1 /***************************************************************************
2   qgspostgresrasterprovider.cpp - QgsPostgresRasterProvider
4  ---------------------
5  begin                : 20.12.2019
6  copyright            : (C) 2019 by Alessandro Pasotti
7  email                : elpaso at itopen dot it
8  ***************************************************************************
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
11  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
12  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
13  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
14  *                                                                         *
15  ***************************************************************************/
17 #include <cstring>
18 #include "qgspostgresrasterprovider.h"
19 #include "qgspostgrestransaction.h"
20 #include "qgsmessagelog.h"
21 #include "qgsrectangle.h"
22 #include "qgspolygon.h"
23 #include "qgspostgresprovider.h"
24 #include "qgsgdalutils.h"
25 #include "qgsstringutils.h"
27 #include <QRegularExpression>
29 const QString QgsPostgresRasterProvider::PG_RASTER_PROVIDER_KEY = QStringLiteral( "postgresraster" );
30 const QString QgsPostgresRasterProvider::PG_RASTER_PROVIDER_DESCRIPTION =  QStringLiteral( "Postgres raster provider" );
QgsPostgresRasterProvider(const QString & uri,const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions & providerOptions,QgsDataProvider::ReadFlags flags)33 QgsPostgresRasterProvider::QgsPostgresRasterProvider( const QString &uri, const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions &providerOptions, QgsDataProvider::ReadFlags flags )
34   : QgsRasterDataProvider( uri, providerOptions, flags )
35   , mShared( new QgsPostgresRasterSharedData )
36 {
38   mUri = uri;
40   // populate members from the uri structure
41   mSchemaName = mUri.schema();
42   if ( mSchemaName.isEmpty() )
43   {
44     mSchemaName = QStringLiteral( "public" );
45   }
46   mTableName = mUri.table();
48   mRasterColumn = mUri.geometryColumn();
49   mSqlWhereClause = mUri.sql();
50   mRequestedSrid = mUri.srid();
52   /* do not support queries for now
53   if ( mSchemaName.isEmpty() && mTableName.startsWith( '(' ) && mTableName.endsWith( ')' ) )
54   {
55     mIsQuery = true;
56     mQuery = mTableName;
57     mTableName.clear();
58   }
59   else
60   */
61   {
62     mIsQuery = false;
64     if ( !mSchemaName.isEmpty() )
65     {
66       mQuery += quotedIdentifier( mSchemaName ) + '.';
67     }
69     if ( !mTableName.isEmpty() )
70     {
71       mQuery += quotedIdentifier( mTableName );
72     }
73   }
75   // TODO: for now always true
76   // mUseEstimatedMetadata = mUri.useEstimatedMetadata();
78   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Connection info is %1" ).arg( mUri.connectionInfo( false ) ), 4 );
79   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Schema is: %1" ).arg( mSchemaName ), 4 );
80   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Table name is: %1" ).arg( mTableName ), 4 );
81   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Query is: %1" ).arg( mQuery ), 4 );
82   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Where clause is: %1" ).arg( mSqlWhereClause ), 4 );
84   // no table/query passed, the provider could be used to get tables
85   if ( mQuery.isEmpty() )
86   {
87     return;
88   }
90   mConnectionRO = QgsPostgresConn::connectDb( mUri.connectionInfo( false ), true );
91   if ( !mConnectionRO )
92   {
93     return;
94   }
96   if ( !hasSufficientPermsAndCapabilities() ) // check permissions and set capabilities
97   {
98     disconnectDb();
99     return;
100   }
102   if ( !init() ) // gets srid and data type
103   {
104     // the table is not a raster table
105     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Invalid PostgreSQL raster layer" ), tr( "PostGIS" ) );
106     disconnectDb();
107     return;
108   }
110   // Check if requested srid and detected srid match
111   if ( ! mDetectedSrid.isEmpty() && ! mRequestedSrid.isEmpty() && mRequestedSrid != mDetectedSrid )
112   {
113     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Requested SRID (%1) and detected SRID (%2) differ" )
114                                .arg( mRequestedSrid )
115                                .arg( mDetectedSrid ),
116                                QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
117   }
119   mLayerMetadata.setType( QStringLiteral( "dataset" ) );
120   mLayerMetadata.setCrs( crs() );
122   mValid = true;
123 }
QgsPostgresRasterProvider(const QgsPostgresRasterProvider & other,const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions & providerOptions,QgsDataProvider::ReadFlags flags)125 QgsPostgresRasterProvider::QgsPostgresRasterProvider( const QgsPostgresRasterProvider &other, const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions &providerOptions, QgsDataProvider::ReadFlags flags )
126   : QgsRasterDataProvider( other.dataSourceUri(), providerOptions, flags )
127   , mValid( other.mValid )
128   , mCrs( other.mCrs )
129   , mUri( other.mUri )
130   , mIsQuery( other.mIsQuery )
131   , mTableName( other.mTableName )
132   , mQuery( other.mQuery )
133   , mRasterColumn( other.mRasterColumn )
134   , mSchemaName( other.mSchemaName )
135   , mSqlWhereClause( other.mSqlWhereClause )
136   , mUseEstimatedMetadata( other.mUseEstimatedMetadata )
137   , mDataTypes( other.mDataTypes )
138   , mDataSizes( other.mDataSizes )
139   , mOverViews( other.mOverViews )
140   , mBandCount( other.mBandCount )
141   , mIsTiled( other.mIsTiled )
142   , mIsOutOfDb( other.mIsOutOfDb )
143   , mHasSpatialIndex( other.mHasSpatialIndex )
144   , mWidth( other.mWidth )
145   , mHeight( other.mHeight )
146   , mTileWidth( other.mTileWidth )
147   , mTileHeight( other.mTileHeight )
148   , mScaleX( other.mScaleX )
149   , mScaleY( other.mScaleY )
150   , mTemporalFieldIndex( other.mTemporalFieldIndex )
151   , mTemporalDefaultTime( other.mTemporalDefaultTime )
152   , mAttributeFields( other.mAttributeFields )
153   , mIdentityFields( other.mIdentityFields )
154   , mDefaultValues( other.mDefaultValues )
155   , mDataComment( other.mDataComment )
156   , mDetectedSrid( other.mDetectedSrid )
157   , mRequestedSrid( other.mRequestedSrid )
158   , mConnectionRO( other.mConnectionRO )
159   , mConnectionRW( other.mConnectionRW )
160   , mPrimaryKeyType( other.mPrimaryKeyType )
161   , mPrimaryKeyAttrs( other.mPrimaryKeyAttrs )
162   , mShared( other.mShared )
163 {
164 }
hasSufficientPermsAndCapabilities()167 bool QgsPostgresRasterProvider::hasSufficientPermsAndCapabilities()
168 {
169   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Checking for permissions on the relation" ), 4 );
171   QgsPostgresResult testAccess;
172   if ( !mIsQuery )
173   {
174     // Check that we can read from the table (i.e., we have select permission).
175     QString sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT * FROM %1 LIMIT 1" ).arg( mQuery );
176     QgsPostgresResult testAccess( connectionRO()->PQexec( sql ) );
177     if ( testAccess.PQresultStatus() != PGRES_TUPLES_OK )
178     {
179       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Unable to access the %1 relation.\nThe error message from the database was:\n%2.\nSQL: %3" )
180                                  .arg( mQuery,
181                                        testAccess.PQresultErrorMessage(),
182                                        sql ), tr( "PostGIS" ) );
183       return false;
184     }
186     if ( connectionRO()->pgVersion() >= 90000 )
187     {
188       testAccess = connectionRO()->PQexec( QStringLiteral( "SELECT pg_is_in_recovery()" ) );
189       if ( testAccess.PQresultStatus() != PGRES_TUPLES_OK || testAccess.PQgetvalue( 0, 0 ) == QLatin1String( "t" ) )
190       {
191         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "PostgreSQL is still in recovery after a database crash\n(or you are connected to a (read-only) standby server).\nWrite accesses will be denied." ), tr( "PostGIS" ) );
192       }
193     }
194   }
195   return true;
196 }
crs() const198 QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem QgsPostgresRasterProvider::crs() const
199 {
200   return mCrs;
201 }
extent() const203 QgsRectangle QgsPostgresRasterProvider::extent() const
204 {
205   return mExtent;
206 }
isValid() const208 bool QgsPostgresRasterProvider::isValid() const
209 {
210   return mValid;
211 }
name() const213 QString QgsPostgresRasterProvider::name() const
214 {
215   return QgsPostgresRasterProvider::PG_RASTER_PROVIDER_KEY;
216 }
description() const218 QString QgsPostgresRasterProvider::description() const
219 {
220   return QgsPostgresRasterProvider::PG_RASTER_PROVIDER_DESCRIPTION;
221 }
readBlock(int bandNo,const QgsRectangle & viewExtent,int width,int height,void * data,QgsRasterBlockFeedback *)223 bool QgsPostgresRasterProvider::readBlock( int bandNo, const QgsRectangle &viewExtent, int width, int height, void *data, QgsRasterBlockFeedback * )
224 {
225   if ( bandNo > mBandCount )
226   {
227     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Invalid band number '%1" ).arg( bandNo ), QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
228     return false;
229   }
231   const QgsRectangle rasterExtent = viewExtent.intersect( mExtent );
232   if ( rasterExtent.isEmpty() )
233   {
234     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Requested extent is not valid" ), QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
235     return false;
236   }
238   const bool isSingleValue {  width == 1 && height == 1 };
239   QString tableToQuery { mQuery };
241   QString whereAnd { subsetStringWithTemporalRange() };
242   if ( ! whereAnd.isEmpty() )
243   {
244     whereAnd = whereAnd.append( QStringLiteral( " AND " ) );
245   }
247   // Identify
248   if ( isSingleValue )
249   {
250     QString sql;
251     sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT ST_Value( ST_Band( %1, %2), ST_GeomFromText( %3, %4 ), FALSE ) "
252                           "FROM %5 "
253                           "WHERE %6 %1 && ST_GeomFromText( %3, %4 )" )
254           .arg( quotedIdentifier( mRasterColumn ) )
255           .arg( bandNo )
256           .arg( quotedValue( viewExtent.center().asWkt() ) )
257           .arg( mCrs.postgisSrid() )
258           .arg( mQuery )
259           .arg( whereAnd );
261     QgsPostgresResult result( connectionRO()->PQexec( sql ) );
262     if ( result.PQresultStatus() != PGRES_TUPLES_OK )
263     {
264       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Unable to access the %1 relation.\nThe error message from the database was:\n%2.\nSQL: %3" )
265                                  .arg( mQuery,
266                                        result.PQresultErrorMessage(),
267                                        sql ), tr( "PostGIS" ) );
268       return false;
269     }
271     bool ok;
272     const QString val { result.PQgetvalue( 0, 0 ) };
273     const Qgis::DataType dataType { mDataTypes[ static_cast<unsigned int>( bandNo - 1 ) ] };
274     switch ( dataType )
275     {
276       case Qgis::DataType::Byte:
277       {
278         const unsigned short byte { val.toUShort( &ok ) };
279         if ( ! ok )
280         {
281           QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot convert identified value to byte" ), QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
282           return false;
283         }
284         std::memcpy( data, &byte, sizeof( unsigned short ) );
285         break;
286       }
287       case Qgis::DataType::UInt16:
288       {
289         const unsigned int uint { val.toUInt( &ok ) };
290         if ( ! ok )
291         {
292           QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot convert identified value to unsigned int" ), QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
293           return false;
294         }
295         std::memcpy( data, &uint, sizeof( unsigned int ) );
296         break;
297       }
298       case Qgis::DataType::UInt32:
299       {
300         const unsigned long ulong { val.toULong( &ok ) };
301         if ( ! ok )
302         {
303           QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot convert identified value to unsigned long" ), QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
304           return false;
305         }
306         std::memcpy( data, &ulong, sizeof( unsigned long ) );
307         break;
308       }
309       case Qgis::DataType::Int16:
310       {
311         const int intVal { val.toInt( &ok ) };
312         if ( ! ok )
313         {
314           QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot convert identified value to int" ), QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
315           return false;
316         }
317         std::memcpy( data, &intVal, sizeof( int ) );
318         break;
319       }
320       case Qgis::DataType::Int32:
321       {
322         const long longVal { val.toLong( &ok ) };
323         if ( ! ok )
324         {
325           QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot convert identified value to long" ), QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
326           return false;
327         }
328         std::memcpy( data, &longVal, sizeof( long ) );
329         break;
330       }
331       case Qgis::DataType::Float32:
332       {
333         const float floatVal { val.toFloat( &ok ) };
334         if ( ! ok )
335         {
336           QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot convert identified value to float" ), QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
337           return false;
338         }
339         std::memcpy( data, &floatVal, sizeof( float ) );
340         break;
341       }
342       case Qgis::DataType::Float64:
343       {
344         const double doubleVal { val.toDouble( &ok ) };
345         if ( ! ok )
346         {
347           QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot convert identified value to double" ), QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
348           return false;
349         }
350         std::memcpy( data, &doubleVal, sizeof( double ) );
351         break;
352       }
353       default:
354       {
355         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Unknown identified data type" ), QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
356         return false;
357       }
358     }
359   }
360   else // Fetch block
361   {
363     const double xRes = viewExtent.width() / width;
364     const double yRes = viewExtent.height() / height;
366     // Find overview
367     const int minPixelSize { static_cast<int>( std::min( xRes, yRes ) ) };
368     // TODO: round?
369     const unsigned int desiredOverviewFactor { static_cast<unsigned int>( minPixelSize / std::max( std::abs( mScaleX ), std::abs( mScaleY ) ) ) };
371     unsigned int overviewFactor { 1 };  // no overview
373     // Cannot use overviews if there is a where condition
374     if ( whereAnd.isEmpty() )
375     {
376       const auto ovKeys { mOverViews.keys( ) };
377       QList<unsigned int>::const_reverse_iterator rit { ovKeys.rbegin() };
378       for ( ; rit != ovKeys.rend(); ++rit )
379       {
380         if ( *rit <= desiredOverviewFactor )
381         {
382           tableToQuery = mOverViews[ *rit ];
383           overviewFactor = *rit;
384           QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Using overview for block read: %1" ).arg( tableToQuery ), 3 );
385           break;
386         }
387       }
388     }
390     //qDebug() << "Overview desired: " << desiredOverviewFactor << "found:" << overviewFactor << tableToQuery;
391     //qDebug() << "View extent" << viewExtent.toString( 1 ) << width << height << minPixelSize;
393     // Get the the tiles we need to build the block
394     const QgsPostgresRasterSharedData::TilesRequest tilesRequest
395     {
396       bandNo,
397       rasterExtent,
398       overviewFactor,
399       pkSql(),  // already quoted
400       quotedIdentifier( mRasterColumn ),
401       tableToQuery,
402       QString::number( mCrs.postgisSrid() ),
403       whereAnd,
404       connectionRO()
405     };
407     const QgsPostgresRasterSharedData::TilesResponse tileResponse
408     {
409       mShared->tiles( tilesRequest )
410     };
412     if ( tileResponse.tiles.isEmpty() )
413     {
414       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "No tiles available in table %1 for the requested extent: %2" )
415                                  .arg( tableToQuery, rasterExtent.toString( ) ), tr( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
416       return false;
417     }
420     // Finally merge the tiles
421     // We must have at least one tile at this point (we checked for that before)
423     const QgsRectangle &tilesExtent { tileResponse.extent };
425     // Prepare tmp output raster
426     const int tmpWidth = static_cast<int>( std::round( tilesExtent.width() / tileResponse.tiles.first().scaleX ) );
427     const int tmpHeight = static_cast<int>( std::round( tilesExtent.height() / std::fabs( tileResponse.tiles.first().scaleY ) ) );
429     GDALDataType gdalDataType { static_cast<GDALDataType>( sourceDataType( bandNo ) ) };
431     //qDebug() << "Creating output raster: " << tilesExtent.toString() << tmpWidth << tmpHeight;
433     gdal::dataset_unique_ptr tmpDS { QgsGdalUtils::createSingleBandMemoryDataset(
434                                        gdalDataType, tilesExtent, tmpWidth, tmpHeight, mCrs ) };
435     if ( ! tmpDS )
436     {
437       {
438         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Unable to create temporary raster for tiles from %1" )
439                                    .arg( tableToQuery ), tr( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
440         return false;
441       }
442     }
444     // Write tiles to the temporary raster
445     CPLErrorReset();
446     for ( auto &tile : std::as_const( tileResponse.tiles ) )
447     {
448       // Offset in px from the base raster
449       const int xOff { static_cast<int>( std::round( ( tile.upperLeftX - tilesExtent.xMinimum() ) / tile.scaleX ) ) };
450       const int yOff { static_cast<int>( std::round( ( tilesExtent.yMaximum() - tile.extent.yMaximum() ) / std::fabs( tile.scaleY ) ) )};
452       //qDebug() << "Merging tile output raster: " << tile.tileId << xOff << yOff << tile.width << tile.height ;
454       CPLErr err =  GDALRasterIO( GDALGetRasterBand( tmpDS.get(), 1 ),
455                                   GF_Write,
456                                   xOff,
457                                   yOff,
458                                   static_cast<int>( tile.width ),
459                                   static_cast<int>( tile.height ),
460                                   ( void * )( tile.data.constData() ),  // old-style because of const
461                                   static_cast<int>( tile.width ),
462                                   static_cast<int>( tile.height ),
463                                   gdalDataType,
464                                   0,
465                                   0 );
466       if ( err != CE_None )
467       {
468         const QString lastError = QString::fromUtf8( CPLGetLastErrorMsg() ) ;
469         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Unable to write tile to temporary raster from %1: %2" )
470                                    .arg( tableToQuery, lastError ), tr( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
471         return false;
472       }
473     }
475 #if 0
476     // Debug output raster content
477     double pdfMin;
478     double pdfMax;
479     double pdfMean;
480     double pdfStdDev;
481     GDALGetRasterStatistics( GDALGetRasterBand( tmpDS.get(), 1 ), 0, 1, &pdfMin, &pdfMax, &pdfMean, &pdfStdDev );
482     qDebug() << pdfMin << pdfMax << pdfMean << pdfStdDev;
483 #endif
485     // Write data to the output block
486     gdal::dataset_unique_ptr dstDS { QgsGdalUtils::createSingleBandMemoryDataset(
487                                        gdalDataType, viewExtent, width, height, mCrs ) };
488     if ( ! dstDS )
489     {
490       const QString lastError = QString::fromUtf8( CPLGetLastErrorMsg() ) ;
491       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Unable to create destination raster for tiles from %1: %2" )
492                                  .arg( tableToQuery, lastError ), tr( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
493       return false;
494     }
496     // Resample the raster to the final bounds and resolution
497     if ( ! QgsGdalUtils::resampleSingleBandRaster( tmpDS.get(), dstDS.get(), GDALResampleAlg::GRA_NearestNeighbour, nullptr ) )
498     {
499       const QString lastError = QString::fromUtf8( CPLGetLastErrorMsg() ) ;
500       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Unable to resample and transform destination raster for tiles from %1: %2" )
501                                  .arg( tableToQuery, lastError ), tr( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
502       return false;
503     }
505     // Copy to result buffer
506     CPLErrorReset();
507     CPLErr err = GDALRasterIO( GDALGetRasterBand( dstDS.get(), 1 ),
508                                GF_Read,
509                                0,
510                                0,
511                                width,
512                                height,
513                                data,
514                                width,
515                                height,
516                                gdalDataType,
517                                0,
518                                0 );
519     if ( err != CE_None )
520     {
521       const QString lastError = QString::fromUtf8( CPLGetLastErrorMsg() ) ;
522       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Unable to write raster to block from %1: %2" )
523                                  .arg( mQuery, lastError ), tr( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
524       return false;
525     }
527 #if 0
528     GDALGetRasterStatistics( GDALGetRasterBand( dstDS.get(), 1 ), 0, 1, &pdfMin, &pdfMax, &pdfMean, &pdfStdDev );
529     qDebug() << pdfMin << pdfMax << pdfMean << pdfStdDev;
531     // Spit it out float 32 data
532     for ( int i = 0; i < width * height; ++i )
533     {
534       qDebug() << reinterpret_cast<const float *>( data )[ i * 4 ];
535     }
536 #endif
538   }
539   return true;
540 }
QgsPostgresRasterProviderMetadata()543 QgsPostgresRasterProviderMetadata::QgsPostgresRasterProviderMetadata()
544   : QgsProviderMetadata( QgsPostgresRasterProvider::PG_RASTER_PROVIDER_KEY, QgsPostgresRasterProvider::PG_RASTER_PROVIDER_DESCRIPTION )
545 {
547 }
decodeUri(const QString & uri) const549 QVariantMap QgsPostgresRasterProviderMetadata::decodeUri( const QString &uri ) const
550 {
551   const QgsDataSourceUri dsUri { uri };
552   QVariantMap decoded;
554   if ( ! dsUri.database().isEmpty() )
555   {
556     decoded[ QStringLiteral( "dbname" ) ] = dsUri.database();
557   }
558   if ( ! dsUri.host().isEmpty() )
559   {
560     decoded[ QStringLiteral( "host" ) ] = dsUri.host();
561   }
562   if ( ! dsUri.port().isEmpty() )
563   {
564     decoded[ QStringLiteral( "port" ) ] = dsUri.port();
565   }
566   if ( ! dsUri.service().isEmpty() )
567   {
568     decoded[ QStringLiteral( "service" ) ] = dsUri.service();
569   }
570   if ( ! dsUri.username().isEmpty() )
571   {
572     decoded[ QStringLiteral( "username" ) ] = dsUri.username();
573   }
574   if ( ! dsUri.password().isEmpty() )
575   {
576     decoded[ QStringLiteral( "password" ) ] = dsUri.password();
577   }
578   if ( ! dsUri.authConfigId().isEmpty() )
579   {
580     decoded[ QStringLiteral( "authcfg" ) ] = dsUri.authConfigId();
581   }
582   if ( ! dsUri.schema().isEmpty() )
583   {
584     decoded[ QStringLiteral( "schema" ) ] = dsUri.schema();
585   }
586   if ( ! dsUri.table().isEmpty() )
587   {
588     decoded[ QStringLiteral( "table" ) ] = dsUri.table();
589   }
590   if ( ! dsUri.keyColumn().isEmpty() )
591   {
592     decoded[ QStringLiteral( "key" ) ] = dsUri.keyColumn();
593   }
594   if ( ! dsUri.srid().isEmpty() )
595   {
596     decoded[ QStringLiteral( "srid" ) ] = dsUri.srid();
597   }
598   if ( uri.contains( QStringLiteral( "estimatedmetadata=" ), Qt::CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive ) )
599   {
600     decoded[ QStringLiteral( "estimatedmetadata" ) ] = dsUri.useEstimatedMetadata();
601   }
602   if ( uri.contains( QStringLiteral( "sslmode=" ), Qt::CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive ) )
603   {
604     decoded[ QStringLiteral( "sslmode" ) ] = dsUri.sslMode();
605   }
606   // Do not add sql if it's empty
607   if ( ! dsUri.sql().isEmpty() )
608   {
609     decoded[ QStringLiteral( "sql" ) ] = dsUri.sql();
610   }
611   if ( ! dsUri.geometryColumn().isEmpty() )
612   {
613     decoded[ QStringLiteral( "geometrycolumn" ) ] = dsUri.geometryColumn();
614   }
616   // Params
617   const static QStringList params {{
618       QStringLiteral( "temporalFieldIndex" ),
619       QStringLiteral( "temporalDefaultTime" ),
620       QStringLiteral( "enableTime" )
621     }};
623   for ( const QString &pname : std::as_const( params ) )
624   {
625     if ( dsUri.hasParam( pname ) )
626     {
627       decoded[ pname ] = dsUri.param( pname );
628     }
629   }
631   return decoded;
632 }
encodeUri(const QVariantMap & parts) const635 QString QgsPostgresRasterProviderMetadata::encodeUri( const QVariantMap &parts ) const
636 {
637   QgsDataSourceUri dsUri;
638   if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "dbname" ) ) )
639     dsUri.setDatabase( parts.value( QStringLiteral( "dbname" ) ).toString() );
640   if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "port" ) ) )
641     dsUri.setParam( QStringLiteral( "port" ), parts.value( QStringLiteral( "port" ) ).toString() );
642   if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "host" ) ) )
643     dsUri.setParam( QStringLiteral( "host" ), parts.value( QStringLiteral( "host" ) ).toString() );
644   if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "service" ) ) )
645     dsUri.setParam( QStringLiteral( "service" ), parts.value( QStringLiteral( "service" ) ).toString() );
646   if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "username" ) ) )
647     dsUri.setUsername( parts.value( QStringLiteral( "username" ) ).toString() );
648   if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "password" ) ) )
649     dsUri.setPassword( parts.value( QStringLiteral( "password" ) ).toString() );
650   if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "authcfg" ) ) )
651     dsUri.setAuthConfigId( parts.value( QStringLiteral( "authcfg" ) ).toString() );
652   if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "selectatid" ) ) )
653     dsUri.setParam( QStringLiteral( "selectatid" ), parts.value( QStringLiteral( "selectatid" ) ).toString() );
654   if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "table" ) ) )
655     dsUri.setTable( parts.value( QStringLiteral( "table" ) ).toString() );
656   if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "schema" ) ) )
657     dsUri.setSchema( parts.value( QStringLiteral( "schema" ) ).toString() );
658   if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "key" ) ) )
659     dsUri.setParam( QStringLiteral( "key" ), parts.value( QStringLiteral( "key" ) ).toString() );
660   if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "srid" ) ) )
661     dsUri.setSrid( parts.value( QStringLiteral( "srid" ) ).toString() );
662   if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "estimatedmetadata" ) ) )
663     dsUri.setParam( QStringLiteral( "estimatedmetadata" ), parts.value( QStringLiteral( "estimatedmetadata" ) ).toString() );
664   if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "sslmode" ) ) )
665     dsUri.setParam( QStringLiteral( "sslmode" ), QgsDataSourceUri::encodeSslMode( static_cast<QgsDataSourceUri::SslMode>( parts.value( QStringLiteral( "sslmode" ) ).toInt( ) ) ) );
666   if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "sql" ) ) )
667     dsUri.setSql( parts.value( QStringLiteral( "sql" ) ).toString() );
668   if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "geometrycolumn" ) ) )
669     dsUri.setGeometryColumn( parts.value( QStringLiteral( "geometrycolumn" ) ).toString() );
670   if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "temporalFieldIndex" ) ) )
671     dsUri.setParam( QStringLiteral( "temporalFieldIndex" ), parts.value( QStringLiteral( "temporalFieldIndex" ) ).toString() );
672   if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "temporalDefaultTime" ) ) )
673     dsUri.setParam( QStringLiteral( "temporalDefaultTime" ), parts.value( QStringLiteral( "temporalDefaultTime" ) ).toString() );
674   if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "enableTime" ) ) )
675     dsUri.setParam( QStringLiteral( "enableTime" ), parts.value( QStringLiteral( "enableTime" ) ).toString() );
676   return dsUri.uri( false );
677 }
createProvider(const QString & uri,const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions & options,QgsDataProvider::ReadFlags flags)679 QgsPostgresRasterProvider *QgsPostgresRasterProviderMetadata::createProvider( const QString &uri, const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions &options, QgsDataProvider::ReadFlags flags )
680 {
681   return new QgsPostgresRasterProvider( uri, options, flags );
682 }
dataType(int bandNo) const685 Qgis::DataType QgsPostgresRasterProvider::dataType( int bandNo ) const
686 {
687   if ( mDataTypes.size() < static_cast<unsigned long>( bandNo ) )
688   {
689     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Data type size for band %1 could not be found: num bands is: %2 and the type size map for bands contains: %3 items" )
690                                .arg( bandNo )
691                                .arg( mBandCount )
692                                .arg( mDataSizes.size() ),
693                                QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
694     return Qgis::DataType::UnknownDataType;
695   }
696   // Band is 1-based
697   return mDataTypes[ static_cast<unsigned long>( bandNo ) - 1 ];
698 }
bandCount() const700 int QgsPostgresRasterProvider::bandCount() const
701 {
702   return mBandCount;
703 }
clone() const705 QgsPostgresRasterProvider *QgsPostgresRasterProvider::clone() const
706 {
707   QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions options;
708   options.transformContext = transformContext();
709   QgsPostgresRasterProvider *provider = new QgsPostgresRasterProvider( *this, options );
710   provider->copyBaseSettings( *this );
711   return provider;
712 }
dumpVariantMap(const QVariantMap & variantMap,const QString & title=QString ())715 static inline QString dumpVariantMap( const QVariantMap &variantMap, const QString &title = QString() )
716 {
717   QString result;
718   if ( !title.isEmpty() )
719   {
720     result += QStringLiteral( "<tr><td class=\"highlight\">%1</td><td></td></tr>" ).arg( title );
721   }
722   for ( auto it = variantMap.constBegin(); it != variantMap.constEnd(); ++it )
723   {
724     const QVariantMap childMap = it.value().toMap();
725     const QVariantList childList = it.value().toList();
726     if ( !childList.isEmpty() )
727     {
728       result += QStringLiteral( "<tr><td class=\"highlight\">%1</td><td><ul>" ).arg( it.key() );
729       for ( const QVariant &v : childList )
730       {
731         const QVariantMap grandChildMap = v.toMap();
732         if ( !grandChildMap.isEmpty() )
733         {
734           result += QStringLiteral( "<li><table>%1</table></li>" ).arg( dumpVariantMap( grandChildMap ) );
735         }
736         else
737         {
738           result += QStringLiteral( "<li>%1</li>" ).arg( QgsStringUtils::insertLinks( v.toString() ) );
739         }
740       }
741       result += QLatin1String( "</ul></td></tr>" );
742     }
743     else if ( !childMap.isEmpty() )
744     {
745       result += QStringLiteral( "<tr><td class=\"highlight\">%1</td><td><table>%2</table></td></tr>" ).arg( it.key(), dumpVariantMap( childMap ) );
746     }
747     else
748     {
749       result += QStringLiteral( "<tr><td class=\"highlight\">%1</td><td>%2</td></tr>" ).arg( it.key(), QgsStringUtils::insertLinks( it.value().toString() ) );
750     }
751   }
752   return result;
753 }
htmlMetadata()755 QString QgsPostgresRasterProvider::htmlMetadata()
756 {
757   // This must return the content of a HTML table starting by tr and ending by tr
758   QVariantMap overviews;
759   for ( auto it = mOverViews.constBegin(); it != mOverViews.constEnd(); ++it )
760   {
761     overviews.insert( QString::number( it.key() ), it.value() );
762   }
764   const QVariantMap additionalInformation
765   {
766     { tr( "Is Tiled" ), mIsTiled },
767     { tr( "Where Clause SQL" ), subsetString() },
768     { tr( "Pixel Size" ), QStringLiteral( "%1, %2" ).arg( mScaleX ).arg( mScaleY ) },
769     { tr( "Overviews" ),  overviews },
770     { tr( "Primary Keys SQL" ),  pkSql() },
771     { tr( "Temporal Column" ),  mTemporalFieldIndex >= 0 && mAttributeFields.exists( mTemporalFieldIndex ) ?  mAttributeFields.field( mTemporalFieldIndex ).name() : QString() },
772   };
773   return  dumpVariantMap( additionalInformation, tr( "Additional information" ) );
774 }
lastErrorTitle()776 QString QgsPostgresRasterProvider::lastErrorTitle()
777 {
778   return mErrorTitle;
779 }
lastError()781 QString QgsPostgresRasterProvider::lastError()
782 {
783   return mError;
784 }
capabilities() const786 int QgsPostgresRasterProvider::capabilities() const
787 {
788   const int capability = QgsRasterDataProvider::Identify
789                          | QgsRasterDataProvider::IdentifyValue
790                          | QgsRasterDataProvider::Size
791                          // TODO:| QgsRasterDataProvider::BuildPyramids
792                          | QgsRasterDataProvider::Create
793                          | QgsRasterDataProvider::Remove
794                          | QgsRasterDataProvider::Prefetch;
795   return capability;
796 }
connectionRO() const798 QgsPostgresConn *QgsPostgresRasterProvider::connectionRO() const
799 {
800   return mConnectionRO;
801 }
connectionRW()803 QgsPostgresConn *QgsPostgresRasterProvider::connectionRW()
804 {
805   if ( !mConnectionRW )
806   {
807     mConnectionRW = QgsPostgresConn::connectDb( mUri.connectionInfo( false ), false );
808   }
809   return mConnectionRW;
810 }
subsetString() const812 QString QgsPostgresRasterProvider::subsetString() const
813 {
814   return mSqlWhereClause;
815 }
defaultTimeSubsetString(const QDateTime & defaultTime) const817 QString QgsPostgresRasterProvider::defaultTimeSubsetString( const QDateTime &defaultTime ) const
818 {
819   if ( defaultTime.isValid( ) &&
820        mTemporalFieldIndex >= 0 &&
821        mAttributeFields.exists( mTemporalFieldIndex ) )
822   {
823     const QgsField temporalField { mAttributeFields.field( mTemporalFieldIndex ) };
824     const QString typeCast { temporalField.type() != QVariant::DateTime ? QStringLiteral( "::timestamp" ) : QString() };
825     const QString temporalFieldName { temporalField.name() };
826     return  { QStringLiteral( "%1%2 = %3" )
827               .arg( quotedIdentifier( temporalFieldName ),
828                     typeCast,
829                     quotedValue( defaultTime.toString( Qt::DateFormat::ISODate ) ) ) };
830   }
831   else
832   {
833     return QString();
834   }
835 }
setSubsetString(const QString & subset,bool updateFeatureCount)837 bool QgsPostgresRasterProvider::setSubsetString( const QString &subset, bool updateFeatureCount )
838 {
839   Q_UNUSED( updateFeatureCount )
841   const QString oldSql { mSqlWhereClause };
843   mSqlWhereClause = subset;
844   // Recalculate extent and other metadata calling init()
845   if ( !init() )
846   {
847     // Restore
848     mSqlWhereClause = oldSql;
849     init();
850     return false;
851   }
853   mStatistics.clear();
854   mShared->invalidateCache();
856   // Update datasource uri too
857   mUri.setSql( subset );
858   setDataSourceUri( mUri.uri( false ) );
860   return true;
861 }
subsetStringWithTemporalRange() const863 QString QgsPostgresRasterProvider::subsetStringWithTemporalRange() const
864 {
865   // Temporal
866   if ( mTemporalFieldIndex >= 0 && mAttributeFields.exists( mTemporalFieldIndex ) )
867   {
868     const QgsField temporalField { mAttributeFields.field( mTemporalFieldIndex ) };
869     const QString typeCast { temporalField.type() != QVariant::DateTime ? QStringLiteral( "::timestamp" ) : QString() };
870     const QString temporalFieldName { temporalField.name() };
872     if ( temporalCapabilities()->hasTemporalCapabilities() )
873     {
874       QString temporalClause;
875       const QgsTemporalRange<QDateTime> requestedRange { temporalCapabilities()->requestedTemporalRange() };
876       if ( ! requestedRange.isEmpty() && ! requestedRange.isInfinite() )
877       {
878         if ( requestedRange.isInstant() )
879         {
880           temporalClause = QStringLiteral( "%1%2 = %3" )
881                            .arg( quotedIdentifier( temporalFieldName ),
882                                  typeCast,
883                                  quotedValue( requestedRange.begin().toString( Qt::DateFormat::ISODate ) ) );
884         }
885         else
886         {
887           if ( requestedRange.begin().isValid() )
888           {
889             temporalClause = QStringLiteral( "%1%2 %3 %4" )
890                              .arg( quotedIdentifier( temporalFieldName ),
891                                    typeCast,
892                                    requestedRange.includeBeginning() ? ">=" : ">",
893                                    quotedValue( requestedRange.begin().toString( Qt::DateFormat::ISODate ) ) );
894           }
895           if ( requestedRange.end().isValid() )
896           {
897             if ( ! temporalClause.isEmpty() )
898             {
899               temporalClause.append( QStringLiteral( " AND " ) );
900             }
901             temporalClause.append( QStringLiteral( "%1%2 %3 %4" )
902                                    .arg( quotedIdentifier( temporalFieldName ),
903                                          typeCast,
904                                          requestedRange.includeEnd() ? "<=" : "<",
905                                          quotedValue( requestedRange.end().toString( Qt::DateFormat::ISODate ) ) ) );
906           }
907         }
908         return mSqlWhereClause.isEmpty() ? temporalClause : QStringLiteral( "%1 AND (%2)" ).arg( mSqlWhereClause, temporalClause );
909       }
910       const QString defaultTimeSubset { defaultTimeSubsetString( mTemporalDefaultTime ) };
911       if ( ! defaultTimeSubset.isEmpty() )
912       {
913         return mSqlWhereClause.isEmpty() ? defaultTimeSubset : QStringLiteral( "%1 AND (%2)" ).arg( mSqlWhereClause, defaultTimeSubset );
914       }
915     }
916   }
917   return mSqlWhereClause;
918 }
disconnectDb()921 void QgsPostgresRasterProvider::disconnectDb()
922 {
923   if ( mConnectionRO )
924   {
925     mConnectionRO->unref();
926     mConnectionRO = nullptr;
927   }
929   if ( mConnectionRW )
930   {
931     mConnectionRW->unref();
932     mConnectionRW = nullptr;
933   }
934 }
init()936 bool QgsPostgresRasterProvider::init()
937 {
939   // WARNING: multiple failure and return points!
941   if ( !determinePrimaryKey() )
942   {
943     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "PostgreSQL raster layer has no primary key." ), tr( "PostGIS" ) );
944     return false;
945   }
947   // We first try to collect raster information using raster_columns information
948   // unless:
949   // - it is a query layer (unsupported at the moment)
950   // - use estimated metadata is false
951   // - there is a WHERE condition (except for temporal default value )
952   // If previous conditions are not met or the first method fail try to fetch information
953   // directly from the raster data. This can be very slow.
954   // Note that a temporal filter set as temporal default value does not count as a WHERE condition
956   // utility to get data type from string, used in both branches
957   auto pixelTypeFromString = [ ]( const QString & t ) -> Qgis::DataType
958   {
959     /* Pixel types
960     1BB - 1-bit boolean
961     2BUI - 2-bit unsigned integer
962     4BUI - 4-bit unsigned integer
963     8BSI - 8-bit signed integer
964     8BUI - 8-bit unsigned integer
965     16BSI - 16-bit signed integer
966     16BUI - 16-bit unsigned integer
967     32BSI - 32-bit signed integer
968     32BUI - 32-bit unsigned integer
969     32BF - 32-bit float
970     64BF - 64-bit float
971     */
972     Qgis::DataType type { Qgis::DataType::UnknownDataType };
973     if ( t == QLatin1String( "8BUI" ) )
974     {
975       type = Qgis::DataType::Byte;
976     }
977     else if ( t == QLatin1String( "16BUI" ) )
978     {
979       type = Qgis::DataType::UInt16;
980     }
981     else if ( t == QLatin1String( "16BSI" ) )
982     {
983       type = Qgis::DataType::Int16;
984     }
985     else if ( t == QLatin1String( "32BSI" ) )
986     {
987       type = Qgis::DataType::Int32;
988     }
989     else if ( t == QLatin1String( "32BUI" ) )
990     {
991       type = Qgis::DataType::UInt32;
992     }
993     else if ( t == QLatin1String( "32BF" ) )
994     {
995       type = Qgis::DataType::Float32;
996     }
997     else if ( t == QLatin1String( "64BF" ) )
998     {
999       type = Qgis::DataType::Float64;
1000     }
1001     return type;
1002   };
1004   // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1005   // First method: get information from metadata
1006   if ( ! mIsQuery && mUseEstimatedMetadata && subsetString().isEmpty() )
1007   {
1008     try
1009     {
1010       const QString sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT r_raster_column, srid,"
1011                                           "num_bands, pixel_types, nodata_values, ST_AsBinary(extent), blocksize_x, blocksize_y,"
1012                                           "out_db, spatial_index, scale_x, scale_y, same_alignment,"
1013                                           "regular_blocking "
1014                                           "FROM raster_columns WHERE "
1015                                           "r_table_name = %1 AND r_table_schema = %2" )
1016                           .arg( quotedValue( mTableName ), quotedValue( mSchemaName ) );
1018       QgsPostgresResult result( connectionRO()->PQexec( sql ) );
1020       if ( ( PGRES_TUPLES_OK == result.PQresultStatus() ) && ( result.PQntuples() > 0 ) )
1021       {
1022         mRasterColumn = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 0 );
1023         mHasSpatialIndex = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 9 ) == 't';
1024         bool ok;
1026         mCrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem();
1027         // FIXME: from Nyall's comment:
1028         // keep in mind that postgis crs handling is rather broken in QGIS and needs to be rethought for 4.0
1029         // (we should be retrieving the definition from the server corresponding to the reported postgis srs,
1030         // and not using any qgis internal databases for this ... which may or may not have any match to the
1031         // server's definitions.)
1033         mCrs.createFromSrid( result.PQgetvalue( 0, 1 ).toLong( &ok ) );
1036         if ( ! ok )
1037         {
1038           throw QgsPostgresRasterProviderException( tr( "Cannot create CRS from EPSG: '%1'" ).arg( result.PQgetvalue( 0, 1 ) ) );
1039         }
1041         mDetectedSrid = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 1 );
1042         mBandCount = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 2 ).toInt( &ok );
1044         if ( ! ok )
1045         {
1046           throw QgsPostgresRasterProviderException( tr( "Cannot get band count from value: '%1'" ).arg( result.PQgetvalue( 0, 2 ) ) );
1047         }
1049         QString pxTypesArray { result.PQgetvalue( 0, 3 ) };
1050         pxTypesArray.chop( 1 );
1051         const QStringList pxTypes { pxTypesArray.mid( 1 ).split( ',' ) };
1053         QString noDataValuesArray { result.PQgetvalue( 0, 4 ) };
1054         noDataValuesArray.chop( 1 );
1055         const QStringList noDataValues { noDataValuesArray.mid( 1 ).split( ',' ) };
1057         if ( mBandCount != pxTypes.count( ) || mBandCount != noDataValues.count() )
1058         {
1059           throw QgsPostgresRasterProviderException( tr( "Band count and nodata items count differs" ) );
1060         }
1062         int i = 0;
1063         for ( const QString &t : std::as_const( pxTypes ) )
1064         {
1065           Qgis::DataType type { pixelTypeFromString( t ) };
1066           if ( type == Qgis::DataType::UnknownDataType )
1067           {
1068             throw QgsPostgresRasterProviderException( tr( "Unsupported data type: '%1'" ).arg( t ) );
1069           }
1070           mDataTypes.push_back( type );
1071           mDataSizes.push_back( QgsRasterBlock::typeSize( type ) );
1072           double nodataValue { noDataValues.at( i ).toDouble( &ok ) };
1073           if ( ! ok )
1074           {
1075             if ( noDataValues.at( i ) != QLatin1String( "NULL" ) )
1076             {
1077               QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot convert nodata value '%1' to double" )
1078                                          .arg( noDataValues.at( i ) ),
1079                                          QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
1080             }
1081             mSrcHasNoDataValue.append( false );
1082             mUseSrcNoDataValue.append( false );
1083             nodataValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
1084           }
1085           else
1086           {
1087             mSrcHasNoDataValue.append( true );
1088             mUseSrcNoDataValue.append( true );
1089           }
1090           mSrcNoDataValue.append( QgsRaster::representableValue( nodataValue, type ) );
1091           ++i;
1092         }
1094         // Extent
1095         QgsPolygon p;
1096         // Strip \x
1097         const QByteArray hexAscii { result.PQgetvalue( 0, 5 ).toLatin1().mid( 2 ) };
1098         const QByteArray hexBin = QByteArray::fromHex( hexAscii );
1099         QgsConstWkbPtr ptr { hexBin };
1101         if ( hexAscii.isEmpty() || ! p.fromWkb( ptr ) )
1102         {
1103           // Try to determine extent from raster
1104           const QString extentSql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT ST_Envelope( %1 ) "
1105                                     "FROM %2 WHERE %3" )
1106                                     .arg( quotedIdentifier( mRasterColumn ),
1107                                           mQuery,
1108                                           subsetString().isEmpty() ? "'t'" : subsetString() );
1110           QgsPostgresResult extentResult( connectionRO()->PQexec( extentSql ) );
1111           const QByteArray extentHexAscii { extentResult.PQgetvalue( 0, 0 ).toLatin1() };
1112           const QByteArray extentHexBin = QByteArray::fromHex( extentHexAscii );
1113           QgsConstWkbPtr extentPtr { extentHexBin };
1114           if ( extentHexAscii.isEmpty() || ! p.fromWkb( extentPtr ) )
1115           {
1116             throw QgsPostgresRasterProviderException( tr( "Cannot get extent from raster" ) );
1117           }
1118         }
1120         mExtent = p.boundingBox();
1122         // Tile size
1123         mTileWidth = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 6 ).toInt( &ok );
1125         if ( ! ok )
1126         {
1127           throw QgsPostgresRasterProviderException( tr( "Cannot convert width '%1' to int" ).arg( result.PQgetvalue( 0, 6 ) ) );
1128         }
1130         mTileHeight = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 7 ).toInt( &ok );
1132         if ( ! ok )
1133         {
1134           throw QgsPostgresRasterProviderException( tr( "Cannot convert height '%1' to int" ).arg( result.PQgetvalue( 0, 7 ) ) );
1135         }
1137         mIsOutOfDb = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 8 ) == 't';
1138         mScaleX = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 10 ).toDouble( &ok );
1140         if ( ! ok )
1141         {
1142           throw QgsPostgresRasterProviderException( tr( "Cannot convert scale X '%1' to double" ).arg( result.PQgetvalue( 0, 10 ) ) );
1143         }
1145         mScaleY = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 11 ).toDouble( &ok );
1147         if ( ! ok )
1148         {
1149           throw QgsPostgresRasterProviderException( tr( "Cannot convert scale Y '%1' to double" ).arg( result.PQgetvalue( 0, 11 ) ) );
1150         }
1152         // Compute raster size
1153         mHeight = static_cast<long>( std::round( mExtent.height() / std::abs( mScaleY ) ) );
1154         mWidth = static_cast<long>( std::round( mExtent.width() / std::abs( mScaleX ) ) );
1155         // is tiled?
1156         mIsTiled = ( mWidth != mTileWidth ) || ( mHeight != mTileHeight );
1158         // Detect overviews
1159         findOverviews();
1160         return initFieldsAndTemporal( );
1161       }
1162       else
1163       {
1164         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "An error occurred while fetching raster metadata for table %1: %2\nSQL: %3" )
1165                                    .arg( mQuery )
1166                                    .arg( result.PQresultErrorMessage() )
1167                                    .arg( sql ),
1168                                    QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
1169       }
1170     }
1171     catch ( QgsPostgresRasterProviderException &ex )
1172     {
1173       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "An error occurred while fetching raster metadata for %1, proceeding with (possibly very slow) raster data analysis: %2\n"
1174                                      "Please consider adding raster constraints with PostGIS function AddRasterConstraints." )
1175                                  .arg( mQuery )
1176                                  .arg( ex.message ),
1177                                  QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
1178     }
1179   }
1181   // TODO: query layers + mHasSpatialIndex in case metadata are not used
1183   // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1184   // Go the hard and slow way: fetch information directly from the layer
1185   //
1186   if ( mRasterColumn.isEmpty() )
1187   {
1188     const QString sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE "
1189                                         "table_name = %1 AND table_schema = %2 AND udt_name = 'raster'" )
1190                         .arg( quotedValue( mTableName ), quotedValue( mSchemaName ) );
1192     QgsPostgresResult result( connectionRO()->PQexec( sql ) );
1194     if ( PGRES_TUPLES_OK == result.PQresultStatus() && result.PQntuples() > 0 )
1195     {
1196       if ( result.PQntuples() > 1 )
1197       {
1198         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Multiple raster column detected, using the first one" ),
1199                                    QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
1201       }
1202       mRasterColumn = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 0 );
1203     }
1204     else
1205     {
1206       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "An error occurred while fetching raster column" ),
1207                                  QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
1208       return false;
1209     }
1210   }
1212   // Get the full raster and extract information
1213   // Note: this can be very slow
1214   // Use oveviews if we can, even if they are probably missing for unconstrained tables
1216   findOverviews();
1218   QString tableToQuery { mQuery };
1220   if ( ! mOverViews.isEmpty() )
1221   {
1222     tableToQuery = mOverViews.last();
1223   }
1225   QString where;
1226   if ( ! subsetString().isEmpty() )
1227   {
1228     where = QStringLiteral( "WHERE %1" ).arg( subsetString() );
1229   }
1231   // Unfortunately we cannot safely assume that the raster is untiled and just LIMIT 1
1232   // Fastest SQL: fetch all metadata in one pass
1233   //   0           1          3           3        4       5         6       7       8       9      10          11           12           13      14
1234   // encode | upperleftx | upperlefty | width | height | scalex | scaley | skewx | skewy | srid | numbands | pixeltype | nodatavalue | isoutdb | path
1235   const QString sql = QStringLiteral( R"(
1236       WITH cte_filtered_raster AS ( SELECT %1 AS filtered_rast FROM %2 %3 ),
1237            cte_rast AS ( SELECT ST_Union( cte_filtered_raster.filtered_rast ) AS united_raster FROM cte_filtered_raster ),
1238            cte_bandno AS ( SELECT * FROM generate_series(1, ST_NumBands ( ( SELECT cte_rast.united_raster FROM cte_rast ) ) ) AS bandno ),
1239            cte_band AS ( SELECT ST_Band( united_raster, bandno ) AS band FROM cte_rast, cte_bandno )
1240                       SELECT ENCODE( ST_AsBinary( ST_Envelope( band ) ), 'hex'),
1241                         (ST_Metadata( band  )).*,
1242                         (ST_BandMetadata( band )).*
1243                       FROM cte_band)" ).arg( quotedIdentifier( mRasterColumn ), tableToQuery, where );
1245   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Raster information sql: %1" ).arg( sql ), 4 );
1247   QgsPostgresResult result( connectionRO()->PQexec( sql ) );
1248   if ( PGRES_TUPLES_OK == result.PQresultStatus() && result.PQntuples() > 0 )
1249   {
1251     // These may have been filled with defaults in the fast track
1252     mSrcNoDataValue.clear();
1253     mSrcHasNoDataValue.clear();
1254     mUseSrcNoDataValue.clear();
1255     mBandCount = result.PQntuples();
1257     bool ok;
1259     // Extent
1260     QgsPolygon p;
1261     try
1262     {
1263       const QByteArray hexBin = QByteArray::fromHex( result.PQgetvalue( 0, 0 ).toLatin1() );
1264       QgsConstWkbPtr ptr { hexBin };
1265       if ( ! p.fromWkb( ptr ) )
1266       {
1267         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot get extent from raster" ),
1268                                    QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
1269         return false;
1270       }
1271     }
1272     catch ( ... )
1273     {
1274       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot get metadata from raster" ),
1275                                  QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
1276       return false;
1277     }
1279     mExtent = p.boundingBox();
1281     // Tile size (in this path the raster is considered untiled, so this is actually the whole size
1282     mTileWidth = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 3 ).toInt( &ok );
1284     if ( ! ok )
1285     {
1286       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot convert width '%1' to int" ).arg( result.PQgetvalue( 0, 3 ) ),
1287                                  QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
1288       return false;
1289     }
1291     mTileHeight = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 4 ).toInt( &ok );
1293     if ( ! ok )
1294     {
1295       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot convert height '%1' to int" ).arg( result.PQgetvalue( 0, 4 ) ),
1296                                  QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
1297       return false;
1298     }
1300     mScaleX = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 5 ).toDouble( &ok );
1302     if ( ! ok )
1303     {
1304       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot convert scale X '%1' to double" ).arg( result.PQgetvalue( 0, 5 ) ),
1305                                  QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
1306       return false;
1307     }
1309     mScaleY = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 6 ).toDouble( &ok );
1311     if ( ! ok )
1312     {
1313       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot convert scale Y '%1' to double" ).arg( result.PQgetvalue( 0, 6 ) ),
1314                                  QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
1315       return false;
1316     }
1318     // Compute raster size, it is untiled so just take tile dimensions
1319     mHeight = mTileHeight;
1320     mWidth = mTileWidth;
1321     mIsTiled = false;
1323     mCrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem();
1324     // FIXME: from Nyall's comment:
1325     // keep in mind that postgis crs handling is rather broken in QGIS and needs to be rethought for 4.0
1326     // (we should be retrieving the definition from the server corresponding to the reported postgis srs,
1327     // and not using any qgis internal databases for this ... which may or may not have any match to the
1328     // server's definitions.)
1330     mCrs.createFromSrid( result.PQgetvalue( 0, 9 ).toLong( &ok ) );
1333     if ( ! ok )
1334     {
1335       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot create CRS from EPSG: '%1'" ).arg( result.PQgetvalue( 0, 9 ) ),
1336                                  QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
1337       return false;
1338     }
1340     mDetectedSrid = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 9 );
1342     // Fetch band data types
1343     for ( int rowNumber = 0; rowNumber < result.PQntuples(); ++rowNumber )
1344     {
1345       Qgis::DataType type { pixelTypeFromString( result.PQgetvalue( rowNumber, 11 ) ) };
1347       if ( type == Qgis::DataType::UnknownDataType )
1348       {
1349         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Unsupported data type: '%1'" ).arg( result.PQgetvalue( rowNumber, 11 ) ),
1350                                    QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
1351         return false;
1352       }
1354       mDataTypes.push_back( type );
1355       mDataSizes.push_back( QgsRasterBlock::typeSize( type ) );
1356       double nodataValue { result.PQgetvalue( rowNumber, 12 ).toDouble( &ok ) };
1358       if ( ! ok )
1359       {
1360         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot convert nodata value '%1' to double, default to: %2" )
1361                                    .arg( result.PQgetvalue( rowNumber, 2 ) )
1362                                    .arg( std::numeric_limits<double>::min() ), QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
1363         nodataValue = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
1364       }
1366       mSrcNoDataValue.append( QgsRaster::representableValue( nodataValue, type ) );
1367       mSrcHasNoDataValue.append( true );
1368       mUseSrcNoDataValue.append( true );
1369     }
1370     mIsOutOfDb = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 13 ) == 't';
1371   }
1372   else
1373   {
1374     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "An error occurred while fetching raster metadata" ),
1375                                QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
1376     return false;
1377   }
1379   return initFieldsAndTemporal( );
1380 }
initFieldsAndTemporal()1382 bool QgsPostgresRasterProvider::initFieldsAndTemporal( )
1383 {
1384   // Populate fields
1385   if ( ! loadFields() )
1386   {
1387     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "An error occurred while fetching raster fields information" ),
1388                                QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
1389     return false;
1390   }
1392   QString where;
1393   if ( ! subsetString().isEmpty() )
1394   {
1395     where = QStringLiteral( "WHERE %1" ).arg( subsetString() );
1396   }
1398   // Temporal capabilities
1399   // Setup temporal properties for layer, do not fail if something goes wrong but log a warning
1400   if ( mUri.hasParam( QStringLiteral( "temporalFieldIndex" ) ) )
1401   {
1402     bool ok;
1403     const int temporalFieldIndex { mUri.param( QStringLiteral( "temporalFieldIndex" ) ).toInt( &ok ) };
1404     if ( ok && mAttributeFields.exists( temporalFieldIndex ) )
1405     {
1406       const QString temporalFieldName { mAttributeFields.field( temporalFieldIndex ).name() };
1407       // Calculate the range
1408       const QString sql =  QStringLiteral( "SELECT MIN(%1::timestamp), MAX(%1::timestamp) "
1409                                            "FROM %2 %3" ).arg( quotedIdentifier( temporalFieldName ),
1410                                                mQuery,
1411                                                where );
1413       QgsPostgresResult result( connectionRO()->PQexec( sql ) );
1415       if ( PGRES_TUPLES_OK == result.PQresultStatus() && result.PQntuples() == 1 )
1416       {
1417         const QDateTime minTime { QDateTime::fromString( result.PQgetvalue( 0, 0 ), Qt::DateFormat::ISODate ) };
1418         const QDateTime maxTime { QDateTime::fromString( result.PQgetvalue( 0, 1 ), Qt::DateFormat::ISODate ) };
1419         if ( minTime.isValid() && maxTime.isValid() && !( minTime > maxTime ) )
1420         {
1421           mTemporalFieldIndex = temporalFieldIndex;
1422           temporalCapabilities()->setHasTemporalCapabilities( true );
1423           temporalCapabilities()->setAvailableTemporalRange( { minTime, maxTime } );
1424           temporalCapabilities()->setIntervalHandlingMethod( Qgis::TemporalIntervalMatchMethod::FindClosestMatchToStartOfRange );
1425           QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Raster temporal range for field %1: %2 - %3" ).arg( QString::number( mTemporalFieldIndex ), minTime.toString(), maxTime.toString() ), 3 );
1427           if ( mUri.hasParam( QStringLiteral( "temporalDefaultTime" ) ) )
1428           {
1429             const QDateTime defaultDateTime { QDateTime::fromString( mUri.param( QStringLiteral( "temporalDefaultTime" ) ), Qt::DateFormat::ISODate ) };
1430             if ( defaultDateTime.isValid() )
1431             {
1432               mTemporalDefaultTime = defaultDateTime;
1433             }
1434             else
1435             {
1436               QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Invalid default date in raster temporal capabilities for field %1: %2" ).arg( temporalFieldName, mUri.param( QStringLiteral( "temporalDefaultTime" ) ) ),
1437                                          QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
1438             }
1439           }
1441           // Set temporal ranges
1442           QList< QgsDateTimeRange > allRanges;
1443           const QString sql =  QStringLiteral( "SELECT DISTINCT %1::timestamp "
1444                                                "FROM %2 %3 ORDER BY %1::timestamp" ).arg( quotedIdentifier( temporalFieldName ),
1445                                                    mQuery,
1446                                                    where );
1448           QgsPostgresResult result( connectionRO()->PQexec( sql ) );
1449           if ( PGRES_TUPLES_OK == result.PQresultStatus() && result.PQntuples() > 0 )
1450           {
1451             for ( qlonglong row = 0; row < result.PQntuples(); ++row )
1452             {
1453               const QDateTime date = QDateTime::fromString( result.PQgetvalue( row, 0 ), Qt::DateFormat::ISODate );
1454               allRanges.push_back( QgsDateTimeRange( date, date ) );
1455             }
1456             temporalCapabilities()->setAllAvailableTemporalRanges( allRanges );
1457           }
1458           else
1459           {
1460             QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "No temporal ranges detected in raster temporal capabilities for field %1: %2" ).arg( temporalFieldName, mUri.param( QStringLiteral( "temporalDefaultTime" ) ) ),
1461                                        QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
1462           }
1463         }
1464         else
1465         {
1466           QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Invalid temporal range in raster temporal capabilities for field %1: %2 - %3" ).arg( temporalFieldName, minTime.toString(), maxTime.toString() ),
1467                                      QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
1468         }
1469       }
1470       else
1471       {
1472         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "An error occurred while fetching raster temporal capabilities for field: %1" ).arg( temporalFieldName ),
1473                                    QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
1475       }
1476     }
1477     else
1478     {
1479       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Invalid field index for raster temporal capabilities: %1" )
1480                                  .arg( QString::number( temporalFieldIndex ) ),
1481                                  QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
1482     }
1483   }
1484   return true;
1485 }
loadFields()1487 bool QgsPostgresRasterProvider::loadFields()
1488 {
1490   if ( !mIsQuery )
1491   {
1492     QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Loading fields for table %1" ).arg( mTableName ), 2 );
1494     // Get the relation oid for use in later queries
1495     QString sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT regclass(%1)::oid" ).arg( quotedValue( mQuery ) );
1496     QgsPostgresResult tresult( connectionRO()->PQexec( sql ) );
1497     QString tableoid = tresult.PQgetvalue( 0, 0 );
1499     // Get the table description
1500     sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT description FROM pg_description WHERE objoid=%1 AND objsubid=0" ).arg( tableoid );
1501     tresult = connectionRO()->PQexec( sql );
1502     if ( tresult.PQntuples() > 0 )
1503     {
1504       mDataComment = tresult.PQgetvalue( 0, 0 );
1505       mLayerMetadata.setAbstract( mDataComment );
1506     }
1507   }
1508   else
1509   {
1510     // Not supported for now
1511     return true;
1512   }
1514   // Populate the field vector for this layer. The field vector contains
1515   // field name, type, length, and precision (if numeric)
1516   QString sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT * FROM %1 LIMIT 0" ).arg( mQuery );
1518   QgsPostgresResult result( connectionRO()->PQexec( sql ) );
1520   // Collect type info
1521   sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT oid,typname,typtype,typelem,typlen FROM pg_type" );
1522   QgsPostgresResult typeResult( connectionRO()->PQexec( sql ) );
1524   QMap<Oid, PGTypeInfo> typeMap;
1525   for ( int i = 0; i < typeResult.PQntuples(); ++i )
1526   {
1527     PGTypeInfo typeInfo =
1528     {
1529       /* typeName = */ typeResult.PQgetvalue( i, 1 ),
1530       /* typeType = */ typeResult.PQgetvalue( i, 2 ),
1531       /* typeElem = */ typeResult.PQgetvalue( i, 3 ),
1532       /* typeLen = */ typeResult.PQgetvalue( i, 4 ).toInt()
1533     };
1534     typeMap.insert( typeResult.PQgetvalue( i, 0 ).toUInt(), typeInfo );
1535   }
1538   QMap<Oid, QMap<int, QString> > fmtFieldTypeMap, descrMap, defValMap, identityMap;
1539   QMap<Oid, QMap<int, Oid> > attTypeIdMap;
1540   QMap<Oid, QMap<int, bool> > notNullMap, uniqueMap;
1541   if ( result.PQnfields() > 0 )
1542   {
1543     // Collect table oids
1544     QSet<Oid> tableoids;
1545     for ( int i = 0; i < result.PQnfields(); i++ )
1546     {
1547       Oid tableoid = result.PQftable( i );
1548       if ( tableoid > 0 )
1549       {
1550         tableoids.insert( tableoid );
1551       }
1552     }
1554     if ( !tableoids.isEmpty() )
1555     {
1556       QStringList tableoidsList;
1557       const auto constTableoids = tableoids;
1558       for ( Oid tableoid : constTableoids )
1559       {
1560         tableoidsList.append( QString::number( tableoid ) );
1561       }
1563       QString tableoidsFilter = '(' + tableoidsList.join( QLatin1Char( ',' ) ) + ')';
1565       // Collect formatted field types
1566       sql = QStringLiteral(
1567               "SELECT attrelid, attnum, pg_catalog.format_type(atttypid,atttypmod), pg_catalog.col_description(attrelid,attnum), pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(adbin,adrelid), atttypid, attnotnull::int, indisunique::int%1"
1568               " FROM pg_attribute"
1569               " LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_attrdef ON attrelid=adrelid AND attnum=adnum"
1571               // find unique constraints if present. Text cast required to handle int2vector comparison. Distinct required as multiple unique constraints may exist
1572               " LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT indrelid, indkey, indisunique FROM pg_index WHERE indisunique ) uniq ON attrelid=indrelid AND attnum::text=indkey::text "
1574               " WHERE attrelid IN %2"
1575             ).arg( connectionRO()->pgVersion() >= 100000 ? QStringLiteral( ", attidentity" ) : QString() ).arg( tableoidsFilter );
1577       QgsPostgresResult fmtFieldTypeResult( connectionRO()->PQexec( sql ) );
1578       for ( int i = 0; i < fmtFieldTypeResult.PQntuples(); ++i )
1579       {
1580         Oid attrelid = fmtFieldTypeResult.PQgetvalue( i, 0 ).toUInt();
1581         int attnum = fmtFieldTypeResult.PQgetvalue( i, 1 ).toInt(); // Int2
1582         QString formatType = fmtFieldTypeResult.PQgetvalue( i, 2 );
1583         QString descr = fmtFieldTypeResult.PQgetvalue( i, 3 );
1584         QString defVal = fmtFieldTypeResult.PQgetvalue( i, 4 );
1585         Oid attType = fmtFieldTypeResult.PQgetvalue( i, 5 ).toUInt();
1586         bool attNotNull = fmtFieldTypeResult.PQgetvalue( i, 6 ).toInt();
1587         bool uniqueConstraint = fmtFieldTypeResult.PQgetvalue( i, 7 ).toInt();
1588         QString attIdentity = connectionRO()->pgVersion() >= 100000 ? fmtFieldTypeResult.PQgetvalue( i, 8 ) : " ";
1589         fmtFieldTypeMap[attrelid][attnum] = formatType;
1590         descrMap[attrelid][attnum] = descr;
1591         defValMap[attrelid][attnum] = defVal;
1592         attTypeIdMap[attrelid][attnum] = attType;
1593         notNullMap[attrelid][attnum] = attNotNull;
1594         uniqueMap[attrelid][attnum] = uniqueConstraint;
1595         identityMap[attrelid][attnum] = attIdentity.isEmpty() ? " " : attIdentity;
1596       }
1597     }
1598   }
1600   QSet<QString> fields;
1601   mAttributeFields.clear();
1602   mIdentityFields.clear();
1603   for ( int i = 0; i < result.PQnfields(); i++ )
1604   {
1605     QString fieldName = result.PQfname( i );
1606     if ( fieldName == mRasterColumn )
1607       continue;
1609     Oid fldtyp = result.PQftype( i );
1610     int fldMod = result.PQfmod( i );
1611     int fieldPrec = 0;
1612     Oid tableoid = result.PQftable( i );
1613     int attnum = result.PQftablecol( i );
1614     Oid atttypid = attTypeIdMap[tableoid][attnum];
1616     const PGTypeInfo &typeInfo = typeMap.value( fldtyp );
1617     QString fieldTypeName = typeInfo.typeName;
1618     QString fieldTType = typeInfo.typeType;
1619     int fieldSize = typeInfo.typeLen;
1621     bool isDomain = ( typeMap.value( atttypid ).typeType == QLatin1String( "d" ) );
1623     QString formattedFieldType = fmtFieldTypeMap[tableoid][attnum];
1624     QString originalFormattedFieldType = formattedFieldType;
1625     if ( isDomain )
1626     {
1627       // get correct formatted field type for domain
1628       sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT format_type(%1, %2)" ).arg( fldtyp ).arg( fldMod );
1629       QgsPostgresResult fmtFieldModResult( connectionRO()->PQexec( sql ) );
1630       if ( fmtFieldModResult.PQntuples() > 0 )
1631       {
1632         formattedFieldType = fmtFieldModResult.PQgetvalue( 0, 0 );
1633       }
1634     }
1636     QString fieldComment = descrMap[tableoid][attnum];
1638     QVariant::Type fieldType;
1639     QVariant::Type fieldSubType = QVariant::Invalid;
1641     if ( fieldTType == QLatin1String( "b" ) )
1642     {
1643       bool isArray = fieldTypeName.startsWith( '_' );
1645       if ( isArray )
1646         fieldTypeName = fieldTypeName.mid( 1 );
1648       if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "int8" ) || fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "serial8" ) )
1649       {
1650         fieldType = QVariant::LongLong;
1651         fieldSize = -1;
1652         fieldPrec = 0;
1653       }
1654       else if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "int2" ) || fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "int4" ) ||
1655                 fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "oid" ) || fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "serial" ) )
1656       {
1657         fieldType = QVariant::Int;
1658         fieldSize = -1;
1659         fieldPrec = 0;
1660       }
1661       else if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "real" ) || fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "double precision" ) ||
1662                 fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "float4" ) || fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "float8" ) )
1663       {
1664         fieldType = QVariant::Double;
1665         fieldSize = -1;
1666         fieldPrec = 0;
1667       }
1668       else if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "numeric" ) )
1669       {
1670         fieldType = QVariant::Double;
1672         if ( formattedFieldType == QLatin1String( "numeric" ) || formattedFieldType.isEmpty() )
1673         {
1674           fieldSize = -1;
1675           fieldPrec = 0;
1676         }
1677         else
1678         {
1679           QRegularExpression re( QRegularExpression::anchoredPattern( QStringLiteral( "numeric\\((\\d+),(\\d+)\\)" ) ) );
1680           const QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match( formattedFieldType );
1681           if ( match.hasMatch() )
1682           {
1683             fieldSize = match.captured( 1 ).toInt();
1684             fieldPrec = match.captured( 2 ).toInt();
1685           }
1686           else if ( formattedFieldType != QLatin1String( "numeric" ) )
1687           {
1688             QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Unexpected formatted field type '%1' for field %2" )
1689                                        .arg( formattedFieldType,
1690                                              fieldName ),
1691                                        tr( "PostGIS" ) );
1692             fieldSize = -1;
1693             fieldPrec = 0;
1694           }
1695         }
1696       }
1697       else if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "varchar" ) )
1698       {
1699         fieldType = QVariant::String;
1701         const QRegularExpression re( QRegularExpression::anchoredPattern( QStringLiteral( "character varying\\((\\d+)\\)" ) ) );
1702         const QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match( formattedFieldType );
1703         if ( match.hasMatch() )
1704         {
1705           fieldSize = match.captured( 1 ).toInt();
1706         }
1707         else
1708         {
1709           fieldSize = -1;
1710         }
1711       }
1712       else if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "date" ) )
1713       {
1714         fieldType = QVariant::Date;
1715         fieldSize = -1;
1716       }
1717       else if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "time" ) )
1718       {
1719         fieldType = QVariant::Time;
1720         fieldSize = -1;
1721       }
1722       else if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "timestamp" ) )
1723       {
1724         fieldType = QVariant::DateTime;
1725         fieldSize = -1;
1726       }
1727       else if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "bytea" ) )
1728       {
1729         fieldType = QVariant::ByteArray;
1730         fieldSize = -1;
1731       }
1732       else if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "text" ) ||
1733                 fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "citext" ) ||
1734                 fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "geometry" ) ||
1735                 fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "inet" ) ||
1736                 fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "money" ) ||
1737                 fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "ltree" ) ||
1738                 fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "uuid" ) ||
1739                 fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "xml" ) ||
1740                 fieldTypeName.startsWith( QLatin1String( "time" ) ) ||
1741                 fieldTypeName.startsWith( QLatin1String( "date" ) ) )
1742       {
1743         fieldType = QVariant::String;
1744         fieldSize = -1;
1745       }
1746       else if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "bpchar" ) )
1747       {
1748         // although postgres internally uses "bpchar", this is exposed to users as character in postgres
1749         fieldTypeName = QStringLiteral( "character" );
1751         fieldType = QVariant::String;
1753         const QRegularExpression re( QRegularExpression::anchoredPattern( QStringLiteral( "character\\((\\d+)\\)" ) ) );
1754         const QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match( formattedFieldType );
1755         if ( match.hasMatch() )
1756         {
1757           fieldSize = match.captured( 1 ).toInt();
1758         }
1759         else
1760         {
1761           QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Unexpected formatted field type '%1' for field %2" )
1762                        .arg( formattedFieldType,
1763                              fieldName ) );
1764           fieldSize = -1;
1765           fieldPrec = 0;
1766         }
1767       }
1768       else if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "char" ) )
1769       {
1770         fieldType = QVariant::String;
1772         const QRegularExpression re( QRegularExpression::anchoredPattern( QStringLiteral( "char\\((\\d+)\\)" ) ) );
1773         const QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match( formattedFieldType );
1774         if ( match.hasMatch() )
1775         {
1776           fieldSize = match.captured( 1 ).toInt();
1777         }
1778         else
1779         {
1780           QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Unexpected formatted field type '%1' for field %2" )
1781                                      .arg( formattedFieldType,
1782                                            fieldName ) );
1783           fieldSize = -1;
1784           fieldPrec = 0;
1785         }
1786       }
1787       else if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "hstore" ) ||  fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "json" ) || fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "jsonb" ) )
1788       {
1789         fieldType = QVariant::Map;
1790         fieldSubType = QVariant::String;
1791         fieldSize = -1;
1792       }
1793       else if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "bool" ) )
1794       {
1795         // enum
1796         fieldType = QVariant::Bool;
1797         fieldSize = -1;
1798       }
1799       else
1800       {
1801         // be tolerant in case of views: this might be a field used as a key
1802         const QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind type = relkind();
1803         if ( ( type == QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind::View || type == QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind::MaterializedView )
1804              && parseUriKey( mUri.keyColumn( ) ).contains( fieldName ) )
1805         {
1806           // Assume it is convertible to text
1807           fieldType = QVariant::String;
1808           fieldSize = -1;
1809         }
1810         else
1811         {
1812           QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Field %1 ignored, because of unsupported type %2" ).arg( fieldName, fieldTType ), tr( "PostGIS" ) );
1813           continue;
1814         }
1815       }
1817       if ( isArray )
1818       {
1819         fieldTypeName = '_' + fieldTypeName;
1820         fieldSubType = fieldType;
1821         fieldType = ( fieldType == QVariant::String ? QVariant::StringList : QVariant::List );
1822         fieldSize = -1;
1823       }
1824     }
1825     else if ( fieldTType == QLatin1String( "e" ) )
1826     {
1827       // enum
1828       fieldType = QVariant::String;
1829       fieldSize = -1;
1830     }
1831     else
1832     {
1833       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Field %1 ignored, because of unsupported type %2" ).arg( fieldName, fieldTType ), tr( "PostGIS" ) );
1834       continue;
1835     }
1837     if ( fields.contains( fieldName ) )
1838     {
1839       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Duplicate field %1 found\n" ).arg( fieldName ), tr( "PostGIS" ) );
1840       return false;
1841     }
1843     fields << fieldName;
1845     if ( isDomain )
1846     {
1847       //field was defined using domain, so use domain type name for fieldTypeName
1848       fieldTypeName = originalFormattedFieldType;
1849     }
1851     // If this is an identity field with constraints and there is no default, let's look for a sequence:
1852     // we might have a default value created by a sequence named <table>_<field>_seq
1853     if ( ! identityMap[tableoid ][ attnum ].isEmpty()
1854          && notNullMap[tableoid][ attnum ]
1855          && uniqueMap[tableoid][attnum]
1856          && defValMap[tableoid][attnum].isEmpty() )
1857     {
1858       const QString seqName { mTableName + '_' + fieldName + QStringLiteral( "_seq" ) };
1859       const QString seqSql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT c.oid "
1860                                              "  FROM pg_class c "
1861                                              "  LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n "
1862                                              "    ON ( n.oid = c.relnamespace ) "
1863                                              "  WHERE c.relkind = 'S' "
1864                                              "    AND c.relname = %1 "
1865                                              "    AND n.nspname = %2" )
1866                              .arg( quotedValue( seqName ),
1867                                    quotedValue( mSchemaName ) );
1868       QgsPostgresResult seqResult( connectionRO()->PQexec( seqSql ) );
1869       if ( seqResult.PQntuples() == 1 )
1870       {
1871         defValMap[tableoid][attnum] = QStringLiteral( "nextval(%1::regclass)" ).arg( quotedIdentifier( seqName ) );
1872       }
1873     }
1875     mDefaultValues.insert( mAttributeFields.size(), defValMap[tableoid][attnum] );
1877     QgsField newField = QgsField( fieldName, fieldType, fieldTypeName, fieldSize, fieldPrec, fieldComment, fieldSubType );
1879     QgsFieldConstraints constraints;
1880     if ( notNullMap[tableoid][attnum] || ( mPrimaryKeyAttrs.size() == 1 && mPrimaryKeyAttrs[0] == fieldName ) || identityMap[tableoid][attnum] != ' ' )
1881       constraints.setConstraint( QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintNotNull, QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintOriginProvider );
1882     if ( uniqueMap[tableoid][attnum] || ( mPrimaryKeyAttrs.size() == 1 && mPrimaryKeyAttrs[0] == fieldName ) || identityMap[tableoid][attnum] != ' ' )
1883       constraints.setConstraint( QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintUnique, QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintOriginProvider );
1884     newField.setConstraints( constraints );
1886     mIdentityFields.insert( mAttributeFields.size(), identityMap[tableoid][attnum][0].toLatin1() );
1887     mAttributeFields.append( newField );
1888   }
1890   return true;
1891 }
1893 /* static */
parseUriKey(const QString & key)1894 QStringList QgsPostgresRasterProvider::parseUriKey( const QString &key )
1895 {
1896   if ( key.isEmpty() ) return QStringList();
1898   QStringList cols;
1900   // remove quotes from key list
1901   if ( key.startsWith( '"' ) && key.endsWith( '"' ) )
1902   {
1903     int i = 1;
1904     QString col;
1905     while ( i < key.size() )
1906     {
1907       if ( key[i] == '"' )
1908       {
1909         if ( i + 1 < key.size() && key[i + 1] == '"' )
1910         {
1911           i++;
1912         }
1913         else
1914         {
1915           cols << col;
1916           col.clear();
1918           if ( ++i == key.size() )
1919             break;
1921           Q_ASSERT( key[i] == ',' );
1922           i++;
1923           Q_ASSERT( key[i] == '"' );
1924           i++;
1925           col.clear();
1926           continue;
1927         }
1928       }
1930       col += key[i++];
1931     }
1932   }
1933   else if ( key.contains( ',' ) )
1934   {
1935     cols = key.split( ',' );
1936   }
1937   else
1938   {
1939     cols << key;
1940   }
1942   return cols;
1943 }
relkind() const1945 QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind QgsPostgresRasterProvider::relkind() const
1946 {
1947   if ( mIsQuery || !connectionRO() )
1948     return QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind::Unknown;
1950   QString sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT relkind FROM pg_class WHERE oid=regclass(%1)::oid" ).arg( quotedValue( mQuery ) );
1951   QgsPostgresResult res( connectionRO()->PQexec( sql ) );
1952   QString type = res.PQgetvalue( 0, 0 );
1954   QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind kind = QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind::Unknown;
1956   if ( type == 'r' )
1957   {
1958     kind = QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind::OrdinaryTable;
1959   }
1960   else if ( type == 'i' )
1961   {
1962     kind = QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind::Index;
1963   }
1964   else if ( type == 's' )
1965   {
1966     kind = QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind::Sequence;
1967   }
1968   else if ( type == 'v' )
1969   {
1970     kind = QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind::View;
1971   }
1972   else if ( type == 'm' )
1973   {
1974     kind = QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind::MaterializedView;
1975   }
1976   else if ( type == 'c' )
1977   {
1978     kind = QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind::CompositeType;
1979   }
1980   else if ( type == 't' )
1981   {
1982     kind = QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind::ToastTable;
1983   }
1984   else if ( type == 'f' )
1985   {
1986     kind = QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind::ForeignTable;
1987   }
1988   else if ( type == 'p' )
1989   {
1990     kind = QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind::PartitionedTable;
1991   }
1993   return kind;
1994 }
determinePrimaryKey()1996 bool QgsPostgresRasterProvider::determinePrimaryKey()
1997 {
1999   // check to see if there is an unique index on the relation, which
2000   // can be used as a key into the table. Primary keys are always
2001   // unique indices, so we catch them as well.
2003   QString sql;
2005   mPrimaryKeyAttrs.clear();
2007   if ( !mIsQuery )
2008   {
2009     sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT count(*) FROM pg_inherits WHERE inhparent=%1::regclass" ).arg( quotedValue( mQuery ) );
2010     QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Checking whether %1 is a parent table" ).arg( sql ), 4 );
2011     QgsPostgresResult res( connectionRO()->PQexec( sql ) );
2012     bool isParentTable( res.PQntuples() == 0 || res.PQgetvalue( 0, 0 ).toInt() > 0 );
2014     sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT indexrelid FROM pg_index WHERE indrelid=%1::regclass AND (indisprimary OR indisunique) ORDER BY CASE WHEN indisprimary THEN 1 ELSE 2 END LIMIT 1" ).arg( quotedValue( mQuery ) );
2015     QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Retrieving first primary or unique index: %1" ).arg( sql ), 4 );
2017     res = connectionRO()->PQexec( sql );
2018     QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Got %1 rows." ).arg( res.PQntuples() ), 4 );
2020     QStringList log;
2022     // no primary or unique indices found
2023     if ( res.PQntuples() == 0 )
2024     {
2025       QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Relation has no primary key -- investigating alternatives" ), 4 );
2027       // Two options here. If the relation is a table, see if there is
2028       // an oid column that can be used instead.
2029       // If the relation is a view try to find a suitable column to use as
2030       // the primary key.
2032       const QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind type = relkind();
2034       if ( type == QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind::OrdinaryTable || type == QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind::PartitionedTable )
2035       {
2036         QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Relation is a table. Checking to see if it has an oid column." ), 4 );
2038         mPrimaryKeyAttrs.clear();
2039         mPrimaryKeyType = PktUnknown;
2041         if ( connectionRO()->pgVersion() >= 100000 )
2042         {
2043           // If there is an generated id on the table, use that instead,
2044           sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT attname FROM pg_attribute WHERE attidentity IN ('a','d') AND attrelid=regclass(%1) LIMIT 1" ).arg( quotedValue( mQuery ) );
2045           res = connectionRO()->PQexec( sql );
2046           if ( res.PQntuples() == 1 )
2047           {
2048             // Could warn the user here that performance will suffer if
2049             // attribute isn't indexed (and that they may want to add a
2050             // primary key to the table)
2051             mPrimaryKeyAttrs << res.PQgetvalue( 0, 0 );
2052           }
2053         }
2055         if ( mPrimaryKeyType == PktUnknown )
2056         {
2057           // If there is an oid on the table, use that instead,
2058           sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT attname FROM pg_attribute WHERE attname='oid' AND attrelid=regclass(%1)" ).arg( quotedValue( mQuery ) );
2060           res = connectionRO()->PQexec( sql );
2061           if ( res.PQntuples() == 1 )
2062           {
2063             // Could warn the user here that performance will suffer if
2064             // oid isn't indexed (and that they may want to add a
2065             // primary key to the table)
2066             mPrimaryKeyType = PktOid;
2067             mPrimaryKeyAttrs << QStringLiteral( "oid" );
2068           }
2069         }
2071         if ( mPrimaryKeyType == PktUnknown )
2072         {
2073           sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT attname FROM pg_attribute WHERE attname='ctid' AND attrelid=regclass(%1)" ).arg( quotedValue( mQuery ) );
2075           res = connectionRO()->PQexec( sql );
2076           if ( res.PQntuples() == 1 )
2077           {
2078             mPrimaryKeyType = PktTid;
2079             QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Primary key is ctid - changing of existing features disabled (%1; %2)" ).arg( mRasterColumn, mQuery ) );
2080             // TODO: set capabilities to RO when writing will be implemented
2081             mPrimaryKeyAttrs << QStringLiteral( "ctid" );
2082           }
2083         }
2085         if ( mPrimaryKeyType == PktUnknown )
2086         {
2087           QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "The table has no column suitable for use as a key. QGIS requires a primary key, a PostgreSQL oid column or a ctid for tables." ), tr( "PostGIS" ) );
2088         }
2089       }
2090       else if ( type == QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind::View || type == QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind::MaterializedView
2091                 || type == QgsPostgresProvider::Relkind::ForeignTable )
2092       {
2093         determinePrimaryKeyFromUriKeyColumn();
2094       }
2095       else
2096       {
2097         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Unexpected relation type." ), tr( "PostGIS" ) );
2098       }
2099     }
2100     else
2101     {
2102       // have a primary key or unique index
2103       QString indrelid = res.PQgetvalue( 0, 0 );
2104       sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT attname, attnotnull, data_type FROM pg_index, pg_attribute "
2105                             "JOIN information_schema.columns ON (column_name = attname AND table_name = %1 AND table_schema = %2) "
2106                             "WHERE indexrelid=%3 AND indrelid=attrelid AND pg_attribute.attnum=any(pg_index.indkey)" )
2107             .arg( quotedValue( mTableName ) )
2108             .arg( quotedValue( mSchemaName ) )
2109             .arg( indrelid );
2111       QgsDebugMsgLevel( "Retrieving key columns: " + sql, 4 );
2112       res = connectionRO()->PQexec( sql );
2113       QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Got %1 rows." ).arg( res.PQntuples() ), 4 );
2115       bool mightBeNull = false;
2116       QString primaryKey;
2117       QString delim;
2119       mPrimaryKeyType = PktFidMap; // map by default, will downgrade if needed
2120       for ( int i = 0; i < res.PQntuples(); i++ )
2121       {
2122         const QString name = res.PQgetvalue( i, 0 );
2123         if ( res.PQgetvalue( i, 1 ).startsWith( 'f' ) )
2124         {
2125           QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Unique column '%1' doesn't have a NOT NULL constraint." ).arg( name ), tr( "PostGIS" ) );
2126           mightBeNull = true;
2127         }
2129         primaryKey += delim + quotedIdentifier( name );
2130         delim = ',';
2132         QgsPostgresPrimaryKeyType pkType { QgsPostgresPrimaryKeyType::PktUnknown };
2133         const QString fieldTypeName { res.PQgetvalue( i, 2 ) };
2135         if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "oid" ) )
2136         {
2137           pkType = QgsPostgresPrimaryKeyType::PktOid;
2138         }
2139         else if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "integer" ) )
2140         {
2141           pkType = QgsPostgresPrimaryKeyType::PktInt;
2142         }
2143         else if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "bigint" ) )
2144         {
2145           pkType = QgsPostgresPrimaryKeyType::PktUint64;
2146         }
2147         else if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "text" ) )
2148         {
2149           pkType = QgsPostgresPrimaryKeyType::PktFidMap;
2150         }
2151         // Always use PktFidMap for multi-field keys
2152         mPrimaryKeyType = i ? QgsPostgresPrimaryKeyType::PktFidMap : pkType;
2153         mPrimaryKeyAttrs << name;
2154       }
2156       if ( mightBeNull || isParentTable )
2157       {
2158         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Ignoring key candidate because of NULL values or inherited table" ), tr( "PostGIS" ) );
2159         mPrimaryKeyType = PktUnknown;
2160         mPrimaryKeyAttrs.clear();
2161       }
2162     }
2163   }
2164   else
2165   {
2166     determinePrimaryKeyFromUriKeyColumn();
2167   }
2169   if ( mPrimaryKeyAttrs.size() == 0 )
2170   {
2171     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Could not find a primary key for PostGIS raster table %1" ).arg( mQuery ), tr( "PostGIS" ) );
2172     mPrimaryKeyType = PktUnknown;
2173   }
2175   return mPrimaryKeyType != PktUnknown;
2176 }
determinePrimaryKeyFromUriKeyColumn()2180 void QgsPostgresRasterProvider::determinePrimaryKeyFromUriKeyColumn()
2181 {
2182   mPrimaryKeyAttrs.clear();
2183   const QString keyCandidate {  mUri.keyColumn() };
2184   QgsPostgresPrimaryKeyType pkType { QgsPostgresPrimaryKeyType::PktUnknown };
2185   const QString sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT data_type FROM information_schema.columns "
2186                                       "WHERE column_name = %1 AND table_name = %2 AND table_schema = %3" )
2187                       .arg( keyCandidate, mTableName,  mSchemaName );
2188   QgsPostgresResult result( connectionRO()->PQexec( sql ) );
2189   if ( PGRES_TUPLES_OK == result.PQresultStatus() )
2190   {
2191     const QString fieldTypeName { result.PQgetvalue( 0, 0 ) };
2193     if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "oid" ) )
2194     {
2195       pkType = QgsPostgresPrimaryKeyType::PktOid;
2196     }
2197     else if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "integer" ) )
2198     {
2199       pkType = QgsPostgresPrimaryKeyType::PktInt;
2200     }
2201     else if ( fieldTypeName == QLatin1String( "bigint" ) )
2202     {
2203       pkType = QgsPostgresPrimaryKeyType::PktUint64;
2204     }
2205     mPrimaryKeyAttrs.push_back( mUri.keyColumn() );
2206     mPrimaryKeyType = pkType;
2207   }
2208 }
pkSql()2210 QString QgsPostgresRasterProvider::pkSql()
2211 {
2212   Q_ASSERT_X( ! mPrimaryKeyAttrs.isEmpty(), "QgsPostgresRasterProvider::pkSql()",  "No PK is defined!" );
2213   if ( mPrimaryKeyAttrs.count( ) > 1 )
2214   {
2215     QStringList pkeys;
2216     for ( const QString &k : std::as_const( mPrimaryKeyAttrs ) )
2217     {
2218       pkeys.push_back( quotedIdentifier( k ) );
2219     }
2220     return pkeys.join( ',' ).prepend( '(' ).append( ')' );
2221   }
2222   return quotedIdentifier( mPrimaryKeyAttrs.first() );
2223 }
dataComment() const2225 QString QgsPostgresRasterProvider::dataComment() const
2226 {
2227   return mDataComment;
2228 }
findOverviews()2230 void QgsPostgresRasterProvider::findOverviews()
2231 {
2232   const QString sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT overview_factor, o_table_schema, o_table_name, o_raster_column "
2233                                       "FROM raster_overviews WHERE r_table_schema = %1 AND r_table_name = %2" ).arg( quotedValue( mSchemaName ),
2234                                           quotedValue( mTableName ) );
2236   //QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Raster overview information sql: %1" ).arg( sql ) );
2237   QgsPostgresResult result( connectionRO()->PQexec( sql ) );
2238   if ( PGRES_TUPLES_OK == result.PQresultStatus() )
2239   {
2240     for ( int i = 0; i < result.PQntuples(); ++i )
2241     {
2242       bool ok;
2243       const unsigned int overViewFactor { static_cast< unsigned int>( result.PQgetvalue( i, 0 ).toInt( & ok ) ) };
2244       if ( ! ok )
2245       {
2246         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Cannot convert overview factor '%1' to int" ).arg( result.PQgetvalue( i, 0 ) ), QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
2247         return;
2248       }
2249       const QString schema { result.PQgetvalue( i, 1 ) };
2250       const QString table { result.PQgetvalue( i, 2 ) };
2251       if ( table.isEmpty() || schema.isEmpty() )
2252       {
2253         QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Table or schema is empty" ), QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
2254         return;
2255       }
2256       mOverViews[ overViewFactor ] = QStringLiteral( "%1.%2" ).arg( quotedIdentifier( schema ) ).arg( quotedIdentifier( table ) );
2257     }
2258   }
2259   else
2260   {
2261     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Error fetching overviews information: %1" ).arg( result.PQresultErrorMessage() ), QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
2262   }
2263   if ( mOverViews.isEmpty() )
2264   {
2265     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "No overviews found, performances may be affected for %1" ).arg( mQuery ), QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
2266   }
2267 }
xSize() const2269 int QgsPostgresRasterProvider::xSize() const
2270 {
2271   return static_cast<int>( mWidth );
2272 }
ySize() const2274 int QgsPostgresRasterProvider::ySize() const
2275 {
2276   return static_cast<int>( mHeight );
2277 }
sourceDataType(int bandNo) const2279 Qgis::DataType QgsPostgresRasterProvider::sourceDataType( int bandNo ) const
2280 {
2281   if ( bandNo <= mBandCount && static_cast<unsigned long>( bandNo ) <= mDataTypes.size() )
2282   {
2283     return mDataTypes[ static_cast<unsigned long>( bandNo - 1 ) ];
2284   }
2285   else
2286   {
2287     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Data type is unknown" ), QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
2288     return Qgis::DataType::UnknownDataType;
2289   }
2290 }
xBlockSize() const2292 int QgsPostgresRasterProvider::xBlockSize() const
2293 {
2294   if ( mInput )
2295   {
2296     return mInput->xBlockSize();
2297   }
2298   else
2299   {
2300     return static_cast<int>( mWidth );
2301   }
2302 }
yBlockSize() const2304 int QgsPostgresRasterProvider::yBlockSize() const
2305 {
2306   if ( mInput )
2307   {
2308     return mInput->yBlockSize();
2309   }
2310   else
2311   {
2312     return static_cast<int>( mHeight );
2313   }
2314 }
bandStatistics(int bandNo,int stats,const QgsRectangle & extent,int sampleSize,QgsRasterBlockFeedback * feedback)2316 QgsRasterBandStats QgsPostgresRasterProvider::bandStatistics( int bandNo, int stats, const QgsRectangle &extent, int sampleSize, QgsRasterBlockFeedback *feedback )
2317 {
2318   Q_UNUSED( feedback )
2319   QgsRasterBandStats rasterBandStats;
2320   const auto constMStatistics = mStatistics;
2321   initStatistics( rasterBandStats, bandNo, stats, extent, sampleSize );
2322   for ( const QgsRasterBandStats &stats : constMStatistics )
2323   {
2324     if ( stats.contains( rasterBandStats ) )
2325     {
2326       QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Using cached statistics." ), 4 );
2327       return stats;
2328     }
2329   }
2331   QString tableToQuery { mQuery };
2332   const double pixelsRatio { static_cast<double>( sampleSize ) / ( mWidth * mHeight ) };
2333   double statsRatio { pixelsRatio };
2335   // Decide if overviews can be used here
2336   if ( subsetString().isEmpty() && ! mIsQuery && mIsTiled && extent.isEmpty() )
2337   {
2338     const unsigned int desiredOverviewFactor { static_cast<unsigned int>( 1.0 / sqrt( pixelsRatio ) ) };
2339     const auto ovKeys { mOverViews.keys( ) };
2340     QList<unsigned int>::const_reverse_iterator rit { ovKeys.rbegin() };
2341     for ( ; rit != ovKeys.rend(); ++rit )
2342     {
2343       if ( *rit <= desiredOverviewFactor )
2344       {
2345         tableToQuery = mOverViews[ *rit ];
2346         // This should really be: *= *rit * *rit;
2347         // but we are already approximating, let's get decent statistics
2348         statsRatio = 1;
2349         QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Using overview for statistics read: %1" ).arg( tableToQuery ), 3 );
2350         break;
2351       }
2352     }
2353   }
2355   // Query the backend
2356   QString where { extent.isEmpty() ? QString() : QStringLiteral( "WHERE %1 && ST_GeomFromText( %2, %3 )" )
2357                   .arg( quotedIdentifier( mRasterColumn ) )
2358                   .arg( quotedValue( extent.asWktPolygon() ) )
2359                   .arg( mCrs.postgisSrid() ) };
2361   if ( ! subsetString().isEmpty() )
2362   {
2363     where.append( where.isEmpty() ? QStringLiteral( "WHERE %1" ).arg( subsetString() ) :
2364                   QStringLiteral( " AND %1" ).arg( subsetString() ) );
2365   }
2367   const QString sql = QStringLiteral( "SELECT (ST_SummaryStatsAgg( %1, %2, TRUE, %3 )).* "
2368                                       "FROM %4 %5" ).arg( quotedIdentifier( mRasterColumn ) )
2369                       .arg( bandNo )
2370                       .arg( std::max<double>( 0, std::min<double>( 1, statsRatio ) ) )
2371                       .arg( tableToQuery, where );
2373   QgsPostgresResult result( connectionRO()->PQexec( sql ) );
2375   if ( PGRES_TUPLES_OK == result.PQresultStatus() && result.PQntuples() == 1 )
2376   {
2377     // count   |     sum     |       mean       |      stddev      | min | max
2378     rasterBandStats.sum = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 1 ).toDouble( );
2379     rasterBandStats.mean = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 2 ).toDouble( );
2380     rasterBandStats.stdDev = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 3 ).toDouble( );
2381     rasterBandStats.minimumValue = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 4 ).toDouble( );
2382     rasterBandStats.maximumValue = result.PQgetvalue( 0, 5 ).toDouble( );
2383     rasterBandStats.range = rasterBandStats.maximumValue - rasterBandStats.minimumValue;
2384   }
2385   else
2386   {
2387     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Error fetching statistics for %1: %2\nSQL: %3" )
2388                                .arg( mQuery )
2389                                .arg( result.PQresultErrorMessage() )
2390                                .arg( sql ),
2391                                QStringLiteral( "PostGIS" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
2392   }
2394   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "************ STATS **************" ), 4 );
2395   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "MIN %1" ).arg( rasterBandStats.minimumValue ), 4 );
2396   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "MAX %1" ).arg( rasterBandStats.maximumValue ), 4 );
2397   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "RANGE %1" ).arg( rasterBandStats.range ), 4 );
2398   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "MEAN %1" ).arg( rasterBandStats.mean ), 4 );
2399   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "STDDEV %1" ).arg( rasterBandStats.stdDev ), 4 );
2401   mStatistics.append( rasterBandStats );
2402   return rasterBandStats;
2403 }
providerMetadataFactory()2407 QGISEXTERN QgsProviderMetadata *providerMetadataFactory()
2408 {
2409   return new QgsPostgresRasterProviderMetadata();
2410 }
2411 #endif
QgsPostgresRasterProviderException(const QString & msg)2414 QgsPostgresRasterProviderException::QgsPostgresRasterProviderException( const QString &msg )
2415   : message( msg )
2416 {}
fields() const2418 QgsFields QgsPostgresRasterProvider::fields() const
2419 {
2420   return mAttributeFields;
2421 }