2{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset77 Helvetica;}
6\f0\fs24 \cf0 Release Notes\
8Release 2, Version 4:\
9	Added Bicubic and scale2x scaling algorithms.\
10	Added a "Gradient Builder" to the palette chooser.\
11	Fixed layers so that copy and paste between two differently-sized images works.\
12	Fixed a bug with Merge Down on a selection layer.\
13	Added tool tips to the color palette.\
14	Basic filter support (note: we need to write some actual filters to go here)\
15	You can switch between layers using command-\} and command-\{ (cmd-shift-] and cmd-shift-])\
16	New, prettier look for the color palette.\
17	Improved palette swapping speed.\
18	Fixed the preview window to work correctly on images where the width is greater than the height.\
19	Added a pattern drawing function to the pencil, line, and eraser tools.\
20	Added another property panel for the right tool.\
21	Added a hex color code in the info panel.\
22	Fixed the line tool so that you can use the eyedropper when pressing option, instead of it locking to center.\
23	Fixed the feedback window so that you can't send empty messages.\
24	Added a "set this palette as default" option, so you can use a default palette other than "Crayons."\
25	Optimized drawing some more.\
26	Fabien Vallon had gotten it to compile under GNUstep at one point; it might not anymore, however.\
27Release 2, Version 3:\
28	Added info panel.\
29	Added a French localization.\
30	Added a spiffy about panel.\
31	Added a donation link to the menu(hint!).\
32	Fixed the bug where linear tools would mistakenly try to draw when the mouse was up in the toolbar(see Brent Gulanowski's e-mail).\
33	Fixed a couple of other miscellaneous bugs(Preview not updating correctly, image backgrounds not accepting all valid types).\
34	Fixed a few critical leaks (the whole canvas and the palette were leaking!)\
35	Fixed the resize sheet so that the numbers are always visible\
36	Added a dragging difference display to the info panel\
37	Made the about panel have a cool fading effect\
38	Added a contextual menu for normal (non-selection) layers\
39	Restructured a few methods to allow the contextual menu to work properly\
40	Fixed autosave for real! (at least, I'm 99.9% sure... >_<)\
41	Made palette chooser popup menu disabled until document is opened\
42	Fixed a small visual bug where trying to delete an palette item that was not delete-able would leave the menu selecting the "Delete..." item, which isn't correct\
43	Added all system palettes to the palette menu.\
44	Added a disabled menu item marking when no user palettes are defined, instead of two separators right next to each other.\
45	Fixed the tooltips on the tool palette so that they don't say the key shortcut, which could be wrong if the user changed it from the default value.\
46	The option key will now make any linear tool(Line, Rectangle, Ellipse) draw centered on its origin, rather than with the origin in the corner.\
47	Set the View menu to autodisable its items, which fixed a lot of the menu disabling bugs.\
48	Turned off the crosshair when we're tiling, since it just generates artifacts in that mode.\
49	Changed the preferences for autosave to be less stupid.\
50	Numerous small changes, such as fixing the size of the tool palette by one pixel in height so it doesn't change position when you expand the right tool picker.\
51	Fixed a bug in bringing forward the about panel and some graphical glitches with rectangular selection updating.\
52	Vastly improved the speed of selections, especially rectangular selections.  Fixed a small bug or two as well.\
53	Improved the appearance of the Layers drawer.\
54	Made some speed improvements to moving selections.  It's not fast yet, but it's faster.  \
55	Fixed a bug where, while one mouse button is held down, the other could be pressed and would trigger a tool, causing an inconsistent state in the undo manager.  Now, the bug is just that if the one mouse button is pressed and unpressed while the other is being used, both will become unpressed.  There seems to be no side effect and no bug besides the inconvenient and obvious one(that is to say, the undo manager is fine).\
56	Fixed the bug where the layer drawer would steal focus away from the main window.\
57	Fixed a hack in PXImageBackground where the file types were hard-coded; now I'm reading them from the mainBundle's infoDictionary\
58	Added Game of Life document support (this is mostly for me, but it might be useful to somebody else)\
59	Made some more graphical changes to the resize view.\
60	Added a "Grayscale" built-in palette with gray shades and some useful dithering alpha colors (calculated using log2)\
61	Made the preview window not steal focus.\
62	Fixed the Scale Panel to be more awesome.  Now there are concurrently updating scale percentages and pixel values, with an option to scale proportionally.\
63	The project is also updated for Xcode 1.5 (as a side effect).\
64	\
66Release 2, Version 2:\
67	Fixed a bug wherein ellipses could only have odd width and height.\
68	Fixed a bug wherein dragging with the right mouse button would not update the crosshairs.\
69	Fixed a bug wherein if one filled on a pixel that was the same color as your selected color, Pixen would hang.\
70	Fixed a bug wherein running multiple documents would sometimes cause them to be composited.\
71	Fixed a bug wherein auto-backup would tell the user that there were unsaved changes when there weren't.\
72	Fixed a bug with the preview window where it would freak out if one resized it smaller than the image size.\
73	Fixed a bug wherein the "scale image" panel would not display.\
75	Added a cool fading scale percentage meter to the preview window.\
76	Removed the 100% increment preview locking preference and made holding shift lock to 100% instead.\
77	Added Photoshop-like shift-click line drawing with the pencil tool.\
78	Added palette-sensitive GIF export support.\
79	Added support for printing.\
80	Added "save copy as" functionality.\
81	Added "new from copy" functionality.\
83Release 2, Version 1:\
84	\ul New Features\
85\ulnone 		Added support for multiple selection via shift (add) and alt (subtract).\
86		Added lasso tool.\
87		Added magic wand tool.\
88		Added a customizable toolbar.\
89		Added 3x3 image tiling editing mode.\
90		Added configurable alignment crosshairs.\
91		Added horizontal and vertical layer flipping.\
92		Added modular image scaling with "nearest neighbor" default module.\
93		Added "Discover Pixen" first-time instructional panel.\ul \
94\ulnone 		Added isometric line locking.\
95		Added support for BMP files.\
96		Added read-only support for GIF and JPEG files.\
97		Added a customizable auto-backup and recovery feature.\
98		Added a form for sending suggestions, bug reports, and general feedback.\
99		Pixen can now automatically detect when it has been updated.\
100		Added duplicate layer functionality.\
101		Added a pretty, dynamic preferences pane.\
102		Added a configurator in which the user may select hotkeys for each tool.\
103		Added a menu item and shortcut keys for quickly increasing and decreasing the opacity of the primary color.\
104		Added a Pixen document icon.\
105		Added powerful palette controls, including:\
106			A palette of up to 320 colors, default 16 visible (make the window larger to show more).\
107			Switching between palette colors in this fashion:\
108				Number keys 1-8: Select the corresponding color in the first row.\
109				Shift + above: Select the corresponding color in the second row.\
110				Option + Shift + above: Select the corresponding color in the third row.\
111				Control + any of the above: Select the corresponding color in the corresponding row for the right mouse button\
112				Alternately, you can left-click on a color to select it for the left tool, and right-click for the right tool.\
113			Colors added to the image are automatically added to a generated palette.\
114			Single-color replacement by modifying a swatch in the palette with the "Smart Palette" feature.\
115			Palette swapping through the "Smart Palette" feature.\
116			Ability to save and load palettes in the Application Support directory and to generate a palette from the image itself.\
117			Creating a palette named "Default" will cause Pixen to use it automatically as the default palette for new documents.\
118\ul \
119	Enhancements\
120\ulnone 		Tremendous speed improvements throughout the entire program.\ul \
121\ulnone 		Pixen's license is now MIT.\
122		Added PICT writing support to the existing read-only support.\
123		Windows now remember their positions and presence.\
124		Layer thumbnails now update only once every second or so during heavy drawing.\
125		Vastly improved canvas resize with a widget that helps the user visually select offsets for the original image.\
126		The preview window can now be resized proportionately and optionally locked to 100% increments.\
127		Creating or opening large images now displays a warning to the user.\
128		Made undo work for Cmd+D deselect\
129		Moved all the .nibs into English.lproj for localization.\
130		Pasting from other applications now supports alpha.\
131		New application icon; thanks to Miguel "ndeal" Estupi\'96an.\
132		Pixen will no longer silently crash on systems before Panther.\
133\ul \
134	Bug Fixes\ulnone \
135		Fixed a drawing bug that occurred with images that are taller than they are wide.\
136		Fixed a number of bugs with copy and paste.\
137		Fixed a bug wherein the program would crash if the user unchecked a selection layer.\
138		Fixed a bug wherein the program would crash if the user hit the forward-delete key.\
139		Fixed a bug with ellipse filling.\
140		Fixed a bug in alternate background drawing wherein it would sometimes ignore the user's settings.\
141		Fixed a bug wherein layers would not retain their opacity and visibility after selection had been made.\
142		Fixed a bug wherein the remove layer button would only remove the topmost layer.\
143		Fixed a bug wherein the active layer would not be properly set upon loading of an image.\
144		Fixed a bug wherein irregular grid sizes would cause the grid not to be displayed.\
145		Fixed a bug wherein the fill tool would hang if the target pixel's color was the same as the current color.\
146		Fixed a large memory leak.\
147		Dozens more.\
149Release 1:\
150	Version 1.  \
151		The following tools are implemented:\
152			Pencil\
153			Eraser\
154			Eyedropper\
155			Zoom\
156		All document activities are implemented and tested(printing is not tested, however).\
157		Bugs exist in centering of the view and background drawing in oddly-shaped images.\
158		There is a bug in the pencil tool involving near-vertical lines.\
159	Version 2.\
160		Pencil bug fixed.\
161	Version 3.\
162		Centering and background-drawing bugs fixed.  \
163		Zoom-to-fit implemented.\
164	Version 4.\
165		Background switches to alternate when mouse is moved from it.\
166		Zooming behavior improved.\
167		Another pencil bug fixed(top edge of image is hard to draw on).\
168		You can now configure the default backgrounds to any particular color combination.\
169	Version 5.\
170		Fixed some crashing bugs.\
171		You can now change the main and alternate backgrounds in addition to configuring their parameters.\
172		Added two new background types, PXCheckeredBackground and PXImageBackground.\
173		PXImageBackgrounds can be created out of any image format that Pixen understands.  Stencils, templates, and other things are all possible with this background type.\
174		You can save a particular configuration of a PXBackground as a new background preset. (in ~/Library/Application Support/Pixen/Backgrounds/)\
175		You can set the default backgrounds that a new PXCanvas will start with.\
176		Background choices persist between openings of a document; if the needed backgrounds don't exist on the host computer, however, the 'default defaults'(slashed background for main, flat white for alternate) will be used.\
177	Version 6.\
178		Fixed more minor bugs.\
179		Flood fill(Paint Bucket) tool added.\
180		The 'background color' of a PXImageBackground will now draw over the image at a fraction of opacity(30%) as well as under it at full opacity.  It also now defaults to blue.\
181		PXImageBackground now scales its image to fill the image being drawn into.  This behavior may be toggle-able in the future, if anyone prefers the old behavior.\
182		Big internal changes to PXImage that greatly increase speed across the board.  Backwards compatibility retained!\
183		Added right-click tool feature.\
184                	Prettified background names.\
185	Version 7.\
186             	Added a Preview window.\
187                	Future releases will tend to be this small.\
188	Version 8.\
189		Usability improvements to the Preview and Tool Palette windows, as well as to launch and dock-clicking behavior(you now must use cmd-n or 'New' from the File menu to make a new image).\
190		Line tool added thanks to Ian Henderson.\
191		Fixed an infinite looping bug and got rid of some code.\
192                	Improved the line-drawing algorithm so that pencil and line tools will draw lines that are closer to what was expected.\
193                        Zooming behavior improved.\
194                        Added limited support for EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) format.\
195	Version 8-2.\
196		Fixed an unarchiving bug.\
197		Fixed a backgrounds bug.\
198	Version 9.\
199		Added support for selections, cut, copy, and paste.\
200		Added Rectangular Selection tool.\
201		Added tooltips for each tool that show the tool's name and its key switching shortcut.\
202		Fixed bugs in archiving, backgrounds, and the preview window.\
203		Added basic framework for Forms architecture.\
204		Known bugs:\
205			There may be occasional data loss or graphical glitches with selection manipulation.  If you suddenly lose pixels, Undo until they come back.  Sorry for the inconvenience; we're working on this problem.\
206			If you see any saving/loading bugs, or can tell us the exact steps you took to produce a selection-related bug, please e-mail Joe right away at joie@opensword.org.\
207	Version 9-2\
208		Fixed a crashing bug having to do with selections, added cmd-a(select all) and delete-key('delete' menu item) functionality, and fixed a major unarchiving bug.  Phew!\
209	Version 10\
210		Extensive performance improvements and bug fixes to selections.\
211		Deselect menu item and shortcut(cmd-d) added.\
212		Background defaults bug fixes.\
213	Version 11\
214		Minor bug fixes in dozens of places.\
215		Major bug fix regarding selection drawing outside the canvas.\
216		Support for layers added with:\
217			A management drawer with thumbnails\
218			Add/remove\
219			Reorder\
220			Merge Down\
221			Promote Selection\
222			Layer-specific opacity\
223		Added a move tool that works on both selections and layers\
224		New documents appear zoomed to fit.\
225		Backwards compatibility retained!\
226	Version 12\
227		Added AppleScript support\
228		Added rectangle and ellipse tools\
229		Added canvas resize\
230		New layers are automatically selected\
231		Sped up loaded images\
232		Added PICT support\
233		Fixed zoom artifact bug\
234		Fixed layers thumbnail fill undo bug\
235		Added 45\'bc locking to the line tool\
236		Fixed NaN retention bug\
237		Fixed distortions at high magnification\
238		Added a tool properties panel for configuration\
239		Added configurators for pencil, eraser, line, rectangle, and ellipse tools\
240		Added support for NSImage pasting\
241		Added a file-dependent customizable grid\
242		Fixed color panel crashing bug\
243		Fixed zooming to 0% bug\
244		Optimized preview window drawing and added a delay time\
245		Fixed layer thumbnail bug}