1 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  *	Copyright (c) 1991-2021 by the GMT Team (https://www.generic-mapping-tools.org/team.html)
4  *	See LICENSE.TXT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
5  *
6  *	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  *	it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8  *	the Free Software Foundation; version 3 or any later version.
9  *
10  *	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  *	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  *	GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  *	Contact info: www.generic-mapping-tools.org
16  *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
17 /*
18  * Table input/output in GMT can be either ASCII or binary (where supported)
19  * and ASCII tables may consist of single or multiple segments.  When the
20  * latter is the case usually there is a -M option to signal this case.
21  * The structure GMT_IO holds parameters that are used during the reading
22  * and processing of ASCII tables.
23  *
24  * Author:	Paul Wessel
25  * Date:	15-NOV-2009
26  * Version:	6 API
27  *
28  */
30 /*!
31  * \file gmt_io.h
32  * \brief
33  */
35 #ifndef GMT_IO_H
36 #define GMT_IO_H
39 #	include <locale.h>
40 #endif
__gmt_token_separators(unsigned int skip_comma)42 static inline const char* __gmt_token_separators (unsigned int skip_comma) {
43 	static const char separators[] = ",; \t";
45 	struct lconv *lc = localeconv();
46 	if (skip_comma || (strcmp (lc->decimal_point, ",") == 0) )
47 		return separators + 1; /* Omit comma */
48 #endif
49 	return separators;
50 }
51 #define GMT_TOKEN_SEPARATORS __gmt_token_separators(0) /* Data columns may be separated by any of these characters */
52 #define GMT_TOKEN_SEPARATORS_PSTEXT __gmt_token_separators(1) /* No comma if pstext and fonts are in input records */
54 /* Must add M, m, E, Z, and/or S to the common option processing list */
55 #define GMT_OPT(opt) opt
57 /*! Three different i/o status: unused, actively using, or used */
58 enum GMT_enum_status {
59 	GMT_IS_UNUSED = 0,	/* We have not yet read from/written to this resource */
60 	GMT_IS_USING,		/* Means we have started reading from/writing to this file */
61 	GMT_IS_USED};		/* Means we are done reading from/writing to this file */
63 /*! There are three GMT/OGR status values */
64 enum GMT_ogr_status {
65 	GMT_OGR_UNKNOWN = -1,	/* We have not parsed enough records to know yet */
66 	GMT_OGR_FALSE,		/* This is NOT a GMT/OGR file */
67 	GMT_OGR_TRUE};		/* This is a GMT/OGR file */
69 #define gmt_M_polygon_is_hole(S) (S->pol_mode == GMT_IS_HOLE || (S->ogr && S->ogr->pol_mode == GMT_IS_HOLE))
71 /*! Codes for aspatial association with segment header options: */
72 enum GMT_enum_segopt {
73 	/*! -D */	GMT_IS_D = -1,
74 	/*! -G */	GMT_IS_G = -2,
75 	/*! -I */	GMT_IS_I = -3,
76 	/*! -L */	GMT_IS_L = -4,
77 	/*! -T */	GMT_IS_T = -5,
78 	/*! -W */	GMT_IS_W = -6,
79 	/*! -Z */	GMT_IS_Z = -7};
81 /* Macros to simplify check for return status */
82 #define gmt_M_rec_is_table_header(C)	(C->current.io.status & GMT_IO_TABLE_HEADER)
83 #define gmt_M_rec_is_segment_header(C)	(C->current.io.status & GMT_IO_SEGMENT_HEADER)
84 #define gmt_M_rec_is_any_header(C)	(C->current.io.status & GMT_IO_ANY_HEADER)
85 #define gmt_M_rec_is_error(C)		(C->current.io.status & GMT_IO_MISMATCH)
86 #define gmt_M_rec_is_eof(C)		(C->current.io.status & GMT_IO_EOF)
87 #define gmt_M_rec_is_nan(C)		(C->current.io.status & GMT_IO_NAN)
88 #define gmt_M_rec_is_gap(C)		(C->current.io.status & GMT_IO_GAP)
89 #define gmt_M_rec_is_new_segment(C)	(C->current.io.status & GMT_IO_NEW_SEGMENT)
90 #define gmt_M_rec_is_line_break(C)	(C->current.io.status & GMT_IO_LINE_BREAK)
91 #define gmt_M_rec_is_file_break(C)	(C->current.io.status & GMT_IO_NEXT_FILE)
92 #define gmt_M_rec_is_data(C)		(C->current.io.status == 0 || C->current.io.status == GMT_IO_NAN)
94 /* Get current setting for in/out columns */
96 /*! Types of possible column entries in a file: */
97 enum gmt_col_enum {
98 	GMT_IS_NAN   		=   0,	/* Returned by gmt_scanf routines when read fails */
99 	GMT_IS_FLOAT		=   1,	/* Generic (double) data type, no special format */
100 	GMT_IS_LAT		=    2,
101 	GMT_IS_LON		=    4,
102 	GMT_IS_GEO		=    6,	/* data type is either Lat or Lon */
103 	GMT_IS_RELTIME		=    8,	/* For I/O of data in user units */
104 	GMT_IS_ABSTIME		=   16,	/* For I/O of data in calendar+clock units */
105 	GMT_IS_RATIME		=   24,	/* To see if time is either Relative or Absolute */
106 	GMT_IS_ARGTIME		=   32,	/* To invoke gmt_scanf_argtime()  */
107 	GMT_IS_DURATION		=   64,	/* For elapsed time */
108 	GMT_IS_DIMENSION	=  128,	/* A float with [optional] unit suffix, e.g., 7.5c, 0.4i; convert to inch  */
109 	GMT_IS_GEODIMENSION	=  256,	/* A float with [optional] geo-distance unit suffix, e.g., 7.5n, 0.4d; convert to km  */
110 	GMT_IS_AZIMUTH		=  512,	/* An angle to be converted via map projection to angle on map  */
111 	GMT_IS_ANGLE		= 1024,	/* An angle to be used as is  */
112 	GMT_IS_STRING		= 2048,	/* An text argument [internally used, not via -f]  */
113 	GMT_IS_UNKNOWN		= 4096};	/* Input type is not knowable without -f */
115 /*! Various ways to report longitudes */
116 enum GMT_lon_enum {
117 	GMT_IS_GIVEN_RANGE 			= 0,	/* Report lon as is */
118 	GMT_IS_0_TO_P360_RANGE		= 1,	/* Report 0 <= lon <= 360 */
119 	GMT_IS_0_TO_P360			= 2,	/* Report 0 <= lon < 360 */
120 	GMT_IS_M360_TO_0_RANGE		= 3,	/* Report -360 <= lon <= 0 */
121 	GMT_IS_M360_TO_0			= 4,	/* Report -360 < lon <= 0 */
122 	GMT_IS_M180_TO_P180_RANGE	= 5,	/* Report -180 <= lon <= +180 */
123 	GMT_IS_M180_TO_P180			= 6,	/* Report -180 <= lon < +180 */
124 	GMT_IS_M180_TO_P270_RANGE	= 7,	/* Report -180 <= lon < +270 [GSHHG only] */
125 	GMT_IGNORE_RANGE	= 99};		/* Do not adjust longitudes at all */
127 /*! How to handle NaNs in records */
128 enum GMT_io_nan_enum {
129 	GMT_IO_NAN_SKIP = 1,	/* -s[cols]	: Skip records with z == NaN in selected cols [col=2 only] */
130 	GMT_IO_NAN_KEEP = 2,	/* -s+r		: Skip records with z != NaN */
131 	GMT_IO_NAN_ANY  = 4};	/* -s+a		: Skip records with at least one NaN [skip records with all cols = NaN] */
133 /* Use POSIX functions ftello() and fseeko(), which represent the
134  * position using the off_t type: */
135 #ifdef HAVE_FSEEKO
136 #	define fseek fseeko
137 #endif
139 #ifdef HAVE_FTELLO
140 #	define ftell ftello
141 #endif
143 /* Windows 64-bit file access */
144 #if defined HAVE__FSEEKI64 && defined HAVE__FTELLI64
145 #	define fseek _fseeki64
146 #	define ftell _ftelli64
147 #	ifndef SIZEOF_OFF_T
148 		typedef __int64 off_t;
149 #	else
150 #		define off_t __int64
151 #	endif /* SIZEOF_OFF_T */
152 #elif !defined SIZEOF_OFF_T /* HAVE__FSEEKI64 && HAVE__FTELLI64 */
153 	typedef long off_t;
154 #endif /* HAVE__FSEEKI64 && HAVE__FTELLI64 */
156 #define gmt_M_fputs(line,fp) fputs(line,fp)
157 #define gmt_M_fread(ptr,size,nmemb,stream) fread(ptr,size,nmemb,stream)
158 #define gmt_M_fwrite(ptr,size,nmemb,stream) fwrite(ptr,size,nmemb,stream)
159 #define gmt_M_rewind(stream) rewind(stream)
161 /* Low-level structures used internally */
163 struct GMT_QUAD {	/* Counting parameters needed to determine proper longitude min/max range */
164 	uint64_t quad[4];		/* Keeps track if a longitude fell in these quadrants */
165 	unsigned int range[2];	/* The format for reporting longitude */
166 	double min[2], max[2];		/* Min/max values in either -180/180 or 0/360 counting */
167 };
169 struct GMT_CLOCK_IO {
170 	bool skip;			/* Only true if a format string was pass as NULL */
171 	double f_sec_to_int;		/* Scale to convert 0.xxx seconds to integer xxx (used for formatting) */
172 	int order[3];		/* The relative order of hour, mn, sec in input clock string (-ve if unused) */
173 	unsigned int n_sec_decimals;	/* Number of digits in decimal seconds (0 for whole seconds) */
174 	bool compact;		/* true if we do not want leading zeros in items (e.g., 03) */
175 	bool twelve_hr_clock;	/* true if we are doing am/pm on output */
176 	char ampm_suffix[2][GMT_LEN8];	/* Holds the strings to append am or pm */
177 	char format[GMT_LEN64];	/* Actual C format used to output clock */
178 	char delimiter[2][2];		/* Delimiter strings in clock, e.g. ":" */
179 };
181 struct GMT_DATE_IO {
182 	bool skip;			/* Only true if a format string was pass as NULL */
183 	bool watch;			/* Only true if input format has month last and is monthname */
184 	int item_order[4];		/* The sequence year, month, day, day-of-year in input calendar string (-ve if unused) */
185 	int item_pos[4];		/* Which position year, month, day, day-of-year has in calendar string (-ve if unused) */
186 	bool Y2K_year;		/* true if we have 2-digit years */
187 	bool truncated_cal_is_ok;	/* true if we have YMD or YJ order so smallest unit is to the right */
188 	bool iso_calendar;		/* true if we do ISO week calendar */
189 	bool day_of_year;		/* true if we do day-of-year rather than month/day */
190 	bool mw_text;		/* true if we must plot the month name or Week rather than a numeral */
191 	bool compact;		/* true if we do not want leading zeros in items (e.g., 03) */
192 	char format[GMT_LEN64];	/* Actual C format used to input/output date */
193 	char delimiter[2][2];		/* Delimiter strings in date, e.g. "-" */
194 };
196 struct GMT_GEO_IO {			/* For geographic output and plotting */
197 	double f_sec_to_int;		/* Scale to convert 0.xxx seconds to integer xxx (used for formatting) */
198 	unsigned int n_sec_decimals;	/* Number of digits in decimal seconds (0 for whole seconds) */
199 	unsigned int range;		/* 0 for 0/360, 1 for -360/0, 2 for -180/+180 */
200 	unsigned int wesn;		/* 1 if we want sign encoded with suffix W, E, S, N, 2 if also want space before letter */
201 	int order[3];			/* The relative order of degree, minute, seconds in form (-ve if unused) */
202 	bool decimal;			/* true if we want to use the FORMAT_FLOAT_OUT for decimal degrees only */
203 	bool no_sign;			/* true if we want absolute values (plot only) */
204 	char x_format[GMT_LEN64];	/* Actual C format used to plot/output longitude */
205 	char y_format[GMT_LEN64];	/* Actual C format used to plot/output latitude */
206 	char delimiter[2][2];		/* Delimiter strings in date, e.g. "-" */
207 };
209 struct GMT_COL_INFO {	/* Used by -i and input parsing */
210 	unsigned int col;	/* The column number in the order requested via -i */
211 	unsigned int order;	/* The initial order (0,1,...) but this will be sorted on col */
212 	unsigned int convert;	/* 2 if we must convert the data by log10, 1 if scale, offset */
213 	double scale;		/* Multiplier for raw in value */
214 	double offset;		/* Offset applied after multiplier */
215 };
217 struct GMT_COL_TYPE {	/* Used by -b for binary formatting */
218 	unsigned int type;	/* Data type e.g., GMT_FLOAT */
219 	off_t skip;		/* Rather than read/write an item, jump |skip| bytes before (-ve) or after (+ve) read/write */
220 	int (*io) (struct GMT_CTRL *, FILE *, uint64_t, double *);	/* Pointer to the correct read or write function given type/swab */
221 };
223 /*! For selecting row ranges via -q */
224 struct GMT_ROW_RANGE {
225 	int64_t first, last, inc;
226 };
228 /*! For selecting data ranges via -q */
229 struct GMT_DATA_RANGE {
230 	double first, last;
231 };
233 struct GMT_IO {				/* Used to process input data records */
234 	void * (*input) (struct GMT_CTRL *, FILE *, uint64_t *, int *);	/* Pointer to function reading ASCII or binary tables */
235 	int (*output) (struct GMT_CTRL *, FILE *, uint64_t, double *, char *);	/* Pointer to function writing ASCII or binary tables */
236 	int (*read_item) (struct GMT_CTRL *, FILE *, uint64_t, double *);		/* Pointer to function reading 1-col z tables in grd2xyz */
237 	int (*write_item) (struct GMT_CTRL *, FILE *, uint64_t, double *);		/* Pointer to function writing 1-col z tables in xyz2grd */
238 	bool (*ogr_parser) (struct GMT_CTRL *, char *);				/* Set to handle either header or data OGR records */
239 	const char *scan_separators;	/* List of characters that separates columns in ascii records */
241 	unsigned int pad[4];		/* pad[0] = west, pad[1] = east, pad[2] = south, pad[3] = north */
242 	unsigned int inc_code[2];
243 	double curr_rec[GMT_MAX_COLUMNS];	/* The most recently processed data record */
244 	double prev_rec[GMT_MAX_COLUMNS];	/* The previous data record */
246 	bool multi_segments[2];	/* true if current ASCII input/output file has multiple segments */
247 	bool skip_headers_on_outout;	/* true when gmtconvert -T is set [or possibly other similar actions in the future] */
248 	bool skip_bad_records;	/* true if records where x and/or y are NaN or Inf */
249 	bool give_report;		/* true if functions should report how many bad records were skipped */
250 	bool skip_duplicates;	/* true if we should ignore duplicate x,y records */
251 	bool variable_in_columns;	/* true if we are reading ASCII records with variable numbers of columns */
252 	bool need_previous;		/* true if when parsing a record we need access to previous record values (e.g., for gap or duplicate checking) */
253 	bool has_previous_rec;		/* true if we have the previous record for this segment */
254 	bool warn_geo_as_cartesion;	/* true if we should warn if we read a record with geographic data while the expected format has not been set (i.e., no -J or -fg) */
255 	bool first_rec;			/* true when reading very first data record in a dataset */
256 	bool trailing_text[2];	/* Default is to process training text unless turned off via -i, -o */
257 	bool refreshed[2];		/* true after calling the hash_refresh function the first time, for hash and info, respectively */
258 	bool new_data_list;		/* true after when a server refresh yields an updated gmt_data_server.txt */
259 	bool internet_error;		/* true after failing to get hash table due to time-out */
260 	bool grid_padding;		/* If true we try to read two extra rows/cols from grids for BC purposes */
261 	bool leave_as_jp2;		/* If true we do not convert downloaded JP2 grids to NC right away, but as needed */
262 	uint64_t seg_no;		/* Number of current multi-segment in entire data set */
263 	uint64_t seg_in_tbl_no;		/* Number of current multi-segment in current table */
264 	uint64_t n_clean_rec;		/* Number of clean records read (not including skipped records or comments or blanks) */
265 	uint64_t n_bad_records;		/* Number of bad records encountered during i/o */
266 	unsigned int tbl_no;		/* Number of current table in entire data set */
267 	unsigned int io_nan_ncols;	/* Number of columns to consider for -s option */
268 	unsigned int record_type[2];	/* Either GMT_READ|WRITE_DATA (0), GMT_READ|WRITE_TEXT (1), or GMT_READ|WRITE_MIXED (2) (for input and output) */
269 	unsigned int n_numerical_cols;	/* As it says */
270 	unsigned int max_cols_to_read;	/* For ascii input [all] */
271 	unsigned int n_row_ranges[2];	/* How many row ranges given in -q */
272 	enum GMT_ogr_status ogr;	/* Tells us if current input source has OGR/GMT metadata (GMT_OGR_TRUE) or not (GMT_OGR_FALSE) or not set (GMT_OGR_UNKNOWN) */
273 	unsigned int status;		/* 0	All is ok
274 					   1	Current record is segment header
275 					   2	Mismatch between actual and expected fields
276 					   4	EOF
277 					   8	NaNs encountered in first 2/3 cols */
278 	uint64_t rec_no;		/* Number of current records (counts headers etc) in entire data set */
279 	uint64_t rec_in_tbl_no;		/* Number of current record (counts headers etc) in current table */
280 	uint64_t data_record_number_in_set[2];	/* Number of current valid data record number in the whole dataset, for input and output. Headers not counted.  */
281 	uint64_t data_record_number_in_tbl[2];	/* Number of current valid data record number in the current table, for input and output. Headers not counted.  */
282 	uint64_t data_record_number_in_seg[2];	/* Number of current valid data record number in the current segment, for input and output. Headers not counted.  */
283 	int64_t curr_pos[2][4];		/* Keep track of current input/output table, segment, row, and table headers (for rec-by-rec action) */
284 	char r_mode[4];			/* Current file opening mode for reading (r or rb) */
285 	char w_mode[4];			/* Current file opening mode for writing (w or wb) */
286 	char a_mode[4];			/* Current file append mode for writing (a+ or ab+) */
287 	char curr_text[GMT_BUFSIZ];	/* Current ASCII record as it was read */
288 	char curr_trailing_text[GMT_BUFSIZ];	/* Current text portion of current record (or NULL) */
289 	char segment_header[GMT_BUFSIZ];	/* Current ASCII segment header */
290 	char filename[2][PATH_MAX];	/* Current filenames (or <stdin>/<stdout>) */
291 #ifdef HAVE_GDAL
292 	char tempfile[PATH_MAX];	/* Temporary file used to read - should be removed when closed */
293 #endif
294 	char col_set[2][GMT_MAX_COLUMNS];	/* Keeps track of which columns have had their type set */
295 	char *o_format[GMT_MAX_COLUMNS];	/* Custom output ASCII format to overrule format_float_out */
296 	int ncid;			/* NetCDF file ID (when opening netCDF file) */
297 	int nvars;			/* Number of requested variables in netCDF file */
298 	uint64_t ncols;			/* Number of total columns in netCDF file */
299 	size_t t_index[GMT_MAX_COLUMNS][5];		/* Indices for cross-sections (netCDF only) */
300 	size_t count[GMT_MAX_COLUMNS][5];		/* Count used for cross-sections (netCDF only) */
301 	size_t ndim;			/* Length of the column dimension */
302 	size_t nrec;			/* Record count */
303 	struct GMT_DATE_IO date_input;	/* Has all info on how to decode input dates */
304 	struct GMT_DATE_IO date_output;	/* Has all info on how to write output dates */
305 	struct GMT_CLOCK_IO clock_input;	/* Has all info on how to decode input clocks */
306 	struct GMT_CLOCK_IO clock_output;	/* Has all info on how to write output clocks */
307 	struct GMT_GEO_IO geo;		/* Has all the info on how to write geographic coordinates */
308 	bool skip_if_NaN[GMT_MAX_COLUMNS];	/* true if column j cannot be NaN and we must skip the record */
309 	bool col_skip[GMT_MAX_COLUMNS];	/* true of input column is to be ignored [Default reads all columns, but see -i] */
310 	unsigned int col_type[2][GMT_MAX_COLUMNS];	/* Type of column on input and output: Time, geographic, etc, see GMT_IS_<TYPE> */
311 	unsigned int io_nan_col[GMT_MAX_COLUMNS];	/* Array of columns to consider for -s option ir true */
312 	struct GMT_COL_INFO col[2][GMT_MAX_COLUMNS];	/* Order of columns on input and output unless 0,1,2,3,... */
313 	struct GMT_COL_TYPE fmt[2][GMT_MAX_COLUMNS];	/* Formatting information for binary data */
314 	struct GMT_ROW_RANGE row_range[2][GMT_MAX_RANGES];		/* One or more ranges for input or output rows */
315 	struct GMT_DATA_RANGE data_range[2][GMT_MAX_RANGES];		/* One or more ranges for input or output times */
316 	struct GMT_OGR *OGR;		/* Pointer to GMT/OGR info used during reading */
317 	struct GMT_RECORD record;	/* Current record with pointers to data columns and text */
318 	double *nc_xarray, *nc_yarray;	/* For grids with variable x,y arrays */
319 	enum GMT_time_period cycle_operator;
320 	bool cycle_interval;	/* true for annual and weekly cycles */
321 	int64_t cycle_col;	/* The input column with periodic time [-1 meaning no such thing] */
322 	double cycle_min;	/* Min cyclical time requested via -R */
323 	double cycle_max;	/* Max cyclical time requested via -R */
324 	double cycle_range;	/* A full period of time */
325 	double cycle_period;	/* Custom period */
326 	double cycle_phase;		/* Custom phase */
327 	/* The remainder are just pointers to memory allocated elsewhere */
328 	int *grpid, *varid;			/* Arrays of group and variable IDs (netCDF only) */
329 	double *scale_factor;		/* Array of scale factors (netCDF only) */
330 	double *add_offset;		/* Array of offsets (netCDF only) */
331 	double *missing_value;		/* Array of missing values (netCDF only) */
332 };
334 struct GMT_Z_IO {		/* Used when processing z(x,y) table input when (x,y) is implicit */
335 	bool swab;		/* true if we must swap byte-order */
336 	bool binary;		/* true if we are reading/writing binary data */
337 	bool input;		/* true if we are reading, false if we are writing */
338 	int x_step;	/* +1 if logical x values increase to right, else -1 */
339 	int y_step;	/* +1 if logical y values increase upwards, else -1 */
340 	unsigned int x_missing;	/* 1 if a periodic (right) column is implicit (i.e., not stored) */
341 	unsigned int y_missing;	/* 1 if a periodic (top) row is implicit (i.e., not stored) */
342 	unsigned int format;	/* Either GMT_IS_COL_FORMAT or GMT_IS_ROW_FORMAT */
343 	unsigned int x_period;	/* length of a row in the input data ( <= n_columns, see x_missing) */
344 	unsigned int y_period;	/* length of a col in the input data ( <= n_rows, see y_missing) */
345 	unsigned int start_col;	/* First logical column in file */
346 	unsigned int start_row;	/* First logical row in file */
347 	unsigned int gmt_i;		/* Current column number in the GMT registered grid */
348 	unsigned int gmt_j;		/* Current row number in the GMT registered grid */
349 	uint64_t n_expected;	/* Number of data element expected to be read */
350 	off_t skip;		/* Number of bytes to skip before reading data */
351 	uint64_t (*get_gmt_ij) (struct GMT_Z_IO *, struct GMT_GRID *, uint64_t);	/* Pointer to function that converts running number to GMT ij */
352 };
354 struct GMT_PARSE_Z_IO {	/* -Z[<flags>] */
355 	bool active;		/* true if selected */
356 	bool not_grid;		/* false if binary data file is a grid so organization matters */
357 	bool repeat[2];		/* true if periodic in x|y and repeating row/col is missing */
358 	enum GMT_swap_direction swab;	/* k_swap_none = no byte swapping, k_swap_inswaps input, k_swap_out swaps output, combine to swap both */
359 	off_t skip;		/* Initial bytes to skip before reading */
360 	char type;		/* Data type flag A|a|c|u|h|H|i|I|l|L|f|d */
361 	char format[2];		/* 2-char code describing row/col organization for grids */
362 };
364 struct GMT_PLOT_CALCLOCK {
365 	struct GMT_DATE_IO date;
366 	struct GMT_CLOCK_IO clock;
367 	struct GMT_GEO_IO geo;
368 };
370 /* For the GMT_GRID container, see gmt_grdio.h */
372 #endif /* GMT_IO_H */