1.. _software_using_gdal:
4Software using GDAL
7- `3D DEM Viewer <http://www.msmacrosystem.nl/Ilwis/index.html>`_ from MS MacroSystem.
8- `actinia <https://actinia.mundialis.de/>`_ A cloud based geoprocessing platform from mundialis.
9- `Biodiverse <http://shawnlaffan.github.io/biodiverse>`_ A tool for the spatial analysis of diversity. Uses GDAL for import/export of data.
10- `Bluemapia <http://www.bluemapia.com>`_ Multi-Map(Google,Microsoft,Open Street Map, NOAA/BSB Charts,self-calibrated raster) location-based GPS app for Windows Mobile.
11- `BRL-CAD <https://brlcad.org>`_ An open source solid modeling computer-aided design system.
12- `Cadcorp SIS: <http://www.cadcorp.com>`_ A Windows GIS with a GDAL and OGR plugins.
13- `CARTO <http://www.carto.com>`_ A cloud mapping platform to analyze and visualize geospatial data.
14- `Cartographica <http://www.macgis.com>`_ Macintosh GIS package.
15- `CatchmentSIM <http://www.csse.com.au/catchmentsim>`_  A Windows terrain analysis model for hydrologic applications.
16- `Daylon Leveller <http://www.daylongraphics.com/products/leveller.php>`_ A terrain/heightfield/bumpmap modeler
17- `Demeter <http://demeter.sourceforge.net/>`_ Another OpenGL based terrain engine somewhat similar to VTP.
18- `Eonfusion <http://www.eonfusion.com>`_  Analysis and visualization of time-varying spatial datasets integrated via true data fusion.
19- `EOxServer <http://eoxserver.org>`_  OGC-compliant server for Earth Observation (EO) data supporting WMS and WCS with EO application profiles.
20- `ERDAS ER Viewer  <https://www.hexagongeospatial.com/products/power-portfolio/other-producer-products/erdas-er-viewer>`_ Image viewer for very large JPEG 2000 and ECW files.
21- `ESRI ArcGIS 9.2+ <http://www.esri.com>`_  A popular GIS platform.
22- `Eternix Blaze <http://www.eternix.co.il>`_ Advanced geo-spatial visualization application and SDK.
23- `exactextract <https://github.com/isciences/exactextract>`_ Fast and accurate raster/vector zonal statistics.
24- `FalconView  <http://www.falconview.org>`_  Windows-based GIS platform with roots in military mission planning, now available as a free GIS visualization and analysis package.
25- `Feature Data Objects (FDO)  <http://fdo.osgeo.org>`_  Open source spatial data access libraries.
26- `Fiona  <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Fiona>`_  Fiona is OGR's neater API – sleek and elegant on the outside, indomitable power on the inside.
27- `flighttrack  <http://flighttrack.sourceforge.net>`_  GPS track viewing and downloading software for Mac.
28- `FME  <http://www.safe.com>`_  A GIS translator package includes a GDAL plugin.
29- `GdalToTiles  <http://www.codeplex.com/gdal2tilescsharp>`_  C# Program (open source) for making image tiles for Google Earth with KML Superoverlay.
30- `GenGIS  <http://kiwi.cs.dal.ca/GenGIS>`_  Software for geospatial analysis of genetic data.
31- `Geographic Imager  <http://www.avenza.com/geographic-imager>`_  DEM / aerial / satellite image processing GIS plug-in for Adobe Photoshop, by Avenza Systems.
32- `GeoDa  <http://geodacenter.github.io/index.html>`_  Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis (spatial autocorrelation and spatial regression)
33- `GeoDjango  <http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/GeoDjango>`_  A framework for building geographic web applications.
34- `GeoDMS  <http://www.objectvision.nl/geodms>`_  A framework for building spatial calculation models.
35- `GeoKettle  <http://www.spatialytics.org/projects/geokettle>`_  An open source spatial ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) tool.
36- `GeoFusion  <http://www.geofusion.com>`_  3D visualization.
37- `GeoNotebook  <https://github.com/OpenGeoscience/geonotebook>`_  a Jupyter notebook extension for geospatial visualization and analysis.
38- `GeoServer  <http://geoserver.org>`_  a open source software server written in Java that allows users to share and edit geospatial data.
39- `GeoView Pro  <http://www.geoviewpro.com>`_  IOS mobile mapping application.
40- `Geoweb3d  <http://www.geoweb3d.com>`_  A 3D virtual globe that provides on-the-fly, game-quality visualization of GIS data.
41- `GMT (Generic Mapping Tools)  <http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu>`_  an open source collection of tools for processing and displaying xy and xyz datasets.
42- `Google Earth  <http://earth.google.com>`_  A 3D world viewer.
43- `GPSeismic  <http://www.gpseismic.com>`_  A suite of applications for seismic survey.
44- `GRASS GIS  <http://grass.osgeo.org>`_  A raster/vector open source GIS that uses GDAL for raster/vector import and export (via r.in.gdal/r.out.gdal)
45- `gstat  <http://www.gstat.org>`_  a geostatistical modelling package.
46- `GuidosToolbox  <https://forest.jrc.ec.europa.eu/en/activities/lpa/gtb/>`_  A multi-platform desktop application for generic image object analysis.
47- `gvSIG  <http://www.gvsig.com>`_  Desktop GIS Client.
48- `HydroDaVE Explorer  <http://www.hydrodave.com>`_  A web-enabled client that provides users an easy to use, secure, and reliable data management platform to efficiently manage, access, and analyze environmental data.
49- `IDRISI  <http://www.idrisi.com>`_  A GIS and Image Processing Windows Desktop application. Uses GDAL to import/export/warp raster data.
50- `ILWIS  <http://www.itc.nl/ilwis>`_  Remote Sensing and GIS Desktop Package.
51- `Image I/O-Ext  <https://github.com/geosolutions-it/imageio-ext>`_  includes gdalframework, a framework leveraging on GDAL via SWIG's generated JAVA bindings to provide support for a broad set of data formats.
52- `Infraworks  <https://www.autodesk.com/products/infraworks/overview>`_  a BIM software for infrastructure project design, part of the Autodesk suite.
53- `iShare  <http://astuntechnology.com/ishare>`_  Web data integration and publishing platform by Astun Technology.
54- `libLAS  <https://liblas.org>`_  Open Source LAS 1.0/1.1 ASPRS LiDAR data translation toolset
55- `Loader  <https://github.com/AstunTechnology/Loader>`_  A simple loader for geographic data in GML and KML that needs some preparation before loading via ogr2ogr.
56- `Makai Voyager  <http://voyager.makai.com>`_  An advanced 3D/4D geospatial visualization platform.
57- `MapGuide  <http://mapguide.osgeo.org>`_  Open source web mapping server.
58- `MapInfo Professional  <http://www.mapinfo.com/product/mapinfo-professional>`_  Desktop GIS and mapping application
59- `Mapnik  <http://mapnik.org>`_  C++/ Python mapping toolkit
60- `MapServer  <http://mapserver.org/index.html>`_  A popular web mapping application with GDAL support.
61- `MapTiler  <http://www.maptiler.com>`_  Generator of tiles for interactive maps and overlays made from raster images and geodata.
62- `Maptitude Mapping Software <http://www.caliper.com/maptitude/mappingsoftware.htm>`_  Desktop GIS and business mapping application
63- `MapWindow  <http://www.mapwindow.org>`_  open source ActiveX control with GIS functionality.
64- `MicroImages TNT <http://www.microimages.com>`_  advanced software for geospatial analysis (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and UNIX)
65- `Micromine  <http://www.micromine.com>`_  A mining software solution that uses GDAL for reading/writing various geospatial file formats.
66- `Mirone  <http://w3.ualg.pt/~jluis/mirone>`_  Matlab based package for geospatial, oceanographic and geophysical analysis of grids
67- `Mygeodata Converter  <http://mygeodata.eu/apps/converter/index_EN.html>`_  Online converter of GDAL raster and OGR vector formats
68- `NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline  <https://ti.arc.nasa.gov/tech/asr/groups/intelligent-robotics/ngt/stereo/>`_  Software for creating terrain models and ortho images from planetary stereo images.
69- `NASA WorldWind  <https://worldwind.arc.nasa.gov/>`_   Multiplatform virtual globe library to quickly and easily create interactive visualizations of 3D globes, map and geographical information.
70- `NextGIS Formbuilder  <http://nextgis.com/nextgis-formbuilder>`_ Desktop application for creating and editing forms.
71- `NextGIS Web  <http://nextgis.com/nextgis-web>`_ Server-side Web GIS and a framework for storage, visualization and permissions management of all kinds
72- `Ogr2 GUI  <http://www.ogr2gui.ca/en/index.php>`_ Graphical user interface for ogr2ogr
73- `OPALS  <http://www.ipf.tuwien.ac.at/opals>`_ Orientation and Processing of Airborne Laser Scanning Data
74- `OpenCPN  <http://opencpn.org>`_  A concise ChartPlotter/Navigator. A cross-platform ship-borne GUI application.
75- `OpenEV  <http://openev.sourceforge.net>`_  An OpenGL/GTK/Python based graphical viewer which exclusively uses GDAL for raster access.
76- `OFGT <http://openforis.org/OFwiki/index.php/Open_Foris_Geospatial_Toolkit>`_  a collection of utilities for multipurpose forest monitoring under the `Open Foris Initiative <http://km.fao.org/OFwiki/index.php/Main_Page>`_ Open Foris Initiative.
77- `OpenFLUID  <https://www.openfluid-project.org>`_  a software platform for spatial modelling of landscapes dynamics
78- `OpenSceneGraph  <http://www.openscenegraph.org>`_  3D rendering engine with `osgdem <http://www.openscenegraph.org/projects/osg/wiki/Support/UserGuides/osgdem>`_ and `osgEarth <http://wush.net/trac/osgearth/wiki/Downloads>`_ plugins.
79- `Opticks  <http://opticks.org>`_  an open source remote sensing application and development framework, with a GDAL plugin.
80- `Orfeo Toolbox (OTB)  <http://www.orfeo-toolbox.org>`_  a general remote sensing image processing library.
81- `OSSIM  <http://www.ossim.org>`_  Another geospatial viewing and analysis environment which uses GDAL as one of several plugins.
82- `PDAL  <https://pdal.io>`_  Point Cloud Data Abstraction Library
83- `pktools  <http://pktools.nongnu.org/html/index.html>`_  open source (GPLv3) tools written in C++ for remote sensing image processing
84- `PNMapcalc  <http://pawel.netzel.pl/index.php?id=software#a_mapcalc>`_  A raster map calculator with C-like scripting language.
85- `PostGIS  <http://www.postgis.net>`_ spatial database extender for PostgreSQL: The raster loader and many of the raster SQL functions rely on GDAL.
86- `PostgreSQL OGR Foreign Data Wrapper <https://github.com/pramsey/pgsql-ogr-fdw>`_ Expose OGR layer as PostgreSQL foreign tables.
87- `Procura  <http://www.michellcomputing.co.uk/procura.html>`_ Landholding inspection system developed for the UK Homes and Communities Agency. GDAL is used for checking out background mapping.
88- `PYXIS <http://www.pyxisinnovation.com>`_  An application for viewing performing analysis and modeling on user's geo-located data.
89- `QGIS <http://www.qgis.org>`_ A cross platform desktop GIS.
90- `QLandkarte GT <http://qlandkarte.org>`_  GT is the ultimate outdoor aficionado's tool for GPS maps in GeoTiff format as well as Garmin's img vector map format.
91- `R <http://www.r-project.org>`_ A free software environment for statistical computing and graphics, with bindings to GDAL via the rgdal package.
92- `Rasterix  <https://github.com/mogasw/rasterix/>`_  A cross platform open source utility to process raster data based on Qt and GDAL.
93- `SAGA GIS  <http://www.saga-gis.org/en/index.html>`_ A free geographic information system (GIS), with a special 'Application Programming Interface' (API) for geographic data processing.
94- `ScanMagic  <http://www.scanex.ru>`_ Win32 application for visualization, analysis and processing of remote sensing data.
95- `Scalable Algorithmics (SCALGO)  <http://scalgo.com>`_  Software for efficiently constructing and performing computations on very large raster and TIN terrain models.
96- `Scenomics  <http://www.scenomics.com>`_  Software for building terrain databases uses GDAL for projection and data import/export.
97- `scenProc  <http://www.scenerydesign.org/scenproc>`_ scenProc: A tool to create scenery for Microsoft Flight Simulator and Lockheed Martin Prepar3D by processing G
98- `SeaView  <https://www.seaviewgis.com>`_  A 3D GIS package for geophysical and hydrographical data (side scan sonar, subbottom profiler, magnetometer, multibeam, etc.
99- `SkylineGlobe  <http://www.skylineglobe.com>`_  The Skyline suite of interactive applications allows you to build, view, query and analyze customized, virtual 3D landscapes.
100- `SNAP  <http://step.esa.int/main/toolboxes/snap>`_  Sentinel Application Platform for Earth Observation processing and analysis.
101- `SpacEyes3D  <http://www.spaceyes.com>`_  3D visualization software for cartographic data.
102- `Spatial Manager  <http://www.spatialmanager.com>`_  A product suite designed designed to manage spatial data in a simple, fast and inexpensive way. Uses GDAL to import/export data.
103- `Carmenta Engine  <http://www.carmenta.com>`_ (previously known as SpatialAce): A GIS Rapid Application Development environment
104- `StarSpan  <https://github.com/Ecotrust/starspan>`_  raster/vector analysis.
105- `TacitView  <https://www.insitu.com/information-delivery/information-processing/tacitview>`_  An imagery visualization and exploitation package for military intelligence.
106- `TatukGIS  <http://www.tatukgis.com>`_  Desktop GIS mapping and data editing application.
107- `TerraGo Technologies  <http://www.terragotech.com>`_  The GeoPDF file format is used to distribute and collaborate geospatial data and uses GDAL for data import/export.
108- `t-rex  <http://t-rex.tileserver.ch>`_  Vector tile server written in Rust.
109- `TerrainView  <http://www.viewtec.net>`_  Interactive real-time 3D GIS Software.
110- `Thuban  <http://thuban.intevation.org>`_  A multi-platform interactive geographic data viewer.
111- `TransCAD GIS  <http://www.caliper.com>`_  Desktop Transportation Analysis Software
112- `TravTime  <http://www.geostats.com/product_trav.htm>`_  .NET Application for visualizing, processing and analyzing GPS data for travel time, speed, and de
113- `VectorWorks <http://www.vectorworks.net>`_ The Vectorworks line of software products provides professional design solutions in the AEC, entertainment and landscape design industries.
114- `Vertual Terrain Project  <http://www.vterrain.org>`_  fostering tools for easy construction of the real world in interactive, 3D digital form.
115- `ViRGiS <https://www.virgis.org/>`__ Creating a GIS Platform in Virtual Reality / Mixed Reality
116- `WindNinja  <https://www.firelab.org/project/windninja>`_  wind model for fire behavior modeling.