1# - Macros for simplifying development with Emscripten
3# Embed file into the virtual filesystem of given executable
4#  emscripten_embed_file(MyExecutable
5#                   path/to/file
6#                   /path/in/virtual/filesystem)
7# File path is absolute or relative to current source directory, path in
8# virtual filesystem should start with `/`. Supports both files and
9# directories. Useful e.g. in case of unit tests where you are testing output
10# against some external file and manually embedding that file just to test on
11# Emscripten is just not worth it.
14function(emscripten_embed_file target file destination)
15    get_filename_component(absolute_file ${file} ABSOLUTE)
16    get_target_property(${target}_LINK_FLAGS ${target} LINK_FLAGS)
17    if(NOT ${target}_LINK_FLAGS)
18        set(${target}_LINK_FLAGS )
19    endif()
20    set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS "${${target}_LINK_FLAGS} --embed-file ${absolute_file}@${destination}")