1 /*
2  This file is part of the Tweeny library.
4  Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Leonardo G. Lucena de Freitas
5  Copyright (c) 2016 Guilherme R. Costa
7  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
8  this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
9  the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
10  use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
11  the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
12  subject to the following conditions:
14  The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
15  copies or substantial portions of the Software.
23 */
25 /**
26  * @file tween.h
27  * This file contains the core of tweeny: the main tween class.
28  */
30 #ifndef TWEENY_TWEEN_H
31 #define TWEENY_TWEEN_H
33 #include <tuple>
34 #include <vector>
35 #include <functional>
37 #include "tweentraits.h"
38 #include "tweenpoint.h"
40 namespace tweeny {
41     /**
42      * @brief The tween class is the core class of tweeny. It controls the interpolation steps, easings and durations.
43      *
44      * It should not be constructed manually but rather from @p tweeny::from, to facilitate template argument
45      * deduction (and also to keep your code clean).
46      */
47     template<typename T, typename... Ts>
48     class tween {
49         public:
50             /**
51              * @brief Instantiates a tween from a starting currentPoint.
52              *
53              * This is a static factory helper function to be used by @p tweeny::from. You should not use this directly.
54              * @p t The first value in the point
55              * @p vs The remaining values
56              */
57             static tween<T, Ts...> from(T t, Ts... vs);
59         public:
60             /**
61              * @brief Default constructor for a tween
62              *
63              * This constructor is provided to facilitate the usage of containers of tweens (e.g, std::vector). It
64              * should not be used manually as the tweening created by it is invalid.
65              */
66             tween();
68             /**
69              * @brief Adds a new currentPoint in this tweening.
70              *
71              * This will add a new tweening currentPoint with the specified values. Next calls to @p via and @p during
72              * will refer to this currentPoint.
73              *
74              * **Example**
75              *
76              * @code
77              * auto t = tweeny::from(0).to(100).to(200);
78              * @endcode
79              *
80              * @param t, vs Point values
81              * @returns *this
82              */
83             tween<T, Ts...> & to(T t, Ts... vs);
85             /**
86              * @brief Specifies the easing function for the last added currentPoint.
87              *
88              * This will specify the easing between the last tween currentPoint added by @p to and its previous step. You can
89              * use any callable object. Additionally, you can use the easing objects specified in the class @p easing.
90              *
91              * If it is a multi-value currentPoint, you can either specify a single easing function that will be used for
92              * every value or you can specify an easing function for each value. You can mix and match callable objects,
93              * lambdas and bundled easing objects.
94              *
95              * **Example**:
96              *
97              * @code
98              * // use bundled linear easing
99              * auto tween1 = tweeny::from(0).to(100).via(tweeny::easing::linear);
100              *
101              * // use custom lambda easing
102              * auto tween2 = tweeny::from(0).to(100).via([](float p, int a, int b) { return (b-a) * p + a; });
103              * @endcode
104              *
105              * @param fs The functions
106              * @returns *this
107              * @see tweeny::easing
108              */
109             template<typename... Fs> tween<T, Ts...> & via(Fs... fs);
111             /**
112              * @brief Specifies the easing function for a specific currentPoint.
113              *
114              * Points starts at index 0. The index 0 refers to the first @p to call.
115              * Using this function without adding a currentPoint with @p to leads to undefined
116              * behaviour.
117              *
118              * @param index The tween currentPoint index
119              * @param fs The functions
120              * @returns *this
121              * @see tweeny::easing
122              */
123             template<typename... Fs> tween<T, Ts...> & via(int index, Fs... fs);
125             /**
126              * @brief Specifies the duration, typically in milliseconds, for the tweening of values in last currentPoint.
127              *
128              * You can either specify a single duration for all values or give every value its own duration. Value types
129              * must be convertible to the uint16_t type.
130              *
131              * **Example**:
132              *
133              * @code
134              * // Specify that the first currentPoint will be reached in 100 milliseconds and the first value in the second
135              * // currentPoint in 100, whereas the second value will be reached in 500.
136              * auto tween = tweeny::from(0, 0).to(100, 200).during(100).to(200, 300).during(100, 500);
137              * @endcode
138              *
139              * @param ds Duration values
140              * @returns *this
141              */
142             template<typename... Ds> tween<T, Ts...> & during(Ds... ds);
144             /**
145              * @brief Steps the animation by the designated delta amount.
146              *
147              * You should call this every frame of your application, passing in the amount of delta time that
148              * you want to animate.
149              *
150              * **Example**:
151              *
152              * @code
153              * // tween duration is 100ms
154              * auto tween = tweeny::from(0).to(100).during(100);
155              *
156              * // steps for 16ms
157              * tween.step(16);
158              * @endcode
159              *
160              * @param dt Delta duration
161              * @param suppressCallbacks (Optional) Suppress callbacks registered with tween::onStep()
162              * @returns std::tuple<Ts...> with the current tween values.
163              */
164             const typename detail::tweentraits<T, Ts...>::valuesType & step(int32_t dt, bool suppressCallbacks = false);
166             /**
167              * @brief Steps the animation by the designated delta amount.
168              *
169              * You should call this every frame of your application, passing in the amount of delta time that
170              * you want to animate. This overload exists to match unsigned int arguments.
171              *
172              * @param dt Delta duration
173              * @param suppressCallbacks (Optional) Suppress callbacks registered with tween::onStep()
174              * @returns std::tuple<Ts...> with the current tween values.
175              */
176             const typename detail::tweentraits<T, Ts...>::valuesType & step(uint32_t dt, bool suppressCallbacks = false);
178             /**
179              * @brief Steps the animation by the designated percentage amount.
180              *
181              * You can use this function to step the tweening by a specified percentage delta.
183              * **Example**:
184              *
185              * @code
186              * // tween duration is 100ms
187              * auto tween = tweeny::from(0).to(100).during(100);
188              *
189              * // steps for 16ms
190              * tween.step(0.001f);
191              * @endcode
192              *
193              * @param dp Delta percentage, between `0.0f` and `1.0f`
194              * @param suppressCallbacks (Optional) Suppress callbacks registered with tween::onStep()
195              * @returns std::tuple<Ts...> with the current tween values.
196              */
197             const typename detail::tweentraits<T, Ts...>::valuesType & step(float dp, bool suppressCallbacks = false);
199             /**
200              * @brief Seeks to a specified currentPoint in time based on the currentProgress.
201              *
202              * This function sets the current animation time and currentProgress. Callbacks set by @p call will be triggered.
203              *
204              * @param p The percentage to seek to, between 0.0f and 1.0f, inclusive.
205              * @param suppressCallbacks (Optional) Suppress callbacks registered with tween::onSeek()
206              * @returns std::tuple<Ts...> with the current tween values.
207              */
208             const typename detail::tweentraits<T, Ts...>::valuesType & seek(float p, bool suppressCallbacks = false);
210             /**
211              * @brief Seeks to a specified currentPoint in time.
212              *
213              * This function sets the current animation time and currentProgress. Callbacks set by @p call will be triggered.
214              *
215              * @param d The duration to seek to, between 0 and the total duration.
216              * @param suppressCallbacks (Optional) Suppress callbacks registered with tween::onSeek()
217              * @returns std::tuple<Ts...> with the current tween values.
218              * @see duration
219              */
220             const typename detail::tweentraits<T, Ts...>::valuesType & seek(int32_t d, bool suppressCallbacks = false);
222             /**
223              * @brief Seeks to a specified currentPoint in time.
224              *
225              * This function sets the current animation time and currentProgress. Callbacks set by @p call will be triggered.
226              *
227              * @param d The duration to seek to, between 0 and the total duration.
228              * @param suppressCallbacks (Optional) Suppress callbacks registered with tween::onSeek()
229              * @returns std::tuple<Ts...> with the current tween values.
230              * @see duration
231              */
232             const typename detail::tweentraits<T, Ts...>::valuesType & seek(uint32_t d, bool suppressCallbacks = false);
234             /**
235              * @brief Adds a callback that will be called when stepping occurs, accepting both the tween and
236              * its values.
237              *
238              * You can add as many callbacks as you want. Its arguments types must be equal to the argument types
239              * of a tween instance, preceded by a variable of the tween type. Callbacks can be of any callable type. It will only be called
240              * via tween::step() functions. For seek callbacks, see tween::onSeek().
241              *
242              * Keep in mind that the function will be *copied* into an array, so any variable captured by value
243              * will also be copied with it.
244              *
245              * If the callback returns false, it will be called next time. If it returns true, it will be removed from
246              * the callback queue.
247              *
248              * **Example**:
249              *
250              * @code
251              * auto t = tweeny:from(0).to(100).during(100);
252              *
253              * // pass a lambda
254              * t.onStep([](tweeny::tween<int> & t, int v) { printf("%d ", v); return false; });
255              *
256              * // pass a functor instance
257              * struct ftor { void operator()(tweeny::tween<int> & t, int v) { printf("%d ", v); return false; } };
258              * t.onStep(ftor());
259              * @endcode
260              * @sa step
261              * @sa seek
262              * @sa onSeek
263              * @param callback A callback in with the prototype `bool callback(tween<Ts...> & t, Ts...)`
264              */
265             tween<T, Ts...> & onStep(typename detail::tweentraits<T, Ts...>::callbackType callback);
267             /**
268              * @brief Adds a callback that will be called when stepping occurs, accepting only the tween.
269              *
270              * You can add as many callbacks as you want. It must receive the tween as an argument.
271              * Callbacks can be of any callable type. It will only be called
272              * via tween::step() functions. For seek callbacks, see tween::onSeek().
273              *
274              * Keep in mind that the function will be *copied* into an array, so any variable captured by value
275              * will also be copied with it.
276              *
277              * If the callback returns false, it will be called next time. If it returns true, it will be removed from
278              * the callback queue.
279              *
280              * **Example**:
281              *
282              * @code
283              * auto t = tweeny:from(0).to(100).during(100);
284              *
285              * // pass a lambda
286              * t.onStep([](tweeny::tween<int> & t) { printf("%d ", t.value()); return false; });
287              *
288              * // pass a functor instance
289              * struct ftor { void operator()(tweeny::tween<int> & t) { printf("%d ", t.values()); return false; } };
290              * t.onStep(ftor());
291              * @endcode
292              * @sa step
293              * @sa seek
294              * @sa onSeek
295              * @param callback A callback in the form `bool f(tween<Ts...> & t)`
296              */
297             tween<T, Ts...> & onStep(typename detail::tweentraits<T, Ts...>::noValuesCallbackType callback);
299             /**
300              * @brief Adds a callback that will be called when stepping occurs, accepting only the tween values.
301              *
302              * You can add as many callbacks as you want. It must receive the tween values as an argument.
303              * Callbacks can be of any callable type. It will only be called
304              * via tween::step() functions. For seek callbacks, see tween::onSeek().
305              *
306              * Keep in mind that the function will be *copied* into an array, so any variable captured by value
307              * will also be copied with it.
308              *
309              * If the callback returns false, it will be called next time. If it returns true, it will be removed from
310              * the callback queue.
311              *
312              * **Example**:
313              *
314              * @code
315              * auto t = tweeny:from(0).to(100).during(100);
316              *
317              * // pass a lambda
318              * t.onStep([](int v) { printf("%d ", v); return false; });
319              *
320              * // pass a functor instance
321              * struct ftor { void operator()(int x) { printf("%d ", x); return false; } };
322              * t.onStep(ftor());
323              * @endcode
324              * @sa step
325              * @sa seek
326              * @sa onSeek
327              * @param callback A callback in the form `bool f(Ts...)`
328              */
329             tween<T, Ts...> & onStep(typename detail::tweentraits<T, Ts...>::noTweenCallbackType callback);
331             /**
332              * @brief Adds a callback for that will be called when seeking occurs
333              *
334              * You can add as many callbacks as you want. Its arguments types must be equal to the argument types
335              * of a tween instance, preceded by a variable of the tween typve. Callbacks can be of any callable type. It will be called
336              * via tween::seek() functions. For step callbacks, see tween::onStep().
337              *
338              * Keep in mind that the function will be *copied* into an array, so any variable captured by value
339              * will also be copied with it.
340              *
341              * If the callback returns false, it will be called next time. If it returns true, it will be removed from
342              * the callback queue.
343              *
344              * **Example**:
345              *
346              * @code
347              * auto t = t:from(0).to(100).during(100);
348              *
349              * // pass a lambda
350              * t.onSeek([](tweeny::tween<int> & t, int v) { printf("%d ", v); });
351              *
352              * // pass a functor instance
353              * struct ftor { void operator()(tweeny::tween<int> & t, int v) { printf("%d ", v); } };
354              * t.onSeek(ftor());
355              * @endcode
356              * @param callback A callback in with the prototype `bool callback(tween<Ts...> & t, Ts...)`
357              */
358             tween<T, Ts...> & onSeek(typename detail::tweentraits<T, Ts...>::callbackType callback);
360             /**
361              * @brief Adds a callback for that will be called when seeking occurs, accepting only the tween values.
362              *
363              * You can add as many callbacks as you want. It must receive the tween as an argument.
364              * Callbacks can be of any callable type. It will be called
365              * via tween::seek() functions. For step callbacks, see tween::onStep().
366              *
367              * Keep in mind that the function will be *copied* into an array, so any variable captured by value
368              * will also be copied again.
369              *
370              * If the callback returns false, it will be called next time. If it returns true, it will be removed from
371              * the callback queue.
372              *
373              * **Example**:
374              *
375              * @code
376              * auto t = t:from(0).to(100).during(100);
377              *
378              * // pass a lambda
379              * t.onSeek([](int v) { printf("%d ", v); });
380              *
381              * // pass a functor instance
382              * struct ftor { void operator()(int v) { printf("%d ", v); return false; } };
383              * t.onSeek(ftor());
384              * @endcode
385              * @param callback A callback in the form `bool f(Ts...)`
386              */
387             tween<T, Ts...> & onSeek(typename detail::tweentraits<T, Ts...>::noTweenCallbackType callback);
389             /**
390              * @brief Adds a callback for that will be called when seeking occurs, accepting only the tween.
391              *
392              * You can add as many callbacks as you want. It must receive the tween as an argument.
393              * Callbacks can be of any callable type. It will be called
394              * via tween::seek() functions. For step callbacks, see tween::onStep().
395              *
396              * Keep in mind that the function will be *copied* into an array, so any variable captured by value
397              * will also be copied again.
398              *
399              * If the callback returns false, it will be called next time. If it returns true, it will be removed from
400              * the callback queue.
401              *
402              * **Example**:
403              *
404              * @code
405              * auto t = t:from(0).to(100).during(100);
406              *
407              * // pass a lambda
408              * t.onSeek([](tweeny::tween<int> & t) { printf("%d ", t.value()); return false; });
409              *
410              * // pass a functor instance
411              * struct ftor { void operator()(tweeny::tween<int> & t) { printf("%d ",  t.value()); return false; } };
412              * t.onSeek(ftor());
413              * @endcode
414              * @param callback A callback in the form `bool f(tween<Ts...> & t)`
415              */
416             tween<T, Ts...> & onSeek(typename detail::tweentraits<T, Ts...>::noValuesCallbackType callback);
418             /**
419              * @brief Returns the total duration of this tween
420              *
421              * @returns The duration of all the tween points.
422              */
423             uint32_t duration() const;
425             /**
426              * @brief Returns the current tween values
427              *
428              * This returns the current tween value as returned by the
429              * tween::step() function, except that it does not perform a step.
430              * @returns std::tuple<Ts...> with the current tween values.
431              */
432             const typename detail::tweentraits<T, Ts...>::valuesType & peek() const;
434             /**
435              * @brief Calculates and returns the tween values at a given progress
436              *
437              * This returns the tween value at the requested progress, without stepping
438              * or seeking.
439              * @returns std::tuple<Ts...> with the current tween values.
440              */
441              const typename detail::tweentraits<T, Ts...>::valuesType peek(float progress) const;
444             /**
445              * @brief Calculates and return the tween values at a given time
446              *
447              * This returns the tween values at the requested time, without stepping
448              * or seeking.
449              * @returns std::tuple<Ts...> with the calculated tween values.
450              */
451             const typename detail::tweentraits<T, Ts...>::valuesType peek(uint32_t time) const;
453             /**
454              * @brief Returns the current currentProgress of the interpolation.
455              *
456              * 0 means its at the values passed in the construction, 1 means the last step.
457              * @returns the current currentProgress between 0 and 1 (inclusive)
458              */
459             float progress() const;
461             /**
462              * @brief Sets the direction of this tween forward.
463              *
464              * Note that this only affects tween::step() function.
465              * @returns *this
466              * @sa backward
467              */
468             tween<T, Ts...> & forward();
470             /**
471              * @brief Sets the direction of this tween backward.
472              *
473              * Note that this only affects tween::step() function.
474              * @returns *this
475              * @sa forward
476              */
477             tween<T, Ts...> & backward();
479             /**
480              * @brief Returns the current direction of this tween
481              *
482              * @returns -1 If it is mobin backwards in time, 1 if it is moving forward in time
483              */
484             int direction() const;
486             /**
487              * @brief Jumps to a specific tween currentPoint
488              *
489              * This will seek the tween to a percentage matching the beginning of that step.
490              *
491              * @param point The currentPoint to seek to. 0 means the currentPoint passed in tweeny::from
492              * @param suppressCallbacks (optional) set to true to suppress seek() callbacks
493              * @returns current values
494              * @sa seek
495              */
496             const typename detail::tweentraits<T, Ts...>::valuesType & jump(int32_t point, bool suppressCallbacks = false);
498             /**
499              * @brief Returns the current tween point
500              *
501              * @returns Current tween point
502              */
503             uint16_t point() const;
505         private /* member types */:
506             using traits = detail::tweentraits<T, Ts...>;
508         private /* member variables */:
509             uint32_t total = 0; // total runtime
510             uint16_t currentPoint = 0; // current currentPoint
511             float currentProgress = 0; // current currentProgress
512             std::vector<detail::tweenpoint<T, Ts...>> points;
513             typename traits::valuesType current;
514             std::vector<typename traits::callbackType> onStepCallbacks;
515             std::vector<typename traits::callbackType> onSeekCallbacks;
516             int8_t currentDirection = 1;
518         private:
519             /* member functions */
520             tween(T t, Ts... vs);
521             template<size_t I> void interpolate(float prog, unsigned point, typename traits::valuesType & values, detail::int2type<I>) const;
522             void interpolate(float prog, unsigned point, typename traits::valuesType & values, detail::int2type<0>) const;
523             void render(float p);
524             void dispatch(std::vector<typename traits::callbackType> & cbVector);
525             uint16_t pointAt(float progress) const;
526     };
528     /**
529     * @brief Class specialization when a tween has a single value
530     *
531     * This class is preferred automatically by your compiler when your tween has only one value. It exists mainly
532     * so that you dont need to use std::get<0> to obtain a single value when using tween::step, tween::seek or any other
533     * value returning function. Other than that, you should look at the
534     * tweeny::tween documentation.
535     *
536     * Except for this little detail, this class methods and behaviours are exactly the same.
537     */
538     template<typename T>
539     class tween<T> {
540         public:
541             static tween<T> from(T t);
543         public:
544             tween(); ///< @sa tween::tween
545             tween<T> & to(T t); ///< @sa tween::to
546             template<typename... Fs> tween<T> & via(Fs... fs); ///< @sa tween::via
547             template<typename... Fs> tween<T> & via(int index, Fs... fs); ///< @sa tween::via
548             template<typename... Ds> tween<T> & during(Ds... ds); ///< @sa tween::during
549             const T & step(int32_t dt, bool suppressCallbacks = false); ///< @sa tween::step(int32_t dt, bool suppressCallbacks)
550             const T & step(uint32_t dt, bool suppressCallbacks = false); ///< @sa tween::step(uint32_t dt, bool suppressCallbacks)
551             const T & step(float dp, bool suppressCallbacks = false); ///< @sa tween::step(float dp, bool suppressCallbacks)
552             const T & seek(float p, bool suppressCallbacks = false); ///< @sa tween::seek(float p, bool suppressCallbacks)
553             const T & seek(int32_t d, bool suppressCallbacks = false); ///< @sa tween::seek(int32_t d, bool suppressCallbacks)
554             const T & seek(uint32_t d, bool suppressCallbacks = false); ///< @sa tween::seek(uint32_t d, bool suppressCallbacks)
555             tween<T> & onStep(typename detail::tweentraits<T>::callbackType callback); ///< @sa tween::onStep
556             tween<T> & onStep(typename detail::tweentraits<T>::noValuesCallbackType callback); ///< @sa tween::onStep
557             tween<T> & onStep(typename detail::tweentraits<T>::noTweenCallbackType callback); ///< @sa tween::onStep
558             tween<T> & onSeek(typename detail::tweentraits<T>::callbackType callback); ///< @sa tween::onSeek
559             tween<T> & onSeek(typename detail::tweentraits<T>::noValuesCallbackType callback); ///< @sa tween::onSeek
560             tween<T> & onSeek(typename detail::tweentraits<T>::noTweenCallbackType callback); ///< @sa tween::onSeek
561             const T & peek() const; ///< @sa tween::peek
562             T peek(float progress) const; ///< @sa tween::peek
563             T peek(uint32_t time) const; ///< @sa tween::peek
564             uint32_t duration() const; ///< @sa tween::duration
565             float progress() const; ///< @sa tween::progress
566             tween<T> & forward(); ///< @sa tween::forward
567             tween<T> & backward(); ///< @sa tween::backward
568             int direction() const; ///< @sa tween::direction
569             const T & jump(int32_t point, bool suppressCallbacks = false); ///< @sa tween::jump
570             uint16_t point() const; ///< @sa tween::point
572         private /* member types */:
573             using traits = detail::tweentraits<T>;
575         private /* member variables */:
576             uint32_t total = 0; // total runtime
577             uint16_t currentPoint = 0; // current currentPoint
578             float currentProgress = 0; // current currentProgress
579             std::vector<detail::tweenpoint<T>> points;
580             T current;
581             std::vector<typename traits::callbackType> onStepCallbacks;
582             std::vector<typename traits::callbackType> onSeekCallbacks;
583             int8_t currentDirection = 1;
585         private:
586             /* member functions */
587             tween(T t);
588             void interpolate(float prog, unsigned point, T & value) const;
589             void render(float p);
590             void dispatch(std::vector<typename traits::callbackType> & cbVector);
591             uint16_t pointAt(float progress) const;
592     };
593 }
595 #include "tween.tcc"
596 #include "tweenone.tcc"
598 #endif //TWEENY_TWEEN_H