1Metadata-Version: 2.1
2Name: pyrsgis
3Version: 0.4.1
4Summary: A package to read, process and export GeoTIFFs.
5Home-page: https://github.com/PratyushTripathy/pyrsgis
6Author: Pratyush Tripathy
7Author-email: pratkrt@gmail.com
8License: UNKNOWN
9Description: # Python-for-Remote-Sensing-and-GIS
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16        *pyrsgis* enables the user to read, process and export GeoTIFFs. The module is built on the GDAL library but is much more convenient when it comes to reading and exporting GeoTIFs. There are several other functions available in this package that ease raster pre-processing. Please check the [documentation page](https://pyrsgis.readthedocs.io/) for a list of functions that pyrsgis offers along with the sample code.<br/>
18        Feedback and doubts from users are most welcome. Since this is an open-source volunatry project, I always look forward to contributors. You can write to me at [pratkrt@gmail.com](mailto:pratkrt@gmail.com).
20        pyrsgis is available on both, PyPI and Anaconda. Please check the [installation page](https://pyrsgis.readthedocs.io/en/master/installation.html) for details.
22        **Recommended citation:**<br/>
23        Tripathy, P. pyrsgis: A Python package for remote sensing and GIS data processing. V0.4. Available at https://github.com/PratyushTripathy/pyrsgis.
25        # Sample code (click to expand)
26        <details><summary><b>1. Reading .tif extension file</b></summary>
27        <p>
28        Import the module and define the input file path.<br/>
30        ```Python
31        from pyrsgis import raster
33        file_path = r'D:/your_file_name.tif'
34        ```
36        * To read all the bands of a stacked satellite image:<br/>
37        ```Python
38        ds, arr = raster.read(file_path, bands='all')
39        ```
40        where, `ds` is the data source similar to GDAL and `arr` is the numpy array that contains all the bands of the input raster. The `arr` can be 2D or 3D depending on the input data. One can check the shape of the array using the `print(arr.shape)` command. The `bands` argument in the `raster.read` function defaults to `'all'`.<br/>
42        * To read a list of bands of a stacked satellite image:<br/>
43        ```Python
44        ds, arr = raster.read(file_path, bands=[2, 3, 4])
45        ```
46        Passing the band numbers in a list returns bands 2, 3 & 4 as three-dimensional numpy array.<br/>
48        * To read a specific band from stacked satellite image:<br/>
49        ```Python
50        ds, arr = raster.read(file_path, bands=2)
51        ```
52        Passing a single band number returns that particular band as two-dimensional numpy array.<br/>
54        * To read a single band TIF file:<br/>
55        ```Python
56        ds, arr = raster.read(file_path)
57        ```
58        Since the `bands` argument defaults to `'all'`, this will read all the bands in the input file, here, one band only.<br/>
59        </p>
60        </details>
62        <details><summary><b>2. Exporting .tif extension file</b></summary>
63        <p>
64        In all the below examples, it is assumed that the number of rows and columns, and the cell size of the input and output rasters are the same. All these are stored in the `ds` variable, please see details here: link.<br/>
66        * To export all bands of a 3D array:<br/>
67        ```Python
68        out_file_path = r'D:/sample_file_all_bands.tif'
69        raster.export(arr, ds, out_file_path, dtype='int', bands='all')
70        ```
71        The `dtype` argument in the above function by default is set to `'default'`, which is `'int'`--16-bit integer. If the data type in the provided `ds` is not `int` and the paramter is set to `default`, then the data type of the `ds` will be used. If there is a disagreement and the `dtype` argument is explicitly specified, it will override the data type of `ds`. Please be careful to change this while exporting arrays with large values. Similarly, to export float type array (eg. NDVI), use `dtype = 'float'`. Data type of high pixel-depth, e.g. Integer32, Integer64, or float type uses more space on hard drive, so the default has been set to integer. To export any float datatype, the argument should be passed explicitly.<br/>
72        These are the options for the `dtype` argument: `byte`, `cfloat32`, `cfloat64`, `cint16`, `cint32`, `float32`, `float64`, `int16`, `int32`, `uint8`, `uint16`, `uint32`.<br/>
73        The NoData value can be explicitly defined using the `nodata` parameter, this defaults to `-9999`.
75        * To export a list of bands of a 3D array:<br/>
76        ```Python
77        out_file_path = r'D:/sample_file_bands_234.tif'
78        raster.export(arr, ds, out_file_path, bands=[2, 3, 4])
79        ```
81        * To export any one band of a 3D array:<br/>
82        ```Python
83        out_file_path = r'D:/sample_file_band_3.tif'
84        raster.export(arr, ds, out_file_path, bands=3)
85        ```
87        * To export a single band array:<br/>
88        ```Python
89        out_file_path = r'D:/sample_file.tif'
90        raster.export(arr, ds, out_file_path)
91        ```
92        where, `arr` should be a 2D array.<br/>
94        * Export the raster with compression:<br/>
95        Compression type can also be defined while exporting the raster by using the `compress` parameter. `LZW`. `DEFLATE`, etc. are a couple of options. Defaults to `None`.<br/>
97        * Example with all default parameters:<br/>
98        ```Python
99        out_file_path = r'D:/sample_file.tif'
100        raster.export(band, ds, filename='pyrsgis_outFile.tif', dtype='int', bands=1, nodata=-9999, compress=None)
101        ```
102        </p>
103        </details>
105        <details><summary><b>3. Converting TIF to CSV</b></summary>
106        <p>
107        GeoTIFF files can be converted to CSV files using *pyrsgis*. Every band is flattened to a single-dimensional array, and converted to CSV. These are very useful for statistical analysis.<br/>
108        Import the function:<br/>
110        ```Python
111        from pyrsgis.convert import rastertocsv
112        ```
114        To convert all the bands present in a folder:
115        ```Python
116        your_dir = r"D:/your_raster_directory"
117        out_file_path = r"D:/yourFilename.csv"
119        rastertocsv(your_dir, filename=out_file_path)
120        ```
122        Generally the NoData or NULL values in the raster become random negative values, negatives can be removed using the `negative` argument:<br/>
123        ```Python
124        rastertocsv(your_dir, filename=out_file_path, negative=False)
125        ```
127        At times the NoData or NULL values in raster become '127' or '65536', they can also be removed by declaring explicitly.<br/>
128        ```Python
129        rastertocsv(your_dir, filename=out_file_path, remove=[127, 65536])
130        ```
131        This is a trial and check process, please check the generated CSV file for such issues and handle as required.<br/>
133        Similarly, there are bad rows in the CSV file, representing zero value in all the bands. This takes a lot of unnecessary space on drive, it can be eliminated using:<br/>
134        ```Python
135        rastertocsv(your_dir, filename=out_file_path, badrows=False)
136        ```
137        </p>
138        </details>
140        <details><summary><b>4. Creating northing and easting using a reference raster</b></summary>
141        <p>
143        pyrsgis allows to quickly create the northing and easting rasters using a reference raster, as shown below:<br/>
144        <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PratyushTripathy/pyrsgis/master/media/northing_easting.png" height="225" width="640">
146        The cell value in the generated rasters are the row and column number of the cell. To generate these GeoTIFF files, start by importing the function:
148        ```Python
149        from pyrsgis.raster import northing, easting
151        reference_file_path = r'D:/your_reference_raster.tif'
153        northing(reference_file_path, outFile= r'D:/pyrsgis_northing.tif', flip=True)
154        easting(reference_file_path, outFile= r'D:/pyrsgis_easting.tif', flip=False)
155        ```
156        As the name suggests, the `flip` argument flips the resulting rasters.<br/>
157        The `value` argument defaults to `number`. It can be changed to `normalised` to get a normalised layer. The other option for `value` argument is `coordinates`, which produces the raster layer with cell centroids. Please note that if the `value` argument is set to `normalised`, it will automatically adjust the flip value, i.e. False, both in easting and northing functions. Similarly, the `dtype` parameter auto-adjusts with the data type, but can be changed to a higher pixel depth when `value` argument is `number`. Example with all parameters:<br/>
160        ```Python
161        northing(reference_file_path, outFile='pyrsgis_northing.tif', flip=True, value='number', dtype='int16')
162        easting(reference_file_path, outFile='pyrsgis_easting.tif', flip=False, value='number', dtype='int16')
163        ```
164        </p>
165        </details>
167        <details><summary><b>5. Shifting raster layers</b></summary>
168        <p>
169        You can shift the raster layers using either the 'shift' or 'shift_file' function. The 'shift' function allows to shift the raster in the backend, whereas, the 'shift_file' directly shifts the GeoTIF file and stores another file.<br/>
171        To shift in the backend:<br/>
172        ```Python
173        from pyrsgis import raster
175        # Define the path to the input file and get the data source
176        infile = r"D:/path_to_your_file/input.tif"
177        ds, arr = raster.read(infile)
179        # Define the amount of shift required
180        delta_x = 15
181        delta_y = 11.7
183        # shift the raster
184        shifted_ds = raster.shift(ds, x=delta_x, y=delta_y, shift_type)
186        # if you wish to export
187        raster.export(arr, ds, out_file, dtype='int', bands=1, nodata=-9999)
188        ```
189        Here, 'ds' is the data source object that is created when the raster is read using 'raster.read' command. 'x' and 'y' are the distance for shifting the raster. The 'shift_type' command let's you move the raster either by the raster units or number of cells, the valid options are 'unit' and 'cell'. By default, the 'shift_type' is 'unit'.<br/>
191        To shift a GeoTIFF file:<br/>
192        ```Python
193        from pyrsgis import raster
195        # Define the path to the input and output file
196        infile = r"D:/path_to_your_file/input.tif"
197        outfile = r"D:/path_to_your_file/shifted_output.tif"
199        # Define the amount of shift required
200        delta_x = 15
201        delta_y = 11.7
203        # shift the raster
204        raster.shift_file(infile, x=delta_x, y=delta_y, outfile=outfile, shift_type='unit', dtype='uint16')
205        ```
206        Most of the parameters are same as the 'shift' function. The 'dtype' parameter is same as used in the 'raster.export' function.<br/>
207        </p>
208        </details>
210        <details><summary><b>6. Create image chips for Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)</b></summary>
211        <p>
212        CNNs require image chips for training and prediction. Remote sensing images are large sized two or three-dimesional images, this module enables creating image chips directly from TIF files or arrays. The input data and size of image chips are required.<br/>
214        To create image chips from array:<br/>
215        ```Python
216        from pyrsgis import raster
217        from pyrsgis.ml import imageChipsFromArray
219        # read the TIF file(s) (both are of different sizes - for demonstration)
220        single_band_file = r'path/to/single_band.tif'
221        multi_band_file = r'path/to/multi_band.tif' # this is a Landsat 5 TM image (7 bands stacked)
223        # read the files as array using pyrsgis raster.read module
224        _, single_band_array = raster.read(single_band_file)
225        _, multi_band_array = raster.read(multi_band_file)
227        # create image chips
228        single_band_chips = imageChipsFromArray(single_band_array, x_size=5, y_size=5))
229        multi_band_chips = imageChipsFromArray(multi_band_array, x_size=5, y_size=5))
231        print(single_band_chips.shape)
232        print(multi_band_chips.shape)
233        ```
234        The output:<br/>
235        ```
236        (91125, 5, 5)
237        (987552, 5, 5, 7)
238        ```
240        Image chips can also be generated directly from TIF files using following:<br/>
241        ```Python
242        from pyrsgis.ml import imageChipsFromFile
244        # read the TIF file(s) (both are of different sizes - for demonstration)
245        single_band_file = r'path/to/single_band.tif'
246        multi_band_file = r'path/to/multi_band.tif' # this is a Landsat 5 TM image (7 bands stacked)
248        # create image chips
249        single_band_chips = imageChipsFromFile(single_band_file, x_size=5, y_size=5))
250        multi_band_chips = imageChipsFromFile(multi_band_file, x_size=5, y_size=5))
252        print(single_band_chips.shape)
253        print(multi_band_chips.shape)
254        ```
255        This will result in the same output as the one above.<br/>
256        </p>
257        </details>
259        <details><summary><b>7. Reading directly from .tar.gz files (beta)</b></summary>
260        <p>
262        Currently, only Landsat data is supported.<br/>
263        ```Python
264        import pyrsgis
266        file_path = r'D:/your_file_name.tar.gz'
267        your_data = pyrsgis.readtar(file_path)
268        ```
269        The above code reads the data and stores in the `your_data` variable.<br/>
271        Various properties of the raster can be assessed using the following code:<br/>
272        ```Python
273        print(your_data.rows)
274        print(your_data.cols)
275        ```
276        This will display the number of rows and columns of the input data.<br/>
278        Similarly, the number of bands can be checked using:<br/>
279        ```Python
280        print(your_data.nbands)
281        ```
283        On reading the .tar.gz files directly, pyrsgis determines the satellite sensor. This can be checked using:<br/>
284        ```Python
285        print(your_data.satellite)
286        ```
287        This will display the satellite sensor, for instance, Landsat-5, Landsat-8, etc.<br/>
289        If the above code shows the correct satellite sensor, then the list of band names of the sensor (in order) can easily be checked using:<br/>
290        ```Python
291        print(your_data.bandIndex)
292        ```
294        Any particular band can be extarcted using:<br/>
295        ```Python
296        band_number = 1
297        your_band = your_data.getband(band_number)
298        ```
299        The above code returns the band as array which can be visualised using:<br/>
301        ```Python
302        display(your_band, maptitle='Title of your image', cmap='PRGn')
303        ```
304        or, directly using:
305        ```Python
306        band_number = 1
307        display(your_data.getband(band_number), maptitle='Title of your image', cmap='PRGn')
308        ```
309        The generated map can directly be saved as an image.<br/>
311        The extracted band can be exported using:<br/>
312        ```Python
313        out_file_path = r'D:/sample_output.tif'
314        your_data.export(your_band, out_file_path)
315        ```
316        This saves the extracted band to the same directory.<br/>
318        To export the float type raster, please define the `datatype` explicitly, default is 'int':<br/>
319        ```Python
320        your_data.export(your_band, out_file_path, datatype='float')
321        ```
323        The NDVI (Normalised Difference Vegetaton Index) can be computed easily.<br/>
324        ```Python
325        your_ndvi = your_data.ndvi()
326        ```
328        Normalised difference index between any two bands can be computed using:<br/>
329        ```Python
330        norm_diff = your_data.nordif(bandNumber2, bandNumber1)
331        ```
332        This computes (band2-band1)/(band2+band1) in the back end and returns a numpy array. The resulting array can be exported using:<br/>
333        ```Python
334        out_file_path = r'D:/your_ndvi.tif'
335        your_data.export(your_ndvi, out_file_path, datatype='float')
336        ```
337        Be careful with the float type of NDVI.<br/>
338        </p>
339        </details>
341Platform: UNKNOWN
342Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
343Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
344Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
345Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
346Description-Content-Type: text/markdown