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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


AST.FromFile.cppH A D12-Nov-20219.2 KiB306258

BuiltInResource.FromFile.cppH A D12-Nov-20212.1 KiB5817

Common.cppH A D12-Nov-20216.2 KiB166138

Config.FromFile.cppH A D12-Nov-20214 KiB10954

GlslMapIO.FromFile.cppH A D12-Nov-202112.4 KiB306211

HexFloat.cppH A D12-Nov-202151.1 KiB1,232934

Hlsl.FromFile.cppH A D12-Nov-202122.4 KiB515434

Initializer.hH A D12-Nov-20212.1 KiB5611

Link.FromFile.Vk.cppH A D12-Nov-20215.3 KiB13479

Link.FromFile.cppH A D12-Nov-20214.6 KiB11866

Pp.FromFile.cppH A D12-Nov-20212.8 KiB7734

README.mdH A D12-Nov-20211.2 KiB2720

Remap.FromFile.cppH A D12-Nov-20215.9 KiB11965

Settings.cppH A D12-Nov-20212.2 KiB528

Settings.hH A D12-Nov-20212.1 KiB5913

Spv.FromFile.cppH A D12-Nov-202129.1 KiB799690

TestFixture.cppH A D12-Nov-20215.9 KiB181123

TestFixture.hH A D12-Nov-202131.2 KiB716522

VkRelaxed.FromFile.cppH A D12-Nov-202112.1 KiB306208

main.cppH A D12-Nov-20213 KiB8034

pch.hH A D12-Nov-20211.6 KiB404


1Glslang Tests based on the Google Test Framework
4This directory contains [Google Test][gtest] based test fixture and test
5cases for glslang.
7Apart from typical unit tests, necessary utility methods are added into
8the [`GlslangTests`](TestFixture.h) fixture to provide the ability to do
9file-based integration tests. Various `*.FromFile.cpp` files lists names
10of files containing input shader code in the `Test/` directory. Utility
11methods will load the input shader source, compile them, and compare with
12the corresponding expected output in the `Test/baseResults/` directory.
14How to run the tests
17Please make sure you have a copy of [Google Test][gtest] checked out under
18the `External` directory before building. After building, just run the
19`ctest` command or the `gtests/glslangtests` binary in your build directory.
21The `gtests/glslangtests` binary also provides an `--update-mode` command
22line option, which, if supplied, will overwrite the golden files under
23the `Test/baseResults/` directory with real output from that invocation.
24This serves as an easy way to update golden files.
26[gtest]: https://github.com/google/googletest