1 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  *   Copyright (c) 1999-2021 by the GMT Team (https://www.generic-mapping-tools.org/team.html)
4  *
5  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  *   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
7  *   the Free Software Foundation; version 3 or any later version.
8  *
9  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  *   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  *   Contact info: www.generic-mapping-tools.org
15  *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
16 /*
17  */
19 #include "gmt_dev.h"
20 #include "spotter.h"
22 #define THIS_MODULE_CLASSIC_NAME	"polespotter"
23 #define THIS_MODULE_MODERN_NAME	"polespotter"
24 #define THIS_MODULE_LIB		"spotter"
25 #define THIS_MODULE_PURPOSE	"Find stage poles given fracture zones and abyssal hills"
26 #define THIS_MODULE_KEYS	"AD(,CD),FD(,GG},LD)"
27 #define THIS_MODULE_NEEDS	""
28 #define THIS_MODULE_OPTIONS "-:>RVbdefghios" GMT_OPT("HMm")
30 #define RADIAN2KM (R2D * GMT->current.proj.DIST_KM_PR_DEG)
32 struct POLESPOTTER_CTRL {	/* All control options for this program (except common args) */
33 	/* active is true if the option has been activated */
34 	struct POLESPOTTER_A {	/* -A<abyssalhilefile> */
35 		bool active;
36 		char *file;
37 		double weight;
38 	} A;
39 	struct POLESPOTTER_D {	/* -D<spacing> */
40 		bool active;
41 		double length;
42 	} D;
43 	struct POLESPOTTER_E {	/* -Ea|f<sigma> */
44 		bool active[2];
45 	} E;
46 	struct POLESPOTTER_F {	/* -F<fzfile> */
47 		bool active;
48 		char *file;
49 		double weight;
50 	} F;
51 	struct POLESPOTTER_G {	/* -Goutfile */
52 		bool active;
53 		char *file;
54 	} G;
55 	struct POLESPOTTER_I {	/* -I (for checking only) */
56 		bool active;
57 	} I;
58 	struct POLESPOTTER_N {	/* -N */
59 		bool active;
60 	} N;
61 	struct POLESPOTTER_S {	/* -Ss|l|p[<modifiers>] */
62 		bool active;
63 		bool dump_lines;
64 		bool dump_crossings;
65 		bool midpoint;
66 		unsigned int mode;
67 		char *file;
68 		double plon, plat;
69 	} S;
70 };
72 enum spotter_modes {
New_Ctrl(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT)77 static void *New_Ctrl (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT) {	/* Allocate and initialize a new control structure */
80 	C = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, 1, struct POLESPOTTER_CTRL);
82 	/* Initialize values whose defaults are not 0/false/NULL */
83 	C->A.weight = C->F.weight = 1.0;
84 	C->D.length = 5.0;	/* 5 km spacing */
85 	return (C);
86 }
Free_Ctrl(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct POLESPOTTER_CTRL * C)88 static void Free_Ctrl (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct POLESPOTTER_CTRL *C) {	/* Deallocate control structure */
89 	if (!C) return;
90 	gmt_M_str_free (C->A.file);
91 	gmt_M_str_free (C->F.file);
92 	gmt_M_str_free (C->S.file);
93 	gmt_M_str_free (C->G.file);
94 	gmt_M_free (GMT, C);
95 }
usage(struct GMTAPI_CTRL * API,int level)97 static int usage (struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API, int level) {
98 	const char *name = gmt_show_name_and_purpose (API, THIS_MODULE_LIB, THIS_MODULE_CLASSIC_NAME, THIS_MODULE_PURPOSE);
99 	if (level == GMT_MODULE_PURPOSE) return (GMT_NOERROR);
100 	GMT_Usage (API, 0, "usage: %s [-A<abyssalhills>] [-D<step>] [-Ea|f<sigma>] [-F<FZfile>] [-G%s] "
101 		"[%s] [-N] [%s] [-Ss|p|l[<modifiers>]] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]\n",
103 		GMT_i_OPT, GMT_r_OPT, GMT_o_OPT, GMT_s_OPT, GMT_colon_OPT, GMT_PAR_OPT);
105 	if (level == GMT_SYNOPSIS) return (GMT_MODULE_SYNOPSIS);
108 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-A<abyssalhills>");
109 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Give multisegment file with abyssal hill lineaments [none].");
110 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-D<step>");
111 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Give step-length along great circles in km [5].");
112 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-Ea|f<sigma>");
113 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Specify typical angular error (in degrees) for (a)byssal hills or (f)racture zones [1]. Repeatable");
114 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-F<FZfile>");
115 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Give multisegment file with fracture zone lineaments [none].");
116 	gmt_outgrid_syntax (API, 'G', "Specify file name for output pole-density grid [no grid].  Requires -R -I [-r]. "
117 		"Accumulates weighted great-circle length density on the grid");
118 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n%s", GMT_Id_OPT);
119 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Specify grid interval(s); Append m [or s] to <dx> and/or <dy> for minutes [or seconds].");
120 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-N Normalize grid so maximum is 1 [no normalization].");
121 	GMT_Option (API, "Rg");
122 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-Ss|p|l[<modifiers>]");
123 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Set the spotter directive:");
124 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "s: Scan for spots [Default].  This mode offers two optional modifiers:");
125 	GMT_Usage (API, 4, "+l Dump all great circles to standard output [none].");
126 	GMT_Usage (API, 4, "+c Save all great circle intersections to appended file <xfile> [no crossings].");
127 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "p: Scan for poles.  Writes a misfit grid to <outgrid>.");
128 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "l: Scan for compatible lines given appended <plon>/<plat> trial pole. "
129 		"Append +m to report misfit for each midpoint.");
130 	GMT_Option (API, "V");
131 	GMT_Option (API, "bi2,d,e,h,i,o,r,s,:,.");
133 	return (GMT_MODULE_USAGE);
134 }
parse(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct POLESPOTTER_CTRL * Ctrl,struct GMT_OPTION * options)136 static int parse (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct POLESPOTTER_CTRL *Ctrl, struct GMT_OPTION *options) {
137 	/* This parses the options provided to polespotter and sets parameters in CTRL.
138 	 * Any GMT common options will override values set previously by other commands.
139 	 * It also replaces any file names specified as input or output with the data ID
140 	 * returned when registering these sources/destinations with the API.
141 	 */
143 	unsigned int n_errors = 0;
144 	int n;
145 	char txt_a[GMT_LEN256] = {""}, txt_b[GMT_LEN256] = {""}, *c = NULL;
146 	struct GMT_OPTION *opt = NULL;
147 	struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API = GMT->parent;
149 	for (opt = options; opt; opt = opt->next) {
150 		switch (opt->option) {
152 			/* Supplemental parameters */
154 			case 'A':	/* File with abyssal hill traces */
155 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->A.active);
156 				Ctrl->A.active = true;
157 				if (opt->arg[0]) Ctrl->A.file = strdup (opt->arg);
158 				if (GMT_Get_FilePath (API, GMT_IS_DATASET, GMT_IN, GMT_FILE_REMOTE, &(Ctrl->A.file))) n_errors++;
159 				break;
160 			case 'D':	/* Step length */
161 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->D.active);
162 				Ctrl->D.active = true;
163 				Ctrl->D.length = atof (opt->arg);
164 				break;
165 			case 'E':	/* Sigma of lines (store 1/sigma here) */
166 				switch (opt->arg[0]) {
167 					case 'a':
168 						n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->E.active[0]);
169 						Ctrl->E.active[0] = true;
170 						Ctrl->A.weight = 1.0 / atof (&opt->arg[1]);
171 						break;
172 					case 'f':
173 						n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->E.active[1]);
174 						Ctrl->E.active[1] = true;
175 						Ctrl->F.weight = 1.0 / atof (&opt->arg[1]);
176 						break;
177 				}
178 				break;
179 			case 'F':	/* File with fracture zone traces */
180 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->F.active);
181 				Ctrl->F.active = true;
182 				if (opt->arg[0]) Ctrl->F.file = strdup (opt->arg);
183 				if (GMT_Get_FilePath (API, GMT_IS_DATASET, GMT_IN, GMT_FILE_REMOTE, &(Ctrl->F.file))) n_errors++;
184 				break;
185 			case 'G':
186 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->G.active);
187 				Ctrl->G.active = true;
188 				if (opt->arg[0]) Ctrl->G.file = strdup (opt->arg);
189 				if (GMT_Get_FilePath (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_OUT, GMT_FILE_REMOTE, &(Ctrl->G.file))) n_errors++;
190 				break;
191 			case 'I':
192 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->I.active);
193 				Ctrl->I.active = true;
194 				n_errors += gmt_parse_inc_option (GMT, 'I', opt->arg);
195 				break;
196 			case 'N':	/* Normalize grid */
197 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->N.active);
198 				Ctrl->N.active = true;
199 				break;
200 			case 'S':	/* modes */
201 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->S.active);
202 				switch (opt->arg[0]) {
203 					case 'p': Ctrl->S.mode = SPOTTER_SCAN_POLES;
204 						break;
205 					case 'l': Ctrl->S.mode = SPOTTER_SCAN_LINES;
206 						if (gmt_validate_modifiers (GMT, opt->arg, 'S', "m", GMT_MSG_ERROR)) n_errors++;
207 						if ((c = strstr (opt->arg, "+m"))) {	/* Do midpoint analysis instead */
208 							Ctrl->S.midpoint = true;
209 							c[0] = '\0';	/* Chop off modifier */
210 						}
211 						if ((n = sscanf (&opt->arg[1], "%[^/]/%s", txt_a, txt_b)) != 2) {
212 							GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Option -Sp: No pole given\n");
213 							n_errors++;
214 						}
215 						else {
216 							n_errors += gmt_verify_expectations (GMT, GMT_IS_LON, gmt_scanf_arg (GMT, txt_a, GMT_IS_LON, false, &Ctrl->S.plon), txt_a);
217 							n_errors += gmt_verify_expectations (GMT, GMT_IS_LAT, gmt_scanf_arg (GMT, txt_b, GMT_IS_LAT, false, &Ctrl->S.plat), txt_b);
218 						}
219 						if (c) c[0] = '+';	/* Restore modifier */
220 						break;
221 					case 's': Ctrl->S.mode = SPOTTER_SCAN_SPOTS;
222 						if (gmt_validate_modifiers (GMT, opt->arg, 'S', "cl", GMT_MSG_ERROR)) n_errors++;
223 						if (gmt_get_modifier (opt->arg, 'l', txt_a))	/* Dump lines to stdout */
224 							Ctrl->S.dump_lines = true;
225 						if (gmt_get_modifier (opt->arg, 'c', txt_a) && txt_a[0]) {	/* Crossing output file */
226 							Ctrl->S.dump_crossings = true;
227 							Ctrl->S.file = strdup (txt_a);
229 						}
230 						break;
231 					default:
232 						n_errors++;
233 				}
234 				Ctrl->S.active = true;
235 				break;
237 			default:	/* Report bad options */
238 				n_errors += gmt_default_error (GMT, opt->option);
239 				break;
240 		}
241 	}
243         if (GMT->common.b.active[GMT_IN] && GMT->common.b.ncol[GMT_IN] == 0) GMT->common.b.ncol[GMT_IN] = 2;
244 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, GMT->common.b.active[GMT_IN] && GMT->common.b.ncol[GMT_IN] < 2, "Binary input data (-bi) must have at least 3 columns\n");
245 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, !Ctrl->A.active && !Ctrl->F.active, "At least one of -A or -F is required.\n");
246 	if (Ctrl->G.active) {
247 		n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->G.file == NULL, "Option -G: Must specify output file\n");
248 		n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, GMT->common.R.inc[GMT_X] <= 0.0 || GMT->common.R.inc[GMT_Y] <= 0.0, "Option -I: Must specify positive increment(s)\n");
249 	}
250 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->D.active && Ctrl->D.length <= 0.0, "Option -D: Must specify a positive length step.\n");
251 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->S.mode == SPOTTER_SCAN_SPOTS && !Ctrl->S.dump_lines && !Ctrl->G.active, "Option -Ss: Must specify at least one of -G, -L.\n");
252 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->S.dump_crossings && !Ctrl->S.file, "Option -Ss: Must specify a file name if +c is used.\n");
254 	return (n_errors ? GMT_PARSE_ERROR : GMT_NOERROR);
255 }
257 #define POLESPOTTER_AH	0
258 #define POLESPOTTER_FZ	1
260 EXTERN_MSC void gmtlib_load_rot_matrix (double w, double R[3][3], double E[]);
261 EXTERN_MSC void gmtlib_init_rot_matrix (double R[3][3], double E[]);
polespotter_get_cross_normalized(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double P1[],double P2[],double G[])263 GMT_LOCAL void polespotter_get_cross_normalized (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double P1[], double P2[], double G[]) {
264 	gmt_cross3v (GMT, P1, P2, G);	/* G is the pole of the great circle that passes through P1 & P2 */
265 	gmt_normalize3v (GMT, G);	/* But we need to normalize it */
266 }
polespotter_get_great_circle_pole(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double P1[],double P2[],unsigned int type,double M[],double G[])268 GMT_LOCAL void polespotter_get_great_circle_pole (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double P1[], double P2[], unsigned int type, double M[], double G[]) {
269 	/* Input is P1 and P2, the two cartesian points defining a small great circle segment.
270 	 * Output is M (the mid point of the segment) and G, the great circle defining the bisector (FZ) or segment itself (AH) */
271 	unsigned int k;
272 	for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) M[k] = 0.5 * (P1[k] + P2[k]);	/* Mid-point M */
273 	gmt_normalize3v (GMT, M);	/* To get a unit length vector M */
274 	polespotter_get_cross_normalized (GMT, P1, P2, G);	/* G is the pole of the great circle that passes through P1 & P2 */
275 	if (type == POLESPOTTER_FZ) {	/* Must get the bisector pole instead, so cross it with M */
276 		double B[3];	/* Temp vector */
277 		polespotter_get_cross_normalized (GMT, M, G, B);	/* This gives the normalied bisector pole instead */
278 		gmt_M_memcpy (G, B, 3, double);		/* Put bisector pole into G which is what we return */
279 	}
280 }
polespotter_get_angle_between_trends(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,double P1[],double P2[],unsigned int type,double X[])282 GMT_LOCAL double polespotter_get_angle_between_trends (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, double P1[], double P2[], unsigned int type, double X[]) {
283 	/* P1 and P2 are two points on a FZ or AH.  Midpoint of P1 and P2 is M.  X is a trial pole.
284 	 * If type = FZ: Find difference in orientations between bisector to P1-P2 and great circle from X through M.
285 	 * If type = AH: Find difference in orientations between great circle through P1-P2 and great circle from X through M.
286 	 */
287 	double M[3], G[3], B[3], cos_del_angle, del_angle;
288 	polespotter_get_great_circle_pole (GMT, P1, P2, type, M, G);	/* Obtain great circle pole to segment (or bisector if FZ) as well as mid-point M */
289 	polespotter_get_cross_normalized (GMT, M, X, B);			/* B is pole for great circle through selected pole and M */
290 	cos_del_angle = gmt_dot3v (GMT, G, B);			/* Cos of angle between great circles is our other weight */
291 	del_angle = fabs (d_acos (cos_del_angle));		/* Get |angle| between the two great circles */
292 	if (del_angle > M_PI_2) del_angle = M_PI - del_angle;	/* Since angles are actually orientation differences */
293 	return (del_angle);
294 }
296 #define bailout(code) {gmt_M_free_options (mode); return (code);}
297 #define Return(code) {Free_Ctrl (GMT, Ctrl); gmt_end_module (GMT, GMT_cpy); bailout (code);}
GMT_polespotter(void * V_API,int mode,void * args)299 EXTERN_MSC int GMT_polespotter (void *V_API, int mode, void *args) {
300 	bool create_great_circles;
301 	int error;
302 	unsigned int d, n_steps, grow, gcol, k;
303 	uint64_t node, tbl, seg, row, ng = 0;
304 	size_t n_alloc = 0;
305 	char header[GMT_LEN128] = {""}, *code = NULL;
306 	const char *label[2] = {"AH", "FZ"};
307 	gmt_grdfloat *layer = NULL;
308 	double weight, seg_weight, angle_radians, d_angle_radians, mlon, mlat, glon, glat, L, in[2];
309 	double P1[3], P2[3], M[3], G[3], X[3];
311 	struct GMT_OPTION *ptr = NULL;
312 	struct GMT_GRID *Grid = NULL;
313 	struct GMT_DATASET *In[2] = {NULL, NULL};
314 	struct GMT_DATASEGMENT *S = NULL;
315 	struct GMT_RECORD *Out = NULL;
316 	struct POLESPOTTER_CTRL *Ctrl = NULL;
317 	struct GMT_CTRL *GMT = NULL, *GMT_cpy = NULL;
318 	struct GMT_OPTION *options = NULL;
319 	struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API = gmt_get_api_ptr (V_API);	/* Cast from void to GMTAPI_CTRL pointer */
321 	/*----------------------- Standard module initialization and parsing ----------------------*/
323 	if (API == NULL) return (GMT_NOT_A_SESSION);
324 	if (mode == GMT_MODULE_PURPOSE) return (usage (API, GMT_MODULE_PURPOSE));	/* Return the purpose of program */
325 	options = GMT_Create_Options (API, mode, args); if (API->error) return (API->error);	/* Set or get option list */
327 	if ((error = gmt_report_usage (API, options, 0, usage)) != GMT_NOERROR) bailout (error);	/* Give usage if requested */
329 	/* Parse the command-line arguments */
331 	if ((GMT = gmt_init_module (API, THIS_MODULE_LIB, THIS_MODULE_CLASSIC_NAME, THIS_MODULE_KEYS, THIS_MODULE_NEEDS, NULL, &options, &GMT_cpy)) == NULL) bailout (API->error); /* Save current state */
332 	if (GMT_Parse_Common (API, THIS_MODULE_OPTIONS, options)) Return (API->error);
333 	if ((ptr = GMT_Find_Option (API, 'f', options)) == NULL) gmt_parse_common_options (GMT, "f", 'f', "g"); /* Did not set -f, implicitly set -fg */
334 	Ctrl = New_Ctrl (GMT);	/* Allocate and initialize a new control structure */
335 	if ((error = parse (GMT, Ctrl, options)) != 0) Return (error);
337 	/*---------------------------- This is the polespotter main code ----------------------------*/
339 	if (Ctrl->A.active && (In[POLESPOTTER_AH] = GMT_Read_Data (API, GMT_IS_DATASET, GMT_IS_FILE, GMT_IS_POINT, GMT_READ_NORMAL, NULL, Ctrl->A.file, NULL)) == NULL) {
340 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Unable to open file with abyssal hill lineaments: %s", Ctrl->A.file);
341 		Return (API->error);
342 	}
343 	if (Ctrl->F.active && (In[POLESPOTTER_FZ] = GMT_Read_Data (API, GMT_IS_DATASET, GMT_IS_FILE, GMT_IS_POINT, GMT_READ_NORMAL, NULL, Ctrl->F.file, NULL)) == NULL) {
344 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Unable to open file with fracture zone lineaments: %s", Ctrl->F.file);
345 		Return (API->error);
346 	}
348 	/* Initialize the pole search grid and structure */
350 	if (Ctrl->G.active) {
352 			GMT_GRID_DEFAULT_REG, GMT_NOTSET, NULL)) == NULL) Return (API->error);
353 		if (Ctrl->S.mode == SPOTTER_SCAN_SPOTS)
354 			layer = gmt_M_memory_aligned (GMT, NULL, Grid->header->size, gmt_grdfloat);
355 	}
357 	/* Determine how often to sample the great circle given -D.  Since all great cirlces are sampled this way
358 	 * we only do a cos(lat) weighting for the line density if -G is used. */
359 	n_steps = urint (360.0 * GMT->current.proj.DIST_KM_PR_DEG / Ctrl->D.length);
360 	d_angle_radians = TWO_PI / (n_steps - 1);
362 	if (Ctrl->S.dump_lines) {
363 		if (GMT_Init_IO (API, GMT_IS_DATASET, GMT_IS_LINE, GMT_OUT, GMT_ADD_DEFAULT, 0, options) != GMT_NOERROR) {	/* Establishes data output */
364 			Return (API->error);
365 		}
366 		if ((error = GMT_Set_Columns (API, GMT_OUT, 2, GMT_COL_FIX_NO_TEXT)) != GMT_NOERROR) {
367 			Return (error);
368 		}
369 		if (GMT_Begin_IO (API, GMT_IS_DATASET, GMT_OUT, GMT_HEADER_ON) != GMT_NOERROR) {	/* Enables data output and sets access mode */
370 			Return (API->error);
371 		}
372 		Out = gmt_new_record (GMT, in, NULL);	/* Since we only need to worry about numerics in this module */
373 	}
375 	if (Ctrl->S.mode == SPOTTER_SCAN_SPOTS) {
376 		double Rot0[3][3], Rot[3][3], *GG = NULL;
377 		/* Loop over all abyssal hill and fracture zone lines and consider each subsecutive pair of points to define a great circle that intersects the pole */
379 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Entering scan mode: spots\n");
380 		create_great_circles = (Ctrl->G.active || Ctrl->S.dump_lines);
381 		if (Ctrl->S.dump_crossings) {	/* Need temporary storage for all great circle poles and their weights and type */
382 			n_alloc = GMT_BIG_CHUNK;
383 			GG = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_alloc*4, double);
384 			code = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_alloc, char);
385 		}
386 		for (d = POLESPOTTER_AH; d <= POLESPOTTER_FZ; d++) {
387 			if (In[d] == NULL) continue;	/* Don't have this data set */
388 			weight = (d == POLESPOTTER_AH) ? Ctrl->A.weight : Ctrl->F.weight;
389 			for (tbl = 0; tbl < In[d]->n_tables; tbl++) {
390 				for (seg = 0; seg < In[d]->table[tbl]->n_segments; seg++) {	/* For each segment in the table */
391 					S = In[d]->table[tbl]->segment[seg];	/* Set shortcut to current segment */
392 					if (gmt_parse_segment_item (GMT, S->header, "-D", header))	/* Found -D<sigma> */
393 						seg_weight = 1.0 / atof (header);
394 					else
395 						seg_weight = weight;	/* Already got 1/sigma via -E, actually */
396 					/* Convert the entire segment to geocentric latitude */
397 					for (row = 0; row < S->n_rows; row++) S->data[GMT_Y][row] = gmt_lat_swap (GMT, S->data[GMT_Y][row], GMT_LATSWAP_G2O);
398 					gmt_geo_to_cart (GMT, S->data[GMT_Y][0], S->data[GMT_X][0], P1, true);	/* get x/y/z of first point P1 */
399 					for (row = 1; row < S->n_rows; row++) {
400 						if (Ctrl->G.active) gmt_M_memset (layer, Grid->header->size, gmt_grdfloat);
401 						gmt_geo_to_cart (GMT, S->data[GMT_Y][row], S->data[GMT_X][row], P2, true);	/* get x/y/z of 2nd point P2 */
402 						L = d_acos (gmt_dot3v (GMT, P1, P2)) * RADIAN2KM * seg_weight;	/* Weighted length of this segment */
403 						polespotter_get_great_circle_pole (GMT, P1, P2, d, M, G);	/* Obtain great circle pole to segment (or bisector if FZ) */
404 						if (Ctrl->S.dump_crossings) {	/* Keep track of great circles to each line */
405 							gmt_M_memcpy (&GG[4*ng], G, 3, double);
406 							GG[4*ng+3] = L;
407 							code[ng++] = (char)d;
408 							if (ng == n_alloc) {
409 								n_alloc <<= 1;
410 								GG = gmt_M_memory (GMT, GG, n_alloc*4, double);
411 								code = gmt_M_memory (GMT, code, n_alloc, char);
412 							}
413 						}
414 						if (create_great_circles) {
415 							gmt_cart_to_geo (GMT, &mlat, &mlon, M, true);	/* Get lon/lat of the mid point */
416 							gmt_cart_to_geo (GMT, &glat, &glon, G, true);	/* Get lon/lat of the mid point */
417 							gmtlib_init_rot_matrix (Rot0, G);	/* Get partial rotation matrix since no actual angle is applied yet */
418 							sprintf (header, "Great circle: Center = %g/%g and pole is %g/%g -I%s", mlon, mlat, glon, glat, label[d]);
419 							if (Ctrl->S.dump_lines) GMT_Put_Record (API, GMT_WRITE_SEGMENT_HEADER, header);
420 							for (k = 0; k < n_steps; k++) {
421 								angle_radians = k * d_angle_radians;			/* The angle around the great circle (0-360) */
422 								gmt_M_memcpy (Rot, Rot0, 9, double);			/* Get a copy of the "0-angle" rotation matrix */
423 								gmtlib_load_rot_matrix (angle_radians, Rot, G);		/* Build the actual rotation matrix for this angle */
424 								gmt_matrix_vect_mult (GMT, 3U, Rot, M, X);		/* Rotate the mid point along the great circle */
425 								gmt_cart_to_geo (GMT, &in[GMT_Y], &in[GMT_X], X, true);		/* Get lon/lat of this point along crossing profile */
426 								in[GMT_Y] = gmt_lat_swap (GMT, in[GMT_Y], GMT_LATSWAP_G2O + 1);	/* Convert back to geodetic */
427 								if (Ctrl->S.dump_lines) GMT_Put_Record (API, GMT_WRITE_DATA, Out);	/* We are writing these circles to output */
428 								if (!Ctrl->G.active) continue;	/* Not doing density grid here */
429 								if (gmt_M_y_is_outside (GMT, in[GMT_Y], Grid->header->wesn[YLO], Grid->header->wesn[YHI])) continue;		/* Outside y-range */
430 								if (gmt_x_is_outside (GMT, &in[GMT_X], Grid->header->wesn[XLO], Grid->header->wesn[XHI])) continue;		/* Outside x-range (or periodic longitude) */
431 								if (gmt_row_col_out_of_bounds (GMT, in, Grid->header, &grow, &gcol)) continue;	/* Sorry, outside after all */
432 								node = gmt_M_ijp (Grid->header, grow, gcol);		/* Bin index */
433 								layer[node] = (gmt_grdfloat)(cosd (in[GMT_Y]) * L);			/* Any bin intersected will have this single value despite perhaps many intersections */
434 							}
435 							if (Ctrl->G.active) {	/* Add density layer of this great circle to the total density grid */
436 								for (node = 0; node < Grid->header->size; node++) Grid->data[node] += layer[node];
437 							}
438 						}
439 						gmt_M_memcpy (P1, P2, 3, double);	/* Let old P2 be next P1 */
440 					}
441 				}
442 			}
443 		}
444 		if (Ctrl->G.active) gmt_M_free_aligned (GMT, layer);
446 		if (Ctrl->S.dump_lines) {	/* Disables further line output */
447 			if (GMT_End_IO (API, GMT_OUT, 0) != GMT_NOERROR) {	/* Disables further line output */
448 				Return (API->error);
449 			}
450 			gmt_M_free (GMT, Out);
451 		}
453 		if (Ctrl->S.dump_crossings) {	/* Generate crossings and write them to the crossings file */
454 			uint64_t dim[4] = {1, 1, 0, 5}, n_cross, g1, g2;
455 			struct GMT_DATASET *C = NULL;
456 			struct GMT_DATASEGMENT *S = NULL;
457 			n_cross = ng * (ng - 1);
458 			dim[GMT_ROW] = n_cross;
459 			if ((C = GMT_Create_Data (API, GMT_IS_DATASET, GMT_IS_POINT, 0, dim, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL)) == NULL)
460 				Return (API->error);
461 			S = C->table[0]->segment[0];	/* Only have a single segment here*/
462 			for (g1 = k = 0; g1 < ng; g1++) {
463 				for (g2 = g1+1; g2 < ng; g2++) {	/* Get circle intersections (2) */
464 					polespotter_get_cross_normalized (GMT, &GG[4*g1], &GG[4*g2], X);	/* X is great circle intersection */
465 					gmt_cart_to_geo (GMT, &S->data[GMT_Y][k], &S->data[GMT_X][k], X, true);		/* Get lon/lat of this point along crossing profile */
466 					S->data[GMT_Y][k] = gmt_lat_swap (GMT, S->data[GMT_Y][k], GMT_LATSWAP_G2O + 1);	/* Convert to geodetic */
467 					S->data[GMT_Z][k] = S->data[GMT_Z][k+1] = hypot (GG[4*g1+3], GG[4*g2+3]);	/* Combined length in quadrature */
468 					S->data[3][k] = S->data[3][k+1] = gmt_dot3v (GMT, &GG[4*g1], &GG[4*g2]);	/* Cos of angle between great circles is our other weight */
469 					S->data[4][k] = S->data[4][k+1] = code[g1] + code[g2];				/* 0 = AH&AH, 1 = AH&FZ, 2 = FZ&FZ */
470 					S->data[GMT_X][k+1] = S->data[GMT_X][k] + 180.0;
471 					S->data[GMT_Y][k+1] = -S->data[GMT_Y][k];
472 					k += 2;
473 				}
474 			}
476 				Return (API->error);
477 			}
478 			gmt_M_free (GMT, GG);
479 			gmt_M_free (GMT, code);
480 		}
481 	}
482 	else if (Ctrl->S.mode == SPOTTER_SCAN_LINES) {	/* Determine which lines are compatible with the selected test pole */
483 		double out[6] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, plat, sum_L = 0.0, del_angle, chi2, this_chi2;
484 		unsigned int n_out = (Ctrl->S.midpoint) ? 6 : 3;
485 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Entering scan mode: lines [EXPERIMENTAL]\n");
486 		gmt_set_cartesian (GMT, GMT_OUT);	/* Since x here will be table number and y is segment number */
487 		if (GMT_Init_IO (API, GMT_IS_DATASET, GMT_IS_POINT, GMT_OUT, GMT_ADD_DEFAULT, 0, options) != GMT_NOERROR) {	/* Establishes data output */
488 			Return (API->error);
489 		}
490 		if ((error = GMT_Set_Columns (API, GMT_OUT, n_out, GMT_COL_FIX)) != GMT_NOERROR) {
491 			Return (error);
492 		}
493 		if (GMT_Begin_IO (API, GMT_IS_DATASET, GMT_OUT, GMT_HEADER_ON) != GMT_NOERROR) {	/* Enables data output and sets access mode */
494 			Return (API->error);
495 		}
496 		Out = gmt_new_record (GMT, out, NULL);	/* Since we only need to worry about numerics in this module */
498 		plat = gmt_lat_swap (GMT, Ctrl->S.plat, GMT_LATSWAP_G2O);	/* Convert latitude to geodetic */
499 		gmt_geo_to_cart (GMT, plat, Ctrl->S.plon, X, true);	/* Get x/y/z of selected pole X */
501 		/* Now visit all our segments */
502 		for (d = POLESPOTTER_AH; d <= POLESPOTTER_FZ; d++) {
503 			if (In[d] == NULL) continue;	/* Don't have this data set */
504 			weight = (d == POLESPOTTER_AH) ? Ctrl->A.weight : Ctrl->F.weight;
505 			Out->text = (char *)label[d];
506 			for (tbl = 0; tbl < In[d]->n_tables; tbl++) {
507 				for (seg = 0; seg < In[d]->table[tbl]->n_segments; seg++) {	/* For each segment in the table */
508 					S = In[d]->table[tbl]->segment[seg];	/* Set shortcut to current segment */
509 					if (gmt_parse_segment_item (GMT, S->header, "-D", header))	/* Found -D<val> */
510 						seg_weight = 1.0 / atof (header);
511 					else
512 						seg_weight = weight;	/* Already 1/sigma, actually */
513 					/* Reminder, latitudes in segments are now geocentric latitudes */
514 					chi2 = sum_L = 0.0;
515 					if (Ctrl->S.midpoint) GMT_Put_Record (API, GMT_WRITE_SEGMENT_HEADER, NULL);	/* Output the segment header first */
516 					gmt_geo_to_cart (GMT, S->data[GMT_Y][0], S->data[GMT_X][0], P1, true);	/* Get x/y/z of first point P1 */
517 					for (row = 1; row < S->n_rows; row++) {
518 						gmt_geo_to_cart (GMT, S->data[GMT_Y][row], S->data[GMT_X][row], P2, true);	/* get x/y/z of 2nd point P2 */
519 						L = d_acos (gmt_dot3v (GMT, P1, P2)) * RADIAN2KM;	/* Length of this segment */
520 						del_angle =  polespotter_get_angle_between_trends (GMT, P1, P2, d, X);
521 						this_chi2 = pow (del_angle * seg_weight, 2.0);	/* The chi2 increment from the P1-P2 line */
522 						gmt_M_memcpy (P1, P2, 3, double);		/* Let old P2 be next P1 */
523 						if (Ctrl->S.midpoint) {	/* Report for this mid-point */
524 							gmt_cart_to_geo (GMT, &mlat, &mlon, M, true);	/* Get lon/lat of the mid point */
525 							mlat = gmt_lat_swap (GMT, mlat, GMT_LATSWAP_G2O + 1);	/* Convert back to geodetic */
526 							out[GMT_X] = mlon;	out[GMT_Y] = mlat;
527 							out[GMT_Z] = del_angle;
528 							out[3] = this_chi2;
529 							out[4] = (double)tbl;
530 							out[5] = (double)seg;
531 							GMT_Put_Record (API, GMT_WRITE_DATA, Out);	/* Report <mlon mlat del_angle chi2 tbl seg type> for this M */
532 						}
533 						else {	/* Summarize for this line instead */
534 							chi2  += L * this_chi2;	/* The weighted chi2 sum from this line */
535 							sum_L += L;		/* Add up total weight sum */
536 						}
537 					}
538 					if (!Ctrl->S.midpoint) {	/* Write <tbl seg chi2 type> for this segment */
539 						Out->data[GMT_X] = (double)tbl;	Out->data[GMT_Y] = (double)seg;	Out->data[GMT_Z] = chi2 / sum_L;
540 						GMT_Put_Record (API, GMT_WRITE_DATA, Out);	/* We are writing these circles to output */
541 					}
542 				}
543 			}
544 		}
545 		/* Disables further line output */
546 		if (GMT_End_IO (API, GMT_OUT, 0) != GMT_NOERROR) {	/* Disables further line output */
547 			Return (API->error);
548 		}
549 		gmt_M_free (GMT, Out);
550 	}
551 	else {	/* SPOTTER_SCAN_POLES */
552 		double *plon = NULL, *plat = NULL, sum_L = 0.0, del_angle, chi2;
554 		/* Now visit all our segments to convert to geocentric and to get sum of weights once */
556 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Entering scan mode: poles\n");
557 		for (d = POLESPOTTER_AH; d <= POLESPOTTER_FZ; d++) {
558 			if (In[d] == NULL) continue;	/* Don't have this data set */
559 			weight = (d == POLESPOTTER_AH) ? Ctrl->A.weight : Ctrl->F.weight;
560 			for (tbl = 0; tbl < In[d]->n_tables; tbl++) {
561 				for (seg = 0; seg < In[d]->table[tbl]->n_segments; seg++) {	/* For each segment in the table */
562 					S = In[d]->table[tbl]->segment[seg];	/* Set shortcut to current segment */
563 					/* Convert the entire segment to geocentric latitude as we go through */
564 					S->data[GMT_Y][0] = gmt_lat_swap (GMT, S->data[GMT_Y][0], GMT_LATSWAP_G2O);
565 					gmt_geo_to_cart (GMT, S->data[GMT_Y][0], S->data[GMT_X][0], P1, true);	/* get x/y/z of first point P1 */
566 					for (row = 1; row < S->n_rows; row++) {
567 						S->data[GMT_Y][row] = gmt_lat_swap (GMT, S->data[GMT_Y][row], GMT_LATSWAP_G2O);
568 						gmt_geo_to_cart (GMT, S->data[GMT_Y][row], S->data[GMT_X][row], P2, true);	/* get x/y/z of 2nd point P2 */
569 						L = d_acos (gmt_dot3v (GMT, P1, P2)) * RADIAN2KM;	/* Length of this segment */
570 						sum_L += L;	/* Add up total weight sum */
571 						gmt_M_memcpy (P1, P2, 3, double);		/* Let old P2 be next P1 */
572 					}
573 				}
574 			}
575 		}
576 		/* Now we know sum_L which we will divide our grid by at the end */
578 		plon = gmt_grd_coord (GMT, Grid->header, GMT_X);
579 		plat = gmt_grd_coord (GMT, Grid->header, GMT_Y);
580 		for (grow = 0; grow < Grid->header->n_rows; grow++) {	/* Try all possible pole latitudes in selected region */
581 			plat[grow] = gmt_lat_swap (GMT, plat[grow], GMT_LATSWAP_G2O);	/* Convert latitude to geodetic */
582 			for (gcol = 0; gcol < Grid->header->n_columns; gcol++) {	/* Try all possible pole longitudes in selected region */
583 				node = gmt_M_ijp (Grid->header, grow, gcol);		/* Current grid node */
584 				gmt_geo_to_cart (GMT, plat[grow], plon[gcol], X, true);	/* Get x/y/z of current pole X */
585 				/* Now visit all our segments */
586 				for (d = POLESPOTTER_AH; d <= POLESPOTTER_FZ; d++) {
587 					if (In[d] == NULL) continue;	/* Don't have this data set */
588 					weight = (d == POLESPOTTER_AH) ? Ctrl->A.weight : Ctrl->F.weight;
589 					for (tbl = 0; tbl < In[d]->n_tables; tbl++) {
590 						for (seg = 0; seg < In[d]->table[tbl]->n_segments; seg++) {	/* For each segment in the table */
591 							S = In[d]->table[tbl]->segment[seg];	/* Set shortcut to current segment */
592 							if (gmt_parse_segment_item (GMT, S->header, "-D", header))	/* Found -D<val> */
593 								seg_weight = 1.0 / atof (header);
594 							else
595 								seg_weight = weight;	/* Already 1/sigma, actually */
596 							/* Reminder, latitudes in segments are now geocentric latitudes */
597 							gmt_geo_to_cart (GMT, S->data[GMT_Y][0], S->data[GMT_X][0], P1, true);	/* Get x/y/z of first point P1 */
598 							for (row = 1; row < S->n_rows; row++) {
599 								gmt_geo_to_cart (GMT, S->data[GMT_Y][row], S->data[GMT_X][row], P2, true);	/* get x/y/z of 2nd point P2 */
600 								L = d_acos (gmt_dot3v (GMT, P1, P2)) * RADIAN2KM;	/* Length of this segment */
601 								del_angle =  polespotter_get_angle_between_trends (GMT, P1, P2, d, X);
602 								chi2 = L * pow (del_angle * seg_weight, 2.0);	/* The weighted chi2 increment from this line */
603 								Grid->data[node] += (gmt_grdfloat)chi2;		/* Add to total chi2 misfit for this pole */
604 								gmt_M_memcpy (P1, P2, 3, double);		/* Let old P2 be next P1 */
605 							}
606 						}
607 					}
608 				}
609 			}
610 		}
611 		gmt_M_free (GMT, plon);
612 		gmt_M_free (GMT, plat);
614 		for (node = 0; node < Grid->header->size; node++) Grid->data[node] /= (gmt_grdfloat)sum_L;	/* Correct for weight sum */
615 	}
616 	if (Ctrl->G.active) {	/* Write the spotting grid */
617 		double max = -DBL_MAX;
618 		if (Ctrl->N.active) {	/* Normalize grid */
619 			for (node = 0; node < Grid->header->size; node++) if (Grid->data[node] > max) max = Grid->data[node];	/* Find max value */
620 			max = 1.0 / max;	/* Do division here */
621 			for (node = 0; node < Grid->header->size; node++) Grid->data[node] *= (gmt_grdfloat)max;	/* Normalize */
622 		}
624 			Return (API->error);
625 		}
626 	}
628 	Return (GMT_NOERROR);
629 }