1 /************************* sha224-256.c ************************/
2 /***************** See RFC 6234 for details. *******************/
3 /* Copyright (c) 2011 IETF Trust and the persons identified as */
4 /* authors of the code.  All rights reserved.                  */
5 /* See sha.h for terms of use and redistribution.              */
7 /*
8  * Description:
9  *   This file implements the Secure Hash Algorithms SHA-224 and
10  *   SHA-256 as defined in the U.S. National Institute of Standards
11  *   and Technology Federal Information Processing Standards
12  *   Publication (FIPS PUB) 180-3 published in October 2008
13  *   and formerly defined in its predecessors, FIPS PUB 180-1
14  *   and FIP PUB 180-2.
15  *
16  *   A combined document showing all algorithms is available at
17  *       http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/
18  *              fips180-3/fips180-3_final.pdf
19  *
20  *   The SHA-224 and SHA-256 algorithms produce 224-bit and 256-bit
21  *   message digests for a given data stream.  It should take about
22  *   2**n steps to find a message with the same digest as a given
23  *   message and 2**(n/2) to find any two messages with the same
24  *   digest, when n is the digest size in bits.  Therefore, this
25  *   algorithm can serve as a means of providing a
26  *   "fingerprint" for a message.
27  *
28  * Portability Issues:
29  *   SHA-224 and SHA-256 are defined in terms of 32-bit "words".
30  *   This code uses <stdint.h> (included via "sha.h") to define 32-
31  *   and 8-bit unsigned integer types.  If your C compiler does not
32  *   support 32-bit unsigned integers, this code is not
33  *   appropriate.
34  *
35  * Caveats:
36  *   SHA-224 and SHA-256 are designed to work with messages less
37  *   than 2^64 bits long.  This implementation uses SHA224/256Input()
38  *   to hash the bits that are a multiple of the size of an 8-bit
39  *   octet, and then optionally uses SHA224/256FinalBits()
40  *   to hash the final few bits of the input.
41  */
43 #include "sha.h"
44 #include "sha-private.h"
46 /* Define the SHA shift, rotate left, and rotate right macros */
47 #define SHA256_SHR(bits,word)      ((word) >> (bits))
48 #define SHA256_ROTL(bits,word)                         \
49   (((word) << (bits)) | ((word) >> (32-(bits))))
50 #define SHA256_ROTR(bits,word)                         \
51   (((word) >> (bits)) | ((word) << (32-(bits))))
53 /* Define the SHA SIGMA and sigma macros */
54 #define SHA256_SIGMA0(word)   \
55   (SHA256_ROTR( 2,word) ^ SHA256_ROTR(13,word) ^ SHA256_ROTR(22,word))
56 #define SHA256_SIGMA1(word)   \
57   (SHA256_ROTR( 6,word) ^ SHA256_ROTR(11,word) ^ SHA256_ROTR(25,word))
58 #define SHA256_sigma0(word)   \
59   (SHA256_ROTR( 7,word) ^ SHA256_ROTR(18,word) ^ SHA256_SHR( 3,word))
60 #define SHA256_sigma1(word)   \
61   (SHA256_ROTR(17,word) ^ SHA256_ROTR(19,word) ^ SHA256_SHR(10,word))
63 /*
64  * Add "length" to the length.
65  * Set Corrupted when overflow has occurred.
66  */
67 /* addTemp commented out by Nokia, static variables are not thread-safe */
68 /* static uint32_t addTemp; */
69 /* 'M' appended to Macro name by Nokia */
70 #define SHA224_256AddLengthM(context, length)              \
71   (addTemp = (context)->Length_Low, (context)->Corrupted = \
72     (((context)->Length_Low += (length)) < addTemp) &&     \
73     (++(context)->Length_High == 0) ? shaInputTooLong :    \
74                                       (context)->Corrupted )
76 /* Local Function Prototypes */
77 static int SHA224_256Reset(SHA256Context *context, uint32_t *H0);
78 static void SHA224_256ProcessMessageBlock(SHA256Context *context);
79 static void SHA224_256Finalize(SHA256Context *context,
80   uint8_t Pad_Byte);
81 static void SHA224_256PadMessage(SHA256Context *context,
82   uint8_t Pad_Byte);
83 static int SHA224_256ResultN(SHA256Context *context,
84   uint8_t Message_Digest[ ], int HashSize);
86 /* Initial Hash Values: FIPS 180-3 section 5.3.2 */
87 static uint32_t SHA224_H0[SHA256HashSize/4] = {
88     0xC1059ED8, 0x367CD507, 0x3070DD17, 0xF70E5939,
89     0xFFC00B31, 0x68581511, 0x64F98FA7, 0xBEFA4FA4
90 };
92 /* Initial Hash Values: FIPS 180-3 section 5.3.3 */
93 static uint32_t SHA256_H0[SHA256HashSize/4] = {
94   0x6A09E667, 0xBB67AE85, 0x3C6EF372, 0xA54FF53A,
95   0x510E527F, 0x9B05688C, 0x1F83D9AB, 0x5BE0CD19
96 };
98 /*
99  * SHA224Reset
100  *
101  * Description:
102  *   This function will initialize the SHA224Context in preparation
103  *   for computing a new SHA224 message digest.
104  *
105  * Parameters:
106  *   context: [in/out]
107  *     The context to reset.
108  *
109  * Returns:
110  *   sha Error Code.
111  */
SHA224Reset(SHA224Context * context)112 int SHA224Reset(SHA224Context *context)
113 {
114   return SHA224_256Reset(context, SHA224_H0);
115 }
117 /*
118  * SHA224Input
119  *
120  * Description:
121  *   This function accepts an array of octets as the next portion
122  *   of the message.
123  *
124  * Parameters:
125  *   context: [in/out]
126  *     The SHA context to update.
127  *   message_array[ ]: [in]
128  *     An array of octets representing the next portion of
129  *     the message.
130  *   length: [in]
131  *     The length of the message in message_array.
132  *
133  * Returns:
134  *   sha Error Code.
135  *
136  */
SHA224Input(SHA224Context * context,const uint8_t * message_array,unsigned int length)137 int SHA224Input(SHA224Context *context, const uint8_t *message_array,
138     unsigned int length)
139 {
140   return SHA256Input(context, message_array, length);
141 }
143 /*
144  * SHA224FinalBits
145  *
146  * Description:
147  *   This function will add in any final bits of the message.
148  *
149  * Parameters:
150  *   context: [in/out]
151  *     The SHA context to update.
152  *   message_bits: [in]
153  *     The final bits of the message, in the upper portion of the
154  *     byte.  (Use 0b###00000 instead of 0b00000### to input the
155  *     three bits ###.)
156  *   length: [in]
157  *     The number of bits in message_bits, between 1 and 7.
158  *
159  * Returns:
160  *   sha Error Code.
161  */
SHA224FinalBits(SHA224Context * context,uint8_t message_bits,unsigned int length)162 int SHA224FinalBits(SHA224Context *context,
163                     uint8_t message_bits, unsigned int length)
164 {
165   return SHA256FinalBits(context, message_bits, length);
166 }
168 /*
169  * SHA224Result
170  *
171  * Description:
172  *   This function will return the 224-bit message digest
173  *   into the Message_Digest array provided by the caller.
174  *   NOTE:
175  *    The first octet of hash is stored in the element with index 0,
176  *    the last octet of hash in the element with index 27.
177  *
178  * Parameters:
179  *   context: [in/out]
180  *     The context to use to calculate the SHA hash.
181  *   Message_Digest[ ]: [out]
182  *     Where the digest is returned.
183  *
184  * Returns:
185  *   sha Error Code.
186  */
SHA224Result(SHA224Context * context,uint8_t Message_Digest[SHA224HashSize])187 int SHA224Result(SHA224Context *context,
188     uint8_t Message_Digest[SHA224HashSize])
189 {
190   return SHA224_256ResultN(context, Message_Digest, SHA224HashSize);
191 }
193 /*
194  * SHA256Reset
195  *
196  * Description:
197  *   This function will initialize the SHA256Context in preparation
198  *   for computing a new SHA256 message digest.
199  *
200  * Parameters:
201  *   context: [in/out]
202  *     The context to reset.
203  *
204  * Returns:
205  *   sha Error Code.
206  */
SHA256Reset(SHA256Context * context)207 int SHA256Reset(SHA256Context *context)
208 {
209   return SHA224_256Reset(context, SHA256_H0);
210 }
212 /*
213  * SHA256Input
214  *
215  * Description:
216  *   This function accepts an array of octets as the next portion
217  *   of the message.
218  *
219  * Parameters:
220  *   context: [in/out]
221  *     The SHA context to update.
222  *   message_array[ ]: [in]
223  *     An array of octets representing the next portion of
224  *     the message.
225  *   length: [in]
226  *     The length of the message in message_array.
227  *
228  * Returns:
229  *   sha Error Code.
230  */
SHA256Input(SHA256Context * context,const uint8_t * message_array,unsigned int length)231 int SHA256Input(SHA256Context *context, const uint8_t *message_array,
232     unsigned int length)
233 {
234   if (!context) return shaNull;
235   if (!length) return shaSuccess;
236   if (!message_array) return shaNull;
237   if (context->Computed) return context->Corrupted = shaStateError;
238   if (context->Corrupted) return context->Corrupted;
240   while (length--) {
241     context->Message_Block[context->Message_Block_Index++] =
242             *message_array;
244     if ((SHA224_256AddLength(context, 8) == shaSuccess) &&
245       (context->Message_Block_Index == SHA256_Message_Block_Size))
246       SHA224_256ProcessMessageBlock(context);
248     message_array++;
249   }
251   return context->Corrupted;
253 }
255 /*
256  * SHA256FinalBits
257  *
258  * Description:
259  *   This function will add in any final bits of the message.
260  *
261  * Parameters:
262  *   context: [in/out]
263  *     The SHA context to update.
264  *   message_bits: [in]
265  *     The final bits of the message, in the upper portion of the
266  *     byte.  (Use 0b###00000 instead of 0b00000### to input the
267  *     three bits ###.)
268  *   length: [in]
269  *     The number of bits in message_bits, between 1 and 7.
270  *
271  * Returns:
272  *   sha Error Code.
273  */
SHA256FinalBits(SHA256Context * context,uint8_t message_bits,unsigned int length)274 int SHA256FinalBits(SHA256Context *context,
275                     uint8_t message_bits, unsigned int length)
276 {
277   static uint8_t masks[8] = {
278       /* 0 0b00000000 */ 0x00, /* 1 0b10000000 */ 0x80,
279       /* 2 0b11000000 */ 0xC0, /* 3 0b11100000 */ 0xE0,
280       /* 4 0b11110000 */ 0xF0, /* 5 0b11111000 */ 0xF8,
281       /* 6 0b11111100 */ 0xFC, /* 7 0b11111110 */ 0xFE
282   };
283   static uint8_t markbit[8] = {
284       /* 0 0b10000000 */ 0x80, /* 1 0b01000000 */ 0x40,
285       /* 2 0b00100000 */ 0x20, /* 3 0b00010000 */ 0x10,
286       /* 4 0b00001000 */ 0x08, /* 5 0b00000100 */ 0x04,
287       /* 6 0b00000010 */ 0x02, /* 7 0b00000001 */ 0x01
288   };
290   if (!context) return shaNull;
291   if (!length) return shaSuccess;
292   if (context->Corrupted) return context->Corrupted;
293   if (context->Computed) return context->Corrupted = shaStateError;
294   if (length >= 8) return context->Corrupted = shaBadParam;
296   SHA224_256AddLength(context, length);
297   SHA224_256Finalize(context, (uint8_t)
298     ((message_bits & masks[length]) | markbit[length]));
300   return context->Corrupted;
301 }
303 /*
304  * SHA256Result
305  *
306  * Description:
307  *   This function will return the 256-bit message digest
308  *   into the Message_Digest array provided by the caller.
309  *   NOTE:
310  *    The first octet of hash is stored in the element with index 0,
311  *    the last octet of hash in the element with index 31.
312  *
313  * Parameters:
314  *   context: [in/out]
315  *     The context to use to calculate the SHA hash.
316  *   Message_Digest[ ]: [out]
317  *     Where the digest is returned.
318  *
319  * Returns:
320  *   sha Error Code.
321  */
SHA256Result(SHA256Context * context,uint8_t Message_Digest[SHA256HashSize])322 int SHA256Result(SHA256Context *context,
323                  uint8_t Message_Digest[SHA256HashSize])
324 {
325   return SHA224_256ResultN(context, Message_Digest, SHA256HashSize);
326 }
328 /*
329  * SHA224_256Reset
330  *
331  * Description:
332  *   This helper function will initialize the SHA256Context in
333  *   preparation for computing a new SHA-224 or SHA-256 message digest.
334  *
335  * Parameters:
336  *   context: [in/out]
337  *     The context to reset.
338  *   H0[ ]: [in]
339  *     The initial hash value array to use.
340  *
341  * Returns:
342  *   sha Error Code.
343  */
SHA224_256Reset(SHA256Context * context,uint32_t * H0)344 static int SHA224_256Reset(SHA256Context *context, uint32_t *H0)
345 {
346   if (!context) return shaNull;
348   context->Length_High = context->Length_Low = 0;
349   context->Message_Block_Index  = 0;
351   context->Intermediate_Hash[0] = H0[0];
352   context->Intermediate_Hash[1] = H0[1];
353   context->Intermediate_Hash[2] = H0[2];
354   context->Intermediate_Hash[3] = H0[3];
355   context->Intermediate_Hash[4] = H0[4];
356   context->Intermediate_Hash[5] = H0[5];
357   context->Intermediate_Hash[6] = H0[6];
358   context->Intermediate_Hash[7] = H0[7];
360   context->Computed  = 0;
361   context->Corrupted = shaSuccess;
363   return shaSuccess;
364 }
366 /*
367  * SHA224_256ProcessMessageBlock
368  *
369  * Description:
370  *   This helper function will process the next 512 bits of the
371  *   message stored in the Message_Block array.
372  *
373  * Parameters:
374  *   context: [in/out]
375  *     The SHA context to update.
376  *
377  * Returns:
378  *   Nothing.
379  *
380  * Comments:
381  *   Many of the variable names in this code, especially the
382  *   single character names, were used because those were the
383  *   names used in the Secure Hash Standard.
384  */
SHA224_256ProcessMessageBlock(SHA256Context * context)385 static void SHA224_256ProcessMessageBlock(SHA256Context *context)
386 {
387   /* Constants defined in FIPS 180-3, section 4.2.2 */
388   static const uint32_t K[64] = {
389       0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5, 0x3956c25b,
390       0x59f111f1, 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5, 0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01,
391       0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3, 0x72be5d74, 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7,
392       0xc19bf174, 0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc,
393       0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da, 0x983e5152,
394       0xa831c66d, 0xb00327c8, 0xbf597fc7, 0xc6e00bf3, 0xd5a79147,
395       0x06ca6351, 0x14292967, 0x27b70a85, 0x2e1b2138, 0x4d2c6dfc,
396       0x53380d13, 0x650a7354, 0x766a0abb, 0x81c2c92e, 0x92722c85,
397       0xa2bfe8a1, 0xa81a664b, 0xc24b8b70, 0xc76c51a3, 0xd192e819,
398       0xd6990624, 0xf40e3585, 0x106aa070, 0x19a4c116, 0x1e376c08,
399       0x2748774c, 0x34b0bcb5, 0x391c0cb3, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0x5b9cca4f,
400       0x682e6ff3, 0x748f82ee, 0x78a5636f, 0x84c87814, 0x8cc70208,
401       0x90befffa, 0xa4506ceb, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xc67178f2
402   };
403   int        t, t4;                   /* Loop counter */
404   uint32_t   temp1, temp2;            /* Temporary word value */
405   uint32_t   W[64];                   /* Word sequence */
406   uint32_t   A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H;  /* Word buffers */
408   /*
409    * Initialize the first 16 words in the array W
410    */
411   for (t = t4 = 0; t < 16; t++, t4 += 4)
412     W[t] = (((uint32_t)context->Message_Block[t4]) << 24) |
413            (((uint32_t)context->Message_Block[t4 + 1]) << 16) |
414            (((uint32_t)context->Message_Block[t4 + 2]) << 8) |
415            (((uint32_t)context->Message_Block[t4 + 3]));
417   for (t = 16; t < 64; t++)
418     W[t] = SHA256_sigma1(W[t-2]) + W[t-7] +
419         SHA256_sigma0(W[t-15]) + W[t-16];
421   A = context->Intermediate_Hash[0];
422   B = context->Intermediate_Hash[1];
423   C = context->Intermediate_Hash[2];
424   D = context->Intermediate_Hash[3];
425   E = context->Intermediate_Hash[4];
426   F = context->Intermediate_Hash[5];
427   G = context->Intermediate_Hash[6];
428   H = context->Intermediate_Hash[7];
430   for (t = 0; t < 64; t++) {
431     temp1 = H + SHA256_SIGMA1(E) + SHA_Ch(E,F,G) + K[t] + W[t];
432     temp2 = SHA256_SIGMA0(A) + SHA_Maj(A,B,C);
433     H = G;
434     G = F;
435     F = E;
436     E = D + temp1;
437     D = C;
438     C = B;
439     B = A;
440     A = temp1 + temp2;
441   }
443   context->Intermediate_Hash[0] += A;
444   context->Intermediate_Hash[1] += B;
445   context->Intermediate_Hash[2] += C;
446   context->Intermediate_Hash[3] += D;
447   context->Intermediate_Hash[4] += E;
448   context->Intermediate_Hash[5] += F;
449   context->Intermediate_Hash[6] += G;
450   context->Intermediate_Hash[7] += H;
452   context->Message_Block_Index = 0;
453 }
455 /*
456  * SHA224_256Finalize
457  *
458  * Description:
459  *   This helper function finishes off the digest calculations.
460  *
461  * Parameters:
462  *   context: [in/out]
463  *     The SHA context to update.
464  *   Pad_Byte: [in]
465  *     The last byte to add to the message block before the 0-padding
466  *     and length.  This will contain the last bits of the message
467  *     followed by another single bit.  If the message was an
468  *     exact multiple of 8-bits long, Pad_Byte will be 0x80.
469  *
470  * Returns:
471  *   sha Error Code.
472  */
SHA224_256Finalize(SHA256Context * context,uint8_t Pad_Byte)473 static void SHA224_256Finalize(SHA256Context *context,
474     uint8_t Pad_Byte)
475 {
476   int i;
477   SHA224_256PadMessage(context, Pad_Byte);
478   /* message may be sensitive, so clear it out */
479   for (i = 0; i < SHA256_Message_Block_Size; ++i)
480     context->Message_Block[i] = 0;
481   context->Length_High = 0;     /* and clear length */
482   context->Length_Low = 0;
483   context->Computed = 1;
484 }
486 /*
487  * SHA224_256PadMessage
488  *
489  * Description:
490  *   According to the standard, the message must be padded to the next
491  *   even multiple of 512 bits.  The first padding bit must be a '1'.
492  *   The last 64 bits represent the length of the original message.
493  *   All bits in between should be 0.  This helper function will pad
494  *   the message according to those rules by filling the
495  *   Message_Block array accordingly.  When it returns, it can be
496  *   assumed that the message digest has been computed.
497  *
498  * Parameters:
499  *   context: [in/out]
500  *     The context to pad.
501  *   Pad_Byte: [in]
502  *     The last byte to add to the message block before the 0-padding
503  *     and length.  This will contain the last bits of the message
504  *     followed by another single bit.  If the message was an
505  *     exact multiple of 8-bits long, Pad_Byte will be 0x80.
506  *
507  * Returns:
508  *   Nothing.
509  */
SHA224_256PadMessage(SHA256Context * context,uint8_t Pad_Byte)510 static void SHA224_256PadMessage(SHA256Context *context,
511     uint8_t Pad_Byte)
512 {
513   /*
514    * Check to see if the current message block is too small to hold
515    * the initial padding bits and length.  If so, we will pad the
516    * block, process it, and then continue padding into a second
517    * block.
518    */
519   if (context->Message_Block_Index >= (SHA256_Message_Block_Size-8)) {
520     context->Message_Block[context->Message_Block_Index++] = Pad_Byte;
521     while (context->Message_Block_Index < SHA256_Message_Block_Size)
522       context->Message_Block[context->Message_Block_Index++] = 0;
523     SHA224_256ProcessMessageBlock(context);
524   } else
525     context->Message_Block[context->Message_Block_Index++] = Pad_Byte;
527   while (context->Message_Block_Index < (SHA256_Message_Block_Size-8))
528     context->Message_Block[context->Message_Block_Index++] = 0;
530   /*
531    * Store the message length as the last 8 octets
532    */
533   context->Message_Block[56] = (uint8_t)(context->Length_High >> 24);
534   context->Message_Block[57] = (uint8_t)(context->Length_High >> 16);
535   context->Message_Block[58] = (uint8_t)(context->Length_High >> 8);
536   context->Message_Block[59] = (uint8_t)(context->Length_High);
537   context->Message_Block[60] = (uint8_t)(context->Length_Low >> 24);
538   context->Message_Block[61] = (uint8_t)(context->Length_Low >> 16);
539   context->Message_Block[62] = (uint8_t)(context->Length_Low >> 8);
540   context->Message_Block[63] = (uint8_t)(context->Length_Low);
542   SHA224_256ProcessMessageBlock(context);
543 }
545 /*
546  * SHA224_256ResultN
547  *
548  * Description:
549  *   This helper function will return the 224-bit or 256-bit message
550  *   digest into the Message_Digest array provided by the caller.
551  *   NOTE:
552  *    The first octet of hash is stored in the element with index 0,
553  *    the last octet of hash in the element with index 27/31.
554  *
555  * Parameters:
556  *   context: [in/out]
557  *     The context to use to calculate the SHA hash.
558  *   Message_Digest[ ]: [out]
559  *     Where the digest is returned.
560  *   HashSize: [in]
561  *     The size of the hash, either 28 or 32.
562  *
563  * Returns:
564  *   sha Error Code.
565  */
SHA224_256ResultN(SHA256Context * context,uint8_t Message_Digest[],int HashSize)566 static int SHA224_256ResultN(SHA256Context *context,
567     uint8_t Message_Digest[ ], int HashSize)
568 {
569   int i;
571   if (!context) return shaNull;
572   if (!Message_Digest) return shaNull;
573   if (context->Corrupted) return context->Corrupted;
575   if (!context->Computed)
576     SHA224_256Finalize(context, 0x80);
578   for (i = 0; i < HashSize; ++i)
579     Message_Digest[i] = (uint8_t)
580       (context->Intermediate_Hash[i>>2] >> 8 * ( 3 - ( i & 0x03 ) ));
582   return shaSuccess;
583 }