1# Copyright 2014, Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
2# DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain
3# rights in this software.
5"""Provides layout algorithms.
9import time
11import custom_inherit
12import numpy
14import toyplot.units
16def region(
17        xmin,
18        xmax,
19        ymin,
20        ymax,
21        bounds=None,
22        rect=None,
23        corner=None,
24        grid=None,
25        margin=None):
26    """Specify a rectangular target region relative to a parent region.
28    Parameters
29    ----------
30    xmin: :class:`number<numbers.Number>`, required
31      Minimum X boundary of the parent region, specified in CSS pixel units.
32    xmax: :class:`number<numbers.Number>`, required
33      Maximum X boundary of the parent region, specified in CSS pixel units.
34    ymin: :class:`number<numbers.Number>`, required
35      Minimum Y boundary of the parent region, specified in CSS pixel units.
36    ymax: :class:`number<numbers.Number>`, required
37      Maximum Y boundary of the parent region, specified in CSS pixel units.
38    margin: :class:`number<numbers.Number>`, string, (:class:`number<numbers.Number>`, string) tuple, or tuple containing between one and four :class:`numbers<numbers.Number>`, strings, or (:class:`number<numbers.Number>`, string) tuples, optional
39      Padding around the target region, specified in real-world units.  Defaults
40      to CSS pixel units.  See :ref:`units` for details.  Follows the same behavior as the CSS margin property.
42    Returns
43    -------
44    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax: :class:`number<numbers.Number>`
45      The boundaries of the target region, specified in CSS pixel units.
46    """
48    if margin is None:
49        margin = 0
51    if isinstance(margin, tuple):
52        if len(margin) == 4:
53            margin_top = toyplot.units.convert(margin[0], "px", default="px")
54            margin_right = toyplot.units.convert(margin[1], "px", default="px")
55            margin_bottom = toyplot.units.convert(margin[2], "px", default="px")
56            margin_left = toyplot.units.convert(margin[3], "px", default="px")
57        elif len(margin) == 3:
58            margin_top = toyplot.units.convert(margin[0], "px", default="px")
59            margin_left = margin_right = toyplot.units.convert(margin[1], "px", default="px")
60            margin_bottom = toyplot.units.convert(margin[2], "px", default="px")
61        elif len(margin) == 2:
62            margin_top = margin_bottom = toyplot.units.convert(margin[0], "px", default="px")
63            margin_left = margin_right = toyplot.units.convert(margin[1], "px", default="px")
64        elif len(margin) == 1:
65            margin_top = margin_bottom = margin_left = margin_right = toyplot.units.convert(margin[0], "px", default="px")
66    else:
67        margin_top = margin_bottom = margin_left = margin_right = toyplot.units.convert(margin, "px", default="px")
69    def convert(vmin, vmax, value):
70        value = toyplot.units.convert(
71            value, "px", default="px", reference=vmax - vmin)
72        if value < 0:
73            return float(vmax + value)
74        return float(vmin + value)
76    # Specify explicit bounds for the region
77    if bounds is not None:
78        if isinstance(bounds, tuple) and len(bounds) == 4:
79            return (
80                convert(xmin, xmax, bounds[0]),
81                convert(xmin, xmax, bounds[1]),
82                convert(ymin, ymax, bounds[2]),
83                convert(ymin, ymax, bounds[3]),
84            )
85        raise TypeError("bounds parameter must be an (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) tuple.") # pragma: no cover
86    # Specify an explicit rectangle for the region
87    if rect is not None:
88        if isinstance(rect, tuple) and len(rect) == 4:
89            x = convert(xmin, xmax, rect[0])
90            y = convert(ymin, ymax, rect[1])
91            width = toyplot.units.convert(
92                rect[2], "px", default="px", reference=xmax - xmin)
93            height = toyplot.units.convert(
94                rect[3], "px", default="px", reference=ymax - ymin)
95            return (x, x + width, y, y + height)
96        raise ValueError("Unrecognized rect type") # pragma: no cover
97    # Offset a rectangle from a corner
98    if corner is not None:
99        if isinstance(corner, tuple) and len(corner) == 4:
100            position = corner[0]
101            inset = toyplot.units.convert(corner[1], "px", default="px")
102            width = toyplot.units.convert(
103                corner[2], "px", default="px", reference=xmax - xmin)
104            height = toyplot.units.convert(
105                corner[3], "px", default="px", reference=ymax - ymin)
106        else:
107            raise ValueError("corner parameter must be a (corner, inset, width, height) tuple.") # pragma: no cover
108        if position == "top":
109            return ((xmin + xmax - width) / 2,
110                    (xmin + xmax + width) / 2,
111                    ymin + inset,
112                    ymin + inset + height)
113        elif position == "top-right":
114            return (
115                xmax -
116                width -
117                inset,
118                xmax -
119                inset,
120                ymin +
121                inset,
122                ymin +
123                inset +
124                height)
125        elif position == "right":
126            return (
127                xmax - width - inset,
128                xmax - inset,
129                (ymin + ymax - height) / 2,
130                (ymin + ymax + height) / 2)
131        elif position == "bottom-right":
132            return (
133                xmax -
134                width -
135                inset,
136                xmax -
137                inset,
138                ymax -
139                inset -
140                height,
141                ymax -
142                inset)
143        elif position == "bottom":
144            return ((xmin + xmax - width) / 2,
145                    (xmin + xmax + width) / 2,
146                    ymax - inset - height,
147                    ymax - inset)
148        elif position == "bottom-left":
149            return (
150                xmin +
151                inset,
152                xmin +
153                inset +
154                width,
155                ymax -
156                inset -
157                height,
158                ymax -
159                inset)
160        elif position == "left":
161            return (
162                xmin + inset,
163                xmin + inset + width,
164                (ymin + ymax - height) / 2,
165                (ymin + ymax + height) / 2)
166        elif position == "top-left":
167            return (
168                xmin +
169                inset,
170                xmin +
171                inset +
172                width,
173                ymin +
174                inset,
175                ymin +
176                inset +
177                height)
178        else:
179            raise ValueError("Unrecognized corner") # pragma: no cover
181    # Choose a cell from an MxN grid, with optional column/row spanning.
182    if grid is not None:
183        # Cell n (in left-to-right, top-to-bottom order) of an M x N grid
184        if len(grid) == 3:
185            M, N, n = grid
186            i = n // N
187            j = n % N
188            rowspan, colspan = (1, 1)
189        elif len(grid) == 4:  # Cell i,j of an M x N grid
190            M, N, i, j = grid
191            rowspan, colspan = (1, 1)
192        # Cells [i, i+rowspan), [j, j+colspan) of an M x N grid
193        elif len(grid) == 6:
194            M, N, i, rowspan, j, colspan = grid
196        cell_width = (xmax - xmin) / N
197        cell_height = (ymax - ymin) / M
199        return (
200            (j * cell_width) + margin_left,
201            ((j + colspan) * cell_width) - margin_right,
202            (i * cell_height) + margin_top,
203            ((i + rowspan) * cell_height) - margin_bottom,
204        )
205    # If nothing else fits, consume the entire region
206    return (xmin + margin_left, xmax - margin_right, ymin + margin_top, ymax - margin_bottom)
209class Graph(object):
210    """Stores graph layout information.
212    Typically used when sharing a layout among more than one graph.
213    """
214    def __init__(self, vids, vcoordinates, edges, eshapes, ecoordinates):
215        self._vids = vids
216        self._vcoordinates = vcoordinates
217        self._edges = edges
218        self._eshapes = eshapes
219        self._ecoordinates = ecoordinates
221    @property
222    def vcount(self):
223        """Return the number of vertices :math:`V` in the graph."""
224        return len(self._vids)
226    @property
227    def vids(self):
228        """Return :math:`V` graph vertex identifiers."""
229        return self._vids
231    @property
232    def vcoordinates(self):
233        """Return graph vertex coordinates as a :math:`V \\times 2` matrix."""
234        return self._vcoordinates
236    @property
237    def ecount(self):
238        """Return the number of edges :math:`E` in the graph."""
239        return len(self._edges)
241    @property
242    def eshapes(self):
243        """Return a vector of :math:`E` string edge shapes."""
244        return self._eshapes
246    @property
247    def ecoordinates(self):
248        """Return a matrix of edge coordinates.  The number of coordinates is determined by the contents of the `eshapes` vector."""
249        return self._ecoordinates
251    @property
252    def edges(self):
253        """Return the graph edges as a :math:`E \\times 2` matrix of source, target indices."""
254        return self._edges
256def graph(a, b=None, c=None, olayout=None, layout=None, vcoordinates=None):
257    """Compute a graph layout."""
259    stack = [c, b, a]
261    # Identify the graph's edges.
262    if isinstance(stack[-1], numpy.ndarray) and stack[-1].ndim == 2 and stack[-1].shape[1] == 2:
263        edges = stack.pop()
264        ecount = edges.shape[0]
265    else:
266        sources = toyplot.require.vector(stack.pop())
267        ecount = len(sources)
268        targets = toyplot.require.vector(stack.pop(), ecount)
269        edges = numpy.column_stack((sources, targets))
271    # Identify the vertex ids induced by the edges.
272    vids, edges = numpy.unique(edges, return_inverse=True)
273    edges = edges.reshape((ecount, 2), order="C")
275    # If the caller supplied extra vertex ids, merge them in.
276    if stack and stack[-1] is not None:
277        extra_vids = toyplot.require.vector(stack.pop())
278        disconnected_vids = numpy.setdiff1d(extra_vids, vids)
279        vids = numpy.append(vids, disconnected_vids)
281    # Setup storage to receive vertex coordinates
282    vcount = len(vids)
283    ivcoordinates = numpy.ma.masked_all((vcount, 2))
285    # If the caller supplied the layout for an external graph, merge those coordinates in.
286    if olayout is not None:
287        olayout = toyplot.require.instance(olayout, (toyplot.mark.Graph, toyplot.layout.Graph))
288        oindices = numpy.in1d(olayout.vids, vids, assume_unique=True)
289        iindices = numpy.in1d(vids, olayout.vids, assume_unique=True)
290        ivcoordinates[iindices] = olayout.vcoordinates[oindices]
292    # If the caller supplied extra vertex coordinates, merge them in.
293    if vcoordinates is not None:
294        external_vcoordinates = toyplot.require.scalar_matrix(vcoordinates, rows=vcount, columns=2)
295        mask = numpy.ma.getmaskarray(external_vcoordinates)
296        ivcoordinates = numpy.ma.where(mask, ivcoordinates, external_vcoordinates)
298    # Apply the layout algorithm to whatever's left.
299    start = time.time()
300    if layout is None:
301        # If there are unspecified coordinates, use a force-directed layout.
302        if numpy.ma.is_masked(ivcoordinates):
303            layout = toyplot.layout.FruchtermanReingold()
304        else:
305            # Otherwise, we can ignore the vertices and just create edges.
306            layout = toyplot.layout.IgnoreVertices()
307    vcoordinates, eshapes, ecoordinates = layout.graph(ivcoordinates, edges)
308    toyplot.log.info("Graph layout time: %s ms", (time.time() - start) * 1000)
310    if numpy.ma.is_masked(vcoordinates):
311        raise RuntimeError("Graph layout cannot return masked vertex coordinates.") # pragma: no cover
313    return Graph(vids, vcoordinates, edges, eshapes, ecoordinates)
315def _add_at(target, target_indices, source):
316    """Add source values to the target and handle duplicate indices correctly.
318    With numpy, the expression `target[indices] += source` does not work intuitively
319    if there are duplicate indices.  This function handles this case as you would
320    expect, by accumulating multiple values for a single target.
321    """
322    if getattr(numpy.add, "at", None) is not None:
323        numpy.add.at(target, target_indices, source)
324    else: # Shim for numpy < 1.8
325        for source_index, target_index in enumerate(target_indices): # pragma: no cover
326            target[target_index] += source[source_index]
329#def _floyd_warshall_shortest_path(vcount, edges):
330#    """Compute the (directed) shortest paths between every pair of vertices in a graph, using the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
332#    Floyd-Warshall is a good choice for computing paths between all pairs of
333#    vertices in dense graphs.
335#    Note that this algorithm is directed, i.e. a path from i -> j doesn't imply
336#    a path from j -> i.  The results will contain numpy.inf for vertices that
337#    have no path.
339#    Returns
340#    -------
341#    shortest_paths: :math:`V \\times V matrix`
342#        A matrix where element :math:`E_ij` contains the shortest path distance
343#        between vertex :math:`i` and vertex :math:`j`.
344#    """
345#    distance = numpy.empty((vcount, vcount))
346#    distance[...] = numpy.inf
347#    distance[numpy.diag_indices_from(distance)] = 0
348#    distance[edges.T[0], edges.T[1]] = 1
349#    for k in numpy.arange(vcount):
350#        for i in numpy.arange(vcount):
351#            for j in numpy.arange(vcount):
352#                if distance[i, j] > distance[i, k] + distance[k, j]:
353#                    distance[i, j] = distance[i, k] + distance[k, j]
355#    return distance
358def _adjacency_list(vcount, edges):
359    """Return an adjacency list representation of a graph."""
360    targets = [[] for i in numpy.arange(vcount)]
361    for source, target in edges:
362        targets[source].append(target)
363    return targets
366def _require_tree(children):
367    """Return the root vertex and maximum depth of a tree.
369    Parameters
370    ----------
371    children: list of lists
372        Adjacency list representation of a graph.
374    Returns
375    -------
376    root: integer
377        Index of the root vertex.
378    depth: integer
379        Maximum depth of the tree.
380    """
381    roots = numpy.setdiff1d(numpy.arange(len(children)), numpy.concatenate(children))
382    if len(roots) != 1:
383        raise ValueError("Not a tree.") # pragma: no cover
384    root = roots[0]
386    depth = []
387    visited = numpy.zeros(len(children), dtype=bool)
388    def mark_visited(vertex, vdepth=0):
389        if visited[vertex]:
390            raise ValueError("Not a tree.") # pragma: no cover
391        depth.append(vdepth)
392        visited[vertex] = True
393        for child in children[vertex]:
394            mark_visited(child, vdepth + 1)
395    mark_visited(root)
397    return root, max(depth)
399class EdgeLayout(object, metaclass=custom_inherit.DocInheritMeta(style="numpy_napoleon")):
400    """Abstract interface for algorithms that compute graph edge coordinates."""
401    def edges(self, vcoordinates, edges):
402        """Return edge coordinates for a graph.
404        Parameters
405        ----------
406        vcoordinates : :math:`V \\times 2` matrix
407            Contains the coordinates for every graph vertex, in vertex order.
408        edges : :math:`E \\times 2` matrix
409            Contains the integer vertex indices for every graph edge in edge
410            order.  The first and second matrix columns contain the source and
411            target vertices respectively.
413        Returns
414        -------
415        eshapes : array of :math:`E` strings
416            Contains a shape string for each edge, in edge order.  The shape
417            string contains drawing codes that define an arbitrary-complexity
418            path for the edge, using a set of current coordinates and a turtle
419            drawing model.  The following codes are currently allowed:
421            * `M` - change the current coordinates without drawing (requires one set of coordinates).
422            * `L` - draw a straight line segment from the current coordinates (requires one set of coordinates).
423            * `Q` - draw a quadratic Bezier curve from the current coordinates (requires two sets of coordinates).
424            * `C` - draw a cubic Bezier curve from the current coordinates (requires three sets of coordinates).
425        ecoordinates : matrix containing two columns
426            Contains coordinates for each of the edge shape strings, in drawing-code order.
427        """
428        raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
431class StraightEdges(EdgeLayout):
432    """Creates straight edges between graph vertices."""
433    def edges(self, vcoordinates, edges):
434        loops = edges.T[0] == edges.T[1]
435        if numpy.any(loops):
436            toyplot.log.warning("Graph contains %s loop edges that will not be visible.", numpy.count_nonzero(loops))
438        eshapes = numpy.tile("ML", len(edges))
439        ecoordinates = numpy.empty((len(edges) * 2, 2))
440        ecoordinates[0::2] = vcoordinates[edges.T[0]]
441        ecoordinates[1::2] = vcoordinates[edges.T[1]]
442        return eshapes, ecoordinates
445class CurvedEdges(EdgeLayout):
446    """Creates curved edges between graph vertices.
448    Parameters
449    ----------
450    curvature : number
451        Controls the curvature of each edge's arc, as a percentage of the
452        distance between the edge's vertices.  Use negative values to curve
453        edges in the opposite direction.
454    """
455    def __init__(self, curvature=0.15):
456        self._curvature = curvature
458    def edges(self, vcoordinates, edges):
459        loops = edges.T[0] == edges.T[1]
460        if numpy.any(loops):
461            toyplot.log.warning("Graph contains %s loop edges that will not be visible.", numpy.count_nonzero(loops))
463        eshapes = numpy.tile("MQ", len(edges))
464        ecoordinates = numpy.empty((len(edges) * 3, 2))
466        sources = vcoordinates[edges.T[0]]
467        targets = vcoordinates[edges.T[1]]
468        offsets = numpy.dot(targets - sources, [[0, 1], [-1, 0]]) * self._curvature
469        midpoints = ((sources + targets) * 0.5) + offsets
471        ecoordinates[0::3] = sources
472        ecoordinates[1::3] = midpoints
473        ecoordinates[2::3] = targets
475        return eshapes, ecoordinates
478class GraphLayout(object, metaclass=custom_inherit.DocInheritMeta(style="numpy_napoleon")):
479    """Abstract interface for algorithms that compute coordinates for graph vertices and edges."""
480    def graph(self, vcoordinates, edges):
481        """Compute vertex and edge coordinates for a graph.
483        Parameters
484        ----------
485        vcoordinates : :math:`V \\times 2` masked array
486            Coordinates for every graph vertex, in vertex order.  Where
487            practical, only masked coordinates will have values assigned by the
488            underlying algorithm.
489        edges : :math:`E \\times 2` matrix
490            Contains the integer vertex indices for every graph edge in edge
491            order.  The first and second matrix columns contain the source and
492            target vertices respectively.
494        Returns
495        -------
496        vcoordinates : :math:`V \\times 2` matrix
497            Contains coordinates for every graph vertex, in vertex order.
498        eshapes : array of :math:`E` strings
499            Contains a shape string for each edge, in edge order.  The shape
500            string contains drawing codes that define an arbitrary-complexity
501            path for the edge, using a set of current coordinates and a turtle
502            drawing model.  The following codes are currently allowed:
504            * `M` - change the current coordinates without drawing (requires one set of coordinates).
505            * `L` - draw a straight line segment (requires one set of coordinates).
506            * `Q` - draw a quadratic Bezier curve (requires two sets of coordinates).
507            * `C` - draw a cubic Bezier curve (requires three sets of coordinates).
508        ecoordinates : matrix containing two columns
509            Contains coordinates for each of the edge shape strings, in drawing-code order.
510        """
511        raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover
514class IgnoreVertices(GraphLayout):
515    """Do-nothing graph layout for use when all vertices are already specified.
517    Parameters
518    ----------
519    edges: :class:`toyplot.layout.EdgeLayout` instance, optional
520        The default will generate straight edges.
521    """
522    def __init__(self, edges=None):
523        if edges is None:
524            edges = StraightEdges()
526        self._edges = edges
528    def graph(self, vcoordinates, edges):
529        eshapes, ecoordinates = self._edges.edges(vcoordinates, edges)
530        return vcoordinates, eshapes, ecoordinates
533class Random(GraphLayout):
534    """Compute a random graph layout.
536    Parameters
537    ----------
538    edges: :class:`toyplot.layout.EdgeLayout` instance, optional
539        The default will generate straight edges.
540    seed: integer, optional
541        Random seed used to generate vertex coordinates.
542    """
543    def __init__(self, edges=None, seed=1234):
544        if edges is None:
545            edges = StraightEdges()
547        self._edges = edges
548        self._seed = seed
550    def graph(self, vcoordinates, edges):
551        generator = numpy.random.RandomState(seed=self._seed)
552        mask = numpy.ma.getmaskarray(vcoordinates)
553        vcoordinates = numpy.ma.where(mask, generator.uniform(-1, 1, size=vcoordinates.shape), vcoordinates)
554        eshapes, ecoordinates = self._edges.edges(vcoordinates, edges)
555        return vcoordinates, eshapes, ecoordinates
558class Eades(GraphLayout):
559    """Compute a force directed graph layout using the 1984 algorithm of Eades.
561    Parameters
562    ----------
563    edges: :class:`toyplot.layout.EdgeLayout` instance, optional
564        The default will generate straight edges.
565    c1, c2, c3, c4: numbers, optional
566        Constants defined in Eades' original paper.
567    M: integer, optional
568        Number of iterations to run the spring simulation.
569    seed: integer, optional
570        Random seed used to initialize vertex coordinates.
571    """
572    def __init__(self, edges=None, c1=2, c2=1, c3=1, c4=0.1, M=100, seed=1234):
573        if edges is None:
574            edges = StraightEdges()
576        self._edges = edges
577        self._c1 = c1
578        self._c2 = c2
579        self._c3 = c3
580        self._c4 = c4
581        self._M = M
582        self._seed = seed
584    def graph(self, vcoordinates, edges):
585        generator = numpy.random.RandomState(seed=self._seed)
586        # Initialize coordinates
587        mask = numpy.ma.getmaskarray(vcoordinates)
588        vcoordinates = numpy.ma.where(mask, generator.uniform(-1, 1, size=vcoordinates.shape), vcoordinates)
590        # Repeatedly apply attract / repel forces to the vertices
591        vertices = numpy.column_stack(numpy.triu_indices(n=len(vcoordinates), k=1))
592        for iteration in numpy.arange(self._M):
593            offsets = numpy.zeros_like(vcoordinates)
595            # Repel
596            a = vcoordinates[vertices.T[0]]
597            b = vcoordinates[vertices.T[1]]
598            delta = a - b
599            distance = numpy.linalg.norm(delta, axis=1)[:, None]
600            delta /= distance
601            force = self._c3 / numpy.square(distance)
602            delta *= force
603            _add_at(offsets, vertices.T[0], delta)
604            _add_at(offsets, vertices.T[1], -delta)
606            # Attract
607            a = vcoordinates[edges.T[0]]
608            b = vcoordinates[edges.T[1]]
609            delta = b - a
610            distance = numpy.linalg.norm(delta, axis=1)[:, None]
611            delta /= distance
612            force = self._c1 * numpy.log(distance / self._c2)
613            delta *= force
614            _add_at(offsets, edges.T[0], delta)
615            _add_at(offsets, edges.T[1], -delta)
617            # Sum offsets
618            vcoordinates = numpy.ma.where(mask, vcoordinates + self._c4 * offsets, vcoordinates)
620        eshapes, ecoordinates = self._edges.edges(vcoordinates, edges)
621        return vcoordinates, eshapes, ecoordinates
624class FruchtermanReingold(GraphLayout):
625    """Compute a force directed graph layout using the 1991 algorithm of Fruchterman and Reingold.
627    Parameters
628    ----------
629    edges: :class:`toyplot.layout.EdgeLayout` instance, optional
630        The default will generate straight edges.
631    area, temperature: numbers, optional
632        Constants defined in the original paper.
633    M: integer, optional
634        Number of iterations to run the spring simulation.
635    seed: integer, optional
636        Random seed used to initialize vertex coordinates.
637    """
638    def __init__(self, edges=None, area=1, temperature=0.1, M=50, seed=1234):
639        if edges is None:
640            edges = StraightEdges()
642        self._edges = edges
643        self._area = area
644        self._temperature = temperature
645        self._M = M
646        self._seed = seed
648    def graph(self, vcoordinates, edges):
649        generator = numpy.random.RandomState(seed=self._seed)
650        # Setup parameters
651        k = numpy.sqrt(self._area / len(vcoordinates))
653        # Initialize coordinates
654        mask = numpy.ma.getmaskarray(vcoordinates)
655        vcoordinates = numpy.ma.where(mask, generator.uniform(-1, 1, size=vcoordinates.shape), vcoordinates)
657        # Repeatedly apply attract / repel forces to the vertices
658        vertices = numpy.column_stack(numpy.triu_indices(n=len(vcoordinates), k=1))
659        for temperature in numpy.linspace(self._temperature, 0, self._M, endpoint=False):
660            offsets = numpy.zeros_like(vcoordinates)
662            # Repel
663            a = vcoordinates[vertices.T[0]]
664            b = vcoordinates[vertices.T[1]]
665            delta = a - b
666            distance = numpy.linalg.norm(delta, axis=1)[:, None]
667            delta /= distance
668            force = numpy.square(k) / distance
669            delta *= force
670            _add_at(offsets, vertices.T[0], +delta)
671            _add_at(offsets, vertices.T[1], -delta)
673            # Attract
674            a = vcoordinates[edges.T[0]]
675            b = vcoordinates[edges.T[1]]
676            delta = b - a
677            distance = numpy.linalg.norm(delta, axis=1)[:, None]
678            delta /= distance
679            force = numpy.square(distance) / k
680            delta *= force
681            _add_at(offsets, edges.T[0], +delta)
682            _add_at(offsets, edges.T[1], -delta)
684            # Limit offsets to the temperature
685            distance = numpy.linalg.norm(offsets, axis=1)
686            offsets /= distance[:, None]
687            offsets *= numpy.minimum(temperature, distance)[:, None]
689            # Sum offsets
690            vcoordinates = numpy.ma.where(mask, vcoordinates + offsets, vcoordinates)
692        eshapes, ecoordinates = self._edges.edges(vcoordinates, edges)
693        return vcoordinates, eshapes, ecoordinates
696class Buchheim(GraphLayout):
697    """Compute a tree layout using the 2002 algorithm of Buchheim, Junger, and Leipert.
699    Note: this layout currently ignores preexisting vertex coordinates.
700    """
701    def __init__(self, edges=None, basis=None):
702        if edges is None:
703            edges = StraightEdges()
705        if basis is None:
706            basis = [[1, 0], [0, -1]]
708        self._edges = edges
709        self._basis = numpy.array(basis)
711    def graph(self, vcoordinates, edges):
712        # Convert the graph to an adjacency list
713        children = _adjacency_list(len(vcoordinates), edges)
714        # Ensure we actually have a tree
715        root, depth = _require_tree(children)
717        # Get rid of the mask, it complicates things.
718        vcoordinates = numpy.array(vcoordinates)
720        # Convert our flat adjacency list into a hierarchy, to make the implementation easier.
721        class Vertex(object):
722            def __init__(self, vertex, parent=None, number=0, depth=0):
723                self.vertex = vertex
724                self.parent = parent
725                self.number = number
726                self.depth = depth
727                self.children = [Vertex(child, self, number, depth+1) for number, child in enumerate(children[vertex])]
728                self.mod = 0
729                self.thread = None
730                self.ancestor = self
731                self.prelim = 0
732                self.change = 0
733                self.shift = 0
735        # We follow Appendix A of the original paper as closely as possible here.
736        distance = 1
737        def FirstWalk(v):
738            if not v.children: # v is a leaf
739                v.prelim = 0
740                if v.number: # v has a left sibling
741                    v.prelim = v.parent.children[v.number-1].prelim + distance
742            else: # v is not a leaf
743                defaultAncestor = v.children[0] # leftmost child of v
744                for w in v.children:
745                    FirstWalk(w)
746                    defaultAncestor = Apportion(w, defaultAncestor)
747                ExecuteShifts(v)
748                midpoint = 0.5 * (v.children[0].prelim + v.children[-1].prelim)
749                if v.number: # v has a left sibling
750                    v.prelim = v.parent.children[v.number-1].prelim + distance
751                    v.mod = v.prelim - midpoint
752                else:
753                    v.prelim = midpoint
755        def Apportion(v, defaultAncestor):
756            if v.number: # v has a left sibling
757                vip = vop = v
758                vim = v.parent.children[v.number-1]
759                vom = vip.parent.children[0]
760                sip = vip.mod
761                sop = vop.mod
762                sim = vim.mod
763                som = vom.mod
764                while NextRight(vim) and NextLeft(vip):
765                    vim = NextRight(vim)
766                    vip = NextLeft(vip)
767                    vom = NextLeft(vom)
768                    vop = NextRight(vop)
769                    vop.ancestor = v
770                    shift = (vim.prelim + sim) - (vip.prelim + sip) + distance
771                    if shift > 0:
772                        MoveSubtree(Ancestor(vim, v, defaultAncestor), v, shift)
773                        sip += shift
774                        sop += shift
775                    sim += vim.mod
776                    sip += vip.mod
777                    som += vom.mod
778                    sop += vop.mod
779                if NextRight(vim) and not NextRight(vop):
780                    vop.thread = NextRight(vim)
781                    vop.mod += sim - sop
782                if NextLeft(vip) and not NextLeft(vom):
783                    vom.thread = NextLeft(vip)
784                    vom.mod += sip - som
785                    defaultAncestor = v
786            return defaultAncestor
788        def NextLeft(v):
789            if v.children:
790                return v.children[0]
791            else:
792                return v.thread
794        def NextRight(v):
795            if v.children:
796                return v.children[-1]
797            else:
798                return v.thread
800        def MoveSubtree(wm, wp, shift):
801            subtrees = wp.number - wm.number
802            wp.change -= shift / subtrees
803            wp.shift += shift
804            wm.change += shift / subtrees
805            wp.prelim += shift
806            wp.mod += shift
808        def ExecuteShifts(v):
809            shift = 0
810            change = 0
811            for w in v.children:
812                w.prelim += shift
813                w.mod += shift
814                change += w.change
815                shift += w.shift + change
817        def Ancestor(vim, v, defaultAncestor):
818            if vim.ancestor in v.parent.children:
819                return vim.ancestor
820            else:
821                return defaultAncestor
823        def SecondWalk(v, m):
824            vcoordinates[v.vertex][0] = v.prelim + m
825            vcoordinates[v.vertex][1] = v.depth
826            for w in v.children:
827                SecondWalk(w, m + v.mod)
829        r = Vertex(root)
830        FirstWalk(r)
831        SecondWalk(r, -r.prelim)
833        vcoordinates = numpy.dot(vcoordinates, self._basis)
835        eshapes, ecoordinates = self._edges.edges(vcoordinates, edges)
836        return vcoordinates, eshapes, ecoordinates