2[files]                           ; Directories and files
3def_dir              = geomorph   ; Default directory
4hf_dir               = /home/patrice/geomorph ; Default directory (Height fields)
5pov_dir              = /home/patrice/geomorph ; Default directory (Povray scenes)
6tmp_dir              = /home/patrice/geomorph/tmp/ ; Default directory (temporary files)
7doc_dir              = /usr/local/share/geomorph/doc/index.html ; Default directory (documentation)
8doc_reader           = firefox    ; Default HTML reader
10[interface]                       ; Interface
11interface_style      = Integrated ; Interface style
12menu_in_doc_window   = TRUE       ; Display the main menu in each document window
13icons_in_doc_window  = TRUE       ; Display the main menu icons in each document window
14pad                  = 6          ; Dialog padding (pixels)
15hf_size_in_screen_percent = 40         ; Height field default size (% of display)
16hf_size_in_pixels    = 512        ; Height field default size (pixels)
17doc_display_size     = 512        ; Default image display size (pixels)
18max_pen_preview      = 64         ; Maximum pen preview size (pixels)
19filter_preview_size  = 32         ; Filter preview size (pixels)
20noise_preview_size   = 128        ; Noise preview size (pixels)
21main_bar_x           = 3          ; Horizontal position of the main menu (% of display)
22main_bar_y           = 3          ; Vertical position of the main menu (% of display)
23creation_window_x    = 3          ; Horizontal position of the creation window (%)
24creation_window_y    = 15         ; Vertical position of the creation window (%)
25tools_window_x       = 3          ; Horizontal position of the tools window (%)
26tools_window_y       = 15         ; Vertical position of the tools window (%)
27display_doc_offset   = 4          ; Horizontal offset of new documents (%)
29[application]                     ; Application
30max_history          = 10         ; Default history size (undo / redo)
31default_terrain      = Subdiv2    ; Default terrain
32default_seed         = 0x6b8b4567 ; Default seed for random generator
34[rendering]                       ; 3D rendering
35renderer             = povray     ; 3D rendering tool (Povray...)
36render_width         = 640        ; Default 3D rendering width
37render_height        = 480        ; Default 3D rendering height
38scene                = /home/patrice/geomorph/simple_terrain.pov ; Default rendering scene (.pov...)
39hf_output_for_rendering = test.png   ; PNG output file name for default POV scene
40output_prefix        = _          ; Povray output prefix
41other_render_options = +D +P +L/home/patrice/geomorph ; Other command line rendering options
43[3d_preview]                      ; 3D preview
44mesh_size            = 128        ; 3D mesh size (in nodes on one edge of the HF)
45drawing_mesh_size    = 64         ; Default 3D mesh size when drawing (in nodes)
46preview_size         = 300        ; Default preview size (in pixels)
47direct_update        = TRUE       ; Automatic update (FALSE => the user must click to refresh)
48show_subdialog       = TRUE       ; Show the camera controls on startup
49direct_rendering     = FALSE      ; Hardware acceleration for OpenGL (DRI)
51[Camera_1]                        ; Camera 1
52camera_y_rotation    = 0          ; Default camera right-left rotation (Y)
53camera_x_rotation    = 50         ; Default camera back-front rotation (X)
54camera_distance      = 2,50       ; Default relative distance of the camera
55camera_height        = 0,00000    ; Default camera height
56right_left_displacement = 0,00000    ; Default camera right-left displacement
57vision_angle         = 55         ; Default field of view, in degrees
58aspect_ratio         = 1,3333334  ; Default aspect ratio (width / length)
60[Camera_2]                        ; Camera 2
61camera_y_rotation    = 0          ; Default camera right-left rotation (Y)
62camera_x_rotation    = 35         ; Default camera back-front rotation (X)
63camera_distance      = 1.70       ; Default relative distance of the camera
64camera_height        = 0.10       ; Default camera height
65right_left_displacement = 0,00000    ; Default camera right-left displacement
66vision_angle         = 55         ; Default field of view, in degrees
67aspect_ratio         = 1,3333334  ; Default aspect ratio (width / length)
69[Camera_3]                        ; Camera 3
70camera_y_rotation    = 0          ; Default camera right-left rotation (Y)
71camera_x_rotation    = 10         ; Default camera back-front rotation (X)
72camera_distance      = 1,00       ; Default relative distance of the camera
73camera_height        = 0,05       ; Default camera height
74right_left_displacement = 0,00000    ; Default camera right-left displacement
75vision_angle         = 60         ; Default field of view, in degrees
76aspect_ratio         = 1,333      ; Default aspect ratio (width / length)
78[Camera_4]                        ; Camera 4
79camera_y_rotation    = 0          ; Default camera right-left rotation (Y)
80camera_x_rotation    = 90         ; Default camera back-front rotation (X)
81camera_distance      = 2,10       ; Default relative distance of the camera
82camera_height        = 0,15       ; Default camera height
83right_left_displacement = 0,00000    ; Default camera right-left displacement
84vision_angle         = 55         ; Default field of view, in degrees
85aspect_ratio         = 1,3333334  ; Default aspect ratio (width / length)
87[Camera_5]                        ; Camera 5
88camera_y_rotation    = 0          ; Default camera right-left rotation (Y)
89camera_x_rotation    = 4          ; Default camera back-front rotation (X)
90camera_distance      = 2.60       ; Default relative distance of the camera
91camera_height        = -0.20      ; Default camera height
92right_left_displacement = 0,00000    ; Default camera right-left displacement
93vision_angle         = 25         ; Default field of view, in degrees
94aspect_ratio         = 1,3333334  ; Default aspect ratio (width / length)