1# GMT Time language file for TR (turkish) mode [TR]
4# Monthnames, with 3-char and 1-char abbreviations
5M	1	Ocak		Oca	O
6M	2	�ubat		�ub	�
7M	3	Mart		Mar	M
8M	4	Nisan		Nis	N
9M	5	May�s		May	M
10M	6	Haziran		Haz	H
11M	7	Temmuz		Tem	T
12M	8	A�ustos		A�u	A
13M	9	Eyl�l		Eyl	E
14M	10	Ekim		Eki	E
15M	11	Kas�m		Kas	K
16M	12	Aral�k		Ara	A
17# Name and abbreviations for the word Week in this language
18U	1	Hafta		Haf	H
19# Weeknames, with 3-char and 1-char abbreviations
20# (List starts on Sunday regardless of TIME_WEEK_START)
21W	1	Pazar		Paz	P
22W	2	Pazartesi	Pts	P
23W	3	Sal�		Sal	S
24W	4	�ar�amba	�ar	�
25W	5	Per�embe	Per	P
26W	6	Cuma		Cum	C
27W	7	Cumartesi	Cts	C
28# The following lines give the translation of the 4 major compass directions (WESN).
29# Name in full (optionally capitalized), abbreviation of longitude and latitude on map edge and wind direction (may be more than one letter).
30C	1	West		W	W
31C	2	East		E	E
32C	3	South		S	S
33C	4	North		N	N