1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
2 unit UnitMakerUnit;
4 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
6 interface
8 uses
9   Classes, SysUtils, typinfo, rttiutils;
11 { Table of working colorspaces (where blending could be done)
13               |  Byte            Word            Single
14 --------------+---------------------------------------------
15 sRGB          |  BGRAPixel       FPColor         StdRGBA
16 Adobe RGB     |  AdobeRGBA
17 gray          |  ByteMask        (WordMask)
18 linear RGB    |                  ExpandedPixel   LinearRGBA
19 XYZ           |                  WordXYZA        XYZA
21 }
23 type
24   TColorspaceEnum = (csColor, csBGRAPixel, csFPColor, csStdRGBA, //sRGB
25     csAdobeRGBA,
26     csStdHSLA, csStdHSVA, csStdCMYKA,              //based on sRGB
27     csByteMask, {csWordMask,}                        //linear grayscale
28     csExpandedPixel, csLinearRGBA,                 //linear RGB
29     csHSLAPixel, csGSBAPixel,                      //based on linear RGB
30     csXYZA, csWordXYZA,                            //CIE XYZ
31     csLabA, csLChA);                               //based on XYZ
33   TChannelValueType = (cvtByte, cvtWord, cvtLongWord, cvtSingle, cvtDouble);
35 const
36   ChannelValueTypeName : array[TChannelValueType] of string = ('byte', 'word', 'longword', 'single', 'double');
37   ChannelValueTypePrecision : array[TChannelValueType] of integer = (1, 2, 4, 2, 6);
38   ChannelValueTypeBitDepth : array[TChannelValueType] of integer = (8, 16, 32, 28, 58);
39   MAXWORD = $ffff;
41 type
42   TColorspaceInfo = record
43     Name: string;
44     Declaration: string;
45     Colorspace: string;
46     HasAlpha, NeedRefWhite: boolean;
47     ValueType: TChannelValueType;
48     BasicHelper: boolean;
49     VariableNames, FullNames, MinMax: string;
50     IsBridge, HasImaginary: boolean;
51   end;
53 const
54   ColorspaceInfo: array [TColorspaceEnum] of TColorspaceInfo =
55   ((Name: 'Color';         Declaration: 'type helper';   Colorspace: 'StdRGB';      HasAlpha: false;  NeedRefWhite: false;  ValueType: cvtByte;    BasicHelper: false;
56    VariableNames: 'red,green,blue';                      FullNames: 'Red,Green,Blue';                 MinMax: '0,0,0,255,255,255';                IsBridge: false; HasImaginary: false),
57    (Name: 'BGRAPixel';     Declaration: 'record helper'; Colorspace: 'StdRGB';      HasAlpha: true;   NeedRefWhite: false;  ValueType: cvtByte;    BasicHelper: true;
58    VariableNames: 'red,green,blue,alpha';                FullNames: 'Red,Green,Blue,Alpha';           MinMax: '0,0,0,0,255,255,255,255';          IsBridge: false; HasImaginary: false),
59    (Name: 'FPColor';       Declaration: 'record helper'; Colorspace: 'StdRGB';      HasAlpha: true;   NeedRefWhite: false;  ValueType: cvtWord;    BasicHelper: true;
60    VariableNames: 'red,green,blue,alpha';                FullNames: 'Red,Green,Blue,Alpha';           MinMax: '0,0,0,0,65535,65535,65535,65535';  IsBridge: false; HasImaginary: false),
62    (Name: 'StdRGBA';       Declaration: 'packed record'; Colorspace: 'StdRGB';      HasAlpha: true;   NeedRefWhite: false;  ValueType: cvtSingle;  BasicHelper: false;
63    VariableNames: 'red,green,blue,alpha';                FullNames: 'Red,Green,Blue,Alpha';           MinMax: '0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1';                  IsBridge: false; HasImaginary: false),
64    (Name: 'AdobeRGBA';     Declaration: 'packed record'; Colorspace: 'AdobeRGB';    HasAlpha: true;   NeedRefWhite: false;  ValueType: cvtByte;    BasicHelper: false;
65    VariableNames: 'red,green,blue,alpha';                FullNames: 'Red,Green,Blue,Alpha';           MinMax: '0,0,0,0,255,255,255,255';          IsBridge: false; HasImaginary: false),
67    (Name: 'StdHSLA';       Declaration: 'packed record'; Colorspace: 'StdHSL';      HasAlpha: true;   NeedRefWhite: false;  ValueType: cvtSingle;  BasicHelper: false;
68    VariableNames: 'hue,saturation,lightness,alpha';      FullNames: 'Hue,Saturation,Lightness,Alpha'; MinMax: '0,0,0,0,360,1,1,1';                IsBridge: false; HasImaginary: false),
69    (Name: 'StdHSVA';       Declaration: 'packed record'; Colorspace: 'StdHSV';      HasAlpha: true;   NeedRefWhite: false;  ValueType: cvtSingle;  BasicHelper: false;
70    VariableNames: 'hue,saturation,value,alpha';          FullNames: 'Hue,Saturation,Value,Alpha';     MinMax: '0,0,0,0,360,1,1,1';                IsBridge: false; HasImaginary: false),
71    (Name: 'StdCMYK';       Declaration: 'packed record'; Colorspace: 'StdCMYK';     HasAlpha: false;  NeedRefWhite: false;  ValueType: cvtSingle;  BasicHelper: false;
72    VariableNames: 'C,M,Y,K';                             FullNames: 'Cyan,Magenta,Yellow,Black';      MinMax: '0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1';                  IsBridge: false; HasImaginary: false),
74    (Name: 'ByteMask';      Declaration: 'packed record'; Colorspace: 'Grayscale';   HasAlpha: false;  NeedRefWhite: false;  ValueType: cvtByte;    BasicHelper: false;
75    VariableNames: 'gray';                                FullNames: 'Gray';         MinMax: '0,255';                                              IsBridge: false; HasImaginary: false),
76 {   (Name: 'WordMask';      Declaration: 'packed record'; Colorspace: 'Grayscale';  HasAlpha: false;  NeedRefWhite: false;  ValueType: cvtWord;    BasicHelper: false;
77    VariableNames: 'gray';                                FullNames: 'Gray';         MinMax: '0,65535';                                            IsBridge: false; HasImaginary: false),}
79    (Name: 'ExpandedPixel'; Declaration: 'record helper'; Colorspace: 'LinearRGB';   HasAlpha: true;   NeedRefWhite: false;  ValueType: cvtWord;    BasicHelper: true;
80    VariableNames: 'red,green,blue,alpha';                FullNames: 'Red,Green,Blue,Alpha';           MinMax: '0,0,0,0,65535,65535,65535,65535';  IsBridge: true; HasImaginary: false),
81    (Name: 'LinearRGBA';    Declaration: 'packed record'; Colorspace: 'LinearRGB';   HasAlpha: true;   NeedRefWhite: false;  ValueType: cvtSingle;  BasicHelper: false;
82    VariableNames: 'red,green,blue,alpha';                FullNames: 'Red,Green,Blue,Alpha';           MinMax: '0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1';                  IsBridge: false; HasImaginary: false),
84    (Name: 'HSLAPixel';     Declaration: 'record helper'; Colorspace: 'HSL';         HasAlpha: true;   NeedRefWhite: false;  ValueType: cvtWord;    BasicHelper: true;
85    VariableNames: 'hue,saturation,lightness,alpha';      FullNames: 'Hue,Saturation,Lightness,Alpha'; MinMax: '0,0,0,0,65535,65535,65535,65535';  IsBridge: false; HasImaginary: false),
86    (Name: 'GSBAPixel';     Declaration: 'record helper'; Colorspace: 'GSB';         HasAlpha: true;   NeedRefWhite: false;  ValueType: cvtWord;    BasicHelper: true;
87    VariableNames: 'hue,saturation,lightness,alpha';      FullNames: 'Hue,Saturation,Brightness,Alpha';MinMax: '0,0,0,0,65535,65535,65535,65535';  IsBridge: false; HasImaginary: false),
89    (Name: 'XYZA';          Declaration: 'packed record'; Colorspace: 'CIE XYZ';     HasAlpha: true;   NeedRefWhite: true;   ValueType: cvtSingle;  BasicHelper: false;
90    VariableNames: 'X,Y,Z,alpha';                         FullNames: 'X,Y,Z,Alpha';                    MinMax: '0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1';                  IsBridge: false; HasImaginary: true),
91    (Name: 'WordXYZA';      Declaration: 'packed record'; Colorspace: 'CIE XYZ';     HasAlpha: true;   NeedRefWhite: true;   ValueType: cvtWord;    BasicHelper: false;
92    VariableNames: 'X,Y,Z,alpha';                         FullNames: 'X,Y,Z,Alpha';                    MinMax: '0,0,0,0,50000,50000,50000,65535';  IsBridge: false; HasImaginary: true),
94    (Name: 'LabA';          Declaration: 'packed record'; Colorspace: 'CIE Lab';     HasAlpha: true;   NeedRefWhite: false;  ValueType: cvtSingle;  BasicHelper: false;
95    VariableNames: 'L,a,b,alpha';                         FullNames: 'Lightness,a,b,Alpha';            MinMax: '0,-166,-132,0,100,142,147,1';      IsBridge: false; HasImaginary: true),
96    (Name: 'LChA';          Declaration: 'packed record'; Colorspace: 'CIE LCh';     HasAlpha: true;   NeedRefWhite: false;  ValueType: cvtSingle;  BasicHelper: false;
97    VariableNames: 'L,C,h,alpha';                         FullNames: 'Lightness,Chroma,Hue,Alpha';     MinMax: '0,0,0,0,100,192,360,1';            IsBridge: false; HasImaginary: true) );
99 type
100   TColorPair = record
101     First, Last: TColorspaceEnum;
102     ToFirstFunc, ToLastFunc: string;
103     HandlesExtraAlpha: boolean;
104     Weight: integer;
105   end;
107 type
108   TColorspaceArray = array of TColorspaceEnum;
110   TPath = array of record
111             PairIndex: integer;
112             Reverse: boolean;
113           end;
114   TPathArray = array of TPath;
116 var
117   PairsList: array of TColorPair;
118   PathMatrix: packed array[TColorspaceEnum, TColorspaceEnum] of Word;
119   ConvMatrix: packed array[TColorspaceEnum, TColorspaceEnum] of boolean;
120   ConvBridgeMatrix: packed array[TColorspaceEnum, TColorspaceEnum] of TColorspaceEnum;
FindPathnull122 function FindPath(AFrom, ATo: TColorspaceEnum): TColorspaceArray;
NewColorPairnull123 function NewColorPair(AFirst, ALast: TColorspaceEnum;
124                       AToFirstFunc, AToLastFunc: string;
125                       AHandlesExtraAlpha: boolean; AWeight: integer): TColorPair;
126 procedure AddColorPair(AFirst, ALast: TColorspaceEnum;
127                        AToFirstFunc : string = ''; AToLastFunc: string = '';
128                        AHandlesExtraAlpha: boolean = true;
129                        AWeight: integer = 1);
GetConversionFunctionnull130 function GetConversionFunction(AFrom, ATo: TColorspaceEnum): string;
131 procedure AddAlphaPairs;
132 procedure GenerateCode;
134 implementation
136 uses math;
IsHelperOnlynull138 function IsHelperOnly(cs: TColorspaceEnum): boolean;
139 begin
140   result := ColorspaceInfo[cs].Declaration.EndsWith(' helper');
141 end;
143 procedure AddColorPair(AFirst, ALast: TColorspaceEnum;
144                        AToFirstFunc : string = ''; AToLastFunc: string = '';
145                        AHandlesExtraAlpha: boolean = true;
146                        AWeight: integer = 1);
147 begin
148   SetLength(PairsList, Length(PairsList) + 1);
149   if AToFirstFunc = '' then AToFirstFunc:= ColorspaceInfo[ALast].Name + 'To' + ColorspaceInfo[AFirst].Name;
150   if AToLastFunc = '' then AToLastFunc:= ColorspaceInfo[AFirst].Name + 'To' + ColorspaceInfo[ALast].Name;
151   PairsList[Length(PairsList) - 1] := NewColorPair(AFirst, ALast, AToFirstFunc, AToLastFunc, AHandlesExtraAlpha, AWeight);
152 end;
GetConversionFunctionnull154 function GetConversionFunction(AFrom, ATo: TColorspaceEnum; out AHandlesExtraAlpha: boolean): string;
155 var
156   i: Integer;
157 begin
158   for i := 0 to high(PairsList) do
159     if (PairsList[i].First = AFrom) and (PairsList[i].Last = ATo) and (PairsList[i].ToLastFunc <> '') then
160     begin
161       AHandlesExtraAlpha := PairsList[i].HandlesExtraAlpha;
162       exit(PairsList[i].ToLastFunc)
163     end
164     else if (PairsList[i].First = ATo) and (PairsList[i].Last = AFrom) and (PairsList[i].ToFirstFunc <> '') then
165     begin
166       AHandlesExtraAlpha := PairsList[i].HandlesExtraAlpha;
167       exit(PairsList[i].ToFirstFunc);
168     end;
170   result := ColorspaceInfo[AFrom].Name + 'To' + ColorspaceInfo[ATo].Name;
171   AHandlesExtraAlpha := ConvMatrix[AFrom,ATo];
172 end;
GetConversionFunctionnull174 function GetConversionFunction(AFrom, ATo: TColorspaceEnum): string;
175 var AHandlesExtraAlpha: boolean;
176 begin
Fromnull177   result := GetConversionFunction(AFrom,ATo,AHandlesExtraAlpha);
178 end;
NeedXYZReferenceWhitenull180 function NeedXYZReferenceWhite(c1,c2: TColorspaceEnum): boolean;
181 begin
182   result := (ColorspaceInfo[c1].NeedRefWhite or ColorspaceInfo[c2].NeedRefWhite) and not
183             ([c1,c2] = [csXYZA,csWordXYZA]);
184 end;
GetConversionFunctionRecnull186 function GetConversionFunctionRec(c1, c2: TColorspaceEnum; AValueParam: string; AReferenceWhiteParam: string = ''): string;
187 var
188   c, cBridge: TColorspaceEnum;
190   procedure AppendConv(ATo: TColorspaceEnum);
191   begin
192     if (AReferenceWhiteParam <> '') and NeedXYZReferenceWhite(c,ATo) then
193       result := GetConversionFunction(c,ATo)+'('+result+','+AReferenceWhiteParam+')'
194     else
195       result := GetConversionFunction(c,ATo)+'('+result+')';
196     c := ATo;
197   end;
199 begin
200   result := AValueParam;
201   c := c1;
202   while c <> c2 do
203   begin
204     if ConvMatrix[c,c2] then AppendConv(c2) else
205     begin
206       cBridge := ConvBridgeMatrix[c,c2];
207       if cBridge = low(TColorspaceEnum) then
208         raise exception.Create('Conversion bridge not found');
209       AppendConv(cBridge);
210     end;
211   end;
212 end;
214 procedure AddAlphaPairs;
215 var
216   i, j: TColorspaceEnum;
217 begin
218   for i := Low(TColorspaceEnum) to High(TColorspaceEnum) do
219     for j := Low(TColorspaceEnum) to High(TColorspaceEnum) do
220       if (ColorspaceInfo[j].Name = ColorspaceInfo[i].Name + 'A') and
221          (ColorspaceInfo[j].HasAlpha and not ColorspaceInfo[i].HasAlpha) then
222       begin
223         AddColorPair(i, j);
224         AddColorPair(j, i);
225       end;
226 end;
FindPathRecnull228 function FindPathRec(AFrom, ATo: TColorspaceEnum; AEnd: TPath;
229   ARemainLen: Word; AWantedPrecision: integer): TPathArray;
230 var
231   i, j: Integer;
232   cs: TColorspaceEnum;
233   subEnd: TPath;
234   subResult: TPathArray;
235 begin
236   result := nil;
237   for cs := low(TColorspaceEnum) to high(TColorspaceEnum) do
238     if (PathMatrix[AFrom,cs] = ARemainLen-1) and
239       (ChannelValueTypePrecision[ColorspaceInfo[cs].ValueType] >= AWantedPrecision) then
240     begin
241       for i := 0 to high(PairsList) do
242       if ((PairsList[i].First = cs) and (PairsList[i].Last = ATo)) or
243         ((PairsList[i].Last = cs) and (PairsList[i].First = ATo))  then
244       begin
245         subEnd := nil;
246         setLength(subEnd, length(AEnd)+1);
247         for j := 0 to high(AEnd) do
248           subEnd[j+1] := AEnd[j];
249         subEnd[0].PairIndex := i;
250         subEnd[0].Reverse:= PairsList[i].Last = cs;
252         if ARemainLen <= 1 then
253         begin
254           setlength(result, length(result)+1);
255           result[high(result)] := subEnd;
256         end else
257         begin
258           subResult := FindPathRec(AFrom,cs, subEnd, ARemainLen-1, AWantedPrecision);
259           for j := 0 to high(subResult) do
260           begin
261             setlength(result, length(result)+1);
262             result[high(result)] := subResult[j];
263           end;
264         end;
265         break;
266       end;
267     end;
268 end;
FindPathnull270 function FindPath(AFrom, ATo: TColorspaceEnum): TColorspaceArray;
271 var
272   pathLen: Word;
273   i: Integer;
274   subResult: TPathArray;
275   bestIndex, bestWeight, weight, j, wantedPrecision: integer;
276   path: TPath;
277 begin
278   result := nil;
279   pathLen := PathMatrix[AFrom,ATo];
280   wantedPrecision := min(ChannelValueTypePrecision[ColorspaceInfo[AFrom].ValueType],
281                          ChannelValueTypePrecision[ColorspaceInfo[ATo].ValueType]);
282   if pathLen = MAXWORD then
283     raise exception.Create('No path found');
285   subResult := FindPathRec(AFrom,ATo, nil, pathLen, wantedPrecision);
286   bestIndex := -1;
287   bestWeight := maxLongint;
288   for i := 0 to high(subResult) do
289   begin
290     weight := 0;
291     path := subResult[i];
292     for j := 0 to high(path) do
293       inc(weight, PairsList[path[j].PairIndex].Weight);
294     if weight < bestWeight then
295     begin
296       bestWeight := weight;
297       bestIndex := i;
298     end;
299   end;
301   if bestIndex = -1 then raise exception.Create('No best path found between '+ColorspaceInfo[AFrom].Name+' to '+ColorspaceInfo[ATo].Name);
302   path := subResult[bestIndex];
303   setlength(result, length(path)+1);
304   for j := 0 to high(path) do
305   begin
306     if path[j].Reverse then
307       result[j] := PairsList[path[j].PairIndex].Last
308     else
309       result[j] := PairsList[path[j].PairIndex].First;
310   end;
311   if path[high(path)].Reverse then
312     result[high(result)] := PairsList[path[high(path)].PairIndex].First
313   else
314     result[high(result)] := PairsList[path[high(path)].PairIndex].Last;
315 end;
317 procedure MakePathMatrix;
FindNewPathnull319   function FindNewPath(cs: TColorspaceEnum; FromLen: integer): boolean;
320   var
321     CSFrom: TColorspaceEnum;
322     i: Integer;
323   begin
324     result := false;
325     for CSFrom := low(TColorspaceEnum) to high(TColorspaceEnum) do
326     if PathMatrix[cs,CSFrom] = FromLen then
327     begin
328       for i := 0 to high(PairsList) do
329         if PairsList[i].First = CSFrom then
330         begin
331           if PathMatrix[cs, PairsList[i].Last] = MAXWORD then
332           begin
333             PathMatrix[cs, PairsList[i].Last] := FromLen+1;
334             result := true;
335           end;
336         end else
337         if PairsList[i].Last = CSFrom then
338         begin
339           if PathMatrix[cs, PairsList[i].First] = MAXWORD then
340           begin
341             PathMatrix[cs, PairsList[i].First] := FromLen+1;
342             result := true;
343           end;
344         end;
345     end;
346     inc(FromLen);
347   end;
349 var
350   cs: TColorspaceEnum;
351   FromLen: integer;
352 begin
353   FillWord(PathMatrix, sizeof(PathMatrix) div sizeof(word), MAXWORD);
354   for cs := low(TColorspaceEnum) to high(TColorspaceEnum) do
355   begin
356     PathMatrix[cs,cs] := 0;
357     FromLen := 0;
358     while FindNewPath(cs, FromLen) do inc(FromLen);
359   end;
360 end;
NewColorPairnull362 function NewColorPair(AFirst, ALast: TColorspaceEnum; AToFirstFunc, AToLastFunc: string; AHandlesExtraAlpha: boolean; AWeight: integer): TColorPair;
363 begin
364   with Result do
365   begin
366     First := AFirst;
367     Last := ALast;
368     ToFirstFunc:= AToFirstFunc;
369     ToLastFunc:= AToLastFunc;
370     HandlesExtraAlpha:= AHandlesExtraAlpha;
371     Weight := AWeight;
372   end;
373 end;
375 procedure GenerateCode;
376 var
377   s: string;
378   intsl, impsl: TStringList;
379   InfSpaceAdd: string;
380   ColorTypeDefined: array[TColorspaceEnum] of boolean;
382   procedure Add(ls: string);
383   begin
384     if ls = '' then intsl.add('') else
385       intsl.Add(InfSpaceAdd + ls);
386   end;
388   procedure AddImp(ls: string);
389   begin
390     impsl.Add(ls);
391   end;
393   procedure AddProcedureImp(h, ls: string);
394   begin
395     AddImp(h);
396     ls := Trim(ls);
397     if ls.EndsWith(';') then delete(ls, length(ls), 1);
398     AddImp('begin ' + ls + ' end;');
399     AddImp('');
400   end;
402   procedure AddProcedureImp(h: string; ls: array of string);
403   var
404     i: Integer;
405   begin
406     AddImp(h);
407     AddImp('begin');
408     for i := 0 to high(ls) do
409       AddImp('  ' + ls[i]);
410     AddImp('end;');
411     AddImp('');
412   end;
GetProcedurenull414   function GetProcedure(AFullname, AParams: string; AOverload: boolean): string;
415   begin
416     Result := 'procedure ' + AFullname;
417     if AParams <> '' then
418       Result += '(' + AParams + ')';
419     Result += ';';
420     if AOverload then
421       Result += ' overload;';
422   end;
GetFunctionnull424   function GetFunction(AFullname, AParams, AResultType: string; AOverload: boolean; AStatic: boolean = False): string;
425   begin
426     Result := 'function ' + AFullname;
427     if AParams <> '' then
428       Result += '(' + AParams + ')';
429     Result += ': ' + AResultType + ';';
430     if AOverload then
431       Result += 'overload;';
432     if AStatic then
433       Result += 'static;';
434   end;
Splitnull436   function Split(str: string): TStringArray;
437   var
438     sl: TStringList;
439     i: integer;
440   begin
441     sl := TStringList.Create;
442     sl.StrictDelimiter := True;
443     sl.CommaText := str;
444     SetLength(Result, sl.Count);
445     for i := 0 to Length(Result) - 1 do
446     begin
447       Result[i] := sl.Strings[i];
448     end;
449     sl.Free;
450   end;
GetVariablesNamesnull452   function GetVariablesNames(cp: TColorspaceEnum): TStringArray;
453   begin
454     Result := Split(ColorspaceInfo[cp].VariableNames);
455   end;
457   procedure MakeConverters;
459     procedure AddAlphaConverter(c1, c2: TColorspaceEnum; ad: string);
460     var
461       s, ls, h: string;
462       i: integer;
463       vn: TStringArray;
464     begin
465       if ad <> '' then
466         vn := GetVariablesNames(c1)
467       else
468         vn := GetVariablesNames(c2);
olorspaceInfonull469       h := GetFunction(ColorspaceInfo[c1].Name + 'To' + ColorspaceInfo[c2].Name, 'const A' + ColorspaceInfo[c1].Name + ': T' + ColorspaceInfo[c1].Name + ad, 'T' + ColorspaceInfo[c2].Name, False);
470       s := '';
471       for i := 0 to Length(vn) - 1 do
472       begin
473         s += 'A' + ColorspaceInfo[c1].Name + '.' + vn[i];
474         if i <> Length(vn) - 1 then
475           s += ',';
476       end;
477       if ad <> '' then
478         s += ', AAlpha';
479       ls := 'Result := T' + ColorspaceInfo[c2].Name + '.New(' + s + ');';
480       AddProcedureImp(h, ls);
481     end;
GetResultnull483     function GetResult(fn, p: string): string;
484     begin
485       Result := fn + '(' + p + ')';
486     end;
AddConverternull488     function AddConverter(c1, c2: TColorspaceEnum): string;
489     var
490       bp: TColorspaceArray;
491       cs1, cs2: TColorspaceEnum;
492       i: integer;
493       ls, lf, s: string;
494       fn, avn: string;
495       bb: boolean;
496       vmax: string;
497       vn, vsam: TStringArray;
498       needRefPoint: boolean;
499       h, functionName: string;
500     begin
501       result := '';
502       bp := FindPath(c1, c2);
503       if Length(bp) = 0 then
504       begin
505         WriteLn('Path shouldn''t be empty');
506         Exit;
507       end;
508       if not ColorspaceInfo[c1].IsBridge and
509          not ColorspaceInfo[c2].IsBridge then
510       begin
511         for i := 1 to high(bp)-1 do
512           if ColorspaceInfo[bp[i]].IsBridge then
513           begin
514             ConvBridgeMatrix[c1,c2] := bp[i];
515             exit(''); //go via bridge
516           end;
517       end;
519       functionName := ColorspaceInfo[c1].Name + 'To' + ColorspaceInfo[c2].Name;
520       result := functionName;
522       s := 'Result := ';
523       ls := '';
524       lf := '';
525       for i := Length(bp) - 1 downto 1 do
526       begin
527         cs1 := bp[i - 1];
528         cs2 := bp[i];
s1null529         s += GetConversionFunction(cs1,cs2) + '(';
530         lf += ')';
531       end;
533       needRefPoint := NeedXYZReferenceWhite(c1,c2);
535       vsam := Split(ColorspaceInfo[c2].MinMax);
536       vmax := vsam[Length(vsam) - 1];
538       ls := s + 'A' + ColorspaceInfo[c1].Name + lf + ';';
539       if not ColorspaceInfo[c1].HasAlpha and ColorspaceInfo[c2].HasAlpha then
540       begin
541         vn := GetVariablesNames(c2);
542         avn := vn[Length(vn) - 1];
543         if not avn.StartsWith('[') then avn := '.'+avn;
544         ls := ls + LineEnding + '  ' + 'Result' + avn + ' := AAlpha;';
unctionNamenull545         h := GetFunction(functionName,
546                          'const A' + ColorspaceInfo[c1].Name + ': T' + ColorspaceInfo[c1].Name + ';const AAlpha' + ': ' + ChannelValueTypeName[ColorspaceInfo[c2].ValueType] + '=' + vmax,
547                          'T' + ColorspaceInfo[c2].Name, needRefPoint);
548       end
549       else
550       begin
unctionNamenull551         h := GetFunction(functionName,
552                          'const A' + ColorspaceInfo[c1].Name + ': T' + ColorspaceInfo[c1].Name,
553                          'T' + ColorspaceInfo[c2].Name, needRefPoint);
554       end;
555       AddProcedureImp(h, ls);
556       if needRefPoint then
557       begin
558         ls := 'A' + ColorspaceInfo[c1].Name;
559         for i := 0 to Length(bp) - 2 do
560         begin
561           cs1 := bp[i];
562           cs2 := bp[i + 1];
s1null563           fn := GetConversionFunction(cs1,cs2);
564           bb := NeedXYZReferenceWhite(cs1, cs2);
565           if bb then
566             ls += ',AReferenceWhite';
567           ls := fn + '(' + ls + ')';
568         end;
569         ls := 'Result := ' + ls + ';';
570         if not ColorspaceInfo[c1].HasAlpha and ColorspaceInfo[c2].HasAlpha then
571         begin
unctionNamenull572           h := GetFunction(functionName,
573                            'const A' + ColorspaceInfo[c1].Name + ': T' + ColorspaceInfo[c1].Name + '; ' + 'const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite' + ';const AAlpha' + ': ' + ChannelValueTypeName[ColorspaceInfo[c2].ValueType] + '=' + vmax,
574                            'T' + ColorspaceInfo[c2].Name, needRefPoint);
575           vn := GetVariablesNames(c2);
576           avn := vn[Length(vn) - 1];
577           if not avn.StartsWith('[') then avn := '.' + avn;
578           ls := ls + #13#10 + '  ' + 'Result' + avn + ' := AAlpha;';
579         end
580         else
unctionNamenull581           h := GetFunction(functionName,
582                            'const A' + ColorspaceInfo[c1].Name + ': T' + ColorspaceInfo[c1].Name + '; ' + 'const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite',
583                            'T' + ColorspaceInfo[c2].Name, needRefPoint);
584         AddProcedureImp(h, ls);
585       end;
586     end;
588   var
589     i, j: TColorspaceEnum;
590     convertFunc: string;
591     pl: integer;
593   begin
594     AddImp('{Converters}');
595     AddImp('');
597     for i := Low(TColorspaceEnum) to High(TColorspaceEnum) do
598     begin
599       for j := Low(TColorspaceEnum) to High(TColorspaceEnum) do
600       begin
601         if (ColorspaceInfo[j].Name = ColorspaceInfo[i].Name + 'A'){ or
602         ((not (i in AlphaSupportedColorspaces)) and  (j in AlphaSupportedColorspaces)) } then
603         begin
604           AddAlphaConverter(i, j, '; const AAlpha: single = 1');
605           AddAlphaConverter(j, i, '');
606         end;
607       end;
608     end;
609     for i := Low(TColorspaceEnum) to High(TColorspaceEnum) do
610     begin
611       for j := Low(TColorspaceEnum) to High(TColorspaceEnum) do
612       begin
613         if (i <> j) and (ColorspaceInfo[j].Name <> ColorspaceInfo[i].Name + 'A') and (ColorspaceInfo[i].Name <> ColorspaceInfo[j].Name + 'A') then
614         begin
615           convertFunc := '';
616           for pl := 0 to Length(PairsList) - 1 do
617           begin
618             if (PairsList[pl].First = i) and (PairsList[pl].Last = j) then
619             begin
620               convertFunc := PairsList[pl].ToLastFunc;
621               break;
622             end;
623             if (PairsList[pl].Last = i) and (PairsList[pl].First = j) then
624             begin
625               convertFunc := PairsList[pl].ToFirstFunc;
626               break;
627             end;
628           end;
629           if convertFunc = '' then
630             convertFunc := AddConverter(i, j);
632           if convertFunc = '' then continue;
634           ConvMatrix[i,j] := true;
636           AddImp('procedure Convert' + ColorspaceInfo[i].Name+'ArrayTo'+ColorspaceInfo[j].Name+'Array' +
637                            '(ASource: pointer; ADest: Pointer; ACount: integer; '+
638                            'ASourceStride:integer=sizeOf(T'+ColorspaceInfo[i].Name+'); '+
639                            'ADestStride:integer=sizeOf(T'+ColorspaceInfo[j].Name+'); '+
640                            '{%H-}AReferenceWhite: PXYZReferenceWhite=nil);');
641           AddImp('begin');
642           if NeedXYZReferenceWhite(i,j) then
643             AddImp('  if AReferenceWhite = nil then AReferenceWhite := @CurrentReferenceWhite;');
644           AddImp('  while ACount > 0 do begin');
645           if NeedXYZReferenceWhite(i,j) then
646             AddImp('    T'+ColorspaceInfo[j].Name+'(ADest^) := '+convertFunc+'(T'+ColorspaceInfo[i].Name+'(ASource^), AReferenceWhite^);')
647           else
648             AddImp('    T'+ColorspaceInfo[j].Name+'(ADest^) := '+convertFunc+'(T'+ColorspaceInfo[i].Name+'(ASource^));');
649           AddImp('    inc(PByte(ASource), ASourceStride); inc(PByte(ADest), ADestStride); dec(ACount); end;');
650           AddImp('end;');
651           AddImp('');
652         end;
653       end;
654     end;
655   end;
657   procedure MakeHelper(Colorspace: TColorspaceEnum; AHelperOnly, AColorspaceOnly: boolean);
658   var
659     i: integer;
660     HelperName, ColorspaceName, ColorTypeName, n, h, nt: string;
661     VariablesNames: TStringArray;
662     MinValues,MaxValues: TStringArray;
663     cs: TColorspaceEnum;
664     b: boolean;
GetConvertProcedureImpnull666     function GetConvertProcedureImp(cpto: TColorspaceEnum; AReferenceWhiteParam: string): string;
667     begin
668       Result := 'Result := ' + GetConversionFunctionRec(ColorSpace, cpto, 'Self', AReferenceWhiteParam) + ';';
669     end;
GetFromConvertProcedureImpnull671     function GetFromConvertProcedureImp(cpfrom: TColorspaceEnum; AReferenceWhiteParam: string): string;
672     begin
673       Result := 'Self := ' + GetConversionFunctionRec(cpfrom, ColorSpace, 'AValue', AReferenceWhiteParam) + ';';
674     end;
676     procedure AddNew(s: string; ov: boolean);
677     var ls: array of string;
678       i: integer;
679       params: TStringList;
680     begin
681       params := TStringList.Create;
682       params.Delimiter:= ',';
683       params.StrictDelimiter:= true;
684       params.DelimitedText := s;
686       h := 'class ' + GetFunction('New', 'const ' + s + ':' + ChannelValueTypeName[ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].ValueType], ColorTypeName, ov, True);
687       Add('  ' + h);
elperNamenull688       h := 'class ' + GetFunction(HelperName + '.New', 'const ' + s + ':' + ChannelValueTypeName[ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].ValueType], ColorTypeName, ov);
689       case Colorspace of
690       csColor: AddProcedureImp(h, 'Result := BGRAGraphics.RGBToColor(' + s + ');');
691       else
692         begin
693           setlength(ls, length(VariablesNames));
694           for i := 0 to high(VariablesNames) do
695             if VariablesNames[i].StartsWith('[') then
696             begin
697               if i >= params.Count then
698                 WriteStr(ls[i],'Result',VariablesNames[i],' := ',MaxValues[i],';')
699               else
700                 WriteStr(ls[i],'Result',VariablesNames[i],' := ',params[i],';');
701             end else
702             begin
703               if i >= params.Count then
704                 WriteStr(ls[i],'Result.',VariablesNames[i],' := ',MaxValues[i],';')
705               else
706                 WriteStr(ls[i],'Result.',VariablesNames[i],' := ',params[i],';');
707             end;
708           AddProcedureImp(h, ls);
709         end
710       end;
711       params.Free;
712     end;
714   var
715     ov, ba: boolean;
716     vsam, vsfm, body, vn2: TStringArray;
717     cn: integer;
718     typeDeclaration, flagStr: string;
719     handlesExtraAlpha: boolean;
720   begin
721     ColorspaceName := ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].Name;
723     ColorTypeName := 'T' + ColorspaceName;
724     VariablesNames := GetVariablesNames(Colorspace);
725     vsfm := Split(ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].FullNames);
726     vsam := Split(ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].MinMax);
727     cn := Length(vsam) div 2;
728     setlength(MaxValues, cn);
729     setlength(MinValues, cn);
730     for i := 0 to cn-1 do
731     begin
732       MinValues[i] := vsam[i];
733       MaxValues[i] := vsam[i+cn];
734     end;
736     if AColorspaceOnly then
737     begin
738       Add('{ '+ColorTypeName+'Colorspace }');
739       Add('');
740       Add(ColorTypeName+'Colorspace = class(TCustomColorspace)');
741       Add('  class function GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string; override;');
742       Add('  class function GetChannelCount: integer; override;');
743       Add('  class function IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer; override;');
744       if not ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].HasAlpha then
745         Add('  class function GetColorTransparency({%H-}AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; override;')
746       else
747         Add('  class function GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency; override;');
748       Add('  class function GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;');
749       Add('  class function GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single; override;');
750       Add('  class function GetChannelBitDepth({%H-}AIndex: integer): byte; override;');
751       Add('  class function GetName: string; override;');
752       Add('  class function GetSize: integer; override;');
753       Add('  class function GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single; override;');
754       Add('  class procedure SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single); override;');
755       Add('  class function GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags; override;');
756       Add('end;');
757       Add('');
758       AddImp('{ '+ColorTypeName+'Colorspace }');
759       AddImp('');
761       setlength(body, length(vsfm)+3);
762       body[0] := 'case AIndex of';
763       for i := 0 to high(vsfm) do
764         body[i+1] := inttostr(i)+': result := ''' + vsfm[i] + ''';';
765       body[high(body)-1] := 'else raise ERangeError.Create(''Index out of bounds'');';
766       body[high(body)] := 'end;';
767       AddProcedureImp('class function '+ColorTypeName+'Colorspace.GetChannelName(AIndex: integer): string;', body);
769       AddProcedureImp('class function '+ColorTypeName+'Colorspace.GetChannelCount: integer;',
770                       'result := ' + inttostr(length(vsfm)));
772       if ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].HasAlpha then
773         AddProcedureImp('class function '+ColorTypeName+'Colorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer;',
774                         'result := ' + inttostr(length(vsfm)-1))
775       else
776         AddProcedureImp('class function '+ColorTypeName+'Colorspace.IndexOfAlphaChannel: integer;',
777                         'result := -1');
779       if not ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].HasAlpha then
780         AddProcedureImp('class function '+ColorTypeName+'Colorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency;',
781                         'result := ctFullyOpaque')
782       else
783         AddProcedureImp('class function '+ColorTypeName+'Colorspace.GetColorTransparency(AColor: Pointer): TColorTransparency;',
784                         ['if '+ColorTypeName+'(AColor^).'+VariablesNames[cn-1]+' >= '+MaxValues[cn-1]+' then exit(ctFullyOpaque) else',
785                         'if '+ColorTypeName+'(AColor^).'+VariablesNames[cn-1]+' <= '+MinValues[cn-1]+' then exit(ctFullyTransparent) else',
786                         'exit(ctSemiTransparent)']);
788       setlength(body, cn + 3);
789       body[0] := 'case AIndex of';
790       for i := 0 to cn - 1 do
791         body[i+1] := inttostr(i)+': result := ' + MaxValues[i] + ';';
792       body[high(body)-1] := 'else raise ERangeError.Create(''Index out of bounds'');';
793       body[high(body)] := 'end;';
794       AddProcedureImp('class function '+ColorTypeName+'Colorspace.GetMaxValue(AIndex: integer): single;', body);
796       for i := 0 to cn - 1 do
797         body[i+1] := inttostr(i)+': result := ' + MinValues[i] + ';';
798       AddProcedureImp('class function '+ColorTypeName+'Colorspace.GetMinValue(AIndex: integer): single;', body);
800       AddProcedureImp('class function '+ColorTypeName+'Colorspace.GetChannelBitDepth(AIndex: integer): byte;',
801                       'result := ' + IntToStr(ChannelValueTypeBitDepth[ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].ValueType]) + ';');
803       AddProcedureImp('class function '+ColorTypeName+'Colorspace.GetName: string;',
804                       'result := ''' + ColorspaceName + ''';');
806       AddProcedureImp('class function '+ColorTypeName+'Colorspace.GetSize: integer;',
807                       'result := sizeof(' + ColorTypeName + ');');
809       setlength(body, length(VariablesNames)+3);
810       body[0] := 'case AIndex of';
811       for i := 0 to high(VariablesNames) do
812         body[i+1] := inttostr(i)+': result := ' + ColorTypeName + '(AColor^).' + VariablesNames[i] + ';';
813       body[high(body)-1] := 'else raise ERangeError.Create(''Index out of bounds'');';
814       body[high(body)] := 'end;';
815       AddProcedureImp('class function '+ColorTypeName+'Colorspace.GetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer): single;', body);
817       setlength(body, length(VariablesNames)+3);
818       body[0] := 'case AIndex of';
819       for i := 0 to high(VariablesNames) do
820       begin
821         if not (ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].ValueType in[cvtSingle,cvtDouble]) then
822           body[i+1] := inttostr(i)+': ' + ColorTypeName + '(AColor^).' + VariablesNames[i] + ' := Round(Clamp(AValue,' + MinValues[i] + ',' +MaxValues[i] + '));'
823         else
824           body[i+1] := inttostr(i)+': ' + ColorTypeName + '(AColor^).' + VariablesNames[i] + ' := AValue;';
825       end;
826       body[high(body)-1] := 'else raise ERangeError.Create(''Index out of bounds'');';
827       body[high(body)] := 'end;';
828       AddProcedureImp('class procedure '+ColorTypeName+'Colorspace.SetChannel(AColor: Pointer; AIndex: integer; AValue: single);', body);
830       if ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].NeedRefWhite then flagStr := 'cfMovableReferenceWhite' else
831       if Colorspace >= csXYZA then flagStr := 'cfReferenceWhiteIndependent' else
832         flagStr := 'cfFixedReferenceWhite';
833       if ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].HasImaginary then flagStr += ',cfHasImaginaryColors';
834       AddProcedureImp('class function '+ColorTypeName+'Colorspace.GetFlags: TColorspaceFlags;',
835                       'result := [' + flagStr + '];');
837       AddImp('');
838       exit;
839     end;
841     if IsHelperOnly(Colorspace) or AHelperOnly then
842     begin
843       if not AHelperOnly then exit;
844       HelperName := ColorTypeName + 'Helper';
845       if IsHelperOnly(Colorspace) then
846       begin
847         if ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].BasicHelper then
848           typeDeclaration := ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].Declaration+ '(' + ColorTypeName + 'BasicHelper) for ' + ColorTypeName
849         else
850           typeDeclaration := ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].Declaration+ ' for ' + ColorTypeName;
851       end
852       else
853       begin
854         typeDeclaration := 'record helper for ' + ColorTypeName
855       end;
856     end else
857     begin
858       HelperName := ColorTypeName;
859       typeDeclaration := ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].Declaration;
860       ColorTypeDefined[Colorspace] := true;
861     end;
863     Add('{ ' + HelperName + ' }');
864     Add('');
865     if not IsHelperOnly(Colorspace) and not AHelperOnly then
866       Add('P'+ColorspaceName+' = ^'+ColorTypeName+';');
867     Add(HelperName + ' = ' + typeDeclaration);
869     AddImp('{ ' + HelperName + ' }');
870     AddImp('');
872     if not IsHelperOnly(Colorspace) and not AHelperOnly then
873     begin
874       Add('  ' + ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].VariableNames + ': ' + ChannelValueTypeName[ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].ValueType] + ';');
875     end;
877     if not AHelperOnly or IsHelperOnly(Colorspace) then
878     begin
879       ov := ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].HasAlpha;
881       s := '';
882       for i := 0 to Length(vsfm) - 1 do
883       begin
884         s += 'A'+vsfm[i];
885         if i <> Length(vsfm) - 1 then
886           s += ',';
887       end;
888       AddNew(s, ov);
890       if ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].HasAlpha then
891       begin
892         s := '';
893         for i := 0 to Length(vsfm) - 2 do
894         begin
895           s += 'A'+vsfm[i];
896           if i <> Length(vsfm) - 2 then
897             s += ',';
898         end;
899         AddNew(s, ov);
900       end;
901     end;
903     if AHelperOnly then
904     begin
905       h := 'class function '+HelperName+'.Colorspace: TColorspaceAny; static;';
906       AddProcedureImp(h, 'result := T'+ColorspaceName+'Colorspace;');
907       Add('  ' + StringReplace(h, HelperName+'.', '', []));
909       if Colorspace = csColor then
910       begin
911         Add('private');
elperNamenull912         h := GetFunction(HelperName+'.GetRed', '', 'byte', false);
913         AddProcedureImp(h, 'result := {$IFDEF TCOLOR_BLUE_IN_LOW_BYTE}(self shr 16) and $ff{$ELSE}self and $ff{$ENDIF};');
914         Add('  ' + StringReplace(h, HelperName+'.', '', []));
elperNamenull915         h := GetFunction(HelperName+'.GetGreen', '', 'byte', false);
916         AddProcedureImp(h, 'result := (self shr 8) and $ff;');
917         Add('  ' + StringReplace(h, HelperName+'.', '', []));
elperNamenull918         h := GetFunction(HelperName+'.GetBlue', '', 'byte', false);
919         AddProcedureImp(h, 'result := {$IFDEF TCOLOR_BLUE_IN_LOW_BYTE}self and $ff{$ELSE}(self shr 16) and $ff{$ENDIF};');
920         Add('  ' + StringReplace(h, HelperName+'.', '', []));
922         h := GetProcedure(HelperName+'.SetRed', 'AValue: byte', false);
923         AddProcedureImp(h, 'self := {$IFDEF TCOLOR_BLUE_IN_LOW_BYTE}LongWord(self and $00ffff) or (AValue shl 16){$ELSE}LongWord(self and $ffff00) or AValue{$ENDIF};');
924         Add('  ' + StringReplace(h, HelperName+'.', '', []));
925         h := GetProcedure(HelperName+'.SetGreen', 'AValue: byte', false);
926         AddProcedureImp(h, 'self := LongWord(self and $ff00ff) or (AValue shl 8);');
927         Add('  ' + StringReplace(h, HelperName+'.', '', []));
928         h := GetProcedure(HelperName+'.SetBlue', 'AValue: byte', false);
929         AddProcedureImp(h, 'self := {$IFDEF TCOLOR_BLUE_IN_LOW_BYTE}LongWord(self and $ffff00) or AValue{$ELSE}LongWord(self and $00ffff) or (AValue shl 16){$ENDIF};');
930         Add('  ' + StringReplace(h, HelperName+'.', '', []));
931         add('public');
932       end;
934       if Colorspace = csXYZA then
935       begin
936         h := GetProcedure(HelperName+'.ChromaticAdapt', 'const AFrom, ATo: TXYZReferenceWhite', false);
937         AddProcedureImp(h, 'ChromaticAdaptXYZ(self.X,self.Y,self.Z, AFrom,ATo);');
938         Add('  ' + StringReplace(h, HelperName+'.', '', []));
939       end else
940       if Colorspace = csWordXYZA then
941       begin
942         h := GetProcedure(HelperName+'.ChromaticAdapt', 'const AFrom, ATo: TXYZReferenceWhite', false);
943         AddProcedureImp(h, 'ChromaticAdaptWordXYZ(self.X,self.Y,self.Z, AFrom,ATo);');
944         Add('  ' + StringReplace(h, HelperName+'.', '', []));
945       end;
947       for cs := Low(TColorspaceEnum) to High(TColorspaceEnum) do
948       begin
949         if (cs = Colorspace) or not ColorTypeDefined[cs] then Continue;
950         if ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].BasicHelper and (ColorspaceInfo[cs].BasicHelper or (cs = csColor)) then continue;
952         n := ColorspaceInfo[cs].Name;
953         b := NeedXYZReferenceWhite(cs,Colorspace);
954         ba := not ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].HasAlpha and ColorspaceInfo[cs].HasAlpha;
956         h := GetFunction('To' + n, '', 'T' + n, b or ba);
957         Add('  ' + h);
elperNamenull958         h := GetFunction(HelperName + '.To' + n, '', 'T' + n, b or ba);
959         AddProcedureImp(h, GetConvertProcedureImp(cs, ''));
961         if ba then
962         begin
963           h := GetFunction('To' + n, 'AAlpha: ' + ChannelValueTypeName[ColorspaceInfo[cs].ValueType], 'T' + n, b or ba);
964           Add('  ' + h);
elperNamenull965           h := GetFunction(HelperName + '.To' + n, 'AAlpha: ' + ChannelValueTypeName[ColorspaceInfo[cs].ValueType], 'T' + n, b or ba);
olorspacenull966           GetConversionFunction(Colorspace, cs, handlesExtraAlpha);
967           if handlesExtraAlpha then
968             AddProcedureImp(h, 'result := '+GetConversionFunctionRec(ColorSpace, cs, 'Self, AAlpha', '')+';')
969           else
970           begin
971             vn2 := Split(ColorspaceInfo[cs].VariableNames);
972             AddProcedureImp(h, [GetConvertProcedureImp(cs, ''), 'result.'+vn2[high(vn2)]+' := AAlpha;']);
973           end;
974         end;
976         if b then
977         begin
978           h := GetFunction('To' + n, 'const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite', 'T' + n, b or ba);
979           Add('  ' + h);
elperNamenull980           h := GetFunction(HelperName + '.To' + n, 'const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite', 'T' + n, b or ba);
981           AddProcedureImp(h, GetConvertProcedureImp(cs, 'AReferenceWhite'));
982         end;
983       end;
985       for cs := Low(TColorspaceEnum) to High(TColorspaceEnum) do
986       begin
987         if (cs = Colorspace) or not ColorTypeDefined[cs] then Continue;
988         if ColorspaceInfo[Colorspace].BasicHelper and (ColorspaceInfo[cs].BasicHelper or (cs = csColor)) then continue;
990         n := ColorspaceInfo[cs].Name;
991         nt := 'T' + n;
992         b := NeedXYZReferenceWhite(cs,Colorspace);
993         h := GetProcedure('From' + n, 'AValue: ' + nt, b);
994         Add('  ' + h);
995         h := GetProcedure(HelperName + '.From' + n, 'AValue: ' + nt, b);
996         AddProcedureImp(h, GetFromConvertProcedureImp(cs, ''));
997         if b then
998         begin
999           h := GetProcedure('From' + n, 'AValue: ' + nt + '; ' + 'const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite', b);
1000           Add('  ' + h);
1001           h := GetProcedure(HelperName + '.From' + n, 'AValue: ' + nt + '; ' + 'const AReferenceWhite: TXYZReferenceWhite', b);
1002           AddProcedureImp(h, GetFromConvertProcedureImp(cs, 'AReferenceWhite'));
1003         end;
1004       end;
1006       if Colorspace = csColor then
1007       begin
1008         Add('  property red: byte read GetRed write SetRed;');
1009         Add('  property green: byte read GetGreen write SetGreen;');
1010         Add('  property blue: byte read GetBlue write SetBlue;');
1011       end;
1012     end;
1014     Add('end;');
1015     Add('');
1016   end;
1018   procedure MakeHelpers;
1019   var
1020     cs: TColorspaceEnum;
1021   begin
1022     for cs := Low(TColorspaceEnum) to High(TColorspaceEnum) do
1023       ColorTypeDefined[cs] := IsHelperOnly(cs);
1024     InfSpaceAdd := '  ';
1025     for cs := Low(TColorspaceEnum) to High(TColorspaceEnum) do
1026       if not IsHelperOnly(cs) then
1027         MakeHelper(cs, false, false);
1028     for cs := Low(TColorspaceEnum) to High(TColorspaceEnum) do
1029       MakeHelper(cs, false, true);
1030     for cs := Low(TColorspaceEnum) to High(TColorspaceEnum) do
1031       MakeHelper(cs, true, false);
1032     InfSpaceAdd := '';
1033   end;
1035   procedure MakeOperators;
1037     procedure AddOperator(c1, c2: TColorspaceEnum);
1038     var
1039       h, ls: string;
1040     begin
1041       h := 'operator := (const AValue: T' + ColorspaceInfo[c1].Name + '): T' + ColorspaceInfo[c2].Name + ';';
1042       ls := 'Result := ' + GetConversionFunctionRec(c1,c2,'AValue') + ';';
1043       Add(h);
1044       AddProcedureImp(h, ls);
1045     end;
1047   var
1048     i, j: TColorspaceEnum;
1049   begin
1050     AddImp('{Operators}');
1051     AddImp('');
1052     for i := Low(TColorspaceEnum) to High(TColorspaceEnum) do
1053       for j := Low(TColorspaceEnum) to High(TColorspaceEnum) do
1054         if (i <> j) and not ([i,j] <= [csHSLAPixel,csGSBAPixel]) and
1055         not ((ColorspaceInfo[i].BasicHelper or (i = csColor)) and (ColorspaceInfo[j].BasicHelper or (j = csColor))) then
1056           AddOperator(i, j);
1057   end;
1059   procedure RegisterColorspaces;
1060   var
1061     i,j: TColorspaceEnum;
1062   begin
1063     for i := Low(TColorspaceEnum) to High(TColorspaceEnum) do
1064       AddImp('  ColorspaceCollection.Add(T' + ColorspaceInfo[i].Name +'Colorspace);');
1066     for i := Low(TColorspaceEnum) to High(TColorspaceEnum) do
1067       for j := Low(TColorspaceEnum) to High(TColorspaceEnum) do
1068         if (i <> j) and (ConvMatrix[i,j]) then
1069           AddImp('  ColorspaceCollection.AddConversion(T' + ColorspaceInfo[i].Name +'Colorspace, T' + ColorspaceInfo[j].Name +'Colorspace,'
1070                       +' @Convert' + ColorspaceInfo[i].Name +'ArrayTo' + ColorspaceInfo[j].Name +'Array);');
1071   end;
1073 begin
1074   writeln('Generating colorspaces...');
1075   SetLength(PairsList, 0);
1077   //direct conversions (using single predefined function)
1078   //TExpandedPixel is the first bridge between colorspaces
1080   AddColorPair(csBGRAPixel, csColor, 'ColorToBGRA', 'BGRAToColor');
1081   AddColorPair(csBGRAPixel, csExpandedPixel, 'GammaCompression', 'GammaExpansion');
1083   AddColorPair(csFPColor, csBGRAPixel, 'BGRAToFPColor', 'FPColorToBGRA');
1084   AddColorPair(csFPColor, csExpandedPixel, 'ExpandedToFPColor', 'FPColorToExpanded', true, 2);
1086   {AddColorPair(csHSLAPixel, csBGRAPixel, 'BGRAToHSLA', 'HSLAToBGRA', true, 2);
1087   AddColorPair(csGSBAPixel, csBGRAPixel, 'BGRAToGSBA', 'GSBAToBGRA', true, 2);}
1088   AddColorPair(csHSLAPixel, csGSBAPixel, 'GSBAToHSLA', 'HSLAToGSBA');
1089   AddColorPair(csHSLAPixel, csExpandedPixel, 'ExpandedToHSLA', 'HSLAToExpanded');
1090   AddColorPair(csGSBAPixel, csExpandedPixel, 'ExpandedToGSBA', 'GSBAToExpanded');
1092   AddColorPair(csStdRGBA, csBGRAPixel);
1093   AddColorPair(csStdHSLA, csStdRGBA);
1094   AddColorPair(csStdHSVA, csStdRGBA);
1095   AddColorPair(csStdHSLA, csStdHSVA);
1096   AddColorPair(csStdCMYKA, csStdRGBA);
1097   AddColorPair(csStdRGBA, csExpandedPixel, '','',true, 2);
1099  { AddColorPair(csWordMask, csExpandedPixel, 'ExpandedToWordMask', 'WordMaskToExpanded');
1100   AddColorPair(csByteMask, csWordMask, 'MaskWordToByte', 'MaskByteToWord');}
1101   AddColorPair(csByteMask, csBGRAPixel, 'BGRAToMask', 'MaskToBGRA', true, 3);
1102   AddColorPair(csByteMask, csExpandedPixel, 'ExpandedPixelToByteMask', 'ByteMaskToExpandedPixel', true, 2);
1104   //the other bridge is TXYZA
1105   //TLinearRGBA is between TExpandedPixel and TXYZA
1106   //there two paths to linear RGBA
1107   AddColorPair(csExpandedPixel, csLinearRGBA);
1108   //AddColorPair(csStdRGBA,       csLinearRGBA, '','',true, 2);
1110   AddColorPair(csExpandedPixel, csWordXYZA);
1111   AddColorPair(csXYZA, csWordXYZA);
1113   AddColorPair(csXYZA, csLinearRGBA);
1114   AddColorPair(csLabA, csXYZA, '','',true, 2);
1115   AddColorPair(csLabA, csLChA);
1116   AddColorPair(csAdobeRGBA, csXYZA);
1118   //Add pairs for color spaces with and without alpha support
1119   AddAlphaPairs;
1121   //Make all possible paths
1122   MakePathMatrix;
1124   //Write unit
1125   intsl := TStringList.Create;
1126   impsl := TStringList.Create;
1127   Add('{ This file is generated by dev/colorspace/UnitMaker program }');
1128   Add('');
1131   Add('type');
1132   Add('');
1135   AddImp('');
1136   MakeConverters;
1137   MakeHelpers;
1138   MakeOperators;
1139   Add('{$ENDIF}');
1140   AddImp('{$ENDIF}');
1144   RegisterColorspaces;
1145   AddImp('{$ENDIF}');
1146   //Save
1147   intsl.AddStrings(impsl);
1148   intsl.SaveToFile('generatedcolorspace.inc');
1149   intsl.Free;
1150   impsl.Free;
1151   WriteLn('Done generating colorspaces.');
1152 end;
1154 end.