1 /* vim:expandtab:ts=2 sw=2:
2 */
3 /*  Grafx2 - The Ultimate 256-color bitmap paint program
5 	Copyright owned by various GrafX2 authors, see COPYRIGHT.txt for details.
7     Grafx2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9     as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
10     of the License.
12     Grafx2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15     GNU General Public License for more details.
17     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18     along with Grafx2; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
19 */
20 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
21 ///@file misc.h
22 /// Miscellanous unsorted functions.
23 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
25 #ifndef MISC_H__
26 #define MISC_H__
28 /* For sprintf() used in Num2str() and Dec2str(a,b,c) */
29 #include <stdio.h>
31 #include "struct.h"
32 #include "global.h"
34 #define SWAP_BYTES(a,b) { byte c=a; a=b; b=c;}
35 #define SWAP_WORDS(a,b) { word c=a; a=b; b=c;}
36 #define SWAP_DWORDS(a,b) { dword c=a; a=b; b=c;}
37 #define SWAP_SHORTS(a,b) { short c=a; a=b; b=c;}
38 #define SWAP_FLOATS(a,b) { float c=a; a=b; b=c;}
39 #define SWAP_PBYTES(a,b) { byte * c=a; a=b; b=c;}
41 void Copy_image_to_brush(short start_x,short start_y,short Brush_width,short Brush_height,word image_width);
42 void Remap_general_lowlevel(byte * conversion_table,byte * in_buffer, byte *out_buffer,short width,short height,short buffer_width);
43 void Scroll_picture(byte * main_src, byte * main_dest, short x_offset,short y_offset);
44 void Wait_end_of_click(void);
45 void Set_color(byte color, byte red, byte green, byte blue);
46 const T_Components * Get_current_palette(void);
47 void Set_palette(T_Palette palette);
48 void Clear_current_image(byte color);
49 void Clear_current_image_with_stencil(byte color, byte * stencil);
50 dword Round_div(dword numerator,dword divisor);
51 word Count_used_colors(dword * usage);
52 word Count_used_colors_area(dword* usage, word start_x, word start_y, word width, word height);
53 word Count_used_colors_screen_area(dword* usage, word start_x, word start_y, word width, word height);
54 void Pixel_in_brush             (word x,word y,byte color);
55 byte Read_pixel_from_spare_screen(word x,word y);
56 byte Read_pixel_from_backup_screen   (word x,word y);
57 byte Read_pixel_from_feedback_screen (word x,word y);
58 byte Read_pixel_from_brush         (word x,word y);
60 // Gestion du chrono dans les fileselects
61 void Init_chrono(dword delay);
62 void Check_timer(void);
64 void Replace_colors_within_limits(byte * replace_table);
66 byte Effect_interpolated_colorize  (word x,word y,byte color);
67 byte Effect_additive_colorize    (word x,word y,byte color);
68 byte Effect_substractive_colorize(word x,word y,byte color);
69 byte Effect_alpha_colorize(word x,word y,byte color);
70 byte Effect_sieve(word x,word y);
72 ///
73 /// Inverts a pixel buffer, according to a horizontal axis.
74 /// @param src    Pointer to the pixel buffer to process.
75 /// @param width  Width of the buffer.
76 /// @param height Height of the buffer.
77 void Flip_Y_lowlevel(byte *src, short width, short height);
79 ///
80 /// Inverts a pixel buffer, according to a vertical axis.
81 /// @param src    Pointer to the pixel buffer to process.
82 /// @param width  Width of the buffer.
83 /// @param height Height of the buffer.
84 void Flip_X_lowlevel(byte *src, short width, short height);
85 ///
86 /// Rotate a pixel buffer by 90 degrees, clockwise.
87 /// @param source Source pixel buffer.
88 /// @param dest Destination pixel buffer.
89 /// @param width Width of the original buffer (height of the destination one).
90 /// @param height Height of the original buffer (width of the destination one).
91 void Rotate_90_deg_lowlevel(byte * source, byte * dest, short width, short height);
92 ///
93 /// Rotate a pixel buffer by 90 degrees, counter-clockwise.
94 /// @param source Source pixel buffer.
95 /// @param dest Destination pixel buffer.
96 /// @param width Width of the original buffer (height of the destination one).
97 /// @param height Height of the original buffer (width of the destination one).
98 void Rotate_270_deg_lowlevel(byte * source, byte * dest, short width, short height);
99 ///
100 /// Rotate a pixel buffer by 180 degrees.
101 /// @param src The pixel buffer (source and destination).
102 /// @param width Width of the buffer.
103 /// @param height Height of the buffer.
104 void Rotate_180_deg_lowlevel(byte *src, short width, short height);
106 ///
107 /// Copies an image to another, rescaling it and optionally flipping it.
108 /// @param src_buffer Original image (address of first byte)
109 /// @param src_width  Original image's width in pixels
110 /// @param src_height Original image's height in pixels
111 /// @param dst_buffer Destination image (address of first byte)
112 /// @param dst_width  Destination image's width in pixels
113 /// @param dst_height Destination image's height in pixels
114 /// @param x_flipped  Boolean, true to flip the image horizontally
115 /// @param y_flipped  Boolean, true to flip the image vertically
116 void Rescale(byte *src_buffer, short src_width, short src_height, byte *dst_buffer, short dst_width, short dst_height, short x_flipped, short y_flipped);
118 void Zoom_a_line(byte * original_line,byte * zoomed_line,word factor,word width);
119 void Copy_part_of_image_to_another(byte * source,word source_x,word source_y,word width,word height,word source_width,byte * dest,word dest_x,word dest_y,word destination_width);
121 // -- Gestion du chrono --
122 GFX2_GLOBAL byte Timer_state; // State du chrono: 0=Attente d'un Xème de seconde
123                               //                 1=Il faut afficher la preview
124                               //                 2=Plus de chrono à gerer pour l'instant
125 GFX2_GLOBAL dword Timer_delay;     // Nombre de 18.2ème de secondes demandés
126 GFX2_GLOBAL dword Timer_start;       // Heure de départ du chrono
128 #define Num2str(a,b,c) snprintf(b,sizeof(b),"%*lu",(int)c,(unsigned long)(a))
130 #define Dec2str(a,b,c) sprintf(b,"%.*f",c,(double)(a))
132 short Round(float value);
133 short Round_div_max(short numerator,short divisor);
135 /* round number n to d decimal points */
136 double Fround(double n, unsigned d);
140 int Min(int a,int b);
141 int Max(int a,int b);
143 const char* Mode_label(int mode);
144 int Convert_videomode_arg(const char *argument);
146 #endif