1 //
2 //   Copyright 2013 Pixar
3 //
4 //   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
5 //   with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
6 //   compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
7 //   Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
8 //
9 //   6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
10 //      names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
11 //      and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
12 //      the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
13 //
14 //   You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
15 //
16 //       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
17 //
18 //   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
19 //   distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
21 //   KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
22 //   language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
23 //
28 #include <assert.h>
29 #include <cstdio>
30 #include <functional>
31 #include <iostream>
32 #include <algorithm>
33 #include <vector>
35 #include "../hbr/fvarData.h"
36 #include "../hbr/allocator.h"
37 #ifdef HBRSTITCH
38 #include "libgprims/stitch.h"
39 #include "libgprims/stitchInternal.h"
40 #endif
42 #include "../version.h"
44 namespace OpenSubdiv {
47 template <class T> class HbrVertex;
48 template <class T> class HbrHalfedge;
49 template <class T> class HbrFace;
50 template <class T> class HbrMesh;
51 template <class T> class HbrHierarchicalEdit;
53 template <class T> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const HbrFace<T>& face);
55 // A descriptor for a path to a face
56 struct HbrFacePath {
PrintHbrFacePath57     void Print() const {
58         printf("%d", topface);
59         for (std::vector<int>::const_reverse_iterator i = remainder.rbegin(); i != remainder.rend(); ++i) {
60             printf(" %d", *i);
61         }
62         printf("\n");
63     }
65     int topface;
66     // Note that the elements in remainder are stored in reverse order.
67     std::vector<int> remainder;
68     friend bool operator< (const HbrFacePath& x, const HbrFacePath& y);
69 };
71 inline bool operator< (const HbrFacePath& x, const HbrFacePath& y) {
72     if (x.topface != y.topface) {
73         return x.topface < y.topface;
74     } else if (x.remainder.size() != y.remainder.size()) {
75         return x.remainder.size() < y.remainder.size();
76     } else {
77         std::vector<int>::const_reverse_iterator i = x.remainder.rbegin();
78         std::vector<int>::const_reverse_iterator j = y.remainder.rbegin();
79         for ( ; i != x.remainder.rend(); ++i, ++j) {
80             if (*i != *j) return (*i < *j);
81         }
82         return true;
83     }
84 }
86 // A simple wrapper around an array of four children. Used to block
87 // allocate pointers to children of HbrFace in the common case
88 template <class T>
89 class HbrFaceChildren {
90 public:
91     HbrFace<T> *& operator[](const int index) {
92         return children[index];
93     }
95     const HbrFace<T> *& operator[](const int index) const {
96         return children[index];
97     }
100 private:
101     friend class HbrAllocator<HbrFaceChildren<T> >;
103     // Used by block allocator
GetNext()104     HbrFaceChildren<T>*& GetNext() { return (HbrFaceChildren<T>*&) children; }
HbrFaceChildren()106     HbrFaceChildren() {}
~HbrFaceChildren()108     ~HbrFaceChildren() {}
110     HbrFace<T> *children[4];
111 };
113 template <class T> class HbrFace {
115 private:
116     friend class HbrAllocator<HbrFace<T> >;
117     friend class HbrHalfedge<T>;
118     HbrFace();
119     ~HbrFace();
121 public:
123     void Initialize(HbrMesh<T>* mesh, HbrFace<T>* parent, int childindex, int id, int uindex, int nvertices, HbrVertex<T>** vertices, int fvarwidth = 0, int depth = 0);
124     void Destroy();
126     // Returns the mesh to which this face belongs
GetMesh()127     HbrMesh<T>* GetMesh() const { return mesh; }
129     // Return number of vertices
GetNumVertices()130     int GetNumVertices() const { return nvertices; }
132     // Return face ID
GetID()133     int GetID() const { return id; }
135     // Return the first halfedge of the face
GetFirstEdge()136     HbrHalfedge<T>* GetFirstEdge() const {
137         if (nvertices > 4) {
138             return (HbrHalfedge<T>*)(extraedges);
139         } else {
140             return const_cast<HbrHalfedge<T>*>(&edges[0]);
141         }
142     }
144     // Return the halfedge which originates at the vertex with the
145     // indicated origin index
146     HbrHalfedge<T>* GetEdge(int index) const;
148     // Return the vertex with the indicated index
149     HbrVertex<T>* GetVertex(int index) const;
151     // Return the ID of the vertex with the indicated index
152     int GetVertexID(int index) const;
154     // Return the parent of this face
GetParent()155     HbrFace<T>* GetParent() const {
156         if (parent == -1) return NULL;
157         return mesh->GetFace(parent);
158     }
160     // Set the child
161     void SetChild(int index, HbrFace<T>* face);
163     // Return the child with the indicated index
GetChild(int index)164     HbrFace<T>* GetChild(int index) const {
165         int nchildren = mesh->GetSubdivision()->GetFaceChildrenCount(nvertices);
166         if (!children.children || index < 0 || index >= nchildren) return 0;
167         if (nchildren > 4) {
168             return children.extrachildren[index];
169         } else {
170             return (*children.children)[index];
171         }
172     }
174     // Subdivide the face into a vertex if needed and return
175     HbrVertex<T>* Subdivide();
HasChildVertex()177     bool HasChildVertex() const { return vchild!=-1; }
179     // Remove the reference to subdivided vertex
RemoveChild()180     void RemoveChild() { vchild = -1; }
182     // "Hole" flags used by subdivision to drop faces
IsHole()183     bool IsHole() const { return hole; }
184     void SetHole(bool h=1) { hole = h; }
186     // Coarse faces are the top level faces of a mesh. This will be
187     // set by mesh->Finish()
IsCoarse()188     bool IsCoarse() const { return coarse; }
SetCoarse()189     void SetCoarse() { coarse = 1; }
191     // Protected faces cannot be garbage collected; this may be set on
192     // coarse level faces if the mesh is shared
IsProtected()193     bool IsProtected() const { return protect; }
SetProtected()194     void SetProtected() { protect = 1; }
ClearProtected()195     void ClearProtected() { protect = 0; }
197     // Simple bookkeeping needed for garbage collection by HbrMesh
IsCollected()198     bool IsCollected() const { return collected; }
SetCollected()199     void SetCollected() { collected = 1; }
ClearCollected()200     void ClearCollected() { collected = 0; }
202     // Refine the face
203     void Refine();
205     // Unrefine the face
206     void Unrefine();
208     // Returns true if the face has a limit surface
209     bool HasLimit();
211     // Returns memory statistics
212     unsigned long GetMemStats() const;
214     // Return facevarying data from the appropriate vertex index
215     // registered to this face. Note that this may either be "generic"
216     // facevarying item (data.GetFace() == 0) or one specifically
217     // registered to the face (data.GetFace() == this) - this is
218     // important when trying to figure out whether the vertex has
219     // created some storage for the item designed to store
220     // discontinuous values for this face.
GetFVarData(int index)221     HbrFVarData<T>& GetFVarData(int index) {
222         return GetVertex(index)->GetFVarData(this);
223     }
225     // Mark this face as being used, which in turn increments the
226     // usage counter of all vertices in the support for the face. A
227     // used face can not be garbage collected
228     void MarkUsage();
230     // Clears the usage of this face, which in turn decrements the
231     // usage counter of all vertices in the support for the face and
232     // marks the face as a candidate for garbage collection
233     void ClearUsage();
235     // A face can be cleaned if all of its vertices are not being
236     // used; has no children; and (for top level faces) deletion of
237     // its edges will not leave singular vertices
238     bool GarbageCollectable() const;
240     // Connect this face to a list of hierarchical edits
241     void SetHierarchicalEdits(HbrHierarchicalEdit<T>** edits);
243     // Return the list of hierarchical edits associated with this face
GetHierarchicalEdits()244     HbrHierarchicalEdit<T>** GetHierarchicalEdits() const {
245         if (editOffset == -1) {
246             return NULL;
247         }
248         return mesh->GetHierarchicalEditsAtOffset(editOffset);
249     }
251     // Whether the face has certain types of edits (not necessarily
252     // local - could apply to a subface)
HasVertexEdits()253     bool HasVertexEdits() const { return hasVertexEdits; }
MarkVertexEdits()254     void MarkVertexEdits() { hasVertexEdits = 1; }
256     // Return the depth of the face
GetDepth()257     int GetDepth() const { return static_cast<int>(depth); }
259     // Return the uniform index of the face. This is different
260     // from the ID because it may be shared with other faces
GetUniformIndex()261     int GetUniformIndex() const { return uindex; }
263     // Set the uniform index of the face
SetUniformIndex(int i)264     void SetUniformIndex(int i) { uindex = i; }
266     // Return the ptex index
GetPtexIndex()267     int GetPtexIndex() const { return ptexindex; }
269     // Set the ptex index of the face
SetPtexIndex(int i)270     void SetPtexIndex(int i) { ptexindex = i; }
272     // Used by block allocator
GetNext()273     HbrFace<T>*& GetNext() { return (HbrFace<T>*&) mesh; }
GetPath()275     HbrFacePath GetPath() const {
276         HbrFacePath path;
277         path.remainder.reserve(GetDepth());
278         const HbrFace<T>* f = this, *p = GetParent();
279         while (p) {
280             int nchildren = mesh->GetSubdivision()->GetFaceChildrenCount(p->nvertices);
281             if (nchildren > 4) {
282                 for (int i = 0; i < nchildren; ++i) {
283                     if (p->children.extrachildren[i] == f) {
284                         path.remainder.push_back(i);
285                         break;
286                     }
287                 }
288             } else {
289                 for (int i = 0; i < nchildren; ++i) {
290                     if ((*p->children.children)[i] == f) {
291                         path.remainder.push_back(i);
292                         break;
293                     }
294                 }
295             }
296             f = p;
297             p = f->GetParent();
298         }
299         path.topface = f->GetID();
300         assert(GetDepth() == 0 || static_cast<int>(path.remainder.size()) == GetDepth());
301         return path;
302     }
PrintPath()304     void PrintPath() const {
305         GetPath().Print();
306     }
308     // Returns the blind pointer to client data
GetClientData()309     void *GetClientData() const {
310         return mesh->GetFaceClientData(id);
311     }
313     // Sets the blind pointer to client data
SetClientData(void * data)314     void SetClientData(void *data) {
315         mesh->SetFaceClientData(id, data);
316     }
318     // Gets the list of vertices which are in the support for the face.
319     void GetSupportingVertices(std::vector<int> &support);
321 private:
323     // Mesh to which this face belongs
324     HbrMesh<T>* mesh;
326     // Unique id for this face
327     int id;
329     // Uniform index
330     int uindex;
332     // Ptex index
333     int ptexindex;
335     // Number of vertices (and number of edges)
336     int nvertices;
338     // Halfedge array for this face
339     HbrHalfedge<T> edges[4];
341     // Edge storage if this face is not a triangle or quad
342     char* extraedges;
344     // Pointer to children array. If there are four children or less,
345     // we use the HbrFaceChildren pointer, otherwise we use
346     // extrachildren
347     union {
348         HbrFaceChildren<T>* children;
349         HbrFace<T>** extrachildren;
350     } children;
352     // Bits used by halfedges to track facevarying sharpnesses
353     unsigned int *fvarbits;
355 #ifdef HBRSTITCH
356     // Pointers to stitch edges used by the half edges.
357     StitchEdge **stitchEdges;
358 #endif
360     // Index of parent face
361     int parent;
363     // Index of subdivided vertex child
364     int vchild;
366     // Offset to the mesh' list of hierarchical edits applicable to this face
367     int editOffset;
369     // Depth of the face in the mesh hierarchy - coarse faces are
370     // level 0. (Hmmm.. is it safe to assume that we'll never
371     // subdivide to greater than 255?)
372     unsigned char depth;
374     unsigned short hole:1;
375     unsigned short coarse:1;
376     unsigned short protect:1;
377     unsigned short collected:1;
378     unsigned short hasVertexEdits:1;
379     unsigned short initialized:1;
380     unsigned short destroyed:1;
382 #ifdef HBR_ADAPTIVE
383 public:
384     enum PatchType {  kUnknown=0,
385                          kFull=1,
386                           kEnd=2,
387                       kGregory=3 };
389     enum TransitionType { kTransition0=0,
390                           kTransition1=1,
391                           kTransition2=2,
392                           kTransition3=3,
393                           kTransition4=4,
394                                  kNone=5 };
396     struct AdaptiveFlags {
397         unsigned patchType:2;
398         unsigned transitionType:3;
399         unsigned rots:2;
400         unsigned brots:2;
401         unsigned bverts:2;
402         unsigned isCritical:1;
403         unsigned isExtraordinary:1;
404         unsigned isTagged:1;
AdaptiveFlagsAdaptiveFlags406         AdaptiveFlags() : patchType(0), transitionType(5), rots(0), brots(0), bverts(0), isCritical(0), isExtraordinary(0), isTagged(0) { }
407     };
409     AdaptiveFlags _adaptiveFlags;
isTransitionPatch()411     bool isTransitionPatch() const {
412         return (_adaptiveFlags.transitionType!=kNone);
413     }
hasTaggedVertices()415     bool hasTaggedVertices() {
416         int nv = GetNumVertices();
417         for (int i=0; i<nv; ++i) {
418             if (GetVertex(i)->_adaptiveFlags.wasTagged)
419                 return true;
420         }
421         return false;
422     }
423 #endif
424 };
426 } // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
427 using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
429 } // end namespace OpenSubdiv
431 #include "../hbr/mesh.h"
433 namespace OpenSubdiv {
434 namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION {
436 template <class T>
HbrFace()437 HbrFace<T>::HbrFace()
438     : mesh(0), id(-1), uindex(-1), ptexindex(-1), nvertices(0), extraedges(0), fvarbits(0), parent(-1), vchild(-1),
439 #ifdef HBRSTITCH
440       stitchEdges(0),
441 #endif
442       editOffset(-1), depth(0), hole(0), coarse(0), protect(0), collected(0), hasVertexEdits(0), initialized(0), destroyed(0) {
443     children.children = 0;
444 }
446 template <class T>
447 void
Initialize(HbrMesh<T> * m,HbrFace<T> * _parent,int childindex,int fid,int _uindex,int nv,HbrVertex<T> ** vertices,int,int _depth)448 HbrFace<T>::Initialize(HbrMesh<T>* m, HbrFace<T>* _parent, int childindex, int fid, int _uindex, int nv, HbrVertex<T>** vertices, int /* fvarwidth */, int _depth) {
449     mesh = m;
450     id = fid;
451     uindex = _uindex;
452     ptexindex = -1;
453     nvertices = nv;
454     extraedges = 0;
455     children.children = 0;
456     vchild = -1;
457     fvarbits = 0;
458 #ifdef HBRSTITCH
459     stitchEdges = 0;
460 #endif
461     editOffset = -1;
462     depth = static_cast<unsigned char>(_depth);
463     hole = 0;
464     coarse = 0;
465     protect = 0;
466     collected = 0;
467     hasVertexEdits = 0;
468     initialized = 1;
469     destroyed = 0;
471     int i;
472     const int fvarcount = mesh->GetFVarCount();
473     int fvarbitsSizePerEdge = ((fvarcount + 15) / 16);
475     if (nv > 4) {
477         // If we have more than four vertices, we ignore the
478         // overallocation and allocate our own buffers for stitch
479         // edges and facevarying data.
480 #ifdef HBRSTITCH
481         if (mesh->GetStitchCount()) {
482             const size_t buffersize = nv * (mesh->GetStitchCount() * sizeof(StitchEdge*));
483             char *buffer = (char *) malloc(buffersize);
484             memset(buffer, 0, buffersize);
485             stitchEdges = (StitchEdge**) buffer;
486         }
487 #endif
488         if (fvarcount) {
489             // We allocate fvarbits in one chunk.
490             // fvarbits needs capacity for two bits per fvardatum per edge,
491             // minimum size one integer per edge
492             const size_t fvarbitsSize = nv * (fvarbitsSizePerEdge * sizeof(unsigned int));
493             char *buffer = (char*) malloc(fvarbitsSize);
494             fvarbits = (unsigned int*) buffer;
495         }
497         // We also ignore the edge array and allocate extra storage -
498         // this simplifies GetNext and GetPrev math in HbrHalfedge
499         const size_t edgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>) + sizeof(HbrFace<T>*);
500         extraedges = (char *) malloc(nv * edgesize);
501         for (i = 0; i < nv; ++i) {
502             HbrHalfedge<T>* edge = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)(extraedges + i * edgesize);
503             new (edge) HbrHalfedge<T>();
504         }
506     } else {
507         // Under four vertices: upstream allocation for the class has
508         // been over allocated to include storage for stitchEdges
509         // and fvarbits. Just point our pointers at it.
510         char *buffer = ((char *) this + sizeof(*this));
511 #ifdef HBRSTITCH
512         if (mesh->GetStitchCount()) {
513             const size_t buffersize = 4 * (mesh->GetStitchCount() * sizeof(StitchEdge*));
514             memset(buffer, 0, buffersize);
515             stitchEdges = (StitchEdge**) buffer;
516             buffer += buffersize;
517         }
518 #endif
519         if (fvarcount) {
520             fvarbits = (unsigned int*) buffer;
521         }
522     }
524     // Must do this before we create edges
525     if (_parent) {
526         _parent->SetChild(childindex, this);
527     }
529     // Edges must be constructed in this two part approach: we must
530     // ensure that opposite/next/previous ptrs are all set up
531     // correctly, before we can begin adding incident edges to
532     // vertices.
533     int next;
534     unsigned int *curfvarbits = fvarbits;
535     HbrHalfedge<T>* edge;
536     size_t edgesize;
537     if (nv > 4) {
538         edge = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)(extraedges);
539         edgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>) + sizeof(HbrFace<T>*);
540     } else {
541         edge = edges;
542         edgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>);
543     }
544     for (i = 0, next = 1; i < nv; ++i, ++next) {
545         if (next == nv) next = 0;
546         HbrHalfedge<T>* opposite = vertices[next]->GetEdge(vertices[i]->GetID());
547         edge->Initialize(opposite, i, vertices[i], curfvarbits, this);
548         if (opposite) opposite->SetOpposite(edge);
549         if (fvarbits) {
550             curfvarbits = curfvarbits + fvarbitsSizePerEdge;
551         }
552         edge = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)((char *) edge + edgesize);
553     }
554     if (nv > 4) {
555         edge = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)(extraedges);
556     } else {
557         edge = edges;
558     }
559     for (i = 0; i < nv; ++i) {
560         vertices[i]->AddIncidentEdge(edge);
561         edge = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)((char *) edge + edgesize);
562     }
563 }
565 template <class T>
~HbrFace()566 HbrFace<T>::~HbrFace() {
567     Destroy();
568 }
570 template <class T>
571 void
Destroy()572 HbrFace<T>::Destroy() {
573     if (initialized && !destroyed) {
574         int i;
575 #ifdef HBRSTITCH
576         const int stitchCount = mesh->GetStitchCount();
577 #endif
579         // Remove children's references to self
580         if (children.children) {
581             int nchildren = mesh->GetSubdivision()->GetFaceChildrenCount(nvertices);
582             if (nchildren > 4) {
583                 for (i = 0; i < nchildren; ++i) {
584                     if (children.extrachildren[i]) {
585                         children.extrachildren[i]->parent = -1;
586                         children.extrachildren[i] = 0;
587                     }
588                 }
589                 delete[] children.extrachildren;
590                 children.extrachildren = 0;
591             } else {
592                 for (i = 0; i < nchildren; ++i) {
593                     if ((*children.children)[i]) {
594                         (*children.children)[i]->parent = -1;
595                         (*children.children)[i] = 0;
596                     }
597                 }
598                 mesh->DeleteFaceChildren(children.children);
599                 children.children = 0;
600             }
601         }
603         // Deleting the incident edges from the vertices in this way is
604         // the safest way of doing things. Doing it in the halfedge
605         // destructor will not work well because it disrupts cycle
606         // finding/incident edge replacement in the vertex code.
607         // We also take this time to clean up any orphaned stitches
608         // still belonging to the edges.
609         HbrHalfedge<T>* edge;
610         size_t edgesize;
611         if (nvertices > 4) {
612             edge = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)(extraedges);
613             edgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>) + sizeof(HbrFace<T>*);
614         } else {
615             edge = edges;
616             edgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>);
617         }
618         for (i = 0; i < nvertices; ++i) {
619 #ifdef HBRSTITCH
620             edge->DestroyStitchEdges(stitchCount);
621 #endif
622             HbrVertex<T>* vertex = mesh->GetVertex(edge->GetOrgVertexID());
623             if (fvarbits) {
624                 HbrFVarData<T>& fvt = vertex->GetFVarData(this);
625                 if (fvt.GetFaceID() == GetID()) {
626                     fvt.SetFaceID(-1);
627                 }
628             }
629             vertex->RemoveIncidentEdge(edge);
630             vertex->UnGuaranteeNeighbors();
631             edge = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)((char *) edge + edgesize);
632         }
633         if (extraedges) {
634             edge = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)(extraedges);
635             for (i = 0; i < nvertices; ++i) {
636                 edge->~HbrHalfedge<T>();
637                 edge = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)((char *) edge + edgesize);
638             }
639             free(extraedges);
640             extraedges = 0;
641         }
643         // Remove parent's reference to self
644         HbrFace<T> *parentFace = GetParent();
645         if (parentFace) {
646             bool parentHasOtherKids = false;
647             int nchildren = mesh->GetSubdivision()->GetFaceChildrenCount(parentFace->nvertices);
648             if (nchildren > 4) {
649                 for (i = 0; i < nchildren; ++i) {
650                     if (parentFace->children.extrachildren[i] == this) {
651                         parentFace->children.extrachildren[i] = 0;
652                     } else if (parentFace->children.extrachildren[i]) parentHasOtherKids = true;
653                 }
654                 // After cleaning the parent's reference to self, the parent
655                 // may be able to clean itself up
656                 if (!parentHasOtherKids) {
657                     delete[] parentFace->children.extrachildren;
658                     parentFace->children.extrachildren = 0;
659                     if (parentFace->GarbageCollectable()) {
660                         mesh->DeleteFace(parentFace);
661                     }
662                 }
663             } else {
664                 for (i = 0; i < nchildren; ++i) {
665                     if ((*parentFace->children.children)[i] == this) {
666                         (*parentFace->children.children)[i] = 0;
667                     } else if ((*parentFace->children.children)[i]) parentHasOtherKids = true;
668                 }
669                 // After cleaning the parent's reference to self, the parent
670                 // may be able to clean itself up
671                 if (!parentHasOtherKids) {
672                     mesh->DeleteFaceChildren(parentFace->children.children);
673                     parentFace->children.children = 0;
674                     if (parentFace->GarbageCollectable()) {
675                         mesh->DeleteFace(parentFace);
676                     }
677                 }
678             }
679             parent = -1;
680         }
682         // Orphan the child vertex
683         if (vchild != -1) {
684             HbrVertex<T> *vchildVert = mesh->GetVertex(vchild);
685             vchildVert->SetParent(static_cast<HbrFace*>(0));
686             vchild = -1;
687         }
689         if (nvertices > 4 && fvarbits) {
690             free(fvarbits);
691 #ifdef HBRSTITCH
692             if (stitchEdges) {
693                 free(stitchEdges);
694             }
695 #endif
696         }
697         fvarbits = 0;
698 #ifdef HBRSTITCH
699         stitchEdges = 0;
700 #endif
702         // Make sure the four edges intrinsic to face are properly cleared
703         // if they were used
704         if (nvertices <= 4) {
705             for (i = 0; i < nvertices; ++i) {
706                 edges[i].Clear();
707             }
708         }
709         nvertices = 0;
710         initialized = 0;
711         mesh = 0;
712         destroyed = 1;
713     }
714 }
716 template <class T>
717 HbrHalfedge<T>*
GetEdge(int index)718 HbrFace<T>::GetEdge(int index) const {
719     assert(index >= 0 && index < nvertices);
720     if (nvertices > 4) {
721         const size_t edgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>) + sizeof(HbrFace<T>*);
722         return (HbrHalfedge<T>*)(extraedges + index * edgesize);
723     } else {
724         return const_cast<HbrHalfedge<T>*>(edges + index);
725     }
726 }
728 template <class T>
729 HbrVertex<T>*
GetVertex(int index)730 HbrFace<T>::GetVertex(int index) const {
731     assert(index >= 0 && index < nvertices);
732     if (nvertices > 4) {
733         const size_t edgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>) + sizeof(HbrFace<T>*);
734         HbrHalfedge<T>* edge = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)(extraedges +
735             index * edgesize);
736         return mesh->GetVertex(edge->GetOrgVertexID());
737     } else {
738         return mesh->GetVertex(edges[index].GetOrgVertexID());
739     }
740 }
742 template <class T>
743 int
GetVertexID(int index)744 HbrFace<T>::GetVertexID(int index) const {
745     assert(index >= 0 && index < nvertices);
746     if (nvertices > 4) {
747         const size_t edgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>) + sizeof(HbrFace<T>*);
748         HbrHalfedge<T>* edge = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)(extraedges +
749             index * edgesize);
750         return edge->GetOrgVertexID();
751     } else {
752         return edges[index].GetOrgVertexID();
753     }
754 }
756 template <class T>
757 void
SetChild(int index,HbrFace<T> * face)758 HbrFace<T>::SetChild(int index, HbrFace<T>* face) {
759     assert(id != -1);
760     int nchildren = mesh->GetSubdivision()->GetFaceChildrenCount(nvertices);
761     // Construct the children array if it doesn't already exist
762     if (!children.children) {
763         int i;
764         if (nchildren > 4) {
765             children.extrachildren = new HbrFace<T>*[nchildren];
766             for (i = 0; i < nchildren; ++i) {
767                 children.extrachildren[i] = 0;
768             }
769         } else {
770             children.children = mesh->NewFaceChildren();
771             for (i = 0; i < nchildren; ++i) {
772                 (*children.children)[i] = 0;
773             }
774         }
775     }
776     if (nchildren > 4) {
777         children.extrachildren[index] = face;
778     } else {
779         (*children.children)[index] = face;
780     }
781     face->parent = this->id;
782 }
784 template <class T>
785 HbrVertex<T>*
Subdivide()786 HbrFace<T>::Subdivide() {
787     if (vchild != -1) return mesh->GetVertex(vchild);
788     HbrVertex<T>* vchildVert = mesh->GetSubdivision()->Subdivide(mesh, this);
789     vchild = vchildVert->GetID();
790     vchildVert->SetParent(this);
791     return vchildVert;
792 }
794 template <class T>
795 void
Refine()796 HbrFace<T>::Refine() {
797     mesh->GetSubdivision()->Refine(mesh, this);
798 }
800 template <class T>
801 void
Unrefine()802 HbrFace<T>::Unrefine() {
803     // Delete the children, via the mesh (so that the mesh loses
804     // references to the children)
805     if (children.children) {
806         int nchildren = mesh->GetSubdivision()->GetFaceChildrenCount(nvertices);
807         if (nchildren > 4) {
808             for (int i = 0; i < nchildren; ++i) {
809                 if (children.extrachildren[i]) mesh->DeleteFace(children.extrachildren[i]);
810             }
811             delete[] children.extrachildren;
812             children.extrachildren = 0;
813         } else {
814             for (int i = 0; i < nchildren; ++i) {
815                 if ((*children.children)[i]) mesh->DeleteFace((*children.children)[i]);
816             }
817             mesh->DeleteFaceChildren(children.children);
818             children.children = 0;
819         }
820     }
821 }
823 template <class T>
824 bool
HasLimit()825 HbrFace<T>::HasLimit() {
826     return mesh->GetSubdivision()->HasLimit(mesh, this);
827 }
829 template <class T>
830 unsigned long
GetMemStats()831 HbrFace<T>::GetMemStats() const {
832     return sizeof(HbrFace<T>);
833 }
835 template <class T>
836 void
MarkUsage()837 HbrFace<T>::MarkUsage() {
838     // Must increment the usage on all vertices which are in the
839     // support for this face. Note well: this will increment vertices
840     // more than once. This doesn't really matter as long as
841     // ClearUsage also does the same number of decrements. If we
842     // really were concerned about ensuring single increments, we can
843     // use GetSupportingVertices, but that's slower.
844     HbrVertex<T>* v;
845     HbrHalfedge<T>* e, *ee, *eee, *start;
846     size_t edgesize, eedgesize;
847     if (nvertices > 4) {
848         e = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)(extraedges);
849         edgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>) + sizeof(HbrFace<T>*);
850     } else {
851         e = edges;
852         edgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>);
853     }
854     for (int i = 0; i < nvertices; ++i) {
855         v = mesh->GetVertex(e->GetOrgVertexID());
856         v->GuaranteeNeighbors();
857         start = v->GetIncidentEdge();
858         ee = start;
859         do {
860             HbrFace<T>* f = ee->GetLeftFace();
861             int nv = f->GetNumVertices();
862             if (nv > 4) {
863                 eee = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)(f->extraedges);
864                 eedgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>) + sizeof(HbrFace<T>*);
865             } else {
866                 eee = f->edges;
867                 eedgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>);
868             }
869             for (int j = 0; j < nv; ++j) {
870                 mesh->GetVertex(eee->GetOrgVertexID())->IncrementUsage();
871                 eee = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)((char *) eee + eedgesize);
872             }
873             ee = v->GetNextEdge(ee);
874             if (ee == start) break;
875         } while (ee);
876         e = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)((char *) e + edgesize);
877     }
878 }
880 template <class T>
881 void
ClearUsage()882 HbrFace<T>::ClearUsage() {
883     bool gc = false;
884     // Must mark all vertices which may affect this face
885     HbrVertex<T>* v, *vv;
886     HbrHalfedge<T>* e, *ee, *eee, *start;
887     size_t edgesize, eedgesize;
888     if (nvertices > 4) {
889         e = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)(extraedges);
890         edgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>) + sizeof(HbrFace<T>*);
891     } else {
892         e = edges;
893         edgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>);
894     }
895     for (int i = 0; i < nvertices; ++i) {
896         v = mesh->GetVertex(e->GetOrgVertexID());
897         start = v->GetIncidentEdge();
898         ee = start;
899         do {
900             HbrFace<T>* f = ee->GetLeftFace();
901             int nv = f->GetNumVertices();
902             if (nv > 4) {
903                 eee = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)(f->extraedges);
904                 eedgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>) + sizeof(HbrFace<T>*);
905             } else {
906                 eee = f->edges;
907                 eedgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>);
908             }
909             for (int j = 0; j < nv; ++j) {
910                 HbrVertex<T>* vert = mesh->GetVertex(eee->GetOrgVertexID());
911                 vert->DecrementUsage();
912                 if (!vert->IsUsed()) {
913                     mesh->AddGarbageCollectableVertex(vert);
914                     gc = true;
915                 }
916                 eee = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)((char *) eee + eedgesize);
917             }
918             ee = v->GetNextEdge(ee);
919             if (ee == start) break;
920         } while (ee);
921         e = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)((char *) e + edgesize);
922     }
923     if (gc) mesh->GarbageCollect();
924 }
926 template <class T>
927 bool
GarbageCollectable()928 HbrFace<T>::GarbageCollectable() const {
929     if (children.children || protect) return false;
930     for (int i = 0; i < nvertices; ++i) {
931         HbrHalfedge<T>* edge = GetEdge(i);
932         HbrVertex<T>* vertex = edge->GetOrgVertex(mesh);
933         if (vertex->IsUsed()) return false;
934         if (!GetParent() && vertex->EdgeRemovalWillMakeSingular(edge)) {
935             return false;
936         }
937     }
938     return true;
939 }
941 template <class T>
942 void
SetHierarchicalEdits(HbrHierarchicalEdit<T> ** edits)943 HbrFace<T>::SetHierarchicalEdits(HbrHierarchicalEdit<T>** edits) {
944     HbrHierarchicalEdit<T>** faceedits = edits;
945     HbrHierarchicalEdit<T>** baseedit = mesh->GetHierarchicalEditsAtOffset(0);
946     editOffset = int(faceedits - baseedit);
948     // Walk the list of edits and look for any which apply locally.
949     while (HbrHierarchicalEdit<T>* edit = *faceedits) {
950         if (!edit->IsRelevantToFace(this)) break;
951         edit->ApplyEditToFace(this);
952         faceedits++;
953     }
954 }
956 template <class T>
957 void
GetSupportingVertices(std::vector<int> & support)958 HbrFace<T>::GetSupportingVertices(std::vector<int> &support) {
959     support.reserve(16);
960     HbrVertex<T>* v;
961     HbrHalfedge<T>* e, *ee, *eee, *start;
962     size_t edgesize, eedgesize;
963     if (nvertices > 4) {
964         e = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)(extraedges);
965         edgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>) + sizeof(HbrFace<T>*);
966     } else {
967         e = edges;
968         edgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>);
969     }
970     for (int i = 0; i < nvertices; ++i) {
971         v = mesh->GetVertex(e->GetOrgVertexID());
972         v->GuaranteeNeighbors();
973         start = v->GetIncidentEdge();
974         ee = start;
975         do {
976             HbrFace<T>* f = ee->GetLeftFace();
977             int nv = f->GetNumVertices();
978             if (nv > 4) {
979                 eee = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)(f->extraedges);
980                 eedgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>) + sizeof(HbrFace<T>*);
981             } else {
982                 eee = f->edges;
983                 eedgesize = sizeof(HbrHalfedge<T>);
984             }
985             for (int j = 0; j < nv; ++j) {
986                 int id = eee->GetOrgVertexID();
987                 std::vector<int>::iterator vi =
988                     std::lower_bound(support.begin(), support.end(), id);
989                 if (vi == support.end() || *vi != id) {
990                     support.insert(vi, id);
991                 }
992                 eee = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)((char *) eee + eedgesize);
993             }
994             ee = v->GetNextEdge(ee);
995             if (ee == start) break;
996         } while (ee);
997         e = (HbrHalfedge<T>*)((char *) e + edgesize);
998     }
999 }
1001 template <class T>
1002 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const HbrFace<T>& face) {
1003     out << "face " << face.GetID() << ", " << face.GetNumVertices() << " vertices (";
1004     for (int i = 0; i < face.GetNumVertices(); ++i) {
1005         HbrHalfedge<T>* e = face.GetEdge(i);
1006         out << *(e->GetOrgVertex());
1007         if (e->IsBoundary()) {
1008             out << " -/-> ";
1009         } else {
1010             out << " ---> ";
1011         }
1012     }
1013     out << ")";
1014     return out;
1015 }
1017 template <class T>
1018 class HbrFaceOperator {
1019 public:
1020     virtual void operator() (HbrFace<T> &face) = 0;
~HbrFaceOperator()1021     virtual ~HbrFaceOperator() {}
1022 };
1024 } // end namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION
1025 using namespace OPENSUBDIV_VERSION;
1027 } // end namespace OpenSubdiv
1029 #endif /* OPENSUBDIV3_HBRFACE_H */