1C*GRESC -- escape routine 2C+ 3 SUBROUTINE GRESC (TEXT) 4C 5C GRPCKG: "Escape" routine. The specified text is sent directly to the 6C selected graphics device, with no interpretation by GRPCKG. This 7C routine must be used with care; e.g., the programmer needs to know 8C the device type of the currently selected device, and the instructions 9C that that device can accept. 10C 11C Arguments: none. 12C TEXT (input, character*(*)): text to be sent to the device. 13C 14C 15-May-1985 - new routine [TJP]. 15C 26-May-1987 - add GREXEC support [TJP]. 16C 19-Dec-1988 - start new page if necessary [TJP]. 17C 4-Feb-1997 - RBUF should be an array, not a scalar [TJP]. 18C----------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 INCLUDE 'grpckg1.inc' 20 CHARACTER*(*) TEXT 21 REAL RBUF(1) 22 INTEGER NBUF 23C 24C If no device is currently selected, do nothing. 25C 26 IF (GRCIDE.GT.0) THEN 27 IF (.NOT.GRPLTD(GRCIDE)) CALL GRBPIC 28 NBUF = 0 29 CALL GREXEC(GRGTYP,23,RBUF,NBUF,TEXT,LEN(TEXT)) 30 END IF 31 END 32