1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-linking-exception
2 unit Unit1;
4 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
6 interface
8 uses
9   Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls;
11 type
13   { TForm1 }
15   TForm1 = class(TForm)
16     Button1: TButton;
17     Button2: TButton;
18     EPath: TEdit;
19     Label1: TLabel;
20     Memo1: TMemo;
21     SelectDirectoryDialog1: TSelectDirectoryDialog;
22     procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
23     procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
24   private
25     { private declarations }
26   public
27     { public declarations }
28   end;
30 var
31   Form1: TForm1;
33 implementation
35 {$R *.lfm}
37 uses LazUTF8, FileUtil, LazFileUtils;
39 const
40   BoldKeywords : array[1..52] of string = ('var','procedure','function','and',
41     'or','xor','not','if','then','case','begin','end','of',
42     'exit','new','class','is','const','div','do','downto','to','else','for',
43     'in','mod','nil','object','record','repeat','self','shl','shr','string',
44     'unit','until','uses','while','array','interface', 'out', 'constructor',
45     'property','read','write','default', 'packed', 'operator', 'inline',
46     'overload', 'virtual', 'abstract');
48 { TForm1 }
50 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
51 begin
52   if SelectDirectoryDialog1.Execute then
53     EPath.Text := SelectDirectoryDialog1.FileName;
54 end;
56 procedure HighlightKeywords(var s: string);
57 const keywordChars = ['a'..'z','A'..'Z'];
58   moreKeywordChars = ['a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9','_'];
59 var
60   i,start: Integer;
61   w,wlower: string;
62   j: Integer;
63   found, first: boolean;
64 begin
65   i := 1;
66   first := true;
67   while i <= length(s) do
68   begin
69     if s[i] in keywordChars then
70       begin
71         start := i;
72         inc(i);
73         while i <= length(s) do
74         begin
75           if not (s[i] in moreKeywordChars) then break;
76           inc(i);
77         end;
78         w := copy(s,start,i-start);
79         wlower := lowercase(w);
80         found := false;
81         for j := low(BoldKeywords) to high(BoldKeywords) do
82           if BoldKeywords[j] = wlower then
83             begin
84               delete(s, start, length(w));
85               dec(i, length(w));
86               w := ''''''''+wlower+'''''''';
87               insert(w, s, start);
88               inc(i, length(w));
89               found := true;
90               break;
91             end;
92         if not found and first then
93           begin
94             delete(s, start, length(w));
95             dec(i, length(w));
96             w := ''''''+w+'''''';
97             insert(w, s, start);
98             inc(i, length(w));
99           end;
100         first := false;
101       end else
102         inc(i);
103   end;
104 end;
MakeDocFornull106 function MakeDocFor(AFilename: string): string;
107 var
108   t: textfile;
109   fileoutput,s,bgcolor: String;
110   description, element: String;
111   comStart,comEnd, idxColor: integer;
112   oddRow,indented : boolean;
113   docName, colorStr: string;
114   tableOpened: boolean;
116   procedure openTable;
117   begin
118     if not tableOpened then
119       begin
120         fileoutput += '<table style="border-collapse: collapse;">'+lineending;
121         oddRow := true;
122         tableOpened:= true;
123       end;
124   end;
126   procedure closeTable;
127   begin
128     if tableOpened then
129     begin
130       fileoutput += '</table>'+LineEnding;
131       tableOpened:= false;
132     end;
133   end;
135   procedure flushOutput;
136   var u: textfile;
137     path,fullname: string;
138     outname,
139     currentContent: string;
140   begin
141     if fileoutput <> '' then
142       begin
143         closeTable;
144         path := ExtractFilePath(AFilename);
145         CreateDirUTF8(path+DirectorySeparator+'doc');
146         outname := 'doc'+DirectorySeparator+docName+'.txt';
147         fullname := path+outname;
148         fileoutput := '=== ' + docName + ' ===' + LineEnding
149                     + fileoutput;
150         if FileExistsUTF8(fullname) then
151           begin
152             currentContent := ReadFileToString(fullname);
153             if currentContent <> fileoutput then
154               begin
155                 assignfile(u, UTF8ToSys(fullname));
156                 rewrite(u);
157                 write(u, fileoutput);
158                 closefile(u);
159                 result += outname + ' (updated)' + LineEnding;
160               end;
161           end else
162           begin
163             result += outname + ' (created)' + LineEnding;
164             assignfile(u, UTF8ToSys(fullname));
165             rewrite(u);
166             write(u, fileoutput);
167             closefile(u);
168           end;
169         fileoutput:= '';
170       end;
171   end;
173 begin
174   result := '';
175   docName := ExtractFileName(AFilename);
176   fileoutput := '';
177   tableOpened:= false;
178   assignfile(t, UTF8ToSys(AFilename));
179   reset(t);
180   while not eof(t) do
181   begin
182     readln(t,s);
184     comStart:= pos('{====',s);
185     if comStart <> 0 then
186     begin
187       comEnd:= pos('====}',s);
188       if comEnd <> 0 then
189       begin
190         closeTable;
191         fileOutput += trim(copy(s,comStart+1,comEnd+3 -(comStart+1)+1)) + LineEnding;
192         continue;
193       end;
194     end;
196     comStart:= pos('{===',s);
197     if comStart <> 0 then
198     begin
199       comEnd:= pos('===}',s);
200       if comEnd <> 0 then
201       begin
202         flushOutput;
203         docName:= trim(copy(s,comStart+4,comEnd-1 -(comStart+4)+1));
204         continue;
205       end;
206     end;
208     comStart:= pos('{* ',s+' ');
209     indented:= false;
210     if comStart <> 0 then
211       comStart += 2
212     else
213     begin
214       comStart := pos('{** ',s+' ');
215       if comStart <> 0 then
216         comStart += 3;
217       indented := true;
218     end;
219     if comStart<>0 then
220       begin
221         delete(s,1,comStart-1);
222         comStart := 1;
223         description := '';
224         comEnd := pos('}',s);
225         if comEnd = 0 then
226           begin
227             description += trim(copy(s,comStart,length(s)-comStart+1));
228             while not eof(t) do
229             begin
230               readln(t,s);
231               s := trim(s);
232               if (length(s) > 0) and (s[1]='*') then
233                 begin
234                   delete(s,1,1);
235                   s := trim(s);
236                   s := '<br/>'+s;
237                 end;
238               comEnd := pos('}',s);
239               if comEnd = 0 then
240                 description += ' '+s else
241                 begin
242                   description += ' '+trim(copy(s,1,comEnd-1));
243                   break;
244                 end;
245             end;
246           end
247           else
248             description += trim(copy(s,comStart,comEnd-comStart));
250         while pos('[#',description) <> 0 do
251         begin
252           idxColor := pos('[#',description);
253           colorStr := copy(description, idxColor, 9);
254           if (length(colorStr) = 9) and (colorStr[9] = ']') then
255             begin
256               delete(description, idxColor, length(colorStr));
257               insert('<span style="width:8px; height: 8px; display: inline-block; border: 1px solid black; background: '+copy(colorStr,2,7)+';"></span>', description, idxColor);
258             end;
259         end;
261         if not eof(t) then
262           readln(t,element) else element := '?';
264         HighlightKeywords(element);
265         element := trim(element);
267         openTable;
268         if oddRow then bgcolor := 'white' else bgcolor := '#f0f0ff';
270         if indented then
271         begin
272           fileoutput += '<tr><td width="10%"></td><td colspan="2" style="background: '+bgcolor+';">'+element+'</td></tr>'+LineEnding;
273           fileoutput += '<tr><td width="10%"></td><td width="10%" style="background: '+bgcolor+';"></td>'+
274              '<td style="border: 1px solid #e0e0a0; background: #ffffe4;">'+description+'</td></tr>'+LineEnding;
275         end else
276         begin
277           fileoutput += '<tr style="background: '+bgcolor+';"><td colspan="3">'+element+'</td></tr>'+LineEnding;
278           fileoutput += '<tr style="background: '+bgcolor+';"><td width="10%"></td>'+
279              '<td style="border: 1px solid #e0e0a0; background: #ffffe4;" colspan="2">'+description+'</td></tr>'+LineEnding;
280         end;
282         fileoutput += '<tr style="height: 8px;"><td colspan="3"></td></tr>'+LineEnding;
283         oddRow := not oddRow;
284       end;
285   end;
286   closefile(t);
287   flushOutput;
288 end;
290 procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
291 var sr: TSearchRec;
292   output,ext: string;
293   path,fileoutput: string;
294 begin
295   memo1.Text := 'Analyzing...';
296   memo1.Update;
297   path := AppendPathDelim(EPath.Text);
298   if FindFirstUTF8(path+'*.*', faAnyFile, sr) = 0 then
299     begin
300       output := '';
301       repeat
302         if sr.Attr and (faDirectory or faVolumeId or faSymLink) <> 0 then continue;
303         ext := AnsiLowerCase(ExtractFileExt(sr.Name));
304         if (ext = '.pas') or (ext = '.inc') then
305           begin
306             fileoutput:= MakeDocFor(path+sr.Name);
307             if fileoutput <> '' then
308               begin
309                 output += fileoutput;
310               end;
311           end;
312       until FindNextUTF8(sr) <> 0;
313       FindCloseUTF8(sr);
314       if output = '' then
315         Memo1.Text := 'No change'
316       else
317         Memo1.text := output;
318     end
319   else
320     Memo1.Text := 'Nothing to do';
321 end;
323 end.