1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
2 unit UZoom;
4 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
6 interface
8 uses
9   Classes, SysUtils, Forms, StdCtrls, BGRABitmapTypes;
11 type
12   TZoom = class;
14   TOnZoomChangedHandler = procedure(sender: TZoom; ANewZoom: single) of object;
16   TCustomMainFormLayout = class
17   protected
GetWorkAreanull18     function GetWorkArea: TRect; virtual; abstract;
19   public
20     property WorkArea: TRect read GetWorkArea;
21   end;
23   { TZoom }
25   TZoom = class
26   private
27     FLayout: TCustomMainFormLayout;
28     FLabelCurrentZoom: TLabel;
29     FEditZoom: TEdit;
30     FMaxFactor: single;
31     FMinFactor: single;
32     FZoomFactor: single;
33     FOnZoomChangedHandler : TOnZoomChangedHandler;
34     FBitmapPosition: TPointF;
35     FMousePosition: TPoint;
GetEditingZoomnull36     function GetEditingZoom: boolean;
GetPositionDefinednull37     function GetPositionDefined: boolean;
GetZoomFactornull38     function GetZoomFactor: single;
39     procedure SetEditingZoom(AValue: boolean);
40     procedure SetMaxFactor(AValue: single);
41     procedure SetMinFactor(AValue: single);
42     procedure SetZoomFactor(AValue: single);
43   protected
44     procedure EditZoom_KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: char);
45     procedure EditZoom_ZoomExit(Sender: TObject);
46     procedure LabelCurrentZoom_Click(Sender: TObject);
47     procedure UpdateLabel;
RoundZoomnull48     function RoundZoom(AValue: single): single;
49   public
50     constructor Create(ALabelCurrentZoom: TLabel; AEditZoom: TEdit);
51     destructor Destroy; override;
52     procedure ZoomOriginal;
53     procedure ZoomFit(AImageWidth,AImageHeight: integer);
54     procedure ZoomIn(AFine: boolean = false);
55     procedure ZoomOut(AFine: boolean = false);
56     procedure SetPosition(ABitmapPosition: TPointF; AMousePosition: TPoint);
57     procedure ClearPosition;
58     procedure DoAction(const AName: string);
GetScaledAreanull59     function GetScaledArea(const AWorkArea: TRect; AImageWidth, AImageHeight: integer; var AViewOffset: TPoint): TRect;
60     property Layout: TCustomMainFormLayout read FLayout write FLayout;
61     property EditingZoom: boolean read GetEditingZoom write SetEditingZoom;
62     property Factor: single read GetZoomFactor write SetZoomFactor;
63     property OnZoomChanged: TOnZoomChangedHandler read FOnZoomChangedHandler write FOnZoomChangedHandler;
64     property MaxFactor: single read FMaxFactor write SetMaxFactor;
65     property MinFactor: single read FMinFactor write SetMinFactor;
66     property BitmapPosition: TPointF read FBitmapPosition;
67     property MousePosition: TPoint read FMousePosition;
68     property PositionDefined: boolean read GetPositionDefined;
69   end;
71 implementation
73 uses Math, Dialogs, LazPaintType;
75 { TZoom }
TZoom.GetEditingZoomnull77 function TZoom.GetEditingZoom: boolean;
78 begin
79   result := FEditZoom.Visible;
80 end;
TZoom.GetPositionDefinednull82 function TZoom.GetPositionDefined: boolean;
83 begin
84   result := not isEmptyPointF(FBitmapPosition);
85 end;
GetZoomFactornull87 function TZoom.GetZoomFactor: single;
88 begin
89   result := FZoomFactor;
90 end;
92 procedure TZoom.SetEditingZoom(AValue: boolean);
93 begin
94   if AValue <> FEditZoom.Visible then
95   begin
96     if AValue then
97     begin
98       FEditZoom.Text := IntToStr(round(FZoomFactor*100));
99       FEditZoom.Visible := true;
100       FLabelCurrentZoom.Visible := false;
101       SafeSetFocus(FEditZoom);
102     end else
103     begin
104       FLabelCurrentZoom.Visible := not AValue;
105       FEditZoom.Visible := AValue
106     end;
107   end;
108 end;
110 procedure TZoom.SetMaxFactor(AValue: single);
111 begin
112   if FMaxFactor=AValue then Exit;
113   FMaxFactor:=AValue;
114 end;
116 procedure TZoom.SetMinFactor(AValue: single);
117 begin
118   if FMinFactor=AValue then Exit;
119   FMinFactor:=AValue;
120 end;
122 procedure TZoom.SetZoomFactor(AValue: single);
123 begin
124   if (FMinFactor <> 0) and (AValue < FMinFactor) then AValue := FMinFactor;
125   if (FMaxFactor <> 0) and (AValue > FMaxFactor) then AValue := FMaxFactor;
126   if AValue = FZoomFactor then exit;
127   EditingZoom:= False;
128   FZoomFactor:= AValue;
129   if Assigned(FOnZoomChangedHandler) then
130     FOnZoomChangedHandler(self, AValue);
131   UpdateLabel;
132 end;
134 procedure TZoom.EditZoom_ZoomExit(Sender: TObject);
135 begin
136   EditingZoom:= false;
137 end;
139 procedure TZoom.LabelCurrentZoom_Click(Sender: TObject);
140 begin
141   EditingZoom := true;
142 end;
144 procedure TZoom.UpdateLabel;
145 begin
146   if Factor < 3 then
147     FLabelCurrentZoom.Caption := inttostr(round(Factor*100))+'%' else
148      FLabelCurrentZoom.Caption := 'x'+FloatToStr(round(Factor*100)/100);
149 end;
TZoom.RoundZoomnull151 function TZoom.RoundZoom(AValue: single): single;
152 var zoomFactorLog,halfZoom,sign: single;
153 begin
154   halfZoom := ln(1.5)/ln(2);
155   zoomFactorLog := ln(AValue)/ln(2);
156   if zoomFactorLog < 0 then
157   begin
158     sign := -1;
159     zoomFactorLog:= -zoomFactorLog;
160   end else
161     sign := 1;
162   if frac(zoomFactorLog) >= (halfZoom+1)/2 then
163     zoomFactorLog:= ceil(zoomFactorLog)
164   else
165   if frac(zoomFactorLog) >= halfZoom/2 then
166     zoomFactorLog:= floor(zoomFactorLog)+halfZoom
167   else
168     zoomFactorLog:= floor(zoomFactorLog);
170   result := exp(sign*zoomFactorLog*ln(2));
171 end;
173 procedure TZoom.EditZoom_KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: char);
174 begin
175   if Key = #13 then
176   begin
177     Key := #0;
178     EditingZoom:= false;
179     if length(FEditZoom.Text) > 0 then
180     begin
181       try
182         Factor:= StrToInt(FEditZoom.Text)/100;
183       except
184         on ex:exception do
185         begin end;
186       end;
187     end;
188   end else
189   if Key = #27 then
190   begin
191     Key := #0;
192     EditingZoom := false;
193   end else
194   if not (Key in['0'..'9',#8]) then Key := #0;
195 end;
197 constructor TZoom.Create(ALabelCurrentZoom: TLabel; AEditZoom: TEdit);
198 begin
199   inherited Create;
200   FLayout := nil;
201   FLabelCurrentZoom := ALabelCurrentZoom;
202   FLabelCurrentZoom.OnClick := @LabelCurrentZoom_Click;
203   FEditZoom := AEditZoom;
204   FEditZoom.Top := FLabelCurrentZoom.Top-1;
205   FEditZoom.OnExit := @EditZoom_ZoomExit;
206   FEditZoom.OnKeyPress:= @EditZoom_KeyPress;
207   FZoomFactor:= 1;
208   FMinFactor := 0;
209   FMaxFactor := 0;
210   ClearPosition;
211   UpdateLabel;
212 end;
214 destructor TZoom.Destroy;
215 begin
216   FLabelCurrentZoom.OnClick := nil;
217   FEditZoom.OnExit := nil;
218   FEditZoom.OnKeyPress := nil;
219   inherited Destroy;
220 end;
222 procedure TZoom.ZoomOriginal;
223 begin
224   Factor := 1;
225 end;
227 procedure TZoom.ZoomFit(AImageWidth, AImageHeight: integer);
228 const pixelMargin = 0;
229 var zx,zy: single;
230   pictureArea: TRect;
231 begin
232   if FLayout = nil then exit;
233   pictureArea := FLayout.WorkArea;
234   if (AImageWidth = 0) or (AImageHeight = 0) or (pictureArea.right-pictureArea.Left <= pixelMargin)
235     or (pictureArea.Bottom-pictureArea.top <= pixelMargin) then exit;
236   try
237     zx := (pictureArea.right-pictureArea.left-pixelMargin)/AImageWidth;
238     zy := (pictureArea.bottom-pictureArea.top-pixelMargin)/AImageheight;
239     Factor:= min(zx,zy);
240   except
241     on ex:Exception do
242     begin end;
243   end;
244 end;
246 procedure TZoom.ZoomIn(AFine: boolean);
247 begin
248   if AFine then
249     Factor := Factor*1.1
250   else if RoundZoom(Factor) > Factor then
251     Factor := RoundZoom(Factor)
252   else
253     Factor := RoundZoom(Factor*sqrt(2));
254 end;
256 procedure TZoom.ZoomOut(AFine: boolean);
257 begin
258   if AFine then
259     Factor := Factor/1.1
260   else if RoundZoom(Factor) < Factor then
261     Factor := RoundZoom(Factor)
262   else
263     Factor := RoundZoom(Factor/sqrt(2));
264 end;
266 procedure TZoom.SetPosition(ABitmapPosition: TPointF; AMousePosition: TPoint);
267 begin
268   FBitmapPosition := ABitmapPosition;
269   FMousePosition := AMousePosition;
270 end;
272 procedure TZoom.ClearPosition;
273 begin
274   SetPosition(EmptyPointF,Point(0,0));
275 end;
277 procedure TZoom.DoAction(const AName: string);
278 begin
279   if AName = 'ViewZoomIn' then ZoomIn else
280   if AName = 'ViewZoomOriginal' then ZoomOriginal else
281   if AName = 'ViewZoomOut' then ZoomOut;
282 end;
TZoom.GetScaledAreanull284 function TZoom.GetScaledArea(const AWorkArea: TRect; AImageWidth, AImageHeight: integer; var AViewOffset: TPoint): TRect;
285 var
286   scaledWidth,scaledHeight: integer;
287   maxOffset, minOffset: TPoint;
288   temp: integer;
289 begin
290   scaledWidth := round(AImageWidth*Factor);
291   if scaledWidth = 0 then scaledWidth := 1;
292   scaledHeight := round(AImageHeight*Factor);
293   if scaledHeight = 0 then scaledHeight := 1;
294   result.Left := (AWorkArea.Left+AWorkArea.Right-scaledWidth) div 2;
295   result.Top := (AWorkArea.Top+AWorkArea.Bottom-scaledHeight) div 2;
297   maxOffset := point(floor((AWorkArea.Right-(result.Left+scaledWidth))/Factor),
298        floor((AWorkArea.Bottom-(result.Top+scaledHeight))/Factor));
299   minOffset := point(ceil((AWorkArea.Left-result.Left)/Factor),
300                ceil((AWorkArea.Top-result.Top)/Factor));
301   if maxOffset.X < minOffset.X then
302   begin
303     temp := maxOffset.X;
304     maxOffset.X := minOffset.X;
305     minOffset.X := temp;
306   end;
307   if maxOffset.Y < minOffset.Y then
308   begin
309     temp := maxOffset.Y;
310     maxOffset.Y := minOffset.Y;
311     minOffset.Y := temp;
312   end;
314   if minOffset.X > -AImageWidth div 2 then minOffset.X := -AImageWidth div 2;
315   if minOffset.Y > -AImageHeight div 2 then minOffset.Y := -AImageHeight div 2;
316   if maxOffset.X < AImageWidth div 2 then maxOffset.X := AImageWidth div 2;
317   if maxOffset.Y < AImageHeight div 2 then maxOffset.Y := AImageHeight div 2;
319   if AViewOffset.X < minOffset.X then AViewOffset.X := minOffset.X else
320   if AViewOffset.X > maxOffset.X then AViewOffset.X := maxOffset.X;
322   if AViewOffset.Y < minOffset.Y then AViewOffset.Y := minOffset.Y else
323   if AViewOffset.Y > maxOffset.Y then AViewOffset.Y := maxOffset.Y;
325   if AImageWidth <> 0 then result.Left += round(AViewOffset.X*scaledWidth/AImageWidth);
326   if AImageHeight <> 0 then result.Top += round(AViewOffset.Y*scaledHeight/AImageHeight);
327   result.Right := result.Left + scaledWidth;
328   result.Bottom := result.Top + scaledHeight;
329 end;
331 end.