1 /**
2  ** BCC2GRX  -  Interfacing Borland based graphics programs to LIBGRX
3  ** Copyright (C) 1993-97 by Hartmut Schirmer
4  **
5  ** Contact :                Hartmut Schirmer
6  **                          Feldstrasse 118
7  **                  D-24105 Kiel
8  **                          Germany
9  **
10  ** e-mail : hsc@techfak.uni-kiel.de
11  **
12  ** This file is part of the GRX graphics library.
13  **
14  ** The GRX graphics library is free software; you can redistribute it
15  ** and/or modify it under some conditions; see the "copying.grx" file
16  ** for details.
17  **
18  ** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19  ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21  **
22  **/
24 #ifndef __LIBBCC_H
25 #define __LIBBCC_H
27 /* Version number, read as
28 	 0x20a v2.0 alpha
29 	 0x21b v2.1 beta
30 	 0x230 v2.3 offical release */
31 #define __BCC2GRX__ 0x22b
33 #ifdef __cplusplus
34 extern "C" {
35 #endif
37 #ifndef TRUE
38 #  define TRUE (1==1)
39 #endif
40 #ifndef FALSE
41 #  define FALSE (1==0)
42 #endif
44 #ifndef near            /* get rid of these stupid keywords */
45 #define near
46 #endif
47 #ifndef far
48 #define far
49 #endif
50 #ifndef huge
51 #define huge
52 #endif
54 #define grOk                0
55 #define grNoInitGraph      -1
56 #define grNotDetected      -2
57 #define grFileNotFound     -3
58 #define grInvalidDriver    -4
59 #define grNoLoadMem        -5
60 #define grNoScanMem        -6
61 #define grNoFloodMem       -7
62 #define grFontNotFound     -8
63 #define grNoFontMem        -9
64 #define grInvalidMode      -10
65 #define grError            -11
66 #define grIOerror          -12
67 #define grInvalidFont      -13
68 #define grInvalidFontNum   -14
69 #define grInvalidVersion   -18
71 #define DETECT             (-2)
72 #define DETECT_PAS         (0)
73 #define NATIVE_GRX         (-3)
74 #define CURRENT_DRIVER     (-1)
75 #define VGA                ( 9)
76 #define EGA                ( 3)
77 #define IBM8514            ( 6)
78 #define HERCMONO           ( 7)
79 #define EGA64              ( 4)
80 #define EGAMONO            ( 5)
81 #define CGA                ( 1)
82 #define MCGA               ( 2)
83 #define ATT400             ( 8)
84 #define PC3270             (10)
85 /* driver definitions from BC++ 4.5 : */
86 #define DETECTX            (DETECT)
87 #define VGA256             (11)
88 #define ATTDEB             (12)
89 #define TOSHIBA            (13)
90 #define SVGA16             (14)
91 #define SVGA256            (15)
92 #define SVGA32K            (16)
93 #define SVGA64K            (17)
94 #define VESA16             (18)
95 #define VESA256            (19)
96 #define VESA32K            (20)
97 #define VESA64K            (21)
98 #define VESA16M            (22)
99 #define ATI16              (23)
100 #define ATI256             (24)
101 #define ATI32K             (25)
102 #define COMPAQ             (26)
103 #define TSENG316           (27)
104 #define TSENG3256          (28)
105 #define TSENG416           (29)
106 #define TSENG4256          (30)
107 #define TSENG432K          (31)
108 #define GENOA5             (32)
109 #define GENOA6             (33)
110 #define OAK                (34)
111 #define PARADIS16          (35)
112 #define PARADIS256         (36)
113 #define TECMAR             (37)
114 #define TRIDENT16          (38)
115 #define TRIDENT256         (39)
116 #define VIDEO7             (40)
117 #define VIDEO7II           (41)
118 #define S3                 (42)
119 #define ATIGUP             (43)
121 #define VGALO              0
122 #define VGAMED             1
123 #define VGAHI              2
124 #define IBM8514LO          0
125 #define IBM8514HI          1
126 #define HERCMONOHI         0
127 #define CGAC0              0
128 #define CGAC1              1
129 #define CGAC2              2
130 #define CGAC3              3
131 #define CGAHI              4
132 #define MCGAC0             CGAC0
133 #define MCGAC1             CGAC1
134 #define MCGAC2             CGAC2
135 #define MCGAC3             CGAC3
136 #define MCGAMED            CGAHI
137 #define MCGAHI             5
138 #define ATT400C0           MCGAC0
139 #define ATT400C1           MCGAC1
140 #define ATT400C2           MCGAC2
141 #define ATT400C3           MCGAC3
142 #define ATT400MED          MCGAMED
143 #define ATT400HI           MCGAHI
144 #define EGA64LO            0
145 #define EGA64HI            1
146 #define EGALO              0
147 #define EGAHI              1
148 #define EGAMONOHI          0
149 #define EGAMONOHI_PAS      3
150 #define PC3270HI           0
151 /* mode definitions from BC++ 4.5 : */
152 #define RES640x350         0
153 #define RES640x480         1
154 #define RES800x600         2
155 #define RES1024x768        3
156 #define RES1280x1024       4
158 /* NATIVE_GRX modes : */
159 #define GRX_DEFAULT_GRAPHICS                0
161 #define GRX_BIGGEST_GRAPHICS                2
162 #define GRX_BGI_EMULATION                   3
163 #define __FIRST_DRIVER_SPECIFIC_MODE        4
166 #ifndef   BLACK
167 #  define BLACK         0
168 #endif
169 #ifndef   BLUE
170 #  define BLUE          1
171 #endif
172 #ifndef   GREEN
173 #  define GREEN         2
174 #endif
175 #ifndef   CYAN
176 #  define CYAN          3
177 #endif
178 #ifndef   RED
179 #  define RED           4
180 #endif
181 #ifndef MAGENTA
182 #  define MAGENTA       5
183 #endif
184 #ifndef   BROWN
185 #  define BROWN         6
186 #endif
187 #ifndef   LIGHTGRAY
188 #  define LIGHTGRAY     7
189 #endif
190 #ifndef   DARKGRAY
191 #  define DARKGRAY      8
192 #endif
193 #ifndef   LIGHTBLUE
194 #  define LIGHTBLUE     9
195 #endif
196 #ifndef   LIGHTGREEN
197 #  define LIGHTGREEN   10
198 #endif
199 #ifndef   LIGHTCYAN
200 #  define LIGHTCYAN    11
201 #endif
202 #ifndef   LIGHTRED
203 #  define LIGHTRED     12
204 #endif
205 #ifndef   LIGHTMAGENTA
206 #  define LIGHTMAGENTA 13
207 #endif
208 #ifndef   YELLOW
209 #  define YELLOW       14
210 #endif
211 #ifndef   WHITE
212 #  define WHITE        (__gr_White())
213 #endif
215 #define EGA_BLACK        0
216 #define EGA_BLUE         1
217 #define EGA_GREEN        2
218 #define EGA_RED          4
219 #define EGA_LIGHTBLUE    57
220 #define EGA_LIGHTGREEN   58
221 #define EGA_LIGHTRED     60
222 #define EGA_CYAN         3
223 #define EGA_LIGHTCYAN    59
224 #define EGA_MAGENTA      5
225 #define EGA_LIGHTMAGENTA 61
226 #define EGA_BROWN        20
227 #define EGA_LIGHTGRAY    7
228 #define EGA_DARKGRAY     56
229 #define EGA_YELLOW       62
230 #define EGA_WHITE        63
232 #define SOLID_LINE   0
233 #define DOTTED_LINE  1
234 #define CENTER_LINE  2
235 #define DASHED_LINE  3
236 #define USERBIT_LINE 4
238 #define NORM_WIDTH   1
239 #define THICK_WIDTH  3
241 #define DEFAULT_FONT      0    /* 8x8 bit mapped font */
242 #define TRIPLEX_FONT      1
243 #define SMALL_FONT        2
244 #define SANS_SERIF_FONT   3
245 #define GOTHIC_FONT       4
246 #define SCRIPT_FONT       5
247 #define SIMPLEX_FONT      6
248 #define TRIPLEX_SCR_FONT  7
249 #define COMPLEX_FONT      8
250 #define EUROPEAN_FONT     9
251 #define BOLD_FONT         10
253 #define HORIZ_DIR   0       /* left to right */
254 #define VERT_DIR    1       /* bottom to top */
256 #define USER_CHAR_SIZE  0   /* user-defined char size */
258 enum fill_patterns {        /* Fill patterns for get/setfillstyle */
259 	EMPTY_FILL,     /* fills area in background color */
260 	SOLID_FILL,     /* fills area in solid fill color */
261 	LINE_FILL,      /* --- fill */
262 	LTSLASH_FILL,       /* /// fill */
263 	SLASH_FILL,     /* /// fill with thick lines */
264 	BKSLASH_FILL,       /* \\\ fill with thick lines */
265 	LTBKSLASH_FILL,     /* \\\ fill */
266 	HATCH_FILL,     /* light hatch fill */
267 	XHATCH_FILL,        /* heavy cross hatch fill */
268 	INTERLEAVE_FILL,    /* interleaving line fill */
269 	WIDE_DOT_FILL,      /* Widely spaced dot fill */
270 	CLOSE_DOT_FILL,     /* Closely spaced dot fill */
271 	USER_FILL       /* user defined fill */
272 };
274 #define COPY_PUT 0
275 #define XOR_PUT  1
276 #define OR_PUT   2
277 #define AND_PUT  3
278 #define NOT_PUT  4
280 #define LEFT_TEXT   0
281 #define CENTER_TEXT 1
282 #define RIGHT_TEXT  2
283 #define BOTTOM_TEXT 0
284 #define TOP_TEXT    2
286 #define MAXCOLORS 15
288 struct palettetype {
289 	unsigned char size;
290 	  signed char colors[MAXCOLORS+1];
291 };
293 struct linesettingstype {
294 	int            linestyle;
295 	unsigned short upattern;    /* Note : BCC defines unsigned ! */
296 	int            thickness;
297 };
299 struct textsettingstype {
300 	int font;
301 	int direction;
302 	int charsize;
303 	int horiz;
304 	int vert;
305 };
307 struct fillsettingstype {
308 	int pattern;
309 	int color;
310 };
312 /* This definition is compatible with the grx
313    definition 'int pts[][2]' used to define polygons */
314 struct pointtype {
315 	int x, y;
316 };
318 struct viewporttype {
319 	int left, top, right, bottom;
320 	int clip;
321 };
323 struct arccoordstype {
324 	int x, y;
325 	int xstart, ystart, xend, yend;
326 };
328 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
329 /* ---                  Internal definitions                      --- */
330 /* --- Don't access one of these variable and functions directly! --- */
332 extern int           __gr_Mode;
333 extern int           __gr_INIT;
334 extern int           __gr_MaxMode;
335 extern int           __gr_Result;
336 extern int           __gr_X, __gr_Y;            /* graphics cursor pos */
337 extern int           __gr_vpl, __gr_vpt,        /* actual viewport     */
338 		     __gr_vpr, __gr_vpb;
339 extern int           __gr_color;                /* drawing color       */
340 extern int           __gr_colorbg;              /* background color    */
341 extern int           __gr_colorfill;            /* fill color          */
342 #if defined(__TURBOC__) && defined(__MSDOS__)
343 extern unsigned long __gr_WR;                   /* Write mode, type    */
344 #else
345 extern unsigned int  __gr_WR;                   /* must match GrColor  */
346 #endif
347 extern int           __gr_Xasp;                 /* Aspect ratio        */
348 extern int           __gr_Yasp;
349 extern int           __gr_fpatno;
350 extern int           __gr_lstyle;
351 extern int           __gr_clip;                 /* actual clipping state    */
352 extern int           __gr_ADAPTER;              /* Adapter used             */
353 extern unsigned char __gr_fpatterns[][8];
354 extern struct palettetype __gr_EGAdef;
355 extern int           __gr_BGI_w;                /* Width, height and color  */
356 extern int           __gr_BGI_h;                /* used in                  */
357 extern int           __gr_BGI_c;                /* GRX_BGI_EMULATION mode   */
358 extern int           __gr_TextLineStyle;        /* use setlinestyle() while
359 						   plotting .chr fonts      */
361 void     __gr_set_up_modes(void);
362 int      __gr_White(void);
364 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
365 /* ---                  BGI - API definitions                     --- */
367 void     detectgraph(int *graphdriver,int *graphmode);
368 void     initgraph(int *graphdriver, int *graphmode, char *pathtodriver);
369 void     closegraph(void);
370 void     setgraphmode(int mode);
371 char    *getmodename( int mode_number );
372 void     graphdefaults(void);
373 char    *getdrivername( void );
374 char    *grapherrormsg(int errorcode);
375 int      getmaxx(void);
376 int      getmaxy(void);
377 int      getmaxcolor(void);
378 void     getviewsettings(struct viewporttype  *viewport);
379 void     setviewport(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int clip);
380 void     getlinesettings(struct linesettingstype  *lineinfo);
381 void     setlinestyle(int linestyle, unsigned upattern, int thickness);
382 void     clearviewport(void);
383 unsigned getpixel(int x, int y);
384 void     putpixel(int x, int y, int color);
385 void     bar3d(int left,int top,int right,int bottom,int depth, int topflag);
386 void     rectangle(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
387 void     fillpoly(int numpoints, void *polypoints);
388 void     fillellipse( int x, int y, int xradius, int yradius );
389 void     getarccoords(struct arccoordstype  *arccoords);
390 void     floodfill(int x, int y, int border);
391 void     setfillpattern( char  *upattern, int color);
392 void     setfillstyle(int pattern, int color);
393 void     getimage(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, void  *bitmap);
394 void     putimage(int left, int top,  void  *bitmap, int op);
395 unsigned imagesize(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
396 void     gettextsettings(struct textsettingstype  *texttypeinfo);
397 void     settextjustify(int horiz, int vert);
398 void     settextstyle(int font, int direction, int charsize);
399 void     setrgbpalette(int color, int red, int green, int blue);
400 void     setusercharsize(int multx, int divx, int multy, int divy);
401 void     setwritemode( int mode );
402 void     outtext(const char *textstring);
403 void     outtextxy(int x, int y, const char *textstring);
404 int      textheight(const char *textstring);
405 int      textwidth(const char  *textstring);
407 int      registerbgifont(void *font);
408 int      installuserfont(const char *name);
410 int      getpalettesize(void);
411 void     getpalette(struct palettetype  *palette);
412 void     setallpalette( const struct palettetype  *palette);
416 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
417 /* ---                  BGI - API extensions                      --- */
419 extern int  _bold_font, _euro_font,       /* Linkable font files      */
420 	    _goth_font, _lcom_font,
421 	    _litt_font, _sans_font,
422 	    _scri_font, _simp_font,
423 	    _trip_font, _tscr_font;
424 void     set_BGI_mode(int *graphdriver, int *graphmode);
425 /*void   set_BGI_mode_whc() declared inline */
426 void     __getrgbpalette(int color, int *red, int *green, int *blue);
429 void     __gr_set_libbcc_init_hooks (
430                       int (*init) (void) ,
431                       int (*close) (void) );
434 int     set_BGI_print_mode ( int mode , char * dest );
436 extern unsigned char _dac_g256[][3];    /* 256 shading dac values */
437 extern unsigned char _dac_normal[][3];  /* 256 standard colors    */
439 extern void setrgbdefaults(void);
440 extern void setrgbgray256(void);
441 int      _ega_color(int egacol);
444 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
445 /* ---            direct linkable API functions                   --- */
446 /* ---      ( mainly for GNU Pascal Graph unit usage )            --- */
448 void __gr_restorecrtmode(void);
449 void __gr_closegraph(void);
450 int  __gr_getgraphmode(void);
451 int  __gr_getmaxmode(void);
452 void __gr_getmoderange(int gd, int *lomode, int *himode);
453 int  __gr_graphresult(void);
454 int  __gr_getx(void);
455 int  __gr_gety(void);
456 void __gr_moveto(int x, int y);
457 void __gr_moverel(int dx, int dy);
458 int  __gr_getbkcolor(void);
459 int  __gr_getcolor(void);
460 void __gr_cleardevice(void);
461 void __gr_setbkcolor(int color);
462 void __gr_setcolor(int color);
463 void __gr_line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
464 void __gr_linerel(int dx, int dy);
465 void __gr_lineto(int x, int y);
466 void __gr_drawpol(int numpoints, void *polypoints, int close);
467 void __gr_drawpoly(int numpoints, void *polypoints);
468 void __gr_bar(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
469 void __gr_circle(int x, int y, int radius);
470 void __gr_ellipse(int x,int y,int stangle,int endangle,int xradius,int yradius);
471 void __gr_arc(int x, int y, int stangle, int endangle, int radius);
472 void __gr_getaspectratio(int *xasp, int *yasp);
473 void __gr_setaspectratio( int xasp, int yasp );
474 void __gr_getfillsettings(struct fillsettingstype  *fillinfo);
475 void __gr_getfillpattern(char *pattern);
476 void __gr_sector(int x,int y,int stangle,int endangle,int xradius,int yradius);
477 void __gr_pieslice(int x, int y, int stangle, int endangle, int radius);
478 unsigned __gr_setgraphbufsize(unsigned bufsize);
479 struct palettetype *__gr_getdefaultpalette(void);
480 int  __gr_installbgidriver(char *name, void *detect);
481 int  __gr_registerfarbgidriver(void *driver);
482 int  __gr_registerfarbgifont(void *font);
483 void __gr_textlinestyle(int on);
484 void __gr_setpalette(int colornum, int color);
485 int  __gr_getvisualpage(void);
486 void __gr_setvisualpage(int p);
487 int  __gr_getactivepage(void);
488 void __gr_setactivepage(int p);
489 int  __gr_setrgbcolor(int r, int g, int b);
490 int  __gr_getmodemaxy(int mode);
491 int  __gr_getmodemaxx(int mode);
492 int  __gr_getmodemaxcolor(int mode);
493 void __gr_set_BGI_mode_whc(int *gd, int *gm, int width, int height, int colors);
494 int  __gr_get_BGI_mode_pages(void);
495 void __gr_set_BGI_mode_pages(int p);
497 #ifdef __cplusplus
498 }
499 #endif
501 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
502 /* ---           API functions with macro equivalents            --- */
503 /* ---                      (for inlining)                       --- */
504 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
505 void restorecrtmode(void);
506 int getgraphmode(void);
507 int getmaxmode(void);
508 void getmoderange(int gd, int *lomode, int *himode);
509 int graphresult(void);
510 int getx(void);
511 int gety(void);
512 void moveto(int x, int y);
513 void moverel(int dx, int dy);
514 int getbkcolor(void);
515 int getcolor(void);
516 void cleardevice(void);
517 void setbkcolor(int color);
518 void setcolor(int color);
519 void line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
520 void linerel(int dx, int dy);
521 void lineto(int x, int y);
522 void drawpoly(int numpoints, void *polypoints);
523 void bar(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
524 void circle(int x, int y, int radius);
525 void ellipse( int x, int y, int stangle, int endangle,
526 	      int xradius, int yradius  );
527 void arc(int x, int y, int stangle, int endangle, int radius);
528 void getaspectratio(int *xasp, int *yasp);
529 void setaspectratio( int xasp, int yasp );
530 void getfillsettings(struct fillsettingstype  *fillinfo);
531 void getfillpattern(char *pattern);
532 void sector( int x, int y, int stangle, int endangle,
533 	     int xradius, int yradius  );
534 void pieslice(int x, int y, int stangle, int endangle, int radius);
535 unsigned setgraphbufsize(unsigned bufsize);
536 struct palettetype *getdefaultpalette(void);
537 int installbgidriver(char *name, void *detect);
538 int registerfarbgidriver(void *driver);
539 int registerfarbgifont(void *font);
540 void textlinestyle(int on);
541 void setpalette(int colornum, int color);
542 void set_BGI_mode_pages(int p);
543 int get_BGI_mode_pages(void);
544 void set_BGI_mode_whc(int *gd, int *gm, int width, int height, int colors);
545 int getmodemaxcolor(int mode);
546 int getmodemaxx(int mode);
547 int getmodemaxy(int mode);
548 int setrgbcolor(int r, int g, int b);
549 void setactivepage(int p);
550 int getactivepage(void);
551 void setvisualpage(int p);
552 int getvisualpage(void);
554 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
555 #define restorecrtmode() __gr_restorecrtmode()
556 #define getgraphmode() (__gr_INIT ? __gr_Mode : (__gr_Result=grNoInitGraph))
557 #define getmaxmode() (__gr_set_up_modes(), __gr_MaxMode)
558 #define getmoderange(gd, lomode, himode) \
559   __gr_getmoderange((gd),(lomode),(himode))
560 #define graphresult() __gr_graphresult()
561 #define getx() (__gr_X+0)
562 #define gety() (__gr_Y+0)
563 #define moveto(x, y) do { __gr_X = (x); __gr_Y = (y); } while(0)
564 #define moverel(dx, dy) moveto(getx()+(dx),gety()+(dy))
565 #define getbkcolor() (__gr_colorbg+0)
566 #define getcolor() (__gr_color+0)
567 #define cleardevice() __gr_cleardevice()
568 #define setbkcolor(color) do __gr_colorbg = (color); while(0)
569 #define setcolor(color) do __gr_color = (color); while(0)
570 #define line(x1, y1, x2, y2) __gr_line((x1),(y1),(x2),(y2))
571 #define linerel(dx, dy) __gr_line(getx(),gety(),getx()+(dx),gety()+(dy))
572 #define lineto(x, y) __gr_line(getx(),gety(),(x),(y))
573 #define drawpoly(numpoints, polypoints) \
574   __gr_drawpol((numpoints), (polypoints), FALSE)
575 #define bar(left, top, right, bottom) __gr_bar((left),(top),(right),(bottom))
576 #define circle(x, y, radius) __gr_circle((x),(y),(radius))
577 #define ellipse(x, y, stangle, endangle, xradius, yradius) \
578   __gr_ellipse((x),(y),(stangle),(endangle),(xradius),(yradius))
579 /* arc() uses radius twice */
580 #define getaspectratio(xasp, yasp) \
581   do { *(xasp) = __gr_Xasp; *(yasp) = __gr_Yasp; } while(0)
582 #define setaspectratio(xasp, yasp ) \
583   do { __gr_Xasp = (xasp); __gr_Yasp = (yasp); } while(0)
584 /* getfillsettings() uses fillinfo twice */
585 #define getfillpattern(pattern) __gr_getfillpattern(pattern)
586 #define sector(x, y, stangle, endangle, xradius, yradius) \
587   __gr_sector((x),(y),(stangle),(endangle),(xradius), (yradius));
588 /* pieslice() uses radius twice */
589 #define setgraphbufsize(bufsize) __gr_setgraphbufsize(bufsize)
590 #define getdefaultpalette() (&__gr_EGAdef)
591 #define installbgidriver(name, detect) __gr_installbgidriver((name), (detect))
592 #define registerfarbgidriver(driver) __gr_registerfarbgidriver(driver)
593 #define registerfarbgifont(font) registerbgifont(font)
594 #define textlinestyle(on) do __gr_TextLineStyle = on; while(0);
595 #define setpalette(colornum, color) __gr_setpalette((colornum),(color))
596 #define set_BGI_mode_pages(p) __gr_set_BGI_mode_pages(p)
597 #define get_BGI_mode_pages() __gr_get_BGI_mode_pages()
598 #define set_BGI_mode_whc(gd, gm, width, height, colors) \
599   do { \
600   __gr_set_BGI_mode_pages(1); \
601   __gr_BGI_w = (width); \
602   __gr_BGI_h = (height); \
603   __gr_BGI_c = (colors); \
604   *(gd)      = NATIVE_GRX; \
605   *(gm)      = GRX_BGI_EMULATION; \
606   } while(0)
607 #define getmodemaxcolor(mode) __gr_getmodemaxcolor(mode)
608 #define getmodemaxx(mode) __gr_getmodemaxx(mode)
609 #define getmodemaxy(mode) __gr_getmodemaxx(mode)
610 #define setrgbcolor(r, g, b) __gr_setrgbcolor((r),(g),(b))
611 #define setactivepage(p) __gr_setactivepage(p)
612 #define getactivepage() __gr_getactivepage()
613 #define setvisualpage(p) __gr_setvisualpage(p)
614 #define getvisualpage() __gr_getvisualpage()
616 #ifdef __BCCGRX_C
618 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
619 void (restorecrtmode)(void) {
620   __gr_restorecrtmode();
621 }
623 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
624 int (getgraphmode)(void) {
625   return (__gr_INIT ? __gr_Mode : (__gr_Result=grNoInitGraph));
626 }
628 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
629 int (getmaxmode)(void) {
630   __gr_set_up_modes();
631   return __gr_MaxMode;
632 }
634 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
635 void (getmoderange)(int gd, int *lomode, int *himode) {
636   __gr_getmoderange(gd, lomode, himode);
637 }
639 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
640 int (graphresult)(void) {
641   return __gr_graphresult();
642 }
644 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
645 int (getx)(void) {
646   return __gr_X;
647 }
649 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
650 int (gety)(void) {
651   return __gr_Y;
652 }
654 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
655 void (moveto)(int x, int y) {
656   __gr_X = x; __gr_Y = y;
657 }
659 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
660 void (moverel)(int dx, int dy) {
661   moveto( getx()+dx, gety()+dy);
662 }
664 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
665 int (getbkcolor)(void) {
666   return __gr_colorbg;
667 }
669 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
670 int (getcolor)(void) {
671   return __gr_color;
672 }
674 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
675 void (cleardevice)(void) {
676   __gr_cleardevice();
677 }
679 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
680 void (setbkcolor)(int color) {
681   __gr_colorbg= color;
682 }
684 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
685 void (setcolor)(int color) {
686   __gr_color= color;
687 }
689 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
690 void (line)(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
691   __gr_line(x1,y1,x2,y2);
692 }
694 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
695 void (linerel)(int dx, int dy) {
696   register int x = getx();
697   register int y = gety();
698   __gr_line(x,y,x+dx,y+dy);
699 }
701 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
702 void (lineto)(int x, int y) {
703   __gr_line( getx(), gety(), x, y);
704 }
706 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
707 void (drawpoly)(int numpoints, void *polypoints) {
708   __gr_drawpol(numpoints, polypoints, FALSE);
709 }
711 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
712 void (bar)(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
713   __gr_bar(left,top,right, bottom);
714 }
716 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
717 void (circle)(int x, int y, int radius) {
718   __gr_circle(x,y,radius);
719 }
721 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
722 void (ellipse)( int x, int y, int stangle, int endangle,
723 	      int xradius, int yradius  ) {
724   __gr_ellipse( x, y, stangle, endangle, xradius, yradius);
725 }
727 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
728 void (arc)(int x, int y, int stangle, int endangle, int radius) {
729   __gr_ellipse(x,y,stangle,endangle,radius,radius);
730 }
732 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
733 void (getaspectratio)(int *xasp, int *yasp) {
734    *xasp = __gr_Xasp; *yasp = __gr_Yasp;
735 }
737 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
738 void (setaspectratio)( int xasp, int yasp ) {
739   __gr_Xasp = xasp; __gr_Yasp = yasp;
740 }
742 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
743 void (getfillsettings)(struct fillsettingstype  *fillinfo) {
744   fillinfo->pattern = __gr_fpatno;
745   fillinfo->color   = __gr_colorfill;
746 }
748 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
749 void (getfillpattern)(char *pattern) {
750   __gr_getfillpattern(pattern);
751 }
753 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
754 void (sector)( int x, int y, int stangle, int endangle,
755 	     int xradius, int yradius  ) {
756   __gr_sector(x,y,stangle,endangle,xradius, yradius);
757 }
759 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
760 void (pieslice)(int x, int y, int stangle, int endangle, int radius) {
761   __gr_sector(x,y,stangle,endangle,radius,radius);
762 }
764 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
765 unsigned (setgraphbufsize)(unsigned bufsize) {
766   return __gr_setgraphbufsize(bufsize);
767 }
769 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
770 struct palettetype *(getdefaultpalette)(void) {
771   return &__gr_EGAdef;
772 }
774 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
775 int (installbgidriver)(char *name, void *detect) {
776   return __gr_installbgidriver(name, detect);
777 }
779 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
780 int (registerfarbgidriver)(void *driver) {
781   return __gr_registerfarbgidriver(driver);
782 }
784 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
785 int (registerfarbgifont)(void *font) {
786   return registerbgifont(font);
787 }
789 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
790 void (textlinestyle)(int on) {
791   __gr_TextLineStyle = on;
792 }
794 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
795 void (setpalette)(int colornum, int color) {
796   __gr_setpalette(colornum,color);
797 }
799 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
800 void (set_BGI_mode_pages)(int p) {
801   __gr_set_BGI_mode_pages(p);
802 }
804 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
805 int (get_BGI_mode_pages)(void) {
806   return __gr_get_BGI_mode_pages();
807 }
809 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
810 void (set_BGI_mode_whc)(int *gd, int *gm, int width, int height, int colors) {
811   __gr_set_BGI_mode_pages(1);
812   __gr_BGI_w = width;
813   __gr_BGI_h = height;
814   __gr_BGI_c = colors;
815   *gd        = NATIVE_GRX;
816   *gm        = GRX_BGI_EMULATION;
817 }
819 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
820 int (getmodemaxcolor)(int mode) {
821    /* works like getmaxcolor() for mode */
822    return __gr_getmodemaxcolor(mode);
823 }
825 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
826 int (getmodemaxx)(int mode) {
827    /* works like getmaxx() for mode */
828    return __gr_getmodemaxx(mode);
829 }
831 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
832 int (getmodemaxy)(int mode) {
833    /* works like getmaxy() for mode */
834    return __gr_getmodemaxx(mode);
835 }
837 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
838 int (setrgbcolor)(int r, int g, int b) {
839   return __gr_setrgbcolor(r,g,b);
840 }
842 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
843 void (setactivepage)(int p) {
844   __gr_setactivepage(p);
845 }
847 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
848 int (getactivepage)(void) {
849   return __gr_getactivepage();
850 }
852 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
853 void (setvisualpage)(int p) {
854   __gr_setvisualpage(p);
855 }
857 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
858 int (getvisualpage)(void) {
859   return __gr_getvisualpage();
860 }
862 #endif	/* __BCCGRX_C */
863 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
865 #endif