1 /* img_process.c - functions for filtering and transforming images
2  *
3  * Copyright (C) 2001 Patrice St-Gelais
4  *         patrstg@users.sourceforge.net
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  * (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
19  */
21 #include <math.h>
22 #include "img_process.h"
23 #include "hf.h"
24 #include "hf_calc.h"
25 #include "hf_filters.h"
26 #include "../fourier/fourier.h"
hf_auto_contrast(hf_struct_type * hf)28 void hf_auto_contrast (hf_struct_type *hf) {
29 //	Stretch contrast so that the full value range is used (0 to 0xFFFF)
30 	hf_clamp (hf, 0, 0xFFFF);
31 }
hf_brightness_contrast(hf_struct_type * hf,gint contrast_level,gint br_level,gboolean keep_luminosity,gboolean bound_overflow)33 void hf_brightness_contrast(hf_struct_type *hf, gint contrast_level, gint br_level,
34 		gboolean keep_luminosity, gboolean bound_overflow) {
35 //
36 //	Increases / decreases the contrast & brightness of a square size X size 16 greyscale image
37 //	Levels are a % from -100 to 100
38 //	The brightness process is additive
39 //	At -100%, we subtract 0xFFFF>>1;  at 100%, we add 0xFFFF>>1.
40 //	The contrast is relative to the medium value between the min and max
41 //	The input is hf->tmp_buf (backup of the displayed buffer before getting into
42 //	the contrast dialog) and the output is the displayed buffer hf->hf_buf
43 //	Min and Max should be updated BEFORE, when entering into the dialog
45 //	The contrast process adjusts the delta between min and max value, so that
46 //	the new delta is 0 at -100% level and 2x at 100% level
48 	gfloat flevel;
49 	gint i, max = (gint) 0xFFFF, max2 , value, offset, delta_brightness ;
50 	max2 = 2 * max - 1;
51 	if (!hf->tmp_buf)
52 		hf_backup(hf);
53 	delta_brightness =  (gint) ( (0xFFFF>>1) * ((gfloat) br_level / 100));
54 //	flevel ranges from 0.0 to 2.0
55 	flevel =  ((gfloat) (100 + contrast_level)) / 100 ;
56 	if (keep_luminosity)
57 		offset = hf->avrg * (1.0-flevel);
58 	else
59 		offset = 0;
60 	for (i=0; i<hf->max_x*hf->max_y; i++) {
61 		//	If contrast_level < 0, we apply brightness 2nd
62 		if (contrast_level < 0) {
63 			if (bound_overflow) {
64 			//	Contrast
65 				*(hf->hf_buf + i) = MAX(0,MIN(0xFFFF, offset
66 					+ ((gfloat) *(hf->tmp_buf + i)) * flevel));
67 			//	Brightness
68 				if (br_level)
69 					*(hf->hf_buf + i) =
70 						(hf_type) MIN(0xFFFF,MAX(0,
71 						(gint) *(hf->hf_buf + i) + delta_brightness));
72 			}
73 			else { // Reverted overflow
74 			// 	Contrast
75 				value = offset + ((gfloat) *(hf->tmp_buf+i)) * flevel;
76 			// 	Brightness
77 				if (br_level)
78 					value = value + delta_brightness;
79 				value = ABS(value);
80 				value = (value>=max)?(max2-value):value;
81 				*(hf->hf_buf+i) = (hf_type) value;
82 			}
83 		}
84 		else {
85 			if (bound_overflow) {
86 			//	Brightness
87 				*(hf->hf_buf + i) =
88 					(hf_type) MIN(0xFFFF,MAX(0,
89 						(gint) *(hf->tmp_buf + i) + delta_brightness));
90 			//	Contrast
91 				if (contrast_level)
92 					*(hf->hf_buf + i) = MAX(0,MIN(0xFFFF, offset
93 						+ ((gfloat) *(hf->hf_buf + i)) * flevel));
94 			}
95 			else { // Reverted overflow
96 			// 	Brightness
97 				value =  *(hf->tmp_buf+i) + delta_brightness;
98 			// 	Contrast
99 				if (contrast_level)
100 					value = offset + ((gfloat) value) * flevel;
101 				value = ABS(value);
102 				value = (value>=max)?(max2-value):value;
103 				*(hf->hf_buf+i) = (hf_type) value;
104 			}
105 		}
106 	}
107 }
hf_remove_artifacts(hf_struct_type * hf,gint radius,dist_matrix_struct * dm)109 void hf_remove_artifacts (hf_struct_type *hf, gint radius, dist_matrix_struct *dm) {
110 	// Removing artifacts in a quantized image (terrace)
111 	// Move a window of a given radius over the image
112 	// and fill it with the border color if all the border pixels are the same
113 	// In the simplest form, the window is square
114 	// The function "wraps"
115 	gint i, j, k, l;
116 	hf_type value;
117 	gboolean test;
118 	for (i=0; i<hf->max_x; i++) {
119 		for (j=0; j<hf->max_y; j++) {
120 			value = *(hf->hf_buf + i + j*hf->max_x);
121 			test = TRUE;
122 			for (k=-radius; k<radius+1; k++) {
123 				if (value != *(hf->hf_buf + WRAP2(i - radius,hf->max_x)
124 					 + WRAP2((j+k),hf->max_y) *hf->max_x)) {
125 					test = FALSE;
126 					break;
127 				}
128 				if (value != *(hf->hf_buf + WRAP2(i + radius,hf->max_x)
129 					 + WRAP2((j+k),hf->max_y) *hf->max_x)) {
130 					test = FALSE;
131 					break;
132 				}
133 			} // End for k (1st)
134 			if (!test)
135 				continue;
136 			for (k = -radius+1; k<radius; k++) {
137 				if (value != *(hf->hf_buf + WRAP2(i + k,hf->max_x)
138 					 + WRAP2((j-radius),hf->max_y)*hf->max_x)) {
139 					test = FALSE;
140 					break;
141 				}
142 				if (value != *(hf->hf_buf + WRAP2(i + k,hf->max_x)
143 					 + WRAP2((j+radius),hf->max_y)*hf->max_x)) {
144 					test = FALSE;
145 					break;
146 				}
147 			} // End for k (2nd)
148  			if (!test)
149 				continue;
150 			// We fill up the window with "value"
151 			for (k=-radius+1; k<radius; k++)
152 				for (l=-radius+1; l<radius; l++)
153 					*(hf->hf_buf+VECTORIZE(
154 						WRAP2(i+l,hf->max_x),
155 						WRAP2(j+k,hf->max_y),
156 							hf->max_x) )= value;
158 		} // Enf for j
159 	} // End for i
160 }
hf_terrace(hf_struct_type * hf,gint levels,gint seed,gint percent_random,gint smooth_radius,gboolean if_wrap,dist_matrix_struct * dist_matrix,gint artifact_radius,gboolean apply_postprocess,gdouble ** gauss_list)162 void hf_terrace (hf_struct_type *hf, gint levels, gint seed, gint percent_random,
163 	gint smooth_radius, gboolean if_wrap,
164 	dist_matrix_struct *dist_matrix,
165 	gint artifact_radius, gboolean apply_postprocess,
166 	gdouble **gauss_list) {
168 	gint i,*disturbance_vector, index, slice, index_offset;
170 	if (!levels)
171 		return;
172 	slice = (hf->max-hf->min) / levels;
173 	//	No process if slice is 0 - HF is uniform
174 	if (!slice)
175 		return;
176 	// Modified 2005-06-23: s_offset and r_offset are now %,not absolute values
177 	/*
178 	s_offset = (slice* source_offset) / max_f;	// source_offset and result_offset are % of slice
179 	r_offset = (slice* result_offset) / max_f ;
180 printf("slice: %d; s_offset: %f;  r_offset: %f\n",slice, s_offset, r_offset);
181 	*/
182 	if (!hf->tmp_buf)
183 		hf_backup(hf);
184 	// We need a second temporary buffer for storing
185 	// the result of the quantization process before the postprocessing
186 	if (!hf->result_buf) {
187 		hf->result_buf = (hf_type *)x_malloc(hf->max_x*hf->max_y*sizeof(hf_type), "hf_type (result_buf in hf_terrace)");
188 	}
189 //	Variation implementing random disturbance of each level
190 //	Disturbance is bounded by 0 and slice_size
191 //	(NOTE: the terrace effect is calculating by "flooring" a value
192 //	to the nearest lower multiple of slice_size, so the total H
193 //	should never be more than 0xFFFF)
194 /*	disturbance_vector = (gint *) x_malloc(sizeof(gint)*(levels+1), "gint (disturbance_vector in hf_terrace)");
195 	srand(seed);
196 	*(disturbance_vector) = 0;	// We want the "floor" to stay black
197 	for (i=1; i<levels+1; i++) {
198 		*(disturbance_vector+i) = (percent_random*(rand()%slice)) / 100;
199 	}
200 	for (i=0; i<hf->max_x*hf->max_y; i++) {
201 		index = *(hf->tmp_buf + i) / slice;
202 		*(hf->hf_buf + i) = ((gfloat) *(hf->tmp_buf +i)* (100-percent) / 100) +
203 			((gfloat) ( (*(disturbance_vector+index) +
204 			(slice * index) )* percent) / 100);
205 	}
206 */
207 //	2nd variation
208 //	The disturbance vector is applied when quantizing, not after
209 	disturbance_vector = (gint *) x_malloc(sizeof(gint)*(levels+1), "gint (disturbance_vector in hf_terrace)");
210 	srand(seed);
211 	*(disturbance_vector) = hf->min;	// We want the "floor" to stay at minimum
213 	for (i=1; i<levels+1; i++) {
214 		*(disturbance_vector+i) = (percent_random*(rand()%slice)) / 100;
215 		// 	For the quantization algorithm to work,
216 		// 	each slice displacement must be strictly < to slice_size (never =)
217 		*(disturbance_vector+i) = MIN(-1+((i+1)*slice), *(disturbance_vector+i));
218 		// 	Contrary to the simpler preceding algorithm,
219 		// 	the quantization requires cumulative values, so that we can
220 		// 	rapidly check upper and lower bounds
221 		*(disturbance_vector+i) = MIN(0xFFFF,hf->min + (i*slice)+*(disturbance_vector+i));
222 // printf("DIST-VECT[%d] = %d\n",i,*(disturbance_vector+i));
223 	}
225 //	When the minimum HF value is > slice size, we need to adjust the index
226 	index_offset = hf->min / slice;
227 //	If a smooth radius or an artifact removal radius is given,
228 //	we must decompose the process in 2 passes:
229    if ( apply_postprocess && (smooth_radius || artifact_radius) ) {
230 	for (i=0; i<hf->max_x*hf->max_y; i++) {
231 		// 	First, we approximate quantization
232 		index = (*(hf->tmp_buf + i) / slice) - index_offset;
233 		// 	"index*slice_size" gives the 1st value to test
234 		// 	Since displacement is strictly less than the slice_size,
235 		// 	the looked for value can only be index or index-1
236 		if (*(disturbance_vector+index)>*(hf->tmp_buf+i))
237 			index = MAX(0,index-1);  // This MAX is not supposed to be required!!
238 		*(hf->hf_buf + i) = *(disturbance_vector+index);
239 	}
240 	// 	The 2 next processes operate on hf->hf_buf
241 	if (artifact_radius)
242 		hf_remove_artifacts(hf, artifact_radius, dist_matrix);
243 	if (smooth_radius)
244 		hf_smooth(hf, smooth_radius, dist_matrix, if_wrap, gauss_list);
245 	// 	Swap result_buf and hf_buf, so that result_buf becomes the input
246 	// 	and hf_buf is prepared for a new output
247 	swap_buffers ((gpointer*) &hf->result_buf, (gpointer*) &hf->hf_buf);
248   }	// 	end of "if (apply_postprocess)"
249   else  {	// 	if ( ! apply_postprocess)
251 	for (i=0; i<hf->max_x*hf->max_y; i++) {
252 		index =  (*(hf->tmp_buf + i) / slice) - index_offset;
253 		if (*(disturbance_vector+index)>*(hf->tmp_buf+i))
254 			index = MAX(0,index-1);
255 		*(hf->result_buf + i) = *(disturbance_vector+index);
256 	}
257   }
258   if (disturbance_vector)
259 	x_free(disturbance_vector);
260 //	write_png ("tmp_buf.png", 16, (unsigned char *) hf->tmp_buf, hf->max_x, hf->max_y);
261 //	write_png ("result_buf.png", 16, (unsigned char *) hf->result_buf, hf->max_x, hf->max_y);
262 //	write_png ("hf_buf.png", 16, (unsigned char *) hf->hf_buf, hf->max_x, hf->max_y);
264 }
hf_threshold(hf_struct_type * hf,hf_type min,hf_type max,gint percent)266 void hf_threshold (hf_struct_type *hf, hf_type min, hf_type max, gint percent) {
267 	gint i;
268 	if (!hf->tmp_buf)
269 		hf_backup(hf);
270 	for (i=0; i<hf->max_x*hf->max_y; i++) {
271 		*(hf->hf_buf + i) = (hf_type) ((long int) *(hf->tmp_buf +i)* (100-percent) / 100) +
272 			( ( (long int) ( MAX(min,MIN(max,*(hf->tmp_buf + i))) ) * percent) / 100);
273 	}
274 }
create_gaussian_kernel(gint radius,gdouble base,gdouble exponent,gdouble relative_value_offset,gdouble scale,gboolean not_inverted)276 gdouble *create_gaussian_kernel (gint radius, gdouble base, gdouble exponent, gdouble relative_value_offset, gdouble scale, gboolean not_inverted) {
277 	// Create a gaussian kernel, suitable for hf_convolve
278 	// To get a "sharpen" or "noisify" kernel, use a negative
279 	// relative_value_offset and set not_inverted to FALSE
280 	gdouble *kernel, min, max, value_offset, distance, somme;
281 	gint x, y, size;
282 	size = 1 + 2*radius;
283 	if (scale<=0.0)
284 		scale=1.0;
285 	kernel = (gdouble *) x_malloc(sizeof(gdouble)*size*size, "gdouble (kernel in create_gaussian_kernel)");
286 	max = BELLD(base, exponent, (gdouble) 0.0, (gdouble) size*scale);
287 	min = BELLD(base, exponent, (gdouble) DIST2(0, 0, radius, radius), (gdouble) size*scale);
288 //	printf("Distance: %f\n",(gdouble) DIST2(0, 0, radius, radius));
289 	value_offset = relative_value_offset * (max-min);
290 //	printf("Radius: %d; Min: %f; Max: %f; Offset: %f\n",radius, min, max, value_offset);
291 	somme = 0.0;
292 	for (y=0; y<size; y++) {
293 		for (x=0; x<size; x++) {
294 			distance = DIST2(x,y,radius, radius);
295 			if (not_inverted)
296 				*(kernel + y*size + x) = value_offset + BELLD(base, exponent, distance, scale*size) - min;
297 			else
298 				*(kernel + y*size + x) = value_offset + max - BELLD(base, exponent, distance, scale*size);
299 //			printf(" %7.4f ",*(kernel + y*size + x) );
300 			somme += *(kernel + y*size + x);
301 //			if (x==(size-1))
302 //				printf("\n");
303 		}
304 	}
305 //	printf("Somme: %7.4f\n", somme);
306 	return kernel;
307 }
create_hat_kernel(gint radius,gdouble relative_value_offset,gdouble scale,gboolean not_inverted)309 gdouble *create_hat_kernel (gint radius, gdouble relative_value_offset, gdouble scale, gboolean not_inverted) {
310 	gdouble *kernel, value_offset, somme, edges_value, sum_edges, center_value;
311 	gint x, y, size;
312 	size = 1 + 2*radius;
313 	if (scale<=0.0)
314 		scale=1.0;
315 	kernel = (gdouble *) x_malloc(sizeof(gdouble)*size*size, "gdouble (kernel in create_hat_kernel)");
316 	edges_value = 1.0;
317 	sum_edges = (4.0*(size-2.0) + 4.0) * edges_value;
318 	if (not_inverted)
319 		center_value = scale;
320 	else
321 		center_value = -(sum_edges*scale - 1.0) /(gdouble)((size-2) * (size-2));
322 	value_offset = relative_value_offset;
323 	printf("Radius: %d; Sum_edgest: %f; Center_value: %f; Offset: %f\n",radius, sum_edges, center_value, value_offset);
324 	somme = 0.0;
325 	for (y=0; y<size; y++) {
326 		for (x=0; x<size; x++) {
327 			if ((y==0) || (x==0) || (x==(size-1)) || (y==(size-1)))
328 				*(kernel + y*size + x) = edges_value;
329 			else
330 				*(kernel + y*size + x) = center_value;
331 			printf(" %7.4f ",*(kernel + y*size + x) );
332 //			printf("(%d,%d) = %7.4f ",x,y,*(kernel + y*size + x) );
333 			somme += *(kernel + y*size + x);
334 			if (x==(size-1))
335 				printf("\n");
336 		}
337 	}
338 	printf("Somme: %7.4f\n", somme);
339 	return kernel;
340 }
create_pixel_kernel(gint radius,gdouble relative_value_offset,gdouble scale,gboolean not_inverted)342 gdouble *create_pixel_kernel (gint radius, gdouble relative_value_offset, gdouble scale, gboolean not_inverted) {
343 	gdouble *kernel, value_offset, somme, edges_value, sum_edges, center_value;
344 	gint x, y, size;
345 	size = 1 + 2*radius;
346 	if (scale<=0.0)
347 		scale=1.0;
348 	kernel = (gdouble *) x_malloc(sizeof(gdouble)*size*size, "gdouble (kernel in create_pixel_kernel)");
349 	edges_value = scale * 1.0;
350 	sum_edges = ((gdouble) (size*size)-1.0) * edges_value;
351 	if (not_inverted)
352 		center_value = scale;
353 	else
354 		center_value = -sum_edges + 1.0;
355 	value_offset = relative_value_offset;
356 	printf("Radius: %d; Sum_edgest: %f; Center_value: %f; Offset: %f\n",radius, sum_edges, center_value, value_offset);
357 	somme = 0.0;
358 	for (y=0; y<size; y++) {
359 		for (x=0; x<size; x++) {
360 			if ((y==x) && (x==radius))
361 				*(kernel + y*size + x) = center_value;
362 			else
363 				*(kernel + y*size + x) = edges_value;
364 			printf(" %7.4f ",*(kernel + y*size + x) );
365 //			printf("(%d,%d) = %7.4f ",x,y,*(kernel + y*size + x) );
366 			somme += *(kernel + y*size + x);
367 			if (x==(size-1))
368 				printf("\n");
369 		}
370 	}
371 	printf("Somme: %7.4f\n", somme);
372 	return kernel;
373 }
create_tent_kernel(gint radius,gdouble value_offset,gdouble scale,gboolean not_inverted)375 gdouble *create_tent_kernel (gint radius, gdouble value_offset, gdouble scale, gboolean not_inverted) {
376 	gdouble *kernel, somme, dradius, di;
377 	gint i, j, x, y, size;
378 	size = 1 + 2*radius;
379 	if (scale<=0.0)
380 		scale=1.0;
381 	kernel = (gdouble *) x_malloc(sizeof(gdouble)*size*size, "gdouble (kernel in create_tent_kernel)");
382 	printf("Radius: %d; Offset: %f\n",radius, value_offset);
383 	somme = 0.0;
384 	dradius = (gdouble) radius;
385 	for (i=0; i<radius; i++) {
386 		for (j=i; j<(size-i); j++) {
387 			di = (gdouble) i;
388 			if (not_inverted) {
389 				*(kernel + i*size + j) = scale * (di+value_offset);
390 				*(kernel + (size-i-1)*size + j) = scale * (di+value_offset);
391 			}
392 			else {
393 				*(kernel + i*size + j) = scale * (value_offset-di);
394 				*(kernel + (size-i-1)*size + j) = scale * (value_offset-di);
395 			}
396 		}
397 		for (j=(i+1); j<(size-i-1); j++) {
398 			if (not_inverted) {
399 				*(kernel + j*size + i) = scale * (di+value_offset);
400 				*(kernel + j*size + size - i - 1) = scale * (di+value_offset);
401 			}
402 			else {
403 				*(kernel + j*size + i) = scale * (value_offset-di);
404 				*(kernel + j*size + size - i - 1) = scale * (value_offset-di);
405 			}
406 		}
407 	}
408 	if (not_inverted)
409 		*(kernel + radius*size + radius) = scale * (dradius + value_offset);
410 	else
411 		*(kernel + radius*size + radius) = scale * (value_offset - dradius);
413 	for (y=0; y<size; y++) {
414 		for (x=0; x<size; x++) {
415 			printf(" %7.4f ",*(kernel + y*size + x) );
416 //			printf("(%d,%d) = %7.4f ",x,y,*(kernel + y*size + x) );
417 			somme += *(kernel + y*size + x);
418 			if (x==(size-1))
419 				printf("\n");
420 		}
421 	}
422 	printf("Somme: %7.4f\n", somme);
423 	return kernel;
424 }
hf_convolve(hf_struct_type * hf,gint radius,gdouble * matrix,gboolean if_tiles)426 void hf_convolve (hf_struct_type *hf, gint radius, gdouble *matrix, gboolean if_tiles) {
427 //	Apply a convolution filter, normalizing the sum of the weights to 1
428 //	No normalization takes place when the weights sum is 0 or 1
429 //	matrix size = (2*radius+1)*(2*radius+1)
430 	gint i,j,k,l, ii, x0,y0,width;
431 	gdouble value, weight=0.0, maxd = (gdouble) MAX_HF_VALUE;
432 	hf_type *hf_buf;
433 	gboolean if_weight = TRUE;
434 	if ( (!radius) || (!matrix))
435 		return;
436 	width = 2*radius + 1;
437 	hf_buf = (hf_type *) x_malloc(sizeof(hf_type)*hf->max_x*hf->max_y, "hf_type (hf_buf in hf_convolve)");
438 	for (i=0;i<width*width;i++) {
439 		weight += *(matrix+i);
440 	}
441 	if ((weight==0.0) || (weight==1.0))
442 		if_weight = FALSE;
443 // printf("W: %s... %f\n",if_weight?"TRUE":"FALSE",weight);
444 	for (i=0; i<hf->max_y; i++) {
445 		ii = i*hf->max_x;
446 		for (j=0; j<hf->max_x; j++) {
447 			value = 0.0;
448 			y0 = i - radius;
449 			x0 = j - radius;
450 		//	Add the values contained in the (2*radius)+1 *... square centered at current dot
451 		  	 for (k = 0; k < width; k++)
452 				for (l = 0; l < width; l++) {
453 					if ((*matrix+k*width+l)>0.0) {
454 						if (if_tiles)
455 			 			   value = value + *(matrix+k*width+l) *
456 					 	     (gdouble) *(hf->hf_buf +
457 						     WRAP2(y0+k,hf->max_y)*(hf->max_y) +
458 						     WRAP2(x0+l,hf->max_x)) ;
459 						else
460 			 			   value = value + *(matrix+k*width+l) *
461 					 	      (gdouble) *(hf->hf_buf  +
462 						     MAX(0,MIN(y0+k,hf->max_y-1))*(hf->max_y) +
463 						     MAX(0,MIN(x0+l,hf->max_x-1)) )  ;
464 					}
465 				}
466 			if (if_weight)
467 				value = value / weight;
468 			*(hf_buf + ii+j) = (hf_type) MIN(maxd,MAX(0.0,value)) ;
469 		}
470 	}
471 	memcpy(hf->hf_buf,hf_buf,sizeof(hf_type)*hf->max_x*hf->max_y);
472 	x_free(hf_buf);
473 }
convolve(gpointer buf,gint max_x,gint max_y,gint data_type,gint radius,gdouble * matrix,gboolean if_tiles)475 void convolve (gpointer buf, gint max_x, gint max_y, gint data_type, gint radius, gdouble *matrix, gboolean if_tiles) {
476 //	Apply a convolution filter, normalizing the sum of the weights to 1
477 //	No normalization takes place when the weights sum is 0 or 1
478 //	matrix size = (2*radius+1)*(2*radius+1)
479 	gint i,j,k,l, ii, x0,y0,width;
480 	gdouble value, weight=0.0, maxd = (gdouble) MAX_HF_VALUE;
481 	gdouble *dbuf, *dbufin;
482 	gboolean if_weight = TRUE;
483 	if ( (!radius) || (!matrix))
484 		return;
485 	width = 2*radius + 1;
486 	dbufin = (gdouble *) x_malloc(sizeof(gdouble)*max_x*max_y, "gdouble (dbufin in convolve)");
487 	dbuf = (gdouble *) x_malloc(sizeof(gdouble)*max_x*max_y, "gdouble (dbuf in convolve)");
488 	switch (data_type) {
489 		case GINT_ID:
490 			for (i=0; i<(max_x*max_y); i++) {
491 				*(dbufin+i) = (gdouble) *(((gint*) buf)+i);
492 			}
493 			break;
494 		case HF_TYPE_ID:
495 			for (i=0; i<(max_x*max_y); i++) {
496 				*(dbufin+i) = (gdouble) *(((hf_type*) buf)+i);
497 			}
498 			break;
499 		case GDOUBLE_ID:
500 			for (i=0; i<(max_x*max_y); i++) {
501 				*(dbufin+i) = *(((gdouble*) buf)+i);
502 			}
503 			break;
504 		case UNSIGNED_CHAR_ID:
505 			for (i=0; i<(max_x*max_y); i++) {
506 				*(dbufin+i) = (gdouble) *(((unsigned char*) buf)+i);
507 			}
508 			break;
509 		default:
510 			printf("Unexpected data type in convolve\n");
511 			exit(0);
512 	}
513 	for (i=0;i<width*width;i++) {
514 		weight += *(matrix+i);
515 	}
516 	if ((weight==0.0) || (weight==1.0))
517 		if_weight = FALSE;
518 // printf("W: %s... %f\n",if_weight?"TRUE":"FALSE",weight);
519 	for (i=0; i<max_y; i++) {
520 		ii = i*max_x;
521 		for (j=0; j<max_x; j++) {
522 			value = 0.0;
523 			y0 = i - radius;
524 			x0 = j - radius;
525 		//	Add the values contained in the (2*radius)+1 *... square centered at current dot
526 		  	 for (k = 0; k < width; k++)
527 				for (l = 0; l < width; l++) {
528 					if ((*matrix+k*width+l)>0.0) {
529 						if (if_tiles)
530 			 			   value = value + *(matrix+k*width+l) *
531 					 	     (gdouble) *(dbufin +
532 						     WRAP2(y0+k,max_y)*max_y +
533 						     WRAP2(x0+l,max_x)) ;
534 						else
535 			 			   value = value + *(matrix+k*width+l) *
536 					 	      (gdouble) *(dbufin  +
537 						     MAX(0,MIN(y0+k,max_y-1))*max_y +
538 						     MAX(0,MIN(x0+l,max_x-1)) )  ;
539 					}
540 				}
541 			if (if_weight)
542 				value = value / weight;
543 			*(dbuf + ii+j) = MIN(maxd,MAX(0.0,value)) ;
544 		}
545 	}
546 	switch (data_type) {
547 		case GINT_ID:
548 			for (i=0; i<(max_x*max_y); i++) {
549 				*(((gint*) buf)+i) = (gint) *(dbuf+i);
550 			}
551 			break;
552 		case HF_TYPE_ID:
553 			for (i=0; i<(max_x*max_y); i++) {
554 				*(((hf_type*) buf)+i) = (hf_type) *(dbuf+i);
555 			}
556 			break;
557 		case GDOUBLE_ID:
558 			for (i=0; i<(max_x*max_y); i++) {
559 				*(((gdouble*) buf)+i) = *(dbuf+i);
560 			}
561 			break;
562 		case UNSIGNED_CHAR_ID:
563 			for (i=0; i<(max_x*max_y); i++) {
564 				*(((unsigned char*) buf)+i) = (unsigned char) *(dbuf+i);
565 			}
566 			break;
567 		default:
568 			printf("Unexpected data type in convolve\n");
569 			exit(0);
570 	}
571 	x_free(dbuf);
572 	x_free(dbufin);
573 }
hf_convolveb(hf_struct_type * hf,gint radius,gdouble * matrix,gboolean if_tiles)575 void hf_convolveb (hf_struct_type *hf, gint radius, gdouble *matrix, gboolean if_tiles) {
576 //	"Boolean" convolution filter
577 //	matrix size = (2*radius+1)*(2*radius+1)
578 //	If the current pixel is different from any neighbour, put it black
579 	gint i,j,k,l, ii, x0,y0,width;
580 	gboolean test;
581 	gdouble weight=0.0;
582 	hf_type *hf_buf, value;
583 	gboolean if_weight = TRUE;
584 	width = 2*radius + 1;
585 	hf_buf = (hf_type *) x_malloc(sizeof(hf_type)*hf->max_x*hf->max_y, "hf_type (hf_buf in hf_convolveb)");
586 	for (i=0;i<width*width;i++) {
587 		weight += *(matrix+i);
588 	}
589 	if ((weight==0.0) || (weight==1.0))
590 		if_weight = FALSE;
591 // printf("W: %s... %f\n",if_weight?"TRUE":"FALSE",weight);
592 	for (i=0; i<hf->max_y; i++) {
593 		ii = i*hf->max_x;
594 		value = *(hf->hf_buf + ii+j) ;
595 		for (j=0; j<hf->max_x; j++) {
596 			test = TRUE;
597 			y0 = i - radius;
598 			x0 = j - radius;
599 		//	Add the values contained in the (2*radius)+1 *... square centered at current dot
600 		  	 for (k = 0; k < width; k++)
601 				for (l = 0; l < width; l++) {
602 					if ((*matrix+k*width+l)>0.0) {
603 						if (if_tiles)
604 			 			   test = test && (value ==
605 					 	     *(hf->hf_buf +
606 						     WRAP2(y0+k,hf->max_y)*(hf->max_y) +
607 						     WRAP2(x0+l,hf->max_x)) ) ;
608 						else
609 			 			   test = test && (value ==
610 					 	      *(hf->hf_buf  +
611 						     MAX(0,MIN(y0+k,hf->max_y-1))*(hf->max_y) +
612 						     MAX(0,MIN(x0+l,hf->max_x-1)) )  );
613 					}
614 				}
615 			if (!test)
616 				*(hf_buf + ii+j) = 0 ;
617 			else
618 				*(hf_buf + ii+j) = *(hf->hf_buf+ii+j) ;
619 		}
620 	}
621 	memcpy(hf->hf_buf,hf_buf,sizeof(hf_type)*hf->max_x*hf->max_y);
622 	x_free(hf_buf);
623 }
625 //	static gdouble matrix[] = {0.0625,0.125,0.0625,0.125,0.25,0.125,0.0625,0.125,0.0625}; // Blur
626 //	"Sharpen" / add noise;  without clamping and with sum = 0:  B&W edge detection
627 //	static gdouble matrix[] = {-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,4.0,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5,-0.5};
628 //	static gdouble matrix[] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}; // For min/max (erode/dilate)
629 //	static gdouble matrix[] = {-1,-1,-1,-1,8.0,-1,-1,-1,-1};
erode_or_dilate(hf_type * hf_in,hf_type * hf_out,gint max_x,gint max_y,gdouble * matrix,gint radius,gint operation,gboolean wrap)631 void erode_or_dilate (hf_type *hf_in, hf_type *hf_out, gint max_x, gint max_y, gdouble *matrix, gint radius, gint operation, gboolean wrap) {
633 //	Simple erosion with a modified min/max convolution filter
634 //	matrix size = (2*radius+1)*(2*radius+1)
635 	gint i,j,k,l, ii, x0,y0,width;
636 	gdouble value,last,current, weight;
637 	width = 2*radius + 1;
638 	for (i=0; i<max_y; i++) {
639 		ii = i*max_x;
640 		for (j=0; j<max_x; j++) {
641 			current = (gdouble) *(hf_in + ii+j) ;
642 			value = current;
643 			y0 = i - radius;
644 			x0 = j - radius;
645 		//	Process the values contained in the (2*radius)+1 *... square centered at current dot
646 			for (k = 0; k < width; k++)
647 				for (l = 0; l < width; l++) {
648 					weight = *(matrix+k*width+l);
649 					if (weight>0.0)
650 								{
651 		//	The minimum is normalized with matrix weight (typically distance)
652 						if (wrap)
653 							last = 	(gdouble) *(hf_in +
654 							WRAP2(y0+k,max_y)*(max_y) +
655 							WRAP2(x0+l,max_x) );
656 						else
657 							last = 	(gdouble) *(hf_in +
658 							MAX(0,MIN(y0+k,max_y-1))*(max_y) +
659 							MAX(0,MIN(x0+l,max_x-1)) );
660 						if (operation==DILATE) {
661 							if (last>current)
662 							value = (1.0-weight)*current+weight*last;
663 						}
664 						else { // Erode
665 							if (last<current)
666 							value = (1.0-weight)*current+weight*last;
667 						}
668 					}
669 				}
670 			*(hf_out + ii+j) = (hf_type) value ;
671 		} // j (x) loop
672 	} // i (y) loop
673 }
dilation(hf_type * hf_in,hf_type * hf_out,gint max_x,gint max_y,gboolean wrap)675 void dilation (hf_type *hf_in, hf_type *hf_out, gint max_x, gint max_y, gboolean wrap) {
676 	// Morphological dilation,
677 	// done with max instead of boolean OR, for coping with non-binary values
678 	static gdouble matrix[] = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0};
679 	erode_or_dilate (hf_in, hf_out, max_x, max_y, matrix, 1, DILATE, wrap);
680 }
erosion(hf_type * hf_in,hf_type * hf_out,gint max_x,gint max_y,gboolean wrap)682 void erosion (hf_type *hf_in, hf_type *hf_out, gint max_x, gint max_y, gboolean wrap) {
683 	// Morphological erosion,
684 	// done with min instead of boolean AND, for coping with non-binary values
685 	static gdouble matrix[] = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0};
686 	erode_or_dilate (hf_in, hf_out, max_x, max_y, matrix, 1, ERODE, wrap);
687 }
min_max_erode(hf_type * hf_in,hf_type * hf_out,gint max_x,gint max_y,gint steps,gboolean wrap)689 void min_max_erode (hf_type *hf_in, hf_type *hf_out, gint max_x, gint max_y, gint steps, gboolean wrap) {
691 //	Simple erosion with a modified min/max convolution filter
692 //	matrix size = (2*radius+1)*(2*radius+1)
693 //	static gdouble matrix[] = {0.7,1,0.7,1,1,1,0.7,1,0.7};
694 //	static gdouble matrix[] = {0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0};
695 //	static gdouble matrix[] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
696 //	gint i,j,k,l, ii, s, x0,y0;
697 //	gdouble value,last,current, weight;
698 	gint s, width, radius = 1;
699 	width = 2*radius + 1;
700 	hf_type *in,*out;
701 	in = hf_in;
702 	out = hf_out;
703 	for (s=1; s<steps; s++) {
704   		printf("STEP %d\n",s);
705 		if (s>1)
706 			swap_buffers ((gpointer*) &hf_in, (gpointer*) &hf_out);
707 	  	erosion (hf_in, hf_out, max_x, max_y, wrap);
708 	}
709 	if (out==hf_in)
710 		memcpy(out,hf_out,max_x*max_y*sizeof(hf_type));
711 }
min_max_spread(hf_type * hf_in,hf_type * hf_out,gint max_x,gint max_y,gint steps,gboolean wrap)713 void min_max_spread (hf_type *hf_in, hf_type *hf_out, gint max_x, gint max_y, gint steps, gboolean wrap) {
715 //	Simple erosion (dark areas spread) derivated from min_max_erode
716 //	matrix size = 2*2 of 1.0
717 //	Use for expanding dark areas (lines) 1 pixel at a time, towards east and south
718 	gint i,j, ii, s, x0,y0;
719 	gdouble value,last,current;
720 	hf_type *in,*out;
721 	in = hf_in;
722 	out = hf_out;
723 	for (s=1; s<steps; s++) {
724 	   if (s>1)
725 		swap_buffers ((gpointer*) &hf_in, (gpointer*) &hf_out);
726   	   for (i=0; i<max_y; i++) {
727 		ii = i*max_x;
728 		for (j=0; j<max_x; j++) {
729 			current = (gdouble) *(hf_in + ii+j) ;
730 			value = current;
731 			if (wrap) {
732 				y0 = WRAP2(i - 1,max_y);
733 				x0 = WRAP2(j - 1,max_y);
734 			}
735 			else {
736 				y0 = MAX(0,i - 1);
737 				x0 = MAX(0,j - 1);
738 			}
739 			last = 	(gdouble) *(hf_in + VECTORIZE(x0,y0,max_x) );
740 			if (last<current)
741 				value = last;
742 			y0 = i;
743 			last = 	(gdouble) *(hf_in + VECTORIZE(x0,y0,max_x) );
744 			if (last<current)
745 				value = last;
746 			if (wrap) {
747 				y0 = WRAP2(i - 1,max_y);
748 			}
749 			else {
750 				y0 = MAX(0,i - 1);
751 			}
752 			x0 = j;
753 			last = 	(gdouble) *(hf_in + VECTORIZE(x0,y0,max_x) );
754 			if (last<current)
755 				value = last;
756 			*(hf_out + ii+j) = (hf_type) value ;
757 		} // j (x) loop
758 	   } // i (y) loop
759 	} // s (steps) loop
760 	if (out==hf_in)
761 		memcpy(out,hf_out,max_x*max_y*sizeof(hf_type));
762 }
hf_erode(hf_struct_type * hf,gint steps)764 void hf_erode (hf_struct_type *hf, gint steps) {
765 	hf_type *hf_in;
766 	gint totsize;
767 	totsize = sizeof(hf_type) * hf->max_x *hf->max_y;
768 	hf_in = (hf_type *) x_malloc(totsize, "hf_type (hf_in in hf_erode)");
769 	memcpy (hf_in,hf->hf_buf, totsize);
770 	if (hf->if_tiles)
771 		min_max_erode (hf_in, hf->hf_buf, hf->max_x, hf->max_y, steps, *hf->if_tiles);
772 	else
773 		min_max_erode (hf_in, hf->hf_buf, hf->max_x, hf->max_y, steps, TRUE);
774 	x_free(hf_in);
775 }
init_blocks(gpointer buf,gint max_x,gint max_y,gint radius,gint nblocks,gfloat phase,gboolean if_tiles,gint data_type)777 gpointer init_blocks (gpointer buf, gint max_x, gint max_y, gint radius, gint nblocks,
778 		gfloat phase, gboolean if_tiles, gint data_type) {
779 //	Average the pixels of hf into a smaller nblocks * nblocks hf_buf
780 //	Kind of "undersampling";  basis for processes as "smooth" and "cityscape"
781 	gint i, j, k, l, x, y, size;
782 	gpointer blocks;
783 	gdouble value;
784 	switch (data_type) {
785 		case GINT_ID:
786 			size = sizeof(gint);
787 			break;
788 		case HF_TYPE_ID:
789 			size = sizeof(hf_type);
790 			break;
791 		case GDOUBLE_ID:
792 			size = sizeof(gdouble);
793 			break;
794 		case UNSIGNED_CHAR_ID:
795 			size = sizeof(unsigned char);
796 			break;
797 		default:
798 			printf(_("Unexpected option in %s; contact the programmer!"),
799 			"init_blocks");
800 			printf("\n");
801 	}
802 	blocks = (gpointer) x_malloc(nblocks * nblocks * size, "gpointer (blocks in init_blocks)");
803 	for (i=0; i<nblocks; i++) {
804   	  for (j=0; j<nblocks; j++) {
805 		value = 0;
806 		for (k=((i+phase)*radius); k<((i+1+phase)*radius); k++)
807 		for (l=((j+phase)*radius); l<((j+1+phase)*radius); l++) {
808 			if (if_tiles) {
809 				x = (max_x+l)%max_x;
810 				y = (max_y+k)%max_y;
811 			}
812 			else {
813 				x = MIN(l, max_x-1);
814 				y = MIN(k, max_y-1);
815 			}
816 			switch (data_type) {
817 				case GINT_ID:
818 					value = value + (gdouble) *( ((gint *) buf) + y*max_x + x);
819 					break;
820 				case HF_TYPE_ID:
821 					value = value + (gdouble) *( ((hf_type *) buf) + y*max_x + x);
822 					break;
823 				case GDOUBLE_ID:
824 					value = value + *( ((gdouble *) buf) + y*max_x + x);
825 					break;
826 				case UNSIGNED_CHAR_ID:
827 					value = value + (gdouble) *( ((unsigned char *) buf) + y*max_x + x);
828 					break;
829 				default:
830 					printf(_("Unexpected option in %s; contact the programmer!"),
831 					"init_blocks");
832 					printf("\n");
833 			}
834 		}	// End k and l loops
835 		value = value / (gdouble) (radius * radius);
836 		switch (data_type) {
837 			case GINT_ID:
838 				*( ((gint *) blocks) + (i*nblocks)+j) = (gint) value;
839 				break;
840 			case HF_TYPE_ID:
841 				*( ((hf_type *) blocks) + (i*nblocks)+j) = (hf_type) value;
842 				break;
843 			case GDOUBLE_ID:
844 				*( ((gdouble *) blocks) + (i*nblocks)+j) = value;
845 				break;
846 			case UNSIGNED_CHAR_ID:
847 				*( ((unsigned char *) blocks) + (i*nblocks)+j) = (unsigned char) value;
848 				break;
849 			default:
850 				printf(_("Unexpected option in %s; contact the programmer!"),
851 				"init_blocks");
852 				printf("\n");
853 		}
854 	  }	// End j loop
855 	}	// End i loop
856 	return blocks;
857 }
smooth_buf(gpointer buf,gint max_x,gint max_y,gint radius,dist_matrix_struct * dm,gboolean wrap,gdouble ** gauss_list,gint data_type)859 void smooth_buf (gpointer buf, gint max_x, gint max_y, gint radius, dist_matrix_struct *dm, gboolean wrap, gdouble **gauss_list, gint data_type) {
860 //	Smoothing process, based on a sampling, followed by a rebuild
861 //	based on a normal (gaussian) 3d function (used as "shape filters" elsewhere in Geomorph)
862 //	For radius <= 36, we use a "separated" convolution in the spacial domain
863 //
864 //	dist_matrix = the usual precompiled distances matrix, for managing gaussian filters
865 //	wrap = TRUE =>  we reuse pixel 0 after pixel max_x or max_y
867 	gint i, j, k, l, nblocks, box, index, indexf, offset, half_radius;
868 	gpointer blocks;
869 	filter_struct *filter;
870 	gdouble *hf_weight,*hf_values, value;
871 	gdouble *v;
873 	if (!radius)	// We are not supposed to be here!
874 		return;
876 	if (radius<=36) {
878 		if (!gauss_list[radius])
879 			gauss_list[radius] = normalized_bell_new(radius);
880 		v = gauss_list[radius];
882 		convolve_normalized_vector (buf,
883 			buf,
884 			max_x,
885 			max_y,
886 			wrap,
887 			radius,
888 			v,
889 			data_type);
890 		}
891 	else {
893 //	We add repeatedly a gaussian bell, at each sampled pixel
894 //	2003-02-14:  finally there is only 1 level left, since a separable convolution is used
895 //	Finally the best rebuilding box radius is equal to the specified radius
896 	box = radius;
897 	filter = sharp_filter_new(box<<1,dm);	// The size must be even
898 	half_radius = radius>>1;
900 //	1- Sample
901 	nblocks = (gint) ((max_x-1+half_radius) / half_radius);
902 // printf("NBLOCKS: %d\n",nblocks);
903 	blocks = init_blocks(buf, max_x, max_y, half_radius, nblocks, 0, wrap, data_type);
905 	hf_values = (gdouble *) x_calloc(max_x*max_y, sizeof(gdouble), "gdouble (hf_values in smooth_buf)");
906 	hf_weight = (gdouble *) x_calloc(max_x*max_y, sizeof(gdouble), "gdouble (hf_weight in smooth_buf)");
908 //	2- Rebuild
909 	// The sampling / rebuild process introduces a translation, which we must correct
910 	offset = half_radius/2;
911 	for (i=0; i<nblocks; i++) {
912   	  for (j=0; j<nblocks; j++) {
914 		for (k=0; k<filter->hf_size; k++)
915 			for (l=0; l<filter->hf_size; l++) {
917 				if (wrap)
918 				   index = WRAP2((i*half_radius+k-box+offset),max_y)*max_x
919 						 + WRAP2(j*half_radius +l-box+offset, max_x);
920 				else
921 				   index = MAX(0,MIN(i*half_radius+k-box+offset,max_y-1))*max_x
922 						 + MAX(0,MIN(j*half_radius +l-box+offset, max_x-1)) ;
923 				indexf = VECTORIZE(CENTER_XY(k,filter->hf_size),
924 						CENTER_XY(l,filter->hf_size),filter->hf_size>>1) ;
925 // printf("INDEX dans filter->value: %d\n", indexf );
926 				switch (data_type) {
927 					case GINT_ID:
928 						value = (gdouble) *(((gint *)blocks) + i*nblocks+j);
929 						break;
930 					case HF_TYPE_ID:
931 						value = (gdouble) *(((hf_type *)blocks) + i*nblocks+j);
932 						break;
933 					case GDOUBLE_ID:
934 						value = *(((gdouble *)blocks) + i*nblocks+j);
935 						break;
936 					case UNSIGNED_CHAR_ID:
937 						value = (gdouble) *(((unsigned char *) blocks) + i*nblocks+j);
938 						break;
939 					default:
940 						printf(_("Unexpected option in %s; contact the programmer!"),
941 						"smooth_buf");
942 						printf("\n");
943 				}
944 				*(hf_values + index) = *(hf_values + index) + 		value * *(filter->values + indexf) ;
945 				*(hf_weight+index) = *(hf_weight+index) +  *(filter->values+ indexf);
946 // printf("(i,j,k,l): (%d,%d,%d,%d); INDEX: %d; values: %f; w: %f\n",i,j,k,l,index,*(hf_values + index) ,*(hf_weight+index) );
947 			}
948 	  }
949 	}
951 	for (i=0; i<max_x*max_y; i++) {
953 		// Modified 2006-01-27 for different data types
954 		switch (data_type) {
955 			case GINT_ID:
956 				*( ((gint *) buf) + i) = (gint) ( (*(hf_values+i))/(*(hf_weight+i)) )  ;
957 				break;
958 			case HF_TYPE_ID:
959 				*( ((hf_type *) buf) + i) = (hf_type) ( (*(hf_values+i))/(*(hf_weight+i)) )  ;
960 				break;
961 			case GDOUBLE_ID:
962 				*( ((gdouble *) buf) + i) = (gdouble) ( (*(hf_values+i))/(*(hf_weight+i)) )  ;
963 				break;
964 			case UNSIGNED_CHAR_ID:
965 				*( ((unsigned char *) buf) + i) = (unsigned char) ( (*(hf_values+i))/(*(hf_weight+i)) )  ;
966 				break;
967 			default:
968 				printf(_("Unexpected option in %s; contact the programmer!"),
969 				"smooth_buf");
970 				printf("\n");
971 		}
972 	}
973 	x_free(blocks);
974 	x_free(hf_values);
975 	x_free(hf_weight);
976 	filter_free(filter);
977 //	We reapply the process for smoothing the artifacts of the rebuilt HF
978 	smooth_buf(buf, max_x, max_y, 36, dm, wrap, gauss_list, data_type);
979 	}	// End else radius <= 36
980 }
hf_smooth(hf_struct_type * hf,gint radius,dist_matrix_struct * dm,gboolean wrap,gdouble ** gauss_list)982 void hf_smooth (hf_struct_type *hf, gint radius,
983 	dist_matrix_struct *dm, gboolean wrap,gdouble **gauss_list) {
984 	smooth_buf(hf->hf_buf, hf->max_x, hf->max_y, radius, dm, wrap, gauss_list, HF_TYPE_ID);
985 };
hf_mosaic(hf_struct_type * hf,gint radius,gint nblocks,gfloat phase)986 void hf_mosaic (hf_struct_type *hf, gint radius, gint nblocks, gfloat phase) {
987 	gint i,j;
988 	hf_type *blocks;
989 //	Build the mosaic
990 	blocks = (hf_type *) init_blocks(hf->tmp_buf, hf->max_x, hf->max_y, radius, nblocks, phase, FALSE, HF_TYPE_ID);
991 //	Transfer the mosaic into the hf buffer
992 	for (i=0; i<hf->max_y; i++)
993 		for (j=0; j<hf->max_x; j++)
994 			*(hf->hf_buf+WRAP(i+(gint) (radius*phase),hf->max_x)*hf->max_x+j+
995 				WRAP((gint) (radius*phase),hf->max_y)) =
996 				*(blocks+((gint) (i/radius) )*nblocks + (gint) (j/radius));
997 }
hf_honeycomb(hf_type * hf_in,hf_type * hf_out,gint max,gint radius,gint border)999 void hf_honeycomb (hf_type *hf_in, hf_type *hf_out, gint max, gint radius, gint border) {
1000 	// Quantize with an hexagonal structure
1001 	// Distance between cells centers = 2*radius
1002 	// "border" = with of the line separating each hexagon, in pixels
1003 	// This transformation does not preserve tiling
1004 	// Important:  radius must be even, otherwise we get black pixels (rounding problem)
1005 	gint x,y,i,j, nbcellsh, nbcellsw, h, w, index, nrow, npix;
1006 	gint baseh, basew, current_cell, block_h, xoffset, xstep;
1007 	static gfloat tan60=1.73205, sin60=0.86602;
1008 	unsigned long int sum;
1009 	hf_type *cell_values;
1010 	// Hexagons are not symmetrical in a square world...
1011 	// I chose to put the longer axis on the width
1012 	// h = height of each cell
1013 	// w = width
1014 /*	 _    _
1015 	/  \_/  \
1016 	\_/  \_/
1017 */
1018 	radius = 2* (gint) ceil((gdouble) radius/2.0);
1019 	h = (gint) ((gfloat) radius * sin60);
1020 	w = 3 * radius;
1021 	nbcellsh = (gint) ceil ( ((gdouble) 2*radius + max) / (gdouble) h);
1022 	nbcellsw = (gint) ceil (((gdouble) 2*radius + max) / (gdouble) w);
1023 	cell_values = (hf_type *) x_calloc(1+nbcellsw*nbcellsh, sizeof(hf_type), "hf_type (cell_values in hf_honeycomb)");
1024 	// cell_values contains the average value for the current cell
1025 	// We use hf->hf_buf to store the index of the cell to which the related pixel belongs
1026 	for (i=0; i<max*max; i++)
1027 		*(hf_out+i) = 0;
1028 	// Processing the neighbourhood of each cell...
1029 	// We "center" the structure
1030 	baseh = (max%h)/2;
1031 //	basew = (max%radius)/2;
1032 	basew = 0;
1033 	current_cell = 1;
1034 	// Cell 0 value is 0, so we can detect glitches...
1035 	block_h = radius*sin60;
1036 	nrow=0;
1037 // printf("RADIUS: %d; CH: %d; CW: %d; WxH: %d; BASEH: %d; BASEW: %d; BLOCK_h: %d\n",radius, nbcellsh, nbcellsw, nbcellsh*nbcellsw, baseh, basew, block_h);
1038 	for (y=baseh-h/2; y<max+h; y+=h) {
1039 		xstep = 3*radius ;
1040 		// The x offset is not the same depending if the row is even or odd
1041 		if (nrow%2) {
1042 			xoffset = basew-radius/2;  // This is why radius must be even
1043 		}
1044 		else {
1045 			xoffset = basew+radius;
1046 		}
1047 // printf("ROW: %d; XOFFSET: %d; XSTEP: %d; CELL: %d\n",nrow,xoffset,xstep, current_cell);
1048 		nrow++;
1049 		for (x=xoffset; x<max+radius; x+=xstep) {
1050 // printf("X: %d; ",x);
1051 			sum = 0;
1052 			npix = 0;
1053 			for (i=-block_h+border; i<block_h-border; i++) {
1054 				if ((y+i)<0)
1055 					continue;
1056 				if ((y+i)>=max)
1057 					break;
1058 				for (j=-radius+border; j<radius-border; j++) {
1059 					index = x + j;
1060 					if (index<0)
1061 						continue;
1062 					if (index>=max)
1063 						break;
1064 					index = VECTORIZE(index,y+i,max);
1065 				//	Test: is it inside the hexagon?
1066 				//	If abs(x) (x is j) <=cos60*radius (<= radius/2), it's certainly OK
1067 				//	otherwise, we must check if abs(i) / (radius-abs(x)) < tan60
1068 					if ( (ABS(j)<= (radius-border)/2) ||
1069 						(( ((gfloat) ABS(i)) / (gfloat) (radius-border-ABS(j)) ) < tan60 ))
1070 					{
1071 						*(hf_out+index) = current_cell;
1072 						npix++;
1073 						sum = sum + *(hf_in+index);
1074 					}
1075 				}
1076 			}
1077 // printf("Current_CELL: %d; NPIX: %d; SUM: %d\n",current_cell,npix,sum);
1078 			if (npix) // Some cells are outside the image, for some radius
1079 				*(cell_values+current_cell) = sum / npix;
1080 			current_cell++;
1081 		}
1082 	}
1083 	for (i=0; i<max*max; i++)
1084 		if ((nbcellsh*nbcellsw)<*(hf_out+i)) // "Debugging" test - it's not supposed to happen...
1085 			*(hf_out+i) = 0xFFFF;
1086 		else
1087 			*(hf_out+i) = *(cell_values+*(hf_out+i));
1088 	x_free(cell_values);
1089 }
hf_hexagon(hf_struct_type * hf,gint radius,gint border,gint smooth_radius,dist_matrix_struct * dist_matrix,gboolean apply_postprocess,gdouble ** gauss_list)1091 void hf_hexagon (hf_struct_type *hf, gint radius, gint border,
1092 	gint smooth_radius,
1093 	dist_matrix_struct *dist_matrix,
1094 	gboolean apply_postprocess,
1095 	gdouble **gauss_list) {
1097 	if (radius<4)
1098 		return;
1100 	if (!hf->tmp_buf)
1101 		hf_backup(hf);
1102 	// We need a second temporary buffer for storing
1103 	// the result of the quantization process before the postprocessing
1104 	if (!hf->result_buf)
1105 		hf->result_buf = (hf_type *) x_malloc(hf->max_x*hf->max_y*sizeof(hf_type), "hf_type (result_buf in hf_hexagon)");
1107 	hf_honeycomb (hf->tmp_buf, hf->result_buf, hf->max_x, radius, border);
1109    	if ( apply_postprocess && smooth_radius  ) {
1110 		// Smooth works on hf_buf, so we must swap it with result_buf
1111 		swap_buffers ((gpointer*) &hf->result_buf, (gpointer*) &hf->hf_buf);
1112 		if (smooth_radius)
1113 			hf_smooth(hf, smooth_radius, dist_matrix, FALSE, gauss_list);
1114 		swap_buffers ((gpointer*) &hf->result_buf, (gpointer*) &hf->hf_buf);
1115   	}	// 	end of "if (apply_postprocess)"
1117 }
hf_city(hf_struct_type * hf,gint radius,gint skyscraper_var,gint streets_width)1120 void hf_city(hf_struct_type *hf, gint radius, gint skyscraper_var, gint streets_width) {
1121 //	radius:  skyscraper width, in pixels
1122 //	skyscaper_var:  upper limit of random width variation, in % of radius
1123 //	streets_width:  width of black lines between blocks simulating streets, in % of radius
1124 	gint i,j,k,l,nblocks,str_w, var;
1125 	hf_type *blocks;
1126 	gint *rand_y, *rand_x;
1128 	if (!radius)
1129 		return;
1131 	if (!hf->tmp_buf)
1132 		hf_backup(hf);
1133 	if (!hf->result_buf)
1134 		hf->result_buf = (hf_type *) x_malloc(hf->max_x*hf->max_y*sizeof(hf_type), "hf_type (result_buf in hf_city)");
1136 	nblocks = (gint) ((hf->max_x-1+radius) / radius);
1137 	//	Sample the height of skyscapers
1138 	blocks = (hf_type *) init_blocks(hf->tmp_buf, hf->max_x, hf->max_y, radius, nblocks, 0, FALSE, HF_TYPE_ID);
1139 	//	Transfer the "mosaic" into the hf buffer
1140 	//	Apply random width variation, bounded by skyscraper_var %, and draw streets
1141 	str_w = (streets_width*radius)/200;	// Divide by 200:  a street extends one half on each block
1142 	rand_x = (gint *) x_malloc((nblocks+2)*sizeof(gint), "gint (rand_x in hf_city)");
1143 	rand_y = (gint *) x_malloc((nblocks+2)*sizeof(gint), "gint (rand_y in hf_city)");
1144 	var = (skyscraper_var*radius)/100;
1145 	*(rand_x) = 0;
1146 	*(rand_y) = 0;
1147 	if (var) {
1148 		for (i=1; i<(nblocks+1); i++) {
1149 			*(rand_y+i) = ((i-1)*radius) + ((rand()%var) - (var/2));
1150 			*(rand_x+i) = ((i-1)*radius) + ((rand()%var) - (var/2));
1151 	// printf("RAND_X(%d): %d;  RAND_Y(%d): %d\n",i, *(rand_x+i),i,*(rand_y+i));
1152 		}
1153 	}
1154 	else
1155 		for (i=1; i<(nblocks+1); i++) {
1156 			*(rand_y+i) = (i-1)*radius;
1157 			*(rand_x+i) = (i-1)*radius;
1158 		}
1159 	*(rand_y+nblocks+1) = hf->max_y;
1160 	*(rand_x+nblocks+1) = hf->max_x;
1161 	for (i=0; i<(nblocks+1); i++) {
1162 		for (j=0; j<(nblocks+1); j++) {
1163 			for (k= *(rand_y+i); (k<*(rand_y+i+1)) ; k++)
1164 				for (l= *(rand_x+j); (l<*(rand_x+j+1)) ; l++)
1165 					if ((k<(*(rand_y+i) + str_w)) || (k>*(rand_y+i+1)-str_w)   ||
1166 						(l<(*(rand_x+j) + str_w)) || (l>*(rand_x+j+1)-str_w) )
1167 						*(hf->result_buf+WRAP(k,hf->max_y)*hf->max_x+
1168 							WRAP(l,hf->max_x)) = 0;
1169 					else
1170 						*(hf->result_buf+WRAP(k,hf->max_y)*hf->max_x+
1171 						WRAP(l,hf->max_x)) =
1172 						*(blocks+WRAP(i-1,nblocks)*nblocks + WRAP(j-1,nblocks)) ;
1173 		}
1174 	}
1175 	if (rand_y)
1176 		x_free(rand_y);
1177 	if (rand_x)
1178 		x_free(rand_x);
1179 }
hf_stretch_v(hf_struct_type * hf)1181 void hf_stretch_v (hf_struct_type *hf) {
1182 //	Stretch vertically (compress horizontally)
1183 //	We simply divide the scale by 2 horizontally
1184 	gint x,y;
1185 	if (!hf->tmp_buf)
1186 		hf_backup(hf);
1187 	for (y=0; y<hf->max_y; y++) {
1188 		for (x=0; x<hf->max_x; x++) {
1189 			*(hf->hf_buf + VECTORIZE(x,y,hf->max_x)) =
1190 				*(hf->tmp_buf + VECTORIZE(WRAP(x<<1,hf->max_x),y,hf->max_x));
1191 		}
1192 	}
1193 }
hf_stretch_h(hf_struct_type * hf)1194 void hf_stretch_h (hf_struct_type *hf) {
1195 //	Stretch horizontally (compress vertically)
1196 //	We simply divide the scale by 2 vertically
1197 	gint x,y;
1198 	if (!hf->tmp_buf)
1199 		hf_backup(hf);
1200 	for (y=0; y<hf->max_y; y++) {
1201 		for (x=0; x<hf->max_x; x++) {
1202 			*(hf->hf_buf + VECTORIZE(x,y,hf->max_x)) =
1203 				*(hf->tmp_buf + VECTORIZE(x,WRAP((y<<1),hf->max_y),hf->max_x));
1204 		}
1205 	}
1206 }
hf_math_fn(hf_struct_type * hf,gint math_op,gdouble parameter)1208 void hf_math_fn (hf_struct_type *hf, gint math_op, gdouble parameter) {
1209 //	Some mathematical pixel transformations
1210 	gint i;
1211 	static gdouble PI2 = 6.283185307, maxd = (gdouble) 0xFFFF;
1212 	gdouble *doublebuf, ratiolog;
1213 	doublebuf = xalloc_double_hf(hf->max_x, "gdouble (doublebuf in hf_math_fn)");
1214 	ratiolog = (10.0-parameter) * log1p(maxd) / maxd;
1215 // printf("MAXD:  %f; LOG(MAX): %f;  RATIOLOG: %f\n",maxd, log1p(maxd), ratiolog);
1216 	if (!hf->tmp_buf)
1217 		hf_backup(hf);
1218 //	printf("MATH_OP: %d; PARAM: %f\n",math_op, parameter);
1220 	// Patch 2010-11-21 to avoid black result
1221 	if (parameter==1.0)
1222 		parameter += 0.001;
1224 	for (i=0; i<hf->max_x*hf->max_y; i++) {
1226 		switch (math_op) {
1227 		case POWER_OP:
1228 			*(doublebuf +i) = pow( (gdouble) *(hf->tmp_buf+i), parameter);
1229 			break;
1230 		case BASE_OP:
1231 			*(doublebuf +i) = pow( parameter, ((gdouble) *(hf->tmp_buf+i)) / maxd );
1232 			break;
1233 		case LOG_OP:
1234 			*(doublebuf+i) = ratiolog * *(hf->tmp_buf+i) + parameter * log1p((gdouble)*(hf->tmp_buf+i));
1235 			break;
1236 		case SINE_OP:
1237 			*(doublebuf+i) = sin( parameter * PI2 *((gdouble) *(hf->tmp_buf+i)) / maxd );
1238 		default:
1239 			*(doublebuf+i) = (gdouble) *(hf->tmp_buf+i);
1240 		}
1241 //		if (!((i+(hf->max_x>>1))%hf->max_x))
1242 //			printf("@i= %d; tmp_buf: %d; doublebuf: %f; \n", i,*(hf->tmp_buf+i),*(doublebuf+i) );
1243 	}
1244 	hf_min_max (hf);
1245 	hf_double_clamp (hf, hf->min, hf->max, doublebuf);
1246 	x_free(doublebuf);
1247 }
hf_black_n_white(hf_type * buf,gint length,hf_type pivot)1249 void hf_black_n_white (hf_type *buf, gint length, hf_type pivot) {
1250 	// Stretch the contrast of buf to 0x0000 and 0xFFFF,
1251 	// using pivot as the value under which all is black
1252 	// and over which all is white
1253 	gint i;
1254 	for (i=0; i<length; i++) {
1255 		if (*(buf+i)<=pivot)
1256 			*(buf+i) = 0;
1257 		else
1258 			*(buf+i) = 0xFFFF;
1259 	}
1260 }
merge_lift_edges(hf_struct_type * hf,gint level)1262 void merge_lift_edges (hf_struct_type *hf, gint level) {
1263 	gint i;
1264 	hf_type *hf1,*hf2,*out;
1265 	gdouble ratio, glevel;
1266 	glong abs_level = ((LIFT_EDGES_MAX>>1) * level) / 100;
1267 	glevel = ((gdouble) level) / 100.0;
1268 	hf1 = hf->tmp_buf;
1269 	hf2 = hf->result_buf;
1270 	out = hf->hf_buf;
1271 	if ((hf->min>abs_level) || ((MAX_HF_VALUE-hf->max)>abs_level)) {
1272 		ratio = ((gdouble) (hf->max - hf->min)) / ((gdouble) (hf->max - hf->min + 2*abs_level));
1273 		for (i=0; i<(hf->max_x*hf->max_y); i++)
1274 			*(out+i) = (hf_type) (ratio * (gdouble) ((glong) *(hf1+i))  + (glong) (glevel * (gdouble) *(hf2+i)) );
1275 	}
1276 	else
1277 		for (i=0; i<(hf->max_x*hf->max_y); i++)
1278 			*(out+i) = (hf_type) ((glong) *(hf1+i)) + (glong) (glevel * (gdouble) *(hf2+i));
1279 }
lift_edges(hf_type * in,hf_type * out,gint max_x,gint max_y,gint radius,dist_matrix_struct * dm,gboolean wrap,gdouble ** gauss_list,gboolean use_black_point)1281 void lift_edges (hf_type *in, hf_type *out, gint max_x, gint max_y, gint radius,
1282 	dist_matrix_struct *dm, gboolean wrap,gdouble **gauss_list, gboolean use_black_point) {
1283 	// Writes in *out the differences to add to *in to lift the edges
1284 	// of areas with black borders
1285 	//
1286 	// 1. Threshold the grid
1287 	// (all pixels under the "black point" are black, others are white)
1288 	// 2006-12-25: threshold only if use_black_point is TRUE
1289 	// TRUE: better for surfaces with dark lines (e.g. hexagons)
1290 	// FALSE: better for other quantized surfaces (e.g. terraces)
1291 	// 2. Smooth
1292 	// 3. Subtract the smooth result from the lower contrast source
1293 	//
1295 	hf_type *tmp, min, max;
1296 	gint i;
1297 	tmp = (hf_type *) x_malloc(sizeof(hf_type)*max_x*max_y, "hf_type (tmp in lift_edges)");
1298 	if ((!radius) || (!in) || (!out))
1299 		return;
1300 	min = max = *in;
1301 	for (i=1; i<(max_x*max_y); i++)
1302 		if (min>*(in+i))
1303 			min = *(in+i);
1304 		else
1305 			if (max<*(in+i))
1306 				max = *(in+i);
1307 	if (use_black_point)
1308 		hf_black_n_white (in, max_x*max_y, (max-min)>>3);
1309 	memcpy(tmp,in,sizeof(hf_type)*max_x*max_y);
1310 	smooth_buf (in, max_x, max_y, radius, dm, wrap, gauss_list, HF_TYPE_ID);
1311 	hf_subtract (tmp, in, out, max_x*max_y, OVERFLOW_ZERO);
1312 	hf_clamp_buffer (out, max_x * max_y, 0, LIFT_EDGES_MAX);
1313 	x_free(tmp);
1314 }
build_noise_map(gdouble wave_length_in_percent,gint max_x,gint max_y,dist_matrix_struct * dm,gdouble ** gauss_list)1316 hf_type *build_noise_map (gdouble wave_length_in_percent, gint max_x, gint max_y, dist_matrix_struct *dm, gdouble **gauss_list) {
1317 	hf_type *output;
1318 	gint nbpix, i;
1319 	output = (hf_type *) x_calloc(sizeof(hf_type), max_x*max_y, "hf_type (output in build_noise_map)");
1320 	nbpix = (gint) (100.0 / wave_length_in_percent);
1321 	nbpix *= nbpix;
1322 	nbpix *= 4;
1323 	for (i=0; i<nbpix; i++) {
1324 		*(output + (rand()%max_x) + (rand()%max_y)*max_x) = MAX_HF_VALUE;
1325 	}
1326 	smooth_buf (output, max_x, max_y, (gint) ((wave_length_in_percent / 100.0) * (gdouble) max_x), dm, TRUE, gauss_list, HF_TYPE_ID);
1327 	hf_clamp_buffer(output, max_x*max_y, 0, MAX_HF_VALUE);
1328 //	smooth_hf_buf (output, max_x, max_y, (gint) ((wave_length_in_percent / 100.0) * (gdouble) max_x), dm, TRUE, gauss_list);
1329 	return output;
1330 }
dfind_maximum(gdouble * in,hf_type * output,gint max_x,gint max_y,hf_type foreground_value,hf_type background_value)1332 void dfind_maximum (gdouble *in, hf_type *output, gint max_x, gint max_y, hf_type foreground_value, hf_type background_value) {
1333 	// Find the maxima of the "in" map
1334 	// Fill the maxima with a foreground value,
1335 	// fill the other pixels with a background value
1336 	// in the "output" result
1337 	// "output" is already allocated
1339 	// If both foreground and background values are 0, we use 0 as the background
1340 	// and the "in" value as the foreground
1342 	gdouble current;
1343 	gint x,y,xx,yy,xxx,yyy;
1344 	gboolean test;
1346 	test = (!foreground_value) && !background_value;
1348 	for (y=0; y<max_y; y++)
1349 		for (x=0; x<max_x; x++) {
1351 			// We test the 4 axis to determine if the current pixel is
1352 			// a local maximum
1354 			current = *(in + x + y*max_x);
1356 			if (test)
1357 				foreground_value = (hf_type) current;
1359 			xx = WRAP2(x-1,max_x);
1360 			yy = WRAP2(y-1,max_y);
1361 			xxx = WRAP2(x+1,max_x);
1362 			yyy = WRAP2(y+1,max_y);
1364 			if ((current>*(in+xxx+yyy*max_x)) &&
1365 				(current>*(in+xx+yy*max_x))) {
1366 				*(output+x+y*max_x) = foreground_value;
1367 				continue;
1368 			}
1370 			xx = x;
1371 			yy = WRAP2(y-1,max_y);
1372 			xxx = x;
1373 			yyy = WRAP2(y+1,max_y);
1375 			if ((current>*(in+xxx+yyy*max_x)) &&
1376 				(current>*(in+xx+yy*max_x))) {
1377 				*(output+x+y*max_x) = foreground_value;
1378 				continue;
1379 			}
1381 			xx = WRAP2(x+1,max_x);
1382 			yy = WRAP2(y-1,max_y);
1383 			xxx = WRAP2(x-1,max_x);
1384 			yyy = WRAP2(y+1,max_y);
1386 			if ((current>*(in+xxx+yyy*max_x)) &&
1387 				(current>*(in+xx+yy*max_x))) {
1388 				*(output+x+y*max_x) = foreground_value;
1389 				continue;
1390 			}
1392 			xx = WRAP2(x+1,max_x);
1393 			yy = y;
1394 			xxx = WRAP2(x-1,max_x);
1395 			yyy = y;
1397 			if ((current>*(in+xxx+yyy*max_x)) &&
1398 				(current>*(in+xx+yy*max_x))) {
1399 				*(output+x+y*max_x) = foreground_value;
1400 				continue;
1401 			}
1403 			*(output+x+y*max_x) = background_value;
1404 	}
1405 }
find_maximum(hf_type * in,hf_type * output,gint max_x,gint max_y,hf_type foreground_value,hf_type background_value)1407 void find_maximum (hf_type *in, hf_type *output, gint max_x, gint max_y, hf_type foreground_value, hf_type background_value) {
1408 	// Find the maxima of the "in" map
1409 	// Fill the maxima with a foreground value, the other pixels a background value
1410 	// in the "output" result
1411 	// "output" is already allocated
1413 	// If both foreground and background values are 0, we use 0 as the background
1414 	// and the "in" value as the foreground
1416 	hf_type current;
1417 	gint x,y,xx,yy,xxx,yyy;
1418 	gboolean test;
1420 	test = (!foreground_value) && !background_value;
1422 	for (y=0; y<max_y; y++)
1423 		for (x=0; x<max_x; x++) {
1425 			// We test the 4 axis to determine if the current pixel is
1426 			// a local maximum
1428 			current = *(in + x + y*max_x);
1430 			if (test)
1431 				foreground_value = (hf_type) current;
1433 			xx = WRAP2(x-1,max_x);
1434 			yy = WRAP2(y-1,max_y);
1435 			xxx = WRAP2(x+1,max_x);
1436 			yyy = WRAP2(y+1,max_y);
1438 			if ((current>*(in+xxx+yyy*max_x)) &&
1439 				(current>*(in+xx+yy*max_x))) {
1440 				*(output+x+y*max_x) = foreground_value;
1441 				continue;
1442 			}
1444 			xx = x;
1445 			yy = WRAP2(y-1,max_y);
1446 			xxx = x;
1447 			yyy = WRAP2(y+1,max_y);
1449 			if ((current>*(in+xxx+yyy*max_x)) &&
1450 				(current>*(in+xx+yy*max_x))) {
1451 				*(output+x+y*max_x) = foreground_value;
1452 				continue;
1453 			}
1455 			xx = WRAP2(x+1,max_x);
1456 			yy = WRAP2(y-1,max_y);
1457 			xxx = WRAP2(x-1,max_x);
1458 			yyy = WRAP2(y+1,max_y);
1460 			if ((current>*(in+xxx+yyy*max_x)) &&
1461 				(current>*(in+xx+yy*max_x))) {
1462 				*(output+x+y*max_x) = foreground_value;
1463 				continue;
1464 			}
1466 			xx = WRAP2(x+1,max_x);
1467 			yy = y;
1468 			xxx = WRAP2(x-1,max_x);
1469 			yyy = y;
1471 			if ((current>*(in+xxx+yyy*max_x)) &&
1472 				(current>*(in+xx+yy*max_x))) {
1473 				*(output+x+y*max_x) = foreground_value;
1474 				continue;
1475 			}
1477 			*(output+x+y*max_x) = background_value;
1478 	}
1479 }
spread_over_max(hf_type * input,hf_type * output,gint max_x,gint max_y,gboolean wrap,gint min_width,gint max_width,hf_type min_val,hf_type max_val,gint function)1481 void spread_over_max (hf_type *input, hf_type *output, gint max_x, gint max_y, gboolean wrap, gint min_width, gint max_width, hf_type min_val, hf_type max_val, gint function) {
1482 	// Widen the areas in input which are not null
1483 	// "Spread" them depending on the pixel value
1484 	// Typically: used for thickening lines with a variable width
1485 	// We scale the values from 1 to max_width, depending on min_val and max_val
1486 	// If both min_val and max_val are 0, or if max_val < min_val,
1487 	// we recalculate them from *input
1489 	gint i, x, y, index_x, index_y, index_i;
1490 	gdouble ratio;
1491 	gint value;
1492 	hf_type *tmp;
1494 	if (((!max_val) && (!min_val)) || (max_val<min_val)) {
1495 		// Note: min_val is the lowest value greater than 0
1496 		min_val = MAX_HF_VALUE;
1497 		max_val = 0;
1498 		for (i=0; i<(max_y*max_x); i++) {
1499 			if (!*(input+i))
1500 				continue;
1501 			if (*(input+i)<min_val)
1502 				min_val = *(input+i);
1503 			if (*(input+i)>max_val)
1504 				max_val = *(input+i);
1505 		}
1506 	}
1507 	if (max_val==min_val) {
1508 		printf("Nothing to spread!\n");
1509 		return;
1510 	}
1512 	ratio = ((gdouble) max_width) / (gdouble) max_val ;
1514 //	printf("MIN_VAL: %d; MAX_VAL: %d; MIN_WIDTH: %d; MAX_WIDTH: %d;  RATIO: %7.3f\n",min_val, max_val, min_width, max_width, ratio);
1516 	tmp = (hf_type *) x_calloc(max_x*max_y,sizeof(hf_type), "hf_type (tmp in spread_over_max)");
1518 //	write_png ("output0.png", 16, input, max_x, max_y);
1520 //	write_png ("input.png", 16, input, max_x, max_y);
1521 	// This is a separable algorithm, with a half-kernel of 'radius' width
1522 	// When wrap == FALSE, we simply skip the outbounded indices
1523 	// 1st pass
1524 	for (y=0; y<max_y; y++) {
1525 		for (x=0; x<max_x; x++) {
1526 			for (i=x; i<(x+max_width); i++) {
1527 				if (!wrap) {
1528 					if ((i<0) || (i>=max_x))
1529 						continue;
1530 				}
1531 				index_x = VECTORIZE(x,y,max_x);
1532 				index_i = VECTORIZE(WRAP2(i,max_x),y,max_x);
1533 				// When ABS(i-x) <= normalize(*input+index_i), we output normalize(*input+index_i) in output+index_x, if it's >
1534 				value = (hf_type) (0.5 + ratio * ((gdouble) *(input+index_i)));
1535 				if (value)
1536 					value = MAX(value,min_width);
1537 				else
1538 					continue;
1539 				if (ABS(i-x)<=value) {
1540 					value = value - ABS(i-x); // TENT_FUNC
1541 					if (value>*(tmp+index_x))
1542 						*(tmp+index_x) = value;
1543 				}
1544 			}
1545 		}
1546 	}
1548 //	write_png ("output1.png", 16, tmp, max_x, max_y);
1550 	for (x=0; x<max_x; x++) {
1551 		for (y=0; y<max_y; y++) {
1552 			for (i=y; i<(y+max_width); i++) {
1553 				if (!wrap) {
1554 					if ((i<0) || (i>=max_y))
1555 						continue;
1556 				}
1557 				index_y = VECTORIZE(x,y,max_x);
1558 				index_i = VECTORIZE(x,WRAP2(i,max_y),max_x);
1559 				value = *(tmp+index_i);
1560 				if (!value)
1561 					continue;
1562 				if (ABS(i-y)<=value) {
1563 					value = value - ABS(i-y); // TENT_FUNC
1564 					if (value>*(output+index_y))
1565 						*(output+index_y) = value;
1566 				}
1567 			}
1568 		}
1569 	}
1571 //	write_png ("output2.png", 16, output, max_x, max_y);
1572 //	memcpy(output,tmp,sizeof(hf_type)*max_x*max_y);
1573 	x_free(tmp);
1574 }
improve_edges(hf_type * hf_in,hf_type * hf_out,gint max_x,gint max_y,gboolean wrap,hf_type threshold)1576 void improve_edges (hf_type *hf_in, hf_type *hf_out, gint max_x, gint max_y, gboolean wrap, hf_type threshold) {
1578 	// Improve edges (or lines) by smoothing against a threshold value
1579 	// Works only with dark edges
1580 	//
1581 	// Pixel numbering:
1582 	//           4 | 3 | 2
1583 	//           5 | 0 | 1
1584 	//           6 | 7 | 8
1585 	//
1586 	// Edges type == {DARK_EDGES, BRIGHT_EDGES}
1587 	//
1588 	gint i,j, ii, startx, starty, endx, endy, index;
1589 	hf_type v0, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8;
1591 	if (wrap) {
1592 		startx = starty = 0;
1593 		endx = max_x;
1594 		endy = max_y;
1595 	}
1596 	else {
1597 		startx = starty = 1;
1598 		endx = max_x - 1;
1599 		endy = max_y - 1;
1600 	}
1602 	// We test each axis (N-S, E-W, diagonal) to replace v0 so that it is coherent with its neighbours
1604 	// 2006-04-04 2-pass version - the first one works best when input==output
1606 	// This pass fills "holes", for instance (B = background, F = foreground):
1607 	// 	B F B
1608 	//	F B B
1609 	// becomes:
1610 	// 	B F B
1611 	//	F F B
1612 	for (i=0; i<max_y; i++) {
1613 		for (j=0; j<max_x; j++) {
1614 			ii = i*max_x;
1615 			index = ii + j;
1616 			v0 = *(hf_in + index);
1617 			v1 = *(hf_in + ii + WRAP2(j+1,max_x));
1618 			v5 = *(hf_in + ii + WRAP2(j-1,max_x));
1619 			ii = WRAP2(i-1,max_y)*max_x;
1620 			v3 = *(hf_in + ii + j);
1621 			v2 = *(hf_in + ii + WRAP2(j+1,max_x));
1622 			v4 = *(hf_in + ii + WRAP2(j-1,max_x));
1623 			ii = WRAP2(i+1,max_y)*max_x;
1624 			v7 = *(hf_in + ii + j);
1625 			v8 = *(hf_in + ii + WRAP2(j+1,max_x));
1626 			v6 = *(hf_in + ii + WRAP2(j-1,max_x));
1627 			if (v0>threshold) {
1628 				if (((v3<=threshold) && (v1<=threshold) && (v2>threshold)) ) {
1629 					*(hf_in+index) = hf_type_avrg(v1,v3);
1630 					continue;
1631 				}
1632 				if ((v1<=threshold) && (v7<=threshold) && (v8>threshold)){
1633 					*(hf_in+index) = hf_type_avrg(v7,v1);
1634 					continue;
1635 				}
1636 				if ((v3<=threshold) && (v5<=threshold) && (v4>threshold)) {
1637 					*(hf_in+index) = hf_type_avrg(v3,v5);
1638 					continue;
1639 				}
1640 				if ((v5<=threshold) && (v7<=threshold) && (v6>threshold)){
1641 					*(hf_in+index) = hf_type_avrg(v5,v7);
1642 					continue;
1643 				}
1645 			}
1646 		} // j (x) loop
1647 	} // i (y) loop
1649 	// This pass tests that kind of patterns (h or v):
1650 	//     2
1651 	//   1 1 1
1652 	// Here we remove "2" - being the background
1654 	for (i=0; i<max_y; i++) {
1655 		for (j=0; j<max_x; j++) {
1656 			ii = i*max_x;
1657 			index = ii + j;
1658 			v0 = *(hf_in + index);
1659 			v1 = *(hf_in + ii + WRAP2(j+1,max_x));
1660 			v5 = *(hf_in + ii + WRAP2(j-1,max_x));
1661 			ii = WRAP2(i-1,max_y)*max_x;
1662 			v3 = *(hf_in + ii + j);
1663 			v2 = *(hf_in + ii + WRAP2(j+1,max_x));
1664 			v4 = *(hf_in + ii + WRAP2(j-1,max_x));
1665 			ii = WRAP2(i+1,max_y)*max_x;
1666 			v7 = *(hf_in + ii + j);
1667 			v8 = *(hf_in + ii + WRAP2(j+1,max_x));
1668 			v6 = *(hf_in + ii + WRAP2(j-1,max_x));
1669 			*(hf_out+index) = v0;
1670 			if (v0<=threshold) {
1671 				if ((v3>threshold) && (v7>threshold)) {
1672 					if (((v2>threshold) && (v1>threshold) && (v8>threshold)) ||((v4>threshold) && (v5>threshold) && (v6>threshold)) ) {
1673 						*(hf_out+index) = hf_type_avrg(v3,v7);
1674 						continue;
1675 					}
1676 				}
1677 				if ((v5>threshold) && (v1>threshold))  {
1678 					if (((v2>threshold) && (v3>threshold) && (v4>threshold)) ||((v6>threshold) && (v7>threshold) && (v8>threshold)) ) {
1679 						*(hf_out+index) = hf_type_avrg(v5,v1);
1680 					}
1681 					continue;
1682 				}
1683 			} // Threshold test
1684 		} // j (x) loop
1685 	} // i (y) loop
1687 	// memcpy(hf_out,hf_in,max_x*max_y*sizeof(hf_type));
1688 }
hf_integrate(hf_struct_type * hf,gint angle)1690 void hf_integrate (hf_struct_type *hf, gint angle) {
1691 	// Integrates an image from an arbitrary angle, in degrees
1692 	// Used basically for "simple view modelling"
1693 	// - Building a HF from a terrain picture with lateral lighting
1694 	// 1. Recalculate min, max, average
1695 	// 2. Oversize the HF (for rotating it without loosing the edges)
1696 	// 3. Convert the HF to floating point
1697 	// 4. Rotate the HF
1698 	// 5. Integrates
1699 	// 6. Rotate back the HF
1700 	// 7. Crop back the HF
1701 	// 8. Convert back the HF to hf_type
1703 	gdouble *buffer_in, *buffer_out, a, avrg, dmin, dmax, ratio;
1704 	gint i, j, max, offset, index;
1706 	if (!hf->tmp_buf)
1707 		hf_backup(hf);
1708 	hf_min_max (hf);
1709 	avrg = (gdouble) hf->avrg;
1711 	max = (((gint) (1.7*hf->max_x))>>1)<<1; // Must be even
1712 	offset = max>>2;
1713 	buffer_in = xcalloc_double_hf(max, "gdouble (buffer_in in hf_integrate)");
1714 	buffer_out = xcalloc_double_hf(max, "gdouble (buffer_out in hf_integrate)");
1716 	for (i=0; i<hf->max_x; i++)
1717 		for (j=0; j<hf->max_y; j++)
1718 			// The content is centered
1719 			// The average is adjusted to 0
1720 			*(buffer_in+VECTORIZE(i+offset,j+offset,max)) = (gdouble) *(hf->tmp_buf+VECTORIZE(i,j,hf->max_x));
1722 	a = PI * ((gdouble) angle) / 180.0;
1723 	rotate (cos(a), sin(a), (gpointer) buffer_in, (gpointer) buffer_out, max, max, GDOUBLE_ID, OVERFLOW_ZERO);
1725 	/*****************************************/
1726 	// Integration
1727 	// We adjust the resulting values to 0-MAX_HF_VALUE
1729 	dmin = 0.0;
1730 	dmax = 0.0;
1732 	for (i=0; i<max; i++) {
1733 		if (*(buffer_out+i)<dmin)
1734 			dmin = *(buffer_out+i);
1735 		if (*(buffer_out+i)>dmax)
1736 			dmax = *(buffer_out+i);
1737 		for (j=1; j<max; j++) {
1738 			index = VECTORIZE(i,j,max);
1739 			*(buffer_out + index) += *(buffer_out+VECTORIZE(i,j-1,max)) / 1.05;
1741 			if (*(buffer_out+index)<dmin)
1742 				dmin = *(buffer_out+index);
1743 			if (*(buffer_out+index)>dmax)
1744 				dmax = *(buffer_out+index);
1745 		}
1746 	}
1749 	/*****************************************/
1751 	a = -PI * ((gdouble) angle) / 180.0;
1752 	rotate (cos(a), sin(a), (gpointer) buffer_out, (gpointer) buffer_in, max, max, GDOUBLE_ID, OVERFLOW_ZERO);
1754 	ratio = ((gdouble) MAX_HF_VALUE ) / (dmax - dmin);
1756 	for (i=0; i<hf->max_x; i++)
1757 		for (j=0; j<hf->max_y; j++)
1758 			// The content is translated back to (0,0) (cropped)
1759 			// and scaled back to 0-MAX_HF_VALUE
1760 			*(hf->hf_buf+VECTORIZE(i,j,hf->max_x)) = (hf_type)  (ratio * ( *(buffer_in+VECTORIZE(i+offset,j+offset,max)) - dmin ));
1762 	x_free(buffer_in);
1763 	x_free(buffer_out);
1764 }
hf_cut_graph(hf_struct_type * hf,gint index,gint axis)1766 void hf_cut_graph (hf_struct_type *hf, gint index, gint axis) {
1768 	// Draw a graph of line / column "index" on axis "axis"
1770 	guint i,j, shift;
1771 	hf_type value;
1773 	if (!hf->tmp_buf)
1774 		hf_backup(hf);
1776 	index = MAX(0,MIN(hf->max_x,index));
1778 	shift = 1 + log2i(MAX_HF_VALUE) - log2i(hf->max_x);
1780 	for (i=0; i<hf->max_x; i++) {
1781 		if (axis==V_AXIS) // index is an X value
1782 			value = *(hf->tmp_buf+VECTORIZE(index,i,hf->max_x));
1783 		else // index is a Y value
1784 			value = *(hf->tmp_buf+VECTORIZE(i,index,hf->max_x));
1785 		if (shift)
1786 			value = value>>shift;
1787 		for (j=0; j<hf->max_x; j++) // Y output
1788 			if ((hf->max_y-value)>j)
1789 				*(hf->hf_buf+VECTORIZE(i,j,hf->max_x)) = 0;
1790 			else
1791 				*(hf->hf_buf+VECTORIZE(i,j,hf->max_x)) = MAX_HF_VALUE>>1;
1792 	}
1794 }
hf_histogram(hf_struct_type * hf)1796 void hf_histogram (hf_struct_type *hf) {
1798 	// Draw a values histogram in hf->hf_buf
1800 	guint i,j, shift;
1802 	hf_type value;
1803 	gulong *vector, max;
1805 	vector = (gulong *) x_calloc(sizeof(gulong),hf->max_x, "gulong (vector in hf_histogram)");
1807 	if (!hf->tmp_buf)
1808 		hf_backup(hf);
1810 	shift = 1 + log2i(MAX_HF_VALUE) - log2i(hf->max_x);
1812 	for (i=0; i<(hf->max_x*hf->max_y); i++)
1813 		*(vector+((*(hf->tmp_buf+i))>>shift)) += 1;
1815 	max = 0;
1817 	for (i=0; i<hf->max_x; i++)
1818 		if (*(vector+i)>max)
1819 			max = *(vector+i);
1821 	if (max>hf->max_y)
1822 		shift = 1 + log2i(max) - log2i(hf->max_x);
1824 //	printf("MAX: %d; SHIFT: %d\n",max, shift);
1826 	for (i=0; i<hf->max_x; i++) {
1827 		value = *(vector+i);
1828 		if (shift)
1829 			value = value>>shift;
1830 		for (j=0; j<hf->max_y; j++) // Y output
1831 			if ((hf->max_y-value)>j)
1832 				*(hf->hf_buf+VECTORIZE(i,j,hf->max_x)) = 0;
1833 			else
1834 				*(hf->hf_buf+VECTORIZE(i,j,hf->max_x)) = MAX_HF_VALUE>>1;
1835 	}
1836 	x_free(vector);
1837 }
histogram(hf_struct_type * hf,guint width,guint height,guchar * output)1839 gboolean histogram (hf_struct_type *hf, guint width, guint height, guchar *output) {
1841 	// Builds a histogram in output
1843 	gint i,j, k, value;
1844 	gdouble ratio;
1845 	gulong *vector, max;
1847 	if (!output)
1848 		return FALSE;
1850 	vector = (gulong *) x_calloc(sizeof(gulong),width, "gulong (vector in histogram)");
1852 	ratio = ((gdouble) MAX_HF_VALUE) / (gdouble) width;
1854 	for (i=0; i<(hf->max_x*hf->max_y); i++) {
1855 		k = (gint) (((gdouble)*(hf->hf_buf+i))/ratio);
1856 		if (k>=width) {
1857 			printf("WARNING! Vector index in histogram out of boundary: %d >= %d\n",k, width);
1858 			continue;
1859 		}
1860 		*(vector+k) += 1;
1861 	}
1863 	// Smooth the vector and calculate the max number of pixels
1864 /*
1865 	last = *vector;
1866 	for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
1867 		llast = *(vector+i);
1868 		*(vector+i) += last;
1869 		last = llast;
1870 	}
1871 */
1872 	max = 0;
1874 	for (i=0; i<width; i++)
1875 		if (*(vector+i)>max)
1876 			max = *(vector+i);
1878 	ratio = ((gdouble) max) / (gdouble) height;
1880 	for (i=0; i<width; i++) {
1881 		value = (guint) (((gdouble) *(vector+i)) / ratio);
1882 		value = height - value;
1883 		for (j=(height-1); j>value; j--) { // Y output
1884 			k = VECTORIZE(i,j,width);
1885 			if ((k<0) || (k>=(width*height))) {
1886 				printf("WARNING! Output index in histogram out of boundary: %i >= %d\n",k, width*height);
1887 				continue;
1888 			}
1889 			*(output+k) = 127;
1890 		}
1891 	}
1893 	x_free(vector);
1894 	return TRUE;
1895 }