1# The contents of this file are automatically written by
2# tools/generate_schema_wrapper.py. Do not modify directly.
4from altair.utils.schemapi import SchemaBase, Undefined, _subclasses
6import pkgutil
7import json
9def load_schema():
10    """Load the json schema associated with this module's functions"""
11    return json.loads(pkgutil.get_data(__name__, 'vega-lite-schema.json').decode('utf-8'))
14class VegaLiteSchema(SchemaBase):
15    _rootschema = load_schema()
16    @classmethod
17    def _default_wrapper_classes(cls):
18        return _subclasses(VegaLiteSchema)
21class Root(VegaLiteSchema):
22    """Root schema wrapper
24    anyOf(:class:`TopLevelUnitSpec`, :class:`TopLevelFacetSpec`, :class:`TopLevelLayerSpec`,
25    :class:`TopLevelRepeatSpec`, :class:`TopLevelConcatSpec`, :class:`TopLevelVConcatSpec`,
26    :class:`TopLevelHConcatSpec`)
27    A Vega-Lite top-level specification.
28    This is the root class for all Vega-Lite specifications.
29    (The json schema is generated from this type.)
30    """
31    _schema = VegaLiteSchema._rootschema
33    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
34        super(Root, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
37class Aggregate(VegaLiteSchema):
38    """Aggregate schema wrapper
40    anyOf(:class:`AggregateOp`, :class:`ArgmaxDef`, :class:`ArgminDef`)
41    """
42    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Aggregate'}
44    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
45        super(Aggregate, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
48class AggregateOp(Aggregate):
49    """AggregateOp schema wrapper
51    enum('argmax', 'argmin', 'average', 'count', 'distinct', 'max', 'mean', 'median', 'min',
52    'missing', 'q1', 'q3', 'ci0', 'ci1', 'stderr', 'stdev', 'stdevp', 'sum', 'valid', 'values',
53    'variance', 'variancep')
54    """
55    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/AggregateOp'}
57    def __init__(self, *args):
58        super(AggregateOp, self).__init__(*args)
61class AggregatedFieldDef(VegaLiteSchema):
62    """AggregatedFieldDef schema wrapper
64    Mapping(required=[op, as])
66    Attributes
67    ----------
69    op : :class:`AggregateOp`
70        The aggregation operation to apply to the fields (e.g., sum, average or count).
71        See the `full list of supported aggregation operations
72        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html#ops>`__
73        for more information.
74    field : :class:`FieldName`
75        The data field for which to compute aggregate function. This is required for all
76        aggregation operations except ``"count"``.
77    as : :class:`FieldName`
78        The output field names to use for each aggregated field.
79    """
80    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/AggregatedFieldDef'}
82    def __init__(self, op=Undefined, field=Undefined, **kwds):
83        super(AggregatedFieldDef, self).__init__(op=op, field=field, **kwds)
86class Align(VegaLiteSchema):
87    """Align schema wrapper
89    enum('left', 'center', 'right')
90    """
91    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Align'}
93    def __init__(self, *args):
94        super(Align, self).__init__(*args)
97class AnyMark(VegaLiteSchema):
98    """AnyMark schema wrapper
100    anyOf(:class:`CompositeMark`, :class:`CompositeMarkDef`, :class:`Mark`, :class:`MarkDef`)
101    """
102    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/AnyMark'}
104    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
105        super(AnyMark, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
108class AreaConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
109    """AreaConfig schema wrapper
111    Mapping(required=[])
113    Attributes
114    ----------
116    align : :class:`Align`
117        The horizontal alignment of the text. One of ``"left"``, ``"right"``, ``"center"``.
118    angle : float
119        The rotation angle of the text, in degrees.
120    baseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
121        The vertical alignment of the text. One of ``"top"``, ``"middle"``, ``"bottom"``.
123        **Default value:** ``"middle"``
124    color : :class:`Color`
125        Default color.  Note that ``fill`` and ``stroke`` have higher precedence than
126        ``color`` and will override ``color``.
128        **Default value:** :raw-html:`<span style="color: #4682b4;">&#9632;</span>`
129        ``"#4682b4"``
131        **Note:** This property cannot be used in a `style config
132        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__.
133    cornerRadius : float
134        The radius in pixels of rounded rectangle corners.
136        **Default value:** ``0``
137    cursor : :class:`Cursor`
138        The mouse cursor used over the mark. Any valid `CSS cursor type
139        <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/cursor#Values>`__ can be used.
140    dir : :class:`Dir`
141        The direction of the text. One of ``"ltr"`` (left-to-right) or ``"rtl"``
142        (right-to-left). This property determines on which side is truncated in response to
143        the limit parameter.
145        **Default value:** ``"ltr"``
146    dx : float
147        The horizontal offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The
148        offset is applied after rotation by the *angle* property.
149    dy : float
150        The vertical offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The
151        offset is applied after rotation by the *angle* property.
152    ellipsis : string
153        The ellipsis string for text truncated in response to the limit parameter.
155        **Default value:** ``"…"``
156    fill : :class:`Color`
157        Default Fill Color.  This has higher precedence than ``config.color``
159        **Default value:** (None)
160    fillOpacity : float
161        The fill opacity (value between [0,1]).
163        **Default value:** ``1``
164    filled : boolean
165        Whether the mark's color should be used as fill color instead of stroke color.
167        **Default value:** ``false`` for ``point``, ``line`` and ``rule`` ; otherwise,
168        ``true``.
170        **Note:** This property cannot be used in a `style config
171        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__.
172    font : string
173        The typeface to set the text in (e.g., ``"Helvetica Neue"`` ).
174    fontSize : float
175        The font size, in pixels.
176    fontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
177        The font style (e.g., ``"italic"`` ).
178    fontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
179        The font weight.
180        This can be either a string (e.g ``"bold"``, ``"normal"`` ) or a number ( ``100``,
181        ``200``, ``300``, ..., ``900`` where ``"normal"`` = ``400`` and ``"bold"`` = ``700``
182        ).
183    height : float
184        Height of the marks.
185    href : string
186        A URL to load upon mouse click. If defined, the mark acts as a hyperlink.
187    interpolate : :class:`Interpolate`
188        The line interpolation method to use for line and area marks. One of the following:
191        * ``"linear"`` : piecewise linear segments, as in a polyline.
192        * ``"linear-closed"`` : close the linear segments to form a polygon.
193        * ``"step"`` : alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a step
194          function.
195        * ``"step-before"`` : alternate between vertical and horizontal segments, as in a
196          step function.
197        * ``"step-after"`` : alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a
198          step function.
199        * ``"basis"`` : a B-spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
200        * ``"basis-open"`` : an open B-spline; may not intersect the start or end.
201        * ``"basis-closed"`` : a closed B-spline, as in a loop.
202        * ``"cardinal"`` : a Cardinal spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
203        * ``"cardinal-open"`` : an open Cardinal spline; may not intersect the start or end,
204          but will intersect other control points.
205        * ``"cardinal-closed"`` : a closed Cardinal spline, as in a loop.
206        * ``"bundle"`` : equivalent to basis, except the tension parameter is used to
207          straighten the spline.
208        * ``"monotone"`` : cubic interpolation that preserves monotonicity in y.
209    limit : float
210        The maximum length of the text mark in pixels. The text value will be automatically
211        truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.
213        **Default value:** ``0``, indicating no limit
214    line : anyOf(boolean, :class:`OverlayMarkDef`)
215        A flag for overlaying line on top of area marks, or an object defining the
216        properties of the overlayed lines.
219        If this value is an empty object ( ``{}`` ) or ``true``, lines with default
220        properties will be used.
222        If this value is ``false``, no lines would be automatically added to area marks.
224        **Default value:** ``false``.
225    opacity : float
226        The overall opacity (value between [0,1]).
228        **Default value:** ``0.7`` for non-aggregate plots with ``point``, ``tick``,
229        ``circle``, or ``square`` marks or layered ``bar`` charts and ``1`` otherwise.
230    order : anyOf(None, boolean)
231        For line and trail marks, this ``order`` property can be set to ``null`` or
232        ``false`` to make the lines use the original order in the data sources.
233    orient : :class:`Orientation`
234        The orientation of a non-stacked bar, tick, area, and line charts.
235        The value is either horizontal (default) or vertical.
238        * For bar, rule and tick, this determines whether the size of the bar and tick
239        should be applied to x or y dimension.
240        * For area, this property determines the orient property of the Vega output.
241        * For line and trail marks, this property determines the sort order of the points in
242          the line
243        if ``config.sortLineBy`` is not specified.
244        For stacked charts, this is always determined by the orientation of the stack;
245        therefore explicitly specified value will be ignored.
246    point : anyOf(boolean, :class:`OverlayMarkDef`, enum('transparent'))
247        A flag for overlaying points on top of line or area marks, or an object defining the
248        properties of the overlayed points.
251        If this property is ``"transparent"``, transparent points will be used (for
252        enhancing tooltips and selections).
254        If this property is an empty object ( ``{}`` ) or ``true``, filled points with
255        default properties will be used.
257        If this property is ``false``, no points would be automatically added to line or
258        area marks.
260        **Default value:** ``false``.
261    radius : float
262        Polar coordinate radial offset, in pixels, of the text label from the origin
263        determined by the ``x`` and ``y`` properties.
264    shape : string
265        Shape of the point marks. Supported values include:
268        * plotting shapes: ``"circle"``, ``"square"``, ``"cross"``, ``"diamond"``,
269          ``"triangle-up"``, ``"triangle-down"``, ``"triangle-right"``, or
270          ``"triangle-left"``.
271        * the line symbol ``"stroke"``
272        * centered directional shapes ``"arrow"``, ``"wedge"``, or ``"triangle"``
273        * a custom `SVG path string
274          <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths>`__ (For correct
275          sizing, custom shape paths should be defined within a square bounding box with
276          coordinates ranging from -1 to 1 along both the x and y dimensions.)
278        **Default value:** ``"circle"``
279    size : float
280        Default size for marks.
283        * For ``point`` / ``circle`` / ``square``, this represents the pixel area of the
284          marks. For example: in the case of circles, the radius is determined in part by
285          the square root of the size value.
286        * For ``bar``, this represents the band size of the bar, in pixels.
287        * For ``text``, this represents the font size, in pixels.
289        **Default value:** ``30`` for point, circle, square marks; ``rangeStep`` - 1 for bar
290        marks with discrete dimensions; ``5`` for bar marks with continuous dimensions;
291        ``11`` for text marks.
292    stroke : :class:`Color`
293        Default Stroke Color.  This has higher precedence than ``config.color``
295        **Default value:** (None)
296    strokeCap : :class:`StrokeCap`
297        The stroke cap for line ending style. One of ``"butt"``, ``"round"``, or
298        ``"square"``.
300        **Default value:** ``"square"``
301    strokeDash : List(float)
302        An array of alternating stroke, space lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines.
303    strokeDashOffset : float
304        The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the stroke dash array.
305    strokeJoin : :class:`StrokeJoin`
306        The stroke line join method. One of ``"miter"``, ``"round"`` or ``"bevel"``.
308        **Default value:** ``"miter"``
309    strokeMiterLimit : float
310        The miter limit at which to bevel a line join.
311    strokeOpacity : float
312        The stroke opacity (value between [0,1]).
314        **Default value:** ``1``
315    strokeWidth : float
316        The stroke width, in pixels.
317    tension : float
318        Depending on the interpolation type, sets the tension parameter (for line and area
319        marks).
320    text : string
321        Placeholder text if the ``text`` channel is not specified
322    theta : float
323        Polar coordinate angle, in radians, of the text label from the origin determined by
324        the ``x`` and ``y`` properties. Values for ``theta`` follow the same convention of
325        ``arc`` mark ``startAngle`` and ``endAngle`` properties: angles are measured in
326        radians, with ``0`` indicating "north".
327    tooltip : anyOf(:class:`Value`, :class:`TooltipContent`, None)
328        The tooltip text string to show upon mouse hover or an object defining which fields
329        should the tooltip be derived from.
332        * If ``tooltip`` is ``{"content": "encoding"}``, then all fields from ``encoding``
333          will be used.
334        * If ``tooltip`` is ``{"content": "data"}``, then all fields that appear in the
335          highlighted data point will be used.
336        * If set to ``null``, then no tooltip will be used.
337    width : float
338        Width of the marks.
339    x : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
340        X coordinates of the marks, or width of horizontal ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
341        specified ``x2`` or ``width``.
343        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
344        of the plot.
345    x2 : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
346        X2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
348        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
349        of the plot.
350    y : anyOf(float, enum('height'))
351        Y coordinates of the marks, or height of vertical ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
352        specified ``y2`` or ``height``.
354        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
355        height of the plot.
356    y2 : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
357        Y2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
359        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
360        height of the plot.
361    """
362    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/AreaConfig'}
364    def __init__(self, align=Undefined, angle=Undefined, baseline=Undefined, color=Undefined,
365                 cornerRadius=Undefined, cursor=Undefined, dir=Undefined, dx=Undefined, dy=Undefined,
366                 ellipsis=Undefined, fill=Undefined, fillOpacity=Undefined, filled=Undefined,
367                 font=Undefined, fontSize=Undefined, fontStyle=Undefined, fontWeight=Undefined,
368                 height=Undefined, href=Undefined, interpolate=Undefined, limit=Undefined,
369                 line=Undefined, opacity=Undefined, order=Undefined, orient=Undefined, point=Undefined,
370                 radius=Undefined, shape=Undefined, size=Undefined, stroke=Undefined,
371                 strokeCap=Undefined, strokeDash=Undefined, strokeDashOffset=Undefined,
372                 strokeJoin=Undefined, strokeMiterLimit=Undefined, strokeOpacity=Undefined,
373                 strokeWidth=Undefined, tension=Undefined, text=Undefined, theta=Undefined,
374                 tooltip=Undefined, width=Undefined, x=Undefined, x2=Undefined, y=Undefined,
375                 y2=Undefined, **kwds):
376        super(AreaConfig, self).__init__(align=align, angle=angle, baseline=baseline, color=color,
377                                         cornerRadius=cornerRadius, cursor=cursor, dir=dir, dx=dx,
378                                         dy=dy, ellipsis=ellipsis, fill=fill, fillOpacity=fillOpacity,
379                                         filled=filled, font=font, fontSize=fontSize,
380                                         fontStyle=fontStyle, fontWeight=fontWeight, height=height,
381                                         href=href, interpolate=interpolate, limit=limit, line=line,
382                                         opacity=opacity, order=order, orient=orient, point=point,
383                                         radius=radius, shape=shape, size=size, stroke=stroke,
384                                         strokeCap=strokeCap, strokeDash=strokeDash,
385                                         strokeDashOffset=strokeDashOffset, strokeJoin=strokeJoin,
386                                         strokeMiterLimit=strokeMiterLimit, strokeOpacity=strokeOpacity,
387                                         strokeWidth=strokeWidth, tension=tension, text=text,
388                                         theta=theta, tooltip=tooltip, width=width, x=x, x2=x2, y=y,
389                                         y2=y2, **kwds)
392class ArgmaxDef(Aggregate):
393    """ArgmaxDef schema wrapper
395    Mapping(required=[argmax])
397    Attributes
398    ----------
400    argmax : string
402    """
403    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ArgmaxDef'}
405    def __init__(self, argmax=Undefined, **kwds):
406        super(ArgmaxDef, self).__init__(argmax=argmax, **kwds)
409class ArgminDef(Aggregate):
410    """ArgminDef schema wrapper
412    Mapping(required=[argmin])
414    Attributes
415    ----------
417    argmin : string
419    """
420    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ArgminDef'}
422    def __init__(self, argmin=Undefined, **kwds):
423        super(ArgminDef, self).__init__(argmin=argmin, **kwds)
426class AutoSizeParams(VegaLiteSchema):
427    """AutoSizeParams schema wrapper
429    Mapping(required=[])
431    Attributes
432    ----------
434    contains : enum('content', 'padding')
435        Determines how size calculation should be performed, one of ``"content"`` or
436        ``"padding"``. The default setting ( ``"content"`` ) interprets the width and height
437        settings as the data rectangle (plotting) dimensions, to which padding is then
438        added. In contrast, the ``"padding"`` setting includes the padding within the view
439        size calculations, such that the width and height settings indicate the **total**
440        intended size of the view.
442        **Default value** : ``"content"``
443    resize : boolean
444        A boolean flag indicating if autosize layout should be re-calculated on every view
445        update.
447        **Default value** : ``false``
448    type : :class:`AutosizeType`
449        The sizing format type. One of ``"pad"``, ``"fit"`` or ``"none"``. See the `autosize
450        type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#autosize>`__ documentation for
451        descriptions of each.
453        **Default value** : ``"pad"``
454    """
455    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/AutoSizeParams'}
457    def __init__(self, contains=Undefined, resize=Undefined, type=Undefined, **kwds):
458        super(AutoSizeParams, self).__init__(contains=contains, resize=resize, type=type, **kwds)
461class AutosizeType(VegaLiteSchema):
462    """AutosizeType schema wrapper
464    enum('pad', 'fit', 'none')
465    """
466    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/AutosizeType'}
468    def __init__(self, *args):
469        super(AutosizeType, self).__init__(*args)
472class Axis(VegaLiteSchema):
473    """Axis schema wrapper
475    Mapping(required=[])
477    Attributes
478    ----------
480    bandPosition : float
481        An interpolation fraction indicating where, for ``band`` scales, axis ticks should
482        be positioned. A value of ``0`` places ticks at the left edge of their bands. A
483        value of ``0.5`` places ticks in the middle of their bands.
485        **Default value:** ``0.5``
486    domain : boolean
487        A boolean flag indicating if the domain (the axis baseline) should be included as
488        part of the axis.
490        **Default value:** ``true``
491    domainColor : :class:`Color`
492        Color of axis domain line.
494        **Default value:** ``"gray"``.
495    domainDash : List(float)
496        An array of alternating [stroke, space] lengths for dashed domain lines.
497    domainDashOffset : float
498        The pixel offset at which to start drawing with the domain dash array.
499    domainOpacity : float
500        Opacity of the axis domain line.
501    domainWidth : float
502        Stroke width of axis domain line
504        **Default value:** ``1``
505    format : string
506        The text formatting pattern for labels of guides (axes, legends, headers) and text
507        marks.
510        * If the format type is ``"number"`` (e.g., for quantitative fields), this is D3's
511          `number format pattern <https://github.com/d3/d3-format#locale_format>`__.
512        * If the format type is ``"time"`` (e.g., for temporal fields), this is D3's `time
513          format pattern <https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format#locale_format>`__.
515        See the `format documentation <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/format.html>`__
516        for more examples.
518        **Default value:**  Derived from `numberFormat
519        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#format>`__ config for number
520        format and from `timeFormat
521        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#format>`__ config for time
522        format.
523    formatType : enum('number', 'time')
524        The format type for labels ( ``"number"`` or ``"time"`` ).
526        **Default value:**
529        * ``"time"`` for temporal fields and ordinal and nomimal fields with ``timeUnit``.
530        * ``"number"`` for quantitative fields as well as ordinal and nomimal fields without
531          ``timeUnit``.
532    grid : boolean
533        A boolean flag indicating if grid lines should be included as part of the axis
535        **Default value:** ``true`` for `continuous scales
536        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#continuous>`__ that are not
537        binned; otherwise, ``false``.
538    gridColor : :class:`Color`
539        Color of gridlines.
541        **Default value:** ``"lightGray"``.
542    gridDash : List(float)
543        An array of alternating [stroke, space] lengths for dashed grid lines.
544    gridDashOffset : float
545        The pixel offset at which to start drawing with the grid dash array.
546    gridOpacity : float
547        The stroke opacity of grid (value between [0,1])
549        **Default value:** ``1``
550    gridWidth : float
551        The grid width, in pixels.
553        **Default value:** ``1``
554    labelAlign : :class:`Align`
555        Horizontal text alignment of axis tick labels, overriding the default setting for
556        the current axis orientation.
557    labelAngle : float
558        The rotation angle of the axis labels.
560        **Default value:** ``-90`` for nominal and ordinal fields; ``0`` otherwise.
561    labelBaseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
562        Vertical text baseline of axis tick labels, overriding the default setting for the
563        current axis orientation. Can be ``"top"``, ``"middle"``, ``"bottom"``, or
564        ``"alphabetic"``.
565    labelBound : anyOf(float, boolean)
566        Indicates if labels should be hidden if they exceed the axis range. If ``false``
567        (the default) no bounds overlap analysis is performed. If ``true``, labels will be
568        hidden if they exceed the axis range by more than 1 pixel. If this property is a
569        number, it specifies the pixel tolerance: the maximum amount by which a label
570        bounding box may exceed the axis range.
572        **Default value:** ``false``.
573    labelColor : :class:`Color`
574        The color of the tick label, can be in hex color code or regular color name.
575    labelFlush : anyOf(boolean, float)
576        Indicates if the first and last axis labels should be aligned flush with the scale
577        range. Flush alignment for a horizontal axis will left-align the first label and
578        right-align the last label. For vertical axes, bottom and top text baselines are
579        applied instead. If this property is a number, it also indicates the number of
580        pixels by which to offset the first and last labels; for example, a value of 2 will
581        flush-align the first and last labels and also push them 2 pixels outward from the
582        center of the axis. The additional adjustment can sometimes help the labels better
583        visually group with corresponding axis ticks.
585        **Default value:** ``true`` for axis of a continuous x-scale. Otherwise, ``false``.
586    labelFlushOffset : float
587        Indicates the number of pixels by which to offset flush-adjusted labels. For
588        example, a value of ``2`` will push flush-adjusted labels 2 pixels outward from the
589        center of the axis. Offsets can help the labels better visually group with
590        corresponding axis ticks.
592        **Default value:** ``0``.
593    labelFont : string
594        The font of the tick label.
595    labelFontSize : float
596        The font size of the label, in pixels.
597    labelFontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
598        Font style of the title.
599    labelFontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
600        Font weight of axis tick labels.
601    labelLimit : float
602        Maximum allowed pixel width of axis tick labels.
604        **Default value:** ``180``
605    labelOpacity : float
606        The opacity of the labels.
607    labelOverlap : :class:`LabelOverlap`
608        The strategy to use for resolving overlap of axis labels. If ``false`` (the
609        default), no overlap reduction is attempted. If set to ``true`` or ``"parity"``, a
610        strategy of removing every other label is used (this works well for standard linear
611        axes). If set to ``"greedy"``, a linear scan of the labels is performed, removing
612        any labels that overlaps with the last visible label (this often works better for
613        log-scaled axes).
615        **Default value:** ``true`` for non-nominal fields with non-log scales; ``"greedy"``
616        for log scales; otherwise ``false``.
617    labelPadding : float
618        The padding, in pixels, between axis and text labels.
620        **Default value:** ``2``
621    labelSeparation : float
622        The minimum separation that must be between label bounding boxes for them to be
623        considered non-overlapping (default ``0`` ). This property is ignored if
624        *labelOverlap* resolution is not enabled.
625    labels : boolean
626        A boolean flag indicating if labels should be included as part of the axis.
628        **Default value:** ``true``.
629    maxExtent : float
630        The maximum extent in pixels that axis ticks and labels should use. This determines
631        a maximum offset value for axis titles.
633        **Default value:** ``undefined``.
634    minExtent : float
635        The minimum extent in pixels that axis ticks and labels should use. This determines
636        a minimum offset value for axis titles.
638        **Default value:** ``30`` for y-axis; ``undefined`` for x-axis.
639    offset : float
640        The offset, in pixels, by which to displace the axis from the edge of the enclosing
641        group or data rectangle.
643        **Default value:** derived from the `axis config
644        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#facet-scale-config>`__ 's
645        ``offset`` ( ``0`` by default)
646    orient : :class:`AxisOrient`
647        The orientation of the axis. One of ``"top"``, ``"bottom"``, ``"left"`` or
648        ``"right"``. The orientation can be used to further specialize the axis type (e.g.,
649        a y-axis oriented towards the right edge of the chart).
651        **Default value:** ``"bottom"`` for x-axes and ``"left"`` for y-axes.
652    position : float
653        The anchor position of the axis in pixels. For x-axes with top or bottom
654        orientation, this sets the axis group x coordinate. For y-axes with left or right
655        orientation, this sets the axis group y coordinate.
657        **Default value** : ``0``
658    tickColor : :class:`Color`
659        The color of the axis's tick.
661        **Default value:** ``"gray"``
662    tickCount : float
663        A desired number of ticks, for axes visualizing quantitative scales. The resulting
664        number may be different so that values are "nice" (multiples of 2, 5, 10) and lie
665        within the underlying scale's range.
666    tickDash : List(float)
667        An array of alternating [stroke, space] lengths for dashed tick mark lines.
668    tickDashOffset : float
669        The pixel offset at which to start drawing with the tick mark dash array.
670    tickExtra : boolean
671        Boolean flag indicating if an extra axis tick should be added for the initial
672        position of the axis. This flag is useful for styling axes for ``band`` scales such
673        that ticks are placed on band boundaries rather in the middle of a band. Use in
674        conjunction with ``"bandPosition": 1`` and an axis ``"padding"`` value of ``0``.
675    tickMinStep : float
676        The minimum desired step between axis ticks, in terms of scale domain values. For
677        example, a value of ``1`` indicates that ticks should not be less than 1 unit apart.
678        If ``tickMinStep`` is specified, the ``tickCount`` value will be adjusted, if
679        necessary, to enforce the minimum step value.
681        **Default value** : ``undefined``
682    tickOffset : float
683        Position offset in pixels to apply to ticks, labels, and gridlines.
684    tickOpacity : float
685        Opacity of the ticks.
686    tickRound : boolean
687        Boolean flag indicating if pixel position values should be rounded to the nearest
688        integer.
690        **Default value:** ``true``
691    tickSize : float
692        The size in pixels of axis ticks.
694        **Default value:** ``5``
695    tickWidth : float
696        The width, in pixels, of ticks.
698        **Default value:** ``1``
699    ticks : boolean
700        Boolean value that determines whether the axis should include ticks.
702        **Default value:** ``true``
703    title : anyOf(string, None)
704        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
706        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
707        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
708        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
709        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
710        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
711        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
713        **Notes** :
715        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
716        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
717        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
718        function via the compile function's options
719        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
721        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
722        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
723    titleAlign : :class:`Align`
724        Horizontal text alignment of axis titles.
725    titleAnchor : :class:`TitleAnchor`
726        Text anchor position for placing axis titles.
727    titleAngle : float
728        Angle in degrees of axis titles.
729    titleBaseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
730        Vertical text baseline for axis titles.
731    titleColor : :class:`Color`
732        Color of the title, can be in hex color code or regular color name.
733    titleFont : string
734        Font of the title. (e.g., ``"Helvetica Neue"`` ).
735    titleFontSize : float
736        Font size of the title.
737    titleFontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
738        Font style of the title.
739    titleFontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
740        Font weight of the title.
741        This can be either a string (e.g ``"bold"``, ``"normal"`` ) or a number ( ``100``,
742        ``200``, ``300``, ..., ``900`` where ``"normal"`` = ``400`` and ``"bold"`` = ``700``
743        ).
744    titleLimit : float
745        Maximum allowed pixel width of axis titles.
746    titleOpacity : float
747        Opacity of the axis title.
748    titlePadding : float
749        The padding, in pixels, between title and axis.
750    titleX : float
751        X-coordinate of the axis title relative to the axis group.
752    titleY : float
753        Y-coordinate of the axis title relative to the axis group.
754    values : anyOf(List(float), List(string), List(boolean), List(:class:`DateTime`))
755        Explicitly set the visible axis tick values.
756    zindex : float
757        A non-negative integer indicating the z-index of the axis.
758        If zindex is 0, axes should be drawn behind all chart elements.
759        To put them in front, use ``"zindex = 1"``.
761        **Default value:** ``1`` (in front of the marks) for actual axis and ``0`` (behind
762        the marks) for grids.
763    """
764    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Axis'}
766    def __init__(self, bandPosition=Undefined, domain=Undefined, domainColor=Undefined,
767                 domainDash=Undefined, domainDashOffset=Undefined, domainOpacity=Undefined,
768                 domainWidth=Undefined, format=Undefined, formatType=Undefined, grid=Undefined,
769                 gridColor=Undefined, gridDash=Undefined, gridDashOffset=Undefined,
770                 gridOpacity=Undefined, gridWidth=Undefined, labelAlign=Undefined, labelAngle=Undefined,
771                 labelBaseline=Undefined, labelBound=Undefined, labelColor=Undefined,
772                 labelFlush=Undefined, labelFlushOffset=Undefined, labelFont=Undefined,
773                 labelFontSize=Undefined, labelFontStyle=Undefined, labelFontWeight=Undefined,
774                 labelLimit=Undefined, labelOpacity=Undefined, labelOverlap=Undefined,
775                 labelPadding=Undefined, labelSeparation=Undefined, labels=Undefined,
776                 maxExtent=Undefined, minExtent=Undefined, offset=Undefined, orient=Undefined,
777                 position=Undefined, tickColor=Undefined, tickCount=Undefined, tickDash=Undefined,
778                 tickDashOffset=Undefined, tickExtra=Undefined, tickMinStep=Undefined,
779                 tickOffset=Undefined, tickOpacity=Undefined, tickRound=Undefined, tickSize=Undefined,
780                 tickWidth=Undefined, ticks=Undefined, title=Undefined, titleAlign=Undefined,
781                 titleAnchor=Undefined, titleAngle=Undefined, titleBaseline=Undefined,
782                 titleColor=Undefined, titleFont=Undefined, titleFontSize=Undefined,
783                 titleFontStyle=Undefined, titleFontWeight=Undefined, titleLimit=Undefined,
784                 titleOpacity=Undefined, titlePadding=Undefined, titleX=Undefined, titleY=Undefined,
785                 values=Undefined, zindex=Undefined, **kwds):
786        super(Axis, self).__init__(bandPosition=bandPosition, domain=domain, domainColor=domainColor,
787                                   domainDash=domainDash, domainDashOffset=domainDashOffset,
788                                   domainOpacity=domainOpacity, domainWidth=domainWidth, format=format,
789                                   formatType=formatType, grid=grid, gridColor=gridColor,
790                                   gridDash=gridDash, gridDashOffset=gridDashOffset,
791                                   gridOpacity=gridOpacity, gridWidth=gridWidth, labelAlign=labelAlign,
792                                   labelAngle=labelAngle, labelBaseline=labelBaseline,
793                                   labelBound=labelBound, labelColor=labelColor, labelFlush=labelFlush,
794                                   labelFlushOffset=labelFlushOffset, labelFont=labelFont,
795                                   labelFontSize=labelFontSize, labelFontStyle=labelFontStyle,
796                                   labelFontWeight=labelFontWeight, labelLimit=labelLimit,
797                                   labelOpacity=labelOpacity, labelOverlap=labelOverlap,
798                                   labelPadding=labelPadding, labelSeparation=labelSeparation,
799                                   labels=labels, maxExtent=maxExtent, minExtent=minExtent,
800                                   offset=offset, orient=orient, position=position, tickColor=tickColor,
801                                   tickCount=tickCount, tickDash=tickDash,
802                                   tickDashOffset=tickDashOffset, tickExtra=tickExtra,
803                                   tickMinStep=tickMinStep, tickOffset=tickOffset,
804                                   tickOpacity=tickOpacity, tickRound=tickRound, tickSize=tickSize,
805                                   tickWidth=tickWidth, ticks=ticks, title=title, titleAlign=titleAlign,
806                                   titleAnchor=titleAnchor, titleAngle=titleAngle,
807                                   titleBaseline=titleBaseline, titleColor=titleColor,
808                                   titleFont=titleFont, titleFontSize=titleFontSize,
809                                   titleFontStyle=titleFontStyle, titleFontWeight=titleFontWeight,
810                                   titleLimit=titleLimit, titleOpacity=titleOpacity,
811                                   titlePadding=titlePadding, titleX=titleX, titleY=titleY,
812                                   values=values, zindex=zindex, **kwds)
815class AxisConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
816    """AxisConfig schema wrapper
818    Mapping(required=[])
820    Attributes
821    ----------
823    bandPosition : float
824        An interpolation fraction indicating where, for ``band`` scales, axis ticks should
825        be positioned. A value of ``0`` places ticks at the left edge of their bands. A
826        value of ``0.5`` places ticks in the middle of their bands.
828        **Default value:** ``0.5``
829    domain : boolean
830        A boolean flag indicating if the domain (the axis baseline) should be included as
831        part of the axis.
833        **Default value:** ``true``
834    domainColor : :class:`Color`
835        Color of axis domain line.
837        **Default value:** ``"gray"``.
838    domainDash : List(float)
839        An array of alternating [stroke, space] lengths for dashed domain lines.
840    domainDashOffset : float
841        The pixel offset at which to start drawing with the domain dash array.
842    domainOpacity : float
843        Opacity of the axis domain line.
844    domainWidth : float
845        Stroke width of axis domain line
847        **Default value:** ``1``
848    grid : boolean
849        A boolean flag indicating if grid lines should be included as part of the axis
851        **Default value:** ``true`` for `continuous scales
852        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#continuous>`__ that are not
853        binned; otherwise, ``false``.
854    gridColor : :class:`Color`
855        Color of gridlines.
857        **Default value:** ``"lightGray"``.
858    gridDash : List(float)
859        An array of alternating [stroke, space] lengths for dashed grid lines.
860    gridDashOffset : float
861        The pixel offset at which to start drawing with the grid dash array.
862    gridOpacity : float
863        The stroke opacity of grid (value between [0,1])
865        **Default value:** ``1``
866    gridWidth : float
867        The grid width, in pixels.
869        **Default value:** ``1``
870    labelAlign : :class:`Align`
871        Horizontal text alignment of axis tick labels, overriding the default setting for
872        the current axis orientation.
873    labelAngle : float
874        The rotation angle of the axis labels.
876        **Default value:** ``-90`` for nominal and ordinal fields; ``0`` otherwise.
877    labelBaseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
878        Vertical text baseline of axis tick labels, overriding the default setting for the
879        current axis orientation. Can be ``"top"``, ``"middle"``, ``"bottom"``, or
880        ``"alphabetic"``.
881    labelBound : anyOf(float, boolean)
882        Indicates if labels should be hidden if they exceed the axis range. If ``false``
883        (the default) no bounds overlap analysis is performed. If ``true``, labels will be
884        hidden if they exceed the axis range by more than 1 pixel. If this property is a
885        number, it specifies the pixel tolerance: the maximum amount by which a label
886        bounding box may exceed the axis range.
888        **Default value:** ``false``.
889    labelColor : :class:`Color`
890        The color of the tick label, can be in hex color code or regular color name.
891    labelFlush : anyOf(boolean, float)
892        Indicates if the first and last axis labels should be aligned flush with the scale
893        range. Flush alignment for a horizontal axis will left-align the first label and
894        right-align the last label. For vertical axes, bottom and top text baselines are
895        applied instead. If this property is a number, it also indicates the number of
896        pixels by which to offset the first and last labels; for example, a value of 2 will
897        flush-align the first and last labels and also push them 2 pixels outward from the
898        center of the axis. The additional adjustment can sometimes help the labels better
899        visually group with corresponding axis ticks.
901        **Default value:** ``true`` for axis of a continuous x-scale. Otherwise, ``false``.
902    labelFlushOffset : float
903        Indicates the number of pixels by which to offset flush-adjusted labels. For
904        example, a value of ``2`` will push flush-adjusted labels 2 pixels outward from the
905        center of the axis. Offsets can help the labels better visually group with
906        corresponding axis ticks.
908        **Default value:** ``0``.
909    labelFont : string
910        The font of the tick label.
911    labelFontSize : float
912        The font size of the label, in pixels.
913    labelFontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
914        Font style of the title.
915    labelFontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
916        Font weight of axis tick labels.
917    labelLimit : float
918        Maximum allowed pixel width of axis tick labels.
920        **Default value:** ``180``
921    labelOpacity : float
922        The opacity of the labels.
923    labelOverlap : :class:`LabelOverlap`
924        The strategy to use for resolving overlap of axis labels. If ``false`` (the
925        default), no overlap reduction is attempted. If set to ``true`` or ``"parity"``, a
926        strategy of removing every other label is used (this works well for standard linear
927        axes). If set to ``"greedy"``, a linear scan of the labels is performed, removing
928        any labels that overlaps with the last visible label (this often works better for
929        log-scaled axes).
931        **Default value:** ``true`` for non-nominal fields with non-log scales; ``"greedy"``
932        for log scales; otherwise ``false``.
933    labelPadding : float
934        The padding, in pixels, between axis and text labels.
936        **Default value:** ``2``
937    labelSeparation : float
938        The minimum separation that must be between label bounding boxes for them to be
939        considered non-overlapping (default ``0`` ). This property is ignored if
940        *labelOverlap* resolution is not enabled.
941    labels : boolean
942        A boolean flag indicating if labels should be included as part of the axis.
944        **Default value:** ``true``.
945    maxExtent : float
946        The maximum extent in pixels that axis ticks and labels should use. This determines
947        a maximum offset value for axis titles.
949        **Default value:** ``undefined``.
950    minExtent : float
951        The minimum extent in pixels that axis ticks and labels should use. This determines
952        a minimum offset value for axis titles.
954        **Default value:** ``30`` for y-axis; ``undefined`` for x-axis.
955    orient : :class:`AxisOrient`
956        The orientation of the axis. One of ``"top"``, ``"bottom"``, ``"left"`` or
957        ``"right"``. The orientation can be used to further specialize the axis type (e.g.,
958        a y-axis oriented towards the right edge of the chart).
960        **Default value:** ``"bottom"`` for x-axes and ``"left"`` for y-axes.
961    shortTimeLabels : boolean
962        Whether month names and weekday names should be abbreviated.
964        **Default value:**  ``false``
965    tickColor : :class:`Color`
966        The color of the axis's tick.
968        **Default value:** ``"gray"``
969    tickDash : List(float)
970        An array of alternating [stroke, space] lengths for dashed tick mark lines.
971    tickDashOffset : float
972        The pixel offset at which to start drawing with the tick mark dash array.
973    tickExtra : boolean
974        Boolean flag indicating if an extra axis tick should be added for the initial
975        position of the axis. This flag is useful for styling axes for ``band`` scales such
976        that ticks are placed on band boundaries rather in the middle of a band. Use in
977        conjunction with ``"bandPosition": 1`` and an axis ``"padding"`` value of ``0``.
978    tickOffset : float
979        Position offset in pixels to apply to ticks, labels, and gridlines.
980    tickOpacity : float
981        Opacity of the ticks.
982    tickRound : boolean
983        Boolean flag indicating if pixel position values should be rounded to the nearest
984        integer.
986        **Default value:** ``true``
987    tickSize : float
988        The size in pixels of axis ticks.
990        **Default value:** ``5``
991    tickWidth : float
992        The width, in pixels, of ticks.
994        **Default value:** ``1``
995    ticks : boolean
996        Boolean value that determines whether the axis should include ticks.
998        **Default value:** ``true``
999    title : None
1000        Set to null to disable title for the axis, legend, or header.
1001    titleAlign : :class:`Align`
1002        Horizontal text alignment of axis titles.
1003    titleAnchor : :class:`TitleAnchor`
1004        Text anchor position for placing axis titles.
1005    titleAngle : float
1006        Angle in degrees of axis titles.
1007    titleBaseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
1008        Vertical text baseline for axis titles.
1009    titleColor : :class:`Color`
1010        Color of the title, can be in hex color code or regular color name.
1011    titleFont : string
1012        Font of the title. (e.g., ``"Helvetica Neue"`` ).
1013    titleFontSize : float
1014        Font size of the title.
1015    titleFontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
1016        Font style of the title.
1017    titleFontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
1018        Font weight of the title.
1019        This can be either a string (e.g ``"bold"``, ``"normal"`` ) or a number ( ``100``,
1020        ``200``, ``300``, ..., ``900`` where ``"normal"`` = ``400`` and ``"bold"`` = ``700``
1021        ).
1022    titleLimit : float
1023        Maximum allowed pixel width of axis titles.
1024    titleOpacity : float
1025        Opacity of the axis title.
1026    titlePadding : float
1027        The padding, in pixels, between title and axis.
1028    titleX : float
1029        X-coordinate of the axis title relative to the axis group.
1030    titleY : float
1031        Y-coordinate of the axis title relative to the axis group.
1032    """
1033    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/AxisConfig'}
1035    def __init__(self, bandPosition=Undefined, domain=Undefined, domainColor=Undefined,
1036                 domainDash=Undefined, domainDashOffset=Undefined, domainOpacity=Undefined,
1037                 domainWidth=Undefined, grid=Undefined, gridColor=Undefined, gridDash=Undefined,
1038                 gridDashOffset=Undefined, gridOpacity=Undefined, gridWidth=Undefined,
1039                 labelAlign=Undefined, labelAngle=Undefined, labelBaseline=Undefined,
1040                 labelBound=Undefined, labelColor=Undefined, labelFlush=Undefined,
1041                 labelFlushOffset=Undefined, labelFont=Undefined, labelFontSize=Undefined,
1042                 labelFontStyle=Undefined, labelFontWeight=Undefined, labelLimit=Undefined,
1043                 labelOpacity=Undefined, labelOverlap=Undefined, labelPadding=Undefined,
1044                 labelSeparation=Undefined, labels=Undefined, maxExtent=Undefined, minExtent=Undefined,
1045                 orient=Undefined, shortTimeLabels=Undefined, tickColor=Undefined, tickDash=Undefined,
1046                 tickDashOffset=Undefined, tickExtra=Undefined, tickOffset=Undefined,
1047                 tickOpacity=Undefined, tickRound=Undefined, tickSize=Undefined, tickWidth=Undefined,
1048                 ticks=Undefined, title=Undefined, titleAlign=Undefined, titleAnchor=Undefined,
1049                 titleAngle=Undefined, titleBaseline=Undefined, titleColor=Undefined,
1050                 titleFont=Undefined, titleFontSize=Undefined, titleFontStyle=Undefined,
1051                 titleFontWeight=Undefined, titleLimit=Undefined, titleOpacity=Undefined,
1052                 titlePadding=Undefined, titleX=Undefined, titleY=Undefined, **kwds):
1053        super(AxisConfig, self).__init__(bandPosition=bandPosition, domain=domain,
1054                                         domainColor=domainColor, domainDash=domainDash,
1055                                         domainDashOffset=domainDashOffset, domainOpacity=domainOpacity,
1056                                         domainWidth=domainWidth, grid=grid, gridColor=gridColor,
1057                                         gridDash=gridDash, gridDashOffset=gridDashOffset,
1058                                         gridOpacity=gridOpacity, gridWidth=gridWidth,
1059                                         labelAlign=labelAlign, labelAngle=labelAngle,
1060                                         labelBaseline=labelBaseline, labelBound=labelBound,
1061                                         labelColor=labelColor, labelFlush=labelFlush,
1062                                         labelFlushOffset=labelFlushOffset, labelFont=labelFont,
1063                                         labelFontSize=labelFontSize, labelFontStyle=labelFontStyle,
1064                                         labelFontWeight=labelFontWeight, labelLimit=labelLimit,
1065                                         labelOpacity=labelOpacity, labelOverlap=labelOverlap,
1066                                         labelPadding=labelPadding, labelSeparation=labelSeparation,
1067                                         labels=labels, maxExtent=maxExtent, minExtent=minExtent,
1068                                         orient=orient, shortTimeLabels=shortTimeLabels,
1069                                         tickColor=tickColor, tickDash=tickDash,
1070                                         tickDashOffset=tickDashOffset, tickExtra=tickExtra,
1071                                         tickOffset=tickOffset, tickOpacity=tickOpacity,
1072                                         tickRound=tickRound, tickSize=tickSize, tickWidth=tickWidth,
1073                                         ticks=ticks, title=title, titleAlign=titleAlign,
1074                                         titleAnchor=titleAnchor, titleAngle=titleAngle,
1075                                         titleBaseline=titleBaseline, titleColor=titleColor,
1076                                         titleFont=titleFont, titleFontSize=titleFontSize,
1077                                         titleFontStyle=titleFontStyle, titleFontWeight=titleFontWeight,
1078                                         titleLimit=titleLimit, titleOpacity=titleOpacity,
1079                                         titlePadding=titlePadding, titleX=titleX, titleY=titleY, **kwds)
1082class AxisOrient(VegaLiteSchema):
1083    """AxisOrient schema wrapper
1085    enum('top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right')
1086    """
1087    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/AxisOrient'}
1089    def __init__(self, *args):
1090        super(AxisOrient, self).__init__(*args)
1093class AxisResolveMap(VegaLiteSchema):
1094    """AxisResolveMap schema wrapper
1096    Mapping(required=[])
1098    Attributes
1099    ----------
1101    x : :class:`ResolveMode`
1103    y : :class:`ResolveMode`
1105    """
1106    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/AxisResolveMap'}
1108    def __init__(self, x=Undefined, y=Undefined, **kwds):
1109        super(AxisResolveMap, self).__init__(x=x, y=y, **kwds)
1112class BaseLegendLayout(VegaLiteSchema):
1113    """BaseLegendLayout schema wrapper
1115    Mapping(required=[])
1117    Attributes
1118    ----------
1120    anchor : :class:`TitleAnchor`
1121        The anchor point for legend orient group layout.
1122    bounds : :class:`LayoutBounds`
1123        The bounds calculation to use for legend orient group layout.
1124    center : anyOf(boolean, :class:`SignalRef`)
1125        A flag to center legends within a shared orient group.
1126    direction : anyOf(:class:`Orientation`, :class:`SignalRef`)
1127        The layout direction for legend orient group layout.
1128    margin : anyOf(float, :class:`SignalRef`)
1129        The pixel margin between legends within a orient group.
1130    offset : anyOf(float, :class:`SignalRef`)
1131        The pixel offset from the chart body for a legend orient group.
1132    """
1133    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/BaseLegendLayout'}
1135    def __init__(self, anchor=Undefined, bounds=Undefined, center=Undefined, direction=Undefined,
1136                 margin=Undefined, offset=Undefined, **kwds):
1137        super(BaseLegendLayout, self).__init__(anchor=anchor, bounds=bounds, center=center,
1138                                               direction=direction, margin=margin, offset=offset, **kwds)
1141class BaseMarkConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
1142    """BaseMarkConfig schema wrapper
1144    Mapping(required=[])
1146    Attributes
1147    ----------
1149    align : :class:`Align`
1150        The horizontal alignment of the text. One of ``"left"``, ``"right"``, ``"center"``.
1151    angle : float
1152        The rotation angle of the text, in degrees.
1153    baseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
1154        The vertical alignment of the text. One of ``"top"``, ``"middle"``, ``"bottom"``.
1156        **Default value:** ``"middle"``
1157    cornerRadius : float
1158        The radius in pixels of rounded rectangle corners.
1160        **Default value:** ``0``
1161    cursor : :class:`Cursor`
1162        The mouse cursor used over the mark. Any valid `CSS cursor type
1163        <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/cursor#Values>`__ can be used.
1164    dir : :class:`Dir`
1165        The direction of the text. One of ``"ltr"`` (left-to-right) or ``"rtl"``
1166        (right-to-left). This property determines on which side is truncated in response to
1167        the limit parameter.
1169        **Default value:** ``"ltr"``
1170    dx : float
1171        The horizontal offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The
1172        offset is applied after rotation by the *angle* property.
1173    dy : float
1174        The vertical offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The
1175        offset is applied after rotation by the *angle* property.
1176    ellipsis : string
1177        The ellipsis string for text truncated in response to the limit parameter.
1179        **Default value:** ``"…"``
1180    fill : :class:`Color`
1181        Default Fill Color.  This has higher precedence than ``config.color``
1183        **Default value:** (None)
1184    fillOpacity : float
1185        The fill opacity (value between [0,1]).
1187        **Default value:** ``1``
1188    font : string
1189        The typeface to set the text in (e.g., ``"Helvetica Neue"`` ).
1190    fontSize : float
1191        The font size, in pixels.
1192    fontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
1193        The font style (e.g., ``"italic"`` ).
1194    fontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
1195        The font weight.
1196        This can be either a string (e.g ``"bold"``, ``"normal"`` ) or a number ( ``100``,
1197        ``200``, ``300``, ..., ``900`` where ``"normal"`` = ``400`` and ``"bold"`` = ``700``
1198        ).
1199    height : float
1200        Height of the marks.
1201    href : string
1202        A URL to load upon mouse click. If defined, the mark acts as a hyperlink.
1203    interpolate : :class:`Interpolate`
1204        The line interpolation method to use for line and area marks. One of the following:
1207        * ``"linear"`` : piecewise linear segments, as in a polyline.
1208        * ``"linear-closed"`` : close the linear segments to form a polygon.
1209        * ``"step"`` : alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a step
1210          function.
1211        * ``"step-before"`` : alternate between vertical and horizontal segments, as in a
1212          step function.
1213        * ``"step-after"`` : alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a
1214          step function.
1215        * ``"basis"`` : a B-spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
1216        * ``"basis-open"`` : an open B-spline; may not intersect the start or end.
1217        * ``"basis-closed"`` : a closed B-spline, as in a loop.
1218        * ``"cardinal"`` : a Cardinal spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
1219        * ``"cardinal-open"`` : an open Cardinal spline; may not intersect the start or end,
1220          but will intersect other control points.
1221        * ``"cardinal-closed"`` : a closed Cardinal spline, as in a loop.
1222        * ``"bundle"`` : equivalent to basis, except the tension parameter is used to
1223          straighten the spline.
1224        * ``"monotone"`` : cubic interpolation that preserves monotonicity in y.
1225    limit : float
1226        The maximum length of the text mark in pixels. The text value will be automatically
1227        truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.
1229        **Default value:** ``0``, indicating no limit
1230    opacity : float
1231        The overall opacity (value between [0,1]).
1233        **Default value:** ``0.7`` for non-aggregate plots with ``point``, ``tick``,
1234        ``circle``, or ``square`` marks or layered ``bar`` charts and ``1`` otherwise.
1235    orient : :class:`Orientation`
1236        The orientation of a non-stacked bar, tick, area, and line charts.
1237        The value is either horizontal (default) or vertical.
1240        * For bar, rule and tick, this determines whether the size of the bar and tick
1241        should be applied to x or y dimension.
1242        * For area, this property determines the orient property of the Vega output.
1243        * For line and trail marks, this property determines the sort order of the points in
1244          the line
1245        if ``config.sortLineBy`` is not specified.
1246        For stacked charts, this is always determined by the orientation of the stack;
1247        therefore explicitly specified value will be ignored.
1248    radius : float
1249        Polar coordinate radial offset, in pixels, of the text label from the origin
1250        determined by the ``x`` and ``y`` properties.
1251    shape : string
1252        Shape of the point marks. Supported values include:
1255        * plotting shapes: ``"circle"``, ``"square"``, ``"cross"``, ``"diamond"``,
1256          ``"triangle-up"``, ``"triangle-down"``, ``"triangle-right"``, or
1257          ``"triangle-left"``.
1258        * the line symbol ``"stroke"``
1259        * centered directional shapes ``"arrow"``, ``"wedge"``, or ``"triangle"``
1260        * a custom `SVG path string
1261          <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths>`__ (For correct
1262          sizing, custom shape paths should be defined within a square bounding box with
1263          coordinates ranging from -1 to 1 along both the x and y dimensions.)
1265        **Default value:** ``"circle"``
1266    size : float
1267        The pixel area each the point/circle/square.
1268        For example: in the case of circles, the radius is determined in part by the square
1269        root of the size value.
1271        **Default value:** ``30``
1272    stroke : :class:`Color`
1273        Default Stroke Color.  This has higher precedence than ``config.color``
1275        **Default value:** (None)
1276    strokeCap : :class:`StrokeCap`
1277        The stroke cap for line ending style. One of ``"butt"``, ``"round"``, or
1278        ``"square"``.
1280        **Default value:** ``"square"``
1281    strokeDash : List(float)
1282        An array of alternating stroke, space lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines.
1283    strokeDashOffset : float
1284        The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the stroke dash array.
1285    strokeJoin : :class:`StrokeJoin`
1286        The stroke line join method. One of ``"miter"``, ``"round"`` or ``"bevel"``.
1288        **Default value:** ``"miter"``
1289    strokeMiterLimit : float
1290        The miter limit at which to bevel a line join.
1291    strokeOpacity : float
1292        The stroke opacity (value between [0,1]).
1294        **Default value:** ``1``
1295    strokeWidth : float
1296        The stroke width, in pixels.
1297    tension : float
1298        Depending on the interpolation type, sets the tension parameter (for line and area
1299        marks).
1300    text : string
1301        Placeholder text if the ``text`` channel is not specified
1302    theta : float
1303        Polar coordinate angle, in radians, of the text label from the origin determined by
1304        the ``x`` and ``y`` properties. Values for ``theta`` follow the same convention of
1305        ``arc`` mark ``startAngle`` and ``endAngle`` properties: angles are measured in
1306        radians, with ``0`` indicating "north".
1307    tooltip : Any
1308        The tooltip text to show upon mouse hover.
1309    width : float
1310        Width of the marks.
1311    x : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
1312        X coordinates of the marks, or width of horizontal ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
1313        specified ``x2`` or ``width``.
1315        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
1316        of the plot.
1317    x2 : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
1318        X2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
1320        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
1321        of the plot.
1322    y : anyOf(float, enum('height'))
1323        Y coordinates of the marks, or height of vertical ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
1324        specified ``y2`` or ``height``.
1326        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
1327        height of the plot.
1328    y2 : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
1329        Y2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
1331        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
1332        height of the plot.
1333    """
1334    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/BaseMarkConfig'}
1336    def __init__(self, align=Undefined, angle=Undefined, baseline=Undefined, cornerRadius=Undefined,
1337                 cursor=Undefined, dir=Undefined, dx=Undefined, dy=Undefined, ellipsis=Undefined,
1338                 fill=Undefined, fillOpacity=Undefined, font=Undefined, fontSize=Undefined,
1339                 fontStyle=Undefined, fontWeight=Undefined, height=Undefined, href=Undefined,
1340                 interpolate=Undefined, limit=Undefined, opacity=Undefined, orient=Undefined,
1341                 radius=Undefined, shape=Undefined, size=Undefined, stroke=Undefined,
1342                 strokeCap=Undefined, strokeDash=Undefined, strokeDashOffset=Undefined,
1343                 strokeJoin=Undefined, strokeMiterLimit=Undefined, strokeOpacity=Undefined,
1344                 strokeWidth=Undefined, tension=Undefined, text=Undefined, theta=Undefined,
1345                 tooltip=Undefined, width=Undefined, x=Undefined, x2=Undefined, y=Undefined,
1346                 y2=Undefined, **kwds):
1347        super(BaseMarkConfig, self).__init__(align=align, angle=angle, baseline=baseline,
1348                                             cornerRadius=cornerRadius, cursor=cursor, dir=dir, dx=dx,
1349                                             dy=dy, ellipsis=ellipsis, fill=fill,
1350                                             fillOpacity=fillOpacity, font=font, fontSize=fontSize,
1351                                             fontStyle=fontStyle, fontWeight=fontWeight, height=height,
1352                                             href=href, interpolate=interpolate, limit=limit,
1353                                             opacity=opacity, orient=orient, radius=radius, shape=shape,
1354                                             size=size, stroke=stroke, strokeCap=strokeCap,
1355                                             strokeDash=strokeDash, strokeDashOffset=strokeDashOffset,
1356                                             strokeJoin=strokeJoin, strokeMiterLimit=strokeMiterLimit,
1357                                             strokeOpacity=strokeOpacity, strokeWidth=strokeWidth,
1358                                             tension=tension, text=text, theta=theta, tooltip=tooltip,
1359                                             width=width, x=x, x2=x2, y=y, y2=y2, **kwds)
1362class BaseTitleConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
1363    """BaseTitleConfig schema wrapper
1365    Mapping(required=[])
1367    Attributes
1368    ----------
1370    align : :class:`Align`
1372    anchor : :class:`TitleAnchor`
1373        The anchor position for placing the title. One of ``"start"``, ``"middle"``, or
1374        ``"end"``. For example, with an orientation of top these anchor positions map to a
1375        left-, center-, or right-aligned title.
1376    angle : float
1377        Angle in degrees of title text.
1378    baseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
1379        Vertical text baseline for title text. One of ``"top"``, ``"middle"``, ``"bottom"``,
1380        or ``"alphabetic"``.
1381    color : :class:`Color`
1382        Text color for title text.
1383    dx : float
1384        Delta offset for title text x-coordinate.
1385    dy : float
1386        Delta offset for title text y-coordinate.
1387    font : string
1388        Font name for title text.
1389    fontSize : float
1390        Font size in pixels for title text.
1392        **Default value:** ``10``.
1393    fontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
1394        Font style for title text.
1395    fontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
1396        Font weight for title text.
1397        This can be either a string (e.g ``"bold"``, ``"normal"`` ) or a number ( ``100``,
1398        ``200``, ``300``, ..., ``900`` where ``"normal"`` = ``400`` and ``"bold"`` = ``700``
1399        ).
1400    frame : :class:`TitleFrame`
1401        The reference frame for the anchor position, one of ``"bounds"`` (to anchor relative
1402        to the full bounding box) or ``"group"`` (to anchor relative to the group width or
1403        height).
1404    limit : float
1405        The maximum allowed length in pixels of legend labels.
1406    offset : float
1407        The orthogonal offset in pixels by which to displace the title from its position
1408        along the edge of the chart.
1409    orient : :class:`TitleOrient`
1410        Default title orientation ( ``"top"``, ``"bottom"``, ``"left"``, or ``"right"`` )
1411    """
1412    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/BaseTitleConfig'}
1414    def __init__(self, align=Undefined, anchor=Undefined, angle=Undefined, baseline=Undefined,
1415                 color=Undefined, dx=Undefined, dy=Undefined, font=Undefined, fontSize=Undefined,
1416                 fontStyle=Undefined, fontWeight=Undefined, frame=Undefined, limit=Undefined,
1417                 offset=Undefined, orient=Undefined, **kwds):
1418        super(BaseTitleConfig, self).__init__(align=align, anchor=anchor, angle=angle,
1419                                              baseline=baseline, color=color, dx=dx, dy=dy, font=font,
1420                                              fontSize=fontSize, fontStyle=fontStyle,
1421                                              fontWeight=fontWeight, frame=frame, limit=limit,
1422                                              offset=offset, orient=orient, **kwds)
1425class BinParams(VegaLiteSchema):
1426    """BinParams schema wrapper
1428    Mapping(required=[])
1429    Binning properties or boolean flag for determining whether to bin data or not.
1431    Attributes
1432    ----------
1434    anchor : float
1435        A value in the binned domain at which to anchor the bins, shifting the bin
1436        boundaries if necessary to ensure that a boundary aligns with the anchor value.
1438        **Default Value:** the minimum bin extent value
1439    base : float
1440        The number base to use for automatic bin determination (default is base 10).
1442        **Default value:** ``10``
1443    binned : boolean
1444        When set to true, Vega-Lite treats the input data as already binned.
1445    divide : List(float)
1446        Scale factors indicating allowable subdivisions. The default value is [5, 2], which
1447        indicates that for base 10 numbers (the default base), the method may consider
1448        dividing bin sizes by 5 and/or 2. For example, for an initial step size of 10, the
1449        method can check if bin sizes of 2 (= 10/5), 5 (= 10/2), or 1 (= 10/(5*2)) might
1450        also satisfy the given constraints.
1452        **Default value:** ``[5, 2]``
1453    extent : List(float)
1454        A two-element ( ``[min, max]`` ) array indicating the range of desired bin values.
1455    maxbins : float
1456        Maximum number of bins.
1458        **Default value:** ``6`` for ``row``, ``column`` and ``shape`` channels; ``10`` for
1459        other channels
1460    minstep : float
1461        A minimum allowable step size (particularly useful for integer values).
1462    nice : boolean
1463        If true (the default), attempts to make the bin boundaries use human-friendly
1464        boundaries, such as multiples of ten.
1465    step : float
1466        An exact step size to use between bins.
1468        **Note:** If provided, options such as maxbins will be ignored.
1469    steps : List(float)
1470        An array of allowable step sizes to choose from.
1471    """
1472    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/BinParams'}
1474    def __init__(self, anchor=Undefined, base=Undefined, binned=Undefined, divide=Undefined,
1475                 extent=Undefined, maxbins=Undefined, minstep=Undefined, nice=Undefined, step=Undefined,
1476                 steps=Undefined, **kwds):
1477        super(BinParams, self).__init__(anchor=anchor, base=base, binned=binned, divide=divide,
1478                                        extent=extent, maxbins=maxbins, minstep=minstep, nice=nice,
1479                                        step=step, steps=steps, **kwds)
1482class Binding(VegaLiteSchema):
1483    """Binding schema wrapper
1485    anyOf(:class:`BindCheckbox`, :class:`BindRadioSelect`, :class:`BindRange`,
1486    :class:`InputBinding`)
1487    """
1488    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Binding'}
1490    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
1491        super(Binding, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
1494class BindCheckbox(Binding):
1495    """BindCheckbox schema wrapper
1497    Mapping(required=[input])
1499    Attributes
1500    ----------
1502    input : enum('checkbox')
1504    debounce : float
1506    element : :class:`Element`
1508    name : string
1510    type : string
1512    """
1513    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/BindCheckbox'}
1515    def __init__(self, input=Undefined, debounce=Undefined, element=Undefined, name=Undefined,
1516                 type=Undefined, **kwds):
1517        super(BindCheckbox, self).__init__(input=input, debounce=debounce, element=element, name=name,
1518                                           type=type, **kwds)
1521class BindRadioSelect(Binding):
1522    """BindRadioSelect schema wrapper
1524    Mapping(required=[input, options])
1526    Attributes
1527    ----------
1529    input : enum('radio', 'select')
1531    options : List(Any)
1533    debounce : float
1535    element : :class:`Element`
1537    name : string
1539    type : string
1541    """
1542    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/BindRadioSelect'}
1544    def __init__(self, input=Undefined, options=Undefined, debounce=Undefined, element=Undefined,
1545                 name=Undefined, type=Undefined, **kwds):
1546        super(BindRadioSelect, self).__init__(input=input, options=options, debounce=debounce,
1547                                              element=element, name=name, type=type, **kwds)
1550class BindRange(Binding):
1551    """BindRange schema wrapper
1553    Mapping(required=[input])
1555    Attributes
1556    ----------
1558    input : enum('range')
1560    debounce : float
1562    element : :class:`Element`
1564    max : float
1566    min : float
1568    name : string
1570    step : float
1572    type : string
1574    """
1575    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/BindRange'}
1577    def __init__(self, input=Undefined, debounce=Undefined, element=Undefined, max=Undefined,
1578                 min=Undefined, name=Undefined, step=Undefined, type=Undefined, **kwds):
1579        super(BindRange, self).__init__(input=input, debounce=debounce, element=element, max=max,
1580                                        min=min, name=name, step=step, type=type, **kwds)
1583class BoxPlotConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
1584    """BoxPlotConfig schema wrapper
1586    Mapping(required=[])
1588    Attributes
1589    ----------
1591    box : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
1593    extent : anyOf(enum('min-max'), float)
1594        The extent of the whiskers. Available options include:
1597        * ``"min-max"`` : min and max are the lower and upper whiskers respectively.
1598        * A number representing multiple of the interquartile range.  This number will be
1599          multiplied by the IQR to determine whisker boundary, which spans from the smallest
1600          data to the largest data within the range *[Q1 - k * IQR, Q3 + k * IQR]* where
1601          *Q1* and *Q3* are the first and third quartiles while *IQR* is the interquartile
1602          range ( *Q3-Q1* ).
1604        **Default value:** ``1.5``.
1605    median : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
1607    outliers : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
1609    rule : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
1611    size : float
1612        Size of the box and median tick of a box plot
1613    ticks : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
1615    """
1616    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/BoxPlotConfig'}
1618    def __init__(self, box=Undefined, extent=Undefined, median=Undefined, outliers=Undefined,
1619                 rule=Undefined, size=Undefined, ticks=Undefined, **kwds):
1620        super(BoxPlotConfig, self).__init__(box=box, extent=extent, median=median, outliers=outliers,
1621                                            rule=rule, size=size, ticks=ticks, **kwds)
1624class BrushConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
1625    """BrushConfig schema wrapper
1627    Mapping(required=[])
1629    Attributes
1630    ----------
1632    fill : :class:`Color`
1633        The fill color of the interval mark.
1635        **Default value:** ``#333333``
1636    fillOpacity : float
1637        The fill opacity of the interval mark (a value between 0 and 1).
1639        **Default value:** ``0.125``
1640    stroke : :class:`Color`
1641        The stroke color of the interval mark.
1643        **Default value:** ``#ffffff``
1644    strokeDash : List(float)
1645        An array of alternating stroke and space lengths,
1646        for creating dashed or dotted lines.
1647    strokeDashOffset : float
1648        The offset (in pixels) with which to begin drawing the stroke dash array.
1649    strokeOpacity : float
1650        The stroke opacity of the interval mark (a value between 0 and 1).
1651    strokeWidth : float
1652        The stroke width of the interval mark.
1653    """
1654    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/BrushConfig'}
1656    def __init__(self, fill=Undefined, fillOpacity=Undefined, stroke=Undefined, strokeDash=Undefined,
1657                 strokeDashOffset=Undefined, strokeOpacity=Undefined, strokeWidth=Undefined, **kwds):
1658        super(BrushConfig, self).__init__(fill=fill, fillOpacity=fillOpacity, stroke=stroke,
1659                                          strokeDash=strokeDash, strokeDashOffset=strokeDashOffset,
1660                                          strokeOpacity=strokeOpacity, strokeWidth=strokeWidth, **kwds)
1663class Color(VegaLiteSchema):
1664    """Color schema wrapper
1666    anyOf(:class:`ColorName`, :class:`HexColor`, string)
1667    """
1668    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Color'}
1670    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
1671        super(Color, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
1674class ColorName(Color):
1675    """ColorName schema wrapper
1677    enum('black', 'silver', 'gray', 'white', 'maroon', 'red', 'purple', 'fuchsia', 'green',
1678    'lime', 'olive', 'yellow', 'navy', 'blue', 'teal', 'aqua', 'orange', 'aliceblue',
1679    'antiquewhite', 'aquamarine', 'azure', 'beige', 'bisque', 'blanchedalmond', 'blueviolet',
1680    'brown', 'burlywood', 'cadetblue', 'chartreuse', 'chocolate', 'coral', 'cornflowerblue',
1681    'cornsilk', 'crimson', 'cyan', 'darkblue', 'darkcyan', 'darkgoldenrod', 'darkgray',
1682    'darkgreen', 'darkgrey', 'darkkhaki', 'darkmagenta', 'darkolivegreen', 'darkorange',
1683    'darkorchid', 'darkred', 'darksalmon', 'darkseagreen', 'darkslateblue', 'darkslategray',
1684    'darkslategrey', 'darkturquoise', 'darkviolet', 'deeppink', 'deepskyblue', 'dimgray',
1685    'dimgrey', 'dodgerblue', 'firebrick', 'floralwhite', 'forestgreen', 'gainsboro',
1686    'ghostwhite', 'gold', 'goldenrod', 'greenyellow', 'grey', 'honeydew', 'hotpink',
1687    'indianred', 'indigo', 'ivory', 'khaki', 'lavender', 'lavenderblush', 'lawngreen',
1688    'lemonchiffon', 'lightblue', 'lightcoral', 'lightcyan', 'lightgoldenrodyellow', 'lightgray',
1689    'lightgreen', 'lightgrey', 'lightpink', 'lightsalmon', 'lightseagreen', 'lightskyblue',
1690    'lightslategray', 'lightslategrey', 'lightsteelblue', 'lightyellow', 'limegreen', 'linen',
1691    'magenta', 'mediumaquamarine', 'mediumblue', 'mediumorchid', 'mediumpurple',
1692    'mediumseagreen', 'mediumslateblue', 'mediumspringgreen', 'mediumturquoise',
1693    'mediumvioletred', 'midnightblue', 'mintcream', 'mistyrose', 'moccasin', 'navajowhite',
1694    'oldlace', 'olivedrab', 'orangered', 'orchid', 'palegoldenrod', 'palegreen',
1695    'paleturquoise', 'palevioletred', 'papayawhip', 'peachpuff', 'peru', 'pink', 'plum',
1696    'powderblue', 'rosybrown', 'royalblue', 'saddlebrown', 'salmon', 'sandybrown', 'seagreen',
1697    'seashell', 'sienna', 'skyblue', 'slateblue', 'slategray', 'slategrey', 'snow',
1698    'springgreen', 'steelblue', 'tan', 'thistle', 'tomato', 'turquoise', 'violet', 'wheat',
1699    'whitesmoke', 'yellowgreen', 'rebeccapurple')
1700    """
1701    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ColorName'}
1703    def __init__(self, *args):
1704        super(ColorName, self).__init__(*args)
1707class CompositeMark(AnyMark):
1708    """CompositeMark schema wrapper
1710    anyOf(:class:`BoxPlot`, :class:`ErrorBar`, :class:`ErrorBand`)
1711    """
1712    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/CompositeMark'}
1714    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
1715        super(CompositeMark, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
1718class BoxPlot(CompositeMark):
1719    """BoxPlot schema wrapper
1721    enum('boxplot')
1722    """
1723    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/BoxPlot'}
1725    def __init__(self, *args):
1726        super(BoxPlot, self).__init__(*args)
1729class CompositeMarkDef(AnyMark):
1730    """CompositeMarkDef schema wrapper
1732    anyOf(:class:`BoxPlotDef`, :class:`ErrorBarDef`, :class:`ErrorBandDef`)
1733    """
1734    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/CompositeMarkDef'}
1736    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
1737        super(CompositeMarkDef, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
1740class BoxPlotDef(CompositeMarkDef):
1741    """BoxPlotDef schema wrapper
1743    Mapping(required=[type])
1745    Attributes
1746    ----------
1748    type : :class:`BoxPlot`
1749        The mark type. This could a primitive mark type
1750        (one of ``"bar"``, ``"circle"``, ``"square"``, ``"tick"``, ``"line"``,
1751        ``"area"``, ``"point"``, ``"geoshape"``, ``"rule"``, and ``"text"`` )
1752        or a composite mark type ( ``"boxplot"``, ``"errorband"``, ``"errorbar"`` ).
1753    box : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
1755    clip : boolean
1756        Whether a composite mark be clipped to the enclosing group’s width and height.
1757    color : :class:`Color`
1758        Default color.  Note that ``fill`` and ``stroke`` have higher precedence than
1759        ``color`` and will override ``color``.
1761        **Default value:** :raw-html:`<span style="color: #4682b4;">&#9632;</span>`
1762        ``"#4682b4"``
1764        **Note:** This property cannot be used in a `style config
1765        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__.
1766    extent : anyOf(enum('min-max'), float)
1767        The extent of the whiskers. Available options include:
1770        * ``"min-max"`` : min and max are the lower and upper whiskers respectively.
1771        * A number representing multiple of the interquartile range.  This number will be
1772          multiplied by the IQR to determine whisker boundary, which spans from the smallest
1773          data to the largest data within the range *[Q1 - k * IQR, Q3 + k * IQR]* where
1774          *Q1* and *Q3* are the first and third quartiles while *IQR* is the interquartile
1775          range ( *Q3-Q1* ).
1777        **Default value:** ``1.5``.
1778    median : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
1780    opacity : float
1781        The opacity (value between [0,1]) of the mark.
1782    orient : :class:`Orientation`
1783        Orientation of the box plot.  This is normally automatically determined based on
1784        types of fields on x and y channels. However, an explicit ``orient`` be specified
1785        when the orientation is ambiguous.
1787        **Default value:** ``"vertical"``.
1788    outliers : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
1790    rule : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
1792    size : float
1793        Size of the box and median tick of a box plot
1794    ticks : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
1796    """
1797    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/BoxPlotDef'}
1799    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, box=Undefined, clip=Undefined, color=Undefined, extent=Undefined,
1800                 median=Undefined, opacity=Undefined, orient=Undefined, outliers=Undefined,
1801                 rule=Undefined, size=Undefined, ticks=Undefined, **kwds):
1802        super(BoxPlotDef, self).__init__(type=type, box=box, clip=clip, color=color, extent=extent,
1803                                         median=median, opacity=opacity, orient=orient,
1804                                         outliers=outliers, rule=rule, size=size, ticks=ticks, **kwds)
1807class CompositionConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
1808    """CompositionConfig schema wrapper
1810    Mapping(required=[])
1812    Attributes
1813    ----------
1815    columns : float
1816        The number of columns to include in the view composition layout.
1818        **Default value** : ``undefined`` -- An infinite number of columns (a single row)
1819        will be assumed. This is equivalent to
1820        ``hconcat`` (for ``concat`` ) and to using the ``column`` channel (for ``facet`` and
1821        ``repeat`` ).
1823        **Note** :
1825        1) This property is only for:
1828        * the general (wrappable) ``concat`` operator (not ``hconcat`` / ``vconcat`` )
1829        * the ``facet`` and ``repeat`` operator with one field/repetition definition
1830          (without row/column nesting)
1832        2) Setting the ``columns`` to ``1`` is equivalent to ``vconcat`` (for ``concat`` )
1833        and to using the ``row`` channel (for ``facet`` and ``repeat`` ).
1834    spacing : float
1835        The default spacing in pixels between composed sub-views.
1837        **Default value** : ``20``
1838    """
1839    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/CompositionConfig'}
1841    def __init__(self, columns=Undefined, spacing=Undefined, **kwds):
1842        super(CompositionConfig, self).__init__(columns=columns, spacing=spacing, **kwds)
1845class ConditionalMarkPropFieldDef(VegaLiteSchema):
1846    """ConditionalMarkPropFieldDef schema wrapper
1848    anyOf(:class:`ConditionalPredicateMarkPropFieldDef`,
1849    :class:`ConditionalSelectionMarkPropFieldDef`)
1850    """
1851    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ConditionalMarkPropFieldDef'}
1853    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
1854        super(ConditionalMarkPropFieldDef, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
1857class ConditionalMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShape(VegaLiteSchema):
1858    """ConditionalMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShape schema wrapper
1860    anyOf(:class:`ConditionalPredicateMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShape`,
1861    :class:`ConditionalSelectionMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShape`)
1862    """
1863    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ConditionalMarkPropFieldDef<TypeForShape>'}
1865    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
1866        super(ConditionalMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShape, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
1869class ConditionalNumberValueDef(VegaLiteSchema):
1870    """ConditionalNumberValueDef schema wrapper
1872    anyOf(:class:`ConditionalPredicateNumberValueDef`,
1873    :class:`ConditionalSelectionNumberValueDef`)
1874    """
1875    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ConditionalNumberValueDef'}
1877    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
1878        super(ConditionalNumberValueDef, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
1881class ConditionalPredicateMarkPropFieldDef(ConditionalMarkPropFieldDef):
1882    """ConditionalPredicateMarkPropFieldDef schema wrapper
1884    Mapping(required=[test, type])
1886    Attributes
1887    ----------
1889    test : :class:`LogicalOperandPredicate`
1890        Predicate for triggering the condition
1891    type : :class:`StandardType`
1892        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
1893        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
1894        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
1895        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
1897        **Note:**
1900        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
1901          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
1902          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
1903        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
1904          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
1905          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
1906          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
1907        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
1908          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
1909          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
1910          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
1911        * When using with `timeUnit
1912          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
1913          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
1914          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
1915        * When using with `aggregate
1916          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
1917          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
1918          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
1919          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
1920          is ``"quantitative"``.
1921        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
1922          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
1923          ``x``, ``y`` ).
1925        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
1926        documentation.
1927    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
1928        Aggregation function for the field
1929        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
1931        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
1933        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
1934        documentation.
1935    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, None)
1936        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
1937        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
1938        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
1939        ``"binned"`` ).
1942        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
1943        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
1945        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
1946        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
1947        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
1948        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
1949        set the axis's `tickMinStep
1950        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
1952        **Default value:** ``false``
1954        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
1955        documentation.
1956    field : :class:`Field`
1957        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
1958        value
1959        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
1960        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
1962        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
1963        documentation.
1965        **Notes:**
1966        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
1967        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
1968        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
1969        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
1970        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
1971        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
1972        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
1973    legend : anyOf(:class:`Legend`, None)
1974        An object defining properties of the legend.
1975        If ``null``, the legend for the encoding channel will be removed.
1977        **Default value:** If undefined, default `legend properties
1978        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__ are applied.
1980        **See also:** `legend <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__
1981        documentation.
1982    scale : anyOf(:class:`Scale`, None)
1983        An object defining properties of the channel's scale, which is the function that
1984        transforms values in the data domain (numbers, dates, strings, etc) to visual values
1985        (pixels, colors, sizes) of the encoding channels.
1987        If ``null``, the scale will be `disabled and the data value will be directly encoded
1988        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#disable>`__.
1990        **Default value:** If undefined, default `scale properties
1991        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__ are applied.
1993        **See also:** `scale <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__
1994        documentation.
1995    sort : :class:`Sort`
1996        Sort order for the encoded field.
1998        For continuous fields (quantitative or temporal), ``sort`` can be either
1999        ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"``.
2001        For discrete fields, ``sort`` can be one of the following:
2004        * ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"`` -- for sorting by the values' natural order in
2005          Javascript.
2006        * `A sort-by-encoding definition
2007          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-by-encoding>`__ for sorting
2008          by another encoding channel. (This type of sort definition is not available for
2009          ``row`` and ``column`` channels.)
2010        * `A sort field definition
2011          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-field>`__ for sorting by
2012          another field.
2013        * `An array specifying the field values in preferred order
2014          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-array>`__. In this case, the
2015          sort order will obey the values in the array, followed by any unspecified values
2016          in their original order.  For discrete time field, values in the sort array can be
2017          `date-time definition objects <types#datetime>`__. In addition, for time units
2018          ``"month"`` and ``"day"``, the values can be the month or day names (case
2019          insensitive) or their 3-letter initials (e.g., ``"Mon"``, ``"Tue"`` ).
2020        * ``null`` indicating no sort.
2022        **Default value:** ``"ascending"``
2024        **Note:** ``null`` is not supported for ``row`` and ``column``.
2026        **See also:** `sort <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html>`__
2027        documentation.
2028    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
2029        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
2030        field.
2031        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
2032        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
2034        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
2036        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
2037        documentation.
2038    title : anyOf(string, None)
2039        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
2041        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
2042        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
2043        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
2044        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
2045        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
2046        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
2048        **Notes** :
2050        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
2051        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
2052        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
2053        function via the compile function's options
2054        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
2056        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
2057        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
2058    """
2059    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ConditionalPredicate<MarkPropFieldDef>'}
2061    def __init__(self, test=Undefined, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined,
2062                 field=Undefined, legend=Undefined, scale=Undefined, sort=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined,
2063                 title=Undefined, **kwds):
2064        super(ConditionalPredicateMarkPropFieldDef, self).__init__(test=test, type=type,
2065                                                                   aggregate=aggregate, bin=bin,
2066                                                                   field=field, legend=legend,
2067                                                                   scale=scale, sort=sort,
2068                                                                   timeUnit=timeUnit, title=title,
2069                                                                   **kwds)
2072class ConditionalPredicateMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShape(ConditionalMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShape):
2073    """ConditionalPredicateMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShape schema wrapper
2075    Mapping(required=[test, type])
2077    Attributes
2078    ----------
2080    test : :class:`LogicalOperandPredicate`
2081        Predicate for triggering the condition
2082    type : :class:`TypeForShape`
2083        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
2084        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
2085        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
2086        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
2088        **Note:**
2091        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
2092          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
2093          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
2094        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
2095          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
2096          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
2097          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
2098        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
2099          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
2100          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
2101          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
2102        * When using with `timeUnit
2103          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
2104          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
2105          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
2106        * When using with `aggregate
2107          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
2108          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
2109          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
2110          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
2111          is ``"quantitative"``.
2112        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
2113          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
2114          ``x``, ``y`` ).
2116        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
2117        documentation.
2118    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
2119        Aggregation function for the field
2120        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
2122        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
2124        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
2125        documentation.
2126    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, None)
2127        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
2128        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
2129        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
2130        ``"binned"`` ).
2133        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
2134        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
2136        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
2137        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
2138        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
2139        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
2140        set the axis's `tickMinStep
2141        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
2143        **Default value:** ``false``
2145        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
2146        documentation.
2147    field : :class:`Field`
2148        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
2149        value
2150        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
2151        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
2153        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
2154        documentation.
2156        **Notes:**
2157        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
2158        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
2159        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
2160        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
2161        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
2162        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
2163        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
2164    legend : anyOf(:class:`Legend`, None)
2165        An object defining properties of the legend.
2166        If ``null``, the legend for the encoding channel will be removed.
2168        **Default value:** If undefined, default `legend properties
2169        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__ are applied.
2171        **See also:** `legend <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__
2172        documentation.
2173    scale : anyOf(:class:`Scale`, None)
2174        An object defining properties of the channel's scale, which is the function that
2175        transforms values in the data domain (numbers, dates, strings, etc) to visual values
2176        (pixels, colors, sizes) of the encoding channels.
2178        If ``null``, the scale will be `disabled and the data value will be directly encoded
2179        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#disable>`__.
2181        **Default value:** If undefined, default `scale properties
2182        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__ are applied.
2184        **See also:** `scale <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__
2185        documentation.
2186    sort : :class:`Sort`
2187        Sort order for the encoded field.
2189        For continuous fields (quantitative or temporal), ``sort`` can be either
2190        ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"``.
2192        For discrete fields, ``sort`` can be one of the following:
2195        * ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"`` -- for sorting by the values' natural order in
2196          Javascript.
2197        * `A sort-by-encoding definition
2198          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-by-encoding>`__ for sorting
2199          by another encoding channel. (This type of sort definition is not available for
2200          ``row`` and ``column`` channels.)
2201        * `A sort field definition
2202          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-field>`__ for sorting by
2203          another field.
2204        * `An array specifying the field values in preferred order
2205          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-array>`__. In this case, the
2206          sort order will obey the values in the array, followed by any unspecified values
2207          in their original order.  For discrete time field, values in the sort array can be
2208          `date-time definition objects <types#datetime>`__. In addition, for time units
2209          ``"month"`` and ``"day"``, the values can be the month or day names (case
2210          insensitive) or their 3-letter initials (e.g., ``"Mon"``, ``"Tue"`` ).
2211        * ``null`` indicating no sort.
2213        **Default value:** ``"ascending"``
2215        **Note:** ``null`` is not supported for ``row`` and ``column``.
2217        **See also:** `sort <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html>`__
2218        documentation.
2219    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
2220        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
2221        field.
2222        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
2223        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
2225        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
2227        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
2228        documentation.
2229    title : anyOf(string, None)
2230        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
2232        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
2233        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
2234        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
2235        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
2236        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
2237        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
2239        **Notes** :
2241        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
2242        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
2243        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
2244        function via the compile function's options
2245        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
2247        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
2248        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
2249    """
2250    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ConditionalPredicate<MarkPropFieldDef<TypeForShape>>'}
2252    def __init__(self, test=Undefined, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined,
2253                 field=Undefined, legend=Undefined, scale=Undefined, sort=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined,
2254                 title=Undefined, **kwds):
2255        super(ConditionalPredicateMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShape, self).__init__(test=test, type=type,
2256                                                                               aggregate=aggregate,
2257                                                                               bin=bin, field=field,
2258                                                                               legend=legend,
2259                                                                               scale=scale, sort=sort,
2260                                                                               timeUnit=timeUnit,
2261                                                                               title=title, **kwds)
2264class ConditionalPredicateNumberValueDef(ConditionalNumberValueDef):
2265    """ConditionalPredicateNumberValueDef schema wrapper
2267    Mapping(required=[test, value])
2269    Attributes
2270    ----------
2272    test : :class:`LogicalOperandPredicate`
2273        Predicate for triggering the condition
2274    value : float
2275        A constant value in visual domain (e.g., ``"red"`` / "#0099ff" for color, values
2276        between ``0`` to ``1`` for opacity).
2277    """
2278    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ConditionalPredicate<NumberValueDef>'}
2280    def __init__(self, test=Undefined, value=Undefined, **kwds):
2281        super(ConditionalPredicateNumberValueDef, self).__init__(test=test, value=value, **kwds)
2284class ConditionalSelectionMarkPropFieldDef(ConditionalMarkPropFieldDef):
2285    """ConditionalSelectionMarkPropFieldDef schema wrapper
2287    Mapping(required=[selection, type])
2289    Attributes
2290    ----------
2292    selection : :class:`SelectionOperand`
2293        A `selection name <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection.html>`__, or a
2294        series of `composed selections
2295        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection.html#compose>`__.
2296    type : :class:`StandardType`
2297        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
2298        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
2299        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
2300        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
2302        **Note:**
2305        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
2306          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
2307          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
2308        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
2309          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
2310          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
2311          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
2312        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
2313          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
2314          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
2315          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
2316        * When using with `timeUnit
2317          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
2318          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
2319          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
2320        * When using with `aggregate
2321          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
2322          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
2323          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
2324          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
2325          is ``"quantitative"``.
2326        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
2327          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
2328          ``x``, ``y`` ).
2330        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
2331        documentation.
2332    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
2333        Aggregation function for the field
2334        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
2336        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
2338        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
2339        documentation.
2340    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, None)
2341        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
2342        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
2343        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
2344        ``"binned"`` ).
2347        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
2348        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
2350        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
2351        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
2352        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
2353        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
2354        set the axis's `tickMinStep
2355        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
2357        **Default value:** ``false``
2359        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
2360        documentation.
2361    field : :class:`Field`
2362        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
2363        value
2364        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
2365        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
2367        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
2368        documentation.
2370        **Notes:**
2371        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
2372        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
2373        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
2374        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
2375        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
2376        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
2377        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
2378    legend : anyOf(:class:`Legend`, None)
2379        An object defining properties of the legend.
2380        If ``null``, the legend for the encoding channel will be removed.
2382        **Default value:** If undefined, default `legend properties
2383        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__ are applied.
2385        **See also:** `legend <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__
2386        documentation.
2387    scale : anyOf(:class:`Scale`, None)
2388        An object defining properties of the channel's scale, which is the function that
2389        transforms values in the data domain (numbers, dates, strings, etc) to visual values
2390        (pixels, colors, sizes) of the encoding channels.
2392        If ``null``, the scale will be `disabled and the data value will be directly encoded
2393        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#disable>`__.
2395        **Default value:** If undefined, default `scale properties
2396        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__ are applied.
2398        **See also:** `scale <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__
2399        documentation.
2400    sort : :class:`Sort`
2401        Sort order for the encoded field.
2403        For continuous fields (quantitative or temporal), ``sort`` can be either
2404        ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"``.
2406        For discrete fields, ``sort`` can be one of the following:
2409        * ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"`` -- for sorting by the values' natural order in
2410          Javascript.
2411        * `A sort-by-encoding definition
2412          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-by-encoding>`__ for sorting
2413          by another encoding channel. (This type of sort definition is not available for
2414          ``row`` and ``column`` channels.)
2415        * `A sort field definition
2416          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-field>`__ for sorting by
2417          another field.
2418        * `An array specifying the field values in preferred order
2419          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-array>`__. In this case, the
2420          sort order will obey the values in the array, followed by any unspecified values
2421          in their original order.  For discrete time field, values in the sort array can be
2422          `date-time definition objects <types#datetime>`__. In addition, for time units
2423          ``"month"`` and ``"day"``, the values can be the month or day names (case
2424          insensitive) or their 3-letter initials (e.g., ``"Mon"``, ``"Tue"`` ).
2425        * ``null`` indicating no sort.
2427        **Default value:** ``"ascending"``
2429        **Note:** ``null`` is not supported for ``row`` and ``column``.
2431        **See also:** `sort <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html>`__
2432        documentation.
2433    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
2434        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
2435        field.
2436        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
2437        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
2439        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
2441        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
2442        documentation.
2443    title : anyOf(string, None)
2444        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
2446        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
2447        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
2448        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
2449        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
2450        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
2451        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
2453        **Notes** :
2455        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
2456        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
2457        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
2458        function via the compile function's options
2459        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
2461        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
2462        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
2463    """
2464    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ConditionalSelection<MarkPropFieldDef>'}
2466    def __init__(self, selection=Undefined, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined,
2467                 field=Undefined, legend=Undefined, scale=Undefined, sort=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined,
2468                 title=Undefined, **kwds):
2469        super(ConditionalSelectionMarkPropFieldDef, self).__init__(selection=selection, type=type,
2470                                                                   aggregate=aggregate, bin=bin,
2471                                                                   field=field, legend=legend,
2472                                                                   scale=scale, sort=sort,
2473                                                                   timeUnit=timeUnit, title=title,
2474                                                                   **kwds)
2477class ConditionalSelectionMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShape(ConditionalMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShape):
2478    """ConditionalSelectionMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShape schema wrapper
2480    Mapping(required=[selection, type])
2482    Attributes
2483    ----------
2485    selection : :class:`SelectionOperand`
2486        A `selection name <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection.html>`__, or a
2487        series of `composed selections
2488        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection.html#compose>`__.
2489    type : :class:`TypeForShape`
2490        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
2491        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
2492        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
2493        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
2495        **Note:**
2498        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
2499          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
2500          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
2501        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
2502          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
2503          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
2504          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
2505        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
2506          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
2507          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
2508          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
2509        * When using with `timeUnit
2510          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
2511          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
2512          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
2513        * When using with `aggregate
2514          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
2515          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
2516          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
2517          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
2518          is ``"quantitative"``.
2519        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
2520          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
2521          ``x``, ``y`` ).
2523        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
2524        documentation.
2525    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
2526        Aggregation function for the field
2527        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
2529        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
2531        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
2532        documentation.
2533    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, None)
2534        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
2535        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
2536        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
2537        ``"binned"`` ).
2540        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
2541        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
2543        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
2544        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
2545        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
2546        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
2547        set the axis's `tickMinStep
2548        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
2550        **Default value:** ``false``
2552        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
2553        documentation.
2554    field : :class:`Field`
2555        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
2556        value
2557        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
2558        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
2560        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
2561        documentation.
2563        **Notes:**
2564        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
2565        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
2566        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
2567        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
2568        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
2569        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
2570        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
2571    legend : anyOf(:class:`Legend`, None)
2572        An object defining properties of the legend.
2573        If ``null``, the legend for the encoding channel will be removed.
2575        **Default value:** If undefined, default `legend properties
2576        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__ are applied.
2578        **See also:** `legend <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__
2579        documentation.
2580    scale : anyOf(:class:`Scale`, None)
2581        An object defining properties of the channel's scale, which is the function that
2582        transforms values in the data domain (numbers, dates, strings, etc) to visual values
2583        (pixels, colors, sizes) of the encoding channels.
2585        If ``null``, the scale will be `disabled and the data value will be directly encoded
2586        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#disable>`__.
2588        **Default value:** If undefined, default `scale properties
2589        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__ are applied.
2591        **See also:** `scale <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__
2592        documentation.
2593    sort : :class:`Sort`
2594        Sort order for the encoded field.
2596        For continuous fields (quantitative or temporal), ``sort`` can be either
2597        ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"``.
2599        For discrete fields, ``sort`` can be one of the following:
2602        * ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"`` -- for sorting by the values' natural order in
2603          Javascript.
2604        * `A sort-by-encoding definition
2605          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-by-encoding>`__ for sorting
2606          by another encoding channel. (This type of sort definition is not available for
2607          ``row`` and ``column`` channels.)
2608        * `A sort field definition
2609          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-field>`__ for sorting by
2610          another field.
2611        * `An array specifying the field values in preferred order
2612          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-array>`__. In this case, the
2613          sort order will obey the values in the array, followed by any unspecified values
2614          in their original order.  For discrete time field, values in the sort array can be
2615          `date-time definition objects <types#datetime>`__. In addition, for time units
2616          ``"month"`` and ``"day"``, the values can be the month or day names (case
2617          insensitive) or their 3-letter initials (e.g., ``"Mon"``, ``"Tue"`` ).
2618        * ``null`` indicating no sort.
2620        **Default value:** ``"ascending"``
2622        **Note:** ``null`` is not supported for ``row`` and ``column``.
2624        **See also:** `sort <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html>`__
2625        documentation.
2626    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
2627        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
2628        field.
2629        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
2630        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
2632        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
2634        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
2635        documentation.
2636    title : anyOf(string, None)
2637        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
2639        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
2640        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
2641        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
2642        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
2643        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
2644        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
2646        **Notes** :
2648        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
2649        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
2650        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
2651        function via the compile function's options
2652        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
2654        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
2655        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
2656    """
2657    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ConditionalSelection<MarkPropFieldDef<TypeForShape>>'}
2659    def __init__(self, selection=Undefined, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined,
2660                 field=Undefined, legend=Undefined, scale=Undefined, sort=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined,
2661                 title=Undefined, **kwds):
2662        super(ConditionalSelectionMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShape, self).__init__(selection=selection,
2663                                                                               type=type,
2664                                                                               aggregate=aggregate,
2665                                                                               bin=bin, field=field,
2666                                                                               legend=legend,
2667                                                                               scale=scale, sort=sort,
2668                                                                               timeUnit=timeUnit,
2669                                                                               title=title, **kwds)
2672class ConditionalSelectionNumberValueDef(ConditionalNumberValueDef):
2673    """ConditionalSelectionNumberValueDef schema wrapper
2675    Mapping(required=[selection, value])
2677    Attributes
2678    ----------
2680    selection : :class:`SelectionOperand`
2681        A `selection name <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection.html>`__, or a
2682        series of `composed selections
2683        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection.html#compose>`__.
2684    value : float
2685        A constant value in visual domain (e.g., ``"red"`` / "#0099ff" for color, values
2686        between ``0`` to ``1`` for opacity).
2687    """
2688    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ConditionalSelection<NumberValueDef>'}
2690    def __init__(self, selection=Undefined, value=Undefined, **kwds):
2691        super(ConditionalSelectionNumberValueDef, self).__init__(selection=selection, value=value,
2692                                                                 **kwds)
2695class ConditionalStringValueDef(VegaLiteSchema):
2696    """ConditionalStringValueDef schema wrapper
2698    anyOf(:class:`ConditionalPredicateStringValueDef`,
2699    :class:`ConditionalSelectionStringValueDef`)
2700    """
2701    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ConditionalStringValueDef'}
2703    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
2704        super(ConditionalStringValueDef, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
2707class ConditionalPredicateStringValueDef(ConditionalStringValueDef):
2708    """ConditionalPredicateStringValueDef schema wrapper
2710    Mapping(required=[test, value])
2712    Attributes
2713    ----------
2715    test : :class:`LogicalOperandPredicate`
2716        Predicate for triggering the condition
2717    value : anyOf(string, None)
2718        A constant value in visual domain (e.g., ``"red"`` / "#0099ff" for color, values
2719        between ``0`` to ``1`` for opacity).
2720    """
2721    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ConditionalPredicate<StringValueDef>'}
2723    def __init__(self, test=Undefined, value=Undefined, **kwds):
2724        super(ConditionalPredicateStringValueDef, self).__init__(test=test, value=value, **kwds)
2727class ConditionalSelectionStringValueDef(ConditionalStringValueDef):
2728    """ConditionalSelectionStringValueDef schema wrapper
2730    Mapping(required=[selection, value])
2732    Attributes
2733    ----------
2735    selection : :class:`SelectionOperand`
2736        A `selection name <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection.html>`__, or a
2737        series of `composed selections
2738        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection.html#compose>`__.
2739    value : anyOf(string, None)
2740        A constant value in visual domain (e.g., ``"red"`` / "#0099ff" for color, values
2741        between ``0`` to ``1`` for opacity).
2742    """
2743    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ConditionalSelection<StringValueDef>'}
2745    def __init__(self, selection=Undefined, value=Undefined, **kwds):
2746        super(ConditionalSelectionStringValueDef, self).__init__(selection=selection, value=value,
2747                                                                 **kwds)
2750class ConditionalTextFieldDef(VegaLiteSchema):
2751    """ConditionalTextFieldDef schema wrapper
2753    anyOf(:class:`ConditionalPredicateTextFieldDef`, :class:`ConditionalSelectionTextFieldDef`)
2754    """
2755    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ConditionalTextFieldDef'}
2757    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
2758        super(ConditionalTextFieldDef, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
2761class ConditionalPredicateTextFieldDef(ConditionalTextFieldDef):
2762    """ConditionalPredicateTextFieldDef schema wrapper
2764    Mapping(required=[test, type])
2766    Attributes
2767    ----------
2769    test : :class:`LogicalOperandPredicate`
2770        Predicate for triggering the condition
2771    type : :class:`StandardType`
2772        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
2773        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
2774        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
2775        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
2777        **Note:**
2780        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
2781          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
2782          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
2783        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
2784          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
2785          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
2786          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
2787        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
2788          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
2789          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
2790          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
2791        * When using with `timeUnit
2792          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
2793          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
2794          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
2795        * When using with `aggregate
2796          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
2797          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
2798          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
2799          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
2800          is ``"quantitative"``.
2801        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
2802          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
2803          ``x``, ``y`` ).
2805        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
2806        documentation.
2807    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
2808        Aggregation function for the field
2809        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
2811        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
2813        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
2814        documentation.
2815    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, enum('binned'), None)
2816        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
2817        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
2818        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
2819        ``"binned"`` ).
2822        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
2823        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
2825        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
2826        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
2827        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
2828        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
2829        set the axis's `tickMinStep
2830        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
2832        **Default value:** ``false``
2834        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
2835        documentation.
2836    field : :class:`Field`
2837        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
2838        value
2839        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
2840        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
2842        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
2843        documentation.
2845        **Notes:**
2846        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
2847        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
2848        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
2849        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
2850        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
2851        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
2852        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
2853    format : string
2854        The text formatting pattern for labels of guides (axes, legends, headers) and text
2855        marks.
2858        * If the format type is ``"number"`` (e.g., for quantitative fields), this is D3's
2859          `number format pattern <https://github.com/d3/d3-format#locale_format>`__.
2860        * If the format type is ``"time"`` (e.g., for temporal fields), this is D3's `time
2861          format pattern <https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format#locale_format>`__.
2863        See the `format documentation <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/format.html>`__
2864        for more examples.
2866        **Default value:**  Derived from `numberFormat
2867        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#format>`__ config for number
2868        format and from `timeFormat
2869        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#format>`__ config for time
2870        format.
2871    formatType : enum('number', 'time')
2872        The format type for labels ( ``"number"`` or ``"time"`` ).
2874        **Default value:**
2877        * ``"time"`` for temporal fields and ordinal and nomimal fields with ``timeUnit``.
2878        * ``"number"`` for quantitative fields as well as ordinal and nomimal fields without
2879          ``timeUnit``.
2880    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
2881        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
2882        field.
2883        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
2884        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
2886        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
2888        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
2889        documentation.
2890    title : anyOf(string, None)
2891        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
2893        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
2894        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
2895        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
2896        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
2897        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
2898        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
2900        **Notes** :
2902        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
2903        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
2904        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
2905        function via the compile function's options
2906        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
2908        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
2909        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
2910    """
2911    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ConditionalPredicate<TextFieldDef>'}
2913    def __init__(self, test=Undefined, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined,
2914                 field=Undefined, format=Undefined, formatType=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined,
2915                 title=Undefined, **kwds):
2916        super(ConditionalPredicateTextFieldDef, self).__init__(test=test, type=type,
2917                                                               aggregate=aggregate, bin=bin,
2918                                                               field=field, format=format,
2919                                                               formatType=formatType, timeUnit=timeUnit,
2920                                                               title=title, **kwds)
2923class ConditionalSelectionTextFieldDef(ConditionalTextFieldDef):
2924    """ConditionalSelectionTextFieldDef schema wrapper
2926    Mapping(required=[selection, type])
2928    Attributes
2929    ----------
2931    selection : :class:`SelectionOperand`
2932        A `selection name <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection.html>`__, or a
2933        series of `composed selections
2934        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection.html#compose>`__.
2935    type : :class:`StandardType`
2936        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
2937        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
2938        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
2939        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
2941        **Note:**
2944        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
2945          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
2946          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
2947        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
2948          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
2949          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
2950          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
2951        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
2952          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
2953          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
2954          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
2955        * When using with `timeUnit
2956          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
2957          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
2958          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
2959        * When using with `aggregate
2960          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
2961          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
2962          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
2963          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
2964          is ``"quantitative"``.
2965        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
2966          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
2967          ``x``, ``y`` ).
2969        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
2970        documentation.
2971    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
2972        Aggregation function for the field
2973        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
2975        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
2977        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
2978        documentation.
2979    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, enum('binned'), None)
2980        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
2981        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
2982        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
2983        ``"binned"`` ).
2986        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
2987        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
2989        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
2990        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
2991        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
2992        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
2993        set the axis's `tickMinStep
2994        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
2996        **Default value:** ``false``
2998        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
2999        documentation.
3000    field : :class:`Field`
3001        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
3002        value
3003        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
3004        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
3006        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
3007        documentation.
3009        **Notes:**
3010        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
3011        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
3012        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
3013        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
3014        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
3015        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
3016        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
3017    format : string
3018        The text formatting pattern for labels of guides (axes, legends, headers) and text
3019        marks.
3022        * If the format type is ``"number"`` (e.g., for quantitative fields), this is D3's
3023          `number format pattern <https://github.com/d3/d3-format#locale_format>`__.
3024        * If the format type is ``"time"`` (e.g., for temporal fields), this is D3's `time
3025          format pattern <https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format#locale_format>`__.
3027        See the `format documentation <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/format.html>`__
3028        for more examples.
3030        **Default value:**  Derived from `numberFormat
3031        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#format>`__ config for number
3032        format and from `timeFormat
3033        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#format>`__ config for time
3034        format.
3035    formatType : enum('number', 'time')
3036        The format type for labels ( ``"number"`` or ``"time"`` ).
3038        **Default value:**
3041        * ``"time"`` for temporal fields and ordinal and nomimal fields with ``timeUnit``.
3042        * ``"number"`` for quantitative fields as well as ordinal and nomimal fields without
3043          ``timeUnit``.
3044    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
3045        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
3046        field.
3047        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
3048        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
3050        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
3052        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
3053        documentation.
3054    title : anyOf(string, None)
3055        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
3057        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
3058        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
3059        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
3060        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
3061        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
3062        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
3064        **Notes** :
3066        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
3067        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
3068        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
3069        function via the compile function's options
3070        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
3072        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
3073        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
3074    """
3075    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ConditionalSelection<TextFieldDef>'}
3077    def __init__(self, selection=Undefined, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined,
3078                 field=Undefined, format=Undefined, formatType=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined,
3079                 title=Undefined, **kwds):
3080        super(ConditionalSelectionTextFieldDef, self).__init__(selection=selection, type=type,
3081                                                               aggregate=aggregate, bin=bin,
3082                                                               field=field, format=format,
3083                                                               formatType=formatType, timeUnit=timeUnit,
3084                                                               title=title, **kwds)
3087class ConditionalValueDef(VegaLiteSchema):
3088    """ConditionalValueDef schema wrapper
3090    anyOf(:class:`ConditionalPredicateValueDef`, :class:`ConditionalSelectionValueDef`)
3091    """
3092    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ConditionalValueDef'}
3094    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
3095        super(ConditionalValueDef, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
3098class ConditionalPredicateValueDef(ConditionalValueDef):
3099    """ConditionalPredicateValueDef schema wrapper
3101    Mapping(required=[test, value])
3103    Attributes
3104    ----------
3106    test : :class:`LogicalOperandPredicate`
3107        Predicate for triggering the condition
3108    value : :class:`Value`
3109        A constant value in visual domain (e.g., ``"red"`` / "#0099ff" for color, values
3110        between ``0`` to ``1`` for opacity).
3111    """
3112    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ConditionalPredicate<ValueDef>'}
3114    def __init__(self, test=Undefined, value=Undefined, **kwds):
3115        super(ConditionalPredicateValueDef, self).__init__(test=test, value=value, **kwds)
3118class ConditionalSelectionValueDef(ConditionalValueDef):
3119    """ConditionalSelectionValueDef schema wrapper
3121    Mapping(required=[selection, value])
3123    Attributes
3124    ----------
3126    selection : :class:`SelectionOperand`
3127        A `selection name <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection.html>`__, or a
3128        series of `composed selections
3129        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection.html#compose>`__.
3130    value : :class:`Value`
3131        A constant value in visual domain (e.g., ``"red"`` / "#0099ff" for color, values
3132        between ``0`` to ``1`` for opacity).
3133    """
3134    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ConditionalSelection<ValueDef>'}
3136    def __init__(self, selection=Undefined, value=Undefined, **kwds):
3137        super(ConditionalSelectionValueDef, self).__init__(selection=selection, value=value, **kwds)
3140class Config(VegaLiteSchema):
3141    """Config schema wrapper
3143    Mapping(required=[])
3145    Attributes
3146    ----------
3148    area : :class:`AreaConfig`
3149        Area-Specific Config
3150    autosize : anyOf(:class:`AutosizeType`, :class:`AutoSizeParams`)
3151        Sets how the visualization size should be determined. If a string, should be one of
3152        ``"pad"``, ``"fit"`` or ``"none"``.
3153        Object values can additionally specify parameters for content sizing and automatic
3154        resizing.
3155        ``"fit"`` is only supported for single and layered views that don't use
3156        ``rangeStep``.
3158        **Default value** : ``pad``
3159    axis : :class:`AxisConfig`
3160        Axis configuration, which determines default properties for all ``x`` and ``y``
3161        `axes <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html>`__. For a full list of axis
3162        configuration options, please see the `corresponding section of the axis
3163        documentation <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#config>`__.
3164    axisBand : :class:`AxisConfig`
3165        Specific axis config for axes with "band" scales.
3166    axisBottom : :class:`AxisConfig`
3167        Specific axis config for x-axis along the bottom edge of the chart.
3168    axisLeft : :class:`AxisConfig`
3169        Specific axis config for y-axis along the left edge of the chart.
3170    axisRight : :class:`AxisConfig`
3171        Specific axis config for y-axis along the right edge of the chart.
3172    axisTop : :class:`AxisConfig`
3173        Specific axis config for x-axis along the top edge of the chart.
3174    axisX : :class:`AxisConfig`
3175        X-axis specific config.
3176    axisY : :class:`AxisConfig`
3177        Y-axis specific config.
3178    background : string
3179        CSS color property to use as the background of the whole Vega-Lite view
3181        **Default value:** none (transparent)
3182    bar : :class:`RectConfig`
3183        Bar-Specific Config
3184    boxplot : :class:`BoxPlotConfig`
3185        Box Config
3186    circle : :class:`MarkConfig`
3187        Circle-Specific Config
3188    concat : :class:`CompositionConfig`
3189        Default configuration for all concatenation view composition operators ( ``concat``,
3190        ``hconcat``, and ``vconcat`` )
3191    countTitle : string
3192        Default axis and legend title for count fields.
3194        **Default value:** ``'Count of Records``.
3195    errorband : :class:`ErrorBandConfig`
3196        ErrorBand Config
3197    errorbar : :class:`ErrorBarConfig`
3198        ErrorBar Config
3199    facet : :class:`CompositionConfig`
3200        Default configuration for the ``facet`` view composition operator
3201    fieldTitle : enum('verbal', 'functional', 'plain')
3202        Defines how Vega-Lite generates title for fields.  There are three possible styles:
3205        * ``"verbal"`` (Default) - displays function in a verbal style (e.g., "Sum of
3206          field", "Year-month of date", "field (binned)").
3207        * ``"function"`` - displays function using parentheses and capitalized texts (e.g.,
3208          "SUM(field)", "YEARMONTH(date)", "BIN(field)").
3209        * ``"plain"`` - displays only the field name without functions (e.g., "field",
3210          "date", "field").
3211    geoshape : :class:`MarkConfig`
3212        Geoshape-Specific Config
3213    header : :class:`HeaderConfig`
3214        Header configuration, which determines default properties for all `headers
3215        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/header.html>`__.
3217        For a full list of header configuration options, please see the `corresponding
3218        section of in the header documentation
3219        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/header.html#config>`__.
3220    headerColumn : :class:`HeaderConfig`
3221        Header configuration, which determines default properties for column `headers
3222        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/header.html>`__.
3224        For a full list of header configuration options, please see the `corresponding
3225        section of in the header documentation
3226        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/header.html#config>`__.
3227    headerFacet : :class:`HeaderConfig`
3228        Header configuration, which determines default properties for non-row/column facet
3229        `headers <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/header.html>`__.
3231        For a full list of header configuration options, please see the `corresponding
3232        section of in the header documentation
3233        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/header.html#config>`__.
3234    headerRow : :class:`HeaderConfig`
3235        Header configuration, which determines default properties for row `headers
3236        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/header.html>`__.
3238        For a full list of header configuration options, please see the `corresponding
3239        section of in the header documentation
3240        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/header.html#config>`__.
3241    invalidValues : enum('filter', None)
3242        Defines how Vega-Lite should handle invalid values ( ``null`` and ``NaN`` ).
3245        * If set to ``"filter"`` (default), all data items with null values will be skipped
3246          (for line, trail, and area marks) or filtered (for other marks).
3247        * If ``null``, all data items are included. In this case, invalid values will be
3248          interpreted as zeroes.
3249    legend : :class:`LegendConfig`
3250        Legend configuration, which determines default properties for all `legends
3251        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__. For a full list of legend
3252        configuration options, please see the `corresponding section of in the legend
3253        documentation <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html#config>`__.
3254    line : :class:`LineConfig`
3255        Line-Specific Config
3256    mark : :class:`MarkConfig`
3257        Mark Config
3258    numberFormat : string
3259        D3 Number format for guide labels and text marks. For example "s" for SI units. Use
3260        `D3's number format pattern <https://github.com/d3/d3-format#locale_format>`__.
3261    padding : :class:`Padding`
3262        The default visualization padding, in pixels, from the edge of the visualization
3263        canvas to the data rectangle.  If a number, specifies padding for all sides.
3264        If an object, the value should have the format ``{"left": 5, "top": 5, "right": 5,
3265        "bottom": 5}`` to specify padding for each side of the visualization.
3267        **Default value** : ``5``
3268    point : :class:`MarkConfig`
3269        Point-Specific Config
3270    projection : :class:`ProjectionConfig`
3271        Projection configuration, which determines default properties for all `projections
3272        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/projection.html>`__. For a full list of
3273        projection configuration options, please see the `corresponding section of the
3274        projection documentation
3275        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/projection.html#config>`__.
3276    range : :class:`RangeConfig`
3277        An object hash that defines default range arrays or schemes for using with scales.
3278        For a full list of scale range configuration options, please see the `corresponding
3279        section of the scale documentation
3280        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#config>`__.
3281    rect : :class:`RectConfig`
3282        Rect-Specific Config
3283    repeat : :class:`CompositionConfig`
3284        Default configuration for the ``repeat`` view composition operator
3285    rule : :class:`MarkConfig`
3286        Rule-Specific Config
3287    scale : :class:`ScaleConfig`
3288        Scale configuration determines default properties for all `scales
3289        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__. For a full list of scale
3290        configuration options, please see the `corresponding section of the scale
3291        documentation <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#config>`__.
3292    selection : :class:`SelectionConfig`
3293        An object hash for defining default properties for each type of selections.
3294    square : :class:`MarkConfig`
3295        Square-Specific Config
3296    stack : :class:`StackOffset`
3297        Default stack offset for stackable mark.
3298    style : :class:`StyleConfigIndex`
3299        An object hash that defines key-value mappings to determine default properties for
3300        marks with a given `style
3301        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#mark-def>`__.  The keys represent
3302        styles names; the values have to be valid `mark configuration objects
3303        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#config>`__.
3304    text : :class:`TextConfig`
3305        Text-Specific Config
3306    tick : :class:`TickConfig`
3307        Tick-Specific Config
3308    timeFormat : string
3309        Default time format for raw time values (without time units) in text marks, legend
3310        labels and header labels.
3312        **Default value:** ``"%b %d, %Y"``
3313        **Note:** Axes automatically determine format each label automatically so this
3314        config would not affect axes.
3315    title : :class:`TitleConfig`
3316        Title configuration, which determines default properties for all `titles
3317        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/title.html>`__. For a full list of title
3318        configuration options, please see the `corresponding section of the title
3319        documentation <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/title.html#config>`__.
3320    trail : :class:`LineConfig`
3321        Trail-Specific Config
3322    view : :class:`ViewConfig`
3323        Default properties for `single view plots
3324        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#single>`__.
3325    """
3326    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Config'}
3328    def __init__(self, area=Undefined, autosize=Undefined, axis=Undefined, axisBand=Undefined,
3329                 axisBottom=Undefined, axisLeft=Undefined, axisRight=Undefined, axisTop=Undefined,
3330                 axisX=Undefined, axisY=Undefined, background=Undefined, bar=Undefined,
3331                 boxplot=Undefined, circle=Undefined, concat=Undefined, countTitle=Undefined,
3332                 errorband=Undefined, errorbar=Undefined, facet=Undefined, fieldTitle=Undefined,
3333                 geoshape=Undefined, header=Undefined, headerColumn=Undefined, headerFacet=Undefined,
3334                 headerRow=Undefined, invalidValues=Undefined, legend=Undefined, line=Undefined,
3335                 mark=Undefined, numberFormat=Undefined, padding=Undefined, point=Undefined,
3336                 projection=Undefined, range=Undefined, rect=Undefined, repeat=Undefined,
3337                 rule=Undefined, scale=Undefined, selection=Undefined, square=Undefined,
3338                 stack=Undefined, style=Undefined, text=Undefined, tick=Undefined, timeFormat=Undefined,
3339                 title=Undefined, trail=Undefined, view=Undefined, **kwds):
3340        super(Config, self).__init__(area=area, autosize=autosize, axis=axis, axisBand=axisBand,
3341                                     axisBottom=axisBottom, axisLeft=axisLeft, axisRight=axisRight,
3342                                     axisTop=axisTop, axisX=axisX, axisY=axisY, background=background,
3343                                     bar=bar, boxplot=boxplot, circle=circle, concat=concat,
3344                                     countTitle=countTitle, errorband=errorband, errorbar=errorbar,
3345                                     facet=facet, fieldTitle=fieldTitle, geoshape=geoshape,
3346                                     header=header, headerColumn=headerColumn, headerFacet=headerFacet,
3347                                     headerRow=headerRow, invalidValues=invalidValues, legend=legend,
3348                                     line=line, mark=mark, numberFormat=numberFormat, padding=padding,
3349                                     point=point, projection=projection, range=range, rect=rect,
3350                                     repeat=repeat, rule=rule, scale=scale, selection=selection,
3351                                     square=square, stack=stack, style=style, text=text, tick=tick,
3352                                     timeFormat=timeFormat, title=title, trail=trail, view=view, **kwds)
3355class Cursor(VegaLiteSchema):
3356    """Cursor schema wrapper
3358    enum('auto', 'default', 'none', 'context-menu', 'help', 'pointer', 'progress', 'wait',
3359    'cell', 'crosshair', 'text', 'vertical-text', 'alias', 'copy', 'move', 'no-drop',
3360    'not-allowed', 'e-resize', 'n-resize', 'ne-resize', 'nw-resize', 's-resize', 'se-resize',
3361    'sw-resize', 'w-resize', 'ew-resize', 'ns-resize', 'nesw-resize', 'nwse-resize',
3362    'col-resize', 'row-resize', 'all-scroll', 'zoom-in', 'zoom-out', 'grab', 'grabbing')
3363    """
3364    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Cursor'}
3366    def __init__(self, *args):
3367        super(Cursor, self).__init__(*args)
3370class Data(VegaLiteSchema):
3371    """Data schema wrapper
3373    anyOf(:class:`DataSource`, :class:`Generator`)
3374    """
3375    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Data'}
3377    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
3378        super(Data, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
3381class DataFormat(VegaLiteSchema):
3382    """DataFormat schema wrapper
3384    anyOf(:class:`CsvDataFormat`, :class:`DsvDataFormat`, :class:`JsonDataFormat`,
3385    :class:`TopoDataFormat`)
3386    """
3387    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/DataFormat'}
3389    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
3390        super(DataFormat, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
3393class CsvDataFormat(DataFormat):
3394    """CsvDataFormat schema wrapper
3396    Mapping(required=[])
3398    Attributes
3399    ----------
3401    parse : anyOf(:class:`Parse`, None)
3402        If set to ``null``, disable type inference based on the spec and only use type
3403        inference based on the data.
3404        Alternatively, a parsing directive object can be provided for explicit data types.
3405        Each property of the object corresponds to a field name, and the value to the
3406        desired data type (one of ``"number"``, ``"boolean"``, ``"date"``, or null (do not
3407        parse the field)).
3408        For example, ``"parse": {"modified_on": "date"}`` parses the ``modified_on`` field
3409        in each input record a Date value.
3411        For ``"date"``, we parse data based using Javascript's `Date.parse()
3412        <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/parse>`__.
3413        For Specific date formats can be provided (e.g., ``{foo: "date:'%m%d%Y'"}`` ), using
3414        the `d3-time-format syntax <https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format#locale_format>`__.
3415        UTC date format parsing is supported similarly (e.g., ``{foo: "utc:'%m%d%Y'"}`` ).
3416        See more about `UTC time
3417        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html#utc>`__
3418    type : enum('csv', 'tsv')
3419        Type of input data: ``"json"``, ``"csv"``, ``"tsv"``, ``"dsv"``.
3421        **Default value:**  The default format type is determined by the extension of the
3422        file URL.
3423        If no extension is detected, ``"json"`` will be used by default.
3424    """
3425    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/CsvDataFormat'}
3427    def __init__(self, parse=Undefined, type=Undefined, **kwds):
3428        super(CsvDataFormat, self).__init__(parse=parse, type=type, **kwds)
3431class DataSource(Data):
3432    """DataSource schema wrapper
3434    anyOf(:class:`UrlData`, :class:`InlineData`, :class:`NamedData`)
3435    """
3436    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/DataSource'}
3438    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
3439        super(DataSource, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
3442class Datasets(VegaLiteSchema):
3443    """Datasets schema wrapper
3445    Mapping(required=[])
3446    """
3447    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Datasets'}
3449    def __init__(self, **kwds):
3450        super(Datasets, self).__init__(**kwds)
3453class Day(VegaLiteSchema):
3454    """Day schema wrapper
3456    float
3457    """
3458    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Day'}
3460    def __init__(self, *args):
3461        super(Day, self).__init__(*args)
3464class DictInlineDataset(VegaLiteSchema):
3465    """DictInlineDataset schema wrapper
3467    Mapping(required=[])
3468    """
3469    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Dict<InlineDataset>'}
3471    def __init__(self, **kwds):
3472        super(DictInlineDataset, self).__init__(**kwds)
3475class Dir(VegaLiteSchema):
3476    """Dir schema wrapper
3478    enum('ltr', 'rtl')
3479    """
3480    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Dir'}
3482    def __init__(self, *args):
3483        super(Dir, self).__init__(*args)
3486class DsvDataFormat(DataFormat):
3487    """DsvDataFormat schema wrapper
3489    Mapping(required=[delimiter])
3491    Attributes
3492    ----------
3494    delimiter : string
3495        The delimiter between records. The delimiter must be a single character (i.e., a
3496        single 16-bit code unit); so, ASCII delimiters are fine, but emoji delimiters are
3497        not.
3498    parse : anyOf(:class:`Parse`, None)
3499        If set to ``null``, disable type inference based on the spec and only use type
3500        inference based on the data.
3501        Alternatively, a parsing directive object can be provided for explicit data types.
3502        Each property of the object corresponds to a field name, and the value to the
3503        desired data type (one of ``"number"``, ``"boolean"``, ``"date"``, or null (do not
3504        parse the field)).
3505        For example, ``"parse": {"modified_on": "date"}`` parses the ``modified_on`` field
3506        in each input record a Date value.
3508        For ``"date"``, we parse data based using Javascript's `Date.parse()
3509        <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/parse>`__.
3510        For Specific date formats can be provided (e.g., ``{foo: "date:'%m%d%Y'"}`` ), using
3511        the `d3-time-format syntax <https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format#locale_format>`__.
3512        UTC date format parsing is supported similarly (e.g., ``{foo: "utc:'%m%d%Y'"}`` ).
3513        See more about `UTC time
3514        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html#utc>`__
3515    type : enum('dsv')
3516        Type of input data: ``"json"``, ``"csv"``, ``"tsv"``, ``"dsv"``.
3518        **Default value:**  The default format type is determined by the extension of the
3519        file URL.
3520        If no extension is detected, ``"json"`` will be used by default.
3521    """
3522    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/DsvDataFormat'}
3524    def __init__(self, delimiter=Undefined, parse=Undefined, type=Undefined, **kwds):
3525        super(DsvDataFormat, self).__init__(delimiter=delimiter, parse=parse, type=type, **kwds)
3528class Element(VegaLiteSchema):
3529    """Element schema wrapper
3531    string
3532    """
3533    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Element'}
3535    def __init__(self, *args):
3536        super(Element, self).__init__(*args)
3539class Encoding(VegaLiteSchema):
3540    """Encoding schema wrapper
3542    Mapping(required=[])
3544    Attributes
3545    ----------
3547    color : anyOf(:class:`StringFieldDefWithCondition`, :class:`StringValueDefWithCondition`)
3548        Color of the marks – either fill or stroke color based on  the ``filled`` property
3549        of mark definition.
3550        By default, ``color`` represents fill color for ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"tick"``,
3551        ``"text"``, ``"trail"``, ``"circle"``, and ``"square"`` / stroke color for
3552        ``"line"`` and ``"point"``.
3554        **Default value:** If undefined, the default color depends on `mark config
3555        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#mark>`__ 's ``color`` property.
3557        *Note:*
3558        1) For fine-grained control over both fill and stroke colors of the marks, please
3559        use the ``fill`` and ``stroke`` channels.  If either ``fill`` or ``stroke`` channel
3560        is specified, ``color`` channel will be ignored.
3561        2) See the scale documentation for more information about customizing `color scheme
3562        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#scheme>`__.
3563    detail : anyOf(:class:`FieldDefWithoutScale`, List(:class:`FieldDefWithoutScale`))
3564        Additional levels of detail for grouping data in aggregate views and
3565        in line, trail, and area marks without mapping data to a specific visual channel.
3566    fill : anyOf(:class:`StringFieldDefWithCondition`, :class:`StringValueDefWithCondition`)
3567        Fill color of the marks.
3568        **Default value:** If undefined, the default color depends on `mark config
3569        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#mark>`__ 's ``color`` property.
3571        *Note:* When using ``fill`` channel, ``color`` channel will be ignored. To customize
3572        both fill and stroke, please use ``fill`` and ``stroke`` channels (not ``fill`` and
3573        ``color`` ).
3574    fillOpacity : anyOf(:class:`NumericFieldDefWithCondition`,
3575    :class:`NumericValueDefWithCondition`)
3576        Fill opacity of the marks.
3578        **Default value:** If undefined, the default opacity depends on `mark config
3579        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#mark>`__ 's ``fillOpacity``
3580        property.
3581    href : anyOf(:class:`TextFieldDefWithCondition`, :class:`TextValueDefWithCondition`)
3582        A URL to load upon mouse click.
3583    key : :class:`FieldDefWithoutScale`
3584        A data field to use as a unique key for data binding. When a visualization’s data is
3585        updated, the key value will be used to match data elements to existing mark
3586        instances. Use a key channel to enable object constancy for transitions over dynamic
3587        data.
3588    latitude : anyOf(:class:`LatLongFieldDef`, :class:`NumberValueDef`)
3589        Latitude position of geographically projected marks.
3590    latitude2 : anyOf(:class:`SecondaryFieldDef`, :class:`NumberValueDef`)
3591        Latitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``,
3592        ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
3593    longitude : anyOf(:class:`LatLongFieldDef`, :class:`NumberValueDef`)
3594        Longitude position of geographically projected marks.
3595    longitude2 : anyOf(:class:`SecondaryFieldDef`, :class:`NumberValueDef`)
3596        Longitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``,
3597        ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
3598    opacity : anyOf(:class:`NumericFieldDefWithCondition`,
3599    :class:`NumericValueDefWithCondition`)
3600        Opacity of the marks.
3602        **Default value:** If undefined, the default opacity depends on `mark config
3603        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#mark>`__ 's ``opacity`` property.
3604    order : anyOf(:class:`OrderFieldDef`, List(:class:`OrderFieldDef`), :class:`NumberValueDef`)
3605        Order of the marks.
3608        * For stacked marks, this ``order`` channel encodes `stack order
3609          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/stack.html#order>`__.
3610        * For line and trail marks, this ``order`` channel encodes order of data points in
3611          the lines. This can be useful for creating `a connected scatterplot
3612          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/examples/connected_scatterplot.html>`__.
3613          Setting ``order`` to ``{"value": null}`` makes the line marks use the original
3614          order in the data sources.
3615        * Otherwise, this ``order`` channel encodes layer order of the marks.
3617        **Note** : In aggregate plots, ``order`` field should be ``aggregate`` d to avoid
3618        creating additional aggregation grouping.
3619    shape : anyOf(:class:`ShapeFieldDefWithCondition`, :class:`ShapeValueDefWithCondition`)
3620        Shape of the mark.
3623        #.
3624        For ``point`` marks the supported values include:
3627        * plotting shapes: ``"circle"``, ``"square"``, ``"cross"``, ``"diamond"``,
3628        ``"triangle-up"``, ``"triangle-down"``, ``"triangle-right"``, or
3629        ``"triangle-left"``.
3630        * the line symbol ``"stroke"``
3631        * centered directional shapes ``"arrow"``, ``"wedge"``, or ``"triangle"``
3632        * a custom `SVG path string
3633        <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths>`__ (For correct
3634        sizing, custom shape paths should be defined within a square bounding box with
3635        coordinates ranging from -1 to 1 along both the x and y dimensions.)
3637        #.
3638        For ``geoshape`` marks it should be a field definition of the geojson data
3640        **Default value:** If undefined, the default shape depends on `mark config
3641        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#point-config>`__ 's ``shape``
3642        property. ( ``"circle"`` if unset.)
3643    size : anyOf(:class:`NumericFieldDefWithCondition`, :class:`NumericValueDefWithCondition`)
3644        Size of the mark.
3647        * For ``"point"``, ``"square"`` and ``"circle"``, – the symbol size, or pixel area
3648          of the mark.
3649        * For ``"bar"`` and ``"tick"`` – the bar and tick's size.
3650        * For ``"text"`` – the text's font size.
3651        * Size is unsupported for ``"line"``, ``"area"``, and ``"rect"``. (Use ``"trail"``
3652          instead of line with varying size)
3653    stroke : anyOf(:class:`StringFieldDefWithCondition`, :class:`StringValueDefWithCondition`)
3654        Stroke color of the marks.
3655        **Default value:** If undefined, the default color depends on `mark config
3656        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#mark>`__ 's ``color`` property.
3658        *Note:* When using ``stroke`` channel, ``color`` channel will be ignored. To
3659        customize both stroke and fill, please use ``stroke`` and ``fill`` channels (not
3660        ``stroke`` and ``color`` ).
3661    strokeOpacity : anyOf(:class:`NumericFieldDefWithCondition`,
3662    :class:`NumericValueDefWithCondition`)
3663        Stroke opacity of the marks.
3665        **Default value:** If undefined, the default opacity depends on `mark config
3666        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#mark>`__ 's ``strokeOpacity``
3667        property.
3668    strokeWidth : anyOf(:class:`NumericFieldDefWithCondition`,
3669    :class:`NumericValueDefWithCondition`)
3670        Stroke width of the marks.
3672        **Default value:** If undefined, the default stroke width depends on `mark config
3673        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#mark>`__ 's ``strokeWidth``
3674        property.
3675    text : anyOf(:class:`TextFieldDefWithCondition`, :class:`TextValueDefWithCondition`)
3676        Text of the ``text`` mark.
3677    tooltip : anyOf(:class:`TextFieldDefWithCondition`, :class:`TextValueDefWithCondition`,
3678    List(:class:`TextFieldDef`), None)
3679        The tooltip text to show upon mouse hover.
3680    x : anyOf(:class:`PositionFieldDef`, :class:`XValueDef`)
3681        X coordinates of the marks, or width of horizontal ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
3682        specified ``x2`` or ``width``.
3684        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
3685        of the plot.
3686    x2 : anyOf(:class:`SecondaryFieldDef`, :class:`XValueDef`)
3687        X2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
3689        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
3690        of the plot.
3691    xError : anyOf(:class:`SecondaryFieldDef`, :class:`NumberValueDef`)
3692        Error value of x coordinates for error specified ``"errorbar"`` and ``"errorband"``.
3693    xError2 : anyOf(:class:`SecondaryFieldDef`, :class:`NumberValueDef`)
3694        Secondary error value of x coordinates for error specified ``"errorbar"`` and
3695        ``"errorband"``.
3696    y : anyOf(:class:`PositionFieldDef`, :class:`YValueDef`)
3697        Y coordinates of the marks, or height of vertical ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
3698        specified ``y2`` or ``height``.
3700        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
3701        height of the plot.
3702    y2 : anyOf(:class:`SecondaryFieldDef`, :class:`YValueDef`)
3703        Y2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
3705        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
3706        height of the plot.
3707    yError : anyOf(:class:`SecondaryFieldDef`, :class:`NumberValueDef`)
3708        Error value of y coordinates for error specified ``"errorbar"`` and ``"errorband"``.
3709    yError2 : anyOf(:class:`SecondaryFieldDef`, :class:`NumberValueDef`)
3710        Secondary error value of y coordinates for error specified ``"errorbar"`` and
3711        ``"errorband"``.
3712    """
3713    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Encoding'}
3715    def __init__(self, color=Undefined, detail=Undefined, fill=Undefined, fillOpacity=Undefined,
3716                 href=Undefined, key=Undefined, latitude=Undefined, latitude2=Undefined,
3717                 longitude=Undefined, longitude2=Undefined, opacity=Undefined, order=Undefined,
3718                 shape=Undefined, size=Undefined, stroke=Undefined, strokeOpacity=Undefined,
3719                 strokeWidth=Undefined, text=Undefined, tooltip=Undefined, x=Undefined, x2=Undefined,
3720                 xError=Undefined, xError2=Undefined, y=Undefined, y2=Undefined, yError=Undefined,
3721                 yError2=Undefined, **kwds):
3722        super(Encoding, self).__init__(color=color, detail=detail, fill=fill, fillOpacity=fillOpacity,
3723                                       href=href, key=key, latitude=latitude, latitude2=latitude2,
3724                                       longitude=longitude, longitude2=longitude2, opacity=opacity,
3725                                       order=order, shape=shape, size=size, stroke=stroke,
3726                                       strokeOpacity=strokeOpacity, strokeWidth=strokeWidth, text=text,
3727                                       tooltip=tooltip, x=x, x2=x2, xError=xError, xError2=xError2, y=y,
3728                                       y2=y2, yError=yError, yError2=yError2, **kwds)
3731class ErrorBand(CompositeMark):
3732    """ErrorBand schema wrapper
3734    enum('errorband')
3735    """
3736    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ErrorBand'}
3738    def __init__(self, *args):
3739        super(ErrorBand, self).__init__(*args)
3742class ErrorBandConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
3743    """ErrorBandConfig schema wrapper
3745    Mapping(required=[])
3747    Attributes
3748    ----------
3750    band : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
3752    borders : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
3754    extent : :class:`ErrorBarExtent`
3755        The extent of the band. Available options include:
3758        * ``"ci"`` : Extend the band to the confidence interval of the mean.
3759        * ``"stderr"`` : The size of band are set to the value of standard error, extending
3760          from the mean.
3761        * ``"stdev"`` : The size of band are set to the value of standard deviation,
3762          extending from the mean.
3763        * ``"iqr"`` : Extend the band to the q1 and q3.
3765        **Default value:** ``"stderr"``.
3766    interpolate : :class:`Interpolate`
3767        The line interpolation method for the error band. One of the following:
3770        * ``"linear"`` : piecewise linear segments, as in a polyline.
3771        * ``"linear-closed"`` : close the linear segments to form a polygon.
3772        * ``"step"`` : a piecewise constant function (a step function) consisting of
3773          alternating horizontal and vertical lines. The y-value changes at the midpoint of
3774          each pair of adjacent x-values.
3775        * ``"step-before"`` : a piecewise constant function (a step function) consisting of
3776          alternating horizontal and vertical lines. The y-value changes before the x-value.
3777        * ``"step-after"`` : a piecewise constant function (a step function) consisting of
3778          alternating horizontal and vertical lines. The y-value changes after the x-value.
3779        * ``"basis"`` : a B-spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
3780        * ``"basis-open"`` : an open B-spline; may not intersect the start or end.
3781        * ``"basis-closed"`` : a closed B-spline, as in a loop.
3782        * ``"cardinal"`` : a Cardinal spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
3783        * ``"cardinal-open"`` : an open Cardinal spline; may not intersect the start or end,
3784          but will intersect other control points.
3785        * ``"cardinal-closed"`` : a closed Cardinal spline, as in a loop.
3786        * ``"bundle"`` : equivalent to basis, except the tension parameter is used to
3787          straighten the spline.
3788        * ``"monotone"`` : cubic interpolation that preserves monotonicity in y.
3789    tension : float
3790        The tension parameter for the interpolation type of the error band.
3791    """
3792    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ErrorBandConfig'}
3794    def __init__(self, band=Undefined, borders=Undefined, extent=Undefined, interpolate=Undefined,
3795                 tension=Undefined, **kwds):
3796        super(ErrorBandConfig, self).__init__(band=band, borders=borders, extent=extent,
3797                                              interpolate=interpolate, tension=tension, **kwds)
3800class ErrorBandDef(CompositeMarkDef):
3801    """ErrorBandDef schema wrapper
3803    Mapping(required=[type])
3805    Attributes
3806    ----------
3808    type : :class:`ErrorBand`
3809        The mark type. This could a primitive mark type
3810        (one of ``"bar"``, ``"circle"``, ``"square"``, ``"tick"``, ``"line"``,
3811        ``"area"``, ``"point"``, ``"geoshape"``, ``"rule"``, and ``"text"`` )
3812        or a composite mark type ( ``"boxplot"``, ``"errorband"``, ``"errorbar"`` ).
3813    band : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
3815    borders : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
3817    clip : boolean
3818        Whether a composite mark be clipped to the enclosing group’s width and height.
3819    color : :class:`Color`
3820        Default color.  Note that ``fill`` and ``stroke`` have higher precedence than
3821        ``color`` and will override ``color``.
3823        **Default value:** :raw-html:`<span style="color: #4682b4;">&#9632;</span>`
3824        ``"#4682b4"``
3826        **Note:** This property cannot be used in a `style config
3827        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__.
3828    extent : :class:`ErrorBarExtent`
3829        The extent of the band. Available options include:
3832        * ``"ci"`` : Extend the band to the confidence interval of the mean.
3833        * ``"stderr"`` : The size of band are set to the value of standard error, extending
3834          from the mean.
3835        * ``"stdev"`` : The size of band are set to the value of standard deviation,
3836          extending from the mean.
3837        * ``"iqr"`` : Extend the band to the q1 and q3.
3839        **Default value:** ``"stderr"``.
3840    interpolate : :class:`Interpolate`
3841        The line interpolation method for the error band. One of the following:
3844        * ``"linear"`` : piecewise linear segments, as in a polyline.
3845        * ``"linear-closed"`` : close the linear segments to form a polygon.
3846        * ``"step"`` : a piecewise constant function (a step function) consisting of
3847          alternating horizontal and vertical lines. The y-value changes at the midpoint of
3848          each pair of adjacent x-values.
3849        * ``"step-before"`` : a piecewise constant function (a step function) consisting of
3850          alternating horizontal and vertical lines. The y-value changes before the x-value.
3851        * ``"step-after"`` : a piecewise constant function (a step function) consisting of
3852          alternating horizontal and vertical lines. The y-value changes after the x-value.
3853        * ``"basis"`` : a B-spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
3854        * ``"basis-open"`` : an open B-spline; may not intersect the start or end.
3855        * ``"basis-closed"`` : a closed B-spline, as in a loop.
3856        * ``"cardinal"`` : a Cardinal spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
3857        * ``"cardinal-open"`` : an open Cardinal spline; may not intersect the start or end,
3858          but will intersect other control points.
3859        * ``"cardinal-closed"`` : a closed Cardinal spline, as in a loop.
3860        * ``"bundle"`` : equivalent to basis, except the tension parameter is used to
3861          straighten the spline.
3862        * ``"monotone"`` : cubic interpolation that preserves monotonicity in y.
3863    opacity : float
3864        The opacity (value between [0,1]) of the mark.
3865    orient : :class:`Orientation`
3866        Orientation of the error band. This is normally automatically determined, but can be
3867        specified when the orientation is ambiguous and cannot be automatically determined.
3868    tension : float
3869        The tension parameter for the interpolation type of the error band.
3870    """
3871    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ErrorBandDef'}
3873    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, band=Undefined, borders=Undefined, clip=Undefined,
3874                 color=Undefined, extent=Undefined, interpolate=Undefined, opacity=Undefined,
3875                 orient=Undefined, tension=Undefined, **kwds):
3876        super(ErrorBandDef, self).__init__(type=type, band=band, borders=borders, clip=clip,
3877                                           color=color, extent=extent, interpolate=interpolate,
3878                                           opacity=opacity, orient=orient, tension=tension, **kwds)
3881class ErrorBar(CompositeMark):
3882    """ErrorBar schema wrapper
3884    enum('errorbar')
3885    """
3886    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ErrorBar'}
3888    def __init__(self, *args):
3889        super(ErrorBar, self).__init__(*args)
3892class ErrorBarConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
3893    """ErrorBarConfig schema wrapper
3895    Mapping(required=[])
3897    Attributes
3898    ----------
3900    extent : :class:`ErrorBarExtent`
3901        The extent of the rule. Available options include:
3904        * ``"ci"`` : Extend the rule to the confidence interval of the mean.
3905        * ``"stderr"`` : The size of rule are set to the value of standard error, extending
3906          from the mean.
3907        * ``"stdev"`` : The size of rule are set to the value of standard deviation,
3908          extending from the mean.
3909        * ``"iqr"`` : Extend the rule to the q1 and q3.
3911        **Default value:** ``"stderr"``.
3912    rule : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
3914    ticks : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
3916    """
3917    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ErrorBarConfig'}
3919    def __init__(self, extent=Undefined, rule=Undefined, ticks=Undefined, **kwds):
3920        super(ErrorBarConfig, self).__init__(extent=extent, rule=rule, ticks=ticks, **kwds)
3923class ErrorBarDef(CompositeMarkDef):
3924    """ErrorBarDef schema wrapper
3926    Mapping(required=[type])
3928    Attributes
3929    ----------
3931    type : :class:`ErrorBar`
3932        The mark type. This could a primitive mark type
3933        (one of ``"bar"``, ``"circle"``, ``"square"``, ``"tick"``, ``"line"``,
3934        ``"area"``, ``"point"``, ``"geoshape"``, ``"rule"``, and ``"text"`` )
3935        or a composite mark type ( ``"boxplot"``, ``"errorband"``, ``"errorbar"`` ).
3936    clip : boolean
3937        Whether a composite mark be clipped to the enclosing group’s width and height.
3938    color : :class:`Color`
3939        Default color.  Note that ``fill`` and ``stroke`` have higher precedence than
3940        ``color`` and will override ``color``.
3942        **Default value:** :raw-html:`<span style="color: #4682b4;">&#9632;</span>`
3943        ``"#4682b4"``
3945        **Note:** This property cannot be used in a `style config
3946        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__.
3947    extent : :class:`ErrorBarExtent`
3948        The extent of the rule. Available options include:
3951        * ``"ci"`` : Extend the rule to the confidence interval of the mean.
3952        * ``"stderr"`` : The size of rule are set to the value of standard error, extending
3953          from the mean.
3954        * ``"stdev"`` : The size of rule are set to the value of standard deviation,
3955          extending from the mean.
3956        * ``"iqr"`` : Extend the rule to the q1 and q3.
3958        **Default value:** ``"stderr"``.
3959    opacity : float
3960        The opacity (value between [0,1]) of the mark.
3961    orient : :class:`Orientation`
3962        Orientation of the error bar.  This is normally automatically determined, but can be
3963        specified when the orientation is ambiguous and cannot be automatically determined.
3964    rule : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
3966    ticks : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
3968    """
3969    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ErrorBarDef'}
3971    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, clip=Undefined, color=Undefined, extent=Undefined,
3972                 opacity=Undefined, orient=Undefined, rule=Undefined, ticks=Undefined, **kwds):
3973        super(ErrorBarDef, self).__init__(type=type, clip=clip, color=color, extent=extent,
3974                                          opacity=opacity, orient=orient, rule=rule, ticks=ticks, **kwds)
3977class ErrorBarExtent(VegaLiteSchema):
3978    """ErrorBarExtent schema wrapper
3980    enum('ci', 'iqr', 'stderr', 'stdev')
3981    """
3982    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ErrorBarExtent'}
3984    def __init__(self, *args):
3985        super(ErrorBarExtent, self).__init__(*args)
3988class EventStream(VegaLiteSchema):
3989    """EventStream schema wrapper
3991    Any
3992    """
3993    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/EventStream'}
3995    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
3996        super(EventStream, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
3999class FacetFieldDef(VegaLiteSchema):
4000    """FacetFieldDef schema wrapper
4002    Mapping(required=[type])
4004    Attributes
4005    ----------
4007    type : :class:`StandardType`
4008        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
4009        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
4010        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
4011        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
4013        **Note:**
4016        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
4017          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
4018          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
4019        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
4020          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
4021          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
4022          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
4023        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
4024          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
4025          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
4026          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
4027        * When using with `timeUnit
4028          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
4029          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
4030          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
4031        * When using with `aggregate
4032          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
4033          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
4034          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
4035          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
4036          is ``"quantitative"``.
4037        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
4038          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
4039          ``x``, ``y`` ).
4041        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
4042        documentation.
4043    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
4044        Aggregation function for the field
4045        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
4047        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
4049        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
4050        documentation.
4051    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, None)
4052        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
4053        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
4054        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
4055        ``"binned"`` ).
4058        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
4059        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
4061        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
4062        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
4063        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
4064        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
4065        set the axis's `tickMinStep
4066        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
4068        **Default value:** ``false``
4070        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
4071        documentation.
4072    field : :class:`Field`
4073        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
4074        value
4075        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
4076        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
4078        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
4079        documentation.
4081        **Notes:**
4082        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
4083        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
4084        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
4085        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
4086        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
4087        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
4088        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
4089    header : :class:`Header`
4090        An object defining properties of a facet's header.
4091    sort : anyOf(:class:`SortArray`, :class:`SortOrder`, :class:`EncodingSortField`, None)
4092        Sort order for the encoded field.
4094        For continuous fields (quantitative or temporal), ``sort`` can be either
4095        ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"``.
4097        For discrete fields, ``sort`` can be one of the following:
4100        * ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"`` -- for sorting by the values' natural order in
4101          Javascript.
4102        * `A sort field definition
4103          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-field>`__ for sorting by
4104          another field.
4105        * `An array specifying the field values in preferred order
4106          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-array>`__. In this case, the
4107          sort order will obey the values in the array, followed by any unspecified values
4108          in their original order.  For discrete time field, values in the sort array can be
4109          `date-time definition objects <types#datetime>`__. In addition, for time units
4110          ``"month"`` and ``"day"``, the values can be the month or day names (case
4111          insensitive) or their 3-letter initials (e.g., ``"Mon"``, ``"Tue"`` ).
4112        * ``null`` indicating no sort.
4114        **Default value:** ``"ascending"``
4116        **Note:** ``null`` is not supported for ``row`` and ``column``.
4117    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
4118        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
4119        field.
4120        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
4121        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
4123        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
4125        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
4126        documentation.
4127    title : anyOf(string, None)
4128        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
4130        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
4131        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
4132        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
4133        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
4134        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
4135        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
4137        **Notes** :
4139        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
4140        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
4141        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
4142        function via the compile function's options
4143        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
4145        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
4146        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
4147    """
4148    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FacetFieldDef'}
4150    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined, field=Undefined,
4151                 header=Undefined, sort=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined, title=Undefined, **kwds):
4152        super(FacetFieldDef, self).__init__(type=type, aggregate=aggregate, bin=bin, field=field,
4153                                            header=header, sort=sort, timeUnit=timeUnit, title=title,
4154                                            **kwds)
4157class FacetMapping(VegaLiteSchema):
4158    """FacetMapping schema wrapper
4160    Mapping(required=[])
4162    Attributes
4163    ----------
4165    column : :class:`FacetFieldDef`
4166        A field definition for the horizontal facet of trellis plots.
4167    row : :class:`FacetFieldDef`
4168        A field definition for the vertical facet of trellis plots.
4169    """
4170    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FacetMapping'}
4172    def __init__(self, column=Undefined, row=Undefined, **kwds):
4173        super(FacetMapping, self).__init__(column=column, row=row, **kwds)
4176class FacetedEncoding(VegaLiteSchema):
4177    """FacetedEncoding schema wrapper
4179    Mapping(required=[])
4181    Attributes
4182    ----------
4184    color : anyOf(:class:`StringFieldDefWithCondition`, :class:`StringValueDefWithCondition`)
4185        Color of the marks – either fill or stroke color based on  the ``filled`` property
4186        of mark definition.
4187        By default, ``color`` represents fill color for ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"tick"``,
4188        ``"text"``, ``"trail"``, ``"circle"``, and ``"square"`` / stroke color for
4189        ``"line"`` and ``"point"``.
4191        **Default value:** If undefined, the default color depends on `mark config
4192        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#mark>`__ 's ``color`` property.
4194        *Note:*
4195        1) For fine-grained control over both fill and stroke colors of the marks, please
4196        use the ``fill`` and ``stroke`` channels.  If either ``fill`` or ``stroke`` channel
4197        is specified, ``color`` channel will be ignored.
4198        2) See the scale documentation for more information about customizing `color scheme
4199        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#scheme>`__.
4200    column : :class:`FacetFieldDef`
4201        A field definition for the horizontal facet of trellis plots.
4202    detail : anyOf(:class:`FieldDefWithoutScale`, List(:class:`FieldDefWithoutScale`))
4203        Additional levels of detail for grouping data in aggregate views and
4204        in line, trail, and area marks without mapping data to a specific visual channel.
4205    facet : :class:`FacetFieldDef`
4206        A field definition for the (flexible) facet of trellis plots.
4208        If either ``row`` or ``column`` is specified, this channel will be ignored.
4209    fill : anyOf(:class:`StringFieldDefWithCondition`, :class:`StringValueDefWithCondition`)
4210        Fill color of the marks.
4211        **Default value:** If undefined, the default color depends on `mark config
4212        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#mark>`__ 's ``color`` property.
4214        *Note:* When using ``fill`` channel, ``color`` channel will be ignored. To customize
4215        both fill and stroke, please use ``fill`` and ``stroke`` channels (not ``fill`` and
4216        ``color`` ).
4217    fillOpacity : anyOf(:class:`NumericFieldDefWithCondition`,
4218    :class:`NumericValueDefWithCondition`)
4219        Fill opacity of the marks.
4221        **Default value:** If undefined, the default opacity depends on `mark config
4222        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#mark>`__ 's ``fillOpacity``
4223        property.
4224    href : anyOf(:class:`TextFieldDefWithCondition`, :class:`TextValueDefWithCondition`)
4225        A URL to load upon mouse click.
4226    key : :class:`FieldDefWithoutScale`
4227        A data field to use as a unique key for data binding. When a visualization’s data is
4228        updated, the key value will be used to match data elements to existing mark
4229        instances. Use a key channel to enable object constancy for transitions over dynamic
4230        data.
4231    latitude : anyOf(:class:`LatLongFieldDef`, :class:`NumberValueDef`)
4232        Latitude position of geographically projected marks.
4233    latitude2 : anyOf(:class:`SecondaryFieldDef`, :class:`NumberValueDef`)
4234        Latitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``,
4235        ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
4236    longitude : anyOf(:class:`LatLongFieldDef`, :class:`NumberValueDef`)
4237        Longitude position of geographically projected marks.
4238    longitude2 : anyOf(:class:`SecondaryFieldDef`, :class:`NumberValueDef`)
4239        Longitude-2 position for geographically projected ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``,
4240        ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
4241    opacity : anyOf(:class:`NumericFieldDefWithCondition`,
4242    :class:`NumericValueDefWithCondition`)
4243        Opacity of the marks.
4245        **Default value:** If undefined, the default opacity depends on `mark config
4246        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#mark>`__ 's ``opacity`` property.
4247    order : anyOf(:class:`OrderFieldDef`, List(:class:`OrderFieldDef`), :class:`NumberValueDef`)
4248        Order of the marks.
4251        * For stacked marks, this ``order`` channel encodes `stack order
4252          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/stack.html#order>`__.
4253        * For line and trail marks, this ``order`` channel encodes order of data points in
4254          the lines. This can be useful for creating `a connected scatterplot
4255          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/examples/connected_scatterplot.html>`__.
4256          Setting ``order`` to ``{"value": null}`` makes the line marks use the original
4257          order in the data sources.
4258        * Otherwise, this ``order`` channel encodes layer order of the marks.
4260        **Note** : In aggregate plots, ``order`` field should be ``aggregate`` d to avoid
4261        creating additional aggregation grouping.
4262    row : :class:`FacetFieldDef`
4263        A field definition for the vertical facet of trellis plots.
4264    shape : anyOf(:class:`ShapeFieldDefWithCondition`, :class:`ShapeValueDefWithCondition`)
4265        Shape of the mark.
4268        #.
4269        For ``point`` marks the supported values include:
4272        * plotting shapes: ``"circle"``, ``"square"``, ``"cross"``, ``"diamond"``,
4273        ``"triangle-up"``, ``"triangle-down"``, ``"triangle-right"``, or
4274        ``"triangle-left"``.
4275        * the line symbol ``"stroke"``
4276        * centered directional shapes ``"arrow"``, ``"wedge"``, or ``"triangle"``
4277        * a custom `SVG path string
4278        <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths>`__ (For correct
4279        sizing, custom shape paths should be defined within a square bounding box with
4280        coordinates ranging from -1 to 1 along both the x and y dimensions.)
4282        #.
4283        For ``geoshape`` marks it should be a field definition of the geojson data
4285        **Default value:** If undefined, the default shape depends on `mark config
4286        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#point-config>`__ 's ``shape``
4287        property. ( ``"circle"`` if unset.)
4288    size : anyOf(:class:`NumericFieldDefWithCondition`, :class:`NumericValueDefWithCondition`)
4289        Size of the mark.
4292        * For ``"point"``, ``"square"`` and ``"circle"``, – the symbol size, or pixel area
4293          of the mark.
4294        * For ``"bar"`` and ``"tick"`` – the bar and tick's size.
4295        * For ``"text"`` – the text's font size.
4296        * Size is unsupported for ``"line"``, ``"area"``, and ``"rect"``. (Use ``"trail"``
4297          instead of line with varying size)
4298    stroke : anyOf(:class:`StringFieldDefWithCondition`, :class:`StringValueDefWithCondition`)
4299        Stroke color of the marks.
4300        **Default value:** If undefined, the default color depends on `mark config
4301        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#mark>`__ 's ``color`` property.
4303        *Note:* When using ``stroke`` channel, ``color`` channel will be ignored. To
4304        customize both stroke and fill, please use ``stroke`` and ``fill`` channels (not
4305        ``stroke`` and ``color`` ).
4306    strokeOpacity : anyOf(:class:`NumericFieldDefWithCondition`,
4307    :class:`NumericValueDefWithCondition`)
4308        Stroke opacity of the marks.
4310        **Default value:** If undefined, the default opacity depends on `mark config
4311        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#mark>`__ 's ``strokeOpacity``
4312        property.
4313    strokeWidth : anyOf(:class:`NumericFieldDefWithCondition`,
4314    :class:`NumericValueDefWithCondition`)
4315        Stroke width of the marks.
4317        **Default value:** If undefined, the default stroke width depends on `mark config
4318        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#mark>`__ 's ``strokeWidth``
4319        property.
4320    text : anyOf(:class:`TextFieldDefWithCondition`, :class:`TextValueDefWithCondition`)
4321        Text of the ``text`` mark.
4322    tooltip : anyOf(:class:`TextFieldDefWithCondition`, :class:`TextValueDefWithCondition`,
4323    List(:class:`TextFieldDef`), None)
4324        The tooltip text to show upon mouse hover.
4325    x : anyOf(:class:`PositionFieldDef`, :class:`XValueDef`)
4326        X coordinates of the marks, or width of horizontal ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
4327        specified ``x2`` or ``width``.
4329        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
4330        of the plot.
4331    x2 : anyOf(:class:`SecondaryFieldDef`, :class:`XValueDef`)
4332        X2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
4334        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
4335        of the plot.
4336    xError : anyOf(:class:`SecondaryFieldDef`, :class:`NumberValueDef`)
4337        Error value of x coordinates for error specified ``"errorbar"`` and ``"errorband"``.
4338    xError2 : anyOf(:class:`SecondaryFieldDef`, :class:`NumberValueDef`)
4339        Secondary error value of x coordinates for error specified ``"errorbar"`` and
4340        ``"errorband"``.
4341    y : anyOf(:class:`PositionFieldDef`, :class:`YValueDef`)
4342        Y coordinates of the marks, or height of vertical ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
4343        specified ``y2`` or ``height``.
4345        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
4346        height of the plot.
4347    y2 : anyOf(:class:`SecondaryFieldDef`, :class:`YValueDef`)
4348        Y2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
4350        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
4351        height of the plot.
4352    yError : anyOf(:class:`SecondaryFieldDef`, :class:`NumberValueDef`)
4353        Error value of y coordinates for error specified ``"errorbar"`` and ``"errorband"``.
4354    yError2 : anyOf(:class:`SecondaryFieldDef`, :class:`NumberValueDef`)
4355        Secondary error value of y coordinates for error specified ``"errorbar"`` and
4356        ``"errorband"``.
4357    """
4358    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FacetedEncoding'}
4360    def __init__(self, color=Undefined, column=Undefined, detail=Undefined, facet=Undefined,
4361                 fill=Undefined, fillOpacity=Undefined, href=Undefined, key=Undefined,
4362                 latitude=Undefined, latitude2=Undefined, longitude=Undefined, longitude2=Undefined,
4363                 opacity=Undefined, order=Undefined, row=Undefined, shape=Undefined, size=Undefined,
4364                 stroke=Undefined, strokeOpacity=Undefined, strokeWidth=Undefined, text=Undefined,
4365                 tooltip=Undefined, x=Undefined, x2=Undefined, xError=Undefined, xError2=Undefined,
4366                 y=Undefined, y2=Undefined, yError=Undefined, yError2=Undefined, **kwds):
4367        super(FacetedEncoding, self).__init__(color=color, column=column, detail=detail, facet=facet,
4368                                              fill=fill, fillOpacity=fillOpacity, href=href, key=key,
4369                                              latitude=latitude, latitude2=latitude2,
4370                                              longitude=longitude, longitude2=longitude2,
4371                                              opacity=opacity, order=order, row=row, shape=shape,
4372                                              size=size, stroke=stroke, strokeOpacity=strokeOpacity,
4373                                              strokeWidth=strokeWidth, text=text, tooltip=tooltip, x=x,
4374                                              x2=x2, xError=xError, xError2=xError2, y=y, y2=y2,
4375                                              yError=yError, yError2=yError2, **kwds)
4378class Field(VegaLiteSchema):
4379    """Field schema wrapper
4381    anyOf(:class:`FieldName`, :class:`RepeatRef`)
4382    """
4383    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Field'}
4385    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
4386        super(Field, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
4389class FieldDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShapestringnull(VegaLiteSchema):
4390    """FieldDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShapestringnull schema wrapper
4392    Mapping(required=[type])
4393    A FieldDef with Condition :raw-html:`<ValueDef>`
4395    Attributes
4396    ----------
4398    type : :class:`TypeForShape`
4399        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
4400        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
4401        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
4402        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
4404        **Note:**
4407        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
4408          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
4409          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
4410        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
4411          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
4412          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
4413          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
4414        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
4415          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
4416          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
4417          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
4418        * When using with `timeUnit
4419          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
4420          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
4421          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
4422        * When using with `aggregate
4423          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
4424          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
4425          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
4426          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
4427          is ``"quantitative"``.
4428        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
4429          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
4430          ``x``, ``y`` ).
4432        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
4433        documentation.
4434    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
4435        Aggregation function for the field
4436        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
4438        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
4440        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
4441        documentation.
4442    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, None)
4443        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
4444        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
4445        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
4446        ``"binned"`` ).
4449        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
4450        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
4452        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
4453        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
4454        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
4455        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
4456        set the axis's `tickMinStep
4457        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
4459        **Default value:** ``false``
4461        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
4462        documentation.
4463    condition : anyOf(:class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`,
4464    List(:class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`))
4465        One or more value definition(s) with `a selection or a test predicate
4466        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/condition.html>`__.
4468        **Note:** A field definition's ``condition`` property can only contain `conditional
4469        value definitions <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/condition.html#value>`__
4470        since Vega-Lite only allows at most one encoded field per encoding channel.
4471    field : :class:`Field`
4472        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
4473        value
4474        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
4475        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
4477        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
4478        documentation.
4480        **Notes:**
4481        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
4482        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
4483        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
4484        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
4485        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
4486        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
4487        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
4488    legend : anyOf(:class:`Legend`, None)
4489        An object defining properties of the legend.
4490        If ``null``, the legend for the encoding channel will be removed.
4492        **Default value:** If undefined, default `legend properties
4493        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__ are applied.
4495        **See also:** `legend <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__
4496        documentation.
4497    scale : anyOf(:class:`Scale`, None)
4498        An object defining properties of the channel's scale, which is the function that
4499        transforms values in the data domain (numbers, dates, strings, etc) to visual values
4500        (pixels, colors, sizes) of the encoding channels.
4502        If ``null``, the scale will be `disabled and the data value will be directly encoded
4503        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#disable>`__.
4505        **Default value:** If undefined, default `scale properties
4506        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__ are applied.
4508        **See also:** `scale <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__
4509        documentation.
4510    sort : :class:`Sort`
4511        Sort order for the encoded field.
4513        For continuous fields (quantitative or temporal), ``sort`` can be either
4514        ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"``.
4516        For discrete fields, ``sort`` can be one of the following:
4519        * ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"`` -- for sorting by the values' natural order in
4520          Javascript.
4521        * `A sort-by-encoding definition
4522          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-by-encoding>`__ for sorting
4523          by another encoding channel. (This type of sort definition is not available for
4524          ``row`` and ``column`` channels.)
4525        * `A sort field definition
4526          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-field>`__ for sorting by
4527          another field.
4528        * `An array specifying the field values in preferred order
4529          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-array>`__. In this case, the
4530          sort order will obey the values in the array, followed by any unspecified values
4531          in their original order.  For discrete time field, values in the sort array can be
4532          `date-time definition objects <types#datetime>`__. In addition, for time units
4533          ``"month"`` and ``"day"``, the values can be the month or day names (case
4534          insensitive) or their 3-letter initials (e.g., ``"Mon"``, ``"Tue"`` ).
4535        * ``null`` indicating no sort.
4537        **Default value:** ``"ascending"``
4539        **Note:** ``null`` is not supported for ``row`` and ``column``.
4541        **See also:** `sort <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html>`__
4542        documentation.
4543    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
4544        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
4545        field.
4546        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
4547        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
4549        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
4551        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
4552        documentation.
4553    title : anyOf(string, None)
4554        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
4556        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
4557        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
4558        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
4559        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
4560        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
4561        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
4563        **Notes** :
4565        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
4566        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
4567        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
4568        function via the compile function's options
4569        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
4571        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
4572        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
4573    """
4574    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FieldDefWithCondition<MarkPropFieldDef<TypeForShape>,(string|null)>'}
4576    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined, condition=Undefined,
4577                 field=Undefined, legend=Undefined, scale=Undefined, sort=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined,
4578                 title=Undefined, **kwds):
4579        super(FieldDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShapestringnull, self).__init__(type=type,
4580                                                                                          aggregate=aggregate,
4581                                                                                          bin=bin,
4582                                                                                          condition=condition,
4583                                                                                          field=field,
4584                                                                                          legend=legend,
4585                                                                                          scale=scale,
4586                                                                                          sort=sort,
4587                                                                                          timeUnit=timeUnit,
4588                                                                                          title=title,
4589                                                                                          **kwds)
4592class FieldDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefnumber(VegaLiteSchema):
4593    """FieldDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefnumber schema wrapper
4595    Mapping(required=[type])
4596    A FieldDef with Condition :raw-html:`<ValueDef>`
4598    Attributes
4599    ----------
4601    type : :class:`StandardType`
4602        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
4603        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
4604        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
4605        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
4607        **Note:**
4610        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
4611          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
4612          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
4613        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
4614          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
4615          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
4616          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
4617        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
4618          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
4619          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
4620          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
4621        * When using with `timeUnit
4622          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
4623          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
4624          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
4625        * When using with `aggregate
4626          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
4627          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
4628          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
4629          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
4630          is ``"quantitative"``.
4631        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
4632          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
4633          ``x``, ``y`` ).
4635        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
4636        documentation.
4637    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
4638        Aggregation function for the field
4639        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
4641        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
4643        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
4644        documentation.
4645    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, None)
4646        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
4647        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
4648        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
4649        ``"binned"`` ).
4652        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
4653        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
4655        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
4656        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
4657        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
4658        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
4659        set the axis's `tickMinStep
4660        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
4662        **Default value:** ``false``
4664        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
4665        documentation.
4666    condition : anyOf(:class:`ConditionalNumberValueDef`,
4667    List(:class:`ConditionalNumberValueDef`))
4668        One or more value definition(s) with `a selection or a test predicate
4669        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/condition.html>`__.
4671        **Note:** A field definition's ``condition`` property can only contain `conditional
4672        value definitions <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/condition.html#value>`__
4673        since Vega-Lite only allows at most one encoded field per encoding channel.
4674    field : :class:`Field`
4675        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
4676        value
4677        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
4678        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
4680        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
4681        documentation.
4683        **Notes:**
4684        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
4685        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
4686        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
4687        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
4688        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
4689        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
4690        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
4691    legend : anyOf(:class:`Legend`, None)
4692        An object defining properties of the legend.
4693        If ``null``, the legend for the encoding channel will be removed.
4695        **Default value:** If undefined, default `legend properties
4696        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__ are applied.
4698        **See also:** `legend <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__
4699        documentation.
4700    scale : anyOf(:class:`Scale`, None)
4701        An object defining properties of the channel's scale, which is the function that
4702        transforms values in the data domain (numbers, dates, strings, etc) to visual values
4703        (pixels, colors, sizes) of the encoding channels.
4705        If ``null``, the scale will be `disabled and the data value will be directly encoded
4706        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#disable>`__.
4708        **Default value:** If undefined, default `scale properties
4709        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__ are applied.
4711        **See also:** `scale <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__
4712        documentation.
4713    sort : :class:`Sort`
4714        Sort order for the encoded field.
4716        For continuous fields (quantitative or temporal), ``sort`` can be either
4717        ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"``.
4719        For discrete fields, ``sort`` can be one of the following:
4722        * ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"`` -- for sorting by the values' natural order in
4723          Javascript.
4724        * `A sort-by-encoding definition
4725          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-by-encoding>`__ for sorting
4726          by another encoding channel. (This type of sort definition is not available for
4727          ``row`` and ``column`` channels.)
4728        * `A sort field definition
4729          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-field>`__ for sorting by
4730          another field.
4731        * `An array specifying the field values in preferred order
4732          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-array>`__. In this case, the
4733          sort order will obey the values in the array, followed by any unspecified values
4734          in their original order.  For discrete time field, values in the sort array can be
4735          `date-time definition objects <types#datetime>`__. In addition, for time units
4736          ``"month"`` and ``"day"``, the values can be the month or day names (case
4737          insensitive) or their 3-letter initials (e.g., ``"Mon"``, ``"Tue"`` ).
4738        * ``null`` indicating no sort.
4740        **Default value:** ``"ascending"``
4742        **Note:** ``null`` is not supported for ``row`` and ``column``.
4744        **See also:** `sort <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html>`__
4745        documentation.
4746    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
4747        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
4748        field.
4749        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
4750        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
4752        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
4754        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
4755        documentation.
4756    title : anyOf(string, None)
4757        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
4759        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
4760        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
4761        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
4762        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
4763        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
4764        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
4766        **Notes** :
4768        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
4769        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
4770        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
4771        function via the compile function's options
4772        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
4774        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
4775        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
4776    """
4777    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FieldDefWithCondition<MarkPropFieldDef,number>'}
4779    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined, condition=Undefined,
4780                 field=Undefined, legend=Undefined, scale=Undefined, sort=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined,
4781                 title=Undefined, **kwds):
4782        super(FieldDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefnumber, self).__init__(type=type,
4783                                                                          aggregate=aggregate, bin=bin,
4784                                                                          condition=condition,
4785                                                                          field=field, legend=legend,
4786                                                                          scale=scale, sort=sort,
4787                                                                          timeUnit=timeUnit,
4788                                                                          title=title, **kwds)
4791class FieldDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefstringnull(VegaLiteSchema):
4792    """FieldDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefstringnull schema wrapper
4794    Mapping(required=[type])
4795    A FieldDef with Condition :raw-html:`<ValueDef>`
4797    Attributes
4798    ----------
4800    type : :class:`StandardType`
4801        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
4802        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
4803        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
4804        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
4806        **Note:**
4809        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
4810          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
4811          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
4812        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
4813          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
4814          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
4815          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
4816        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
4817          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
4818          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
4819          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
4820        * When using with `timeUnit
4821          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
4822          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
4823          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
4824        * When using with `aggregate
4825          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
4826          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
4827          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
4828          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
4829          is ``"quantitative"``.
4830        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
4831          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
4832          ``x``, ``y`` ).
4834        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
4835        documentation.
4836    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
4837        Aggregation function for the field
4838        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
4840        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
4842        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
4843        documentation.
4844    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, None)
4845        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
4846        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
4847        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
4848        ``"binned"`` ).
4851        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
4852        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
4854        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
4855        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
4856        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
4857        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
4858        set the axis's `tickMinStep
4859        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
4861        **Default value:** ``false``
4863        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
4864        documentation.
4865    condition : anyOf(:class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`,
4866    List(:class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`))
4867        One or more value definition(s) with `a selection or a test predicate
4868        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/condition.html>`__.
4870        **Note:** A field definition's ``condition`` property can only contain `conditional
4871        value definitions <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/condition.html#value>`__
4872        since Vega-Lite only allows at most one encoded field per encoding channel.
4873    field : :class:`Field`
4874        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
4875        value
4876        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
4877        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
4879        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
4880        documentation.
4882        **Notes:**
4883        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
4884        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
4885        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
4886        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
4887        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
4888        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
4889        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
4890    legend : anyOf(:class:`Legend`, None)
4891        An object defining properties of the legend.
4892        If ``null``, the legend for the encoding channel will be removed.
4894        **Default value:** If undefined, default `legend properties
4895        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__ are applied.
4897        **See also:** `legend <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__
4898        documentation.
4899    scale : anyOf(:class:`Scale`, None)
4900        An object defining properties of the channel's scale, which is the function that
4901        transforms values in the data domain (numbers, dates, strings, etc) to visual values
4902        (pixels, colors, sizes) of the encoding channels.
4904        If ``null``, the scale will be `disabled and the data value will be directly encoded
4905        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#disable>`__.
4907        **Default value:** If undefined, default `scale properties
4908        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__ are applied.
4910        **See also:** `scale <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__
4911        documentation.
4912    sort : :class:`Sort`
4913        Sort order for the encoded field.
4915        For continuous fields (quantitative or temporal), ``sort`` can be either
4916        ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"``.
4918        For discrete fields, ``sort`` can be one of the following:
4921        * ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"`` -- for sorting by the values' natural order in
4922          Javascript.
4923        * `A sort-by-encoding definition
4924          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-by-encoding>`__ for sorting
4925          by another encoding channel. (This type of sort definition is not available for
4926          ``row`` and ``column`` channels.)
4927        * `A sort field definition
4928          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-field>`__ for sorting by
4929          another field.
4930        * `An array specifying the field values in preferred order
4931          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-array>`__. In this case, the
4932          sort order will obey the values in the array, followed by any unspecified values
4933          in their original order.  For discrete time field, values in the sort array can be
4934          `date-time definition objects <types#datetime>`__. In addition, for time units
4935          ``"month"`` and ``"day"``, the values can be the month or day names (case
4936          insensitive) or their 3-letter initials (e.g., ``"Mon"``, ``"Tue"`` ).
4937        * ``null`` indicating no sort.
4939        **Default value:** ``"ascending"``
4941        **Note:** ``null`` is not supported for ``row`` and ``column``.
4943        **See also:** `sort <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html>`__
4944        documentation.
4945    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
4946        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
4947        field.
4948        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
4949        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
4951        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
4953        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
4954        documentation.
4955    title : anyOf(string, None)
4956        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
4958        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
4959        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
4960        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
4961        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
4962        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
4963        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
4965        **Notes** :
4967        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
4968        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
4969        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
4970        function via the compile function's options
4971        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
4973        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
4974        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
4975    """
4976    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FieldDefWithCondition<MarkPropFieldDef,(string|null)>'}
4978    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined, condition=Undefined,
4979                 field=Undefined, legend=Undefined, scale=Undefined, sort=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined,
4980                 title=Undefined, **kwds):
4981        super(FieldDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefstringnull, self).__init__(type=type,
4982                                                                              aggregate=aggregate,
4983                                                                              bin=bin,
4984                                                                              condition=condition,
4985                                                                              field=field,
4986                                                                              legend=legend,
4987                                                                              scale=scale, sort=sort,
4988                                                                              timeUnit=timeUnit,
4989                                                                              title=title, **kwds)
4992class FieldDefWithConditionTextFieldDefValue(VegaLiteSchema):
4993    """FieldDefWithConditionTextFieldDefValue schema wrapper
4995    Mapping(required=[type])
4996    A FieldDef with Condition :raw-html:`<ValueDef>`
4998    Attributes
4999    ----------
5001    type : :class:`StandardType`
5002        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
5003        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
5004        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
5005        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
5007        **Note:**
5010        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
5011          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
5012          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
5013        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
5014          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
5015          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
5016          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
5017        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
5018          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
5019          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
5020          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
5021        * When using with `timeUnit
5022          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
5023          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
5024          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
5025        * When using with `aggregate
5026          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
5027          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
5028          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
5029          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
5030          is ``"quantitative"``.
5031        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
5032          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
5033          ``x``, ``y`` ).
5035        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
5036        documentation.
5037    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
5038        Aggregation function for the field
5039        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
5041        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
5043        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
5044        documentation.
5045    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, enum('binned'), None)
5046        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
5047        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
5048        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
5049        ``"binned"`` ).
5052        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
5053        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
5055        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
5056        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
5057        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
5058        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
5059        set the axis's `tickMinStep
5060        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
5062        **Default value:** ``false``
5064        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
5065        documentation.
5066    condition : anyOf(:class:`ConditionalValueDef`, List(:class:`ConditionalValueDef`))
5067        One or more value definition(s) with `a selection or a test predicate
5068        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/condition.html>`__.
5070        **Note:** A field definition's ``condition`` property can only contain `conditional
5071        value definitions <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/condition.html#value>`__
5072        since Vega-Lite only allows at most one encoded field per encoding channel.
5073    field : :class:`Field`
5074        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
5075        value
5076        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
5077        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
5079        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
5080        documentation.
5082        **Notes:**
5083        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
5084        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
5085        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
5086        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
5087        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
5088        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
5089        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
5090    format : string
5091        The text formatting pattern for labels of guides (axes, legends, headers) and text
5092        marks.
5095        * If the format type is ``"number"`` (e.g., for quantitative fields), this is D3's
5096          `number format pattern <https://github.com/d3/d3-format#locale_format>`__.
5097        * If the format type is ``"time"`` (e.g., for temporal fields), this is D3's `time
5098          format pattern <https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format#locale_format>`__.
5100        See the `format documentation <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/format.html>`__
5101        for more examples.
5103        **Default value:**  Derived from `numberFormat
5104        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#format>`__ config for number
5105        format and from `timeFormat
5106        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#format>`__ config for time
5107        format.
5108    formatType : enum('number', 'time')
5109        The format type for labels ( ``"number"`` or ``"time"`` ).
5111        **Default value:**
5114        * ``"time"`` for temporal fields and ordinal and nomimal fields with ``timeUnit``.
5115        * ``"number"`` for quantitative fields as well as ordinal and nomimal fields without
5116          ``timeUnit``.
5117    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
5118        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
5119        field.
5120        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
5121        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
5123        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
5125        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
5126        documentation.
5127    title : anyOf(string, None)
5128        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
5130        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
5131        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
5132        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
5133        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
5134        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
5135        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
5137        **Notes** :
5139        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
5140        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
5141        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
5142        function via the compile function's options
5143        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
5145        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
5146        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
5147    """
5148    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FieldDefWithCondition<TextFieldDef,Value>'}
5150    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined, condition=Undefined,
5151                 field=Undefined, format=Undefined, formatType=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined,
5152                 title=Undefined, **kwds):
5153        super(FieldDefWithConditionTextFieldDefValue, self).__init__(type=type, aggregate=aggregate,
5154                                                                     bin=bin, condition=condition,
5155                                                                     field=field, format=format,
5156                                                                     formatType=formatType,
5157                                                                     timeUnit=timeUnit, title=title,
5158                                                                     **kwds)
5161class FieldDefWithoutScale(VegaLiteSchema):
5162    """FieldDefWithoutScale schema wrapper
5164    Mapping(required=[type])
5165    Definition object for a data field, its type and transformation of an encoding channel.
5167    Attributes
5168    ----------
5170    type : :class:`StandardType`
5171        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
5172        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
5173        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
5174        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
5176        **Note:**
5179        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
5180          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
5181          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
5182        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
5183          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
5184          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
5185          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
5186        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
5187          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
5188          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
5189          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
5190        * When using with `timeUnit
5191          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
5192          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
5193          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
5194        * When using with `aggregate
5195          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
5196          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
5197          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
5198          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
5199          is ``"quantitative"``.
5200        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
5201          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
5202          ``x``, ``y`` ).
5204        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
5205        documentation.
5206    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
5207        Aggregation function for the field
5208        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
5210        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
5212        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
5213        documentation.
5214    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, enum('binned'), None)
5215        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
5216        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
5217        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
5218        ``"binned"`` ).
5221        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
5222        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
5224        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
5225        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
5226        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
5227        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
5228        set the axis's `tickMinStep
5229        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
5231        **Default value:** ``false``
5233        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
5234        documentation.
5235    field : :class:`Field`
5236        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
5237        value
5238        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
5239        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
5241        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
5242        documentation.
5244        **Notes:**
5245        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
5246        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
5247        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
5248        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
5249        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
5250        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
5251        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
5252    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
5253        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
5254        field.
5255        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
5256        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
5258        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
5260        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
5261        documentation.
5262    title : anyOf(string, None)
5263        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
5265        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
5266        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
5267        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
5268        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
5269        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
5270        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
5272        **Notes** :
5274        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
5275        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
5276        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
5277        function via the compile function's options
5278        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
5280        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
5281        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
5282    """
5283    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FieldDefWithoutScale'}
5285    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined, field=Undefined,
5286                 timeUnit=Undefined, title=Undefined, **kwds):
5287        super(FieldDefWithoutScale, self).__init__(type=type, aggregate=aggregate, bin=bin, field=field,
5288                                                   timeUnit=timeUnit, title=title, **kwds)
5291class FieldName(Field):
5292    """FieldName schema wrapper
5294    string
5295    """
5296    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FieldName'}
5298    def __init__(self, *args):
5299        super(FieldName, self).__init__(*args)
5302class FontStyle(VegaLiteSchema):
5303    """FontStyle schema wrapper
5305    string
5306    """
5307    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FontStyle'}
5309    def __init__(self, *args):
5310        super(FontStyle, self).__init__(*args)
5313class FontWeight(VegaLiteSchema):
5314    """FontWeight schema wrapper
5316    enum('normal', 'bold', 'lighter', 'bolder', 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900)
5317    """
5318    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FontWeight'}
5320    def __init__(self, *args):
5321        super(FontWeight, self).__init__(*args)
5324class Generator(Data):
5325    """Generator schema wrapper
5327    anyOf(:class:`SequenceGenerator`, :class:`SphereGenerator`, :class:`GraticuleGenerator`)
5328    """
5329    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Generator'}
5331    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
5332        super(Generator, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
5335class GenericUnitSpecEncodingAnyMark(VegaLiteSchema):
5336    """GenericUnitSpecEncodingAnyMark schema wrapper
5338    Mapping(required=[mark])
5339    Base interface for a unit (single-view) specification.
5341    Attributes
5342    ----------
5344    mark : :class:`AnyMark`
5345        A string describing the mark type (one of ``"bar"``, ``"circle"``, ``"square"``,
5346        ``"tick"``, ``"line"``,
5347        ``"area"``, ``"point"``, ``"rule"``, ``"geoshape"``, and ``"text"`` ) or a `mark
5348        definition object <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#mark-def>`__.
5349    data : anyOf(:class:`Data`, None)
5350        An object describing the data source. Set to ``null`` to ignore the parent's data
5351        source. If no data is set, it is derived from the parent.
5352    description : string
5353        Description of this mark for commenting purpose.
5354    encoding : :class:`Encoding`
5355        A key-value mapping between encoding channels and definition of fields.
5356    height : float
5357        The height of a visualization.
5359        **Default value:**
5362        * If a view's `autosize
5363          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#autosize>`__ type is ``"fit"`` or
5364          its y-channel has a `continuous scale
5365          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#continuous>`__, the height will
5366          be the value of `config.view.height
5367          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
5368        * For y-axis with a band or point scale: if `rangeStep
5369          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__ is a numeric value or
5370          unspecified, the height is `determined by the range step, paddings, and the
5371          cardinality of the field mapped to y-channel
5372          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__. Otherwise, if the
5373          ``rangeStep`` is ``null``, the height will be the value of `config.view.height
5374          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
5375        * If no field is mapped to ``y`` channel, the ``height`` will be the value of
5376          ``rangeStep``.
5378        **Note** : For plots with `row and column channels
5379        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/encoding.html#facet>`__, this represents the
5380        height of a single view.
5382        **See also:** The documentation for `width and height
5383        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html>`__ contains more examples.
5384    name : string
5385        Name of the visualization for later reference.
5386    projection : :class:`Projection`
5387        An object defining properties of geographic projection, which will be applied to
5388        ``shape`` path for ``"geoshape"`` marks
5389        and to ``latitude`` and ``"longitude"`` channels for other marks.
5390    selection : Mapping(required=[])
5391        A key-value mapping between selection names and definitions.
5392    title : anyOf(string, :class:`TitleParams`)
5393        Title for the plot.
5394    transform : List(:class:`Transform`)
5395        An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation.
5396    view : :class:`ViewBackground`
5397        An object defining the view background's fill and stroke.
5399        **Default value:** none (transparent)
5400    width : float
5401        The width of a visualization.
5403        **Default value:** This will be determined by the following rules:
5406        * If a view's `autosize
5407          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#autosize>`__ type is ``"fit"`` or
5408          its x-channel has a `continuous scale
5409          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#continuous>`__, the width will
5410          be the value of `config.view.width
5411          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
5412        * For x-axis with a band or point scale: if `rangeStep
5413          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__ is a numeric value or
5414          unspecified, the width is `determined by the range step, paddings, and the
5415          cardinality of the field mapped to x-channel
5416          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__.   Otherwise, if the
5417          ``rangeStep`` is ``null``, the width will be the value of `config.view.width
5418          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
5419        * If no field is mapped to ``x`` channel, the ``width`` will be the value of
5420          `config.scale.textXRangeStep
5421          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#default-width-and-height>`__ for
5422          ``text`` mark and the value of ``rangeStep`` for other marks.
5424        **Note:** For plots with `row and column channels
5425        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/encoding.html#facet>`__, this represents the
5426        width of a single view.
5428        **See also:** The documentation for `width and height
5429        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html>`__ contains more examples.
5430    """
5431    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/GenericUnitSpec<Encoding,AnyMark>'}
5433    def __init__(self, mark=Undefined, data=Undefined, description=Undefined, encoding=Undefined,
5434                 height=Undefined, name=Undefined, projection=Undefined, selection=Undefined,
5435                 title=Undefined, transform=Undefined, view=Undefined, width=Undefined, **kwds):
5436        super(GenericUnitSpecEncodingAnyMark, self).__init__(mark=mark, data=data,
5437                                                             description=description, encoding=encoding,
5438                                                             height=height, name=name,
5439                                                             projection=projection, selection=selection,
5440                                                             title=title, transform=transform,
5441                                                             view=view, width=width, **kwds)
5444class GraticuleGenerator(Generator):
5445    """GraticuleGenerator schema wrapper
5447    Mapping(required=[graticule])
5449    Attributes
5450    ----------
5452    graticule : anyOf(enum(True), :class:`GraticuleParams`)
5453        Generate graticule GeoJSON data for geographic reference lines.
5454    name : string
5455        Provide a placeholder name and bind data at runtime.
5456    """
5457    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/GraticuleGenerator'}
5459    def __init__(self, graticule=Undefined, name=Undefined, **kwds):
5460        super(GraticuleGenerator, self).__init__(graticule=graticule, name=name, **kwds)
5463class GraticuleParams(VegaLiteSchema):
5464    """GraticuleParams schema wrapper
5466    Mapping(required=[])
5468    Attributes
5469    ----------
5471    extent : List(List(float))
5472        Sets both the major and minor extents to the same values.
5473    extentMajor : List(List(float))
5474        The major extent of the graticule as a two-element array of coordinates.
5475    extentMinor : List(List(float))
5476        The minor extent of the graticule as a two-element array of coordinates.
5477    precision : float
5478        The precision of the graticule in degrees.
5480        **Default value:** ``2.5``
5481    step : List(float)
5482        Sets both the major and minor step angles to the same values.
5483    stepMajor : List(float)
5484        The major step angles of the graticule.
5486        **Default value:** ``[90, 360]``
5487    stepMinor : List(float)
5488        The minor step angles of the graticule.
5490        **Default value:** ``[10, 10]``
5491    """
5492    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/GraticuleParams'}
5494    def __init__(self, extent=Undefined, extentMajor=Undefined, extentMinor=Undefined,
5495                 precision=Undefined, step=Undefined, stepMajor=Undefined, stepMinor=Undefined, **kwds):
5496        super(GraticuleParams, self).__init__(extent=extent, extentMajor=extentMajor,
5497                                              extentMinor=extentMinor, precision=precision, step=step,
5498                                              stepMajor=stepMajor, stepMinor=stepMinor, **kwds)
5501class Header(VegaLiteSchema):
5502    """Header schema wrapper
5504    Mapping(required=[])
5505    Headers of row / column channels for faceted plots.
5507    Attributes
5508    ----------
5510    format : string
5511        The text formatting pattern for labels of guides (axes, legends, headers) and text
5512        marks.
5515        * If the format type is ``"number"`` (e.g., for quantitative fields), this is D3's
5516          `number format pattern <https://github.com/d3/d3-format#locale_format>`__.
5517        * If the format type is ``"time"`` (e.g., for temporal fields), this is D3's `time
5518          format pattern <https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format#locale_format>`__.
5520        See the `format documentation <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/format.html>`__
5521        for more examples.
5523        **Default value:**  Derived from `numberFormat
5524        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#format>`__ config for number
5525        format and from `timeFormat
5526        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#format>`__ config for time
5527        format.
5528    formatType : enum('number', 'time')
5529        The format type for labels ( ``"number"`` or ``"time"`` ).
5531        **Default value:**
5534        * ``"time"`` for temporal fields and ordinal and nomimal fields with ``timeUnit``.
5535        * ``"number"`` for quantitative fields as well as ordinal and nomimal fields without
5536          ``timeUnit``.
5537    labelAlign : :class:`Align`
5538        Horizontal text alignment of header labels.
5539    labelAnchor : :class:`TitleAnchor`
5540        The anchor position for placing the labels. One of ``"start"``, ``"middle"``, or
5541        ``"end"``. For example, with a label orientation of top these anchor positions map
5542        to a left-, center-, or right-aligned label.
5543    labelAngle : float
5544        The rotation angle of the header labels.
5546        **Default value:** ``0`` for column header, ``-90`` for row header.
5547    labelColor : :class:`Color`
5548        The color of the header label, can be in hex color code or regular color name.
5549    labelFont : string
5550        The font of the header label.
5551    labelFontSize : float
5552        The font size of the header label, in pixels.
5553    labelFontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
5554        The font style of the header label.
5555    labelLimit : float
5556        The maximum length of the header label in pixels. The text value will be
5557        automatically truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.
5559        **Default value:** ``0``, indicating no limit
5560    labelOrient : :class:`Orient`
5561        The orientation of the header label. One of ``"top"``, ``"bottom"``, ``"left"`` or
5562        ``"right"``.
5563    labelPadding : float
5564        The padding, in pixel, between facet header's label and the plot.
5566        **Default value:** ``10``
5567    labels : boolean
5568        A boolean flag indicating if labels should be included as part of the header.
5570        **Default value:** ``true``.
5571    title : anyOf(string, None)
5572        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
5574        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
5575        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
5576        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
5577        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
5578        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
5579        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
5581        **Notes** :
5583        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
5584        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
5585        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
5586        function via the compile function's options
5587        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
5589        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
5590        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
5591    titleAlign : :class:`Align`
5592        Horizontal text alignment (to the anchor) of header titles.
5593    titleAnchor : :class:`TitleAnchor`
5594        The anchor position for placing the title. One of ``"start"``, ``"middle"``, or
5595        ``"end"``. For example, with an orientation of top these anchor positions map to a
5596        left-, center-, or right-aligned title.
5597    titleAngle : float
5598        The rotation angle of the header title.
5600        **Default value:** ``0``.
5601    titleBaseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
5602        Vertical text baseline for the header title. One of ``"top"``, ``"bottom"``,
5603        ``"middle"``.
5605        **Default value:** ``"middle"``
5606    titleColor : :class:`Color`
5607        Color of the header title, can be in hex color code or regular color name.
5608    titleFont : string
5609        Font of the header title. (e.g., ``"Helvetica Neue"`` ).
5610    titleFontSize : float
5611        Font size of the header title.
5612    titleFontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
5613        The font style of the header title.
5614    titleFontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
5615        Font weight of the header title.
5616        This can be either a string (e.g ``"bold"``, ``"normal"`` ) or a number ( ``100``,
5617        ``200``, ``300``, ..., ``900`` where ``"normal"`` = ``400`` and ``"bold"`` = ``700``
5618        ).
5619    titleLimit : float
5620        The maximum length of the header title in pixels. The text value will be
5621        automatically truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.
5623        **Default value:** ``0``, indicating no limit
5624    titleOrient : :class:`Orient`
5625        The orientation of the header title. One of ``"top"``, ``"bottom"``, ``"left"`` or
5626        ``"right"``.
5627    titlePadding : float
5628        The padding, in pixel, between facet header's title and the label.
5630        **Default value:** ``10``
5631    """
5632    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Header'}
5634    def __init__(self, format=Undefined, formatType=Undefined, labelAlign=Undefined,
5635                 labelAnchor=Undefined, labelAngle=Undefined, labelColor=Undefined, labelFont=Undefined,
5636                 labelFontSize=Undefined, labelFontStyle=Undefined, labelLimit=Undefined,
5637                 labelOrient=Undefined, labelPadding=Undefined, labels=Undefined, title=Undefined,
5638                 titleAlign=Undefined, titleAnchor=Undefined, titleAngle=Undefined,
5639                 titleBaseline=Undefined, titleColor=Undefined, titleFont=Undefined,
5640                 titleFontSize=Undefined, titleFontStyle=Undefined, titleFontWeight=Undefined,
5641                 titleLimit=Undefined, titleOrient=Undefined, titlePadding=Undefined, **kwds):
5642        super(Header, self).__init__(format=format, formatType=formatType, labelAlign=labelAlign,
5643                                     labelAnchor=labelAnchor, labelAngle=labelAngle,
5644                                     labelColor=labelColor, labelFont=labelFont,
5645                                     labelFontSize=labelFontSize, labelFontStyle=labelFontStyle,
5646                                     labelLimit=labelLimit, labelOrient=labelOrient,
5647                                     labelPadding=labelPadding, labels=labels, title=title,
5648                                     titleAlign=titleAlign, titleAnchor=titleAnchor,
5649                                     titleAngle=titleAngle, titleBaseline=titleBaseline,
5650                                     titleColor=titleColor, titleFont=titleFont,
5651                                     titleFontSize=titleFontSize, titleFontStyle=titleFontStyle,
5652                                     titleFontWeight=titleFontWeight, titleLimit=titleLimit,
5653                                     titleOrient=titleOrient, titlePadding=titlePadding, **kwds)
5656class HeaderConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
5657    """HeaderConfig schema wrapper
5659    Mapping(required=[])
5661    Attributes
5662    ----------
5664    format : string
5665        The text formatting pattern for labels of guides (axes, legends, headers) and text
5666        marks.
5669        * If the format type is ``"number"`` (e.g., for quantitative fields), this is D3's
5670          `number format pattern <https://github.com/d3/d3-format#locale_format>`__.
5671        * If the format type is ``"time"`` (e.g., for temporal fields), this is D3's `time
5672          format pattern <https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format#locale_format>`__.
5674        See the `format documentation <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/format.html>`__
5675        for more examples.
5677        **Default value:**  Derived from `numberFormat
5678        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#format>`__ config for number
5679        format and from `timeFormat
5680        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#format>`__ config for time
5681        format.
5682    formatType : enum('number', 'time')
5683        The format type for labels ( ``"number"`` or ``"time"`` ).
5685        **Default value:**
5688        * ``"time"`` for temporal fields and ordinal and nomimal fields with ``timeUnit``.
5689        * ``"number"`` for quantitative fields as well as ordinal and nomimal fields without
5690          ``timeUnit``.
5691    labelAlign : :class:`Align`
5692        Horizontal text alignment of header labels.
5693    labelAnchor : :class:`TitleAnchor`
5694        The anchor position for placing the labels. One of ``"start"``, ``"middle"``, or
5695        ``"end"``. For example, with a label orientation of top these anchor positions map
5696        to a left-, center-, or right-aligned label.
5697    labelAngle : float
5698        The rotation angle of the header labels.
5700        **Default value:** ``0`` for column header, ``-90`` for row header.
5701    labelColor : :class:`Color`
5702        The color of the header label, can be in hex color code or regular color name.
5703    labelFont : string
5704        The font of the header label.
5705    labelFontSize : float
5706        The font size of the header label, in pixels.
5707    labelFontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
5708        The font style of the header label.
5709    labelLimit : float
5710        The maximum length of the header label in pixels. The text value will be
5711        automatically truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.
5713        **Default value:** ``0``, indicating no limit
5714    labelOrient : :class:`Orient`
5715        The orientation of the header label. One of ``"top"``, ``"bottom"``, ``"left"`` or
5716        ``"right"``.
5717    labelPadding : float
5718        The padding, in pixel, between facet header's label and the plot.
5720        **Default value:** ``10``
5721    labels : boolean
5722        A boolean flag indicating if labels should be included as part of the header.
5724        **Default value:** ``true``.
5725    shortTimeLabels : boolean
5726        Whether month names and weekday names should be abbreviated.
5728        **Default value:**  ``false``
5729    title : None
5730        Set to null to disable title for the axis, legend, or header.
5731    titleAlign : :class:`Align`
5732        Horizontal text alignment (to the anchor) of header titles.
5733    titleAnchor : :class:`TitleAnchor`
5734        The anchor position for placing the title. One of ``"start"``, ``"middle"``, or
5735        ``"end"``. For example, with an orientation of top these anchor positions map to a
5736        left-, center-, or right-aligned title.
5737    titleAngle : float
5738        The rotation angle of the header title.
5740        **Default value:** ``0``.
5741    titleBaseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
5742        Vertical text baseline for the header title. One of ``"top"``, ``"bottom"``,
5743        ``"middle"``.
5745        **Default value:** ``"middle"``
5746    titleColor : :class:`Color`
5747        Color of the header title, can be in hex color code or regular color name.
5748    titleFont : string
5749        Font of the header title. (e.g., ``"Helvetica Neue"`` ).
5750    titleFontSize : float
5751        Font size of the header title.
5752    titleFontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
5753        The font style of the header title.
5754    titleFontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
5755        Font weight of the header title.
5756        This can be either a string (e.g ``"bold"``, ``"normal"`` ) or a number ( ``100``,
5757        ``200``, ``300``, ..., ``900`` where ``"normal"`` = ``400`` and ``"bold"`` = ``700``
5758        ).
5759    titleLimit : float
5760        The maximum length of the header title in pixels. The text value will be
5761        automatically truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.
5763        **Default value:** ``0``, indicating no limit
5764    titleOrient : :class:`Orient`
5765        The orientation of the header title. One of ``"top"``, ``"bottom"``, ``"left"`` or
5766        ``"right"``.
5767    titlePadding : float
5768        The padding, in pixel, between facet header's title and the label.
5770        **Default value:** ``10``
5771    """
5772    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/HeaderConfig'}
5774    def __init__(self, format=Undefined, formatType=Undefined, labelAlign=Undefined,
5775                 labelAnchor=Undefined, labelAngle=Undefined, labelColor=Undefined, labelFont=Undefined,
5776                 labelFontSize=Undefined, labelFontStyle=Undefined, labelLimit=Undefined,
5777                 labelOrient=Undefined, labelPadding=Undefined, labels=Undefined,
5778                 shortTimeLabels=Undefined, title=Undefined, titleAlign=Undefined,
5779                 titleAnchor=Undefined, titleAngle=Undefined, titleBaseline=Undefined,
5780                 titleColor=Undefined, titleFont=Undefined, titleFontSize=Undefined,
5781                 titleFontStyle=Undefined, titleFontWeight=Undefined, titleLimit=Undefined,
5782                 titleOrient=Undefined, titlePadding=Undefined, **kwds):
5783        super(HeaderConfig, self).__init__(format=format, formatType=formatType, labelAlign=labelAlign,
5784                                           labelAnchor=labelAnchor, labelAngle=labelAngle,
5785                                           labelColor=labelColor, labelFont=labelFont,
5786                                           labelFontSize=labelFontSize, labelFontStyle=labelFontStyle,
5787                                           labelLimit=labelLimit, labelOrient=labelOrient,
5788                                           labelPadding=labelPadding, labels=labels,
5789                                           shortTimeLabels=shortTimeLabels, title=title,
5790                                           titleAlign=titleAlign, titleAnchor=titleAnchor,
5791                                           titleAngle=titleAngle, titleBaseline=titleBaseline,
5792                                           titleColor=titleColor, titleFont=titleFont,
5793                                           titleFontSize=titleFontSize, titleFontStyle=titleFontStyle,
5794                                           titleFontWeight=titleFontWeight, titleLimit=titleLimit,
5795                                           titleOrient=titleOrient, titlePadding=titlePadding, **kwds)
5798class HexColor(Color):
5799    """HexColor schema wrapper
5801    string
5802    """
5803    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/HexColor'}
5805    def __init__(self, *args):
5806        super(HexColor, self).__init__(*args)
5809class ImputeMethod(VegaLiteSchema):
5810    """ImputeMethod schema wrapper
5812    enum('value', 'median', 'max', 'min', 'mean')
5813    """
5814    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ImputeMethod'}
5816    def __init__(self, *args):
5817        super(ImputeMethod, self).__init__(*args)
5820class ImputeParams(VegaLiteSchema):
5821    """ImputeParams schema wrapper
5823    Mapping(required=[])
5825    Attributes
5826    ----------
5828    frame : List(anyOf(None, float))
5829        A frame specification as a two-element array used to control the window over which
5830        the specified method is applied. The array entries should either be a number
5831        indicating the offset from the current data object, or null to indicate unbounded
5832        rows preceding or following the current data object.  For example, the value ``[-5,
5833        5]`` indicates that the window should include five objects preceding and five
5834        objects following the current object.
5836        **Default value:** :  ``[null, null]`` indicating that the window includes all
5837        objects.
5838    keyvals : anyOf(List(Any), :class:`ImputeSequence`)
5839        Defines the key values that should be considered for imputation.
5840        An array of key values or an object defining a `number sequence
5841        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/impute.html#sequence-def>`__.
5843        If provided, this will be used in addition to the key values observed within the
5844        input data.  If not provided, the values will be derived from all unique values of
5845        the ``key`` field. For ``impute`` in ``encoding``, the key field is the x-field if
5846        the y-field is imputed, or vice versa.
5848        If there is no impute grouping, this property *must* be specified.
5849    method : :class:`ImputeMethod`
5850        The imputation method to use for the field value of imputed data objects.
5851        One of ``value``, ``mean``, ``median``, ``max`` or ``min``.
5853        **Default value:**  ``"value"``
5854    value : Any
5855        The field value to use when the imputation ``method`` is ``"value"``.
5856    """
5857    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ImputeParams'}
5859    def __init__(self, frame=Undefined, keyvals=Undefined, method=Undefined, value=Undefined, **kwds):
5860        super(ImputeParams, self).__init__(frame=frame, keyvals=keyvals, method=method, value=value,
5861                                           **kwds)
5864class ImputeSequence(VegaLiteSchema):
5865    """ImputeSequence schema wrapper
5867    Mapping(required=[stop])
5869    Attributes
5870    ----------
5872    stop : float
5873        The ending value(exclusive) of the sequence.
5874    start : float
5875        The starting value of the sequence.
5876        **Default value:** ``0``
5877    step : float
5878        The step value between sequence entries.
5879        **Default value:** ``1`` or ``-1`` if ``stop < start``
5880    """
5881    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ImputeSequence'}
5883    def __init__(self, stop=Undefined, start=Undefined, step=Undefined, **kwds):
5884        super(ImputeSequence, self).__init__(stop=stop, start=start, step=step, **kwds)
5887class InlineData(DataSource):
5888    """InlineData schema wrapper
5890    Mapping(required=[values])
5892    Attributes
5893    ----------
5895    values : :class:`InlineDataset`
5896        The full data set, included inline. This can be an array of objects or primitive
5897        values, an object, or a string.
5898        Arrays of primitive values are ingested as objects with a ``data`` property. Strings
5899        are parsed according to the specified format type.
5900    format : :class:`DataFormat`
5901        An object that specifies the format for parsing the data.
5902    name : string
5903        Provide a placeholder name and bind data at runtime.
5904    """
5905    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/InlineData'}
5907    def __init__(self, values=Undefined, format=Undefined, name=Undefined, **kwds):
5908        super(InlineData, self).__init__(values=values, format=format, name=name, **kwds)
5911class InlineDataset(VegaLiteSchema):
5912    """InlineDataset schema wrapper
5914    anyOf(List(float), List(string), List(boolean), List(Mapping(required=[])), string,
5915    Mapping(required=[]))
5916    """
5917    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/InlineDataset'}
5919    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
5920        super(InlineDataset, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
5923class InputBinding(Binding):
5924    """InputBinding schema wrapper
5926    Mapping(required=[])
5928    Attributes
5929    ----------
5931    autocomplete : string
5933    debounce : float
5935    element : :class:`Element`
5937    input : string
5939    name : string
5941    placeholder : string
5943    type : string
5945    """
5946    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/InputBinding'}
5948    def __init__(self, autocomplete=Undefined, debounce=Undefined, element=Undefined, input=Undefined,
5949                 name=Undefined, placeholder=Undefined, type=Undefined, **kwds):
5950        super(InputBinding, self).__init__(autocomplete=autocomplete, debounce=debounce,
5951                                           element=element, input=input, name=name,
5952                                           placeholder=placeholder, type=type, **kwds)
5955class Interpolate(VegaLiteSchema):
5956    """Interpolate schema wrapper
5958    enum('linear', 'linear-closed', 'step', 'step-before', 'step-after', 'basis', 'basis-open',
5959    'basis-closed', 'cardinal', 'cardinal-open', 'cardinal-closed', 'bundle', 'monotone')
5960    """
5961    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Interpolate'}
5963    def __init__(self, *args):
5964        super(Interpolate, self).__init__(*args)
5967class IntervalSelectionConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
5968    """IntervalSelectionConfig schema wrapper
5970    Mapping(required=[])
5972    Attributes
5973    ----------
5975    bind : enum('scales')
5976        Establishes a two-way binding between the interval selection and the scales
5977        used within the same view. This allows a user to interactively pan and
5978        zoom the view.
5980        **See also:** `bind <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bind.html>`__
5981        documentation.
5982    clear : anyOf(:class:`EventStream`, boolean)
5983        Clears the selection, emptying it of all values. Can be an
5984        `EventStream <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/>`__ or ``false`` to
5985        disable.
5987        **Default value:** ``dblclick``.
5989        **See also:** `clear <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/clear.html>`__
5990        documentation.
5991    empty : enum('all', 'none')
5992        By default, ``all`` data values are considered to lie within an empty selection.
5993        When set to ``none``, empty selections contain no data values.
5994    encodings : List(:class:`SingleDefUnitChannel`)
5995        An array of encoding channels. The corresponding data field values
5996        must match for a data tuple to fall within the selection.
5998        **See also:** `encodings <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/project.html>`__
5999        documentation.
6000    fields : List(:class:`FieldName`)
6001        An array of field names whose values must match for a data tuple to
6002        fall within the selection.
6004        **See also:** `fields <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/project.html>`__
6005        documentation.
6006    init : :class:`SelectionInitIntervalMapping`
6007        Initialize the selection with a mapping between `projected channels or field names
6008        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/project.html>`__ and arrays of
6009        initial values.
6011        **See also:** `init <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/init.html>`__
6012        documentation.
6013    mark : :class:`BrushConfig`
6014        An interval selection also adds a rectangle mark to depict the
6015        extents of the interval. The ``mark`` property can be used to customize the
6016        appearance of the mark.
6018        **See also:** `mark <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection-mark.html>`__
6019        documentation.
6020    on : :class:`EventStream`
6021        A `Vega event stream <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/>`__ (object or
6022        selector) that triggers the selection.
6023        For interval selections, the event stream must specify a `start and end
6024        <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/#between-filters>`__.
6025    resolve : :class:`SelectionResolution`
6026        With layered and multi-view displays, a strategy that determines how
6027        selections' data queries are resolved when applied in a filter transform,
6028        conditional encoding rule, or scale domain.
6030        **See also:** `resolve
6031        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection-resolve.html>`__ documentation.
6032    translate : anyOf(string, boolean)
6033        When truthy, allows a user to interactively move an interval selection
6034        back-and-forth. Can be ``true``, ``false`` (to disable panning), or a
6035        `Vega event stream definition <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/>`__
6036        which must include a start and end event to trigger continuous panning.
6038        **Default value:** ``true``, which corresponds to
6039        ``[mousedown, window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!`` which corresponds to
6040        clicks and dragging within an interval selection to reposition it.
6042        **See also:** `translate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/translate.html>`__
6043        documentation.
6044    zoom : anyOf(string, boolean)
6045        When truthy, allows a user to interactively resize an interval selection.
6046        Can be ``true``, ``false`` (to disable zooming), or a `Vega event stream
6047        definition <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/>`__. Currently,
6048        only ``wheel`` events are supported.
6050        **Default value:** ``true``, which corresponds to ``wheel!``.
6052        **See also:** `zoom <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/zoom.html>`__
6053        documentation.
6054    """
6055    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/IntervalSelectionConfig'}
6057    def __init__(self, bind=Undefined, clear=Undefined, empty=Undefined, encodings=Undefined,
6058                 fields=Undefined, init=Undefined, mark=Undefined, on=Undefined, resolve=Undefined,
6059                 translate=Undefined, zoom=Undefined, **kwds):
6060        super(IntervalSelectionConfig, self).__init__(bind=bind, clear=clear, empty=empty,
6061                                                      encodings=encodings, fields=fields, init=init,
6062                                                      mark=mark, on=on, resolve=resolve,
6063                                                      translate=translate, zoom=zoom, **kwds)
6066class JoinAggregateFieldDef(VegaLiteSchema):
6067    """JoinAggregateFieldDef schema wrapper
6069    Mapping(required=[op, as])
6071    Attributes
6072    ----------
6074    op : :class:`AggregateOp`
6075        The aggregation operation to apply (e.g., sum, average or count). See the list of
6076        all supported operations `here
6077        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html#ops>`__.
6078    field : :class:`FieldName`
6079        The data field for which to compute the aggregate function. This can be omitted for
6080        functions that do not operate over a field such as ``count``.
6081    as : :class:`FieldName`
6082        The output name for the join aggregate operation.
6083    """
6084    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/JoinAggregateFieldDef'}
6086    def __init__(self, op=Undefined, field=Undefined, **kwds):
6087        super(JoinAggregateFieldDef, self).__init__(op=op, field=field, **kwds)
6090class JsonDataFormat(DataFormat):
6091    """JsonDataFormat schema wrapper
6093    Mapping(required=[])
6095    Attributes
6096    ----------
6098    parse : anyOf(:class:`Parse`, None)
6099        If set to ``null``, disable type inference based on the spec and only use type
6100        inference based on the data.
6101        Alternatively, a parsing directive object can be provided for explicit data types.
6102        Each property of the object corresponds to a field name, and the value to the
6103        desired data type (one of ``"number"``, ``"boolean"``, ``"date"``, or null (do not
6104        parse the field)).
6105        For example, ``"parse": {"modified_on": "date"}`` parses the ``modified_on`` field
6106        in each input record a Date value.
6108        For ``"date"``, we parse data based using Javascript's `Date.parse()
6109        <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/parse>`__.
6110        For Specific date formats can be provided (e.g., ``{foo: "date:'%m%d%Y'"}`` ), using
6111        the `d3-time-format syntax <https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format#locale_format>`__.
6112        UTC date format parsing is supported similarly (e.g., ``{foo: "utc:'%m%d%Y'"}`` ).
6113        See more about `UTC time
6114        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html#utc>`__
6115    property : string
6116        The JSON property containing the desired data.
6117        This parameter can be used when the loaded JSON file may have surrounding structure
6118        or meta-data.
6119        For example ``"property": "values.features"`` is equivalent to retrieving
6120        ``json.values.features``
6121        from the loaded JSON object.
6122    type : enum('json')
6123        Type of input data: ``"json"``, ``"csv"``, ``"tsv"``, ``"dsv"``.
6125        **Default value:**  The default format type is determined by the extension of the
6126        file URL.
6127        If no extension is detected, ``"json"`` will be used by default.
6128    """
6129    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/JsonDataFormat'}
6131    def __init__(self, parse=Undefined, property=Undefined, type=Undefined, **kwds):
6132        super(JsonDataFormat, self).__init__(parse=parse, property=property, type=type, **kwds)
6135class LabelOverlap(VegaLiteSchema):
6136    """LabelOverlap schema wrapper
6138    anyOf(boolean, enum('parity'), enum('greedy'))
6139    """
6140    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/LabelOverlap'}
6142    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
6143        super(LabelOverlap, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
6146class LatLongFieldDef(VegaLiteSchema):
6147    """LatLongFieldDef schema wrapper
6149    Mapping(required=[])
6151    Attributes
6152    ----------
6154    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
6155        Aggregation function for the field
6156        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
6158        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
6160        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
6161        documentation.
6162    bin : None
6163        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
6164        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
6165        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
6166        ``"binned"`` ).
6169        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
6170        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
6172        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
6173        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
6174        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
6175        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
6176        set the axis's `tickMinStep
6177        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
6179        **Default value:** ``false``
6181        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
6182        documentation.
6183    field : :class:`Field`
6184        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
6185        value
6186        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
6187        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
6189        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
6190        documentation.
6192        **Notes:**
6193        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
6194        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
6195        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
6196        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
6197        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
6198        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
6199        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
6200    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
6201        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
6202        field.
6203        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
6204        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
6206        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
6208        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
6209        documentation.
6210    title : anyOf(string, None)
6211        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
6213        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
6214        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
6215        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
6216        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
6217        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
6218        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
6220        **Notes** :
6222        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
6223        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
6224        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
6225        function via the compile function's options
6226        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
6228        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
6229        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
6230    type : enum('quantitative')
6231        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
6232        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
6233        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
6234        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
6236        **Note:**
6239        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
6240          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
6241          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
6242        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
6243          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
6244          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
6245          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
6246        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
6247          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
6248          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
6249          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
6250        * When using with `timeUnit
6251          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
6252          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
6253          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
6254        * When using with `aggregate
6255          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
6256          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
6257          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
6258          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
6259          is ``"quantitative"``.
6260        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
6261          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
6262          ``x``, ``y`` ).
6264        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
6265        documentation.
6266    """
6267    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/LatLongFieldDef'}
6269    def __init__(self, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined, field=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined,
6270                 title=Undefined, type=Undefined, **kwds):
6271        super(LatLongFieldDef, self).__init__(aggregate=aggregate, bin=bin, field=field,
6272                                              timeUnit=timeUnit, title=title, type=type, **kwds)
6275class LayoutAlign(VegaLiteSchema):
6276    """LayoutAlign schema wrapper
6278    enum('all', 'each', 'none')
6279    """
6280    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/LayoutAlign'}
6282    def __init__(self, *args):
6283        super(LayoutAlign, self).__init__(*args)
6286class LayoutBounds(VegaLiteSchema):
6287    """LayoutBounds schema wrapper
6289    anyOf(enum('full'), enum('flush'), :class:`SignalRef`)
6290    """
6291    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/LayoutBounds'}
6293    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
6294        super(LayoutBounds, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
6297class Legend(VegaLiteSchema):
6298    """Legend schema wrapper
6300    Mapping(required=[])
6301    Properties of a legend or boolean flag for determining whether to show it.
6303    Attributes
6304    ----------
6306    clipHeight : float
6307        The height in pixels to clip symbol legend entries and limit their size.
6308    columnPadding : float
6309        The horizontal padding in pixels between symbol legend entries.
6311        **Default value:** ``10``.
6312    columns : float
6313        The number of columns in which to arrange symbol legend entries. A value of ``0`` or
6314        lower indicates a single row with one column per entry.
6315    cornerRadius : float
6316        Corner radius for the full legend.
6317    direction : :class:`Orientation`
6318        The direction of the legend, one of ``"vertical"`` or ``"horizontal"``.
6320        **Default value:**
6323        * For top-/bottom- ``orient`` ed legends, ``"horizontal"``
6324        * For left-/right- ``orient`` ed legends, ``"vertical"``
6325        * For top/bottom-left/right- ``orient`` ed legends, ``"horizontal"`` for gradient
6326          legends and ``"vertical"`` for symbol legends.
6327    fillColor : :class:`Color`
6328        Background fill color for the full legend.
6329    format : string
6330        The text formatting pattern for labels of guides (axes, legends, headers) and text
6331        marks.
6334        * If the format type is ``"number"`` (e.g., for quantitative fields), this is D3's
6335          `number format pattern <https://github.com/d3/d3-format#locale_format>`__.
6336        * If the format type is ``"time"`` (e.g., for temporal fields), this is D3's `time
6337          format pattern <https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format#locale_format>`__.
6339        See the `format documentation <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/format.html>`__
6340        for more examples.
6342        **Default value:**  Derived from `numberFormat
6343        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#format>`__ config for number
6344        format and from `timeFormat
6345        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#format>`__ config for time
6346        format.
6347    formatType : enum('number', 'time')
6348        The format type for labels ( ``"number"`` or ``"time"`` ).
6350        **Default value:**
6353        * ``"time"`` for temporal fields and ordinal and nomimal fields with ``timeUnit``.
6354        * ``"number"`` for quantitative fields as well as ordinal and nomimal fields without
6355          ``timeUnit``.
6356    gradientLength : float
6357        The length in pixels of the primary axis of a color gradient. This value corresponds
6358        to the height of a vertical gradient or the width of a horizontal gradient.
6360        **Default value:** ``200``.
6361    gradientOpacity : float
6362        Opacity of the color gradient.
6363    gradientStrokeColor : :class:`Color`
6364        The color of the gradient stroke, can be in hex color code or regular color name.
6366        **Default value:** ``"lightGray"``.
6367    gradientStrokeWidth : float
6368        The width of the gradient stroke, in pixels.
6370        **Default value:** ``0``.
6371    gradientThickness : float
6372        The thickness in pixels of the color gradient. This value corresponds to the width
6373        of a vertical gradient or the height of a horizontal gradient.
6375        **Default value:** ``16``.
6376    gridAlign : :class:`LayoutAlign`
6377        The alignment to apply to symbol legends rows and columns. The supported string
6378        values are ``"all"``, ``"each"`` (the default), and ``none``. For more information,
6379        see the `grid layout documentation <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/layout>`__.
6381        **Default value:** ``"each"``.
6382    labelAlign : :class:`Align`
6383        The alignment of the legend label, can be left, center, or right.
6384    labelBaseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
6385        The position of the baseline of legend label, can be ``"top"``, ``"middle"``,
6386        ``"bottom"``, or ``"alphabetic"``.
6388        **Default value:** ``"middle"``.
6389    labelColor : :class:`Color`
6390        The color of the legend label, can be in hex color code or regular color name.
6391    labelFont : string
6392        The font of the legend label.
6393    labelFontSize : float
6394        The font size of legend label.
6396        **Default value:** ``10``.
6397    labelFontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
6398        The font style of legend label.
6399    labelFontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
6400        The font weight of legend label.
6401    labelLimit : float
6402        Maximum allowed pixel width of legend tick labels.
6404        **Default value:** ``160``.
6405    labelOffset : float
6406        The offset of the legend label.
6407    labelOpacity : float
6408        Opacity of labels.
6409    labelOverlap : :class:`LabelOverlap`
6410        The strategy to use for resolving overlap of labels in gradient legends. If
6411        ``false``, no overlap reduction is attempted. If set to ``true`` (default) or
6412        ``"parity"``, a strategy of removing every other label is used. If set to
6413        ``"greedy"``, a linear scan of the labels is performed, removing any label that
6414        overlaps with the last visible label (this often works better for log-scaled axes).
6416        **Default value:** ``true``.
6417    labelPadding : float
6418        Padding in pixels between the legend and legend labels.
6419    labelSeparation : float
6420        The minimum separation that must be between label bounding boxes for them to be
6421        considered non-overlapping (default ``0`` ). This property is ignored if
6422        *labelOverlap* resolution is not enabled.
6423    legendX : float
6424        Custom x-position for legend with orient "none".
6425    legendY : float
6426        Custom y-position for legend with orient "none".
6427    offset : float
6428        The offset in pixels by which to displace the legend from the data rectangle and
6429        axes.
6431        **Default value:** ``18``.
6432    orient : :class:`LegendOrient`
6433        The orientation of the legend, which determines how the legend is positioned within
6434        the scene. One of ``"left"``, ``"right"``, ``"top"``, ``"bottom"``, ``"top-left"``,
6435        ``"top-right"``, ``"bottom-left"``, ``"bottom-right"``, ``"none"``.
6437        **Default value:** ``"right"``
6438    padding : float
6439        The padding between the border and content of the legend group.
6441        **Default value:** ``0``.
6442    rowPadding : float
6443        The vertical padding in pixels between symbol legend entries.
6445        **Default value:** ``2``.
6446    strokeColor : :class:`Color`
6447        Border stroke color for the full legend.
6448    symbolDash : List(float)
6449        An array of alternating [stroke, space] lengths for dashed symbol strokes.
6450    symbolDashOffset : float
6451        The pixel offset at which to start drawing with the symbol stroke dash array.
6452    symbolFillColor : :class:`Color`
6453        The color of the legend symbol,
6454    symbolOffset : float
6455        Horizontal pixel offset for legend symbols.
6457        **Default value:** ``0``.
6458    symbolOpacity : float
6459        Opacity of the legend symbols.
6460    symbolSize : float
6461        The size of the legend symbol, in pixels.
6463        **Default value:** ``100``.
6464    symbolStrokeColor : :class:`Color`
6465        Stroke color for legend symbols.
6466    symbolStrokeWidth : float
6467        The width of the symbol's stroke.
6469        **Default value:** ``1.5``.
6470    symbolType : :class:`SymbolShape`
6471        The symbol shape. One of the plotting shapes ``circle`` (default), ``square``,
6472        ``cross``, ``diamond``, ``triangle-up``, ``triangle-down``, ``triangle-right``, or
6473        ``triangle-left``, the line symbol ``stroke``, or one of the centered directional
6474        shapes ``arrow``, ``wedge``, or ``triangle``. Alternatively, a custom `SVG path
6475        string <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths>`__ can be
6476        provided. For correct sizing, custom shape paths should be defined within a square
6477        bounding box with coordinates ranging from -1 to 1 along both the x and y
6478        dimensions.
6480        **Default value:** ``"circle"``.
6481    tickCount : float
6482        The desired number of tick values for quantitative legends.
6483    tickMinStep : float
6484        The minimum desired step between legend ticks, in terms of scale domain values. For
6485        example, a value of ``1`` indicates that ticks should not be less than 1 unit apart.
6486        If ``tickMinStep`` is specified, the ``tickCount`` value will be adjusted, if
6487        necessary, to enforce the minimum step value.
6489        **Default value** : ``undefined``
6490    title : anyOf(string, None)
6491        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
6493        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
6494        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
6495        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
6496        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
6497        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
6498        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
6500        **Notes** :
6502        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
6503        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
6504        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
6505        function via the compile function's options
6506        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
6508        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
6509        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
6510    titleAlign : :class:`Align`
6511        Horizontal text alignment for legend titles.
6513        **Default value:** ``"left"``.
6514    titleAnchor : :class:`TitleAnchor`
6515        Text anchor position for placing legend titles.
6516    titleBaseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
6517        Vertical text baseline for legend titles.
6519        **Default value:** ``"top"``.
6520    titleColor : :class:`Color`
6521        The color of the legend title, can be in hex color code or regular color name.
6522    titleFont : string
6523        The font of the legend title.
6524    titleFontSize : float
6525        The font size of the legend title.
6526    titleFontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
6527        The font style of the legend title.
6528    titleFontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
6529        The font weight of the legend title.
6530        This can be either a string (e.g ``"bold"``, ``"normal"`` ) or a number ( ``100``,
6531        ``200``, ``300``, ..., ``900`` where ``"normal"`` = ``400`` and ``"bold"`` = ``700``
6532        ).
6533    titleLimit : float
6534        Maximum allowed pixel width of legend titles.
6536        **Default value:** ``180``.
6537    titleOpacity : float
6538        Opacity of the legend title.
6539    titleOrient : :class:`Orient`
6540        Orientation of the legend title.
6541    titlePadding : float
6542        The padding, in pixels, between title and legend.
6544        **Default value:** ``5``.
6545    type : enum('symbol', 'gradient')
6546        The type of the legend. Use ``"symbol"`` to create a discrete legend and
6547        ``"gradient"`` for a continuous color gradient.
6549        **Default value:** ``"gradient"`` for non-binned quantitative fields and temporal
6550        fields; ``"symbol"`` otherwise.
6551    values : List(anyOf(float, string, boolean, :class:`DateTime`))
6552        Explicitly set the visible legend values.
6553    zindex : float
6554        A non-negative integer indicating the z-index of the legend.
6555        If zindex is 0, legend should be drawn behind all chart elements.
6556        To put them in front, use zindex = 1.
6557    """
6558    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Legend'}
6560    def __init__(self, clipHeight=Undefined, columnPadding=Undefined, columns=Undefined,
6561                 cornerRadius=Undefined, direction=Undefined, fillColor=Undefined, format=Undefined,
6562                 formatType=Undefined, gradientLength=Undefined, gradientOpacity=Undefined,
6563                 gradientStrokeColor=Undefined, gradientStrokeWidth=Undefined,
6564                 gradientThickness=Undefined, gridAlign=Undefined, labelAlign=Undefined,
6565                 labelBaseline=Undefined, labelColor=Undefined, labelFont=Undefined,
6566                 labelFontSize=Undefined, labelFontStyle=Undefined, labelFontWeight=Undefined,
6567                 labelLimit=Undefined, labelOffset=Undefined, labelOpacity=Undefined,
6568                 labelOverlap=Undefined, labelPadding=Undefined, labelSeparation=Undefined,
6569                 legendX=Undefined, legendY=Undefined, offset=Undefined, orient=Undefined,
6570                 padding=Undefined, rowPadding=Undefined, strokeColor=Undefined, symbolDash=Undefined,
6571                 symbolDashOffset=Undefined, symbolFillColor=Undefined, symbolOffset=Undefined,
6572                 symbolOpacity=Undefined, symbolSize=Undefined, symbolStrokeColor=Undefined,
6573                 symbolStrokeWidth=Undefined, symbolType=Undefined, tickCount=Undefined,
6574                 tickMinStep=Undefined, title=Undefined, titleAlign=Undefined, titleAnchor=Undefined,
6575                 titleBaseline=Undefined, titleColor=Undefined, titleFont=Undefined,
6576                 titleFontSize=Undefined, titleFontStyle=Undefined, titleFontWeight=Undefined,
6577                 titleLimit=Undefined, titleOpacity=Undefined, titleOrient=Undefined,
6578                 titlePadding=Undefined, type=Undefined, values=Undefined, zindex=Undefined, **kwds):
6579        super(Legend, self).__init__(clipHeight=clipHeight, columnPadding=columnPadding,
6580                                     columns=columns, cornerRadius=cornerRadius, direction=direction,
6581                                     fillColor=fillColor, format=format, formatType=formatType,
6582                                     gradientLength=gradientLength, gradientOpacity=gradientOpacity,
6583                                     gradientStrokeColor=gradientStrokeColor,
6584                                     gradientStrokeWidth=gradientStrokeWidth,
6585                                     gradientThickness=gradientThickness, gridAlign=gridAlign,
6586                                     labelAlign=labelAlign, labelBaseline=labelBaseline,
6587                                     labelColor=labelColor, labelFont=labelFont,
6588                                     labelFontSize=labelFontSize, labelFontStyle=labelFontStyle,
6589                                     labelFontWeight=labelFontWeight, labelLimit=labelLimit,
6590                                     labelOffset=labelOffset, labelOpacity=labelOpacity,
6591                                     labelOverlap=labelOverlap, labelPadding=labelPadding,
6592                                     labelSeparation=labelSeparation, legendX=legendX, legendY=legendY,
6593                                     offset=offset, orient=orient, padding=padding,
6594                                     rowPadding=rowPadding, strokeColor=strokeColor,
6595                                     symbolDash=symbolDash, symbolDashOffset=symbolDashOffset,
6596                                     symbolFillColor=symbolFillColor, symbolOffset=symbolOffset,
6597                                     symbolOpacity=symbolOpacity, symbolSize=symbolSize,
6598                                     symbolStrokeColor=symbolStrokeColor,
6599                                     symbolStrokeWidth=symbolStrokeWidth, symbolType=symbolType,
6600                                     tickCount=tickCount, tickMinStep=tickMinStep, title=title,
6601                                     titleAlign=titleAlign, titleAnchor=titleAnchor,
6602                                     titleBaseline=titleBaseline, titleColor=titleColor,
6603                                     titleFont=titleFont, titleFontSize=titleFontSize,
6604                                     titleFontStyle=titleFontStyle, titleFontWeight=titleFontWeight,
6605                                     titleLimit=titleLimit, titleOpacity=titleOpacity,
6606                                     titleOrient=titleOrient, titlePadding=titlePadding, type=type,
6607                                     values=values, zindex=zindex, **kwds)
6610class LegendConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
6611    """LegendConfig schema wrapper
6613    Mapping(required=[])
6615    Attributes
6616    ----------
6618    clipHeight : float
6619        The height in pixels to clip symbol legend entries and limit their size.
6620    columnPadding : float
6621        The horizontal padding in pixels between symbol legend entries.
6623        **Default value:** ``10``.
6624    columns : float
6625        The number of columns in which to arrange symbol legend entries. A value of ``0`` or
6626        lower indicates a single row with one column per entry.
6627    cornerRadius : float
6628        Corner radius for the full legend.
6629    fillColor : :class:`Color`
6630        Background fill color for the full legend.
6631    gradientDirection : :class:`Orientation`
6632        The default direction ( ``"horizontal"`` or ``"vertical"`` ) for gradient legends.
6634        **Default value:** ``"vertical"``.
6635    gradientHorizontalMaxLength : float
6636        Max legend length for a horizontal gradient when ``config.legend.gradientLength`` is
6637        undefined.
6639        **Default value:** ``200``
6640    gradientHorizontalMinLength : float
6641        Min legend length for a horizontal gradient when ``config.legend.gradientLength`` is
6642        undefined.
6644        **Default value:** ``100``
6645    gradientLabelLimit : float
6646        The maximum allowed length in pixels of color ramp gradient labels.
6647    gradientLabelOffset : float
6648        Vertical offset in pixels for color ramp gradient labels.
6650        **Default value:** ``2``.
6651    gradientLength : float
6652        The length in pixels of the primary axis of a color gradient. This value corresponds
6653        to the height of a vertical gradient or the width of a horizontal gradient.
6655        **Default value:** ``200``.
6656    gradientOpacity : float
6657        Opacity of the color gradient.
6658    gradientStrokeColor : :class:`Color`
6659        The color of the gradient stroke, can be in hex color code or regular color name.
6661        **Default value:** ``"lightGray"``.
6662    gradientStrokeWidth : float
6663        The width of the gradient stroke, in pixels.
6665        **Default value:** ``0``.
6666    gradientThickness : float
6667        The thickness in pixels of the color gradient. This value corresponds to the width
6668        of a vertical gradient or the height of a horizontal gradient.
6670        **Default value:** ``16``.
6671    gradientVerticalMaxLength : float
6672        Max legend length for a vertical gradient when ``config.legend.gradientLength`` is
6673        undefined.
6675        **Default value:** ``200``
6676    gradientVerticalMinLength : float
6677        Min legend length for a vertical gradient when ``config.legend.gradientLength`` is
6678        undefined.
6680        **Default value:** ``100``
6681    gridAlign : :class:`LayoutAlign`
6682        The alignment to apply to symbol legends rows and columns. The supported string
6683        values are ``"all"``, ``"each"`` (the default), and ``none``. For more information,
6684        see the `grid layout documentation <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/layout>`__.
6686        **Default value:** ``"each"``.
6687    labelAlign : :class:`Align`
6688        The alignment of the legend label, can be left, center, or right.
6689    labelBaseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
6690        The position of the baseline of legend label, can be ``"top"``, ``"middle"``,
6691        ``"bottom"``, or ``"alphabetic"``.
6693        **Default value:** ``"middle"``.
6694    labelColor : :class:`Color`
6695        The color of the legend label, can be in hex color code or regular color name.
6696    labelFont : string
6697        The font of the legend label.
6698    labelFontSize : float
6699        The font size of legend label.
6701        **Default value:** ``10``.
6702    labelFontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
6703        The font style of legend label.
6704    labelFontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
6705        The font weight of legend label.
6706    labelLimit : float
6707        Maximum allowed pixel width of legend tick labels.
6709        **Default value:** ``160``.
6710    labelOffset : float
6711        The offset of the legend label.
6712    labelOpacity : float
6713        Opacity of labels.
6714    labelOverlap : :class:`LabelOverlap`
6715        The strategy to use for resolving overlap of labels in gradient legends. If
6716        ``false``, no overlap reduction is attempted. If set to ``true`` or ``"parity"``, a
6717        strategy of removing every other label is used. If set to ``"greedy"``, a linear
6718        scan of the labels is performed, removing any label that overlaps with the last
6719        visible label (this often works better for log-scaled axes).
6721        **Default value:** ``"greedy"`` for ``log scales otherwise`` true`.
6722    labelPadding : float
6723        Padding in pixels between the legend and legend labels.
6724    labelSeparation : float
6725        The minimum separation that must be between label bounding boxes for them to be
6726        considered non-overlapping (default ``0`` ). This property is ignored if
6727        *labelOverlap* resolution is not enabled.
6728    layout : :class:`LegendLayout`
6729        Legend orient group layout parameters.
6730    legendX : float
6731        Custom x-position for legend with orient "none".
6732    legendY : float
6733        Custom y-position for legend with orient "none".
6734    offset : float
6735        The offset in pixels by which to displace the legend from the data rectangle and
6736        axes.
6738        **Default value:** ``18``.
6739    orient : :class:`LegendOrient`
6740        The orientation of the legend, which determines how the legend is positioned within
6741        the scene. One of "left", "right", "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left",
6742        "bottom-right", "none".
6744        **Default value:** ``"right"``
6745    padding : float
6746        The padding between the border and content of the legend group.
6748        **Default value:** ``0``.
6749    rowPadding : float
6750        The vertical padding in pixels between symbol legend entries.
6752        **Default value:** ``2``.
6753    shortTimeLabels : boolean
6754        Whether month names and weekday names should be abbreviated.
6756        **Default value:**  ``false``
6757    strokeColor : :class:`Color`
6758        Border stroke color for the full legend.
6759    strokeDash : List(float)
6760        Border stroke dash pattern for the full legend.
6761    strokeWidth : float
6762        Border stroke width for the full legend.
6763    symbolBaseFillColor : :class:`Color`
6764        Default fill color for legend symbols. Only applied if there is no ``"fill"`` scale
6765        color encoding for the legend.
6767        **Default value:** ``"transparent"``.
6768    symbolBaseStrokeColor : :class:`Color`
6769        Default stroke color for legend symbols. Only applied if there is no ``"fill"``
6770        scale color encoding for the legend.
6772        **Default value:** ``"gray"``.
6773    symbolDash : List(float)
6774        An array of alternating [stroke, space] lengths for dashed symbol strokes.
6775    symbolDashOffset : float
6776        The pixel offset at which to start drawing with the symbol stroke dash array.
6777    symbolDirection : :class:`Orientation`
6778        The default direction ( ``"horizontal"`` or ``"vertical"`` ) for symbol legends.
6780        **Default value:** ``"vertical"``.
6781    symbolFillColor : :class:`Color`
6782        The color of the legend symbol,
6783    symbolOffset : float
6784        Horizontal pixel offset for legend symbols.
6786        **Default value:** ``0``.
6787    symbolOpacity : float
6788        Opacity of the legend symbols.
6789    symbolSize : float
6790        The size of the legend symbol, in pixels.
6792        **Default value:** ``100``.
6793    symbolStrokeColor : :class:`Color`
6794        Stroke color for legend symbols.
6795    symbolStrokeWidth : float
6796        The width of the symbol's stroke.
6798        **Default value:** ``1.5``.
6799    symbolType : :class:`SymbolShape`
6800        The symbol shape. One of the plotting shapes ``circle`` (default), ``square``,
6801        ``cross``, ``diamond``, ``triangle-up``, ``triangle-down``, ``triangle-right``, or
6802        ``triangle-left``, the line symbol ``stroke``, or one of the centered directional
6803        shapes ``arrow``, ``wedge``, or ``triangle``. Alternatively, a custom `SVG path
6804        string <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths>`__ can be
6805        provided. For correct sizing, custom shape paths should be defined within a square
6806        bounding box with coordinates ranging from -1 to 1 along both the x and y
6807        dimensions.
6809        **Default value:** ``"circle"``.
6810    title : None
6811        Set to null to disable title for the axis, legend, or header.
6812    titleAlign : :class:`Align`
6813        Horizontal text alignment for legend titles.
6815        **Default value:** ``"left"``.
6816    titleAnchor : :class:`TitleAnchor`
6817        Text anchor position for placing legend titles.
6818    titleBaseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
6819        Vertical text baseline for legend titles.
6821        **Default value:** ``"top"``.
6822    titleColor : :class:`Color`
6823        The color of the legend title, can be in hex color code or regular color name.
6824    titleFont : string
6825        The font of the legend title.
6826    titleFontSize : float
6827        The font size of the legend title.
6828    titleFontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
6829        The font style of the legend title.
6830    titleFontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
6831        The font weight of the legend title.
6832        This can be either a string (e.g ``"bold"``, ``"normal"`` ) or a number ( ``100``,
6833        ``200``, ``300``, ..., ``900`` where ``"normal"`` = ``400`` and ``"bold"`` = ``700``
6834        ).
6835    titleLimit : float
6836        Maximum allowed pixel width of legend titles.
6838        **Default value:** ``180``.
6839    titleOpacity : float
6840        Opacity of the legend title.
6841    titleOrient : :class:`Orient`
6842        Orientation of the legend title.
6843    titlePadding : float
6844        The padding, in pixels, between title and legend.
6846        **Default value:** ``5``.
6847    """
6848    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/LegendConfig'}
6850    def __init__(self, clipHeight=Undefined, columnPadding=Undefined, columns=Undefined,
6851                 cornerRadius=Undefined, fillColor=Undefined, gradientDirection=Undefined,
6852                 gradientHorizontalMaxLength=Undefined, gradientHorizontalMinLength=Undefined,
6853                 gradientLabelLimit=Undefined, gradientLabelOffset=Undefined, gradientLength=Undefined,
6854                 gradientOpacity=Undefined, gradientStrokeColor=Undefined,
6855                 gradientStrokeWidth=Undefined, gradientThickness=Undefined,
6856                 gradientVerticalMaxLength=Undefined, gradientVerticalMinLength=Undefined,
6857                 gridAlign=Undefined, labelAlign=Undefined, labelBaseline=Undefined,
6858                 labelColor=Undefined, labelFont=Undefined, labelFontSize=Undefined,
6859                 labelFontStyle=Undefined, labelFontWeight=Undefined, labelLimit=Undefined,
6860                 labelOffset=Undefined, labelOpacity=Undefined, labelOverlap=Undefined,
6861                 labelPadding=Undefined, labelSeparation=Undefined, layout=Undefined, legendX=Undefined,
6862                 legendY=Undefined, offset=Undefined, orient=Undefined, padding=Undefined,
6863                 rowPadding=Undefined, shortTimeLabels=Undefined, strokeColor=Undefined,
6864                 strokeDash=Undefined, strokeWidth=Undefined, symbolBaseFillColor=Undefined,
6865                 symbolBaseStrokeColor=Undefined, symbolDash=Undefined, symbolDashOffset=Undefined,
6866                 symbolDirection=Undefined, symbolFillColor=Undefined, symbolOffset=Undefined,
6867                 symbolOpacity=Undefined, symbolSize=Undefined, symbolStrokeColor=Undefined,
6868                 symbolStrokeWidth=Undefined, symbolType=Undefined, title=Undefined,
6869                 titleAlign=Undefined, titleAnchor=Undefined, titleBaseline=Undefined,
6870                 titleColor=Undefined, titleFont=Undefined, titleFontSize=Undefined,
6871                 titleFontStyle=Undefined, titleFontWeight=Undefined, titleLimit=Undefined,
6872                 titleOpacity=Undefined, titleOrient=Undefined, titlePadding=Undefined, **kwds):
6873        super(LegendConfig, self).__init__(clipHeight=clipHeight, columnPadding=columnPadding,
6874                                           columns=columns, cornerRadius=cornerRadius,
6875                                           fillColor=fillColor, gradientDirection=gradientDirection,
6876                                           gradientHorizontalMaxLength=gradientHorizontalMaxLength,
6877                                           gradientHorizontalMinLength=gradientHorizontalMinLength,
6878                                           gradientLabelLimit=gradientLabelLimit,
6879                                           gradientLabelOffset=gradientLabelOffset,
6880                                           gradientLength=gradientLength,
6881                                           gradientOpacity=gradientOpacity,
6882                                           gradientStrokeColor=gradientStrokeColor,
6883                                           gradientStrokeWidth=gradientStrokeWidth,
6884                                           gradientThickness=gradientThickness,
6885                                           gradientVerticalMaxLength=gradientVerticalMaxLength,
6886                                           gradientVerticalMinLength=gradientVerticalMinLength,
6887                                           gridAlign=gridAlign, labelAlign=labelAlign,
6888                                           labelBaseline=labelBaseline, labelColor=labelColor,
6889                                           labelFont=labelFont, labelFontSize=labelFontSize,
6890                                           labelFontStyle=labelFontStyle,
6891                                           labelFontWeight=labelFontWeight, labelLimit=labelLimit,
6892                                           labelOffset=labelOffset, labelOpacity=labelOpacity,
6893                                           labelOverlap=labelOverlap, labelPadding=labelPadding,
6894                                           labelSeparation=labelSeparation, layout=layout,
6895                                           legendX=legendX, legendY=legendY, offset=offset,
6896                                           orient=orient, padding=padding, rowPadding=rowPadding,
6897                                           shortTimeLabels=shortTimeLabels, strokeColor=strokeColor,
6898                                           strokeDash=strokeDash, strokeWidth=strokeWidth,
6899                                           symbolBaseFillColor=symbolBaseFillColor,
6900                                           symbolBaseStrokeColor=symbolBaseStrokeColor,
6901                                           symbolDash=symbolDash, symbolDashOffset=symbolDashOffset,
6902                                           symbolDirection=symbolDirection,
6903                                           symbolFillColor=symbolFillColor, symbolOffset=symbolOffset,
6904                                           symbolOpacity=symbolOpacity, symbolSize=symbolSize,
6905                                           symbolStrokeColor=symbolStrokeColor,
6906                                           symbolStrokeWidth=symbolStrokeWidth, symbolType=symbolType,
6907                                           title=title, titleAlign=titleAlign, titleAnchor=titleAnchor,
6908                                           titleBaseline=titleBaseline, titleColor=titleColor,
6909                                           titleFont=titleFont, titleFontSize=titleFontSize,
6910                                           titleFontStyle=titleFontStyle,
6911                                           titleFontWeight=titleFontWeight, titleLimit=titleLimit,
6912                                           titleOpacity=titleOpacity, titleOrient=titleOrient,
6913                                           titlePadding=titlePadding, **kwds)
6916class LegendLayout(VegaLiteSchema):
6917    """LegendLayout schema wrapper
6919    Mapping(required=[])
6921    Attributes
6922    ----------
6924    anchor : :class:`TitleAnchor`
6925        The anchor point for legend orient group layout.
6926    bottom : :class:`BaseLegendLayout`
6928    bounds : :class:`LayoutBounds`
6929        The bounds calculation to use for legend orient group layout.
6930    center : anyOf(boolean, :class:`SignalRef`)
6931        A flag to center legends within a shared orient group.
6932    direction : anyOf(:class:`Orientation`, :class:`SignalRef`)
6933        The layout direction for legend orient group layout.
6934    left : :class:`BaseLegendLayout`
6936    margin : anyOf(float, :class:`SignalRef`)
6937        The pixel margin between legends within a orient group.
6938    offset : anyOf(float, :class:`SignalRef`)
6939        The pixel offset from the chart body for a legend orient group.
6940    right : :class:`BaseLegendLayout`
6942    top : :class:`BaseLegendLayout`
6944    bottom-left : :class:`BaseLegendLayout`
6946    bottom-right : :class:`BaseLegendLayout`
6948    top-left : :class:`BaseLegendLayout`
6950    top-right : :class:`BaseLegendLayout`
6952    """
6953    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/LegendLayout'}
6955    def __init__(self, anchor=Undefined, bottom=Undefined, bounds=Undefined, center=Undefined,
6956                 direction=Undefined, left=Undefined, margin=Undefined, offset=Undefined,
6957                 right=Undefined, top=Undefined, **kwds):
6958        super(LegendLayout, self).__init__(anchor=anchor, bottom=bottom, bounds=bounds, center=center,
6959                                           direction=direction, left=left, margin=margin, offset=offset,
6960                                           right=right, top=top, **kwds)
6963class LegendOrient(VegaLiteSchema):
6964    """LegendOrient schema wrapper
6966    enum('none', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'top-left', 'top-right', 'bottom-left',
6967    'bottom-right')
6968    """
6969    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/LegendOrient'}
6971    def __init__(self, *args):
6972        super(LegendOrient, self).__init__(*args)
6975class LegendResolveMap(VegaLiteSchema):
6976    """LegendResolveMap schema wrapper
6978    Mapping(required=[])
6980    Attributes
6981    ----------
6983    color : :class:`ResolveMode`
6985    fill : :class:`ResolveMode`
6987    fillOpacity : :class:`ResolveMode`
6989    opacity : :class:`ResolveMode`
6991    shape : :class:`ResolveMode`
6993    size : :class:`ResolveMode`
6995    stroke : :class:`ResolveMode`
6997    strokeOpacity : :class:`ResolveMode`
6999    strokeWidth : :class:`ResolveMode`
7001    """
7002    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/LegendResolveMap'}
7004    def __init__(self, color=Undefined, fill=Undefined, fillOpacity=Undefined, opacity=Undefined,
7005                 shape=Undefined, size=Undefined, stroke=Undefined, strokeOpacity=Undefined,
7006                 strokeWidth=Undefined, **kwds):
7007        super(LegendResolveMap, self).__init__(color=color, fill=fill, fillOpacity=fillOpacity,
7008                                               opacity=opacity, shape=shape, size=size, stroke=stroke,
7009                                               strokeOpacity=strokeOpacity, strokeWidth=strokeWidth,
7010                                               **kwds)
7013class LineConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
7014    """LineConfig schema wrapper
7016    Mapping(required=[])
7018    Attributes
7019    ----------
7021    align : :class:`Align`
7022        The horizontal alignment of the text. One of ``"left"``, ``"right"``, ``"center"``.
7023    angle : float
7024        The rotation angle of the text, in degrees.
7025    baseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
7026        The vertical alignment of the text. One of ``"top"``, ``"middle"``, ``"bottom"``.
7028        **Default value:** ``"middle"``
7029    color : :class:`Color`
7030        Default color.  Note that ``fill`` and ``stroke`` have higher precedence than
7031        ``color`` and will override ``color``.
7033        **Default value:** :raw-html:`<span style="color: #4682b4;">&#9632;</span>`
7034        ``"#4682b4"``
7036        **Note:** This property cannot be used in a `style config
7037        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__.
7038    cornerRadius : float
7039        The radius in pixels of rounded rectangle corners.
7041        **Default value:** ``0``
7042    cursor : :class:`Cursor`
7043        The mouse cursor used over the mark. Any valid `CSS cursor type
7044        <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/cursor#Values>`__ can be used.
7045    dir : :class:`Dir`
7046        The direction of the text. One of ``"ltr"`` (left-to-right) or ``"rtl"``
7047        (right-to-left). This property determines on which side is truncated in response to
7048        the limit parameter.
7050        **Default value:** ``"ltr"``
7051    dx : float
7052        The horizontal offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The
7053        offset is applied after rotation by the *angle* property.
7054    dy : float
7055        The vertical offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The
7056        offset is applied after rotation by the *angle* property.
7057    ellipsis : string
7058        The ellipsis string for text truncated in response to the limit parameter.
7060        **Default value:** ``"…"``
7061    fill : :class:`Color`
7062        Default Fill Color.  This has higher precedence than ``config.color``
7064        **Default value:** (None)
7065    fillOpacity : float
7066        The fill opacity (value between [0,1]).
7068        **Default value:** ``1``
7069    filled : boolean
7070        Whether the mark's color should be used as fill color instead of stroke color.
7072        **Default value:** ``false`` for ``point``, ``line`` and ``rule`` ; otherwise,
7073        ``true``.
7075        **Note:** This property cannot be used in a `style config
7076        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__.
7077    font : string
7078        The typeface to set the text in (e.g., ``"Helvetica Neue"`` ).
7079    fontSize : float
7080        The font size, in pixels.
7081    fontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
7082        The font style (e.g., ``"italic"`` ).
7083    fontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
7084        The font weight.
7085        This can be either a string (e.g ``"bold"``, ``"normal"`` ) or a number ( ``100``,
7086        ``200``, ``300``, ..., ``900`` where ``"normal"`` = ``400`` and ``"bold"`` = ``700``
7087        ).
7088    height : float
7089        Height of the marks.
7090    href : string
7091        A URL to load upon mouse click. If defined, the mark acts as a hyperlink.
7092    interpolate : :class:`Interpolate`
7093        The line interpolation method to use for line and area marks. One of the following:
7096        * ``"linear"`` : piecewise linear segments, as in a polyline.
7097        * ``"linear-closed"`` : close the linear segments to form a polygon.
7098        * ``"step"`` : alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a step
7099          function.
7100        * ``"step-before"`` : alternate between vertical and horizontal segments, as in a
7101          step function.
7102        * ``"step-after"`` : alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a
7103          step function.
7104        * ``"basis"`` : a B-spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
7105        * ``"basis-open"`` : an open B-spline; may not intersect the start or end.
7106        * ``"basis-closed"`` : a closed B-spline, as in a loop.
7107        * ``"cardinal"`` : a Cardinal spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
7108        * ``"cardinal-open"`` : an open Cardinal spline; may not intersect the start or end,
7109          but will intersect other control points.
7110        * ``"cardinal-closed"`` : a closed Cardinal spline, as in a loop.
7111        * ``"bundle"`` : equivalent to basis, except the tension parameter is used to
7112          straighten the spline.
7113        * ``"monotone"`` : cubic interpolation that preserves monotonicity in y.
7114    limit : float
7115        The maximum length of the text mark in pixels. The text value will be automatically
7116        truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.
7118        **Default value:** ``0``, indicating no limit
7119    opacity : float
7120        The overall opacity (value between [0,1]).
7122        **Default value:** ``0.7`` for non-aggregate plots with ``point``, ``tick``,
7123        ``circle``, or ``square`` marks or layered ``bar`` charts and ``1`` otherwise.
7124    order : anyOf(None, boolean)
7125        For line and trail marks, this ``order`` property can be set to ``null`` or
7126        ``false`` to make the lines use the original order in the data sources.
7127    orient : :class:`Orientation`
7128        The orientation of a non-stacked bar, tick, area, and line charts.
7129        The value is either horizontal (default) or vertical.
7132        * For bar, rule and tick, this determines whether the size of the bar and tick
7133        should be applied to x or y dimension.
7134        * For area, this property determines the orient property of the Vega output.
7135        * For line and trail marks, this property determines the sort order of the points in
7136          the line
7137        if ``config.sortLineBy`` is not specified.
7138        For stacked charts, this is always determined by the orientation of the stack;
7139        therefore explicitly specified value will be ignored.
7140    point : anyOf(boolean, :class:`OverlayMarkDef`, enum('transparent'))
7141        A flag for overlaying points on top of line or area marks, or an object defining the
7142        properties of the overlayed points.
7145        If this property is ``"transparent"``, transparent points will be used (for
7146        enhancing tooltips and selections).
7148        If this property is an empty object ( ``{}`` ) or ``true``, filled points with
7149        default properties will be used.
7151        If this property is ``false``, no points would be automatically added to line or
7152        area marks.
7154        **Default value:** ``false``.
7155    radius : float
7156        Polar coordinate radial offset, in pixels, of the text label from the origin
7157        determined by the ``x`` and ``y`` properties.
7158    shape : string
7159        Shape of the point marks. Supported values include:
7162        * plotting shapes: ``"circle"``, ``"square"``, ``"cross"``, ``"diamond"``,
7163          ``"triangle-up"``, ``"triangle-down"``, ``"triangle-right"``, or
7164          ``"triangle-left"``.
7165        * the line symbol ``"stroke"``
7166        * centered directional shapes ``"arrow"``, ``"wedge"``, or ``"triangle"``
7167        * a custom `SVG path string
7168          <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths>`__ (For correct
7169          sizing, custom shape paths should be defined within a square bounding box with
7170          coordinates ranging from -1 to 1 along both the x and y dimensions.)
7172        **Default value:** ``"circle"``
7173    size : float
7174        Default size for marks.
7177        * For ``point`` / ``circle`` / ``square``, this represents the pixel area of the
7178          marks. For example: in the case of circles, the radius is determined in part by
7179          the square root of the size value.
7180        * For ``bar``, this represents the band size of the bar, in pixels.
7181        * For ``text``, this represents the font size, in pixels.
7183        **Default value:** ``30`` for point, circle, square marks; ``rangeStep`` - 1 for bar
7184        marks with discrete dimensions; ``5`` for bar marks with continuous dimensions;
7185        ``11`` for text marks.
7186    stroke : :class:`Color`
7187        Default Stroke Color.  This has higher precedence than ``config.color``
7189        **Default value:** (None)
7190    strokeCap : :class:`StrokeCap`
7191        The stroke cap for line ending style. One of ``"butt"``, ``"round"``, or
7192        ``"square"``.
7194        **Default value:** ``"square"``
7195    strokeDash : List(float)
7196        An array of alternating stroke, space lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines.
7197    strokeDashOffset : float
7198        The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the stroke dash array.
7199    strokeJoin : :class:`StrokeJoin`
7200        The stroke line join method. One of ``"miter"``, ``"round"`` or ``"bevel"``.
7202        **Default value:** ``"miter"``
7203    strokeMiterLimit : float
7204        The miter limit at which to bevel a line join.
7205    strokeOpacity : float
7206        The stroke opacity (value between [0,1]).
7208        **Default value:** ``1``
7209    strokeWidth : float
7210        The stroke width, in pixels.
7211    tension : float
7212        Depending on the interpolation type, sets the tension parameter (for line and area
7213        marks).
7214    text : string
7215        Placeholder text if the ``text`` channel is not specified
7216    theta : float
7217        Polar coordinate angle, in radians, of the text label from the origin determined by
7218        the ``x`` and ``y`` properties. Values for ``theta`` follow the same convention of
7219        ``arc`` mark ``startAngle`` and ``endAngle`` properties: angles are measured in
7220        radians, with ``0`` indicating "north".
7221    tooltip : anyOf(:class:`Value`, :class:`TooltipContent`, None)
7222        The tooltip text string to show upon mouse hover or an object defining which fields
7223        should the tooltip be derived from.
7226        * If ``tooltip`` is ``{"content": "encoding"}``, then all fields from ``encoding``
7227          will be used.
7228        * If ``tooltip`` is ``{"content": "data"}``, then all fields that appear in the
7229          highlighted data point will be used.
7230        * If set to ``null``, then no tooltip will be used.
7231    width : float
7232        Width of the marks.
7233    x : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
7234        X coordinates of the marks, or width of horizontal ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
7235        specified ``x2`` or ``width``.
7237        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
7238        of the plot.
7239    x2 : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
7240        X2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
7242        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
7243        of the plot.
7244    y : anyOf(float, enum('height'))
7245        Y coordinates of the marks, or height of vertical ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
7246        specified ``y2`` or ``height``.
7248        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
7249        height of the plot.
7250    y2 : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
7251        Y2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
7253        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
7254        height of the plot.
7255    """
7256    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/LineConfig'}
7258    def __init__(self, align=Undefined, angle=Undefined, baseline=Undefined, color=Undefined,
7259                 cornerRadius=Undefined, cursor=Undefined, dir=Undefined, dx=Undefined, dy=Undefined,
7260                 ellipsis=Undefined, fill=Undefined, fillOpacity=Undefined, filled=Undefined,
7261                 font=Undefined, fontSize=Undefined, fontStyle=Undefined, fontWeight=Undefined,
7262                 height=Undefined, href=Undefined, interpolate=Undefined, limit=Undefined,
7263                 opacity=Undefined, order=Undefined, orient=Undefined, point=Undefined,
7264                 radius=Undefined, shape=Undefined, size=Undefined, stroke=Undefined,
7265                 strokeCap=Undefined, strokeDash=Undefined, strokeDashOffset=Undefined,
7266                 strokeJoin=Undefined, strokeMiterLimit=Undefined, strokeOpacity=Undefined,
7267                 strokeWidth=Undefined, tension=Undefined, text=Undefined, theta=Undefined,
7268                 tooltip=Undefined, width=Undefined, x=Undefined, x2=Undefined, y=Undefined,
7269                 y2=Undefined, **kwds):
7270        super(LineConfig, self).__init__(align=align, angle=angle, baseline=baseline, color=color,
7271                                         cornerRadius=cornerRadius, cursor=cursor, dir=dir, dx=dx,
7272                                         dy=dy, ellipsis=ellipsis, fill=fill, fillOpacity=fillOpacity,
7273                                         filled=filled, font=font, fontSize=fontSize,
7274                                         fontStyle=fontStyle, fontWeight=fontWeight, height=height,
7275                                         href=href, interpolate=interpolate, limit=limit,
7276                                         opacity=opacity, order=order, orient=orient, point=point,
7277                                         radius=radius, shape=shape, size=size, stroke=stroke,
7278                                         strokeCap=strokeCap, strokeDash=strokeDash,
7279                                         strokeDashOffset=strokeDashOffset, strokeJoin=strokeJoin,
7280                                         strokeMiterLimit=strokeMiterLimit, strokeOpacity=strokeOpacity,
7281                                         strokeWidth=strokeWidth, tension=tension, text=text,
7282                                         theta=theta, tooltip=tooltip, width=width, x=x, x2=x2, y=y,
7283                                         y2=y2, **kwds)
7286class LogicalOperandPredicate(VegaLiteSchema):
7287    """LogicalOperandPredicate schema wrapper
7289    anyOf(:class:`LogicalNotPredicate`, :class:`LogicalAndPredicate`,
7290    :class:`LogicalOrPredicate`, :class:`Predicate`)
7291    """
7292    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/LogicalOperand<Predicate>'}
7294    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
7295        super(LogicalOperandPredicate, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
7298class LogicalAndPredicate(LogicalOperandPredicate):
7299    """LogicalAndPredicate schema wrapper
7301    Mapping(required=[and])
7303    Attributes
7304    ----------
7306    and : List(:class:`LogicalOperandPredicate`)
7308    """
7309    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/LogicalAnd<Predicate>'}
7311    def __init__(self, **kwds):
7312        super(LogicalAndPredicate, self).__init__(**kwds)
7315class LogicalNotPredicate(LogicalOperandPredicate):
7316    """LogicalNotPredicate schema wrapper
7318    Mapping(required=[not])
7320    Attributes
7321    ----------
7323    not : :class:`LogicalOperandPredicate`
7325    """
7326    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/LogicalNot<Predicate>'}
7328    def __init__(self, **kwds):
7329        super(LogicalNotPredicate, self).__init__(**kwds)
7332class LogicalOrPredicate(LogicalOperandPredicate):
7333    """LogicalOrPredicate schema wrapper
7335    Mapping(required=[or])
7337    Attributes
7338    ----------
7340    or : List(:class:`LogicalOperandPredicate`)
7342    """
7343    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/LogicalOr<Predicate>'}
7345    def __init__(self, **kwds):
7346        super(LogicalOrPredicate, self).__init__(**kwds)
7349class LookupData(VegaLiteSchema):
7350    """LookupData schema wrapper
7352    Mapping(required=[data, key])
7354    Attributes
7355    ----------
7357    data : :class:`Data`
7358        Secondary data source to lookup in.
7359    key : :class:`FieldName`
7360        Key in data to lookup.
7361    fields : List(:class:`FieldName`)
7362        Fields in foreign data to lookup.
7363        If not specified, the entire object is queried.
7364    """
7365    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/LookupData'}
7367    def __init__(self, data=Undefined, key=Undefined, fields=Undefined, **kwds):
7368        super(LookupData, self).__init__(data=data, key=key, fields=fields, **kwds)
7371class Mark(AnyMark):
7372    """Mark schema wrapper
7374    enum('area', 'bar', 'line', 'trail', 'point', 'text', 'tick', 'rect', 'rule', 'circle',
7375    'square', 'geoshape')
7376    All types of primitive marks.
7377    """
7378    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Mark'}
7380    def __init__(self, *args):
7381        super(Mark, self).__init__(*args)
7384class MarkConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
7385    """MarkConfig schema wrapper
7387    Mapping(required=[])
7389    Attributes
7390    ----------
7392    align : :class:`Align`
7393        The horizontal alignment of the text. One of ``"left"``, ``"right"``, ``"center"``.
7394    angle : float
7395        The rotation angle of the text, in degrees.
7396    baseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
7397        The vertical alignment of the text. One of ``"top"``, ``"middle"``, ``"bottom"``.
7399        **Default value:** ``"middle"``
7400    color : :class:`Color`
7401        Default color.  Note that ``fill`` and ``stroke`` have higher precedence than
7402        ``color`` and will override ``color``.
7404        **Default value:** :raw-html:`<span style="color: #4682b4;">&#9632;</span>`
7405        ``"#4682b4"``
7407        **Note:** This property cannot be used in a `style config
7408        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__.
7409    cornerRadius : float
7410        The radius in pixels of rounded rectangle corners.
7412        **Default value:** ``0``
7413    cursor : :class:`Cursor`
7414        The mouse cursor used over the mark. Any valid `CSS cursor type
7415        <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/cursor#Values>`__ can be used.
7416    dir : :class:`Dir`
7417        The direction of the text. One of ``"ltr"`` (left-to-right) or ``"rtl"``
7418        (right-to-left). This property determines on which side is truncated in response to
7419        the limit parameter.
7421        **Default value:** ``"ltr"``
7422    dx : float
7423        The horizontal offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The
7424        offset is applied after rotation by the *angle* property.
7425    dy : float
7426        The vertical offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The
7427        offset is applied after rotation by the *angle* property.
7428    ellipsis : string
7429        The ellipsis string for text truncated in response to the limit parameter.
7431        **Default value:** ``"…"``
7432    fill : :class:`Color`
7433        Default Fill Color.  This has higher precedence than ``config.color``
7435        **Default value:** (None)
7436    fillOpacity : float
7437        The fill opacity (value between [0,1]).
7439        **Default value:** ``1``
7440    filled : boolean
7441        Whether the mark's color should be used as fill color instead of stroke color.
7443        **Default value:** ``false`` for ``point``, ``line`` and ``rule`` ; otherwise,
7444        ``true``.
7446        **Note:** This property cannot be used in a `style config
7447        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__.
7448    font : string
7449        The typeface to set the text in (e.g., ``"Helvetica Neue"`` ).
7450    fontSize : float
7451        The font size, in pixels.
7452    fontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
7453        The font style (e.g., ``"italic"`` ).
7454    fontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
7455        The font weight.
7456        This can be either a string (e.g ``"bold"``, ``"normal"`` ) or a number ( ``100``,
7457        ``200``, ``300``, ..., ``900`` where ``"normal"`` = ``400`` and ``"bold"`` = ``700``
7458        ).
7459    height : float
7460        Height of the marks.
7461    href : string
7462        A URL to load upon mouse click. If defined, the mark acts as a hyperlink.
7463    interpolate : :class:`Interpolate`
7464        The line interpolation method to use for line and area marks. One of the following:
7467        * ``"linear"`` : piecewise linear segments, as in a polyline.
7468        * ``"linear-closed"`` : close the linear segments to form a polygon.
7469        * ``"step"`` : alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a step
7470          function.
7471        * ``"step-before"`` : alternate between vertical and horizontal segments, as in a
7472          step function.
7473        * ``"step-after"`` : alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a
7474          step function.
7475        * ``"basis"`` : a B-spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
7476        * ``"basis-open"`` : an open B-spline; may not intersect the start or end.
7477        * ``"basis-closed"`` : a closed B-spline, as in a loop.
7478        * ``"cardinal"`` : a Cardinal spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
7479        * ``"cardinal-open"`` : an open Cardinal spline; may not intersect the start or end,
7480          but will intersect other control points.
7481        * ``"cardinal-closed"`` : a closed Cardinal spline, as in a loop.
7482        * ``"bundle"`` : equivalent to basis, except the tension parameter is used to
7483          straighten the spline.
7484        * ``"monotone"`` : cubic interpolation that preserves monotonicity in y.
7485    limit : float
7486        The maximum length of the text mark in pixels. The text value will be automatically
7487        truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.
7489        **Default value:** ``0``, indicating no limit
7490    opacity : float
7491        The overall opacity (value between [0,1]).
7493        **Default value:** ``0.7`` for non-aggregate plots with ``point``, ``tick``,
7494        ``circle``, or ``square`` marks or layered ``bar`` charts and ``1`` otherwise.
7495    order : anyOf(None, boolean)
7496        For line and trail marks, this ``order`` property can be set to ``null`` or
7497        ``false`` to make the lines use the original order in the data sources.
7498    orient : :class:`Orientation`
7499        The orientation of a non-stacked bar, tick, area, and line charts.
7500        The value is either horizontal (default) or vertical.
7503        * For bar, rule and tick, this determines whether the size of the bar and tick
7504        should be applied to x or y dimension.
7505        * For area, this property determines the orient property of the Vega output.
7506        * For line and trail marks, this property determines the sort order of the points in
7507          the line
7508        if ``config.sortLineBy`` is not specified.
7509        For stacked charts, this is always determined by the orientation of the stack;
7510        therefore explicitly specified value will be ignored.
7511    radius : float
7512        Polar coordinate radial offset, in pixels, of the text label from the origin
7513        determined by the ``x`` and ``y`` properties.
7514    shape : string
7515        Shape of the point marks. Supported values include:
7518        * plotting shapes: ``"circle"``, ``"square"``, ``"cross"``, ``"diamond"``,
7519          ``"triangle-up"``, ``"triangle-down"``, ``"triangle-right"``, or
7520          ``"triangle-left"``.
7521        * the line symbol ``"stroke"``
7522        * centered directional shapes ``"arrow"``, ``"wedge"``, or ``"triangle"``
7523        * a custom `SVG path string
7524          <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths>`__ (For correct
7525          sizing, custom shape paths should be defined within a square bounding box with
7526          coordinates ranging from -1 to 1 along both the x and y dimensions.)
7528        **Default value:** ``"circle"``
7529    size : float
7530        Default size for marks.
7533        * For ``point`` / ``circle`` / ``square``, this represents the pixel area of the
7534          marks. For example: in the case of circles, the radius is determined in part by
7535          the square root of the size value.
7536        * For ``bar``, this represents the band size of the bar, in pixels.
7537        * For ``text``, this represents the font size, in pixels.
7539        **Default value:** ``30`` for point, circle, square marks; ``rangeStep`` - 1 for bar
7540        marks with discrete dimensions; ``5`` for bar marks with continuous dimensions;
7541        ``11`` for text marks.
7542    stroke : :class:`Color`
7543        Default Stroke Color.  This has higher precedence than ``config.color``
7545        **Default value:** (None)
7546    strokeCap : :class:`StrokeCap`
7547        The stroke cap for line ending style. One of ``"butt"``, ``"round"``, or
7548        ``"square"``.
7550        **Default value:** ``"square"``
7551    strokeDash : List(float)
7552        An array of alternating stroke, space lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines.
7553    strokeDashOffset : float
7554        The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the stroke dash array.
7555    strokeJoin : :class:`StrokeJoin`
7556        The stroke line join method. One of ``"miter"``, ``"round"`` or ``"bevel"``.
7558        **Default value:** ``"miter"``
7559    strokeMiterLimit : float
7560        The miter limit at which to bevel a line join.
7561    strokeOpacity : float
7562        The stroke opacity (value between [0,1]).
7564        **Default value:** ``1``
7565    strokeWidth : float
7566        The stroke width, in pixels.
7567    tension : float
7568        Depending on the interpolation type, sets the tension parameter (for line and area
7569        marks).
7570    text : string
7571        Placeholder text if the ``text`` channel is not specified
7572    theta : float
7573        Polar coordinate angle, in radians, of the text label from the origin determined by
7574        the ``x`` and ``y`` properties. Values for ``theta`` follow the same convention of
7575        ``arc`` mark ``startAngle`` and ``endAngle`` properties: angles are measured in
7576        radians, with ``0`` indicating "north".
7577    tooltip : anyOf(:class:`Value`, :class:`TooltipContent`, None)
7578        The tooltip text string to show upon mouse hover or an object defining which fields
7579        should the tooltip be derived from.
7582        * If ``tooltip`` is ``{"content": "encoding"}``, then all fields from ``encoding``
7583          will be used.
7584        * If ``tooltip`` is ``{"content": "data"}``, then all fields that appear in the
7585          highlighted data point will be used.
7586        * If set to ``null``, then no tooltip will be used.
7587    width : float
7588        Width of the marks.
7589    x : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
7590        X coordinates of the marks, or width of horizontal ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
7591        specified ``x2`` or ``width``.
7593        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
7594        of the plot.
7595    x2 : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
7596        X2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
7598        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
7599        of the plot.
7600    y : anyOf(float, enum('height'))
7601        Y coordinates of the marks, or height of vertical ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
7602        specified ``y2`` or ``height``.
7604        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
7605        height of the plot.
7606    y2 : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
7607        Y2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
7609        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
7610        height of the plot.
7611    """
7612    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/MarkConfig'}
7614    def __init__(self, align=Undefined, angle=Undefined, baseline=Undefined, color=Undefined,
7615                 cornerRadius=Undefined, cursor=Undefined, dir=Undefined, dx=Undefined, dy=Undefined,
7616                 ellipsis=Undefined, fill=Undefined, fillOpacity=Undefined, filled=Undefined,
7617                 font=Undefined, fontSize=Undefined, fontStyle=Undefined, fontWeight=Undefined,
7618                 height=Undefined, href=Undefined, interpolate=Undefined, limit=Undefined,
7619                 opacity=Undefined, order=Undefined, orient=Undefined, radius=Undefined,
7620                 shape=Undefined, size=Undefined, stroke=Undefined, strokeCap=Undefined,
7621                 strokeDash=Undefined, strokeDashOffset=Undefined, strokeJoin=Undefined,
7622                 strokeMiterLimit=Undefined, strokeOpacity=Undefined, strokeWidth=Undefined,
7623                 tension=Undefined, text=Undefined, theta=Undefined, tooltip=Undefined, width=Undefined,
7624                 x=Undefined, x2=Undefined, y=Undefined, y2=Undefined, **kwds):
7625        super(MarkConfig, self).__init__(align=align, angle=angle, baseline=baseline, color=color,
7626                                         cornerRadius=cornerRadius, cursor=cursor, dir=dir, dx=dx,
7627                                         dy=dy, ellipsis=ellipsis, fill=fill, fillOpacity=fillOpacity,
7628                                         filled=filled, font=font, fontSize=fontSize,
7629                                         fontStyle=fontStyle, fontWeight=fontWeight, height=height,
7630                                         href=href, interpolate=interpolate, limit=limit,
7631                                         opacity=opacity, order=order, orient=orient, radius=radius,
7632                                         shape=shape, size=size, stroke=stroke, strokeCap=strokeCap,
7633                                         strokeDash=strokeDash, strokeDashOffset=strokeDashOffset,
7634                                         strokeJoin=strokeJoin, strokeMiterLimit=strokeMiterLimit,
7635                                         strokeOpacity=strokeOpacity, strokeWidth=strokeWidth,
7636                                         tension=tension, text=text, theta=theta, tooltip=tooltip,
7637                                         width=width, x=x, x2=x2, y=y, y2=y2, **kwds)
7640class MarkDef(AnyMark):
7641    """MarkDef schema wrapper
7643    Mapping(required=[type])
7645    Attributes
7646    ----------
7648    type : :class:`Mark`
7649        The mark type. This could a primitive mark type
7650        (one of ``"bar"``, ``"circle"``, ``"square"``, ``"tick"``, ``"line"``,
7651        ``"area"``, ``"point"``, ``"geoshape"``, ``"rule"``, and ``"text"`` )
7652        or a composite mark type ( ``"boxplot"``, ``"errorband"``, ``"errorbar"`` ).
7653    align : :class:`Align`
7654        The horizontal alignment of the text. One of ``"left"``, ``"right"``, ``"center"``.
7655    angle : float
7656        The rotation angle of the text, in degrees.
7657    baseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
7658        The vertical alignment of the text. One of ``"top"``, ``"middle"``, ``"bottom"``.
7660        **Default value:** ``"middle"``
7661    binSpacing : float
7662        Offset between bars for binned field.  Ideal value for this is either 0 (Preferred
7663        by statisticians) or 1 (Vega-Lite Default, D3 example style).
7665        **Default value:** ``1``
7666    clip : boolean
7667        Whether a mark be clipped to the enclosing group’s width and height.
7668    color : :class:`Color`
7669        Default color.  Note that ``fill`` and ``stroke`` have higher precedence than
7670        ``color`` and will override ``color``.
7672        **Default value:** :raw-html:`<span style="color: #4682b4;">&#9632;</span>`
7673        ``"#4682b4"``
7675        **Note:** This property cannot be used in a `style config
7676        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__.
7677    cornerRadius : float
7678        The radius in pixels of rounded rectangle corners.
7680        **Default value:** ``0``
7681    cursor : :class:`Cursor`
7682        The mouse cursor used over the mark. Any valid `CSS cursor type
7683        <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/cursor#Values>`__ can be used.
7684    dir : :class:`Dir`
7685        The direction of the text. One of ``"ltr"`` (left-to-right) or ``"rtl"``
7686        (right-to-left). This property determines on which side is truncated in response to
7687        the limit parameter.
7689        **Default value:** ``"ltr"``
7690    dx : float
7691        The horizontal offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The
7692        offset is applied after rotation by the *angle* property.
7693    dy : float
7694        The vertical offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The
7695        offset is applied after rotation by the *angle* property.
7696    ellipsis : string
7697        The ellipsis string for text truncated in response to the limit parameter.
7699        **Default value:** ``"…"``
7700    fill : :class:`Color`
7701        Default Fill Color.  This has higher precedence than ``config.color``
7703        **Default value:** (None)
7704    fillOpacity : float
7705        The fill opacity (value between [0,1]).
7707        **Default value:** ``1``
7708    filled : boolean
7709        Whether the mark's color should be used as fill color instead of stroke color.
7711        **Default value:** ``false`` for ``point``, ``line`` and ``rule`` ; otherwise,
7712        ``true``.
7714        **Note:** This property cannot be used in a `style config
7715        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__.
7716    font : string
7717        The typeface to set the text in (e.g., ``"Helvetica Neue"`` ).
7718    fontSize : float
7719        The font size, in pixels.
7720    fontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
7721        The font style (e.g., ``"italic"`` ).
7722    fontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
7723        The font weight.
7724        This can be either a string (e.g ``"bold"``, ``"normal"`` ) or a number ( ``100``,
7725        ``200``, ``300``, ..., ``900`` where ``"normal"`` = ``400`` and ``"bold"`` = ``700``
7726        ).
7727    height : float
7728        Height of the marks.
7729    href : string
7730        A URL to load upon mouse click. If defined, the mark acts as a hyperlink.
7731    interpolate : :class:`Interpolate`
7732        The line interpolation method to use for line and area marks. One of the following:
7735        * ``"linear"`` : piecewise linear segments, as in a polyline.
7736        * ``"linear-closed"`` : close the linear segments to form a polygon.
7737        * ``"step"`` : alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a step
7738          function.
7739        * ``"step-before"`` : alternate between vertical and horizontal segments, as in a
7740          step function.
7741        * ``"step-after"`` : alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a
7742          step function.
7743        * ``"basis"`` : a B-spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
7744        * ``"basis-open"`` : an open B-spline; may not intersect the start or end.
7745        * ``"basis-closed"`` : a closed B-spline, as in a loop.
7746        * ``"cardinal"`` : a Cardinal spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
7747        * ``"cardinal-open"`` : an open Cardinal spline; may not intersect the start or end,
7748          but will intersect other control points.
7749        * ``"cardinal-closed"`` : a closed Cardinal spline, as in a loop.
7750        * ``"bundle"`` : equivalent to basis, except the tension parameter is used to
7751          straighten the spline.
7752        * ``"monotone"`` : cubic interpolation that preserves monotonicity in y.
7753    limit : float
7754        The maximum length of the text mark in pixels. The text value will be automatically
7755        truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.
7757        **Default value:** ``0``, indicating no limit
7758    line : anyOf(boolean, :class:`OverlayMarkDef`)
7759        A flag for overlaying line on top of area marks, or an object defining the
7760        properties of the overlayed lines.
7763        If this value is an empty object ( ``{}`` ) or ``true``, lines with default
7764        properties will be used.
7766        If this value is ``false``, no lines would be automatically added to area marks.
7768        **Default value:** ``false``.
7769    opacity : float
7770        The overall opacity (value between [0,1]).
7772        **Default value:** ``0.7`` for non-aggregate plots with ``point``, ``tick``,
7773        ``circle``, or ``square`` marks or layered ``bar`` charts and ``1`` otherwise.
7774    order : anyOf(None, boolean)
7775        For line and trail marks, this ``order`` property can be set to ``null`` or
7776        ``false`` to make the lines use the original order in the data sources.
7777    orient : :class:`Orientation`
7778        The orientation of a non-stacked bar, tick, area, and line charts.
7779        The value is either horizontal (default) or vertical.
7782        * For bar, rule and tick, this determines whether the size of the bar and tick
7783        should be applied to x or y dimension.
7784        * For area, this property determines the orient property of the Vega output.
7785        * For line and trail marks, this property determines the sort order of the points in
7786          the line
7787        if ``config.sortLineBy`` is not specified.
7788        For stacked charts, this is always determined by the orientation of the stack;
7789        therefore explicitly specified value will be ignored.
7790    point : anyOf(boolean, :class:`OverlayMarkDef`, enum('transparent'))
7791        A flag for overlaying points on top of line or area marks, or an object defining the
7792        properties of the overlayed points.
7795        If this property is ``"transparent"``, transparent points will be used (for
7796        enhancing tooltips and selections).
7798        If this property is an empty object ( ``{}`` ) or ``true``, filled points with
7799        default properties will be used.
7801        If this property is ``false``, no points would be automatically added to line or
7802        area marks.
7804        **Default value:** ``false``.
7805    radius : float
7806        Polar coordinate radial offset, in pixels, of the text label from the origin
7807        determined by the ``x`` and ``y`` properties.
7808    shape : string
7809        Shape of the point marks. Supported values include:
7812        * plotting shapes: ``"circle"``, ``"square"``, ``"cross"``, ``"diamond"``,
7813          ``"triangle-up"``, ``"triangle-down"``, ``"triangle-right"``, or
7814          ``"triangle-left"``.
7815        * the line symbol ``"stroke"``
7816        * centered directional shapes ``"arrow"``, ``"wedge"``, or ``"triangle"``
7817        * a custom `SVG path string
7818          <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths>`__ (For correct
7819          sizing, custom shape paths should be defined within a square bounding box with
7820          coordinates ranging from -1 to 1 along both the x and y dimensions.)
7822        **Default value:** ``"circle"``
7823    size : float
7824        Default size for marks.
7827        * For ``point`` / ``circle`` / ``square``, this represents the pixel area of the
7828          marks. For example: in the case of circles, the radius is determined in part by
7829          the square root of the size value.
7830        * For ``bar``, this represents the band size of the bar, in pixels.
7831        * For ``text``, this represents the font size, in pixels.
7833        **Default value:** ``30`` for point, circle, square marks; ``rangeStep`` - 1 for bar
7834        marks with discrete dimensions; ``5`` for bar marks with continuous dimensions;
7835        ``11`` for text marks.
7836    stroke : :class:`Color`
7837        Default Stroke Color.  This has higher precedence than ``config.color``
7839        **Default value:** (None)
7840    strokeCap : :class:`StrokeCap`
7841        The stroke cap for line ending style. One of ``"butt"``, ``"round"``, or
7842        ``"square"``.
7844        **Default value:** ``"square"``
7845    strokeDash : List(float)
7846        An array of alternating stroke, space lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines.
7847    strokeDashOffset : float
7848        The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the stroke dash array.
7849    strokeJoin : :class:`StrokeJoin`
7850        The stroke line join method. One of ``"miter"``, ``"round"`` or ``"bevel"``.
7852        **Default value:** ``"miter"``
7853    strokeMiterLimit : float
7854        The miter limit at which to bevel a line join.
7855    strokeOpacity : float
7856        The stroke opacity (value between [0,1]).
7858        **Default value:** ``1``
7859    strokeWidth : float
7860        The stroke width, in pixels.
7861    style : anyOf(string, List(string))
7862        A string or array of strings indicating the name of custom styles to apply to the
7863        mark. A style is a named collection of mark property defaults defined within the
7864        `style configuration
7865        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__. If style is an
7866        array, later styles will override earlier styles. Any `mark properties
7867        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/encoding.html#mark-prop>`__ explicitly
7868        defined within the ``encoding`` will override a style default.
7870        **Default value:** The mark's name.  For example, a bar mark will have style
7871        ``"bar"`` by default.
7872        **Note:** Any specified style will augment the default style. For example, a bar
7873        mark with ``"style": "foo"`` will receive from ``config.style.bar`` and
7874        ``config.style.foo`` (the specified style ``"foo"`` has higher precedence).
7875    tension : float
7876        Depending on the interpolation type, sets the tension parameter (for line and area
7877        marks).
7878    text : string
7879        Placeholder text if the ``text`` channel is not specified
7880    theta : float
7881        Polar coordinate angle, in radians, of the text label from the origin determined by
7882        the ``x`` and ``y`` properties. Values for ``theta`` follow the same convention of
7883        ``arc`` mark ``startAngle`` and ``endAngle`` properties: angles are measured in
7884        radians, with ``0`` indicating "north".
7885    thickness : float
7886        Thickness of the tick mark.
7888        **Default value:**  ``1``
7889    tooltip : anyOf(:class:`Value`, :class:`TooltipContent`, None)
7890        The tooltip text string to show upon mouse hover or an object defining which fields
7891        should the tooltip be derived from.
7894        * If ``tooltip`` is ``{"content": "encoding"}``, then all fields from ``encoding``
7895          will be used.
7896        * If ``tooltip`` is ``{"content": "data"}``, then all fields that appear in the
7897          highlighted data point will be used.
7898        * If set to ``null``, then no tooltip will be used.
7899    width : float
7900        Width of the marks.
7901    x : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
7902        X coordinates of the marks, or width of horizontal ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
7903        specified ``x2`` or ``width``.
7905        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
7906        of the plot.
7907    x2 : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
7908        X2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
7910        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
7911        of the plot.
7912    x2Offset : float
7913        Offset for x2-position.
7914    xOffset : float
7915        Offset for x-position.
7916    y : anyOf(float, enum('height'))
7917        Y coordinates of the marks, or height of vertical ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
7918        specified ``y2`` or ``height``.
7920        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
7921        height of the plot.
7922    y2 : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
7923        Y2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
7925        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
7926        height of the plot.
7927    y2Offset : float
7928        Offset for y2-position.
7929    yOffset : float
7930        Offset for y-position.
7931    """
7932    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/MarkDef'}
7934    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, align=Undefined, angle=Undefined, baseline=Undefined,
7935                 binSpacing=Undefined, clip=Undefined, color=Undefined, cornerRadius=Undefined,
7936                 cursor=Undefined, dir=Undefined, dx=Undefined, dy=Undefined, ellipsis=Undefined,
7937                 fill=Undefined, fillOpacity=Undefined, filled=Undefined, font=Undefined,
7938                 fontSize=Undefined, fontStyle=Undefined, fontWeight=Undefined, height=Undefined,
7939                 href=Undefined, interpolate=Undefined, limit=Undefined, line=Undefined,
7940                 opacity=Undefined, order=Undefined, orient=Undefined, point=Undefined,
7941                 radius=Undefined, shape=Undefined, size=Undefined, stroke=Undefined,
7942                 strokeCap=Undefined, strokeDash=Undefined, strokeDashOffset=Undefined,
7943                 strokeJoin=Undefined, strokeMiterLimit=Undefined, strokeOpacity=Undefined,
7944                 strokeWidth=Undefined, style=Undefined, tension=Undefined, text=Undefined,
7945                 theta=Undefined, thickness=Undefined, tooltip=Undefined, width=Undefined, x=Undefined,
7946                 x2=Undefined, x2Offset=Undefined, xOffset=Undefined, y=Undefined, y2=Undefined,
7947                 y2Offset=Undefined, yOffset=Undefined, **kwds):
7948        super(MarkDef, self).__init__(type=type, align=align, angle=angle, baseline=baseline,
7949                                      binSpacing=binSpacing, clip=clip, color=color,
7950                                      cornerRadius=cornerRadius, cursor=cursor, dir=dir, dx=dx, dy=dy,
7951                                      ellipsis=ellipsis, fill=fill, fillOpacity=fillOpacity,
7952                                      filled=filled, font=font, fontSize=fontSize, fontStyle=fontStyle,
7953                                      fontWeight=fontWeight, height=height, href=href,
7954                                      interpolate=interpolate, limit=limit, line=line, opacity=opacity,
7955                                      order=order, orient=orient, point=point, radius=radius,
7956                                      shape=shape, size=size, stroke=stroke, strokeCap=strokeCap,
7957                                      strokeDash=strokeDash, strokeDashOffset=strokeDashOffset,
7958                                      strokeJoin=strokeJoin, strokeMiterLimit=strokeMiterLimit,
7959                                      strokeOpacity=strokeOpacity, strokeWidth=strokeWidth, style=style,
7960                                      tension=tension, text=text, theta=theta, thickness=thickness,
7961                                      tooltip=tooltip, width=width, x=x, x2=x2, x2Offset=x2Offset,
7962                                      xOffset=xOffset, y=y, y2=y2, y2Offset=y2Offset, yOffset=yOffset,
7963                                      **kwds)
7966class Month(VegaLiteSchema):
7967    """Month schema wrapper
7969    float
7970    """
7971    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Month'}
7973    def __init__(self, *args):
7974        super(Month, self).__init__(*args)
7977class MultiSelectionConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
7978    """MultiSelectionConfig schema wrapper
7980    Mapping(required=[])
7982    Attributes
7983    ----------
7985    clear : anyOf(:class:`EventStream`, boolean)
7986        Clears the selection, emptying it of all values. Can be an
7987        `EventStream <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/>`__ or ``false`` to
7988        disable.
7990        **Default value:** ``dblclick``.
7992        **See also:** `clear <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/clear.html>`__
7993        documentation.
7994    empty : enum('all', 'none')
7995        By default, ``all`` data values are considered to lie within an empty selection.
7996        When set to ``none``, empty selections contain no data values.
7997    encodings : List(:class:`SingleDefUnitChannel`)
7998        An array of encoding channels. The corresponding data field values
7999        must match for a data tuple to fall within the selection.
8001        **See also:** `encodings <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/project.html>`__
8002        documentation.
8003    fields : List(:class:`FieldName`)
8004        An array of field names whose values must match for a data tuple to
8005        fall within the selection.
8007        **See also:** `fields <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/project.html>`__
8008        documentation.
8009    init : anyOf(:class:`SelectionInitMapping`, List(:class:`SelectionInitMapping`))
8010        Initialize the selection with a mapping between `projected channels or field names
8011        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/project.html>`__ and an initial
8012        value (or array of values).
8014        **See also:** `init <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/init.html>`__
8015        documentation.
8016    nearest : boolean
8017        When true, an invisible voronoi diagram is computed to accelerate discrete
8018        selection. The data value *nearest* the mouse cursor is added to the selection.
8020        **See also:** `nearest <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/nearest.html>`__
8021        documentation.
8022    on : :class:`EventStream`
8023        A `Vega event stream <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/>`__ (object or
8024        selector) that triggers the selection.
8025        For interval selections, the event stream must specify a `start and end
8026        <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/#between-filters>`__.
8027    resolve : :class:`SelectionResolution`
8028        With layered and multi-view displays, a strategy that determines how
8029        selections' data queries are resolved when applied in a filter transform,
8030        conditional encoding rule, or scale domain.
8032        **See also:** `resolve
8033        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection-resolve.html>`__ documentation.
8034    toggle : anyOf(string, boolean)
8035        Controls whether data values should be toggled or only ever inserted into
8036        multi selections. Can be ``true``, ``false`` (for insertion only), or a
8037        `Vega expression <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/expressions/>`__.
8039        **Default value:** ``true``, which corresponds to ``event.shiftKey`` (i.e.,
8040        data values are toggled when a user interacts with the shift-key pressed).
8042        **See also:** `toggle <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/toggle.html>`__
8043        documentation.
8044    """
8045    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/MultiSelectionConfig'}
8047    def __init__(self, clear=Undefined, empty=Undefined, encodings=Undefined, fields=Undefined,
8048                 init=Undefined, nearest=Undefined, on=Undefined, resolve=Undefined, toggle=Undefined,
8049                 **kwds):
8050        super(MultiSelectionConfig, self).__init__(clear=clear, empty=empty, encodings=encodings,
8051                                                   fields=fields, init=init, nearest=nearest, on=on,
8052                                                   resolve=resolve, toggle=toggle, **kwds)
8055class NamedData(DataSource):
8056    """NamedData schema wrapper
8058    Mapping(required=[name])
8060    Attributes
8061    ----------
8063    name : string
8064        Provide a placeholder name and bind data at runtime.
8065    format : :class:`DataFormat`
8066        An object that specifies the format for parsing the data.
8067    """
8068    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/NamedData'}
8070    def __init__(self, name=Undefined, format=Undefined, **kwds):
8071        super(NamedData, self).__init__(name=name, format=format, **kwds)
8074class NiceTime(VegaLiteSchema):
8075    """NiceTime schema wrapper
8077    enum('second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year')
8078    """
8079    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/NiceTime'}
8081    def __init__(self, *args):
8082        super(NiceTime, self).__init__(*args)
8085class NumberValueDef(VegaLiteSchema):
8086    """NumberValueDef schema wrapper
8088    Mapping(required=[value])
8089    Definition object for a constant value of an encoding channel.
8091    Attributes
8092    ----------
8094    value : float
8095        A constant value in visual domain (e.g., ``"red"`` / "#0099ff" for color, values
8096        between ``0`` to ``1`` for opacity).
8097    """
8098    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/NumberValueDef'}
8100    def __init__(self, value=Undefined, **kwds):
8101        super(NumberValueDef, self).__init__(value=value, **kwds)
8104class NumericFieldDefWithCondition(VegaLiteSchema):
8105    """NumericFieldDefWithCondition schema wrapper
8107    Mapping(required=[type])
8108    A FieldDef with Condition :raw-html:`<ValueDef>`
8110    Attributes
8111    ----------
8113    type : :class:`StandardType`
8114        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
8115        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
8116        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
8117        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
8119        **Note:**
8122        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
8123          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
8124          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
8125        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
8126          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
8127          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
8128          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
8129        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
8130          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
8131          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
8132          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
8133        * When using with `timeUnit
8134          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
8135          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
8136          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
8137        * When using with `aggregate
8138          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
8139          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
8140          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
8141          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
8142          is ``"quantitative"``.
8143        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
8144          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
8145          ``x``, ``y`` ).
8147        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
8148        documentation.
8149    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
8150        Aggregation function for the field
8151        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
8153        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
8155        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
8156        documentation.
8157    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, None)
8158        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
8159        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
8160        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
8161        ``"binned"`` ).
8164        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
8165        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
8167        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
8168        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
8169        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
8170        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
8171        set the axis's `tickMinStep
8172        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
8174        **Default value:** ``false``
8176        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
8177        documentation.
8178    condition : anyOf(:class:`ConditionalNumberValueDef`,
8179    List(:class:`ConditionalNumberValueDef`))
8180        One or more value definition(s) with `a selection or a test predicate
8181        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/condition.html>`__.
8183        **Note:** A field definition's ``condition`` property can only contain `conditional
8184        value definitions <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/condition.html#value>`__
8185        since Vega-Lite only allows at most one encoded field per encoding channel.
8186    field : :class:`Field`
8187        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
8188        value
8189        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
8190        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
8192        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
8193        documentation.
8195        **Notes:**
8196        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
8197        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
8198        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
8199        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
8200        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
8201        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
8202        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
8203    legend : anyOf(:class:`Legend`, None)
8204        An object defining properties of the legend.
8205        If ``null``, the legend for the encoding channel will be removed.
8207        **Default value:** If undefined, default `legend properties
8208        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__ are applied.
8210        **See also:** `legend <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__
8211        documentation.
8212    scale : anyOf(:class:`Scale`, None)
8213        An object defining properties of the channel's scale, which is the function that
8214        transforms values in the data domain (numbers, dates, strings, etc) to visual values
8215        (pixels, colors, sizes) of the encoding channels.
8217        If ``null``, the scale will be `disabled and the data value will be directly encoded
8218        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#disable>`__.
8220        **Default value:** If undefined, default `scale properties
8221        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__ are applied.
8223        **See also:** `scale <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__
8224        documentation.
8225    sort : :class:`Sort`
8226        Sort order for the encoded field.
8228        For continuous fields (quantitative or temporal), ``sort`` can be either
8229        ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"``.
8231        For discrete fields, ``sort`` can be one of the following:
8234        * ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"`` -- for sorting by the values' natural order in
8235          Javascript.
8236        * `A sort-by-encoding definition
8237          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-by-encoding>`__ for sorting
8238          by another encoding channel. (This type of sort definition is not available for
8239          ``row`` and ``column`` channels.)
8240        * `A sort field definition
8241          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-field>`__ for sorting by
8242          another field.
8243        * `An array specifying the field values in preferred order
8244          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-array>`__. In this case, the
8245          sort order will obey the values in the array, followed by any unspecified values
8246          in their original order.  For discrete time field, values in the sort array can be
8247          `date-time definition objects <types#datetime>`__. In addition, for time units
8248          ``"month"`` and ``"day"``, the values can be the month or day names (case
8249          insensitive) or their 3-letter initials (e.g., ``"Mon"``, ``"Tue"`` ).
8250        * ``null`` indicating no sort.
8252        **Default value:** ``"ascending"``
8254        **Note:** ``null`` is not supported for ``row`` and ``column``.
8256        **See also:** `sort <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html>`__
8257        documentation.
8258    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
8259        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
8260        field.
8261        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
8262        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
8264        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
8266        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
8267        documentation.
8268    title : anyOf(string, None)
8269        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
8271        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
8272        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
8273        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
8274        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
8275        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
8276        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
8278        **Notes** :
8280        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
8281        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
8282        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
8283        function via the compile function's options
8284        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
8286        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
8287        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
8288    """
8289    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/NumericFieldDefWithCondition'}
8291    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined, condition=Undefined,
8292                 field=Undefined, legend=Undefined, scale=Undefined, sort=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined,
8293                 title=Undefined, **kwds):
8294        super(NumericFieldDefWithCondition, self).__init__(type=type, aggregate=aggregate, bin=bin,
8295                                                           condition=condition, field=field,
8296                                                           legend=legend, scale=scale, sort=sort,
8297                                                           timeUnit=timeUnit, title=title, **kwds)
8300class NumericValueDefWithCondition(VegaLiteSchema):
8301    """NumericValueDefWithCondition schema wrapper
8303    Mapping(required=[])
8304    A ValueDef with Condition<ValueDef | FieldDef> where either the condition or the value are
8305    optional.
8307    Attributes
8308    ----------
8310    condition : anyOf(:class:`ConditionalMarkPropFieldDef`, :class:`ConditionalNumberValueDef`,
8311    List(:class:`ConditionalNumberValueDef`))
8312        A field definition or one or more value definition(s) with a selection predicate.
8313    value : float
8314        A constant value in visual domain (e.g., ``"red"`` / "#0099ff" for color, values
8315        between ``0`` to ``1`` for opacity).
8316    """
8317    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/NumericValueDefWithCondition'}
8319    def __init__(self, condition=Undefined, value=Undefined, **kwds):
8320        super(NumericValueDefWithCondition, self).__init__(condition=condition, value=value, **kwds)
8323class OrderFieldDef(VegaLiteSchema):
8324    """OrderFieldDef schema wrapper
8326    Mapping(required=[type])
8328    Attributes
8329    ----------
8331    type : :class:`StandardType`
8332        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
8333        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
8334        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
8335        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
8337        **Note:**
8340        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
8341          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
8342          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
8343        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
8344          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
8345          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
8346          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
8347        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
8348          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
8349          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
8350          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
8351        * When using with `timeUnit
8352          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
8353          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
8354          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
8355        * When using with `aggregate
8356          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
8357          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
8358          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
8359          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
8360          is ``"quantitative"``.
8361        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
8362          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
8363          ``x``, ``y`` ).
8365        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
8366        documentation.
8367    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
8368        Aggregation function for the field
8369        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
8371        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
8373        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
8374        documentation.
8375    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, enum('binned'), None)
8376        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
8377        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
8378        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
8379        ``"binned"`` ).
8382        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
8383        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
8385        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
8386        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
8387        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
8388        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
8389        set the axis's `tickMinStep
8390        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
8392        **Default value:** ``false``
8394        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
8395        documentation.
8396    field : :class:`Field`
8397        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
8398        value
8399        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
8400        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
8402        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
8403        documentation.
8405        **Notes:**
8406        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
8407        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
8408        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
8409        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
8410        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
8411        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
8412        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
8413    sort : :class:`SortOrder`
8414        The sort order. One of ``"ascending"`` (default) or ``"descending"``.
8415    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
8416        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
8417        field.
8418        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
8419        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
8421        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
8423        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
8424        documentation.
8425    title : anyOf(string, None)
8426        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
8428        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
8429        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
8430        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
8431        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
8432        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
8433        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
8435        **Notes** :
8437        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
8438        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
8439        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
8440        function via the compile function's options
8441        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
8443        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
8444        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
8445    """
8446    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/OrderFieldDef'}
8448    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined, field=Undefined,
8449                 sort=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined, title=Undefined, **kwds):
8450        super(OrderFieldDef, self).__init__(type=type, aggregate=aggregate, bin=bin, field=field,
8451                                            sort=sort, timeUnit=timeUnit, title=title, **kwds)
8454class Orient(VegaLiteSchema):
8455    """Orient schema wrapper
8457    enum('left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom')
8458    """
8459    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Orient'}
8461    def __init__(self, *args):
8462        super(Orient, self).__init__(*args)
8465class Orientation(VegaLiteSchema):
8466    """Orientation schema wrapper
8468    enum('horizontal', 'vertical')
8469    """
8470    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Orientation'}
8472    def __init__(self, *args):
8473        super(Orientation, self).__init__(*args)
8476class OverlayMarkDef(VegaLiteSchema):
8477    """OverlayMarkDef schema wrapper
8479    Mapping(required=[])
8481    Attributes
8482    ----------
8484    align : :class:`Align`
8485        The horizontal alignment of the text. One of ``"left"``, ``"right"``, ``"center"``.
8486    angle : float
8487        The rotation angle of the text, in degrees.
8488    baseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
8489        The vertical alignment of the text. One of ``"top"``, ``"middle"``, ``"bottom"``.
8491        **Default value:** ``"middle"``
8492    clip : boolean
8493        Whether a mark be clipped to the enclosing group’s width and height.
8494    color : :class:`Color`
8495        Default color.  Note that ``fill`` and ``stroke`` have higher precedence than
8496        ``color`` and will override ``color``.
8498        **Default value:** :raw-html:`<span style="color: #4682b4;">&#9632;</span>`
8499        ``"#4682b4"``
8501        **Note:** This property cannot be used in a `style config
8502        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__.
8503    cornerRadius : float
8504        The radius in pixels of rounded rectangle corners.
8506        **Default value:** ``0``
8507    cursor : :class:`Cursor`
8508        The mouse cursor used over the mark. Any valid `CSS cursor type
8509        <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/cursor#Values>`__ can be used.
8510    dir : :class:`Dir`
8511        The direction of the text. One of ``"ltr"`` (left-to-right) or ``"rtl"``
8512        (right-to-left). This property determines on which side is truncated in response to
8513        the limit parameter.
8515        **Default value:** ``"ltr"``
8516    dx : float
8517        The horizontal offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The
8518        offset is applied after rotation by the *angle* property.
8519    dy : float
8520        The vertical offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The
8521        offset is applied after rotation by the *angle* property.
8522    ellipsis : string
8523        The ellipsis string for text truncated in response to the limit parameter.
8525        **Default value:** ``"…"``
8526    fill : :class:`Color`
8527        Default Fill Color.  This has higher precedence than ``config.color``
8529        **Default value:** (None)
8530    fillOpacity : float
8531        The fill opacity (value between [0,1]).
8533        **Default value:** ``1``
8534    filled : boolean
8535        Whether the mark's color should be used as fill color instead of stroke color.
8537        **Default value:** ``false`` for ``point``, ``line`` and ``rule`` ; otherwise,
8538        ``true``.
8540        **Note:** This property cannot be used in a `style config
8541        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__.
8542    font : string
8543        The typeface to set the text in (e.g., ``"Helvetica Neue"`` ).
8544    fontSize : float
8545        The font size, in pixels.
8546    fontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
8547        The font style (e.g., ``"italic"`` ).
8548    fontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
8549        The font weight.
8550        This can be either a string (e.g ``"bold"``, ``"normal"`` ) or a number ( ``100``,
8551        ``200``, ``300``, ..., ``900`` where ``"normal"`` = ``400`` and ``"bold"`` = ``700``
8552        ).
8553    height : float
8554        Height of the marks.
8555    href : string
8556        A URL to load upon mouse click. If defined, the mark acts as a hyperlink.
8557    interpolate : :class:`Interpolate`
8558        The line interpolation method to use for line and area marks. One of the following:
8561        * ``"linear"`` : piecewise linear segments, as in a polyline.
8562        * ``"linear-closed"`` : close the linear segments to form a polygon.
8563        * ``"step"`` : alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a step
8564          function.
8565        * ``"step-before"`` : alternate between vertical and horizontal segments, as in a
8566          step function.
8567        * ``"step-after"`` : alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a
8568          step function.
8569        * ``"basis"`` : a B-spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
8570        * ``"basis-open"`` : an open B-spline; may not intersect the start or end.
8571        * ``"basis-closed"`` : a closed B-spline, as in a loop.
8572        * ``"cardinal"`` : a Cardinal spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
8573        * ``"cardinal-open"`` : an open Cardinal spline; may not intersect the start or end,
8574          but will intersect other control points.
8575        * ``"cardinal-closed"`` : a closed Cardinal spline, as in a loop.
8576        * ``"bundle"`` : equivalent to basis, except the tension parameter is used to
8577          straighten the spline.
8578        * ``"monotone"`` : cubic interpolation that preserves monotonicity in y.
8579    limit : float
8580        The maximum length of the text mark in pixels. The text value will be automatically
8581        truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.
8583        **Default value:** ``0``, indicating no limit
8584    opacity : float
8585        The overall opacity (value between [0,1]).
8587        **Default value:** ``0.7`` for non-aggregate plots with ``point``, ``tick``,
8588        ``circle``, or ``square`` marks or layered ``bar`` charts and ``1`` otherwise.
8589    order : anyOf(None, boolean)
8590        For line and trail marks, this ``order`` property can be set to ``null`` or
8591        ``false`` to make the lines use the original order in the data sources.
8592    orient : :class:`Orientation`
8593        The orientation of a non-stacked bar, tick, area, and line charts.
8594        The value is either horizontal (default) or vertical.
8597        * For bar, rule and tick, this determines whether the size of the bar and tick
8598        should be applied to x or y dimension.
8599        * For area, this property determines the orient property of the Vega output.
8600        * For line and trail marks, this property determines the sort order of the points in
8601          the line
8602        if ``config.sortLineBy`` is not specified.
8603        For stacked charts, this is always determined by the orientation of the stack;
8604        therefore explicitly specified value will be ignored.
8605    radius : float
8606        Polar coordinate radial offset, in pixels, of the text label from the origin
8607        determined by the ``x`` and ``y`` properties.
8608    shape : string
8609        Shape of the point marks. Supported values include:
8612        * plotting shapes: ``"circle"``, ``"square"``, ``"cross"``, ``"diamond"``,
8613          ``"triangle-up"``, ``"triangle-down"``, ``"triangle-right"``, or
8614          ``"triangle-left"``.
8615        * the line symbol ``"stroke"``
8616        * centered directional shapes ``"arrow"``, ``"wedge"``, or ``"triangle"``
8617        * a custom `SVG path string
8618          <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths>`__ (For correct
8619          sizing, custom shape paths should be defined within a square bounding box with
8620          coordinates ranging from -1 to 1 along both the x and y dimensions.)
8622        **Default value:** ``"circle"``
8623    size : float
8624        Default size for marks.
8627        * For ``point`` / ``circle`` / ``square``, this represents the pixel area of the
8628          marks. For example: in the case of circles, the radius is determined in part by
8629          the square root of the size value.
8630        * For ``bar``, this represents the band size of the bar, in pixels.
8631        * For ``text``, this represents the font size, in pixels.
8633        **Default value:** ``30`` for point, circle, square marks; ``rangeStep`` - 1 for bar
8634        marks with discrete dimensions; ``5`` for bar marks with continuous dimensions;
8635        ``11`` for text marks.
8636    stroke : :class:`Color`
8637        Default Stroke Color.  This has higher precedence than ``config.color``
8639        **Default value:** (None)
8640    strokeCap : :class:`StrokeCap`
8641        The stroke cap for line ending style. One of ``"butt"``, ``"round"``, or
8642        ``"square"``.
8644        **Default value:** ``"square"``
8645    strokeDash : List(float)
8646        An array of alternating stroke, space lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines.
8647    strokeDashOffset : float
8648        The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the stroke dash array.
8649    strokeJoin : :class:`StrokeJoin`
8650        The stroke line join method. One of ``"miter"``, ``"round"`` or ``"bevel"``.
8652        **Default value:** ``"miter"``
8653    strokeMiterLimit : float
8654        The miter limit at which to bevel a line join.
8655    strokeOpacity : float
8656        The stroke opacity (value between [0,1]).
8658        **Default value:** ``1``
8659    strokeWidth : float
8660        The stroke width, in pixels.
8661    style : anyOf(string, List(string))
8662        A string or array of strings indicating the name of custom styles to apply to the
8663        mark. A style is a named collection of mark property defaults defined within the
8664        `style configuration
8665        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__. If style is an
8666        array, later styles will override earlier styles. Any `mark properties
8667        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/encoding.html#mark-prop>`__ explicitly
8668        defined within the ``encoding`` will override a style default.
8670        **Default value:** The mark's name.  For example, a bar mark will have style
8671        ``"bar"`` by default.
8672        **Note:** Any specified style will augment the default style. For example, a bar
8673        mark with ``"style": "foo"`` will receive from ``config.style.bar`` and
8674        ``config.style.foo`` (the specified style ``"foo"`` has higher precedence).
8675    tension : float
8676        Depending on the interpolation type, sets the tension parameter (for line and area
8677        marks).
8678    text : string
8679        Placeholder text if the ``text`` channel is not specified
8680    theta : float
8681        Polar coordinate angle, in radians, of the text label from the origin determined by
8682        the ``x`` and ``y`` properties. Values for ``theta`` follow the same convention of
8683        ``arc`` mark ``startAngle`` and ``endAngle`` properties: angles are measured in
8684        radians, with ``0`` indicating "north".
8685    tooltip : anyOf(:class:`Value`, :class:`TooltipContent`, None)
8686        The tooltip text string to show upon mouse hover or an object defining which fields
8687        should the tooltip be derived from.
8690        * If ``tooltip`` is ``{"content": "encoding"}``, then all fields from ``encoding``
8691          will be used.
8692        * If ``tooltip`` is ``{"content": "data"}``, then all fields that appear in the
8693          highlighted data point will be used.
8694        * If set to ``null``, then no tooltip will be used.
8695    width : float
8696        Width of the marks.
8697    x : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
8698        X coordinates of the marks, or width of horizontal ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
8699        specified ``x2`` or ``width``.
8701        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
8702        of the plot.
8703    x2 : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
8704        X2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
8706        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
8707        of the plot.
8708    x2Offset : float
8709        Offset for x2-position.
8710    xOffset : float
8711        Offset for x-position.
8712    y : anyOf(float, enum('height'))
8713        Y coordinates of the marks, or height of vertical ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
8714        specified ``y2`` or ``height``.
8716        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
8717        height of the plot.
8718    y2 : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
8719        Y2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
8721        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
8722        height of the plot.
8723    y2Offset : float
8724        Offset for y2-position.
8725    yOffset : float
8726        Offset for y-position.
8727    """
8728    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/OverlayMarkDef'}
8730    def __init__(self, align=Undefined, angle=Undefined, baseline=Undefined, clip=Undefined,
8731                 color=Undefined, cornerRadius=Undefined, cursor=Undefined, dir=Undefined, dx=Undefined,
8732                 dy=Undefined, ellipsis=Undefined, fill=Undefined, fillOpacity=Undefined,
8733                 filled=Undefined, font=Undefined, fontSize=Undefined, fontStyle=Undefined,
8734                 fontWeight=Undefined, height=Undefined, href=Undefined, interpolate=Undefined,
8735                 limit=Undefined, opacity=Undefined, order=Undefined, orient=Undefined,
8736                 radius=Undefined, shape=Undefined, size=Undefined, stroke=Undefined,
8737                 strokeCap=Undefined, strokeDash=Undefined, strokeDashOffset=Undefined,
8738                 strokeJoin=Undefined, strokeMiterLimit=Undefined, strokeOpacity=Undefined,
8739                 strokeWidth=Undefined, style=Undefined, tension=Undefined, text=Undefined,
8740                 theta=Undefined, tooltip=Undefined, width=Undefined, x=Undefined, x2=Undefined,
8741                 x2Offset=Undefined, xOffset=Undefined, y=Undefined, y2=Undefined, y2Offset=Undefined,
8742                 yOffset=Undefined, **kwds):
8743        super(OverlayMarkDef, self).__init__(align=align, angle=angle, baseline=baseline, clip=clip,
8744                                             color=color, cornerRadius=cornerRadius, cursor=cursor,
8745                                             dir=dir, dx=dx, dy=dy, ellipsis=ellipsis, fill=fill,
8746                                             fillOpacity=fillOpacity, filled=filled, font=font,
8747                                             fontSize=fontSize, fontStyle=fontStyle,
8748                                             fontWeight=fontWeight, height=height, href=href,
8749                                             interpolate=interpolate, limit=limit, opacity=opacity,
8750                                             order=order, orient=orient, radius=radius, shape=shape,
8751                                             size=size, stroke=stroke, strokeCap=strokeCap,
8752                                             strokeDash=strokeDash, strokeDashOffset=strokeDashOffset,
8753                                             strokeJoin=strokeJoin, strokeMiterLimit=strokeMiterLimit,
8754                                             strokeOpacity=strokeOpacity, strokeWidth=strokeWidth,
8755                                             style=style, tension=tension, text=text, theta=theta,
8756                                             tooltip=tooltip, width=width, x=x, x2=x2,
8757                                             x2Offset=x2Offset, xOffset=xOffset, y=y, y2=y2,
8758                                             y2Offset=y2Offset, yOffset=yOffset, **kwds)
8761class Padding(VegaLiteSchema):
8762    """Padding schema wrapper
8764    anyOf(float, Mapping(required=[]))
8765    """
8766    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Padding'}
8768    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
8769        super(Padding, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
8772class Parse(VegaLiteSchema):
8773    """Parse schema wrapper
8775    Mapping(required=[])
8776    """
8777    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Parse'}
8779    def __init__(self, **kwds):
8780        super(Parse, self).__init__(**kwds)
8783class ParseValue(VegaLiteSchema):
8784    """ParseValue schema wrapper
8786    anyOf(None, string, enum('string'), enum('boolean'), enum('date'), enum('number'))
8787    """
8788    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ParseValue'}
8790    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
8791        super(ParseValue, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
8794class PartsMixinsBoxPlotPart(VegaLiteSchema):
8795    """PartsMixinsBoxPlotPart schema wrapper
8797    Mapping(required=[])
8799    Attributes
8800    ----------
8802    box : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
8804    median : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
8806    outliers : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
8808    rule : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
8810    ticks : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
8812    """
8813    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/PartsMixins<BoxPlotPart>'}
8815    def __init__(self, box=Undefined, median=Undefined, outliers=Undefined, rule=Undefined,
8816                 ticks=Undefined, **kwds):
8817        super(PartsMixinsBoxPlotPart, self).__init__(box=box, median=median, outliers=outliers,
8818                                                     rule=rule, ticks=ticks, **kwds)
8821class PartsMixinsErrorBandPart(VegaLiteSchema):
8822    """PartsMixinsErrorBandPart schema wrapper
8824    Mapping(required=[])
8826    Attributes
8827    ----------
8829    band : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
8831    borders : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
8833    """
8834    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/PartsMixins<ErrorBandPart>'}
8836    def __init__(self, band=Undefined, borders=Undefined, **kwds):
8837        super(PartsMixinsErrorBandPart, self).__init__(band=band, borders=borders, **kwds)
8840class PartsMixinsErrorBarPart(VegaLiteSchema):
8841    """PartsMixinsErrorBarPart schema wrapper
8843    Mapping(required=[])
8845    Attributes
8846    ----------
8848    rule : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
8850    ticks : anyOf(boolean, :class:`MarkConfig`)
8852    """
8853    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/PartsMixins<ErrorBarPart>'}
8855    def __init__(self, rule=Undefined, ticks=Undefined, **kwds):
8856        super(PartsMixinsErrorBarPart, self).__init__(rule=rule, ticks=ticks, **kwds)
8859class PositionFieldDef(VegaLiteSchema):
8860    """PositionFieldDef schema wrapper
8862    Mapping(required=[type])
8864    Attributes
8865    ----------
8867    type : :class:`StandardType`
8868        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
8869        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
8870        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
8871        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
8873        **Note:**
8876        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
8877          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
8878          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
8879        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
8880          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
8881          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
8882          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
8883        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
8884          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
8885          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
8886          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
8887        * When using with `timeUnit
8888          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
8889          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
8890          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
8891        * When using with `aggregate
8892          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
8893          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
8894          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
8895          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
8896          is ``"quantitative"``.
8897        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
8898          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
8899          ``x``, ``y`` ).
8901        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
8902        documentation.
8903    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
8904        Aggregation function for the field
8905        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
8907        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
8909        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
8910        documentation.
8911    axis : anyOf(:class:`Axis`, None)
8912        An object defining properties of axis's gridlines, ticks and labels.
8913        If ``null``, the axis for the encoding channel will be removed.
8915        **Default value:** If undefined, default `axis properties
8916        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html>`__ are applied.
8918        **See also:** `axis <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html>`__
8919        documentation.
8920    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, enum('binned'), None)
8921        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
8922        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
8923        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
8924        ``"binned"`` ).
8927        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
8928        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
8930        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
8931        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
8932        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
8933        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
8934        set the axis's `tickMinStep
8935        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
8937        **Default value:** ``false``
8939        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
8940        documentation.
8941    field : :class:`Field`
8942        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
8943        value
8944        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
8945        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
8947        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
8948        documentation.
8950        **Notes:**
8951        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
8952        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
8953        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
8954        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
8955        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
8956        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
8957        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
8958    impute : :class:`ImputeParams`
8959        An object defining the properties of the Impute Operation to be applied.
8960        The field value of the other positional channel is taken as ``key`` of the
8961        ``Impute`` Operation.
8962        The field of the ``color`` channel if specified is used as ``groupby`` of the
8963        ``Impute`` Operation.
8965        **See also:** `impute <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/impute.html>`__
8966        documentation.
8967    scale : anyOf(:class:`Scale`, None)
8968        An object defining properties of the channel's scale, which is the function that
8969        transforms values in the data domain (numbers, dates, strings, etc) to visual values
8970        (pixels, colors, sizes) of the encoding channels.
8972        If ``null``, the scale will be `disabled and the data value will be directly encoded
8973        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#disable>`__.
8975        **Default value:** If undefined, default `scale properties
8976        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__ are applied.
8978        **See also:** `scale <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__
8979        documentation.
8980    sort : :class:`Sort`
8981        Sort order for the encoded field.
8983        For continuous fields (quantitative or temporal), ``sort`` can be either
8984        ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"``.
8986        For discrete fields, ``sort`` can be one of the following:
8989        * ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"`` -- for sorting by the values' natural order in
8990          Javascript.
8991        * `A sort-by-encoding definition
8992          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-by-encoding>`__ for sorting
8993          by another encoding channel. (This type of sort definition is not available for
8994          ``row`` and ``column`` channels.)
8995        * `A sort field definition
8996          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-field>`__ for sorting by
8997          another field.
8998        * `An array specifying the field values in preferred order
8999          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-array>`__. In this case, the
9000          sort order will obey the values in the array, followed by any unspecified values
9001          in their original order.  For discrete time field, values in the sort array can be
9002          `date-time definition objects <types#datetime>`__. In addition, for time units
9003          ``"month"`` and ``"day"``, the values can be the month or day names (case
9004          insensitive) or their 3-letter initials (e.g., ``"Mon"``, ``"Tue"`` ).
9005        * ``null`` indicating no sort.
9007        **Default value:** ``"ascending"``
9009        **Note:** ``null`` is not supported for ``row`` and ``column``.
9011        **See also:** `sort <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html>`__
9012        documentation.
9013    stack : anyOf(:class:`StackOffset`, None, boolean)
9014        Type of stacking offset if the field should be stacked.
9015        ``stack`` is only applicable for ``x`` and ``y`` channels with continuous domains.
9016        For example, ``stack`` of ``y`` can be used to customize stacking for a vertical bar
9017        chart.
9019        ``stack`` can be one of the following values:
9022        * ``"zero"`` or `true`: stacking with baseline offset at zero value of the scale
9023          (for creating typical stacked
9024          [bar](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/stack.html#bar) and `area
9025          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/stack.html#area>`__ chart).
9026        * ``"normalize"`` - stacking with normalized domain (for creating `normalized
9027          stacked bar and area charts
9028          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/stack.html#normalized>`__.
9029          :raw-html:`<br/>`
9030        - ``"center"`` - stacking with center baseline (for `streamgraph
9031        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/stack.html#streamgraph>`__ ).
9032        * ``null`` or ``false`` - No-stacking. This will produce layered `bar
9033          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/stack.html#layered-bar-chart>`__ and area
9034          chart.
9036        **Default value:** ``zero`` for plots with all of the following conditions are true:
9037        (1) the mark is ``bar`` or ``area`` ;
9038        (2) the stacked measure channel (x or y) has a linear scale;
9039        (3) At least one of non-position channels mapped to an unaggregated field that is
9040        different from x and y.  Otherwise, ``null`` by default.
9042        **See also:** `stack <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/stack.html>`__
9043        documentation.
9044    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
9045        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
9046        field.
9047        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
9048        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
9050        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
9052        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
9053        documentation.
9054    title : anyOf(string, None)
9055        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
9057        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
9058        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
9059        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
9060        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
9061        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
9062        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
9064        **Notes** :
9066        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
9067        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
9068        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
9069        function via the compile function's options
9070        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
9072        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
9073        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
9074    """
9075    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/PositionFieldDef'}
9077    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, axis=Undefined, bin=Undefined,
9078                 field=Undefined, impute=Undefined, scale=Undefined, sort=Undefined, stack=Undefined,
9079                 timeUnit=Undefined, title=Undefined, **kwds):
9080        super(PositionFieldDef, self).__init__(type=type, aggregate=aggregate, axis=axis, bin=bin,
9081                                               field=field, impute=impute, scale=scale, sort=sort,
9082                                               stack=stack, timeUnit=timeUnit, title=title, **kwds)
9085class Predicate(LogicalOperandPredicate):
9086    """Predicate schema wrapper
9088    anyOf(:class:`FieldEqualPredicate`, :class:`FieldRangePredicate`,
9089    :class:`FieldOneOfPredicate`, :class:`FieldLTPredicate`, :class:`FieldGTPredicate`,
9090    :class:`FieldLTEPredicate`, :class:`FieldGTEPredicate`, :class:`FieldValidPredicate`,
9091    :class:`SelectionPredicate`, string)
9092    """
9093    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Predicate'}
9095    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
9096        super(Predicate, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
9099class FieldEqualPredicate(Predicate):
9100    """FieldEqualPredicate schema wrapper
9102    Mapping(required=[equal, field])
9104    Attributes
9105    ----------
9107    equal : anyOf(string, float, boolean, :class:`DateTime`)
9108        The value that the field should be equal to.
9109    field : :class:`FieldName`
9110        Field to be filtered.
9111    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
9112        Time unit for the field to be filtered.
9113    """
9114    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FieldEqualPredicate'}
9116    def __init__(self, equal=Undefined, field=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined, **kwds):
9117        super(FieldEqualPredicate, self).__init__(equal=equal, field=field, timeUnit=timeUnit, **kwds)
9120class FieldGTEPredicate(Predicate):
9121    """FieldGTEPredicate schema wrapper
9123    Mapping(required=[field, gte])
9125    Attributes
9126    ----------
9128    field : :class:`FieldName`
9129        Field to be filtered.
9130    gte : anyOf(string, float, :class:`DateTime`)
9131        The value that the field should be greater than or equals to.
9132    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
9133        Time unit for the field to be filtered.
9134    """
9135    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FieldGTEPredicate'}
9137    def __init__(self, field=Undefined, gte=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined, **kwds):
9138        super(FieldGTEPredicate, self).__init__(field=field, gte=gte, timeUnit=timeUnit, **kwds)
9141class FieldGTPredicate(Predicate):
9142    """FieldGTPredicate schema wrapper
9144    Mapping(required=[field, gt])
9146    Attributes
9147    ----------
9149    field : :class:`FieldName`
9150        Field to be filtered.
9151    gt : anyOf(string, float, :class:`DateTime`)
9152        The value that the field should be greater than.
9153    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
9154        Time unit for the field to be filtered.
9155    """
9156    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FieldGTPredicate'}
9158    def __init__(self, field=Undefined, gt=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined, **kwds):
9159        super(FieldGTPredicate, self).__init__(field=field, gt=gt, timeUnit=timeUnit, **kwds)
9162class FieldLTEPredicate(Predicate):
9163    """FieldLTEPredicate schema wrapper
9165    Mapping(required=[field, lte])
9167    Attributes
9168    ----------
9170    field : :class:`FieldName`
9171        Field to be filtered.
9172    lte : anyOf(string, float, :class:`DateTime`)
9173        The value that the field should be less than or equals to.
9174    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
9175        Time unit for the field to be filtered.
9176    """
9177    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FieldLTEPredicate'}
9179    def __init__(self, field=Undefined, lte=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined, **kwds):
9180        super(FieldLTEPredicate, self).__init__(field=field, lte=lte, timeUnit=timeUnit, **kwds)
9183class FieldLTPredicate(Predicate):
9184    """FieldLTPredicate schema wrapper
9186    Mapping(required=[field, lt])
9188    Attributes
9189    ----------
9191    field : :class:`FieldName`
9192        Field to be filtered.
9193    lt : anyOf(string, float, :class:`DateTime`)
9194        The value that the field should be less than.
9195    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
9196        Time unit for the field to be filtered.
9197    """
9198    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FieldLTPredicate'}
9200    def __init__(self, field=Undefined, lt=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined, **kwds):
9201        super(FieldLTPredicate, self).__init__(field=field, lt=lt, timeUnit=timeUnit, **kwds)
9204class FieldOneOfPredicate(Predicate):
9205    """FieldOneOfPredicate schema wrapper
9207    Mapping(required=[field, oneOf])
9209    Attributes
9210    ----------
9212    field : :class:`FieldName`
9213        Field to be filtered.
9214    oneOf : anyOf(List(string), List(float), List(boolean), List(:class:`DateTime`))
9215        A set of values that the ``field`` 's value should be a member of,
9216        for a data item included in the filtered data.
9217    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
9218        Time unit for the field to be filtered.
9219    """
9220    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FieldOneOfPredicate'}
9222    def __init__(self, field=Undefined, oneOf=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined, **kwds):
9223        super(FieldOneOfPredicate, self).__init__(field=field, oneOf=oneOf, timeUnit=timeUnit, **kwds)
9226class FieldRangePredicate(Predicate):
9227    """FieldRangePredicate schema wrapper
9229    Mapping(required=[field, range])
9231    Attributes
9232    ----------
9234    field : :class:`FieldName`
9235        Field to be filtered.
9236    range : List(anyOf(float, :class:`DateTime`, None))
9237        An array of inclusive minimum and maximum values
9238        for a field value of a data item to be included in the filtered data.
9239    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
9240        Time unit for the field to be filtered.
9241    """
9242    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FieldRangePredicate'}
9244    def __init__(self, field=Undefined, range=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined, **kwds):
9245        super(FieldRangePredicate, self).__init__(field=field, range=range, timeUnit=timeUnit, **kwds)
9248class FieldValidPredicate(Predicate):
9249    """FieldValidPredicate schema wrapper
9251    Mapping(required=[field, valid])
9253    Attributes
9254    ----------
9256    field : :class:`FieldName`
9257        Field to be filtered.
9258    valid : boolean
9259        If set to true the field's value has to be valid, meaning both not ``null`` and not
9260        `NaN
9261        <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/NaN>`__.
9262    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
9263        Time unit for the field to be filtered.
9264    """
9265    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FieldValidPredicate'}
9267    def __init__(self, field=Undefined, valid=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined, **kwds):
9268        super(FieldValidPredicate, self).__init__(field=field, valid=valid, timeUnit=timeUnit, **kwds)
9271class Projection(VegaLiteSchema):
9272    """Projection schema wrapper
9274    Mapping(required=[])
9276    Attributes
9277    ----------
9279    center : List(float)
9280        Sets the projection’s center to the specified center, a two-element array of
9281        longitude and latitude in degrees.
9283        **Default value:** ``[0, 0]``
9284    clipAngle : float
9285        Sets the projection’s clipping circle radius to the specified angle in degrees. If
9286        ``null``, switches to `antimeridian <http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3788999>`__ cutting
9287        rather than small-circle clipping.
9288    clipExtent : List(List(float))
9289        Sets the projection’s viewport clip extent to the specified bounds in pixels. The
9290        extent bounds are specified as an array ``[[x0, y0], [x1, y1]]``, where ``x0`` is
9291        the left-side of the viewport, ``y0`` is the top, ``x1`` is the right and ``y1`` is
9292        the bottom. If ``null``, no viewport clipping is performed.
9293    coefficient : float
9295    distance : float
9297    fraction : float
9299    lobes : float
9301    parallel : float
9303    precision : float
9304        Sets the threshold for the projection’s `adaptive resampling
9305        <http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3795544>`__ to the specified value in pixels. This
9306        value corresponds to the `Douglas–Peucker distance
9307        <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramer%E2%80%93Douglas%E2%80%93Peucker_algorithm>`__.
9308        If precision is not specified, returns the projection’s current resampling precision
9309        which defaults to ``√0.5 ≅ 0.70710…``.
9310    radius : float
9312    ratio : float
9314    reflectX : boolean
9316    reflectY : boolean
9318    rotate : List(float)
9319        Sets the projection’s three-axis rotation to the specified angles, which must be a
9320        two- or three-element array of numbers [ ``lambda``, ``phi``, ``gamma`` ] specifying
9321        the rotation angles in degrees about each spherical axis. (These correspond to yaw,
9322        pitch and roll.)
9324        **Default value:** ``[0, 0, 0]``
9325    scale : float
9326        Sets the projection's scale (zoom) value, overriding automatic fitting.
9327    spacing : float
9329    tilt : float
9331    translate : List(float)
9332        Sets the projection's translation (pan) value, overriding automatic fitting.
9333    type : :class:`ProjectionType`
9334        The cartographic projection to use. This value is case-insensitive, for example
9335        ``"albers"`` and ``"Albers"`` indicate the same projection type. You can find all
9336        valid projection types `in the documentation
9337        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/projection.html#projection-types>`__.
9339        **Default value:** ``mercator``
9340    """
9341    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Projection'}
9343    def __init__(self, center=Undefined, clipAngle=Undefined, clipExtent=Undefined,
9344                 coefficient=Undefined, distance=Undefined, fraction=Undefined, lobes=Undefined,
9345                 parallel=Undefined, precision=Undefined, radius=Undefined, ratio=Undefined,
9346                 reflectX=Undefined, reflectY=Undefined, rotate=Undefined, scale=Undefined,
9347                 spacing=Undefined, tilt=Undefined, translate=Undefined, type=Undefined, **kwds):
9348        super(Projection, self).__init__(center=center, clipAngle=clipAngle, clipExtent=clipExtent,
9349                                         coefficient=coefficient, distance=distance, fraction=fraction,
9350                                         lobes=lobes, parallel=parallel, precision=precision,
9351                                         radius=radius, ratio=ratio, reflectX=reflectX,
9352                                         reflectY=reflectY, rotate=rotate, scale=scale, spacing=spacing,
9353                                         tilt=tilt, translate=translate, type=type, **kwds)
9356class ProjectionConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
9357    """ProjectionConfig schema wrapper
9359    Mapping(required=[])
9361    Attributes
9362    ----------
9364    center : List(float)
9365        Sets the projection’s center to the specified center, a two-element array of
9366        longitude and latitude in degrees.
9368        **Default value:** ``[0, 0]``
9369    clipAngle : float
9370        Sets the projection’s clipping circle radius to the specified angle in degrees. If
9371        ``null``, switches to `antimeridian <http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3788999>`__ cutting
9372        rather than small-circle clipping.
9373    clipExtent : List(List(float))
9374        Sets the projection’s viewport clip extent to the specified bounds in pixels. The
9375        extent bounds are specified as an array ``[[x0, y0], [x1, y1]]``, where ``x0`` is
9376        the left-side of the viewport, ``y0`` is the top, ``x1`` is the right and ``y1`` is
9377        the bottom. If ``null``, no viewport clipping is performed.
9378    coefficient : float
9380    distance : float
9382    fraction : float
9384    lobes : float
9386    parallel : float
9388    precision : float
9389        Sets the threshold for the projection’s `adaptive resampling
9390        <http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3795544>`__ to the specified value in pixels. This
9391        value corresponds to the `Douglas–Peucker distance
9392        <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramer%E2%80%93Douglas%E2%80%93Peucker_algorithm>`__.
9393        If precision is not specified, returns the projection’s current resampling precision
9394        which defaults to ``√0.5 ≅ 0.70710…``.
9395    radius : float
9397    ratio : float
9399    reflectX : boolean
9401    reflectY : boolean
9403    rotate : List(float)
9404        Sets the projection’s three-axis rotation to the specified angles, which must be a
9405        two- or three-element array of numbers [ ``lambda``, ``phi``, ``gamma`` ] specifying
9406        the rotation angles in degrees about each spherical axis. (These correspond to yaw,
9407        pitch and roll.)
9409        **Default value:** ``[0, 0, 0]``
9410    scale : float
9411        Sets the projection's scale (zoom) value, overriding automatic fitting.
9412    spacing : float
9414    tilt : float
9416    translate : List(float)
9417        Sets the projection's translation (pan) value, overriding automatic fitting.
9418    type : :class:`ProjectionType`
9419        The cartographic projection to use. This value is case-insensitive, for example
9420        ``"albers"`` and ``"Albers"`` indicate the same projection type. You can find all
9421        valid projection types `in the documentation
9422        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/projection.html#projection-types>`__.
9424        **Default value:** ``mercator``
9425    """
9426    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ProjectionConfig'}
9428    def __init__(self, center=Undefined, clipAngle=Undefined, clipExtent=Undefined,
9429                 coefficient=Undefined, distance=Undefined, fraction=Undefined, lobes=Undefined,
9430                 parallel=Undefined, precision=Undefined, radius=Undefined, ratio=Undefined,
9431                 reflectX=Undefined, reflectY=Undefined, rotate=Undefined, scale=Undefined,
9432                 spacing=Undefined, tilt=Undefined, translate=Undefined, type=Undefined, **kwds):
9433        super(ProjectionConfig, self).__init__(center=center, clipAngle=clipAngle,
9434                                               clipExtent=clipExtent, coefficient=coefficient,
9435                                               distance=distance, fraction=fraction, lobes=lobes,
9436                                               parallel=parallel, precision=precision, radius=radius,
9437                                               ratio=ratio, reflectX=reflectX, reflectY=reflectY,
9438                                               rotate=rotate, scale=scale, spacing=spacing, tilt=tilt,
9439                                               translate=translate, type=type, **kwds)
9442class ProjectionType(VegaLiteSchema):
9443    """ProjectionType schema wrapper
9445    enum('albers', 'albersUsa', 'azimuthalEqualArea', 'azimuthalEquidistant', 'conicConformal',
9446    'conicEqualArea', 'conicEquidistant', 'equirectangular', 'gnomonic', 'identity', 'mercator',
9447    'naturalEarth1', 'orthographic', 'stereographic', 'transverseMercator')
9448    """
9449    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ProjectionType'}
9451    def __init__(self, *args):
9452        super(ProjectionType, self).__init__(*args)
9455class RangeConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
9456    """RangeConfig schema wrapper
9458    Mapping(required=[])
9460    Attributes
9461    ----------
9463    category : anyOf(List(string), :class:`SchemeConfig`)
9464        Default range for *nominal* (categorical) fields.
9465    diverging : anyOf(List(string), :class:`SchemeConfig`)
9466        Default range for diverging *quantitative* fields.
9467    heatmap : anyOf(List(string), :class:`SchemeConfig`)
9468        Default range for *quantitative* heatmaps.
9469    ordinal : anyOf(List(string), :class:`SchemeConfig`)
9470        Default range for *ordinal* fields.
9471    ramp : anyOf(List(string), :class:`SchemeConfig`)
9472        Default range for *quantitative* and *temporal* fields.
9473    symbol : List(string)
9474        Default range palette for the ``shape`` channel.
9475    """
9476    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/RangeConfig'}
9478    def __init__(self, category=Undefined, diverging=Undefined, heatmap=Undefined, ordinal=Undefined,
9479                 ramp=Undefined, symbol=Undefined, **kwds):
9480        super(RangeConfig, self).__init__(category=category, diverging=diverging, heatmap=heatmap,
9481                                          ordinal=ordinal, ramp=ramp, symbol=symbol, **kwds)
9484class RangeConfigValue(VegaLiteSchema):
9485    """RangeConfigValue schema wrapper
9487    anyOf(List(anyOf(float, string)), :class:`SchemeConfig`, Mapping(required=[step]))
9488    """
9489    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/RangeConfigValue'}
9491    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
9492        super(RangeConfigValue, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
9495class RectConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
9496    """RectConfig schema wrapper
9498    Mapping(required=[])
9500    Attributes
9501    ----------
9503    align : :class:`Align`
9504        The horizontal alignment of the text. One of ``"left"``, ``"right"``, ``"center"``.
9505    angle : float
9506        The rotation angle of the text, in degrees.
9507    baseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
9508        The vertical alignment of the text. One of ``"top"``, ``"middle"``, ``"bottom"``.
9510        **Default value:** ``"middle"``
9511    binSpacing : float
9512        Offset between bars for binned field.  Ideal value for this is either 0 (Preferred
9513        by statisticians) or 1 (Vega-Lite Default, D3 example style).
9515        **Default value:** ``1``
9516    color : :class:`Color`
9517        Default color.  Note that ``fill`` and ``stroke`` have higher precedence than
9518        ``color`` and will override ``color``.
9520        **Default value:** :raw-html:`<span style="color: #4682b4;">&#9632;</span>`
9521        ``"#4682b4"``
9523        **Note:** This property cannot be used in a `style config
9524        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__.
9525    continuousBandSize : float
9526        The default size of the bars on continuous scales.
9528        **Default value:** ``5``
9529    cornerRadius : float
9530        The radius in pixels of rounded rectangle corners.
9532        **Default value:** ``0``
9533    cursor : :class:`Cursor`
9534        The mouse cursor used over the mark. Any valid `CSS cursor type
9535        <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/cursor#Values>`__ can be used.
9536    dir : :class:`Dir`
9537        The direction of the text. One of ``"ltr"`` (left-to-right) or ``"rtl"``
9538        (right-to-left). This property determines on which side is truncated in response to
9539        the limit parameter.
9541        **Default value:** ``"ltr"``
9542    discreteBandSize : float
9543        The default size of the bars with discrete dimensions.  If unspecified, the default
9544        size is  ``bandSize-1``,
9545        which provides 1 pixel offset between bars.
9546    dx : float
9547        The horizontal offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The
9548        offset is applied after rotation by the *angle* property.
9549    dy : float
9550        The vertical offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The
9551        offset is applied after rotation by the *angle* property.
9552    ellipsis : string
9553        The ellipsis string for text truncated in response to the limit parameter.
9555        **Default value:** ``"…"``
9556    fill : :class:`Color`
9557        Default Fill Color.  This has higher precedence than ``config.color``
9559        **Default value:** (None)
9560    fillOpacity : float
9561        The fill opacity (value between [0,1]).
9563        **Default value:** ``1``
9564    filled : boolean
9565        Whether the mark's color should be used as fill color instead of stroke color.
9567        **Default value:** ``false`` for ``point``, ``line`` and ``rule`` ; otherwise,
9568        ``true``.
9570        **Note:** This property cannot be used in a `style config
9571        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__.
9572    font : string
9573        The typeface to set the text in (e.g., ``"Helvetica Neue"`` ).
9574    fontSize : float
9575        The font size, in pixels.
9576    fontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
9577        The font style (e.g., ``"italic"`` ).
9578    fontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
9579        The font weight.
9580        This can be either a string (e.g ``"bold"``, ``"normal"`` ) or a number ( ``100``,
9581        ``200``, ``300``, ..., ``900`` where ``"normal"`` = ``400`` and ``"bold"`` = ``700``
9582        ).
9583    height : float
9584        Height of the marks.
9585    href : string
9586        A URL to load upon mouse click. If defined, the mark acts as a hyperlink.
9587    interpolate : :class:`Interpolate`
9588        The line interpolation method to use for line and area marks. One of the following:
9591        * ``"linear"`` : piecewise linear segments, as in a polyline.
9592        * ``"linear-closed"`` : close the linear segments to form a polygon.
9593        * ``"step"`` : alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a step
9594          function.
9595        * ``"step-before"`` : alternate between vertical and horizontal segments, as in a
9596          step function.
9597        * ``"step-after"`` : alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a
9598          step function.
9599        * ``"basis"`` : a B-spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
9600        * ``"basis-open"`` : an open B-spline; may not intersect the start or end.
9601        * ``"basis-closed"`` : a closed B-spline, as in a loop.
9602        * ``"cardinal"`` : a Cardinal spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
9603        * ``"cardinal-open"`` : an open Cardinal spline; may not intersect the start or end,
9604          but will intersect other control points.
9605        * ``"cardinal-closed"`` : a closed Cardinal spline, as in a loop.
9606        * ``"bundle"`` : equivalent to basis, except the tension parameter is used to
9607          straighten the spline.
9608        * ``"monotone"`` : cubic interpolation that preserves monotonicity in y.
9609    limit : float
9610        The maximum length of the text mark in pixels. The text value will be automatically
9611        truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.
9613        **Default value:** ``0``, indicating no limit
9614    opacity : float
9615        The overall opacity (value between [0,1]).
9617        **Default value:** ``0.7`` for non-aggregate plots with ``point``, ``tick``,
9618        ``circle``, or ``square`` marks or layered ``bar`` charts and ``1`` otherwise.
9619    order : anyOf(None, boolean)
9620        For line and trail marks, this ``order`` property can be set to ``null`` or
9621        ``false`` to make the lines use the original order in the data sources.
9622    orient : :class:`Orientation`
9623        The orientation of a non-stacked bar, tick, area, and line charts.
9624        The value is either horizontal (default) or vertical.
9627        * For bar, rule and tick, this determines whether the size of the bar and tick
9628        should be applied to x or y dimension.
9629        * For area, this property determines the orient property of the Vega output.
9630        * For line and trail marks, this property determines the sort order of the points in
9631          the line
9632        if ``config.sortLineBy`` is not specified.
9633        For stacked charts, this is always determined by the orientation of the stack;
9634        therefore explicitly specified value will be ignored.
9635    radius : float
9636        Polar coordinate radial offset, in pixels, of the text label from the origin
9637        determined by the ``x`` and ``y`` properties.
9638    shape : string
9639        Shape of the point marks. Supported values include:
9642        * plotting shapes: ``"circle"``, ``"square"``, ``"cross"``, ``"diamond"``,
9643          ``"triangle-up"``, ``"triangle-down"``, ``"triangle-right"``, or
9644          ``"triangle-left"``.
9645        * the line symbol ``"stroke"``
9646        * centered directional shapes ``"arrow"``, ``"wedge"``, or ``"triangle"``
9647        * a custom `SVG path string
9648          <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths>`__ (For correct
9649          sizing, custom shape paths should be defined within a square bounding box with
9650          coordinates ranging from -1 to 1 along both the x and y dimensions.)
9652        **Default value:** ``"circle"``
9653    size : float
9654        Default size for marks.
9657        * For ``point`` / ``circle`` / ``square``, this represents the pixel area of the
9658          marks. For example: in the case of circles, the radius is determined in part by
9659          the square root of the size value.
9660        * For ``bar``, this represents the band size of the bar, in pixels.
9661        * For ``text``, this represents the font size, in pixels.
9663        **Default value:** ``30`` for point, circle, square marks; ``rangeStep`` - 1 for bar
9664        marks with discrete dimensions; ``5`` for bar marks with continuous dimensions;
9665        ``11`` for text marks.
9666    stroke : :class:`Color`
9667        Default Stroke Color.  This has higher precedence than ``config.color``
9669        **Default value:** (None)
9670    strokeCap : :class:`StrokeCap`
9671        The stroke cap for line ending style. One of ``"butt"``, ``"round"``, or
9672        ``"square"``.
9674        **Default value:** ``"square"``
9675    strokeDash : List(float)
9676        An array of alternating stroke, space lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines.
9677    strokeDashOffset : float
9678        The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the stroke dash array.
9679    strokeJoin : :class:`StrokeJoin`
9680        The stroke line join method. One of ``"miter"``, ``"round"`` or ``"bevel"``.
9682        **Default value:** ``"miter"``
9683    strokeMiterLimit : float
9684        The miter limit at which to bevel a line join.
9685    strokeOpacity : float
9686        The stroke opacity (value between [0,1]).
9688        **Default value:** ``1``
9689    strokeWidth : float
9690        The stroke width, in pixels.
9691    tension : float
9692        Depending on the interpolation type, sets the tension parameter (for line and area
9693        marks).
9694    text : string
9695        Placeholder text if the ``text`` channel is not specified
9696    theta : float
9697        Polar coordinate angle, in radians, of the text label from the origin determined by
9698        the ``x`` and ``y`` properties. Values for ``theta`` follow the same convention of
9699        ``arc`` mark ``startAngle`` and ``endAngle`` properties: angles are measured in
9700        radians, with ``0`` indicating "north".
9701    tooltip : anyOf(:class:`Value`, :class:`TooltipContent`, None)
9702        The tooltip text string to show upon mouse hover or an object defining which fields
9703        should the tooltip be derived from.
9706        * If ``tooltip`` is ``{"content": "encoding"}``, then all fields from ``encoding``
9707          will be used.
9708        * If ``tooltip`` is ``{"content": "data"}``, then all fields that appear in the
9709          highlighted data point will be used.
9710        * If set to ``null``, then no tooltip will be used.
9711    width : float
9712        Width of the marks.
9713    x : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
9714        X coordinates of the marks, or width of horizontal ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
9715        specified ``x2`` or ``width``.
9717        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
9718        of the plot.
9719    x2 : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
9720        X2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
9722        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
9723        of the plot.
9724    y : anyOf(float, enum('height'))
9725        Y coordinates of the marks, or height of vertical ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
9726        specified ``y2`` or ``height``.
9728        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
9729        height of the plot.
9730    y2 : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
9731        Y2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
9733        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
9734        height of the plot.
9735    """
9736    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/RectConfig'}
9738    def __init__(self, align=Undefined, angle=Undefined, baseline=Undefined, binSpacing=Undefined,
9739                 color=Undefined, continuousBandSize=Undefined, cornerRadius=Undefined,
9740                 cursor=Undefined, dir=Undefined, discreteBandSize=Undefined, dx=Undefined,
9741                 dy=Undefined, ellipsis=Undefined, fill=Undefined, fillOpacity=Undefined,
9742                 filled=Undefined, font=Undefined, fontSize=Undefined, fontStyle=Undefined,
9743                 fontWeight=Undefined, height=Undefined, href=Undefined, interpolate=Undefined,
9744                 limit=Undefined, opacity=Undefined, order=Undefined, orient=Undefined,
9745                 radius=Undefined, shape=Undefined, size=Undefined, stroke=Undefined,
9746                 strokeCap=Undefined, strokeDash=Undefined, strokeDashOffset=Undefined,
9747                 strokeJoin=Undefined, strokeMiterLimit=Undefined, strokeOpacity=Undefined,
9748                 strokeWidth=Undefined, tension=Undefined, text=Undefined, theta=Undefined,
9749                 tooltip=Undefined, width=Undefined, x=Undefined, x2=Undefined, y=Undefined,
9750                 y2=Undefined, **kwds):
9751        super(RectConfig, self).__init__(align=align, angle=angle, baseline=baseline,
9752                                         binSpacing=binSpacing, color=color,
9753                                         continuousBandSize=continuousBandSize,
9754                                         cornerRadius=cornerRadius, cursor=cursor, dir=dir,
9755                                         discreteBandSize=discreteBandSize, dx=dx, dy=dy,
9756                                         ellipsis=ellipsis, fill=fill, fillOpacity=fillOpacity,
9757                                         filled=filled, font=font, fontSize=fontSize,
9758                                         fontStyle=fontStyle, fontWeight=fontWeight, height=height,
9759                                         href=href, interpolate=interpolate, limit=limit,
9760                                         opacity=opacity, order=order, orient=orient, radius=radius,
9761                                         shape=shape, size=size, stroke=stroke, strokeCap=strokeCap,
9762                                         strokeDash=strokeDash, strokeDashOffset=strokeDashOffset,
9763                                         strokeJoin=strokeJoin, strokeMiterLimit=strokeMiterLimit,
9764                                         strokeOpacity=strokeOpacity, strokeWidth=strokeWidth,
9765                                         tension=tension, text=text, theta=theta, tooltip=tooltip,
9766                                         width=width, x=x, x2=x2, y=y, y2=y2, **kwds)
9769class RepeatMapping(VegaLiteSchema):
9770    """RepeatMapping schema wrapper
9772    Mapping(required=[])
9774    Attributes
9775    ----------
9777    column : List(string)
9778        An array of fields to be repeated horizontally.
9779    row : List(string)
9780        An array of fields to be repeated vertically.
9781    """
9782    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/RepeatMapping'}
9784    def __init__(self, column=Undefined, row=Undefined, **kwds):
9785        super(RepeatMapping, self).__init__(column=column, row=row, **kwds)
9788class RepeatRef(Field):
9789    """RepeatRef schema wrapper
9791    Mapping(required=[repeat])
9792    A ValueDef with optional Condition<ValueDef | FieldDef>
9793     Reference to a repeated value.
9795    Attributes
9796    ----------
9798    repeat : enum('row', 'column', 'repeat')
9800    """
9801    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/RepeatRef'}
9803    def __init__(self, repeat=Undefined, **kwds):
9804        super(RepeatRef, self).__init__(repeat=repeat, **kwds)
9807class Resolve(VegaLiteSchema):
9808    """Resolve schema wrapper
9810    Mapping(required=[])
9811    Defines how scales, axes, and legends from different specs should be combined. Resolve is a
9812    mapping from ``scale``, ``axis``, and ``legend`` to a mapping from channels to resolutions.
9814    Attributes
9815    ----------
9817    axis : :class:`AxisResolveMap`
9819    legend : :class:`LegendResolveMap`
9821    scale : :class:`ScaleResolveMap`
9823    """
9824    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Resolve'}
9826    def __init__(self, axis=Undefined, legend=Undefined, scale=Undefined, **kwds):
9827        super(Resolve, self).__init__(axis=axis, legend=legend, scale=scale, **kwds)
9830class ResolveMode(VegaLiteSchema):
9831    """ResolveMode schema wrapper
9833    enum('independent', 'shared')
9834    """
9835    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ResolveMode'}
9837    def __init__(self, *args):
9838        super(ResolveMode, self).__init__(*args)
9841class RowColLayoutAlign(VegaLiteSchema):
9842    """RowColLayoutAlign schema wrapper
9844    Mapping(required=[])
9846    Attributes
9847    ----------
9849    column : :class:`LayoutAlign`
9851    row : :class:`LayoutAlign`
9853    """
9854    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/RowCol<LayoutAlign>'}
9856    def __init__(self, column=Undefined, row=Undefined, **kwds):
9857        super(RowColLayoutAlign, self).__init__(column=column, row=row, **kwds)
9860class RowColboolean(VegaLiteSchema):
9861    """RowColboolean schema wrapper
9863    Mapping(required=[])
9865    Attributes
9866    ----------
9868    column : boolean
9870    row : boolean
9872    """
9873    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/RowCol<boolean>'}
9875    def __init__(self, column=Undefined, row=Undefined, **kwds):
9876        super(RowColboolean, self).__init__(column=column, row=row, **kwds)
9879class RowColnumber(VegaLiteSchema):
9880    """RowColnumber schema wrapper
9882    Mapping(required=[])
9884    Attributes
9885    ----------
9887    column : float
9889    row : float
9891    """
9892    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/RowCol<number>'}
9894    def __init__(self, column=Undefined, row=Undefined, **kwds):
9895        super(RowColnumber, self).__init__(column=column, row=row, **kwds)
9898class Scale(VegaLiteSchema):
9899    """Scale schema wrapper
9901    Mapping(required=[])
9903    Attributes
9904    ----------
9906    align : float
9907        The alignment of the steps within the scale range.
9909        This value must lie in the range ``[0,1]``. A value of ``0.5`` indicates that the
9910        steps should be centered within the range. A value of ``0`` or ``1`` may be used to
9911        shift the bands to one side, say to position them adjacent to an axis.
9913        **Default value:** ``0.5``
9914    base : float
9915        The logarithm base of the ``log`` scale (default ``10`` ).
9916    bins : List(float)
9917        An array of bin boundaries over the scale domain. If provided, axes and legends will
9918        use the bin boundaries to inform the choice of tick marks and text labels.
9919    clamp : boolean
9920        If ``true``, values that exceed the data domain are clamped to either the minimum or
9921        maximum range value
9923        **Default value:** derived from the `scale config
9924        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#scale-config>`__ 's ``clamp`` (
9925        ``true`` by default).
9926    constant : float
9927        A constant determining the slope of the symlog function around zero. Only used for
9928        ``symlog`` scales.
9930        **Default value:** ``1``
9931    domain : anyOf(List(float), List(string), List(boolean), List(:class:`DateTime`),
9932    enum('unaggregated'), :class:`SelectionDomain`)
9933        Customized domain values.
9935        For *quantitative* fields, ``domain`` can take the form of a two-element array with
9936        minimum and maximum values.  `Piecewise scales
9937        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#piecewise>`__ can be created by
9938        providing a ``domain`` with more than two entries.
9939        If the input field is aggregated, ``domain`` can also be a string value
9940        ``"unaggregated"``, indicating that the domain should include the raw data values
9941        prior to the aggregation.
9943        For *temporal* fields, ``domain`` can be a two-element array minimum and maximum
9944        values, in the form of either timestamps or the `DateTime definition objects
9945        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/types.html#datetime>`__.
9947        For *ordinal* and *nominal* fields, ``domain`` can be an array that lists valid
9948        input values.
9950        The ``selection`` property can be used to `interactively determine
9951        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection.html#scale-domains>`__ the scale
9952        domain.
9953    exponent : float
9954        The exponent of the ``pow`` scale.
9955    interpolate : anyOf(:class:`ScaleInterpolate`, :class:`ScaleInterpolateParams`)
9956        The interpolation method for range values. By default, a general interpolator for
9957        numbers, dates, strings and colors (in HCL space) is used. For color ranges, this
9958        property allows interpolation in alternative color spaces. Legal values include
9959        ``rgb``, ``hsl``, ``hsl-long``, ``lab``, ``hcl``, ``hcl-long``, ``cubehelix`` and
9960        ``cubehelix-long`` ('-long' variants use longer paths in polar coordinate spaces).
9961        If object-valued, this property accepts an object with a string-valued *type*
9962        property and an optional numeric *gamma* property applicable to rgb and cubehelix
9963        interpolators. For more, see the `d3-interpolate documentation
9964        <https://github.com/d3/d3-interpolate>`__.
9967        * **Default value:** ``hcl``
9968    nice : anyOf(boolean, float, :class:`NiceTime`, Mapping(required=[interval, step]))
9969        Extending the domain so that it starts and ends on nice round values. This method
9970        typically modifies the scale’s domain, and may only extend the bounds to the nearest
9971        round value. Nicing is useful if the domain is computed from data and may be
9972        irregular. For example, for a domain of *[0.201479…, 0.996679…]*, a nice domain
9973        might be *[0.2, 1.0]*.
9975        For quantitative scales such as linear, ``nice`` can be either a boolean flag or a
9976        number. If ``nice`` is a number, it will represent a desired tick count. This allows
9977        greater control over the step size used to extend the bounds, guaranteeing that the
9978        returned ticks will exactly cover the domain.
9980        For temporal fields with time and utc scales, the ``nice`` value can be a string
9981        indicating the desired time interval. Legal values are ``"millisecond"``,
9982        ``"second"``, ``"minute"``, ``"hour"``, ``"day"``, ``"week"``, ``"month"``, and
9983        ``"year"``. Alternatively, ``time`` and ``utc`` scales can accept an object-valued
9984        interval specifier of the form ``{"interval": "month", "step": 3}``, which includes
9985        a desired number of interval steps. Here, the domain would snap to quarter (Jan,
9986        Apr, Jul, Oct) boundaries.
9988        **Default value:** ``true`` for unbinned *quantitative* fields; ``false`` otherwise.
9989    padding : float
9990        For * `continuous <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#continuous>`__ *
9991        scales, expands the scale domain to accommodate the specified number of pixels on
9992        each of the scale range. The scale range must represent pixels for this parameter to
9993        function as intended. Padding adjustment is performed prior to all other
9994        adjustments, including the effects of the  ``zero``,  ``nice``,  ``domainMin``, and
9995        ``domainMax``  properties.
9997        For * `band <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__ * scales,
9998        shortcut for setting ``paddingInner`` and ``paddingOuter`` to the same value.
10000        For * `point <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#point>`__ * scales,
10001        alias for ``paddingOuter``.
10003        **Default value:** For *continuous* scales, derived from the `scale config
10004        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#config>`__ 's
10005        ``continuousPadding``.
10006        For *band and point* scales, see ``paddingInner`` and ``paddingOuter``.  By default,
10007        Vega-Lite sets padding such that *width/height = number of unique values * step*.
10008    paddingInner : float
10009        The inner padding (spacing) within each band step of band scales, as a fraction of
10010        the step size. This value must lie in the range [0,1].
10012        For point scale, this property is invalid as point scales do not have internal band
10013        widths (only step sizes between bands).
10015        **Default value:** derived from the `scale config
10016        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#config>`__ 's
10017        ``bandPaddingInner``.
10018    paddingOuter : float
10019        The outer padding (spacing) at the ends of the range of band and point scales,
10020        as a fraction of the step size. This value must lie in the range [0,1].
10022        **Default value:** derived from the `scale config
10023        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#config>`__ 's ``bandPaddingOuter``
10024        for band scales and ``pointPadding`` for point scales.
10025        By default, Vega-Lite sets outer padding such that *width/height = number of unique
10026        values * step*.
10027    range : anyOf(List(float), List(string), string)
10028        The range of the scale. One of:
10031        A string indicating a `pre-defined named scale range
10032        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#range-config>`__ (e.g., example,
10033        ``"symbol"``, or ``"diverging"`` ).
10035        For `continuous scales
10036        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#continuous>`__, two-element array
10037        indicating  minimum and maximum values, or an array with more than two entries for
10038        specifying a `piecewise scale
10039        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#piecewise>`__.
10041        For `discrete <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#discrete>`__ and
10042        `discretizing <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#discretizing>`__
10043        scales, an array of desired output values.
10045        **Notes:**
10047        1) For color scales you can also specify a color `scheme
10048        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#scheme>`__ instead of ``range``.
10050        2) Any directly specified ``range`` for ``x`` and ``y`` channels will be ignored.
10051        Range can be customized via the view's corresponding `size
10052        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html>`__ ( ``width`` and ``height`` ) or
10053        via `range steps and paddings properties <#range-step>`__ for `band <#band>`__ and
10054        `point <#point>`__ scales.
10055    rangeStep : anyOf(float, None)
10056        The distance between the starts of adjacent bands or points in `band
10057        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__ and `point
10058        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#point>`__ scales.
10060        If ``rangeStep`` is ``null`` or if the view contains the scale's corresponding `size
10061        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html>`__ ( ``width`` for ``x`` scales
10062        and ``height`` for ``y`` scales), ``rangeStep`` will be automatically determined to
10063        fit the size of the view.
10065        **Default value:**  derived the `scale config
10066        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#scale-config>`__ 's
10067        ``textXRangeStep`` ( ``90`` by default) for x-scales of ``text`` marks and
10068        ``rangeStep`` ( ``21`` by default) for x-scales of other marks and y-scales.
10070        **Warning** : If ``rangeStep`` is ``null`` and the cardinality of the scale's domain
10071        is higher than ``width`` or ``height``, the rangeStep might become less than one
10072        pixel and the mark might not appear correctly.
10073    round : boolean
10074        If ``true``, rounds numeric output values to integers. This can be helpful for
10075        snapping to the pixel grid.
10077        **Default value:** ``false``.
10078    scheme : anyOf(string, :class:`SchemeParams`)
10079        A string indicating a color `scheme
10080        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#scheme>`__ name (e.g.,
10081        ``"category10"`` or ``"blues"`` ) or a `scheme parameter object
10082        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#scheme-params>`__.
10084        Discrete color schemes may be used with `discrete
10085        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#discrete>`__ or `discretizing
10086        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#discretizing>`__ scales.
10087        Continuous color schemes are intended for use with color scales.
10089        For the full list of supported schemes, please refer to the `Vega Scheme
10090        <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/schemes/#reference>`__ reference.
10091    type : :class:`ScaleType`
10092        The type of scale.  Vega-Lite supports the following categories of scale types:
10094        1) `Continuous Scales
10095        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#continuous>`__ -- mapping
10096        continuous domains to continuous output ranges ( `"linear"
10097        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#linear>`__, `"pow"
10098        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#pow>`__, `"sqrt"
10099        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#sqrt>`__, `"symlog"
10100        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#symlog>`__, `"log"
10101        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#log>`__, `"time"
10102        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#time>`__, `"utc"
10103        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#utc>`__.
10105        2) `Discrete Scales <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#discrete>`__
10106        -- mapping discrete domains to discrete ( `"ordinal"
10107        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#ordinal>`__ ) or continuous (
10108        `"band" <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__ and `"point"
10109        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#point>`__ ) output ranges.
10111        3) `Discretizing Scales
10112        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#discretizing>`__ -- mapping
10113        continuous domains to discrete output ranges `"bin-ordinal"
10114        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#bin-ordinal>`__, `"quantile"
10115        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#quantile>`__, `"quantize"
10116        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#quantize>`__ and `"threshold"
10117        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#threshold>`__.
10119        **Default value:** please see the `scale type table
10120        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#type>`__.
10121    zero : boolean
10122        If ``true``, ensures that a zero baseline value is included in the scale domain.
10124        **Default value:** ``true`` for x and y channels if the quantitative field is not
10125        binned and no custom ``domain`` is provided; ``false`` otherwise.
10127        **Note:** Log, time, and utc scales do not support ``zero``.
10128    """
10129    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Scale'}
10131    def __init__(self, align=Undefined, base=Undefined, bins=Undefined, clamp=Undefined,
10132                 constant=Undefined, domain=Undefined, exponent=Undefined, interpolate=Undefined,
10133                 nice=Undefined, padding=Undefined, paddingInner=Undefined, paddingOuter=Undefined,
10134                 range=Undefined, rangeStep=Undefined, round=Undefined, scheme=Undefined,
10135                 type=Undefined, zero=Undefined, **kwds):
10136        super(Scale, self).__init__(align=align, base=base, bins=bins, clamp=clamp, constant=constant,
10137                                    domain=domain, exponent=exponent, interpolate=interpolate,
10138                                    nice=nice, padding=padding, paddingInner=paddingInner,
10139                                    paddingOuter=paddingOuter, range=range, rangeStep=rangeStep,
10140                                    round=round, scheme=scheme, type=type, zero=zero, **kwds)
10143class ScaleConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
10144    """ScaleConfig schema wrapper
10146    Mapping(required=[])
10148    Attributes
10149    ----------
10151    bandPaddingInner : float
10152        Default inner padding for ``x`` and ``y`` band-ordinal scales.
10154        **Default value:**
10157        * ``barBandPaddingInner`` for bar marks ( ``0.1`` by default)
10158        * ``rectBandPaddingInner`` for rect and other marks ( ``0`` by default)
10159    bandPaddingOuter : float
10160        Default outer padding for ``x`` and ``y`` band-ordinal scales.
10162        **Default value:** ``paddingInner/2`` (which makes *width/height = number of unique
10163        values * step* )
10164    barBandPaddingInner : float
10165        Default inner padding for ``x`` and ``y`` band-ordinal scales of ``"bar"`` marks.
10167        **Default value:** ``0.1``
10168    barBandPaddingOuter : float
10169        Default outer padding for ``x`` and ``y`` band-ordinal scales of ``"bar"`` marks.
10170        If not specified, by default, band scale's paddingOuter is paddingInner/2.
10171    clamp : boolean
10172        If true, values that exceed the data domain are clamped to either the minimum or
10173        maximum range value
10174    continuousPadding : float
10175        Default padding for continuous scales.
10177        **Default:** ``5`` for continuous x-scale of a vertical bar and continuous y-scale
10178        of a horizontal bar.; ``0`` otherwise.
10179    maxBandSize : float
10180        The default max value for mapping quantitative fields to bar's size/bandSize.
10182        If undefined (default), we will use the scale's ``rangeStep`` - 1.
10183    maxFontSize : float
10184        The default max value for mapping quantitative fields to text's size/fontSize.
10186        **Default value:** ``40``
10187    maxOpacity : float
10188        Default max opacity for mapping a field to opacity.
10190        **Default value:** ``0.8``
10191    maxSize : float
10192        Default max value for point size scale.
10193    maxStrokeWidth : float
10194        Default max strokeWidth for the scale of strokeWidth for rule and line marks and of
10195        size for trail marks.
10197        **Default value:** ``4``
10198    minBandSize : float
10199        The default min value for mapping quantitative fields to bar and tick's
10200        size/bandSize scale with zero=false.
10202        **Default value:** ``2``
10203    minFontSize : float
10204        The default min value for mapping quantitative fields to tick's size/fontSize scale
10205        with zero=false
10207        **Default value:** ``8``
10208    minOpacity : float
10209        Default minimum opacity for mapping a field to opacity.
10211        **Default value:** ``0.3``
10212    minSize : float
10213        Default minimum value for point size scale with zero=false.
10215        **Default value:** ``9``
10216    minStrokeWidth : float
10217        Default minimum strokeWidth for the scale of strokeWidth for rule and line marks and
10218        of size for trail marks with zero=false.
10220        **Default value:** ``1``
10221    pointPadding : float
10222        Default outer padding for ``x`` and ``y`` point-ordinal scales.
10224        **Default value:** ``0.5`` (which makes *width/height = number of unique values *
10225        step* )
10226    quantileCount : float
10227        Default range cardinality for `quantile
10228        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#quantile>`__ scale.
10230        **Default value:** ``4``
10231    quantizeCount : float
10232        Default range cardinality for `quantize
10233        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#quantize>`__ scale.
10235        **Default value:** ``4``
10236    rangeStep : anyOf(float, None)
10237        Default range step for band and point scales of (1) the ``y`` channel
10238        and (2) the ``x`` channel when the mark is not ``text``.
10240        **Default value:** ``20``
10241    rectBandPaddingInner : float
10242        Default inner padding for ``x`` and ``y`` band-ordinal scales of ``"rect"`` marks.
10244        **Default value:** ``0``
10245    rectBandPaddingOuter : float
10246        Default outer padding for ``x`` and ``y`` band-ordinal scales of ``"rect"`` marks.
10247        If not specified, by default, band scale's paddingOuter is paddingInner/2.
10248    round : boolean
10249        If true, rounds numeric output values to integers.
10250        This can be helpful for snapping to the pixel grid.
10251        (Only available for ``x``, ``y``, and ``size`` scales.)
10252    textXRangeStep : float
10253        Default range step for ``x`` band and point scales of text marks.
10255        **Default value:** ``90``
10256    useUnaggregatedDomain : boolean
10257        Use the source data range before aggregation as scale domain instead of aggregated
10258        data for aggregate axis.
10260        This is equivalent to setting ``domain`` to ``"unaggregate"`` for aggregated
10261        *quantitative* fields by default.
10263        This property only works with aggregate functions that produce values within the raw
10264        data domain ( ``"mean"``, ``"average"``, ``"median"``, ``"q1"``, ``"q3"``,
10265        ``"min"``, ``"max"`` ). For other aggregations that produce values outside of the
10266        raw data domain (e.g. ``"count"``, ``"sum"`` ), this property is ignored.
10268        **Default value:** ``false``
10269    """
10270    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ScaleConfig'}
10272    def __init__(self, bandPaddingInner=Undefined, bandPaddingOuter=Undefined,
10273                 barBandPaddingInner=Undefined, barBandPaddingOuter=Undefined, clamp=Undefined,
10274                 continuousPadding=Undefined, maxBandSize=Undefined, maxFontSize=Undefined,
10275                 maxOpacity=Undefined, maxSize=Undefined, maxStrokeWidth=Undefined,
10276                 minBandSize=Undefined, minFontSize=Undefined, minOpacity=Undefined, minSize=Undefined,
10277                 minStrokeWidth=Undefined, pointPadding=Undefined, quantileCount=Undefined,
10278                 quantizeCount=Undefined, rangeStep=Undefined, rectBandPaddingInner=Undefined,
10279                 rectBandPaddingOuter=Undefined, round=Undefined, textXRangeStep=Undefined,
10280                 useUnaggregatedDomain=Undefined, **kwds):
10281        super(ScaleConfig, self).__init__(bandPaddingInner=bandPaddingInner,
10282                                          bandPaddingOuter=bandPaddingOuter,
10283                                          barBandPaddingInner=barBandPaddingInner,
10284                                          barBandPaddingOuter=barBandPaddingOuter, clamp=clamp,
10285                                          continuousPadding=continuousPadding, maxBandSize=maxBandSize,
10286                                          maxFontSize=maxFontSize, maxOpacity=maxOpacity,
10287                                          maxSize=maxSize, maxStrokeWidth=maxStrokeWidth,
10288                                          minBandSize=minBandSize, minFontSize=minFontSize,
10289                                          minOpacity=minOpacity, minSize=minSize,
10290                                          minStrokeWidth=minStrokeWidth, pointPadding=pointPadding,
10291                                          quantileCount=quantileCount, quantizeCount=quantizeCount,
10292                                          rangeStep=rangeStep,
10293                                          rectBandPaddingInner=rectBandPaddingInner,
10294                                          rectBandPaddingOuter=rectBandPaddingOuter, round=round,
10295                                          textXRangeStep=textXRangeStep,
10296                                          useUnaggregatedDomain=useUnaggregatedDomain, **kwds)
10299class ScaleInterpolate(VegaLiteSchema):
10300    """ScaleInterpolate schema wrapper
10302    enum('rgb', 'lab', 'hcl', 'hsl', 'hsl-long', 'hcl-long', 'cubehelix', 'cubehelix-long')
10303    """
10304    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ScaleInterpolate'}
10306    def __init__(self, *args):
10307        super(ScaleInterpolate, self).__init__(*args)
10310class ScaleInterpolateParams(VegaLiteSchema):
10311    """ScaleInterpolateParams schema wrapper
10313    Mapping(required=[type])
10315    Attributes
10316    ----------
10318    type : enum('rgb', 'cubehelix', 'cubehelix-long')
10320    gamma : float
10322    """
10323    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ScaleInterpolateParams'}
10325    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, gamma=Undefined, **kwds):
10326        super(ScaleInterpolateParams, self).__init__(type=type, gamma=gamma, **kwds)
10329class ScaleResolveMap(VegaLiteSchema):
10330    """ScaleResolveMap schema wrapper
10332    Mapping(required=[])
10334    Attributes
10335    ----------
10337    color : :class:`ResolveMode`
10339    fill : :class:`ResolveMode`
10341    fillOpacity : :class:`ResolveMode`
10343    opacity : :class:`ResolveMode`
10345    shape : :class:`ResolveMode`
10347    size : :class:`ResolveMode`
10349    stroke : :class:`ResolveMode`
10351    strokeOpacity : :class:`ResolveMode`
10353    strokeWidth : :class:`ResolveMode`
10355    x : :class:`ResolveMode`
10357    y : :class:`ResolveMode`
10359    """
10360    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ScaleResolveMap'}
10362    def __init__(self, color=Undefined, fill=Undefined, fillOpacity=Undefined, opacity=Undefined,
10363                 shape=Undefined, size=Undefined, stroke=Undefined, strokeOpacity=Undefined,
10364                 strokeWidth=Undefined, x=Undefined, y=Undefined, **kwds):
10365        super(ScaleResolveMap, self).__init__(color=color, fill=fill, fillOpacity=fillOpacity,
10366                                              opacity=opacity, shape=shape, size=size, stroke=stroke,
10367                                              strokeOpacity=strokeOpacity, strokeWidth=strokeWidth, x=x,
10368                                              y=y, **kwds)
10371class ScaleType(VegaLiteSchema):
10372    """ScaleType schema wrapper
10374    enum('linear', 'log', 'pow', 'sqrt', 'symlog', 'time', 'utc', 'quantile', 'quantize',
10375    'threshold', 'bin-ordinal', 'ordinal', 'point', 'band')
10376    """
10377    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ScaleType'}
10379    def __init__(self, *args):
10380        super(ScaleType, self).__init__(*args)
10383class SchemeConfig(RangeConfigValue):
10384    """SchemeConfig schema wrapper
10386    Mapping(required=[scheme])
10388    Attributes
10389    ----------
10391    scheme : string
10393    count : float
10395    extent : List(float)
10397    """
10398    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SchemeConfig'}
10400    def __init__(self, scheme=Undefined, count=Undefined, extent=Undefined, **kwds):
10401        super(SchemeConfig, self).__init__(scheme=scheme, count=count, extent=extent, **kwds)
10404class SchemeParams(VegaLiteSchema):
10405    """SchemeParams schema wrapper
10407    Mapping(required=[name])
10409    Attributes
10410    ----------
10412    name : string
10413        A color scheme name for ordinal scales (e.g., ``"category10"`` or ``"blues"`` ).
10415        For the full list of supported schemes, please refer to the `Vega Scheme
10416        <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/schemes/#reference>`__ reference.
10417    count : float
10418        The number of colors to use in the scheme. This can be useful for scale types such
10419        as ``"quantize"``, which use the length of the scale range to determine the number
10420        of discrete bins for the scale domain.
10421    extent : List(float)
10422        The extent of the color range to use. For example ``[0.2, 1]`` will rescale the
10423        color scheme such that color values in the range *[0, 0.2)* are excluded from the
10424        scheme.
10425    """
10426    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SchemeParams'}
10428    def __init__(self, name=Undefined, count=Undefined, extent=Undefined, **kwds):
10429        super(SchemeParams, self).__init__(name=name, count=count, extent=extent, **kwds)
10432class SecondaryFieldDef(VegaLiteSchema):
10433    """SecondaryFieldDef schema wrapper
10435    Mapping(required=[])
10436    A field definition of a secondary channel that shares a scale with another primary channel.
10437    For example, ``x2``, ``xError`` and ``xError2`` share the same scale with ``x``.
10439    Attributes
10440    ----------
10442    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
10443        Aggregation function for the field
10444        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
10446        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
10448        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
10449        documentation.
10450    bin : None
10451        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
10452        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
10453        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
10454        ``"binned"`` ).
10457        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
10458        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
10460        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
10461        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
10462        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
10463        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
10464        set the axis's `tickMinStep
10465        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
10467        **Default value:** ``false``
10469        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
10470        documentation.
10471    field : :class:`Field`
10472        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
10473        value
10474        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
10475        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
10477        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
10478        documentation.
10480        **Notes:**
10481        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
10482        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
10483        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
10484        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
10485        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
10486        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
10487        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
10488    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
10489        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
10490        field.
10491        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
10492        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
10494        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
10496        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
10497        documentation.
10498    title : anyOf(string, None)
10499        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
10501        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
10502        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
10503        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
10504        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
10505        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
10506        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
10508        **Notes** :
10510        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
10511        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
10512        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
10513        function via the compile function's options
10514        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
10516        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
10517        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
10518    """
10519    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SecondaryFieldDef'}
10521    def __init__(self, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined, field=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined,
10522                 title=Undefined, **kwds):
10523        super(SecondaryFieldDef, self).__init__(aggregate=aggregate, bin=bin, field=field,
10524                                                timeUnit=timeUnit, title=title, **kwds)
10527class SelectionConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
10528    """SelectionConfig schema wrapper
10530    Mapping(required=[])
10532    Attributes
10533    ----------
10535    interval : :class:`IntervalSelectionConfig`
10536        The default definition for an `interval
10537        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection.html#type>`__ selection. All
10538        properties and transformations
10539        for an interval selection definition (except ``type`` ) may be specified here.
10541        For instance, setting ``interval`` to ``{"translate": false}`` disables the ability
10542        to move
10543        interval selections by default.
10544    multi : :class:`MultiSelectionConfig`
10545        The default definition for a `multi
10546        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection.html#type>`__ selection. All
10547        properties and transformations
10548        for a multi selection definition (except ``type`` ) may be specified here.
10550        For instance, setting ``multi`` to ``{"toggle": "event.altKey"}`` adds additional
10551        values to
10552        multi selections when clicking with the alt-key pressed by default.
10553    single : :class:`SingleSelectionConfig`
10554        The default definition for a `single
10555        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection.html#type>`__ selection. All
10556        properties and transformations
10557        for a single selection definition (except ``type`` ) may be specified here.
10559        For instance, setting ``single`` to ``{"on": "dblclick"}`` populates single
10560        selections on double-click by default.
10561    """
10562    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SelectionConfig'}
10564    def __init__(self, interval=Undefined, multi=Undefined, single=Undefined, **kwds):
10565        super(SelectionConfig, self).__init__(interval=interval, multi=multi, single=single, **kwds)
10568class SelectionDef(VegaLiteSchema):
10569    """SelectionDef schema wrapper
10571    anyOf(:class:`SingleSelection`, :class:`MultiSelection`, :class:`IntervalSelection`)
10572    """
10573    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SelectionDef'}
10575    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
10576        super(SelectionDef, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
10579class IntervalSelection(SelectionDef):
10580    """IntervalSelection schema wrapper
10582    Mapping(required=[type])
10584    Attributes
10585    ----------
10587    type : enum('interval')
10588        Determines the default event processing and data query for the selection. Vega-Lite
10589        currently supports three selection types:
10592        * ``single`` -- to select a single discrete data value on ``click``.
10593        * ``multi`` -- to select multiple discrete data value; the first value is selected
10594          on ``click`` and additional values toggled on shift- ``click``.
10595        * ``interval`` -- to select a continuous range of data values on ``drag``.
10596    bind : enum('scales')
10597        Establishes a two-way binding between the interval selection and the scales
10598        used within the same view. This allows a user to interactively pan and
10599        zoom the view.
10601        **See also:** `bind <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bind.html>`__
10602        documentation.
10603    clear : anyOf(:class:`EventStream`, boolean)
10604        Clears the selection, emptying it of all values. Can be an
10605        `EventStream <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/>`__ or ``false`` to
10606        disable.
10608        **Default value:** ``dblclick``.
10610        **See also:** `clear <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/clear.html>`__
10611        documentation.
10612    empty : enum('all', 'none')
10613        By default, ``all`` data values are considered to lie within an empty selection.
10614        When set to ``none``, empty selections contain no data values.
10615    encodings : List(:class:`SingleDefUnitChannel`)
10616        An array of encoding channels. The corresponding data field values
10617        must match for a data tuple to fall within the selection.
10619        **See also:** `encodings <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/project.html>`__
10620        documentation.
10621    fields : List(:class:`FieldName`)
10622        An array of field names whose values must match for a data tuple to
10623        fall within the selection.
10625        **See also:** `fields <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/project.html>`__
10626        documentation.
10627    init : :class:`SelectionInitIntervalMapping`
10628        Initialize the selection with a mapping between `projected channels or field names
10629        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/project.html>`__ and arrays of
10630        initial values.
10632        **See also:** `init <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/init.html>`__
10633        documentation.
10634    mark : :class:`BrushConfig`
10635        An interval selection also adds a rectangle mark to depict the
10636        extents of the interval. The ``mark`` property can be used to customize the
10637        appearance of the mark.
10639        **See also:** `mark <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection-mark.html>`__
10640        documentation.
10641    on : :class:`EventStream`
10642        A `Vega event stream <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/>`__ (object or
10643        selector) that triggers the selection.
10644        For interval selections, the event stream must specify a `start and end
10645        <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/#between-filters>`__.
10646    resolve : :class:`SelectionResolution`
10647        With layered and multi-view displays, a strategy that determines how
10648        selections' data queries are resolved when applied in a filter transform,
10649        conditional encoding rule, or scale domain.
10651        **See also:** `resolve
10652        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection-resolve.html>`__ documentation.
10653    translate : anyOf(string, boolean)
10654        When truthy, allows a user to interactively move an interval selection
10655        back-and-forth. Can be ``true``, ``false`` (to disable panning), or a
10656        `Vega event stream definition <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/>`__
10657        which must include a start and end event to trigger continuous panning.
10659        **Default value:** ``true``, which corresponds to
10660        ``[mousedown, window:mouseup] > window:mousemove!`` which corresponds to
10661        clicks and dragging within an interval selection to reposition it.
10663        **See also:** `translate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/translate.html>`__
10664        documentation.
10665    zoom : anyOf(string, boolean)
10666        When truthy, allows a user to interactively resize an interval selection.
10667        Can be ``true``, ``false`` (to disable zooming), or a `Vega event stream
10668        definition <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/>`__. Currently,
10669        only ``wheel`` events are supported.
10671        **Default value:** ``true``, which corresponds to ``wheel!``.
10673        **See also:** `zoom <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/zoom.html>`__
10674        documentation.
10675    """
10676    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/IntervalSelection'}
10678    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, bind=Undefined, clear=Undefined, empty=Undefined,
10679                 encodings=Undefined, fields=Undefined, init=Undefined, mark=Undefined, on=Undefined,
10680                 resolve=Undefined, translate=Undefined, zoom=Undefined, **kwds):
10681        super(IntervalSelection, self).__init__(type=type, bind=bind, clear=clear, empty=empty,
10682                                                encodings=encodings, fields=fields, init=init,
10683                                                mark=mark, on=on, resolve=resolve, translate=translate,
10684                                                zoom=zoom, **kwds)
10687class MultiSelection(SelectionDef):
10688    """MultiSelection schema wrapper
10690    Mapping(required=[type])
10692    Attributes
10693    ----------
10695    type : enum('multi')
10696        Determines the default event processing and data query for the selection. Vega-Lite
10697        currently supports three selection types:
10700        * ``single`` -- to select a single discrete data value on ``click``.
10701        * ``multi`` -- to select multiple discrete data value; the first value is selected
10702          on ``click`` and additional values toggled on shift- ``click``.
10703        * ``interval`` -- to select a continuous range of data values on ``drag``.
10704    clear : anyOf(:class:`EventStream`, boolean)
10705        Clears the selection, emptying it of all values. Can be an
10706        `EventStream <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/>`__ or ``false`` to
10707        disable.
10709        **Default value:** ``dblclick``.
10711        **See also:** `clear <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/clear.html>`__
10712        documentation.
10713    empty : enum('all', 'none')
10714        By default, ``all`` data values are considered to lie within an empty selection.
10715        When set to ``none``, empty selections contain no data values.
10716    encodings : List(:class:`SingleDefUnitChannel`)
10717        An array of encoding channels. The corresponding data field values
10718        must match for a data tuple to fall within the selection.
10720        **See also:** `encodings <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/project.html>`__
10721        documentation.
10722    fields : List(:class:`FieldName`)
10723        An array of field names whose values must match for a data tuple to
10724        fall within the selection.
10726        **See also:** `fields <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/project.html>`__
10727        documentation.
10728    init : anyOf(:class:`SelectionInitMapping`, List(:class:`SelectionInitMapping`))
10729        Initialize the selection with a mapping between `projected channels or field names
10730        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/project.html>`__ and an initial
10731        value (or array of values).
10733        **See also:** `init <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/init.html>`__
10734        documentation.
10735    nearest : boolean
10736        When true, an invisible voronoi diagram is computed to accelerate discrete
10737        selection. The data value *nearest* the mouse cursor is added to the selection.
10739        **See also:** `nearest <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/nearest.html>`__
10740        documentation.
10741    on : :class:`EventStream`
10742        A `Vega event stream <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/>`__ (object or
10743        selector) that triggers the selection.
10744        For interval selections, the event stream must specify a `start and end
10745        <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/#between-filters>`__.
10746    resolve : :class:`SelectionResolution`
10747        With layered and multi-view displays, a strategy that determines how
10748        selections' data queries are resolved when applied in a filter transform,
10749        conditional encoding rule, or scale domain.
10751        **See also:** `resolve
10752        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection-resolve.html>`__ documentation.
10753    toggle : anyOf(string, boolean)
10754        Controls whether data values should be toggled or only ever inserted into
10755        multi selections. Can be ``true``, ``false`` (for insertion only), or a
10756        `Vega expression <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/expressions/>`__.
10758        **Default value:** ``true``, which corresponds to ``event.shiftKey`` (i.e.,
10759        data values are toggled when a user interacts with the shift-key pressed).
10761        **See also:** `toggle <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/toggle.html>`__
10762        documentation.
10763    """
10764    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/MultiSelection'}
10766    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, clear=Undefined, empty=Undefined, encodings=Undefined,
10767                 fields=Undefined, init=Undefined, nearest=Undefined, on=Undefined, resolve=Undefined,
10768                 toggle=Undefined, **kwds):
10769        super(MultiSelection, self).__init__(type=type, clear=clear, empty=empty, encodings=encodings,
10770                                             fields=fields, init=init, nearest=nearest, on=on,
10771                                             resolve=resolve, toggle=toggle, **kwds)
10774class SelectionDomain(VegaLiteSchema):
10775    """SelectionDomain schema wrapper
10777    anyOf(Mapping(required=[selection]), Mapping(required=[selection]))
10778    """
10779    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SelectionDomain'}
10781    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
10782        super(SelectionDomain, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
10785class SelectionInit(VegaLiteSchema):
10786    """SelectionInit schema wrapper
10788    anyOf(boolean, float, string, :class:`DateTime`)
10789    """
10790    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SelectionInit'}
10792    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
10793        super(SelectionInit, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
10796class DateTime(SelectionInit):
10797    """DateTime schema wrapper
10799    Mapping(required=[])
10800    Object for defining datetime in Vega-Lite Filter.
10801    If both month and quarter are provided, month has higher precedence.
10802    ``day`` cannot be combined with other date.
10803    We accept string for month and day names.
10805    Attributes
10806    ----------
10808    date : float
10809        Integer value representing the date from 1-31.
10810    day : anyOf(:class:`Day`, string)
10811        Value representing the day of a week.  This can be one of: (1) integer value --
10812        ``1`` represents Monday; (2) case-insensitive day name (e.g., ``"Monday"`` );  (3)
10813        case-insensitive, 3-character short day name (e.g., ``"Mon"`` ).   :raw-html:`<br/>`
10814        **Warning:** A DateTime definition object with ``day`` ** should not be combined
10815        with ``year``, ``quarter``, ``month``, or ``date``.
10816    hours : float
10817        Integer value representing the hour of a day from 0-23.
10818    milliseconds : float
10819        Integer value representing the millisecond segment of time.
10820    minutes : float
10821        Integer value representing the minute segment of time from 0-59.
10822    month : anyOf(:class:`Month`, string)
10823        One of: (1) integer value representing the month from ``1`` - ``12``. ``1``
10824        represents January;  (2) case-insensitive month name (e.g., ``"January"`` );  (3)
10825        case-insensitive, 3-character short month name (e.g., ``"Jan"`` ).
10826    quarter : float
10827        Integer value representing the quarter of the year (from 1-4).
10828    seconds : float
10829        Integer value representing the second segment (0-59) of a time value
10830    utc : boolean
10831        A boolean flag indicating if date time is in utc time. If false, the date time is in
10832        local time
10833    year : float
10834        Integer value representing the year.
10835    """
10836    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/DateTime'}
10838    def __init__(self, date=Undefined, day=Undefined, hours=Undefined, milliseconds=Undefined,
10839                 minutes=Undefined, month=Undefined, quarter=Undefined, seconds=Undefined,
10840                 utc=Undefined, year=Undefined, **kwds):
10841        super(DateTime, self).__init__(date=date, day=day, hours=hours, milliseconds=milliseconds,
10842                                       minutes=minutes, month=month, quarter=quarter, seconds=seconds,
10843                                       utc=utc, year=year, **kwds)
10846class SelectionInitInterval(VegaLiteSchema):
10847    """SelectionInitInterval schema wrapper
10849    anyOf(List([boolean, boolean]), List([float, float]), List([string, string]),
10850    List([:class:`DateTime`, :class:`DateTime`]))
10851    """
10852    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SelectionInitInterval'}
10854    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
10855        super(SelectionInitInterval, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
10858class SelectionInitIntervalMapping(VegaLiteSchema):
10859    """SelectionInitIntervalMapping schema wrapper
10861    Mapping(required=[])
10862    """
10863    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SelectionInitIntervalMapping'}
10865    def __init__(self, **kwds):
10866        super(SelectionInitIntervalMapping, self).__init__(**kwds)
10869class SelectionInitMapping(VegaLiteSchema):
10870    """SelectionInitMapping schema wrapper
10872    Mapping(required=[])
10873    """
10874    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SelectionInitMapping'}
10876    def __init__(self, **kwds):
10877        super(SelectionInitMapping, self).__init__(**kwds)
10880class SelectionOperand(VegaLiteSchema):
10881    """SelectionOperand schema wrapper
10883    anyOf(:class:`SelectionNot`, :class:`SelectionAnd`, :class:`SelectionOr`, string)
10884    """
10885    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SelectionOperand'}
10887    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
10888        super(SelectionOperand, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
10891class SelectionAnd(SelectionOperand):
10892    """SelectionAnd schema wrapper
10894    Mapping(required=[and])
10896    Attributes
10897    ----------
10899    and : List(:class:`SelectionOperand`)
10901    """
10902    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SelectionAnd'}
10904    def __init__(self, **kwds):
10905        super(SelectionAnd, self).__init__(**kwds)
10908class SelectionNot(SelectionOperand):
10909    """SelectionNot schema wrapper
10911    Mapping(required=[not])
10913    Attributes
10914    ----------
10916    not : :class:`SelectionOperand`
10918    """
10919    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SelectionNot'}
10921    def __init__(self, **kwds):
10922        super(SelectionNot, self).__init__(**kwds)
10925class SelectionOr(SelectionOperand):
10926    """SelectionOr schema wrapper
10928    Mapping(required=[or])
10930    Attributes
10931    ----------
10933    or : List(:class:`SelectionOperand`)
10935    """
10936    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SelectionOr'}
10938    def __init__(self, **kwds):
10939        super(SelectionOr, self).__init__(**kwds)
10942class SelectionPredicate(Predicate):
10943    """SelectionPredicate schema wrapper
10945    Mapping(required=[selection])
10947    Attributes
10948    ----------
10950    selection : :class:`SelectionOperand`
10951        Filter using a selection name.
10952    """
10953    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SelectionPredicate'}
10955    def __init__(self, selection=Undefined, **kwds):
10956        super(SelectionPredicate, self).__init__(selection=selection, **kwds)
10959class SelectionResolution(VegaLiteSchema):
10960    """SelectionResolution schema wrapper
10962    enum('global', 'union', 'intersect')
10963    """
10964    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SelectionResolution'}
10966    def __init__(self, *args):
10967        super(SelectionResolution, self).__init__(*args)
10970class SequenceGenerator(Generator):
10971    """SequenceGenerator schema wrapper
10973    Mapping(required=[sequence])
10975    Attributes
10976    ----------
10978    sequence : :class:`SequenceParams`
10979        Generate a sequence of numbers.
10980    name : string
10981        Provide a placeholder name and bind data at runtime.
10982    """
10983    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SequenceGenerator'}
10985    def __init__(self, sequence=Undefined, name=Undefined, **kwds):
10986        super(SequenceGenerator, self).__init__(sequence=sequence, name=name, **kwds)
10989class SequenceParams(VegaLiteSchema):
10990    """SequenceParams schema wrapper
10992    Mapping(required=[start, stop])
10994    Attributes
10995    ----------
10997    start : float
10998        The starting value of the sequence (inclusive).
10999    stop : float
11000        The ending value of the sequence (exclusive).
11001    step : float
11002        The step value between sequence entries.
11004        **Default value:** ``1``
11005    as : :class:`FieldName`
11006        The name of the generated sequence field.
11008        **Default value:** ``"data"``
11009    """
11010    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SequenceParams'}
11012    def __init__(self, start=Undefined, stop=Undefined, step=Undefined, **kwds):
11013        super(SequenceParams, self).__init__(start=start, stop=stop, step=step, **kwds)
11016class ShapeFieldDefWithCondition(VegaLiteSchema):
11017    """ShapeFieldDefWithCondition schema wrapper
11019    Mapping(required=[type])
11020    A FieldDef with Condition :raw-html:`<ValueDef>`
11022    Attributes
11023    ----------
11025    type : :class:`TypeForShape`
11026        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
11027        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
11028        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
11029        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
11031        **Note:**
11034        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
11035          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
11036          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
11037        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
11038          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
11039          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
11040          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
11041        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
11042          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
11043          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
11044          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
11045        * When using with `timeUnit
11046          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
11047          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
11048          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
11049        * When using with `aggregate
11050          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
11051          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
11052          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
11053          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
11054          is ``"quantitative"``.
11055        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
11056          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
11057          ``x``, ``y`` ).
11059        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
11060        documentation.
11061    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
11062        Aggregation function for the field
11063        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
11065        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
11067        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
11068        documentation.
11069    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, None)
11070        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
11071        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
11072        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
11073        ``"binned"`` ).
11076        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
11077        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
11079        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
11080        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
11081        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
11082        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
11083        set the axis's `tickMinStep
11084        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
11086        **Default value:** ``false``
11088        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
11089        documentation.
11090    condition : anyOf(:class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`,
11091    List(:class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`))
11092        One or more value definition(s) with `a selection or a test predicate
11093        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/condition.html>`__.
11095        **Note:** A field definition's ``condition`` property can only contain `conditional
11096        value definitions <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/condition.html#value>`__
11097        since Vega-Lite only allows at most one encoded field per encoding channel.
11098    field : :class:`Field`
11099        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
11100        value
11101        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
11102        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
11104        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
11105        documentation.
11107        **Notes:**
11108        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
11109        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
11110        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
11111        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
11112        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
11113        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
11114        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
11115    legend : anyOf(:class:`Legend`, None)
11116        An object defining properties of the legend.
11117        If ``null``, the legend for the encoding channel will be removed.
11119        **Default value:** If undefined, default `legend properties
11120        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__ are applied.
11122        **See also:** `legend <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__
11123        documentation.
11124    scale : anyOf(:class:`Scale`, None)
11125        An object defining properties of the channel's scale, which is the function that
11126        transforms values in the data domain (numbers, dates, strings, etc) to visual values
11127        (pixels, colors, sizes) of the encoding channels.
11129        If ``null``, the scale will be `disabled and the data value will be directly encoded
11130        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#disable>`__.
11132        **Default value:** If undefined, default `scale properties
11133        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__ are applied.
11135        **See also:** `scale <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__
11136        documentation.
11137    sort : :class:`Sort`
11138        Sort order for the encoded field.
11140        For continuous fields (quantitative or temporal), ``sort`` can be either
11141        ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"``.
11143        For discrete fields, ``sort`` can be one of the following:
11146        * ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"`` -- for sorting by the values' natural order in
11147          Javascript.
11148        * `A sort-by-encoding definition
11149          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-by-encoding>`__ for sorting
11150          by another encoding channel. (This type of sort definition is not available for
11151          ``row`` and ``column`` channels.)
11152        * `A sort field definition
11153          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-field>`__ for sorting by
11154          another field.
11155        * `An array specifying the field values in preferred order
11156          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-array>`__. In this case, the
11157          sort order will obey the values in the array, followed by any unspecified values
11158          in their original order.  For discrete time field, values in the sort array can be
11159          `date-time definition objects <types#datetime>`__. In addition, for time units
11160          ``"month"`` and ``"day"``, the values can be the month or day names (case
11161          insensitive) or their 3-letter initials (e.g., ``"Mon"``, ``"Tue"`` ).
11162        * ``null`` indicating no sort.
11164        **Default value:** ``"ascending"``
11166        **Note:** ``null`` is not supported for ``row`` and ``column``.
11168        **See also:** `sort <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html>`__
11169        documentation.
11170    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
11171        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
11172        field.
11173        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
11174        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
11176        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
11178        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
11179        documentation.
11180    title : anyOf(string, None)
11181        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
11183        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
11184        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
11185        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
11186        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
11187        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
11188        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
11190        **Notes** :
11192        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
11193        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
11194        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
11195        function via the compile function's options
11196        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
11198        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
11199        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
11200    """
11201    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ShapeFieldDefWithCondition'}
11203    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined, condition=Undefined,
11204                 field=Undefined, legend=Undefined, scale=Undefined, sort=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined,
11205                 title=Undefined, **kwds):
11206        super(ShapeFieldDefWithCondition, self).__init__(type=type, aggregate=aggregate, bin=bin,
11207                                                         condition=condition, field=field,
11208                                                         legend=legend, scale=scale, sort=sort,
11209                                                         timeUnit=timeUnit, title=title, **kwds)
11212class ShapeValueDefWithCondition(VegaLiteSchema):
11213    """ShapeValueDefWithCondition schema wrapper
11215    Mapping(required=[])
11216    A ValueDef with Condition<ValueDef | FieldDef> where either the condition or the value are
11217    optional.
11219    Attributes
11220    ----------
11222    condition : anyOf(:class:`ConditionalMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShape`,
11223    :class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`, List(:class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`))
11224        A field definition or one or more value definition(s) with a selection predicate.
11225    value : anyOf(string, None)
11226        A constant value in visual domain (e.g., ``"red"`` / "#0099ff" for color, values
11227        between ``0`` to ``1`` for opacity).
11228    """
11229    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ShapeValueDefWithCondition'}
11231    def __init__(self, condition=Undefined, value=Undefined, **kwds):
11232        super(ShapeValueDefWithCondition, self).__init__(condition=condition, value=value, **kwds)
11235class SignalRef(LayoutBounds):
11236    """SignalRef schema wrapper
11238    Mapping(required=[signal])
11240    Attributes
11241    ----------
11243    signal : string
11245    """
11246    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SignalRef'}
11248    def __init__(self, signal=Undefined, **kwds):
11249        super(SignalRef, self).__init__(signal=signal, **kwds)
11252class SingleDefUnitChannel(VegaLiteSchema):
11253    """SingleDefUnitChannel schema wrapper
11255    enum('x', 'y', 'x2', 'y2', 'longitude', 'latitude', 'longitude2', 'latitude2', 'color',
11256    'fill', 'stroke', 'opacity', 'fillOpacity', 'strokeOpacity', 'strokeWidth', 'size', 'shape',
11257    'key', 'text', 'tooltip', 'href')
11258    """
11259    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SingleDefUnitChannel'}
11261    def __init__(self, *args):
11262        super(SingleDefUnitChannel, self).__init__(*args)
11265class SingleSelection(SelectionDef):
11266    """SingleSelection schema wrapper
11268    Mapping(required=[type])
11270    Attributes
11271    ----------
11273    type : enum('single')
11274        Determines the default event processing and data query for the selection. Vega-Lite
11275        currently supports three selection types:
11278        * ``single`` -- to select a single discrete data value on ``click``.
11279        * ``multi`` -- to select multiple discrete data value; the first value is selected
11280          on ``click`` and additional values toggled on shift- ``click``.
11281        * ``interval`` -- to select a continuous range of data values on ``drag``.
11282    bind : anyOf(:class:`Binding`, Mapping(required=[]))
11283        Establish a two-way binding between a single selection and input elements
11284        (also known as dynamic query widgets). A binding takes the form of
11285        Vega's `input element binding definition
11286        <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/signals/#bind>`__
11287        or can be a mapping between projected field/encodings and binding definitions.
11289        **See also:** `bind <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bind.html>`__
11290        documentation.
11291    clear : anyOf(:class:`EventStream`, boolean)
11292        Clears the selection, emptying it of all values. Can be an
11293        `EventStream <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/>`__ or ``false`` to
11294        disable.
11296        **Default value:** ``dblclick``.
11298        **See also:** `clear <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/clear.html>`__
11299        documentation.
11300    empty : enum('all', 'none')
11301        By default, ``all`` data values are considered to lie within an empty selection.
11302        When set to ``none``, empty selections contain no data values.
11303    encodings : List(:class:`SingleDefUnitChannel`)
11304        An array of encoding channels. The corresponding data field values
11305        must match for a data tuple to fall within the selection.
11307        **See also:** `encodings <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/project.html>`__
11308        documentation.
11309    fields : List(:class:`FieldName`)
11310        An array of field names whose values must match for a data tuple to
11311        fall within the selection.
11313        **See also:** `fields <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/project.html>`__
11314        documentation.
11315    init : :class:`SelectionInitMapping`
11316        Initialize the selection with a mapping between `projected channels or field names
11317        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/project.html>`__ and initial values.
11319        **See also:** `init <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/init.html>`__
11320        documentation.
11321    nearest : boolean
11322        When true, an invisible voronoi diagram is computed to accelerate discrete
11323        selection. The data value *nearest* the mouse cursor is added to the selection.
11325        **See also:** `nearest <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/nearest.html>`__
11326        documentation.
11327    on : :class:`EventStream`
11328        A `Vega event stream <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/>`__ (object or
11329        selector) that triggers the selection.
11330        For interval selections, the event stream must specify a `start and end
11331        <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/#between-filters>`__.
11332    resolve : :class:`SelectionResolution`
11333        With layered and multi-view displays, a strategy that determines how
11334        selections' data queries are resolved when applied in a filter transform,
11335        conditional encoding rule, or scale domain.
11337        **See also:** `resolve
11338        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection-resolve.html>`__ documentation.
11339    """
11340    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SingleSelection'}
11342    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, bind=Undefined, clear=Undefined, empty=Undefined,
11343                 encodings=Undefined, fields=Undefined, init=Undefined, nearest=Undefined, on=Undefined,
11344                 resolve=Undefined, **kwds):
11345        super(SingleSelection, self).__init__(type=type, bind=bind, clear=clear, empty=empty,
11346                                              encodings=encodings, fields=fields, init=init,
11347                                              nearest=nearest, on=on, resolve=resolve, **kwds)
11350class SingleSelectionConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
11351    """SingleSelectionConfig schema wrapper
11353    Mapping(required=[])
11355    Attributes
11356    ----------
11358    bind : anyOf(:class:`Binding`, Mapping(required=[]))
11359        Establish a two-way binding between a single selection and input elements
11360        (also known as dynamic query widgets). A binding takes the form of
11361        Vega's `input element binding definition
11362        <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/signals/#bind>`__
11363        or can be a mapping between projected field/encodings and binding definitions.
11365        **See also:** `bind <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bind.html>`__
11366        documentation.
11367    clear : anyOf(:class:`EventStream`, boolean)
11368        Clears the selection, emptying it of all values. Can be an
11369        `EventStream <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/>`__ or ``false`` to
11370        disable.
11372        **Default value:** ``dblclick``.
11374        **See also:** `clear <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/clear.html>`__
11375        documentation.
11376    empty : enum('all', 'none')
11377        By default, ``all`` data values are considered to lie within an empty selection.
11378        When set to ``none``, empty selections contain no data values.
11379    encodings : List(:class:`SingleDefUnitChannel`)
11380        An array of encoding channels. The corresponding data field values
11381        must match for a data tuple to fall within the selection.
11383        **See also:** `encodings <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/project.html>`__
11384        documentation.
11385    fields : List(:class:`FieldName`)
11386        An array of field names whose values must match for a data tuple to
11387        fall within the selection.
11389        **See also:** `fields <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/project.html>`__
11390        documentation.
11391    init : :class:`SelectionInitMapping`
11392        Initialize the selection with a mapping between `projected channels or field names
11393        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/project.html>`__ and initial values.
11395        **See also:** `init <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/init.html>`__
11396        documentation.
11397    nearest : boolean
11398        When true, an invisible voronoi diagram is computed to accelerate discrete
11399        selection. The data value *nearest* the mouse cursor is added to the selection.
11401        **See also:** `nearest <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/nearest.html>`__
11402        documentation.
11403    on : :class:`EventStream`
11404        A `Vega event stream <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/>`__ (object or
11405        selector) that triggers the selection.
11406        For interval selections, the event stream must specify a `start and end
11407        <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/event-streams/#between-filters>`__.
11408    resolve : :class:`SelectionResolution`
11409        With layered and multi-view displays, a strategy that determines how
11410        selections' data queries are resolved when applied in a filter transform,
11411        conditional encoding rule, or scale domain.
11413        **See also:** `resolve
11414        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/selection-resolve.html>`__ documentation.
11415    """
11416    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SingleSelectionConfig'}
11418    def __init__(self, bind=Undefined, clear=Undefined, empty=Undefined, encodings=Undefined,
11419                 fields=Undefined, init=Undefined, nearest=Undefined, on=Undefined, resolve=Undefined,
11420                 **kwds):
11421        super(SingleSelectionConfig, self).__init__(bind=bind, clear=clear, empty=empty,
11422                                                    encodings=encodings, fields=fields, init=init,
11423                                                    nearest=nearest, on=on, resolve=resolve, **kwds)
11426class Sort(VegaLiteSchema):
11427    """Sort schema wrapper
11429    anyOf(:class:`SortArray`, :class:`SortOrder`, :class:`EncodingSortField`,
11430    :class:`SortByEncoding`, None)
11431    """
11432    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Sort'}
11434    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
11435        super(Sort, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
11438class EncodingSortField(Sort):
11439    """EncodingSortField schema wrapper
11441    Mapping(required=[])
11442    A sort definition for sorting a discrete scale in an encoding field definition.
11444    Attributes
11445    ----------
11447    field : :class:`Field`
11448        The data `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__ to sort by.
11450        **Default value:** If unspecified, defaults to the field specified in the outer data
11451        reference.
11452    op : :class:`AggregateOp`
11453        An `aggregate operation
11454        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html#ops>`__ to perform on the
11455        field prior to sorting (e.g., ``"count"``, ``"mean"`` and ``"median"`` ).
11456        An aggregation is required when there are multiple values of the sort field for each
11457        encoded data field.
11458        The input data objects will be aggregated, grouped by the encoded data field.
11460        For a full list of operations, please see the documentation for `aggregate
11461        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html#ops>`__.
11463        **Default value:** ``"sum"`` for stacked plots. Otherwise, ``"mean"``.
11464    order : anyOf(:class:`SortOrder`, None)
11465        The sort order. One of ``"ascending"`` (default), ``"descending"``, or ``null`` (no
11466        not sort).
11467    """
11468    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/EncodingSortField'}
11470    def __init__(self, field=Undefined, op=Undefined, order=Undefined, **kwds):
11471        super(EncodingSortField, self).__init__(field=field, op=op, order=order, **kwds)
11474class SortArray(Sort):
11475    """SortArray schema wrapper
11477    anyOf(List(float), List(string), List(boolean), List(:class:`DateTime`))
11478    """
11479    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SortArray'}
11481    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
11482        super(SortArray, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
11485class SortByEncoding(Sort):
11486    """SortByEncoding schema wrapper
11488    Mapping(required=[encoding])
11490    Attributes
11491    ----------
11493    encoding : :class:`SingleDefUnitChannel`
11494        The `encoding channel
11495        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/encoding.html#channels>`__ to sort by (e.g.,
11496        ``"x"``, ``"y"`` )
11497    order : anyOf(:class:`SortOrder`, None)
11498        The sort order. One of ``"ascending"`` (default), ``"descending"``, or ``null`` (no
11499        not sort).
11500    """
11501    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SortByEncoding'}
11503    def __init__(self, encoding=Undefined, order=Undefined, **kwds):
11504        super(SortByEncoding, self).__init__(encoding=encoding, order=order, **kwds)
11507class SortField(VegaLiteSchema):
11508    """SortField schema wrapper
11510    Mapping(required=[field])
11511    A sort definition for transform
11513    Attributes
11514    ----------
11516    field : :class:`FieldName`
11517        The name of the field to sort.
11518    order : anyOf(:class:`SortOrder`, None)
11519        Whether to sort the field in ascending or descending order. One of ``"ascending"``
11520        (default), ``"descending"``, or ``null`` (no not sort).
11521    """
11522    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SortField'}
11524    def __init__(self, field=Undefined, order=Undefined, **kwds):
11525        super(SortField, self).__init__(field=field, order=order, **kwds)
11528class SortOrder(Sort):
11529    """SortOrder schema wrapper
11531    enum('ascending', 'descending')
11532    """
11533    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SortOrder'}
11535    def __init__(self, *args):
11536        super(SortOrder, self).__init__(*args)
11539class Spec(VegaLiteSchema):
11540    """Spec schema wrapper
11542    anyOf(:class:`FacetedUnitSpec`, :class:`LayerSpec`, :class:`FacetSpec`, :class:`RepeatSpec`,
11543    :class:`ConcatSpec`, :class:`VConcatSpec`, :class:`HConcatSpec`)
11544    Any specification in Vega-Lite.
11545    """
11546    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Spec'}
11548    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
11549        super(Spec, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
11552class ConcatSpec(Spec):
11553    """ConcatSpec schema wrapper
11555    Mapping(required=[concat])
11556    Base interface for a generalized concatenation specification.
11558    Attributes
11559    ----------
11561    concat : List(:class:`Spec`)
11562        A list of views to be concatenated.
11563    align : anyOf(:class:`LayoutAlign`, :class:`RowColLayoutAlign`)
11564        The alignment to apply to grid rows and columns.
11565        The supported string values are ``"all"``, ``"each"``, and ``"none"``.
11568        * For ``"none"``, a flow layout will be used, in which adjacent subviews are simply
11569          placed one after the other.
11570        * For ``"each"``, subviews will be aligned into a clean grid structure, but each row
11571          or column may be of variable size.
11572        * For ``"all"``, subviews will be aligned and each row or column will be sized
11573          identically based on the maximum observed size. String values for this property
11574          will be applied to both grid rows and columns.
11576        Alternatively, an object value of the form ``{"row": string, "column": string}`` can
11577        be used to supply different alignments for rows and columns.
11579        **Default value:** ``"all"``.
11580    bounds : enum('full', 'flush')
11581        The bounds calculation method to use for determining the extent of a sub-plot. One
11582        of ``full`` (the default) or ``flush``.
11585        * If set to ``full``, the entire calculated bounds (including axes, title, and
11586          legend) will be used.
11587        * If set to ``flush``, only the specified width and height values for the sub-view
11588          will be used. The ``flush`` setting can be useful when attempting to place
11589          sub-plots without axes or legends into a uniform grid structure.
11591        **Default value:** ``"full"``
11592    center : anyOf(boolean, :class:`RowColboolean`)
11593        Boolean flag indicating if subviews should be centered relative to their respective
11594        rows or columns.
11596        An object value of the form ``{"row": boolean, "column": boolean}`` can be used to
11597        supply different centering values for rows and columns.
11599        **Default value:** ``false``
11600    columns : float
11601        The number of columns to include in the view composition layout.
11603        **Default value** : ``undefined`` -- An infinite number of columns (a single row)
11604        will be assumed. This is equivalent to
11605        ``hconcat`` (for ``concat`` ) and to using the ``column`` channel (for ``facet`` and
11606        ``repeat`` ).
11608        **Note** :
11610        1) This property is only for:
11613        * the general (wrappable) ``concat`` operator (not ``hconcat`` / ``vconcat`` )
11614        * the ``facet`` and ``repeat`` operator with one field/repetition definition
11615          (without row/column nesting)
11617        2) Setting the ``columns`` to ``1`` is equivalent to ``vconcat`` (for ``concat`` )
11618        and to using the ``row`` channel (for ``facet`` and ``repeat`` ).
11619    data : anyOf(:class:`Data`, None)
11620        An object describing the data source. Set to ``null`` to ignore the parent's data
11621        source. If no data is set, it is derived from the parent.
11622    description : string
11623        Description of this mark for commenting purpose.
11624    name : string
11625        Name of the visualization for later reference.
11626    resolve : :class:`Resolve`
11627        Scale, axis, and legend resolutions for view composition specifications.
11628    spacing : anyOf(float, :class:`RowColnumber`)
11629        The spacing in pixels between sub-views of the composition operator.
11630        An object of the form ``{"row": number, "column": number}`` can be used to set
11631        different spacing values for rows and columns.
11633        **Default value** : Depends on ``"spacing"`` property of `the view composition
11634        configuration <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#view-config>`__ (
11635        ``20`` by default)
11636    title : anyOf(string, :class:`TitleParams`)
11637        Title for the plot.
11638    transform : List(:class:`Transform`)
11639        An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation.
11640    """
11641    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ConcatSpec'}
11643    def __init__(self, concat=Undefined, align=Undefined, bounds=Undefined, center=Undefined,
11644                 columns=Undefined, data=Undefined, description=Undefined, name=Undefined,
11645                 resolve=Undefined, spacing=Undefined, title=Undefined, transform=Undefined, **kwds):
11646        super(ConcatSpec, self).__init__(concat=concat, align=align, bounds=bounds, center=center,
11647                                         columns=columns, data=data, description=description, name=name,
11648                                         resolve=resolve, spacing=spacing, title=title,
11649                                         transform=transform, **kwds)
11652class FacetSpec(Spec):
11653    """FacetSpec schema wrapper
11655    Mapping(required=[facet, spec])
11656    Base interface for a facet specification.
11658    Attributes
11659    ----------
11661    facet : anyOf(:class:`FacetFieldDef`, :class:`FacetMapping`)
11662        Definition for how to facet the data.  One of:
11663        1) `a field definition for faceting the plot by one field
11664        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/facet.html#field-def>`__
11665        2) `An object that maps row and column channels to their field definitions
11666        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/facet.html#mapping>`__
11667    spec : anyOf(:class:`LayerSpec`, :class:`FacetedUnitSpec`)
11668        A specification of the view that gets faceted.
11669    align : anyOf(:class:`LayoutAlign`, :class:`RowColLayoutAlign`)
11670        The alignment to apply to grid rows and columns.
11671        The supported string values are ``"all"``, ``"each"``, and ``"none"``.
11674        * For ``"none"``, a flow layout will be used, in which adjacent subviews are simply
11675          placed one after the other.
11676        * For ``"each"``, subviews will be aligned into a clean grid structure, but each row
11677          or column may be of variable size.
11678        * For ``"all"``, subviews will be aligned and each row or column will be sized
11679          identically based on the maximum observed size. String values for this property
11680          will be applied to both grid rows and columns.
11682        Alternatively, an object value of the form ``{"row": string, "column": string}`` can
11683        be used to supply different alignments for rows and columns.
11685        **Default value:** ``"all"``.
11686    bounds : enum('full', 'flush')
11687        The bounds calculation method to use for determining the extent of a sub-plot. One
11688        of ``full`` (the default) or ``flush``.
11691        * If set to ``full``, the entire calculated bounds (including axes, title, and
11692          legend) will be used.
11693        * If set to ``flush``, only the specified width and height values for the sub-view
11694          will be used. The ``flush`` setting can be useful when attempting to place
11695          sub-plots without axes or legends into a uniform grid structure.
11697        **Default value:** ``"full"``
11698    center : anyOf(boolean, :class:`RowColboolean`)
11699        Boolean flag indicating if subviews should be centered relative to their respective
11700        rows or columns.
11702        An object value of the form ``{"row": boolean, "column": boolean}`` can be used to
11703        supply different centering values for rows and columns.
11705        **Default value:** ``false``
11706    columns : float
11707        The number of columns to include in the view composition layout.
11709        **Default value** : ``undefined`` -- An infinite number of columns (a single row)
11710        will be assumed. This is equivalent to
11711        ``hconcat`` (for ``concat`` ) and to using the ``column`` channel (for ``facet`` and
11712        ``repeat`` ).
11714        **Note** :
11716        1) This property is only for:
11719        * the general (wrappable) ``concat`` operator (not ``hconcat`` / ``vconcat`` )
11720        * the ``facet`` and ``repeat`` operator with one field/repetition definition
11721          (without row/column nesting)
11723        2) Setting the ``columns`` to ``1`` is equivalent to ``vconcat`` (for ``concat`` )
11724        and to using the ``row`` channel (for ``facet`` and ``repeat`` ).
11725    data : anyOf(:class:`Data`, None)
11726        An object describing the data source. Set to ``null`` to ignore the parent's data
11727        source. If no data is set, it is derived from the parent.
11728    description : string
11729        Description of this mark for commenting purpose.
11730    name : string
11731        Name of the visualization for later reference.
11732    resolve : :class:`Resolve`
11733        Scale, axis, and legend resolutions for view composition specifications.
11734    spacing : anyOf(float, :class:`RowColnumber`)
11735        The spacing in pixels between sub-views of the composition operator.
11736        An object of the form ``{"row": number, "column": number}`` can be used to set
11737        different spacing values for rows and columns.
11739        **Default value** : Depends on ``"spacing"`` property of `the view composition
11740        configuration <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#view-config>`__ (
11741        ``20`` by default)
11742    title : anyOf(string, :class:`TitleParams`)
11743        Title for the plot.
11744    transform : List(:class:`Transform`)
11745        An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation.
11746    """
11747    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FacetSpec'}
11749    def __init__(self, facet=Undefined, spec=Undefined, align=Undefined, bounds=Undefined,
11750                 center=Undefined, columns=Undefined, data=Undefined, description=Undefined,
11751                 name=Undefined, resolve=Undefined, spacing=Undefined, title=Undefined,
11752                 transform=Undefined, **kwds):
11753        super(FacetSpec, self).__init__(facet=facet, spec=spec, align=align, bounds=bounds,
11754                                        center=center, columns=columns, data=data,
11755                                        description=description, name=name, resolve=resolve,
11756                                        spacing=spacing, title=title, transform=transform, **kwds)
11759class FacetedUnitSpec(Spec):
11760    """FacetedUnitSpec schema wrapper
11762    Mapping(required=[mark])
11763    Unit spec that can have a composite mark and row or column channels (shorthand for a facet
11764    spec).
11766    Attributes
11767    ----------
11769    mark : :class:`AnyMark`
11770        A string describing the mark type (one of ``"bar"``, ``"circle"``, ``"square"``,
11771        ``"tick"``, ``"line"``,
11772        ``"area"``, ``"point"``, ``"rule"``, ``"geoshape"``, and ``"text"`` ) or a `mark
11773        definition object <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#mark-def>`__.
11774    align : anyOf(:class:`LayoutAlign`, :class:`RowColLayoutAlign`)
11775        The alignment to apply to grid rows and columns.
11776        The supported string values are ``"all"``, ``"each"``, and ``"none"``.
11779        * For ``"none"``, a flow layout will be used, in which adjacent subviews are simply
11780          placed one after the other.
11781        * For ``"each"``, subviews will be aligned into a clean grid structure, but each row
11782          or column may be of variable size.
11783        * For ``"all"``, subviews will be aligned and each row or column will be sized
11784          identically based on the maximum observed size. String values for this property
11785          will be applied to both grid rows and columns.
11787        Alternatively, an object value of the form ``{"row": string, "column": string}`` can
11788        be used to supply different alignments for rows and columns.
11790        **Default value:** ``"all"``.
11791    bounds : enum('full', 'flush')
11792        The bounds calculation method to use for determining the extent of a sub-plot. One
11793        of ``full`` (the default) or ``flush``.
11796        * If set to ``full``, the entire calculated bounds (including axes, title, and
11797          legend) will be used.
11798        * If set to ``flush``, only the specified width and height values for the sub-view
11799          will be used. The ``flush`` setting can be useful when attempting to place
11800          sub-plots without axes or legends into a uniform grid structure.
11802        **Default value:** ``"full"``
11803    center : anyOf(boolean, :class:`RowColboolean`)
11804        Boolean flag indicating if subviews should be centered relative to their respective
11805        rows or columns.
11807        An object value of the form ``{"row": boolean, "column": boolean}`` can be used to
11808        supply different centering values for rows and columns.
11810        **Default value:** ``false``
11811    columns : float
11812        The number of columns to include in the view composition layout.
11814        **Default value** : ``undefined`` -- An infinite number of columns (a single row)
11815        will be assumed. This is equivalent to
11816        ``hconcat`` (for ``concat`` ) and to using the ``column`` channel (for ``facet`` and
11817        ``repeat`` ).
11819        **Note** :
11821        1) This property is only for:
11824        * the general (wrappable) ``concat`` operator (not ``hconcat`` / ``vconcat`` )
11825        * the ``facet`` and ``repeat`` operator with one field/repetition definition
11826          (without row/column nesting)
11828        2) Setting the ``columns`` to ``1`` is equivalent to ``vconcat`` (for ``concat`` )
11829        and to using the ``row`` channel (for ``facet`` and ``repeat`` ).
11830    data : anyOf(:class:`Data`, None)
11831        An object describing the data source. Set to ``null`` to ignore the parent's data
11832        source. If no data is set, it is derived from the parent.
11833    description : string
11834        Description of this mark for commenting purpose.
11835    encoding : :class:`FacetedEncoding`
11836        A key-value mapping between encoding channels and definition of fields.
11837    height : float
11838        The height of a visualization.
11840        **Default value:**
11843        * If a view's `autosize
11844          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#autosize>`__ type is ``"fit"`` or
11845          its y-channel has a `continuous scale
11846          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#continuous>`__, the height will
11847          be the value of `config.view.height
11848          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
11849        * For y-axis with a band or point scale: if `rangeStep
11850          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__ is a numeric value or
11851          unspecified, the height is `determined by the range step, paddings, and the
11852          cardinality of the field mapped to y-channel
11853          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__. Otherwise, if the
11854          ``rangeStep`` is ``null``, the height will be the value of `config.view.height
11855          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
11856        * If no field is mapped to ``y`` channel, the ``height`` will be the value of
11857          ``rangeStep``.
11859        **Note** : For plots with `row and column channels
11860        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/encoding.html#facet>`__, this represents the
11861        height of a single view.
11863        **See also:** The documentation for `width and height
11864        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html>`__ contains more examples.
11865    name : string
11866        Name of the visualization for later reference.
11867    projection : :class:`Projection`
11868        An object defining properties of geographic projection, which will be applied to
11869        ``shape`` path for ``"geoshape"`` marks
11870        and to ``latitude`` and ``"longitude"`` channels for other marks.
11871    resolve : :class:`Resolve`
11872        Scale, axis, and legend resolutions for view composition specifications.
11873    selection : Mapping(required=[])
11874        A key-value mapping between selection names and definitions.
11875    spacing : anyOf(float, :class:`RowColnumber`)
11876        The spacing in pixels between sub-views of the composition operator.
11877        An object of the form ``{"row": number, "column": number}`` can be used to set
11878        different spacing values for rows and columns.
11880        **Default value** : Depends on ``"spacing"`` property of `the view composition
11881        configuration <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#view-config>`__ (
11882        ``20`` by default)
11883    title : anyOf(string, :class:`TitleParams`)
11884        Title for the plot.
11885    transform : List(:class:`Transform`)
11886        An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation.
11887    view : :class:`ViewBackground`
11888        An object defining the view background's fill and stroke.
11890        **Default value:** none (transparent)
11891    width : float
11892        The width of a visualization.
11894        **Default value:** This will be determined by the following rules:
11897        * If a view's `autosize
11898          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#autosize>`__ type is ``"fit"`` or
11899          its x-channel has a `continuous scale
11900          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#continuous>`__, the width will
11901          be the value of `config.view.width
11902          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
11903        * For x-axis with a band or point scale: if `rangeStep
11904          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__ is a numeric value or
11905          unspecified, the width is `determined by the range step, paddings, and the
11906          cardinality of the field mapped to x-channel
11907          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__.   Otherwise, if the
11908          ``rangeStep`` is ``null``, the width will be the value of `config.view.width
11909          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
11910        * If no field is mapped to ``x`` channel, the ``width`` will be the value of
11911          `config.scale.textXRangeStep
11912          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#default-width-and-height>`__ for
11913          ``text`` mark and the value of ``rangeStep`` for other marks.
11915        **Note:** For plots with `row and column channels
11916        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/encoding.html#facet>`__, this represents the
11917        width of a single view.
11919        **See also:** The documentation for `width and height
11920        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html>`__ contains more examples.
11921    """
11922    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FacetedUnitSpec'}
11924    def __init__(self, mark=Undefined, align=Undefined, bounds=Undefined, center=Undefined,
11925                 columns=Undefined, data=Undefined, description=Undefined, encoding=Undefined,
11926                 height=Undefined, name=Undefined, projection=Undefined, resolve=Undefined,
11927                 selection=Undefined, spacing=Undefined, title=Undefined, transform=Undefined,
11928                 view=Undefined, width=Undefined, **kwds):
11929        super(FacetedUnitSpec, self).__init__(mark=mark, align=align, bounds=bounds, center=center,
11930                                              columns=columns, data=data, description=description,
11931                                              encoding=encoding, height=height, name=name,
11932                                              projection=projection, resolve=resolve,
11933                                              selection=selection, spacing=spacing, title=title,
11934                                              transform=transform, view=view, width=width, **kwds)
11937class HConcatSpec(Spec):
11938    """HConcatSpec schema wrapper
11940    Mapping(required=[hconcat])
11941    Base interface for a horizontal concatenation specification.
11943    Attributes
11944    ----------
11946    hconcat : List(:class:`Spec`)
11947        A list of views to be concatenated and put into a row.
11948    bounds : enum('full', 'flush')
11949        The bounds calculation method to use for determining the extent of a sub-plot. One
11950        of ``full`` (the default) or ``flush``.
11953        * If set to ``full``, the entire calculated bounds (including axes, title, and
11954          legend) will be used.
11955        * If set to ``flush``, only the specified width and height values for the sub-view
11956          will be used. The ``flush`` setting can be useful when attempting to place
11957          sub-plots without axes or legends into a uniform grid structure.
11959        **Default value:** ``"full"``
11960    center : boolean
11961        Boolean flag indicating if subviews should be centered relative to their respective
11962        rows or columns.
11964        **Default value:** ``false``
11965    data : anyOf(:class:`Data`, None)
11966        An object describing the data source. Set to ``null`` to ignore the parent's data
11967        source. If no data is set, it is derived from the parent.
11968    description : string
11969        Description of this mark for commenting purpose.
11970    name : string
11971        Name of the visualization for later reference.
11972    resolve : :class:`Resolve`
11973        Scale, axis, and legend resolutions for view composition specifications.
11974    spacing : float
11975        The spacing in pixels between sub-views of the concat operator.
11977        **Default value** : ``10``
11978    title : anyOf(string, :class:`TitleParams`)
11979        Title for the plot.
11980    transform : List(:class:`Transform`)
11981        An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation.
11982    """
11983    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/HConcatSpec'}
11985    def __init__(self, hconcat=Undefined, bounds=Undefined, center=Undefined, data=Undefined,
11986                 description=Undefined, name=Undefined, resolve=Undefined, spacing=Undefined,
11987                 title=Undefined, transform=Undefined, **kwds):
11988        super(HConcatSpec, self).__init__(hconcat=hconcat, bounds=bounds, center=center, data=data,
11989                                          description=description, name=name, resolve=resolve,
11990                                          spacing=spacing, title=title, transform=transform, **kwds)
11993class LayerSpec(Spec):
11994    """LayerSpec schema wrapper
11996    Mapping(required=[layer])
11997    A full layered plot specification, which may contains ``encoding`` and ``projection``
11998    properties that will be applied to underlying unit (single-view) specifications.
12000    Attributes
12001    ----------
12003    layer : List(anyOf(:class:`LayerSpec`, :class:`UnitSpec`))
12004        Layer or single view specifications to be layered.
12006        **Note** : Specifications inside ``layer`` cannot use ``row`` and ``column``
12007        channels as layering facet specifications is not allowed. Instead, use the `facet
12008        operator <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/facet.html>`__ and place a layer
12009        inside a facet.
12010    data : anyOf(:class:`Data`, None)
12011        An object describing the data source. Set to ``null`` to ignore the parent's data
12012        source. If no data is set, it is derived from the parent.
12013    description : string
12014        Description of this mark for commenting purpose.
12015    encoding : :class:`Encoding`
12016        A shared key-value mapping between encoding channels and definition of fields in the
12017        underlying layers.
12018    height : float
12019        The height of a visualization.
12021        **Default value:**
12024        * If a view's `autosize
12025          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#autosize>`__ type is ``"fit"`` or
12026          its y-channel has a `continuous scale
12027          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#continuous>`__, the height will
12028          be the value of `config.view.height
12029          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
12030        * For y-axis with a band or point scale: if `rangeStep
12031          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__ is a numeric value or
12032          unspecified, the height is `determined by the range step, paddings, and the
12033          cardinality of the field mapped to y-channel
12034          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__. Otherwise, if the
12035          ``rangeStep`` is ``null``, the height will be the value of `config.view.height
12036          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
12037        * If no field is mapped to ``y`` channel, the ``height`` will be the value of
12038          ``rangeStep``.
12040        **Note** : For plots with `row and column channels
12041        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/encoding.html#facet>`__, this represents the
12042        height of a single view.
12044        **See also:** The documentation for `width and height
12045        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html>`__ contains more examples.
12046    name : string
12047        Name of the visualization for later reference.
12048    projection : :class:`Projection`
12049        An object defining properties of the geographic projection shared by underlying
12050        layers.
12051    resolve : :class:`Resolve`
12052        Scale, axis, and legend resolutions for view composition specifications.
12053    title : anyOf(string, :class:`TitleParams`)
12054        Title for the plot.
12055    transform : List(:class:`Transform`)
12056        An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation.
12057    view : :class:`ViewBackground`
12058        An object defining the view background's fill and stroke.
12060        **Default value:** none (transparent)
12061    width : float
12062        The width of a visualization.
12064        **Default value:** This will be determined by the following rules:
12067        * If a view's `autosize
12068          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#autosize>`__ type is ``"fit"`` or
12069          its x-channel has a `continuous scale
12070          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#continuous>`__, the width will
12071          be the value of `config.view.width
12072          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
12073        * For x-axis with a band or point scale: if `rangeStep
12074          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__ is a numeric value or
12075          unspecified, the width is `determined by the range step, paddings, and the
12076          cardinality of the field mapped to x-channel
12077          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__.   Otherwise, if the
12078          ``rangeStep`` is ``null``, the width will be the value of `config.view.width
12079          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
12080        * If no field is mapped to ``x`` channel, the ``width`` will be the value of
12081          `config.scale.textXRangeStep
12082          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#default-width-and-height>`__ for
12083          ``text`` mark and the value of ``rangeStep`` for other marks.
12085        **Note:** For plots with `row and column channels
12086        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/encoding.html#facet>`__, this represents the
12087        width of a single view.
12089        **See also:** The documentation for `width and height
12090        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html>`__ contains more examples.
12091    """
12092    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/LayerSpec'}
12094    def __init__(self, layer=Undefined, data=Undefined, description=Undefined, encoding=Undefined,
12095                 height=Undefined, name=Undefined, projection=Undefined, resolve=Undefined,
12096                 title=Undefined, transform=Undefined, view=Undefined, width=Undefined, **kwds):
12097        super(LayerSpec, self).__init__(layer=layer, data=data, description=description,
12098                                        encoding=encoding, height=height, name=name,
12099                                        projection=projection, resolve=resolve, title=title,
12100                                        transform=transform, view=view, width=width, **kwds)
12103class RepeatSpec(Spec):
12104    """RepeatSpec schema wrapper
12106    Mapping(required=[repeat, spec])
12107    Base interface for a repeat specification.
12109    Attributes
12110    ----------
12112    repeat : anyOf(List(string), :class:`RepeatMapping`)
12113        Definition for fields to be repeated.  One of:
12114        1) An array of fields to be repeated.  If ``"repeat"`` is an array, the field can be
12115        referred using ``{"repeat": "repeat"}``
12116        2) An object that mapped ``"row"`` and/or ``"column"`` to the listed of fields to be
12117        repeated along the particular orientations. The objects ``{"repeat": "row"}`` and
12118        ``{"repeat": "column"}`` can be used to refer to the repeated field respectively.
12119    spec : :class:`Spec`
12120        A specification of the view that gets repeated.
12121    align : anyOf(:class:`LayoutAlign`, :class:`RowColLayoutAlign`)
12122        The alignment to apply to grid rows and columns.
12123        The supported string values are ``"all"``, ``"each"``, and ``"none"``.
12126        * For ``"none"``, a flow layout will be used, in which adjacent subviews are simply
12127          placed one after the other.
12128        * For ``"each"``, subviews will be aligned into a clean grid structure, but each row
12129          or column may be of variable size.
12130        * For ``"all"``, subviews will be aligned and each row or column will be sized
12131          identically based on the maximum observed size. String values for this property
12132          will be applied to both grid rows and columns.
12134        Alternatively, an object value of the form ``{"row": string, "column": string}`` can
12135        be used to supply different alignments for rows and columns.
12137        **Default value:** ``"all"``.
12138    bounds : enum('full', 'flush')
12139        The bounds calculation method to use for determining the extent of a sub-plot. One
12140        of ``full`` (the default) or ``flush``.
12143        * If set to ``full``, the entire calculated bounds (including axes, title, and
12144          legend) will be used.
12145        * If set to ``flush``, only the specified width and height values for the sub-view
12146          will be used. The ``flush`` setting can be useful when attempting to place
12147          sub-plots without axes or legends into a uniform grid structure.
12149        **Default value:** ``"full"``
12150    center : anyOf(boolean, :class:`RowColboolean`)
12151        Boolean flag indicating if subviews should be centered relative to their respective
12152        rows or columns.
12154        An object value of the form ``{"row": boolean, "column": boolean}`` can be used to
12155        supply different centering values for rows and columns.
12157        **Default value:** ``false``
12158    columns : float
12159        The number of columns to include in the view composition layout.
12161        **Default value** : ``undefined`` -- An infinite number of columns (a single row)
12162        will be assumed. This is equivalent to
12163        ``hconcat`` (for ``concat`` ) and to using the ``column`` channel (for ``facet`` and
12164        ``repeat`` ).
12166        **Note** :
12168        1) This property is only for:
12171        * the general (wrappable) ``concat`` operator (not ``hconcat`` / ``vconcat`` )
12172        * the ``facet`` and ``repeat`` operator with one field/repetition definition
12173          (without row/column nesting)
12175        2) Setting the ``columns`` to ``1`` is equivalent to ``vconcat`` (for ``concat`` )
12176        and to using the ``row`` channel (for ``facet`` and ``repeat`` ).
12177    data : anyOf(:class:`Data`, None)
12178        An object describing the data source. Set to ``null`` to ignore the parent's data
12179        source. If no data is set, it is derived from the parent.
12180    description : string
12181        Description of this mark for commenting purpose.
12182    name : string
12183        Name of the visualization for later reference.
12184    resolve : :class:`Resolve`
12185        Scale, axis, and legend resolutions for view composition specifications.
12186    spacing : anyOf(float, :class:`RowColnumber`)
12187        The spacing in pixels between sub-views of the composition operator.
12188        An object of the form ``{"row": number, "column": number}`` can be used to set
12189        different spacing values for rows and columns.
12191        **Default value** : Depends on ``"spacing"`` property of `the view composition
12192        configuration <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#view-config>`__ (
12193        ``20`` by default)
12194    title : anyOf(string, :class:`TitleParams`)
12195        Title for the plot.
12196    transform : List(:class:`Transform`)
12197        An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation.
12198    """
12199    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/RepeatSpec'}
12201    def __init__(self, repeat=Undefined, spec=Undefined, align=Undefined, bounds=Undefined,
12202                 center=Undefined, columns=Undefined, data=Undefined, description=Undefined,
12203                 name=Undefined, resolve=Undefined, spacing=Undefined, title=Undefined,
12204                 transform=Undefined, **kwds):
12205        super(RepeatSpec, self).__init__(repeat=repeat, spec=spec, align=align, bounds=bounds,
12206                                         center=center, columns=columns, data=data,
12207                                         description=description, name=name, resolve=resolve,
12208                                         spacing=spacing, title=title, transform=transform, **kwds)
12211class SphereGenerator(Generator):
12212    """SphereGenerator schema wrapper
12214    Mapping(required=[sphere])
12216    Attributes
12217    ----------
12219    sphere : anyOf(enum(True), Mapping(required=[]))
12220        Generate sphere GeoJSON data for the full globe.
12221    name : string
12222        Provide a placeholder name and bind data at runtime.
12223    """
12224    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SphereGenerator'}
12226    def __init__(self, sphere=Undefined, name=Undefined, **kwds):
12227        super(SphereGenerator, self).__init__(sphere=sphere, name=name, **kwds)
12230class StackOffset(VegaLiteSchema):
12231    """StackOffset schema wrapper
12233    enum('zero', 'center', 'normalize')
12234    """
12235    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/StackOffset'}
12237    def __init__(self, *args):
12238        super(StackOffset, self).__init__(*args)
12241class StandardType(VegaLiteSchema):
12242    """StandardType schema wrapper
12244    enum('quantitative', 'ordinal', 'temporal', 'nominal')
12245    """
12246    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/StandardType'}
12248    def __init__(self, *args):
12249        super(StandardType, self).__init__(*args)
12252class StringFieldDefWithCondition(VegaLiteSchema):
12253    """StringFieldDefWithCondition schema wrapper
12255    Mapping(required=[type])
12256    A FieldDef with Condition :raw-html:`<ValueDef>`
12258    Attributes
12259    ----------
12261    type : :class:`StandardType`
12262        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
12263        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
12264        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
12265        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
12267        **Note:**
12270        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
12271          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
12272          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
12273        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
12274          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
12275          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
12276          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
12277        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
12278          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
12279          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
12280          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
12281        * When using with `timeUnit
12282          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
12283          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
12284          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
12285        * When using with `aggregate
12286          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
12287          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
12288          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
12289          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
12290          is ``"quantitative"``.
12291        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
12292          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
12293          ``x``, ``y`` ).
12295        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
12296        documentation.
12297    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
12298        Aggregation function for the field
12299        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
12301        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
12303        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
12304        documentation.
12305    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, None)
12306        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
12307        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
12308        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
12309        ``"binned"`` ).
12312        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
12313        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
12315        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
12316        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
12317        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
12318        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
12319        set the axis's `tickMinStep
12320        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
12322        **Default value:** ``false``
12324        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
12325        documentation.
12326    condition : anyOf(:class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`,
12327    List(:class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`))
12328        One or more value definition(s) with `a selection or a test predicate
12329        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/condition.html>`__.
12331        **Note:** A field definition's ``condition`` property can only contain `conditional
12332        value definitions <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/condition.html#value>`__
12333        since Vega-Lite only allows at most one encoded field per encoding channel.
12334    field : :class:`Field`
12335        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
12336        value
12337        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
12338        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
12340        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
12341        documentation.
12343        **Notes:**
12344        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
12345        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
12346        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
12347        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
12348        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
12349        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
12350        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
12351    legend : anyOf(:class:`Legend`, None)
12352        An object defining properties of the legend.
12353        If ``null``, the legend for the encoding channel will be removed.
12355        **Default value:** If undefined, default `legend properties
12356        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__ are applied.
12358        **See also:** `legend <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__
12359        documentation.
12360    scale : anyOf(:class:`Scale`, None)
12361        An object defining properties of the channel's scale, which is the function that
12362        transforms values in the data domain (numbers, dates, strings, etc) to visual values
12363        (pixels, colors, sizes) of the encoding channels.
12365        If ``null``, the scale will be `disabled and the data value will be directly encoded
12366        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#disable>`__.
12368        **Default value:** If undefined, default `scale properties
12369        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__ are applied.
12371        **See also:** `scale <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__
12372        documentation.
12373    sort : :class:`Sort`
12374        Sort order for the encoded field.
12376        For continuous fields (quantitative or temporal), ``sort`` can be either
12377        ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"``.
12379        For discrete fields, ``sort`` can be one of the following:
12382        * ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"`` -- for sorting by the values' natural order in
12383          Javascript.
12384        * `A sort-by-encoding definition
12385          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-by-encoding>`__ for sorting
12386          by another encoding channel. (This type of sort definition is not available for
12387          ``row`` and ``column`` channels.)
12388        * `A sort field definition
12389          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-field>`__ for sorting by
12390          another field.
12391        * `An array specifying the field values in preferred order
12392          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-array>`__. In this case, the
12393          sort order will obey the values in the array, followed by any unspecified values
12394          in their original order.  For discrete time field, values in the sort array can be
12395          `date-time definition objects <types#datetime>`__. In addition, for time units
12396          ``"month"`` and ``"day"``, the values can be the month or day names (case
12397          insensitive) or their 3-letter initials (e.g., ``"Mon"``, ``"Tue"`` ).
12398        * ``null`` indicating no sort.
12400        **Default value:** ``"ascending"``
12402        **Note:** ``null`` is not supported for ``row`` and ``column``.
12404        **See also:** `sort <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html>`__
12405        documentation.
12406    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
12407        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
12408        field.
12409        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
12410        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
12412        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
12414        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
12415        documentation.
12416    title : anyOf(string, None)
12417        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
12419        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
12420        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
12421        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
12422        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
12423        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
12424        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
12426        **Notes** :
12428        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
12429        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
12430        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
12431        function via the compile function's options
12432        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
12434        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
12435        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
12436    """
12437    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/StringFieldDefWithCondition'}
12439    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined, condition=Undefined,
12440                 field=Undefined, legend=Undefined, scale=Undefined, sort=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined,
12441                 title=Undefined, **kwds):
12442        super(StringFieldDefWithCondition, self).__init__(type=type, aggregate=aggregate, bin=bin,
12443                                                          condition=condition, field=field,
12444                                                          legend=legend, scale=scale, sort=sort,
12445                                                          timeUnit=timeUnit, title=title, **kwds)
12448class StringFieldDefWithConditionTypeForShape(VegaLiteSchema):
12449    """StringFieldDefWithConditionTypeForShape schema wrapper
12451    Mapping(required=[type])
12452    A FieldDef with Condition :raw-html:`<ValueDef>`
12454    Attributes
12455    ----------
12457    type : :class:`TypeForShape`
12458        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
12459        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
12460        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
12461        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
12463        **Note:**
12466        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
12467          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
12468          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
12469        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
12470          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
12471          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
12472          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
12473        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
12474          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
12475          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
12476          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
12477        * When using with `timeUnit
12478          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
12479          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
12480          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
12481        * When using with `aggregate
12482          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
12483          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
12484          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
12485          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
12486          is ``"quantitative"``.
12487        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
12488          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
12489          ``x``, ``y`` ).
12491        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
12492        documentation.
12493    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
12494        Aggregation function for the field
12495        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
12497        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
12499        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
12500        documentation.
12501    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, None)
12502        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
12503        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
12504        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
12505        ``"binned"`` ).
12508        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
12509        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
12511        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
12512        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
12513        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
12514        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
12515        set the axis's `tickMinStep
12516        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
12518        **Default value:** ``false``
12520        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
12521        documentation.
12522    condition : anyOf(:class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`,
12523    List(:class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`))
12524        One or more value definition(s) with `a selection or a test predicate
12525        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/condition.html>`__.
12527        **Note:** A field definition's ``condition`` property can only contain `conditional
12528        value definitions <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/condition.html#value>`__
12529        since Vega-Lite only allows at most one encoded field per encoding channel.
12530    field : :class:`Field`
12531        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
12532        value
12533        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
12534        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
12536        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
12537        documentation.
12539        **Notes:**
12540        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
12541        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
12542        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
12543        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
12544        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
12545        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
12546        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
12547    legend : anyOf(:class:`Legend`, None)
12548        An object defining properties of the legend.
12549        If ``null``, the legend for the encoding channel will be removed.
12551        **Default value:** If undefined, default `legend properties
12552        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__ are applied.
12554        **See also:** `legend <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/legend.html>`__
12555        documentation.
12556    scale : anyOf(:class:`Scale`, None)
12557        An object defining properties of the channel's scale, which is the function that
12558        transforms values in the data domain (numbers, dates, strings, etc) to visual values
12559        (pixels, colors, sizes) of the encoding channels.
12561        If ``null``, the scale will be `disabled and the data value will be directly encoded
12562        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#disable>`__.
12564        **Default value:** If undefined, default `scale properties
12565        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__ are applied.
12567        **See also:** `scale <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html>`__
12568        documentation.
12569    sort : :class:`Sort`
12570        Sort order for the encoded field.
12572        For continuous fields (quantitative or temporal), ``sort`` can be either
12573        ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"``.
12575        For discrete fields, ``sort`` can be one of the following:
12578        * ``"ascending"`` or ``"descending"`` -- for sorting by the values' natural order in
12579          Javascript.
12580        * `A sort-by-encoding definition
12581          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-by-encoding>`__ for sorting
12582          by another encoding channel. (This type of sort definition is not available for
12583          ``row`` and ``column`` channels.)
12584        * `A sort field definition
12585          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-field>`__ for sorting by
12586          another field.
12587        * `An array specifying the field values in preferred order
12588          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html#sort-array>`__. In this case, the
12589          sort order will obey the values in the array, followed by any unspecified values
12590          in their original order.  For discrete time field, values in the sort array can be
12591          `date-time definition objects <types#datetime>`__. In addition, for time units
12592          ``"month"`` and ``"day"``, the values can be the month or day names (case
12593          insensitive) or their 3-letter initials (e.g., ``"Mon"``, ``"Tue"`` ).
12594        * ``null`` indicating no sort.
12596        **Default value:** ``"ascending"``
12598        **Note:** ``null`` is not supported for ``row`` and ``column``.
12600        **See also:** `sort <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/sort.html>`__
12601        documentation.
12602    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
12603        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
12604        field.
12605        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
12606        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
12608        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
12610        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
12611        documentation.
12612    title : anyOf(string, None)
12613        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
12615        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
12616        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
12617        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
12618        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
12619        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
12620        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
12622        **Notes** :
12624        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
12625        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
12626        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
12627        function via the compile function's options
12628        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
12630        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
12631        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
12632    """
12633    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/StringFieldDefWithCondition<TypeForShape>'}
12635    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined, condition=Undefined,
12636                 field=Undefined, legend=Undefined, scale=Undefined, sort=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined,
12637                 title=Undefined, **kwds):
12638        super(StringFieldDefWithConditionTypeForShape, self).__init__(type=type, aggregate=aggregate,
12639                                                                      bin=bin, condition=condition,
12640                                                                      field=field, legend=legend,
12641                                                                      scale=scale, sort=sort,
12642                                                                      timeUnit=timeUnit, title=title,
12643                                                                      **kwds)
12646class StringValueDefWithCondition(VegaLiteSchema):
12647    """StringValueDefWithCondition schema wrapper
12649    Mapping(required=[])
12650    A ValueDef with Condition<ValueDef | FieldDef> where either the condition or the value are
12651    optional.
12653    Attributes
12654    ----------
12656    condition : anyOf(:class:`ConditionalMarkPropFieldDef`, :class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`,
12657    List(:class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`))
12658        A field definition or one or more value definition(s) with a selection predicate.
12659    value : anyOf(string, None)
12660        A constant value in visual domain (e.g., ``"red"`` / "#0099ff" for color, values
12661        between ``0`` to ``1`` for opacity).
12662    """
12663    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/StringValueDefWithCondition'}
12665    def __init__(self, condition=Undefined, value=Undefined, **kwds):
12666        super(StringValueDefWithCondition, self).__init__(condition=condition, value=value, **kwds)
12669class StringValueDefWithConditionTypeForShape(VegaLiteSchema):
12670    """StringValueDefWithConditionTypeForShape schema wrapper
12672    Mapping(required=[])
12673    A ValueDef with Condition<ValueDef | FieldDef> where either the condition or the value are
12674    optional.
12676    Attributes
12677    ----------
12679    condition : anyOf(:class:`ConditionalMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShape`,
12680    :class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`, List(:class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`))
12681        A field definition or one or more value definition(s) with a selection predicate.
12682    value : anyOf(string, None)
12683        A constant value in visual domain (e.g., ``"red"`` / "#0099ff" for color, values
12684        between ``0`` to ``1`` for opacity).
12685    """
12686    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/StringValueDefWithCondition<TypeForShape>'}
12688    def __init__(self, condition=Undefined, value=Undefined, **kwds):
12689        super(StringValueDefWithConditionTypeForShape, self).__init__(condition=condition, value=value,
12690                                                                      **kwds)
12693class StrokeCap(VegaLiteSchema):
12694    """StrokeCap schema wrapper
12696    enum('butt', 'round', 'square')
12697    """
12698    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/StrokeCap'}
12700    def __init__(self, *args):
12701        super(StrokeCap, self).__init__(*args)
12704class StrokeJoin(VegaLiteSchema):
12705    """StrokeJoin schema wrapper
12707    enum('miter', 'round', 'bevel')
12708    """
12709    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/StrokeJoin'}
12711    def __init__(self, *args):
12712        super(StrokeJoin, self).__init__(*args)
12715class StyleConfigIndex(VegaLiteSchema):
12716    """StyleConfigIndex schema wrapper
12718    Mapping(required=[])
12719    """
12720    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/StyleConfigIndex'}
12722    def __init__(self, **kwds):
12723        super(StyleConfigIndex, self).__init__(**kwds)
12726class SymbolShape(VegaLiteSchema):
12727    """SymbolShape schema wrapper
12729    string
12730    """
12731    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SymbolShape'}
12733    def __init__(self, *args):
12734        super(SymbolShape, self).__init__(*args)
12737class TextBaseline(VegaLiteSchema):
12738    """TextBaseline schema wrapper
12740    anyOf(enum('alphabetic'), :class:`Baseline`)
12741    """
12742    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TextBaseline'}
12744    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
12745        super(TextBaseline, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
12748class Baseline(TextBaseline):
12749    """Baseline schema wrapper
12751    enum('top', 'middle', 'bottom')
12752    """
12753    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Baseline'}
12755    def __init__(self, *args):
12756        super(Baseline, self).__init__(*args)
12759class TextConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
12760    """TextConfig schema wrapper
12762    Mapping(required=[])
12764    Attributes
12765    ----------
12767    align : :class:`Align`
12768        The horizontal alignment of the text. One of ``"left"``, ``"right"``, ``"center"``.
12769    angle : float
12770        The rotation angle of the text, in degrees.
12771    baseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
12772        The vertical alignment of the text. One of ``"top"``, ``"middle"``, ``"bottom"``.
12774        **Default value:** ``"middle"``
12775    color : :class:`Color`
12776        Default color.  Note that ``fill`` and ``stroke`` have higher precedence than
12777        ``color`` and will override ``color``.
12779        **Default value:** :raw-html:`<span style="color: #4682b4;">&#9632;</span>`
12780        ``"#4682b4"``
12782        **Note:** This property cannot be used in a `style config
12783        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__.
12784    cornerRadius : float
12785        The radius in pixels of rounded rectangle corners.
12787        **Default value:** ``0``
12788    cursor : :class:`Cursor`
12789        The mouse cursor used over the mark. Any valid `CSS cursor type
12790        <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/cursor#Values>`__ can be used.
12791    dir : :class:`Dir`
12792        The direction of the text. One of ``"ltr"`` (left-to-right) or ``"rtl"``
12793        (right-to-left). This property determines on which side is truncated in response to
12794        the limit parameter.
12796        **Default value:** ``"ltr"``
12797    dx : float
12798        The horizontal offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The
12799        offset is applied after rotation by the *angle* property.
12800    dy : float
12801        The vertical offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The
12802        offset is applied after rotation by the *angle* property.
12803    ellipsis : string
12804        The ellipsis string for text truncated in response to the limit parameter.
12806        **Default value:** ``"…"``
12807    fill : :class:`Color`
12808        Default Fill Color.  This has higher precedence than ``config.color``
12810        **Default value:** (None)
12811    fillOpacity : float
12812        The fill opacity (value between [0,1]).
12814        **Default value:** ``1``
12815    filled : boolean
12816        Whether the mark's color should be used as fill color instead of stroke color.
12818        **Default value:** ``false`` for ``point``, ``line`` and ``rule`` ; otherwise,
12819        ``true``.
12821        **Note:** This property cannot be used in a `style config
12822        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__.
12823    font : string
12824        The typeface to set the text in (e.g., ``"Helvetica Neue"`` ).
12825    fontSize : float
12826        The font size, in pixels.
12827    fontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
12828        The font style (e.g., ``"italic"`` ).
12829    fontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
12830        The font weight.
12831        This can be either a string (e.g ``"bold"``, ``"normal"`` ) or a number ( ``100``,
12832        ``200``, ``300``, ..., ``900`` where ``"normal"`` = ``400`` and ``"bold"`` = ``700``
12833        ).
12834    height : float
12835        Height of the marks.
12836    href : string
12837        A URL to load upon mouse click. If defined, the mark acts as a hyperlink.
12838    interpolate : :class:`Interpolate`
12839        The line interpolation method to use for line and area marks. One of the following:
12842        * ``"linear"`` : piecewise linear segments, as in a polyline.
12843        * ``"linear-closed"`` : close the linear segments to form a polygon.
12844        * ``"step"`` : alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a step
12845          function.
12846        * ``"step-before"`` : alternate between vertical and horizontal segments, as in a
12847          step function.
12848        * ``"step-after"`` : alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a
12849          step function.
12850        * ``"basis"`` : a B-spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
12851        * ``"basis-open"`` : an open B-spline; may not intersect the start or end.
12852        * ``"basis-closed"`` : a closed B-spline, as in a loop.
12853        * ``"cardinal"`` : a Cardinal spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
12854        * ``"cardinal-open"`` : an open Cardinal spline; may not intersect the start or end,
12855          but will intersect other control points.
12856        * ``"cardinal-closed"`` : a closed Cardinal spline, as in a loop.
12857        * ``"bundle"`` : equivalent to basis, except the tension parameter is used to
12858          straighten the spline.
12859        * ``"monotone"`` : cubic interpolation that preserves monotonicity in y.
12860    limit : float
12861        The maximum length of the text mark in pixels. The text value will be automatically
12862        truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.
12864        **Default value:** ``0``, indicating no limit
12865    opacity : float
12866        The overall opacity (value between [0,1]).
12868        **Default value:** ``0.7`` for non-aggregate plots with ``point``, ``tick``,
12869        ``circle``, or ``square`` marks or layered ``bar`` charts and ``1`` otherwise.
12870    order : anyOf(None, boolean)
12871        For line and trail marks, this ``order`` property can be set to ``null`` or
12872        ``false`` to make the lines use the original order in the data sources.
12873    orient : :class:`Orientation`
12874        The orientation of a non-stacked bar, tick, area, and line charts.
12875        The value is either horizontal (default) or vertical.
12878        * For bar, rule and tick, this determines whether the size of the bar and tick
12879        should be applied to x or y dimension.
12880        * For area, this property determines the orient property of the Vega output.
12881        * For line and trail marks, this property determines the sort order of the points in
12882          the line
12883        if ``config.sortLineBy`` is not specified.
12884        For stacked charts, this is always determined by the orientation of the stack;
12885        therefore explicitly specified value will be ignored.
12886    radius : float
12887        Polar coordinate radial offset, in pixels, of the text label from the origin
12888        determined by the ``x`` and ``y`` properties.
12889    shape : string
12890        Shape of the point marks. Supported values include:
12893        * plotting shapes: ``"circle"``, ``"square"``, ``"cross"``, ``"diamond"``,
12894          ``"triangle-up"``, ``"triangle-down"``, ``"triangle-right"``, or
12895          ``"triangle-left"``.
12896        * the line symbol ``"stroke"``
12897        * centered directional shapes ``"arrow"``, ``"wedge"``, or ``"triangle"``
12898        * a custom `SVG path string
12899          <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths>`__ (For correct
12900          sizing, custom shape paths should be defined within a square bounding box with
12901          coordinates ranging from -1 to 1 along both the x and y dimensions.)
12903        **Default value:** ``"circle"``
12904    shortTimeLabels : boolean
12905        Whether month names and weekday names should be abbreviated.
12906    size : float
12907        Default size for marks.
12910        * For ``point`` / ``circle`` / ``square``, this represents the pixel area of the
12911          marks. For example: in the case of circles, the radius is determined in part by
12912          the square root of the size value.
12913        * For ``bar``, this represents the band size of the bar, in pixels.
12914        * For ``text``, this represents the font size, in pixels.
12916        **Default value:** ``30`` for point, circle, square marks; ``rangeStep`` - 1 for bar
12917        marks with discrete dimensions; ``5`` for bar marks with continuous dimensions;
12918        ``11`` for text marks.
12919    stroke : :class:`Color`
12920        Default Stroke Color.  This has higher precedence than ``config.color``
12922        **Default value:** (None)
12923    strokeCap : :class:`StrokeCap`
12924        The stroke cap for line ending style. One of ``"butt"``, ``"round"``, or
12925        ``"square"``.
12927        **Default value:** ``"square"``
12928    strokeDash : List(float)
12929        An array of alternating stroke, space lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines.
12930    strokeDashOffset : float
12931        The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the stroke dash array.
12932    strokeJoin : :class:`StrokeJoin`
12933        The stroke line join method. One of ``"miter"``, ``"round"`` or ``"bevel"``.
12935        **Default value:** ``"miter"``
12936    strokeMiterLimit : float
12937        The miter limit at which to bevel a line join.
12938    strokeOpacity : float
12939        The stroke opacity (value between [0,1]).
12941        **Default value:** ``1``
12942    strokeWidth : float
12943        The stroke width, in pixels.
12944    tension : float
12945        Depending on the interpolation type, sets the tension parameter (for line and area
12946        marks).
12947    text : string
12948        Placeholder text if the ``text`` channel is not specified
12949    theta : float
12950        Polar coordinate angle, in radians, of the text label from the origin determined by
12951        the ``x`` and ``y`` properties. Values for ``theta`` follow the same convention of
12952        ``arc`` mark ``startAngle`` and ``endAngle`` properties: angles are measured in
12953        radians, with ``0`` indicating "north".
12954    tooltip : anyOf(:class:`Value`, :class:`TooltipContent`, None)
12955        The tooltip text string to show upon mouse hover or an object defining which fields
12956        should the tooltip be derived from.
12959        * If ``tooltip`` is ``{"content": "encoding"}``, then all fields from ``encoding``
12960          will be used.
12961        * If ``tooltip`` is ``{"content": "data"}``, then all fields that appear in the
12962          highlighted data point will be used.
12963        * If set to ``null``, then no tooltip will be used.
12964    width : float
12965        Width of the marks.
12966    x : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
12967        X coordinates of the marks, or width of horizontal ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
12968        specified ``x2`` or ``width``.
12970        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
12971        of the plot.
12972    x2 : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
12973        X2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
12975        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
12976        of the plot.
12977    y : anyOf(float, enum('height'))
12978        Y coordinates of the marks, or height of vertical ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
12979        specified ``y2`` or ``height``.
12981        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
12982        height of the plot.
12983    y2 : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
12984        Y2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
12986        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
12987        height of the plot.
12988    """
12989    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TextConfig'}
12991    def __init__(self, align=Undefined, angle=Undefined, baseline=Undefined, color=Undefined,
12992                 cornerRadius=Undefined, cursor=Undefined, dir=Undefined, dx=Undefined, dy=Undefined,
12993                 ellipsis=Undefined, fill=Undefined, fillOpacity=Undefined, filled=Undefined,
12994                 font=Undefined, fontSize=Undefined, fontStyle=Undefined, fontWeight=Undefined,
12995                 height=Undefined, href=Undefined, interpolate=Undefined, limit=Undefined,
12996                 opacity=Undefined, order=Undefined, orient=Undefined, radius=Undefined,
12997                 shape=Undefined, shortTimeLabels=Undefined, size=Undefined, stroke=Undefined,
12998                 strokeCap=Undefined, strokeDash=Undefined, strokeDashOffset=Undefined,
12999                 strokeJoin=Undefined, strokeMiterLimit=Undefined, strokeOpacity=Undefined,
13000                 strokeWidth=Undefined, tension=Undefined, text=Undefined, theta=Undefined,
13001                 tooltip=Undefined, width=Undefined, x=Undefined, x2=Undefined, y=Undefined,
13002                 y2=Undefined, **kwds):
13003        super(TextConfig, self).__init__(align=align, angle=angle, baseline=baseline, color=color,
13004                                         cornerRadius=cornerRadius, cursor=cursor, dir=dir, dx=dx,
13005                                         dy=dy, ellipsis=ellipsis, fill=fill, fillOpacity=fillOpacity,
13006                                         filled=filled, font=font, fontSize=fontSize,
13007                                         fontStyle=fontStyle, fontWeight=fontWeight, height=height,
13008                                         href=href, interpolate=interpolate, limit=limit,
13009                                         opacity=opacity, order=order, orient=orient, radius=radius,
13010                                         shape=shape, shortTimeLabels=shortTimeLabels, size=size,
13011                                         stroke=stroke, strokeCap=strokeCap, strokeDash=strokeDash,
13012                                         strokeDashOffset=strokeDashOffset, strokeJoin=strokeJoin,
13013                                         strokeMiterLimit=strokeMiterLimit, strokeOpacity=strokeOpacity,
13014                                         strokeWidth=strokeWidth, tension=tension, text=text,
13015                                         theta=theta, tooltip=tooltip, width=width, x=x, x2=x2, y=y,
13016                                         y2=y2, **kwds)
13019class TextFieldDef(VegaLiteSchema):
13020    """TextFieldDef schema wrapper
13022    Mapping(required=[type])
13024    Attributes
13025    ----------
13027    type : :class:`StandardType`
13028        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
13029        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
13030        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
13031        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
13033        **Note:**
13036        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
13037          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
13038          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
13039        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
13040          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
13041          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
13042          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
13043        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
13044          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
13045          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
13046          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
13047        * When using with `timeUnit
13048          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
13049          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
13050          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
13051        * When using with `aggregate
13052          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
13053          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
13054          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
13055          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
13056          is ``"quantitative"``.
13057        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
13058          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
13059          ``x``, ``y`` ).
13061        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
13062        documentation.
13063    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
13064        Aggregation function for the field
13065        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
13067        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
13069        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
13070        documentation.
13071    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, enum('binned'), None)
13072        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
13073        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
13074        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
13075        ``"binned"`` ).
13078        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
13079        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
13081        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
13082        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
13083        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
13084        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
13085        set the axis's `tickMinStep
13086        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
13088        **Default value:** ``false``
13090        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
13091        documentation.
13092    field : :class:`Field`
13093        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
13094        value
13095        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
13096        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
13098        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
13099        documentation.
13101        **Notes:**
13102        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
13103        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
13104        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
13105        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
13106        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
13107        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
13108        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
13109    format : string
13110        The text formatting pattern for labels of guides (axes, legends, headers) and text
13111        marks.
13114        * If the format type is ``"number"`` (e.g., for quantitative fields), this is D3's
13115          `number format pattern <https://github.com/d3/d3-format#locale_format>`__.
13116        * If the format type is ``"time"`` (e.g., for temporal fields), this is D3's `time
13117          format pattern <https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format#locale_format>`__.
13119        See the `format documentation <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/format.html>`__
13120        for more examples.
13122        **Default value:**  Derived from `numberFormat
13123        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#format>`__ config for number
13124        format and from `timeFormat
13125        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#format>`__ config for time
13126        format.
13127    formatType : enum('number', 'time')
13128        The format type for labels ( ``"number"`` or ``"time"`` ).
13130        **Default value:**
13133        * ``"time"`` for temporal fields and ordinal and nomimal fields with ``timeUnit``.
13134        * ``"number"`` for quantitative fields as well as ordinal and nomimal fields without
13135          ``timeUnit``.
13136    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
13137        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
13138        field.
13139        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
13140        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
13142        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
13144        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
13145        documentation.
13146    title : anyOf(string, None)
13147        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
13149        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
13150        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
13151        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
13152        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
13153        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
13154        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
13156        **Notes** :
13158        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
13159        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
13160        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
13161        function via the compile function's options
13162        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
13164        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
13165        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
13166    """
13167    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TextFieldDef'}
13169    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined, field=Undefined,
13170                 format=Undefined, formatType=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined, title=Undefined, **kwds):
13171        super(TextFieldDef, self).__init__(type=type, aggregate=aggregate, bin=bin, field=field,
13172                                           format=format, formatType=formatType, timeUnit=timeUnit,
13173                                           title=title, **kwds)
13176class TextFieldDefWithCondition(VegaLiteSchema):
13177    """TextFieldDefWithCondition schema wrapper
13179    Mapping(required=[type])
13180    A FieldDef with Condition :raw-html:`<ValueDef>`
13182    Attributes
13183    ----------
13185    type : :class:`StandardType`
13186        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
13187        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
13188        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
13189        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
13191        **Note:**
13194        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
13195          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
13196          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
13197        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
13198          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
13199          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
13200          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
13201        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
13202          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
13203          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
13204          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
13205        * When using with `timeUnit
13206          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
13207          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
13208          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
13209        * When using with `aggregate
13210          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
13211          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
13212          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
13213          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
13214          is ``"quantitative"``.
13215        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
13216          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
13217          ``x``, ``y`` ).
13219        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
13220        documentation.
13221    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
13222        Aggregation function for the field
13223        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
13225        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
13227        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
13228        documentation.
13229    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, enum('binned'), None)
13230        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
13231        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
13232        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
13233        ``"binned"`` ).
13236        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
13237        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
13239        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
13240        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
13241        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
13242        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
13243        set the axis's `tickMinStep
13244        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
13246        **Default value:** ``false``
13248        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
13249        documentation.
13250    condition : anyOf(:class:`ConditionalValueDef`, List(:class:`ConditionalValueDef`))
13251        One or more value definition(s) with `a selection or a test predicate
13252        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/condition.html>`__.
13254        **Note:** A field definition's ``condition`` property can only contain `conditional
13255        value definitions <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/condition.html#value>`__
13256        since Vega-Lite only allows at most one encoded field per encoding channel.
13257    field : :class:`Field`
13258        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
13259        value
13260        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
13261        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
13263        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
13264        documentation.
13266        **Notes:**
13267        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
13268        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
13269        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
13270        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
13271        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
13272        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
13273        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
13274    format : string
13275        The text formatting pattern for labels of guides (axes, legends, headers) and text
13276        marks.
13279        * If the format type is ``"number"`` (e.g., for quantitative fields), this is D3's
13280          `number format pattern <https://github.com/d3/d3-format#locale_format>`__.
13281        * If the format type is ``"time"`` (e.g., for temporal fields), this is D3's `time
13282          format pattern <https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format#locale_format>`__.
13284        See the `format documentation <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/format.html>`__
13285        for more examples.
13287        **Default value:**  Derived from `numberFormat
13288        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#format>`__ config for number
13289        format and from `timeFormat
13290        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#format>`__ config for time
13291        format.
13292    formatType : enum('number', 'time')
13293        The format type for labels ( ``"number"`` or ``"time"`` ).
13295        **Default value:**
13298        * ``"time"`` for temporal fields and ordinal and nomimal fields with ``timeUnit``.
13299        * ``"number"`` for quantitative fields as well as ordinal and nomimal fields without
13300          ``timeUnit``.
13301    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
13302        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
13303        field.
13304        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
13305        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
13307        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
13309        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
13310        documentation.
13311    title : anyOf(string, None)
13312        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
13314        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
13315        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
13316        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
13317        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
13318        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
13319        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
13321        **Notes** :
13323        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
13324        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
13325        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
13326        function via the compile function's options
13327        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
13329        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
13330        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
13331    """
13332    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TextFieldDefWithCondition'}
13334    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined, condition=Undefined,
13335                 field=Undefined, format=Undefined, formatType=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined,
13336                 title=Undefined, **kwds):
13337        super(TextFieldDefWithCondition, self).__init__(type=type, aggregate=aggregate, bin=bin,
13338                                                        condition=condition, field=field, format=format,
13339                                                        formatType=formatType, timeUnit=timeUnit,
13340                                                        title=title, **kwds)
13343class TextValueDefWithCondition(VegaLiteSchema):
13344    """TextValueDefWithCondition schema wrapper
13346    Mapping(required=[])
13347    A ValueDef with Condition<ValueDef | FieldDef> where either the condition or the value are
13348    optional.
13350    Attributes
13351    ----------
13353    condition : anyOf(:class:`ConditionalTextFieldDef`, :class:`ConditionalValueDef`,
13354    List(:class:`ConditionalValueDef`))
13355        A field definition or one or more value definition(s) with a selection predicate.
13356    value : :class:`Value`
13357        A constant value in visual domain (e.g., ``"red"`` / "#0099ff" for color, values
13358        between ``0`` to ``1`` for opacity).
13359    """
13360    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TextValueDefWithCondition'}
13362    def __init__(self, condition=Undefined, value=Undefined, **kwds):
13363        super(TextValueDefWithCondition, self).__init__(condition=condition, value=value, **kwds)
13366class TickConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
13367    """TickConfig schema wrapper
13369    Mapping(required=[])
13371    Attributes
13372    ----------
13374    align : :class:`Align`
13375        The horizontal alignment of the text. One of ``"left"``, ``"right"``, ``"center"``.
13376    angle : float
13377        The rotation angle of the text, in degrees.
13378    bandSize : float
13379        The width of the ticks.
13381        **Default value:**  3/4 of rangeStep.
13382    baseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
13383        The vertical alignment of the text. One of ``"top"``, ``"middle"``, ``"bottom"``.
13385        **Default value:** ``"middle"``
13386    color : :class:`Color`
13387        Default color.  Note that ``fill`` and ``stroke`` have higher precedence than
13388        ``color`` and will override ``color``.
13390        **Default value:** :raw-html:`<span style="color: #4682b4;">&#9632;</span>`
13391        ``"#4682b4"``
13393        **Note:** This property cannot be used in a `style config
13394        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__.
13395    cornerRadius : float
13396        The radius in pixels of rounded rectangle corners.
13398        **Default value:** ``0``
13399    cursor : :class:`Cursor`
13400        The mouse cursor used over the mark. Any valid `CSS cursor type
13401        <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/cursor#Values>`__ can be used.
13402    dir : :class:`Dir`
13403        The direction of the text. One of ``"ltr"`` (left-to-right) or ``"rtl"``
13404        (right-to-left). This property determines on which side is truncated in response to
13405        the limit parameter.
13407        **Default value:** ``"ltr"``
13408    dx : float
13409        The horizontal offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The
13410        offset is applied after rotation by the *angle* property.
13411    dy : float
13412        The vertical offset, in pixels, between the text label and its anchor point. The
13413        offset is applied after rotation by the *angle* property.
13414    ellipsis : string
13415        The ellipsis string for text truncated in response to the limit parameter.
13417        **Default value:** ``"…"``
13418    fill : :class:`Color`
13419        Default Fill Color.  This has higher precedence than ``config.color``
13421        **Default value:** (None)
13422    fillOpacity : float
13423        The fill opacity (value between [0,1]).
13425        **Default value:** ``1``
13426    filled : boolean
13427        Whether the mark's color should be used as fill color instead of stroke color.
13429        **Default value:** ``false`` for ``point``, ``line`` and ``rule`` ; otherwise,
13430        ``true``.
13432        **Note:** This property cannot be used in a `style config
13433        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__.
13434    font : string
13435        The typeface to set the text in (e.g., ``"Helvetica Neue"`` ).
13436    fontSize : float
13437        The font size, in pixels.
13438    fontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
13439        The font style (e.g., ``"italic"`` ).
13440    fontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
13441        The font weight.
13442        This can be either a string (e.g ``"bold"``, ``"normal"`` ) or a number ( ``100``,
13443        ``200``, ``300``, ..., ``900`` where ``"normal"`` = ``400`` and ``"bold"`` = ``700``
13444        ).
13445    height : float
13446        Height of the marks.
13447    href : string
13448        A URL to load upon mouse click. If defined, the mark acts as a hyperlink.
13449    interpolate : :class:`Interpolate`
13450        The line interpolation method to use for line and area marks. One of the following:
13453        * ``"linear"`` : piecewise linear segments, as in a polyline.
13454        * ``"linear-closed"`` : close the linear segments to form a polygon.
13455        * ``"step"`` : alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a step
13456          function.
13457        * ``"step-before"`` : alternate between vertical and horizontal segments, as in a
13458          step function.
13459        * ``"step-after"`` : alternate between horizontal and vertical segments, as in a
13460          step function.
13461        * ``"basis"`` : a B-spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
13462        * ``"basis-open"`` : an open B-spline; may not intersect the start or end.
13463        * ``"basis-closed"`` : a closed B-spline, as in a loop.
13464        * ``"cardinal"`` : a Cardinal spline, with control point duplication on the ends.
13465        * ``"cardinal-open"`` : an open Cardinal spline; may not intersect the start or end,
13466          but will intersect other control points.
13467        * ``"cardinal-closed"`` : a closed Cardinal spline, as in a loop.
13468        * ``"bundle"`` : equivalent to basis, except the tension parameter is used to
13469          straighten the spline.
13470        * ``"monotone"`` : cubic interpolation that preserves monotonicity in y.
13471    limit : float
13472        The maximum length of the text mark in pixels. The text value will be automatically
13473        truncated if the rendered size exceeds the limit.
13475        **Default value:** ``0``, indicating no limit
13476    opacity : float
13477        The overall opacity (value between [0,1]).
13479        **Default value:** ``0.7`` for non-aggregate plots with ``point``, ``tick``,
13480        ``circle``, or ``square`` marks or layered ``bar`` charts and ``1`` otherwise.
13481    order : anyOf(None, boolean)
13482        For line and trail marks, this ``order`` property can be set to ``null`` or
13483        ``false`` to make the lines use the original order in the data sources.
13484    orient : :class:`Orientation`
13485        The orientation of a non-stacked bar, tick, area, and line charts.
13486        The value is either horizontal (default) or vertical.
13489        * For bar, rule and tick, this determines whether the size of the bar and tick
13490        should be applied to x or y dimension.
13491        * For area, this property determines the orient property of the Vega output.
13492        * For line and trail marks, this property determines the sort order of the points in
13493          the line
13494        if ``config.sortLineBy`` is not specified.
13495        For stacked charts, this is always determined by the orientation of the stack;
13496        therefore explicitly specified value will be ignored.
13497    radius : float
13498        Polar coordinate radial offset, in pixels, of the text label from the origin
13499        determined by the ``x`` and ``y`` properties.
13500    shape : string
13501        Shape of the point marks. Supported values include:
13504        * plotting shapes: ``"circle"``, ``"square"``, ``"cross"``, ``"diamond"``,
13505          ``"triangle-up"``, ``"triangle-down"``, ``"triangle-right"``, or
13506          ``"triangle-left"``.
13507        * the line symbol ``"stroke"``
13508        * centered directional shapes ``"arrow"``, ``"wedge"``, or ``"triangle"``
13509        * a custom `SVG path string
13510          <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths>`__ (For correct
13511          sizing, custom shape paths should be defined within a square bounding box with
13512          coordinates ranging from -1 to 1 along both the x and y dimensions.)
13514        **Default value:** ``"circle"``
13515    size : float
13516        Default size for marks.
13519        * For ``point`` / ``circle`` / ``square``, this represents the pixel area of the
13520          marks. For example: in the case of circles, the radius is determined in part by
13521          the square root of the size value.
13522        * For ``bar``, this represents the band size of the bar, in pixels.
13523        * For ``text``, this represents the font size, in pixels.
13525        **Default value:** ``30`` for point, circle, square marks; ``rangeStep`` - 1 for bar
13526        marks with discrete dimensions; ``5`` for bar marks with continuous dimensions;
13527        ``11`` for text marks.
13528    stroke : :class:`Color`
13529        Default Stroke Color.  This has higher precedence than ``config.color``
13531        **Default value:** (None)
13532    strokeCap : :class:`StrokeCap`
13533        The stroke cap for line ending style. One of ``"butt"``, ``"round"``, or
13534        ``"square"``.
13536        **Default value:** ``"square"``
13537    strokeDash : List(float)
13538        An array of alternating stroke, space lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines.
13539    strokeDashOffset : float
13540        The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the stroke dash array.
13541    strokeJoin : :class:`StrokeJoin`
13542        The stroke line join method. One of ``"miter"``, ``"round"`` or ``"bevel"``.
13544        **Default value:** ``"miter"``
13545    strokeMiterLimit : float
13546        The miter limit at which to bevel a line join.
13547    strokeOpacity : float
13548        The stroke opacity (value between [0,1]).
13550        **Default value:** ``1``
13551    strokeWidth : float
13552        The stroke width, in pixels.
13553    tension : float
13554        Depending on the interpolation type, sets the tension parameter (for line and area
13555        marks).
13556    text : string
13557        Placeholder text if the ``text`` channel is not specified
13558    theta : float
13559        Polar coordinate angle, in radians, of the text label from the origin determined by
13560        the ``x`` and ``y`` properties. Values for ``theta`` follow the same convention of
13561        ``arc`` mark ``startAngle`` and ``endAngle`` properties: angles are measured in
13562        radians, with ``0`` indicating "north".
13563    thickness : float
13564        Thickness of the tick mark.
13566        **Default value:**  ``1``
13567    tooltip : anyOf(:class:`Value`, :class:`TooltipContent`, None)
13568        The tooltip text string to show upon mouse hover or an object defining which fields
13569        should the tooltip be derived from.
13572        * If ``tooltip`` is ``{"content": "encoding"}``, then all fields from ``encoding``
13573          will be used.
13574        * If ``tooltip`` is ``{"content": "data"}``, then all fields that appear in the
13575          highlighted data point will be used.
13576        * If set to ``null``, then no tooltip will be used.
13577    width : float
13578        Width of the marks.
13579    x : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
13580        X coordinates of the marks, or width of horizontal ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
13581        specified ``x2`` or ``width``.
13583        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
13584        of the plot.
13585    x2 : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
13586        X2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
13588        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"width"`` for the width
13589        of the plot.
13590    y : anyOf(float, enum('height'))
13591        Y coordinates of the marks, or height of vertical ``"bar"`` and ``"area"`` without
13592        specified ``y2`` or ``height``.
13594        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
13595        height of the plot.
13596    y2 : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
13597        Y2 coordinates for ranged ``"area"``, ``"bar"``, ``"rect"``, and  ``"rule"``.
13599        The ``value`` of this channel can be a number or a string ``"height"`` for the
13600        height of the plot.
13601    """
13602    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TickConfig'}
13604    def __init__(self, align=Undefined, angle=Undefined, bandSize=Undefined, baseline=Undefined,
13605                 color=Undefined, cornerRadius=Undefined, cursor=Undefined, dir=Undefined, dx=Undefined,
13606                 dy=Undefined, ellipsis=Undefined, fill=Undefined, fillOpacity=Undefined,
13607                 filled=Undefined, font=Undefined, fontSize=Undefined, fontStyle=Undefined,
13608                 fontWeight=Undefined, height=Undefined, href=Undefined, interpolate=Undefined,
13609                 limit=Undefined, opacity=Undefined, order=Undefined, orient=Undefined,
13610                 radius=Undefined, shape=Undefined, size=Undefined, stroke=Undefined,
13611                 strokeCap=Undefined, strokeDash=Undefined, strokeDashOffset=Undefined,
13612                 strokeJoin=Undefined, strokeMiterLimit=Undefined, strokeOpacity=Undefined,
13613                 strokeWidth=Undefined, tension=Undefined, text=Undefined, theta=Undefined,
13614                 thickness=Undefined, tooltip=Undefined, width=Undefined, x=Undefined, x2=Undefined,
13615                 y=Undefined, y2=Undefined, **kwds):
13616        super(TickConfig, self).__init__(align=align, angle=angle, bandSize=bandSize, baseline=baseline,
13617                                         color=color, cornerRadius=cornerRadius, cursor=cursor, dir=dir,
13618                                         dx=dx, dy=dy, ellipsis=ellipsis, fill=fill,
13619                                         fillOpacity=fillOpacity, filled=filled, font=font,
13620                                         fontSize=fontSize, fontStyle=fontStyle, fontWeight=fontWeight,
13621                                         height=height, href=href, interpolate=interpolate, limit=limit,
13622                                         opacity=opacity, order=order, orient=orient, radius=radius,
13623                                         shape=shape, size=size, stroke=stroke, strokeCap=strokeCap,
13624                                         strokeDash=strokeDash, strokeDashOffset=strokeDashOffset,
13625                                         strokeJoin=strokeJoin, strokeMiterLimit=strokeMiterLimit,
13626                                         strokeOpacity=strokeOpacity, strokeWidth=strokeWidth,
13627                                         tension=tension, text=text, theta=theta, thickness=thickness,
13628                                         tooltip=tooltip, width=width, x=x, x2=x2, y=y, y2=y2, **kwds)
13631class TimeUnit(VegaLiteSchema):
13632    """TimeUnit schema wrapper
13634    anyOf(:class:`SingleTimeUnit`, :class:`MultiTimeUnit`)
13635    """
13636    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TimeUnit'}
13638    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
13639        super(TimeUnit, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
13642class MultiTimeUnit(TimeUnit):
13643    """MultiTimeUnit schema wrapper
13645    anyOf(:class:`LocalMultiTimeUnit`, :class:`UtcMultiTimeUnit`)
13646    """
13647    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/MultiTimeUnit'}
13649    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
13650        super(MultiTimeUnit, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
13653class LocalMultiTimeUnit(MultiTimeUnit):
13654    """LocalMultiTimeUnit schema wrapper
13656    enum('yearquarter', 'yearquartermonth', 'yearmonth', 'yearmonthdate', 'yearmonthdatehours',
13657    'yearmonthdatehoursminutes', 'yearmonthdatehoursminutesseconds', 'quartermonth',
13658    'monthdate', 'monthdatehours', 'hoursminutes', 'hoursminutesseconds', 'minutesseconds',
13659    'secondsmilliseconds')
13660    """
13661    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/LocalMultiTimeUnit'}
13663    def __init__(self, *args):
13664        super(LocalMultiTimeUnit, self).__init__(*args)
13667class SingleTimeUnit(TimeUnit):
13668    """SingleTimeUnit schema wrapper
13670    anyOf(:class:`LocalSingleTimeUnit`, :class:`UtcSingleTimeUnit`)
13671    """
13672    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SingleTimeUnit'}
13674    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
13675        super(SingleTimeUnit, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
13678class LocalSingleTimeUnit(SingleTimeUnit):
13679    """LocalSingleTimeUnit schema wrapper
13681    enum('year', 'quarter', 'month', 'day', 'date', 'hours', 'minutes', 'seconds',
13682    'milliseconds')
13683    """
13684    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/LocalSingleTimeUnit'}
13686    def __init__(self, *args):
13687        super(LocalSingleTimeUnit, self).__init__(*args)
13690class TitleAnchor(VegaLiteSchema):
13691    """TitleAnchor schema wrapper
13693    enum(None, 'start', 'middle', 'end')
13694    """
13695    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TitleAnchor'}
13697    def __init__(self, *args):
13698        super(TitleAnchor, self).__init__(*args)
13701class TitleConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
13702    """TitleConfig schema wrapper
13704    Mapping(required=[])
13706    Attributes
13707    ----------
13709    align : :class:`Align`
13711    anchor : :class:`TitleAnchor`
13712        The anchor position for placing the title. One of ``"start"``, ``"middle"``, or
13713        ``"end"``. For example, with an orientation of top these anchor positions map to a
13714        left-, center-, or right-aligned title.
13715    angle : float
13716        Angle in degrees of title text.
13717    baseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
13718        Vertical text baseline for title text. One of ``"top"``, ``"middle"``, ``"bottom"``,
13719        or ``"alphabetic"``.
13720    color : :class:`Color`
13721        Text color for title text.
13722    dx : float
13723        Delta offset for title text x-coordinate.
13724    dy : float
13725        Delta offset for title text y-coordinate.
13726    font : string
13727        Font name for title text.
13728    fontSize : float
13729        Font size in pixels for title text.
13731        **Default value:** ``10``.
13732    fontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
13733        Font style for title text.
13734    fontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
13735        Font weight for title text.
13736        This can be either a string (e.g ``"bold"``, ``"normal"`` ) or a number ( ``100``,
13737        ``200``, ``300``, ..., ``900`` where ``"normal"`` = ``400`` and ``"bold"`` = ``700``
13738        ).
13739    frame : :class:`TitleFrame`
13740        The reference frame for the anchor position, one of ``"bounds"`` (to anchor relative
13741        to the full bounding box) or ``"group"`` (to anchor relative to the group width or
13742        height).
13743    limit : float
13744        The maximum allowed length in pixels of legend labels.
13745    offset : float
13746        The orthogonal offset in pixels by which to displace the title from its position
13747        along the edge of the chart.
13748    orient : :class:`TitleOrient`
13749        Default title orientation ( ``"top"``, ``"bottom"``, ``"left"``, or ``"right"`` )
13750    """
13751    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TitleConfig'}
13753    def __init__(self, align=Undefined, anchor=Undefined, angle=Undefined, baseline=Undefined,
13754                 color=Undefined, dx=Undefined, dy=Undefined, font=Undefined, fontSize=Undefined,
13755                 fontStyle=Undefined, fontWeight=Undefined, frame=Undefined, limit=Undefined,
13756                 offset=Undefined, orient=Undefined, **kwds):
13757        super(TitleConfig, self).__init__(align=align, anchor=anchor, angle=angle, baseline=baseline,
13758                                          color=color, dx=dx, dy=dy, font=font, fontSize=fontSize,
13759                                          fontStyle=fontStyle, fontWeight=fontWeight, frame=frame,
13760                                          limit=limit, offset=offset, orient=orient, **kwds)
13763class TitleFrame(VegaLiteSchema):
13764    """TitleFrame schema wrapper
13766    enum('bounds', 'group')
13767    """
13768    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TitleFrame'}
13770    def __init__(self, *args):
13771        super(TitleFrame, self).__init__(*args)
13774class TitleOrient(VegaLiteSchema):
13775    """TitleOrient schema wrapper
13777    enum('none', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom')
13778    """
13779    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TitleOrient'}
13781    def __init__(self, *args):
13782        super(TitleOrient, self).__init__(*args)
13785class TitleParams(VegaLiteSchema):
13786    """TitleParams schema wrapper
13788    Mapping(required=[text])
13790    Attributes
13791    ----------
13793    text : string
13794        The title text.
13795    align : :class:`Align`
13797    anchor : :class:`TitleAnchor`
13798        The anchor position for placing the title. One of ``"start"``, ``"middle"``, or
13799        ``"end"``. For example, with an orientation of top these anchor positions map to a
13800        left-, center-, or right-aligned title.
13802        **Default value:** ``"middle"`` for `single
13803        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html>`__ and `layered
13804        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/layer.html>`__ views.
13805        ``"start"`` for other composite views.
13807        **Note:** `For now <https://github.com/vega/vega-lite/issues/2875>`__, ``anchor`` is
13808        only customizable only for `single
13809        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html>`__ and `layered
13810        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/layer.html>`__ views.  For other composite
13811        views, ``anchor`` is always ``"start"``.
13812    angle : float
13813        Angle in degrees of title text.
13814    baseline : :class:`TextBaseline`
13815        Vertical text baseline for title text. One of ``"top"``, ``"middle"``, ``"bottom"``,
13816        or ``"alphabetic"``.
13817    color : :class:`Color`
13818        Text color for title text.
13819    dx : float
13820        Delta offset for title text x-coordinate.
13821    dy : float
13822        Delta offset for title text y-coordinate.
13823    font : string
13824        Font name for title text.
13825    fontSize : float
13826        Font size in pixels for title text.
13828        **Default value:** ``10``.
13829    fontStyle : :class:`FontStyle`
13830        Font style for title text.
13831    fontWeight : :class:`FontWeight`
13832        Font weight for title text.
13833        This can be either a string (e.g ``"bold"``, ``"normal"`` ) or a number ( ``100``,
13834        ``200``, ``300``, ..., ``900`` where ``"normal"`` = ``400`` and ``"bold"`` = ``700``
13835        ).
13836    frame : :class:`TitleFrame`
13837        The reference frame for the anchor position, one of ``"bounds"`` (to anchor relative
13838        to the full bounding box) or ``"group"`` (to anchor relative to the group width or
13839        height).
13840    limit : float
13841        The maximum allowed length in pixels of legend labels.
13842    offset : float
13843        The orthogonal offset in pixels by which to displace the title from its position
13844        along the edge of the chart.
13845    orient : :class:`TitleOrient`
13846        Default title orientation ( ``"top"``, ``"bottom"``, ``"left"``, or ``"right"`` )
13847    style : anyOf(string, List(string))
13848        A `mark style property <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#style>`__
13849        to apply to the title text mark.
13851        **Default value:** ``"group-title"``.
13852    zindex : float
13853        The integer z-index indicating the layering of the title group relative to other
13854        axis, mark and legend groups.
13856        **Default value:** ``0``.
13857    """
13858    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TitleParams'}
13860    def __init__(self, text=Undefined, align=Undefined, anchor=Undefined, angle=Undefined,
13861                 baseline=Undefined, color=Undefined, dx=Undefined, dy=Undefined, font=Undefined,
13862                 fontSize=Undefined, fontStyle=Undefined, fontWeight=Undefined, frame=Undefined,
13863                 limit=Undefined, offset=Undefined, orient=Undefined, style=Undefined, zindex=Undefined,
13864                 **kwds):
13865        super(TitleParams, self).__init__(text=text, align=align, anchor=anchor, angle=angle,
13866                                          baseline=baseline, color=color, dx=dx, dy=dy, font=font,
13867                                          fontSize=fontSize, fontStyle=fontStyle, fontWeight=fontWeight,
13868                                          frame=frame, limit=limit, offset=offset, orient=orient,
13869                                          style=style, zindex=zindex, **kwds)
13872class TooltipContent(VegaLiteSchema):
13873    """TooltipContent schema wrapper
13875    Mapping(required=[content])
13877    Attributes
13878    ----------
13880    content : enum('encoding', 'data')
13882    """
13883    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TooltipContent'}
13885    def __init__(self, content=Undefined, **kwds):
13886        super(TooltipContent, self).__init__(content=content, **kwds)
13889class TopLevelSpec(VegaLiteSchema):
13890    """TopLevelSpec schema wrapper
13892    anyOf(:class:`TopLevelUnitSpec`, :class:`TopLevelFacetSpec`, :class:`TopLevelLayerSpec`,
13893    :class:`TopLevelRepeatSpec`, :class:`TopLevelConcatSpec`, :class:`TopLevelVConcatSpec`,
13894    :class:`TopLevelHConcatSpec`)
13895    A Vega-Lite top-level specification.
13896    This is the root class for all Vega-Lite specifications.
13897    (The json schema is generated from this type.)
13898    """
13899    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TopLevelSpec'}
13901    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
13902        super(TopLevelSpec, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
13905class TopLevelConcatSpec(TopLevelSpec):
13906    """TopLevelConcatSpec schema wrapper
13908    Mapping(required=[concat])
13910    Attributes
13911    ----------
13913    concat : List(:class:`Spec`)
13914        A list of views to be concatenated.
13915    align : anyOf(:class:`LayoutAlign`, :class:`RowColLayoutAlign`)
13916        The alignment to apply to grid rows and columns.
13917        The supported string values are ``"all"``, ``"each"``, and ``"none"``.
13920        * For ``"none"``, a flow layout will be used, in which adjacent subviews are simply
13921          placed one after the other.
13922        * For ``"each"``, subviews will be aligned into a clean grid structure, but each row
13923          or column may be of variable size.
13924        * For ``"all"``, subviews will be aligned and each row or column will be sized
13925          identically based on the maximum observed size. String values for this property
13926          will be applied to both grid rows and columns.
13928        Alternatively, an object value of the form ``{"row": string, "column": string}`` can
13929        be used to supply different alignments for rows and columns.
13931        **Default value:** ``"all"``.
13932    autosize : anyOf(:class:`AutosizeType`, :class:`AutoSizeParams`)
13933        Sets how the visualization size should be determined. If a string, should be one of
13934        ``"pad"``, ``"fit"`` or ``"none"``.
13935        Object values can additionally specify parameters for content sizing and automatic
13936        resizing.
13937        ``"fit"`` is only supported for single and layered views that don't use
13938        ``rangeStep``.
13940        **Default value** : ``pad``
13941    background : string
13942        CSS color property to use as the background of the entire view.
13944        **Default value:** none (transparent)
13945    bounds : enum('full', 'flush')
13946        The bounds calculation method to use for determining the extent of a sub-plot. One
13947        of ``full`` (the default) or ``flush``.
13950        * If set to ``full``, the entire calculated bounds (including axes, title, and
13951          legend) will be used.
13952        * If set to ``flush``, only the specified width and height values for the sub-view
13953          will be used. The ``flush`` setting can be useful when attempting to place
13954          sub-plots without axes or legends into a uniform grid structure.
13956        **Default value:** ``"full"``
13957    center : anyOf(boolean, :class:`RowColboolean`)
13958        Boolean flag indicating if subviews should be centered relative to their respective
13959        rows or columns.
13961        An object value of the form ``{"row": boolean, "column": boolean}`` can be used to
13962        supply different centering values for rows and columns.
13964        **Default value:** ``false``
13965    columns : float
13966        The number of columns to include in the view composition layout.
13968        **Default value** : ``undefined`` -- An infinite number of columns (a single row)
13969        will be assumed. This is equivalent to
13970        ``hconcat`` (for ``concat`` ) and to using the ``column`` channel (for ``facet`` and
13971        ``repeat`` ).
13973        **Note** :
13975        1) This property is only for:
13978        * the general (wrappable) ``concat`` operator (not ``hconcat`` / ``vconcat`` )
13979        * the ``facet`` and ``repeat`` operator with one field/repetition definition
13980          (without row/column nesting)
13982        2) Setting the ``columns`` to ``1`` is equivalent to ``vconcat`` (for ``concat`` )
13983        and to using the ``row`` channel (for ``facet`` and ``repeat`` ).
13984    config : :class:`Config`
13985        Vega-Lite configuration object.  This property can only be defined at the top-level
13986        of a specification.
13987    data : anyOf(:class:`Data`, None)
13988        An object describing the data source. Set to ``null`` to ignore the parent's data
13989        source. If no data is set, it is derived from the parent.
13990    datasets : :class:`Datasets`
13991        A global data store for named datasets. This is a mapping from names to inline
13992        datasets.
13993        This can be an array of objects or primitive values or a string. Arrays of primitive
13994        values are ingested as objects with a ``data`` property.
13995    description : string
13996        Description of this mark for commenting purpose.
13997    name : string
13998        Name of the visualization for later reference.
13999    padding : :class:`Padding`
14000        The default visualization padding, in pixels, from the edge of the visualization
14001        canvas to the data rectangle.  If a number, specifies padding for all sides.
14002        If an object, the value should have the format ``{"left": 5, "top": 5, "right": 5,
14003        "bottom": 5}`` to specify padding for each side of the visualization.
14005        **Default value** : ``5``
14006    resolve : :class:`Resolve`
14007        Scale, axis, and legend resolutions for view composition specifications.
14008    spacing : anyOf(float, :class:`RowColnumber`)
14009        The spacing in pixels between sub-views of the composition operator.
14010        An object of the form ``{"row": number, "column": number}`` can be used to set
14011        different spacing values for rows and columns.
14013        **Default value** : Depends on ``"spacing"`` property of `the view composition
14014        configuration <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#view-config>`__ (
14015        ``20`` by default)
14016    title : anyOf(string, :class:`TitleParams`)
14017        Title for the plot.
14018    transform : List(:class:`Transform`)
14019        An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation.
14020    usermeta : Mapping(required=[])
14021        Optional metadata that will be passed to Vega.
14022        This object is completely ignored by Vega and Vega-Lite and can be used for custom
14023        metadata.
14024    $schema : string
14025        URL to `JSON schema <http://json-schema.org/>`__ for a Vega-Lite specification.
14026        Unless you have a reason to change this, use
14027        ``https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v3.json``. Setting the ``$schema``
14028        property allows automatic validation and autocomplete in editors that support JSON
14029        schema.
14030    """
14031    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TopLevelConcatSpec'}
14033    def __init__(self, concat=Undefined, align=Undefined, autosize=Undefined, background=Undefined,
14034                 bounds=Undefined, center=Undefined, columns=Undefined, config=Undefined,
14035                 data=Undefined, datasets=Undefined, description=Undefined, name=Undefined,
14036                 padding=Undefined, resolve=Undefined, spacing=Undefined, title=Undefined,
14037                 transform=Undefined, usermeta=Undefined, **kwds):
14038        super(TopLevelConcatSpec, self).__init__(concat=concat, align=align, autosize=autosize,
14039                                                 background=background, bounds=bounds, center=center,
14040                                                 columns=columns, config=config, data=data,
14041                                                 datasets=datasets, description=description, name=name,
14042                                                 padding=padding, resolve=resolve, spacing=spacing,
14043                                                 title=title, transform=transform, usermeta=usermeta,
14044                                                 **kwds)
14047class TopLevelFacetSpec(TopLevelSpec):
14048    """TopLevelFacetSpec schema wrapper
14050    Mapping(required=[data, facet, spec])
14052    Attributes
14053    ----------
14055    data : anyOf(:class:`Data`, None)
14056        An object describing the data source. Set to ``null`` to ignore the parent's data
14057        source. If no data is set, it is derived from the parent.
14058    facet : anyOf(:class:`FacetFieldDef`, :class:`FacetMapping`)
14059        Definition for how to facet the data.  One of:
14060        1) `a field definition for faceting the plot by one field
14061        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/facet.html#field-def>`__
14062        2) `An object that maps row and column channels to their field definitions
14063        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/facet.html#mapping>`__
14064    spec : anyOf(:class:`LayerSpec`, :class:`FacetedUnitSpec`)
14065        A specification of the view that gets faceted.
14066    align : anyOf(:class:`LayoutAlign`, :class:`RowColLayoutAlign`)
14067        The alignment to apply to grid rows and columns.
14068        The supported string values are ``"all"``, ``"each"``, and ``"none"``.
14071        * For ``"none"``, a flow layout will be used, in which adjacent subviews are simply
14072          placed one after the other.
14073        * For ``"each"``, subviews will be aligned into a clean grid structure, but each row
14074          or column may be of variable size.
14075        * For ``"all"``, subviews will be aligned and each row or column will be sized
14076          identically based on the maximum observed size. String values for this property
14077          will be applied to both grid rows and columns.
14079        Alternatively, an object value of the form ``{"row": string, "column": string}`` can
14080        be used to supply different alignments for rows and columns.
14082        **Default value:** ``"all"``.
14083    autosize : anyOf(:class:`AutosizeType`, :class:`AutoSizeParams`)
14084        Sets how the visualization size should be determined. If a string, should be one of
14085        ``"pad"``, ``"fit"`` or ``"none"``.
14086        Object values can additionally specify parameters for content sizing and automatic
14087        resizing.
14088        ``"fit"`` is only supported for single and layered views that don't use
14089        ``rangeStep``.
14091        **Default value** : ``pad``
14092    background : string
14093        CSS color property to use as the background of the entire view.
14095        **Default value:** none (transparent)
14096    bounds : enum('full', 'flush')
14097        The bounds calculation method to use for determining the extent of a sub-plot. One
14098        of ``full`` (the default) or ``flush``.
14101        * If set to ``full``, the entire calculated bounds (including axes, title, and
14102          legend) will be used.
14103        * If set to ``flush``, only the specified width and height values for the sub-view
14104          will be used. The ``flush`` setting can be useful when attempting to place
14105          sub-plots without axes or legends into a uniform grid structure.
14107        **Default value:** ``"full"``
14108    center : anyOf(boolean, :class:`RowColboolean`)
14109        Boolean flag indicating if subviews should be centered relative to their respective
14110        rows or columns.
14112        An object value of the form ``{"row": boolean, "column": boolean}`` can be used to
14113        supply different centering values for rows and columns.
14115        **Default value:** ``false``
14116    columns : float
14117        The number of columns to include in the view composition layout.
14119        **Default value** : ``undefined`` -- An infinite number of columns (a single row)
14120        will be assumed. This is equivalent to
14121        ``hconcat`` (for ``concat`` ) and to using the ``column`` channel (for ``facet`` and
14122        ``repeat`` ).
14124        **Note** :
14126        1) This property is only for:
14129        * the general (wrappable) ``concat`` operator (not ``hconcat`` / ``vconcat`` )
14130        * the ``facet`` and ``repeat`` operator with one field/repetition definition
14131          (without row/column nesting)
14133        2) Setting the ``columns`` to ``1`` is equivalent to ``vconcat`` (for ``concat`` )
14134        and to using the ``row`` channel (for ``facet`` and ``repeat`` ).
14135    config : :class:`Config`
14136        Vega-Lite configuration object.  This property can only be defined at the top-level
14137        of a specification.
14138    datasets : :class:`Datasets`
14139        A global data store for named datasets. This is a mapping from names to inline
14140        datasets.
14141        This can be an array of objects or primitive values or a string. Arrays of primitive
14142        values are ingested as objects with a ``data`` property.
14143    description : string
14144        Description of this mark for commenting purpose.
14145    name : string
14146        Name of the visualization for later reference.
14147    padding : :class:`Padding`
14148        The default visualization padding, in pixels, from the edge of the visualization
14149        canvas to the data rectangle.  If a number, specifies padding for all sides.
14150        If an object, the value should have the format ``{"left": 5, "top": 5, "right": 5,
14151        "bottom": 5}`` to specify padding for each side of the visualization.
14153        **Default value** : ``5``
14154    resolve : :class:`Resolve`
14155        Scale, axis, and legend resolutions for view composition specifications.
14156    spacing : anyOf(float, :class:`RowColnumber`)
14157        The spacing in pixels between sub-views of the composition operator.
14158        An object of the form ``{"row": number, "column": number}`` can be used to set
14159        different spacing values for rows and columns.
14161        **Default value** : Depends on ``"spacing"`` property of `the view composition
14162        configuration <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#view-config>`__ (
14163        ``20`` by default)
14164    title : anyOf(string, :class:`TitleParams`)
14165        Title for the plot.
14166    transform : List(:class:`Transform`)
14167        An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation.
14168    usermeta : Mapping(required=[])
14169        Optional metadata that will be passed to Vega.
14170        This object is completely ignored by Vega and Vega-Lite and can be used for custom
14171        metadata.
14172    $schema : string
14173        URL to `JSON schema <http://json-schema.org/>`__ for a Vega-Lite specification.
14174        Unless you have a reason to change this, use
14175        ``https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v3.json``. Setting the ``$schema``
14176        property allows automatic validation and autocomplete in editors that support JSON
14177        schema.
14178    """
14179    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TopLevelFacetSpec'}
14181    def __init__(self, data=Undefined, facet=Undefined, spec=Undefined, align=Undefined,
14182                 autosize=Undefined, background=Undefined, bounds=Undefined, center=Undefined,
14183                 columns=Undefined, config=Undefined, datasets=Undefined, description=Undefined,
14184                 name=Undefined, padding=Undefined, resolve=Undefined, spacing=Undefined,
14185                 title=Undefined, transform=Undefined, usermeta=Undefined, **kwds):
14186        super(TopLevelFacetSpec, self).__init__(data=data, facet=facet, spec=spec, align=align,
14187                                                autosize=autosize, background=background, bounds=bounds,
14188                                                center=center, columns=columns, config=config,
14189                                                datasets=datasets, description=description, name=name,
14190                                                padding=padding, resolve=resolve, spacing=spacing,
14191                                                title=title, transform=transform, usermeta=usermeta,
14192                                                **kwds)
14195class TopLevelHConcatSpec(TopLevelSpec):
14196    """TopLevelHConcatSpec schema wrapper
14198    Mapping(required=[hconcat])
14200    Attributes
14201    ----------
14203    hconcat : List(:class:`Spec`)
14204        A list of views to be concatenated and put into a row.
14205    autosize : anyOf(:class:`AutosizeType`, :class:`AutoSizeParams`)
14206        Sets how the visualization size should be determined. If a string, should be one of
14207        ``"pad"``, ``"fit"`` or ``"none"``.
14208        Object values can additionally specify parameters for content sizing and automatic
14209        resizing.
14210        ``"fit"`` is only supported for single and layered views that don't use
14211        ``rangeStep``.
14213        **Default value** : ``pad``
14214    background : string
14215        CSS color property to use as the background of the entire view.
14217        **Default value:** none (transparent)
14218    bounds : enum('full', 'flush')
14219        The bounds calculation method to use for determining the extent of a sub-plot. One
14220        of ``full`` (the default) or ``flush``.
14223        * If set to ``full``, the entire calculated bounds (including axes, title, and
14224          legend) will be used.
14225        * If set to ``flush``, only the specified width and height values for the sub-view
14226          will be used. The ``flush`` setting can be useful when attempting to place
14227          sub-plots without axes or legends into a uniform grid structure.
14229        **Default value:** ``"full"``
14230    center : boolean
14231        Boolean flag indicating if subviews should be centered relative to their respective
14232        rows or columns.
14234        **Default value:** ``false``
14235    config : :class:`Config`
14236        Vega-Lite configuration object.  This property can only be defined at the top-level
14237        of a specification.
14238    data : anyOf(:class:`Data`, None)
14239        An object describing the data source. Set to ``null`` to ignore the parent's data
14240        source. If no data is set, it is derived from the parent.
14241    datasets : :class:`Datasets`
14242        A global data store for named datasets. This is a mapping from names to inline
14243        datasets.
14244        This can be an array of objects or primitive values or a string. Arrays of primitive
14245        values are ingested as objects with a ``data`` property.
14246    description : string
14247        Description of this mark for commenting purpose.
14248    name : string
14249        Name of the visualization for later reference.
14250    padding : :class:`Padding`
14251        The default visualization padding, in pixels, from the edge of the visualization
14252        canvas to the data rectangle.  If a number, specifies padding for all sides.
14253        If an object, the value should have the format ``{"left": 5, "top": 5, "right": 5,
14254        "bottom": 5}`` to specify padding for each side of the visualization.
14256        **Default value** : ``5``
14257    resolve : :class:`Resolve`
14258        Scale, axis, and legend resolutions for view composition specifications.
14259    spacing : float
14260        The spacing in pixels between sub-views of the concat operator.
14262        **Default value** : ``10``
14263    title : anyOf(string, :class:`TitleParams`)
14264        Title for the plot.
14265    transform : List(:class:`Transform`)
14266        An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation.
14267    usermeta : Mapping(required=[])
14268        Optional metadata that will be passed to Vega.
14269        This object is completely ignored by Vega and Vega-Lite and can be used for custom
14270        metadata.
14271    $schema : string
14272        URL to `JSON schema <http://json-schema.org/>`__ for a Vega-Lite specification.
14273        Unless you have a reason to change this, use
14274        ``https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v3.json``. Setting the ``$schema``
14275        property allows automatic validation and autocomplete in editors that support JSON
14276        schema.
14277    """
14278    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TopLevelHConcatSpec'}
14280    def __init__(self, hconcat=Undefined, autosize=Undefined, background=Undefined, bounds=Undefined,
14281                 center=Undefined, config=Undefined, data=Undefined, datasets=Undefined,
14282                 description=Undefined, name=Undefined, padding=Undefined, resolve=Undefined,
14283                 spacing=Undefined, title=Undefined, transform=Undefined, usermeta=Undefined, **kwds):
14284        super(TopLevelHConcatSpec, self).__init__(hconcat=hconcat, autosize=autosize,
14285                                                  background=background, bounds=bounds, center=center,
14286                                                  config=config, data=data, datasets=datasets,
14287                                                  description=description, name=name, padding=padding,
14288                                                  resolve=resolve, spacing=spacing, title=title,
14289                                                  transform=transform, usermeta=usermeta, **kwds)
14292class TopLevelLayerSpec(TopLevelSpec):
14293    """TopLevelLayerSpec schema wrapper
14295    Mapping(required=[layer])
14297    Attributes
14298    ----------
14300    layer : List(anyOf(:class:`LayerSpec`, :class:`UnitSpec`))
14301        Layer or single view specifications to be layered.
14303        **Note** : Specifications inside ``layer`` cannot use ``row`` and ``column``
14304        channels as layering facet specifications is not allowed. Instead, use the `facet
14305        operator <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/facet.html>`__ and place a layer
14306        inside a facet.
14307    autosize : anyOf(:class:`AutosizeType`, :class:`AutoSizeParams`)
14308        Sets how the visualization size should be determined. If a string, should be one of
14309        ``"pad"``, ``"fit"`` or ``"none"``.
14310        Object values can additionally specify parameters for content sizing and automatic
14311        resizing.
14312        ``"fit"`` is only supported for single and layered views that don't use
14313        ``rangeStep``.
14315        **Default value** : ``pad``
14316    background : string
14317        CSS color property to use as the background of the entire view.
14319        **Default value:** none (transparent)
14320    config : :class:`Config`
14321        Vega-Lite configuration object.  This property can only be defined at the top-level
14322        of a specification.
14323    data : anyOf(:class:`Data`, None)
14324        An object describing the data source. Set to ``null`` to ignore the parent's data
14325        source. If no data is set, it is derived from the parent.
14326    datasets : :class:`Datasets`
14327        A global data store for named datasets. This is a mapping from names to inline
14328        datasets.
14329        This can be an array of objects or primitive values or a string. Arrays of primitive
14330        values are ingested as objects with a ``data`` property.
14331    description : string
14332        Description of this mark for commenting purpose.
14333    encoding : :class:`Encoding`
14334        A shared key-value mapping between encoding channels and definition of fields in the
14335        underlying layers.
14336    height : float
14337        The height of a visualization.
14339        **Default value:**
14342        * If a view's `autosize
14343          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#autosize>`__ type is ``"fit"`` or
14344          its y-channel has a `continuous scale
14345          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#continuous>`__, the height will
14346          be the value of `config.view.height
14347          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
14348        * For y-axis with a band or point scale: if `rangeStep
14349          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__ is a numeric value or
14350          unspecified, the height is `determined by the range step, paddings, and the
14351          cardinality of the field mapped to y-channel
14352          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__. Otherwise, if the
14353          ``rangeStep`` is ``null``, the height will be the value of `config.view.height
14354          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
14355        * If no field is mapped to ``y`` channel, the ``height`` will be the value of
14356          ``rangeStep``.
14358        **Note** : For plots with `row and column channels
14359        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/encoding.html#facet>`__, this represents the
14360        height of a single view.
14362        **See also:** The documentation for `width and height
14363        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html>`__ contains more examples.
14364    name : string
14365        Name of the visualization for later reference.
14366    padding : :class:`Padding`
14367        The default visualization padding, in pixels, from the edge of the visualization
14368        canvas to the data rectangle.  If a number, specifies padding for all sides.
14369        If an object, the value should have the format ``{"left": 5, "top": 5, "right": 5,
14370        "bottom": 5}`` to specify padding for each side of the visualization.
14372        **Default value** : ``5``
14373    projection : :class:`Projection`
14374        An object defining properties of the geographic projection shared by underlying
14375        layers.
14376    resolve : :class:`Resolve`
14377        Scale, axis, and legend resolutions for view composition specifications.
14378    title : anyOf(string, :class:`TitleParams`)
14379        Title for the plot.
14380    transform : List(:class:`Transform`)
14381        An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation.
14382    usermeta : Mapping(required=[])
14383        Optional metadata that will be passed to Vega.
14384        This object is completely ignored by Vega and Vega-Lite and can be used for custom
14385        metadata.
14386    view : :class:`ViewBackground`
14387        An object defining the view background's fill and stroke.
14389        **Default value:** none (transparent)
14390    width : float
14391        The width of a visualization.
14393        **Default value:** This will be determined by the following rules:
14396        * If a view's `autosize
14397          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#autosize>`__ type is ``"fit"`` or
14398          its x-channel has a `continuous scale
14399          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#continuous>`__, the width will
14400          be the value of `config.view.width
14401          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
14402        * For x-axis with a band or point scale: if `rangeStep
14403          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__ is a numeric value or
14404          unspecified, the width is `determined by the range step, paddings, and the
14405          cardinality of the field mapped to x-channel
14406          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__.   Otherwise, if the
14407          ``rangeStep`` is ``null``, the width will be the value of `config.view.width
14408          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
14409        * If no field is mapped to ``x`` channel, the ``width`` will be the value of
14410          `config.scale.textXRangeStep
14411          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#default-width-and-height>`__ for
14412          ``text`` mark and the value of ``rangeStep`` for other marks.
14414        **Note:** For plots with `row and column channels
14415        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/encoding.html#facet>`__, this represents the
14416        width of a single view.
14418        **See also:** The documentation for `width and height
14419        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html>`__ contains more examples.
14420    $schema : string
14421        URL to `JSON schema <http://json-schema.org/>`__ for a Vega-Lite specification.
14422        Unless you have a reason to change this, use
14423        ``https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v3.json``. Setting the ``$schema``
14424        property allows automatic validation and autocomplete in editors that support JSON
14425        schema.
14426    """
14427    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TopLevelLayerSpec'}
14429    def __init__(self, layer=Undefined, autosize=Undefined, background=Undefined, config=Undefined,
14430                 data=Undefined, datasets=Undefined, description=Undefined, encoding=Undefined,
14431                 height=Undefined, name=Undefined, padding=Undefined, projection=Undefined,
14432                 resolve=Undefined, title=Undefined, transform=Undefined, usermeta=Undefined,
14433                 view=Undefined, width=Undefined, **kwds):
14434        super(TopLevelLayerSpec, self).__init__(layer=layer, autosize=autosize, background=background,
14435                                                config=config, data=data, datasets=datasets,
14436                                                description=description, encoding=encoding,
14437                                                height=height, name=name, padding=padding,
14438                                                projection=projection, resolve=resolve, title=title,
14439                                                transform=transform, usermeta=usermeta, view=view,
14440                                                width=width, **kwds)
14443class TopLevelRepeatSpec(TopLevelSpec):
14444    """TopLevelRepeatSpec schema wrapper
14446    Mapping(required=[repeat, spec])
14448    Attributes
14449    ----------
14451    repeat : anyOf(List(string), :class:`RepeatMapping`)
14452        Definition for fields to be repeated.  One of:
14453        1) An array of fields to be repeated.  If ``"repeat"`` is an array, the field can be
14454        referred using ``{"repeat": "repeat"}``
14455        2) An object that mapped ``"row"`` and/or ``"column"`` to the listed of fields to be
14456        repeated along the particular orientations. The objects ``{"repeat": "row"}`` and
14457        ``{"repeat": "column"}`` can be used to refer to the repeated field respectively.
14458    spec : :class:`Spec`
14459        A specification of the view that gets repeated.
14460    align : anyOf(:class:`LayoutAlign`, :class:`RowColLayoutAlign`)
14461        The alignment to apply to grid rows and columns.
14462        The supported string values are ``"all"``, ``"each"``, and ``"none"``.
14465        * For ``"none"``, a flow layout will be used, in which adjacent subviews are simply
14466          placed one after the other.
14467        * For ``"each"``, subviews will be aligned into a clean grid structure, but each row
14468          or column may be of variable size.
14469        * For ``"all"``, subviews will be aligned and each row or column will be sized
14470          identically based on the maximum observed size. String values for this property
14471          will be applied to both grid rows and columns.
14473        Alternatively, an object value of the form ``{"row": string, "column": string}`` can
14474        be used to supply different alignments for rows and columns.
14476        **Default value:** ``"all"``.
14477    autosize : anyOf(:class:`AutosizeType`, :class:`AutoSizeParams`)
14478        Sets how the visualization size should be determined. If a string, should be one of
14479        ``"pad"``, ``"fit"`` or ``"none"``.
14480        Object values can additionally specify parameters for content sizing and automatic
14481        resizing.
14482        ``"fit"`` is only supported for single and layered views that don't use
14483        ``rangeStep``.
14485        **Default value** : ``pad``
14486    background : string
14487        CSS color property to use as the background of the entire view.
14489        **Default value:** none (transparent)
14490    bounds : enum('full', 'flush')
14491        The bounds calculation method to use for determining the extent of a sub-plot. One
14492        of ``full`` (the default) or ``flush``.
14495        * If set to ``full``, the entire calculated bounds (including axes, title, and
14496          legend) will be used.
14497        * If set to ``flush``, only the specified width and height values for the sub-view
14498          will be used. The ``flush`` setting can be useful when attempting to place
14499          sub-plots without axes or legends into a uniform grid structure.
14501        **Default value:** ``"full"``
14502    center : anyOf(boolean, :class:`RowColboolean`)
14503        Boolean flag indicating if subviews should be centered relative to their respective
14504        rows or columns.
14506        An object value of the form ``{"row": boolean, "column": boolean}`` can be used to
14507        supply different centering values for rows and columns.
14509        **Default value:** ``false``
14510    columns : float
14511        The number of columns to include in the view composition layout.
14513        **Default value** : ``undefined`` -- An infinite number of columns (a single row)
14514        will be assumed. This is equivalent to
14515        ``hconcat`` (for ``concat`` ) and to using the ``column`` channel (for ``facet`` and
14516        ``repeat`` ).
14518        **Note** :
14520        1) This property is only for:
14523        * the general (wrappable) ``concat`` operator (not ``hconcat`` / ``vconcat`` )
14524        * the ``facet`` and ``repeat`` operator with one field/repetition definition
14525          (without row/column nesting)
14527        2) Setting the ``columns`` to ``1`` is equivalent to ``vconcat`` (for ``concat`` )
14528        and to using the ``row`` channel (for ``facet`` and ``repeat`` ).
14529    config : :class:`Config`
14530        Vega-Lite configuration object.  This property can only be defined at the top-level
14531        of a specification.
14532    data : anyOf(:class:`Data`, None)
14533        An object describing the data source. Set to ``null`` to ignore the parent's data
14534        source. If no data is set, it is derived from the parent.
14535    datasets : :class:`Datasets`
14536        A global data store for named datasets. This is a mapping from names to inline
14537        datasets.
14538        This can be an array of objects or primitive values or a string. Arrays of primitive
14539        values are ingested as objects with a ``data`` property.
14540    description : string
14541        Description of this mark for commenting purpose.
14542    name : string
14543        Name of the visualization for later reference.
14544    padding : :class:`Padding`
14545        The default visualization padding, in pixels, from the edge of the visualization
14546        canvas to the data rectangle.  If a number, specifies padding for all sides.
14547        If an object, the value should have the format ``{"left": 5, "top": 5, "right": 5,
14548        "bottom": 5}`` to specify padding for each side of the visualization.
14550        **Default value** : ``5``
14551    resolve : :class:`Resolve`
14552        Scale, axis, and legend resolutions for view composition specifications.
14553    spacing : anyOf(float, :class:`RowColnumber`)
14554        The spacing in pixels between sub-views of the composition operator.
14555        An object of the form ``{"row": number, "column": number}`` can be used to set
14556        different spacing values for rows and columns.
14558        **Default value** : Depends on ``"spacing"`` property of `the view composition
14559        configuration <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#view-config>`__ (
14560        ``20`` by default)
14561    title : anyOf(string, :class:`TitleParams`)
14562        Title for the plot.
14563    transform : List(:class:`Transform`)
14564        An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation.
14565    usermeta : Mapping(required=[])
14566        Optional metadata that will be passed to Vega.
14567        This object is completely ignored by Vega and Vega-Lite and can be used for custom
14568        metadata.
14569    $schema : string
14570        URL to `JSON schema <http://json-schema.org/>`__ for a Vega-Lite specification.
14571        Unless you have a reason to change this, use
14572        ``https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v3.json``. Setting the ``$schema``
14573        property allows automatic validation and autocomplete in editors that support JSON
14574        schema.
14575    """
14576    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TopLevelRepeatSpec'}
14578    def __init__(self, repeat=Undefined, spec=Undefined, align=Undefined, autosize=Undefined,
14579                 background=Undefined, bounds=Undefined, center=Undefined, columns=Undefined,
14580                 config=Undefined, data=Undefined, datasets=Undefined, description=Undefined,
14581                 name=Undefined, padding=Undefined, resolve=Undefined, spacing=Undefined,
14582                 title=Undefined, transform=Undefined, usermeta=Undefined, **kwds):
14583        super(TopLevelRepeatSpec, self).__init__(repeat=repeat, spec=spec, align=align,
14584                                                 autosize=autosize, background=background,
14585                                                 bounds=bounds, center=center, columns=columns,
14586                                                 config=config, data=data, datasets=datasets,
14587                                                 description=description, name=name, padding=padding,
14588                                                 resolve=resolve, spacing=spacing, title=title,
14589                                                 transform=transform, usermeta=usermeta, **kwds)
14592class TopLevelUnitSpec(TopLevelSpec):
14593    """TopLevelUnitSpec schema wrapper
14595    Mapping(required=[data, mark])
14597    Attributes
14598    ----------
14600    data : anyOf(:class:`Data`, None)
14601        An object describing the data source. Set to ``null`` to ignore the parent's data
14602        source. If no data is set, it is derived from the parent.
14603    mark : :class:`AnyMark`
14604        A string describing the mark type (one of ``"bar"``, ``"circle"``, ``"square"``,
14605        ``"tick"``, ``"line"``,
14606        ``"area"``, ``"point"``, ``"rule"``, ``"geoshape"``, and ``"text"`` ) or a `mark
14607        definition object <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#mark-def>`__.
14608    align : anyOf(:class:`LayoutAlign`, :class:`RowColLayoutAlign`)
14609        The alignment to apply to grid rows and columns.
14610        The supported string values are ``"all"``, ``"each"``, and ``"none"``.
14613        * For ``"none"``, a flow layout will be used, in which adjacent subviews are simply
14614          placed one after the other.
14615        * For ``"each"``, subviews will be aligned into a clean grid structure, but each row
14616          or column may be of variable size.
14617        * For ``"all"``, subviews will be aligned and each row or column will be sized
14618          identically based on the maximum observed size. String values for this property
14619          will be applied to both grid rows and columns.
14621        Alternatively, an object value of the form ``{"row": string, "column": string}`` can
14622        be used to supply different alignments for rows and columns.
14624        **Default value:** ``"all"``.
14625    autosize : anyOf(:class:`AutosizeType`, :class:`AutoSizeParams`)
14626        Sets how the visualization size should be determined. If a string, should be one of
14627        ``"pad"``, ``"fit"`` or ``"none"``.
14628        Object values can additionally specify parameters for content sizing and automatic
14629        resizing.
14630        ``"fit"`` is only supported for single and layered views that don't use
14631        ``rangeStep``.
14633        **Default value** : ``pad``
14634    background : string
14635        CSS color property to use as the background of the entire view.
14637        **Default value:** none (transparent)
14638    bounds : enum('full', 'flush')
14639        The bounds calculation method to use for determining the extent of a sub-plot. One
14640        of ``full`` (the default) or ``flush``.
14643        * If set to ``full``, the entire calculated bounds (including axes, title, and
14644          legend) will be used.
14645        * If set to ``flush``, only the specified width and height values for the sub-view
14646          will be used. The ``flush`` setting can be useful when attempting to place
14647          sub-plots without axes or legends into a uniform grid structure.
14649        **Default value:** ``"full"``
14650    center : anyOf(boolean, :class:`RowColboolean`)
14651        Boolean flag indicating if subviews should be centered relative to their respective
14652        rows or columns.
14654        An object value of the form ``{"row": boolean, "column": boolean}`` can be used to
14655        supply different centering values for rows and columns.
14657        **Default value:** ``false``
14658    columns : float
14659        The number of columns to include in the view composition layout.
14661        **Default value** : ``undefined`` -- An infinite number of columns (a single row)
14662        will be assumed. This is equivalent to
14663        ``hconcat`` (for ``concat`` ) and to using the ``column`` channel (for ``facet`` and
14664        ``repeat`` ).
14666        **Note** :
14668        1) This property is only for:
14671        * the general (wrappable) ``concat`` operator (not ``hconcat`` / ``vconcat`` )
14672        * the ``facet`` and ``repeat`` operator with one field/repetition definition
14673          (without row/column nesting)
14675        2) Setting the ``columns`` to ``1`` is equivalent to ``vconcat`` (for ``concat`` )
14676        and to using the ``row`` channel (for ``facet`` and ``repeat`` ).
14677    config : :class:`Config`
14678        Vega-Lite configuration object.  This property can only be defined at the top-level
14679        of a specification.
14680    datasets : :class:`Datasets`
14681        A global data store for named datasets. This is a mapping from names to inline
14682        datasets.
14683        This can be an array of objects or primitive values or a string. Arrays of primitive
14684        values are ingested as objects with a ``data`` property.
14685    description : string
14686        Description of this mark for commenting purpose.
14687    encoding : :class:`FacetedEncoding`
14688        A key-value mapping between encoding channels and definition of fields.
14689    height : float
14690        The height of a visualization.
14692        **Default value:**
14695        * If a view's `autosize
14696          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#autosize>`__ type is ``"fit"`` or
14697          its y-channel has a `continuous scale
14698          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#continuous>`__, the height will
14699          be the value of `config.view.height
14700          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
14701        * For y-axis with a band or point scale: if `rangeStep
14702          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__ is a numeric value or
14703          unspecified, the height is `determined by the range step, paddings, and the
14704          cardinality of the field mapped to y-channel
14705          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__. Otherwise, if the
14706          ``rangeStep`` is ``null``, the height will be the value of `config.view.height
14707          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
14708        * If no field is mapped to ``y`` channel, the ``height`` will be the value of
14709          ``rangeStep``.
14711        **Note** : For plots with `row and column channels
14712        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/encoding.html#facet>`__, this represents the
14713        height of a single view.
14715        **See also:** The documentation for `width and height
14716        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html>`__ contains more examples.
14717    name : string
14718        Name of the visualization for later reference.
14719    padding : :class:`Padding`
14720        The default visualization padding, in pixels, from the edge of the visualization
14721        canvas to the data rectangle.  If a number, specifies padding for all sides.
14722        If an object, the value should have the format ``{"left": 5, "top": 5, "right": 5,
14723        "bottom": 5}`` to specify padding for each side of the visualization.
14725        **Default value** : ``5``
14726    projection : :class:`Projection`
14727        An object defining properties of geographic projection, which will be applied to
14728        ``shape`` path for ``"geoshape"`` marks
14729        and to ``latitude`` and ``"longitude"`` channels for other marks.
14730    resolve : :class:`Resolve`
14731        Scale, axis, and legend resolutions for view composition specifications.
14732    selection : Mapping(required=[])
14733        A key-value mapping between selection names and definitions.
14734    spacing : anyOf(float, :class:`RowColnumber`)
14735        The spacing in pixels between sub-views of the composition operator.
14736        An object of the form ``{"row": number, "column": number}`` can be used to set
14737        different spacing values for rows and columns.
14739        **Default value** : Depends on ``"spacing"`` property of `the view composition
14740        configuration <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#view-config>`__ (
14741        ``20`` by default)
14742    title : anyOf(string, :class:`TitleParams`)
14743        Title for the plot.
14744    transform : List(:class:`Transform`)
14745        An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation.
14746    usermeta : Mapping(required=[])
14747        Optional metadata that will be passed to Vega.
14748        This object is completely ignored by Vega and Vega-Lite and can be used for custom
14749        metadata.
14750    view : :class:`ViewBackground`
14751        An object defining the view background's fill and stroke.
14753        **Default value:** none (transparent)
14754    width : float
14755        The width of a visualization.
14757        **Default value:** This will be determined by the following rules:
14760        * If a view's `autosize
14761          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#autosize>`__ type is ``"fit"`` or
14762          its x-channel has a `continuous scale
14763          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#continuous>`__, the width will
14764          be the value of `config.view.width
14765          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
14766        * For x-axis with a band or point scale: if `rangeStep
14767          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__ is a numeric value or
14768          unspecified, the width is `determined by the range step, paddings, and the
14769          cardinality of the field mapped to x-channel
14770          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__.   Otherwise, if the
14771          ``rangeStep`` is ``null``, the width will be the value of `config.view.width
14772          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
14773        * If no field is mapped to ``x`` channel, the ``width`` will be the value of
14774          `config.scale.textXRangeStep
14775          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#default-width-and-height>`__ for
14776          ``text`` mark and the value of ``rangeStep`` for other marks.
14778        **Note:** For plots with `row and column channels
14779        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/encoding.html#facet>`__, this represents the
14780        width of a single view.
14782        **See also:** The documentation for `width and height
14783        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html>`__ contains more examples.
14784    $schema : string
14785        URL to `JSON schema <http://json-schema.org/>`__ for a Vega-Lite specification.
14786        Unless you have a reason to change this, use
14787        ``https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v3.json``. Setting the ``$schema``
14788        property allows automatic validation and autocomplete in editors that support JSON
14789        schema.
14790    """
14791    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TopLevelUnitSpec'}
14793    def __init__(self, data=Undefined, mark=Undefined, align=Undefined, autosize=Undefined,
14794                 background=Undefined, bounds=Undefined, center=Undefined, columns=Undefined,
14795                 config=Undefined, datasets=Undefined, description=Undefined, encoding=Undefined,
14796                 height=Undefined, name=Undefined, padding=Undefined, projection=Undefined,
14797                 resolve=Undefined, selection=Undefined, spacing=Undefined, title=Undefined,
14798                 transform=Undefined, usermeta=Undefined, view=Undefined, width=Undefined, **kwds):
14799        super(TopLevelUnitSpec, self).__init__(data=data, mark=mark, align=align, autosize=autosize,
14800                                               background=background, bounds=bounds, center=center,
14801                                               columns=columns, config=config, datasets=datasets,
14802                                               description=description, encoding=encoding,
14803                                               height=height, name=name, padding=padding,
14804                                               projection=projection, resolve=resolve,
14805                                               selection=selection, spacing=spacing, title=title,
14806                                               transform=transform, usermeta=usermeta, view=view,
14807                                               width=width, **kwds)
14810class TopLevelVConcatSpec(TopLevelSpec):
14811    """TopLevelVConcatSpec schema wrapper
14813    Mapping(required=[vconcat])
14815    Attributes
14816    ----------
14818    vconcat : List(:class:`Spec`)
14819        A list of views to be concatenated and put into a column.
14820    autosize : anyOf(:class:`AutosizeType`, :class:`AutoSizeParams`)
14821        Sets how the visualization size should be determined. If a string, should be one of
14822        ``"pad"``, ``"fit"`` or ``"none"``.
14823        Object values can additionally specify parameters for content sizing and automatic
14824        resizing.
14825        ``"fit"`` is only supported for single and layered views that don't use
14826        ``rangeStep``.
14828        **Default value** : ``pad``
14829    background : string
14830        CSS color property to use as the background of the entire view.
14832        **Default value:** none (transparent)
14833    bounds : enum('full', 'flush')
14834        The bounds calculation method to use for determining the extent of a sub-plot. One
14835        of ``full`` (the default) or ``flush``.
14838        * If set to ``full``, the entire calculated bounds (including axes, title, and
14839          legend) will be used.
14840        * If set to ``flush``, only the specified width and height values for the sub-view
14841          will be used. The ``flush`` setting can be useful when attempting to place
14842          sub-plots without axes or legends into a uniform grid structure.
14844        **Default value:** ``"full"``
14845    center : boolean
14846        Boolean flag indicating if subviews should be centered relative to their respective
14847        rows or columns.
14849        **Default value:** ``false``
14850    config : :class:`Config`
14851        Vega-Lite configuration object.  This property can only be defined at the top-level
14852        of a specification.
14853    data : anyOf(:class:`Data`, None)
14854        An object describing the data source. Set to ``null`` to ignore the parent's data
14855        source. If no data is set, it is derived from the parent.
14856    datasets : :class:`Datasets`
14857        A global data store for named datasets. This is a mapping from names to inline
14858        datasets.
14859        This can be an array of objects or primitive values or a string. Arrays of primitive
14860        values are ingested as objects with a ``data`` property.
14861    description : string
14862        Description of this mark for commenting purpose.
14863    name : string
14864        Name of the visualization for later reference.
14865    padding : :class:`Padding`
14866        The default visualization padding, in pixels, from the edge of the visualization
14867        canvas to the data rectangle.  If a number, specifies padding for all sides.
14868        If an object, the value should have the format ``{"left": 5, "top": 5, "right": 5,
14869        "bottom": 5}`` to specify padding for each side of the visualization.
14871        **Default value** : ``5``
14872    resolve : :class:`Resolve`
14873        Scale, axis, and legend resolutions for view composition specifications.
14874    spacing : float
14875        The spacing in pixels between sub-views of the concat operator.
14877        **Default value** : ``10``
14878    title : anyOf(string, :class:`TitleParams`)
14879        Title for the plot.
14880    transform : List(:class:`Transform`)
14881        An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation.
14882    usermeta : Mapping(required=[])
14883        Optional metadata that will be passed to Vega.
14884        This object is completely ignored by Vega and Vega-Lite and can be used for custom
14885        metadata.
14886    $schema : string
14887        URL to `JSON schema <http://json-schema.org/>`__ for a Vega-Lite specification.
14888        Unless you have a reason to change this, use
14889        ``https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v3.json``. Setting the ``$schema``
14890        property allows automatic validation and autocomplete in editors that support JSON
14891        schema.
14892    """
14893    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TopLevelVConcatSpec'}
14895    def __init__(self, vconcat=Undefined, autosize=Undefined, background=Undefined, bounds=Undefined,
14896                 center=Undefined, config=Undefined, data=Undefined, datasets=Undefined,
14897                 description=Undefined, name=Undefined, padding=Undefined, resolve=Undefined,
14898                 spacing=Undefined, title=Undefined, transform=Undefined, usermeta=Undefined, **kwds):
14899        super(TopLevelVConcatSpec, self).__init__(vconcat=vconcat, autosize=autosize,
14900                                                  background=background, bounds=bounds, center=center,
14901                                                  config=config, data=data, datasets=datasets,
14902                                                  description=description, name=name, padding=padding,
14903                                                  resolve=resolve, spacing=spacing, title=title,
14904                                                  transform=transform, usermeta=usermeta, **kwds)
14907class TopoDataFormat(DataFormat):
14908    """TopoDataFormat schema wrapper
14910    Mapping(required=[])
14912    Attributes
14913    ----------
14915    feature : string
14916        The name of the TopoJSON object set to convert to a GeoJSON feature collection.
14917        For example, in a map of the world, there may be an object set named
14918        ``"countries"``.
14919        Using the feature property, we can extract this set and generate a GeoJSON feature
14920        object for each country.
14921    mesh : string
14922        The name of the TopoJSON object set to convert to mesh.
14923        Similar to the ``feature`` option, ``mesh`` extracts a named TopoJSON object set.
14924        Unlike the ``feature`` option, the corresponding geo data is returned as a single,
14925        unified mesh instance, not as individual GeoJSON features.
14926        Extracting a mesh is useful for more efficiently drawing borders or other geographic
14927        elements that you do not need to associate with specific regions such as individual
14928        countries, states or counties.
14929    parse : anyOf(:class:`Parse`, None)
14930        If set to ``null``, disable type inference based on the spec and only use type
14931        inference based on the data.
14932        Alternatively, a parsing directive object can be provided for explicit data types.
14933        Each property of the object corresponds to a field name, and the value to the
14934        desired data type (one of ``"number"``, ``"boolean"``, ``"date"``, or null (do not
14935        parse the field)).
14936        For example, ``"parse": {"modified_on": "date"}`` parses the ``modified_on`` field
14937        in each input record a Date value.
14939        For ``"date"``, we parse data based using Javascript's `Date.parse()
14940        <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Date/parse>`__.
14941        For Specific date formats can be provided (e.g., ``{foo: "date:'%m%d%Y'"}`` ), using
14942        the `d3-time-format syntax <https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format#locale_format>`__.
14943        UTC date format parsing is supported similarly (e.g., ``{foo: "utc:'%m%d%Y'"}`` ).
14944        See more about `UTC time
14945        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html#utc>`__
14946    type : enum('topojson')
14947        Type of input data: ``"json"``, ``"csv"``, ``"tsv"``, ``"dsv"``.
14949        **Default value:**  The default format type is determined by the extension of the
14950        file URL.
14951        If no extension is detected, ``"json"`` will be used by default.
14952    """
14953    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TopoDataFormat'}
14955    def __init__(self, feature=Undefined, mesh=Undefined, parse=Undefined, type=Undefined, **kwds):
14956        super(TopoDataFormat, self).__init__(feature=feature, mesh=mesh, parse=parse, type=type, **kwds)
14959class Transform(VegaLiteSchema):
14960    """Transform schema wrapper
14962    anyOf(:class:`AggregateTransform`, :class:`BinTransform`, :class:`CalculateTransform`,
14963    :class:`FilterTransform`, :class:`FlattenTransform`, :class:`FoldTransform`,
14964    :class:`ImputeTransform`, :class:`JoinAggregateTransform`, :class:`LookupTransform`,
14965    :class:`TimeUnitTransform`, :class:`SampleTransform`, :class:`StackTransform`,
14966    :class:`WindowTransform`)
14967    """
14968    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Transform'}
14970    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
14971        super(Transform, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
14974class AggregateTransform(Transform):
14975    """AggregateTransform schema wrapper
14977    Mapping(required=[aggregate])
14979    Attributes
14980    ----------
14982    aggregate : List(:class:`AggregatedFieldDef`)
14983        Array of objects that define fields to aggregate.
14984    groupby : List(:class:`FieldName`)
14985        The data fields to group by. If not specified, a single group containing all data
14986        objects will be used.
14987    """
14988    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/AggregateTransform'}
14990    def __init__(self, aggregate=Undefined, groupby=Undefined, **kwds):
14991        super(AggregateTransform, self).__init__(aggregate=aggregate, groupby=groupby, **kwds)
14994class BinTransform(Transform):
14995    """BinTransform schema wrapper
14997    Mapping(required=[bin, field, as])
14999    Attributes
15000    ----------
15002    bin : anyOf(enum(True), :class:`BinParams`)
15003        An object indicating bin properties, or simply ``true`` for using default bin
15004        parameters.
15005    field : :class:`FieldName`
15006        The data field to bin.
15007    as : anyOf(:class:`FieldName`, List(:class:`FieldName`))
15008        The output fields at which to write the start and end bin values.
15009    """
15010    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/BinTransform'}
15012    def __init__(self, bin=Undefined, field=Undefined, **kwds):
15013        super(BinTransform, self).__init__(bin=bin, field=field, **kwds)
15016class CalculateTransform(Transform):
15017    """CalculateTransform schema wrapper
15019    Mapping(required=[calculate, as])
15021    Attributes
15022    ----------
15024    calculate : string
15025        A `expression <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/types.html#expression>`__
15026        string. Use the variable ``datum`` to refer to the current data object.
15027    as : :class:`FieldName`
15028        The field for storing the computed formula value.
15029    """
15030    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/CalculateTransform'}
15032    def __init__(self, calculate=Undefined, **kwds):
15033        super(CalculateTransform, self).__init__(calculate=calculate, **kwds)
15036class FilterTransform(Transform):
15037    """FilterTransform schema wrapper
15039    Mapping(required=[filter])
15041    Attributes
15042    ----------
15044    filter : :class:`LogicalOperandPredicate`
15045        The ``filter`` property must be one of the predicate definitions:
15047        1) an `expression <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/types.html#expression>`__
15048        string,
15049        where ``datum`` can be used to refer to the current data object
15051        2) one of the field predicates: `equal
15052        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/filter.html#equal-predicate>`__,
15053        `lt <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/filter.html#lt-predicate>`__,
15054        `lte <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/filter.html#lte-predicate>`__,
15055        `gt <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/filter.html#gt-predicate>`__,
15056        `gte <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/filter.html#gte-predicate>`__,
15057        `range <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/filter.html#range-predicate>`__,
15058        `oneOf <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/filter.html#one-of-predicate>`__,
15059        or `valid <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/filter.html#valid-predicate>`__,
15061        3) a `selection predicate
15062        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/filter.html#selection-predicate>`__
15064        4) a logical operand that combines (1), (2), or (3).
15065    """
15066    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FilterTransform'}
15068    def __init__(self, filter=Undefined, **kwds):
15069        super(FilterTransform, self).__init__(filter=filter, **kwds)
15072class FlattenTransform(Transform):
15073    """FlattenTransform schema wrapper
15075    Mapping(required=[flatten])
15077    Attributes
15078    ----------
15080    flatten : List(:class:`FieldName`)
15081        An array of one or more data fields containing arrays to flatten.
15082        If multiple fields are specified, their array values should have a parallel
15083        structure, ideally with the same length.
15084        If the lengths of parallel arrays do not match,
15085        the longest array will be used with ``null`` values added for missing entries.
15086    as : List(:class:`FieldName`)
15087        The output field names for extracted array values.
15089        **Default value:** The field name of the corresponding array field
15090    """
15091    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FlattenTransform'}
15093    def __init__(self, flatten=Undefined, **kwds):
15094        super(FlattenTransform, self).__init__(flatten=flatten, **kwds)
15097class FoldTransform(Transform):
15098    """FoldTransform schema wrapper
15100    Mapping(required=[fold])
15102    Attributes
15103    ----------
15105    fold : List(:class:`FieldName`)
15106        An array of data fields indicating the properties to fold.
15107    as : List([:class:`FieldName`, :class:`FieldName`])
15108        The output field names for the key and value properties produced by the fold
15109        transform.
15110        **Default value:** ``["key", "value"]``
15111    """
15112    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/FoldTransform'}
15114    def __init__(self, fold=Undefined, **kwds):
15115        super(FoldTransform, self).__init__(fold=fold, **kwds)
15118class ImputeTransform(Transform):
15119    """ImputeTransform schema wrapper
15121    Mapping(required=[impute, key])
15123    Attributes
15124    ----------
15126    impute : :class:`FieldName`
15127        The data field for which the missing values should be imputed.
15128    key : :class:`FieldName`
15129        A key field that uniquely identifies data objects within a group.
15130        Missing key values (those occurring in the data but not in the current group) will
15131        be imputed.
15132    frame : List(anyOf(None, float))
15133        A frame specification as a two-element array used to control the window over which
15134        the specified method is applied. The array entries should either be a number
15135        indicating the offset from the current data object, or null to indicate unbounded
15136        rows preceding or following the current data object.  For example, the value ``[-5,
15137        5]`` indicates that the window should include five objects preceding and five
15138        objects following the current object.
15140        **Default value:** :  ``[null, null]`` indicating that the window includes all
15141        objects.
15142    groupby : List(:class:`FieldName`)
15143        An optional array of fields by which to group the values.
15144        Imputation will then be performed on a per-group basis.
15145    keyvals : anyOf(List(Any), :class:`ImputeSequence`)
15146        Defines the key values that should be considered for imputation.
15147        An array of key values or an object defining a `number sequence
15148        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/impute.html#sequence-def>`__.
15150        If provided, this will be used in addition to the key values observed within the
15151        input data.  If not provided, the values will be derived from all unique values of
15152        the ``key`` field. For ``impute`` in ``encoding``, the key field is the x-field if
15153        the y-field is imputed, or vice versa.
15155        If there is no impute grouping, this property *must* be specified.
15156    method : :class:`ImputeMethod`
15157        The imputation method to use for the field value of imputed data objects.
15158        One of ``value``, ``mean``, ``median``, ``max`` or ``min``.
15160        **Default value:**  ``"value"``
15161    value : Any
15162        The field value to use when the imputation ``method`` is ``"value"``.
15163    """
15164    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ImputeTransform'}
15166    def __init__(self, impute=Undefined, key=Undefined, frame=Undefined, groupby=Undefined,
15167                 keyvals=Undefined, method=Undefined, value=Undefined, **kwds):
15168        super(ImputeTransform, self).__init__(impute=impute, key=key, frame=frame, groupby=groupby,
15169                                              keyvals=keyvals, method=method, value=value, **kwds)
15172class JoinAggregateTransform(Transform):
15173    """JoinAggregateTransform schema wrapper
15175    Mapping(required=[joinaggregate])
15177    Attributes
15178    ----------
15180    joinaggregate : List(:class:`JoinAggregateFieldDef`)
15181        The definition of the fields in the join aggregate, and what calculations to use.
15182    groupby : List(:class:`FieldName`)
15183        The data fields for partitioning the data objects into separate groups. If
15184        unspecified, all data points will be in a single group.
15185    """
15186    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/JoinAggregateTransform'}
15188    def __init__(self, joinaggregate=Undefined, groupby=Undefined, **kwds):
15189        super(JoinAggregateTransform, self).__init__(joinaggregate=joinaggregate, groupby=groupby,
15190                                                     **kwds)
15193class LookupTransform(Transform):
15194    """LookupTransform schema wrapper
15196    Mapping(required=[lookup, from])
15198    Attributes
15199    ----------
15201    lookup : :class:`FieldName`
15202        Key in primary data source.
15203    default : string
15204        The default value to use if lookup fails.
15206        **Default value:** ``null``
15207    as : anyOf(:class:`FieldName`, List(:class:`FieldName`))
15208        The field or fields for storing the computed formula value.
15209        If ``from.fields`` is specified, the transform will use the same names for ``as``.
15210        If ``from.fields`` is not specified, ``as`` has to be a string and we put the whole
15211        object into the data under the specified name.
15212    from : :class:`LookupData`
15213        Secondary data reference.
15214    """
15215    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/LookupTransform'}
15217    def __init__(self, lookup=Undefined, default=Undefined, **kwds):
15218        super(LookupTransform, self).__init__(lookup=lookup, default=default, **kwds)
15221class SampleTransform(Transform):
15222    """SampleTransform schema wrapper
15224    Mapping(required=[sample])
15226    Attributes
15227    ----------
15229    sample : float
15230        The maximum number of data objects to include in the sample.
15232        **Default value:** ``1000``
15233    """
15234    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/SampleTransform'}
15236    def __init__(self, sample=Undefined, **kwds):
15237        super(SampleTransform, self).__init__(sample=sample, **kwds)
15240class StackTransform(Transform):
15241    """StackTransform schema wrapper
15243    Mapping(required=[stack, groupby, as])
15245    Attributes
15246    ----------
15248    groupby : List(:class:`FieldName`)
15249        The data fields to group by.
15250    stack : :class:`FieldName`
15251        The field which is stacked.
15252    offset : enum('zero', 'center', 'normalize')
15253        Mode for stacking marks.
15254        **Default value:** ``"zero"``
15255    sort : List(:class:`SortField`)
15256        Field that determines the order of leaves in the stacked charts.
15257    as : anyOf(:class:`FieldName`, List(:class:`FieldName`))
15258        Output field names. This can be either a string or an array of strings with
15259        two elements denoting the name for the fields for stack start and stack end
15260        respectively.
15261        If a single string(eg."val") is provided, the end field will be "val_end".
15262    """
15263    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/StackTransform'}
15265    def __init__(self, groupby=Undefined, stack=Undefined, offset=Undefined, sort=Undefined, **kwds):
15266        super(StackTransform, self).__init__(groupby=groupby, stack=stack, offset=offset, sort=sort,
15267                                             **kwds)
15270class TimeUnitTransform(Transform):
15271    """TimeUnitTransform schema wrapper
15273    Mapping(required=[timeUnit, field, as])
15275    Attributes
15276    ----------
15278    field : :class:`FieldName`
15279        The data field to apply time unit.
15280    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
15281        The timeUnit.
15282    as : :class:`FieldName`
15283        The output field to write the timeUnit value.
15284    """
15285    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TimeUnitTransform'}
15287    def __init__(self, field=Undefined, timeUnit=Undefined, **kwds):
15288        super(TimeUnitTransform, self).__init__(field=field, timeUnit=timeUnit, **kwds)
15291class TypeForShape(VegaLiteSchema):
15292    """TypeForShape schema wrapper
15294    enum('nominal', 'ordinal', 'geojson')
15295    """
15296    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TypeForShape'}
15298    def __init__(self, *args):
15299        super(TypeForShape, self).__init__(*args)
15302class TypedFieldDef(VegaLiteSchema):
15303    """TypedFieldDef schema wrapper
15305    Mapping(required=[type])
15306    Definition object for a data field, its type and transformation of an encoding channel.
15308    Attributes
15309    ----------
15311    type : :class:`StandardType`
15312        The encoded field's type of measurement ( ``"quantitative"``, ``"temporal"``,
15313        ``"ordinal"``, or ``"nominal"`` ).
15314        It can also be a ``"geojson"`` type for encoding `'geoshape'
15315        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/geoshape.html>`__.
15317        **Note:**
15320        * Data values for a temporal field can be either a date-time string (e.g.,
15321          ``"2015-03-07 12:32:17"``, ``"17:01"``, ``"2015-03-16"``. ``"2015"`` ) or a
15322          timestamp number (e.g., ``1552199579097`` ).
15323        * Data ``type`` describes the semantics of the data rather than the primitive data
15324          types ( ``number``, ``string``, etc.). The same primitive data type can have
15325          different types of measurement. For example, numeric data can represent
15326          quantitative, ordinal, or nominal data.
15327        * When using with `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__, the
15328          ``type`` property can be either ``"quantitative"`` (for using a linear bin scale)
15329          or `"ordinal" (for using an ordinal bin scale)
15330          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
15331        * When using with `timeUnit
15332          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__, the ``type`` property
15333          can be either ``"temporal"`` (for using a temporal scale) or `"ordinal" (for using
15334          an ordinal scale) <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast-bin>`__.
15335        * When using with `aggregate
15336          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__, the ``type`` property
15337          refers to the post-aggregation data type. For example, we can calculate count
15338          ``distinct`` of a categorical field ``"cat"`` using ``{"aggregate": "distinct",
15339          "field": "cat", "type": "quantitative"}``. The ``"type"`` of the aggregate output
15340          is ``"quantitative"``.
15341        * Secondary channels (e.g., ``x2``, ``y2``, ``xError``, ``yError`` ) do not have
15342          ``type`` as they have exactly the same type as their primary channels (e.g.,
15343          ``x``, ``y`` ).
15345        **See also:** `type <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html>`__
15346        documentation.
15347    aggregate : :class:`Aggregate`
15348        Aggregation function for the field
15349        (e.g., ``mean``, ``sum``, ``median``, ``min``, ``max``, ``count`` ).
15351        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
15353        **See also:** `aggregate <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/aggregate.html>`__
15354        documentation.
15355    bin : anyOf(boolean, :class:`BinParams`, enum('binned'), None)
15356        A flag for binning a ``quantitative`` field, `an object defining binning parameters
15357        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html#params>`__, or indicating that the
15358        data for ``x`` or ``y`` channel are binned before they are imported into Vega-Lite (
15359        ``"binned"`` ).
15362        If ``true``, default `binning parameters
15363        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__ will be applied.
15365        If ``"binned"``, this indicates that the data for the ``x`` (or ``y`` ) channel are
15366        already binned. You can map the bin-start field to ``x`` (or ``y`` ) and the bin-end
15367        field to ``x2`` (or ``y2`` ). The scale and axis will be formatted similar to
15368        binning in Vega-lite.  To adjust the axis ticks based on the bin step, you can also
15369        set the axis's `tickMinStep
15370        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#ticks>`__ property.
15372        **Default value:** ``false``
15374        **See also:** `bin <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/bin.html>`__
15375        documentation.
15376    field : :class:`Field`
15377        **Required.** A string defining the name of the field from which to pull a data
15378        value
15379        or an object defining iterated values from the `repeat
15380        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/repeat.html>`__ operator.
15382        **See also:** `field <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__
15383        documentation.
15385        **Notes:**
15386        1)  Dots ( ``.`` ) and brackets ( ``[`` and ``]`` ) can be used to access nested
15387        objects (e.g., ``"field": "foo.bar"`` and ``"field": "foo['bar']"`` ).
15388        If field names contain dots or brackets but are not nested, you can use ``\\`` to
15389        escape dots and brackets (e.g., ``"a\\.b"`` and ``"a\\[0\\]"`` ).
15390        See more details about escaping in the `field documentation
15391        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/field.html>`__.
15392        2) ``field`` is not required if ``aggregate`` is ``count``.
15393    timeUnit : :class:`TimeUnit`
15394        Time unit (e.g., ``year``, ``yearmonth``, ``month``, ``hours`` ) for a temporal
15395        field.
15396        or `a temporal field that gets casted as ordinal
15397        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/type.html#cast>`__.
15399        **Default value:** ``undefined`` (None)
15401        **See also:** `timeUnit <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/timeunit.html>`__
15402        documentation.
15403    title : anyOf(string, None)
15404        A title for the field. If ``null``, the title will be removed.
15406        **Default value:**  derived from the field's name and transformation function (
15407        ``aggregate``, ``bin`` and ``timeUnit`` ).  If the field has an aggregate function,
15408        the function is displayed as part of the title (e.g., ``"Sum of Profit"`` ). If the
15409        field is binned or has a time unit applied, the applied function is shown in
15410        parentheses (e.g., ``"Profit (binned)"``, ``"Transaction Date (year-month)"`` ).
15411        Otherwise, the title is simply the field name.
15413        **Notes** :
15415        1) You can customize the default field title format by providing the `fieldTitle
15416        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html#top-level-config>`__ property in
15417        the `config <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/config.html>`__ or `fieldTitle
15418        function via the compile function's options
15419        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/compile.html#field-title>`__.
15421        2) If both field definition's ``title`` and axis, header, or legend ``title`` are
15422        defined, axis/header/legend title will be used.
15423    """
15424    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/TypedFieldDef'}
15426    def __init__(self, type=Undefined, aggregate=Undefined, bin=Undefined, field=Undefined,
15427                 timeUnit=Undefined, title=Undefined, **kwds):
15428        super(TypedFieldDef, self).__init__(type=type, aggregate=aggregate, bin=bin, field=field,
15429                                            timeUnit=timeUnit, title=title, **kwds)
15432class UnitSpec(VegaLiteSchema):
15433    """UnitSpec schema wrapper
15435    Mapping(required=[mark])
15436    Base interface for a unit (single-view) specification.
15438    Attributes
15439    ----------
15441    mark : :class:`AnyMark`
15442        A string describing the mark type (one of ``"bar"``, ``"circle"``, ``"square"``,
15443        ``"tick"``, ``"line"``,
15444        ``"area"``, ``"point"``, ``"rule"``, ``"geoshape"``, and ``"text"`` ) or a `mark
15445        definition object <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#mark-def>`__.
15446    data : anyOf(:class:`Data`, None)
15447        An object describing the data source. Set to ``null`` to ignore the parent's data
15448        source. If no data is set, it is derived from the parent.
15449    description : string
15450        Description of this mark for commenting purpose.
15451    encoding : :class:`Encoding`
15452        A key-value mapping between encoding channels and definition of fields.
15453    height : float
15454        The height of a visualization.
15456        **Default value:**
15459        * If a view's `autosize
15460          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#autosize>`__ type is ``"fit"`` or
15461          its y-channel has a `continuous scale
15462          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#continuous>`__, the height will
15463          be the value of `config.view.height
15464          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
15465        * For y-axis with a band or point scale: if `rangeStep
15466          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__ is a numeric value or
15467          unspecified, the height is `determined by the range step, paddings, and the
15468          cardinality of the field mapped to y-channel
15469          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__. Otherwise, if the
15470          ``rangeStep`` is ``null``, the height will be the value of `config.view.height
15471          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
15472        * If no field is mapped to ``y`` channel, the ``height`` will be the value of
15473          ``rangeStep``.
15475        **Note** : For plots with `row and column channels
15476        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/encoding.html#facet>`__, this represents the
15477        height of a single view.
15479        **See also:** The documentation for `width and height
15480        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html>`__ contains more examples.
15481    name : string
15482        Name of the visualization for later reference.
15483    projection : :class:`Projection`
15484        An object defining properties of geographic projection, which will be applied to
15485        ``shape`` path for ``"geoshape"`` marks
15486        and to ``latitude`` and ``"longitude"`` channels for other marks.
15487    selection : Mapping(required=[])
15488        A key-value mapping between selection names and definitions.
15489    title : anyOf(string, :class:`TitleParams`)
15490        Title for the plot.
15491    transform : List(:class:`Transform`)
15492        An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation.
15493    view : :class:`ViewBackground`
15494        An object defining the view background's fill and stroke.
15496        **Default value:** none (transparent)
15497    width : float
15498        The width of a visualization.
15500        **Default value:** This will be determined by the following rules:
15503        * If a view's `autosize
15504          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#autosize>`__ type is ``"fit"`` or
15505          its x-channel has a `continuous scale
15506          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#continuous>`__, the width will
15507          be the value of `config.view.width
15508          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
15509        * For x-axis with a band or point scale: if `rangeStep
15510          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__ is a numeric value or
15511          unspecified, the width is `determined by the range step, paddings, and the
15512          cardinality of the field mapped to x-channel
15513          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#band>`__.   Otherwise, if the
15514          ``rangeStep`` is ``null``, the width will be the value of `config.view.width
15515          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/spec.html#config>`__.
15516        * If no field is mapped to ``x`` channel, the ``width`` will be the value of
15517          `config.scale.textXRangeStep
15518          <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#default-width-and-height>`__ for
15519          ``text`` mark and the value of ``rangeStep`` for other marks.
15521        **Note:** For plots with `row and column channels
15522        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/encoding.html#facet>`__, this represents the
15523        width of a single view.
15525        **See also:** The documentation for `width and height
15526        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html>`__ contains more examples.
15527    """
15528    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/UnitSpec'}
15530    def __init__(self, mark=Undefined, data=Undefined, description=Undefined, encoding=Undefined,
15531                 height=Undefined, name=Undefined, projection=Undefined, selection=Undefined,
15532                 title=Undefined, transform=Undefined, view=Undefined, width=Undefined, **kwds):
15533        super(UnitSpec, self).__init__(mark=mark, data=data, description=description, encoding=encoding,
15534                                       height=height, name=name, projection=projection,
15535                                       selection=selection, title=title, transform=transform, view=view,
15536                                       width=width, **kwds)
15539class UrlData(DataSource):
15540    """UrlData schema wrapper
15542    Mapping(required=[url])
15544    Attributes
15545    ----------
15547    url : string
15548        An URL from which to load the data set. Use the ``format.type`` property
15549        to ensure the loaded data is correctly parsed.
15550    format : :class:`DataFormat`
15551        An object that specifies the format for parsing the data.
15552    name : string
15553        Provide a placeholder name and bind data at runtime.
15554    """
15555    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/UrlData'}
15557    def __init__(self, url=Undefined, format=Undefined, name=Undefined, **kwds):
15558        super(UrlData, self).__init__(url=url, format=format, name=name, **kwds)
15561class UtcMultiTimeUnit(MultiTimeUnit):
15562    """UtcMultiTimeUnit schema wrapper
15564    enum('utcyearquarter', 'utcyearquartermonth', 'utcyearmonth', 'utcyearmonthdate',
15565    'utcyearmonthdatehours', 'utcyearmonthdatehoursminutes',
15566    'utcyearmonthdatehoursminutesseconds', 'utcquartermonth', 'utcmonthdate',
15567    'utcmonthdatehours', 'utchoursminutes', 'utchoursminutesseconds', 'utcminutesseconds',
15568    'utcsecondsmilliseconds')
15569    """
15570    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/UtcMultiTimeUnit'}
15572    def __init__(self, *args):
15573        super(UtcMultiTimeUnit, self).__init__(*args)
15576class UtcSingleTimeUnit(SingleTimeUnit):
15577    """UtcSingleTimeUnit schema wrapper
15579    enum('utcyear', 'utcquarter', 'utcmonth', 'utcday', 'utcdate', 'utchours', 'utcminutes',
15580    'utcseconds', 'utcmilliseconds')
15581    """
15582    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/UtcSingleTimeUnit'}
15584    def __init__(self, *args):
15585        super(UtcSingleTimeUnit, self).__init__(*args)
15588class VConcatSpec(Spec):
15589    """VConcatSpec schema wrapper
15591    Mapping(required=[vconcat])
15592    Base interface for a vertical concatenation specification.
15594    Attributes
15595    ----------
15597    vconcat : List(:class:`Spec`)
15598        A list of views to be concatenated and put into a column.
15599    bounds : enum('full', 'flush')
15600        The bounds calculation method to use for determining the extent of a sub-plot. One
15601        of ``full`` (the default) or ``flush``.
15604        * If set to ``full``, the entire calculated bounds (including axes, title, and
15605          legend) will be used.
15606        * If set to ``flush``, only the specified width and height values for the sub-view
15607          will be used. The ``flush`` setting can be useful when attempting to place
15608          sub-plots without axes or legends into a uniform grid structure.
15610        **Default value:** ``"full"``
15611    center : boolean
15612        Boolean flag indicating if subviews should be centered relative to their respective
15613        rows or columns.
15615        **Default value:** ``false``
15616    data : anyOf(:class:`Data`, None)
15617        An object describing the data source. Set to ``null`` to ignore the parent's data
15618        source. If no data is set, it is derived from the parent.
15619    description : string
15620        Description of this mark for commenting purpose.
15621    name : string
15622        Name of the visualization for later reference.
15623    resolve : :class:`Resolve`
15624        Scale, axis, and legend resolutions for view composition specifications.
15625    spacing : float
15626        The spacing in pixels between sub-views of the concat operator.
15628        **Default value** : ``10``
15629    title : anyOf(string, :class:`TitleParams`)
15630        Title for the plot.
15631    transform : List(:class:`Transform`)
15632        An array of data transformations such as filter and new field calculation.
15633    """
15634    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/VConcatSpec'}
15636    def __init__(self, vconcat=Undefined, bounds=Undefined, center=Undefined, data=Undefined,
15637                 description=Undefined, name=Undefined, resolve=Undefined, spacing=Undefined,
15638                 title=Undefined, transform=Undefined, **kwds):
15639        super(VConcatSpec, self).__init__(vconcat=vconcat, bounds=bounds, center=center, data=data,
15640                                          description=description, name=name, resolve=resolve,
15641                                          spacing=spacing, title=title, transform=transform, **kwds)
15644class Value(VegaLiteSchema):
15645    """Value schema wrapper
15647    anyOf(float, string, boolean, None)
15648    """
15649    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/Value'}
15651    def __init__(self, *args):
15652        super(Value, self).__init__(*args)
15655class ValueDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShapestringnull(VegaLiteSchema):
15656    """ValueDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShapestringnull schema wrapper
15658    Mapping(required=[])
15659    A ValueDef with Condition<ValueDef | FieldDef> where either the condition or the value are
15660    optional.
15662    Attributes
15663    ----------
15665    condition : anyOf(:class:`ConditionalMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShape`,
15666    :class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`, List(:class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`))
15667        A field definition or one or more value definition(s) with a selection predicate.
15668    value : anyOf(string, None)
15669        A constant value in visual domain (e.g., ``"red"`` / "#0099ff" for color, values
15670        between ``0`` to ``1`` for opacity).
15671    """
15672    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ValueDefWithCondition<MarkPropFieldDef<TypeForShape>,(string|null)>'}
15674    def __init__(self, condition=Undefined, value=Undefined, **kwds):
15675        super(ValueDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefTypeForShapestringnull, self).__init__(condition=condition,
15676                                                                                          value=value,
15677                                                                                          **kwds)
15680class ValueDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefnumber(VegaLiteSchema):
15681    """ValueDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefnumber schema wrapper
15683    Mapping(required=[])
15684    A ValueDef with Condition<ValueDef | FieldDef> where either the condition or the value are
15685    optional.
15687    Attributes
15688    ----------
15690    condition : anyOf(:class:`ConditionalMarkPropFieldDef`, :class:`ConditionalNumberValueDef`,
15691    List(:class:`ConditionalNumberValueDef`))
15692        A field definition or one or more value definition(s) with a selection predicate.
15693    value : float
15694        A constant value in visual domain (e.g., ``"red"`` / "#0099ff" for color, values
15695        between ``0`` to ``1`` for opacity).
15696    """
15697    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ValueDefWithCondition<MarkPropFieldDef,number>'}
15699    def __init__(self, condition=Undefined, value=Undefined, **kwds):
15700        super(ValueDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefnumber, self).__init__(condition=condition,
15701                                                                          value=value, **kwds)
15704class ValueDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefstringnull(VegaLiteSchema):
15705    """ValueDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefstringnull schema wrapper
15707    Mapping(required=[])
15708    A ValueDef with Condition<ValueDef | FieldDef> where either the condition or the value are
15709    optional.
15711    Attributes
15712    ----------
15714    condition : anyOf(:class:`ConditionalMarkPropFieldDef`, :class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`,
15715    List(:class:`ConditionalStringValueDef`))
15716        A field definition or one or more value definition(s) with a selection predicate.
15717    value : anyOf(string, None)
15718        A constant value in visual domain (e.g., ``"red"`` / "#0099ff" for color, values
15719        between ``0`` to ``1`` for opacity).
15720    """
15721    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ValueDefWithCondition<MarkPropFieldDef,(string|null)>'}
15723    def __init__(self, condition=Undefined, value=Undefined, **kwds):
15724        super(ValueDefWithConditionMarkPropFieldDefstringnull, self).__init__(condition=condition,
15725                                                                              value=value, **kwds)
15728class ValueDefWithConditionTextFieldDefValue(VegaLiteSchema):
15729    """ValueDefWithConditionTextFieldDefValue schema wrapper
15731    Mapping(required=[])
15732    A ValueDef with Condition<ValueDef | FieldDef> where either the condition or the value are
15733    optional.
15735    Attributes
15736    ----------
15738    condition : anyOf(:class:`ConditionalTextFieldDef`, :class:`ConditionalValueDef`,
15739    List(:class:`ConditionalValueDef`))
15740        A field definition or one or more value definition(s) with a selection predicate.
15741    value : :class:`Value`
15742        A constant value in visual domain (e.g., ``"red"`` / "#0099ff" for color, values
15743        between ``0`` to ``1`` for opacity).
15744    """
15745    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ValueDefWithCondition<TextFieldDef,Value>'}
15747    def __init__(self, condition=Undefined, value=Undefined, **kwds):
15748        super(ValueDefWithConditionTextFieldDefValue, self).__init__(condition=condition, value=value,
15749                                                                     **kwds)
15752class ViewBackground(VegaLiteSchema):
15753    """ViewBackground schema wrapper
15755    Mapping(required=[])
15757    Attributes
15758    ----------
15760    cornerRadius : float
15761        The radius in pixels of rounded rectangle corners.
15763        **Default value:** ``0``
15764    fill : anyOf(:class:`Color`, None)
15765        The fill color.
15767        **Default value:** ``undefined``
15768    fillOpacity : float
15769        The fill opacity (value between [0,1]).
15771        **Default value:** ``1``
15772    opacity : float
15773        The overall opacity (value between [0,1]).
15775        **Default value:** ``0.7`` for non-aggregate plots with ``point``, ``tick``,
15776        ``circle``, or ``square`` marks or layered ``bar`` charts and ``1`` otherwise.
15777    stroke : anyOf(:class:`Color`, None)
15778        The stroke color.
15780        **Default value:** ``"#ddd"``
15781    strokeCap : :class:`StrokeCap`
15782        The stroke cap for line ending style. One of ``"butt"``, ``"round"``, or
15783        ``"square"``.
15785        **Default value:** ``"square"``
15786    strokeDash : List(float)
15787        An array of alternating stroke, space lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines.
15788    strokeDashOffset : float
15789        The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the stroke dash array.
15790    strokeJoin : :class:`StrokeJoin`
15791        The stroke line join method. One of ``"miter"``, ``"round"`` or ``"bevel"``.
15793        **Default value:** ``"miter"``
15794    strokeMiterLimit : float
15795        The miter limit at which to bevel a line join.
15796    strokeOpacity : float
15797        The stroke opacity (value between [0,1]).
15799        **Default value:** ``1``
15800    strokeWidth : float
15801        The stroke width, in pixels.
15802    style : anyOf(string, List(string))
15803        A string or array of strings indicating the name of custom styles to apply to the
15804        view background. A style is a named collection of mark property defaults defined
15805        within the `style configuration
15806        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/mark.html#style-config>`__. If style is an
15807        array, later styles will override earlier styles.
15809        **Default value:** ``"cell"``
15810        **Note:** Any specified view background properties will augment the default style.
15811    """
15812    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ViewBackground'}
15814    def __init__(self, cornerRadius=Undefined, fill=Undefined, fillOpacity=Undefined, opacity=Undefined,
15815                 stroke=Undefined, strokeCap=Undefined, strokeDash=Undefined,
15816                 strokeDashOffset=Undefined, strokeJoin=Undefined, strokeMiterLimit=Undefined,
15817                 strokeOpacity=Undefined, strokeWidth=Undefined, style=Undefined, **kwds):
15818        super(ViewBackground, self).__init__(cornerRadius=cornerRadius, fill=fill,
15819                                             fillOpacity=fillOpacity, opacity=opacity, stroke=stroke,
15820                                             strokeCap=strokeCap, strokeDash=strokeDash,
15821                                             strokeDashOffset=strokeDashOffset, strokeJoin=strokeJoin,
15822                                             strokeMiterLimit=strokeMiterLimit,
15823                                             strokeOpacity=strokeOpacity, strokeWidth=strokeWidth,
15824                                             style=style, **kwds)
15827class ViewConfig(VegaLiteSchema):
15828    """ViewConfig schema wrapper
15830    Mapping(required=[])
15832    Attributes
15833    ----------
15835    clip : boolean
15836        Whether the view should be clipped.
15837    cornerRadius : float
15838        The radius in pixels of rounded rectangle corners.
15840        **Default value:** ``0``
15841    fill : anyOf(:class:`Color`, None)
15842        The fill color.
15844        **Default value:** ``undefined``
15845    fillOpacity : float
15846        The fill opacity (value between [0,1]).
15848        **Default value:** ``1``
15849    height : float
15850        The default height of the single plot or each plot in a trellis plot when the
15851        visualization has a continuous (non-ordinal) y-scale with ``rangeStep`` = ``null``.
15853        **Default value:** ``200``
15854    opacity : float
15855        The overall opacity (value between [0,1]).
15857        **Default value:** ``0.7`` for non-aggregate plots with ``point``, ``tick``,
15858        ``circle``, or ``square`` marks or layered ``bar`` charts and ``1`` otherwise.
15859    stroke : anyOf(:class:`Color`, None)
15860        The stroke color.
15862        **Default value:** ``"#ddd"``
15863    strokeCap : :class:`StrokeCap`
15864        The stroke cap for line ending style. One of ``"butt"``, ``"round"``, or
15865        ``"square"``.
15867        **Default value:** ``"square"``
15868    strokeDash : List(float)
15869        An array of alternating stroke, space lengths for creating dashed or dotted lines.
15870    strokeDashOffset : float
15871        The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the stroke dash array.
15872    strokeJoin : :class:`StrokeJoin`
15873        The stroke line join method. One of ``"miter"``, ``"round"`` or ``"bevel"``.
15875        **Default value:** ``"miter"``
15876    strokeMiterLimit : float
15877        The miter limit at which to bevel a line join.
15878    strokeOpacity : float
15879        The stroke opacity (value between [0,1]).
15881        **Default value:** ``1``
15882    strokeWidth : float
15883        The stroke width, in pixels.
15884    width : float
15885        The default width of the single plot or each plot in a trellis plot when the
15886        visualization has a continuous (non-ordinal) x-scale or ordinal x-scale with
15887        ``rangeStep`` = ``null``.
15889        **Default value:** ``200``
15890    """
15891    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/ViewConfig'}
15893    def __init__(self, clip=Undefined, cornerRadius=Undefined, fill=Undefined, fillOpacity=Undefined,
15894                 height=Undefined, opacity=Undefined, stroke=Undefined, strokeCap=Undefined,
15895                 strokeDash=Undefined, strokeDashOffset=Undefined, strokeJoin=Undefined,
15896                 strokeMiterLimit=Undefined, strokeOpacity=Undefined, strokeWidth=Undefined,
15897                 width=Undefined, **kwds):
15898        super(ViewConfig, self).__init__(clip=clip, cornerRadius=cornerRadius, fill=fill,
15899                                         fillOpacity=fillOpacity, height=height, opacity=opacity,
15900                                         stroke=stroke, strokeCap=strokeCap, strokeDash=strokeDash,
15901                                         strokeDashOffset=strokeDashOffset, strokeJoin=strokeJoin,
15902                                         strokeMiterLimit=strokeMiterLimit, strokeOpacity=strokeOpacity,
15903                                         strokeWidth=strokeWidth, width=width, **kwds)
15906class WindowFieldDef(VegaLiteSchema):
15907    """WindowFieldDef schema wrapper
15909    Mapping(required=[op, as])
15911    Attributes
15912    ----------
15914    op : anyOf(:class:`AggregateOp`, :class:`WindowOnlyOp`)
15915        The window or aggregation operation to apply within a window (e.g., ``rank``,
15916        ``lead``, ``sum``, ``average`` or ``count`` ). See the list of all supported
15917        operations `here <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/window.html#ops>`__.
15918    field : :class:`FieldName`
15919        The data field for which to compute the aggregate or window function. This can be
15920        omitted for window functions that do not operate over a field such as ``count``,
15921        ``rank``, ``dense_rank``.
15922    param : float
15923        Parameter values for the window functions. Parameter values can be omitted for
15924        operations that do not accept a parameter.
15926        See the list of all supported operations and their parameters `here
15927        <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/transforms/window.html>`__.
15928    as : :class:`FieldName`
15929        The output name for the window operation.
15930    """
15931    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/WindowFieldDef'}
15933    def __init__(self, op=Undefined, field=Undefined, param=Undefined, **kwds):
15934        super(WindowFieldDef, self).__init__(op=op, field=field, param=param, **kwds)
15937class WindowOnlyOp(VegaLiteSchema):
15938    """WindowOnlyOp schema wrapper
15940    enum('row_number', 'rank', 'dense_rank', 'percent_rank', 'cume_dist', 'ntile', 'lag',
15941    'lead', 'first_value', 'last_value', 'nth_value')
15942    """
15943    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/WindowOnlyOp'}
15945    def __init__(self, *args):
15946        super(WindowOnlyOp, self).__init__(*args)
15949class WindowTransform(Transform):
15950    """WindowTransform schema wrapper
15952    Mapping(required=[window])
15954    Attributes
15955    ----------
15957    window : List(:class:`WindowFieldDef`)
15958        The definition of the fields in the window, and what calculations to use.
15959    frame : List(anyOf(None, float))
15960        A frame specification as a two-element array indicating how the sliding window
15961        should proceed. The array entries should either be a number indicating the offset
15962        from the current data object, or null to indicate unbounded rows preceding or
15963        following the current data object. The default value is ``[null, 0]``, indicating
15964        that the sliding window includes the current object and all preceding objects. The
15965        value ``[-5, 5]`` indicates that the window should include five objects preceding
15966        and five objects following the current object. Finally, ``[null, null]`` indicates
15967        that the window frame should always include all data objects. If you this frame and
15968        want to assign the same value to add objects, you can use the simpler `join
15969        aggregate transform <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/joinaggregate.html>`__.
15970        The only operators affected are the aggregation operations and the ``first_value``,
15971        ``last_value``, and ``nth_value`` window operations. The other window operations are
15972        not affected by this.
15974        **Default value:** :  ``[null, 0]`` (includes the current object and all preceding
15975        objects)
15976    groupby : List(:class:`FieldName`)
15977        The data fields for partitioning the data objects into separate windows. If
15978        unspecified, all data points will be in a single window.
15979    ignorePeers : boolean
15980        Indicates if the sliding window frame should ignore peer values (data that are
15981        considered identical by the sort criteria). The default is false, causing the window
15982        frame to expand to include all peer values. If set to true, the window frame will be
15983        defined by offset values only. This setting only affects those operations that
15984        depend on the window frame, namely aggregation operations and the first_value,
15985        last_value, and nth_value window operations.
15987        **Default value:** ``false``
15988    sort : List(:class:`SortField`)
15989        A sort field definition for sorting data objects within a window. If two data
15990        objects are considered equal by the comparator, they are considered “peer” values of
15991        equal rank. If sort is not specified, the order is undefined: data objects are
15992        processed in the order they are observed and none are considered peers (the
15993        ignorePeers parameter is ignored and treated as if set to ``true`` ).
15994    """
15995    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/WindowTransform'}
15997    def __init__(self, window=Undefined, frame=Undefined, groupby=Undefined, ignorePeers=Undefined,
15998                 sort=Undefined, **kwds):
15999        super(WindowTransform, self).__init__(window=window, frame=frame, groupby=groupby,
16000                                              ignorePeers=ignorePeers, sort=sort, **kwds)
16003class XValueDef(VegaLiteSchema):
16004    """XValueDef schema wrapper
16006    Mapping(required=[value])
16007    Definition object for a constant value of an encoding channel.
16009    Attributes
16010    ----------
16012    value : anyOf(float, enum('width'))
16013        A constant value in visual domain (e.g., ``"red"`` / "#0099ff" for color, values
16014        between ``0`` to ``1`` for opacity).
16015    """
16016    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/XValueDef'}
16018    def __init__(self, value=Undefined, **kwds):
16019        super(XValueDef, self).__init__(value=value, **kwds)
16022class YValueDef(VegaLiteSchema):
16023    """YValueDef schema wrapper
16025    Mapping(required=[value])
16026    Definition object for a constant value of an encoding channel.
16028    Attributes
16029    ----------
16031    value : anyOf(float, enum('height'))
16032        A constant value in visual domain (e.g., ``"red"`` / "#0099ff" for color, values
16033        between ``0`` to ``1`` for opacity).
16034    """
16035    _schema = {'$ref': '#/definitions/YValueDef'}
16037    def __init__(self, value=Undefined, **kwds):
16038        super(YValueDef, self).__init__(value=value, **kwds)