1 /*
2  * Project: VizKit
3  * Version: 2.3
5  * Date: 20090823
6  * File: VisualStageBox.h
7  *
8  */
10 /***************************************************************************
12 Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Heiko Wichmann (http://www.imagomat.de/vizkit)
15 This software is provided 'as-is', without any expressed or implied warranty.
16 In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
17 arising from the use of this software.
19 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
20 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
21 freely, subject to the following restrictions:
23 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
24    you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
25    If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
26    in the product documentation would be appreciated
27    but is not required.
29 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
30    and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
32 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
34  ***************************************************************************/
36 #ifndef VisualStageBox_h
37 #define VisualStageBox_h
40 #include "VisualTypes.h"
41 #include "VisualGraphicTypes.h"
42 #include "VisualStagePosition.h"
43 #include "VisualItemIdentifier.h"
46 namespace VizKit {
48 	class VisualItemIdentifier; // Forward declaration (to avoid include of header file).
49 	class VisualAsset; // Forward declaration (to avoid include of header file).
50 	class VisualCamera; // Forward declaration (to avoid include of header file).
52 	/**
53 	 * Position and dimensions of a box on stage.
54 	 * Used by VisualAsset as a positioning container. It is the bounding box of the visual asset.
55 	 */
56 	class VisualStageBox {
58 	public:
60 		/**
61 		 * The constructor.
62 		 * @param anAssetRef Pointer to the asset the stage box belongs to.
63 		 */
64 		VisualStageBox(VisualAsset* anAssetRef);
66 		/**
67 		 * The destructor.
68 		 */
69 		~VisualStageBox();
71 		/**
72 		 * Copy constructor.
73 		 * @param other Reference to another VisualStageBox.
74 		 */
75 		VisualStageBox(const VisualStageBox& other);
77 		/**
78 		 * Assignment operator.
79 		 * @param other Reference to another VisualStageBox.
80 		 */
81 		VisualStageBox& operator=(const VisualStageBox& other);
83 		/**
84 		 * Sets the pixel width of the image data.
85 		 * @param pixelWidth The pixel width of the image data.
86 		 */
87 		void setContentPixelWidth(uint32 pixelWidth);
89 		/**
90 		 * Sets the pixel height of the image data.
91 		 * @param pixelHeight The pixel height of the image data.
92 		 */
93 		void setContentPixelHeight(uint32 pixelHeight);
95 		/**
96 		 * Sets the depth of the stage box (in coord values).
97 		 * @param aCoordDepth The depth of the stage box.
98 		 */
99 		void setCoordDepth(double aCoordDepth);
101 		/**
102 		 * Sets value of the front position.
103 		 * @param aFrontPosition The value of the front position.
104 		 */
105 		void setFrontPosition(double aFrontPosition);
107 		/**
108 		 * Returns the value of the front position.
109 		 * @return The value of the front position.
110 		 */
111 		double getFrontPosition(void);
113 		/**
114 		 * Sets value of the back position.
115 		 * @param aBackPosition The value of the back position.
116 		 */
117 		void setBackPosition(double aBackPosition);
119 		/**
120 		 * Returns the value of the back position.
121 		 * @return The value of the back position.
122 		 */
123 		double getBackPosition(void);
125 		/**
126 		 * Sets the stage position of the box.
127 		 * @param aPosition The position that is supposed to become the current position.
128 		 */
129 		void setVisualStagePosition(const VisualStagePosition& aPosition);
131 		/**
132 		 * Specifies the scaling behaviour.
133 		 * @param aScalingBehaviour The requested scaling behaviour.
134 		 */
135 		void setScalingBehaviour(ScalingBehaviour aScalingBehaviour);
137 		/**
138 		 * Specifies the magnification/minification of the stage box when drawn.
139 		 * @param aScaleFactor The factor by which the stage box should be multiplied when rendered (1.0 means no magnification/minification).
140 		 */
141 		void setScaleFactor(double aScaleFactor);
143 		/**
144 		 * Marks the stage box for update of the coord values (e.g. after setting new relative values of vertex chains).
145 		 * @remarks To enforce immediate update of the coord values, call update().
146 		 */
147 		void setDirty(void);
149 		/**
150 		 * Updates the coord values (e.g. after canvas reshape).
151 		 * @remarks It is preferred to just set the dirty flag by calling setDirty(). By calling setDirty() the update is deferred, the coord values are evaluated lazily.
152 		 */
153 		void update(void);
155 		/**
156 		 * Performs the updates of the coord values in case it is needed (because the values have been marked as dirty before).
157 		 */
158 		void updateIfNeeded(void);
160 		/**
161 		 * Returns the scaling attributes.
162 		 * @return The scaling attributes.
163 		 */
164 		ScalingBehaviour getScalingBehaviour(void) const;
166 		/**
167 		 * Returns the magnification/minification of the stage box when drawn.
168 		 * @return The factor by which the stage box is multiplied when rendered (1.0 means no magnification/minification).
169 		 */
170 		double getScaleFactor(void) const;
172 		/**
173 		 * Returns the width of the box.
174 		 * @return The width of the box.
175 		 */
176 		double getCoordWidth(void);
178 		/**
179 		 * Returns the width of the box (without current scaleFactor, only layout constraints taken into account).
180 		 * @return The width of the box (without current scaleFactor, only layout constraints taken into account).
181 		 */
182 		double getUnscaledCoordWidth(void);
184 		/**
185 		 * Returns the height of the box.
186 		 * @return The height of the box.
187 		 */
188 		double getCoordHeight(void);
190 		/**
191 		 * Returns the height of the box (without current scaleFactor, only layout constraints taken into account).
192 		 * @return The height of the box (without current scaleFactor, only layout constraints taken into account).
193 		 */
194 		double getUnscaledCoordHeight(void);
196 		/**
197 		 * Returns the depth of the box.
198 		 * @return The depth of the box.
199 		 */
200 		double getCoordDepth(void);
202 		/**
203 		 * Returns the depth of the box (without current scaleFactor, only layout constraints taken into account).
204 		 * @return The depth of the box (without current scaleFactor, only layout constraints taken into account).
205 		 */
206 		double getUnscaledCoordDepth(void);
208 		/**
209 		 * Returns the top coord of the box.
210 		 * @param vertexChainName The identifier of the vertex chain. If none is specified (default) then the coord position of the bounding box is returned.
211 		 * @return The top coord of the box.
212 		 */
213 		double getTopCoord(const VisualItemIdentifier* const vertexChainName = NULL);
215 		/**
216 		 * Returns the left coord of the box.
217 		 * @param vertexChainName The identifier of the vertex chain. If none is specified (default) then the coord position of the bounding box is returned.
218 		 * @return The left coord of the box.
219 		 */
220 		double getLeftCoord(const VisualItemIdentifier* const vertexChainName = NULL);
222 		/**
223 		 * Returns the bottom coord of the box.
224 		 * @param vertexChainName The identifier of the vertex chain. If none is specified (default) then the coord position of the bounding box is returned.
225 		 * @return The bottom coord of the box.
226 		 */
227 		double getBottomCoord(const VisualItemIdentifier* const vertexChainName = NULL);
229 		/**
230 		 * Returns the right coord of the box.
231 		 * @param vertexChainName The identifier of the vertex chain. If none is specified (default) then the coord position of the bounding box is returned.
232 		 * @return The right coord of the box.
233 		 */
234 		double getRightCoord(const VisualItemIdentifier* const vertexChainName = NULL);
236 		/**
237 		 * Returns the pixel width of the image data.
238 		 * @return the pixel width of the image data.
239 		 */
240 		uint32 getContentPixelWidth(void) const;
242 		/**
243 		 * Returns the pixel height of the image data.
244 		 * @return the pixel height of the image data.
245 		 */
246 		uint32 getContentPixelHeight(void) const;
248 		/**
249 		 * Returns a copy of the stage position of the box.
250 		 * @return A copy of the stage position of the box.
251 		 */
252 		VisualStagePosition getVisualStagePosition(void) const;
254 		/**
255 		 * Initializes a vertex chain.
256 		 * @param vertexChainName The identifier of the vertex chain.
257 		 */
258 		void initializeVertexChain(const VisualItemIdentifier& vertexChainName);
260 		/**
261 		 * Adds a vertex to a chain.
262 		 * @param vertexChainName The identifier of the vertex chain.
263 		 * @param aVertex The vertex to be added to the vertex chain.
264 		 */
265 		void addVertexToChain(const VisualItemIdentifier& vertexChainName, VisualVertex* aVertex);
267 		/**
268 		 * Returns the vertex chain of the asset identified by that name.
269 		 * @param vertexChainName The identifier/name (enum) of the vertex chain.
270 		 * @return The vertex chain identified by that name.
271 		 */
272 		VertexChain* getVertexChain(const VisualItemIdentifier& vertexChainName);
274 		/**
275 		 * Returns the indexed vertex chain.
276 		 * @param vertexIdx The index of the requested vertex chain.
277 		 * @return The indexed vertex chain.
278 		 */
279 		VertexChain* getVertexChain(size_t vertexIdx);
281 		/**
282 		 * Returns the identifier of an indexed vertex chain.
283 		 * @param vertexIdx The index of the requested vertex chain.
284 		 * @return The identifier of the indexed vertex chain.
285 		 */
286 		const VisualItemIdentifier& getVertexChainIdentifier(size_t vertexIdx);
288 		/**
289 		 * Returns the number of vertex chains of the VisualStageBox.
290 		 * @return The number of vertex chains of the VisualStageBox.
291 		 */
292 		size_t getNumberOfVertexChains(void) const;
294 		/**
295 		 * Answers the question whether a vertex chain with the identifier exists.
296 		 * @param vertexChainName The identifier/name (enum) of the vertex chain.
297 		 * @return True if vertex chain with the identifier exists.
298 		 */
299 		bool hasVertexChain(const VisualItemIdentifier& vertexChainName) const;
301 		/**
302 		 * Clears all vertex chains of the VisualStageBox.
303 		 */
304 		void removeAllVertexChains(void);
306 		/**
307 		 * Clears the vertex chain.
308 		 * @param vertexChainName The identifier of the VertexChain to remove.
309 		 */
310 		void removeVertexChain(const VisualItemIdentifier& vertexChainName);
312 		/**
313 		 * Returns the minimum relative s-tex coord of all vertex chains of the stage box.
314 		 * @return The minimum relative s-tex coord of all vertex chains of the stage box.
315 		 */
316 		double getMinSRelTexCoord(void);
318 		/**
319 		 * Returns the minimum relative t-tex coord of all vertex chains of the stage box.
320 		 * @return The minimum relative t-tex coord of all vertex chains of the stage box.
321 		 */
322 		double getMinTRelTexCoord(void);
324 		/**
325 		 * Returns the maximum relative s-tex coord of all vertex chains of the stage box.
326 		 * @return The maximum relative s-tex coord of all vertex chains of the stage box.
327 		 */
328 		double getMaxSRelTexCoord(void);
330 		/**
331 		 * Returns the maximum relative t-tex coord of all vertex chains of the stage box.
332 		 * @return The maximum relative t-tex coord of all vertex chains of the stage box.
333 		 */
334 		double getMaxTRelTexCoord(void);
336 		/**
337 		 * Sets the opacity value (alpha value).
338 		 * @param anOpacityValue The opacity value (alpha value).
339 		 */
340 		void setOpacityValue(double anOpacityValue);
342 		/**
343 		 * Creates and returns a vertex at the specified position.
344 		 * @param xPos Position on x-axis (0.0 means: left, 1.0 means: right).
345 		 * @param yPos Position on y-Axis (0.0 means: bottom, 1.0 means: top).
346 		 * @param zPos Position on z-Axis (0.0 means: front, 1.0 means: back).
347 		 * @param aTexCoordSPos An s position of a texture.
348 		 * @param aTexCoordTPos A t position of a texture.
349 		 * @param anRGBAColor RGBA color associated with the vertex.
350 		 * @return A vertex at the specified position.
351 		 */
352 		VisualVertex* createVertex(double xPos, double yPos, double zPos, double aTexCoordSPos, double aTexCoordTPos, VertexColor anRGBAColor = white);
354 		/**
355 		 * Creates and returns a vertex at the specified position.
356 		 * @param xPos Position on x-axis (0.0 means: left, 1.0 means: right).
357 		 * @param yPos Position on y-Axis (0.0 means: bottom, 1.0 means: top).
358 		 * @param zPos Position on z-Axis (0.0 means: front, 1.0 means: back).
359 		 * @param anRGBAColor RGBA color associated with the vertex.
360 		 * @return A vertex at the specified position.
361 		 */
362 		VisualVertex* createVertex(double xPos, double yPos, double zPos, VertexColor anRGBAColor = white);
364 		/**
365 		 * Sets the debug mode.
366 		 * @param requestedDebugMode The debug mode. True turns debug mode on, false turns it off.
367 		 */
368 		void setDebugMode(bool requestedDebugMode);
370 		/**
371 		 * Returns the current debug mode.
372 		 * @return The current debug mode. True means debug mode is on, false means it is turned off.
373 		 */
374 		bool getDebugMode(void);
376 		/**
377 		 * Calculates the VisualStagePosition according to start position, stop position and current value (between 0.0 and 1.0).
378 		 * @param startPosition The start position.
379 		 * @param stopPosition The stop position.
380 		 * @param currPosition The current value of the animation.
381 		 * @param currentAssetBox The visual stage box of the current asset which can be queried for additional info.
382 		 * @return The tweened position.
383 		 */
384 		static VisualStagePosition tweenVisualStagePosition(const VisualStagePosition& startPosition, const VisualStagePosition& stopPosition, double currPosition, const VisualStageBox& currentAssetBox);
386 	private:
388 		/**
389 		 * Copy method for assignment operator and copy constructor.
390 		 * @param other Another VisualStageBox.
391 		 */
392 		void copy(const VisualStageBox& other);
394 		/**
395 		 * Calculates the coord dimension of the box according to alignment and margin settings.
396 		 * @param aCamera The camera with the dimensions of the stage.
397 		 */
398 		void calcCoords(const VisualCamera& aCamera);
400 		/**
401 		 * Applies the scale factor to the coord values.
402 		 */
403 		void applyScaleFactor(void);
405 		/**
406 		 * Updates the position of the existing vertices according to current top, left, bottom, right, front, back coordinates.
407 		 */
408 		void updateVertices(void);
410 		bool hasLayout; /**< True if calcCoords() was executed at least once, initial state is false. */
412 		double topCoord; /**< The top coord value of the positioned box. */
414 		double leftCoord; /**< The left coord value of the positioned box. */
416 		double bottomCoord; /**< The bottom coord value of the positioned box. */
418 		double rightCoord; /**< The right coord value of the positioned box. */
420 		double frontPosition; /**< The value of the front position. */
422 		double backPosition; /**< The value of the back position. */
424 		double coordWidth; /**< The width of the box measured in coord values. */
426 		double unscaledCoordWidth; /**< The width of the box measured in coord values (without scaleFactor). */
428 		double coordHeight; /**< The height of the box measured in coord values. */
430 		double unscaledCoordHeight; /**< The width of the box measured in coord values (without scaleFactor). */
432 		double coordDepth; /**< The depth of the box measured in coord values. */
434 		double unscaledCoordDepth; /**< The depth of the box measured in coord values (without scaleFactor). */
436 		uint32 contentPixelWidth; /**< The width of the box measured in pixels. */
438 		uint32 contentPixelHeight; /**< The height of the box measured in pixels. */
440 		VisualStagePosition stagePosition; /**< The dimensionless position of the box. */
442 		ScalingBehaviour scalingBehaviour; /**< Specifies the scaling behaviour. */
444 		double scaleFactor; /**< The factor by which the stage box should be multiplied when rendered (1.0 means no magnification/minification). */
446 		/** A VertexChainMap is a map of vertex chains. */
447 		typedef std::map<VisualItemIdentifier, VertexChain*> VertexChainMap;
449 		/** The map of the vertex chains. */
450 		VertexChainMap vertexChainMap;
452 		/** A VertexChainMapIterator is the iterator of a VertexChainMap. */
453 		typedef VertexChainMap::iterator VertexChainMapIterator;
455 		/** A VertexChainMapIterator is the const iterator of a VertexChainMap. */
456 		typedef VertexChainMap::const_iterator ConstVertexChainMapIterator;
458 		/** A dummy identifier returned in case a search result was empty. */
459 		VisualItemIdentifier notFoundIdentifier;
461 		/** Pointer to the asset the stage box belongs to. */
462 		VisualAsset* assetRef;
464 		/** True if stage box is in debug mode, false otherwise. */
465 		bool debugMode;
466 	};
468 }
470 #endif /* VisualStageBox_h */