1Package: {__PKGNAME}
2Version: @VERSION@-@BUILD@
3Section: misc
4Priority: optional
5Architecture: {__ARCH}
6Essential: no
7Maintainer: @PKGVENDOR@ <@PKGEMAIL@>
8Homepage: @PKGURL@
9Installed-Size: {__SIZE}
10Description: A JPEG codec that provides increased compression for JPEG images (at the expense of compression performance)
11 mozjpeg is a fork of libjpeg-turbo that aims to speed up load times of web
12 pages by reducing the size (and, by extension, the transmission time) of JPEG
13 files.  It accomplishes this by enabling optimized Huffman trees and
14 progressive entropy coding by default in the JPEG compressor, as well as
15 splitting the spectrum of DCT coefficients into separate scans and using
16 Trellis quantisation.
17 .
18 Although it is based on libjpeg-turbo, mozjpeg is not intended to be a
19 general-purpose or high-performance JPEG library.  Its performance is highly
20 "asymmetric".  That is, the JPEG files it generates require much more time to
21 compress than to decompress.  When the default settings are used, mozjpeg is
22 considerably slower than libjpeg-turbo or even libjpeg at compressing images.
23 Thus, it is not generally suitable for real-time compression.  It is best used
24 as part of a web encoding workflow.