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4Why Use PyPNG?
7In order to motivate you into using PyPNG this document discusses some
8of the reasons for using PyPNG over other software.
10For starters I assume you already love PNG.  If you don't want to read
11and write PNG files then you don't want to use PyPNG.
13The most obvious "competitor" to PyPNG is PIL.  Depending on what job
14you want to do you might also want to use Netpbm (PyPNG can convert to
15and from the Netpbm PNM format), or use ``ctypes`` to interface directly to a
16compiled version of libpng.  If you know of others, let me know.
18PyPNG is written in Python.  Python is clearly the coolest sexiest
19language going, so PyPNG is cool and sexy too.  By association.
21Because PyPNG is written in Python it's trivial to install into a Python
22installation, or include in your application (as long as it's written in
23Python!).  Just use ``python setup.py install`` or just copy the
24``code/png.py`` file.  You can even `curl` it straight into wherever you
25need it: ``curl -O http://pypng.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/code/png.py``.
26In fact, I have never managed to install PIL and that was one of the
27motivating factors for PyPNG.  So PyPNG will always be easy to install.
29PyPNG can read and write all PNG formats.  PNG supports a generous
30variety of image formats: RGB or greyscale, with or without an alpha
31channel; and a choice of bit depths from 1,2, or 4 (as long as you want
32greyscale or a pallete), 8, and 16 (but 16 bits is not allowed for
33palettes).  A pixel can vary in size from 1 to 64 bits:
341/2/4/8/16/24/32/48/64.  In addition a PNG file can be `interlaced` or
35not.  An interlaced file allows an incrementally refined display of
36images being downloaded over slow links.
38PIL, according to its handbook, does not support interlaced PNG
39files.  Also, PIL only has internal representations (PIL `mode`)
40for 1-bit and 8-bit channel values.  This makes me wonder if PIL
41can read PNG files with bit depth 2 or 4 (greyscale or palette),
42and also bit depth 16 (which PNG supports for greyscale and RGB
43images).  In addition, PIL has only "limited support" for greyscale
44with alpha, which is one of PNG's supported formats (in 8 and 16
45bits per channel).
47I don't mean to belittle PIL here, PIL's focus is not PNG.  PIL's focus
48is image processing, and this is where PyPNG sucks.  If you want to
49actually process an image---resize, rotate, composite, crop--then you
50should use PIL.  This is simply out of scope for PyPNG.  In PyPNG you
51get the image as basically an array of numbers.  So some image
52processing is possible fairly easily, for example cropping to integer
53coordinates, or gamma conversion, but in any case PyPNG provides no
54support for it.  In the future a sister project to PyPNG may add some
55simple image processing, but processing in pure Python will be way slow.
57PyPNG (when used in its command-line mode) can read and write Netpbm
58PAM files.  PAM is useful as an intermediary format for performing
59processing; it allows the pixel data to be transferred in a simple format
60that is easily processed.  A typical workflow using PAM might be:
62PNG to PAM ... process PAM file (for example, resize) ... PAM to PNG
64Using PAM as an intermediate format is preferred over having to
65carry around your alpha channel in a separate file; it allows
66workflows to be pipelined more easily.
68When reading PAM files a single source file can be used to create
69PNG files with all permitted channel combinations: greyscale,
70greyscale--alpha, RGB, RGBA.  When writing a PAM file is created for
71those PNG formats with an alpha channel, otherwise a compatible PGM or
72PPM file is created.
74Netpbm's support for PAM to PNG conversion is more limited than PyPNG's.
75Netpbm will only convert a source PAM that has 4 channels (for example it does
76not create greyscale--alpha PNG files from ``GRAYSCALE_ALPHA`` PAM files).
77Netpbm's usual tool for create PNG files, ``pnmtopng``, requires an alpha
78channel to be specified in a separate file.
80PyPNG has good support for PNG's ``sBIT`` chunk.  This allows end to end
81processing of files with any bit depth from 1 to 16 (for example a
8210-bit scanner may use the ``sBIT`` chunk to declare that the samples in
83a 16-bit PNG file are rescaled 10-bit samples; in this case, PyPNG
84delivers 10-bit samples).  Netpbm handle's the ``sBIT`` chunk in a
85similar way, but other toolsets may not (PIL?).
87``libpng`` is made by the PNG gods, so if want to get at all that
88goodness, then you may want to interface directly to libpng via
89``ctypes``.  That could be a good idea for some things.  Installation
90would be trickier.