mul >= 1.0f && ++full_alpha_count > 2)
1270             return; // Early out
1271         int a = (int)(((vert->col >> IM_COL32_A_SHIFT) & 0xFF) * alpha_mul);
1272         vert->col = (vert->col & ~IM_COL32_A_MASK) | (a << IM_COL32_A_SHIFT);
1273     }
1274 }
1276 // Distribute UV over (a, b) rectangle
ShadeVertsLinearUV(ImDrawVert * vert_start,ImDrawVert * vert_end,const ImVec2 & a,const ImVec2 & b,const ImVec2 & uv_a,const ImVec2 & uv_b,bool clamp)1277 void ImGui::ShadeVertsLinearUV(ImDrawVert* vert_start, ImDrawVert* vert_end, const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& b, const ImVec2& uv_a, const ImVec2& uv_b, bool clamp)
1278 {
1279     const ImVec2 size = b - a;
1280     const ImVec2 uv_size = uv_b - uv_a;
1281     const ImVec2 scale = ImVec2(
1282         size.x != 0.0f ? (uv_size.x / size.x) : 0.0f,
1283         size.y != 0.0f ? (uv_size.y / size.y) : 0.0f);
1285     if (clamp)
1286     {
1287         const ImVec2 min = ImMin(uv_a, uv_b);
1288         const ImVec2 max = ImMax(uv_a, uv_b);
1290         for (ImDrawVert* vertex = vert_start; vertex < vert_end; ++vertex)
1291             vertex->uv = ImClamp(uv_a + ImMul(ImVec2(vertex->pos.x, vertex->pos.y) - a, scale), min, max);
1292     }
1293     else
1294     {
1295         for (ImDrawVert* vertex = vert_start; vertex < vert_end; ++vertex)
1296             vertex->uv = uv_a + ImMul(ImVec2(vertex->pos.x, vertex->pos.y) - a, scale);
1297     }
1298 }
1300 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1301 // ImFontConfig
1302 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ImFontConfig()1304 ImFontConfig::ImFontConfig()
1305 {
1306     FontData = NULL;
1307     FontDataSize = 0;
1308     FontDataOwnedByAtlas = true;
1309     FontNo = 0;
1310     SizePixels = 0.0f;
1311     OversampleH = 3;
1312     OversampleV = 1;
1313     PixelSnapH = false;
1314     GlyphExtraSpacing = ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
1315     GlyphOffset = ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
1316     GlyphRanges = NULL;
1317     MergeMode = false;
1318     RasterizerFlags = 0x00;
1319     RasterizerMultiply = 1.0f;
1320     memset(Name, 0, sizeof(Name));
1321     DstFont = NULL;
1322 }
1324 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1325 // ImFontAtlas
1326 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1328 // A work of art lies ahead! (. = white layer, X = black layer, others are blank)
1329 // The white texels on the top left are the ones we'll use everywhere in ImGui to render filled shapes.
1331 const int FONT_ATLAS_DEFAULT_TEX_DATA_H      = 27;
1332 const unsigned int FONT_ATLAS_DEFAULT_TEX_DATA_ID = 0x80000000;
1334 {
1335     "..-         -XXXXXXX-    X    -           X           -XXXXXXX          -          XXXXXXX"
1336     "..-         -X.....X-   X.X   -          X.X          -X.....X          -          X.....X"
1337     "---         -XXX.XXX-  X...X  -         X...X         -X....X           -           X....X"
1338     "X           -  X.X  - X.....X -        X.....X        -X...X            -            X...X"
1339     "XX          -  X.X  -X.......X-       X.......X       -X..X.X           -           X.X..X"
1340     "X.X         -  X.X  -XXXX.XXXX-       XXXX.XXXX       -X.X X.X          -          X.X X.X"
1341     "X..X        -  X.X  -   X.X   -          X.X          -XX   X.X         -         X.X   XX"
1342     "X...X       -  X.X  -   X.X   -    XX    X.X    XX    -      X.X        -        X.X      "
1343     "X....X      -  X.X  -   X.X   -   X.X    X.X    X.X   -       X.X       -       X.X       "
1344     "X.....X     -  X.X  -   X.X   -  X..X    X.X    X..X  -        X.X      -      X.X        "
1345     "X......X    -  X.X  -   X.X   - X...XXXXXX.XXXXXX...X -         X.X   XX-XX   X.X         "
1346     "X.......X   -  X.X  -   X.X   -X.....................X-          X.X X.X-X.X X.X          "
1347     "X........X  -  X.X  -   X.X   - X...XXXXXX.XXXXXX...X -           X.X..X-X..X.X           "
1348     "X.........X -XXX.XXX-   X.X   -  X..X    X.X    X..X  -            X...X-X...X            "
1349     "X..........X-X.....X-   X.X   -   X.X    X.X    X.X   -           X....X-X....X           "
1350     "X......XXXXX-XXXXXXX-   X.X   -    XX    X.X    XX    -          X.....X-X.....X          "
1351     "X...X..X    ---------   X.X   -          X.X          -          XXXXXXX-XXXXXXX          "
1352     "X..X X..X   -       -XXXX.XXXX-       XXXX.XXXX       ------------------------------------"
1353     "X.X  X..X   -       -X.......X-       X.......X       -    XX           XX    -           "
1354     "XX    X..X  -       - X.....X -        X.....X        -   X.X           X.X   -           "
1355     "      X..X          -  X...X  -         X...X         -  X..X           X..X  -           "
1356     "       XX           -   X.X   -          X.X          - X...XXXXXXXXXXXXX...X -           "
1357     "------------        -    X    -           X           -X.....................X-           "
1358     "                    ----------------------------------- X...XXXXXXXXXXXXX...X -           "
1359     "                                                      -  X..X           X..X  -           "
1360     "                                                      -   X.X           X.X   -           "
1361     "                                                      -    XX           XX    -           "
1362 };
1364 static const ImVec2 FONT_ATLAS_DEFAULT_TEX_CURSOR_DATA[ImGuiMouseCursor_COUNT][3] =
1365 {
1366     // Pos ........ Size ......... Offset ......
1367     { ImVec2(0,3),  ImVec2(12,19), ImVec2( 0, 0) }, // ImGuiMouseCursor_Arrow
1368     { ImVec2(13,0), ImVec2(7,16),  ImVec2( 4, 8) }, // ImGuiMouseCursor_TextInput
1369     { ImVec2(31,0), ImVec2(23,23), ImVec2(11,11) }, // ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeAll
1370     { ImVec2(21,0), ImVec2( 9,23), ImVec2( 5,11) }, // ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNS
1371     { ImVec2(55,18),ImVec2(23, 9), ImVec2(11, 5) }, // ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeEW
1372     { ImVec2(73,0), ImVec2(17,17), ImVec2( 9, 9) }, // ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNESW
1373     { ImVec2(55,0), ImVec2(17,17), ImVec2( 9, 9) }, // ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNWSE
1374 };
ImFontAtlas()1376 ImFontAtlas::ImFontAtlas()
1377 {
1378     Flags = 0x00;
1379     TexID = NULL;
1380     TexDesiredWidth = 0;
1381     TexGlyphPadding = 1;
1383     TexPixelsAlpha8 = NULL;
1384     TexPixelsRGBA32 = NULL;
1385     TexWidth = TexHeight = 0;
1386     TexUvScale = ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
1387     TexUvWhitePixel = ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
1388     for (int n = 0; n < IM_ARRAYSIZE(CustomRectIds); n++)
1389         CustomRectIds[n] = -1;
1390 }
~ImFontAtlas()1392 ImFontAtlas::~ImFontAtlas()
1393 {
1394     Clear();
1395 }
ClearInputData()1397 void    ImFontAtlas::ClearInputData()
1398 {
1399     for (int i = 0; i < ConfigData.Size; i++)
1400         if (ConfigData[i].FontData && ConfigData[i].FontDataOwnedByAtlas)
1401         {
1402             ImGui::MemFree(ConfigData[i].FontData);
1403             ConfigData[i].FontData = NULL;
1404         }
1406     // When clearing this we lose access to the font name and other information used to build the font.
1407     for (int i = 0; i < Fonts.Size; i++)
1408         if (Fonts[i]->ConfigData >= ConfigData.Data && Fonts[i]->ConfigData < ConfigData.Data + ConfigData.Size)
1409         {
1410             Fonts[i]->ConfigData = NULL;
1411             Fonts[i]->ConfigDataCount = 0;
1412         }
1413     ConfigData.clear();
1414     CustomRects.clear();
1415     for (int n = 0; n < IM_ARRAYSIZE(CustomRectIds); n++)
1416         CustomRectIds[n] = -1;
1417 }
ClearTexData()1419 void    ImFontAtlas::ClearTexData()
1420 {
1421     if (TexPixelsAlpha8)
1422         ImGui::MemFree(TexPixelsAlpha8);
1423     if (TexPixelsRGBA32)
1424         ImGui::MemFree(TexPixelsRGBA32);
1425     TexPixelsAlpha8 = NULL;
1426     TexPixelsRGBA32 = NULL;
1427 }
ClearFonts()1429 void    ImFontAtlas::ClearFonts()
1430 {
1431     for (int i = 0; i < Fonts.Size; i++)
1432         IM_DELETE(Fonts[i]);
1433     Fonts.clear();
1434 }
Clear()1436 void    ImFontAtlas::Clear()
1437 {
1438     ClearInputData();
1439     ClearTexData();
1440     ClearFonts();
1441 }
GetTexDataAsAlpha8(unsigned char ** out_pixels,int * out_width,int * out_height,int * out_bytes_per_pixel)1443 void    ImFontAtlas::GetTexDataAsAlpha8(unsigned char** out_pixels, int* out_width, int* out_height, int* out_bytes_per_pixel)
1444 {
1445     // Build atlas on demand
1446     if (TexPixelsAlpha8 == NULL)
1447     {
1448         if (ConfigData.empty())
1449             AddFontDefault();
1450         Build();
1451     }
1453     *out_pixels = TexPixelsAlpha8;
1454     if (out_width) *out_width = TexWidth;
1455     if (out_height) *out_height = TexHeight;
1456     if (out_bytes_per_pixel) *out_bytes_per_pixel = 1;
1457 }
GetTexDataAsRGBA32(unsigned char ** out_pixels,int * out_width,int * out_height,int * out_bytes_per_pixel)1459 void    ImFontAtlas::GetTexDataAsRGBA32(unsigned char** out_pixels, int* out_width, int* out_height, int* out_bytes_per_pixel)
1460 {
1461     // Convert to RGBA32 format on demand
1462     // Although it is likely to be the most commonly used format, our font rendering is 1 channel / 8 bpp
1463     if (!TexPixelsRGBA32)
1464     {
1465         unsigned char* pixels = NULL;
1466         GetTexDataAsAlpha8(&pixels, NULL, NULL);
1467         if (pixels)
1468         {
1469             TexPixelsRGBA32 = (unsigned int*)ImGui::MemAlloc((size_t)(TexWidth * TexHeight * 4));
1470             const unsigned char* src = pixels;
1471             unsigned int* dst = TexPixelsRGBA32;
1472             for (int n = TexWidth * TexHeight; n > 0; n--)
1473                 *dst++ = IM_COL32(255, 255, 255, (unsigned int)(*src++));
1474         }
1475     }
1477     *out_pixels = (unsigned char*)TexPixelsRGBA32;
1478     if (out_width) *out_width = TexWidth;
1479     if (out_height) *out_height = TexHeight;
1480     if (out_bytes_per_pixel) *out_bytes_per_pixel = 4;
1481 }
AddFont(const ImFontConfig * font_cfg)1483 ImFont* ImFontAtlas::AddFont(const ImFontConfig* font_cfg)
1484 {
1485     IM_ASSERT(font_cfg->FontData != NULL && font_cfg->FontDataSize > 0);
1486     IM_ASSERT(font_cfg->SizePixels > 0.0f);
1488     // Create new font
1489     if (!font_cfg->MergeMode)
1490         Fonts.push_back(IM_NEW(ImFont));
1491     else
1492         IM_ASSERT(!Fonts.empty()); // When using MergeMode make sure that a font has already been added before. You can use ImGui::GetIO().Fonts->AddFontDefault() to add the default imgui font.
1494     ConfigData.push_back(*font_cfg);
1495     ImFontConfig& new_font_cfg = ConfigData.back();
1496     if (!new_font_cfg.DstFont)
1497         new_font_cfg.DstFont = Fonts.back();
1498     if (!new_font_cfg.FontDataOwnedByAtlas)
1499     {
1500         new_font_cfg.FontData = ImGui::MemAlloc(new_font_cfg.FontDataSize);
1501         new_font_cfg.FontDataOwnedByAtlas = true;
1502         memcpy(new_font_cfg.FontData, font_cfg->FontData, (size_t)new_font_cfg.FontDataSize);
1503     }
1505     // Invalidate texture
1506     ClearTexData();
1507     return new_font_cfg.DstFont;
1508 }
1510 // Default font TTF is compressed with stb_compress then base85 encoded (see misc/fonts/binary_to_compressed_c.cpp for encoder)
1511 static unsigned int stb_decompress_length(const unsigned char *input);
1512 static unsigned int stb_decompress(unsigned char *output, const unsigned char *input, unsigned int length);
1513 static const char*  GetDefaultCompressedFontDataTTFBase85();
Decode85Byte(char c)1514 static unsigned int Decode85Byte(char c)                                    { return c >= '\\' ? c-36 : c-35; }
Decode85(const unsigned char * src,unsigned char * dst)1515 static void         Decode85(const unsigned char* src, unsigned char* dst)
1516 {
1517     while (*src)
1518     {
1519         unsigned int tmp = Decode85Byte(src[0]) + 85*(Decode85Byte(src[1]) + 85*(Decode85Byte(src[2]) + 85*(Decode85Byte(src[3]) + 85*Decode85Byte(src[4]))));
1520         dst[0] = ((tmp >> 0) & 0xFF); dst[1] = ((tmp >> 8) & 0xFF); dst[2] = ((tmp >> 16) & 0xFF); dst[3] = ((tmp >> 24) & 0xFF);   // We can't assume little-endianness.
1521         src += 5;
1522         dst += 4;
1523     }
1524 }
1526 // Load embedded ProggyClean.ttf at size 13, disable oversampling
AddFontDefault(const ImFontConfig * font_cfg_template)1527 ImFont* ImFontAtlas::AddFontDefault(const ImFontConfig* font_cfg_template)
1528 {
1529     ImFontConfig font_cfg = font_cfg_template ? *font_cfg_template : ImFontConfig();
1530     if (!font_cfg_template)
1531     {
1532         font_cfg.OversampleH = font_cfg.OversampleV = 1;
1533         font_cfg.PixelSnapH = true;
1534     }
1535     if (font_cfg.Name[0] == '\0') strcpy(font_cfg.Name, "ProggyClean.ttf, 13px");
1536     if (font_cfg.SizePixels <= 0.0f) font_cfg.SizePixels = 13.0f;
1538     const char* ttf_compressed_base85 = GetDefaultCompressedFontDataTTFBase85();
1539     ImFont* font = AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTF(ttf_compressed_base85, font_cfg.SizePixels, &font_cfg, GetGlyphRangesDefault());
1540     font->DisplayOffset.y = 1.0f;
1541     return font;
1542 }
AddFontFromFileTTF(const char * filename,float size_pixels,const ImFontConfig * font_cfg_template,const ImWchar * glyph_ranges)1544 ImFont* ImFontAtlas::AddFontFromFileTTF(const char* filename, float size_pixels, const ImFontConfig* font_cfg_template, const ImWchar* glyph_ranges)
1545 {
1546     int data_size = 0;
1547     void* data = ImFileLoadToMemory(filename, "rb", &data_size, 0);
1548     if (!data)
1549     {
1550         IM_ASSERT(0); // Could not load file.
1551         return NULL;
1552     }
1553     ImFontConfig font_cfg = font_cfg_template ? *font_cfg_template : ImFontConfig();
1554     if (font_cfg.Name[0] == '\0')
1555     {
1556         // Store a short copy of filename into into the font name for convenience
1557         const char* p;
1558         for (p = filename + strlen(filename); p > filename && p[-1] != '/' && p[-1] != '\\'; p--) {}
1559         ImFormatString(font_cfg.Name, IM_ARRAYSIZE(font_cfg.Name), "%s, %.0fpx", p, size_pixels);
1560     }
1561     return AddFontFromMemoryTTF(data, data_size, size_pixels, &font_cfg, glyph_ranges);
1562 }
1564 // NB: Transfer ownership of 'ttf_data' to ImFontAtlas, unless font_cfg_template->FontDataOwnedByAtlas == false. Owned TTF buffer will be deleted after Build().
AddFontFromMemoryTTF(void * ttf_data,int ttf_size,float size_pixels,const ImFontConfig * font_cfg_template,const ImWchar * glyph_ranges)1565 ImFont* ImFontAtlas::AddFontFromMemoryTTF(void* ttf_data, int ttf_size, float size_pixels, const ImFontConfig* font_cfg_template, const ImWchar* glyph_ranges)
1566 {
1567     ImFontConfig font_cfg = font_cfg_template ? *font_cfg_template : ImFontConfig();
1568     IM_ASSERT(font_cfg.FontData == NULL);
1569     font_cfg.FontData = ttf_data;
1570     font_cfg.FontDataSize = ttf_size;
1571     font_cfg.SizePixels = size_pixels;
1572     if (glyph_ranges)
1573         font_cfg.GlyphRanges = glyph_ranges;
1574     return AddFont(&font_cfg);
1575 }
AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF(const void * compressed_ttf_data,int compressed_ttf_size,float size_pixels,const ImFontConfig * font_cfg_template,const ImWchar * glyph_ranges)1577 ImFont* ImFontAtlas::AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF(const void* compressed_ttf_data, int compressed_ttf_size, float size_pixels, const ImFontConfig* font_cfg_template, const ImWchar* glyph_ranges)
1578 {
1579     const unsigned int buf_decompressed_size = stb_decompress_length((const unsigned char*)compressed_ttf_data);
1580     unsigned char* buf_decompressed_data = (unsigned char *)ImGui::MemAlloc(buf_decompressed_size);
1581     stb_decompress(buf_decompressed_data, (const unsigned char*)compressed_ttf_data, (unsigned int)compressed_ttf_size);
1583     ImFontConfig font_cfg = font_cfg_template ? *font_cfg_template : ImFontConfig();
1584     IM_ASSERT(font_cfg.FontData == NULL);
1585     font_cfg.FontDataOwnedByAtlas = true;
1586     return AddFontFromMemoryTTF(buf_decompressed_data, (int)buf_decompressed_size, size_pixels, &font_cfg, glyph_ranges);
1587 }
AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTF(const char * compressed_ttf_data_base85,float size_pixels,const ImFontConfig * font_cfg,const ImWchar * glyph_ranges)1589 ImFont* ImFontAtlas::AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTF(const char* compressed_ttf_data_base85, float size_pixels, const ImFontConfig* font_cfg, const ImWchar* glyph_ranges)
1590 {
1591     int compressed_ttf_size = (((int)strlen(compressed_ttf_data_base85) + 4) / 5) * 4;
1592     void* compressed_ttf = ImGui::MemAlloc((size_t)compressed_ttf_size);
1593     Decode85((const unsigned char*)compressed_ttf_data_base85, (unsigned char*)compressed_ttf);
1594     ImFont* font = AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF(compressed_ttf, compressed_ttf_size, size_pixels, font_cfg, glyph_ranges);
1595     ImGui::MemFree(compressed_ttf);
1596     return font;
1597 }
AddCustomRectRegular(unsigned int id,int width,int height)1599 int ImFontAtlas::AddCustomRectRegular(unsigned int id, int width, int height)
1600 {
1601     IM_ASSERT(id >= 0x10000);
1602     IM_ASSERT(width > 0 && width <= 0xFFFF);
1603     IM_ASSERT(height > 0 && height <= 0xFFFF);
1604     CustomRect r;
1605     r.ID = id;
1606     r.Width = (unsigned short)width;
1607     r.Height = (unsigned short)height;
1608     CustomRects.push_back(r);
1609     return CustomRects.Size - 1; // Return index
1610 }
AddCustomRectFontGlyph(ImFont * font,ImWchar id,int width,int height,float advance_x,const ImVec2 & offset)1612 int ImFontAtlas::AddCustomRectFontGlyph(ImFont* font, ImWchar id, int width, int height, float advance_x, const ImVec2& offset)
1613 {
1614     IM_ASSERT(font != NULL);
1615     IM_ASSERT(width > 0 && width <= 0xFFFF);
1616     IM_ASSERT(height > 0 && height <= 0xFFFF);
1617     CustomRect r;
1618     r.ID = id;
1619     r.Width = (unsigned short)width;
1620     r.Height = (unsigned short)height;
1621     r.GlyphAdvanceX = advance_x;
1622     r.GlyphOffset = offset;
1623     r.Font = font;
1624     CustomRects.push_back(r);
1625     return CustomRects.Size - 1; // Return index
1626 }
CalcCustomRectUV(const CustomRect * rect,ImVec2 * out_uv_min,ImVec2 * out_uv_max)1628 void ImFontAtlas::CalcCustomRectUV(const CustomRect* rect, ImVec2* out_uv_min, ImVec2* out_uv_max)
1629 {
1630     IM_ASSERT(TexWidth > 0 && TexHeight > 0);   // Font atlas needs to be built before we can calculate UV coordinates
1631     IM_ASSERT(rect->IsPacked());                // Make sure the rectangle has been packed
1632     *out_uv_min = ImVec2((float)rect->X * TexUvScale.x, (float)rect->Y * TexUvScale.y);
1633     *out_uv_max = ImVec2((float)(rect->X + rect->Width) * TexUvScale.x, (float)(rect->Y + rect->Height) * TexUvScale.y);
1634 }
GetMouseCursorTexData(ImGuiMouseCursor cursor_type,ImVec2 * out_offset,ImVec2 * out_size,ImVec2 out_uv_border[2],ImVec2 out_uv_fill[2])1636 bool ImFontAtlas::GetMouseCursorTexData(ImGuiMouseCursor cursor_type, ImVec2* out_offset, ImVec2* out_size, ImVec2 out_uv_border[2], ImVec2 out_uv_fill[2])
1637 {
1638     if (cursor_type <= ImGuiMouseCursor_None || cursor_type >= ImGuiMouseCursor_COUNT)
1639         return false;
1640     if (Flags & ImFontAtlasFlags_NoMouseCursors)
1641         return false;
1643     IM_ASSERT(CustomRectIds[0] != -1);
1644     ImFontAtlas::CustomRect& r = CustomRects[CustomRectIds[0]];
1646     ImVec2 pos = FONT_ATLAS_DEFAULT_TEX_CURSOR_DATA[cursor_type][0] + ImVec2((float)r.X, (float)r.Y);
1647     ImVec2 size = FONT_ATLAS_DEFAULT_TEX_CURSOR_DATA[cursor_type][1];
1648     *out_size = size;
1649     *out_offset = FONT_ATLAS_DEFAULT_TEX_CURSOR_DATA[cursor_type][2];
1650     out_uv_border[0] = (pos) * TexUvScale;
1651     out_uv_border[1] = (pos + size) * TexUvScale;
1652     pos.x += FONT_ATLAS_DEFAULT_TEX_DATA_W_HALF + 1;
1653     out_uv_fill[0] = (pos) * TexUvScale;
1654     out_uv_fill[1] = (pos + size) * TexUvScale;
1655     return true;
1656 }
Build()1658 bool    ImFontAtlas::Build()
1659 {
1660     return ImFontAtlasBuildWithStbTruetype(this);
1661 }
ImFontAtlasBuildMultiplyCalcLookupTable(unsigned char out_table[256],float in_brighten_factor)1663 void    ImFontAtlasBuildMultiplyCalcLookupTable(unsigned char out_table[256], float in_brighten_factor)
1664 {
1665     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
1666     {
1667         unsigned int value = (unsigned int)(i * in_brighten_factor);
1668         out_table[i] = value > 255 ? 255 : (value & 0xFF);
1669     }
1670 }
ImFontAtlasBuildMultiplyRectAlpha8(const unsigned char table[256],unsigned char * pixels,int x,int y,int w,int h,int stride)1672 void    ImFontAtlasBuildMultiplyRectAlpha8(const unsigned char table[256], unsigned char* pixels, int x, int y, int w, int h, int stride)
1673 {
1674     unsigned char* data = pixels + x + y * stride;
1675     for (int j = h; j > 0; j--, data += stride)
1676         for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
1677             data[i] = table[data[i]];
1678 }
ImFontAtlasBuildWithStbTruetype(ImFontAtlas * atlas)1680 bool    ImFontAtlasBuildWithStbTruetype(ImFontAtlas* atlas)
1681 {
1682     IM_ASSERT(atlas->ConfigData.Size > 0);
1684     ImFontAtlasBuildRegisterDefaultCustomRects(atlas);
1686     atlas->TexID = NULL;
1687     atlas->TexWidth = atlas->TexHeight = 0;
1688     atlas->TexUvScale = ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
1689     atlas->TexUvWhitePixel = ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
1690     atlas->ClearTexData();
1692     // Count glyphs/ranges
1693     int total_glyphs_count = 0;
1694     int total_ranges_count = 0;
1695     for (int input_i = 0; input_i < atlas->ConfigData.Size; input_i++)
1696     {
1697         ImFontConfig& cfg = atlas->ConfigData[input_i];
1698         if (!cfg.GlyphRanges)
1699             cfg.GlyphRanges = atlas->GetGlyphRangesDefault();
1700         for (const ImWchar* in_range = cfg.GlyphRanges; in_range[0] && in_range[1]; in_range += 2, total_ranges_count++)
1701             total_glyphs_count += (in_range[1] - in_range[0]) + 1;
1702     }
1704     // We need a width for the skyline algorithm. Using a dumb heuristic here to decide of width. User can override TexDesiredWidth and TexGlyphPadding if they wish.
1705     // Width doesn't really matter much, but some API/GPU have texture size limitations and increasing width can decrease height.
1706     atlas->TexWidth = (atlas->TexDesiredWidth > 0) ? atlas->TexDesiredWidth : (total_glyphs_count > 4000) ? 4096 : (total_glyphs_count > 2000) ? 2048 : (total_glyphs_count > 1000) ? 1024 : 512;
1707     atlas->TexHeight = 0;
1709     // Start packing
1710     const int max_tex_height = 1024*32;
1711     stbtt_pack_context spc = {};
1712     if (!stbtt_PackBegin(&spc, NULL, atlas->TexWidth, max_tex_height, 0, atlas->TexGlyphPadding, NULL))
1713         return false;
1714     stbtt_PackSetOversampling(&spc, 1, 1);
1716     // Pack our extra data rectangles first, so it will be on the upper-left corner of our texture (UV will have small values).
1717     ImFontAtlasBuildPackCustomRects(atlas, spc.pack_info);
1719     // Initialize font information (so we can error without any cleanup)
1720     struct ImFontTempBuildData
1721     {
1722         stbtt_fontinfo      FontInfo;
1723         stbrp_rect*         Rects;
1724         int                 RectsCount;
1725         stbtt_pack_range*   Ranges;
1726         int                 RangesCount;
1727     };
1728     ImFontTempBuildData* tmp_array = (ImFontTempBuildData*)ImGui::MemAlloc((size_t)atlas->ConfigData.Size * sizeof(ImFontTempBuildData));
1729     for (int input_i = 0; input_i < atlas->ConfigData.Size; input_i++)
1730     {
1731         ImFontConfig& cfg = atlas->ConfigData[input_i];
1732         ImFontTempBuildData& tmp = tmp_array[input_i];
1733         IM_ASSERT(cfg.DstFont && (!cfg.DstFont->IsLoaded() || cfg.DstFont->ContainerAtlas == atlas));
1735         const int font_offset = stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex((unsigned char*)cfg.FontData, cfg.FontNo);
1736         IM_ASSERT(font_offset >= 0 && "FontData is incorrect, or FontNo cannot be found.");
1737         if (!stbtt_InitFont(&tmp.FontInfo, (unsigned char*)cfg.FontData, font_offset))
1738         {
1739             atlas->TexWidth = atlas->TexHeight = 0; // Reset output on failure
1740             ImGui::MemFree(tmp_array);
1741             return false;
1742         }
1743     }
1745     // Allocate packing character data and flag packed characters buffer as non-packed (x0=y0=x1=y1=0)
1746     int buf_packedchars_n = 0, buf_rects_n = 0, buf_ranges_n = 0;
1747     stbtt_packedchar* buf_packedchars = (stbtt_packedchar*)ImGui::MemAlloc(total_glyphs_count * sizeof(stbtt_packedchar));
1748     stbrp_rect* buf_rects = (stbrp_rect*)ImGui::MemAlloc(total_glyphs_count * sizeof(stbrp_rect));
1749     stbtt_pack_range* buf_ranges = (stbtt_pack_range*)ImGui::MemAlloc(total_ranges_count * sizeof(stbtt_pack_range));
1750     memset(buf_packedchars, 0, total_glyphs_count * sizeof(stbtt_packedchar));
1751     memset(buf_rects, 0, total_glyphs_count * sizeof(stbrp_rect));              // Unnecessary but let's clear this for the sake of sanity.
1752     memset(buf_ranges, 0, total_ranges_count * sizeof(stbtt_pack_range));
1754     // First font pass: pack all glyphs (no rendering at this point, we are working with rectangles in an infinitely tall texture at this point)
1755     for (int input_i = 0; input_i < atlas->ConfigData.Size; input_i++)
1756     {
1757         ImFontConfig& cfg = atlas->ConfigData[input_i];
1758         ImFontTempBuildData& tmp = tmp_array[input_i];
1760         // Setup ranges
1761         int font_glyphs_count = 0;
1762         int font_ranges_count = 0;
1763         for (const ImWchar* in_range = cfg.GlyphRanges; in_range[0] && in_range[1]; in_range += 2, font_ranges_count++)
1764             font_glyphs_count += (in_range[1] - in_range[0]) + 1;
1765         tmp.Ranges = buf_ranges + buf_ranges_n;
1766         tmp.RangesCount = font_ranges_count;
1767         buf_ranges_n += font_ranges_count;
1768         for (int i = 0; i < font_ranges_count; i++)
1769         {
1770             const ImWchar* in_range = &cfg.GlyphRanges[i * 2];
1771             stbtt_pack_range& range = tmp.Ranges[i];
1772             range.font_size = cfg.SizePixels;
1773             range.first_unicode_codepoint_in_range = in_range[0];
1774             range.num_chars = (in_range[1] - in_range[0]) + 1;
1775             range.chardata_for_range = buf_packedchars + buf_packedchars_n;
1776             buf_packedchars_n += range.num_chars;
1777         }
1779         // Pack
1780         tmp.Rects = buf_rects + buf_rects_n;
1781         tmp.RectsCount = font_glyphs_count;
1782         buf_rects_n += font_glyphs_count;
1783         stbtt_PackSetOversampling(&spc, cfg.OversampleH, cfg.OversampleV);
1784         int n = stbtt_PackFontRangesGatherRects(&spc, &tmp.FontInfo, tmp.Ranges, tmp.RangesCount, tmp.Rects);
1785         IM_ASSERT(n == font_glyphs_count);
1786         stbrp_pack_rects((stbrp_context*)spc.pack_info, tmp.Rects, n);
1788         // Extend texture height
1789         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
1790             if (tmp.Rects[i].was_packed)
1791                 atlas->TexHeight = ImMax(atlas->TexHeight, tmp.Rects[i].y + tmp.Rects[i].h);
1792     }
1793     IM_ASSERT(buf_rects_n == total_glyphs_count);
1794     IM_ASSERT(buf_packedchars_n == total_glyphs_count);
1795     IM_ASSERT(buf_ranges_n == total_ranges_count);
1797     // Create texture
1798     atlas->TexHeight = (atlas->Flags & ImFontAtlasFlags_NoPowerOfTwoHeight) ? (atlas->TexHeight + 1) : ImUpperPowerOfTwo(atlas->TexHeight);
1799     atlas->TexUvScale = ImVec2(1.0f / atlas->TexWidth, 1.0f / atlas->TexHeight);
1800     atlas->TexPixelsAlpha8 = (unsigned char*)ImGui::MemAlloc(atlas->TexWidth * atlas->TexHeight);
1801     memset(atlas->TexPixelsAlpha8, 0, atlas->TexWidth * atlas->TexHeight);
1802     spc.pixels = atlas->TexPixelsAlpha8;
1803     spc.height = atlas->TexHeight;
1805     // Second pass: render font characters
1806     for (int input_i = 0; input_i < atlas->ConfigData.Size; input_i++)
1807     {
1808         ImFontConfig& cfg = atlas->ConfigData[input_i];
1809         ImFontTempBuildData& tmp = tmp_array[input_i];
1810         stbtt_PackSetOversampling(&spc, cfg.OversampleH, cfg.OversampleV);
1811         stbtt_PackFontRangesRenderIntoRects(&spc, &tmp.FontInfo, tmp.Ranges, tmp.RangesCount, tmp.Rects);
1812         if (cfg.RasterizerMultiply != 1.0f)
1813         {
1814             unsigned char multiply_table[256];
1815             ImFontAtlasBuildMultiplyCalcLookupTable(multiply_table, cfg.RasterizerMultiply);
1816             for (const stbrp_rect* r = tmp.Rects; r != tmp.Rects + tmp.RectsCount; r++)
1817                 if (r->was_packed)
1818                     ImFontAtlasBuildMultiplyRectAlpha8(multiply_table, spc.pixels, r->x, r->y, r->w, r->h, spc.stride_in_bytes);
1819         }
1820         tmp.Rects = NULL;
1821     }
1823     // End packing
1824     stbtt_PackEnd(&spc);
1825     ImGui::MemFree(buf_rects);
1826     buf_rects = NULL;
1828     // Third pass: setup ImFont and glyphs for runtime
1829     for (int input_i = 0; input_i < atlas->ConfigData.Size; input_i++)
1830     {
1831         ImFontConfig& cfg = atlas->ConfigData[input_i];
1832         ImFontTempBuildData& tmp = tmp_array[input_i];
1833         ImFont* dst_font = cfg.DstFont; // We can have multiple input fonts writing into a same destination font (when using MergeMode=true)
1834         if (cfg.MergeMode)
1835             dst_font->BuildLookupTable();
1837         const float font_scale = stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight(&tmp.FontInfo, cfg.SizePixels);
1838         int unscaled_ascent, unscaled_descent, unscaled_line_gap;
1839         stbtt_GetFontVMetrics(&tmp.FontInfo, &unscaled_ascent, &unscaled_descent, &unscaled_line_gap);
1841         const float ascent = ImFloor(unscaled_ascent * font_scale + ((unscaled_ascent > 0.0f) ? +1 : -1));
1842         const float descent = ImFloor(unscaled_descent * font_scale + ((unscaled_descent > 0.0f) ? +1 : -1));
1843         ImFontAtlasBuildSetupFont(atlas, dst_font, &cfg, ascent, descent);
1844         const float off_x = cfg.GlyphOffset.x;
1845         const float off_y = cfg.GlyphOffset.y + (float)(int)(dst_font->Ascent + 0.5f);
1847         for (int i = 0; i < tmp.RangesCount; i++)
1848         {
1849             stbtt_pack_range& range = tmp.Ranges[i];
1850             for (int char_idx = 0; char_idx < range.num_chars; char_idx += 1)
1851             {
1852                 const stbtt_packedchar& pc = range.chardata_for_range[char_idx];
1853                 if (!pc.x0 && !pc.x1 && !pc.y0 && !pc.y1)
1854                     continue;
1856                 const int codepoint = range.first_unicode_codepoint_in_range + char_idx;
1857                 if (cfg.MergeMode && dst_font->FindGlyphNoFallback((unsigned short)codepoint))
1858                     continue;
1860                 stbtt_aligned_quad q;
1861                 float dummy_x = 0.0f, dummy_y = 0.0f;
1862                 stbtt_GetPackedQuad(range.chardata_for_range, atlas->TexWidth, atlas->TexHeight, char_idx, &dummy_x, &dummy_y, &q, 0);
1863                 dst_font->AddGlyph((ImWchar)codepoint, q.x0 + off_x, q.y0 + off_y, q.x1 + off_x, q.y1 + off_y, q.s0, q.t0, q.s1, q.t1, pc.xadvance);
1864             }
1865         }
1866     }
1868     // Cleanup temporaries
1869     ImGui::MemFree(buf_packedchars);
1870     ImGui::MemFree(buf_ranges);
1871     ImGui::MemFree(tmp_array);
1873     ImFontAtlasBuildFinish(atlas);
1875     return true;
1876 }
ImFontAtlasBuildRegisterDefaultCustomRects(ImFontAtlas * atlas)1878 void ImFontAtlasBuildRegisterDefaultCustomRects(ImFontAtlas* atlas)
1879 {
1880     if (atlas->CustomRectIds[0] >= 0)
1881         return;
1882     if (!(atlas->Flags & ImFontAtlasFlags_NoMouseCursors))
1883         atlas->CustomRectIds[0] = atlas->AddCustomRectRegular(FONT_ATLAS_DEFAULT_TEX_DATA_ID, FONT_ATLAS_DEFAULT_TEX_DATA_W_HALF*2+1, FONT_ATLAS_DEFAULT_TEX_DATA_H);
1884     else
1885         atlas->CustomRectIds[0] = atlas->AddCustomRectRegular(FONT_ATLAS_DEFAULT_TEX_DATA_ID, 2, 2);
1886 }
ImFontAtlasBuildSetupFont(ImFontAtlas * atlas,ImFont * font,ImFontConfig * font_config,float ascent,float descent)1888 void ImFontAtlasBuildSetupFont(ImFontAtlas* atlas, ImFont* font, ImFontConfig* font_config, float ascent, float descent)
1889 {
1890     if (!font_config->MergeMode)
1891     {
1892         font->ClearOutputData();
1893         font->FontSize = font_config->SizePixels;
1894         font->ConfigData = font_config;
1895         font->ContainerAtlas = atlas;
1896         font->Ascent = ascent;
1897         font->Descent = descent;
1898     }
1899     font->ConfigDataCount++;
1900 }
ImFontAtlasBuildPackCustomRects(ImFontAtlas * atlas,void * pack_context_opaque)1902 void ImFontAtlasBuildPackCustomRects(ImFontAtlas* atlas, void* pack_context_opaque)
1903 {
1904     stbrp_context* pack_context = (stbrp_context*)pack_context_opaque;
1906     ImVector<ImFontAtlas::CustomRect>& user_rects = atlas->CustomRects;
1907     IM_ASSERT(user_rects.Size >= 1); // We expect at least the default custom rects to be registered, else something went wrong.
1909     ImVector<stbrp_rect> pack_rects;
1910     pack_rects.resize(user_rects.Size);
1911     memset(pack_rects.Data, 0, sizeof(stbrp_rect) * user_rects.Size);
1912     for (int i = 0; i < user_rects.Size; i++)
1913     {
1914         pack_rects[i].w = user_rects[i].Width;
1915         pack_rects[i].h = user_rects[i].Height;
1916     }
1917     stbrp_pack_rects(pack_context, &pack_rects[0], pack_rects.Size);
1918     for (int i = 0; i < pack_rects.Size; i++)
1919         if (pack_rects[i].was_packed)
1920         {
1921             user_rects[i].X = pack_rects[i].x;
1922             user_rects[i].Y = pack_rects[i].y;
1923             IM_ASSERT(pack_rects[i].w == user_rects[i].Width && pack_rects[i].h == user_rects[i].Height);
1924             atlas->TexHeight = ImMax(atlas->TexHeight, pack_rects[i].y + pack_rects[i].h);
1925         }
1926 }
ImFontAtlasBuildRenderDefaultTexData(ImFontAtlas * atlas)1928 static void ImFontAtlasBuildRenderDefaultTexData(ImFontAtlas* atlas)
1929 {
1930     IM_ASSERT(atlas->CustomRectIds[0] >= 0);
1931     IM_ASSERT(atlas->TexPixelsAlpha8 != NULL);
1932     ImFontAtlas::CustomRect& r = atlas->CustomRects[atlas->CustomRectIds[0]];
1934     IM_ASSERT(r.IsPacked());
1936     const int w = atlas->TexWidth;
1937     if (!(atlas->Flags & ImFontAtlasFlags_NoMouseCursors))
1938     {
1939         // Render/copy pixels
1941         for (int y = 0, n = 0; y < FONT_ATLAS_DEFAULT_TEX_DATA_H; y++)
1942             for (int x = 0; x < FONT_ATLAS_DEFAULT_TEX_DATA_W_HALF; x++, n++)
1943             {
1944                 const int offset0 = (int)(r.X + x) + (int)(r.Y + y) * w;
1945                 const int offset1 = offset0 + FONT_ATLAS_DEFAULT_TEX_DATA_W_HALF + 1;
1946                 atlas->TexPixelsAlpha8[offset0] = FONT_ATLAS_DEFAULT_TEX_DATA_PIXELS[n] == '.' ? 0xFF : 0x00;
1947                 atlas->TexPixelsAlpha8[offset1] = FONT_ATLAS_DEFAULT_TEX_DATA_PIXELS[n] == 'X' ? 0xFF : 0x00;
1948             }
1949     }
1950     else
1951     {
1952         IM_ASSERT(r.Width == 2 && r.Height == 2);
1953         const int offset = (int)(r.X) + (int)(r.Y) * w;
1954         atlas->TexPixelsAlpha8[offset] = atlas->TexPixelsAlpha8[offset + 1] = atlas->TexPixelsAlpha8[offset + w] = atlas->TexPixelsAlpha8[offset + w + 1] = 0xFF;
1955     }
1956     atlas->TexUvWhitePixel = ImVec2((r.X + 0.5f) * atlas->TexUvScale.x, (r.Y + 0.5f) * atlas->TexUvScale.y);
1957 }
ImFontAtlasBuildFinish(ImFontAtlas * atlas)1959 void ImFontAtlasBuildFinish(ImFontAtlas* atlas)
1960 {
1961     // Render into our custom data block
1962     ImFontAtlasBuildRenderDefaultTexData(atlas);
1964     // Register custom rectangle glyphs
1965     for (int i = 0; i < atlas->CustomRects.Size; i++)
1966     {
1967         const ImFontAtlas::CustomRect& r = atlas->CustomRects[i];
1968         if (r.Font == NULL || r.ID > 0x10000)
1969             continue;
1971         IM_ASSERT(r.Font->ContainerAtlas == atlas);
1972         ImVec2 uv0, uv1;
1973         atlas->CalcCustomRectUV(&r, &uv0, &uv1);
1974         r.Font->AddGlyph((ImWchar)r.ID, r.GlyphOffset.x, r.GlyphOffset.y, r.GlyphOffset.x + r.Width, r.GlyphOffset.y + r.Height, uv0.x, uv0.y, uv1.x, uv1.y, r.GlyphAdvanceX);
1975     }
1977     // Build all fonts lookup tables
1978     for (int i = 0; i < atlas->Fonts.Size; i++)
1979         if (atlas->Fonts[i]->DirtyLookupTables)
1980             atlas->Fonts[i]->BuildLookupTable();
1981 }
1983 // Retrieve list of range (2 int per range, values are inclusive)
GetGlyphRangesDefault()1984 const ImWchar*   ImFontAtlas::GetGlyphRangesDefault()
1985 {
1986     static const ImWchar ranges[] =
1987     {
1988         0x0020, 0x00FF, // Basic Latin + Latin Supplement
1989         0,
1990     };
1991     return &ranges[0];
1992 }
GetGlyphRangesKorean()1994 const ImWchar*  ImFontAtlas::GetGlyphRangesKorean()
1995 {
1996     static const ImWchar ranges[] =
1997     {
1998         0x0020, 0x00FF, // Basic Latin + Latin Supplement
1999         0x3131, 0x3163, // Korean alphabets
2000         0xAC00, 0xD79D, // Korean characters
2001         0,
2002     };
2003     return &ranges[0];
2004 }
GetGlyphRangesChinese()2006 const ImWchar*  ImFontAtlas::GetGlyphRangesChinese()
2007 {
2008     static const ImWchar ranges[] =
2009     {
2010         0x0020, 0x00FF, // Basic Latin + Latin Supplement
2011         0x3000, 0x30FF, // Punctuations, Hiragana, Katakana
2012         0x31F0, 0x31FF, // Katakana Phonetic Extensions
2013         0xFF00, 0xFFEF, // Half-width characters
2014         0x4e00, 0x9FAF, // CJK Ideograms
2015         0,
2016     };
2017     return &ranges[0];
2018 }
GetGlyphRangesJapanese()2020 const ImWchar*  ImFontAtlas::GetGlyphRangesJapanese()
2021 {
2022     // Store the 1946 ideograms code points as successive offsets from the initial unicode codepoint 0x4E00. Each offset has an implicit +1.
2023     // This encoding is designed to helps us reduce the source code size.
2024     // FIXME: Source a list of the revised 2136 joyo kanji list from 2010 and rebuild this.
2025     // The current list was sourced from http://theinstructionlimit.com/author/renaudbedardrenaudbedard/page/3
2026     // Note that you may use ImFontAtlas::GlyphRangesBuilder to create your own ranges, by merging existing ranges or adding new characters.
2027     static const short offsets_from_0x4E00[] =
2028     {
2029         -1,0,1,3,0,0,0,0,1,0,5,1,1,0,7,4,6,10,0,1,9,9,7,1,3,19,1,10,7,1,0,1,0,5,1,0,6,4,2,6,0,0,12,6,8,0,3,5,0,1,0,9,0,0,8,1,1,3,4,5,13,0,0,8,2,17,
2030         4,3,1,1,9,6,0,0,0,2,1,3,2,22,1,9,11,1,13,1,3,12,0,5,9,2,0,6,12,5,3,12,4,1,2,16,1,1,4,6,5,3,0,6,13,15,5,12,8,14,0,0,6,15,3,6,0,18,8,1,6,14,1,
2031         5,4,12,24,3,13,12,10,24,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,2,9,10,2,2,0,0,3,3,1,0,3,8,0,3,2,4,4,1,6,11,10,14,6,15,3,4,15,1,0,0,5,2,2,0,0,1,6,5,5,6,0,3,6,5,0,0,1,0,
2032         11,2,2,8,4,7,0,10,0,1,2,17,19,3,0,2,5,0,6,2,4,4,6,1,1,11,2,0,3,1,2,1,2,10,7,6,3,16,0,8,24,0,0,3,1,1,3,0,1,6,0,0,0,2,0,1,5,15,0,1,0,0,2,11,19,
2033         1,4,19,7,6,5,1,0,0,0,0,5,1,0,1,9,0,0,5,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,11,3,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,9,3,6,4,12,0,14,0,0,29,10,8,0,14,37,13,0,31,16,19,0,8,30,1,20,8,3,48,
2034         21,1,0,12,0,10,44,34,42,54,11,18,82,0,2,1,2,12,1,0,6,2,17,2,12,7,0,7,17,4,2,6,24,23,8,23,39,2,16,23,1,0,5,1,2,15,14,5,6,2,11,0,8,6,2,2,2,14,
2035         20,4,15,3,4,11,10,10,2,5,2,1,30,2,1,0,0,22,5,5,0,3,1,5,4,1,0,0,2,2,21,1,5,1,2,16,2,1,3,4,0,8,4,0,0,5,14,11,2,16,1,13,1,7,0,22,15,3,1,22,7,14,
2036         22,19,11,24,18,46,10,20,64,45,3,2,0,4,5,0,1,4,25,1,0,0,2,10,0,0,0,1,0,1,2,0,0,9,1,2,0,0,0,2,5,2,1,1,5,5,8,1,1,1,5,1,4,9,1,3,0,1,0,1,1,2,0,0,
2037         2,0,1,8,22,8,1,0,0,0,0,4,2,1,0,9,8,5,0,9,1,30,24,2,6,4,39,0,14,5,16,6,26,179,0,2,1,1,0,0,0,5,2,9,6,0,2,5,16,7,5,1,1,0,2,4,4,7,15,13,14,0,0,
2038         3,0,1,0,0,0,2,1,6,4,5,1,4,9,0,3,1,8,0,0,10,5,0,43,0,2,6,8,4,0,2,0,0,9,6,0,9,3,1,6,20,14,6,1,4,0,7,2,3,0,2,0,5,0,3,1,0,3,9,7,0,3,4,0,4,9,1,6,0,
2039         9,0,0,2,3,10,9,28,3,6,2,4,1,2,32,4,1,18,2,0,3,1,5,30,10,0,2,2,2,0,7,9,8,11,10,11,7,2,13,7,5,10,0,3,40,2,0,1,6,12,0,4,5,1,5,11,11,21,4,8,3,7,
2040         8,8,33,5,23,0,0,19,8,8,2,3,0,6,1,1,1,5,1,27,4,2,5,0,3,5,6,3,1,0,3,1,12,5,3,3,2,0,7,7,2,1,0,4,0,1,1,2,0,10,10,6,2,5,9,7,5,15,15,21,6,11,5,20,
2041         4,3,5,5,2,5,0,2,1,0,1,7,28,0,9,0,5,12,5,5,18,30,0,12,3,3,21,16,25,32,9,3,14,11,24,5,66,9,1,2,0,5,9,1,5,1,8,0,8,3,3,0,1,15,1,4,8,1,2,7,0,7,2,
2042         8,3,7,5,3,7,10,2,1,0,0,2,25,0,6,4,0,10,0,4,2,4,1,12,5,38,4,0,4,1,10,5,9,4,0,14,4,2,5,18,20,21,1,3,0,5,0,7,0,3,7,1,3,1,1,8,1,0,0,0,3,2,5,2,11,
2043         6,0,13,1,3,9,1,12,0,16,6,2,1,0,2,1,12,6,13,11,2,0,28,1,7,8,14,13,8,13,0,2,0,5,4,8,10,2,37,42,19,6,6,7,4,14,11,18,14,80,7,6,0,4,72,12,36,27,
2044         7,7,0,14,17,19,164,27,0,5,10,7,3,13,6,14,0,2,2,5,3,0,6,13,0,0,10,29,0,4,0,3,13,0,3,1,6,51,1,5,28,2,0,8,0,20,2,4,0,25,2,10,13,10,0,16,4,0,1,0,
2045         2,1,7,0,1,8,11,0,0,1,2,7,2,23,11,6,6,4,16,2,2,2,0,22,9,3,3,5,2,0,15,16,21,2,9,20,15,15,5,3,9,1,0,0,1,7,7,5,4,2,2,2,38,24,14,0,0,15,5,6,24,14,
2046         5,5,11,0,21,12,0,3,8,4,11,1,8,0,11,27,7,2,4,9,21,59,0,1,39,3,60,62,3,0,12,11,0,3,30,11,0,13,88,4,15,5,28,13,1,4,48,17,17,4,28,32,46,0,16,0,
2047         18,11,1,8,6,38,11,2,6,11,38,2,0,45,3,11,2,7,8,4,30,14,17,2,1,1,65,18,12,16,4,2,45,123,12,56,33,1,4,3,4,7,0,0,0,3,2,0,16,4,2,4,2,0,7,4,5,2,26,
2048         2,25,6,11,6,1,16,2,6,17,77,15,3,35,0,1,0,5,1,0,38,16,6,3,12,3,3,3,0,9,3,1,3,5,2,9,0,18,0,25,1,3,32,1,72,46,6,2,7,1,3,14,17,0,28,1,40,13,0,20,
2049         15,40,6,38,24,12,43,1,1,9,0,12,6,0,6,2,4,19,3,7,1,48,0,9,5,0,5,6,9,6,10,15,2,11,19,3,9,2,0,1,10,1,27,8,1,3,6,1,14,0,26,0,27,16,3,4,9,6,2,23,
2050         9,10,5,25,2,1,6,1,1,48,15,9,15,14,3,4,26,60,29,13,37,21,1,6,4,0,2,11,22,23,16,16,2,2,1,3,0,5,1,6,4,0,0,4,0,0,8,3,0,2,5,0,7,1,7,3,13,2,4,10,
2051         3,0,2,31,0,18,3,0,12,10,4,1,0,7,5,7,0,5,4,12,2,22,10,4,2,15,2,8,9,0,23,2,197,51,3,1,1,4,13,4,3,21,4,19,3,10,5,40,0,4,1,1,10,4,1,27,34,7,21,
2052         2,17,2,9,6,4,2,3,0,4,2,7,8,2,5,1,15,21,3,4,4,2,2,17,22,1,5,22,4,26,7,0,32,1,11,42,15,4,1,2,5,0,19,3,1,8,6,0,10,1,9,2,13,30,8,2,24,17,19,1,4,
2053         4,25,13,0,10,16,11,39,18,8,5,30,82,1,6,8,18,77,11,13,20,75,11,112,78,33,3,0,0,60,17,84,9,1,1,12,30,10,49,5,32,158,178,5,5,6,3,3,1,3,1,4,7,6,
2054         19,31,21,0,2,9,5,6,27,4,9,8,1,76,18,12,1,4,0,3,3,6,3,12,2,8,30,16,2,25,1,5,5,4,3,0,6,10,2,3,1,0,5,1,19,3,0,8,1,5,2,6,0,0,0,19,1,2,0,5,1,2,5,
2055         1,3,7,0,4,12,7,3,10,22,0,9,5,1,0,2,20,1,1,3,23,30,3,9,9,1,4,191,14,3,15,6,8,50,0,1,0,0,4,0,0,1,0,2,4,2,0,2,3,0,2,0,2,2,8,7,0,1,1,1,3,3,17,11,
2056         91,1,9,3,2,13,4,24,15,41,3,13,3,1,20,4,125,29,30,1,0,4,12,2,21,4,5,5,19,11,0,13,11,86,2,18,0,7,1,8,8,2,2,22,1,2,6,5,2,0,1,2,8,0,2,0,5,2,1,0,
2057         2,10,2,0,5,9,2,1,2,0,1,0,4,0,0,10,2,5,3,0,6,1,0,1,4,4,33,3,13,17,3,18,6,4,7,1,5,78,0,4,1,13,7,1,8,1,0,35,27,15,3,0,0,0,1,11,5,41,38,15,22,6,
2058         14,14,2,1,11,6,20,63,5,8,27,7,11,2,2,40,58,23,50,54,56,293,8,8,1,5,1,14,0,1,12,37,89,8,8,8,2,10,6,0,0,0,4,5,2,1,0,1,1,2,7,0,3,3,0,4,6,0,3,2,
2059         19,3,8,0,0,0,4,4,16,0,4,1,5,1,3,0,3,4,6,2,17,10,10,31,6,4,3,6,10,126,7,3,2,2,0,9,0,0,5,20,13,0,15,0,6,0,2,5,8,64,50,3,2,12,2,9,0,0,11,8,20,
2060         109,2,18,23,0,0,9,61,3,0,28,41,77,27,19,17,81,5,2,14,5,83,57,252,14,154,263,14,20,8,13,6,57,39,38,
2061     };
2062     static ImWchar base_ranges[] =
2063     {
2064         0x0020, 0x00FF, // Basic Latin + Latin Supplement
2065         0x3000, 0x30FF, // Punctuations, Hiragana, Katakana
2066         0x31F0, 0x31FF, // Katakana Phonetic Extensions
2067         0xFF00, 0xFFEF, // Half-width characters
2068     };
2069     static bool full_ranges_unpacked = false;
2070     static ImWchar full_ranges[IM_ARRAYSIZE(base_ranges) + IM_ARRAYSIZE(offsets_from_0x4E00)*2 + 1];
2071     if (!full_ranges_unpacked)
2072     {
2073         // Unpack
2074         int codepoint = 0x4e00;
2075         memcpy(full_ranges, base_ranges, sizeof(base_ranges));
2076         ImWchar* dst = full_ranges + IM_ARRAYSIZE(base_ranges);
2077         for (int n = 0; n < IM_ARRAYSIZE(offsets_from_0x4E00); n++, dst += 2)
2078             dst[0] = dst[1] = (ImWchar)(codepoint += (offsets_from_0x4E00[n] + 1));
2079         dst[0] = 0;
2080         full_ranges_unpacked = true;
2081     }
2082     return &full_ranges[0];
2083 }
GetGlyphRangesCyrillic()2085 const ImWchar*  ImFontAtlas::GetGlyphRangesCyrillic()
2086 {
2087     static const ImWchar ranges[] =
2088     {
2089         0x0020, 0x00FF, // Basic Latin + Latin Supplement
2090         0x0400, 0x052F, // Cyrillic + Cyrillic Supplement
2091         0x2DE0, 0x2DFF, // Cyrillic Extended-A
2092         0xA640, 0xA69F, // Cyrillic Extended-B
2093         0,
2094     };
2095     return &ranges[0];
2096 }
GetGlyphRangesThai()2098 const ImWchar*  ImFontAtlas::GetGlyphRangesThai()
2099 {
2100     static const ImWchar ranges[] =
2101     {
2102         0x0020, 0x00FF, // Basic Latin
2103         0x2010, 0x205E, // Punctuations
2104         0x0E00, 0x0E7F, // Thai
2105         0,
2106     };
2107     return &ranges[0];
2108 }
2110 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2111 // ImFontAtlas::GlyphRangesBuilder
2112 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AddText(const char * text,const char * text_end)2114 void ImFontAtlas::GlyphRangesBuilder::AddText(const char* text, const char* text_end)
2115 {
2116     while (text_end ? (text < text_end) : *text)
2117     {
2118         unsigned int c = 0;
2119         int c_len = ImTextCharFromUtf8(&c, text, text_end);
2120         text += c_len;
2121         if (c_len == 0)
2122             break;
2123         if (c < 0x10000)
2124             AddChar((ImWchar)c);
2125     }
2126 }
AddRanges(const ImWchar * ranges)2128 void ImFontAtlas::GlyphRangesBuilder::AddRanges(const ImWchar* ranges)
2129 {
2130     for (; ranges[0]; ranges += 2)
2131         for (ImWchar c = ranges[0]; c <= ranges[1]; c++)
2132             AddChar(c);
2133 }
BuildRanges(ImVector<ImWchar> * out_ranges)2135 void ImFontAtlas::GlyphRangesBuilder::BuildRanges(ImVector<ImWchar>* out_ranges)
2136 {
2137     for (int n = 0; n < 0x10000; n++)
2138         if (GetBit(n))
2139         {
2140             out_ranges->push_back((ImWchar)n);
2141             while (n < 0x10000 && GetBit(n + 1))
2142                 n++;
2143             out_ranges->push_back((ImWchar)n);
2144         }
2145     out_ranges->push_back(0);
2146 }
2148 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2149 // ImFont
2150 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ImFont()2152 ImFont::ImFont()
2153 {
2154     Scale = 1.0f;
2155     FallbackChar = (ImWchar)'?';
2156     DisplayOffset = ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
2157     ClearOutputData();
2158 }
~ImFont()2160 ImFont::~ImFont()
2161 {
2162     // Invalidate active font so that the user gets a clear crash instead of a dangling pointer.
2163     // If you want to delete fonts you need to do it between Render() and NewFrame().
2164     // FIXME-CLEANUP
2165     /*
2166     ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
2167     if (g.Font == this)
2168         g.Font = NULL;
2169     */
2170     ClearOutputData();
2171 }
ClearOutputData()2173 void    ImFont::ClearOutputData()
2174 {
2175     FontSize = 0.0f;
2176     Glyphs.clear();
2177     IndexAdvanceX.clear();
2178     IndexLookup.clear();
2179     FallbackGlyph = NULL;
2180     FallbackAdvanceX = 0.0f;
2181     ConfigDataCount = 0;
2182     ConfigData = NULL;
2183     ContainerAtlas = NULL;
2184     Ascent = Descent = 0.0f;
2185     DirtyLookupTables = true;
2186     MetricsTotalSurface = 0;
2187 }
BuildLookupTable()2189 void ImFont::BuildLookupTable()
2190 {
2191     int max_codepoint = 0;
2192     for (int i = 0; i != Glyphs.Size; i++)
2193         max_codepoint = ImMax(max_codepoint, (int)Glyphs[i].Codepoint);
2195     IM_ASSERT(Glyphs.Size < 0xFFFF); // -1 is reserved
2196     IndexAdvanceX.clear();
2197     IndexLookup.clear();
2198     DirtyLookupTables = false;
2199     GrowIndex(max_codepoint + 1);
2200     for (int i = 0; i < Glyphs.Size; i++)
2201     {
2202         int codepoint = (int)Glyphs[i].Codepoint;
2203         IndexAdvanceX[codepoint] = Glyphs[i].AdvanceX;
2204         IndexLookup[codepoint] = (unsigned short)i;
2205     }
2207     // Create a glyph to handle TAB
2208     // FIXME: Needs proper TAB handling but it needs to be contextualized (or we could arbitrary say that each string starts at "column 0" ?)
2209     if (FindGlyph((unsigned short)' '))
2210     {
2211         if (Glyphs.back().Codepoint != '\t')   // So we can call this function multiple times
2212             Glyphs.resize(Glyphs.Size + 1);
2213         ImFontGlyph& tab_glyph = Glyphs.back();
2214         tab_glyph = *FindGlyph((unsigned short)' ');
2215         tab_glyph.Codepoint = '\t';
2216         tab_glyph.AdvanceX *= 4;
2217         IndexAdvanceX[(int)tab_glyph.Codepoint] = (float)tab_glyph.AdvanceX;
2218         IndexLookup[(int)tab_glyph.Codepoint] = (unsigned short)(Glyphs.Size-1);
2219     }
2221     FallbackGlyph = FindGlyphNoFallback(FallbackChar);
2222     FallbackAdvanceX = FallbackGlyph ? FallbackGlyph->AdvanceX : 0.0f;
2223     for (int i = 0; i < max_codepoint + 1; i++)
2224         if (IndexAdvanceX[i] < 0.0f)
2225             IndexAdvanceX[i] = FallbackAdvanceX;
2226 }
SetFallbackChar(ImWchar c)2228 void ImFont::SetFallbackChar(ImWchar c)
2229 {
2230     FallbackChar = c;
2231     BuildLookupTable();
2232 }
GrowIndex(int new_size)2234 void ImFont::GrowIndex(int new_size)
2235 {
2236     IM_ASSERT(IndexAdvanceX.Size == IndexLookup.Size);
2237     if (new_size <= IndexLookup.Size)
2238         return;
2239     IndexAdvanceX.resize(new_size, -1.0f);
2240     IndexLookup.resize(new_size, (unsigned short)-1);
2241 }
AddGlyph(ImWchar codepoint,float x0,float y0,float x1,float y1,float u0,float v0,float u1,float v1,float advance_x)2243 void ImFont::AddGlyph(ImWchar codepoint, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float u0, float v0, float u1, float v1, float advance_x)
2244 {
2245     Glyphs.resize(Glyphs.Size + 1);
2246     ImFontGlyph& glyph = Glyphs.back();
2247     glyph.Codepoint = (ImWchar)codepoint;
2248     glyph.X0 = x0;
2249     glyph.Y0 = y0;
2250     glyph.X1 = x1;
2251     glyph.Y1 = y1;
2252     glyph.U0 = u0;
2253     glyph.V0 = v0;
2254     glyph.U1 = u1;
2255     glyph.V1 = v1;
2256     glyph.AdvanceX = advance_x + ConfigData->GlyphExtraSpacing.x;  // Bake spacing into AdvanceX
2258     if (ConfigData->PixelSnapH)
2259         glyph.AdvanceX = (float)(int)(glyph.AdvanceX + 0.5f);
2261     // Compute rough surface usage metrics (+1 to account for average padding, +0.99 to round)
2262     DirtyLookupTables = true;
2263     MetricsTotalSurface += (int)((glyph.U1 - glyph.U0) * ContainerAtlas->TexWidth + 1.99f) * (int)((glyph.V1 - glyph.V0) * ContainerAtlas->TexHeight + 1.99f);
2264 }
AddRemapChar(ImWchar dst,ImWchar src,bool overwrite_dst)2266 void ImFont::AddRemapChar(ImWchar dst, ImWchar src, bool overwrite_dst)
2267 {
2268     IM_ASSERT(IndexLookup.Size > 0);    // Currently this can only be called AFTER the font has been built, aka after calling ImFontAtlas::GetTexDataAs*() function.
2269     int index_size = IndexLookup.Size;
2271     if (dst < index_size && IndexLookup.Data[dst] == (unsigned short)-1 && !overwrite_dst) // 'dst' already exists
2272         return;
2273     if (src >= index_size && dst >= index_size) // both 'dst' and 'src' don't exist -> no-op
2274         return;
2276     GrowIndex(dst + 1);
2277     IndexLookup[dst] = (src < index_size) ? IndexLookup.Data[src] : (unsigned short)-1;
2278     IndexAdvanceX[dst] = (src < index_size) ? IndexAdvanceX.Data[src] : 1.0f;
2279 }
FindGlyph(ImWchar c) const2281 const ImFontGlyph* ImFont::FindGlyph(ImWchar c) const
2282 {
2283     if (c >= IndexLookup.Size)
2284         return FallbackGlyph;
2285     const unsigned short i = IndexLookup[c];
2286     if (i == (unsigned short)-1)
2287         return FallbackGlyph;
2288     return &Glyphs.Data[i];
2289 }
FindGlyphNoFallback(ImWchar c) const2291 const ImFontGlyph* ImFont::FindGlyphNoFallback(ImWchar c) const
2292 {
2293     if (c >= IndexLookup.Size)
2294         return NULL;
2295     const unsigned short i = IndexLookup[c];
2296     if (i == (unsigned short)-1)
2297         return NULL;
2298     return &Glyphs.Data[i];
2299 }
CalcWordWrapPositionA(float scale,const char * text,const char * text_end,float wrap_width) const2301 const char* ImFont::CalcWordWrapPositionA(float scale, const char* text, const char* text_end, float wrap_width) const
2302 {
2303     // Simple word-wrapping for English, not full-featured. Please submit failing cases!
2304     // FIXME: Much possible improvements (don't cut things like "word !", "word!!!" but cut within "word,,,,", more sensible support for punctuations, support for Unicode punctuations, etc.)
2306     // For references, possible wrap point marked with ^
2307     //  "aaa bbb, ccc,ddd. eee   fff. ggg!"
2308     //      ^    ^    ^   ^   ^__    ^    ^
2310     // List of hardcoded separators: .,;!?'"
2312     // Skip extra blanks after a line returns (that includes not counting them in width computation)
2313     // e.g. "Hello    world" --> "Hello" "World"
2315     // Cut words that cannot possibly fit within one line.
2316     // e.g.: "The tropical fish" with ~5 characters worth of width --> "The tr" "opical" "fish"
2318     float line_width = 0.0f;
2319     float word_width = 0.0f;
2320     float blank_width = 0.0f;
2321     wrap_width /= scale; // We work with unscaled widths to avoid scaling every characters
2323     const char* word_end = text;
2324     const char* prev_word_end = NULL;
2325     bool inside_word = true;
2327     const char* s = text;
2328     while (s < text_end)
2329     {
2330         unsigned int c = (unsigned int)*s;
2331         const char* next_s;
2332         if (c < 0x80)
2333             next_s = s + 1;
2334         else
2335             next_s = s + ImTextCharFromUtf8(&c, s, text_end);
2336         if (c == 0)
2337             break;
2339         if (c < 32)
2340         {
2341             if (c == '\n')
2342             {
2343                 line_width = word_width = blank_width = 0.0f;
2344                 inside_word = true;
2345                 s = next_s;
2346                 continue;
2347             }
2348             if (c == '\r')
2349             {
2350                 s = next_s;
2351                 continue;
2352             }
2353         }
2355         const float char_width = ((int)c < IndexAdvanceX.Size ? IndexAdvanceX[(int)c] : FallbackAdvanceX);
2356         if (ImCharIsSpace(c))
2357         {
2358             if (inside_word)
2359             {
2360                 line_width += blank_width;
2361                 blank_width = 0.0f;
2362                 word_end = s;
2363             }
2364             blank_width += char_width;
2365             inside_word = false;
2366         }
2367         else
2368         {
2369             word_width += char_width;
2370             if (inside_word)
2371             {
2372                 word_end = next_s;
2373             }
2374             else
2375             {
2376                 prev_word_end = word_end;
2377                 line_width += word_width + blank_width;
2378                 word_width = blank_width = 0.0f;
2379             }
2381             // Allow wrapping after punctuation.
2382             inside_word = !(c == '.' || c == ',' || c == ';' || c == '!' || c == '?' || c == '\"');
2383         }
2385         // We ignore blank width at the end of the line (they can be skipped)
2386         if (line_width + word_width >= wrap_width)
2387         {
2388             // Words that cannot possibly fit within an entire line will be cut anywhere.
2389             if (word_width < wrap_width)
2390                 s = prev_word_end ? prev_word_end : word_end;
2391             break;
2392         }
2394         s = next_s;
2395     }
2397     return s;
2398 }
CalcTextSizeA(float size,float max_width,float wrap_width,const char * text_begin,const char * text_end,const char ** remaining) const2400 ImVec2 ImFont::CalcTextSizeA(float size, float max_width, float wrap_width, const char* text_begin, const char* text_end, const char** remaining) const
2401 {
2402     if (!text_end)
2403         text_end = text_begin + strlen(text_begin); // FIXME-OPT: Need to avoid this.
2405     const float line_height = size;
2406     const float scale = size / FontSize;
2408     ImVec2 text_size = ImVec2(0,0);
2409     float line_width = 0.0f;
2411     const bool word_wrap_enabled = (wrap_width > 0.0f);
2412     const char* word_wrap_eol = NULL;
2414     const char* s = text_begin;
2415     while (s < text_end)
2416     {
2417         if (word_wrap_enabled)
2418         {
2419             // Calculate how far we can render. Requires two passes on the string data but keeps the code simple and not intrusive for what's essentially an uncommon feature.
2420             if (!word_wrap_eol)
2421             {
2422                 word_wrap_eol = CalcWordWrapPositionA(scale, s, text_end, wrap_width - line_width);
2423                 if (word_wrap_eol == s) // Wrap_width is too small to fit anything. Force displaying 1 character to minimize the height discontinuity.
2424                     word_wrap_eol++;    // +1 may not be a character start point in UTF-8 but it's ok because we use s >= word_wrap_eol below
2425             }
2427             if (s >= word_wrap_eol)
2428             {
2429                 if (text_size.x < line_width)
2430                     text_size.x = line_width;
2431                 text_size.y += line_height;
2432                 line_width = 0.0f;
2433                 word_wrap_eol = NULL;
2435                 // Wrapping skips upcoming blanks
2436                 while (s < text_end)
2437                 {
2438                     const char c = *s;
2439                     if (ImCharIsSpace((unsigned int)c)) { s++; } else if (c == '\n') { s++; break; } else { break; }
2440                 }
2441                 continue;
2442             }
2443         }
2445         // Decode and advance source
2446         const char* prev_s = s;
2447         unsigned int c = (unsigned int)*s;
2448         if (c < 0x80)
2449         {
2450             s += 1;
2451         }
2452         else
2453         {
2454             s += ImTextCharFromUtf8(&c, s, text_end);
2455             if (c == 0) // Malformed UTF-8?
2456                 break;
2457         }
2459         if (c < 32)
2460         {
2461             if (c == '\n')
2462             {
2463                 text_size.x = ImMax(text_size.x, line_width);
2464                 text_size.y += line_height;
2465                 line_width = 0.0f;
2466                 continue;
2467             }
2468             if (c == '\r')
2469                 continue;
2470         }
2472         const float char_width = ((int)c < IndexAdvanceX.Size ? IndexAdvanceX[(int)c] : FallbackAdvanceX) * scale;
2473         if (line_width + char_width >= max_width)
2474         {
2475             s = prev_s;
2476             break;
2477         }
2479         line_width += char_width;
2480     }
2482     if (text_size.x < line_width)
2483         text_size.x = line_width;
2485     if (line_width > 0 || text_size.y == 0.0f)
2486         text_size.y += line_height;
2488     if (remaining)
2489         *remaining = s;
2491     return text_size;
2492 }
RenderChar(ImDrawList * draw_list,float size,ImVec2 pos,ImU32 col,unsigned short c) const2494 void ImFont::RenderChar(ImDrawList* draw_list, float size, ImVec2 pos, ImU32 col, unsigned short c) const
2495 {
2496     if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r') // Match behavior of RenderText(), those 4 codepoints are hard-coded.
2497         return;
2498     if (const ImFontGlyph* glyph = FindGlyph(c))
2499     {
2500         float scale = (size >= 0.0f) ? (size / FontSize) : 1.0f;
2501         pos.x = (float)(int)pos.x + DisplayOffset.x;
2502         pos.y = (float)(int)pos.y + DisplayOffset.y;
2503         draw_list->PrimReserve(6, 4);
2504         draw_list->PrimRectUV(ImVec2(pos.x + glyph->X0 * scale, pos.y + glyph->Y0 * scale), ImVec2(pos.x + glyph->X1 * scale, pos.y + glyph->Y1 * scale), ImVec2(glyph->U0, glyph->V0), ImVec2(glyph->U1, glyph->V1), col);
2505     }
2506 }
RenderText(ImDrawList * draw_list,float size,ImVec2 pos,ImU32 col,const ImVec4 & clip_rect,const char * text_begin,const char * text_end,float wrap_width,bool cpu_fine_clip) const2508 void ImFont::RenderText(ImDrawList* draw_list, float size, ImVec2 pos, ImU32 col, const ImVec4& clip_rect, const char* text_begin, const char* text_end, float wrap_width, bool cpu_fine_clip) const
2509 {
2510     if (!text_end)
2511         text_end = text_begin + strlen(text_begin); // ImGui functions generally already provides a valid text_end, so this is merely to handle direct calls.
2513     // Align to be pixel perfect
2514     pos.x = (float)(int)pos.x + DisplayOffset.x;
2515     pos.y = (float)(int)pos.y + DisplayOffset.y;
2516     float x = pos.x;
2517     float y = pos.y;
2518     if (y > clip_rect.w)
2519         return;
2521     const float scale = size / FontSize;
2522     const float line_height = FontSize * scale;
2523     const bool word_wrap_enabled = (wrap_width > 0.0f);
2524     const char* word_wrap_eol = NULL;
2526     // Skip non-visible lines
2527     const char* s = text_begin;
2528     if (!word_wrap_enabled && y + line_height < clip_rect.y)
2529         while (s < text_end && *s != '\n')  // Fast-forward to next line
2530             s++;
2532     // Reserve vertices for remaining worse case (over-reserving is useful and easily amortized)
2533     const int vtx_count_max = (int)(text_end - s) * 4;
2534     const int idx_count_max = (int)(text_end - s) * 6;
2535     const int idx_expected_size = draw_list->IdxBuffer.Size + idx_count_max;
2536     draw_list->PrimReserve(idx_count_max, vtx_count_max);
2538     ImDrawVert* vtx_write = draw_list->_VtxWritePtr;
2539     ImDrawIdx* idx_write = draw_list->_IdxWritePtr;
2540     unsigned int vtx_current_idx = draw_list->_VtxCurrentIdx;
2542     while (s < text_end)
2543     {
2544         if (word_wrap_enabled)
2545         {
2546             // Calculate how far we can render. Requires two passes on the string data but keeps the code simple and not intrusive for what's essentially an uncommon feature.
2547             if (!word_wrap_eol)
2548             {
2549                 word_wrap_eol = CalcWordWrapPositionA(scale, s, text_end, wrap_width - (x - pos.x));
2550                 if (word_wrap_eol == s) // Wrap_width is too small to fit anything. Force displaying 1 character to minimize the height discontinuity.
2551                     word_wrap_eol++;    // +1 may not be a character start point in UTF-8 but it's ok because we use s >= word_wrap_eol below
2552             }
2554             if (s >= word_wrap_eol)
2555             {
2556                 x = pos.x;
2557                 y += line_height;
2558                 word_wrap_eol = NULL;
2560                 // Wrapping skips upcoming blanks
2561                 while (s < text_end)
2562                 {
2563                     const char c = *s;
2564                     if (ImCharIsSpace((unsigned int)c)) { s++; } else if (c == '\n') { s++; break; } else { break; }
2565                 }
2566                 continue;
2567             }
2568         }
2570         // Decode and advance source
2571         unsigned int c = (unsigned int)*s;
2572         if (c < 0x80)
2573         {
2574             s += 1;
2575         }
2576         else
2577         {
2578             s += ImTextCharFromUtf8(&c, s, text_end);
2579             if (c == 0) // Malformed UTF-8?
2580                 break;
2581         }
2583         if (c < 32)
2584         {
2585             if (c == '\n')
2586             {
2587                 x = pos.x;
2588                 y += line_height;
2590                 if (y > clip_rect.w)
2591                     break;
2592                 if (!word_wrap_enabled && y + line_height < clip_rect.y)
2593                     while (s < text_end && *s != '\n')  // Fast-forward to next line
2594                         s++;
2595                 continue;
2596             }
2597             if (c == '\r')
2598                 continue;
2599         }
2601         float char_width = 0.0f;
2602         if (const ImFontGlyph* glyph = FindGlyph((unsigned short)c))
2603         {
2604             char_width = glyph->AdvanceX * scale;
2606             // Arbitrarily assume that both space and tabs are empty glyphs as an optimization
2607             if (c != ' ' && c != '\t')
2608             {
2609                 // We don't do a second finer clipping test on the Y axis as we've already skipped anything before clip_rect.y and exit once we pass clip_rect.w
2610                 float x1 = x + glyph->X0 * scale;
2611                 float x2 = x + glyph->X1 * scale;
2612                 float y1 = y + glyph->Y0 * scale;
2613                 float y2 = y + glyph->Y1 * scale;
2614                 if (x1 <= clip_rect.z && x2 >= clip_rect.x)
2615                 {
2616                     // Render a character
2617                     float u1 = glyph->U0;
2618                     float v1 = glyph->V0;
2619                     float u2 = glyph->U1;
2620                     float v2 = glyph->V1;
2622                     // CPU side clipping used to fit text in their frame when the frame is too small. Only does clipping for axis aligned quads.
2623                     if (cpu_fine_clip)
2624                     {
2625                         if (x1 < clip_rect.x)
2626                         {
2627                             u1 = u1 + (1.0f - (x2 - clip_rect.x) / (x2 - x1)) * (u2 - u1);
2628                             x1 = clip_rect.x;
2629                         }
2630                         if (y1 < clip_rect.y)
2631                         {
2632                             v1 = v1 + (1.0f - (y2 - clip_rect.y) / (y2 - y1)) * (v2 - v1);
2633                             y1 = clip_rect.y;
2634                         }
2635                         if (x2 > clip_rect.z)
2636                         {
2637                             u2 = u1 + ((clip_rect.z - x1) / (x2 - x1)) * (u2 - u1);
2638                             x2 = clip_rect.z;
2639                         }
2640                         if (y2 > clip_rect.w)
2641                         {
2642                             v2 = v1 + ((clip_rect.w - y1) / (y2 - y1)) * (v2 - v1);
2643                             y2 = clip_rect.w;
2644                         }
2645                         if (y1 >= y2)
2646                         {
2647                             x += char_width;
2648                             continue;
2649                         }
2650                     }
2652                     // We are NOT calling PrimRectUV() here because non-inlined causes too much overhead in a debug builds. Inlined here:
2653                     {
2654                         idx_write[0] = (ImDrawIdx)(vtx_current_idx); idx_write[1] = (ImDrawIdx)(vtx_current_idx+1); idx_write[2] = (ImDrawIdx)(vtx_current_idx+2);
2655                         idx_write[3] = (ImDrawIdx)(vtx_current_idx); idx_write[4] = (ImDrawIdx)(vtx_current_idx+2); idx_write[5] = (ImDrawIdx)(vtx_current_idx+3);
2656                         vtx_write[0].pos.x = x1; vtx_write[0].pos.y = y1; vtx_write[0].col = col; vtx_write[0].uv.x = u1; vtx_write[0].uv.y = v1;
2657                         vtx_write[1].pos.x = x2; vtx_write[1].pos.y = y1; vtx_write[1].col = col; vtx_write[1].uv.x = u2; vtx_write[1].uv.y = v1;
2658                         vtx_write[2].pos.x = x2; vtx_write[2].pos.y = y2; vtx_write[2].col = col; vtx_write[2].uv.x = u2; vtx_write[2].uv.y = v2;
2659                         vtx_write[3].pos.x = x1; vtx_write[3].pos.y = y2; vtx_write[3].col = col; vtx_write[3].uv.x = u1; vtx_write[3].uv.y = v2;
2660                         vtx_write += 4;
2661                         vtx_current_idx += 4;
2662                         idx_write += 6;
2663                     }
2664                 }
2665             }
2666         }
2668         x += char_width;
2669     }
2671     // Give back unused vertices
2672     draw_list->VtxBuffer.resize((int)(vtx_write - draw_list->VtxBuffer.Data));
2673     draw_list->IdxBuffer.resize((int)(idx_write - draw_list->IdxBuffer.Data));
2674     draw_list->CmdBuffer[draw_list->CmdBuffer.Size-1].ElemCount -= (idx_expected_size - draw_list->IdxBuffer.Size);
2675     draw_list->_VtxWritePtr = vtx_write;
2676     draw_list->_IdxWritePtr = idx_write;
2677     draw_list->_VtxCurrentIdx = (unsigned int)draw_list->VtxBuffer.Size;
2678 }
2680 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2681 // Internals Drawing Helpers
2682 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ImAcos01(float x)2684 static inline float ImAcos01(float x)
2685 {
2686     if (x <= 0.0f) return IM_PI * 0.5f;
2687     if (x >= 1.0f) return 0.0f;
2688     return acosf(x);
2689     //return (-0.69813170079773212f * x * x - 0.87266462599716477f) * x + 1.5707963267948966f; // Cheap approximation, may be enough for what we do.
2690 }
2692 // FIXME: Cleanup and move code to ImDrawList.
RenderRectFilledRangeH(ImDrawList * draw_list,const ImRect & rect,ImU32 col,float x_start_norm,float x_end_norm,float rounding)2693 void ImGui::RenderRectFilledRangeH(ImDrawList* draw_list, const ImRect& rect, ImU32 col, float x_start_norm, float x_end_norm, float rounding)
2694 {
2695     if (x_end_norm == x_start_norm)
2696         return;
2697     if (x_start_norm > x_end_norm)
2698         ImSwap(x_start_norm, x_end_norm);
2700     ImVec2 p0 = ImVec2(ImLerp(rect.Min.x, rect.Max.x, x_start_norm), rect.Min.y);
2701     ImVec2 p1 = ImVec2(ImLerp(rect.Min.x, rect.Max.x, x_end_norm), rect.Max.y);
2702     if (rounding == 0.0f)
2703     {
2704         draw_list->AddRectFilled(p0, p1, col, 0.0f);
2705         return;
2706     }
2708     rounding = ImClamp(ImMin((rect.Max.x - rect.Min.x) * 0.5f, (rect.Max.y - rect.Min.y) * 0.5f) - 1.0f, 0.0f, rounding);
2709     const float inv_rounding = 1.0f / rounding;
2710     const float arc0_b = ImAcos01(1.0f - (p0.x - rect.Min.x) * inv_rounding);
2711     const float arc0_e = ImAcos01(1.0f - (p1.x - rect.Min.x) * inv_rounding);
2712     const float x0 = ImMax(p0.x, rect.Min.x + rounding);
2713     if (arc0_b == arc0_e)
2714     {
2715         draw_list->PathLineTo(ImVec2(x0, p1.y));
2716         draw_list->PathLineTo(ImVec2(x0, p0.y));
2717     }
2718     else if (arc0_b == 0.0f && arc0_e == IM_PI*0.5f)
2719     {
2720         draw_list->PathArcToFast(ImVec2(x0, p1.y - rounding), rounding, 3, 6); // BL
2721         draw_list->PathArcToFast(ImVec2(x0, p0.y + rounding), rounding, 6, 9); // TR
2722     }
2723     else
2724     {
2725         draw_list->PathArcTo(ImVec2(x0, p1.y - rounding), rounding, IM_PI - arc0_e, IM_PI - arc0_b, 3); // BL
2726         draw_list->PathArcTo(ImVec2(x0, p0.y + rounding), rounding, IM_PI + arc0_b, IM_PI + arc0_e, 3); // TR
2727     }
2728     if (p1.x > rect.Min.x + rounding)
2729     {
2730         const float arc1_b = ImAcos01(1.0f - (rect.Max.x - p1.x) * inv_rounding);
2731         const float arc1_e = ImAcos01(1.0f - (rect.Max.x - p0.x) * inv_rounding);
2732         const float x1 = ImMin(p1.x, rect.Max.x - rounding);
2733         if (arc1_b == arc1_e)
2734         {
2735             draw_list->PathLineTo(ImVec2(x1, p0.y));
2736             draw_list->PathLineTo(ImVec2(x1, p1.y));
2737         }
2738         else if (arc1_b == 0.0f && arc1_e == IM_PI*0.5f)
2739         {
2740             draw_list->PathArcToFast(ImVec2(x1, p0.y + rounding), rounding, 9, 12); // TR
2741             draw_list->PathArcToFast(ImVec2(x1, p1.y - rounding), rounding, 0, 3);  // BR
2742         }
2743         else
2744         {
2745             draw_list->PathArcTo(ImVec2(x1, p0.y + rounding), rounding, -arc1_e, -arc1_b, 3); // TR
2746             draw_list->PathArcTo(ImVec2(x1, p1.y - rounding), rounding, +arc1_b, +arc1_e, 3); // BR
2747         }
2748     }
2749     draw_list->PathFillConvex(col);
2750 }
2752 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2754 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2755 // Compressed with stb_compress() then converted to a C array.
2756 // Use the program in misc/fonts/binary_to_compressed_c.cpp to create the array from a TTF file.
2757 // Decompression from stb.h (public domain) by Sean Barrett https://github.com/nothings/stb/blob/master/stb.h
2758 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
stb_decompress_length(const unsigned char * input)2760 static unsigned int stb_decompress_length(const unsigned char *input)
2761 {
2762     return (input[8] << 24) + (input[9] << 16) + (input[10] << 8) + input[11];
2763 }
2765 static unsigned char *stb__barrier_out_e, *stb__barrier_out_b;
2766 static const unsigned char *stb__barrier_in_b;
2767 static unsigned char *stb__dout;
stb__match(const unsigned char * data,unsigned int length)2768 static void stb__match(const unsigned char *data, unsigned int length)
2769 {
2770     // INVERSE of memmove... write each byte before copying the next...
2771     IM_ASSERT(stb__dout + length <= stb__barrier_out_e);
2772     if (stb__dout + length > stb__barrier_out_e) { stb__dout += length; return; }
2773     if (data < stb__barrier_out_b) { stb__dout = stb__barrier_out_e+1; return; }
2774     while (length--) *stb__dout++ = *data++;
2775 }
stb__lit(const unsigned char * data,unsigned int length)2777 static void stb__lit(const unsigned char *data, unsigned int length)
2778 {
2779     IM_ASSERT(stb__dout + length <= stb__barrier_out_e);
2780     if (stb__dout + length > stb__barrier_out_e) { stb__dout += length; return; }
2781     if (data < stb__barrier_in_b) { stb__dout = stb__barrier_out_e+1; return; }
2782     memcpy(stb__dout, data, length);
2783     stb__dout += length;
2784 }
2786 #define stb__in2(x)   ((i[x] << 8) + i[(x)+1])
2787 #define stb__in3(x)   ((i[x] << 16) + stb__in2((x)+1))
2788 #define stb__in4(x)   ((i[x] << 24) + stb__in3((x)+1))
stb_decompress_token(const unsigned char * i)2790 static const unsigned char *stb_decompress_token(const unsigned char *i)
2791 {
2792     if (*i >= 0x20) { // use fewer if's for cases that expand small
2793         if (*i >= 0x80)       stb__match(stb__dout-i[1]-1, i[0] - 0x80 + 1), i += 2;
2794         else if (*i >= 0x40)  stb__match(stb__dout-(stb__in2(0) - 0x4000 + 1), i[2]+1), i += 3;
2795         else /* *i >= 0x20 */ stb__lit(i+1, i[0] - 0x20 + 1), i += 1 + (i[0] - 0x20 + 1);
2796     } else { // more ifs for cases that expand large, since overhead is amortized
2797         if (*i >= 0x18)       stb__match(stb__dout-(stb__in3(0) - 0x180000 + 1), i[3]+1), i += 4;
2798         else if (*i >= 0x10)  stb__match(stb__dout-(stb__in3(0) - 0x100000 + 1), stb__in2(3)+1), i += 5;
2799         else if (*i >= 0x08)  stb__lit(i+2, stb__in2(0) - 0x0800 + 1), i += 2 + (stb__in2(0) - 0x0800 + 1);
2800         else if (*i == 0x07)  stb__lit(i+3, stb__in2(1) + 1), i += 3 + (stb__in2(1) + 1);
2801         else if (*i == 0x06)  stb__match(stb__dout-(stb__in3(1)+1), i[4]+1), i += 5;
2802         else if (*i == 0x04)  stb__match(stb__dout-(stb__in3(1)+1), stb__in2(4)+1), i += 6;
2803     }
2804     return i;
2805 }
stb_adler32(unsigned int adler32,unsigned char * buffer,unsigned int buflen)2807 static unsigned int stb_adler32(unsigned int adler32, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int buflen)
2808 {
2809     const unsigned long ADLER_MOD = 65521;
2810     unsigned long s1 = adler32 & 0xffff, s2 = adler32 >> 16;
2811     unsigned long blocklen, i;
2813     blocklen = buflen % 5552;
2814     while (buflen) {
2815         for (i=0; i + 7 < blocklen; i += 8) {
2816             s1 += buffer[0], s2 += s1;
2817             s1 += buffer[1], s2 += s1;
2818             s1 += buffer[2], s2 += s1;
2819             s1 += buffer[3], s2 += s1;
2820             s1 += buffer[4], s2 += s1;
2821             s1 += buffer[5], s2 += s1;
2822             s1 += buffer[6], s2 += s1;
2823             s1 += buffer[7], s2 += s1;
2825             buffer += 8;
2826         }
2828         for (; i < blocklen; ++i)
2829             s1 += *buffer++, s2 += s1;
2831         s1 %= ADLER_MOD, s2 %= ADLER_MOD;
2832         buflen -= blocklen;
2833         blocklen = 5552;
2834     }
2835     return (unsigned int)(s2 << 16) + (unsigned int)s1;
2836 }
stb_decompress(unsigned char * output,const unsigned char * i,unsigned int)2838 static unsigned int stb_decompress(unsigned char *output, const unsigned char *i, unsigned int /*length*/)
2839 {
2840     unsigned int olen;
2841     if (stb__in4(0) != 0x57bC0000) return 0;
2842     if (stb__in4(4) != 0)          return 0; // error! stream is > 4GB
2843     olen = stb_decompress_length(i);
2844     stb__barrier_in_b = i;
2845     stb__barrier_out_e = output + olen;
2846     stb__barrier_out_b = output;
2847     i += 16;
2849     stb__dout = output;
2850     for (;;) {
2851         const unsigned char *old_i = i;
2852         i = stb_decompress_token(i);
2853         if (i == old_i) {
2854             if (*i == 0x05 && i[1] == 0xfa) {
2855                 IM_ASSERT(stb__dout == output + olen);
2856                 if (stb__dout != output + olen) return 0;
2857                 if (stb_adler32(1, output, olen) != (unsigned int) stb__in4(2))
2858                     return 0;
2859                 return olen;
2860             } else {
2861                 IM_ASSERT(0); /* NOTREACHED */
2862                 return 0;
2863             }
2864         }
2865         IM_ASSERT(stb__dout <= output + olen);
2866         if (stb__dout > output + olen)
2867             return 0;
2868     }
2869 }
2871 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2872 // ProggyClean.ttf
2873 // Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Tristan Grimmer
2874 // MIT license (see License.txt in http://www.upperbounds.net/download/ProggyClean.ttf.zip)
2875 // Download and more information at http://upperbounds.net
2876 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2877 // File: 'ProggyClean.ttf' (41208 bytes)
2878 // Exported using binary_to_compressed_c.cpp
2879 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2880 static const char proggy_clean_ttf_compressed_data_base85[11980+1] =
2881     "7])#######hV0qs'/###[),##/l:$#Q6>##5[n42>c-TH`->>#/e>11NNV=Bv(*:.F?uu#(gRU.o0XGH`$vhLG1hxt9?W`#,5LsCp#-i>.r$<$6pD>Lb';9Crc6tgXmKVeU2cD4Eo3R/"
2882     "2*>]b(MC;$jPfY.;h^`IWM9<Lh2TlS+f-s$o6Q<BWH`YiU.xfLq$N;$0iR/GX:U(jcW2p/W*q?-qmnUCI;jHSAiFWM.R*kU@C=GH?a9wp8f$e.-4^Qg1)Q-GL(lf(r/7GrRgwV%MS=C#"
2883     "`8ND>Qo#t'X#(v#Y9w0#1D$CIf;W'#pWUPXOuxXuU(H9M(1<q-UE31#^-V'8IRUo7Qf./L>=Ke$$'5F%)]0^#0X@U.a<r:QLtFsLcL6##lOj)#.Y5<-R&KgLwqJfLgN&;Q?gI^#DY2uL"
2884     "i@^rMl9t=cWq6##weg>$FBjVQTSDgEKnIS7EM9>ZY9w0#L;>>#Mx&4Mvt//L[MkA#W@lK.N'[0#7RL_&#w+F%HtG9M#XL`N&.,GM4Pg;-<nLENhvx>-VsM.M0rJfLH2eTM`*oJMHRC`N"
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GetDefaultCompressedFontDataTTFBase85()2968 static const char* GetDefaultCompressedFontDataTTFBase85()
2969 {
2970     return proggy_clean_ttf_compressed_data_base85;
2971 }