1Making ICC input profiles to match RSR target + monitor profiles
3last revised Saturday 29 July 2007
4Joseph Goldstone (joseph@lp.com), Lilliputian Pictures LLC
6The process of making ICC input profiles, usable by (e.g.) Photoshop CS2 as
7something that can be assigned to a DPX image to provide a reasonable match to
8the results of the Rising Run Research's cineShake plug-in, is as follows:
100) choose the machine on which your profile will be used.  To make up
11   a concrete example, let's say an artist named Bill is going to be
12   using this profile in Photoshop CS2 on a PC running Windows XP.
141) choose a Mac that
15     1a) has been profiled with cineProfiler, and
16     1b) has been profiled with an ICC-compliant profiler, e.g. Eye-One Match
17     1c) has Shake installed, with a valid license for it
18     1d) has RSR's cineShake plug-in installed, and a valid license for it
20   Make sure that the directory in which the SampleICC binaries have
21   been installed is in your search path (i.e. your shell's PATH variable).
23   To continue our example we'll say that an administrator named Steve
24   is running these tools; so you'll be running 01_make_probe_image.sh
25   on Steve's Mac.
27   So on Steve's Mac, run the 01_make_probe_image.sh shell script to
28   make a 'probe' image, basically a flattened color cube.  That
29   script can be found in the same directory as this README document.
31     % ./01_make_probe_image.sh
33   (The '%' representing your shell prompt.)
35   The resulting probe image is in 32-bit-per-component TIFF format in
36   the directory /var/tmp:
38     -rw-rw-r--   1 steve  wheel  485830 Mar 26 11:17 /var/tmp/32bpcProbe.tiff
402) continuing on Steve's Mac, use a third-party tool such as After
41   Effects to convert the 32-bit-per-component TIFF image to a
42   10-bit-per-component Cineon image.  A tiny After Effects 7 project,
43   ConversionProject.aep, is included in this software distribution in
44   the same directory as this README file.
46   If After Effects is not available, look around for something that is;
47   perhaps CS2 can do this itself, or you might use a public-domain utility
48   such as those found in ImageMagik or (if it's still around) pbmplus.
503) back on Bill's PC, find the cineSpace monitor profile that is
51   appropriate for that machine.  By default, these are placed in
52   \Program Files\RisingSunResearch\cinespace\monitor-profiles\.
53   Put this monitor profile onto a USB flash drive.
554) Take that USB flash drive over to Steve's Mac, and copy it into the
56   place where RSR monitor profiles are stored (by default, this will
57   be in /Applications/cineSpace/monitor-profiles).
595) Open the Shake application, and create a FileIn node to read in the
60   32-bit-per-component TIFF image [i.e. /var/tmp/32bpcProbe.tiff].
61   Create a cineShake node which takes as input the output of the
62   FileIn node.  Set the monitor profile of the cineShake node to be
63   that which you just copied from Bill's PC.  Set the target profile
64   to be the one obtained from Rising Sun which describes the
65   relationship between the Cineon values you send to your film
66   recorder or service bureau, and the CIE XYZ values of the projected
67   film image in your screening room.  Set the cineEngine parameters
68   to be the 3DAccurate cineEngineType, the Scaling scalingType, the
69   None gamutTreatment and the none PretransformType.  Set the
70   Advanced parameters to be bradfordTransform Off and
71   BlackPointCorrection off.
736) Open Grab.app (located in the /Applications/Utilities/ directory on
74   Steve's Mac) to capture a magenta-bordered chunk of the
75   color-corrected display of the probe image in Shake.  In
76   particular, use Grab's "Capture Selection" option [shortcut:
77   cmd-shift-A] to capture the color-corrected image. Be sure that you
78   are leaving enough room around the 'data' part of the probe image
79   to capture the transformed probe data, but that you are not
80   exceeding the bounds of the magenta area. The magenta region is
81   used to automatically detect the border of the probe data, so it is
82   critical that you get your grab boundary within this region. (The
83   region is quite wide, maybe 20 pixels, so this should not be a hard
84   thing to do.)
86   Save the resulting grab to cineSpace's directory of monitor
87   profiles (/Applications/cineSpace/monitor-profiles by default),
88   naming it something like Bill_monitor_profile_probe.tiff.
907) Next, you will be running the 02_make_input_profile_from_probe.sh
91   script, found in the same directory as this README.
93   Run the script, supplying it with four or five command-line arguments.
94   The first argument is the path to the captured and Shaken probe
95   image, which if you've been following along with this example will
96   be in /Applications/cineSpace/monitor-profiles.  The second
97   argument is a description of the profile.  If you want to embed
98   spaces in this description, then put the description in quotes.
99   The third is a copyrght string; ifyou want to embed spaces in this
100   string, then put the string in quotes. And the fourth is the name
101   of the profile that you'll be carrying back to Bill's machine.
103   If you are using a pre-transform curve on your images (e.g. you are
104   storing your images as 8-bit-per-component companded TIFF files,
105   where the transformed files are created from 10-bit Cineon scans,
106   stored during artists' manipulations as 8-bit TIFF, and taken back
107   to 10-bit Cineon on the way out to the film recorder) you can
108   specify a file containing that curve as a fifth argument to the
109   02_make_input_profile_from_probe.sh script.
111   To make an example pretransform file, for an 8-bit-per-component
112   TIFF, use
114        create_pretransform_curve 8 pretransform.txt
116   which will make a file named pretransform.txt in the current
117   directory.  Note that this file may not be appropriate for your
118   site; the parameters for this particular pretransform are a
119   particular, and lossy, method of compressing 10 bits into 8 from
120   Rising Sun Research.
122   Here is an example pair of commands that include a pre-transform
123   suitable for files of limited bit-depth.  The definition of MPDIR
124   is only to keep the lines from wrapping in this README file.  You
125   could either type this on one long line, or use the shell's
126   continuation character, the backslash, to spread it across multiple
127   lines as I do here:
129        % export MPDIR=/Applications/cineSpace/monitor-profiles
130	% ./02_make_input_profile_from_probe.sh \
131		$MPDIR/Bill_monitor_profile_probe.tiff \
132		"ICC RSR-style input profile for Bill" \
133   		"Copyright (c) My Effects Company LLC" \
134		$MPDIR/Bill_input_profile.icc \
135		$MPDIR/pretransform.txt
1378) Copy the resulting ICC input profile onto the USB flash drive, take
138   the flash drive to Bill's machine, and put the ICC input profile
139   into the directory
140	C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Color\Profiles
1429) Read the image on which Bill will be working into Photoshop CS2.
143   Use the Edit->Assign Profile (Image->Mode->Assign Profile in the
144   older Photoshop CS) command to assign the input profile you just
145   made to the image.  Note that the name that appears in the pop-up
146   menu is not the name of the profile on disk; it's the description
147   of the profile that you entered above, in this case "ICC RSR-style
148   input profile for Bill".
153   The 32-bit-TIFF-to-Cineon conversion example After Effects project
154   is reproduced here with the kind permission of its author, Richard
155   Patterson.