4Evolvotron is interactive "generative art" software to evolve
5images/textures/patterns through an iterative process of random
6mutation and user-selection driven evolution.
8On starting the application, a grid of images is displayed.
9Resize or maximise the application if you like, but the more
10pixels have to be calculated, the slower it will be.
11(For the default 2D image mode, you will need a fast machine or patience.
12For the optional animation mode, you will need both.)
14Simply repeat the following until bored:
15 - Click (singleclick) on an image you like to
16   spawn the next generation of its mutant offspring.
17 - Wait until variations on it are regenerated in sufficient
18   detail that you can decide which one you like best again.
20IMPORTANT: Initially you should select images with some sort of variation.
21If you select a uniform image, you may get stuck in a degenerate zone with
22little to mutate and therefore little chance of escape to more interesting
23images.  You can always reset/restart from the "File" menu (the difference is
24that "reset" also resets the mutation parameters to their default values).
25Selecting one of the "warp" options from a context menu (right-click on
26an image) can also help by introducing an additional opportunity for
27mutation on subsequent spawns.
29Note that various spirals, grids and tiles, although complex looking,
30are actually implemented by a single function node and may leave you stuck too.
34The following are equivalent:
35  - evolvotron --grid 12x8
36  - evolvotron --grid=12x8
37  - evolvotron -g 12x8
42  -a, --autocool
43	Enable autocooling by default, and cause resets of mutation
44	parameters to re-enable autocooling if it was disabled.
46  -F, --fullscreen
47	Start in "fullscreen" mode (NB for Qt on X11 this means
48	a screen-filling borderless/undecorated window is used;
49	it's not simply maximising the window, and it's not the
50	sort of framebuffer hijacking used by SDL games).  The Qt
51	documentation claims some window managers may not be entirely
52	cooperative with this (in which case sorry, you're on your own).
53	evolvotron actions which bring up dialog boxes (e.g save) seem
54	to generally behave fairly sensibly but child windows
55	(e.g enlargements or dialogs) can show some "interesting" behaviour.
56	Fullscreen mode can be toggled within the application using "F" key.
57	The "Esc" key will also exit it.
59  -g, --grid <cols>x<rows>
60	Sets size of the grid of image display cells in the main application area (defaults to 5x6)
62  -h, --help
63	Print summary of command line options and exit.
65  -j, --jitter
66	Enable sample jittering.  Samples will be made at a random position
67	within a pixel instead of on a regular grid, providing some antialiasing.
69  -m, --multisample <multisample grid>
70	Enables additional antialiasing passes.
71	Specifying 2 or 3 will provide an additional pass with 2x2 or 3x3 samples per pixel.
72	Specifying 4 (or higher) will provide a 2x2 and a final 4x4 pass.
73	Specifying 1 provides the default behaviour of one sample per pixel.
74	For best rendering quality also specify -j.
76  -M, --menuhide
77	Start with menu and status bar hidden.  Nice with --fullscreen.
78	Hiding can be toggled within the application using ctrl-m.
79	The Esc key will also bring them back.
81  -p, --spheremap
82        Images are produced by sampling the underlying 3D function on the
83        latitude-longitude grid of a sphere.  The resulting images should be
84        usable as spheremaps/spherical environment maps.  Animations vary
85        the radius of the sphere.  NB when in spheremap mode,
86        middle mouse button adjustments do not yet behave like you'd expect.
88  -S, --startup <function_filename>
89        Specify a function filename (evolvotron's XML format) to load on startup
90        (or reset).  The option can be provided multiple times, and this is
91        also the interpretation of any positional arguments.  Startup functions
92        are placed in the grid from left to right, top to bottom.
94  -U, --shuffle
95        Use in conjunction with -S / --startup options, to display the specified
96        functions in random order, both on application startup and on each
97        reset of the application.
102  -f, --frames <frames>
103	Number of frames in animations (defaults to 1 i.e no animation)
105  -l, --linear
106        Vary z linearly with time rather than sinusoidally.
107        Sinusoidal variation generally looks better when animations are "bounced"
108        forwards and backwards, but this option is useful when generating slices to
109        use as volumetric textures.
111  -s, --fps <framerate>
112	Rate at which frames are displayed per second (integer).  (Defaults to 8).
117Note that the usual Qt/X11 options
118(for example, -geometry <width>x<height> option to set on-screen size in pixels)
119are processed and removed before evolvotron options are checked.
121  -D, --debug
122        Puts the certain aspects of the app into a more debug oriented mode.
123        Currently (ie this may change) it simply changes function weightings
124        so virtually all function nodes are FunctionNoiseOneChannel. By itself
125	this is a pretty pointless thing to do, but in conjunction with the -X
126        options it's useful for examining the behaviour of specific functions.
128  -E, --enlargement-threadpool
129	Use a separate thread pool for computing enlargements.
130	Using this option ensures computation of enlargements
131	continue to make some progress even while the main grid
132	is being actively worked on.  However, this will be at
133	the expense of main grid rendering performance.
134	Without this option, enlargements' final high-resolution
135	renderings are invariably lower priority than computation
136	for images in the main grid.
137	See also the -N option to control the priority of threads
138	in this pool.
140  -n, --nice <niceness>
141        Sets additional niceness (relative to the main application thread)
142	of the compute (rendering) thread(s).
143        It's useful to run compute threads at a slightly lower priority
144        ("nice 4" is the default without this option) than the main (GUI)
145        part of the program (but note that this means other normal/lowish
146        priority tasks running on your machine may slow evolvotron down
147        a bit more than expected).
149  -N, --Nice <enlargement niceness>
150        Sets additional niceness (relative to the main application thread)
151	of the compute thread(s) computing enlargements (default value is 8).
152	Only effective in conjunction with -E option.
154  -t, --threads <threads>
155	Sets number of compute threads.
156        If this is not specified, then as many compute threads are created
157        as there are processors on the system (unless this cannot be
158        discovered in which case only a single compute thread is created).
159        Non-linux builds will likely not include code to determine processor count
160        (suitable patches gratefully received).
162  -u, --unwrapped
163	Modifies -F behaviour so that the specified "favourite" function
164        is NOT wrapped by space/colour transforms.  NB For functions without leaf nodes
165	or parameters (e.g FunctionSphericalToCartesian) this doesn't
166	leave any scope for variation or future mutation.
167        Function name recognition is case sensitive.
168        Example:
169	$ evolvotron -F FunctionKaleidoscope -u
171  -v, --verbose
172	Verbose mode, writes various things to application stderr.
173	This is primarily intended to assist debugging.
174        This option used to be useful for getting a list of supported function
175	names for use with the -F option, but those can also be inspected
176        via the Settings dialogs.
178  -x, --favourite <functionname>
179	Force a specific "favourite" function type to be used at the top level
180	of all function trees.  The specified function is still wrapped
181	by spatial and colour warping functions which may disguise
182	it considerably.  A list of all the function names understood
183	by evolvotron is output during app startup when the -v option
184	is specified.  Function name recognition is case sensitive.
185	Example:
186        $ evolvotron -F FunctionSpiralLinear
193A left-click on an image in the main window spawns the mutant offspring
194of that image to all the other (non-locked) displays in the grid.
198Right clicking on an image gets you a few more options:
200 - "Respawn" regenerates just the current image from whatever it was
201   spawned from (and using recolour or warp, if that's what was used
202   to produce it).
203   The main use of this is to make your grid of images look nice
204   for screendumps, by regenerating any which aren't up to scratch.
205   NB May not work as expected after an "undo".
207 - "Spawn" is the same as clicking an image.  It generates mutated
208   images to all unlocked images in the grid.
210 - "Recolour" to produce different coloured variants of the selected image
212 - "Warp"'s sub-options produce variants of the image which have been
213   zoomed/rotated/panned.
215 - "Lock" to prevent an image from being overwritten by spawns from other
216   images (select again to toggle).
218 - "Enlarge" to produce a blow-up of the image in a single window.
219   Submenu items select either a freely resizable window or
220   a scrollable view of a fixed size image.
221   If the application is running in fullscreen mode (NB this is
222   NOT the same as a simply "maximised" window) then the enlarged
223   image will also be fullscreen (the "Resizeable" mode is probably
224   what you want in this case as the image will automatically be
225   rendered at the correct resolution).
227 - "Save image" to save the image in a file (.ppm or .png).
228   You generally want to save an enlarged image: if you
229   save a small image from the grid, the size you see on the screen
230   is the size you get in the file.  Save isn't allowed until the
231   full resolution image has been generated; if you try to save too
232   early a dialog box will be displayed telling you to try again later.
234 - "Save function" to store the function to an XML file.
236 - "Load function" to load a stored function from an XML file.
237   NB if the file was saved from a different version numbered
238   evolvotron, a warning message will be generated.
239   Save/load of functions is an experimental feature and you should
240   not count on future versions of evolvotron being able to load
241   files saved from old versions, or producing the same image
242   from a loaded function.  Attempting to load functions from later
243   versions into earlier versions is even less likely to succeed.
245 - "Simplify" prunes the function tree of redundant branches where
246   possible (the same action can be applied to all images from
247   the main "Edit" menu).  This doesn't change the appearance of
248   the image, but may make it recompute faster.
250 - "Properties" brings up a dialog box containing some information
251   about the image (e.g the number of function nodes it contains).
255[NB This feature will probably only be of practical use to those with high-end machines].
257You can use the middle mouse button to drag-adjust individual images.
258This is useful for "final composition" type tweaks, e.g centering an
259image's most interesting feature, or just for satisfying your curiosity
260about what's off the edge of the image.
262It also works on enlarged images, although it's virtually unusable without
263a bit of practice on smaller, faster ones (just boldly make the adjustment
264you want, release the button... and wait).
266Changes made can be rolled-back on the main Edit/Undo menu item,
267one drag-action at a time.
269An unmodified middle-mouse drag pans the image around following
270the mouse motion.
272A SHIFT-middle drag zooms the image in and out with scaling
273proportional to the distance from the centre of the image.  Beware of
274generating huge zooms by clicking too near the centre of the image.
276An ALT-SHIFT-middle drag is similar but anisotropic: the scaling
277may be different in X and Y.  Warning: this technique is very
278sensitive and can be quite tricky to use!  In particular,
279if you initially click near the centre axes of the image the zoom factor
280can be HUGE, so the best way to start using this is to click about halfway
281on a diagonal between the image centre and a corner and gently move in and
282out radially.  Dragging from one side of the image to the other flips it over
283(the degenerate case of infinite zoom at the centre is handled cleanly I think).
284If it all goes horribly wrong, undo and try again.
286A CTRL-middle drag rotates the image about its centre.
288A CTRL-ALT-middle drag shears the image (the best way to see what
289this does is to click in the corner of an image and move the mouse
290horizontally or vertically).
295There are some keyboard shortcuts.
300- "r"/"t"/"x" perform various starts of reset/restart.
302- "q" quits the application.
304- "u" (and also Ctrl-z) does an undo.
306- "f": full-screen mode (on X11, Qt does this by asking the
307window manager for a screen-filling undecorated window, and the
308documentation contains some dire warnings about problems with broken
309window managers).  See also "-F" command line option.
310Fullscreen mode propagates to enlarged image display windows.
311NB The application may completely disappear from the screen for
312a brief interval while switching mode.
314- "m" : hides status and menu-bar hiding, which can be nice when
315in full-screen or window-maximised mode.  See also "-M"
316command line option.  Also note that while the menu bar
317is hidden, most of these keyboard shortcuts won't function
318as they're tied to the menu system.
320- Esc : exits full-screen and/or menu-hiding mode, putting the
321application into its normal default state.
325The image display windows created by selecting "Enlarge" from a
326context menu also have a couple of keyboard operations:
328- "f" : [NB only available with fullscreen build option] toggles
329full-screen mode.  When returning to normal mode, if the main app
330window was fullscreen then it will also drop back to normal mode.
332- Esc : [NB only available with fullscreen build option]
333completely closes a fullscreen-mode enlargement window.
340- File menu:
341  Items to restart, reset and quit the application.
342  The difference between restart and reset is that reset
343  sets the mutation parameters back the their default values.
344  The "randomize function weights" version of restart scrambles
345  the relative probability of the various function types (if you
346  think evolvotron just keeps generating the same kinds of
347  images give it a try).  The "restart with specific function"
348  item duplicates the functionality of the "-x" and "-X" command-line
349  options.
350- Edit menu:
351  "Undo" lets you undo certain actions: e.g spawn,
352  middle-button adjustment, simplification and lock/unlock.
353  There is a large but limited number of levels of undo.
354  "Simplify" is of curiosity value only: it prunes redundant
355  branches from images ("junk DNA"); this may help them recompute
356  faster but at the cost of there being less mutatable material.
357- Settings menu:
358  "Mutations" brings up a dialog to modify the amount
359  of change spawned images are subject to.
360  (See "advanced usage" below.)
361  "Functions" brings up a dialog to modify the relative probability
362  of functions being used.  By default all functions are equally
363  likely except for iterative functions and fractals, which are
364  almost but not completely suppressed.  But if you think there
365  are too many spirals or grids (or not enough fractals) then this
366  is the place to adjust the frequency with which they appear.
367  If the software was built with the fullscreen option,
368  that can also be controlled from this menu.
369  "Favourite" brings up a dialog which allows you to select a specific
370  function type to always be used as the root node of any new functions.
371  The function can be wrapped by some other random stuff, or unwrapped.
372  See also the -X and -x command line options.
373- Help menu:
374  Items to bring up documentation, and the usual "About" box
375  (which includes the license).
379An area on the status bar shows how many compute "tasks" are
380outstanding (or "Ready" when there are none).  When two task
381totals are reported, the first is for the main grid and the
382second for any enlargements being computed.
383Each "task" is the recomputation of an image at some resolution.
384Tasks are prioritised by their number of pixels (small image
385implies higher priority).  This is why, if the main grid is still
386recomputing, recalculations of enlargements will appear to freeze
387after they have reached a certain resolution, at least until other
388lower resolution tasks have completed.
390The status bar also provides some control over the "autocool"
391mechanism which reduces mutation strength with time.
392See the advanced usage section below.
396- Don't start a session with any preconceived ideas about the kind
397  of image you want to get out of it.  You will be disappointed.
398- I get the best results when I click the image which most
399  immediately catches my eye as they start appearing.  If you stop
400  to think about it too much then things seem to go downhill.
401- If you seem to be just getting the same old spirals and grids
402  all the time, stop clicking on spirals and grids!
403  (The same goes for random mush).
404- Don't get too hung up on using the warp and middle-mouse drag
405  adjustments every iteration... use those tools for final
406  polishing of your masterpiece.
407- You can quickly cycle through a lot of initial images (until
408  you find one with real potential) by bashing on Ctrl-r to
409  repeatedly restart.
410- To add variety to an image's mutations, nudge it with a small
411  middle-mouse drag.  This introduces a top level transform, and
412  therefore more parameters to be varied.
413- Enlargements take a long time to complete their final
414  high-resolution rendering pass (especially with multisampling
415  enabled).  Most convenient practice seems to be to go away and
416  leave them to complete, then come back and save them later.
417  Continuing to click away on the main grid effectively starves
418  them of CPU, unless the -E command-line option is used.
422As of version 0.2.0 evolvotron contains some experimental support
423for generation of animations (although so far the results have been
424pretty disappointing IMHO, but it's still early days).
429Simply supply a -f <frames> command line option and evolvotron will
430generate animated sequences with the specified number of frames.
431These will be displayed at the frame rate specified by the
432optional -s <framerate> option (default 8).  So "evolvotron -s 24"
433will generate 3 second long animations.  Animations reverse direction
434at each end to avoid a sudden jump.
436If you save an animation as PPM or PNG, multiple files will
437be saved with .fnnnnnn (where nnnnnn is the zero-filled frame
438number) inserted in each filename before the filetype qualifier.
440For example, if you enter foo.ppm as the filename to save,
441files foo.f000000.ppm, foo.f000001.ppm... will be saved.
442If you have the ImageMagick tools you can convert these to
443an animated GIF playing at approx. 8 frames per second with:
445$  convert -delay 12 foo.f??????.ppm foo.gif
449Evolvotron's idea of an image is a function which converts
450XYZ co-ordinates to an RGB colour (however we can only display
451a 2D plane for now so the input Z is fixed to zero, or varied
452with time when animating).
454The image functions are constructed from trees of function nodes.
455(In the mathematical expression 1+(2*x) the "+" and the "*" would
456be function nodes.)  Evolvotron's functions tend to correspond to
457geometric or colour-space operations or anything else which can be
458applied to a 3D vector.
460By mutating the structure of the function tree (adding random
461branches, for example) and the values of the constant embedded
462within it, the image can be changed.
464The mutation parameters are under control from the dialogs accessible
465via the Settings menu, and the "autocool" mechanism exposed in the
466status bar also has some influence.
468There are two kinds of mutation: perturbations to the magnitude of constants,
469and structural mutations which re-arrange the function tree of an image.
470Four types of structural mutations are currently implemented:
471  - replacement of a function branch by a new random stub (a "Glitch" mutation).
472  - a random shuffle of a node's sub-nodes
473  - insertion of random nodes between a node and it's sub-nodes
474  - the substitution of a node with one of a different type,
475    with sub-nodes unaffected where possible).
477The probability (per function node) of these mutations is controlled
478from spinboxes on the "Mutation Parameters" dialog (expressed as
479chances-in-a-hundred), as is the size of perturbations to constants.
481It is useful to think of the perturbations to constant parameters as
482being a thermal effect (hence the "heat" and "cool" buttons), while
483structural alterations are more drastic and are caused by high energy
484gamma rays or something (hence "irradiate" and "shield" buttons to
485adjust the probability of structural mutations).
487So why would you want to change the mutation parameters from the initial
488defaults ?  Basically, if you're getting too much variation in spawned images
489(this tends to happen after many generations of images, by which time the
490function trees have grown quite large and therefore are experiencing a lot
491of mutations) then cool and/or shield.
492If all the images look too similar, heat and/or irradiate.
494The "autocool" mechanism (enabled from the statusbar or mutation parameters
495dialog) automatically reduces the strength of mutations from the base
496values with successive generations.  The cooling can be cancelled by
497disabling autocooling or pressing the "Reheat" button to zero the number
498of generations counted for cooling.  The effect of the cooling is a compound
499halving of the mutation strength after some number of generations (this number
500is the "half-life" controllable from the mutation parameters dialog).
501Note that if autocooling is enabled then eventually, after a number of
502iterations more than many multiples of the half-life has passes, spawned
503images will differ very little from their parents (hence the need for "reheat").
505There is also a dialog accessible from "Functions..." on the "Settings" menu.
506This allows control over the relative proportions in which functions occur.
507There is a tab showing the relative weighting of all functions (log-2 scale: each
508tick halves the probability of the function occurring), and additional tabs
509for various classifications of function for quicker access.
510The "Randomize" button on each tab assigns random weightings and helps
511increase the uniqueness of your session.
513The "Functions" dialog also has a "Dilution" tab which allows the average
514function-tree branching ratio to be controlled (by changing the proportion
515of trivial zero-branch functions added): note that using a high branching
516ratio results in very complex images which will take a long time to compute,
517while reducing the ratio results in simple, boring images.
5193 types of function node are considered fundamental: constant nodes
520(which return a constant), identity nodes (which return their
521position argument) and transform nodes (which transform their position
522argument by random parameters).  On the "Dilution" tab of the "Functions"
523dialog there are two slider controls to affect things related to these:
524 - "proportion constant" controls the proportion of diluting fundamental nodes
525   which are constants.  Changing this from its default value of 0.5 doesn't
526   actually seem to have much effect.
527 - "proportion transforms" sets the proportion of non-constant nodes diluting
528   which are transforms (as opposed to identity nodes).
529   The main effect of this is that images are less commonly obviously centred
530   on the origin or aligned with the axes.  I think this is a good thing, so
531   the value is at 1.0 by default.
535This release also builds some other command-line driven (non-GUI, non-interactive) utilities.
536Consult the man pages for full details.
538evolvotron_render reads a XML function description from its standard input and renders it to the
539file specified.
541evolvotron_mutate reads an XML function description from its standard input and outputs a mutated version.
542A command line option allows the "genesis" situation of creating a random function description with no input.
547Evolving and mutating on the command line:
549$ evolvotron_mutate -g | tee fn.xml | evolvotron_render /tmp/xxx.ppm ; display /tmp/xxx.ppm
551$ cat fn.xml | evolvotron_mutate | evolvotron_render -j -m 4 /tmp/xxx.ppm ; display /tmp/xxx.ppm
553Animating a function ani.xml saved from evolvotron in animation mode:
555$ cat ani.xml | evolvotron_render -f 100 -v -s 256 256 ani.ppm ; animate ani.f??????.ppm
559Please check the TODO file first before you send me suggestions!
561Please don't ask me to port evolvotron to proprietary platforms.
562You are of course Free under the terms of the GPL to do so yourself,
563but please read
564  http://www.fefe.de/nowindows/
569To those who have contributed feedback, suggestions and patches:
570  - Dmitry Kirsanov
571  - Jonathan Melhuish
572  - Karl Robillard
573  - Linc Davis
574  - Paolo Greppi
575  - Marcin Wojtczuk
576  - Michael Sterrett
577  - Massimiliano Guastafierro
578  - Goetz Waschk
579  - Forrest Walter
580  - "chr_bl" at web.de
582And to the anonymous Linspire reviewer who perhaps came up with the best
583summary of evolvotron yet: "Fascinating. Utterly pointless, but fascinating."
585The friezegroups wouldn't have been possible without
588Thanks to www.di.fm, www.somafm.com and Trance4Ever for music to code to.
590Thanks especially to a SIGGRAPH conference panel many years ago (likely
591including Karl Sims, the pioneer in this area) who first got me interested
592in this stuff.
594WHY ?
596I have always admired those who have the skill to wield a pen or paintbrush
597and fill a sheet of paper or a canvas with some striking image from their
598imagination.  Unfortunately I lack the patience to learn such skills,
599and probably the necessary manual dexterity and imagination too.
601Evolvotron, and several predecessors developed on and off over a decade
602since I first came across the idea, are an attempt to compensate for
603this using the skills I do have i.e some mathematical sensibility
604and the ability to write working code (well, sometimes).  If you like
605an image it produces, then as far as I'm concerned that's as satisfying
606a result as if you liked something I'd drawn myself.
608Tim Day