1 /* "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): Devin Lane wrote this file. As long as you retain
2  * this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you
3  * think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. */
5 #include "EngaugeAssert.h"
6 #include <iostream>
7 #include "Logger.h"
8 #include <qmath.h>
9 #include "Spline.h"
11 using namespace std;
Spline(const std::vector<double> & t,const std::vector<SplinePair> & xy,SplineTCheck splineTCheck)13 Spline::Spline(const std::vector<double> &t,
14                const std::vector<SplinePair> &xy,
15                SplineTCheck splineTCheck)
16 {
17   ENGAUGE_ASSERT (t.size() == xy.size());
18   ENGAUGE_ASSERT (xy.size() > 0); // Need at least one point for this class to not fail with a crash
20   if (splineTCheck == SPLINE_ENABLE_T_CHECK) {
21     // In normal production this check should be performed
22     checkTIncrements (t);
23   }
24   computeCoefficientsForIntervals (t, xy);
25   computeControlPointsForIntervals ();
26 }
~Spline()28 Spline::~Spline()
29 {
30 }
checkTIncrements(const std::vector<double> & t) const32 void Spline::checkTIncrements (const std::vector<double> &t) const
33 {
34   for (unsigned int i = 1; i < t.size(); i++) {
35     double tStep = t[i] - t[i-1];
37     // Failure here means the increment is not one, which it should be. The epsilon is much larger than roundoff
38     // could produce
39     ENGAUGE_ASSERT (qAbs (tStep - 1.0) < 0.0001);
40   }
41 }
computeCoefficientsForIntervals(const std::vector<double> & t,const std::vector<SplinePair> & xy)43 void Spline::computeCoefficientsForIntervals (const std::vector<double> &t,
44                                               const std::vector<SplinePair> &xy)
45 {
46   if (xy.size() > 1) {
48     // There are enough points to compute the coefficients
49     unsigned int i;
50     int jneg; // Can go negative
51     unsigned int n = unsigned (qFloor (xy.size()) - 1);
53     m_t = t;
54     m_xy = xy;
56     vector<SplinePair> b(n), d(n), a(n), c(n+1), l(n+1), u(n+1), z(n+1);
57     vector<SplinePair> h(n+1);
59     l[0] = SplinePair (1.0);
60     u[0] = SplinePair (0.0);
61     z[0] = SplinePair (0.0);
62     h[0] = t[1] - t[0];
64     for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
65       h[i] = t[i+1] - t[i];
66       l[i] = SplinePair (2.0) * (t[i+1] - t[i-1]) - h[i-1] * u[i-1];
67       u[i] = h[i] / l[i];
68       a[i] = (SplinePair (3.0) / h[i]) * (xy[i+1] - xy[i]) - (SplinePair (3.0) / h[i-1]) * (xy[i] - xy[i-1]);
69       z[i] = (a[i] - h[i-1] * z[i-1]) / l[i];
70     }
72     l[n] = SplinePair (1.0);
73     z[n] = SplinePair (0.0);
74     c[n] = SplinePair (0.0);
76     for (jneg = signed (n - 1); jneg >= 0; jneg--) {
77       unsigned int j = unsigned (jneg);
78       c[j] = z[j] - u[j] * c[j+1];
79       b[j] = (xy[j+1] - xy[j]) / (h[j]) - (h[j] * (c[j+1] + SplinePair (2.0) * c[j])) / SplinePair (3.0);
80       d[j] = (c[j+1] - c[j]) / (SplinePair (3.0) * h[j]);
81     }
83     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
84       m_elements.push_back(SplineCoeff(t[i],
85                                        xy[i],
86                                        b[i],
87                                        c[i],
88                                        d[i]));
89     }
90   } else {
92     // There is only one point so we have to hack a coefficient entry
93     m_elements.push_back(SplineCoeff(t[0],
94                                      xy[0],
95                                      0.0,
96                                      0.0,
97                                      0.0));
98   }
99 }
computeControlPointsForIntervals()101 void Spline::computeControlPointsForIntervals ()
102 {
103   int i, n = qFloor (m_xy.size()) - 1; // Must be signed to handle zero length array
105   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
106     unsigned int iU = unsigned (i);
107     const SplineCoeff &element = m_elements[iU];
109     // Derivative at P0 from (1-s)^3*P0+(1-s)^2*s*P1+(1-s)*s^2*P2+s^3*P3 with s=0 evaluates to 3(P1-P0). That
110     // derivative must match the derivative of y=a+b*(t-ti)+c*(t-ti)^2+d*(t-ti)^3 with t=ti which evaluates to b.
111     // So 3(P1-P0)=b
112     SplinePair p1 = m_xy [iU] + element.b() /
113                     SplinePair (3.0);
115     // Derivative at P2 from (1-s)^3*P0+(1-s)^2*s*P1+(1-s)*s^2*P2+s^3*P3 with s=1 evaluates to 3(P3-P2). That
116     // derivative must match the derivative of y=a+b*(t-ti)+c*(t-ti)^2+d*(t-ti)^3 with t=ti+1 which evaluates to b+2*c+3*d
117     SplinePair p2 = m_xy [iU + 1] - (element.b() + SplinePair (2.0) * element.c() + SplinePair (3.0) * element.d()) /
118                     SplinePair (3.0);
120     m_p1.push_back (p1);
121     m_p2.push_back (p2);
122   }
124   // Debug logging
125   for (i = 0; i < qFloor (m_xy.size ()) - 1; i++) {
126     unsigned int iU = unsigned (i);
127     LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "Spline::computeControlPointsForIntervals" << " i=" << i
128              << " xy=" << m_xy [iU]
129              << " elementt=" << m_elements[iU].t()
130              << " elementa=" << m_elements[iU].a()
131              << " elementb=" << m_elements[iU].b()
132              << " elementc=" << m_elements[iU].c()
133              << " elementd=" << m_elements[iU].d()
134              << " p1=" << m_p1[iU]
135              << " p2=" << m_p2[iU];
136   }
138   if (m_xy.size() > 1) {
139     unsigned int iU = unsigned (m_xy.size() - 1);
140     LOG4CPP_DEBUG_S ((*mainCat)) << "Spline::computeControlPointsForIntervals" << " i=" << iU
141                   << " xy=" << m_xy [iU];
142   }
143 }
computeUntranslatedCoefficients(double aTranslated,double bTranslated,double cTranslated,double dTranslated,double tI,double & aUntranslated,double & bUntranslated,double & cUntranslated,double & dUntranslated) const145 void Spline::computeUntranslatedCoefficients (double aTranslated,
146                                               double bTranslated,
147                                               double cTranslated,
148                                               double dTranslated,
149                                               double tI,
150                                               double &aUntranslated,
151                                               double &bUntranslated,
152                                               double &cUntranslated,
153                                               double &dUntranslated) const
154 {
155   // Expanding the equation using t translated as (t-ti) we get the equation using untranslated (t) as follows
156   //   xy=d*t^3+
157   //      (c-3*d*ti)*t^2+
158   //      (b-2*c*ti+3*d*ti^2)*t+
159   //      (a-b*ti+c*ti^2-d*ti^3)
160   // which matches up with
161   //   xy=d*t^3+
162   //      c*t^2+
163   //      b*t+
164   //      a
165   // Both equations are given in the header file documentation for this method
166   aUntranslated = aTranslated - bTranslated * tI + cTranslated * tI * tI - dTranslated * tI * tI * tI;
167   bUntranslated = bTranslated - 2.0 * cTranslated * tI + 3.0 * dTranslated * tI * tI;
168   cUntranslated = cTranslated - 3.0 * dTranslated * tI;
169   dUntranslated = dTranslated;
170 }
findSplinePairForFunctionX(double x,int numIterations) const172 SplinePair Spline::findSplinePairForFunctionX (double x,
173                                                int numIterations) const
174 {
175   SplinePair spCurrent;
177   double tLow = m_t[0];
178   double tHigh = m_t[m_xy.size() - 1];
180   // This method implicitly assumes that the x values are monotonically increasing - except for the
181   // "export raw points" exception right here
183   // Subtle stuff here - we first look for exact matches in m_elements. If a match is found, we exit
184   // immediately. This strategy works for "export raw points" option with functions having overlaps,
185   // in which case users expect interpolation to be used (issue #303)
186   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_xy.size(); i++) {
187     const SplinePair &sp = m_xy.at (i);
188     if (sp.x() == x) {
189       return sp;
190     }
191   }
193   // Extrapolation that is performed if x is out of bounds. As a starting point, we assume that the t
194   // values and x values behave the same, which is linearly. This assumption works best when user
195   // has set the points so the spline line is linear at the endpoints - which is also preferred since
196   // higher order polynomials are typically unstable and can "explode" off into unwanted directions
197   double x0 = interpolateCoeff (m_t[0]).x();
198   double xNm1 = interpolateCoeff (m_t[m_xy.size() - 1]).x();
199   if (x < x0) {
201     // Extrapolate with x < x(0) < x(N-1) which correspond to s, s0 and sNm1
202     double x1 = interpolateCoeff (m_t[1]).x();
203     double tStart = (x - x0) / (x1 - x0); // This will be less than zero. x=x0 for t=0 and x=x1 for t=1
204     tLow = 2.0 * tStart;
205     tHigh = 0.0;
207   } else if (xNm1 < x) {
209     // Extrapolate with x(0) < x(N-1) < x which correspond to s0, sNm1 and s
210     double xNm2 = interpolateCoeff (m_t[m_xy.size() - 2]).x();
211     double tStart = tHigh + (x - xNm1) / (xNm1 - xNm2); // This is greater than one. x=xNm2 for t=0 and x=xNm1 for t=1
212     tLow = m_xy.size() - 1;
213     tHigh = tHigh + 2.0 * (tStart - tLow);
215   }
217   // Interpolation using bisection search
218   double tCurrent = (tHigh + tLow) / 2.0;
219   double tDelta = (tHigh - tLow) / 4.0;
220   for (int iteration = 0; iteration < numIterations; iteration++) {
221     spCurrent = interpolateCoeff (tCurrent);
222     if (spCurrent.x() > x) {
223       tCurrent -= tDelta;
224     } else {
225       tCurrent += tDelta;
226     }
227     tDelta /= 2.0;
228   }
230   return spCurrent;
231 }
interpolateCoeff(double t) const233 SplinePair Spline::interpolateCoeff (double t) const
234 {
235   ENGAUGE_ASSERT (m_elements.size() != 0);
237   vector<SplineCoeff>::const_iterator itr;
238   itr = lower_bound(m_elements.begin(), m_elements.end(), t);
239   if (itr != m_elements.begin()) {
240     itr--;
241   }
243   return itr->eval(t);
244 }
interpolateControlPoints(double t) const246 SplinePair Spline::interpolateControlPoints (double t) const
247 {
248   ENGAUGE_ASSERT (m_xy.size() != 0);
250   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < unsigned (m_xy.size() - 1); i++) {
252     if (m_t[i] <= t && t <= m_t[i+1]) {
254       SplinePair s ((t - m_t[i]) / (m_t[i + 1] - m_t[i]));
255       SplinePair onems (SplinePair (1.0) - s);
256       SplinePair xy = onems * onems * onems * m_xy [i] +
257                       SplinePair (3.0) * onems * onems * s * m_p1 [i] +
258                       SplinePair (3.0) * onems * s * s * m_p2 [i] +
259                       s * s * s * m_xy[i + 1];
260       return xy;
261     }
262   }
264   // Input argument is out of bounds
265   ENGAUGE_ASSERT (false);
266   return m_t[0];
267 }
p1(unsigned int i) const269 SplinePair Spline::p1 (unsigned int i) const
270 {
271   ENGAUGE_ASSERT (i < m_p1.size ());
273   return m_p1 [i];
274 }
p2(unsigned int i) const276 SplinePair Spline::p2 (unsigned int i) const
277 {
278   ENGAUGE_ASSERT (i < m_p2.size ());
280   return m_p2 [i];
281 }