1 /*  Copyright (C) 1988-2005 by Brian Doty and the Institute
2                   of Global Environment and Society (IGES).
4     See file COPYRIGHT for more information.   */
6 /* Handling of missing data values.  If SETMISS is 0, it is assumed
7    that missing data values will exactly match the value parsed from
8    the data description file (true on many machines).  If SETMISS is 1,
9    a test is done for a small range (+-value/EPSILON) and if true the
10    value is set to exactly the missing data value when read.  */
12 /* kk 020624 --- change for 64bit seek K.Komine mf */
14 #include <sys/types.h>
15 #include <stdio.h>
16 #include <stdlib.h>
17 #include <gabufr.h>
19 #define SETMISS 1
20 #define EPSILON 1e5
21 #define FUZZ_SCALE 1e-5
23 /* RPTNUM: Number of garpt blocks to allocate per memory block
24    BLKNUM: Max number of memory requests
25    A max of RPTNUM*BLKNUM stations can be held per request
27    Static memory usage is sizeof(pointer) * BLKNUM bytes */
29 #define RPTNUM 200
30 #define BLKNUM 5000
32 #if GRADS_CRAY == 1
34 #else
35 #ifdef __hpux
37 #else
39 #endif
40 #endif
42  /*******************\
43  *  Data Structures  *
44  \*******************/
46 /* Pointer to data object */
47 union gadata {
48   struct gagrid *pgr;
49   struct gastn *stn;
50 };
52 /* Date/time structure.         */
53 struct dt {
54   int yr;
55   int mo;
56   int dy;
57   int hr;
58   int mn;
59 };
61 /* Collection structure */
62 struct gaclct {
63   struct gaclct *forw;       /* Forward Pointer */
64   struct gastn *stn;         /* Pointer to station data */
65   struct gastn *stn2;        /* Pointer to station data */
66 };
68 /* Structure for info for the gxout "writegds" option,
69    for writing data for the use of the GDS */
70 struct gawgds {
71   char *fname;      /* File name to write */
72   char *opts;       /* User specified options */
73 };
75 /* info for LATS */
76 struct galats {
78 /*=== lats_parmtab ===*/
79   char ptname[256];         /* parameter file name */
81 /*=== lats_create ===*/
82   int convention;           /* data convention (enum) */
83   int frequency;            /* data frequency (enum) e.g., hourly */
84   int calendar;             /* calendar of the time model (enum) e.g., standard */
85   int deltat;               /* number of time units between outputs, e.g., 12 for every 12 h */
86   char model[256];          /* model COMMENT */
87   char center[32];          /* data source which is the GRIB PROCESS ! NOT the GRIB CENTER */
88   char comment[256];        /* comment on data set which will go into the title of the .ctl file */
89   char oname[256];          /* name of the output file (dset) */
91 /*=== lats_basetime ===*/
92   int lyr;                 /* lats basetime year */
93   int lmo;                 /* lats basetime month */
94   int lda;                 /* lats basetime day */
95   int lhr;                 /* lats basetime hour */
97 /*=== lats_vertdim ===*/
98   char vertdimname[32];     /* name of the vertial dimension */
99   double levels[128];       /* vertical levels MAX IS 128!!!*/
100   int nlev;                 /* number of levels */
102 /*=== lats_grid ===*/
103   int gridtype;             /* grid type (enum), calculated in GrADS except when LATS_GAUSSIAN */
104   char gridname[32];        /* name of the vertial dimension */
105   int ilinear;              /* linearity of the grid in x */
106   int jlinear;              /* linearity of the grid in y */
107   int nlon;                 /* # of points in x */
108   int nlat;                 /* # of points in y */
109   float lon_1;              /* starting longitide */
110   float lat_1;              /* starting latitude */
111   float lon_nlon;           /* ending longitude */
112   float lat_nlat;           /* ending latitude */
114 /*=== lats_var ===*/
115   char var[32];             /* variable name */
116   char var_comment[256];    /* variable name */
117   int timestat;             /* variable time statistic (enum) */
119 /*=== lats_write ===*/
120   double varlev;            /* level value of the variable  for lats_write*/
122 /*--- time options ---*/
123   int time_opt;             /* 0 - grid relative ; 1 - dimension environment relative ; 2 - set time using baset time ; 3 - forecast hourly */
124   int fhour;                /* forecast hour if using lats forecast_hourly */
126 /*--- internal id's to pass to the lats routines ---*/
127   int id_file;
128   int id_lev;
129   int id_grid;
130   int id_var;
131   int id_user_file;
132   int id_user_var;
133   int id_user_grid;
134   int id_user_lev;
135   int id_user_write;
136 };
139 /*mf 9612105 Contains global information for Mike Fiorino and Gary Love 980114 mf*/
141 struct gamfcmn {
142   int cal365 ;               /* 365 (no leap year) calendar */
143   int fullyear ;             /* 1 - must specify full year 0 old default */
144   int warnflg;               /* warning level flag for messages */
145   int winid;                 /* Window ID */
146   int winx;                  /* Window X position (upper left) */
147   int winy;                  /* Window Y position (upper left) */
148   unsigned int winw;         /* Window width */
149   unsigned int winh;         /* Window height */
150   unsigned int winb;         /* Window border width */
152 };
154 /* Contains information about the user interface and graphics output. */
155 struct gacmn {
157   struct gawgds *wgds;       /* Pointer to gds output structure       */
158   int hbufsz;                /* Metafile buffer size                  */
159   int pass;                  /* Number of passes since last clear     */
160   int gpass[10];             /* Number of passes for each gx type     */
161   int loopdim;               /* Looping dimension                     */
162   int loopflg;               /* Looping on or off                     */
163   float loopincr;            /* Looping increment                     */
165   struct gafile *pfi1;       /* Pointer to first gafile in chain      */
166   struct gafile *pfid;       /* Pointer to default gafile             */
167   int fnum;                  /* File count                            */
168   int dfnum;                 /* Default file number   */
169   int fseq;                  /* Unique sequence num for files opened  */
171   struct gadefn *pdf1;       /* Pointer to first define block         */
173   float dmin[3],dmax[3];     /* Current absolute coordinate limits    */
174   struct dt tmin,tmax;
175   int vdim[4];               /* Which dimensions vary?                */
176   int x1ex,x2ex,y1ex,y2ex;   /* For -ex flag on fwrite */
177   int xexflg,yexflg;         /* -ex -- are dims valid? */
179   float pxsize,pysize;       /* Physical page size in inches          */
180   int orient;                /* Page orientation                      */
181   int vpflag;                /* If 1, virtual page being used         */
182   float xsiz,xsiz1,xsiz2;    /* Physical plotting size in X direction */
183   float ysiz,ysiz1,ysiz2;    /* Physical plotting size in Y direction */
184   int paflg;                 /* User has specified plotting area      */
185   float pxmin,pxmax;         /* User specified plotting area          */
186   float pymin,pymax;
187   float aspect;              /* User specified aspect ratio           */
189   int clab;                  /* control contour labels.               */
190   int clskip;                /* Contour label skipping       */
191   char *clstr;               /* Contour label template */
192   float rainmn,rainmx;       /* control rainbow colors                */
193   int rbflg;                 /* User rainbow colors specified         */
194   int rbcols[100];           /* User rainbow colors                   */
196   float cmin,cmax,cint;      /* User specified contour limits         */
197   int cflag;                 /* If true, user specifies contour levels*/
198   float clevs[100];          /* User specified contour levels         */
199   int ccflg;                 /* If true, user specifies contour colors*/
200   int ccols[100];            /* User specified contour colors         */
201   int shdcls[120];           /* Shade colors after shading            */
202   float shdlvs[120];         /* Shade levels                          */
203   int shdcnt;                /* Number of shdlvs, shdcls              */
204   int ccolor,cstyle;         /* User contour/line appearance          */
205   int cthick;                /* User gx display line thickness        */
206   int cmark;                 /* Line marker type                      */
207   int csmth;                 /* Contour smoothing on or off           */
208   int cterp;                 /* Spline fit on or off                  */
209   float rmin,rmax,rint;      /* Axis limits for 1-D plots             */
210   float rmin2,rmax2,rint2;   /* Axis limits for 1-D plots             */
211   int aflag,aflag2;          /* Keep 1D axis limits fixed             */
212   int grflag,grstyl,grcolr;  /* Grid flag, linestyle, color           */
213   int dignum;                /* grid value plot control (gxout=grid)  */
214   float digsiz;
215   int arrflg;                /* Use already set arrow scaling         */
216   float arrsiz;              /* Arrow size in inches                  */
217   int arlflg;                /* Arrow label flag */
218   float arrmag;              /* Vector magnitude producing arrsiz arrw*/
219   float ahdsiz;              /* Arrow head size.       */
220   int hemflg;                /* -1; auto  0; nhem  1; shem */
221   int miconn;                /* Connect line graph accross missing    */
222   int strmden;               /* Streamline density indicator  */
223   int mdlblnk,mdldig3;       /* Station model plot opts */
225   char *prstr;               /* Format string for gxout print */
226   int prlnum;                /* Number of values per record */
227   int prbnum;                /* Number of blanks to add between values */
228   int prudef;                /* Undef printed as "undef" or value */
230   int fgvals[50];            /* Values for grid fill */
231   int fgcols[50];
232   int fgcnt;
234   int gridln;                /* Line attributes for gxout grid */
236   int stidflg;               /* Plot station ids with values      */
238   float axmin,axmax,axint;   /* Overrides for X-axis labels           */
239   float aymin,aymax,ayint;   /* Overrides for Y-axis labels           */
240   int axflg, ayflg;          /* Is override in effect for the axis?   */
241   int frame;                 /* Display frame?  */
243   int rotate;                /* Rotate plot from default orientation  */
244   int xflip, yflip;          /* Flip X or Y axes                      */
245   int zlog;                  /* Z coordinate in log scale */
246   int coslat;                /* Lat coordinate scaled as cos lat */
248   int mproj;                 /* Map projection -- used for X,Y plot   */
249                              /*  only.  0 = no map.                   */
250   int mpdraw;                /* Draw map outline - 0=no               */
251   float mpvals[10];          /* Map projection option values.         */
252   int mpflg;                 /* Map projection option values are set. */
253   char *mpdset[8];           /* Map data set names.                   */
254   int mpcols[256];           /* Map Color array                       */
255   int mpstls[256];           /* Map line styles array                 */
256   int mpthks[256];           /* Map line widths array                 */
257   int mapcol,mapstl,mapthk;  /* Default map color, style, thickness   */
259   int gout0;                 /* Graphics output type for stat.        */
260   int gout1;                 /* Graphics output type for 1-D.         */
261   int gout1a;                /* Graphics output type for 1-D.         */
262   int gout2a;                /* Graphics output type for 2-D.         */
263   int gout2b;                /* Graphics output type for 2-D.         */
264   int goutstn;               /* Graphics output type for stns */
266   int blkflg;                /* Leave certain values black when shadng*/
267   float blkmin, blkmax;      /* Black range */
269   int reccol,recthk;         /* Draw Rectangle color, brdr thickness  */
270   int lincol,linstl,linthk;  /* Draw line color, style, thickness     */
271   int mcolor;                /* auto color (orange or grey)           */
272   int strcol,strthk,strjst;  /* Draw string color, thckns, justifictn */
273   float strrot;              /* Draw string rotation */
274   float strhsz,strvsz;       /* Draw string hor. size, vert. size     */
275   int anncol,annthk;         /* Draw title color, thickness           */
276   int grflg;                 /* Grey Scale flag   */
277   int devbck;                /* Device background */
278   int xlcol,xlthck,ylcol,ylthck,clcol,clthck;  /* color, thickness */
279   int xlside,ylside,ylpflg;
280   float xlsiz,ylsiz,clsiz,xlpos,ylpos,yllow;         /* Axis lable size */
281   float xlevs[50],ylevs[50]; /* User specified x/y axis labels  */
282   int xlflg,ylflg;           /* Number of user specified labels */
283   int xtick,ytick;           /* Number of extra tick marks      */
284   float xlint,ylint;         /* User specified label increment */
285   char *xlstr, *ylstr;       /* user substitution string for labels */
286   int xlab,ylab;             /* Axis label options */
287   char *xlabs, *ylabs;       /* User specifies all labels */
288   int ixlabs, iylabs;        /* Count of user labels */
289   int tlsupp;                /* Suppress year or month of time labels */
290   int lfc1,lfc2;             /* Linefill colors */
291   int wxcols[5];             /* wx symbol colors */
292   int wxopt;                 /* wx options */
293   int tser;                  /* station time series type */
295   int bargap;                /* Bar Gap in percent  */
296   int barolin;               /* Bar outline flag */
297   float barbase;             /* Bar Base Value      */
298   int barflg;                /* Bar flag: 1, use base value  */
299                              /*           0, draw from plot base */
300                              /*          -1, draw from plot top  */
302   int btnfc,btnbc,btnoc,btnoc2;     /* Current button attributes */
303   int btnftc,btnbtc,btnotc,btnotc2;
304   int btnthk;
306   int dlgfc,dlgbc,dlgoc;     /* Current dialog attributes */
307   int dlgpc,dlgth,dlgnu;
309   int drvals[15];            /* Attributes for drop menus */
311   FILE *ffile;               /* grads.fwrite file handle */
312   char *fwname;              /* fwrite file name */
313   int fwenflg;               /* fwrite byte order control */
314   int fwsqflg;               /* fwrite stream vs fortran seq */
315   int fwappend;              /* write mode (1): append */
316   int fwexflg;               /* fwrite exact grid dims */
318   int grdsflg;               /* Indicate whether to put grads atrib.  */
320   int timelabflg;            /* Indicate whether to put cur time atrib.  */
322   int stnprintflg;            /* Indicate whether to put cur time atrib.  */
324   int dbflg;                 /* Double buffer mode flag     */
326   int batflg;                /* Batch mode */
328   int numgrd,relnum;         /* Number of data objects held           */
329   int type[16];              /* Data type of each data object         */
330   union gadata result[16];   /* Pointers to held data objects         */
331   struct gaclct *clct[32];   /* Anchor for collection */
332   int clctnm[32];            /* Number of items collected */
333   int clcttp[32];            /* Varying dimension of collection */
335   int lastgx;                /* Last gx plotted */
336   int xdim, ydim;            /* Which dimensions on X and Y axis */
337                              /* Grid-to-world conversion info follows */
339   float (*xgr2ab) (float *, float);
340   float (*ygr2ab) (float *, float);
341   float (*xab2gr) (float *, float);
342   float (*yab2gr) (float *, float);
343   float *xgrval;
344   float *ygrval;
345   float *xabval;
346   float *yabval;
347   int statflg;               /* stat txt output on all displays */
348   int impflg;                /* Implied run flag */
349   char *impnam;              /* Implided run script name */
350   int impcmd;                /* Implicit run */
351   int sig;                   /* User has signalled */
352   int ptflg;		     /* Pattern fill flag */
353   int ptopt;		     /* Pattern option: */
354 			     /*		0, open  */
355 			     /*		1, solid */
356 			     /*		2, dot */
357 			     /*		3, line  */
358   int ptden;		     /* Dot or line pattern density */
359   int ptang;		     /* Line pattern angle */
360   int dwrnflg;               /* Issue, or not, warnings about missing/
361                                      constant data */
362   struct galats glats ;      /* LATS option struct */
363 };
365 /* Sructure for string substitution in templating -- the %ch template.
366    This forms a linked list chained from pchsub1 in gafile */
367 struct gachsub {
368   struct gachsub *forw;       /* Forward pointer */
369   int t1;                     /* First time for this substitution */
370   int t2;                     /* Last time.  -99 indicates open ended */
371   char *ch;                   /* Substitution string */
372 };
374 /* GA status structure.  Contains necessary info about the scaling
375    and file structure in force.                                       */
377 struct gastat {
378   struct gafile *pfi1;       /* Pointer to first gafile in chain      */
379   struct gafile *pfid;       /* Pointer to default gafile             */
380   int fnum;                  /* Default file number                   */
381   struct gadefn *pdf1;       /* Pointer to first define block         */
382   struct gaclct **pclct;     /* Pointer to the collection pointers    */
383   union gadata result;       /* Result goes here                      */
384   int type;                  /* Result type (grid or stn)             */
385   int idim,jdim;             /* Varying dimensions                    */
386   float dmin[3],dmax[3];     /* Range of absolute dimensions          */
387   struct dt tmin,tmax;
388 };
391 /* Description of a data file.                                        */
393 /* This is to define the pointer added at the end of the gafile structure */
394 /* -hoop, 95/07/10 and 95/11/10 */
395 #if USESDF == 1
396 #include "gasdf.h"
397 #endif
399 struct gafile {
401   struct gafile *pforw;      /* Forward pointer to next gafile block.
402                                 List is anchored within gastat.       */
403   int fseq;                  /* Unique sequence number for cache
404                                 detection */
405   char name[4096];           /* File name or DODS URL                 */
406   char *tempname;            /* File name of open file (different with templates) */
407   char dnam[4096];           /* Descriptor file name                  */
408   char *mnam;                /* Map(index) file name */
409   FILE *infile;              /* File pointer.                         */
410   int type;                  /* Type of file:  1 = grid
411                                                2 = simple station
412                                                3 = mapped station
413                                                4 = defined grid       */
414   char title[512];           /* Title -- describes the file.          */
415   float undef;               /* Global undefined value for this file  */
416   float ulow,uhi;            /* Undefined limits for SETMISS test     */
417   float *rbuf;               /* Buffer for file I/O equal in length
418                                 to one grid row in the file, or equal
419                                 in length to the size needed to hold
420                                 the largest station report            */
421   char *pbuf;                /* Same as rbuf, for unpacking           */
422   char *bbuf;                /* Same as rbuf, for bit map I/O         */
423   int bswap;                 /* Byte swapping needed */
424   int dhandle;               /* libgadods file handle.  this is bad
425                                    usage but avoids an include
426                                    problem with gadods.h.  */
427   int dodinf[5];             /* pointer to coordinate variable indices
428 				(first four elements are lon,lat,lev,time
429 				fifth is station id)
430 				for dods station data only */
431   int mtype;                 /* Stn map file type                     */
432   int *tstrt;               /* Pointer to list length dnum[3] of
433                                 start points of times in the file     */
434   int *tcnt;                /* Count of stns for assctd time         */
435   int stcnt;                /* Count of mapped stids when stn data
436                                 and map file is type stidmap.         */
437   int stpos;                /* Position in map file of start of
438                                 stid info for map file type stidmap.  */
439   FILE *mfile;               /* File pointer to stidmap file          */
440   int dnum[4];               /* Dimension sizes for this file.        */
441   int tlpflg;                /* Circular file flag                    */
442   int tlpst;                 /* Start time offset in circular file    */
443   int vnum;                  /* Number of variables.                  */
444   int ivnum;                 /* Number of level independent variables
445                                 for station data file                 */
446   int lvnum;                 /* Number of level dependent variables
447                                 for station data file                 */
448   struct gavar *pvar1;       /* Pointer to an array of structures.
449                                 Each structure in the array has info
450                                 about the specific variable.          */
451   long gsiz;                 /* Number of elements in a grid (x*y)    */
452                             /* This is for actual grid on disk,
453                                not psuedo grid (when pp in force) */
454   long tsiz;                /* Number of elements in an entire time
455                                 group (all variables at all levels
456                                 for one time).                        */
457   int trecs;                /* Number of records (XY grids) per time
458                                 group.                                */
459   long fhdr;                 /* Number of bytes to ignore at file head*/
460   int wrap;                  /* The grid globally 'wraps' in X        */
461   int seqflg, yrflg, zrflg;  /* Format flags */
462   int ppflag;                /* Pre-projected data in use */
463   int ppwrot;                /* Pre-projection wind rotation flag */
464   int ppisiz, ppjsiz;        /* Actual size of preprojected grid */
465   float ppvals[20];          /* Projection constants for pre-projected
466                                 grids.  Values depend on projection. */
467   int *ppi[9];               /* Pointers to offsets for pre-projected
468                                 grid interpolation */
469   float *ppf[9];             /* Pointers to interpolation constants
470                                 for pre-projected grids */
471   float *ppw;                /* Pointer to wind rotation array */
472   float (*gr2ab[3]) (float *, float);
473                              /* Addresses of routines to do conversion
474                                 from grid coordinates to absolute
475                                 coordinates for X, Y, Z.  All Date/time
476                                 conversions handled by gr2t.          */
477   float (*ab2gr[3]) (float *, float);
478                              /* Addresses of routines to do conversion
479                                 from absolute coordinates to grid
480                                 coordinates for X,Y,Z.  All date/time
481                                 conversions handled by t2gr.          */
482   float *grvals[4];          /* Pointers to conversion information for
483                                 grid-to-absolute conversion routines. */
484   float *abvals[4];          /* Pointers to conversion information for
485                                 absolute-to-grid conversion routines. */
486   int linear[4];             /* Indicates if a dimension has a linear
487                                 grid/absolute coord transformation
488                                 (Time coordinate always linear).      */
489   int dimoff[4];             /* Dimension offsets for defined grids   */
490   int climo;                 /* Climatological Flag (defined grids)   */
491   int cysiz;                 /* Cycle size for climo grids            */
492   int idxflg;                /* File records are indexed */
493   int grbgrd;                /* GRIB Grid type */
494   struct gaindx *pindx;      /* Index Strucure if indexed file */
495   int tmplat;                /* File name template */
496   int *fnums;                /* File number for each time */
497   int fnumc;                 /* Current file number that is open */
498   struct gachsub *pchsub1;   /* Pointer to first %ch substitution */
499   int errcnt;                /* Current error count */
500   int errflg;                /* Current error flag */
501   int ncflg;                 /* 1==dtype netcdf  2==dtype hdfsds  3==sdf/xdf dataset */
502   int ncid;                  /* netcdf file id */
503   int sdid;                  /* hdf-sds file id */
504   int packflg;               /* Data are packed with scale and offset values */
505   int undefattrflg;          /* Undefined values are retrieved individually  */
506   char *scattr;              /* scale factor attribute name for unpacking data */
507   char *ofattr;              /* offset attribute name for unpacking data */
508   char *undefattr;           /* undef attribute name */
509   long xyhdr;                /* Number of bytes to ignore at head of xy grids*/
510   long thdr;                 /* Number of bytes to ignore at head of time chunk*/
511   int calendar;              /* Support for 365-day calendars */
512   int cray_ieee;             /* Support 32-bit IEEE data on cray */
513   int bufrflg;               /* 1==dtype bufr */
514   struct bufrinfo *bufrinfo; /* x,y pairs from descriptor file */
515   gabufr_dset *bufrdset;     /* pointer to parsed bufr data */
516   struct gaattr *attr;       /* pointer to link list of attribute metadata */
518 /* Use of this with the ifdef has implications for checkpoint/restart, */
519 /* as it changes the size of the gafile structure.  -hoop 95/07/10 */
520 #if USESDF == 1
521   IO_STD *sdf_ptr ;		/* Pointer to SDF file structure */
522   int is_a_SDF ;
523   IO_STD *first_sdf_ptr ;  /* used for time series templating */
524 #endif
526 };
528 /* Structure that describes a grid (requestor or descriptor block).  */
529 struct gagrid {
530   float *grid;               /* Address of the grid.                 */
531   struct gafile *pfile;      /* Address of the associated gafile
532                                 structure to get the data from
533                                 (requestor block only)               */
534   float undef;               /* Undefined value for this grid.       */
535   float rmin,rmax;           /* Minimum/Maximum grid value
536                                 (rmin is set to the grid value when
537                                 isiz=jsiz=1.  *grid points to here.) */
538   int isiz,jsiz;             /* isiz = number of elements per row.
539                                 jsiz = number of rows.               */
540   int idim,jdim;             /* Dimension of rows and columns.
541                                  -1 = This dimension does not vary
542                                   1 = X dimension (usually longitude)
543                                   2 = Y dimension (usually lattitude)
544                                   3 = Z dimension (usually pressure)
545                                   4 = Time
546                                 If both dimensions are -1, then the
547                                 grid has one value, which will be
548                                 placed in rmin.                      */
549   int iwrld, jwrld;          /* World coordinates valid?   */
550   int dimmin[4],dimmax[4];   /* Dimension limits for each dimension
551                                 (X,Y,Z,T) in grid units.             */
552   struct gavar *pvar;        /* Pointer to the structure with info
553                                 on this particular variable.  If
554                                 NULL, this grid is the result of
555                                 an expression evaluation where the
556                                 variable type is unkown.             */
557   char *exprsn;              /* If grid is a 'final' result, this
558                                 will point to a character string that
559                                 contains the original expression.    */
560   int alocf;                 /* Scaling info allocated for us only */
561   float (*igrab) (float *, float);
562   float (*jgrab) (float *, float);
563                              /* Addresses of routines to perform
564                                 grid-to-absolute coordinate
565                                 transforms for this grid's i and j
566                                 dimensions (unless i or j = 3).      */
567   float (*iabgr) (float *, float);
568   float (*jabgr) (float *, float);
569                              /* Absolute to grid conversion routines */
570   float *ivals, *jvals;      /* Pointers to conversion info for the
571                                 grid to abs conversion routines      */
572   float *iavals, *javals;    /* Conversion info for abs to grid      */
573   int ilinr,jlinr;           /* Indicates if linear transformation   */
574 };
576 /* Structure that contains attribute metadata */
577 struct gaattr {
578   struct gaattr *next;       /* Address of next attribute */
579   char *varname;             /* Name of variable or 'global' */
580   char *name;                /* Name of attribute -- e.g. "units" */
581   char *type;                /* Type of attribute -- e.g. "String", "Float32", etc. */
582   char  value[512];          /* Attribute value -- strings may contains blanks. */
583 };
585 /* Structure that contains the x,y pairs for bufr time values */
586 struct bufrtimeinfo {
587   int yrxy[2];
588   int moxy[2];
589   int dyxy[2];
590   int hrxy[2];
591   int mnxy[2];
592   int scxy[2];
593 };
595 /* Structure that contains the x,y pairs for file-wide bufr variables */
596 struct bufrinfo {
597   int lonxy[2];
598   int latxy[2];
599   int levxy[2];
600   int stidxy[2];
601   struct bufrtimeinfo base,offset;   /* structures for base and offset time values */
602 };
604 /* Structure that contains the header (coordinate) info for a gabufr_msg */
605 struct bufrhdr {
606   double lon;
607   double lat;
608   double lev;
609   double sec,offsec;
610   char   stid[8];
611   struct dt tvals,toffvals;
612 };
614 /* Structure that describes a report header in a stn file */
615 struct rpthdr {
616   char id[8];                     /* Character station id           */
617   float lat;                      /* Latitude of report             */
618   float lon;                      /* Longitude of report            */
619   float t;                        /* Time in relative grid units    */
620   int  nlev;                      /* Number of levels following     */
621   int flag;                       /* Level independent var set flag */
622 };
624 /* Structure that describes a stid info block within a stidmap file */
625 struct stninf {
626   char stid[8];
627   int offset;
628   int rcnt;
629 };
631 /* Structure that describes a single report                          */
632 struct garpt {
633   struct garpt *rpt;         /* Address of next report               */
634   char stid[8];              /* Station id                           */
635   float lat,lon,lev,tim;     /* Location of station                  */
636   int work;                  /* Work area                            */
637   float val;                 /* Value of variable                    */
638 };
640 /* Structure that describes a collection of station reports.         */
641 struct gastn {
642   struct garpt *rpt;         /* Address of start of link list        */
643   int rnum;                  /* Number of reports.                   */
644   struct garpt *blks[BLKNUM];    /* ptrs to memory holding rpts      */
645   struct gafile *pfi;        /* Address of the associated gafile
646                                 structure to get the data from
647                                 (requestor block only)               */
648   float undef;               /* Undefined value for this data.       */
649   float smin, smax;          /* Min and Max values for this data     */
650   int idim,jdim;             /* Varying dimensions for this data
651                                  -1 = This dimension does not vary
652                                   1 = X dimension (longitude)
653                                   2 = Y dimension (lattitude)
654                                   3 = Z dimension (pressure)
655                                   4 = Time                           */
656   float dmin[3],dmax[3];     /* Dimension limits for each dimension
657                                  (X,Y,Z) in world coords.
658                                  Non-varying dimensions can have
659                                  limits in this structure.           */
660   int rflag;                 /* Get stations within specified radius in
661                                 degrees of fixed lat and lon         */
662   float radius;              /* Radius */
663   int sflag;                 /* Get specific station  */
664   char stid[8];              /* Station id to get */
665   int tmin,tmax;             /* Grid limits of time */
666   float ftmin,ftmax;         /* Float-valued grid limits of time,
667 				equivalent to dmin[3],dmax[3]         */
668   float *tvals;              /* Pointer to conversion info for the
669                                 time conversion routines.            */
670   struct gavar *pvar;        /* Pointer to the structure with info
671                                 on this particular variable.  If
672                                 NULL, this grid is the result of
673                                 an expression evaluation where the
674                                 variable type is unkown.             */
675   struct garpt **prev;       /* Used for allocating rpt structures   */
676   struct garpt *crpt;
677   int rptcnt,blkcnt;
678 };
680 /* Structure that describes a variable in a file.  These structures
681    are built in arrays that are hung off of gafile structures.       */
682 struct gavar {
683   char varnm[128];           /* Variable name.                       */
684   char abbrv[16];            /* Variable abbreviation.               */
685   char *longnm;              /* netcdf/hdf var name if different     */
686   int units[16];             /* Units indicator.                     */
687   int offset;                /* Offset in grid elements of the start
688                                 of this variable within a time group
689                                 within this file.                    */
690   int recoff;                /* Record (XY grid) offset of the start
691                                 of this variable within a time group */
692   int ncvid;                 /* netcdf vid for this variable         */
693   int sdvid;                 /* netcdf vid for this variable         */
694   int levels;                /* Number of levels for this variable.
695                                 0 is special and indiates one grid is
696                                 available for the surface only.      */
697   int dfrm;                  /* format  type indicator
698 				1 - unsigned char
699 				4 - int  			     */
700   int var_t ;                /* variable t transform                 */
701   int var_z ;                /* variable z transform                 */
702   int y_x ;                  /* x-y transform                        */
703   float scale;               /* scale factor for unpacking data      */
704   float add;                 /* offset value for unpacking data      */
705   float undef;               /* undefined value                      */
706   int    vecpair;            /* Variable has a vector pair           */
707   int    isu;                /* Variable is the u-component of a vector pair */
708 };
710 /* Structure that describes a function call.                         */
711 struct gafunc {
712   int argnum;                /* Number of arguments found by fncprs  */
713   char *argpnt[20];          /* Pointers to the argument strings     */
714   char buff[1000];           /* Argument string buffer               */
715 };
717 /* Structure that describes a user defined function */
718 struct gaufb {
719   struct gaufb *ufb;  /* Forward pointer */
720   char name[8];       /* Function name   */
721   int alo,ahi;        /* Limits on number of args */
722   int atype[8];       /* Types of args. 0=expr,1=float,2=int,3=char */
723   int sflg;           /* Sequential or direct */
724   char *fname;        /* Name of user executable */
725   char *oname;        /* File name for data transfer to user */
726   char *iname;        /* File name for data transfer from user */
727 };
729 /* Structure that describes a defined grid */
730 struct gadefn {
731   struct gadefn *pforw;      /* Linked list pointer                  */
732   struct gafile *pfi;        /* File Structure containing the data   */
733   char abbrv[20];            /* Abbreviation assigned to this        */
734 };
736 /* Stack to evaluate the expression.  The stack consists of an
737    array of structures.                                               */
738 struct smem {
739   int type;        /* Entry type: -2 stn,-1 grid,1=op,2='(',3=')'    */
740   union sobj {
741     int op;        /* Operator: 0=*, 1=/, 2=+                        */
742     struct gagrid *pgr; /* Operand (grid or stn)                      */
743     struct gastn *stn;
744   } obj;
745 };
747 /* Index structure, for when the records in a data file are indexed.
748    The indexing file will contain this structure at the front, followed
749    by the specified number of header and indexing values.  These
750    header and indexing values are file format specific. */
752 struct gaindx {
753   int type;                 /* Indexing file type */
754   int hinum;                /* Number of ints in header */
755   int hfnum;                /* Number of floats in header */
756   int intnum;               /* Number of index ints (long) */
757   int fltnum;               /* Number of index floats */
758   int *hipnt;               /* Pointer to header int values */
759   float *hfpnt;              /* Pointer to header float values */
760   int *intpnt;              /* Pointer to int index values */
761   float *fltpnt;             /* Pointer to float index values */
762 } ;
765  /***********************\
766  *  Function Prototypes  *
767  \***********************/
769 /* Functions in GRADS.C */
771 void gasig (int);
772 int gaqsig (void);
774 /* Functions in GAUSER:
775     gacmd:  Process a user command
776     gacln:  Reset variables
777     gaenab: Process an enable command
778     gadraw: Process a draw command
779     gadef:  Process a define command
780     gaudef: Process undefine command
781     gamodf: Modify defined grid
782     gaqury: Process a query command
783     gahelp: Process a help command
784     gaset:  Process the SET command
785     gadspl: Process a display command
786     gapars: Parse a compound expression for gadspl
787     gagrel: Release all held grids
788     gaopen: Open a data file from a descriptor file
789     cleanup: Clean up an input record
790     gaprnt: Process output messages
791     prntgaattr: Print out a descriptor attribute
792     gagsdo: Execute command for a script
793     getpst: Allocate and initialize a gastat block              */
795 void gainit (void);
797 int gacmd (char *, struct gacmn *, int);
798 void gacln (struct gacmn *,int);
799 int gaenab (char *, struct gacmn *);
800 int gadraw (char *, struct gacmn *);
801 int gardrw (char *, struct gacmn *);
802 int gaexec (char *, struct gacmn *);
803 char *gagsdo (char *, int *);
804 int gadef (char *, struct gacmn *, int);
805 int gaudef (char *, struct gacmn *);
806 int gamodf (char *, struct gacmn *);
807 int gaqdef (char *, struct gacmn *, int);
808 int gaqury (char *, char *, struct gacmn *);
809 int gahelp (char *, struct gacmn *);
810 int gaset (char *, char *, struct gacmn *);
811 int gacoll (char *, struct gacmn *);
812 int gadspl (char *, struct gacmn *);
813 int gaspcl (char *, struct gacmn *);
814 int gapars (char *, struct gastat *, struct gacmn *) ;
815 void gagrel (struct gacmn *);
816 int gaopen (char *, struct gacmn *);
817 void cleanup (char *);
818 struct gastat *getpst (struct gacmn *);
819 void gaprnt (int, char *);
820 int prntgaattr (struct gafile *, char *, int, int);
822 int gaddes (char *, struct gafile *, int);
823 int deflin (char *, struct gafile *, int, int);
824 int deflev (char *, char *, struct gafile *, int);
825 int ddfattr (char *, struct gafile *);
826 struct gafile *getpfi (void);
827 void frepfi (struct gafile *, int);
829 /* Functions in GAEXPR:
830     gaexpr: Evaluate an expression by creating a stack
831     eval:   Process the expression stack
832     gaoper: Perforam operation between two operands
833     gagrop: Perform a grid operation
834     gastop: Perform a station operation
835     gascop: Perform an op between a constant and stations
836     gagrvl: Put a constant in grid format
837     varprs: Parse a variable in the expression
838     getdfn: Search defined grid chain for a predifined grid
839     gagchk: Check validity of operation between two grids
840     stnvar: Handle specialized parsing of stn variable                */
842 int gaexpr (char *, struct gastat *) ;
843 int eval (int, struct smem *, int *);
844 int gaoper (struct smem *, int, int, int, int);
845 struct gagrid *gagrop (struct gagrid *, struct gagrid *, int, int);
846 struct gastn *gastop (struct gastn *, struct gastn *, int, int);
847 struct gastn *gascop (struct gastn *, float, int, int);
848 struct gagrid *gagrvl (float);
849 char *varprs (char *, struct gastat *) ;
850 int gagchk (struct gagrid *, struct gagrid *, int);
851 struct gafile *getdfn (char *, struct gastat *);
852 char *stnvar (char *, char *, struct gafile *, struct gavar *,
853               struct gastat *);
855 /* Functions in GAFUNC:
856     rtnprs: Parse and execute a function call
857     gafopr: Perform opration for two-op function call
858     gafdef: Read user function definition table
859                                                                      */
861 char *rtnprs (char *, char *, struct gastat *) ;
862 int gafopr (struct gastat *, struct gastat *, int );
863 void gafdef (void);
865 /* Functions in GAIO:
866     gaggrd: Get a grid from a data file
867     gagrow: Get a row of data, possibly wrapped, from the file
868     gafcyx: Calculate file position of an item of data with x-y transposed
869     gafcor: Calculate file position of an item of data
870     garrow: Get an item or items from the data file
871     gagstn: Get a collection of stations
872     garead:
873     gardyx: garead for x-y transposed
874     gaglvs: Get appropriate var and levs from rpt
875     gaarpt: Allocate report block
876     gasstn: Seek to location in station file
877     garstn: Read station data
878     gacstn: Cache a station report
879     gagdef: Get grid from defined variable
880     clicyc: Adjust for cyclic climatological defined variable
881     gagpre: Predefined variable access
882     ganrow: Get an item or items from the netcdf data file
883     ganhow: Get an item or items from the HDF-SDS data file
884     gaopnc: Open a netcdf file
885     gaophdf: Open an HDF-SDS file
887 Note:  function prototype for garead is now in gaio.c
888 */
890 int gaggrd (struct gagrid *);
891 int gagrow (float *, int *);
892 /* kk 020624 --- s */
893 /* int gafcor (int, int, int, int); */
894 long gafcor (int, int, int, int);
895 /* kk 020624 --- e */
896 /* kk 020624 --- s */
897 /* int gafcyx (int, int, int, int); */
898 long gafcyx (int, int, int, int);
899 /* kk 020624 --- e */
900 int garrow (int, int, int, int, int, float *);
901 /* kk 020624 --- s */
902 /* int garead (int, int, float *); */
903 /* int gardyx (int, int, float *); */
904 int gardyx (off_t, int, float *);
905 /* kk 020624 --- e */
906 int gagstn (struct gastn *);
907 int gaglvs (int, struct rpthdr *, struct gastn *);
908 struct garpt *gaarpt (struct gastn *);
909 /* kk 020624 --- s */
910 /* int gasstn (int); */
911 /* int garstn (int, char *, int); */
912 int gasstn (off_t);
913 int garstn (int, char *, off_t);
914 /* kk 020624 --- e */
915 void gacstn (char *, char *, int, int);
916 void gagcst (int, char *);
917 int gagdef (void);
918 void clicyc(int *);
919 int gagpre (void);
920 int gairow (int, int, int, int, int, int, float *);
921 int gaird (off_t, int, int, int, int, int);
922 int gaprow (int, int, int, int, int, int, float *);
923 int gaopfn (int,int *,struct gafile *);
924 int gappcn (struct gafile *, int, int);
925 void w3fb04 (float, float, float, float, float *, float *);
926 void ll2lc (float *, float, float, float *, float *, float *);
927 void gaiomg (void);
928 int ganrow (int, int, int, int, int, float *);
929 int gahrow (int, int, int, int, int, float *);
930 int gaopnc (struct gafile *, int, int);
931 int gaophdf (struct gafile *, int, int);
932 int hdfattr (int, char *, float *);
933 int ncpattrs(int, char *, char *, int, int, char *);
934 int hdfpattrs(int, char *, char *, int, int, char *);
935 void prntwrap(char *, char *, char *);
937 /* Functions in GAGX:
938     gagx:   Initialize graphics interface
939     gaplot: Generalized graphics output routine
940     gas1d:  Set up scaling for a 1-D grid
941     gas2d:  Set up scaling for a 2-D grid
942     gagrph: Plot line graph
943     gacntr: Plot contour plot
944     gastrm: Plot streamline plot
945     gafgrd: Fill grid boxes
946     gashad: Plot shaded plot
947     gavect: Plot vector feild
948     gascat: Plot scatter plot from two grids
949     gaarrw: Plot individual arrow
950     gaplvl: Plot grid values
951     gawmap: Plot appropriate map
952     gacsel: Select a contour interval
953     gaaxis: Generate proper axis labels for axes
954     galnch: Convert a longitude value to character form
955     galtch: Convert a latitude value to character form
956     gaconv: Perform grid level scaling
957     gatinc: Get date/time increment for time axis
958     gasfil: Shade fill a grid sqaure
959     trfill: Fill half a grid square (triangle)
960     gagfil: Fill grids with shaded ranges
961                                                                       */
962 void gagx (struct gacmn *);
963 void gaplot (struct gacmn *);
964 void gas1d (struct gacmn *, float, float, int, int, struct gagrid *,
965              struct gastn *);
966 void gas2d (struct gacmn *, struct gagrid *, int);
967 void gagrph (struct gacmn *,int);
968 void gastts (struct gacmn *);
969 void gadprnt (struct gacmn *);
970 void gaoutgds (struct gacmn *);
971 void galfil (struct gacmn *);
972 void lfint (float, float, float, float, float *, float *);
973 void lfout (float *, float *, float *, float *, int, int);
974 void gacntr (struct gacmn *, int);
975 void gastrm (struct gacmn *);
976 void gashad (struct gacmn *);
977 void gavect (struct gacmn *, int);
978 void gascat (struct gacmn *);
979 void gafgrd (struct gacmn *);
980 void gafwrt (struct gacmn *);
981 int  galats (struct gacmn *, int, int); /*mf --- GrADS-lats interface mf*/
982 void gaarrw (float, float, float, float, float);
983 void gaplvl (struct gacmn *);
984 void gamscl (struct gacmn *);
985 void gawmap (struct gacmn *, int);
986 void gacsel (float, float, float *, float *, float *);
987 void gaaxis (int, struct gacmn *, int);
988 int galnch (float, char *);
989 int galtch (float, char *);
990 void gaconv (float, float, float *, float *);
991 void gagexp (float *, int, int, float *, int, int, float);
992 void gaglin (float *, int, int, float *, int, int, float);
993 struct gagrid *gaflip (struct gagrid *, struct gacmn *);
994 int gatinc (struct gacmn *, struct dt *, struct dt *);
995 void gasfil (int, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float);
996 void trfill (float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float,
997      float, int, int);
998 void gafstn (struct gacmn *);
999 void gapstn (struct gacmn *);
1000 void gawsym (struct gacmn *);
1001 void gasmrk (struct gacmn *);
1002 void gabarb (float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int);
1003 void gapmdl (struct gacmn *);
1004 void gasmdl (struct gacmn *, struct garpt *, float *, float *);
1005 float wndexit (float, float, float, float, float, float *,
1006                                    float *, float *, float *);
1007 void gapprf (struct gacmn *);
1008 void gatser (struct gacmn *);
1009 void gampax (struct gacmn *);
1010 void wxsym (int, float, float, float, int, int *);
1011 void wxprim (int, float, float, float);
1012 void gagsav (int, struct gacmn *, struct gagrid *);
1013 void galnx (float, float, float *, float *);
1014 void galny (float, float, float *, float *);
1015 void gaalnx (float, float, float *, float *);
1016 void gaalny (float, float, float *, float *);
1017 void gaclx (float, float, float *, float *);
1018 void gacly (float, float, float *, float *);
1019 void gaaclx (float, float, float *, float *);
1020 void gaacly (float, float, float *, float *);
1021 void gagfil ( float *, int, int, float *, int *, int, float);
1022 void gafram (struct gacmn *);
1023 void gaaxpl (struct gacmn *, int, int);
1024 void gaselc (struct gacmn *, float, float);
1025 int gashdc (struct gacmn *, float);
1027 /* Functions in GAUTIL:
1028     nxtcmd: Get next command from the user
1029     timadd: Add an increment to a time
1030     timsub: Subtract an increment from a time
1031     t2gr:   Convert an absolute time to a grid value
1032     gr2t:   Convert a grid value to an absolute time
1033     timdif: Calculate difference between two times
1034     qleap:  Determine if a year is a leap year
1035     adtprs: Parse an absolute date/time expression
1036     rdtprs: Parse a relative date/time expression
1037     gaedit: Convert from float to character
1038     cmpwrd: Compare two character strings
1039     nxtwrd: Point to the next blank delimited word in a string
1040     liconv: Linear conversion routine
1041     gr2lev: Discrete level scaling routine
1042     lev2gr: Discrete level scaling routine
1043     intprs: Parse an integer expression
1044     longprs: Parse an long integer expression kk 020624 ---
1045     valprs: Parse a floating number expression
1046     dimprs: Parse a dimension expression
1047     lowcas: Convert a string to lower case
1048     uppcas: Convert a string to upper case
1049     getstr: Move part of a string to another string
1050     getwrd: Get next word in a string as a string
1051     gamnmx: Get minimum and maximum grid value
1052     garemb: Remove blanks from and terminate a string
1053     gagaus: Set up scaling for gaussian grid (R40)
1054     gags30: Set up scaling for gaussian grid (R30)
1055     gags20: Set up scaling for gaussian grid (R20)
1056     gags15: Set up scaling for Ocean Grid (MOM32)
1057     gamo32: Set up scaling for gaussian grid (R15)
1058     gat2ch: Date/Time to character form
1059     cmpch:  Compare two strings of specified length
1060     gafree: Free stuff hung off pst block
1061     gagfre: Free gagrid block and associated data
1062     gasfre: Free gastn block and associated data
1063     gagbb:  Unpack bit value
1064     gagby:  Unpack byte value
1065     gabswp: Byte swap data values
1066     gahswp: Byte swap report header
1067     flt2ibm: convert float to ibm float (ebisuzaki)
1068     ibm2flt: convert ibm float to float (ebisuzaki)
1069     cpscal: Copy grid scaling info
1070     getvnm: Get variable long name and abbrv
1071                                                                       */
1073 int nxtcmd (char *, char *);
1074 void timadd (struct dt *, struct dt *);
1075 void timsub (struct dt *, struct dt *);
1076 float t2gr (float *, struct dt *);
1077 void gr2t (float *, float, struct dt *);
1078 int timdif (struct dt *, struct dt *);
1079 int qleap (int);
1080 char *adtprs (char *, struct dt *, struct dt *);
1081 char *rdtprs (char *, struct dt *);
1082 int gaedit (float, char *, int);
1083 int cmpwrd (char *, char *);
1084 int cmpwrdl (char *, char *);
1085 char *nxtwrd (char *);
1086 float liconv (float *, float);
1087 float gr2lev (float *, float);
1088 float lev2gr (float *, float);
1089 char *intprs (char *, int *);
1090 /* kk 020624 --- s */
1091 char *longprs (char *, long *);
1092 /* kk 020624 --- e */
1093 char *valprs (char *, float *);
1094 char *dimprs (char *, struct gastat *, struct gafile *,
1095               int *, float *, int, int *);
1096 void lowcas (char *);
1097 void uppcas (char *);
1098 void getstr (char *, char *, int);
1099 void getwrd (char *, char *, int);
1100 void gamnmx (struct gagrid *);
1101 void gasmnmx (struct gastn *);
1102 int garemb (char *);
1103 float *gagaus(int,int);
1104 float *gags30(int,int);
1105 float *gagst62(int,int);
1106 float *gags20(int,int);
1107 float *gags15(int,int);
1108 float *gamo32(int,int);
1109 int gat2ch (struct dt *, int, char *);
1110 int cmpch (char *, char *, int);
1111 void gafree (struct gastat *);
1112 void gagfre (struct gagrid *);
1113 void gasfre (struct gastn *);
1114 void fnmexp (char *, char *, char *);
1115 int gagbb (char *, int, int);
1116 int gagby (char *, int, int);
1117 char *gafndt (char *, struct dt *, struct dt *, float *, struct gachsub *, int);
1118 void gabswp (void *, int);
1119 void gahswp (struct rpthdr *);
1120 int dayweek (struct dt *);
1122 /*mf -- Wesley Ebisuzaki routines -- mf*/
1124 int flt2ibm(float x, unsigned char *ibm);
1125 float ibm2flt(unsigned char *ibm);
1126 float ieee2flt(unsigned char *);
1127 int flt2ieee(float , unsigned char *);
1128 int be_int2int(unsigned char *) ;
1130 float *cpscal (float *, int, int, int);
1131 int getvnm (struct gavar *, char *);
1134 /* Functions in GASRCP:
1135     gsfile: run a script file used in gauser.c
1136 */
1138 char *gsfile (char *, int *, int);
1141 /* Functions in gxX:
1142     gxwdln: use X server for wide lines
1143 */
1145 void gxwdln(void);
1148 #ifdef USEGADODS
1149 /* Function in dodstn */
1150 int dodpfi (char *, struct gafile *);
1151 void dodclo (struct gafile *);
1152 int dodget (struct gastn *);
1153 #endif
1155 /* Functions in bufrstn.c */
1156 void getbufrhdr (gabufr_val *, gabufr_val *, struct bufrinfo *, struct bufrhdr *, int, int *);
1157 int  getbufr (struct gastn *);
1158 struct garpt * sortrpt(struct garpt *);