1# Version 2.3.0 (2019-12-20)
3We closed a total of 11 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 5 pull requests, since our last release on 2019-09-06.
5## Issues Closed
6  - (ENH) Extend functions for Markov classes to deal with non-ergodic Markov chains (#109)
7  - travis CI: pip install from git clone (#126)
8  - rewrite utility function "get_lower" using numpy's more efficient functionality (#125)
9  - Release version 2.2.2 for bug fix  (#121)
10  - prepare for new release: version 2.2.2  (#123)
11  - remove the parameter in plt.show() due to the API change in Matplotlib (deprecation) (#122)
13## Pull Requests
14  - (ENH) Extend functions for Markov classes to deal with non-ergodic Markov chains (#109)
15  - travis CI: pip install from git clone (#126)
16  - rewrite utility function "get_lower" using numpy's more efficient functionality (#125)
17  - prepare for new release: version 2.2.2  (#123)
18  - remove the parameter in plt.show() due to the API change in Matplotlib (deprecation) (#122)
20The following individuals contributed to this release:
22  - Wei Kang
23  - James Gaboardi
25# Version 2.2.2 (2019-09-06)
27We closed a total of 21 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 9 pull requests, since our last release on 2019-07-25.
29## Issues Closed
30  - remove the parameter in plt.show() due to the API change in Matplotlib (deprecation) (#122)
31  - development guidelines link in README.md (#119)
32  - BUG: Fix for correct handling of ties in Tau (#118)
33  - resolving broken dev link (#120)
34  - initialization of ECount parameter in Kendall's Tau (#117)
35  - (bug) debug travis-ci  (#116)
36  - docs building is failing (#114)
37  - (docs, bug) fix docs building and configure nbsphinx to work with binder in docs tutorials (#115)
38  -  (docs) rename notebooks for configuring nbsphinx and binder (#113)
39  - docs updates for v2.2.1 (#112)
40  - update dependency versions (#111)
41  - Prepare for new release 2.2.1 which will have the addition of sequence methods (#110)
43## Pull Requests
44  - remove the parameter in plt.show() due to the API change in Matplotlib (deprecation) (#122)
45  - BUG: Fix for correct handling of ties in Tau (#118)
46  - resolving broken dev link (#120)
47  - (bug) debug travis-ci  (#116)
48  - (docs, bug) fix docs building and configure nbsphinx to work with binder in docs tutorials (#115)
49  -  (docs) rename notebooks for configuring nbsphinx and binder (#113)
50  - docs updates for v2.2.1 (#112)
51  - update dependency versions (#111)
52  - Prepare for new release 2.2.1 which will have the addition of sequence methods (#110)
54The following individuals contributed to this release:
56  - Wei Kang
57  - James Gaboardi
58  - Serge Rey
60# Version 2.2.1 (2019-07-25)
62We closed a total of 21 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 10 pull requests, since our last release on 2019-06-20.
64## Issues Closed
65  - Prepare for new release 2.2.1 which will have the addition of sequence methods (#110)
66  - Is it good practice to reuse a function name as the name of a class attribute? (#108)
67  - (Docs) add tutorial page (#106)
68  - (docs)  add zenodo citation to docs landing page (#105)
69  - update Readme for v2.2.0 (#104)
70  - edits on OM variant of transitions (#103)
71  - (ENH) Sequence methods (#101)
72  - (docs) reference label style (#102)
73  - (bug) setup.py: md as long description (#100)
74  - Prepare for release 2.2.0 (#99)
76## Pull Requests
77  - Prepare for new release 2.2.1 which will have the addition of sequence methods (#110)
78  - (Docs) add tutorial page (#106)
79  - (docs)  add zenodo citation to docs landing page (#105)
80  - update Readme for v2.2.0 (#104)
81  - edits on OM variant of transitions (#103)
82  - (ENH) Sequence methods (#101)
83  - (docs) reference label style (#102)
84  - (bug) setup.py: md as long description (#100)
85  - Prepare for release 2.2.0 (#99)
87The following individuals contributed to this release:
89  - Wei Kang
90  - Serge Rey
92# Version 2.2.0 (2019-06-20)
94We closed a total of 25 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 11 pull requests, since our last release on 2019-04-08.
96## Issues Closed
97  - (docs) update installation instructions (#98)
98  - (docs) change the css to accommodate new versions of sphinx and sphinx bootstrap theme  (#97)
99  - PyPi page configuration (#96)
100  - pip install github master.zip of pysal dependencies (#95)
101  - update README.md (#93)
102  - Update readme (#94)
103  - migrate from readthedocs configuration file v1 to v2 (#92)
104  - updating supported python versions (3.6 and 3.7) in setup.py (#91)
105  - Move testing off of 3.5 and add 3.7 (#90)
106  - release on conda-forge (#89)
107  - allow user specified lag and check shape (#53)
108  - Update zenodo doi and pypi badge for version 2.1.0 (new release) (#87)
109  - (bug) format readme.rst as long_description for pypi display (#86)
110  - Prepare for release 2.1.0 (#85)
112## Pull Requests
113  - (docs) update installation instructions (#98)
114  - (docs) change the css to accommodate new versions of sphinx and sphinx bootstrap theme  (#97)
115  - PyPi page configuration (#96)
116  - pip install github master.zip of pysal dependencies (#95)
117  - Update readme (#94)
118  - migrate from readthedocs configuration file v1 to v2 (#92)
119  - updating supported python versions (3.6 and 3.7) in setup.py (#91)
120  - Move testing off of 3.5 and add 3.7 (#90)
121  - Update zenodo doi and pypi badge for version 2.1.0 (new release) (#87)
122  - (bug) format readme.rst as long_description for pypi display (#86)
123  - Prepare for release 2.1.0 (#85)
125The following individuals contributed to this release:
127  - Wei Kang
128  - James Gaboardi
130# Version 2.1.0 (2019-04-08)
132We closed a total of 36 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 16 pull requests, since our last release on 2018-08-26.
134## Issues Closed
135  - Add splot as a soft dependency for giddy  (#84)
136  - .travis built on archaic Miniconda (#82)
137  - explicitly specifying Miniconda3 in .travis.yml (#83)
138  - configure doctest and coverage testing (#81)
139  - remove plot directive and indents (#80)
140  - reference labels are missing from rendered docs (#77)
141  - fix missing reference labels in rendered docs  (#79)
142  - (ENH) Full rank and geographic rank Markov methods (#73)
143  - (BUG) update directional notebook to accommodate changes in libpysal (#78)
144  - (BUG) fix notebooks (#76)
145  - remove redundant installation in travis.yml (#75)
146  - add pypi badge to README (#74)
147  - (BUG) remove libpysal.api in Rank notebook (#72)
148  - update required versions of dependencies (#71)
149  - Update issue templates (#70)
150  - conform to PEP8 style guide (#69)
151  - Singular matrix when computing ergodic values (#32)
152  - build notebooks for documentation (#6)
153  - update README with new doi and doc website (#68)
154  - REL: 2.0.0 (#67)
156## Pull Requests
157  - Add splot as a soft dependency for giddy  (#84)
158  - explicitly specifying Miniconda3 in .travis.yml (#83)
159  - configure doctest and coverage testing (#81)
160  - remove plot directive and indents (#80)
161  - fix missing reference labels in rendered docs  (#79)
162  - (ENH) Full rank and geographic rank Markov methods (#73)
163  - (BUG) update directional notebook to accommodate changes in libpysal (#78)
164  - (BUG) fix notebooks (#76)
165  - remove redundant installation in travis.yml (#75)
166  - add pypi badge to README (#74)
167  - (BUG) remove libpysal.api in Rank notebook (#72)
168  - update required versions of dependencies (#71)
169  - Update issue templates (#70)
170  - conform to PEP8 style guide (#69)
171  - update README with new doi and doc website (#68)
172  - REL: 2.0.0 (#67)
174The following individuals contributed to this release:
176  - Wei Kang
177  - James Gaboardi
178  - Serge Rey
180# Version 2.0.0 (2018-08-26)
182This release does not add any new functionality to `giddy`, but
183instead features api changes in `giddy` and its
184pysal submodule dependencies `mapclassify`, `libpysal`, and `esda`. More
185specifically, the `giddy.api` module which was originally designed to
186 facilitate a smoother transition from the old metapackage pysal to the
187 refactored submodule structure (see [here](http://pysal.org/about.html#migrating-to-pysal-2-0)
188 for details) was removed as we are moving away from the
189refactoring stage and looking at the future development.
191We closed a total of 20 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 9 pull requests, since our last release on 2018-07-27.
193## Issues Closed
194  - remove giddy.api in README.rst (#66)
195  -  chore: update for libpysal lower case module name changes (#65)
196  - remove api.py (#62)
197  - set up travis dual testing against mapclassify and  esda (#63)
198  - replace `libpysal.api` imports with new imports in `markov.py` and `d… (#61)
199  - Remove api.py and account for changes in (incoming) API of mapclassify, esda, and libpysal (#64)
200  - version giddy only in giddy/__ini__.py (#60)
201  - remove duplicate makefile for sphinx build (#59)
202  - add zenodo doi badge to README (#58)
203  - add changelog for the release 1.2.0 (#57)
204  - prepare for release 1.2.0 (#56)
206## Pull Requests
207  - remove giddy.api in README.rst (#66)
208  -  chore: update for libpysal lower case module name changes (#65)
209  - replace `libpysal.api` imports with new imports in `markov.py` and `d… (#61)
210  - Remove api.py and account for changes in (incoming) API of mapclassify, esda, and libpysal (#64)
211  - version giddy only in giddy/__ini__.py (#60)
212  - remove duplicate makefile for sphinx build (#59)
213  - add zenodo doi badge to README (#58)
214  - add changelog for the release 1.2.0 (#57)
215  - prepare for release 1.2.0 (#56)
217The following individuals contributed to this release:
219  - Wei Kang
220  - Stefanie Lumnitz
222# Version 1.2.0 (2018-07-27)
224This release features:
225* a more flexible specification for the [spatial Markov chains model](https://github.com/pysal/giddy/blob/master/giddy/markov.py#L169).More specifically, for continuous time series input:
226    * both the numbers of classifications for input continuous time series (k) and spatial lags (m) can be specified and allowed to be different
227    * user-defined classifications (cutoffs) for input continuous time series and spatial lags are allowed
228* new visualization tools:
229    * relies on [pysal/splot](https://github.com/pysal/splot) for [visualizing
230    Dynamic LISA related statistics](https://github.com/pysal/giddy/blob/master/giddy/directional.py#L322)
231* launch of the [documentation website](http://giddy.readthedocs.io/)
233GitHub stats for 2018/05/18 - 2018/07/27
235These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.
237We closed a total of 34 issues, 16 pull requests and 18 regular issues;
238this is the full list (generated with the script
241## Pull Requests (16):
243* :ghpull:`56`: b'prepare for release 1.2.0'
244* :ghpull:`55`: b'set up dual travis tests for libpysal (pip and github)'
245* :ghpull:`54`: b'ENH: Allow for more flexible specification of Spatial Markov'
246* :ghpull:`52`: b'Update notebooks to rely on geopandas for mapping'
247* :ghpull:`51`: b'ENH to docs'
248* :ghpull:`50`: b'include /tests in the release and correct for the directional doctests'
249* :ghpull:`49`: b'add doc building badge to README'
250* :ghpull:`47`: b'Tests and documentation for `rose.plot()` and `rose.plot_vectors()`'
251* :ghpull:`48`: b'A tentative version of giddy documentation website with sphinx '
252* :ghpull:`46`: b'force utf8 for the install description read'
253* :ghpull:`43`: b'implement `rose.plot()` and `rose.plot_vectors()` method using `splot`'
254* :ghpull:`44`: b'More on building doc webpages using sphinx'
255* :ghpull:`42`: b'Gallery'
256* :ghpull:`41`: b'new features for sphinx documentation website'
257* :ghpull:`40`: b'typo - email notifications'
258* :ghpull:`38`: b'fix for python 3'
260## Issues (18):
262* :ghissue:`56`: b'prepare for release 1.2.0'
263* :ghissue:`55`: b'set up dual travis tests for libpysal (pip and github)'
264* :ghissue:`54`: b'ENH: Allow for more flexible specification of Spatial Markov'
265* :ghissue:`52`: b'Update notebooks to rely on geopandas for mapping'
266* :ghissue:`51`: b'ENH to docs'
267* :ghissue:`50`: b'include /tests in the release and correct for the directional doctests'
268* :ghissue:`49`: b'add doc building badge to README'
269* :ghissue:`47`: b'Tests and documentation for `rose.plot()` and `rose.plot_vectors()`'
270* :ghissue:`48`: b'A tentative version of giddy documentation website with sphinx '
271* :ghissue:`45`: b'encoding issue in  README.rst'
272* :ghissue:`46`: b'force utf8 for the install description read'
273* :ghissue:`43`: b'implement `rose.plot()` and `rose.plot_vectors()` method using `splot`'
274* :ghissue:`44`: b'More on building doc webpages using sphinx'
275* :ghissue:`42`: b'Gallery'
276* :ghissue:`41`: b'new features for sphinx documentation website'
277* :ghissue:`40`: b'typo - email notifications'
278* :ghissue:`38`: b'fix for python 3'
279* :ghissue:`39`: b'first draft of sphinx gallery'
281# Version 1.1.1 (2018-05-17)
283This release is the first tagged release of giddy on Github.
284Starting from this release, giddy supports python 3.5 and 3.6 only.
285This release also features categorical spatial Markov which enables spatial Markov
286(class [Spatial_Markov](https://github.com/pysal/giddy/blob/master/giddy/markov.py#L179))
287to be applied to categorical time series such as land use and land cover change,
288as well as neighborhood change. Here, the spatial lag (utilizing function
290in [libpysal](https://github.com/pysal/libpysal)) is defined as the most
291common category among neighbors.
293GitHub stats for 2017/07/21 - 2018/05/17
295These lists are automatically generated, and may be incomplete or contain duplicates.
298We closed a total of 20 issues, 8 pull requests and 12 regular issues;
299this is the full list (generated with the script
302## Pull Requests (8):
304* :ghpull:`36`: b'add changelog for the release 1.1.0'
305* :ghpull:`35`: b'prepare for release'
306* :ghpull:`34`: b'code 2to3'
307* :ghpull:`33`: b'chore: update for python 3+ only'
308* :ghpull:`28`: b'add inequality to api'
309* :ghpull:`29`: b'adding discretized Spatial_Markov'
310* :ghpull:`25`: b'[WIP] prepare for full metapackage integration'
311* :ghpull:`27`: b'api module for giddy'
313## Issues (12):
315* :ghissue:`36`: b'add changelog for the release 1.1.0'
316* :ghissue:`35`: b'prepare for release'
317* :ghissue:`34`: b'code 2to3'
318* :ghissue:`33`: b'chore: update for python 3+ only'
319* :ghissue:`31`: b"How to use the 'development' version"
320* :ghissue:`30`: b'KeyError: 1 in spatial_lag.py'
321* :ghissue:`26`: b'giddy needs an api.py module'
322* :ghissue:`28`: b'add inequality to api'
323* :ghissue:`29`: b'adding discretized Spatial_Markov'
324* :ghissue:`25`: b'[WIP] prepare for full metapackage integration'
325* :ghissue:`27`: b'api module for giddy'
326* :ghissue:`12`: b'Publish on PyPi'