1# Compiling Qt ��
2If you just want to build nomacs - go for the latest installer [1]. However, if
3you (like us) develop nomacs, compiling Qt on your machine has a few
5- Debugging (also Qt) is easy
6- You can choose which packages you need
7- New IDEs take some time until Qt officially supports them
8So here is a short guide how we build Qt for nomacs.
10## Compile Qt 5.xx on Windows
11here are the official qt5 compile instructions [4]. First get the source code (google qt everywhere).
13- ``python`` has to be in the system path
14- open a `Native Tools Command Prompt` from Visuas Studio, dir to `qtbase` and type:
16REM Visual Studio 2015
17configure.bat -debug-and-release -opensource -confirm-license -qt-zlib -qt-pcre -qt-freetype -opengl dynamic -no-dbus -strip -plugin-sql-sqlite -make libs -nomake tools -nomake examples -nomake tests -platform win32-msvc2015 -prefix build
20REM Visual Studio 2017
21configure.bat -debug-and-release -opensource -confirm-license -opengl dynamic -no-dbus -nomake tools -nomake examples -nomake tests -skip qtwebengine  -platform win32-msvc -prefix build
24REM Visual Studio 2019
25REM replace -prefix build with i.e. -prefix C:/Qt/Qt5.14.1-x64
26configure.bat -debug-and-release -opensource -confirm-license -opengl dynamic -no-dbus -nomake examples -nomake tests -make tools -make libs -skip qtwebengine -platform win32-msvc -prefix C:/Qt/Qt-5.14.1
28- after it's finished run ``nmake``
29- now it's time to have a cup of coffee
30- having compiled and a cup of coffee type ``nmake install``
32### Shadow build
34The build directory is where the build-related files such as Makefiles, object files, and other intermediate files are stored. The install directory is where the binaries and libraries are installed, for use either by the system or by the application.
36It is recommended to keep these directories separate by shadow-building and using the -prefix option. This enables you to keep the Qt source tree clean from the build artifacts and binaries, which are stored in a separate directory. This method is very convenient if you want to have multiple builds from the same source tree, but for different configurations. To shadow-build, run configure from a separate directory
38see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/configure-options.html#
40### Build Modules (Qt 5.13)
41As of Qt 5.13 we build modules using Qt creator. Therefore you need to open the `*.pro` project files in Qt Creator. Set up the environment to match your build system. Currently we use the vs 2019 compiler & debugger together with the newly built Qt version (see above). Be sure to update the build path of your Release configuration to your Qt install dir (i.e. `C:/Qt/Qt5.13.0-x64`). For nomacs we need these modules:
42- qttools
43- qtsvg
44- qtimageformats
45- qtwinextras
47### Clean Qt5 configuration
48To get a really clean tree, use:
49- without git: ``nmake -distclean``
51### Qt > 5.9 and translations
52if you use Qt > 5.9 it is possible, that Visual Studio is unable to compile the translations and thus erroring. Check if you can execute the lrelease.exe in [QtPath]/qttools/bin .
53It may be, that Qt5Core.dll and Qt5Xml.dll is needed, than copy these file in the directory and everything should run fine
55### Build Image Formats
56Some image formats like jp2 are not maintained and therefore not built with Qt anymore. Therefore we need to manually build them
57- Install `Qt Creator`
58- Open `QT_DIR\qtimageformats\src\plugins\imageformats\jp2\jp2.pro` with QtCreator
59- Hit `Build All` (a few warnings might appear)
60- The dll's are now in QT_DIR\qtimageformats\plugins\imageformats so running CMake again will copy them to nomacs
61- We add JP2 and MNG
63## Qt 4.xx
64Compile QT with Visual Studio, see also [2], [3].
66Short version of the first link:
67- Install the Qt Visual Studio Add-In: http://qt.nokia.com/downloads/visual-studio-add-in
68- Download qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.x.x.zip from: http://qt-project.org/downloads
69- extract the `zip`
70- Open a Visual Studio Command Prompt (either x86 or x64).
71- dir to the Qt dir
72- Run the following command:
74C:\Qt\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.5-x86-native-gestures>configure -debug-and-release -opensource -shared -no-qt3support -no-webkit -no-script -nomake examples -nomake demos -platform win32-msvc2012 -no-native-gestures
77### Explanation
78- ``-opensource``: install open source edition of Qt.
79- ``-shared``: makes the Qt libraries shared (dll).
80- ``-no-qt3support``: sorry my retro friends, don’t like old code.
81- ``-qt-sql-sqlite``: enable support for the sqlite driver.
82- ``-phonon``: compile the Phonon module (some multimedia thingy of Qt).
83- ``-phonon-backend``: compile the platform-specific Phonon backend-plugin.
84- ``-no-webkit``: disable WebKit module (heard of some bugs in combination with VS, just to be safe and since I don’t need it).
85- ``-no-script``: same as no-webkit.
86- ``-platform win32-msvc2012``: build for VS 2012!
87- ``-no-native-gestures``: nomacs does not support qt gestures (they are a mess in Qt 4.xx) this command allows us to directly grab windows gestures which are way cleaner
90- Skip reading and press ``y``.
91- Wait while Qt is getting configured for your platform.
92- When done, run ``nmake`` to start compiling Qt (now it's time to take a cup of coffee/cigarette)
93- rerun the nomacs ``CMake`` with the qt path
95## Links
96[1] https://www.qt.io/download/
97[2] http://thomasstockx.blogspot.com/2011/03/qt-472-in-visual-studio-2010.html
98[3] http://www.holoborodko.com/pavel/2011/02/01/how-to-compile-qt-4-7-with-visual-studio-2010/
99[4] http://qt-project.org/wiki/Building_Qt_5_from_Git
100[6] https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/177743/7/src/corelib/tools/qalgorithms.h