1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only (modified to allow linking)
2 {
3   Created by BGRA Controls Team
4   Dibo, Circular, lainz (007) and contributors.
5   For detailed information see readme.txt
7   Site: https://sourceforge.net/p/bgra-controls/
8   Wiki: http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/BGRAControls
9   Forum: http://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/board,46.0.html
10 }
11 {******************************* CONTRIBUTOR(S) ******************************
12 - Edivando S. Santos Brasil | mailedivando@gmail.com
13   (Compatibility with delphi VCL 11/2018)
15 ***************************** END CONTRIBUTOR(S) *****************************}
16 unit BCTrackbarUpdown;
18 {$I bgracontrols.inc}
20 interface
22 uses
23   {$IFDEF FPC}LCLType, LResources,{$ENDIF}
24   Classes, SysUtils, Types, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs,
25   {$IFNDEF FPC}BGRAGraphics, GraphType, FPImage, {$ENDIF}
26   ExtCtrls, BGRABitmap, BCBaseCtrls, BCTypes;
28 type
29   TTrackBarUpDownChangeEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AByUser: boolean) of object;
31   { TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown }
33   TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown = class(TBCCustomControl)
34   protected
35     FHandlingUserInput: boolean;
36     FLongTimeInterval,FShortTimeInterval: integer;
37     FMinValue,FMaxValue,FIncrement,FValue: integer;
38     FAllowNegativeValues: boolean;
39     FStartNegativeValue: boolean;
40     FBarExponent: single;
41     FSelStart,FSelLength: integer;
42     FEmptyText: boolean;
43     FBarClick,FUpClick,FDownClick: boolean;
45     FTimer: TTimer;
46     FOnChange: TTrackBarUpDownChangeEvent;
47     FBCBorder: TBCBorder;
48     FBCRounding: TBCRounding;
49     FBCBackground: TBCBackground;
50     FBCButtonBackground,FBCButtonDownBackground: TBCBackground;
51     FArrowColor: TColor;
52     FHasTrackBar: boolean;
54     FCanvasScaling: double;
55     FTextLeft: Integer;
56     FBarLeft,FBarTop,FBarWidth,FBarHeight: Integer;
57     FUpDownWidth: Integer;
58     FUpDownLeft: Integer;
59     FDownButtonTop: integer;
GetValuenull60     function GetValue: integer;
61     procedure SetAllowNegativeValues(AValue: boolean);
62     procedure SetArrowColor(AValue: TColor);
63     procedure SetHasTrackBar(AValue: boolean);
64     procedure SetBarExponent(AValue: single);
65     procedure SetBCBackground(AValue: TBCBackground);
66     procedure SetBCBorder(AValue: TBCBorder);
67     procedure SetBCButtonBackground(AValue: TBCBackground);
68     procedure SetBCButtonDownBackground(AValue: TBCBackground);
69     procedure SetBCRounding(AValue: TBCRounding);
70     procedure OnChangeProperty({%H-}Sender: TObject; {%H-}AData: PtrInt);
71     procedure Timer({%H-}Sender: TObject);
72     procedure RenderOnBitmap(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap);
73     procedure DrawControl; override;
74     procedure DoSelectAll;
GetTextnull75     function GetText: string; virtual;
76     procedure SetText(AValue: string); virtual;
77     procedure EnabledChanged; override;
78     procedure NotifyChange; virtual;
79     procedure SetIncrement(AValue: integer);
80     procedure SetMaxValue(AValue: integer);
81     procedure SetMinValue(AValue: integer);
82     procedure SetValue(AValue: integer);
ValueToBarPosnull83     function ValueToBarPos(AValue: integer): integer;
BarPosToValuenull84     function BarPosToValue(ABarPos: integer): integer;
85     procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; {%H-}Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
86     procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
87     procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
DoMouseWheelnull88     function DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override;
89     procedure UTF8KeyPress(var UTF8Key: {$IFDEF FPC}TUTF8Char{$ELSE}String{$ENDIF}); override;
90     procedure DoEnter; override;
91     procedure DoExit; override;
92   public
93     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
94     procedure SelectAll;
RemoveSelectionnull95     function RemoveSelection: boolean; //returns True if there was a selection to be removed
96     procedure DelayTimer; //use after the program has been busy updating something according to the value of this component
97     procedure SetFocus; override;
98     destructor Destroy; override;
99     property Border: TBCBorder read FBCBorder write SetBCBorder;
100     property Background: TBCBackground read FBCBackground write SetBCBackground;
101     property ButtonBackground: TBCBackground read FBCButtonBackground write SetBCButtonBackground;
102     property ButtonDownBackground: TBCBackground read FBCButtonDownBackground write SetBCButtonDownBackground;
103     property Rounding: TBCRounding read FBCRounding write SetBCRounding;
104     property ArrowColor: TColor read FArrowColor write SetArrowColor;
105     property HasTrackBar: boolean read FHasTrackBar write SetHasTrackBar;
107     property AllowNegativeValues: boolean read FAllowNegativeValues write SetAllowNegativeValues;
108     property BarExponent: single read FBarExponent write SetBarExponent;
109     property Increment: integer read FIncrement write SetIncrement;
110     property LongTimeInterval: integer read FLongTimeInterval write FLongTimeInterval;
111     property MinValue: integer read FMinValue write SetMinValue;
112     property MaxValue: integer read FMaxValue write SetMaxValue;
113     property OnChange: TTrackBarUpDownChangeEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
114     property Text: string read GetText write SetText;
115     property Value: integer read GetValue write SetValue;
116     property SelStart: integer read FSelStart;
117     property SelLength: integer read FSelLength;
118     property ShortTimeInterval: integer read FShortTimeInterval write FShortTimeInterval;
119   end;
121   TBCTrackbarUpdown = class(TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown)
122   published
123     property AllowNegativeValues;
124     property BarExponent;
125     property Increment;
126     property LongTimeInterval;
127     property MinValue;
128     property MaxValue;
129     property OnChange;
130     property Value;
131     property SelStart;
132     property SelLength;
133     property ShortTimeInterval;
134     property Background;
135     property ButtonBackground;
136     property ButtonDownBackground;
137     property Border;
138     property Rounding;
139     property Font;
140     property HasTrackBar;
141     property ArrowColor;
143     //inherited
144     property Align;
145     property Anchors;
146     property BorderSpacing;
147     property ChildSizing;
148     {$IFDEF FPC} //#
149     property OnGetDockCaption;
150     {$ENDIF}
151     property ClientHeight;
152     property ClientWidth;
153     property Constraints;
154     property DockSite;
155     property DragCursor;
156     property DragKind;
157     property DragMode;
158     property Enabled;
159     property ParentShowHint;
160     property PopupMenu;
161     property ShowHint;
162     property TabOrder;
163     property TabStop;
164     property UseDockManager default True;
165     property Visible;
166     property OnClick;
167     property OnContextPopup;
168     property OnDockDrop;
169     property OnDockOver;
170     property OnDblClick;
171     property OnDragDrop;
172     property OnDragOver;
173     property OnEndDock;
174     property OnEndDrag;
175     property OnEnter;
176     property OnExit;
177     property OnGetSiteInfo;
178     property OnMouseDown;
179     property OnMouseEnter;
180     property OnMouseLeave;
181     property OnMouseMove;
182     property OnMouseUp;
183     property OnResize;
184     property OnStartDock;
185     property OnStartDrag;
186     property OnUnDock;
187   end;
189 {$IFDEF FPC}procedure Register;{$ENDIF}
191 implementation
193 uses BGRABitmapTypes, Math, BCTools;
195 {$IFDEF FPC}
196 procedure Register;
197 begin
198 //{$I icons\bctrackbarupdown_icon.lrs}
199   RegisterComponents('BGRA Controls', [TBCTrackbarUpdown]);
200 end;
201 {$ENDIF}
203 { TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown }
TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.GetTextnull205 function TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.GetText: string;
206 begin
207   if FEmptyText then
208   begin
209     if FStartNegativeValue then
210       result := '-'
211     else
212       result := '';
213   end else
214     result := IntToStr(FValue);
215 end;
217 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.SetText(AValue: string);
218 var errPos,tempValue: integer;
219   txt: string;
220   prevActualValue: integer;
221 begin
222   if trim(AValue) = '' then
223   begin
224     if not FEmptyText or FStartNegativeValue then
225     begin
226       FEmptyText:= true;
227       FStartNegativeValue:= false;
228       Invalidate;
229     end;
230     exit;
231   end;
232   prevActualValue:= Value;
233   val(AValue,tempValue,errPos);
234   if errPos = 0 then
235   begin
236     if tempValue > FMaxValue then tempValue := FMaxValue;
237     if (tempValue < 0) and (tempValue < FMinValue) then tempValue:= FMinValue;
238     if (FValue = tempValue) and not FEmptyText then exit;
239     FValue := tempValue;
240     FEmptyText:= false;
241   end else
242   if (AValue = '-') and AllowNegativeValues then
243   begin
244     FEmptyText:= true;
245     FStartNegativeValue:= true;
246   end;
247   txt := Text;
248   if FSelStart > length(txt) then FSelStart := length(txt);
249   if FSelStart+FSelLength > length(txt) then FSelLength:= length(txt)-FSelStart;
250   Repaint;
251   if Value <> prevActualValue then NotifyChange;
252 end;
254 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.EnabledChanged;
255 begin
256   inherited EnabledChanged;
257   Invalidate;
258 end;
260 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.NotifyChange;
261 begin
262   if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(self, FHandlingUserInput);
263 end;
265 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.SetIncrement(AValue: integer);
266 begin
267   if FIncrement=AValue then Exit;
268   FIncrement:=AValue;
269 end;
271 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.SetMaxValue(AValue: integer);
272 begin
273   if not AllowNegativeValues and (AValue < 0) then AValue := 0;
274   if FMaxValue=AValue then Exit;
275   FMaxValue:=AValue;
276   if FMaxValue < FMinValue then FMinValue := FMaxValue;
277   if AValue > FMaxValue then FMaxValue:= AValue;
278   Invalidate;
279 end;
281 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.SetMinValue(AValue: integer);
282 begin
283   if not AllowNegativeValues and (AValue < 0) then AValue := 0;
284   if FMinValue=AValue then Exit;
285   FMinValue:=AValue;
286   if FMinValue > FMaxValue then FMaxValue := FMinValue;
287   if AValue < FMinValue then FMinValue:= AValue;
288   Invalidate;
289 end;
291 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.SetValue(AValue: integer);
292 begin
293   if AValue < FMinValue then AValue := FMinValue;
294   if AValue > FMaxValue then AValue := FMaxValue;
295   if FValue=AValue then Exit;
296   FValue:=AValue;
297   FEmptyText:= false;
298   DoSelectAll;
299   Invalidate;
300   NotifyChange;
301 end;
303 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.SetArrowColor(AValue: TColor);
304 begin
305   if FArrowColor=AValue then Exit;
306   FArrowColor:=AValue;
307   Invalidate;
308 end;
310 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.SetHasTrackBar(AValue: boolean);
311 begin
312   if FHasTrackBar=AValue then Exit;
313   FHasTrackBar:=AValue;
314   Invalidate;
315 end;
317 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.SetAllowNegativeValues(AValue: boolean);
318 var
319   changeVal: Boolean;
320 begin
321   if FAllowNegativeValues=AValue then Exit;
322   FAllowNegativeValues:=AValue;
323   if not FAllowNegativeValues then
324   begin
325     if (FMinValue < 0) or (FValue < 0) or (FMaxValue < 0) then
326     begin
327       if FMinValue < 0 then FMinValue := 0;
328       if FValue < 0 then
329       begin
330         FValue := 0;
331         changeVal := true;
332       end else changeVal := false;
333       if FMaxValue < 0 then FMaxValue:= 0;
334       Invalidate;
335       if changeVal then NotifyChange;
336     end;
337   end;
338 end;
TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.GetValuenull340 function TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.GetValue: integer;
341 begin
342   if FValue < FMinValue then result := FMinValue else
343     result := FValue;
344 end;
346 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.SetBarExponent(AValue: single);
347 begin
348   if AValue <= 0 then exit;
349   if FBarExponent=AValue then Exit;
350   FBarExponent:=AValue;
351   Invalidate;
352 end;
354 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.SetBCBackground(AValue: TBCBackground);
355 begin
356   if FBCBackground=AValue then Exit;
357   FBCBackground.Assign(AValue);
358 end;
360 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.SetBCBorder(AValue: TBCBorder);
361 begin
362   if FBCBorder=AValue then Exit;
363   FBCBorder.Assign(AValue);
364 end;
366 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.SetBCButtonBackground(AValue: TBCBackground);
367 begin
368   if FBCButtonBackground=AValue then Exit;
369   FBCButtonBackground.Assign(AValue);
370 end;
372 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.SetBCButtonDownBackground(
373   AValue: TBCBackground);
374 begin
375   if FBCButtonDownBackground=AValue then Exit;
376   FBCButtonDownBackground.Assign(AValue);
377 end;
379 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.SetBCRounding(AValue: TBCRounding);
380 begin
381   if FBCRounding=AValue then Exit;
382   FBCRounding.Assign(AValue);
383 end;
385 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.OnChangeProperty(Sender: TObject;
386   AData: PtrInt);
387 begin
388   RenderControl;
389   Invalidate;
390 end;
392 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.Timer(Sender: TObject);
393 begin
394   FHandlingUserInput:= true;
395   if FUpClick then
396   begin
397     Value := Value + Increment;
398   end else
399   if FDownClick then
400     Value := Value - Increment;
401   FHandlingUserInput:= false;
402   FTimer.Interval := ShortTimeInterval;
403 end;
405 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.RenderOnBitmap(ABitmap: TBGRABitmap);
406 var bordercolor,fgcolor,btntext: TBGRAPixel;
407   x,y,ty,barx: integer;
408   s: TSize;
409   midy: integer;
410   midx: single;
411   beforeSel,inSel,afterSel: string;
412   bounds,fullBounds: TRect;
413 begin
414   fullbounds := rect(0,0,ABitmap.Width,ABitmap.Height);
415   bounds := fullBounds;
416   CalculateInnerRect(Border, bounds);
417   ty := bounds.bottom-bounds.top-2;
418   FTextLeft := bounds.left+1+((ty+5) div 10);
419   FUpDownWidth := (ty*3+3) div 5;
420   FUpDownLeft := bounds.right-FUpDownWidth;
422   FBarLeft := bounds.left+1;
423   if FHasTrackBar then
424   begin
425     FBarHeight := (bounds.bottom-bounds.top+3) div 5+1;
426     FBarWidth := bounds.right-FUpDownWidth-FBarHeight+1-FBarLeft;
427     if (Rounding.RoundX > 1) and (Rounding.RoundY > 1) then
428       FBarLeft := FBarLeft +FBarHeight+1;
429   end else
430   begin
431     FBarWidth := 0;
432     FBarHeight := 2;
433   end;
434   FBarTop := bounds.bottom-FBarHeight;
436   midy := ABitmap.Height div 2;
437   FDownButtonTop := midy;
439   ABitmap.ClipRect := rect(fullbounds.left,fullbounds.top,FUpDownLeft+1,fullbounds.bottom);
440   RenderBackgroundAndBorder(fullbounds, Background, ABitmap, Rounding, Border);
442   bordercolor := ColorToBGRA(ColorToRGB(Border.Color),Border.ColorOpacity);
443   ABitmap.VertLine(FUpDownLeft,bounds.top,bounds.bottom-1,bordercolor,dmDrawWithTransparency);
445   if FUpClick then
446   begin
447     ABitmap.ClipRect := rect(FUpDownLeft+1,fullbounds.top,fullbounds.Right,midy);
448     RenderBackgroundAndBorder(fullbounds, ButtonDownBackground, ABitmap, Rounding, Border);
449     ABitmap.ClipRect := rect(FUpDownLeft+1,midy,fullbounds.Right,fullbounds.bottom);
450     RenderBackgroundAndBorder(fullbounds, ButtonBackground, ABitmap, Rounding, Border);
451   end else
452   if FDownClick then
453   begin
454     ABitmap.ClipRect := rect(FUpDownLeft+1,fullbounds.top,fullbounds.Right,midy+1);
455     RenderBackgroundAndBorder(fullbounds, ButtonBackground, ABitmap, Rounding, Border);
456     ABitmap.ClipRect := rect(FUpDownLeft+1,midy+1,fullbounds.Right,fullbounds.bottom);
457     RenderBackgroundAndBorder(fullbounds, ButtonDownBackground, ABitmap, Rounding, Border);
458   end else
459   begin
460     ABitmap.ClipRect := rect(FUpDownLeft+1,fullbounds.top,fullbounds.Right,fullbounds.bottom);
461     RenderBackgroundAndBorder(fullbounds, ButtonBackground, ABitmap, Rounding, Border);
462   end;
463   ABitmap.NoClip;
464   ABitmap.HorizLine(FUpDownLeft+1,midy,bounds.right-1,bordercolor,dmDrawWithTransparency);
466   ABitmap.FontQuality := fqFineAntialiasing;
467   ABitmap.FontName := Font.Name;
468   ABitmap.FontStyle := Font.Style;
469   ABitmap.FontHeight := ((ty-FBarHeight+1)*8+4) div 9;
470   fgcolor := Font.Color;
472   x := FTextLeft;
473   y := bounds.top+1;
474   if Focused then
475   begin
476     if SelStart = 0 then
477     begin
478       beforeSel := '';
479       inSel := Text;
480     end else
481     begin
482       beforeSel := copy(Text,1,SelStart);
483       inSel := copy(Text,SelStart+1,length(Text)-SelStart);
484     end;
485     if length(inSel)>SelLength then
486     begin
487       afterSel:= copy(inSel,SelLength+1,length(inSel)-SelLength);
488       inSel := copy(inSel,1,SelLength);
489     end else
490       afterSel := '';
491     ABitmap.TextOut(x,y,beforeSel,fgcolor);
492     inc(x, ABitmap.TextSize(beforeSel).cx);
493     if inSel = '' then ABitmap.SetVertLine(x,y,y+ABitmap.FontFullHeight-1,fgcolor)
494     else
495     begin
496       s := ABitmap.TextSize(inSel);
497       ABitmap.FillRect(x,y+1,x+s.cx,y+s.cy,ColorToRGB(clHighlight),dmSet);
498       ABitmap.TextOut(x,y,inSel,ColorToRGB(clHighlightText));
499       inc(x,s.cx);
500     end;
501     ABitmap.TextOut(x,y,afterSel,fgcolor);
502   end else
503   begin
504     if Enabled then
505       ABitmap.TextOut(x,y,Text,fgcolor)
506     else
507       ABitmap.TextOut(x,y,Text,BGRA(fgcolor.red,fgcolor.green,fgcolor.blue,fgcolor.alpha div 2));
508   end;
510   barx := ValueToBarPos(Value);
511   if FHasTrackBar then
512     ABitmap.FillPolyAntialias([PointF(barx,FBarTop),PointF(barx+FBarHeight,FBarTop+FBarHeight),
513       PointF(barx-FBarHeight,FBarTop+FBarHeight)],fgcolor);
514   midx := FUpDownLeft+(FUpDownWidth-1)/2;
515   btntext := FArrowColor;
516   ABitmap.FillPolyAntialias([PointF(FUpDownLeft+2,midy*4/5),PointF(midx,midy/5),PointF(FUpDownLeft+FUpDownWidth-3,midy*4/5)],btntext);
517   ABitmap.FillPolyAntialias([PointF(FUpDownLeft+2,midy*6/5),PointF(midx,ABitmap.Height-midy/5),PointF(FUpDownLeft+FUpDownWidth-3,midy*6/5)],btntext);
518 end;
TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.ValueToBarPosnull520 function TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.ValueToBarPos(AValue: integer): integer;
521 var t: single;
522 begin
523   if FMaxValue>FMinValue then
524   begin
525     t := (AValue-FMinValue)/(FMaxValue-FMinValue);
526     if t < 0 then t := 0;
527     if t > 1 then t := 1;
528     result := FBarLeft+round(power(t,1/FBarExponent)*(FBarWidth-1))
529   end
530   else
531     result := FBarLeft;
532 end;
BarPosToValuenull534 function TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.BarPosToValue(ABarPos: integer): integer;
535 var t: single;
536 begin
537   if FBarWidth > FBarLeft then
538   begin
539     t := (ABarPos-FBarLeft)/(FBarWidth-1);
540     if t < 0 then t := 0;
541     if t > 1 then t := 1;
542     result := round(power(t,FBarExponent)*(FMaxValue-FMinValue))+FMinValue
543   end
544   else
545     result := FMinValue;
546 end;
548 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton;
549   Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
550 begin
551   X := round(X*FCanvasScaling);
552   Y := round(Y*FCanvasScaling);
553   if Button = mbLeft then
554   begin
555     FHandlingUserInput:= true;
556     if X >= FUpDownLeft then
557     begin
558       if Y > FDownButtonTop then
559       begin
560         FDownClick:= true;
561         Value := Value-Increment;
562         Invalidate;
563         FTimer.Interval := LongTimeInterval;
564         FTimer.Enabled:= true;
565       end else
566       if Y < FDownButtonTop then
567       begin
568         FUpClick:= true;
569         Value := Value+Increment;
570         Invalidate;
571         FTimer.Interval := LongTimeInterval;
572         FTimer.Enabled:= true;
573       end;
574     end else
575     if (Y >= Height-FBarHeight-1) and (FBarWidth>1) then
576     begin
577       FBarClick:= true;
578       Value := BarPosToValue(X);
579       Repaint;
580     end;
581     FHandlingUserInput:= false;
582   end;
583   if not Focused then
584   begin
585     SetFocus;
586     SelectAll;
587   end;
588 end;
590 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
591 begin
592   inherited MouseMove(Shift, X, Y);
593   X := round(X*FCanvasScaling);
594   Y := round(Y*FCanvasScaling);
595   if FBarClick and (FBarWidth>1) then
596   begin
597     FHandlingUserInput:= true;
598     Value := BarPosToValue(X);
599     FHandlingUserInput:= false;
600   end;
601 end;
603 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton;
604   Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
605 begin
606   inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);
607   X := round(X*FCanvasScaling);
608   Y := round(Y*FCanvasScaling);
609   if Button = mbLeft then
610   begin
611     if FBarClick then FBarClick:= false else
612     if FUpClick then
613     begin
614       FUpClick:= false;
615       Invalidate;
616       FTimer.Enabled:= false;
617     end else
618     if FDownClick then
619     begin
620       FDownClick:= false;
621       Invalidate;
622       FTimer.Enabled:= false;
623     end;
624   end;
625 end;
DoMouseWheelnull627 function TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState;
628   WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean;
629 begin
630   if Assigned(OnMouseWheel) or Assigned(OnMouseWheelDown) or Assigned(OnMouseWheelUp) then
631   begin
632     result := inherited DoMouseWheel(Shift, WheelDelta, MousePos);
633     exit;
634   end;
635   FHandlingUserInput:= true;
636   Value := Value + Increment*WheelDelta div 120;
637   FHandlingUserInput := false;
638   Invalidate;
639   result := true;
640 end;
642 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.UTF8KeyPress(var UTF8Key: {$IFDEF FPC}TUTF8Char{$ELSE}String{$ENDIF});
643 var tempText: string;
644 begin
645   FHandlingUserInput:= true;
646   if UTF8Key = #8 then
647   begin
648     if not RemoveSelection and (SelStart > 0) then
649     begin
650       tempText := Text;
651       Dec(FSelStart);
652       Delete(tempText,SelStart+1,1);
653       Text := tempText;
654       Invalidate;
655     end;
656     UTF8Key:= #0;
657   end else
658   if (length(UTF8Key)=1) and ((UTF8Key[1] in['0'..'9']) or ((UTF8Key[1]='-') and (SelStart = 0))) then
659   begin
660     RemoveSelection;
661     tempText := Text;
662     Insert(UTF8Key,tempText,SelStart+1);
663     Text := tempText;
664     if FSelStart < length(Text) then inc(FSelStart);
665     Invalidate;
666     UTF8Key:= #0;
667   end;
668   FHandlingUserInput:= false;
669 end;
671 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.DoEnter;
672 begin
673   inherited DoEnter;
674   Invalidate;
675 end;
677 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.DoExit;
678 begin
679   inherited DoExit;
680   if FValue > FMaxValue then FValue := FMaxValue;
681   if FValue < FMinValue then FValue := FMinValue;
682   if FEmptyText then
683   begin
684     FEmptyText:= false;
685     SelectAll;
686   end;
687   Invalidate;
688 end;
690 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.DrawControl;
691 var bmp: TBGRABitmap;
692 begin
693   FCanvasScaling:= GetCanvasScaleFactor;
694   bmp := TBGRABitmap.Create(round(Width*FCanvasScaling),round(Height*FCanvasScaling));
695   RenderOnBitmap(bmp);
696   bmp.Draw(Canvas,rect(0,0,Width,Height),False);
697   bmp.Free;
698 end;
700 constructor TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
701 begin
702   inherited Create(AOwner);
703   with GetControlClassDefaultSize do
704     SetInitialBounds(0, 0, CX, CY);
705   FMinValue:= 0;
706   FMaxValue := 100;
707   FValue := 50;
708   FIncrement := 1;
709   FBarExponent:= 1;
710   FCanvasScaling:= 1;
711   FTimer := TTimer.Create(self);
712   FTimer.Enabled := false;
713   FTimer.OnTimer:=Timer;
714   FLongTimeInterval:= 400;
715   FShortTimeInterval:= 100;
716   FHasTrackBar:= true;
717   FBCBorder := TBCBorder.Create(self);
718   FBCBorder.Color := clWindowText;
719   FBCBorder.Width := 1;
720   FBCBorder.Style := bboSolid;
721   FBCBorder.OnChange := OnChangeProperty;
722   FBCRounding := TBCRounding.Create(self);
723   FBCRounding.RoundX := 1;
724   FBCRounding.RoundY := 1;
725   FBCRounding.OnChange := OnChangeProperty;
726   FBCBackground := TBCBackground.Create(self);
727   FBCBackground.Style := bbsColor;
728   FBCBackground.Color := clWindow;
729   FBCBackground.OnChange := OnChangeProperty;
730   FBCButtonBackground := TBCBackground.Create(self);
731   FBCButtonBackground.Style := bbsGradient;
732   FBCButtonBackground.Gradient1EndPercent := 50;
733   FBCButtonBackground.Gradient1.Point1YPercent := -50;
734   FBCButtonBackground.Gradient1.Point2YPercent := 50;
735   FBCButtonBackground.Gradient1.StartColor := clBtnShadow;
736   FBCButtonBackground.Gradient1.EndColor := clBtnFace;
737   FBCButtonBackground.Gradient2.Point1YPercent := 50;
738   FBCButtonBackground.Gradient2.Point2YPercent := 150;
739   FBCButtonBackground.Gradient2.StartColor := clBtnFace;
740   FBCButtonBackground.Gradient2.EndColor := clBtnShadow;
741   FBCButtonBackground.OnChange := OnChangeProperty;
742   FBCButtonDownBackground := TBCBackground.Create(self);
743   FBCButtonDownBackground.Style := bbsColor;
744   FBCButtonDownBackground.Color := clBtnShadow;
745   FBCButtonDownBackground.OnChange := OnChangeProperty;
746   FArrowColor:= clBtnText;
747   Font.Color := clWindowText;
748   Font.Name := 'Arial';
750   DoSelectAll;
751   TabStop := true;
752 end;
754 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.DoSelectAll;
755 begin
756   FSelStart := 0;
757   FSelLength := length(Text);
758 end;
760 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.SelectAll;
761 begin
762   DoSelectAll;
763   Invalidate;
764 end;
TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.RemoveSelectionnull766 function TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.RemoveSelection: boolean;
767 var
768   tempText: string;
769   len:integer;
770 begin
771   if SelLength > 0 then
772   begin
773     tempText := Text;
774     len := FSelLength;
775     FSelLength := 0;
776     Delete(tempText,SelStart+1,len);
777     Text := tempText;
778     Invalidate;
779     result := true
780   end else
781     result := false;
782 end;
784 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.DelayTimer;
785 begin
786   if FTimer.Enabled then
787   begin
788     FTimer.Enabled:= false;
789     FTimer.Enabled:= true;
790   end;
791 end;
793 procedure TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.SetFocus;
794 begin
795   try
796     inherited SetFocus;
797   except
798     //in some cases, it is impossible to set the focus
799     //but that's not a reason to crash the program
800   end;
801 end;
803 destructor TCustomBCTrackbarUpdown.Destroy;
804 begin
805   FreeAndNil(FTimer);
806   FreeAndNil(FBCBackground);
807   FreeAndNil(FBCButtonBackground);
808   FreeAndNil(FBCButtonDownBackground);
809   FreeAndNil(FBCBorder);
810   FreeAndNil(FBCRounding);
811   inherited Destroy;
812 end;
814 end.