1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only (modified to allow linking)
2 { General framework methods for rendering background, borders, text, etc.
4   originally written in 2012 by Krzysztof Dibowski dibowski at interia.pl
5 }
6 {******************************* CONTRIBUTOR(S) ******************************
7 - Edivando S. Santos Brasil | mailedivando@gmail.com
8   (Compatibility with delphi VCL 11/2018)
10 ***************************** END CONTRIBUTOR(S) *****************************}
11 unit BCTools;
13 {$I bgracontrols.inc}
15 interface
17 uses
18   Classes, SysUtils, Types, Graphics,
19   {$IFDEF FPC}LCLType, LCLIntf,{$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF FPC}BGRAGraphics, GraphType, FPImage, {$ENDIF}
20   BGRABitmap, BGRABitmapTypes, bctypes, Controls, BGRAGradientScanner;
ScaleRectnull22 function ScaleRect(ARect: TRect; AScale: Single): TRect;
23 // This method prepare BGRABitmap for rendering BCFont type
24 procedure AssignBCFont(AFont: TBCFont; var ATargetBGRA: TBGRABitmap);
25 // Calculate text height and width (doesn't include wordwrap - just single line)
26 procedure CalculateTextSize(const AText: String; AFont: TBCFont; out ANewWidth, ANewHeight: integer;
27   AShadowMargin: boolean = true);
28 // Calculate text height and width (handles wordwrap and end ellipsis)
29 procedure CalculateTextSizeEx(const AText: String; AFont: TBCFont; out ANewWidth, ANewHeight: integer;
30   AAvailableWidth: integer; AShadowMargin: boolean = false);
31 // Determines the layout of the glyph
32 procedure GetGlyphActualLayout(ACaption: string; AFont: TBCFont;
33   AGlyphAlignment: TBCAlignment; AGlyphMargin: integer; out AHorizAlign: TAlignment;
34   out AVertAlign: TTextLayout; out AGlyphRelativeHorizAlign: TAlignment;
35   out AGlyphRelativeVertAlign: TTextLayout; out AGlyphHorizMargin: integer;
36   out AGlyphVertMargin: integer);
37 // Computes the position the glyph and update rAvail with the space dedicated to text.
38 // Specify the flag AOldPlacement to have the old (buggy) version
39 function ComputeGlyphPosition(var rAvail: TRect;
40   AGlyph: TBitmap; AGlyphAlignment: TBCAlignment; AGlyphMargin: integer;
41   ACaption: string; AFont: TBCFont; AOldPlacement: boolean = false;
42   AGlyphScale: Single = 1): TRect; overload;
43 function ComputeGlyphPosition(var rAvail: TRect;
44   gw, gh: integer; AGlyphAlignment: TBCAlignment; AGlyphMargin: integer;
45   ACaption: string; AFont: TBCFont; AOldPlacement: boolean = false): TRect; overload;
46 // This method correct TRect to border width. As far as border width is bigger,
47 // BGRA drawing rectangle with offset (half border width)
48 procedure CalculateBorderRect(ABorder: TBCBorder; var ARect: TRect);
49 // This returns a rectangle that is inside the border outline
50 procedure CalculateInnerRect(ABorder: TBCBorder; var ARect: TRect);
51 // Create BGRA Gradient Scanner based on BCGradient properties
52 function CreateGradient(AGradient: TBCGradient; ARect: TRect): TBGRAGradientScanner;
53 // Render arrow (used by BCButton with DropDownMenu style)
54 procedure RenderArrow(ATargetBGRA: TBGRABitmap; const ARect: TRect;
55   ASize: Integer; ADirection: TBCArrowDirection; AColor: TColor = clBlack;
56   AOpacity: Byte = 255);
57 // Render customizable backgroud (used e.g. by TBCButton, TBCPanel, TBCLabel)
58 procedure RenderBackground(const ARect: TRect; ABackground: TBCBackground;
59   ATargetBGRA: TBGRABitmap; ARounding: TBCRounding = nil; AHasNoBorder: boolean = false);
60 procedure RenderBackgroundF(x1,y1,x2,y2: single; ABackground: TBCBackground;
61   ATargetBGRA: TBGRABitmap; ARounding: TBCRounding = nil);
62 procedure RenderBackgroundAndBorder(const ARect: TRect; ABackground: TBCBackground;
63   ATargetBGRA: TBGRABitmap; ARounding: TBCRounding; ABorder: TBCBorder; AInnerMargin: single = 0);
64 // Render customizable border (used e.g. by TBCButton, TBCPanel, TBCLabel)
65 procedure RenderBorder(const ARect: TRect; ABorder: TBCBorder;
66   ATargetBGRA: TBGRABitmap; ARounding: TBCRounding = nil);
67 procedure RenderBorderF(x1,y1,x2,y2: single; ABorder: TBCBorder;
68   ATargetBGRA: TBGRABitmap; ARounding: TBCRounding = nil);
69 // Render BCFont (used e.g. by TBCButton, TBCPanel, TBCLabel)
70 procedure RenderText(const ARect: TRect; AFont: TBCFont;
71   const AText: String; ATargetBGRA: TBGRABitmap);
72 // Return LCL horizontal equivalent for BCAlignment
73 function BCAlign2HAlign(AAlign: TBCAlignment): TAlignment;
74 // Return LCL vertical equivalent for BCAlignment
75 function BCAlign2VAlign(AAlign: TBCAlignment): TTextLayout;
77 implementation
79 uses BGRAPolygon, BGRAFillInfo, BGRAText, math, BGRAUTF8, LazUTF8;
81 function ComputeGlyphPosition(var rAvail: TRect; AGlyph: TBitmap;
82   AGlyphAlignment: TBCAlignment; AGlyphMargin: integer; ACaption: string;
83   AFont: TBCFont; AOldPlacement: boolean; AGlyphScale: Single): TRect;
84 var gw, gh: integer;
85 begin
86   if Assigned(AGlyph) and not AGlyph.Empty then
87   begin
88     gw := round(AGlyph.Width * AGlyphScale);
89     gh := round(AGlyph.Height * AGlyphScale);
90   end else
91   begin
92     gw := 0;
93     gh := 0;
94   end;
95   result := ComputeGlyphPosition(rAvail, gw, gh, AGlyphAlignment, AGlyphMargin, ACaption,
96     AFont, AOldPlacement);
97 end;
99 procedure CalculateBorderRect(ABorder: TBCBorder; var ARect: TRect);
100 var w: integer;
101 begin
102   if ABorder = nil then Exit;
103   w := ABorder.Width div 2;
104   Inc(ARect.Left, w);
105   Inc(ARect.Top, w);
106   Dec(ARect.Right, w);
107   Dec(ARect.Bottom, w);
108 end;
110 procedure CalculateInnerRect(ABorder: TBCBorder; var ARect: TRect);
111 var w: integer;
112 begin
113   if (ABorder = nil) or (ABorder.Style = bboNone) then Exit;
114   w := ABorder.Width;
115   Inc(ARect.Left, w);
116   Inc(ARect.Top, w);
117   Dec(ARect.Right, w);
118   Dec(ARect.Bottom, w);
119 end;
121 function CreateGradient(AGradient: TBCGradient; ARect: TRect): TBGRAGradientScanner;
122 begin
123   Result := TBGRAGradientScanner.Create(
124     ColorToBGRA(ColorToRGB(AGradient.StartColor), AGradient.StartColorOpacity),
125     ColorToBGRA(ColorToRGB(AGradient.EndColor), AGradient.EndColorOpacity),
126     AGradient.GradientType, PointF(ARect.Left + Round(
127     ((ARect.Right - ARect.Left) / 100) * AGradient.Point1XPercent),
128     ARect.Top + Round(((ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top) / 100) * AGradient.Point1YPercent)),
129     PointF(ARect.Left + Round(((ARect.Right - ARect.Left) / 100) *
130     AGradient.Point2XPercent), ARect.Top + Round(
131     ((ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top) / 100) * AGradient.Point2YPercent)),
132     AGradient.ColorCorrection, AGradient.Sinus);
133 end;
135 procedure RenderBackgroundAndBorder(const ARect: TRect;
136   ABackground: TBCBackground; ATargetBGRA: TBGRABitmap;
137   ARounding: TBCRounding; ABorder: TBCBorder; AInnerMargin: single);
138 var w: single;
139 begin
140   if ABorder.Style = bboNone then
141   begin
142     w := AInnerMargin-0.5;
143     RenderBackgroundF(ARect.Left+w, ARect.Top+w, ARect.Right-1-w,
144           ARect.Bottom-1-w,ABackground,ATargetBGRA,ARounding);
145   end
146   else
147   begin
148     w := (ABorder.Width-1)/2+AInnerMargin;
149     RenderBackgroundF(ARect.Left+w,ARect.Top+w,ARect.Right-1-w,ARect.Bottom-1-w,ABackground,ATargetBGRA,ARounding);
150     RenderBorderF(ARect.Left+w,ARect.Top+w,ARect.Right-1-w,ARect.Bottom-1-w,ABorder,ATargetBGRA,ARounding);
151   end;
152 end;
154 procedure RenderBorder(const ARect: TRect; ABorder: TBCBorder;
155   ATargetBGRA: TBGRABitmap; ARounding: TBCRounding = nil);
156 begin
157   RenderBorderF(ARect.Left,ARect.Top,ARect.Right-1,ARect.Bottom-1,ABorder,
158   ATargetBGRA,ARounding);
159 end;
161 procedure RenderBorderF(x1,y1,x2,y2: single; ABorder: TBCBorder;
162   ATargetBGRA: TBGRABitmap; ARounding: TBCRounding = nil);
163 var
164   fiLight: TFillBorderRoundRectInfo;
165   rx,ry: Byte;
166   ropt: TRoundRectangleOptions;
167 begin
168   if (x1>x2) or (y1>y2) then exit;
169   if ABorder.Style=bboNone then Exit;
171   if ARounding = nil then
172   begin
173     rx   := 0;
174     ry   := 0;
175     ropt := [];
176   end else
177   begin
178     rx   := ARounding.RoundX;
179     ry   := ARounding.RoundY;
180     ropt := ARounding.RoundOptions;
181   end;
183   ATargetBGRA.RoundRectAntialias(x1,y1,x2,y2,
184     rx, ry, ColorToBGRA(ColorToRGB(ABorder.Color),ABorder.ColorOpacity),
185     ABorder.Width, ropt);
187   if ABorder.LightWidth > 0 then
188   begin
189     //compute light position
190     fiLight := TFillBorderRoundRectInfo.Create(
191       x1,y1,x2,y2, rx,
192       ry, ABorder.Width + ABorder.LightWidth, ropt);
193     //check if there is an inner position
194     if fiLight.InnerBorder <> nil then
195       with fiLight.InnerBorder do //fill with light
196         ATargetBGRA.RoundRectAntialias(topleft.x, topleft.y, bottomright.x,
197           bottomright.y, radiusx, radiusY,
198           ColorToBGRA(ColorToRGB(ABorder.LightColor), ABorder.LightOpacity),
199           ABorder.LightWidth, ropt);
200     fiLight.Free;
201   end;
202 end;
204 procedure RenderText(const ARect: TRect; AFont: TBCFont;
205   const AText: String; ATargetBGRA: TBGRABitmap);
206 var
207   shd: TBGRABitmap;
208   hal: TAlignment;
209   val: TTextLayout;
210   st: TTextStyle;
211   r: TRect;
212 begin
213   if AText = '' then exit;
215   AssignBCFont(AFont,ATargetBGRA);
217   hal := BCAlign2HAlign(AFont.TextAlignment);
218   val := BCAlign2VAlign(AFont.TextAlignment);
220   FillChar({%H-}st, SizeOf({%H-}st),0);
222   st.Wordbreak   := AFont.WordBreak;
223   st.Alignment   := hal;
224   st.Layout      := val;
225   st.SingleLine  := AFont.SingleLine;
226   st.EndEllipsis := AFont.EndEllipsis;
227   r := ARect;
228   r.Left += AFont.PaddingLeft;
229   r.Right -= AFont.PaddingRight;
230   r.Top += AFont.PaddingTop;
231   r.Bottom -= AFont.PaddingBottom;
233   if AFont.Shadow then
234   begin
235     shd := TBGRABitmap.Create(ATargetBGRA.Width,ATargetBGRA.Height,BGRAPixelTransparent);
236     shd.FontName      := ATargetBGRA.FontName;
237     shd.FontStyle     := ATargetBGRA.FontStyle;
238     shd.FontQuality   := ATargetBGRA.FontQuality;
239     shd.FontHeight    := ATargetBGRA.FontHeight;
240     shd.TextRect(r, r.Left, r.Top, AText, st, ColorToBGRA(ColorToRGB(AFont.ShadowColor),
241       AFont.ShadowColorOpacity));
242     BGRAReplace(shd, shd.FilterBlurRadial(AFont.ShadowRadius, rbFast));
243     ATargetBGRA.BlendImage(AFont.ShadowOffsetX, AFont.ShadowOffsetY,
244       shd, boLinearBlend);
245     shd.Free;
246   end;
248   ATargetBGRA.TextRect(r,r.Left,r.Top,AText,st,AFont.Color);
250 end;
252 function BCAlign2HAlign(AAlign: TBCAlignment): TAlignment;
253 begin
254   if AAlign in [bcaCenter, bcaCenterTop, bcaCenterBottom] then
255     Result := taCenter
256   else if AAlign in [bcaRightCenter, bcaRightTop, bcaRightBottom] then
257     Result := taRightJustify
258   else
259     Result := taLeftJustify;
260 end;
262 function BCAlign2VAlign(AAlign: TBCAlignment): TTextLayout;
263 begin
264   if AAlign in [bcaCenter, bcaLeftCenter, bcaRightCenter] then
265     Result := tlCenter
266   else if AAlign in [bcaCenterBottom, bcaLeftBottom, bcaRightBottom] then
267     Result := tlBottom
268   else
269     Result := tlTop;
270 end;
272 function ScaleRect(ARect: TRect; AScale: Single): TRect;
273 begin
274   with ARect do
275     result := rect(round(Left*AScale), round(Top*AScale),
276       round(Right*AScale), round(Bottom*AScale));
277 end;
279 procedure AssignBCFont(AFont: TBCFont; var ATargetBGRA: TBGRABitmap);
280 var c: TBitmap;
281 begin
282   // Canvas is need for calculate font height
283   c := TBitmap.Create;
284   c.Canvas.Font.Name := AFont.Name;
285   c.Canvas.Font.Style := AFont.Style;
286   case AFont.FontQuality of
287     fqSystem: c.Canvas.Font.Quality := fqNonAntialiased;
288     fqFineAntialiasing: c.Canvas.Font.Quality := fqAntialiased;
289     fqFineClearTypeRGB: c.Canvas.Font.Quality := fqProof;
290     fqSystemClearType: c.Canvas.Font.Quality := fqCleartype;
291   end;
292   // FontAntialias is only backward compability for FontQuality property.
293   // FontQuality is published in TBCFont so we don't need FontAntialias anymore.
294   //ATargetBGRA.FontAntialias := AFont.FontAntialias;
295   {%H-}ATargetBGRA.FontStyle     := AFont.Style;
297   // If font quality is system, then we can leave default values. LCL will
298   // handle everything (when name is "default" or height 0)
299   if AFont.FontQuality in [fqSystem,fqSystemClearType] then
300   begin
301     ATargetBGRA.FontName   := AFont.Name;
302     ATargetBGRA.FontHeight := AFont.Height;
303   end
304   else
305   begin
306     // Getting real font name
307     if SameText(AFont.Name,'default')
308     then ATargetBGRA.FontName := string(GetFontData(c.Canvas.Font.Handle).Name)
309     else ATargetBGRA.FontName := AFont.Name;
311     // Calculate default height, because when font quality is <> fqSystemXXX
312     // then if height is 0 then it is 0 for real
313     if (AFont.Height=0) then
314       ATargetBGRA.FontHeight := -c.Canvas.TextHeight('Bgra')
315     else
316       ATargetBGRA.FontHeight := AFont.Height;
317   end;
318   ATargetBGRA.FontQuality   := AFont.FontQuality;
319   c.Free;
320 end;
322 procedure CalculateTextSize(const AText: String; AFont: TBCFont; out ANewWidth,
323   ANewHeight: integer; AShadowMargin: boolean);
324 var
325   s: TSize;
326   tmp: TBGRABitmap;
327 begin
328   if (AText = '') or (AFont = nil) then
329   begin
330     ANewWidth := 0;
331     ANewHeight := 0;
332     Exit;
333   end;
335   tmp := TBGRABitmap.Create(0,0);
336   AssignBCFont(AFont, tmp);
337   s := tmp.TextSize(AText);
338   tmp.Free;
340   { shadow offset }
341   if AShadowMargin and AFont.Shadow then
342   begin
343     Inc(s.cx, 2 * Abs(AFont.ShadowOffsetX) + 2 * AFont.ShadowRadius);
344     Inc(s.cy, 2 * Abs(AFont.ShadowOffsetY) + 2 * AFont.ShadowRadius);
345   end;
347   inc(s.cx, AFont.PaddingLeft+Afont.PaddingRight);
348   inc(s.cy, AFont.PaddingTop+Afont.PaddingBottom);
350   ANewWidth := s.cx;
351   ANewHeight := s.cy;
352 end;
354 procedure CalculateTextSizeEx(const AText: String; AFont: TBCFont; out
355   ANewWidth, ANewHeight: integer; AAvailableWidth: integer; AShadowMargin: boolean);
356 var
357   s: TSize;
358   tmp: TBGRABitmap;
359   extraX,extraY, fitCount: integer;
360   dotSize: LongInt;
361 begin
362   if (AText = '') or (AFont = nil) then
363   begin
364     ANewWidth := 0;
365     ANewHeight := 0;
366     Exit;
367   end;
369   extraX := 0;
370   extraY := 0;
371   { shadow offset }
372   if AShadowMargin and AFont.Shadow then
373   begin
374     Inc(extraX, 2 * Abs(AFont.ShadowOffsetX) + 2 * AFont.ShadowRadius);
375     Inc(extraY, 2 * Abs(AFont.ShadowOffsetY) + 2 * AFont.ShadowRadius);
376   end;
378   inc(extraX, AFont.PaddingLeft+Afont.PaddingRight);
379   inc(extraY, AFont.PaddingTop+Afont.PaddingBottom);
381   dec(AAvailableWidth, extraX);
382   tmp := TBGRABitmap.Create(0,0);
383   AssignBCFont(AFont, tmp);
384   if AFont.WordBreak then
385     s := tmp.TextSize(AText, AAvailableWidth)
386   else
387   begin
388     s := tmp.TextSize(AText);
389     if AFont.EndEllipsis and (s.cx > AAvailableWidth) then
390     begin
391       dotSize := tmp.TextSize('...').cx;
392       fitCount := tmp.TextFitInfo(AText, AAvailableWidth-dotSize);
393       s.cx := tmp.TextSize(UTF8Copy(AText, 1, fitCount)).cx + dotSize;
394     end;
395   end;
396   tmp.Free;
398   ANewWidth := s.cx+extraX;
399   ANewHeight := s.cy+extraY;
400 end;
402 procedure GetGlyphActualLayout(ACaption: string; AFont: TBCFont;
403   AGlyphAlignment: TBCAlignment; AGlyphMargin: integer; out AHorizAlign: TAlignment;
404   out AVertAlign: TTextLayout; out AGlyphRelativeHorizAlign: TAlignment;
405   out AGlyphRelativeVertAlign: TTextLayout; out AGlyphHorizMargin: integer;
406   out AGlyphVertMargin: integer);
407 begin
408   if AGlyphAlignment in [bcaLeftTop,bcaLeftCenter,bcaLeftBottom] then AHorizAlign := taLeftJustify
409   else if AGlyphAlignment  in [bcaRightTop,bcaRightCenter,bcaRightBottom] then AHorizAlign:= taRightJustify
410   else AHorizAlign:= taCenter;
411   if AGlyphAlignment in [bcaCenter,bcaLeftCenter,bcaRightCenter] then AVertAlign := tlCenter
412   else if AGlyphAlignment in [bcaLeftBottom,bcaCenterBottom,bcaRightBottom] then AVertAlign := tlBottom
413   else AVertAlign := tlTop;
415   if ACaption<>'' then
416   begin
417     AGlyphRelativeVertAlign:= AVertAlign;
418     if AVertAlign <> tlCenter then
419       AGlyphRelativeHorizAlign:= AHorizAlign else
420     begin
421       if AHorizAlign = taCenter then
422       begin
423         if IsRightToLeftUTF8(ACaption) then AGlyphRelativeHorizAlign := taRightJustify
424         else AGlyphRelativeHorizAlign := taLeftJustify;
425       end else
426         AGlyphRelativeHorizAlign:= AHorizAlign;
427     end;
429     if AFont.TextAlignment in [bcaLeftTop,bcaLeftCenter,bcaLeftBottom] then AHorizAlign := taLeftJustify
430     else if AFont.TextAlignment in [bcaRightTop,bcaRightCenter,bcaRightBottom] then AHorizAlign:= taRightJustify
431     else AHorizAlign := taCenter;
432     if AFont.TextAlignment in [bcaLeftTop,bcaCenterTop,bcaRightTop] then AVertAlign := tlTop
433     else if AFont.TextAlignment in [bcaLeftBottom,bcaCenterBottom,bcaRightBottom] then AVertAlign:= tlBottom
434     else AVertAlign:= tlCenter;
436     if AGlyphRelativeVertAlign in[tlTop,tlBottom] then
437     begin
438       if AGlyphRelativeHorizAlign <> taCenter then AGlyphHorizMargin:= AGlyphMargin
439       else AGlyphHorizMargin:= 0;
440       if AGlyphRelativeVertAlign = AVertAlign then AGlyphVertMargin:= AGlyphMargin
441       else AGlyphVertMargin:= 0;
442     end else
443     begin
444       AGlyphHorizMargin:= AGlyphMargin;
445       AGlyphVertMargin:= 0;
446     end;
447   end else
448   begin
449     case AHorizAlign of
450       taCenter: AGlyphRelativeHorizAlign:= taCenter;
451       taRightJustify: AGlyphRelativeHorizAlign:= taLeftJustify;
452     else AGlyphRelativeHorizAlign:= taRightJustify;
453     end;
454     if AHorizAlign <> taCenter then AGlyphHorizMargin := AGlyphMargin
455     else AGlyphHorizMargin := 0;
456     case AVertAlign of
457       tlCenter: AGlyphRelativeVertAlign:= tlCenter;
458       tlBottom: AGlyphRelativeVertAlign:= tlTop;
459     else AGlyphRelativeVertAlign:= tlBottom;
460     end;
461     if AVertAlign <> tlCenter then AGlyphVertMargin := AGlyphMargin
462     else AGlyphVertMargin := 0;
463   end;
464 end;
ComputeGlyphPositionnull466 function ComputeGlyphPosition(var rAvail: TRect;
467   gw, gh: integer; AGlyphAlignment: TBCAlignment; AGlyphMargin: integer;
468   ACaption: string; AFont: TBCFont; AOldPlacement: boolean): TRect;
469 var
470   w, h, w2,h2, glyphHorzMargin, glyphVertMargin: integer;
471   horizAlign, relHorizAlign: TAlignment;
472   vertAlign, relVertAlign: TTextLayout;
473   rText, rAll, rGlyph: TRect;
474   l,t: integer;
476   procedure AlignRect(var ARect: TRect; const ABounds: TRect; AHorizAlign: TAlignment;
477     AVertAlign: TTextLayout; AHorizMargin: integer = 0; AVertMargin: integer = 0);
478   begin
479     case AHorizAlign of
480       taCenter: ARect.Offset((ABounds.Left+ABounds.Right - (ARect.Right-ARect.Left)) div 2,0);
481       taRightJustify: ARect.Offset(ABounds.Right - AHorizMargin - (ARect.Right-ARect.Left),0);
482       else ARect.Offset(ABounds.Left + AHorizMargin,0);
483     end;
484     case AVertAlign of
485       tlCenter: ARect.Offset(0, (ABounds.Top+ABounds.Bottom - (ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top)) div 2);
486       tlBottom: ARect.Offset(0, ABounds.Bottom - AVertMargin - (ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top));
487       else ARect.Offset(0, ABounds.Top + AVertMargin);
488     end;
489   end;
491 begin
492   if (gw = 0) or (gh = 0) then exit(EmptyRect);
494   if AOldPlacement then
495   begin
496     if ACaption = '' then
497     begin
498       w := 0;
499       h := 0;
500     end else
501       CalculateTextSize(ACaption, AFont, w, h);
502     l := rAvail.Right - Round(((rAvail.Right - rAvail.Left) + w + gw) / 2);
503     t := rAvail.Bottom - Round(((rAvail.Bottom - rAvail.Top) + gh) / 2);
504     result := rect(l,t,l+gw,t+gh);
505     Inc(rAvail.Left, l + gw + AGlyphMargin);
506     exit;
507   end;
509   GetGlyphActualLayout(ACaption, AFont, AGlyphAlignment, AGlyphMargin,
510     horizAlign, vertAlign, relHorizAlign, relVertAlign, glyphHorzMargin, glyphVertMargin);
512   if ACaption = '' then
513   begin
514     rGlyph := rect(0,0,gw,gh);
515     AlignRect(rGlyph, rAvail, horizAlign, vertAlign, glyphHorzMargin, glyphVertMargin);
516     exit(rGlyph);
517   end else
518     CalculateTextSizeEx(ACaption, AFont, w, h, rAvail.Right-rAvail.Left);
520   if relVertAlign in[tlTop,tlBottom] then
521   begin
522     w2 := max(w,gw+glyphHorzMargin);
523     h2 := h+gh+glyphVertMargin;
524   end else
525   begin
526     w2 := w+gw+glyphHorzMargin;
527     if (ACaption <> '') and (w2 > rAvail.Right-rAvail.Left) then
528     begin
529       CalculateTextSizeEx(ACaption, AFont, w, h, rAvail.Right-rAvail.Left - (gw+glyphHorzMargin));
530       w2 := w+gw+glyphHorzMargin;
531     end;
532     h2 := max(h,gh+glyphVertMargin);
533   end;
534   rAll := rect(0,0,w2,h2);
535   AlignRect(rAll, rAvail, horizAlign, vertAlign);
537   rText := rect(0,0,w,h);
538   rGlyph := rect(0,0,gw,gh);
539   case relVertAlign of
540     tlTop: begin
541       AlignRect(rGlyph, rAll, relHorizAlign, tlTop,
542         glyphHorzMargin, glyphVertMargin);
543       AlignRect(rText, rAll, horizAlign, tlBottom);
544     end;
545     tlBottom: begin
546       AlignRect(rGlyph, rAll, relHorizAlign, tlBottom,
547         glyphHorzMargin, glyphVertMargin);
548       AlignRect(rText, rAll, horizAlign, tlTop);
549     end;
550     else begin
551       if relHorizAlign = taRightJustify then
552       begin
553         AlignRect(rGlyph, rAll, taRightJustify, tlCenter,
554           glyphHorzMargin, glyphHorzMargin);
555         AlignRect(rText, rAll, taLeftJustify, tlCenter);
556       end else
557       begin
558         AlignRect(rGlyph, rAll, taLeftJustify, tlCenter,
559           glyphHorzMargin, glyphHorzMargin);
560         AlignRect(rText, rAll, taRightJustify, tlCenter);
561       end;
562     end;
563   end;
564   result := rGlyph;
565   if AFont.WordBreak and (rText.Right < rAvail.Right) then inc(rText.Right); //word-break computation may be one pixel off
566   rAvail := rText;
567 end;
569 procedure RenderArrow(ATargetBGRA: TBGRABitmap; const ARect: TRect;
570   ASize: Integer; ADirection: TBCArrowDirection; AColor: TColor; AOpacity: Byte);
571 var
572   p: ArrayOfTPointF;
573   n: byte;
574   temp: TBGRABitmap;
575   w: Integer;
576 begin
577   // We can't draw outside rect
578   w := Min(ASize, ARect.Right - ARect.Left);
580   { Poly }
581   SetLength(p, 3);
583   temp := TBGRABitmap.Create(w+1, w+1,BGRAPixelTransparent);
585   case ADirection of
586     badDown:
587       begin;
588         p[0].x := 0;
589         p[0].y := 0;
591         p[1].x := w;
592         p[1].y := 0;
594         p[2].x := Round(w/2);
595         p[2].y := w;
596       end;
597     badUp:
598       begin
599         p[0].x := Round(w/2);
600         p[0].y := 0;
602         p[1].x := 0;
603         p[1].y := w;
605         p[2].x := w;
606         p[2].y := w;
607       end;
608     badLeft:
609       begin
610         p[0].x := 0;
611         p[0].y := Round(w/2);
613         p[1].x := w;
614         p[1].y := 0;
616         p[2].x := w;
617         p[2].y := w;
618       end;
619     badRight:
620       begin
621         p[0].x := w;
622         p[0].y := Round(w/2);
624         p[1].x := 0;
625         p[1].y := 0;
627         p[2].x := 0;
628         p[2].y := w;
629       end;
630   end;
632   // Fill n times to get best quality
633   for n := 1 to 6 do
634     temp.FillPolyAntialias(p, ColorToBGRA(ColorToRGB(AColor),AOpacity));
636   ATargetBGRA.BlendImage(
637     ARect.Right-Round( ((ARect.Right-ARect.Left)/2) + (w/2) ),
638     ARect.Bottom-Round( ((ARect.Bottom-ARect.Top)/2) + (w/2) ),
639     temp,
640     boLinearBlend
641   );
642   temp.Free;
643 end;
645 procedure RenderBackgroundF(x1,y1,x2,y2: single; ABackground: TBCBackground;
646   ATargetBGRA: TBGRABitmap; ARounding: TBCRounding = nil);
647 var
648   backcolor: TBGRAPixel;
649   multi: TBGRAMultishapeFiller;
650   back: TBGRABitmap;
651   grect1, grect2: TRect;
652   gra: TBGRAGradientScanner;
653   rx,ry: Byte;
654   ropt: TRoundRectangleOptions;
655 begin
656   if (x1>=x2) or (y1>=y2) then exit;
657   if ARounding = nil then
658   begin
659     rx   := 0;
660     ry   := 0;
661     ropt := [];
662   end else
663   begin
664     rx   := ARounding.RoundX;
665     ry   := ARounding.RoundY;
666     ropt := ARounding.RoundOptions;
667   end;
669   { Background color }
670   case ABackground.Style of
671     bbsClear: backcolor := BGRAPixelTransparent;
672     // TODO: Why if I use some system colors like clBtnFace, clActiveCaption etc.
673     //       without ColorToRGB, I always get Black? Interface: QT
674     bbsColor: backcolor := ColorToBGRA(ColorToRGB(ABackground.Color), ABackground.ColorOpacity);
675   end;
677   case ABackground.Style of
678     bbsClear, bbsColor:
679       { Solid background color }
680       ATargetBGRA.FillRoundRectAntialias(x1,y1,x2,y2, rx, ry, {%H-}backcolor, ropt);
681     bbsGradient:
682     begin
683       { Using multishape filler to merge background gradient and border }
684       multi := TBGRAMultishapeFiller.Create;
685       multi.PolygonOrder := poFirstOnTop; { Border will replace background }
687       { Gradients }
688       back := TBGRABitmap.Create(ATargetBGRA.Width, ATargetBGRA.Height, BGRAPixelTransparent);
689       grect1 := rect(floor(x1),floor(y1),ceil(x2)+1,ceil(y2)+1);
690       grect2 := grect1;
691       { Gradient 1 }
692       if ABackground.Gradient1EndPercent > 0 then
693       begin
694         grect1.Bottom := grect1.top + Round(((grect1.Bottom-grect1.Top) / 100) * ABackground.Gradient1EndPercent);
695         gra := CreateGradient(ABackground.Gradient1, grect1);
696         back.FillRect(grect1.Left, grect1.Top, grect1.Right, grect1.Bottom,
697           gra, dmSet
698           );
699         gra.Free;
700       end;
701       { Gradient 2 }
702       if ABackground.Gradient1EndPercent < 100 then
703       begin
704         grect2.Top := grect1.Bottom;
705         gra := CreateGradient(ABackground.Gradient2, grect2);
706         back.FillRect(grect2.Left, grect2.Top, grect2.Right, grect2.Bottom,
707           gra, dmSet
708           );
709         gra.Free;
710       end;
712       multi.AddRoundRectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2, rx, ry, back, ropt);
714       multi.Draw(ATargetBGRA);
715       multi.Free;
716       back.Free;
717     end;
718   end;
719 end;
721 procedure RenderBackground(const ARect: TRect; ABackground: TBCBackground;
722   ATargetBGRA: TBGRABitmap; ARounding: TBCRounding = nil; AHasNoBorder: boolean = false);
723 var
724   extraSize: single;
725 begin
726   if AHasNoBorder then extraSize := 0.5
727     else extraSize := 0;
728   RenderBackgroundF(ARect.Left-extraSize, ARect.Top-extraSize, ARect.Right-1+extraSize,
729         ARect.Bottom-1+extraSize,ABackground,ATargetBGRA,ARounding);
730 end;
732 end.