1 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  *	Copyright (c) 1991-2021 by the GMT Team (https://www.generic-mapping-tools.org/team.html)
4  *	See LICENSE.TXT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
5  *
6  *	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  *	it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8  *	the Free Software Foundation; version 3 or any later version.
9  *
10  *	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  *	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  *	GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  *	Contact info: www.generic-mapping-tools.org
16  *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
17 /*
18  * surface.c: a gridding program using splines in tension.
19  * Reads xyz Cartesian triples and fits a surface to the data.
20  * The surface satisfies (1 - T) D4 z - T D2 z = 0,
21  * where D4 is the 2-D biharmonic operator, D2 is the
22  * 2-D Laplacian, and T is a "tension factor" between 0 and 1.
23  * End member T = 0 is the classical minimum curvature
24  * surface.  T = 1 gives a harmonic surface.  Use T = 0.25
25  * or so for potential data; something more for topography.
26  *
27  * Program includes overrelaxation for fast convergence and
28  * automatic optimal grid factorization.
29  *
30  * See reference Smith & Wessel (Geophysics, 3, 293-305, 1990) for details.
31  *
32  * Authors:	Walter H. F. Smith and Paul Wessel
33  * Date:	1-JAN-2010
34  * Version:	6 API
35  *
36  * This 6.0 version is a complete re-write that differs from the original code:
37  * 1. It uses scan-line grid structures, so we no longer need to transpose grids
38  * 2. It keeps node spacing at 1, thus we no longer need complicated strides between
39  *    active nodes.  That spacing is now always 1 and we expand the grid as we
40  *    go to larger grids (i.e., adding more nodes).
41  * 3. It relies more on functions and macros from GMT to handle rows/cols/node calculations.
42  */
44 #include "gmt_dev.h"
46 #define THIS_MODULE_CLASSIC_NAME	"surface"
47 #define THIS_MODULE_MODERN_NAME	"surface"
48 #define THIS_MODULE_LIB		"core"
49 #define THIS_MODULE_PURPOSE	"Grid table data using adjustable tension continuous curvature splines"
50 #define THIS_MODULE_KEYS	"<D{,DD(=,LG(,GG}"
51 #define THIS_MODULE_NEEDS	"R"
52 #define THIS_MODULE_OPTIONS "-:RVabdefhiqrw" GMT_ADD_x_OPT GMT_OPT("FH")
54 struct SURFACE_CTRL {
55 	struct SURFACE_A {	/* -A<aspect_ratio> */
56 		bool active;
57 		unsigned int mode;	/* 1 if given as fraction */
58 		double value;
59 	} A;
60 	struct SURFACE_C {	/* -C<converge_limit> */
61 		bool active;
62 		unsigned int mode;	/* 1 if given as fraction */
63 		double value;
64 	} C;
65 	struct SURFACE_D {	/* -D<line.xyz>[+d][+z[<zval>]] */
66 		bool active;
67 		bool debug;
68 		bool fix_z;
69 		double z;
70 		char *file;	/* Name of file with breaklines */
71 	} D;
72 	struct SURFACE_G {	/* -G<file> */
73 		bool active;
74 		char *file;
75 	} G;
76 	struct SURFACE_I {	/* -I (for checking only) */
77 		bool active;
78 	} I;
79 	struct SURFACE_J {	/* -G<file> */
80 		bool active;
81 		char *projstring;
82 	} J;
83 	struct SURFACE_L {	/* -Ll|u<limit> */
84 		bool active[2];
85 		char *file[2];
86 		double limit[2];
87 		unsigned int mode[2];
88 	} L;
89 	struct SURFACE_M {	/* -M<radius> */
90 		bool active;
91 		char *arg;
92 	} M;
93 	struct SURFACE_N {	/* -N<max_iterations> */
94 		bool active;
95 		unsigned int value;
96 	} N;
97 	struct SURFACE_Q {	/* -Q */
98 		bool active;
99 	} Q;
100 	struct SURFACE_S {	/* -S<radius>[m|s] */
101 		bool active;
102 		double radius;
103 		char unit;
104 	} S;
105 	struct SURFACE_T {	/* -T<tension>[i][b] */
106 		bool active;
107 		double b_tension, i_tension;
108 	} T;
109 	struct SURFACE_W {	/* -W[<logfile>] */
110 		bool active;
111 		char *file;
112 	} W;
113 	struct SURFACE_Z {	/* -Z<over_relaxation> */
114 		bool active;
115 		double value;
116 	} Z;
117 };
119 /* Various constants used in surface */
121 #define SURFACE_OUTSIDE			LONG_MAX	/* Index number indicating data is outside usable area */
122 #define SURFACE_CONV_LIMIT		0.0001		/* Default is 100 ppm of data range as convergence criterion */
123 #define SURFACE_MAX_ITERATIONS		500		/* Default iterations at final grid size */
124 #define SURFACE_OVERRELAXATION		1.4		/* Default over-relaxation value */
125 #define SURFACE_CLOSENESS_FACTOR	0.05		/* A node is considered known if the nearest data is within 0.05 of a gridspacing of the node */
126 #define SURFACE_IS_UNCONSTRAINED	0		/* Node has no data constraint within its bin box */
127 #define SURFACE_DATA_IS_IN_QUAD1	1		/* Nearnest data constraint is in quadrant 1 relative to current node */
128 #define SURFACE_DATA_IS_IN_QUAD2	2		/* Nearnest data constraint is in quadrant 2 relative to current node */
129 #define SURFACE_DATA_IS_IN_QUAD3	3		/* Nearnest data constraint is in quadrant 3 relative to current node */
130 #define SURFACE_DATA_IS_IN_QUAD4	4		/* Nearnest data constraint is in quadrant 4 relative to current node */
131 #define SURFACE_IS_CONSTRAINED		5		/* Node has already been set (either data constraint < 5% of grid size or during filling) */
132 #define SURFACE_UNCONSTRAINED		0		/* Use coefficients set for unconstrained node */
133 #define SURFACE_CONSTRAINED		1		/* Use coefficients set for constrained node */
134 #define SURFACE_BREAKLINE		1		/* Flag for breakline constraints that should overrule data constraints */
136 /* Misc. macros used to get row, cols, index, node, x, y, plane trend etc. */
138 /* Go from row, col to grid node location, accounting for the 2 boundary rows and columns: */
139 #define row_col_to_node(row,col,mx) ((uint64_t)(((int64_t)(row)+(int64_t)2)*((int64_t)(mx))+(int64_t)(col)+(int64_t)2))
140 /* Go from row, col to index array position, where no boundary rows and columns involved: */
141 #define row_col_to_index(row,col,n_columns) ((uint64_t)((int64_t)(row)*((int64_t)(n_columns))+(int64_t)(col)))
142 /* Go from data x to fractional column x: */
143 #define x_to_fcol(x,x0,idx) (((x) - (x0)) * (idx))
144 /* Go from x to grid integer column knowing it is a gridline-registered grid: */
145 #define x_to_col(x,x0,idx) ((int64_t)floor(x_to_fcol(x,x0,idx)+0.5))
146 /* Go from data y to fractional row y_up measured from south (y_up = 0) towards north (y_up = n_rows-1): */
147 #define y_to_frow(y,y0,idy) (((y) - (y0)) * (idy))
148 /* Go from y to row (row = 0 is north) knowing it is a gridline-registered grid: */
149 #define y_to_row(y,y0,idy,n_rows) ((n_rows) - 1 - x_to_col(y,y0,idy))
150 /* Go from col to x knowing it is a gridline-registered grid: */
151 #define col_to_x(col,x0,x1,dx,n_columns) (((int)(col) == (int)((n_columns)-1)) ? (x1) : (x0) + (col) * (dx))
152 /* Go from row to y knowing it is a gridline-registered grid: */
153 #define row_to_y(row,y0,y1,dy,n_rows) (((int)(row) == (int)((n_rows)-1)) ? (y0) : (y1) - (row) * (dy))
154 /* Evaluate the change in LS plane from (0,0) to (xx,y_up) (so in intercept involved): */
155 #define evaluate_trend(C,xx,y_up) (C->plane_sx * (xx) + C->plane_sy * (y_up))
156 /* Evaluate the LS plane at location (xx,y_up) (this includes the intercept): */
157 #define evaluate_plane(C,xx,y_up) (C->plane_icept + evaluate_trend (C, xx, y_up))
158 /* Extract col from index: */
159 #define index_to_col(index,n_columns) ((index) % (n_columns))
160 /* Extract row from index: */
161 #define index_to_row(index,n_columns) ((index) / (n_columns))
163 enum surface_nodes {	/* Node locations relative to current node, using compass directions */
164 	N2 = 0, NW, N1, NE, W2, W1, E1, E2, SW, S1, SE, S2 };	/* I.e., 0-11 */
166 /* The 4 indices per quadrant refer to points A-D in Figure A-1 in the reference for quadrant 1 */
168 static unsigned int p[5][4] = {	/* Indices into C->offset for each of the 4 quadrants, i.e., C->offset[p[quadrant][k]]], k = 0-3 */
169 	{ 0, 0, 0,  0},		/* This row is never used, so allows us to use quadrant 1-4 as first array index directly */
170 	{ NW, W1, S1, SE},	/* Indices for 1st quadrant */
171 	{ SW, S1, E1, NE},	/* Indices for 2nd quadrant */
172 	{ SE, E1, N1, NW},	/* Indices for 3rd quadrant */
173 	{ NE, N1, W1, SW}	/* Indices for 4th quadrant */
174 };
176 enum surface_bound { LO = 0, HI = 1 };
178 enum surface_limit { NONE = 0, DATA = 1, VALUE = 2, SURFACE = 3 };
180 enum surface_conv { BY_VALUE = 0, BY_PERCENT = 1 };
182 enum surface_iter { GRID_NODES = 0, GRID_DATA = 1 };
184 struct SURFACE_DATA {	/* Data point and index to node it currently constrains  */
185 	gmt_grdfloat x, y, z;
186 	unsigned int kind;
187 	uint64_t index;
188 };
190 struct SURFACE_BRIGGS {		/* Coefficients in Taylor series for Laplacian(z) a la I. C. Briggs (1974)  */
191 	gmt_grdfloat b[6];
192 };
194 struct SURFACE_SEARCH {		/* Things needed inside compare function will be passed to qsort_r */
195 	int current_nx;		/* Number of nodes in y-dir for a given grid factor */
196 	int current_ny;		/* Number of nodes in y-dir for a given grid factor */
197 	double inc[2];		/* Size of each grid cell for a given grid factor */
198 	double wesn[4];		/* Grid domain */
199 };
201 struct SURFACE_INFO {	/* Control structure for surface setup and execution */
202 	size_t n_alloc;			/* Number of data point positions allocated */
203 	uint64_t npoints;		/* Number of data points */
204 	uint64_t node_sw_corner;	/* Node index of southwest interior grid corner for current stride */
205 	uint64_t node_se_corner;	/* Node index of southeast interior grid corner for current stride */
206 	uint64_t node_nw_corner;	/* Node index of northwest interior grid corner for current stride */
207 	uint64_t node_ne_corner;	/* Node index of northeast interior grid corner for current stride */
208 	uint64_t n_empty;		/* No of unconstrained nodes at initialization  */
209 	uint64_t nxny;			/* Total number of grid nodes without boundaries  */
210 	uint64_t mxmy;			/* Total number of grid nodes with padding */
211 	uint64_t total_iterations;	/* Total iterations so far. */
212 	FILE *fp_log;			/* File pointer to log file, if -W is selected */
213 	struct SURFACE_DATA *data;	/* All the data constraints */
214 	struct SURFACE_BRIGGS *Briggs;	/* Array with Briggs 6-coefficients per nearest active data constraint */
215 	struct GMT_GRID *Grid;		/* The final grid */
216 	struct GMT_GRID *Bound[2];	/* Optional grids for lower and upper limits on the solution */
217 	struct SURFACE_SEARCH info;	/* Information needed by the compare function passed to qsort_r */
218 	unsigned int n_factors;		/* Number of factors in common for the dimensions (n_rows-1, n_columns-1) */
219 	unsigned int factors[32];	/* Array of these ommon factors */
220 	unsigned int set_limit[2];	/* For low and high: NONE = unconstrained, DATA = by min data value, VALUE = by user value, SURFACE by a grid */
221 	unsigned int max_iterations;	/* Max iterations per call to iterate */
222 	unsigned int converge_mode; 	/* BY_PERCENT if -C set fractional convergence limit [BY_VALUE] */
223 	unsigned int p[5][4];		/* Arrays with four nodes as function of quadrant in constrained fit */
224 	int current_stride;		/* Current node spacings relative to final spacing  */
225 	int previous_stride;		/* Previous node spacings relative to final spacing  */
226 	int n_columns;				/* Number of nodes in x-dir. (Final grid) */
227 	int n_rows;				/* Number of nodes in y-dir. (Final grid) */
228 	int mx;				/* Width of final grid including padding */
229 	int my;				/* Height of final grid including padding */
230 	int current_nx;			/* Number of nodes in x-dir for current stride */
231 	int current_ny;			/* Number of nodes in y-dir for current stride */
232 	int current_mx;			/* Number of current nodes in x-dir plus 4 extra columns */
233 	int previous_nx;		/* Number of nodes in x-dir for previous stride */
234 	int previous_ny;		/* Number of nodes in y-dir for previous stride */
235 	int previous_mx;		/* Number of current nodes in x-dir plus 4 extra columns */
236 	int current_mxmy;		/* Total number of grid nodes with padding */
237 	int offset[12];			/* Node-indices shifts of 12 nearby points relative center node */
238 	unsigned char *status;		/* Array with node status or quadrants */
239 	char mode_type[2];		/* D = include data points when iterating, I = just interpolate from larger grid */
240 	char format[GMT_BUFSIZ];	/* Format statement used in some messages */
241 	char *limit_file[2];		/* Pointers to grids with low and high limits, if selected */
242 	bool periodic;			/* true if geographic grid and west-east == 360 */
243 	bool constrained;		/* true if set_limit[LO] or set_limit[HI] is true */
244 	bool logging;			/* true if -W was specified */
245 	double limit[2];		/* Low and high constrains on range of solution */
246 	double inc[2];			/* Size of each grid cell for current grid factor */
247 	double r_inc[2];		/* Reciprocal grid spacings  */
248 	double converge_limit;		/* Convergence limit */
249 	double radius;			/* Search radius for initializing grid  */
250 	double tension;			/* Tension parameter on the surface  */
251 	double boundary_tension;	/* Tension parameter at the boundary */
252 	double interior_tension;	/* Tension parameter in the interior */
253 	double z_mean;			/* Mean value of the data constraints z */
254 	double z_rms;			/* Root mean square range of z after removing planar trend  */
255 	double r_z_rms;			/* Reciprocal of z_rms (to avoid dividing) */
256 	double plane_icept;		/* Intercept of best fitting plane to data  */
257 	double plane_sx;		/* Slope of best fitting plane to data in x-direction */
258 	double plane_sy;		/* Slope of best fitting plane to data in y-direction */
259 	double *fraction;		/* Hold fractional increments of row and column used in fill_in_forecast */
260 	double coeff[2][12];		/* Coefficients for 12 nearby nodes, for constrained [0] and unconstrained [1] nodes */
261 	double relax_old, relax_new;	/* Coefficients for relaxation factor to speed up convergence */
262 	double wesn_orig[4];		/* Original -R domain as we might have shifted it due to -r */
263 	double alpha;			/* Aspect ratio dy/dx (1 for square pixels) */
264 	double a0_const_1, a0_const_2;	/* Various constants for off gridnode point equations */
265 	double alpha2, e_m2, one_plus_e2;
266 	double eps_p2, eps_m2, two_plus_ep2;
267 	double two_plus_em2;
268 };
surface_set_coefficients(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct SURFACE_INFO * C)270 GMT_LOCAL void surface_set_coefficients (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct SURFACE_INFO *C) {
271 	/* These are the coefficients in the finite-difference expressions given
272 	 * by equations (A-4) [SURFACE_UNCONSTRAINED=0] and (A-7) [SURFACE_CONSTRAINED=1] in the reference.
273 	 * Note that the SURFACE_UNCONSTRAINED coefficients are normalized by a0 (20 for no tension/aspects)
274 	 * whereas the SURFACE_CONSTRAINED is used for a partial sum hence the normalization is done when the
275 	 * sum over the Briggs coefficients have been included in iterate. */
276 	double alpha4, loose, a0;
278 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Set finite-difference coefficients [stride = %d]\n", C->current_stride);
280 	loose = 1.0 - C->interior_tension;
281 	C->alpha2 = C->alpha * C->alpha;
282 	alpha4 = C->alpha2 * C->alpha2;
283 	C->eps_p2 = C->alpha2;
284 	C->eps_m2 = 1.0 / C->alpha2;
285 	C->one_plus_e2 = 1.0 + C->alpha2;
286 	C->two_plus_ep2 = 2.0 + 2.0 * C->eps_p2;
287 	C->two_plus_em2 = 2.0 + 2.0 * C->eps_m2;
289 	C->e_m2 = 1.0 / C->alpha2;
291 	a0 = 1.0 / ( (6 * alpha4 * loose + 10 * C->alpha2 * loose + 8 * loose - 2 * C->one_plus_e2) + 4 * C->interior_tension * C->one_plus_e2);
292 	C->a0_const_1 = 2.0 * loose * (1.0 + alpha4);
293 	C->a0_const_2 = 2.0 - C->interior_tension + 2 * loose * C->alpha2;
295 	C->coeff[SURFACE_CONSTRAINED][W2]   = C->coeff[SURFACE_CONSTRAINED][E2]   = -loose;
296 	C->coeff[SURFACE_CONSTRAINED][N2]   = C->coeff[SURFACE_CONSTRAINED][S2]   = -loose * alpha4;
297 	C->coeff[SURFACE_UNCONSTRAINED][W2] = C->coeff[SURFACE_UNCONSTRAINED][E2] = -loose * a0;
298 	C->coeff[SURFACE_UNCONSTRAINED][N2] = C->coeff[SURFACE_UNCONSTRAINED][S2] = -loose * alpha4 * a0;
299 	C->coeff[SURFACE_CONSTRAINED][W1]   = C->coeff[SURFACE_CONSTRAINED][E1]   = 2 * loose * C->one_plus_e2;
300 	C->coeff[SURFACE_UNCONSTRAINED][W1] = C->coeff[SURFACE_UNCONSTRAINED][E1] = (2 * C->coeff[SURFACE_CONSTRAINED][W1] + C->interior_tension) * a0;
301 	C->coeff[SURFACE_CONSTRAINED][N1]   = C->coeff[SURFACE_CONSTRAINED][S1]   = C->coeff[SURFACE_CONSTRAINED][W1] * C->alpha2;
304 		C->coeff[SURFACE_CONSTRAINED][SE] = -2 * loose * C->alpha2;
308 	C->alpha2 *= 2;		/* We will need these coefficients times two in the boundary conditions; do the doubling here  */
309 	C->e_m2   *= 2;
310 }
surface_set_offset(struct SURFACE_INFO * C)312 GMT_LOCAL void surface_set_offset (struct SURFACE_INFO *C) {
313 	/* The offset array holds the offset in 1-D index relative
314 	 * to the current node.  For movement along a row this is
315 	 * always -2, -1, 0, +1, +2 but along a column we move in
316 	 * multiples of current_mx, the extended grid row width,
317 	 * which is current_mx = current_nx + 4.
318 	 */
319  	C->offset[N2] = -2 * C->current_mx;	/* N2: 2 rows above */
320  	C->offset[NW] = -C->current_mx - 1;	/* NW: 1 row above and one column left */
321  	C->offset[N1] = -C->current_mx;		/* N1: 1 row above */
322  	C->offset[NE] = -C->current_mx + 1;	/* NE: 1 row above and one column right */
323  	C->offset[W2] = -2;			/* W2: 2 columns left */
324  	C->offset[W1] = -1;			/* W1 : 1 column left */
325  	C->offset[E1] = +1;			/* E1 : 1 column right */
326  	C->offset[E2] = +2;			/* E2 : 2 columns right */
327  	C->offset[SW] = C->current_mx - 1;	/* SW : 1 row below and one column left */
328  	C->offset[S1] = C->current_mx;		/* S1 : 1 row below */
329  	C->offset[SE] = C->current_mx + 1;	/* SE : 1 row below and one column right */
330  	C->offset[S2] = 2 * C->current_mx;	/* S2 : 2 rows below */
331 }
fill_in_forecast(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct SURFACE_INFO * C)333 GMT_LOCAL void fill_in_forecast (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct SURFACE_INFO *C) {
335 	/* Fills in bilinear estimates into new node locations after grid is expanded.
336 	   These new nodes are marked as unconstrained while the coarser data are considered
337 	   constraints in the next iteration.  We do this in two steps:
338 	     a) We sweep through the grid from last to first node and copy each node to the
339 	        new location due to increased grid dimensions.
340 	     b) Once nodes are in place we sweep through and apply the bilinear interpolation.
341 	 */
343 	uint64_t index_00, index_10, index_11, index_01, index_new, current_node, previous_node;
344 	int previous_row, previous_col, i, j, col, row, expand, first;
345 	unsigned char *status = C->status;
346 	double c, sx, sy, sxy, r_prev_size, c_plus_sy_dy, sx_plus_sxy_dy;
347 	gmt_grdfloat *u = C->Grid->data;
349 	/* First we expand the active grid to allow for more nodes. We do this by
350 	 * looping backwards from last node to first so that the locations we copy
351 	 * the old node values to will always have higher node number than their source.
352 	 * The previous grid solution has dimensions previous_nx x previous_ny while
353 	 * the new grid has dimensions current_nx x current_ny.  We thus loop over
354 	 * the old grid and place these nodes into the new grid.  */
356 	expand = C->previous_stride / C->current_stride;	/* Multiplicity of new nodes in both x and y dimensions */
357 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Expand grid by factor of %d when going from stride = %d to %d\n", expand, C->previous_stride, C->current_stride);
359 	for (previous_row = C->previous_ny - 1; previous_row >= 0; previous_row--) {	/* Loop backward over the previous grid rows */
360 		row = previous_row * expand;	/* Corresponding row in the new extended grid */
361 		for (previous_col = C->previous_nx - 1; previous_col >= 0; previous_col--) {	/* Loop backward over previous grid cols */
362 			col = previous_col * expand;	/* Corresponding col in the new extended grid */
363 			current_node  = row_col_to_node (row, col, C->current_mx);			/* Current node index */
364 			previous_node = row_col_to_node (previous_row, previous_col, C->previous_mx);	/* Previous node index */
365 			C->Grid->data[current_node] = C->Grid->data[previous_node];			/* Copy the value over */
366 		}
367 	}
369 	/* The active grid has now increased in size and the previous values have been copied to their new nodes.
370 	 * The grid nodes in-between these new "constrained" nodes are partly filled with old values (since
371 	 * we just copied, not moved, the nodes) or zeros (since we expanded the grid into new unused memory).
372 	 * This does not matter since we will now fill in those in-between nodes with a bilinear interpolation
373 	 * based on the coarser (previous) nodes.  At the end all nodes in the active grid are valid, except
374 	 * in the boundary rows/cols.  These are reset by set_BC before the iteration starts.
375 	 */
377 	/* Precalculate the fractional increments of rows and cols in-between the old constrained rows and cols.
378 	 * These are all fractions between 0 and 1.  E.g., if we quadruple the grid dimensions in x and y then
379 	 * expand == 4 and we need 4 fractions = {0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75}. */
381 	r_prev_size = 1.0 / (double)C->previous_stride;
382 	for (i = 0; i < expand; i++) C->fraction[i] = i * r_prev_size;
384 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Fill in expanded grid by bilinear interpolation [stride = %d]\n", C->current_stride);
386 	/* Loop over 4-point "bin squares" from the first northwest bin to the last southeast bin. The bin vertices are the expanded previous nodes */
388 	for (previous_row = 1; previous_row < C->previous_ny; previous_row++) {	/* Starts at row 1 since it is the baseline for the bin extending up to row 0 (north) */
389 		row = previous_row * expand;	/* Corresponding row in the new extended grid */
391 		for (previous_col = 0; previous_col < (C->previous_nx-1); previous_col++) {	/* Stop 1 column short of east since east is the right boundary of last bin */
392 			col = previous_col * expand;	/* Corresponding col in the new extended grid */
394 			/* Get the indices of the bilinear square defined by nodes {00, 10, 11, 01}, with 00 referring to the current (lower left) node */
395 			index_00 = row_col_to_node (row, col, C->current_mx);	/* Lower left corner of square bin and our origin */
396 			index_01 = index_00 - expand * C->current_mx;		/* Upper left corner of square bin */
397 			index_10 = index_00 + expand;				/* Lower right corner of square bin */
398 			index_11 = index_01 + expand;				/* Upper right corner of square bin */
400 			/* Get bilinear coefficients for interpolation z = c + sx * delta_x + sy * delta_y + sxy * delta_x * delta_y,
401 			 * which we will use as z = (c + sy * delta_y) + delta_x * (sx + sxy * delta_y).
402 			 * Below, delta_x and delta_y are obtained via C->fraction[i|j] that we pre-calculated above. */
403 			c = u[index_00];	sx = u[index_10] - c;
404 			sy = u[index_01] - c;	sxy = u[index_11] - u[index_10] - sy;
406 			/* Fill in all the denser nodes except the lower-left starting point */
408 			for (j = 0, first = 1; j < expand; j++) {	/* Set first = 1 so we skip the first column when j = 0 */
409 				c_plus_sy_dy = c + sy * C->fraction[j];	/* Compute terms that remain constant for this j */
410 				sx_plus_sxy_dy = sx + sxy * C->fraction[j];
411 				index_new = index_00 - j * C->current_mx + first;	/* Start node on this intermediate row */
412 				for (i = first;  i < expand; i++, index_new++) {	/* Sweep across this row and interpolate */
413 					u[index_new] = (gmt_grdfloat)(c_plus_sy_dy + C->fraction[i] * sx_plus_sxy_dy);
414 					status[index_new] = SURFACE_IS_UNCONSTRAINED;	/* These are considered temporary estimates */
415 				}
416 				first = 0;	/* Reset to 0 for the remainder of the j loop */
417 			}
418 			status[index_00] = SURFACE_IS_CONSTRAINED;	/* The previous node values will be kept fixed in the next iterate call */
419 		}
420 	}
422 	/* The loops above exclude the north and east boundaries.  First do linear interpolation along the east edge */
424 	index_00 = C->node_ne_corner;	/* Upper NE node */
425 	for (previous_row = 1; previous_row < C->previous_ny; previous_row++) {	/* So first edge is from row = 1 up to row = 0 on eastern edge */
426 		index_01 = index_00;			/* Previous lower becomes current upper node */
427 		index_00 += expand * C->current_mx;	/* Lower node after striding down */
428 		sy = u[index_01] - u[index_00];		/* Vertical gradient in u toward ymax (for increasing j) */
429 		index_new = index_00 - C->current_mx;	/* Since we start at j = 1 we skip up one row here */
430 		for (j = 1; j < expand; j++, index_new -= C->current_mx) {	/* Start at 1 since we skip the constrained index_00 node */
431 			u[index_new] = u[index_00] + (gmt_grdfloat)(C->fraction[j] * sy);
432 			status[index_new] = SURFACE_IS_UNCONSTRAINED;	/* These are considered temporary estimates */
433 		}
434 		status[index_00] = SURFACE_IS_CONSTRAINED;	/* The previous node values will be kept fixed in the next iterate call */
435 	}
436 	/* Next do linear interpolation along the north edge */
437 	index_10 = C->node_nw_corner;	/* Left NW node */
438 	for (previous_col = 0; previous_col < (C->previous_nx-1); previous_col++) {	/* To ensure last edge ends at col = C->previous_nx-1 */
439 		index_00 = index_10;		/* Previous right node becmes current left node */
440 		index_10 = index_00 + expand;	/* Right node after striding to the right */
441 		sx = u[index_10] - u[index_00];	/* Horizontal gradient in u toward xmax (for increasing i) */
442 		index_new = index_00 + 1;	/* Start at 1 since we skip the constrained index_00 node */
443 		for (i = 1; i < expand; i++, index_new++) {
444 			u[index_new] = u[index_00] + (gmt_grdfloat)(C->fraction[i] * sx);
445 			status[index_new] = SURFACE_IS_UNCONSTRAINED;	/* These are considered temporary estimates */
446 		}
447 		status[index_00] = SURFACE_IS_CONSTRAINED;	/* The previous node values will be kept fixed in the next iterate call */
448 	}
449 	/* Finally set the northeast corner to be considered fixed in the next iterate call and our work here is done */
450 	status[C->node_ne_corner] = SURFACE_IS_CONSTRAINED;
451 }
surface_compare_points(const void * point_1v,const void * point_2v,void * arg)453 GMT_LOCAL int surface_compare_points (const void *point_1v, const void *point_2v, void *arg) {
454 	/* Routine for qsort_r to sort data structure for fast access to data by node location.
455 	   Sorts on index first, then on radius to node corresponding to index, so that index
456 	   goes from low to high, and so does radius.  Note: These are simple Cartesian distance
457 	 * calculations.  The metadata needed to do the calculations are passed via *arg.
458 	*/
459 	uint64_t col, row, index_1, index_2;
460 	double x0, y0, dist_1, dist_2;
461 	const struct SURFACE_DATA *point_1 = point_1v, *point_2 = point_2v;
462 	struct SURFACE_SEARCH *info;
463 	index_1 = point_1->index;
464 	index_2 = point_2->index;
465 	if (index_1 < index_2) return (-1);
466 	if (index_1 > index_2) return (+1);
467 	if (index_1 == SURFACE_OUTSIDE) return (0);
468 	/* Points are in same grid cell.  First check for breakline points to sort those ahead of data points */
469 	if (point_1->kind == SURFACE_BREAKLINE && point_2->kind == 0) return (-1);
470 	if (point_2->kind == SURFACE_BREAKLINE && point_1->kind == 0) return (+1);
471 	/* Now find the one who is nearest to grid point */
472 	/* Note: index calculations do not include boundary pad */
473 	info = arg;	/* Get the needed metadata for distance calculations */
474 	row = index_to_row (index_1, info->current_nx);
475 	col = index_to_col (index_1, info->current_nx);
476 	x0 = col_to_x (col, info->wesn[XLO], info->wesn[XHI], info->inc[GMT_X], info->current_nx);
477 	y0 = row_to_y (row, info->wesn[YLO], info->wesn[YHI], info->inc[GMT_Y], info->current_ny);
478 	dist_1 = (point_1->x - x0) * (point_1->x - x0) + (point_1->y - y0) * (point_1->y - y0);
479 	/* Try to speed things up by first checking if point_2 x-distance from x0 alone exceeds point_1's radial distance */
480 	dist_2 = (point_2->x - x0) * (point_2->x - x0);	/* Just dx^2 */
481 	if (dist_1 < dist_2) return (-1);	/* Don't need to consider the y-distance */
482 	/* Did not exceed, so now we must finalize the dist_2 calculation by including the y-separation */
483 	dist_2 += (point_2->y - y0) * (point_2->y - y0);
484 	if (dist_1 < dist_2) return (-1);
485 	if (dist_1 > dist_2) return (+1);
486 	return (0);
487 }
surface_smart_divide(struct SURFACE_INFO * C)489 GMT_LOCAL void surface_smart_divide (struct SURFACE_INFO *C) {
490 	/* Divide grid by its next largest prime factor and shift that setting by one */
491 	C->current_stride /= C->factors[C->n_factors - 1];
492 	C->n_factors--;
493 }
surface_set_index(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct SURFACE_INFO * C)495 GMT_LOCAL void surface_set_index (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct SURFACE_INFO *C) {
496 	/* Recomputes data[k].index for the new value of the stride,
497 	   sorts the data again on index and radii, and throws away
498 	   data which are now outside the usable limits.
499 	   Note: These indices exclude the padding. */
500 	int col, row;
501 	uint64_t k, k_skipped = 0;
502 	struct GMT_GRID_HEADER *h = C->Grid->header;
504 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Recompute data index for next iteration [stride = %d]\n", C->current_stride);
506 	for (k = 0; k < C->npoints; k++) {
507 		col = (int)x_to_col (C->data[k].x, h->wesn[XLO], C->r_inc[GMT_X]);
508 		row = (int)y_to_row (C->data[k].y, h->wesn[YLO], C->r_inc[GMT_Y], C->current_ny);
509 		if (col < 0 || col >= C->current_nx || row < 0 || row >= C->current_ny) {
510 			C->data[k].index = SURFACE_OUTSIDE;
511 			k_skipped++;
512 		}
513 		else
514 			C->data[k].index = row_col_to_index (row, col, C->current_nx);
515 	}
517 	qsort_r (C->data, C->npoints, sizeof (struct SURFACE_DATA), surface_compare_points, &(C->info));
519 	C->npoints -= k_skipped;
520 }
surface_solve_Briggs_coefficients(struct SURFACE_INFO * C,gmt_grdfloat * b,double xx,double yy,gmt_grdfloat z)522 GMT_LOCAL void surface_solve_Briggs_coefficients (struct SURFACE_INFO *C, gmt_grdfloat *b, double xx, double yy, gmt_grdfloat z) {
523 	/* Given the normalized offset (xx,yy) from current node (value z) we determine the
524 	 * Briggs coefficients b_k, k = 1,5  [Equation (A-6) in the reference]
525 	 * Here, xx, yy are the fractional distances, accounting for any anisotropy.
526 	 * Note b[5] initially contains the sum of the 5 Briggs coefficients but
527 	 * we actually need to divide by it so we do that change here as well.
528 	 * Finally, b[4] will be multiplied with the off-node constraint so we do that here.
529 	 */
530 	double xx2, yy2, xx_plus_yy, xx_plus_yy_plus_one, inv_xx_plus_yy_plus_one, inv_delta, b_4;
532 	xx_plus_yy = xx + yy;
533 	xx_plus_yy_plus_one = 1.0 + xx_plus_yy;
534 	inv_xx_plus_yy_plus_one = 1.0 / xx_plus_yy_plus_one;
535 	xx2 = xx * xx;	yy2 = yy * yy;
536 	inv_delta = inv_xx_plus_yy_plus_one / xx_plus_yy;
537 	b[0] = (gmt_grdfloat)((xx2 + 2.0 * xx * yy + xx - yy2 - yy) * inv_delta);
538 	b[1] = (gmt_grdfloat)(2.0 * (yy - xx + 1.0) * inv_xx_plus_yy_plus_one);
539 	b[2] = (gmt_grdfloat)(2.0 * (xx - yy + 1.0) * inv_xx_plus_yy_plus_one);
540 	b[3] = (gmt_grdfloat)((-xx2 + 2.0 * xx * yy - xx + yy2 + yy) * inv_delta);
541 	b_4 = 4.0 * inv_delta;
542 	/* We also need to normalize by the sum of the b[k] values, so sum them here */
543 	b[5] = b[0] + b[1] + b[2] + b[3] + (gmt_grdfloat)b_4;
544 	/* We need to sum k = 0<5 of u[k]*b[k], where u[k] are the nodes of the points A-D,
545 	 * but the k = 4 point (E) is our data constraint.  We multiply that in here, once,
546 	 * add add b[4] to the rest of the sum inside the iteration loop. */
547 	b[4] = (gmt_grdfloat)(b_4 * z);
549 	/* b[5] is part of a denominator so we do the division here instead of inside iterate loop */
550 	b[5] = (gmt_grdfloat)(1.0 / (C->a0_const_1 + C->a0_const_2 * b[5]));
551 }
surface_find_nearest_constraint(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct SURFACE_INFO * C)553 GMT_LOCAL void surface_find_nearest_constraint (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct SURFACE_INFO *C) {
554 	/* Determines the nearest data point per bin and sets the
555 	 * Briggs parameters or, if really close, fixes the node value */
556 	uint64_t k, last_index, node, briggs_index;
557 	int row, col;
558 	double xx, yy, x0, y0, dx, dy;
559 	gmt_grdfloat z_at_node, *u = C->Grid->data;
560 	unsigned char *status = C->status;
561 	struct GMT_GRID_HEADER *h = C->Grid->header;
563 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Determine nearest point and set Briggs coefficients [stride = %d]\n", C->current_stride);
565 	gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, C->Grid, row, col, node) {	/* Reset status of all interior grid nodes */
566 		status[node] = SURFACE_IS_UNCONSTRAINED;
567 	}
569 	last_index = UINTMAX_MAX;	briggs_index = 0U;
571 	for (k = 0; k < C->npoints; k++) {	/* Find constraining value  */
572 		if (C->data[k].index != last_index) {	/* Moving to the next node to address its nearest data constraint */
573 			/* Note: Index calculations do not consider the boundary padding */
574 			row = (int)index_to_row (C->data[k].index, C->current_nx);
575 			col = (int)index_to_col (C->data[k].index, C->current_nx);
576 			last_index = C->data[k].index;	/* Now this is the last unique index we worked on */
577 	 		node = row_col_to_node (row, col, C->current_mx);
578 			/* Get coordinates of this node */
579 			x0 = col_to_x (col, h->wesn[XLO], h->wesn[XHI], C->inc[GMT_X], C->current_nx);
580 			y0 = row_to_y (row, h->wesn[YLO], h->wesn[YHI], C->inc[GMT_Y], C->current_ny);
581 			/* Get offsets dx,dy of data point location relative to this node (dy is positive up) in fraction of grid increments */
582 			dx = x_to_fcol (C->data[k].x, x0, C->r_inc[GMT_X]);
583 			dy = y_to_frow (C->data[k].y, y0, C->r_inc[GMT_Y]);
584 			/* So dx, dy are here fractions of C->inc[GMT_X] and C-inc[GMT_Y] */
585 			/* "Really close" will mean within 5% of the current grid spacing from the center node */
587 	 		if (fabs (dx) < SURFACE_CLOSENESS_FACTOR && fabs (dy) < SURFACE_CLOSENESS_FACTOR) {	/* Considered close enough to assign fixed value to node */
588 	 			status[node] = SURFACE_IS_CONSTRAINED;
589 	 			/* Since data constraint is forcibly moved from (dx, dy) to (0,0) we must adjust for
590 	 			 * the small change in the planar trend between the two locations, and then
591 	 			 * possibly clip the value if constraining surfaces were given.  Note that
592 	 			 * dx, dy is in -1/1 range normalized by (current_x|y_inc) so to recover the
593 	 			 * corresponding dx,dy in units of current grid fractions we must scale both
594 				 * dx and dy by current_stride; this is equivalent to scaling the trend.
595 				 * This trend then is normalized by dividing by the z rms.*/
597 	 			z_at_node = C->data[k].z + (gmt_grdfloat) (C->r_z_rms * C->current_stride * evaluate_trend (C, dx, dy));
598 	 			if (C->constrained) {
599 					if (C->set_limit[LO] && !gmt_M_is_fnan (C->Bound[LO]->data[node]) && z_at_node < C->Bound[LO]->data[node])
600 						z_at_node = C->Bound[LO]->data[node];
601 					else if (C->set_limit[HI] && !gmt_M_is_fnan (C->Bound[HI]->data[node]) && z_at_node > C->Bound[HI]->data[node])
602 						z_at_node = C->Bound[HI]->data[node];
603 	 			}
604 	 			u[node] = z_at_node;
605 	 		}
606 	 		else {	/* We have a nearby data point in one of the quadrants */
607 				/* Note: We must swap dx,dy for 2nd and 4th quadrants and always use absolute values since we are
608 				   rotating other cases (quadrants 2-4) to look like quadrant 1 */
609 	 			if (dy >= 0.0) {	/* Upper two quadrants */
610 		 			if (dx >= 0.0) {	/* Both positive, use as is */
611 	 					status[node] = SURFACE_DATA_IS_IN_QUAD1;
612 						xx = dx;	yy = dy;
613 					}
614 	 				else {	/* dx negative, so remove sign, and swap */
615 	 					status[node] = SURFACE_DATA_IS_IN_QUAD2;
616 						yy = -dx;	xx = dy;
617 					}
618 	 			}
619 	 			else {	/* Lower two quadrants where we need to remove sign from dy */
620 		 			if (dx >= 0.0) {	/* Also swap x and y */
621 	 					status[node] = SURFACE_DATA_IS_IN_QUAD4;
622 						yy = dx;	xx = -dy;
623 					}
624 	 				else {	/* Just remove both signs */
625 	 					status[node] = SURFACE_DATA_IS_IN_QUAD3;
626 						xx = -dx;	yy = -dy;
627 					}
628 				}
629 				/* Evaluate the Briggs coefficients */
630 				surface_solve_Briggs_coefficients (C, C->Briggs[briggs_index].b, xx, yy, C->data[k].z);
631 	 			briggs_index++;
632 	 		}
633 	 	}
634 	 }
635 }
surface_set_grid_parameters(struct SURFACE_INFO * C)637 GMT_LOCAL void surface_set_grid_parameters (struct SURFACE_INFO *C) {
638 	/* Set the previous settings to the current settings */
639 	C->previous_nx = C->current_nx;
640 	C->previous_mx = C->current_mx;
641 	C->previous_ny = C->current_ny;
642 	/* Update the current parameters given the new C->current_stride setting */
643 	C->info.current_nx = C->current_nx = (C->n_columns - 1) / C->current_stride + 1;
644 	C->info.current_ny = C->current_ny = (C->n_rows - 1) / C->current_stride + 1;
645 	C->current_mx = C->current_nx + 4;
646 	C->current_mxmy = C->current_mx * (C->current_ny + 4);	/* Only place where "my" is used */
647 	C->info.inc[GMT_X] = C->inc[GMT_X] = C->current_stride * C->Grid->header->inc[GMT_X];
648 	C->info.inc[GMT_Y] = C->inc[GMT_Y] = C->current_stride * C->Grid->header->inc[GMT_Y];
649 	C->r_inc[GMT_X] = 1.0 / C->inc[GMT_X];
650 	C->r_inc[GMT_Y] = 1.0 / C->inc[GMT_Y];
651 	/* Update the grid node indices of the 4 corners */
652 	C->node_nw_corner = 2 * C->current_mx + 2;
653 	C->node_sw_corner = C->node_nw_corner + (C->current_ny - 1) * C->current_mx;
654 	C->node_se_corner = C->node_sw_corner + C->current_nx - 1;
655 	C->node_ne_corner = C->node_nw_corner + C->current_nx - 1;
656 }
surface_initialize_grid(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct SURFACE_INFO * C)658 GMT_LOCAL void surface_initialize_grid (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct SURFACE_INFO *C) {
659 	/* For the initial gridsize, compute weighted averages of data inside the search radius
660 	 * and assign the values to u[col,row], where col,row are multiples of gridsize.
661 	 * Weights are Gaussian, i.e., this is a MA Gaussian filter operation.
662 	 */
663 	uint64_t index_1, index_2, k, k_index, node;
664 	int del_col, del_row, col, row, col_min, col_max, row_min, row_max, ki, kj;
665 	double r, rfact, sum_w, sum_zw, weight, x0, y0;
666 	gmt_grdfloat *u = C->Grid->data;
667 	struct GMT_GRID_HEADER *h = C->Grid->header;
669 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Initialize grid using moving average scheme [stride = %d]\n", C->current_stride);
671 	del_col = irint (ceil (C->radius / C->inc[GMT_X]));
672 	del_row = irint (ceil (C->radius / C->inc[GMT_Y]));
673 	rfact = -4.5 / (C->radius*C->radius);
674  	for (row = 0; row < C->current_ny; row++) {
675 		y0 = row_to_y (row, h->wesn[YLO], h->wesn[YHI], C->inc[GMT_Y], C->current_ny);
676 		for (col = 0; col < C->current_nx; col++) {
677 			/* For this node on the grid, find all data points within the radius */
678 			x0 = col_to_x (col, h->wesn[XLO], h->wesn[XHI], C->inc[GMT_X], C->current_nx);
679 	 		col_min = col - del_col;
680 	 		if (col_min < 0) col_min = 0;
681 	 		col_max = col + del_col;
682 	 		if (col_max >= C->current_nx) col_max = C->current_nx - 1;
683 	 		row_min = row - del_row;
684 	 		if (row_min < 0) row_min = 0;
685 	 		row_max = row + del_row;
686 	 		if (row_max >= C->current_ny) row_max = C->current_ny - 1;
687 			index_1 = row_col_to_index (row_min, col_min, C->current_nx);
688 			index_2 = row_col_to_index (row_max, col_max+1, C->current_nx);
689 	 		sum_w = sum_zw = 0.0;
690 	 		k = 0;
691 	 		while (k < C->npoints && C->data[k].index < index_1) k++;
692 			/* This double loop visits all nodes within the rectangle of dimensions (2*del_col by 2*del_row) centered on x0,y0 */
693  			for (kj = row_min; k < C->npoints && kj <= row_max && C->data[k].index < index_2; kj++) {
694 	 			for (ki = col_min; k < C->npoints && ki <= col_max && C->data[k].index < index_2; ki++) {
695 					k_index = row_col_to_index (kj, ki, C->current_nx);
696 	 				while (k < C->npoints && C->data[k].index < k_index) k++;
697 	 				while (k < C->npoints && C->data[k].index == k_index) {
698 	 					r = (C->data[k].x-x0)*(C->data[k].x-x0) + (C->data[k].y-y0)*(C->data[k].y-y0);
699 						if (r > C->radius) continue;	/* Outside the circle */
700 	 					weight = exp (rfact * r);
701 	 					sum_w  += weight;
702 	 					sum_zw += weight * C->data[k].z;
703 	 					k++;
704 	 				}
705 	 			}
706 	 		}
707 			node = row_col_to_node (row, col, C->current_mx);
708 	 		if (sum_w == 0.0) {
709 	 			sprintf (C->format, "No data inside search radius at: %s %s [node set to data mean]\n", GMT->current.setting.format_float_out, GMT->current.setting.format_float_out);
710 	 			GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, C->format, x0, y0);
711 	 			u[node] = (gmt_grdfloat)C->z_mean;
712 	 		}
713 	 		else
714 	 			u[node] = (gmt_grdfloat)(sum_zw/sum_w);
715 		}
716 	}
717 }
surface_read_data(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct SURFACE_INFO * C,struct GMT_OPTION * options)719 GMT_LOCAL int surface_read_data (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct SURFACE_INFO *C, struct GMT_OPTION *options) {
720 	/* Procdss input data into data structure */
721 	int col, row, error;
722 	uint64_t k = 0, kmax = 0, kmin = 0, n_dup = 0;
723 	double *in, half_dx, zmin = DBL_MAX, zmax = -DBL_MAX, wesn_lim[4];
724 	struct GMT_GRID_HEADER *h = C->Grid->header;
725 	struct GMT_RECORD *In = NULL;
727 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Processing input table data\n");
728 	C->data = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, C->n_alloc, struct SURFACE_DATA);
730 	/* Read in xyz data and computes index no and store it in a structure */
732 	if ((error = GMT_Set_Columns (GMT->parent, GMT_IN, 3, GMT_COL_FIX_NO_TEXT)) != GMT_NOERROR)
733 		return (error);
734 	if (GMT_Init_IO (GMT->parent, GMT_IS_DATASET, GMT_IS_POINT, GMT_IN, GMT_ADD_DEFAULT, 0, options) != GMT_NOERROR)	/* Establishes data input */
735 		return (GMT->parent->error);
737 	C->z_mean = 0.0;
738 	/* Initially allow points to be within 1 grid spacing of the grid */
739 	wesn_lim[XLO] = h->wesn[XLO] - C->inc[GMT_X];	wesn_lim[XHI] = h->wesn[XHI] + C->inc[GMT_X];
740 	wesn_lim[YLO] = h->wesn[YLO] - C->inc[GMT_Y];	wesn_lim[YHI] = h->wesn[YHI] + C->inc[GMT_Y];
741 	half_dx = 0.5 * C->inc[GMT_X];
743 	if (GMT_Begin_IO (GMT->parent, GMT_IS_DATASET, GMT_IN, GMT_HEADER_ON) != GMT_NOERROR)	/* Enables data input and sets access mode */
744 		return (GMT->parent->error);
746 	do {	/* Keep returning records until we reach EOF */
747 		if ((In = GMT_Get_Record (GMT->parent, GMT_READ_DATA, NULL)) == NULL) {	/* Read next record, get NULL if special case */
748 			if (gmt_M_rec_is_error (GMT)) 		/* Bail if there are any read errors */
749 				return (GMT_RUNTIME_ERROR);
750 			else if (gmt_M_rec_is_eof (GMT)) 		/* Reached end of file */
751 				break;
752 			continue;	/* Go back and read the next record */
753 		}
755 		if (In->data == NULL) {
756 			gmt_quit_bad_record (GMT->parent, In);
757 			return (GMT->parent->error);
758 		}
760 		/* Data record to process */
761 		in = In->data;	/* Only need to process numerical part here */
763 		if (gmt_M_is_dnan (in[GMT_Z])) continue;	/* Cannot use NaN values */
764 		if (gmt_M_y_is_outside (GMT, in[GMT_Y], wesn_lim[YLO], wesn_lim[YHI])) continue; /* Outside y-range (or latitude) */
765 		if (gmt_x_is_outside (GMT, &in[GMT_X], wesn_lim[XLO], wesn_lim[XHI]))  continue; /* Outside x-range (or longitude) */
766 		row = (int)y_to_row (in[GMT_Y], h->wesn[YLO], C->r_inc[GMT_Y], C->current_ny);
767 		if (row < 0 || row >= C->current_ny) continue;
768 		if (C->periodic && ((h->wesn[XHI]-in[GMT_X]) < half_dx)) {	/* Push all values to the western nodes */
769 			in[GMT_X] -= 360.0;	/* Make this point constrain the western node value and then duplicate to east later */
770 			col = 0;
771 		}
772 		else	/* Regular point not at the periodic boundary */
773 			col = (int)x_to_col (in[GMT_X], h->wesn[XLO], C->r_inc[GMT_X]);
774 		if (col < 0 || col >= C->current_nx) continue;
776 		C->data[k].index = row_col_to_index (row, col, C->current_nx);
777 		C->data[k].x = (gmt_grdfloat)in[GMT_X];
778 		C->data[k].y = (gmt_grdfloat)in[GMT_Y];
779 		C->data[k].z = (gmt_grdfloat)in[GMT_Z];
780 		/* Determine the mean, min and max z-values */
781 		if (zmin > in[GMT_Z]) zmin = in[GMT_Z], kmin = k;
782 		if (zmax < in[GMT_Z]) zmax = in[GMT_Z], kmax = k;
783 		C->z_mean += in[GMT_Z];
784 		if (++k == C->n_alloc) {
785 			C->n_alloc <<= 1;
786 			C->data = gmt_M_memory (GMT, C->data, C->n_alloc, struct SURFACE_DATA);
787 		}
788 		if (C->periodic && col == 0) {	/* Now we must replicate information from the western to the eastern boundary */
789 			col = C->current_nx - 1;
790 			C->data[k].index = row_col_to_index (row, col, C->current_nx);
791 			C->data[k].x = (gmt_grdfloat)(in[GMT_X] + 360.0);
792 			C->data[k].y = (gmt_grdfloat)in[GMT_Y];
793 			C->data[k].z = (gmt_grdfloat)in[GMT_Z];
794 			C->z_mean += in[GMT_Z];
795 			if (++k == C->n_alloc) {
796 				C->n_alloc <<= 1;
797 				C->data = gmt_M_memory (GMT, C->data, C->n_alloc, struct SURFACE_DATA);
798 			}
799 			n_dup++;
800 		}
801 	} while (true);
804 	if (GMT_End_IO (GMT->parent, GMT_IN, 0) != GMT_NOERROR)	/* Disables further data input */
805 		return (GMT->parent->error);
807 	C->npoints = k;	/* Number of data points that passed being "inside" the grid region */
809 	if (C->npoints == 0) {
810 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "No datapoints inside region, aborting\n");
811 		return (GMT_RUNTIME_ERROR);
812 	}
814 	C->z_mean /= C->npoints;	/* Estimate mean data value */
815 	if (gmt_M_is_verbose (GMT, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION)) {
816 		char msg[GMT_LEN256] = {""};
817 		sprintf (C->format, "%s %s %s\n", GMT->current.setting.format_float_out, GMT->current.setting.format_float_out, GMT->current.setting.format_float_out);
818 		sprintf (msg, C->format, (double)C->data[kmin].x, (double)C->data[kmin].y, (double)C->data[kmin].z);
819 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Minimum value of your dataset x,y,z at: %s", msg);
820 		sprintf (msg, C->format, (double)C->data[kmax].x, (double)C->data[kmax].y, (double)C->data[kmax].z);
821 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Maximum value of your dataset x,y,z at: %s", msg);
822 		if (C->periodic && n_dup) GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Number of input values shared between repeating west and east column nodes: %" PRIu64 "\n", n_dup);
823 	}
824 	C->data = gmt_M_memory (GMT, C->data, C->npoints, struct SURFACE_DATA);
826 	if (C->set_limit[LO] == DATA)	/* Wanted to set lower limit based on minimum observed z value */
827 		C->limit[LO] = C->data[kmin].z;
828 	else if (C->set_limit[LO] == VALUE && C->limit[LO] > C->data[kmin].z)
829 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Your lower value is > than min data value.\n");
830 	if (C->set_limit[HI] == DATA)	/* Wanted to set upper limit based on maximum observed z value */
831 		C->limit[HI] = C->data[kmax].z;
832 	else if (C->set_limit[HI] == VALUE && C->limit[HI] < C->data[kmax].z)
833 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Your upper value is < than max data value.\n");
834 	return (0);
835 }
surface_load_constraints(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct SURFACE_INFO * C,int transform)837 GMT_LOCAL int surface_load_constraints (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct SURFACE_INFO *C, int transform) {
838 	/* Deal with the constants or grids supplied via -L.  Note: Because we remove a
839 	 * best-fitting plane from the data, even a simple constant constraint will become
840 	 * a plane and thus must be represented on a grid. */
841 	unsigned int end, col, row;
842 	uint64_t node;
843 	char *limit[2] = {"Lower", "Upper"};
844 	double y_up;
845 	struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API = GMT->parent;
847 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_DEBUG, "Load any data constraint limit grids\n");
849 	/* Load lower/upper limits, verify range, deplane, and rescale */
851 	for (end = LO; end <= HI; end++) {
852 		if (C->set_limit[end] == NONE) continue;	/* Nothing desired */
853 		if (C->set_limit[end] < SURFACE) {	/* Got a constant level for this end */
854 			if ((C->Bound[end] = GMT_Duplicate_Data (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_DUPLICATE_ALLOC, C->Grid)) == NULL) return (API->error);
855 			for (node = 0; node < C->mxmy; node++) C->Bound[end]->data[node] = (gmt_grdfloat)C->limit[end];
856 		}
857 		else {	/* Got a grid with a surface */
858 			if ((C->Bound[end] = GMT_Read_Data (GMT->parent, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IS_FILE, GMT_IS_SURFACE, GMT_CONTAINER_ONLY, NULL, C->limit_file[end], NULL)) == NULL) return (API->error);	/* Get header only */
859 			if (C->Bound[end]->header->n_columns != C->Grid->header->n_columns || C->Bound[end]->header->n_rows != C->Grid->header->n_rows) {
860 				GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "%s limit file not of proper dimensions!\n", limit[end]);
861 				return (GMT_RUNTIME_ERROR);
862 			}
863 			if (GMT_Read_Data (GMT->parent, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IS_FILE, GMT_IS_SURFACE, GMT_DATA_ONLY, NULL, C->limit_file[end], C->Bound[end]) == NULL) return (API->error);
864 		}
865 		if (transform) {	/* Remove best-fitting plane and normalize the bounding values */
866 			for (row = 0; row < C->Grid->header->n_rows; row++) {
867 				y_up = (double)(C->Grid->header->n_rows - row - 1);	/* Require y_up = 0 at south and positive toward north */
868 				node = row_col_to_node (row, 0, C->current_mx);
869 				for (col = 0; col < C->Grid->header->n_columns; col++, node++) {
870 					if (gmt_M_is_fnan (C->Bound[end]->data[node])) continue;
871 					C->Bound[end]->data[node] -= (gmt_grdfloat)evaluate_plane (C, col, y_up);	/* Remove plane */
872 					C->Bound[end]->data[node] *= (gmt_grdfloat)C->r_z_rms;				/* Normalize residuals */
873 				}
874 			}
875 		}
876 		C->constrained = true;	/* At least one of the limits will be constrained */
877 	}
879 	return (0);
880 }
surface_write_grid(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct SURFACE_INFO * C,char * grdfile)882 GMT_LOCAL int surface_write_grid (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct SURFACE_INFO *C, char *grdfile) {
883 	/* Write output grid to file */
884 	uint64_t node;
885 	int row, col, err, end;
886 	char *limit[2] = {"lower", "upper"};
887 	gmt_grdfloat *u = C->Grid->data;
889 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_DEBUG, "Prepare final output grid [stride = %d]\n", C->current_stride);
891 	strcpy (C->Grid->header->title, "Data gridded with continuous surface splines in tension");
893 	if (GMT->common.R.registration == GMT_GRID_PIXEL_REG) {	/* Pixel registration request. Reset region to the original extent */
894 		gmt_M_memcpy (C->Grid->header->wesn, C->wesn_orig, 4, double);
895 		C->Grid->header->registration = GMT->common.R.registration;
896 		/* Must reduce both n_columns,n_rows by 1 and make the eastmost column and northernmost row part of the grid pad */
897 		C->Grid->header->n_columns--;	C->n_columns--;
898 		C->Grid->header->n_rows--;	C->n_rows--;
899 		C->Grid->header->pad[XHI]++;	/* Presumably increase pad from 2 to 3 */
900 		C->Grid->header->pad[YHI]++;	/* Presumably increase pad from 2 to 3 */
901 		gmt_set_grddim (GMT, C->Grid->header);	/* Reset all integer dimensions and xy_off */
902 	}
903 	if (C->constrained) {	/* Must check that we don't exceed any imposed limits.  */
904 		/* Reload the constraints, but this time do not transform the data */
905 		if ((err = surface_load_constraints (GMT, C, false)) != 0) return (err);
907 		gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, C->Grid, row, col, node) {	/* Make sure we clip to the specified bounds */
908 			if (C->set_limit[LO] && !gmt_M_is_fnan (C->Bound[LO]->data[node]) && u[node] < C->Bound[LO]->data[node]) u[node] = C->Bound[LO]->data[node];
909 			if (C->set_limit[HI] && !gmt_M_is_fnan (C->Bound[HI]->data[node]) && u[node] > C->Bound[HI]->data[node]) u[node] = C->Bound[HI]->data[node];
910 		}
911 		/* Free any bounding surfaces */
912 		for (end = LO; end <= HI; end++) {
913 			if ((C->set_limit[end] > NONE && C->set_limit[end] < SURFACE) && GMT_Destroy_Data (GMT->parent, &C->Bound[end]) != GMT_NOERROR) {
914 				GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Failed to free %s boundary\n", limit[end]);
915 			}
916 		}
917 	}
918 	if (C->periodic) {	/* Ensure exact periodicity at E-W boundaries */
919 		for (row = 0; row < C->current_ny; row++) {
920 			node = row_col_to_node (row, 0, C->current_mx);
921 			u[node] = u[node+C->current_nx-1] = (gmt_grdfloat)(0.5 * (u[node] + u[node+C->current_nx-1]));	/* Set these to the same as their average */
922 		}
923 	}
924 	/* Time to write our final grid */
926 		return (GMT->parent->error);
928 	return (0);
929 }
surface_set_BCs(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct SURFACE_INFO * C,gmt_grdfloat * u)931 GMT_LOCAL void surface_set_BCs (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct SURFACE_INFO *C, gmt_grdfloat *u) {
932 	/* Fill in auxiliary boundary rows and columns; see equations (A-8,9,10) in the reference */
933 	uint64_t n, n_s, n_n, n_w, n_e;	/* Node variables */
934 	int col, row, *d_n = C->offset;	/* Relative changes in node index from present node n */
935 	double x_0_const = 4.0 * (1.0 - C->boundary_tension) / (2.0 - C->boundary_tension);
936 	double x_1_const = (3 * C->boundary_tension - 2.0) / (2.0 - C->boundary_tension);
937 	double y_denom = 2 * C->alpha * (1.0 - C->boundary_tension) + C->boundary_tension;
938 	double y_0_const = 4 * C->alpha * (1.0 - C->boundary_tension) / y_denom;
939 	double y_1_const = (C->boundary_tension - 2 * C->alpha * (1.0 - C->boundary_tension) ) / y_denom;
941 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_DEBUG, "Apply all boundary conditions [stride = %d]\n", C->current_stride);
943 	/* First set (1-T)d2[]/dn2 + Td[]/dn = 0 along edges */
945 	for (col = 0, n_s = C->node_sw_corner, n_n = C->node_nw_corner; col < C->current_nx; col++, n_s++, n_n++) {	/* set BC1 along south and north side */
946 		u[n_s+d_n[S1]] = (gmt_grdfloat)(y_0_const * u[n_s] + y_1_const * u[n_s+d_n[N1]]);	/* South: u_{0,-1} = 2 * u_{0,0} - u_{0,+1} */
947 		u[n_n+d_n[N1]] = (gmt_grdfloat)(y_0_const * u[n_n] + y_1_const * u[n_n+d_n[S1]]);	/* North: u_{0,+1} = 2 * u_{0,0} - u_{0,-1} */
948 	}
949 	if (C->periodic) {	/* Set periodic boundary conditions in longitude at west and east boundaries */
950 		for (row = 0, n_w = C->node_nw_corner, n_e = C->node_ne_corner; row < C->current_ny; row++, n_w += C->current_mx, n_e += C->current_mx) {
951 			u[n_w+d_n[W1]] = u[n_e+d_n[W1]];	/* West side */
952 			u[n_e+d_n[E1]] = u[n_w+d_n[E1]];	/* East side */
953 			u[n_e] = u[n_w] = 0.5f * (u[n_e] + u[n_w]);	/* Set to average of east and west */
954 		}
955 	}
956 	else {	/* Regular natural BC */
957 		for (row = 0, n_w = C->node_nw_corner, n_e = C->node_ne_corner; row < C->current_ny; row++, n_w += C->current_mx, n_e += C->current_mx) {
958 			/* West: u_{-10} = 2 * u_{00} - u_{10}  */
959 			u[n_w+d_n[W1]] = (gmt_grdfloat)(x_1_const * u[n_w+d_n[E1]] + x_0_const * u[n_w]);
960 			/* East: u_{10} = 2 * u_{00} - u_{-10}  */
961 			u[n_e+d_n[E1]] = (gmt_grdfloat)(x_1_const * u[n_e+d_n[W1]] + x_0_const * u[n_e]);
962 		}
963 	}
965 	/* Now set d2[]/dxdy = 0 at each of the 4 corners */
967 	n = C->node_sw_corner;	/* Just use shorthand in each expression */
968 	u[n+d_n[SW]]  = u[n+d_n[SE]] + u[n+d_n[NW]] - u[n+d_n[NE]];
969 	n = C->node_nw_corner;
970 	u[n+d_n[NW]]  = u[n+d_n[NE]] + u[n+d_n[SW]] - u[n+d_n[SE]];
971 	n = C->node_se_corner;
972 	u[n+d_n[SE]]  = u[n+d_n[SW]] + u[n+d_n[NE]] - u[n+d_n[NW]];
973 	n = C->node_ne_corner;
974 	u[n+d_n[NE]]  = u[n+d_n[NW]] + u[n+d_n[SE]] - u[n+d_n[SW]];
976 	/* Now set dC/dn = 0 at each edge */
978 	for (col = 0, n_s = C->node_sw_corner, n_n = C->node_nw_corner; col < C->current_nx; col++, n_s++, n_n++) {	/* set BC2 along south and north side */
979 		/* South side */
980 		u[n_s+d_n[S2]] = (gmt_grdfloat)(u[n_s+d_n[N2]] + C->eps_m2 * (u[n_s+d_n[NW]] + u[n_s+d_n[NE]]
981 			- u[n_s+d_n[SW]] - u[n_s+d_n[SE]]) + C->two_plus_em2 * (u[n_s+d_n[S1]] - u[n_s+d_n[N1]]));
982 		/* North side */
983 		u[n_n+d_n[N2]] = (gmt_grdfloat)(u[n_n+d_n[S2]] + C->eps_m2 * (u[n_n+d_n[SW]] + u[n_n+d_n[SE]]
984 			- u[n_n+d_n[NW]] - u[n_n+d_n[NE]]) + C->two_plus_em2 * (u[n_n+d_n[N1]] - u[n_n+d_n[S1]]));
985 	}
987 	for (row = 0, n_w = C->node_nw_corner, n_e = C->node_ne_corner; row < C->current_ny; row++, n_w += C->current_mx, n_e += C->current_mx) {	/* set BC2 along west and east side */
988 		if (C->periodic) {	/* Set periodic boundary conditions in longitude */
989 			u[n_w+d_n[W2]] = u[n_e+d_n[W2]];	/* West side */
990 			u[n_e+d_n[E2]] = u[n_w+d_n[E2]];	/* East side */
991 		}
992 		else {	/* Natural BCs */
993 			/* West side */
994 			u[n_w+d_n[W2]] = (gmt_grdfloat)(u[n_w+d_n[E2]] + C->eps_p2 * (u[n_w+d_n[NE]] + u[n_w+d_n[SE]]
995 				- u[n_w+d_n[NW]] - u[n_w+d_n[SW]]) + C->two_plus_ep2 * (u[n_w+d_n[W1]] - u[n_w+d_n[E1]]));
996 			/* East side */
997 			u[n_e+d_n[E2]] = (gmt_grdfloat)(u[n_e+d_n[W2]] + C->eps_p2 * (u[n_e+d_n[NW]] + u[n_e+d_n[SW]]
998 				- u[n_e+d_n[NE]] - u[n_e+d_n[SE]]) + C->two_plus_ep2 * (u[n_e+d_n[E1]] - u[n_e+d_n[W1]]));
999 		}
1000 	}
1001 }
surface_iterate(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct SURFACE_INFO * C,int mode)1003 GMT_LOCAL uint64_t surface_iterate (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct SURFACE_INFO *C, int mode) {
1004 	/* Main finite difference solver */
1005 	uint64_t node, briggs_index, iteration_count = 0;
1006 	unsigned int set, quadrant, current_max_iterations = C->max_iterations * C->current_stride;
1007 	int col, row, k, *d_node = C->offset;	/* Relative changes in node index from present node */
1008 	unsigned char *status = C->status;	/* Quadrant or status information for each node */
1009 	char *mode_name[2] = {"node", "data"};
1010 	bool finished;
1011 	double current_limit = C->converge_limit / C->current_stride;
1012 	double u_change, max_u_change, max_z_change, sum_bk_uk, u_00;
1013 	gmt_grdfloat *b = NULL;
1014 	gmt_grdfloat *u_new = C->Grid->data, *u_old = C->Grid->data;
1016 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_DEBUG, "Starting iterations, mode = %s Max iterations = %d [stride = %d]\n", mode_name[mode], current_max_iterations, C->current_stride);
1018 	sprintf (C->format, "%%4ld\t%%c\t%%8" PRIu64 "\t%s\t%s\t%%10" PRIu64 "\n", GMT->current.setting.format_float_out, GMT->current.setting.format_float_out);
1019 	if (C->logging) fprintf (C->fp_log, "%c Grid size = %d Mode = %c Convergence limit = %g -Z%d\n",
1020 		GMT->current.setting.io_seg_marker[GMT_OUT], C->current_stride, C->mode_type[mode], current_limit, C->current_stride);
1022 	/* We need to do an even number of iterations so that the final result for this iteration resides in C->Grid->data */
1023 	do {
1025 		surface_set_BCs (GMT, C, u_old);	/* Set the boundary rows and columns */
1027 		briggs_index = 0;	/* Reset the Briggs constraint table index  */
1028 		max_u_change = -1.0;	/* Ensure max_u_change is < 0 for starters */
1030 		/* Now loop over all interior data nodes */
1031 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_DEBUG, "Iteration %d\n", iteration_count);
1033 		for (row = 0; row < C->current_ny; row++) {	/* Loop over rows */
1034 			node = C->node_nw_corner + row * C->current_mx;	/* Node at left side of this row */
1035 			for (col = 0; col < C->current_nx; col++, node++) {	/* Loop over all columns */
1036 				if (status[node] == SURFACE_IS_CONSTRAINED) {	/* Data constraint fell exactly on the node, keep it as is */
1037 					continue;
1038 				}
1040 				/* Here we must estimate a solution via equations (A-4) [SURFACE_UNCONSTRAINED] or (A-7) [SURFACE_CONSTRAINED] */
1041 				u_00 = 0.0;	/* Start with zero, build updated solution for central node */
1042 				set = (status[node] == SURFACE_IS_UNCONSTRAINED) ? SURFACE_UNCONSTRAINED : SURFACE_CONSTRAINED;	/* Index to C->coeff set to use */
1043 				for (k = 0; k < 12; k++) {	/* This is either equation (A-4) or the corresponding part of (A-7), depending on the value of set */
1044 					u_00 += (u_old[node+d_node[k]] * C->coeff[set][k]);
1045 				}
1046 				if (set == SURFACE_CONSTRAINED) {	/* Solution is (A-7) and modifications depend on which quadrant the point lies in */
1047 					b = C->Briggs[briggs_index].b;		/* Shorthand to this node's Briggs b-array */
1048 					quadrant = status[node];		/* Which quadrant did the point fall in? */
1049 					for (k = 0, sum_bk_uk = 0.0; k < 4; k++) {	/* Sum over b[k]*u[k] for nodes A-D in Fig A-1 */
1050 						sum_bk_uk += b[k] * u_old[node+d_node[C->p[quadrant][k]]];
1051 					}
1052 					u_00 = (u_00 + C->a0_const_2 * (sum_bk_uk + b[4])) * b[5];	/* Add point E in Fig A-1 to sum_bk_uk and normalize */
1053 					briggs_index++;	/* Got to next sequential Briggs array index */
1054 				}
1055 				/* We now apply the over-relaxation: */
1056 				u_00 = u_old[node] * C->relax_old + u_00 * C->relax_new;
1058 				if (C->constrained) {	/* Must check that we don't exceed any imposed limits.  */
1059 					if (C->set_limit[LO] && !gmt_M_is_fnan (C->Bound[LO]->data[node]) && u_00 < C->Bound[LO]->data[node])
1060 						u_00 = C->Bound[LO]->data[node];
1061 					else if (C->set_limit[HI] && !gmt_M_is_fnan (C->Bound[HI]->data[node]) && u_00 > C->Bound[HI]->data[node])
1062 						u_00 = C->Bound[HI]->data[node];
1063 				}
1064 				u_change = fabs (u_00 - u_old[node]);		/* Change in node value between iterations */
1065 				u_new[node] = (gmt_grdfloat)u_00;			/* Our updated estimate at this node */
1066 				if (u_change > max_u_change) max_u_change = u_change;	/* Keep track of max u_change across all nodes */
1067 			}	/* End of loop over columns */
1068 		}	/* End of loop over rows [and possibly threads via OpenMP] */
1070 		iteration_count++;	C->total_iterations++;	/* Update iteration counts for this stride and for total */
1071 		max_z_change = max_u_change * C->z_rms;		/* Scale max_u_change back into original z units -> max_z_change */
1072 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_DEBUG, C->format,
1073 			C->current_stride, C->mode_type[mode], iteration_count, max_z_change, current_limit, C->total_iterations);
1074 		if (C->logging) fprintf (C->fp_log, "%d\t%c\t%" PRIu64 "\t%.8g\t%.8g\t%" PRIu64 "\n", C->current_stride, C->mode_type[mode], iteration_count, max_z_change, current_limit, C->total_iterations);
1075 		finished = (max_z_change <= current_limit || iteration_count >= current_max_iterations);
1077 	} while (!finished);
1079 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, C->format,
1080 		C->current_stride, C->mode_type[mode], iteration_count, max_z_change, current_limit, C->total_iterations);
1082 	return (iteration_count);
1083 }
surface_check_errors(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct SURFACE_INFO * C)1085 GMT_LOCAL void surface_check_errors (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct SURFACE_INFO *C) {
1086 	/* Compute misfits at original data locations,  This is only done at the
1087 	 * final grid resolution, hence current_stride == 1. */
1089 	uint64_t node, k;
1090 	int row, col, *d_node = C->offset;
1091 	unsigned char *status = C->status;
1093 	double x0, y0, dx, dy, mean_error = 0.0, mean_squared_error = 0.0, z_est, z_err, curvature, c;
1094 	double du_dx, du_dy, d2u_dx2, d2u_dxdy, d2u_dy2, d3u_dx3, d3u_dx2dy, d3u_dxdy2, d3u_dy3;
1096 	gmt_grdfloat *u = C->Grid->data;
1097 	struct GMT_GRID_HEADER *h = C->Grid->header;
1098 	struct GMT_GRID_HEADER_HIDDEN *HH = gmt_get_H_hidden (h);
1100 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Compute rms misfit and curvature.\n");
1102 	surface_set_BCs (GMT, C, u);	/* First update the boundary values */
1104 	/* Estimate solution at all data constraints using 3rd order Taylor expansion from nearest node */
1106 	for (k = 0; k < C->npoints; k++) {
1107 		row = (int)index_to_row (C->data[k].index, C->n_columns);
1108 		col = (int)index_to_col (C->data[k].index, C->n_columns);
1109 		node = row_col_to_node (row, col, C->mx);
1110 	 	if (status[node] == SURFACE_IS_CONSTRAINED) continue;	/* Since misfit by definition is zero so no point adding it */
1111 		/* Get coordinates of this node */
1112 		x0 = col_to_x (col, h->wesn[XLO], h->wesn[XHI], h->inc[GMT_X], h->n_columns);
1113 		y0 = row_to_y (row, h->wesn[YLO], h->wesn[YHI], h->inc[GMT_Y], h->n_rows);
1114 		/* Get dx,dy of data point away from this node */
1115 		dx = x_to_fcol (C->data[k].x, x0, HH->r_inc[GMT_X]);
1116 		dy = y_to_frow (C->data[k].y, y0, HH->r_inc[GMT_Y]);
1118 	 	du_dx = 0.5 * (u[node+d_node[E1]] - u[node+d_node[W1]]);
1119 	 	du_dy = 0.5 * (u[node+d_node[N1]] - u[node+d_node[S1]]);
1120 	 	d2u_dx2 = u[node+d_node[E1]] + u[node+d_node[W1]] - 2 * u[node];
1121 	 	d2u_dy2 = u[node+d_node[N1]] + u[node+d_node[S1]] - 2 * u[node];
1122 	 	d2u_dxdy = 0.25 * (u[node+d_node[NE]] - u[node+d_node[NW]]
1123 	 		- u[node+d_node[SE]] + u[node+d_node[SW]]);
1124 	 	d3u_dx3 = 0.5 * (u[node+d_node[E2]] - 2 * u[node+d_node[E1]]
1125 	 		+ 2 * u[node+d_node[W1]] - u[node+d_node[W2]]);
1126 	 	d3u_dy3 = 0.5 * (u[node+d_node[N2]] - 2 * u[node+d_node[N1]]
1127 	 		+ 2 * u[node+d_node[S1]] - u[node+d_node[S2]]);
1128 	 	d3u_dx2dy = 0.5 * ((u[node+d_node[NE]] + u[node+d_node[NW]] - 2 * u[node+d_node[N1]])
1129 	 		- (u[node+d_node[SE]] + u[node+d_node[SW]] - 2 * u[node+d_node[S1]]));
1130 	 	d3u_dxdy2 = 0.5 * ((u[node+d_node[NE]] + u[node+d_node[SE]] - 2 * u[node+d_node[E1]])
1131 	 		- (u[node+d_node[NW]] + u[node+d_node[SW]] - 2 * u[node+d_node[W1]]));
1133 	 	/* Compute the 3rd order Taylor approximation from current node */
1135 	 	z_est = u[node] + dx * (du_dx +  dx * ((0.5 * d2u_dx2) + dx * (d3u_dx3 / 6.0)))
1136 			+ dy * (du_dy +  dy * ((0.5 * d2u_dy2) + dy * (d3u_dy3 / 6.0)))
1137 	 		+ dx * dy * (d2u_dxdy) + (0.5 * dx * d3u_dx2dy) + (0.5 * dy * d3u_dxdy2);
1139 	 	z_err = z_est - C->data[k].z;	/* Misfit between surface estimate and observation */
1140 	 	mean_error += z_err;
1141 	 	mean_squared_error += (z_err * z_err);
1142 	 }
1143 	 mean_error /= C->npoints;
1144 	 mean_squared_error = sqrt (mean_squared_error / C->npoints);
1146 	/* Compute the total curvature of the grid */
1148 	curvature = 0.0;
1149 	gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, C->Grid, row, col, node) {
1150  		c = u[node+d_node[E1]] + u[node+d_node[W1]] + u[node+d_node[N1]] + u[node+d_node[S1]] - 4.0 * u[node+d_node[E1]];
1151 		curvature += (c * c);
1152 	}
1154 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Fit info: N data points  N nodes\tmean error\trms error\tcurvature\n");
1155 	sprintf (C->format,"\t%%8ld\t%%8ld\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", GMT->current.setting.format_float_out, GMT->current.setting.format_float_out, GMT->current.setting.format_float_out);
1156 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, C->format, C->npoints, C->nxny, mean_error, mean_squared_error, curvature);
1157 }
surface_remove_planar_trend(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct SURFACE_INFO * C)1159 GMT_LOCAL void surface_remove_planar_trend (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct SURFACE_INFO *C) {
1160 	/* Fit LS plane and remove trend from our (x,y,z) input data; we add trend to grid before output.
1161 	 * Note: Here, x and y are first converted to fractional grid spacings from 0 to {n_columns,n_rows}-1.
1162 	 * Hence the same scheme is used by replace_planar trend (i.e., just use row,col as coordinates).
1163 	 * Note: The plane is fit to the original data z-values before normalizing by rms. */
1164 	uint64_t k;
1165 	double a, b, c, d, xx, y_up, zz, sx, sy, sz, sxx, sxy, sxz, syy, syz;
1166 	struct GMT_GRID_HEADER *h = C->Grid->header;
1167 	struct GMT_GRID_HEADER_HIDDEN *HH = gmt_get_H_hidden (h);
1169 	sx = sy = sz = sxx = sxy = sxz = syy = syz = 0.0;
1171 	for (k = 0; k < C->npoints; k++) {	/* Sum up normal equation terms */
1172 		xx = x_to_fcol (C->data[k].x, h->wesn[XLO], HH->r_inc[GMT_X]);	/* Distance from west to this point */
1173 		y_up = y_to_frow (C->data[k].y, h->wesn[YLO], HH->r_inc[GMT_Y]);	/* Distance from south to this point */
1174 		zz = C->data[k].z;
1175 		sx += xx;		sy += y_up;		sz += zz;		sxx += (xx * xx);
1176 		sxy += (xx * y_up);	sxz += (xx * zz);	syy += (y_up * y_up);	syz += (y_up * zz);
1177 	}
1179 	d = C->npoints*sxx*syy + 2*sx*sy*sxy - C->npoints*sxy*sxy - sx*sx*syy - sy*sy*sxx;
1181 	if (d == 0.0) {	/* When denominator is zero we have a horizontal plane */
1182 		C->plane_icept = C->plane_sx = C->plane_sy = 0.0;
1183 		return;
1184 	}
1186 	a = sz*sxx*syy + sx*sxy*syz + sy*sxy*sxz - sz*sxy*sxy - sx*sxz*syy - sy*syz*sxx;
1187 	b = C->npoints*sxz*syy + sz*sy*sxy + sy*sx*syz - C->npoints*sxy*syz - sz*sx*syy - sy*sy*sxz;
1188 	c = C->npoints*sxx*syz + sx*sy*sxz + sz*sx*sxy - C->npoints*sxy*sxz - sx*sx*syz - sz*sy*sxx;
1190 	C->plane_icept = a / d;
1191 	C->plane_sx    = b / d;
1192 	C->plane_sy    = c / d;
1193 	if (C->periodic) C->plane_sx = 0.0;	/* Cannot have x-trend for periodic geographic data */
1195 	for (k = 0; k < C->npoints; k++) {	/* Now remove this plane from the data constraints */
1196 		xx = x_to_fcol (C->data[k].x, h->wesn[XLO], HH->r_inc[GMT_X]);
1197 		y_up = y_to_frow (C->data[k].y, h->wesn[YLO], HH->r_inc[GMT_Y]);
1198 		C->data[k].z -= (gmt_grdfloat)evaluate_plane(C, xx, y_up);
1199 	}
1201 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Plane fit z = %g + (%g * col) + (%g * row)\n", C->plane_icept, C->plane_sx, C->plane_sy);
1202 }
surface_restore_planar_trend(struct SURFACE_INFO * C)1204 GMT_LOCAL void surface_restore_planar_trend (struct SURFACE_INFO *C) {
1205 	/* Scale grid back up by the data rms and restore the least-square plane.
1206 	 * Note: In determining the plane and in evaluating it, remember that the
1207 	 * x and y coordinates needed are not data coordinates but fractional col
1208 	 * and row distances from an origin at the lower left (southwest corner).
1209 	 * This means the y-values are positive up and increase in the opposite
1210 	 * direction than how rows increase. Hence the use of y_up below. */
1211 	unsigned int row, col;
1212 	uint64_t node;
1213 	gmt_grdfloat *u = C->Grid->data;
1214 	double y_up;	/* Measure y up from south in fractional rows */
1216 	for (row = 0; row < C->Grid->header->n_rows; row++) {
1217 		y_up = (double)(C->Grid->header->n_rows - row - 1);	/* # of rows from south (where y_up = 0) to this node */
1218 		node = row_col_to_node (row, 0, C->current_mx);	/* Node index at left end of interior row */
1219 		for (col = 0; col < C->Grid->header->n_columns; col++, node++)	/* March across this row */
1220 		 	u[node] = (gmt_grdfloat)((u[node] * C->z_rms) + (evaluate_plane (C, col, y_up)));
1221 	}
1222 }
surface_throw_away_unusables(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct SURFACE_INFO * C)1224 GMT_LOCAL void surface_throw_away_unusables (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct SURFACE_INFO *C) {
1225 	/* We eliminate data which will become unusable on the final iteration, when current_stride = 1.
1226 	   It assumes current_stride = 1 and that surface_set_grid_parameters has been called.
1227 	   We sort, mark redundant data as SURFACE_OUTSIDE, and sort again, chopping off the excess.
1228 	*/
1230 	uint64_t last_index = UINTMAX_MAX, n_outside = 0, k;
1232 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Eliminate data points that are not nearest a node.\n");
1234 	/* Sort the data  */
1236 	qsort_r (C->data, C->npoints, sizeof (struct SURFACE_DATA), surface_compare_points, &(C->info));
1238 	/* If more than one datum is indexed to the same node, only the first should be kept.
1239 	   Mark the additional ones as SURFACE_OUTSIDE.
1240 	*/
1241 	for (k = 0; k < C->npoints; k++) {
1242 		if (C->data[k].index == last_index) {	/* Same node but further away than our guy */
1243 			C->data[k].index = SURFACE_OUTSIDE;
1244 			n_outside++;
1245 		}
1246 		else {	/* New index, just update last_index */
1247 			last_index = C->data[k].index;
1248 		}
1249 	}
1251 	if (n_outside) {	/* Sort again; this time the SURFACE_OUTSIDE points will be sorted to end of the array */
1252 		qsort_r (C->data, C->npoints, sizeof (struct SURFACE_DATA), surface_compare_points, &(C->info));
1253 		C->npoints -= n_outside;	/* Effectively chopping off the eliminated points */
1254 		C->data = gmt_M_memory (GMT, C->data, C->npoints, struct SURFACE_DATA);	/* Adjust memory accordingly */
1255 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "%" PRIu64 " unusable points were supplied; these will be ignored.\n", n_outside);
1256 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "You should have pre-processed the data with block-mean, -median, or -mode.\n");
1257 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "Check that previous processing steps write results with enough decimals.\n");
1258 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "Possibly some data were half-way between nodes and subject to IEEE 754 rounding.\n");
1259 	}
1260 }
surface_rescale_z_values(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct SURFACE_INFO * C)1262 GMT_LOCAL int surface_rescale_z_values (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct SURFACE_INFO *C) {
1263 	/* Find and normalize data by their rms value */
1264 	uint64_t k;
1265 	double ssz = 0.0;
1267 	for (k = 0; k < C->npoints; k++) ssz += (C->data[k].z * C->data[k].z);
1268 	C->z_rms = sqrt (ssz / C->npoints);
1269 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Normalize detrended data constraints by z rms = %g\n", C->z_rms);
1271 	if (C->z_rms < GMT_CONV8_LIMIT) {
1272 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "Input data lie exactly on a plane.\n");
1273 		C->r_z_rms = C->z_rms = 1.0;
1274 		return (1);	/* Flag to tell the main to just write out the plane */
1275 	}
1276 	else
1277 		C->r_z_rms = 1.0 / C->z_rms;
1279 	for (k = 0; k < C->npoints; k++) C->data[k].z *= (gmt_grdfloat)C->r_z_rms;
1281 	if (C->converge_limit == 0.0 || C->converge_mode == BY_PERCENT) {	/* Set default values for convergence criteria */
1282 		unsigned int ppm;
1283 		double limit = (C->converge_mode == BY_PERCENT) ? C->converge_limit : SURFACE_CONV_LIMIT;
1284 		ppm = urint (limit / 1.0e-6);
1285 		C->converge_limit = limit * C->z_rms; /* i.e., 100 ppm of L2 scale */
1286 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Select default convergence limit of %g (%u ppm of L2 scale)\n", C->converge_limit, ppm);
1287 	}
1288 	return (0);
1289 }
surface_suggest_sizes(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_GRID * G,unsigned int factors[],unsigned int n_columns,unsigned int n_rows,bool pixel)1291 GMT_LOCAL void surface_suggest_sizes (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_GRID *G, unsigned int factors[], unsigned int n_columns, unsigned int n_rows, bool pixel) {
1292 	/* Calls gmt_optimal_dim_for_surface to determine if there are
1293 	 * better choices for n_columns, n_rows that might speed up calculations
1294 	 * by having many more common factors.
1295 	 *
1296 	 * W. H. F. Smith, 26 Feb 1992.  */
1298 	unsigned int k;
1299 	unsigned int n_sug = 0;	/* Number of suggestions found */
1300 	struct GMT_SURFACE_SUGGESTION *sug = NULL;
1302 	n_sug = gmt_optimal_dim_for_surface (GMT, factors, n_columns, n_rows, &sug);
1304 	if (n_sug) {	/* We did find some suggestions, report them (up to the first 10 suggestions) */
1305 		char region[GMT_LEN128] = {""}, buffer[GMT_LEN128] = {""};
1306 		bool lat_bad = false;
1307 		unsigned int m, save_range = GMT->current.io.geo.range;
1308 		double w, e, s, n;
1309 		GMT->current.io.geo.range = GMT_IS_GIVEN_RANGE;		/* Override this setting explicitly */
1310 		for (k = 0; k < n_sug && k < 10; k++) {
1311 			m = sug[k].n_columns - (G->header->n_columns - 1);	/* Additional nodes needed in x to give more factors */
1312 			w = G->header->wesn[XLO] - (m/2)*G->header->inc[GMT_X];	/* Potential revised w/e extent */
1313 			e = G->header->wesn[XHI] + (m/2)*G->header->inc[GMT_X];
1314 			if (m%2) e += G->header->inc[GMT_X];
1315 			m = sug[k].n_rows - (G->header->n_rows - 1);	/* Additional nodes needed in y to give more factors */
1316 			s = G->header->wesn[YLO] - (m/2)*G->header->inc[GMT_Y];	/* Potential revised s/n extent */
1317 			n = G->header->wesn[YHI] + (m/2)*G->header->inc[GMT_Y];
1318 			if (!lat_bad && gmt_M_y_is_lat (GMT, GMT_IN) && (s < -90.0 || n > 90.0))
1319 				lat_bad = true;
1320 			if (m%2) n += G->header->inc[GMT_Y];
1321 			if (pixel) {	/* Since we already added 1/2 pixel we need to undo that here so the report matches original phase */
1322 				w -= G->header->inc[GMT_X] / 2.0;	e -= G->header->inc[GMT_X] / 2.0;
1323 				s -= G->header->inc[GMT_Y] / 2.0;	n -= G->header->inc[GMT_Y] / 2.0;
1324 			}
1325 			gmt_ascii_format_col (GMT, buffer, w, GMT_OUT, GMT_X);
1326 			sprintf (region, "-R%s/", buffer);
1327 			gmt_ascii_format_col (GMT, buffer, e, GMT_OUT, GMT_X);
1328 			strcat (region, buffer);	strcat (region, "/");
1329 			gmt_ascii_format_col (GMT, buffer, s, GMT_OUT, GMT_Y);
1330 			strcat (region, buffer);	strcat (region, "/");
1331 			gmt_ascii_format_col (GMT, buffer, n, GMT_OUT, GMT_Y);
1332 			strcat (region, buffer);
1333 			GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Hint: Choosing %s [n_columns = %d, n_rows = %d] might cut run time by a factor of %.8g\n",
1334 				region, sug[k].n_columns, sug[k].n_rows, sug[k].factor);
1335 		}
1336 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Hint: After completion you can recover the desired region via gmt grdcut\n");
1337 		if (lat_bad) {
1338 			GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Note: One or more of the suggested south/north bounds exceed the allowable range [-90/90]\n");
1339 			GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "A workaround is to use -fx to only consider x as geographic longitudes\n");
1340 		}
1341 		gmt_M_free (GMT, sug);
1342 		GMT->current.io.geo.range = save_range;
1343 	}
1344 	else
1345 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Cannot suggest any n_columns,n_rows better than your current -R -I settings.\n");
1346 	return;
1347 }
surface_init_parameters(struct SURFACE_INFO * C,struct SURFACE_CTRL * Ctrl)1349 GMT_LOCAL void surface_init_parameters (struct SURFACE_INFO *C, struct SURFACE_CTRL *Ctrl) {
1350 	/* Place program options into the surface struct.  This was done this way
1351 	 * since surface.c relied heavily on global variables which are a no-no
1352 	 * in GMT5.  The simplest solution was to collect all those variables into
1353 	 * a single structure and pass a pointer to that structure to functions.
1354 	 */
1355 	if (Ctrl->S.active) {	/* Gave a search radius; adjust if minutes or seconds where specified */
1356 		if (Ctrl->S.unit == 'm') Ctrl->S.radius /= 60.0;
1357 		if (Ctrl->S.unit == 's') Ctrl->S.radius /= 3600.0;
1358 	}
1359 	C->radius		= Ctrl->S.radius;
1360 	C->relax_new		= Ctrl->Z.value;
1361 	C->relax_old		= 1.0 - C->relax_new;
1362 	C->max_iterations	= Ctrl->N.value;
1363 	C->radius		= Ctrl->S.radius;
1364 	C->limit_file[LO]	= Ctrl->L.file[LO];
1365 	C->limit_file[HI]	= Ctrl->L.file[HI];
1366 	C->set_limit[LO]	= Ctrl->L.mode[LO];
1367 	C->set_limit[HI]	= Ctrl->L.mode[HI];
1368 	C->limit[LO]		= Ctrl->L.limit[LO];
1369 	C->limit[HI]		= Ctrl->L.limit[HI];
1370 	C->boundary_tension	= Ctrl->T.b_tension;
1371 	C->interior_tension	= Ctrl->T.i_tension;
1372 	C->alpha		= Ctrl->A.value;
1373 	C->converge_limit	= Ctrl->C.value;
1374 	C->converge_mode	= Ctrl->C.mode;
1375 	C->n_alloc		= GMT_INITIAL_MEM_ROW_ALLOC;
1376 	C->z_rms		= 1.0;
1377 	C->r_z_rms		= 1.0;
1378 	C->mode_type[0]		= 'I';	/* I means exclude data points when iterating */
1379 	C->mode_type[1]		= 'D';	/* D means include data points when iterating */
1380 	C->n_columns			= C->Grid->header->n_columns;
1381 	C->n_rows			= C->Grid->header->n_rows;
1382 	C->nxny			= C->Grid->header->nm;
1383 	C->mx			= C->Grid->header->mx;
1384 	C->my			= C->Grid->header->my;
1385 	C->mxmy			= C->Grid->header->size;
1386 	gmt_M_memcpy (C->p, p, 20, unsigned int);
1388 	gmt_M_memcpy (C->info.wesn, C->Grid->header->wesn, 4, double);
1389 }
surface_find_closest_point(double * x,double * y,double * z,uint64_t k,double x0,double y0,double half_dx,double half_dy,double * xx,double * yy,double * zz)1391 GMT_LOCAL double surface_find_closest_point (double *x, double *y, double *z, uint64_t k, double x0, double y0, double half_dx, double half_dy, double *xx, double *yy, double *zz) {
1392 	/* Find the point (xx,yy) on the line from (x[k-1],y[k-1]) to (x[k], y[k]) that is closest to (x0,y0).  If (xx,yy)
1393 	 * is outside the end of the line segment or outside the bin then we return r = DBL_MAX */
1394 	double dx, dy, a, r= DBL_MAX;	/* Initialize distance from (x0,y0) to nearest point (xx,yy) measured orthogonally onto break line */
1395 	uint64_t km1 = k - 1;
1396 	dx = x[k] - x[km1];	dy = y[k] - y[km1];
1397 	if (gmt_M_is_zero (dx)) {	/* Break line is vertical */
1398 		if ((y[k] <= y0 && y[km1] > y0) || (y[km1] <= y0 && y[k] > y0)) {	/* Nearest point is in same bin */
1399 			*xx = x[k];	*yy = y0;
1400 			r = fabs (*xx - x0);
1401 			*zz = z[km1] + (z[k] - z[km1]) * (*yy - y[km1]) / dy;
1402 		}
1403 	}
1404 	else if (gmt_M_is_zero (dy)) {	/* Break line is horizontal */
1405 		if ((x[k] <= x0 && x[km1] > x0) || (x[km1] <= x0 && x[k] > x0)) {	/* Nearest point in same bin */
1406 			*xx = x0;	*yy = y[k];
1407 			r = fabs (*yy - y0);
1408 			*zz = z[km1] + (z[k] - z[km1]) * (*xx - x[km1]) / dx;
1409 		}
1410 	}
1411 	else {	/* General case.  Nearest orthogonal point may or may not be in bin, in which case r > r_prev */
1412 		a = dy / dx;	/* Slope of line */
1413 		*xx = (y0 - y[km1] + a * x[km1] + x0 / a) / (a + 1.0/a);
1414 		*yy = a * (*xx - x[k]) + y[k];
1415 		if ((x[k] <= *xx && x[km1] > *xx) || (x[km1] <= *xx && x[k] > *xx)) {	/* Orthonormal point found between the end points of line */
1416 			if (fabs (*xx-x0) < half_dx && fabs (*yy-y0) < half_dy) {	/* Yes, within this bin */
1417 				r = hypot (*xx - x0, *yy - y0);
1418 				*zz = z[km1] + (z[k] - z[km1]) * (*xx - x[km1]) / dx;
1419 			}
1420 		}
1421 	}
1422 	return r;
1423 }
surface_interpolate_add_breakline(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct SURFACE_INFO * C,struct GMT_DATATABLE * T,char * file,bool fix_z,double z_level)1425 GMT_LOCAL void surface_interpolate_add_breakline (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct SURFACE_INFO *C, struct GMT_DATATABLE *T, char *file, bool fix_z, double z_level) {
1426 	int srow, scol;
1427 	uint64_t new_n = 0, n_int = 0, nb = 0;
1428 	uint64_t k = 0, n, kmax = 0, kmin = 0, row, seg, node_this, node_prev;
1429 	size_t n_alloc, n_alloc_b;
1430 	double dx, dy, dz, r, r_this, r_min, x0_prev, y0_prev, x0_this, y0_this;
1431 	double xx, yy, zz, half_dx, half_dy, zmin = DBL_MAX, zmax = -DBL_MAX;
1432 	double *xline = NULL, *yline = NULL, *zline = NULL;
1433 	double *x = NULL, *y = NULL, *z = NULL, *xb = NULL, *yb = NULL, *zb = NULL;
1434 	char fname1[GMT_LEN256] = {""}, fname2[GMT_LEN256] = {""};
1435 	FILE *fp1 = NULL, *fp2 = NULL;
1437 	if (file) {
1438 		sprintf (fname1, "%s.int",   file);
1439 		sprintf (fname2, "%s.final", file);
1440 		if ((fp1 = fopen (fname1, "w")) == NULL) {
1441 			GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Unable to create file %s\n", fname1);
1442 			return;
1443 		}
1444 		if ((fp2 = fopen (fname2, "w")) == NULL) {
1445 			GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Unable to create file %s\n", fname1);
1446 			fclose (fp1);
1447 			return;
1448 		}
1449 	}
1450 	/* Add constraints from breaklines */
1451 	/* Reduce breaklines to the nearest point per node of cells crossed */
1453 	n_alloc = n_alloc_b = GMT_INITIAL_MEM_ROW_ALLOC;
1454 	xb = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_alloc_b, double);
1455 	yb = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_alloc_b, double);
1456 	zb = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_alloc_b, double);
1458 	x = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_alloc, double);
1459 	y = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_alloc, double);
1460 	z = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_alloc, double);
1462 	half_dx = 0.5 * C->inc[GMT_X];	half_dy = 0.5 * C->inc[GMT_Y];
1463 	for (seg = 0; seg < T->n_segments; seg++) {
1464 		xline = T->segment[seg]->data[GMT_X];
1465 		yline = T->segment[seg]->data[GMT_Y];
1466 		if (!fix_z) zline = T->segment[seg]->data[GMT_Z];
1467 		/* 1. Interpolate the breakline to ensure there are points in every bin that it crosses */
1468 		if (file) fprintf (fp1, "> Segment %d\n", (int)seg);
1469 		for (row = k = 0, new_n = 1; row < T->segment[seg]->n_rows - 1; row++) {
1470 			dx = xline[row+1] - xline[row];
1471 			dy = yline[row+1] - yline[row];
1472 			if (!fix_z) dz = zline[row+1] - zline[row];
1473 			/* Given point spacing and grid spacing, how many points to interpolate? */
1474 			n_int = lrint (hypot (dx, dy) * MAX (C->r_inc[GMT_X], C->r_inc[GMT_Y])) + 1;
1475 			new_n += n_int;
1476 			if (n_alloc <= new_n) {
1477 				n_alloc += MAX (GMT_CHUNK, n_int);
1478 				x = gmt_M_memory (GMT, x, n_alloc, double);
1479 				y = gmt_M_memory (GMT, y, n_alloc, double);
1480 				z = gmt_M_memory (GMT, z, n_alloc, double);
1481 			}
1483 			dx /= n_int;
1484 			dy /= n_int;
1485 			if (!fix_z) dz /= n_int;
1486 			for (n = 0; n < n_int; k++, n++) {
1487 				x[k] = xline[row] + n * dx;
1488 				y[k] = yline[row] + n * dy;
1489 				z[k] = (fix_z) ? z_level : zline[row] + n * dz;
1490 				if (file) fprintf (fp1, "%g\t%g\t%g\n", x[k], y[k], z[k]);
1491 			}
1492 		}
1493 		x[k] = xline[row];	y[k] = yline[row];	z[k] = (fix_z) ? z_level : zline[row];
1494 		if (file) fprintf (fp1, "%g\t%g\t%g\n", x[k], y[k], z[k]);
1496 		/* 2. Go along the (x,y,z), k = 1:new_n line and find the closest point to each bin node */
1497 		if (file) fprintf (fp2, "> Segment %d\n", (int)seg);
1498 		scol = (int)x_to_col (x[0], C->Grid->header->wesn[XLO], C->r_inc[GMT_X]);
1499 		srow = (int)y_to_row (y[0], C->Grid->header->wesn[YLO], C->r_inc[GMT_Y], C->current_ny);
1500 		node_this = row_col_to_node (srow, scol, C->current_mx);				/* The bin we are in */
1501 		x0_this = col_to_x (scol, C->Grid->header->wesn[XLO], C->Grid->header->wesn[XHI], C->inc[GMT_X], C->current_nx);	/* Node center point */
1502 		y0_this = row_to_y (srow, C->Grid->header->wesn[YLO], C->Grid->header->wesn[YHI], C->inc[GMT_Y], C->current_ny);
1503 		r_min = hypot (x[0] - x0_this, y[0] - y0_this);	/* Distance from node center to start of breakline */
1504 		xb[nb] = x[0];	yb[nb] = y[0];	zb[nb] = z[0];	/* Add this as our "nearest" breakline point (so far) for this bin */
1505 		for (k = 1; k < new_n; k++) {
1506 			/* Reset what is the previous point */
1507 			node_prev = node_this;
1508 			x0_prev = x0_this;	y0_prev = y0_this;
1509 			scol = (int)x_to_col (x[k], C->Grid->header->wesn[XLO], C->r_inc[GMT_X]);
1510 			srow = (int)y_to_row (y[k], C->Grid->header->wesn[YLO], C->r_inc[GMT_Y], C->current_ny);
1511 			x0_this = col_to_x (scol, C->Grid->header->wesn[XLO], C->Grid->header->wesn[XHI], C->inc[GMT_X], C->current_nx);	/* Node center point */
1512 			y0_this = row_to_y (srow, C->Grid->header->wesn[YLO], C->Grid->header->wesn[YHI], C->inc[GMT_Y], C->current_ny);
1513 			node_this = row_col_to_node (srow, scol, C->current_mx);
1514 			r_this = hypot (x[k] - x0_this, y[k] - y0_this);
1515 			if (node_this == node_prev) {	/* Both points in same bin, see if 2nd point is closer */
1516 				if (r_this < r_min) {	/* This point is closer than previous point */
1517 					xb[nb] = x[k];	yb[nb] = y[k];	zb[nb] = z[k];
1518 					r_min = r_this;
1519 				}
1520 			}
1521 			/* Find point on line closest to prev bin center */
1522 			r = surface_find_closest_point (x, y, z, k, x0_prev, y0_prev, half_dx, half_dy, &xx, &yy, &zz);
1523 			if (r < r_min) {	/* Yes, closer than previous point */
1524 				xb[nb] = xx;	yb[nb] = yy;	zb[nb] = zz;
1525 				r_min = r;
1526 			}
1527 			if (node_this != node_prev) {	/* Find point on line closest to this bin center */
1528 				if (file) fprintf (fp2, "%g\t%g\t%g\n", xb[nb], yb[nb], zb[nb]);
1529 				nb++;	/* OK, moving on from this bin */
1530 				if (nb > n_alloc_b) {
1531 					n_alloc_b += GMT_CHUNK;
1532 					xb = gmt_M_memory (GMT, xb, n_alloc_b, double);
1533 					yb = gmt_M_memory (GMT, yb, n_alloc_b, double);
1534 					zb = gmt_M_memory (GMT, zb, n_alloc_b, double);
1535 				}
1536 				xb[nb] = x[k];	yb[nb] = y[k];	zb[nb] = z[k];
1537 				r_min = r_this;
1538 				r = surface_find_closest_point (x, y, z, k, x0_this, y0_this, half_dx, half_dy, &xx, &yy, &zz);
1539 				if (r < r_min) {	/* Yes, closer than previous point */
1540 					xb[nb] = xx;	yb[nb] = yy;	zb[nb] = zz;
1541 					r_min = r;
1542 				}
1543 			}
1544 		}
1545 		if (file) fprintf (fp2, "%g\t%g\t%g\n", xb[nb], yb[nb], zb[nb]);
1546 		nb++;
1547 	}
1548 	if (file) {
1549 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_DEBUG, "Reinterpolated breakline saved to file %s\n", fname1);
1550 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_DEBUG, "Final breakline constraints saved to file %s\n", fname2);
1551 		fclose (fp1);
1552 		fclose (fp2);
1553 	}
1555 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_DEBUG, "Found %d breakline points, reinterpolated to %d points, reduced to %d points\n", (int)T->n_records, (int)new_n, (int)nb);
1557 	/* Now append the interpolated breakline to the C data structure */
1559 	k = C->npoints;
1560 	C->data = gmt_M_memory (GMT, C->data, k+nb, struct SURFACE_DATA);
1561 	C->z_mean *= k;		/* It was already computed, reset it to the sum so we can add more and recalculate the mean */
1562 	if (C->set_limit[LO] == DATA)	/* Lower limit should equal minimum data found.  Start with what we have so far and change if we find lower values */
1563 		zmin = C->limit[LO];
1564 	if (C->set_limit[HI] == DATA)	/* Upper limit should equal maximum data found.  Start with what we have so far and change if we find higher values */
1565 		zmax = C->limit[HI];
1567 	for (n = 0; n < nb; n++) {
1569 		if (gmt_M_is_dnan (zb[n])) continue;
1571 		scol = (int)x_to_col (xb[n], C->Grid->header->wesn[XLO], C->r_inc[GMT_X]);
1572 		if (scol < 0 || scol >= C->current_nx) continue;
1573 		srow = (int)y_to_row (yb[n], C->Grid->header->wesn[YLO], C->r_inc[GMT_Y], C->current_ny);
1574 		if (srow < 0 || srow >= C->current_ny) continue;
1576 		C->data[k].index = row_col_to_index (srow, scol, C->current_nx);
1577 		C->data[k].x = (gmt_grdfloat)xb[n];
1578 		C->data[k].y = (gmt_grdfloat)yb[n];
1579 		C->data[k].z = (gmt_grdfloat)zb[n];
1580 		C->data[k].kind = SURFACE_BREAKLINE;	/* Mark as breakline constraint */
1581 		if (zmin > zb[n]) zmin = z[n], kmin = k;
1582 		if (zmax < zb[n]) zmax = z[n], kmax = k;
1583 		k++;
1584 		C->z_mean += zb[n];
1585 	}
1587 	if (k != (C->npoints + nb))		/* We had some NaNs */
1588 		C->data = gmt_M_memory (GMT, C->data, k, struct SURFACE_DATA);
1590 	C->npoints = k;
1591 	C->z_mean /= k;
1593 	if (C->set_limit[LO] == DATA)	/* Update our lower data-driven limit to the new minimum found */
1594 		C->limit[LO] = C->data[kmin].z;
1595 	if (C->set_limit[HI] == DATA)	/* Update our upper data-driven limit to the new maximum found */
1596 		C->limit[HI] = C->data[kmax].z;
1598 	gmt_M_free (GMT, x);
1599 	gmt_M_free (GMT, y);
1600 	gmt_M_free (GMT, z);
1601 	gmt_M_free (GMT, xb);
1602 	gmt_M_free (GMT, yb);
1603 	gmt_M_free (GMT, zb);
1604 }
New_Ctrl(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT)1606 static void *New_Ctrl (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT) {	/* Allocate and initialize a new control structure */
1607 	struct SURFACE_CTRL *C;
1609 	C = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, 1, struct SURFACE_CTRL);
1611 	/* Initialize values whose defaults are not 0/false/NULL */
1613 	C->A.value = 1.0;	/* Real xinc == yinc in terms of distances */
1614 	C->W.file = strdup ("surface_log.txt");
1617 	return (C);
1618 }
Free_Ctrl(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct SURFACE_CTRL * C)1620 static void Free_Ctrl (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct SURFACE_CTRL *C) {	/* Deallocate control structure */
1621 	if (!C) return;
1622 	gmt_M_str_free (C->G.file);
1623 	if (C->D.file) gmt_M_str_free (C->D.file);
1624 	if (C->L.file[LO]) gmt_M_str_free (C->L.file[LO]);
1625 	if (C->L.file[HI]) gmt_M_str_free (C->L.file[HI]);
1626 	if (C->M.arg) gmt_M_str_free (C->M.arg);
1627 	if (C->W.file) gmt_M_str_free (C->W.file);
1628 	gmt_M_free (GMT, C);
1629 }
usage(struct GMTAPI_CTRL * API,int level)1631 static int usage (struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API, int level) {
1632 	unsigned int ppm;
1633 	const char *name = gmt_show_name_and_purpose (API, THIS_MODULE_LIB, THIS_MODULE_CLASSIC_NAME, THIS_MODULE_PURPOSE);
1634 	if (level == GMT_MODULE_PURPOSE) return (GMT_NOERROR);
1635 	GMT_Usage (API, 0, "usage: %s [<table>] -G%s %s %s [-A<aspect_ratio>|m] [-C<convergence_limit>] "
1636 		"[-D<breakline>[+z[<zlevel>]]] [%s] [-Ll|u<limit>] [-M<radius>] [-N<n_iterations>] [-Q] "
1637 		"[-S<search_radius>[m|s]] [-T[b|i]<tension>] [%s] [-W[<logfile>]] [-Z<over_relaxation>] "
1638 		"[%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s [%s] [%s] [%s] %s[%s] [%s]\n",
1640 		GMT_h_OPT, GMT_i_OPT, GMT_qi_OPT, GMT_r_OPT, GMT_w_OPT, GMT_x_OPT, GMT_colon_OPT, GMT_PAR_OPT);
1642 	if (level == GMT_SYNOPSIS) return (GMT_MODULE_SYNOPSIS);
1643 	ppm = urint (SURFACE_CONV_LIMIT / 1e-6);	/* Default convergence criteria */
1646 	GMT_Option (API, "<");
1647 	gmt_outgrid_syntax (API, 'G', "Sets name of the output grid file");
1648 	GMT_Option (API, "I,R");
1650 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-A<aspect_ratio>|m");
1651 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Set <aspect-ratio> [Default = 1 gives an isotropic solution], "
1652 		"i.e., <xinc> and <yinc> are assumed to give derivatives of equal weight; if not, specify "
1653 		"<aspect_ratio> such that <yinc> = <xinc> / <aspect_ratio>. "
1654 		"If gridding lon,lat use -Am to set <aspect_ratio> = cosine(middle of lat range).");
1655 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-C<convergence_limit>");
1656 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Set final convergence limit; iteration stops when max |change| < <convergence_limit>. "
1657 		"Default will choose %g of the rms of your z data after removing L2 plane (%u ppm precision). "
1658 		"Enter your own convergence limit in the same units as your z data.", SURFACE_CONV_LIMIT, ppm);
1659 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-D<breakline>[+z[<zlevel>]]");
1660 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Use xyz data in the <breakline> file as a 'soft breakline'. Optional modifier:");
1661 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "+z Override any z from the <breakline> file with the appended <z_level> [0].");
1662 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n%s", GMT_J_OPT);
1663 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Select the data map projection. This projection is only used to add a CRS info to the "
1664 		"grid formats that support it, i.e., netCDF, GeoTIFF, and others supported by GDAL.");
1665 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-Ll|u<limit>");
1666 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Constrain the range of output values; append directive and value, repeatable:");
1667 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "l: Set lower limit; forces solution to be >= <limit>.");
1668 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "u: Set upper limit; forces solution to be <= <limit>.");
1669 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Note: <limit> can be any number, or the letter d for min (or max) input data value, "
1670 		"or the filename of a grid with bounding values [Default solution is unconstrained]. "
1671 		"Example: -Ll0 enforces a non-negative solution.");
1672 	gmt_dist_syntax (API->GMT, "M<radius>", "Set maximum radius for masking the grid away from data points [no masking].");
1673 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "For Cartesian grids with different x and y units you may append <xlim>/<ylim>; "
1674 		"this fills all nodes within the rectangular area of the given half-widths. "
1675 		"One can also achieve the rectangular selection effect by using the -M<n_cells>c "
1676 		"form. Here <n_cells> means the number of cells around the data point. As an example, "
1677 		"-M0c means that only the cell where the point lies is retained, -M1c keeps one cell "
1678 		"beyond that (i.e. makes a 3x3 neighborhood), and so on.");
1679 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-N<n_iterations>");
1680 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Set maximum number of iterations in the final cycle; default = %d.", SURFACE_MAX_ITERATIONS);
1681 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-S<search_radius>[m|s]");
1682 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Set <search_radius> to initialize grid; default = 0 will skip this step. "
1683 		"This step is slow and not needed unless grid dimensions are pathological; "
1684 		"i.e., have few or no common factors. "
1685 		"Append m or s to give <search_radius> in minutes or seconds.");
1686 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-T[b|i]<tension>");
1687 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Add tension to the gridding equation; use a value between 0 and 1. "
1688 		"Default = 0 gives minimum curvature (smoothest; bicubic) solution. "
1689 		"1 gives a harmonic spline solution (local max/min occur only at data points). "
1690 		"Typically, 0.25 or more is good for potential field (smooth) data; "
1691 		"0.5-0.75 or so for topography.  We encourage you to experiment. Optional directives:");
1692 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "b: Set tension in boundary conditions only.");
1693 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "i: Set tension in interior equations only.n");
1694 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Note: Without a directive we set tension for both to same value.");
1695 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-Q Query for grid sizes that might run faster than your selected -R -I, then exit.");
1696 	GMT_Option (API, "V");
1697 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-W[<logfile>]");
1698 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Write convergence information to a log file [surface_log.txt].");
1699 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-Z<over_relaxation>");
1700 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Change over-relaxation parameter [Default = %g]. Use a value "
1701 		"between 1 and 2. Larger number accelerates convergence but can be unstable. "
1702 		"Use 1 if you want to be sure to have (slow) stable convergence.", SURFACE_OVERRELAXATION);
1703 	GMT_Option (API, "a,bi3,di,e,f,h,i,qi,r,w,x,:,.");
1704 	if (gmt_M_showusage (API)) GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Note: Geographic data with 360-degree range use periodic boundary condition in longitude. "
1705 		"For additional details, see Smith & Wessel, Geophysics, 55, 293-305, 1990.");
1707 	return (GMT_MODULE_USAGE);
1708 }
parse(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct SURFACE_CTRL * Ctrl,struct GMT_OPTION * options)1710 static int parse (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct SURFACE_CTRL *Ctrl, struct GMT_OPTION *options) {
1711 	/* Parse the options provided and set parameters in CTRL structure.
1712 	 * Any GMT common options will override values set previously by other commands.
1713 	 * It also replaces any file names specified as input or output with the data ID
1714 	 * returned when registering these sources/destinations with the API.
1715 	 */
1717 	unsigned int n_errors = 0, k, end;
1718 	char modifier, *c = NULL, *d = NULL;
1719 	struct GMT_OPTION *opt = NULL;
1720 	struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API = GMT->parent;
1722 	for (opt = options; opt; opt = opt->next) {
1723 		switch (opt->option) {
1725 			case '<':	/* Skip input files */
1726 				if (GMT_Get_FilePath (API, GMT_IS_DATASET, GMT_IN, GMT_FILE_REMOTE, &(opt->arg))) n_errors++;;
1727 				break;
1729 			/* Processes program-specific parameters */
1731 			case 'A':
1732 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->A.active);
1733 				Ctrl->A.active = true;
1734 				if (opt->arg[0] == 'm')
1735 					Ctrl->A.mode = 1;
1736 				else
1737 					Ctrl->A.value = atof (opt->arg);
1738 				break;
1739 			case 'C':
1740 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->C.active);
1741 				Ctrl->C.active = true;
1742 				Ctrl->C.value = atof (opt->arg);
1743 				if (strchr (opt->arg, '%')) {	/* Gave convergence in percent */
1744 					Ctrl->C.mode = BY_PERCENT;
1745 					Ctrl->C.value *= 0.01;
1746 				}
1747 				break;
1748 			case 'D':
1749 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->D.active);
1750 				if ((d = strstr (opt->arg, "+d"))) {
1751 					d[0] = '\0';	/* Temporarily chop off +d part */
1752 					Ctrl->D.debug = true;
1753 				}
1754 				if ((c = strstr (opt->arg, "+z"))) {
1755 					c[0] = '\0';	/* Temporarily chop off +z part */
1756 					if (c[2]) Ctrl->D.z = atof (&c[2]);	/* Get the constant z-value [0] */
1757 					Ctrl->D.fix_z = true;
1758 				}
1759 				Ctrl->D.active = true;
1760 				if (opt->arg[0]) Ctrl->D.file = strdup (opt->arg);
1761 				if (GMT_Get_FilePath (API, GMT_IS_DATASET, GMT_IN, GMT_FILE_REMOTE, &(Ctrl->D.file))) n_errors++;
1762 				if (c) c[0] = '+';	/* Restore original string */
1763 				if (d) d[0] = '+';	/* Restore original string */
1764 				break;
1765 			case 'G':
1766 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->G.active);
1767 				Ctrl->G.active = true;
1768 				if (opt->arg[0]) Ctrl->G.file = strdup (opt->arg);
1769 				if (GMT_Get_FilePath (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_OUT, GMT_FILE_LOCAL, &(Ctrl->G.file))) n_errors++;
1770 				break;
1771 			case 'I':
1772 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->I.active);
1773 				Ctrl->I.active = true;
1774 				n_errors += gmt_parse_inc_option (GMT, 'I', opt->arg);
1775 				break;
1776 			case 'J':			/* We have this gal here be cause it needs to be processed separately (after -R) */
1777 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->J.active);
1778 				Ctrl->J.active = true;
1779 				Ctrl->J.projstring = strdup(opt->arg);
1780 				break;
1781 			case 'L':	/* Set limits */
1782 				switch (opt->arg[0]) {
1783 					case 'l': case 'u':	/* Lower or upper limits  */
1784 						end = (opt->arg[0] == 'l') ? LO : HI;	/* Which one it is */
1785 						n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->L.active[end]);
1786 						Ctrl->L.active[end] = true;
1787 						n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, opt->arg[1] == 0, "Option -L%c: No argument given\n", opt->arg[0]);
1788 						Ctrl->L.file[end] = strdup (&opt->arg[1]);
1789 						if (!gmt_access (GMT, Ctrl->L.file[end], F_OK))	/* File exists */
1790 							Ctrl->L.mode[end] = SURFACE;
1791 						else if (Ctrl->L.file[end][0] == 'd')		/* Use data minimum */
1792 							Ctrl->L.mode[end] = DATA;
1793 						else {
1794 							Ctrl->L.mode[end] = VALUE;		/* Use given value */
1795 							Ctrl->L.limit[end] = atof (&opt->arg[1]);
1796 						}
1797 						break;
1798 					default:
1799 						n_errors++;
1800 						break;
1801 				}
1802 				break;
1803 			case 'M':
1804 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->M.active);
1805 				Ctrl->M.active = true;
1806 				Ctrl->M.arg = strdup (opt->arg);
1807 				break;
1808 			case 'N':
1809 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->N.active);
1810 				Ctrl->N.active = true;
1811 				Ctrl->N.value = atoi (opt->arg);
1812 				break;
1813 			case 'Q':
1814 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->Q.active);
1815 				Ctrl->Q.active = true;
1816 				break;
1817 			case 'S':
1818 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->S.active);
1819 				Ctrl->S.active = true;
1820 				Ctrl->S.radius = atof (opt->arg);
1821 				Ctrl->S.unit = opt->arg[strlen(opt->arg)-1];
1822 				if (Ctrl->S.unit == 'c' && gmt_M_compat_check (GMT, 4)) {
1823 					GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_COMPAT, "Unit c for seconds is deprecated; use s instead.\n");
1824 					Ctrl->S.unit = 's';
1825 				}
1826 				if (!strchr ("sm ", Ctrl->S.unit)) {
1827 					GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Option -S: Unrecognized unit %c\n", Ctrl->S.unit);
1828 					n_errors++;
1829 				}
1830 				break;
1831 			case 'T':
1832 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->T.active);
1833 				Ctrl->T.active = true;
1834 				k = 0;
1835 				if (gmt_M_compat_check (GMT, 4)) {	/* GMT4 syntax allowed for upper case */
1836 					modifier = opt->arg[strlen(opt->arg)-1];
1837 					if (modifier == 'B') modifier = 'b';
1838 					else if (modifier == 'I') modifier = 'i';
1839 					if (!(modifier == 'b' || modifier == 'i'))
1840 						modifier = opt->arg[0], k = 1;
1841 				}
1842 				else {
1843 					modifier = opt->arg[0];
1844 					k = 1;
1845 				}
1846 				if (modifier == 'b') {
1847 					Ctrl->T.b_tension = atof (&opt->arg[k]);
1848 				}
1849 				else if (modifier == 'i') {
1850 					Ctrl->T.i_tension = atof (&opt->arg[k]);
1851 				}
1852 				else if (modifier == '.' || (modifier >= '0' && modifier <= '9')) {
1853 					Ctrl->T.i_tension = Ctrl->T.b_tension = atof (opt->arg);
1854 				}
1855 				else {
1856 					GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Option -T: Unrecognized modifier %c\n", modifier);
1857 					n_errors++;
1858 				}
1859 				break;
1860 			case 'W':
1861 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->W.active);
1862 				Ctrl->W.active = true;
1863 				if (opt->arg[0]) {	/* Specified named log file */
1864 					gmt_M_str_free (Ctrl->W.file);
1865 					Ctrl->W.file = strdup (opt->arg);
1866 				}
1867 				break;
1868 			case 'Z':
1869 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->Z.active);
1870 				Ctrl->Z.active = true;
1871 				Ctrl->Z.value = atof (opt->arg);
1872 				break;
1874 			default:	/* Report bad options */
1875 				n_errors += gmt_default_error (GMT, opt->option);
1876 				break;
1877 		}
1878 	}
1880 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, !GMT->common.R.active[RSET], "Must specify -R option\n");
1881 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, GMT->common.R.inc[GMT_X] <= 0.0 || GMT->common.R.inc[GMT_Y] <= 0.0,
1882 	                                   "Option -I: Must specify positive increment(s)\n");
1883 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->N.value < 1, "Option -N: Max iterations must be nonzero\n");
1884 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->Z.value < 0.0 || Ctrl->Z.value > 2.0,
1885 	                                   "Option -Z: Relaxation value must be 1 <= z <= 2\n");
1886 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, !Ctrl->G.file && !Ctrl->Q.active, "Option -G: Must specify output grid file\n");
1887 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->A.mode && gmt_M_is_cartesian (GMT, GMT_IN),
1888 	                                   "Option -Am: Requires geographic input data\n");
1889 	n_errors += gmt_check_binary_io (GMT, 3);
1891 	return (n_errors ? GMT_PARSE_ERROR : GMT_NOERROR);
1892 }
1894 #define bailout(code) {gmt_M_free_options (mode); return (code);}
1895 #define Return(code) {Free_Ctrl (GMT, Ctrl); gmt_end_module (GMT, GMT_cpy); bailout (code);}
GMT_surface(void * V_API,int mode,void * args)1897 EXTERN_MSC int GMT_surface (void *V_API, int mode, void *args) {
1898 	int error = 0, key, one = 1, end;
1899 	unsigned int old_verbose;
1900 	char *limit[2] = {"lower", "upper"};
1901 	double wesn[6];
1903 	struct SURFACE_INFO C;
1904 	struct SURFACE_CTRL *Ctrl = NULL;
1905 	struct GMT_CTRL *GMT = NULL, *GMT_cpy = NULL;
1906 	struct GMT_OPTION *options = NULL;
1907 	struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API = gmt_get_api_ptr (V_API);	/* Cast from void to GMTAPI_CTRL pointer */
1909 	/*----------------------- Standard module initialization and parsing ----------------------*/
1911 	if (API == NULL) return (GMT_NOT_A_SESSION);
1912 	if (mode == GMT_MODULE_PURPOSE) return (usage (API, GMT_MODULE_PURPOSE));	/* Return the purpose of program */
1913 	options = GMT_Create_Options (API, mode, args);	if (API->error) return (API->error);	/* Set or get option list */
1915 	if ((error = gmt_report_usage (API, options, 0, usage)) != GMT_NOERROR) bailout (error);	/* Give usage if requested */
1917 	/* Parse the command-line arguments */
1919 	if ((GMT = gmt_init_module (API, THIS_MODULE_LIB, THIS_MODULE_CLASSIC_NAME, THIS_MODULE_KEYS, THIS_MODULE_NEEDS, NULL, &options, &GMT_cpy)) == NULL) bailout (API->error); /* Save current state */
1920 	if (GMT_Parse_Common (API, THIS_MODULE_OPTIONS, options)) Return (API->error);
1921 	Ctrl = New_Ctrl (GMT);	/* Allocate and initialize a new control structure */
1922 	if ((error = parse (GMT, Ctrl, options)) != 0) Return (error);
1924 	/*---------------------------- This is the surface main code ----------------------------*/
1926 	gmt_M_tic(GMT);
1927 	old_verbose = GMT->current.setting.verbose;
1929 	gmt_enable_threads (GMT);	/* Set number of active threads, if supported */
1930 	/* Some initializations and defaults setting */
1931 	gmt_M_memset (&C, 1, struct SURFACE_INFO);
1933 	gmt_M_memcpy (C.wesn_orig, GMT->common.R.wesn, 4, double);	/* Save original region in case user specified -r */
1934 	gmt_M_memcpy (wesn, GMT->common.R.wesn, 4, double);		/* Save specified region */
1935 	C.periodic = (gmt_M_x_is_lon (GMT, GMT_IN) && gmt_M_360_range (wesn[XLO], wesn[XHI]));
1936 	if (C.periodic && gmt_M_180_range (wesn[YLO], wesn[YHI])) {
1937 		/* Trying to grid global geographic data - this is not something surface can do */
1938 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "You are attempting to grid a global geographic data set, but surface cannot handle poles.\n");
1939 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "It will do its best but it remains a Cartesian calculation which affects nodes near the poles.\n");
1940 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Because the grid is flaggged as geographic, the (repeated) pole values will be averaged upon writing to file.\n");
1941 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "This may introduce a jump at either pole which will distort the grid near the poles.\n");
1942 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Consider spherical gridding instead with greenspline or sphinterpolate.\n");
1943 	}
1944 	if (GMT->common.R.registration == GMT_GRID_PIXEL_REG) {		/* Pixel registration request. Use the trick of offsetting area by x_inc(y_inc) / 2 */
1945 		/* Note that the grid remains node-registered and only gets tagged as pixel-registered upon writing the final grid to file */
1946 		wesn[XLO] += GMT->common.R.inc[GMT_X] / 2.0;	wesn[XHI] += GMT->common.R.inc[GMT_X] / 2.0;
1947 		wesn[YLO] += GMT->common.R.inc[GMT_Y] / 2.0;	wesn[YHI] += GMT->common.R.inc[GMT_Y] / 2.0;
1948 		/* n_columns,n_rows remain the same for now but nodes are in "pixel" position.  We reset to original wesn and reduce n_columns,n_rows by 1 when we write result */
1949 	}
1950 	if (Ctrl->A.mode) Ctrl->A.value = cosd (0.5 * (wesn[YLO] + wesn[YHI]));	/* Set cos of middle latitude as aspect ratio */
1953 	                               GMT_GRID_NODE_REG, GMT_NOTSET, NULL)) == NULL) Return (API->error);
1955 	if (C.Grid->header->n_columns < 4 || C.Grid->header->n_rows < 4) {
1956 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Grid must have at least 4 nodes in each direction (you have %d by %d) - abort.\n", C.Grid->header->n_columns, C.Grid->header->n_rows);
1957 		Return (GMT_RUNTIME_ERROR);
1958 	}
1960 	surface_init_parameters (&C, Ctrl);	/* Pass parameters from parsing control to surface information structure C */
1962 	/* Determine the initial and intermediate grid dimensions */
1963 	C.current_stride = gmt_gcd_euclid (C.n_columns-1, C.n_rows-1);
1965 	if (Ctrl->Q.active && old_verbose < GMT_MSG_INFORMATION)	/* Temporarily escalate verbosity to INFORMATION */
1966 		GMT->current.setting.verbose = GMT_MSG_INFORMATION;
1967 	if (gmt_M_is_verbose (GMT, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION) || Ctrl->Q.active) {
1968 		sprintf (C.format, "Grid domain: W: %s E: %s S: %s N: %s n_columns: %%d n_rows: %%d [", GMT->current.setting.format_float_out, GMT->current.setting.format_float_out, GMT->current.setting.format_float_out, GMT->current.setting.format_float_out);
1969 		(GMT->common.R.registration == GMT_GRID_PIXEL_REG) ? strcat (C.format, "pixel registration]\n") : strcat (C.format, "gridline registration]\n");
1970 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, C.format, C.wesn_orig[XLO], C.wesn_orig[XHI], C.wesn_orig[YLO], C.wesn_orig[YHI], C.n_columns-one, C.n_rows-one);
1971 	}
1972 	if (C.current_stride == 1) GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "Your grid dimensions are mutually prime.  Convergence is very unlikely.\n");
1973 	if ((C.current_stride == 1 && gmt_M_is_verbose (GMT, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION)) || Ctrl->Q.active) surface_suggest_sizes (GMT, C.Grid, C.factors, C.n_columns-1, C.n_rows-1, GMT->common.R.registration == GMT_GRID_PIXEL_REG);
1974 	if (Ctrl->Q.active) {	/* Reset verbosity and bail */
1975 		GMT->current.setting.verbose = old_verbose;
1976 		Return (GMT_NOERROR);
1977 	}
1979 	/* Set current_stride = 1, read data, setting indices.  Then throw
1980 	   away data that can't be used in the end game, limiting the
1981 	   size of data arrays and Briggs->b[6] structure/array.  */
1983 	C.current_stride = 1;
1984 	surface_set_grid_parameters (&C);
1985 	if (surface_read_data (GMT, &C, options))
1986 		Return (GMT_RUNTIME_ERROR);
1987 	if (Ctrl->D.active) {	/* Append breakline dataset */
1988 		struct GMT_DATASET *Lin = NULL;
1989 		char *file = (Ctrl->D.debug) ? Ctrl->D.file : NULL;
1990 		if (Ctrl->D.fix_z) {	/* Either provide a fixed z value or override whatever input file may supply with this value */
1991 			//GMT->common.b.ncol[GMT_IN] = 0;	/* So Set_Columns will work */
1992 			if ((error = GMT_Set_Columns (GMT->parent, GMT_IN, 2, GMT_COL_FIX_NO_TEXT)) != GMT_NOERROR)	/* Only read 2 columns */
1993 				Return (GMT_RUNTIME_ERROR);
1994 		}
1995 		if ((Lin = GMT_Read_Data (API, GMT_IS_DATASET, GMT_IS_FILE, GMT_IS_LINE, GMT_READ_NORMAL, NULL, Ctrl->D.file, NULL)) == NULL)
1996 			Return (API->error);
1997 		if (Lin->n_columns < 2) {
1998 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Input file %s has %d column(s) but at least 2 are needed\n", Ctrl->D.file, (int)Lin->n_columns);
1999 			Return (GMT_DIM_TOO_SMALL);
2000 		}
2001 		surface_interpolate_add_breakline (GMT, &C, Lin->table[0], file, Ctrl->D.fix_z, Ctrl->D.z);	/* Pass the single table since we read a single file */
2002 	}
2004 	surface_throw_away_unusables (GMT, &C);		/* Eliminate data points that will not serve as constraints */
2005 	surface_remove_planar_trend (GMT, &C);		/* Fit best-fitting plane and remove it from the data; plane will be restored at the end */
2006 	key = surface_rescale_z_values (GMT, &C);	/* Divide residual data by their rms value */
2008 	if (GMT_Set_Comment (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_COMMENT_IS_OPTION | GMT_COMMENT_IS_COMMAND, options, C.Grid) != GMT_NOERROR) Return (API->error);
2009 	if (key == 1) {	/* Data lie exactly on a plane; write a grid with the plan and exit */
2010 		gmt_M_free (GMT, C.data);	/* The data set is no longer needed */
2012 		                     0, 0, C.Grid) == NULL) Return (API->error);	/* Get a grid of zeros... */
2013 		surface_restore_planar_trend (&C);	/* ...and restore the plane we found */
2014 		if ((error = surface_write_grid (GMT, &C, Ctrl->G.file)) != 0)	/* Write this grid */
2015 			Return (error);
2016 		Return (GMT_NOERROR);	/* Clean up and return */
2017 	}
2019 	surface_load_constraints (GMT, &C, true);	/* Set lower and upper constraint grids, if requested */
2021 	/* Set up factors and reset current_stride to its initial (and largest) value  */
2023 	C.current_stride = gmt_gcd_euclid (C.n_columns-1, C.n_rows-1);
2024 	C.n_factors = gmt_get_prime_factors (GMT, C.current_stride, C.factors);
2025 	surface_set_grid_parameters (&C);
2026 	while (C.current_nx < 4 || C.current_ny < 4) {	/* Must have at least a grid of 4x4 */
2027 		surface_smart_divide (&C);
2028 		surface_set_grid_parameters (&C);
2029 	}
2030 	surface_set_offset (&C);	/* Initialize the node-jumps across rows for this grid size */
2031 	surface_set_index (GMT, &C);	/* Determine the nearest data constraint for this grid size */
2033 	if (Ctrl->W.active) {	/* Want to log convergence information to file */
2034 		if ((C.fp_log = gmt_fopen (GMT, Ctrl->W.file, "w")) == NULL) {
2035 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Unable to create log file %s.\n", Ctrl->W.file);
2036 			Return (GMT_ERROR_ON_FOPEN);
2037 		}
2038 		C.logging = true;
2039 		fprintf (C.fp_log, "#grid\tmode\tgrid_iteration\tchange\tlimit\ttotal_iteration\n");
2040 	}
2042 	/* Now the data are ready to go for the first iteration.  */
2044 	if (gmt_M_is_verbose (GMT, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION)) {	/* Report on memory usage for this run */
2045 		size_t mem_use, mem_total;
2046 		mem_use = mem_total = C.npoints * sizeof (struct SURFACE_DATA);
2047 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "------------------------------------------\n");
2048 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "%-31s: %9s\n", "Memory for data array", gmt_memory_use (mem_use, 1));
2049 		mem_use = sizeof (struct GMT_GRID) + C.mxmy * sizeof (gmt_grdfloat);	mem_total += mem_use;
2050 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "%-31s: %9s\n", "Memory for final grid", gmt_memory_use (mem_use, 1));
2051 		for (end = LO; end <= HI; end++) if (C.set_limit[end]) {	/* Will need to keep a lower|upper surface constrain grid */
2052 			mem_total += mem_use;
2053 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "%-31s: %9s\n", "Memory for constraint grid", gmt_memory_use (mem_use, 1));
2054 		}
2055 		mem_use = C.npoints * sizeof (struct SURFACE_BRIGGS) ;	mem_total += mem_use;
2056 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "%-31s: %9s\n", "Memory for Briggs coefficients", gmt_memory_use (mem_use, 1));
2057 		mem_use = C.mxmy;	mem_total += mem_use;
2058 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "%-31s: %9s\n", "Memory for node status", gmt_memory_use (mem_use, 1));
2059 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "------------------------------------------\n");
2060 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "%-31s: %9s\n", "Total memory use", gmt_memory_use (mem_total, 1));
2061 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "==========================================\n");
2062 	}
2064 	/* Allocate the memory needed to perform the gridding  */
2066 	C.Briggs   = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, C.npoints, struct SURFACE_BRIGGS);
2067 	C.status   = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, C.mxmy, char);
2068 	C.fraction = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, C.current_stride, double);
2069 	if (GMT_Create_Data (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IS_SURFACE, GMT_DATA_ONLY, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, C.Grid) == NULL)
2070 		Return (API->error);
2071 	if (C.radius > 0) surface_initialize_grid (GMT, &C); /* Fill in nodes with a weighted average in a search radius  */
2072 	GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Grid\tMode\tIteration\tMax Change\tConv Limit\tTotal Iterations\n");
2074 	surface_set_coefficients (GMT, &C);	/* Initialize the coefficients needed in the finite-difference expressions */
2076 	/* Here is the main multigrid loop, were we first grid using a coarse grid and the
2077 	 * progressively refine the grid until we reach the final configuration. */
2079 	C.previous_stride = C.current_stride;
2080 	surface_find_nearest_constraint (GMT, &C);		/* Assign nearest data value to nodes and evaluate Briggs coefficients */
2081 	surface_iterate (GMT, &C, GRID_DATA);			/* Grid the data using the data constraints */
2083 	while (C.current_stride > 1) {	/* More intermediate grids remain, go to next */
2084 		surface_smart_divide (&C);			/* Set the new current_stride */
2085 		surface_set_grid_parameters (&C);		/* Update node book-keeping constants */
2086 		surface_set_offset (&C);			/* Reset the node-jumps across rows for this grid size */
2087 		surface_set_index (GMT, &C);			/* Recompute the index values for the nearest data points */
2088 		fill_in_forecast (GMT, &C);		/* Expand the grid and fill it via bilinear interpolation */
2089 		surface_iterate (GMT, &C, GRID_NODES);		/* Grid again but only to improve on the bilinear guesses */
2090 		surface_find_nearest_constraint (GMT, &C);	/* Assign nearest data value to nodes and evaluate Briggs coefficients */
2091 		surface_iterate (GMT, &C, GRID_DATA);		/* Grid the data but now use the data constraints */
2092 		C.previous_stride = C.current_stride;	/* Remember previous stride before we smart-divide again */
2093 	}
2095 	if (gmt_M_is_verbose (GMT, GMT_MSG_WARNING)) surface_check_errors (GMT, &C);	/* Report on mean misfit and curvature */
2097 	surface_restore_planar_trend (&C);	/* Restore the least-square plane we removed earlier */
2099 	if (Ctrl->W.active)	/* Close the log file */
2100 		gmt_fclose (GMT, C.fp_log);
2102 	/* Clean up after ourselves */
2104 	gmt_M_free (GMT, C.Briggs);
2105 	gmt_M_free (GMT, C.status);
2106 	gmt_M_free (GMT, C.fraction);
2107 	for (end = LO; end <= HI; end++) if (C.set_limit[end]) {	/* Free lower|upper surface constrain grids */
2108 		if (GMT_Destroy_Data (API, &C.Bound[end]) != GMT_NOERROR)
2109 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Failed to free grid with %s bounds\n", limit[end]);
2110 	}
2112 	if (Ctrl->M.active) {	/* Want to mask the grid first */
2113 		char input[GMT_VF_LEN] = {""}, mask[GMT_VF_LEN] = {""}, cmd[GMT_LEN256] = {""};
2114 		static char *V_level = GMT_VERBOSE_CODES;
2115 		struct GMT_GRID *Gmask = NULL;
2116 		struct GMT_VECTOR *V = NULL;
2117 		double *data[2] = {NULL, NULL};
2118 		uint64_t row, col, ij, dim[3] = {2, C.npoints, GMT_DOUBLE};		/* ncols, nrows, type */
2120 		if ((V = GMT_Create_Data (API, GMT_IS_VECTOR, GMT_IS_POINT, GMT_CONTAINER_ONLY, dim, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL)) == NULL) {
2121 			Return (API->error);
2122 		}
2123 		for (col = 0; col < 2; col++)
2124 			data[col] = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, C.npoints, double);
2125 		for (ij = 0; ij < C.npoints; ij++) {
2126 			data[GMT_X][ij] = C.data[ij].x;
2127 			data[GMT_Y][ij] = C.data[ij].y;
2128 		}
2129 		gmt_M_free (GMT, C.data);
2130 		GMT_Put_Vector (API, V, GMT_X, GMT_DOUBLE, data[GMT_X]);
2131 		GMT_Put_Vector (API, V, GMT_Y, GMT_DOUBLE, data[GMT_Y]);
2132 		/* Create a virtual file for reading the input data grid */
2134 			Return (API->error);
2135 		}
2136 		/* Create a virtual file to hold the mask grid */
2138 			Return (API->error);
2139 		}
2140 		gmt_disable_bghio_opts (GMT);	/* Do not want any -b -g -h -i -o to affect the reading input file in grdmask */
2141 		/* Hardwire -rg since internally, all grids are gridline registered (until output at least) */
2142 		sprintf (cmd, "%s -G%s -R%g/%g/%g/%g -I%g/%g -NNaN/1/1 -S%s -V%c -rg --GMT_HISTORY=readonly",
2143 		         input, mask, wesn[XLO], wesn[XHI], wesn[YLO], wesn[YHI], GMT->common.R.inc[GMT_X],
2144 				 GMT->common.R.inc[GMT_Y], Ctrl->M.arg, V_level[GMT->current.setting.verbose]);
2145 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Masking grid nodes away from data points via grdmask\n");
2146 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_DEBUG, "Calling grdsample with args %s\n", cmd);
2147 		if (GMT_Call_Module (API, "grdmask", GMT_MODULE_CMD, cmd) != GMT_NOERROR) {	/* Resample the file */
2148 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Unable to mask the intermediate grid - exiting\n");
2149 			Return (API->error);
2150 		}
2151 		if (GMT_Close_VirtualFile (API, input) == GMT_NOTSET) {
2152 			Return (API->error);
2153 		}
2154 		if (GMT_Destroy_Data (API, &V) != GMT_NOERROR) {	/* Done with the data set */
2155 			Return (API->error);
2156 		}
2157 		gmt_M_free (GMT, data[GMT_X]);	gmt_M_free (GMT, data[GMT_Y]);
2158 		if ((Gmask = GMT_Read_VirtualFile (API, mask)) == NULL) {	/* Load in the mask grid */
2159 			Return (API->error);
2160 		}
2161 		/* Apply the mask */
2162 		gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, Gmask, row, col, ij) C.Grid->data[ij] *= Gmask->data[ij];
2163 		if (GMT_Destroy_Data (API, &Gmask) != GMT_NOERROR) {	/* Done with the mask */
2164 			Return (API->error);
2165 		}
2166 		gmt_reenable_bghio_opts (GMT);	/* Recover settings provided by user (if -b -g -h -i were used at all) */
2167 	}
2168 	else
2169 		gmt_M_free (GMT, C.data);
2171 	/* Only gave -J to set the proj4 flag. Do it here only because otherwise would interfere with computations(!!) */
2172 	if (Ctrl->J.active) {
2173 		gmt_parse_common_options (GMT, "J", 'J', Ctrl->J.projstring);	/* Has to be processed independently of -R */
2174 		C.Grid->header->ProjRefPROJ4 = gmt_export2proj4 (GMT);	/* Convert the GMT -J<...> into a proj4 string */;
2175 		free (Ctrl->J.projstring);
2176 	}
2178 	if ((error = surface_write_grid (GMT, &C, Ctrl->G.file)) != 0)	/* Write the output grid */
2179 		Return (error);
2181 	gmt_M_toc(GMT,"");		/* Print total run time, but only if -Vt was set */
2183 	Return (GMT_NOERROR);
2184 }