1 /***************************************************************************
2                               qgslayoutexporter.h
3                              -------------------
4     begin                : October 2017
5     copyright            : (C) 2017 by Nyall Dawson
6     email                : nyall dot dawson at gmail dot com
7  ***************************************************************************/
8 /***************************************************************************
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
11  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
12  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
13  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
14  *                                                                         *
15  ***************************************************************************/
19 #include "qgis_core.h"
20 #include "qgsmargins.h"
21 #include "qgslayoutrendercontext.h"
22 #include "qgslayoutreportcontext.h"
23 #include "qgslayoutitem.h"
24 #include <QPointer>
25 #include <QSize>
26 #include <QRectF>
27 #include <functional>
29 #ifndef QT_NO_PRINTER
30 #include <QPrinter>
32 class QgsLayout;
33 class QPainter;
34 class QgsLayoutItemMap;
35 class QgsAbstractLayoutIterator;
36 class QgsFeedback;
38 /**
39  * \ingroup core
40  * \class QgsLayoutExporter
41  * \brief Handles rendering and exports of layouts to various formats.
42  * \since QGIS 3.0
43  */
44 class CORE_EXPORT QgsLayoutExporter
45 {
47   public:
49     //! Contains details of a page being exported by the class
50     struct PageExportDetails
51     {
52       //! Target folder
53       QString directory;
55       //! Base part of filename (i.e. file name without extension or '.')
56       QString baseName;
58       //! File suffix/extension (without the leading '.')
59       QString extension;
61       //! Page number, where 0 = first page.
62       int page = 0;
63     };
65     /**
66      * Constructor for QgsLayoutExporter, for the specified \a layout.
67      */
68     QgsLayoutExporter( QgsLayout *layout );
70     virtual ~QgsLayoutExporter() = default;
72     /**
73      * Returns the layout linked to this exporter.
74      */
75     QgsLayout *layout() const;
77     /**
78      * Renders a full page to a destination \a painter.
79      *
80      * The \a page argument specifies the page number to render. Page numbers
81      * are 0 based, such that the first page in a layout is page 0.
82      *
83      * \see renderRegion()
84      */
85     void renderPage( QPainter *painter, int page ) const;
87     /**
88      * Renders a full page to an image.
89      *
90      * The \a page argument specifies the page number to render. Page numbers
91      * are 0 based, such that the first page in a layout is page 0.
92      *
93      * The optional \a imageSize parameter can specify the target image size, in pixels.
94      * It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that the ratio of the target image size
95      * matches the ratio of the corresponding layout page size.
96      *
97      * The \a dpi parameter is an optional dpi override. Set to -1 to use the default layout print
98      * resolution. This parameter has no effect if \a imageSize is specified.
99      *
100      * Returns the rendered image, or a null QImage if the image does not fit into available memory.
101      *
102      * \see renderPage()
103      * \see renderRegionToImage()
104      */
105     QImage renderPageToImage( int page, QSize imageSize = QSize(), double dpi = -1 ) const;
107     /**
108      * Renders a \a region from the layout to a \a painter. This method can be used
109      * to render sections of pages rather than full pages.
110      *
111      * \see renderPage()
112      * \see renderRegionToImage()
113      */
114     void renderRegion( QPainter *painter, const QRectF &region ) const;
116     /**
117      * Renders a \a region of the layout to an image. This method can be used to render
118      * sections of pages rather than full pages.
119      *
120      * The optional \a imageSize parameter can specify the target image size, in pixels.
121      * It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that the ratio of the target image size
122      * matches the ratio of the specified region of the layout.
123      *
124      * The \a dpi parameter is an optional dpi override. Set to -1 to use the default layout print
125      * resolution. This parameter has no effect if \a imageSize is specified.
126      *
127      * Returns the rendered image, or a null QImage if the image does not fit into available memory.
128      *
129      * \see renderRegion()
130      * \see renderPageToImage()
131      */
132     QImage renderRegionToImage( const QRectF &region, QSize imageSize = QSize(), double dpi = -1 ) const;
135     //! Result codes for exporting layouts
136     enum ExportResult
137     {
138       Success, //!< Export was successful
139       Canceled, //!< Export was canceled
140       MemoryError, //!< Unable to allocate memory required to export
141       FileError, //!< Could not write to destination file, likely due to a lock held by another application
142       PrintError, //!< Could not start printing to destination device
143       SvgLayerError, //!< Could not create layered SVG file
144       IteratorError, //!< Error iterating over layout
145     };
147     //! Contains settings relating to exporting layouts to raster images
148     struct ImageExportSettings
149     {
150       //! Constructor for ImageExportSettings
ImageExportSettingsImageExportSettings151       ImageExportSettings()
152         : flags( QgsLayoutRenderContext::FlagAntialiasing | QgsLayoutRenderContext::FlagUseAdvancedEffects )
153       {}
155       //! Resolution to export layout at. If dpi <= 0 the default layout dpi will be used.
156       double dpi = -1;
158       /**
159        * Manual size in pixels for output image. If imageSize is not
160        * set then it will be automatically calculated based on the
161        * output dpi and layout size.
162        *
163        * If cropToContents is TRUE then imageSize has no effect.
164        *
165        * Be careful when specifying manual sizes if pages in the layout
166        * have differing sizes! It's likely not going to give a reasonable
167        * output in this case, and the automatic dpi-based image size should be
168        * used instead.
169        */
170       QSize imageSize;
172       /**
173        * Set to TRUE if image should be cropped so only parts of the layout
174        * containing items are exported.
175        */
176       bool cropToContents = false;
178       /**
179        * Crop to content margins, in pixels. These margins will be added
180        * to the bounds of the exported layout if cropToContents is TRUE.
181        */
182       QgsMargins cropMargins;
184       /**
185        * List of specific pages to export, or an empty list to
186        * export all pages.
187        *
188        * Page numbers are 0 index based, so the first page in the
189        * layout corresponds to page 0.
190        */
191       QList< int > pages;
193       /**
194        * Set to TRUE to generate an external world file alongside
195        * exported images.
196        */
197       bool generateWorldFile = false;
199       /**
200        * Indicates whether image export should include metadata generated
201        * from the layout's project's metadata.
202        *
203        * \since QGIS 3.2
204        */
205       bool exportMetadata = true;
208       /**
209        * Layout context flags, which control how the export will be created.
210        */
211       QgsLayoutRenderContext::Flags flags = QgsLayoutRenderContext::Flags();
213       /**
214        * A list of predefined scales to use with the layout. This is used
215        * for maps which are set to the predefined atlas scaling mode.
216        * \since QGIS 3.10
217        */
218       QVector<qreal> predefinedMapScales;
220     };
222     /**
223      * Exports the layout to the \a filePath, using the specified export \a settings.
224      *
225      * If the layout is a multi-page layout, then filenames for each page will automatically
226      * be generated by appending "_1", "_2", etc to the image file's base name.
227      *
228      * Returns a result code indicating whether the export was successful or an
229      * error was encountered. If an error code is returned, errorFile() can be called
230      * to determine the filename for the export which encountered the error.
231      */
232     ExportResult exportToImage( const QString &filePath, const QgsLayoutExporter::ImageExportSettings &settings );
235     /**
236      * Exports a layout \a iterator to raster images, with the specified export \a settings.
237      *
238      * The \a baseFilePath argument gives a base file path, which is modified by the
239      * iterator to obtain file paths for each iterator feature.
240      *
241      * Returns a result code indicating whether the export was successful or an
242      * error was encountered. If an error was obtained then \a error will be set
243      * to the error description.
244      */
245     static ExportResult exportToImage( QgsAbstractLayoutIterator *iterator, const QString &baseFilePath,
246                                        const QString &extension, const QgsLayoutExporter::ImageExportSettings &settings,
247                                        QString &error SIP_OUT, QgsFeedback *feedback = nullptr );
250     //! Contains settings relating to exporting layouts to PDF
251     struct PdfExportSettings
252     {
253       //! Constructor for PdfExportSettings
PdfExportSettingsPdfExportSettings254       PdfExportSettings()
255         : flags( QgsLayoutRenderContext::FlagAntialiasing | QgsLayoutRenderContext::FlagUseAdvancedEffects )
256       {}
258       //! Resolution to export layout at. If dpi <= 0 the default layout dpi will be used.
259       double dpi = -1;
261       /**
262        * Set to TRUE to force whole layout to be rasterized while exporting.
263        *
264        * This option is mutually exclusive with forceVectorOutput.
265        */
266       bool rasterizeWholeImage = false;
268       /**
269        * Set to TRUE to force vector object exports, even when the resultant appearance will differ
270        * from the layout. If FALSE, some items may be rasterized in order to maintain their
271        * correct appearance in the output.
272        *
273        * This option is mutually exclusive with rasterizeWholeImage.
274        */
275       bool forceVectorOutput = false;
277       /**
278        * Indicates whether PDF export should append georeference data
279        *
280        * \since QGIS 3.10
281        */
282       bool appendGeoreference = true;
284       /**
285        * Indicates whether PDF export should include metadata generated
286        * from the layout's project's metadata.
287        *
288        * \since QGIS 3.2
289        */
290       bool exportMetadata = true;
292       /**
293        * Layout context flags, which control how the export will be created.
294        */
295       QgsLayoutRenderContext::Flags flags = QgsLayoutRenderContext::Flags();
297       /**
298        * Text rendering format, which controls how text should be rendered in the export (e.g.
299        * as paths or real text objects).
300        *
301        * \since QGIS 3.4.3
302        */
303       QgsRenderContext::TextRenderFormat textRenderFormat = QgsRenderContext::TextFormatAlwaysOutlines;
305       /**
306        * Indicates whether vector geometries should be simplified to avoid redundant extraneous detail,
307        * such as vertices which are not visible at the specified dpi of the output.
308        *
309        * \since QGIS 3.10
310        */
311       bool simplifyGeometries = true;
313       /**
314        * TRUE if GeoPDF files should be created, instead of normal PDF files.
315        *
316        * Whilst GeoPDF files can include some desirable properties like the ability to interactively
317        * query map features, they also can result in lower-quality output files, or forced rasterization
318        * of layers.
319        *
320        * \note Requires builds based on GDAL 3.0 or greater.
321        *
322        * \since QGIS 3.10
323        */
324       bool writeGeoPdf = false;
326       /**
327        * TRUE if individual layers from the layout should be rendered to separate PDF files.
328        *
329        * This option allows for separation of logic layout layers to individual PDF files. For instance,
330        * if this option is TRUE, then a separate PDF file will be created per layer per map item in the
331        * layout. Additionally, separate PDF files may be created for other complex layout items, resulting
332        * in a set of PDF files which contain logical atomic components of the layout.
333        *
334        * This option is designed to allow the PDF files to be composited back together in an external
335        * application (e.g. Adobe Illustrator) as a non-QGIS, post-production step.
336        *
337        * \since QGIS 3.14
338        */
339       bool exportLayersAsSeperateFiles = false; // TODO QGIS 4 fix typo  //#spellok
341       /**
342        * TRUE if ISO3200 extension format georeferencing should be used.
343        *
344        * This is a recommended setting which results in Geospatial PDF files compatible
345        * with the built-in Acrobat geospatial tools.
346        *
347        * If PdfExportSettings::writeGeoPdf is FALSE than this option has no effect.
348        */
349       bool useIso32000ExtensionFormatGeoreferencing = true;
351       /**
352        * TRUE if OGC "best practice" format georeferencing should be used.
353        *
354        * \warning This results in GeoPDF files compatible with the TerraGo suite of tools, but
355        * can break compatibility with the built-in Acrobat geospatial tools (yes, GeoPDF
356        * format is a mess!).
357        *
358        * If PdfExportSettings::writeGeoPdf is FALSE than this option has no effect.
359       */
360       bool useOgcBestPracticeFormatGeoreferencing = false;
362       /**
363        * TRUE if feature vector information (such as attributes) should be exported during GeoPDF exports.
364        *
365        * If PdfExportSettings::writeGeoPdf is FALSE than this option has no effect.
366        */
367       bool includeGeoPdfFeatures = true;
369       /**
370        * Optional list of map themes to export as GeoPDF layer groups.
371        *
372        * If set, map item's which are not assigned a specific map theme will iterate through all listed
373        * themes and a GeoPDF layer group will be created for each.
374        *
375        * If PdfExportSettings::writeGeoPdf is FALSE than this option has no effect.
376        */
377       QStringList exportThemes;
379       /**
380        * A list of predefined scales to use with the layout. This is used
381        * for maps which are set to the predefined atlas scaling mode.
382        * \since QGIS 3.10
383        */
384       QVector<qreal> predefinedMapScales;
386     };
388     /**
389      * Exports the layout as a PDF to the \a filePath, using the specified export \a settings.
390      *
391      * Returns a result code indicating whether the export was successful or an
392      * error was encountered.
393      */
394     ExportResult exportToPdf( const QString &filePath, const QgsLayoutExporter::PdfExportSettings &settings );
396     /**
397      * Exports a layout \a iterator to a single PDF file, with the specified export \a settings.
398      *
399      * The \a fileName argument gives the destination file name for the output PDF.
400      *
401      * Returns a result code indicating whether the export was successful or an
402      * error was encountered. If an error was obtained then \a error will be set
403      * to the error description.
404      *
405      * \see exportToPdfs()
406      */
407     static ExportResult exportToPdf( QgsAbstractLayoutIterator *iterator, const QString &fileName,
408                                      const QgsLayoutExporter::PdfExportSettings &settings,
409                                      QString &error SIP_OUT, QgsFeedback *feedback = nullptr );
411     /**
412      * Exports a layout \a iterator to multiple PDF files, with the specified export \a settings.
413      *
414      * The \a baseFilePath argument gives a base file path, which is modified by the
415      * iterator to obtain file paths for each iterator feature.
416      *
417      * Returns a result code indicating whether the export was successful or an
418      * error was encountered. If an error was obtained then \a error will be set
419      * to the error description.
420      *
421      * \see exportToPdf()
422      */
423     static ExportResult exportToPdfs( QgsAbstractLayoutIterator *iterator, const QString &baseFilePath,
424                                       const QgsLayoutExporter::PdfExportSettings &settings,
425                                       QString &error SIP_OUT, QgsFeedback *feedback = nullptr );
428     //! Contains settings relating to printing layouts
429     struct PrintExportSettings
430     {
431       //! Constructor for PrintExportSettings
PrintExportSettingsPrintExportSettings432       PrintExportSettings()
433         : flags( QgsLayoutRenderContext::FlagAntialiasing | QgsLayoutRenderContext::FlagUseAdvancedEffects )
434       {}
436       //! Resolution to export layout at. If dpi <= 0 the default layout dpi will be used.
437       double dpi = -1;
439       /**
440        * Set to TRUE to force whole layout to be rasterized while exporting.
441        *
442        * This option is mutually exclusive with forceVectorOutput.
443        */
444       bool rasterizeWholeImage = false;
446       /**
447        * Layout context flags, which control how the export will be created.
448        */
449       QgsLayoutRenderContext::Flags flags = QgsLayoutRenderContext::Flags();
451       /**
452        * A list of predefined scales to use with the layout. This is used
453        * for maps which are set to the predefined atlas scaling mode.
454        * \since QGIS 3.10
455        */
456       QVector<qreal> predefinedMapScales;
458     };
460     /**
461      * Prints the layout to a \a printer, using the specified export \a settings.
462      *
463      * Returns a result code indicating whether the export was successful or an
464      * error was encountered.
465      */
466     ExportResult print( QPrinter &printer, const QgsLayoutExporter::PrintExportSettings &settings );
468     /**
469      * Exports a layout \a iterator to a \a printer, with the specified export \a settings.
470      *
471      * Returns a result code indicating whether the export was successful or an
472      * error was encountered. If an error was obtained then \a error will be set
473      * to the error description.
474      */
475     static ExportResult print( QgsAbstractLayoutIterator *iterator, QPrinter &printer,
476                                const QgsLayoutExporter::PrintExportSettings &settings,
477                                QString &error SIP_OUT, QgsFeedback *feedback = nullptr );
480     //! Contains settings relating to exporting layouts to SVG
481     struct SvgExportSettings
482     {
483       //! Constructor for SvgExportSettings
SvgExportSettingsSvgExportSettings484       SvgExportSettings()
485         : flags( QgsLayoutRenderContext::FlagAntialiasing | QgsLayoutRenderContext::FlagUseAdvancedEffects )
486       {}
488       //! Resolution to export layout at. If dpi <= 0 the default layout dpi will be used.
489       double dpi = -1;
491       /**
492        * Set to TRUE to force vector object exports, even when the resultant appearance will differ
493        * from the layout. If FALSE, some items may be rasterized in order to maintain their
494        * correct appearance in the output.
495        *
496        * This option is mutually exclusive with rasterizeWholeImage.
497        */
498       bool forceVectorOutput = false;
500       /**
501        * Set to TRUE if image should be cropped so only parts of the layout
502        * containing items are exported.
503        */
504       bool cropToContents = false;
506       /**
507        * Crop to content margins, in layout units. These margins will be added
508        * to the bounds of the exported layout if cropToContents is TRUE.
509        */
510       QgsMargins cropMargins;
512       /**
513        * Set to TRUE to export as a layered SVG file.
514        * Note that this option is considered experimental, and the generated
515        * SVG may differ from the expected appearance of the layout.
516        */
517       bool exportAsLayers = false;
519       /**
520        * Set to TRUE to export labels to separate layers (grouped by map layer)
521        * in layered SVG exports.
522        *
523        * This option is only used if exportAsLayers is TRUE.
524        *
525        * \since QGIS 3.10
526        */
527       bool exportLabelsToSeparateLayers = true;
529       /**
530        * Indicates whether SVG export should include RDF metadata generated
531        * from the layout's project's metadata.
532        *
533        * \since QGIS 3.2
534        */
535       bool exportMetadata = true;
537       /**
538        * Layout context flags, which control how the export will be created.
539        */
540       QgsLayoutRenderContext::Flags flags = QgsLayoutRenderContext::Flags();
542       /**
543        * Text rendering format, which controls how text should be rendered in the export (e.g.
544        * as paths or real text objects).
545        *
546        * \since QGIS 3.4.3
547        */
548       QgsRenderContext::TextRenderFormat textRenderFormat = QgsRenderContext::TextFormatAlwaysOutlines;
550       /**
551        * Indicates whether vector geometries should be simplified to avoid redundant extraneous detail,
552        * such as vertices which are not visible at the specified dpi of the output.
553        *
554        * \since QGIS 3.10
555        */
556       bool simplifyGeometries = true;
558       /**
559        * A list of predefined scales to use with the layout. This is used
560        * for maps which are set to the predefined atlas scaling mode.
561        * \since QGIS 3.10
562        */
563       QVector<qreal> predefinedMapScales;
564     };
566     /**
567      * Exports the layout as an SVG to the \a filePath, using the specified export \a settings.
568      *
569      * Returns a result code indicating whether the export was successful or an
570      * error was encountered.
571      */
572     ExportResult exportToSvg( const QString &filePath, const QgsLayoutExporter::SvgExportSettings &settings );
574     /**
575      * Exports a layout \a iterator to SVG files, with the specified export \a settings.
576      *
577      * The \a baseFilePath argument gives a base file path, which is modified by the
578      * iterator to obtain file paths for each iterator feature.
579      *
580      * Returns a result code indicating whether the export was successful or an
581      * error was encountered. If an error was obtained then \a error will be set
582      * to the error description.
583      */
584     static ExportResult exportToSvg( QgsAbstractLayoutIterator *iterator, const QString &baseFilePath,
585                                      const QgsLayoutExporter::SvgExportSettings &settings,
586                                      QString &error SIP_OUT, QgsFeedback *feedback = nullptr );
589     /**
590      * Returns the file name corresponding to the last error encountered during
591      * an export.
592      */
errorFile()593     QString errorFile() const { return mErrorFileName; }
595     /**
596      * Georeferences a \a file (image of PDF) exported from the layout.
597      *
598      * The \a referenceMap argument specifies a map item to use for georeferencing. If left as NULLPTR, the
599      * default layout QgsLayout::referenceMap() will be used.
600      *
601      * The \a exportRegion argument can be set to a valid rectangle to indicate that only part of the layout was
602      * exported.
603      *
604      * Similarly, the \a dpi can be set to the actual DPI of exported file, or left as -1 to use the layout's default DPI.
605      *
606      * The function will return TRUE if the output was successfully georeferenced.
607      *
608      * \see computeWorldFileParameters()
609      */
610     bool georeferenceOutput( const QString &file, QgsLayoutItemMap *referenceMap = nullptr,
611                              const QRectF &exportRegion = QRectF(), double dpi = -1 ) const;
613     /**
614      * Compute world file parameters. Assumes the whole page containing the reference map item
615      * will be exported.
616      *
617      * The \a dpi argument can be set to the actual DPI of exported file, or left as -1 to use the layout's default DPI.
618      */
619     void computeWorldFileParameters( double &a, double &b, double &c, double &d, double &e, double &f, double dpi = -1 ) const;
621     /**
622      * Computes the world file parameters for a specified \a region of the layout.
623      *
624      * The \a dpi argument can be set to the actual DPI of exported file, or left as -1 to use the layout's default DPI.
625      */
626     void computeWorldFileParameters( const QRectF &region, double &a, double &b, double &c, double &d, double &e, double &f, double dpi = -1 ) const;
628   protected:
630     /**
631      * Generates the file name for a page during export.
632      *
633      * Subclasses can override this method to customize page file naming.
634      */
635     virtual QString generateFileName( const PageExportDetails &details ) const;
637   private:
639     QPointer< QgsLayout > mLayout;
641     mutable QString mErrorFileName;
643     QImage createImage( const ImageExportSettings &settings, int page, QRectF &bounds, bool &skipPage ) const;
645     /**
646      * Returns the page number of the first page to be exported from the layout, skipping any pages
647      * which have been excluded from export.
648      */
649     static int firstPageToBeExported( QgsLayout *layout );
651     /**
652      * Saves an image to a file, possibly using format specific options (e.g. LZW compression for tiff)
653     */
654     static bool saveImage( const QImage &image, const QString &imageFilename, const QString &imageFormat, QgsProject *projectForMetadata );
656     /**
657      * Computes a GDAL style geotransform for georeferencing a layout.
658      *
659      * The \a referenceMap argument specifies a map item to use for georeferencing. If left as NULLPTR, the
660      * default layout QgsLayout::referenceMap() will be used.
661      *
662      * The \a exportRegion argument can be set to a valid rectangle to indicate that only part of the layout was
663      * exported.
664      *
665      * Similarly, the \a dpi can be set to the actual DPI of exported file, or left as -1 to use the layout's default DPI.
666      *
667      * \see georeferenceOutput()
668      */
669     std::unique_ptr<double[]> computeGeoTransform( const QgsLayoutItemMap *referenceMap = nullptr, const QRectF &exportRegion = QRectF(), double dpi = -1 ) const;
671     //! Write a world file
672     void writeWorldFile( const QString &fileName, double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f ) const;
674     /**
675      * Prepare a \a printer for printing a layout as a PDF, to the destination \a filePath.
676      */
677     static void preparePrintAsPdf( QgsLayout *layout, QPrinter &printer, const QString &filePath );
679     static void preparePrint( QgsLayout *layout, QPrinter &printer, bool setFirstPageSize = false );
681     /**
682      * Convenience function that prepares the printer and prints.
683      */
684     ExportResult print( QPrinter &printer );
686     /**
687      * Print on a preconfigured printer
688      * \param printer QPrinter destination
689      * \param painter QPainter source
690      * \param startNewPage set to TRUE to begin the print on a new page
691      * \param dpi set to a value > 0 to manually override the layout's default dpi
692      * \param rasterize set to TRUE to force print as a raster image
693      */
694     ExportResult printPrivate( QPrinter &printer, QPainter &painter, bool startNewPage = false, double dpi = -1, bool rasterize = false );
696     static void updatePrinterPageSize( QgsLayout *layout, QPrinter &printer, int page );
698     ExportResult renderToLayeredSvg( const SvgExportSettings &settings, double width, double height, int page, const QRectF &bounds,
699                                      const QString &filename, unsigned int svgLayerId, const QString &layerName,
700                                      QDomDocument &svg, QDomNode &svgDocRoot, bool includeMetadata ) const;
702     void appendMetadataToSvg( QDomDocument &svg ) const;
704     bool georeferenceOutputPrivate( const QString &file, QgsLayoutItemMap *referenceMap = nullptr,
705                                     const QRectF &exportRegion = QRectF(), double dpi = -1, bool includeGeoreference = true, bool includeMetadata = false ) const;
707     ExportResult handleLayeredExport( const QList<QGraphicsItem *> &items, const std::function<QgsLayoutExporter::ExportResult( unsigned int layerId, const QgsLayoutItem::ExportLayerDetail &layerDetails )> &exportFunc );
709     static QgsVectorSimplifyMethod createExportSimplifyMethod();
710     friend class TestQgsLayout;
711     friend class TestQgsLayoutExporter;
713 };
715 #endif // ! QT_NO_PRINTER