1 /*
2     normal.cpp: Helper routines for computing vertex normals
4     This file is part of the implementation of
6         Instant Field-Aligned Meshes
7         Wenzel Jakob, Daniele Panozzo, Marco Tarini, and Olga Sorkine-Hornung
8         In ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2015)
10     All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
11     BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
12 */
14 #include "normal.h"
15 #include "dedge.h"
17 extern void
generate_smooth_normals(const MatrixXu & F,const MatrixXf & V,MatrixXf & N,bool deterministic,const ProgressCallback & progress)18 generate_smooth_normals(const MatrixXu &F, const MatrixXf &V, MatrixXf &N,
19                         bool deterministic,
20                         const ProgressCallback &progress) {
21     cout << "Computing vertex normals .. ";
22     cout.flush();
24     std::atomic<uint32_t> badFaces(0);
25     Timer<> timer;
26     N.resize(V.rows(), V.cols());
27     N.setZero();
29     auto map = [&](const tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t> &range) {
30         for (uint32_t f = range.begin(); f != range.end(); ++f) {
31             Vector3f fn = Vector3f::Zero();
32             for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
33                 Vector3f v0 = V.col(F(i, f)),
34                          v1 = V.col(F((i+1)%3, f)),
35                          v2 = V.col(F((i+2)%3, f)),
36                          d0 = v1-v0,
37                          d1 = v2-v0;
39                 if (i == 0) {
40                     fn = d0.cross(d1);
41                     Float norm = fn.norm();
42                     if (norm < RCPOVERFLOW) {
43                         badFaces++; /* degenerate */
44                         break;
45                     }
46                     fn /= norm;
47                 }
49                 /* "Computing Vertex Normals from Polygonal Facets"
50                     by Grit Thuermer and Charles A. Wuethrich, JGT 1998, Vol 3 */
51                 Float angle = fast_acos(d0.dot(d1) / std::sqrt(d0.squaredNorm() * d1.squaredNorm()));
52                 for (uint32_t k=0; k<3; ++k)
53                     atomicAdd(&N.coeffRef(k, F(i, f)), fn[k]*angle);
54             }
55         }
56         SHOW_PROGRESS_RANGE(range, F.cols(), "Computing vertex normals (1/2)");
57     };
59     tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t> range(0u, (uint32_t) F.cols(), GRAIN_SIZE);
61     if (!deterministic)
62         tbb::parallel_for(range, map);
63     else
64         map(range);
66     tbb::parallel_for(
67         tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t>(0u, (uint32_t) V.cols(), GRAIN_SIZE),
68         [&](const tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t> &range) {
69             for (uint32_t i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); ++i) {
70                 Float norm = N.col(i).norm();
71                 if (norm < RCPOVERFLOW) {
72                     N.col(i) = Vector3f::UnitX();
73                 } else {
74                     N.col(i) /= norm;
75                 }
76             }
77             SHOW_PROGRESS_RANGE(range, V.cols(), "Computing vertex normals (2/2)");
78         }
79     );
81     cout << "done. (";
82     if (badFaces > 0)
83         cout << badFaces << " degenerate faces, ";
84     cout << "took " << timeString(timer.value()) << ")" << endl;
85 }
generate_smooth_normals(const MatrixXu & F,const MatrixXf & V,const VectorXu & V2E,const VectorXu & E2E,const VectorXb & nonManifold,MatrixXf & N,const ProgressCallback & progress)87 void generate_smooth_normals(const MatrixXu &F, const MatrixXf &V, const VectorXu &V2E,
88                              const VectorXu &E2E, const VectorXb &nonManifold,
89                              MatrixXf &N, const ProgressCallback &progress) {
90     cout << "Computing vertex normals .. ";
91     cout.flush();
93     std::atomic<uint32_t> badFaces(0);
94     Timer<> timer;
96     /* Compute face normals */
97     MatrixXf Nf(3, F.cols());
99     tbb::parallel_for(
100         tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t>(0u, (uint32_t) F.cols(), GRAIN_SIZE),
101         [&](const tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t> &range) {
102             for (uint32_t f = range.begin(); f != range.end(); ++f) {
103                 Vector3f v0 = V.col(F(0, f)),
104                          v1 = V.col(F(1, f)),
105                          v2 = V.col(F(2, f)),
106                          n = (v1-v0).cross(v2-v0);
107                 Float norm = n.norm();
108                 if (norm < RCPOVERFLOW) {
109                     badFaces++; /* degenerate */
110                     n = Vector3f::UnitX();
111                 } else {
112                     n /= norm;
113                 }
114                 Nf.col(f) = n;
115             }
116             SHOW_PROGRESS_RANGE(range, F.cols(), "Computing vertex normals (1/2)");
117         }
118     );
120     N.resize(3, V.cols());
122     /* Finally, compute the normals */
123     tbb::parallel_for(
124         tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t>(0u, (uint32_t) V.cols(), GRAIN_SIZE),
125         [&](const tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t> &range) {
126             for (uint32_t i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); ++i) {
127                 uint32_t edge = V2E[i];
128                 if (nonManifold[i] || edge == INVALID) {
129                     N.col(i) = Vector3f::UnitX();
130                     continue;
131                 }
133                 uint32_t stop = edge;
134                 Vector3f normal = Vector3f::Zero();
135                 do {
136                     uint32_t idx = edge % 3;
138                     Vector3f d0 = V.col(F((idx+1)%3, edge/3)) - V.col(i);
139                     Vector3f d1 = V.col(F((idx+2)%3, edge/3)) - V.col(i);
140                     Float angle = fast_acos(d0.dot(d1) / std::sqrt(d0.squaredNorm() * d1.squaredNorm()));
142                     /* "Computing Vertex Normals from Polygonal Facets"
143                         by Grit Thuermer and Charles A. Wuethrich, JGT 1998, Vol 3 */
144                     if (std::isfinite(angle))
145                         normal += Nf.col(edge/3) * angle;
147                     uint32_t opp = E2E[edge];
148                     if (opp == INVALID)
149                         break;
151                     edge = dedge_next_3(opp);
152                 } while (edge != stop);
153                 Float norm = normal.norm();
154                 N.col(i) = norm > RCPOVERFLOW ? Vector3f(normal / norm)
155                                               : Vector3f::UnitX();
156             }
157             SHOW_PROGRESS_RANGE(range, V.cols(), "Computing vertex normals (2/2)");
158         }
159     );
161     cout << "done. (";
162     if (badFaces > 0)
163         cout << badFaces << " degenerate faces, ";
164     cout << "took " << timeString(timer.value()) << ")" << endl;
165 }
generate_crease_normals(MatrixXu & F,MatrixXf & V,const VectorXu & _V2E,const VectorXu & E2E,const VectorXb boundary,const VectorXb & nonManifold,Float angleThreshold,MatrixXf & N,std::map<uint32_t,uint32_t> & creases,const ProgressCallback & progress)167 void generate_crease_normals(MatrixXu &F, MatrixXf &V, const VectorXu &_V2E,
168                              const VectorXu &E2E, const VectorXb boundary,
169                              const VectorXb &nonManifold, Float angleThreshold,
170                              MatrixXf &N, std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> &creases,
171                              const ProgressCallback &progress) {
172     const Float dpThreshold = std::cos(angleThreshold * M_PI / 180);
174     cout << "Computing vertex & crease normals .. ";
175     cout.flush();
176     creases.clear();
178     std::atomic<uint32_t> badFaces(0), creaseVert(0), offset(V.cols());
179     Timer<> timer;
180     VectorXu V2E(_V2E);
182     /* Compute face normals */
183     MatrixXf Nf(3, F.cols());
185     tbb::parallel_for(
186         tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t>(0u, (uint32_t) F.cols(), GRAIN_SIZE),
187         [&](const tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t> &range) {
188             for (uint32_t f = range.begin(); f != range.end(); ++f) {
189                 Vector3f v0 = V.col(F(0, f)),
190                          v1 = V.col(F(1, f)),
191                          v2 = V.col(F(2, f)),
192                          n = (v1-v0).cross(v2-v0);
193                 Float norm = n.norm();
194                 if (norm < RCPOVERFLOW) {
195                     badFaces++; /* degenerate */
196                     n = Vector3f::UnitX();
197                 } else {
198                     n /= norm;
199                 }
200                 Nf.col(f) = n;
201             }
202             SHOW_PROGRESS_RANGE(range, F.cols(), "Computing vertex & crease normals (1/3)");
203         }
204     );
206     /* Determine how many extra vertices are needed, and adjust
207        the vertex->edge pointers so that they are located just after
208        the first crease edge */
209     tbb::parallel_for(
210         tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t>(0u, (uint32_t) V.cols(), GRAIN_SIZE),
211         [&](const tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t> &range) {
212             for (uint32_t i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); ++i) {
213                 uint32_t edge = V2E[i], stop = edge;
214                 if (nonManifold[i] || edge == INVALID)
215                     continue;
216                 uint32_t creaseEdge = INVALID, nCreaseEdges = 0;
217                 bool is_boundary = boundary[i];
218                 do {
219                     uint32_t opp = E2E[edge];
220                     if (opp == INVALID)
221                         break;
222                     uint32_t nextEdge = dedge_next_3(opp);
223                     if (Nf.col(edge / 3).dot(Nf.col(nextEdge / 3)) < dpThreshold) {
224                         nCreaseEdges++;
225                         if (creaseEdge == INVALID || creaseEdge < nextEdge)
226                             creaseEdge = nextEdge;
227                     }
228                     edge = nextEdge;
229                 } while (edge != stop);
231                 if (creaseEdge != INVALID) {
232                     if (!is_boundary)
233                         V2E[i] = creaseEdge;
234                     creaseVert += nCreaseEdges - (is_boundary ? 0 : 1);
235                 }
236             }
237             SHOW_PROGRESS_RANGE(range, V.cols(), "Computing vertex & crease normals (2/3)");
238         }
239     );
241     uint32_t oldSize = V.cols();
242     V.conservativeResize(3, V.cols() + creaseVert);
243     N.resize(3, V.cols());
245     tbb::spin_mutex mutex;
247     /* Finally, compute the normals */
248     tbb::parallel_for(
249         tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t>(0u, oldSize, GRAIN_SIZE),
250         [&](const tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t> &range) {
251             for (uint32_t i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); ++i) {
252                 uint32_t edge = V2E[i];
253                 if (nonManifold[i] || edge == INVALID) {
254                     N.col(i) = Vector3f::UnitX();
255                     continue;
256                 }
258                 uint32_t stop = edge, vertexID = i;
259                 Vector3f normal = Vector3f::Zero();
260                 do {
261                     uint32_t idx = edge % 3;
262                     if (vertexID != i)
263                         F(idx, edge/3) = vertexID;
265                     Vector3f d0 = V.col(F((idx+1)%3, edge/3)) - V.col(i);
266                     Vector3f d1 = V.col(F((idx+2)%3, edge/3)) - V.col(i);
267                     Float angle = fast_acos(d0.dot(d1) / std::sqrt(d0.squaredNorm() * d1.squaredNorm()));
269                     /* "Computing Vertex Normals from Polygonal Facets"
270                         by Grit Thuermer and Charles A. Wuethrich, JGT 1998, Vol 3 */
271                     if (std::isfinite(angle))
272                         normal += Nf.col(edge/3) * angle;
274                     uint32_t opp = E2E[edge];
275                     if (opp == INVALID) {
276                         Float norm = normal.norm();
277                         N.col(vertexID) = norm > RCPOVERFLOW ? Vector3f(normal / norm)
278                                                              : Vector3f::UnitX();
279                         break;
280                     }
282                     uint32_t nextEdge = dedge_next_3(opp);
283                     if (Nf.col(edge / 3).dot(Nf.col(nextEdge / 3)) < dpThreshold ||
284                         nextEdge == stop) {
285                         Float norm = normal.norm();
286                         N.col(vertexID) = norm > RCPOVERFLOW ? Vector3f(normal / norm)
287                                                              : Vector3f::UnitX();
288                         normal = Vector3f::Zero();
289                         if (nextEdge != stop) {
290                             vertexID = offset++;
291                             V.col(vertexID) = V.col(i);
292                             mutex.lock();
293                             creases[vertexID] = i;
294                             mutex.unlock();
295                         }
296                     }
297                     edge = nextEdge;
298                 } while (edge != stop);
299             }
300             SHOW_PROGRESS_RANGE(range, oldSize, "Computing vertex & crease normals (3/3)");
301         }
302     );
304     if (offset != (uint32_t) V.cols())
305         throw std::runtime_error("Internal error (incorrect final vertex count)!");
307     cout << "done. (";
308     if (badFaces > 0)
309         cout << badFaces << " degenerate faces, ";
310     if (creaseVert > 0)
311         cout << creaseVert << " crease vertices, ";
312     cout << "took " << timeString(timer.value()) << ")" << endl;
313 }
generate_crease_normals(const MatrixXu & F,const MatrixXf & V,const VectorXu & _V2E,const VectorXu & E2E,const VectorXb boundary,const VectorXb & nonManifold,Float angleThreshold,MatrixXf & N,std::set<uint32_t> & creases,const ProgressCallback & progress)315 void generate_crease_normals(const MatrixXu &F, const MatrixXf &V,
316                              const VectorXu &_V2E, const VectorXu &E2E,
317                              const VectorXb boundary,
318                              const VectorXb &nonManifold, Float angleThreshold,
319                              MatrixXf &N, std::set<uint32_t> &creases,
320                              const ProgressCallback &progress) {
321     const Float dpThreshold = std::cos(angleThreshold * M_PI / 180);
323     cout << "Computing vertex & crease normals .. ";
324     cout.flush();
325     creases.clear();
327     Timer<> timer;
328     VectorXu V2E(_V2E);
330     /* Compute face normals */
331     MatrixXf Nf(3, F.cols());
332     std::atomic<uint32_t> badFaces(0);
334     tbb::parallel_for(
335         tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t>(0u, (uint32_t) F.cols(), GRAIN_SIZE),
336         [&](const tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t> &range) {
337             for (uint32_t f = range.begin(); f != range.end(); ++f) {
338                 Vector3f v0 = V.col(F(0, f)),
339                          v1 = V.col(F(1, f)),
340                          v2 = V.col(F(2, f)),
341                          n = (v1-v0).cross(v2-v0);
342                 Float norm = n.norm();
343                 if (norm < RCPOVERFLOW) {
344                     badFaces++; /* degenerate */
345                     n = Vector3f::UnitX();
346                 } else {
347                     n /= norm;
348                 }
349                 Nf.col(f) = n;
350             }
351             SHOW_PROGRESS_RANGE(range, F.cols(), "Computing vertex & crease normals (1/3)");
352         }
353     );
355     /* Determine how many extra vertices are needed, and adjust
356        the vertex->edge pointers so that they are located just after
357        the first crease edge */
358     tbb::parallel_for(
359         tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t>(0u, (uint32_t) V.cols(), GRAIN_SIZE),
360         [&](const tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t> &range) {
361             for (uint32_t i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); ++i) {
362                 uint32_t edge = V2E[i], stop = edge;
363                 if (nonManifold[i] || edge == INVALID)
364                     continue;
365                 uint32_t creaseEdge = INVALID;
366                 do {
367                     uint32_t opp = E2E[edge];
368                     if (opp == INVALID)
369                         break;
370                     uint32_t nextEdge = dedge_next_3(opp);
371                     if (Nf.col(edge / 3).dot(Nf.col(nextEdge / 3)) < dpThreshold) {
372                         if (creaseEdge == INVALID || creaseEdge < nextEdge)
373                             creaseEdge = nextEdge;
374                     }
375                     edge = nextEdge;
376                 } while (edge != stop);
378                 if (creaseEdge != INVALID) {
379                     if (!boundary[i])
380                         V2E[i] = creaseEdge;
381                 }
382             }
383             SHOW_PROGRESS_RANGE(range, V.cols(), "Computing vertex & crease normals (2/3)");
384         }
385     );
387     N.resize(3, V.cols());
389     /* Finally, compute the normals */
390     tbb::spin_mutex mutex;
391     tbb::parallel_for(
392         tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t>(0u, V.cols(), GRAIN_SIZE),
393         [&](const tbb::blocked_range<uint32_t> &range) {
394             for (uint32_t i = range.begin(); i != range.end(); ++i) {
395                 uint32_t edge = V2E[i];
396                 if (nonManifold[i] || edge == INVALID) {
397                     N.col(i) = Vector3f::UnitX();
398                     continue;
399                 }
401                 uint32_t stop = edge;
402                 Vector3f normal = Vector3f::Zero();
403                 do {
404                     uint32_t idx = edge % 3, face = edge/3;
406                     Vector3f d0 = V.col(F((idx+1)%3, face)) - V.col(i);
407                     Vector3f d1 = V.col(F((idx+2)%3, face)) - V.col(i);
408                     Float angle = fast_acos(d0.dot(d1) / std::sqrt(d0.squaredNorm() * d1.squaredNorm()));
410                     /* "Computing Vertex Normals from Polygonal Facets"
411                         by Grit Thuermer and Charles A. Wuethrich, JGT 1998, Vol 3 */
412                     if (std::isfinite(angle))
413                         normal += Nf.col(edge/3) * angle;
415                     uint32_t opp = E2E[edge];
416                     if (opp == INVALID)
417                         break;
419                     uint32_t nextEdge = dedge_next_3(opp);
420                     if (Nf.col(edge / 3).dot(Nf.col(nextEdge / 3)) < dpThreshold) {
421                         mutex.lock();
422                         creases.insert(i);
423                         mutex.unlock();
424                         break;
425                     }
427                     edge = nextEdge;
428                 } while (edge != stop);
429                 Float norm = normal.norm();
430                 N.col(i) = norm > RCPOVERFLOW ? Vector3f(normal / norm)
431                                               : Vector3f::UnitX();
432             }
433             SHOW_PROGRESS_RANGE(range, V.cols(), "Computing vertex & crease normals (3/3)");
434         }
435     );
437     cout << "done. (";
438     if (badFaces > 0)
439         cout << badFaces << " degenerate faces, ";
440     if (!creases.empty())
441         cout << creases.size() << " crease vertices, ";
442     cout << "took " << timeString(timer.value()) << ")" << endl;
443 }